SE Physics SE Physics SE Physics SE Physics โดย อาจารย์ สท้ าน แก้ วก่ า Unit 6 Interactive Laboratory PhET >Home Interactive Simulations Chemistry Quantum Chemistry Biology Physics Motion Sound and Waves Heat and Thermo Biology Work Power and Energy Light and Radiation Magnet and Electricity Science & Math Online Worsley School >Home Physics Chemistry Physics Computer Molecular Workbench >Home Biology Norton ** Physics Biotechnology Chem Tours To understand Chemistry >Chem Tours 1. Chemistry Start here first ! - Interactive Animations - Current Flash Player must be Installed Matter Energy & Origins of the Universe Big Bang Significant Figures Scientific Notation Dimensional Analysis Temperature Conversion 2 . Thermodynamics Entropy Free Energy Entropy 3. Dissolution of Ammonium Nitrate Gibbs Free Energy Electrochemistry & Biochemistry Zinc-Copper Cell Chirality Free Energy Cell Potential Condensation of Biological Polymers Alkaline Battery Fuel Cell Fiber Strength and Elasticity 4. Nuclear Chemistry Half-Life Fusion of Hydrogen Balancing Nuclear Reactions Radioactive Decay Modes Advanced Light Source >Advanced Light Source Highlights 1. ALS Tool for Solving Sci Mysteries 3. Bright and Busy 6. Explore the Material World Multimedia 2. Experiment Files 4. Students’ Corner 5. Classroom Modules 7. Explore the Material World Grade School Physics Utah >Home Matter Energy Forces Mechanics Earth Crystal Structures >Home Atomistic Simulation Structure Types Superconductors Fullerenes Scientific Topics >Home Physics Chemistry Organic Chem Inorganic Chem Minerals Exploring the Nanoworld >Home Topics 1. Intro to Nanoworld What Is Nanotechnology 2. Nanotech Applications 3. Computer and Memory Computer and Memory Nanoscale Ferrofluids Quantum Dots and Nanoparticles Solid State Structures LEDs 4. Probe Microscopes Cineplex Demonstrations 5. Material Science Topics 6. Self – Assembly Nano Labs – VDOs Nano Kits Exploring Materials Engineering >Home Concepts of Structure 1. Metals and Alloys 2. Semiconductors JAVA Composites Biomaterials Ceramics Polymers 3. Internet Electron Microscope Applets on Physics >Home Important notice, especially for Internet Explorer: The applets will only work if a Java runtime environment (version 1.4.2 or better) is installed on your computer. Download is possible from Sun Microsystems. Mechanics Motion with Constant Acceleration 11/02/2000 - 02/03/2010 Equilibrium of Three Forces 03/11/2000 - 02/03/2010 Resultant of Forces (Addition of Vectors) 11/02/1998 - 02/03/2010 Resolution of a Force into Components 05/30/2003 - 02/06/2010 Pulley System 03/24/1998 - 01/18/2003 Lever Principle 11/02/1997 - 02/03/2010 Inclined Plane 02/24/1999 - 02/03/2010 Newton's Second Law Experiment 12/23/1997 - 02/03/2010 Projectile Motion 09/13/2000 - 10/05/2005 Elastic and Inelastic Collision 11/07/1998 - 02/03/2010 Newton's Cradle 11/04/1997 - 02/03/2010 Uniform Circular Motion 03/25/2007 - 03/21/2008 Carousel (Centripetal Force) 03/10/1999 - 02/03/2010 Kepler's First Law 03/25/2000 - 02/03/2010 Kepler's Second Law 04/04/2000 - 02/03/2010 Hydrostatic Pressure in Liquids 02/03/1999 - 02/03/2010 Buoyant Force in Liquids 04/19/1998 - 02/03/2010 Oscillations and Waves Simple Pendulum 05/21/1998 - 02/03/2010 Spring Pendulum 05/24/1998 - 02/03/2010 Coupled Pendula 07/05/1998 - 02/03/2010 Forced Oscillations (Resonance) 09/11/1998 - 02/03/2010 Beats 10/21/2001 - 01/18/2003 Standing Wave (Explanation by Superposition with the Reflected Wave) 07/09/2003 - 11/02/2003 Standing Longitudinal Waves 06/08/1998 - 02/03/2010 Interference of two Circular or Spherical Waves 05/22/1999 - 02/03/2010 Doppler Effect 02/25/1998 - 01/18/2003 Electrodynamics Magnetic Field of a Bar Magnet 04/20/2001 - 