JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 93, NO. Bll, PAGES 13,367-13,389, NOVEMBER10, 1988 LARGE EARTHQUAKES IN THE TONGA REGION ASSOCIATEDWITH SUBDUCTION OF THE LOUISVILLE RIDGE Douglas H. Christensen GeophysicalInstitute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks Thorne Lay Department of GeologicalSciences,University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Abstract. Subduction of the Louisville Ridge influences both interplate and intraplate seismicity in the southern Tonga region (22øS-26øS). Five earthquakes with diverse mechanisms and seismic mo- to in-plate compressionfollowing the great 1977 rupture which relaxed the tensional ments greater than i x 10•'?dyn cm have occurredin this region since 1975. These include two outer rise, one underthrusting, and two intermediate depth events, all of which occurredin closeproximity to the subducting ridge. In order to understand better the Introduction natureoftheseeventsandto determinetheroleplay- ed by the Louisville Ridge in the subduction process, detailed rupture models have been' determined for each earthquake by body and surface wave analysis. Three events occurred at shallow depths near the oblique intersection of the Louisville Ridge and the Tonga arc. These are the compressional(thrust) outer rise event of October 11, 1975 (Mw-7.4); the tensional (normal) outer rise event of October 10, 1977 (Mw- 7.4); and the subsequentunderthrusting event on December 19, 1982 (Mw - 7.5), the latter being the largestdocumented interplateeventin Tonga. The intermediate dept. h eventsof June2'2,1977(d= 70 kin, Mw=8.1) andApril 13, 1980(d=160 km, Mw= 7.6) both have normal fault mechanisms;however; the 1977 event has a downdip tenskin axiS, whereas the 1980 event has a downdip compressionaxis. The i977 eventis unusualdu•eto its large sizeand the fact that most intermediate depth •activity in Tonga involves down•dipcompression.The bodywave radiatiori for the 1977 event indicates concentrated ri•pture in the depth range 70-•90km, near the downdip projectionof theLouisvilleRid•ge.It appearsthat,the LouisvilleRidgeperturbsthe regionalstressregime at both intermediate and shallow depths in the slab. The ridge appearsto be a buoyant feature that pro- duceslocallystronginterplate couplingtothe north ofitsjunctionwith theTongatrench,whichaccounts for. the 1982 thrust event and the preceding 1975 compressionalouter rise event locatedseawardof the thrust rupture zone. South of the ridge intersectlob the plate interface appears to be less strongly coupled: tensional stressesdue to slab pull are communicated to shallow d•pths, resulting in the October 10, 1977 (Mw-7.4), tensionalouterrise event. The l•cally enhancedinterplate coupling,alongwith a downdipstressbarrier to the intraplate compressional stressesthat arise from deepresistanceto the slab subduction, are two effectsof the ridge that appear to explain the accumulationof in-plate tension in the region of the June 22, 1977, event. The April 13, 1980, downdip compressionalevent reflects a return Copyright 1988 by the American GeophysicalUnion. Paper number 88JB03052. 0148-0227/88/88JB-03052505.00 stress. The unusual stressregime of the subductingridge and its oblique trajectory down the plate are thus responsiblefor the diversity of large earthquake occurrence in the southern Tonga arc. The Tonga subductionzone is separatedfrom the Kermadec subductionzone at about 21øSby the intersectionwith the Louisville Ridge. The Louisville Ridge is a linear aseisrnicridge complexwhich is several thousandkilometersin lengthandabout100km in width, with up to 4 km of relief. The ridgeintersectsthe Tonga trench at an Obliqueangle as shown in Figure 1, altering the trench bathymetry in the process.The dip of the subductingslab at intermedi- ate depthschangesfrom70øalongthe Kermadecarc to 55ø along the TOngaarc. It has beensuggested that the •subductionof ttie Lou•isvilleRidge influencesbothinterplateandintraplateseismicity in the vicinity of the intersecti0n• however,it is not known exactly what role the ridge plays [Sykes, 1966; Vogt et al., 1976; Kelleher and McCann, 1976]. The ridge may either be a zone of weaknessin the subducting platethat wouldinhibit lar•gestrainaccumulations or a buoyant structure which chokesup the subduction process.Subductionof aseismicridges and other bathymetricstructuressucha•sfracturezoneshas received much attention sincethe seismicpotential for large thrust eventsin suchregionsis ofteriunkt•own [e.g., Kelleher et al., 1974; Chuhg and Kanamori, 1978; LeFevre and McNally, 1985]. We will address the role of the Louisville Ridgein the subductionproCessby examining the seismic characteristics of the region. Seismicity patterns in the Tonga arc have been studied by many authors [e.g., Isacks et al., 1969; JohnsonandMolnar,1972;Richter,1979;Billington, 1980; Kawakatsu, 1986; Giardini and Woodhouse, 1984; Wyss and Habermann, 1984]. The Tonga region can be characterizedas having large numbers of small and intermediate size events in both the shal- low underthrusting zoneand at all depthswithin the subducting plate. The intraplate events downdip of the interplatecontacthavea strongtendencyfor the compressionalstressaxes to be in the downdip direction, particularly for depths greater than 300 km [Isacks et al., 1969; Isacks and Molnar, 1971; Fujita and Kanamori, 1981; Vassiliou, 1984; Vassiliou et al., 1984; Richter, 1979], leading to the hypothesis that the subductedplate encounters strong resistance near the 670-km discontinuity and that the continued sinking of the slab has placed the slab into compressionall the way to shallow depths. However, several downdiptensionaleventsin the depth range 13,367 Christensenand Lay: Large Earthquakesin the TongaRegion 13,368 underthrusting event, and two intermediate depth events (onedowndiptensionaland the other downdip compressional).Our objectiveis to quantify the nature of these large events, which we infer to be the most tectonically significant in the region, and to explore their relationshipsto subductionof the Louisville Ridge. 20 ø 6/22/77 -//"- on/y "• Recent Large Events 4/13/80. 2/ In this section we examine in detail the source parametersand rupture processes of the five large earthquakeswhich occurredin the vicinity of the r;ii!O/10/77 Louisville Ridge. We will start with the two outer rise events on October 11, 1975, and October 10, 30 ø ..v.-//..-' ,, • 1977, then consider the December 19, 1982, underthrusting event, and end with the two intermediate depth events on April 13, 1980, and June 22, 1977. We will give specialattention to the June 22, 1977 (Mw-8.1), rupture since it is one of the largest known intraplate events. In this section we will limit ourselves to discussions of the individual earth- quakes. The interaction and relationship between these events and the role of the Louisville Ridge will be discussed later. ZE•-•,•N DI 4Oø 180 ø W I 17O ø October 11, 1975, Earthquake The October 11, 1975, event (Mw-7.4) is a com- Fig. 1. Map of the Tonga-Kermadecregion showing epicentersof five large events associatedwith the subduction of the Louisville Ridge. The hachured region representsthe aftershockarea of the December 19, 1982, underthrusting event. The dashedlines representthe 4000-m bathymetricexpressionof the pressionalouter rise or trench event (i.e., compressional stressaxis is oriented approximately horizontal and perpendicularto the trench). It occurrednear the bathymetric trench, north of and adjacentto the intersection of the Louisville Ridge with the Tonga Louisville Ridge. $=0ø; dip • =29ø; rake • =68 ø)was determinedfrom P wave first motionsby Christensenand Ruff [1988] and is shown in Figures 2 and 3. The steepwesterly dipping plane, which is well constrainedby first motion data, and the location near the bathymetric trench distinguish this event as an intraplate event 60-300 km have recently been studiedby Kawakatsu [1986], who suggeststhat these occurrencesare consistent with a double Benioff zone in the Tonga regionproducedby unbendingof the subductedslab. The seismic history and interplate thrust potential along the Tonga arc are relatively obscure.Several large (M>7) earthquakeshave occurredin the Tonga region historically [McCann et al., 1979];however, it is not known whether these events are interplate or ir•traplate. Earthquakesnear the northernmost corner of the Tonga arc are usually intraplate events: Recent large events in this region have all trench. The focal mechanism for this event (strike in the Pacific plate. The depthof this eventwasdeterminedby Christensen and Ruff [1988] to lie between 0 and 35 km from detailed analysis of the trade-off betweendepth and characteristic changesin the sourcetime functions from single station deconvolutions(see Christensen and Ruff [1985] for a description of the tech- nique). We have further investigatedthe depth of this event using the simultaneousmultistation itera- either occurred in the outer rise or can be related to tive deconvolution scheme of Kikuchi and Kanamori the tearing of the slab. The occurrenceof large known underthrusting events is relatively rare in the Tonga arc. While this region is capableof producingearthquakesas large as magnitude8.0, it is pose,P waves from eight azimuthally distributed stations(shownin Figure 3) were simultaneouslydeconvolvedat a seriesof point sourcedepths. Ampli- especially in, thatthereis a order that the results be most sensitive to depth (i.e., arc [Kanamori, 1977]. tudes. The error reduction (normalized approximation error) versusdepth curve for this event is shown clear from the small numbers of these large events, significantcomponentof aseism•csubductionin the Since 1975, five large earthquakes with moment magnitudesgreaterthan 7.0 (Mo->1.0x 10•'7dyncm) have occurredin the southernTonga region. Each of these events is located in the vicinity of the Louisville Ridge, and eachrepresentsstressaccumulation in a different environment of the subducting slab. [1982] and Kikuchi and Fukao [1985]. For this pur- tude variations between stations were normalized in waveshape)rather than randomscatterof the ampli- by the crosses in Figure 4. Depthsbetween20 and 35 km producethe best fit to the data, with the lowest residual error found for a depth of 30 km. The P waves from the eight stations used in the depth determination are shownin Figure 3 along The locations and focal mechanisms of these events with the deconvolved source time functions are shown in Figure 2 along with the Louisville mined by the singlestationdeconvolution methodof Ruff and Kanamori [1983] assuminga sourcedepth of 30 km. The rupture historyof this event is fairly simple,with onemajorpulseof momentreleasehaving a total duration of about 18 s and an averagemo- Ridgeand its approximatedownwardextensioninto the subduction zone. These events have a rema-rkable diversity of mechanisms,and include two outer rise events (one compressionaland one tensional), one deter- ChristensenandLay: LargeEarthquakesin the TongaRegion i i 15,569 I 6/22/77 4/15/80 d=70 km I0/I 22ø..,. 1/75 d: 160 km d = 50 km 24 % 12/19/82 10/10/77 B' d=25 km 26 % C' 178" W 176" I ' d=10 km 172" I I Fig.2. Blowupofthesouthern TongaregionfromFigure1. Thehachured zonerepresents the approximate location oftheLouisville Ridge(L.R.)asit intersects theTongatrenchandissubductedbelowthe Australia-Indiaplate. Lowerhemisphere equal-areafocalmechanisms and depthsareshownforthe fivelargesteventsrecorded in thisregion.Theseincludetwoouter rise (or trench)events(October11, 1975,and October10, 1977),oneunderthrustingevent (De- cember19, 1982),andtwointermediatedepthevents(June22, 1977,andApril 13, 1980). The linesegments labeledAA',BB',andCC'arelocations ofcross sections shownin Figure25. mentfromthe nondiffracted bodywavesof3.4 x 102? dyncm.The sourcetimefunctions donotexhibitany systematicazimuthalpatternsfromwhichwe canreliably infer any rupture directivity. The moments determined from the deconvolved source time functionsare not very reliable in this casesincethe moment estimates depend not only on the true moment release of the event, but also on the signal-tonoise ratio in the data. While the stations located in stableregionsof the P wave radiation pattern (FVM, OXF, BHP, LPA) have consistentmomentsbetween 1.2 and 2.4 x 102?dyn cm, as well as high signal-tonoiseratios, they are also all slightly diffracted;the effects of which are not accounted for in the calcu- lated Green's functions. The nodal stations (SliK, October 10, 1977, Earthquak e The October 10, 1977 (Mw-7.4), earthquake is a tensional outer rise event (tensional axis approxi- mately horizontal and perpendicularto the trench) which occurredjust south of the October 11, 1975, event, in the bathymetric trench near the intersection with the Louisville Ridge. The focalmechanism for this event ($ - 180ø, $ - 55ø, X- 265ø) shown in Figures2 and 6 wasdeterminedby Eisslerand Kanamori [1982] from body wave modelingand surface wave inversionand representsnormal faulting in the oceanicplate near the trench axis. This event was studied in detail by Eissler and Kanamori [1982], who determined a depth of about 20 km and moment LEM, MUN, ADE) are not diffracted but have low signal-to-noiseratios and momentswhich scatter estimatesof 1.0 x 1027dyncmfrom forwardmodeling of long-periodWorld-Wide Standard Seismograph waveformsof the nodal stations are not exactly fit by the synthetic seismograms. Surface waves recordedby the ultra-long-period seismometersat Berkeley (BKS) were modeled in cm from inversion of surface wave data. In order to widelyfrom0.4 to 8.5 x 10•'?dyncm. In addition,the order to obtain a more reliable seismic moment. Ob- served and synthetic Rayleigh waves (R2 and R3) and Love waves (G3 and G4) are shown in Figure 5. The syntheticRayleighand Lovewaveswere calculated by the methodof Kanamori and Cipar [1974] using excitationcoefficients for a depth of 33 km. Both the observedand synthetic signals were band- passfiltered using a three-poleButterworthfilter with high- and low-frequencyroll-offsat 0.005 and Network (WWSSN) P wave data, and 1.5 x 10z't dyn corroborate these results, we conducted additional bodywave and surfacewave analyses. To determine the optimum point sourcedepth, we have performeda simultaneousinversionof eight P wave observations. The error reduction versus depth curve from the multistation iterative deconvolution methodis shownby the circlesin Figure 4. The best fit to the data is achievedfor a depth of 10 km. This depth is slightly shallower than that reported by Eissler and Kanamori [1982]; however, part of this inconsistency is due to the different half-space velocities used in the two studies (6.6 km/s in this 0.001Hz, respectively, beforebeing. cross-correlated studyascomparedto 8.0 km/sin the studyby Eissler to obtain an estimate of the seismic moment. The averagesurfacewave momentfrom the four phases modeledis 1.4 x 102?dyn cm. and Kanamori [1982]). Individually deconvolved source time functions and seismograms from the 13,370 Christensen andLay: LargeEarthquakes in theTongaRegion I0/I 1/75 .o: 1.8 ••t FVM A = 101.0 $= 53 SHK '• AMo= 0.4 x,027dyn,.c m \ • L••, 0XF , •= 56 LEM BMP A= A= 98.8 Mo= 4.7 A= 59.9 Mo= 1.2 A= 96.9 . I ADE I 120s - v-- A= 40.9 $= 244 - ' - Fig.3. Lowerhemisphere equal-area focalmechanism fortheOctober 11,1975,compressional outerriseeventshowing source timefunction-seismogram pairsforeightazimuthally distrib- uted stations. The sourcetime functionsfor eachstation (left, hachured)have beenobtained fromtheobserved long-period P waveseismograms (right,solidtraces)bysinglestationtime domaindeconvolution assuming a depthof30km. Thedashed traces(right)arethesynthetic seismograms forthesource timefunctionshownat eachstation.Thefocalmechanism parametersof • =0 ø, • =29 ø,and X=68 øare from Christensenand Ruff [1988]. Solid circlesindicate compressional first motions.Stationcode,seismicmoment,epicentraldistance,and station azimuth are indicated for each station. shownin Figure 6 for a pointsourcedepthof 10 km. The sourcetime functionsshowa simplepulseof moment release with a duration of 12 s, no resolvable directivity, and an averagemomentfrom the nondif- fractedstationsof 1.0 x 1027dyn cm. Observed and synthetic surface waves for the Berkeley (BKS) and Pasadena(PAS) ultra-longperiodrecordingsare shownin Figure 5. Thesegive an averagemomentof about0.9 x 1027dyn cm. The syntheticseismograms werecreatedusingexcitation coefficients for a depth of 16 km. The Harvard gion. The focalmechanismfor this earthquake($198ø, 5=22 ø, X=101 ø) given by Dziewonski et al. [1983]is shownin Figures2 and 7, alongwith eight deconvolved sourcetime function-seismogram pairs. e I .5 .7 .9 -t- I0/I 1/75 ß centroid moment tensor (CMT) solution [Giardini et al., 1985] has a momentof 1.0 x 1027dyn cm and a depthof 23 km for this event. The shallowdepthof this tensionalouterriseevent(10 km) alongwith the deeperdepth (20-35 km) for the October11, 1975, compressionalouter rise event suggestthat these eventsmay be relatedto stresses fromthe bendingof the Pacificplate beneaththe Australia-Indiaplate [see Chapple and Forsyth, 1979]; however, as we 03 10/10/77 I•' 12/19/82 I discusslater, these events can also be associatedwith temporal and spatial changesin the stressesrelated to coupling in the interplate zone [see Christensen o and Ruff, 1983,1988]whichare,in turn, affectedby Fig. 4. Normalizedapproximationerrorversusdepth curvesfor the threeeventsindicated.Eachpointrep- December19, 1982, Earthquake taneousmultistationiterative deconvolution of eight P waves'assuminga point sourceat the indicated the Louisville Ridge. resents the residual waveform mismatch for a simul- On December19, 1982, a large underthrusting event (Mw-7.5) occurredin the southernTongare- depth. The eight stations usedfor each event are the same as thoseshownin Figures 3, 6, and 7. Christensen and Lay: Large Earthquakes in the Tonga Region LOVE RAYLEIGH April 13, 1980, Earthquake Mo(IO •?dyne-cm) The April 13, 1980, earthquake (Mw=7.6) occurred at about 160 km depth and is located downdip of the subducted extension of the Louisville Ridge. The focal mechanism 900 15,371 for this event was determined by a constrained fault inversion of 256 s period Rayleigh and Love wave spectra from available Global Digital SeismographicNetwork (GDSN) and International Deployment of Accelerometers (IDA) stations (Figure 8) using the method of Kanamori and Given [1981]. The inversion was performed by constraining the steeply dipping plane using first motion data and inverting for the rake and moment. Excitation functions for a depth of 165 km were used based on preliminary modeling of pP and sP phases in the body waves. The resulting focal parameters of s $ = 27ø, • = 75ø, X= 297ø,and Mo=3.3 x 1027dyn cm are very similar to the Harvard CMT mechanism ($ - 30ø, • - 79ø, ), - 293ø, depth - 166 km, and Mo = G2 2.8 x 102?dyn cm). Our focalmechanismis shownin 2.7 RI G4 Fig. 5. Comparisonof observed(solid curves) and synthetic (dashed curves) Rayleigh and