www.viu.ca/programs Bachelor of Science – Transfer 1 or 2-year Programs Enjoy the Journey Students may start Bachelor of Science programs at VIU, and then transfer to another university to complete their degrees, in the following disciplines: ∙∙ Engineering ∙∙ Chemistry ∙∙ Earth Science ∙∙ Mathematics ∙∙ Physics Students lacking the necessary prerequisites for first-year Science courses should contact the Advising Centre 250-7406410. The Program The Bachelor of Science program is intended to develop conceptual skills, emphasizing an experimental and analytical approach to biological, physical or mathematical systems. It usually involves the introductory study of Biology, Chemistry, Computing Science, Geology, Mathematics, and Physics, plus more advanced study in one or two areas of specialization. Depending both on the number of advanced courses and the achievement level in those courses, the four-year program will lead to an Honours, Major or General B.Sc. degree. At VIU, students may complete the first few years for all three types of degree in the areas of Biophysics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Computing Science, Geography, Mathematics, Physiology, and Psychology, perhaps with some restrictions— please see an Advisor for details. For a Science degree in Astronomy, Chemical Physics, Geology, Geophysics, Kinesiology, Mathematical Physics or Physics, students will normally transfer to a university after completing VIU’s firstyear Science program. For students who wish to specialize in two disciplines, a wide variety of Double Honours and Double Major programs is available upon transfer to one of the universities. Admission to professional faculties at universities often requires one or more years of study in the sciences. These faculties include Agriculture, Architecture, Dental Hygiene, Dentistry, Engineering, Forestry, Geography, Geology, Family and Nutritional Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, Psychology, Rehabilitation Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine. For students planning a career in Science Research, the B.Sc. degree is usually followed by a post-graduate degree. The Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees involve both course work at an advanced level and original research in one of the areas of specialization listed above, or in related areas such as Ecology, Fisheries, Meteorology and Oceanography. Some specific Bachelor of Science programs are described below. The VIU Advantage The advantage of beginning a Science degree program at VIU is that first and second year class sizes are, on average, one quarter the size compared to university; as a result, instructors are more accessible. All classes are taught by fully qualified instructors, who are dedicated to teaching, and much more attention is given to individual students. This special attention gives VIU graduates a strong advantage when transferring to university. Admission Requirements Applicants are eligible for admission if they meet one of the following conditions: ∙∙ graduation from a BC secondary school, or equivalent*, with a minimum “C” grade in English 12; ∙∙ previous degree from a recognized university; ∙∙ visiting student from a college or university (a “Letter of Permission” from the home institution is required); ∙∙ transfer student from a college or university (at least 24 transferable university-level credits completed); ∙∙ mature student – at least 21 years of age (or will turn 21 in the first semester of admission) and has a minimum “C” grade in English 12. * See an Advisor for information on equivalencies. Notes on Admission ∙∙ Most courses have specific prerequisites in high school ∙∙ Biology, Chemistry, Computing Science, English, Mathematics, and Physics. Students who do not meet all course prerequisites may register in a combination of preparatory courses and B.Sc. courses. Start Date and Application Deadline Students can start the program at VIU in September or January; however, the selection of courses is usually greater in the Fall semester. Applications for September classes are accepted after November 15. ENGINEERING The Program VIU offers the first two years of the Electrical and Computer B.Eng. Program and the first year of the Mechanical B.Eng. Program offered at the University of Victoria (UVic). Acceptance into 2nd year is based on students achieving a GPA in the first year as set by UVic. After completion of 2nd year, students will transfer directly into a Co-op term administered by UVic. VIU also offers the first year transfer of the B.Appl.Sci. program at the University of British Columbia (UBC), and part of the first year program offered at Simon Fraser University (SFU). Students who wish to transfer to Engineering programs offered at other universities need to check the program requirements of the receiving institution to determine the required courses. The programs for transfer to UVic and UBC are given below. Note: Engineering transfer requirements regularly undergo change. For further information, it is important to contact VIU’s Physics/Engineering department, as well as a VIU Advisor 250740-6410, and to refer to university calendars. UVic Transfer YEAR 1 Chemistry 150 Computing Science 160/161 Engineering 141 (ENGM 141) Engineering 199 (ENGE 199) English 115 Mathematics 100/101 or 121/122/110 Mathematics 141 Physics 121/122 YEAR 2 – Electrical Engineering Mathematics 200/211/251 Physics 216 Computer Science 261 English 225 ENGE 200/220/250/260 ENGC 241 ENGM 295 YEAR 2 – Computer Engineering Mathematics 200/211/251 