CHEM 242 - Organic Chemistry II Laboratory Syllabus Spring Semester - 2012 Instructor Information Instructor: Office : Phone: Email: Dan Steffek CHEM 2130A (301) 405-1297 Office Hours: Open door By appointment General Information Class Hours: The CHEM 242 laboratory consists of one three-hour laboratory meeting per week. While CHEM 242 is a stand-alone course and you will receive a separate grade for it, this course is related to the lecture course CHEM 241, Organic Chemistry II. Pre-requisite: The pre-requisite for CHEM 242 is Chemistry 232 or its equivalent. The laboratory exercises in CHEM 242, for the most part, are designed to complement the reactions and mechanisms that you are learning in CHEM 241. There will also be a workshop involving determination of structures using NMR spectroscopy as well as a lab in which you are given an unknown solid or liquid, and you must use chemical tests as well as spectroscopic information to elucidate the structure. You will perform a lab practical lab at the end of the term. The laboratory exercises are more synthetically oriented than the laboratory exercises in the organic chemistry I lab. Important Dates January 25 –First day of classes January 25-27 –No laboratory activities scheduled January 30-February 3 –Check-in and related activities; Experiment #1 February 7 –Last day to submit DSS forms to the laboratory coordinator; not your section TA [12:00 noon] February 7 –Last day of schedule adjustment [4:30pm] March 19-23 –Spring Break April 11 –La s tDa yt odr o pac ou r s ewi t ha‘ W’ May 10 –Last day of classes May 11 –Reading Day May 12 –Time and place (TBA) Materials Required laboratory manual: Gilbert, J.C. and Martin, S.F. Experimental Organic Chemistry –A Microscale and Miniscale Approach, Fifth Edition, Thomson Brooks/Cole or Cengage, Belmont, CA, 2011, ISBN 1-4390-4914-3 (this is the same textbook required for CHEM 232) Recommended: Making the Connection: A How-To Guide for Organic Chemistry Lab Techniques by Anne B. Padias; Hayden-McNeil; ISBN: 978-073801985-7 (this book was the recommended supplementary guide for CHEM 232 during the previous term). -1- Laboratory Notebook: a laboratory notebook with all pages secured; spiral notebooks and three-ring binders are not acceptable laboratory notebooks. A laboratory notebook with carbonless copies will work best. You may use your lab notebook from CHEM 232 if it contains unused pages. Safety goggles [are the only permissible eye protection in the laboratory; safety glasses, glasses with safety lenses are not allowed in the lab] One laboratory coat (laboratory aprons are not acceptable) One Master l o c k ,s t a mpe d“ CHEM” FourChe mi s t r yDe pos i tCa r ds[ 4‘ b r e a k a g ec a r ds ’r e q ui r e d,$5. 0 0e a c h] One roll of paper towels [recommended] Ink pen to make entries in your lab notebook and lab manual. Blackboard Blackboard is the online source of information for CHEM 242 Blackboard is accessed through You need a UMD ID and password to access Blackboard If you do not have a UMD ID and password or if you have difficulty accessing Blackboard contact OIT at (301) 405-1400 A non-all-inclusive list of materials that will be posted on Blackboard: the syllabus and related materials; course-related announcements; experiment-specific related materials including the worksheets; all post-lab assignments; lab practical related documents The official CHEM 242 grade-book will be kept on Blackboard. Your final course grade will be based upon an evaluation of the individual grades recorded in the Blackboard grade-book. Check the Blackboard grade-book regularly to ensure that all grades recorded are accurate. Email Considerations The instructor will often send announcements or responses to a question to all members of the class via email. These email messages will be sent via the course mail listserv, which will be created around the beginning of the semester. If you do not receive any course email messages, you will need to contact OIT. The instructor will try to respond to all legitimate email messages in a timely manner. I strongly suspect that I exist on a somewhat different schedule than you do. If you send me an email message at 12:07am, you should not expect a response right away. The earliest you should expect a response is later that morning. I reserve the option of not responding to an email message if the answer can be found in the course syllabus, in a previous email, or on Blackboard. As far as I know, the University of Maryland does not have any formal rules or regulations for contacting an instructor