Love wave seismograms for the three events indicated. Two Rayleigh and two Love waves recorded at the Berkeley ultra-long-period station (BKS) are shown for each event. The R2 wave for the event on October 10, 1977, is from the Pasadena ultra-long-period station (PAS). The moments are listed for the fits shown. A depth of 25 km was assumedin the source time function deconvolutions.This depth was determined by simultaneousinversionin the samefashionas for the outer rise events. An error reduction versus depth curve is plotted by triangles in Figure 4 and indicates a sourcedepth between 15 and 35 km, with the best fit to the data obtained for a depth of 25 km. The locations of the epicenter and the aftershocks (Figure 1) indicate that the rupture occurredin close proximity to the subductedextension of the Louisville Ridge. The deconvolvedsourcetime functions for this event indicate a slightly more complicated rupture history than for the two outer rise events, with the main pulse of moment release occurring about 10-12 s after the initiation of failure. The average moment from the deconvolvedsource time functionsis 0.9 x 1027dyn cm,with a total durationof 28 s. The source time functions show some coherent later pulses,but our point sourceGreen's functions are probablynot very reliable after the first 30 s. Observed and synthetic Rayleigh and Love waves for the Berkeley ultra-long-periodinstruments (BKS) are shown in Figure 5 and yield an average moment of 1.7 x 1027dyn cmusingexcitationcoefficientsfor a depth of 33 km. The Harvard CMT solution [Dziewonskiet al., 1983] has a momentof 2.0 x 1027 dyn cm and a depth of 29 km. Figures 2 and 9. This type of focal mechanism, in which the compressionalstressaxis is oriented in the downdip direction, is frequently observed at intermediate and deepdepthsin the Tonga region. While the depth of this event is fairly well determined because distinct depth phases can be identified in the P wave signals (see Figure 9) and these are easily modeled by forward and inverse techniques, there is some additional complication in the signals. Closer examination showsa systematic azimuthal variation in the depth phase (pP and sP) delay times which leads to an apparent depth discrepancy. In Figure 10 this depth discrepancycan be easily observed between stations at western and eastern azimuths by comparisonof observedand synthetic traces. The synthetic seismogramsin Figure 10 were created using the method of Kanamori and Stewart [1976]. A double pulse sourcetime function was used in order to match the character of the direct P waves, and depths of 170 and 150 km were assumed for the synthetic calculations for the top and bottom panels, respectively. While the depth phases are well matched at the western azimuths for a depth of 170 kin, it is necessaryto decreasethe depth to 150 km to match the depth phases at the eastern azimuths. This delay time discrepancyis between 4 and 7 s, depending on the station. The difference in apparent depth (i.e., depth phase delay times) can be accountedfor by either a relatively slower velocity in the overlying wedge (late pP and sP arrivals) for waves traveling toward the west or a relatively faster velocity for the direct P waves at western azimuths (which travel downward along the slab). Either of these explanations is plausible in the Tonga region. Numerous studies [e.g., Aggarwal et al., 1972; Barazangi and Isacks, 1971; Barazangi et al., 1972; Mitronovas and Isacks, 1971] have shown both exceedingly slow velocities and high attenuation in portions of the overlying wedge and relatively high velocities and low attenuation within the downgoing slab in this region. Of particular interest are the studies by Aggarwal et al. [1972] and Mitronovas and Isacks [1971]. Aggarwal et al. [1972] suggest that P wave velocities in the wedge of material beneath the Lau basin (region between the Lau Ridge and the Tonga Ridge) may be as low as 7.1 km/s and that this low-velocity zone extends east only to the Tonga Ridge, which lies -- 150 km west of the trench. They also suggest that the wedge of upper mantle material east of the Tonga Ridge has a velocity which • 5,572 Christensen and Lay: Large Earthquakes in the Tonga Region SHK Mo- 10/10/77 2.7 GUA LON Mo= 2.3 x1027dyne-cm Mo= 0.6 •= 55.0ø • O= 1.5 = 59.3 O' •__•=•46 •= 87.0 • • 0 RIV / • MO=0.3 •_ •=110 • ,., •= 246 •= •0.0 LPA = 95.4 ADE Mo= •= 1.• 40.• I 120 s Fig. 6. Lower hemisphere equal-area focal mechanism for the October 10, 1977, tensional outer rise event showing sourcetime function-seismogrampairs for eight azimuthally distributed stations. See Figure 3 for further details. A depth of 10 km was assumed in the deconvolutions. The focal mechanism parameters of • = 180ø, 6 = 55ø, and X = 265 ø are from Eissler and Kanamori [1982]. Open circlesindicate dilatational first motions. is closer to normal suboceanic velocities (8.2 km/s). Azimuthal depth phasedelays couldbe accountedfor if depth phases traveling to the west traversed the lower-velocity region while depth phasestraveling to the east traversed the higher-velocity region. Although this may be a factor in the apparent depth discrepancy, we feel, for reasons which will become clearer in the next section,that mostof the anomaly is related to effectsof the deeper slab on the direct P waves. Mitronovas and Isacks [1971] show evidence that the P and S velocitiesin the descendingslab are 6-7% higher than those in the surrounding mantle extending down to the level of the deepest earthquakes. More importantly for our current problem, they show evidence that P wave residuals for earthquakes at depths less than 200 km recorded at teleseismic distances can be at least 5 s between eastern and western azimuths because of the effects of the slab [see Mitronovas and Isacks, 1971, Figure 7]. This number agrees very well and is of the proper sign with our observeddepth phasediscrepancyof 47 s. Thus, as long as the depth phases are not affected by the same anomalouspaths through the slab (which they usually should not be), we can explain attempted because of their short duration. The average moment from the long-periodbody waves is 6.8 x 1027dyn cm, with a total sourceprocessduration of about 16 s. Once again, this average P wave moment appearsto be biasedtoward the high side by the low signal-to-noise ratio at several of the stations. June 22• 1977, Earthquake The June 22, 1977, event is the largest of the events discussedin this paper, with a moment re- portedby Giardini et al. [1985] of 13.9 x 1027dyn cm (Mw - 8.0), and it may well be the largest event in the Tonga region in the historic record. Analysis of 256-s period Rayleigh and Love wave spectra from available Seismic Research Observatory (SRO) and Abbreviated SRO (ASRO) stations is shown in Figure 11. The solid curves show the fit to the data of an Deconvolved source time functions from eight P waves for the 1980 event are shown in Figure 9 using depths of 170 km for stations at the western azi- iterative least squares fault plane inversion [Kanamori and Given, 1981] for the best double-couple source. Excitation functions for a point sourceat 71 km depth were used. An azimuthally independent source processtime of 60 s was assumed as well. A slightly longer source processtime of 84 s may be a more appropriate boxcar source duration (J. Zhang, personal communication 1988). The best doublecouple parameters are $ = 185ø, •--79 ø, ),- 266 ø, and muths and 150 km for stations a,t the eastern azi- Mo=16.9 x 1027 dyn cm (Mw=8.1). muths. strained moment tensor solution, which is not shown, these time offsets in terms of a slab effect. Examination of these source time functions and complexities in the direct P phasesindicates that there are two pulses of moment release; however, more detailed analysis of these subevents was not An uncon- gave a similar major double couple, with a minor double-couple component of only 6%. The dashed curves show the fit to the data for the major double Christensen andLay: LargeEarthquakesin theTongaRegion 13,373 GUA 12/19/82 Mo= A= _ ANP 1.6 53.7 . GOL Mo= Mo= A= A= 78.1 ø 1.6 91.,5 PMG 0.8 • 95.7 Mo= 0.3 A= 38.3 112 .• •_._(I)=286 V •,,j•_. LEM •• __=269 • ••U V• I • 120sJ o., 133 TAU Mo= 0.5 •= • • •5.G vv Fig.7. Lowerhemisphere equal-area focalmechanism fortheDecember 19,1982,underthrusting eventshowing source timefunction-seismogram pairsforeightazimuthally distrib- utedstations. SeeFigure3 forfurtherdetails.A depthof25kmwasassumed in thedeconvolutions.Thefocalmechanism parameters of •- 198ø,8-22 ø,andX- 101øarefromDziewonski et al. [1983]. 4/I 5/8O 4 I I I -- 2 0 I -2 -- -2 -4 -- -4 G R oo 7'. : 4. .. ß 5. ß ß ß 4. o I. 0.0 60 120 180 240 500 560 00 ß 60 120 180 240 500 560 AZIMUTH (deg) Fig.8. Inversion of256-speriod Rayleigh wave(]eft)andLovewave(right)spectra forthe April13,1980,earthquake recorded byavailable ODSNandIDAstations. Thesolidcurves showthe•t o•thebestdouble-couple solution w•ththesteeplydJpp•nE plane(½= 2?øand• = ?5ø)held•xed,be•nE constrained byMrstmotion data.Theresu]finE parameters •orth•smode] are X- 29?øandMo- 3.3 x • 02?dyn cm. 13,374 Christensen andLay: LargeEarthquakes in theTongaRegion COL 4/15/80 •ø2914i) 3 SEO MSO • • Mo5.2 A= 80.2ø . • A= 90.3 •= 1o•.• •• • • *= 273 • • • •= •.