Peggy Benner's Online Exercises L-11

Peggy Benner’s Online Exercises
Punctuation Exercises
 Apostrophes
 Apostrophes - exercise 2
 Commas
 Commas - exercise 2
 Commas - exercise 3
 Commas with dates and addresses
 Commas with nonessential elements / interrupters
 Commas with introductory elements
 Semicolons
 Semicolons - exercise 2
 Quotation Marks with direct quotes
 Quotation Marks with direct quotes - exercise 2 (advanced)
 Italics and Quotation Marks with titles
 Italics and Quotation Marks with special words
Sentence Structure Exercises
Avoiding Fragments
Avoiding Fragments - exercise 2
Avoiding Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
Avoiding Comma Splices and Fused Sentences - exercise 2
Avoiding Comma Splices and Fused Sentences - exercise 3
Revised Summer 2012
Peggy Benner’s Online Exercises
Avoiding Comma Splices and Fused Sentences - exercise 4
Sentence Patterns
Sentence Patterns - exercise 2
Sentence Patterns - exercise 3
Sentence Pattern Transformations
Sentence Pattern Transformations 2 (multiple transformations)
Sentence Pattern Transformations 3 (multiple transformations)
Active-Passive Voice
Active-Passive Voice - exercise 2
Usage Exercises
Subject-Verb Agreement
Subject-Verb Agreement - exercise 2
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement - exercise 2
Pronoun Case
Pronoun Case - exercise 2
Pronoun Reference
Pronoun Reference - exercise 2
Pronoun Reference - exercise 3 (this, that, which, it)
Verb Tense Consistency
Verb Tense Consistency - exercise 2
Parallel Sentence Structure
Parallel Sentence Structure - exercise 2
Faulty / Incomplete Comparisons
Faulty / Incomplete Comparisons - exercise 2
Avoiding Shifts
Avoiding Shifts - exercise 2
Misplaced Modifiers
Misplaced Modifiers - exercise 2
Dangling Modifiers
Dangling Modifiers - exercise 2
Miscellaneous Usage Errors
Miscellaneous Usage Errors - exercise 2
Miscellaneous Usage Errors - exercise 3
Commonly Confused Words Exercises
accept / except
accept / except - exercise 2
affect / effect
affect / effect - exercise 2
already / all ready
Revised Summer 2012
Peggy Benner’s Online Exercises
already / all ready - exercise 2
allusion / illusion / delusion
allusion / illusion / delusion - exercise 2
amount / number
amount / number - exercise 2
authoritarian / authoritative
authoritarian / authoritative - exercise 2
beside / besides
beside / besides - exercise 2
connote / denote
connote / denote - exercise 2
continual / continuous
credible / creditable / credulous
credible / creditable / credulous - exercise 2
disinterested / uninterested
everyday / every day
everyday / every day - exercise 2
everyone / every one
everyone / every one - exercise 2
farther / further
farther / further - exercise 2
fewer / less
fewer / less - exercise 2
healthy / healthful
ingenious / ingenuous
ingenious / ingenuous - exercise 2
its / it's
its / it's - exercise 2
its / it's - exercise 3
judicial / judicious
lie / lay
lie / lay - exercise 2
lie / lay - exercise 3
lose / loose
lose / loose- exercise 2
lose / loose - exercise 3
manner / manor
nauseous / nauseated
observance / observation
oral / verbal
past / passed
past / passed - exercise 2
prescribe / proscribe
than / then
than / then - exercise 2
than / then - exercise 3
Revised Summer 2012
Peggy Benner’s Online Exercises
there / their / they're
there / their / they're - exercise 2
there / their / they're - exercise 3
there / their / they're - exercise 4
two / too / to
two / too / to - exercise 2
two / too / to - exercise 3
two / too / to - exercise 4
weather / whether
weather / whether- exercise 2
were / we're / where
were / we're / where - exercise 2
who / that / which
who / that / which - exercise 2
whose / who's
whose / who's - exercise 2
your / you're
your / you're - exercise 2
Post test (includes then / than, to / too / two, were / where / we're, its / it's, affect /
effect, there / their / they're, accept / except)
Post test 2 (includes already / all ready, amount / number, everyday / every day, fewer
/ less, loose / lose, your / you're)
Parts of Speech / Grammar
General Grammar Concepts
Parts of Speech
Parts of Speech - exercise 2
Parts of Speech - exercise 3
Parts of Speech - exercise 4
Simple Subjects and Simple Predicates
Simple Subjects and Simple Predicates - exercise 2
Simple Subjects and Simple Predicates - exercise 3
Noun Functions
Noun Functions - exercise 2
Noun Functions - exercise 3
Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases
Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases - exercise 2
Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases - exercise 3
Participles and Participial Phrases
Participles and Participial Phrases - exercise 2
Participles and Participial Phrases - exercise 3
Gerunds and Gerund Phrases
Gerunds and Gerund Phrases - exercise 2
Gerunds and Gerund Phrases (with functions) - exercise 3
Revised Summer 2012
Peggy Benner’s Online Exercises
Gerunds and Gerund Phrases (with functions) - exercise 4
Distinguishing between Participles and Gerunds
Distinguishing between Participles and Gerunds - exercise 2
Infinitives and Infinitive Phrases
Infinitives and Infinitive Phrases - exercise 2
Adverbial Clauses
Adverbial Clauses - exercise 2
Adverbial Clauses - exercise 3
Adjectival Clauses
Adjectival Clauses - exercise 2
Adjectival Clauses - exercise 3
Nominal Clauses
Nominal Clauses - exercise 2
Nominal Clauses - exercise 3
Distinguishing between Adjectivals, Adverbials, and Nominals
Distinguishing between Adjectivals, Adverbials, and Nominals - exercise 2
Verb Expansion Rule
Verb Expansion Rule - exercise 2
Diagnostic tests (for printout)
Grammar Evaluation #1
Answer Key for #1
Grammar Evaluation #2
Answer Key for #2
Grammar Evaluation #3
Answer Key for #3
Revised Summer 2012