by email. However, if you contact me by email, please include the following in each message: (1) identify me by name; Dan is fine with me; (2) include your section number; (3) include the name of your CHEM 242 TA; (4) explain your concern or ask your question in complete sentences; and (5) that you identify yourself by name, first and last. All of the computers I use or have access to do not belong to me. So I reserve the right to ignore and delete unopened any and all email messages which I suspect to be suspicious. -2- Add my e-mail address to your whitelist/list of preferred senders. UMD addresses have been used to spam some hotmail and gmail accounts recently, so some valid messages from the umd domain may be blocked. If I am on your whitelist, messages from me will not be blocked. This is particularly important if your umd address automatically forwards to a gmail or hotmail account. Attendance Policies All students are required to attend and be punctual for all scheduled laboratory sessions. Attendance will be taken during 13 lab periods this term: January 30 –February 3 through March 12-16 and March 26-30 through April 30-May 4. If you are absent from and/or leave uncompleted one, two, or three of these scheduled lab periods, you may remain registered in CHEM 242. Regardless, of the reason, if you are absent from and/or leave uncompleted more than three of the scheduled experiments, you will fail CHEM 242. Be punctual for all scheduled lab meetings. All lab activities begin at the scheduled start time. Students who arrive more than 20 minutes after the scheduled start time will not be allowed into the lab. Eligible students who are excluded from the lab due to lateness may apply to take a lab make-up exam to earn credit for the missed exercise, but the miss counts toward the limit of three missed and or uncompleted labs. You are allowed to attend only the laboratory section in which you are registered. If you are absent from one of the scheduled experiments, you are not allowed to perform that lab in another section, even a section supervised by your teaching assistant. A student who misses a lab for a University approved reason (illness; religious observance; participation in another University-sanctioned activity; death in the family; court appearance or jury duty; military duty) may earn a grade for that lab by taking a make-up exam at the scheduled time, as described below. If a student knows he/she will miss a lab for religious observance, a University sponsored activity, etc. it is his/her responsibility to notify his/her TA and the laboratory coordinator, and apply for the make-up exam, BEFORE the schedule adjustment deadline. If the University closes for inclement weather, or the department cancels a lab [and the closure encompasses the whole lab period of a one-period lab], failure to perform that lab will not count a g a i ns ts t u de n t ’ sa bs e n c el i mi ta ndt h e ywill not be required to take a make-up exam to earn credit for it; rather, an average of all other lab grades will be assigned to the missed exercise [at the end of the term] so there will be no n e g a t i v ei mp a c to ns t ude nt ’ sf i n a lg r a d e .St ude n t swi l lbe responsible for the material of the missed exercise on the final exam and possibly the midterm exam. If a student is absent from lab or is more than 20 minutes late in arriving at the lab on the day the University or the department cancels a lab [and the closure time starts after the 20-minute grace period has passed], that student will need to take a make-up exam to earn a grade for that lab. In addition, that lab counts as a missed lab Attendance –Multi-day Experiments Because of their length, four (4) of the experiments are scheduled to be performed and completed over at least part of two (2) lab periods. These experiments are: Experiment #3, the nitration of bromobenzene scheduled for the weeks of February 13-17 and February 20-24; Experiment #4, the Grignard synthesis of 2methyl-3-heptanol scheduled for the weeks of February 27-March 2 and March 5-9; Experiment #7, the Cannizzaro reaction of 4-chlorobenzaldehyde scheduled for the weeks of -3- April 2-6 and April 9-13; and Experiment #8, the synthesis of Benzocaine scheduled for the weeks of April 9-13 and April 16-20. The attendance and grading polices for these four experiments are different from one another and from the more usual one-lab-per-period lab. An addendum detailing the attendance and grading policies for these four labs has been provided in this syllabus. Pre-lab Quizzes You will be given