• *= 133 MUN I 120s I Mo= 11.4 A= 58.7 •,= , 2• Fig.9. Lowerhemisphere equal-area focalmechanism fortheApril13,1980,downdip compressional intermediate deptheventshowing source timefunction-seismogram pairsforeight azimuthally distributed stations.SeeFigures 3 and6 forfurtherdetails.Depths of 150and 170kmwereassumed in thedeconvolutions forstations at easternandwestern azimuths, re- spectively.The focalmechanism parametersof • = 27•, 6= 75•, and • = 297• are discussed in the text. coupleof the Harvard CMT solutionof •= 197ø, • = 79ø, X=271ø,and Mo= 13.9 x 102?dyn cm. The two solutionsare very similar. The resultingfocal mechanism indicates that the tensional stressaxis is orientedin the downdipdirection,which is unusual for the Tongaregion. We have alsoforwardmodeledRayleigh wave data'from the Pasadenaultra-long-periodinstrument. Observedand syntheticRayleighwaves(R1- The depthof the June 22, 1977, earthquakeis controversialin additionto beingproblematic,sowe will considerit in somedetail. The ruptureextent hasbeenreportedto extendasshallowas50 km by Talandierand Okal [1979]fromregional"pP"arrivals on short-period instrumentsandas deepas 166 km [Silver and Jordan, 1983] basedon aftershocklo- cations. While the shallowestdepthestimatemay requirethat the ruptureoccurin the upperplate, the a rupturethroughthe enR4) areshownin Figure12. Syntheticseismograms deeperestimatesuggests were calculated by the method of Kanamori and tire thicknessof the subductingslab. The afterCipar [1974]usingthe Harvard focalmechanismand shocks,whichwill be discussed in moredetail later, excitationfunctionsfor a depth of 62 km. Both the donot actuallyhelpto definethe ruptureextentand observed andsyntheticwavetrainswereband-pass tend to be unrelatedto either possiblefault plane, filtered using a three-poleButterworth filter with while the ruptureprocess is sufficientlycomplexto high and low roll-off frequenciesof 0.005 and 0.001 make identificationof depthphasesin the raw seisHz, respectively,beforebeingcross-correlated. The mogramsvery difficult. The locationreportedby the National Earthquake Information Service (NEIS) averagemomentfor the fits shownin Figure 12 is 10.6 x 10•'?dyn cm. The point sourcesynthetics has a depthof 65 km. This depthis alsocloseto the centroid depth found by the Harvard CMT solution matchthe data fairly well, whichsuggests that the horizontal fault dimension is less than several (61 km). In the following discussionwe will show that the depthextent of the bodywave radiation for hundredkilometers.We will returnto the rupture this event is extremely localizedfor an event of this dimensionlater. It hasbeensuggested that the occurrenceof several downdiptensionaleventsin the size and is concentratednear the hypocenter at depths from 70 to 90 km. This result is consistent Tonga region can be interpreted as evidencefor a doubleBenioffzoneproduced by unbendingof the with the centroidmomenttensorresultand places subductingslab [Kawakatsu,1986]. However,the most of the rupture near the surfaceof the subductunusually large size of this event and its location near the upperedgeof the subducted plate indicate that additional factors are associatedwith the accu- mulationoftensionalstressin thisregion. ingslabjustbelowthecoupled interplateregion. Knowledgeof the vertical depth extent of the 1977eventis very importantfor understanding the relationshipof thislargeeventto the stressregimes Christensenand Lay: Large Earthquakes in the Tonga Region 13,375 4/1 3/8O DEPTH PMG ^ 170 km 90 o A: 3 70 '• ,, h•:2860 MSO•A ff,, /• 38o 910 860 SNG • J•i /% 280ø ADE• [• 243ø LUB•/•'• ^/•.. 54 980 40 o LPA • • 0 I 134 o • I I I 100 I sec DEPTH 150 km 37 o PMG .A ,!'• /• • 286 o 900 MSO •h /• 860 SNG • 28O o I 40 o ABE__ /• , i! 243 o /• 380 910 LUB_•• ,j,,•__. 980 A Fig. 10. Comparison of observed (solidcurves)andsynthetic(dashedcurves)P waveseismo- amSfortheApril13,1980,event.Sixseismograms, threefromeastern azimuths andthree m westernazimuthsare forwardmodeledby syntheticP wavescalculatedat depthsof 170 km (top)and150km (bottom).Thesynthetictraceswerecalculated usingthemethodofKanamoriandStewart[1976]for a doubletrapezoidalsource.The second trapezoid(risetime of 2 s and durationof 4 s) is delayedfromthe first trapezoid(risetime of 3 s and durationof 6 s) by 8.0 s and contains one fourth the moment of the first. The arrows indicate the onset of the most easilyobservable depthphase.Epicentraldistanceandstationazimuthareindicatedforeach station. in the descendingand overriding plates. We have determinedthis depth extent through a variety of means utilizing both single station time domain deconvolutions [Ruff and Kanamori, 1983] and simultaneous multistation deconvolutions [Kikuchi and Kanamori, 1982; Kikuchi and Fukao, 1985]. One method which we can use to determine the depth of an event in which the depth phasesare not easily in- terpretedis to deconvolve sourcetime functionsfrom individual seismogramsat a suite of depths and to then determine the correct depth range by the behavior of the source time functions. Christensen and Ruff [1985] outline a method by which the correct of the moment relative to a delta function. Christen- sen and Ruff [ 1985] show that low values of T1/2 and high values of VMAX indicate the best depth range for both synthetic and real data cases. In Figure 13a we have plottedT1/2 and VMAX versusdepthcurvesfor singlestationdeconvolutions for the 1977 event. Each curve representsthe average T1/2 and VMAX curve for sevennonnodalstations, with the standard deviation at each source depthbeingshown.Bothcurvesindicatean optimal point sourcedepth of about 70 km. There is a secondaryextremevalue near 140 km which is producedby doublingthe time lags of the depthphases depth can be determinedby applying a simplicity relative to a source at 70 km. Since the deconvolved source time functions for this event indicate a double Two parameters are introduced, the half-absolute pulseof momentrelease(seeFigure 14) andbecause the depthextentof this eventhasbeencontroversial, we explorethe possibilitythat the secondmoment rate pulse is located at a substantially different depththan the first pulse.To testthis possibility,we criterion to the deconvolved source time functions. moment time (T1/2), which measures the concentration of the moment toward the start of the source time function, and the varimax norm (VMAX [see Wiggins, 1978]), which measuresthe concentration 576 Christensen and Lay: Large Earthquakes in the Tonga Region 6/22/77 2 -4-- R "• 0 .5. JS.• ß 15. • //"'"' - : ,\ • 0.. 3. •; '• o. 0 /,,,' /'// 60 , ,,/ i20 i80 --,i 5. 240 500 560 o. 0 60 i20 i80 240 '•' 500 560 AZIMUTH (deg) Fig. 11. Inversion of 256-s period Rayleigh wave (left) and Love wave (right) spectra for the June 22, 1977, earthquake recordedby available GDSN stations. The solid curvesshowthe fit of the best double-couplesolution for the iterative least squaresfault plane inversion, and the dashedcurvesshow the fit of the major double-couplesolution from the Harvard centroid mo- ment tensor solution [Giardini etal.,1985].Theparameters forthemodels shown are• • 185ø, •-79 ø,X-266 ø,and Mo- 16.9 x 1027dyn cm (solidcurves)and •-197 ø, 5-79 ø, X=271 , and Mo = 13.9 x 102?dyn cm (dashedcurves). have performed a similar series of deconvolutions holding the depth of the first moment rate pulse at 70 km (hypocentral depth) and allowing the Green's function for the later part of the waveform to have a depth varying from 50 to 160 km. T1/2 and VMAX versus depth curves are plotted for the resulting sourcetime functionsin Figure 13b, again averaging over the seven individual stations and plotting the mean values and the standard deviation at each depth. It is apparent on the basis of the simplicity criterion that the preferred depth of the secondpulse is also closeto 70 km. The rather narrow depth extent of 30 km or less,which is indicated by the depth curves in Figure 13, is unusual for an event of this size. During the review of this paper, a parallel analysis of the June 22, 1977, event by Lundgren and Okal [this issue]was brought to our attention. Their study suggests that the body wave radiation is, in fact, causedby subeventsat very different depths,with an overall downward rupture propagation. They argue that rupture initiated near 40 km depth, with a first source area extending to 60 km and a secondpulse with lower moment rupturing later near 125 km depth. This analysis, based on two teleseismic P waves and two teleseismicSH waves, promptedus to conduct additional depth resolution analysis of our larger data set. Figure 15 displays deconvolved moment rate functionsfor two representativestationsfor a variety of two-source depth cases. For each station the Green's function for the initial pulse was placed at a depth of either 40, 70, or 100 km. The depth for the remainderof the seismogramwas varied from 40 to 150 km. All of the moment rate functions exhibit un- stable reverberations when the sourcedepth for the later part of the seismogram exceeds80 km. The simplestmoment rate functionswith the greatest azimuthal coherence are obtained when the entire signal is deconvolvedusing a sourcedepth of 70 km. If rupture does in fact initiate at 40 km, stable moment rate functions are obtained if the secondary source depth is near 70 km, consistent with a short downward rupture. However, relatively stable moment rate functions are also obtained if the rupture starts at 100 km depth with a secondarysourcedepth near 40 km, requiring upward rupture, although the waveform matches are not very good in the case. Many stations corroborate these results. The summary plots in Figure 16a show that the best average waveform matches, as measuredby correlation coefficients, are obtained for secondarysourcedepthsof 40 km or 70-80 km for a wide range of initial pulse sourcedepths. Greater depths do not satisfy the data. In addition, the simplicity criterion provided by the half moment time also favors depthsof 70-80 km (Figure 16b). These results refute the modelpresented by Lundgren and Okal [this issue]. Having presented the above evidence that the body wave moment release occurred over a narrow vertical extent, it is appropriate to try an additional depth experiment which explicitly allows for a component of horizontal directivity. In this casewe have simultaneously deconvolved10 azimuthally distrib- Christensen and Lay: Large Earthquakes in the Tonga Region plane, in which case the depth range will automatically be restricted to a narrow range, or the fault plane is the near-vertical nodal plane and the highfrequency moment release of the event is restricted to a very narrow strip. 