SAP Note 26417 - SAP GUI Resources: Hardware and software Note Language: English Version: 73 Validity: Valid Since 24.05.2012 Summary Symptom This note contains information on hardware and software requirements of SAP GUI for Windows. Other terms Gui, SAPGUI, frontend, front, graphics, office integration, desktop integration, SAPClient, resource consumption, CPU, memory, resources, SAP GUI, recommendations, requirements, operating system, resolution, RAM, installation, monitor, MSI, Windows Installer Reason and Prerequisites Important related notes o "SAP GUI for the Java environment" (for Linux, Mac OS, Unix, Windows): 146505 and 1400273 (release 7.20). o "SAP GUI for HTML" (SAP Internet Transaction Server 6.20): 325616 o "SAP GUI for HTML" (SAP Integrated ITS 6.40 and higher): 709038 o "SAP GUI maintenance": 147519 Remarks: o Please refer to note 147519 regarding information about supported platforms for SAP GUI for Windows and to note 146505 regarding more information about supported platforms for SAP GUI for Java. o The requirements refer to the operation of the "SAP GUI" for "core" SAP applications. The operation of additional components (such as BW, SCM, KW, SEM) leads to partially deviating requirements (see also the related notes). o The minimum requirements listed below may not be sufficient for a productive usage of SAP GUI. Especially together with other applications better equipped hardware may be required. You should also check the corresponding recommendations and requirements documented by the operating system vendors. If you are using Office products please make sure to take the requirements and recommendations from the vendors of these products into account as well. o If your client PCs do not match the criteria defined in this note you can evaluate WTS products as an alternative. Please see note 138869 for more information. o SAP SDN For further information on the topic SAP GUI please refer to 29.05.2012 Page 1 of 7 SAP Note 26417 - SAP GUI Resources: Hardware and software Definitions: o "required": This means the resources required for using 1 session of SAP GUI and 1 instance of a Web Browser to display the SAP online help in parallel. However this is not a typical scenario, but rather the absolute minimum. o "recommended": This means the resources required for using 3 sessions of SAP GUI, 1 instance of a Web Browser to display the SAP online help and 1 Office product or mail client in parallel. This would match most of the typical scenarios, but in case your users usually need more SAP sessions of additional software you have to take this into consideration as well. This may require individual testing or estimations by you. o "processor": The requirements listed here use MHz specifications of the Pentium processors created by Intel. However, in the context of this note they stand for a processor performance class. This includes both follow-up processors and compatible competitor's products. o "Light" / "classic" / "new visual design" / "Enjoy design" / "SAP Signature Design" / "Corbu Design": - "classic" and "light" are synonyms. When using "classic" design SAP GUI looks just like in older releases (old Windows style), but also has slightly reduced requirements in regards to the screen resolution. - "new visual design" and "Enjoy design" are synonyms A user or administrator can decide which design of SAP GUI to use at runtime (restart of SAP GUI required). - "SAP Signature" design is the standard SAP design (see note 1233328 for more information on SAP Signature Design in SAP GUI for Windows). - "Corbu" design is a new visual design introduced with SAP GUI for Windows 7.30 (reducing the contrast and allowing a further improved integration of SAP GUI into other frameworks like the NetWeaver Business Client). The standard installation of SAP GUI includes support for all designs (see note 710719 for more information on these designs in general). For "Corbu" SAP GUI for Windows 7.30 or higher is required. Solution Recommendations & Requirements for SAP GUI for Windows: Network support SAP GUI runs on Microsoft-compatible networks (TCP/IP protocol). The installation requires a Microsoft-compatible network. 29.05.2012 Page 2 of 7 SAP Note 26417 - SAP GUI Resources: Hardware and software Monitor size / screen resolution The specifications result from the requirement of a display without a scrollbar (if possible). Here, the use of the default font size (SSAP Signature / Enjoy Design "100%", Classic Design "Medium", font size 9 or 8) is assumed. This does not take the integration of SAP GUI into a Web Browser (for example into Enterprise Portal into account). If you are using SAP GUI inside a Web Browser these requirements and recommendations apply to the area available to SAP GUI inside the Web Browser (this is less than the size of the Web Browser itself). The recommendations for screen resolution, colors and monitor do not depend on the SAP GUI release used. Colors Resolution Monitor Classic Design required recommended 256 256 800 x 600 1024 x 768 14" (CRT) 19" (TFT) Enjoy Design required 64K 1024 x 768 17" (CRT) recommended 64K 1280 x 1024 19" (TFT) Colors Resolution Monitor SAP Signature Design required recommended 64K 64K 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 17" (CRT) 19" (TFT) Corbu Design required 64K 1024 x 768 17" (CRT) recommended 64K 1280 x 1024 19" (TFT) The requirement for a 17" display results from the need to display the corresponding screen resolution (1024x768) in acceptable quality and conforming to norm. Smaller monitors which meet these criteria are acceptable, especially laptop displays with the required resolution. Scrollbars and therefore reduced usability may result from a lower screen resolution. When using 16:9 monitors you have to make sure to meet the minimum requirements for both horizontal and vertical resolution given above. If these conditions are met usage of these devices should not cause any problems. The requirement for a color depth of 64K when using Enjoy, Signature and Corbu designs is caused by the mechanism used by Windows to pick a suitable color when the color originally used by the application is not part of the color palette. With 256 colors it may happen that parts of