02/03/2010 Magnetic Field of a Straight Current-Carrying Wire 09/18/2000 - 02/03/2010 Lorentz Force 06/01/1998 - 02/03/2010 Direct Current Electrical Motor 11/29/1997 - 02/03/2010 Generator 05/08/1998 - 02/03/2010 Ohm's Law 11/23/1997 - 02/03/2010 Combinations of Resistors 09/11/2002 - 07/04/2003 Potentiometer 02/16/2006 - 03/01/2006 Wheatstone's Bridge 02/11/2006 - 03/01/2006 Simple AC Circuits 06/13/1998 - 02/03/2010 Combinations of Resistors, Inductors and Capacitors 03/19/2004 - 05/23/2004 Electromagnetic Oscillating Circuit 12/08/1999 - 02/03/2010 Electromagnetic Wave 09/20/1999 - 02/03/2010 Optics Refraction of Light 12/20/1997 - 07/18/2007 Reflection and Refraction of Light Waves (Explanation by Huygens' Principle) 03/05/1998 - 02/04/2010 Image Formation by Converging Lenses 12/23/2008 Refracting Astronomical Telescope 03/08/2000 - 02/04/2010 Interference of Light at a Double Slit 10/07/2003 - 02/04/2010 Diffraction of Light by a Single Slit 10/11/2003 - 02/04/2010 Thermodynamics Special Processes of an Ideal Gas 12/25/1999 - 01/18/2003 Theory of Relativity Time Dilation 11/15/1997 - 02/14/2010 Physics of Atoms Photoelectric Effect 02/20/2000 - 02/04/2010 Bohr's Theory of the Hydrogen Atom 05/30/1999 - 02/04/2010 Nuclear Physics Radioactive Decay Series 07/20/1998 - 02/07/2010 Law of Radioactive Decay 07/16/1998 - 02/04/2010 Try Science Experiments >Home Try Chemistry Try Physics Try Biology Try Astronomy Exploring the Nanoworld >Home 1. Topics Intro to Nanoworld What Is Nanotechnology Nanoscale 2. Nanotech Applications 3. Computer and Memory Solid State Structures Ferrofluids Quantum Dots and Nanoparticles LEDs 4. Probe Microscopes 5. Material Science Topics Cineplex Demonstrations 6. Self – Assembly Nano Labs – VDOs Nano Kits Virtual Physics Lab NTNU JAVA >Home Computer and Memory Best Interactive Labs 1. Enjoy the Fun of Physics 3. Kinematics 7. Electromagnetics Physic with Simulations 2. Request for Physics Simulations 4. Dynamics 5. Waves 8. Optics 9. 6. Thermodynamics Misc Zona Land Education >Home More Science than Mathematics Content 1. Mechanics Kinematics Forces Vectors Curved Motion Simple Harmonic Motion Momentum Energy 2. Waves Intro to Waves Parts of a Wave Transverse & Longitudinal Waves Wave Adder Wave Interference Wave Propagation Standing Waves Wave Reflection 3D Surface Wave 3. Light Ray Optics Color The Physics Classroom >Home 1. Physics Classroom Tutorial 1D Kinematics Newton’s Laws Circular Motion 2. Thermal Physics 3. Waves Motion and Forces in 2D Momentum Work Energy and Power Static Electricity Sound Waves and Music Reflection and Ray Multimedia Physics Studio Current Electricity Light Wave and Color Refraction and Ray home - about - terms - credits Multimedia Physics Studio Multimedia Physics Studio 1-Dimensional Kinematics Average vs. Instantaneous Speed Hot Wheels Track Acceleration vs. Constant Velocity Constant Rightward Velocity Constant Leftward Velocity Rightward Velocity with a Rightward Acceleration Rightward Velocity with a Leftward Acceleration Leftward Velocity with a Leftward Acceleration Leftward Velocity with a Rightward Acceleration Passing Lane - Position vs. Time Graph Passing Lane - Velocity vs. Time Graph The Stoplight Motion of a Two-Stage Rocket Newton's Laws Newton's Law of Inertia o The Car and The Wall o The Motorcyclist o The Truck and Ladder The Elephant and The Feather - Free Fall The Elephant and The Feather - with Air Resistance Skydiving Vectors and Projectiles Vector Direction Vector Addition: 6 + 8 = ??? Vector Addition: The Order Does NOT Matter The Plane and The Wind The River Boat Parabolic Motion of Projectiles The Monkey and The Zookeeper o Throw at the Monkey in a Gravity Free Environment o Throw above