6/22/77 Mo(1027dyne-cm ) ,r,/• 13,377 10.7 Individual station deconvolved source time func- tions for eight stationsassuminga sourcedepth of 70 km are shown in Figure 14. The two pulses of moment release characteristic of this event are evident. The average moment from nondiffracted stations is about 15 x 1027dyn cm, indicating that most of the R2 ,.•,• moment release is being retrieved. Given the large size of this event, the sourceprocesstime of approximately 60 s, and the two distinct pulses of moment release, it may be possible to determine the spatial component of the moment rate history using the apparent directivity in the source time functions. There appears to be directivity in the source time functions in Figure 14, with a shift in the peak of the first large pulse of about 6 s between the eastern and western azimuths; however, initial attempts to determine rigorously the spatial locations of the two pulses were not satisfying. The problem arises from the lack of relative directivity between the first and secondpulses. This is demonstrated in Figure 18 for two stations, which are representative of stations at the eastern and western azimuths. In Figure 18 , R3 R4 • / • / '• .,'•• I I 900s Fig. 12. Comparison of the observed(solid curves) and synthetic (dashed curves) Rayleigh wave seismograms for the June 22, 1977, event. Observed Rayleigh waves (R1, R2, R3, R4) were recorded at the Pasadena ultra-long-period station (PAS). Moments are listed for the fits shown. (first row) source time functions for station NDI (azimuth -292 ø) and station AAM (azimuth =50 ø) decon- volved assuming a depth of 70 km show that although there is an apparent directivity of about 6 s between the truncation of the first moment pulse at the two stations, the first and secondpulses show no relative directivity. In other words, the apparent directivity all appears before the first pulse, and the two main pulsesmust have nearly the same location (at least in an east-west sense). This offset is com- uted seismograms using the iterative method of Kikuchi inversion and Fukao [1985] for a ribbon source (i.e., horizontal line of point sources). Once again, a seriesof calculationsat different depthswas performed. While determining depth based on a simplicity criterion for the sourcetime functionsis useful for individual station deconvolutions (where the observed and synthetic seismograms are always nearly perfectly fit), for multistation inversions the overall fit of the observed and synthetic data for a commonsourcetime function is the useful depth parameter. The corresponding error reduction versus depth curve for this event is shown by the crossesin Figure 17. The best fit to the data is obtained for a depth of 80 kin. One differencebetween the data sets used for the multistation deconvolutions and the pletely the result of a time delay of the first major pulse at the western station relative to the eastern station. Attempts to determine a spatial rupture history accounting for this offset were not successful since the inferred directivity of the first pulse requires an unrealistic rupture velocity. There is a simple explanation for this time shift independent of the sourceprocess,which we have already discussedin the previous section. An apparent depth difference between eastern and western azimuths for the April 13, 1980, event was readily observed in the data because of the isolation of the depth phases from the direct P waves and the rela- tively shoFtand simplesourcetime functionfor the 1980 event. While we cannot demonstrate a similar apparent depth difference directly in the waveforms single-station deconvolutionsis the inclusion of the for the 1977event,we candemonstratethat allowing nodal observations for an apparent depth difference of 10 or 20 km due to at western azimuths in the multi- station inversion. Notice that in Figure 17 the range of depth values for which the residual waveform error is low is very narrow and well defined compared to the similar depth curves for the smaller events shown in Figure 4. We concludefrom this that a depth of about 70-80 km is appropriate for this event. We will show further evidence later that not only is this an appropriate body wave centroid depth but that the vertical extent of the body wave radiation of this event is extremely narrow for its size. Attempts to model this event using a large rupture area with a distributed depth range produce poorer fits to the data and more complicated source time functions. The narrow depth range which appears appropriate for this event leads to two alternative conclusions. Either the fault plane is the near-horizontal nodal the effects of the fast slab for the western azimuths removes the directivity problem and producesa more internally consistent data set. In Figure 18 (second and third rows) the two stations have been decon- volved assuming point sources at 80 and 90 km depth. While the deconvolvedsourcetime functions at the eastern azimuths become unstable and more complicatedfor sourcedepthsgreaterthan 70 km, the western station yields stable moment rate functions for sourcesas deep as 90 km. Furthermore, for the western station the "stretched" Green's functions for deeper depths tend to remove the interval of low moment rate before the first pulse. This is particularly apparent becausethe direct P arrival at the western station is very nodal and the observedwaveforms are dominated by the pP and sP arrivals. Time 13,378 Christensenand Lay: Large Earthquakesin the TongaRegion T I/• (sec) (] 40 55 i I 70 i I 85 I VMAX o .002 .004 .006 o .002 .004 • I ! I .008 I ' b T I/• (sec) 40 55 70 85 i i i I VMAX .006 .008 I o I • o o o Fig. 13. T1/2and VMAX versusdepthcurvesfor the June 22, 1977,event. (a) Each point representsthe averageT1/2or VMAX value of sevensourcetime functionscalculatedfrom individual station deconvolutions, with the standard deviation indicated by the bar. The best depthestimatefor eachcase,whichis indicatedby the thick vertical bar, corresponds to low valuesofT1/2 or high valuesof VMAX [seeChristensenand Ruff, 1985]. (b) The depthcurves representaverageT1/2 and VMAX values from sourcetime functionsat the same sevenstationsin Figure 13a;however,the depthsfor the deconvolved sourcetime functionsare allowed to vary only for the secondmomentpulse(i.e., the first momentpulseis held at a depthof 70 kin). lines drawn through the reproductionof the AAM eastern azimuths. depth clearly demonstrate a reduction of the apparent directivity relative to NDI, when depthsof 80 and overall moment rate function obtained 90 km are assumed for the latter for a source at 70 km station. We can further test this hypothesisof azimuthal variation of the Green's functions by again performing a series of ribbon fault multistation deconvolutions for various depths. This time we will assignthe stations at western azimuths ",apparent" depths which are 10, 20, or 30 km deeper than the stations at eastern azimuths. The resulting waveform mismatch versus depth curves are shown in Figure 17. The depthslabeled in Figure 17 are referencedto the The curves for which the stations at western azimuths are assignedsourcedepths 10 or 20 km deeperthan the eastern azimuths attain lower residuals than those in which the western stations are at the same depth or 30 km deeperthan the eastern azimuths. This not only indicates that an apparent depth difference between eastern and western stations due to the travel time effects of the slab is present but also that the apparent difference is approximately the same as for the 1980 event. Since the 1977 event is located farther east than the 1980 event, we do not believe that velocity differencesin the overlying wedge can explain the apparent delays in pP and sP for both the 1980 and 1977 Christensen and Lay: Large Earthquakes in the Tonga Region 15,579 COL 6/22/77 ,5,= .o90.2 ••L SHK a= ß= GOL 75.5 • . 0.7 / KOD 46 o= •. 6.2 ARE A = 109.• = 90.4 • A= 27• 96.2 110 LPA 2.7 ••• ,.