the SAP GUI window are incorrectly displayed (e.g. with wrong colors). If you are limited to environments with 256 colors you have to use the Classic design of SAP GUI for Windows. With SAP Signature Design and Corbu Design it is possible to increase the font scaling in SAP GUI to values of higher than 150% (which earlier on was the maximum setting). Processor / Memory When combining requirements of SAP GUI with requirements for other products the following rules apply: o Processor: Take the maximum of all individual specifications 29.05.2012 Page 3 of 7 SAP Note 26417 - SAP GUI Resources: Hardware and software o Memory: Take the total of all individual specifications The requirements and recommendations for processor, memory and hard disk depend on the SAP GUI release that you are using. The SAP GUI resource consumption is influenced by a number of factors including the release of the development environment (Visual Studio) used. SAP GUI for Windows Release 7.20 / 7.30 using Classic or Enjoy Design o o Windows XP / 2003 Server required recommended Processor 233+ MHz+ 500+ MHz Memory 128 MB 256 MB Windows Vista / 2008 (R2) Server / Windows 7 / Windows 8 required recommended Processor 800+ MHz+ 1+ GHz Memory 512 MB 1 GB SAP GUI itself does not consume more resources under Windows Vista / Windows 7 than under Windows XP, but the hardware requirements of operating systems differ regarding resource consumption. SAP GUI for Windows Release 7.20 / 7.30 using SAP Signature Design or Corbu Design When SAP Signature Design or Corbu Design is activated SAP GUI uses about 12-15MB additional memory and the average CPU utilization by SAP GUI increases to between 140% and 175% of the utilization when using Enjoy. Therefore we increase the recommendations for SAP Signature Design / Corbu Design to: o o Windows XP / 2003 Server required recommended Processor 500+ MHz 1+ GHz Memory 192 MB 512 MB Windows Vista / 2008 Server / Windows 7 / Windows 8 Processor 29.05.2012 required recommended 1+ GHz 2+ GHz Page 4 of 7 SAP Note 26417 - SAP GUI Resources: Hardware and software Memory 512 MB 1 GB Hard disk requirements (independent of SAP GUI release) o Local installation 110 MB (minimum packet SAP GUI + SAP Logon) up to 510 MB (70 MB 470 MB, if operating system files (MFC, IE, Office) do not have to be updated). The amount of disk space required will increase if additional components like Adobe Lifecycle Designer have to be installed as well, but the size of SAP GUI itself does not differ much when different releases are compared. Web Browser o SAP GUI for Windows requires Microsoft Internet Explorer because SAP GUI needs operating system components which are installed together with the Internet Explorer. SAP GUI requires an appropriate "level" of operating system which is only available after the IE has been installed. Microsoft only delivers these components together with the IE. Microsoft does not support a customized installation (for example ifonly individual DLLs are installed). After the installation of SAP GUI has been sucessfully completed, the Internet Explorer iexplore.exe file can be removed in case you do not want your users to be able to use the Microsoft Internet Explorer. You can of course continue using other browsers (for example Firefox). o A prerequisite for using SAP GUI for Windows is an installation of IE 6.0 SP1 or higher on the client computer (earlier versions of Internet Explorer are not supported by Microsoft anymore). o For SAP GUI for Windows 7.10 and higher IE 6.0 SP1 or higher is an installation prerequisite. o Internet Explorer 7 is supported by SAP GUI for Windows 7.10 and 7.20 as of the initial versions (patchlevel 0). o Internet Explorer 8 is supported as of SAP GUI for Windows 7.10 (as of patchlevel 13) and higher. o Internet Explorer 9 is supported as of SAP GUI for Windows 7.20 (as of patchlevel 5) and higher. Please note that the support for the iView type SSD e.g. via SAP Enterprise Portal only starts as of patchlevel 7 (see also note 1592282). 29.05.2012 Page 5 of 7 SAP Note 26417 - SAP GUI Resources: Hardware and software Header Data Release Status: Released on: Master Language: Priority: Category: Primary Component: (see note 1322184) Released for Customer 24.05.2012 06:51:51 English Recommendations/additional info Installation information BC-FES Frontend Services - use subcomponents Secondary Components: BC-FES-GUI Graphical User Interface The Note is release-independent Related Notes Number 1620514 1592282 1233328 1013958 1013957 961487 722513 710720 710719 642523 539675 525936 508649 402189 390330 369626 355426 354294 203924 200694 196998 189086 166130 29.05.2012 Short Text NWBC 3.5 for Desktop: Prerequisites and restrictions SAP EP / NWBC: starting SAP GUI via SSD iView on IE9 failed SAP Signature Design for SAP GUI for Windows Planning Grid: SAP GUI for Java: Hardware and Software Planning:Planning Grid:SAPGUI f Windows: Hardware & Software SAP GUI for Java: Requirements for Release 7.10 Desktop Office Integration: Maintenance information SAP GUI for Windows 6.40: Delivery and new functions SAP GUI family and new visual designs RTL SAPGUI for Hebrew: Limitations and Hardware requirements CPCC 2.x: Installation Pre-requisites FAQ GUI in General and support strategy Diagnosis of frontend installation problems SAP GUI 6.20: Features and Changes WF Builder/WF Explorer: Hardware/software requiremts WF builder: Screens not complete with small screen resolutio Workplace: SAP GUI recommendations WP 2.11: SAPGUI for Windows in Workplace Performance 4.6 - collective note Notes on SAP GUI when used via terminal server SAP GUI resources (APO): Hardware and software Front end requirements for CIC as of IS-U/CCS 4.6 SAP front end: Delivery and compatibility Page 6 of 7 SAP Note 26417 - SAP GUI Resources: Hardware and software Number 161993 161053 154156 146505 111442 103174 66971 Short Text SAP GUI resources (BW): Hardware and software Using SAP GUI in WAN Parallel operation of different SAPGUI releases SAP GUI for the Java environment (Platform Independent GUI) Window for strategy profile is too large Compatibility of Office products Supported SAP GUI platforms Attributes Attribute Transaction codes 29.05.2012 Value HIER Page 7 of 7