the Monkey with Gravity On o Throw at the Monkey at a Fast Speed with Gravity On o Throw at the Monkey at a Slow Speed with Gravity On Horizontally Launched Projectiles Non-Horizontally Launched Projectiles Maximum Range The Plane and The Package The Truck and The Ball A Satellite as a Projectile Momentum and Collisions The Astronaut Catch The Diesel Engine and Flatcar Collision The Cart and The Brick o Part A - 2-kg Brick dropped on a 3-kg Cart o Part B - 2-kg Brick dropped on a 1-kg Cart The Fish Catch o Big Fish in Motion Catches Little Fish o Little Fish in Motion is Caught by Big Fish Car-Truck Collisions (collisions between objects of unequal mass) o Car "Rear-Ends" Truck - Inelastic o Truck "Rear-Ends" Car - Inelastic o Car "Rear-Ends" Truck - Elastic o Truck "Rear-Ends" Car - Elastic o Head-On Collision Between Car and Truck - Inelastic o Head-On Collision Between Car and Truck - Elastic Two Dimensional Collision Between Two Cars Work and Energy Which Path Requires the Most Energy? Energy Transformation for Downhill Skiing Energy Transformation on a Roller Coaster Energy Transformation for a Dart Energy Transformation for a Pendulum Energy Conservation on an Incline Stopping Distance of a Hot Wheels Car How Far Will It Skid? How High Will It Go? Circular, Satellite, and Rotational Motion Uniform Circular Motion Inertia and The Right Hand Turn The Centripetal Force Requirement Roller Coaster G-Forces Orbiting Satellites Kepler's Second Law - The Law of Equal Areas Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity Length Contraction Static Electricity Charging a Single Sphere by Induction Using a Negatively-Charged Object Charging a Two-Sphere System by Induction Using a Negatively-Charged Object Charging an Electrophorus Plate by InductionUsing a Negatively-Charged Object Charging an Electroscope by InductionUsing a Negatively-Charged Object Grounding a Positively-Charged Electroscope Grounding a Negatively-Charged Electroscope Waves, Sound and Light Longitudinal Pulse Tuning Forks and Longitudinal Waves Guitar Strings and Longitudinal Waves Sound Waves and the Eardrum Propagation of an Electromagnetic Waves Standing Waves on a String o 1st Harmonic o 2nd Harmonic o 3rd Harmonic o 4th Harmonic o 5th Harmonic Reflection of a Pulse at a Fixed End Reflection of a Pulse at a Free End Reflection: Echo vs. Reverberation Transmission of a Pulse from a Less Dense to a More Dense Medium Standing Wave Formation on a String 2-Point Source Interference Patterns o Changing Separation Distance o Changing Wavelength Ray Optics The Law of Reflection Image Formation for Plane Mirrors Ray Diagrams for Concave Mirrors o Object Located Beyond the Center of Curvature o Object Located at the Center of Curvature o Object Located Between Center of Curvature and the Focal Point o Object Located In Front of Focal Point Image Formation for Concave Mirrors o Object located Beyond the Center of Curvature o Object located Between Center of Curvature and the Focal Point The Broken Pencil QuickTime Movies Vectors and Projectiles Horizontally Launched Projectile Non-Horizontally Launched Projectile Momentum and Collisions Car-Truck Collisions (collisions between objects of unequal mass) o Car "Rear-Ends" Truck - Inelastic o Truck "Rear-Ends" Car - Inelastic o Head-On Collision Between Car and Truck - Inelastic Work and Energy Roller Coaster Schoolphysics >Home >School Physics animations Click below to select a topic. Astrophysics Mechanics Atomic physics Quantum physics Medical physics Relativity Electricity and magnetism Nuclear physics Sound Electronics Optics Thermal physics General physics Properties of matter Wave properties 1… Mechanics Acceleration Angular momentum Centripetal formula