• •Mo= •s2 97.6 160s I Fig. 14. Lower hemisphere equal-area focal mechanism for the June 22, 1977, downdip tensional intermediate depth event showing sourcetime function-seismogrampairs for eight azimuthally distributed stations. See Figures 3 and 6 for further details. A depth of 70 km was assumedin the deconvolutions. The focal mechanism parameters of $ = 197ø, $ = 79ø, and ), = 171 ø are from Giardini et al. [1985]. events. The discrepancy due to deep slab effects, however, should be equally important for both events and not a factor for the shallower events which lie well to the east of the deepslab extension. Deconvolved source time function-seismogram pairs for all observationsof the 1977 event used in this study are shown in Figure 19. In Figure 19 a point sourcedepth of 70 km is used for stations at azimuths between 33øand 132ø,and a depth of 80 km is assumed at all other azimuths. The deconvolved source time functions in Figure 19 are very consistent over all azimuths, each showing a similar twopulse character of the moment release. Much of the east-west directivity has been removed from these sourcetime functions through the use of the variable depth assumption which accounts for slab effects. There is still some directivity observable in the source time functions and in the waveforms. The di- rectivity is now most apparent at the southern stations (WIN, PRE, BUL), where the second moment rate pulses occur later in time than at other azi- muths. The first pulse also appearsto have split into two pulses at the southern stations. These southern stations indicate that a rupture toward the north would be most appropriate. A comparisonbetween the waveforms at station PRE (to the south) and KBS (to the north) showsthis effect quite clearly. The two stations are at similar distances,and not only parallel to the slab (similar slab effects?), but also lie in similar regionsof the radiation pattern. If we assumethat an apparent depth increase of + 10 km for western azimuths is adequate to account for the effects of the high-velocity slab, we can attempt to determine more details of the rupture process. Of course, one must be cautious about inter- preting secondary details of the rupture process given the limited accuracy of our Green's functions. Two-dimensional multistation inversion [Kikuchi and Fukao, 1985] was usedto map the spatiotemporal variation of the moment rate pulses given the assumption that there is a 10-km depth discrepancy between eastern and western azimuths in the inver- sion. Referencesto depth in this discussionwill be with respectto the eastern stations. Results from the two-dimensional inversion are shown in Figure 20 for both possiblefault planes. The observedand synthetic seismogramsfor the inversion for plane I (the steeply dipping fault plane), along with a representative spike train and sourcetime function, are shown in Figure 21. Either choiceof fault plane yields a residual waveform error of 0.23; thus it is impossible to determine the actual fault plane on the basis of the longer-period characteristics of the waveforms that are matched by this inversion. This is a somewhat surprising result for such a large event, and in the next section we will see that aftershocks do not re- solve this question. The fault plane ambiguity is due not only to the rather narrow depth range in which the major displacementsseemto occurbut is also due to the similar spatial variations in the rupture models that result from selectingeither plane. The effect of assuming an even larger apparent depth discrep- 15,58o Christensen and Lay: Large Earthquakes in the Tonga Region AAM LPS •N•T•AL 4O 70 PULSE I00 DEPTH 40 (kin) 70 I00 4O 5O 6O E -• 70 o I00 • I10 component of unilateral rupture extending more than 150 km. Also, given the CMT centroid depth of 61 km and the fact that rupture cannot extend to much shallower depths without leaving the slab, we can infer that most of the displacementis probably constrained to depthsnear the centroid depth. The moments that we obtain from the body wave analysis are consistently equal to or larger than the surface wave moments, suggestingthat the moment in these two frequency bands was released over the same area. It should be noted, however, that analysis of radial normal modes by Lundgren and Okal [this issue] suggests a centroid depth greater than 100 km, while fundamental mode surface wave analysis by Zhang and Lay [1988] gives a centroid depth of 93 km. While part of the depth differencefrom the body wave results may be due to differencesin Earth model (our Green's functionsare for a half-spacewith a velocity of 6.9 km/s), it doesappear that somelongperiod rupture may have taken place deeperthan the body wave radiation. This favors the steeply dipping plane. One other fairly stable feature of the 1977 event rupture processis the tendency for the rupture to extend about 60-80 km to the north or northeast o 120 the result a. 130 140 150 i 160 sec Fig. 15. Deconvolved source time functions for stations AAM (A = 106.5 ø, Az = 50 ø) and LPS (A = 92.4 ø, Az = 75ø). The source time functions shown are deconvolved from the observed seismograms at stations AAM and LPS using the depth assumptionsfor the initial and secondmoment pulses as indicated on the figure. ancy of 20 km between eastern and western azimuths is to decrease the observable directivity even more, thus producing an even smaller rupture area. The most robust feature of the rupture process that we can resolve, which holds for either choice of fault plane, is the relatively small spatial extent over which the body wave radiation from this great earthquake ruptured. The length of the rupture zone in the north-south direction is approximately 60-80 km, while the width from the epicenter (depending on the fault plane). This is in the east-west or vertical direction (depending on the fault plane used) is substantially narrower, of the order of 30-40 km. Wider fault planes were tried, with depths extending from 40 to 150 km, but the inversion always concentrated the primary moment release near 70 km. For either fault plane the depth extent, which is centered near 75 km, does not extend over more than about 30 km, as was suggestedby the rather tight extrema in the depth curves. This limited rupture area is alsomanifested in the lack of directivity ,betweenthe two major pulses. The surface wave data are consistentwith this interpretation in that the point sourcesynthetics match the PAS data well. In fact, spectralratio analysis of the PAS surface waves preclude any strong of the waveform differences at southern azimuths (Figure 19, stations PRE, WIN, BUL). While the rupture front producing the first moment pulse spread over the rupture area shown in Figure 20 with a rupture velocity of 2.5 knYs or greater; the secondmoment pulse, which apparently occurredin the same region, must have initiated after a short delay in the rupture process. The secondpulse may have further ruptured the region that slipped during the first moment pulse or perhaps ruptured a region slightly downdip or east of the first pulse, as suggested by the locations shown in Figure 20. Since we are not constrained by aftershock locations or tectonic environment to a single fault plane (such as in the case of interplate events), perhaps the secondpulse could have ruptured a secondsubparallel fault. Our speculations, however, cannot be too extreme given that a single focal mechanism at a point sourcedepth seemsto represent the data adequately. Relationship Between Large Events and Other Seismicity Details of the focal parameters and source processesof the five large events in the southern Tonga region were discussedin the previous section. Each of these occurredin a unique stressregime which, becauseof the closeproximity of these events, must be related in spaceand]or time. To summarize these results, the average sourcetime functionsfor these five events are shown in Figure 22. These averages were calculated from the eight individually deconvolved source time functions in Figures 3, 6, 7, 9, and 14. The source time histories of these events range from a very simple single pulse to the more complicated double pulse of the 1977 event. The December 19, 1982, thrust event has a more gradual buildup of moment rate than the three smaller intraplate events, as well as a longer rupture duration. The June 22, 1977, event is the only event with significant multiple-source character. Rupture areas of earthquakes can sometimes be estimated using the aftershockswhich occurimmediately following the event (days to weeks). One-week aftershock zones for the three shallow (two outer rise Christensenand Lay: Large Earthquakesin the TongaRegion 13,381 .97 -- .93 Depth of First Pulse (km) .87 ß 4:o + 5o ß 6o ß 70 x 80 -Aß .83 40 9o 100 60 80 100 120 140 120 140 b) 9o 8O 75 I-- 65 60 55 50 45 40 60 DEPTH 80 OF 100 SECOND PULSE (km) Fig. 16. Correlationcoefficientand T1/2 versusdepth curvesfor the June 22, 1977, event. (a) Each point representsthe average correlation coefficientbetween observedand synthetic seismogramsfrom sevenindividual station deconvolutions.Each curve is calculated using an assumeddepth for the initial momentpulseas indicatedby the symbol. The depth of the second momentpulseis varied as shownby the horizontal axis. (b) Each point representsthe average absolute halfmoment time (T1/2) ofseven source time functions calculated from individual sta- tion deconvolutions.The symbolsand horizontal axis are the sameas in Figure 16a. and one underthrusting) events are shownin Figure 23. These aftershockareas are all very closelyassociated with the Louisville Ridge. Using these areas similar slip estimatesif we assumea rupture velocity of 3 km/s, and use the sourcedurations of the body and the associated surface wave moments, we estimate average displacementsof 0.4, 0.4, and 0.3 m for the October 11, 1975, October 10, 1977, and Decem- The rupture areas of the intermediate depth events cannot be similarly constrainedbecauseof a lack of detectable aftershocks. The April 13, 1980, event had only three aftershocksin the following 2- ber 19, 1982, events, respectively. We obtain very wave time functions to estimate the source areas. 