a written pre-lab quiz at the beginning of most lab periods. If a particular lab is scheduled for two lab periods, you will be given one pre-lab quiz for that lab and it will be given at the beginning of the first lab period scheduled for that lab. You will have a maximum of five (5) minutes to work each pre-lab quiz. If you come to the lab when the pre-lab quiz is in progress, you will have only until the end of the five-minute period to take the pre-lab quiz. The five-minute deadline will not be extended under any circumstances. If you come to the lab after the pre-lab quiz has been given and is being collected or has been collected [but before the 20-minute grace period has expired], you will not be allowed to take it and will receive a grade of zero (0) for it. You will be allowed to do the experiment scheduled for that day, but will receive no pre-lab quiz points toward the overall lab score. All pre-lab quizzes are closed book. Before taking a pre-lab quiz, place all materials, including your lab text and your lab notebook, on the upper lab bench. When you are taking a pre-lab quiz you should have only a writing instrument and the pre-lab quiz itself in front of you. Any and all violations of this policy will be forwarded to the Office of Student Conduct. Each pre-lab quiz is worth six (6) points If you are entitled to DSS accommodations and want to use them to take your pre-lab quizzes, you must contact the laboratory coordinator, not your teaching assistant. Laboratory Notebook Sheets Each student in CHEM 242 lab is required to submit a copy (or copies) (the carbonless tear out sheet) of his/her laboratory notebook, with all entries made in ink, to the TA before leaving the lab. These data and observations [and only these data and observations] personally collected during the current lab are to be used in writing the final lab report. Failure to turn in to your TA the appropriate lab notebook sheet(s) before leaving the lab will result in a grade of zero assigned to that particular lab notebook sheet(s). The notebook sheets for each lab are worth a total of five (5) points The notebook sheets for a multi-period lab are also worth a total of (5) points; not five (5) points for each period Laboratory Report Worksheets All students are required to turn in a lab report worksheet for each of the scheduled labs this term. Failure to turn in the worksheet for a lab by its due date will be result in your being assigned a grade of incomplete (INC) for that lab. Each lab report worksheet must be written on the report sheet available only on the Blackboard site. The lab report worksheets will be available for a limited period of time. -4- All lab report worksheets should be written in ink. If any part of a lab report worksheet is written in an erasable medium, no aspect of that lab will be regraded. This includes reports written [in-part or totally] in pencil then overwritten in ink. If any part of a lab report worksheet is obscured by using white out or any one of its equivalents, no aspect of that lab will be regraded. The lab report worksheets are due to the TA as you enter the laboratory at the beginning of period on the assigned due date [usually the next scheduled lab period]. The lab report worksheets will not be accepted for any purpose at any other time. Once a lab report worksheet has been submitted to the teaching assistant, the student cannot have access to it for any purpose until after it has been graded. If a student removes his or her lab report worksheet after turning it in, the student will receive a grade of incomplete [Grade of zero for purposes of calculating final course grades] for that lab, and the student will not be a l l owe dt os i g nupf ora nd / ort a k et ha tl a b’ sma k e upe x a m,a ndt ha tl a bwi l lc oun ta soneof the three missed/uncompleted labs that a student is allowed. All students are required to write each of their lab reports individually based upon lab work a c t u a l l ype r f or me dt hi ss e me s t e ra ndr e c or de di nt ha ts t ude nt ’ sl a bn ot e books he e t s .You should treat the writing of a lab report as a take-home examination. Laboratory Post-lab Assignments There is a post-lab assignment for most of the labs scheduled this term. The post-lab assignments are available only on Blackboard and are identified by Spring 2012 in the heading. All students are required to work each of their post-lab assignments individually. You should treat the working of any and all post-lab assignments as a take-home examination. All post-lab assignments are due to the TA