Circular motion Collisions Equations of motion Impulse Kinetic energy Momentum Momentum conservation Newton's law 2 - advanced Newtons law 1 Newtons law 2 Newtons law 3 Potential energy Projectiles 1 2… Properties of Matter Crystal Structure 3. Waves 4. Sound Diffraction Projectiles 2 Rockets Simple harmonic motion 1 Simple harmonic motion 2 Terminal velocity Vectors and scalars Velocity and displacement Work Elastic Energy Young Modulus Interference Doppler Effect Polarization Acoustic Impedance Musical Notes Decibel Level Human Ear Refraction of Sound Music & Physics Sound Waves Ultrasound 5. Optics Cartesian Sign Convention Curved Mirror Formula Lenses & Waves Reflection Refraction Optics 6. Electricity & Magnetism Back emf Electromagnetic induction Capacitor networks Electron flow Capacitors Flemings left hand rule Conductance EMF and internal Force on a current resistance Kirchoffs laws Electric charge and current Potential and potential Electrical energy difference Potential divider 7. Potential round a circuit Radial electric field Resistance Resistivity Series and parallel resistors Torque on a coil Atomic Physics Atomic Structure Spectrometer 8. Lens Curvature Lens Rainbow Fiber Spectra X-ray Spectra X-ray Uses Electron Gun Mass Nuclear Physics Alpha particle scattering Antimatter Atomic structure Feynman diagrams Fundamental forces Fundamental particles Pair production Quarks Radiation dose Binding energy Binding energy per nucleon Decay series Distance of closest approach 9. Half life Isotopes Nuclear equations 1 Nuclear equations 2 Radioactive decay Radioactivity and safety Reactor Electronics Transistors Semiconductors Op amp Logic gates 10. Thermal Physics Avogadro and Dalton Composite bar Cooling Gas laws Heat flow - window Infra red and energy distribution Infra red radiation Lagged and unlagged Latent heat Specific heat capacity Temperature scales Thermal conductivity Gears Geostationary Gold leaf electroscope Heating a gas Heating a rod Helical spring shm Image in plane mirror Inner planets Interference Lens1 Lens2 Lever Lorentz Lorry bridge Loudspeaker Magnet and coil Magnetisation Millikan Moments and a beam Momentum conservation Monkey and hunter Moon facing Moon phases Motion graphs Newtons second law Newtons trains Night sky Nuclear fission Nuclear fusion Oblique collision Ohms law Outer planets Parabolic trajectory Parallax Parallel circuit Photoelectric effect Physicists quiz Quiz Electricity 1 Quiz Heat Transfer Quiz Light 1 Quiz Magnets Electromagnets Quiz Nuclear Physics Quiz Time Motion 1 Quiz Units Radiation absorption Radiation emission Radioactive decay Reflection Refraction Retrograde motion Rotating mirror Rutherford SHM and circular motion SHM trolley SI units quiz Sea wave Series circuits Simple harmonic motion Slingshot Solar and sidereal time Solar eclipse Spark counter Stability Stability 2 Standing waves Stokes law Thermionic diode Thunder storm Tides Tides basic Top pan balance Top pan balance original Towing trains Transformer 11. Animations Air rifle momentum Alpha emission Alpha particle path Alpha quiz Ball and plates Beats Beta emission Bicycle reflector Bobbing ball Bounce Boyles law Boyles law molecules Bromine diffusion Cannon Cannon ball projectile Cannon barrel Cannon recoil Catapult field Circular motion Circular motion acceleration Circular waves Closest approach Cloud chamber Couple Critical angle Damped shm Day and night Deflection tube Diffraction single slit Diffusion Doppler effect Doppler slider Earth and Venus Echo sounder Electric bell Electric current Electric motor Electric motor zoom Electromagnet Electron diffraction Electron motion Electrons quiz Expansion of a rod EyeForearmGas molecules Plane wave