Physics 216 Computer Science 261 English 225 ENGE 200/220/250/260 ENGC 241/245 UBC Transfer YEAR 1 Chemistry 121/122A or 121/122 Computing Science 160 Engineering 141 (ENGM 141) Engineering 150 (ENGR 150) English 115 Mathematics 100/101 or 121/122/110 Mathematics 141 Physics 121/122A or 121/122 *Complementary Studies * See the UBC Calendar for a list of complementary studies courses. Note: Applied Science 121/122 are taken at UBC in first year, but are not offered at VIU. YEAR 2 Please contact the Chair of the Physics/Engineering Department for information on second year courses that transfer. CHEMISTRY The Program Vancouver Island University offers the first two years of the four-year B.Sc. in Chemistry. Students can transfer to a B.C. university after either the first or second year. The courses required for transfer to University of Victoria (UVic), University of British Columbia (UBC) and Simon Fraser University (SFU) are given below. For further details, please refer to the university calendar and contact the VIU Chemistry department or the Advising Centre. UVic Transfer YEAR 1 Chemistry 111/112 or 121/122 or 111/122 Mathematics 121/122/110 or 100/101 Physics 121/122 English as required (*a) 2 electives (*b) General electives (*c) YEAR 2 Chemistry 221/222 Chemistry 231/232 Chemistry 213 Chemistry 311 Mathematics (*d) Biology 201 (*e) 1 or 2 Science electives (*f ) (*a) One of the following – see current UVic Calendar for details: ∙∙ A score of 86% or above on the B.C. Provincial Grade 12 examination within last three years prior to admission to UVic. ∙∙ A score of 3 or higher (out of 5) on the Advanced Placement Examination in English Language/ Composition or English Literature/Composition. ∙∙ English 115. ∙∙ English 111 and 112. (*b) Some science electives are Biology 121/122, 200 or 201, 202, and one of 209 or 212; Computing Science 160, 161, 162, 165; Mathematics 211, 212. (*c) Any courses transferable to UVic. (*d) Some electives are Mathematics 200, 211, 212, 220, 222, 230, 241 (only one statistics course may be included in this specific second-year mathematics requirement). (*e) Biology 201 has BIOL 121/122 for prerequisite. If you do not have the prerequisite, you may choose an additional second year science elective instead, and complete BIOL 200 at UVic in year 3. (*f ) Courses chosen from lists (*b) and (*d) above as well as Computing Science 240, 250, 260, 261, 265. UBC Transfer Note: problems may arise with transfer to UBC after 1 year; not with transfer after 2 years – see Department Chair for more information. YEAR 1 Chemistry 111/112 or 121/122 or 111/122 Mathematics 121/122/110 or 100/101 Physics 111/112 (*a) or 121/122 (*a) English as required (*b) 2 electives (*c) YEAR 2 Chemistry 221/222 Chemistry 231/232 Chemistry 311 Mathematics 200 and Mathematics 241 1 Science elective (*d) 2 Arts electives (*c) (*a) Physics 121/122 are preferred; if Physics 111/112 are chosen instead, minimum of B grade in both is required for some second-year physics electives. (*b) English 115/116 or English 111/112 (*c) Any courses transferable to UBC. In addition to the two first-year English courses, 12 credits of courses in UBC Faculty of Arts are required for B.Sc. degree. However, students in first year should consider Biology 121/122, or Computing Science 160/161. (*d) Any courses in Science and Mathematics transferable to UBC. Chemistry 213 has unassigned 2nd year credit. SFU Transfer YEAR 1 Chemistry 111/112 or 121/122 or 111/122 Mathematics 121/122/110 or 100/101 Physics 121/122 English or Arts electives (*a) 2 Electives (*b) YEAR 2 Chemistry 221/222 Chemistry 231/232 Chemistry 311 Mathematics 200 Mathematics 241 3 Science electives (*b) (*a) First-year English courses are not required if SFU is satisfied that students are proficient in English. (*b) Any courses transferable to SFU. Computing Science 160 and 161 satisfy SFU’s Computing Science requirement but provide only three transfer credits. Chemistry 213 has unassigned 2nd year credit. EARTH SCIENCE The Program VIU offers the first year and selected courses in the second and third year of the four-year B.Sc. in Earth Science. Students can transfer to a university after either the first or second year. The programs for transfer to the University of British Columbia (UBC), Simon Fraser University (SFU) and the University of Victoria (UVic) are given below. For information about courses fulfilling the requirements towards the PGEO designation of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists, contact the VIU Geology department. For further information, students should refer to the university calendar, the Advising Centre or contact the VIU Geology department. VIU also offers a Bachelor of Science, Minor in Earth Science. For more information, please visit www.viu.ca/programs. SFU Transfer YEAR 1 Geology 111/112 Chemistry 111/112 or 121/122 or 111/122 Mathematics 121/122 or 100/101 Physics 121/122 English or Arts electives YEAR 2 Geology 200/202 Geology 201/206 UBC Transfer YEAR 1 Geology 111/112 Chemistry 111/112 or 121/122 or 111/122 Mathematics 121/122 or 100/101 Physics 121/122 or Physics 121 and Biology 121 English 100-level Students without Biology 11 or 12 must take 4 credits of 100-level BIOL. YEAR 2 Geology 200/202 Geology 206 Chemistry 221/222 Mathematics 200 UVic Transfer YEAR 1 Geology 111/112 Chemistry 111/112 or 121/122 or 111/122 Mathematics 121/122 or 100/101 Physics 121/122 Arts elective YEAR 2 Geology 200/202 Geology 201/206 Geography 111 Chemistry 221/222 Mathematics 200 and 251 Science 251 MATHEMATICS The Program