as you enter the lab at the same time the respective lab report worksheet is due. Any and all post-lab assignments submitted past the due date will not be accepted for a grade. Post-lab assignments may be written on a separate sheet(s) of paper. All post-lab assignments should be written in ink. If any part of a post-lab assignment is written in an erasable medium [usually pencil], that lab report in its totality will not be regraded under any circumstances. This includes post-lab assignments written [in-part or totally] in pencil then overwritten in ink. If any part of a post-lab assignment is obscured by using white out or any one of its equivalents, that lab report in its totality will not be regraded under any circumstances. Forgotten Lab Report Worksheets Forgotten lab report worksheets will not be accepted under any circumstances. The lab for which you forgot to submit a worksheet is by definition an incomplete lab. For purposes of calculating a final course grade, a forgotten lab report is assigned a grade of zero. Absentee Lab Reports You are expected to turn in all of your lab report worksheets and post-lab assignments to your teaching assistant as you enter the lab, at the next scheduled lab meeting after you performed the experimental work. If a student is absent from lab on the day that a worksheet and post-lab assignment are due, that student is required to turn in that [absentee] worksheet and post-lab assignment to Room -5- 1205 [and only Room 1205] as soon as he or she returns to campus but no later than 12:00 noon six days after the report was originally due. Warning: If you are enrolled in a Monday lab section and you are absent from lab on the day a worksheet and post-lab assignment are due, these absentee materials are due to Room 1205 as soon as you return to campus but no later than 12:00 noon on Friday of the same calendar week. It is your responsibility to turn in any and all absentee worksheets and post-lab assignments to Room 1205 by the appropriate deadline(s). NOTE: there is a mail slot built into the Room 1205 door. Just slide your absentee materials through the mail slot and it will collect in a box in Room 1205. NOTE #2: it would a very good idea for you to write your name on each page of your lab report and to make sure that all sheets are properly secured. Absentee lab report worksheets and post-lab assignments submitted past the deadline will not be accepted for any purpose. If you fail to turn in an absentee worksheet by its deadline, you will be assigned a grade of incomplete (INC) for that particular lab. That lab will count as one of the three absentee/incomplete labs. In addition, you will not be allowed to apply to take the respective lab makeup exam. Math Errors If there is a discrepancy between the overall grade for a lab and the grades for the individual components [the pre-lab, the laboratory notebook sheets, the report sheet, and the post-lab assignment], bring this to the attention of your lab teaching assistant. You are required to b r i ngt h e s e‘ ma t he r r or s ’t oy ourt e a c hi nga s s i s t a nt ’ sa t t e n t i onwithin one week after the graded lab report was returned to the student. In these cases, the report will not be regraded but the grade recorded will be corrected to reflect the actual score. Lab Report Regrades The graded lab reports will be returned to the students at the next lab after they were submitted. If you feel that your lab report was not properly graded or that there is a problem with your lab report grade, you can submit the report to the Lab Coordinator for a regrade. The teaching assistants are not responsible for performing any lab report re-grades. If you submit a lab report to the lab coordinator for a regrade, you must follow these guidelines. #1. You must submit the original lab report within one week after having it returned to you. Any lab reports submitted after this one-week time period will not be re-graded. #2. Only lab report worksheets and post-lab assignments written totally in ink will be considered for a regrade. A lab report worksheet and/or post-lab assignment written totally or in part [even the smallest part] in an erasable medium [pencil] will not be accepted for a regrade. If a lab report worksheet and or a post-lab assignment is written in pencil then overwritten in ink [in part or totally], it is not eligible to be regraded. #3. If any part of a lab report worksheet and/or its associated post-lab assignment is obscured by using white out or any one of its equivalents, that lab report will not be regraded under