refraction Polaris Power lines Pressure law Pressure wave Projectile bounce Pulley 1 Pulleys 2 Pulleys 3 Trolley collisions Tube open one end waves Vector addition Vectors and rope Wave reflection Wave speed change Wave spring Waves in tubes Waves in tubes molecules Physics Simulations >Physics Simulations PhET. Physics Education Technology AP Central: Physics Web Guide Physics Simulation Library .Physics Simulation Library ActivPhysics Virtual Labs and Simulations by Gary Richert General Physics Java Applets by B.Surendranath Reddy Java Applets on Physics ie-Physics Contemporary College Physics Simulation Library PHYSLETS Electricity and Magnetism Java Tutorials Physics Simulations Learn Physics Through Playing JAVA Interactive Physics with JAVA Virtual Laboratory Physics 2000 PhysicsWeb: Interactive Experiments Interactive Physics Simulations Molecular Expressions >Home Interactive JAVA Tutorials 1. Newton’s Prism Experiment Measuring with Shadows Shadowbox Theater Multiple Images 2. Optical Light Bench Angle of Reflection Refraction of Light Simple Magnification Solar Eclipse Powers of 10 Basic Properties of Digital Images 3. Double Refraction 4. Light and Color 5. Electricity and Magnetism Tutorials E and M Tutorials II Charging & Discharging a Capacitor How a Compact Disc Works Magnetic Field & Compass Crookes Tube – Cathode Rays Vacuum Tube Diodes Electrophoresis Faraday’s Field Induction Experiment Resistance at Molecular Level AC Generator Action DC Generator Action How a Hard Drive Works Lenz’s Law Ohm’s Law Resistor Color Code Condenser Microphone How a Transformer Works Building a Transistor Lightning – a Natural Capacitor Atomic Orbitals 6. Cell & Virus Structure Mitosis Polarized Light Microscopy Color Separation Prisms & Beamsplitters Polarization of Light Pond Life Human Vision Optical Illusions UC Berkeley Physics Demos >Home About the Physics Demonstrations Demonstration Index Applet Index Mechanics Waves Properties of Heat and Matter Electricity and Magnetism Optics Modern and Contemporary Physics Astronomy and Perception Magnet Man Best One ! >Home Things of Interest (Movies and Images) How to Order Demonstrations Downloadable Demo Notebooks Safety Rules Gallery of Magnetic Fields 1. Experiments Magnets Interact Magnets 2. Levitating Train 3. Types of Conductors Pendulum Spinning Copper Plate 4. Superconductors Electromagnets Electromagnets DC Electromagnets 5. Solinoids Floating Tube Jumping Ring Generators DC Motors Donut’s Magnet Herky-Jerky Magnet Aluminum Disk Magnetic Plumb EDinformatics Interactive >Home Biology Chemistry 1. Explain with Molecules 2. Chemistry Interactive Library Library Biochemistry Physics Compounds and Molecules 3. Periodic Table – Interactive JAVA Equilibrium of Three Forces Resultant of Forces (Addition of Vectors) Pulley System Lever Principle Inclined Plane (by Fendt) Newton's Second Law Elastic and Inelastic Collision Newton's Cradle Carousel (Centripetal Force) Kepler's First Law Kepler's Second Law Golf ball Trajectory Simulation Applet Shoot the Monkey 2D Collisions Java Applets Freefall Lab - Earth, Moon and Mars Block and Center of Gravity Two-Dimensional Harmonic Motion Projectile motion The Air Track -- Collision in 1-D Coriolis and centrifugal forces The Kepler problem The simple plane pendulum Chaos in the driven pendulum Reaction Time ** Reaction Time and Car Accident ** Traffic Light System * Relative Moltion --Frame of Reference Racing Balls Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration Projectile Motion Projectile Motion with Air Drag Interesting Properties of Projectile Motion Bouncing Balls** Free Rolling and Circular Motion Angular Momentum and Area Simple Harmonic Motion and Uniform Circular