382 Christensen andLay:LargeEarthquakes in theTonga Region e .0 .2 .4 .6 .8 I I I I week period (seeFigure 23, opencircles). If we assume an expanding circular rupture for the 1980 event with a rupture velocity of 3 krrdsand a total durationof about16 s, we canestimatea displace- ment of 0.7 m. Thereare 36 eventswhichfollowedthe June22, •o 1977, earthquakein the following2 weeks,but most cannot be considered aftershocks in the normal sense.Theseevents,whichare shownin Figure23 as the solidcircles,occurthroughoutthe studyregion. Becauseof the small size (mb_<5.4)of these events,neither their locationsnor their depthsare wellconstrained. Nevertheless, it isclearthatmany, if not most, of these events do not occur on either nodal plane. Most of the "aftershocks"are located east of the epicenterperhapssuggestingthat the near-horizontal nodalplaneis the fault plane. How- ever, a projectionof the horizontalplane towardthe trenchwouldrequirethat manyof theseaftershocks, particularly those near the trench, occurred at Fig. 17. Normalized approximation error versus depthcurvesfortheJune22, 1977,event.Eachpoint represents the residual waveform mismatch for a simultaneous multistation iterative deconvolution of 10 P waves assuminga 330-km-long ribbon fault. The stationsusedare (AAM, ARE, COL,DUG, KBS, KOD, LPA, LPS,NDI, and SHK). The depthseries were repeated 4 times assumingan inherent differ- However,our analysisof the main shockargues depthsgreaterthan 100 km. A separateclusterof "aftershocks" occurred neartheepicenter oftheApril muths of 0 km (crosses), 10 km (circles),20 km (triangles),and 30 km (squares). 48 centerwhich have beenassigneddepthsof 133 and 166 km by the International Seismological Centre (ISC) and whichprojecton the deepextensionof the near vertical fault [see Silver and Jordan, 1983]. against significant body wave moment release at ence in depth between stations at eastern azimuths (33 ø< azimuth < 132 ø) and stations at western azi- 20 depthsof up to 100 km in the oceaniclithosphere. Therearealsotwoeventsnorthandwestoftheepi- 13, 1980, downdip compressionalevent. While it is not knownwhethertheir hypocenters are in the up- sec NDI i AAM i 15.0" 2 depfh (km) 106.5 ø 7O 8O AAM 70 km depth I 160s I Fig.18. geconvolved source timefunction-seismogram pairsforstations NDI (left,western azimuth)andAAM (right,easternazimuth).The sourcetime functions shownweredecon- volved fromtheobserved seismograms (solid traces) using thedepth indicated. Synthetic seis- mograms(dashedtraces)calculatedfrom the deconvolved sourcetime functionsare also shown ineach instance. Thedeconvolved moment pulses forstation AAMat70kmdepth are reproduced at thebottom oftheleft-hand column. Timelinesfromthetwopeaks oftheAAM moment pulses at20and48sareshown superimposed ontheNDIsource timefunctions. Epicentral distanceand station azimuth are indicatedfor eachstation. 13,383 ChristensenandLay: LargeEarthquakesin theTongaRegion COL SCP N 8.3 A= 90.2 ø• LON MUN Z Mo=9.7x1027dyne.crn •o•; 1.7 ';"• ,, J 60.2 KOD N 21.5 . 109.3 84.7 • MS0 LPS N SHL E E 5.5 18.2 89.0 ARE NDI N 22.0 Z 115.0 1.2 292 •½•.•& •1•2 :• . DUG N •' LPB NIL E 16.0 Z 119.3 296 GOL E LPA GUA Z N 6.6 A• 25.1 50. ,100. 52.9' ':'"', L•[•,•,..309 46 u " 90.4 vtJ 'r TUC N WIN SHK E Z 5.6 133.1 AAM Z 1.2 "'• •18 KBS Z PRE Z 1.• 12•;94 ,•• •,,• FVM E BUL Z 0.8 I I 160 s 100.2 u' 12.8 "• ,' 131.1 "'•' ½ ,,• 6/22/77 Fig.19.Deconvolved source timefunction-seismogram pairsfortheJune22,1977,event.The sourcetime functionsfor eachstation(left) wereobtainedfromthe observed long-period P waveseismograms (right,solidtraces) bysingle-station timedomain aleconvolutions. The dashed traces (right)arethesynthetic seismograms forthesource timefunction shown at each station.Thedataare arrangedin azimuthalorderwith the stationcodes, seismic moments, epicentral distances, andstation azimuths indicated. Pwaves fromazimuths between 33øand 132øweredeconvolved assuming a depthof 70 km. All otherP wavesweredeconvolved as- suminga depthof 80 km. 13,384 Christensen and Lay: Large Earthquakes in the Tonga Region PLANE DEPTH I I00 85 i I 70 55 I I i + + + 9O (km) + PLANE 68 40 71 74 77 by 40 km from the finite sourceinversion, we obtain an average displacement of 6.2 m and a static stress drop of --94 bars. 2 80 AlI - + + :30 0 -:30S ß - + Q I DN .30 + + + + + - + I I -15 -30 W-15 UP DISTANCE 0 15 30 45 E ALONG DIP (km) Fig. 20. Spatial and temporal distribution of moment release for the June 22, 1977, earthquake. Each circle represents a subevent from the two-dimensionalsimultaneous iterative fault plane inversion. The radius of the circles are proportional to the seismic moment of the individual subevents. Inversions in the source time functions are hachured with a neg- ative slope, and subeventsrelated to the secondmoment pulsein the sourcetime functionsare hachured with a positive slope. Later pulsesare left unhachured. The solid lines encompassthe three most significant (largest) subevents released in the first major moment pulse, while the dashedlines encompassthe three (plane 1) and two (plane 2) most significant (largest) subeventsreleased in the secondmajor moment pulse. The time sequencefollowsthe labeling. Labels a-f for plane i refer to the spike train in Figure 21. The squaresmark the hypocenter. per or lower plate, the northwest-southeast trend in locations match a trend found in intermediate depth events in Figure 24. Several focal mechanisms have been determined by the Harvard group for the larger aftershocks in the vicinity of the main shock which range from normal to thrust fault mechanisms bearing little resemblanceto the main shock. In general, we feel that the "aftershock" distribution for the 1977 event representsa variety of motionsin the surrounding regions including induced underthrusting trenchward of the epicenter and downdip compression near the 1980 event. The aftershocks thus indi- cate a readjustment or reloading of portions of the slab following the 1977 event. Lacking aftershock constraints, we must rely on the P wave modeling to estimate the fault area for the 1977 event. The detailed study of the sourcetime function of the June 22, 1977, event described in the previoussectionstronglysuggests that the kupture area of the 1977 event is very limited in space. If we estimate the sourcearea to be approximately 80 km focal mechanisms for intermediate the next section. Discussion and Conclusion for both nodal planes are shown; the steeply dipping plane ($ = 197ø, $ = 79ø)on the left (plane 1) and the shallow dipping plane ($= 14ø, $-11 ø)on the right (plane 2). Subevents which are related to the first moment pulse their known depth intraplate events with mb->5.0near the Louisville Ridge [Lay et al., 1988] are shown in Figure 24. There are 15 downdip compressionalevents in this region, most located downdip of the 1977 event. Twelve of the 15 downdip compressionalevents, including the large April 13, 1980, event, followedthe 1977 earthquake. The large slip of the 1977 event appearsto have had a strongeffecton the slab stress regime over a large area, given the complexdistribution of events in the following weeks and years. We suggestthat the occurrenceof the 1977 event had the effect of loading the downdip region, returning that region to a downdip compressionalstressstate. It is interesting to note that Wyss and Habermann [1984] found a 25-month period of quiescencein the updip underthrusting zonebeforethe 1977 event, which indicates that the preparatory stagesof the 1977 event influenced the interplate environment. The actual rupture of the 1977 event may have affectedthe interplate zoneas well, where mostof the "aftershocks" occurred;however, this relationship is not completely clear. A discussionof the possiblespatial and temporal correlations in the region will be discussedin The five large earthquakes in the southern Tonga region each occurredin responseto a local stressfield which varies dramatically over distancesof only several hundred kilometers or less. The nature of these stress regimes may be related to the static stress field which is governed by the large-scale deformation of the plate; however, it is also possiblethat dynamic stressesrelated to temporal variations in subduction processesinfluence the stress regime in the adjacent intraplate zones. The term "dynamic" applies only in the sense that the varying regional stressesassociatedwith the interplate contact zone proceed on a time scale much shorter than that associated with "static" large-scaleprocesses. In terms of static stresses,outer rise events can be related to the bending of the subducting slab [see Chapple and Forsyth, 1979], in which casecompressional outer rise events should occurat deeper depths than tensional outer rise events. This depth difference is observed for the October 11, 1975, compressional outer rise event (d--30 km) and the October 10, 1977, tensional outer rise event (d--10 km), but it is important to note that these events are at different positions along the arc. Intermediate depth events can be related to the unbending of the subducting plate [see Kawakatsu, 1986], in which casedowndip compressionalevents should be located closer to the surface of the subducting plate than downdip tensional events. Given the large sizesand different depths of the June 22, 1977, downdip tensional event and the April 13, 1980, downdip compressional event, it is not possibleto resolve whether this is the case. Kawakatsu [1986] suggestedthat a double Benioff zone does exist in the Tonga