any circumstances. #4. You must submit the lab report worksheet, the corresponding lab notebook data sheet(s), the respective pre-lab quiz, and the post-lab questions. #5. You must include a completed Request for a Lab Report Regrade form with the lab report you want regraded. This form is available on Blackboard -6- #6. The laboratory coordinator will determine if the report is eligible to be regraded. #7. If the lab report is eligible to be regraded, the laboratory coordinator may regrade the complete lab report, including the post-lab questions. #8. As the result of a regrade, the score on the lab report can remain unchanged from the original score, or it can increase or it can decrease with respect to the original score. #9. If you submit a lab report for a regrade, you must accept the results of that one regrade as final, whatever the result. There will be no regrades of a regraded lab report. Lab Make-up Quizzes Under most circumstances for missing a laboratory, you are allowed to apply for and take the lab make-up quiz for the lab that you missed. For example, if you were absent from lab due to illness, you would be allowed to apply to take the respective laboratory makeup quiz. The laboratory makeup quiz is not a substitute for the in-class performing the actual experiment, but only provides an opportunity to earn a grade for the excused absence. The makeup quizzes do not take the place of or replace the missed lab; the missed lab still counts toward the three that you are allowed. If you physically perform a laboratory, you are not allowed to take the makeup quiz for that particular lab. Each lab makeup quiz is worth the value of the respective lab, which is 27 points (for most labs) or 40 points (NMR workshop). If you take a lab makeup quiz, your total score for that lab will be based upon your score on that lab makeup quiz. If you take a lab makeup quiz,a nya nda l lpo i nt se a r ne do nt h a tl a b ’ sp r e -lab quiz [if taken] will not be counted. If you do miss a lab, you need to apply to take the lab makeup quiz. To apply to take a lab make-up quiz, you need to bring your documentation to the Undergraduate Services Office, Room 1206 in person and fill out the application form. See the Lab Make-up Quiz Schedule [in the syllabus] for the application deadlines. If you do not sign up to take a lab make-up quiz by the deadline, you will not be allowed to take that lab make-up quiz and will receive a grade of incomplete for that lab. When you apply to take a lab make-up quiz, make sure that you and one of the Undergraduate Service Office personnel sign the application list. The lab make-up exams are given on Thursday mornings in room 1407 from 7:15 –7:45am. You will have a maximum of 30 minutes to work the lab make-up quizzes. Should you come to a lab makeup quiz after the 7:15am start time you will have less than the allotted 30 minutes to work it. If you have signed up to take a lab make-up quiz and do not take it [i.e. y oua r ea“ NoShow” ] , y ouwi l lr e c e i v eag r a d eofi n c o mpl e t ef o rt ha tl a b . The r ea r eno make-ups for lab make-up quiz. Each lab make-up quiz is closed-book. You are not permitted to use your laboratory manual, laboratory notebook, lecture text, notes, etc. to work a lab make-up quiz. CONTENT – The questions can address any and all aspects of the lab you missed: safety considerations, the equipment used to perform the experimental work, calculations you would have performed to write the lab report or answer the post-lab questions, the experimental techniques used in the lab, underlying chemistry and theory, a mechanism, and reagents involved in the experimental work [solvents, drying agents, catalysts, reactants, test reagents, and products]; this is not an all-inclusive list. You are strongly advised to bring a functional calculator to any and all lab makeup quizzes. If you do not bring a calculator to a lab makeup quiz, you will have to work any and all quantitative problems without one. If you bring a calculator to a lab makeup quiz and it -7- should become non-functional for any reason, you will have to work any and all quantitative problems without one. You are not allowed to share calculators during the lab makeup quizzes. You are strongly advised to bring more than one functional writing instrument to any and all laboratory makeup exams. If you bring a writing instrument to a lab makeup exam and it becomes non-functional for any reason, you will have to make due with the non-functional writing instruments. You are not allowed to share writing instruments