Motion Spring Force Motion of a Ping Pong Ball Instantaneous Speed Billiards and Physics** Pendulum Simple Version of Pendulum Kepler Motion Projectile Orbits and Satellite Orbits Billiard ball simulation Spinning Tops Newton's Cannon Virtual wind tunnel Pendulum (Fendt) Spring Pendulum (Fendt) Coupled Pendula Inclined Plane/Friction Potential/Kinetic Energy Momentum 2-D Cannon Projectile Motion Pulleys Work Conservation of Momentum (1-D collisions) 2-D collisions Frictional Force Dynamics Applet (Surendranath) OSCILLATIONS AND WAVES JAVA APPLETS Sound Beats (Bauer) Longitudinal Wave Phased Array Ultrasound: How does it work? Interference Patterns Doppler Effect Doppler Effect (Uof BC) Lissajous Figures Ripple Tank Ripple Tank (Falstad) Forced Oscillations (Resonance) Standing Longitudinal Waves Reflection and Refraction of Waves (Huygens' Principle) Interference of two Circular or Spherical Waves Doppler Effect (Fendt) The damped harmonic oscillator Coupled oscillations Vibrating String (Falstad) Transmission of waves through dense material Oscillation and Wave Doppler Effect and Shock Waves Interference between two waves Transverse and Longitudinal Waves Transverse Travelling Wave Beats (Surendranath) Interference in a Ripple Tank General Applets Units Vector Addition (Hwang) Exponential Growth Vector Addition Surendranath Virtual physics lab (NTNU) FLUIDS APPLETS Hydrostatic Pressure in Liquids Buoyant Force in Liquids Gravity Flow Buoyant Force Buoyant Force II LIGHT AND OPTICS APPLETS Additive Colors Subtractive Colors Basic Prism Applet Ray Tracing Fermat's Principle Interference Patterns Refraction of Light Refracting Astronomical Telescope Reflection/Refraction (Water-air Interface) Lens Combination Thin Lens Demonstration Thin Lens Combination Thick Lens Physics of Rainbows Shadow/Image and Color Fermat Principal The World of Color** Mixing Colored Light Beams Light: a myriad of colors.. How a pinhole camera works Bragg's Law and Diffraction: How waves reveal the atomic structure of crystals ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Coulombs Law Introduction Coulombs Law 1-D Coulombs Law 2-D Physlets from University of Davidson Lorentz Force Direct Current Electrical Motor Generator Ohm's Law Simple AC Circuits Electromagnetic Oscillating Circuit Electromagnetic Wave Charged Particle motion in EM field Propagation of Electromagnetic Wave Basic Function of an Oscilloscope Cyclotron Biot Savart Law RC Circuits (DC) RLC Ciruit Multimeter (VOM) Clipping Circuit (Voltage Limiters) Lissajous Lab (Hobbs)*** Interference of Siusoidal Waves Voltage Charge Particle in Electric and Magnetic Field Radio Waves and Electromagnetic Fields Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab Circuit Construction Kit (DC only) Applet MOLECULAR, ATOMIC AND NUCLEAR JAVA APPLETS Lennard-Jones Molecular Dynamics** Polymers Surface Tension Diffusion Osmosis P and V Effects -Le Chatlier's principle Thomson Atom Nuclear Atom Einstein's Explanation of Brownian Motion One-dimensional one-atom classical gas Two-dimensional collisions Model Nonequilibrium System Brownian Motion (Advanced) Spectra of Gas discharges Absorption and emission spectra for elements The particle in the box Natural Radioactive Series Radioactive Decay Space and Time (Special Relativity) APPLIED PHYSICS JAVA APPLETS Double Pendulum Double Spring Heat Flow Planetary Motion** Forced Precession of a Gyroscope Soliton Ray Tracing Bridge Building Heat Conduction QUANTUM MECHANICS APPLETS Hydrogen Atom Applet Molecular Orbitals 1-D Quantum Mechanics Simulation 2-D Quantum Harmonic Oscillator 3-D Quantum Harmonic Oscillator Quantum Tunneling and Wave Packets FF >Home Magnet Uses and Demos Experiments Uses & Demos