Vancouver Island University offers the first two years of a four-year B.Sc. in Mathematics. Students can transfer to a B.C. university after either the first or second year. The programs for transfer to the University of British Columbia (UBC), Simon Fraser University (SFU), and the University of Victoria (UVic) are given below. For further information, students should contact the VIU Mathematics department or the Advising Centre. VIU also offers a Bachelor of Science, Minor in Mathematics, and a Bachelor of Arts, Minor in Mathematics. For more information, please visit www.viu.ca/programs. UBC Transfer YEAR 1 Mathematics 100/101 or 121/122/110 Chemistry 111/112 or 121/122 or 111/122 Computing Science 160/161 Physics 111/112 or 121/122 English, as required YEAR 2 Mathematics 200 Mathematics 241/251 2 Arts electives 5 Science electives SFU Transfer YEAR 1 Mathematics 100/101 or 121/122/110 Mathematics 123 Computing Science 160/161 2 Arts electives 2 Science electives General elective Transfer to SFU is suggested after Year 1 because VIU does not offer the full second year required for SFU. For those opting to remain at VIU, below is a suggested program; for full details, please consult the SFU Calendar and the online transfer guide at bctransferguide.ca. YEAR 2 Mathematics 211 Mathematics 200 Mathematics 241 Mathematics 251 * 6 electives * Recommended. UVic Transfer YEAR 1 Mathematics 100/101 or 121/122/110 Computing Science 160, 161 6 Electives (include English, as required) YEAR 2 Mathematics 200 Mathematics 241/251 Mathematics 211/212 6 Electives PHYSICS The Program The primary reason for becoming a physicist is curiosity. Whether it is the strange world of sub-atomic particles, the operation of a laser, the motion of the planets, or even the formation of a rainbow, physicists want to understand how the universe really works. A physics degree will provide even more than this. With training in quantitative thinking, problem solving, modeling, and experimental techniques, a physics background provides entry into a wide variety of fields. Indeed, physicists are at the forefront in many of the hottest science and technology fields such as superconductivity, nanotechnology, fuel cells, and medical imaging. VIU offers the first two years of a four-year B.Sc. program in Physics. Students can transfer to the University of British Columbia (UBC) or the University of Victoria (UVic) after either first or second year. Students who wish to transfer to Physics programs offered at other universities need to check the program requirements of the receiving institution to determine the required courses. For further information, students should contact VIU’s Physics department or the Advising Centre 250-740-6410. UBC Transfer YEAR 1 Chemistry 121 English 115/116 or 111/112 Mathematics 100/101 or 121/122/110 Physics 121/122 Electives (*a,*b) (*a) Computing Science 160 is recommended. (*b) Once course in Biology is required for the honours program. YEAR 2 Physics 211, 212, 214, 215, 216 Mathematics 200, 241, 251 Electives UVic Transfer YEAR 1 Physics 121/122 Mathematics 100/101 or 121/122/110 Chemistry 111/112 or 121/122 or 111/122 (*a) Computing Science 160 English, as required (*b) Electives (*c) YEAR 2 Physics 211, 212, 214, 215, 216 Mathematics 200, 241 (*d), 251 Electives (*a) Required for Honours. (*b) First-year English courses are not required if UVic is satisfied that students are proficient in English. (*c) Additional Computing Science courses may be helpful for entry into the Co-operative Education option. (*d) Required for Honours; recommended for Major. Financial Assistance Financial assistance is available to students demonstrating financial need. Applications should be made eight to ten weeks prior to the start of your program. For more information, please visit www.viu.ca/financialaid. Further Information The Vancouver Island University Calendar is available online. Visit our website at www.viu.ca/programs. Students planning a career or long-term academic program are urged to discuss their goals with an Educational Advisor before registering – (250) 740-6410. How to Apply Students can apply online at www.pas.bc.ca or obtain an Application for Admission form, which is available from regional secondary schools, or from Vancouver Island University Registration Centres at the Nanaimo, Duncan, Powell River or Parksville•Qualicum campuses. When the Registration Centre confirms that you have been admitted, you will be advised of when and how to register and pay for your courses. About Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island University is a comprehensive postsecondary institution located on beautiful Vancouver Island, in British Columbia. Our main campus is located in Nanaimo, and we have regional campuses in Duncan and Powell River, and a campus centre in Parksville. More than 14,000 full-time and part-time students are enrolled in academic, applied, career/ technical, vocational, trades, and developmental programs leading to certificates, diplomas and degrees. Vancouver Island University 900 Fifth Street | Nanaimo, BC V9R 5S5 Switchboard: (250) 753-3245 | Toll-free: 1-888-920-2221 Advising: (250) 740-6410 Financial Aid & Awards: (250) 740-6423 Registration Tel: (250) 740-6400 | Fax: (250) 740-6479 www.viu.ca The information contained in this guide is accurate at the time of printing. Vancouver Island University reserves the right to make such changes as necessary, including cancellation and adjustment of courses. Produced by Communications and Public Relations November 2008 • BSc Transfer.indd