during a lab makeup exam. Electronics –all electronics with the exception of your calculator must be turned off during a lab makeup quiz. Proctors –the proctor(s) are there to hand out the makeup quizzes and then collect the completed lab makeup quizzes. Proctors –The proctors will not provide calculators, writing instruments, erasers, or scratch paper, etc. to anyone taking a laboratory makeup quiz. If you leave a lab makeup quiz for any reason, you will need to turn in your lab makeup quiz to the proctor regardless of how much you have completed. When you return to the lecture hall, you may then continue working on your make-up quiz. NOTE: All students who are entitled to DSS accommodations must make those needs known at that time you apply to take a lab make-up quiz. You must bring the appropriate written documentation with you at the time of the application. If you do not bring the appropriate written documentation, your request for DSS accommodations will not be granted. Lab Makeup Quizzes [Supplemental Information] Students who are eligible to take a make-up quiz but cannot take it at the regularly scheduled time may be allowed to take it at a non-scheduled time. These students are restricted to (a) students entitled to DSS accommodations; (b) students registered for a UMCP course which meets during the lab makeup exam regularly scheduled time period; and (c) students participating in a UMCP-sponsored activity. Those students entitled to DSS accommodations must provide the USO with a current copy of their Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities form at the time they apply to take the make-up quiz. Students participating in a UMCP-sponsored activity must provide the USO with written documentation on appropriate letter-head stationary at the time they apply to take their makeup quiz. USO will access your UMCP registration to confirm that you are registered for a class, which meets at the time the lab make-up quiz is scheduled. Students participating in club sports must take any and all lab makeup quizzes at the regularly scheduled time period. At the time you apply to take your make-up quiz, you and the USO will find a mutually agreeable time for you to take your make-up quiz. The mutually agreeable time will be as close to the regularly scheduled time as the individual student schedule permits. You will be allowed to take your make-up quiz only during the mutually agreed upon time period; you will not be allowed to begin early, nor will the deadline be extended for any reason. -8- Checkout Once you have checked into a laboratory section, when you leave [i.e. drop the course, change sections, or complete the course at the end of the semester], you must check-out of the drawer assigned to you. If this happens at the end of the term, you will check-out during the last scheduled period of the term during the week of April 30-May 4. Check-out will be conduct after the lab practical. If this happens before the end of the semester, you must do so as soon as possible after you change your registration. In any case, if you fail to check-out of your assigned drawer, the TA will do it for you. You will be charged on your student account for all missing, damaged or excessively dirty glassware or equipment. Your personal materials [goggles, lab coat] will be confiscated and turned into the Lower Division Stockroom. In-class NMR Quiz You will be given a written in-class quiz during the week of March 5-9. This quiz will be given after you complete work on Experiment #4. In this quiz you will be given percent by mass information and an 1H-NMR spectrum for an organic compound. Based upon this information, you will be asked to determine the structure of an organic compound. This assignment will count 30 points toward your final course grade. Mid-term Quiz The CHEM 242 mid-term quiz will be given in lab at the beginning of the period during the week of March 26-30. The mid-term quiz is a 30-minute written quiz. The quiz will consist of 10 multiple-choice questions. The content will address Experiments #1-5 inclusive. The mid-term quiz counts 50 points toward your final course grade. If you are entitled to and want to take advantage of your DSS accommodations, you must provide the laboratory coordinator [not your teaching assistant] with your up-to-date DSS documentation. Arrangements will then be made for you to take your mid-term quiz according to your DSS accommodations. Lab Practical You will perform a lab practical during the last two scheduled lab periods of the term. You will have the complete period