region and that the large downdip tensional event on June 22, 1977, is related to the unbending of the plate. However, the dip of the plate changes substantially in this region, so it is difficult to combine events at different positionsalong the arc. We will Christensen and Lay: Large Earthquakes in the Tonga Region 24,5 $ I 180s I d 292 BUI 131-•'•]? v,• 210 296 VV Fig. 21. Comparisonbetweenobserved(top) and synthetic (bottom) waveformscorresponding to the two-dimensional simultaneous inversion discussedin the text and shown in Figure 20 (plane 1). The amplitudesof the observedand synthetic waveformshave true relative scale; however, the data for diffracted stations have been correctedfor diffracted amplitude effects. The sourcespike train and moment rate function obtainedfor a station at a distanceof 90øand an azimuth of 285ø (perpendicular to the fault) are shown in the lower right corner. The six largest spikeslabeled a-f refer to the locationslabeled a-f in Figure 20 (plane 1). Epicentral distance and station azimuth are indicated for each station. now consider whether we can explain these events better as a result of dynamic stressinteractions. The temporal variation of the stressregime in the outer rise due to the cyclic behavior of large underthrusting events has been discussedby Christensen and Ruff [1983, 1988]. In this model, compressional stress accumulates in the outer rise oceanward of a strongly coupled"locked"interplate region due to the continued subduction of the adjacent zones. Tensional outer rise events, on the other hand, occur follow- ing large underthrusting eventsin strongly coupled subduction zones, or in regions which are weakly coupled,due to the direct concentrationof tensional stressin the outer rise from slab pull. At the downdip edgeof strongly coupledzones,the oppositetemporal pattern of stressvariation would be observed, with downdiptensional stressaccumulatingnear the strongly coupledzoneprior to a large underthrusting event, followed by a downdip compressional pulse after the incremental motions of the underthrusting event [see Astiz and Kanarnori, 1986; Dmowska and Lovison, 1988; Dmowska et al., 1988; Spence, 1987; Lay et al., 1988]. The temporal and spatial correlation of the five large events to the coupled nature of the interplate zone and the Louisville Ridge can best be interpreted by referring to the map in Figure 2 and the crosssections in Figure 25. The spatial correlation of these large events with the Louisville Ridge is apparent in the three crosssections,suggestingthat the ridge directly influences the stressin each sourceregion. If we assume that the Louisville Ridge is a relatively buoyant structure, we can infer that its subduction produces strong interplate coupling within the triangular-shaped wedge north of the ridge intersection with the trench. In Figure 25a, crosssectionAA' (Figure 2) traverses the arc along the great June 22, 1977, tensional event. If the interplate zone is strongly coupled above this region as suggestedin Figure 25, tensional stress may accumulate locally below the coupled region. In other words, the presenceof the Louisville Ridge perturbs the intermediate depth stress regime by causing a stronger coupling on the regional interplate contact. This may be related to the temporal quiescencein the interplate region precedingthe June 22, 1977, event. Note that the 1982 interplate thrust did not rupture this zone and that the occurrence of the 1977 event may have 13,386 Christensen andLay:LargeEarthquakes in theTongaRegion J I I .•7 I ,I,6/22/77 1979 .I I '"9xlO27dyne'cm m - .E/ • • , ', •½ 1985 ,112/19/82 1985 0.9 22 ø_ 1977 24 ø_ 4//80 1977 ",,",l i • _ 0 I TONGA 1978 "k 1980 •A•.. s 1986 1 26 ø-- 120 I sec 1968 • I0/10/• 1982 1985 I :1975 ./ 1971 ' •'.:' 1967 : //1977 I I •i•. •. I i •ap •iew o• [•e sou[•er•To•a-•or[•em •er•adec re•o• s•o•• [•e lo•afio• large e•e•s s•udied• de•ail (s•ars)a•d •eir a•era•e sourcefi•e •u•[io•s. T•e averagesource •u•cfio•s •or eac• e•e•[ were cal•ula[ed ffo• [•e e•[ s[afio•ss•ow• • P•ures 3, 6, •, 9, a• 14. •e •o•e•[ l•dl•a•ed•oreac•e•e• is •e a•era•eo••e •o•d•rac•ed s•afio•s use& I I 179ø 177ø W 175ø Fig. 24. Intraplateactivityin the southern Tonga regionin additionto the 1982interplatethrustevent [fromLay et al., 1988]. The approximate rupture area of the thrust event is hachured,with the main shockepicenterbeingindicatedby the circled•star. Lowerhemisphere equal-areafocalmechanisms are shownfortheintermediate depthevents.Openstars indicatedowndiptensionalevents,and solidsl•arsin- I dicatedowndip compressional events.Opensquares indicatetensional outerriseevents, andsolidsquares I 6/22/77 indicate compressionalouter rise events. Outer rise •d:70 • •cm/yr km•• tensionaleventsthat occurmorethan 30 yearsafter an underthrusting eventareindicated byopencircles. -- 22o• Crossesindicateobliquemechanismswhich are nei- ther simpletensionalnor compressional type. The dottedaftershock zonesare for the largeouterrise o 4/13/80 events in 1975 and 1977. • o d:•O•m • '"• "' lO•1•z• s 24ø-- temporarilyunloadedthe plate interface. The Louis- 12/19/82 • ville Ridgemaybea weakregionin theplatewhich disruptsthecoherence ofthestressguideat intermediatedepths in theslab,allowingdowndip tensional ' • •10/10/77 26• stressesto accumulatelocally in a slab that is other- wisein compression at intermediate depths.Another possibility that must be considered in that the LouisvilleRidgemay actuallybe a "sinker"at inter28ø-- mediate depths withphasechanges givingit higher densityrelativeto normalsubducting lithosphere. In thiscaseit coulddirectlyplaya rolein inducing tensionalstresses near the 1977rupturezone. We havenodirectevidence tosupport sucha model. 178ø I 176ø W 174ø I 172ø I The enhanced interplatecouplingcausedby a buoyantLouisvilleRidgecanexplaintheoccurrence of theDecember 19, 1982,underthrusting event,in Fig. 23. Map view of the southernTonga-northern anarcthathasveryfewlargethrusts.Thiscoupling Kermadec region. Aftershock zones for the three alsohasthe predictedeffecton the outerrise as seen shalloweventsonOctober 11,1975,October 10,1977, in Figure 25b where compressional stressaccumuand December19, 1982,are shownby the hachured latesoceanward of the strongly coupled region.The areas. Aftershocks for the April 13, 1980,eventand April 13, 1980,downdipcompressional eventis not theJune22,1977,eventareshown bythe'opencircles necessarilyinfluencedby the perturbed stressreandsolidcircles, respectively. Alsoshown areepicen- gimeat shallowerdepths,sinceits mechanismis contral locations(stars)and focalmechanisms for the five sistentwith the normaldowndipcompressional events. stressfieldassociated with the intermediate depth Christensenand Lay: LargeEarthquakesin the TongaRegion 200 A I•0 km 0 I00 TRENCH A' O- •97 I00- 200 - 300- I 200 I I00 ! I km I(•O 0 B TRENCH I lB' O- ,, 1975 1982 -.. I00- km 1980 200- 300- I i I I I I I I I 200 I00 km 0 C 13,387 outer rise event is shown in Figure 25c. In this case, the Louisville Ridge is located oceanward of the trench, and the interplate region is not affected by the buoyancy and is apparently weakly coupled,allowing tensional stressto be transmitted directly to the outer rise. The strong interplate coupling that existed just north of the October 10, 1977, event prior to rupture may have helped concentrate tensional stressin the adjacent southern zone. Both the static stress field associatedwith largescale slab deformation and the dynamic regional stress field associated with interplate coupling can explain various characteristics of subduction zone seismicity. In this study we have analyzed five large events in the Tonga region in closeproximity to the Louisville Ridge. The large size of the events studied, particularly that of the June 22, 1977, downdip tensional event, and their spatial correlation with the subducted trace of the Louisville Ridge suggest that factors in addition to those from static deforma- tion are influencing the stressstate in the intraplate environment. We infer that the Louisville Ridge is a buoyant structure, locally enhancing the interplate coupling and thereby increasing the potential for large thrust events in the region. This behavior is similar to that of the Orozco Fracture Zone, site of large thrust earthquakes in the Middle American trench, and unlike that inferred for the Tehuantepec Ridge, which appears to subduct aseismically. The Louisville Ridge also affects seismicity at intermediate depths through a combination of its enhanced coupling of the interplate zone and disruption of the compressional regime characteristic of the Tonga slab. Acknowledgments. We thank Christopher Lynnes, Susan Schwartz, and Susan Beck for their comments on the manuscript. Bruce Bolt and Paul Roberts kindly provided copiesof the BKS and PAS records, respectively. This research was supported by National ScienceFoundation grant EAR-8451715 and a Shell Faculty Career Initiation grant to T. Lay. TRENCH 1977 References 300 Fig. 25. Cross sections (no vertical exaggeration) AA', BB', and CC' from Figure 2. The position of the Louisville Ridge (L.R.) for each crosssection is shown by the hachured area. The five large events are located on the appropriate cross section with the inplate stress axes and the nodal planes for the intraplate events indicated by the arrows and dashed curves, respectively. Shear motion along the interplate zone is indicated for the 1982 underthrusting event. range in the Tonga trench. 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