during the week of April 23-27 and part of the period during the week of April 30 –May 4. The lab practical counts 50 points toward your final course grade. Because this is a laboratory exercise, additional time will not be allotted to anyone to perform the lab practical. There will be no written make-up quiz if you are absent from one or both of the periods devoted to the lab practical. -9- All absences from the lab practical [first day, second day, or both] will be dealt with on an individual basis. Information and materials for the lab practical will be posted on Blackboard later in the term. Final Exam The CHEM 242 final exam is scheduled for Saturday, May 12. The time and place will be announced later in the term. The final exam will be a 45-minute, multiple-choice written exam. The final exam counts 50 points toward your final course grade. If you are entitled to and want to take advantage of your DSS accommodations, you must provide the laboratory coordinator [not your teaching assistant] with your up-to-date DSS documentation. Arrangements will then be made for you to take your final exam according to your DSS accommodations. If you are registered for BMGT 230, please inform the laboratory coordinator. The BMGT 230 final exam has in the past, overlapped with the CHEM 242 final exam. Course Status Considerations According to Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry policies, you are allowed to be absent from and/or leave uncompleted a maximum of three laboratories this term. You are considered absent from lab if you arrive at lab after the 20-minute grace period has expired or if you are absent from the complete lab period To complete a lab, you must (a) attend your scheduled laboratory section; (b) perform the assigned laboratory work; (c) fill out the lab report worksheet and answer all post-lab questions; and (d) turn in your lab report worksheet, which is based upon the lab work you performed this term as you enter the lab on the assigned due date, which is usually the following week. A lab is considered incomplete, if you submit a report worksheet past its due date. If you are absent from lab on more than three occasions, you will fail CHEM 242 this term. If you fail to complete more than three labs this term, you will fail CHEM 242 this term. If you are absent from and/or fail to complete more than three labs this term, you will fail CHEM 242. Disability Support Services [DSS] Accommodations If any student needs DSS accommodation, please bring your written documentation to the lab coordinator before the schedule adjustment deadline. Should you need to lab makeup quiz, bring written documentation at the time you apply to take the lab makeup quiz. Disability Support Services 0126 Shoemaker Hall College Park, Maryland 20742 Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm Phone: (301) 314-7682 - 10 - TA Office Hours The organic laboratory teaching assistants schedule office hours throughout most of each day of the week in room Chemistry 1109. Any TA teaching this course, even though not assigned to your specific section, should be able to help you during those office hours. Be advised that the teaching assistants are not there to give you answers; rather they are there to guide you to the answer. In addition, the teaching assistants will not help you with the post-lab questions. Course Grades - Overview CHEM 242 is an independent course and as a result you will receive a separate grade for this lab. The Blackboard grade-book is the official CHEM 242 grade-book. This grade-book will be used to determine final course grades at the end of the term. You will be assigned a grade for each assignment this term: the nine labs; the NMR in-class assignment, mid-term quiz, lab practical, and the final exam. You will be assigned a grade for each lab and assignment this semester. No grades will be dropped. An incomplete grade is equivalent to a grade of zero for calculating your final point total. Experiment #1, the NMR lab consists of a worksheet only. Experiments #2 consists of a pre-lab quiz, lab notebook sheet, and worksheet. Experiments #3-9 inclusive consist of a pre-lab quiz, lab notebook sheet, worksheet, and a post-lab assignment. The course median will approximate the B/C final course grade cutoff. If you are absent from or fail to complete more than three labs this term, you will fail CHEM 242. Course Grades –Point Assignments #1 All pre-lab quizzes are worth six (6) points All lab notebook sheets are worth five (5) points The worksheets are worth a variable number of points The post-lab assignments are worth a variable number of points. Course Grades –Point Assignments #2 Experiment #1 Experiments #2-9 inclusive @ 27 points NMR assignment Mid-term quiz Lab practical Final exam Course total 40 points 216 points 30 points 50 points 50 points 50 points 436 points - 11 - Course Evaluation A campus-wide course evaluation system, CourseEvalUM, will be available at the end of the term for you to evaluate CHEM 242. It will be available at - 12 - CHEM 242 –ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II Laboratory 2012 Spring Semester –Laboratory Schedule Date Experiment Lab Report Due Date Jan. 25-27 No Lab Activities Scheduled --- Jan. 30 –Feb. 3 Policies and Procedures; Lab Safety; Check-in, Academic Integrity --- Jan. 30 –Feb. 3 Workshop #1 –NMR Spectroscopy Reading: 1H-NMR (Pages 261-281); 13C-NMR (Pages 287-295) You will work on determining structure by analyzing 1H NMR spectra. [Materials will be available on Blackboard] Feb. 6-10 Feb. 6-10 Experiment #2 –Qualitative Organic Analysis 1 Reading: H-NMR (Pages 261-281) IR (Pages 240-256 and on Blackboard); Solubility (Pages 840-844) Chemical class tests (844-845); Spectroscopy/qualitative tests (850-853); 2,4-DNPH test (Pages 856-858) Tol l en’ st es t( Pages859-860) Chromic Acid test (Pages 860-862) Iodoform test (Pages 862-864) Bromine test (Pages 867-868) Potassium permanganate test (Pages 868-869) Ceric nitrate test (Pages 883-884) You will be given an unknown solid or liquid and must determine the molecular structure through a combination of chemical and spectroscopic tests Feb. 13-17 Feb. 13-17 Experiment #3 –Nitration of Bromobenzene Reading: Pages 491-492; 513-515 Experiment: Pages 515-516 (miniscale) and 517-518 (TLC) Toc onc ent r at et hemot herl i quor ,per f or m a“ r educ edpr es s ur es ol v entr emov al ” During TLC, run both crops of crystals as well as the oil You will complete Experiment #3 during your next scheduled lab period. --- Feb. 20-24 Experiment #3 –Nitration of Bromobenzene You will complete any unfinished lab work related to Experiment #3 Feb. 27 –Mar.2 Feb. 27 –Mar. 2 Experiment #4 –Preparation of 2-methyl-3-heptanol Reading: Pages 639-643; 649-651 Experiment: Pages 643-645; 658-659 (miniscale) Do not distill the final product after the solvent is removed under vacuum You will have time next week to complete Experiment #4-related lab work --- Mar. 5-9 Experiment #4 –Preparation of 2-methyl-3-heptanol You will complete an unfinished lab work related to Experiment #4 Mar. 12-16 Mar. 5-9 In-class NMR Assignment [Information will be available on Blackboard] Mar. 5-9 Mar. 12-16 Experiment #5 –Oxidation of Cyclooctanol Mar. 26-30 Reading: Pages 537-542 Experiment: Pages 543-544 (miniscale) Dur i ng“ I s ol at i onandPur i f i c at i on, ”r emov et heet herus i ng“ r educ edpr es s ur es ol ventr emov al . ” Mar. 19-23 NO LABS AND NO LAB REPORTS DUE –SPRING BREAK Mar. 26-30 Experiment #6 –Reduction of Fluorenone Reading: Pages 537-539; 563-565; 581 Experiment: Pages 582-583 (miniscale) Read page 98 for a description of how to perform a mixed solvent recrystallization (dissolve in hot methanol then add water) Apr. 2-6 Mar. 26-30 Mid-term Quiz Mar. 26-30 Apr. 2-6 Experiment #7 –The Cannizzaro Reaction Reading: Pages 537-539; 553-554 Experiment: Pages 555-556 (miniscale) You will complete Experiment #7 during your next scheduled period. --- Apr. 9-13 Experiment #7 –The Cannizzaro Reaction You will complete any unfinished lab work related to Experiment #7. Apr. 16-20 Apr. 9-13 Experiment #8 –Synthesis of Benzocaine Reading: Pages 669-673 Experiment: Pages 673-674 (miniscale) You will complete Experiment #8 during your next scheduled period. --- Apr. 16-20 Experiment #8 –Synthesis of Benzocaine You will complete any unfinished lab work related to Experiment #8. Apr. 23-27 Apr. 16-20 Experiment #9 –Synthesis of trans-p-Anisalacetophenone Reading: Pages 617-619 Experiment: Pages 619-620 (miniscale) Apr. 23-27 Apr. 23-27 Lab Practical You will have time next week to complete the lab practical [information will be available on Blackboard] Apr. 30- May 4 Lab Practical You will have time this week to complete the lab practical [information will be available on Blackboard] Apr. 30 –May 4 Lab Cleanup and Check-out [performed after completing the lab practical] May 12 Lab Final Examination [Time and places will be announced later] --- Apr. 30 –May 4 Lab reports are due to your TA as you enter the lab at the beginning of the lab period on the assigned due date. Lab reports submitted after this time will not be accepted for a grade.