Art I Concepts GLE Drawing PP1A Painting PP1B What Students Should Be Able To Do Teaching Strategies Teaching Assessments ((Product/Performance) 1. Select and apply two-dimensional media, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas and solve challenging visual art problems Create smooth, continuous value through Teacher Observation . Will create a value scale using a ruler. even pressure. Create a range of 4 smoothly graduated Guided practice . Will create 9 blended values based on varied values through varied pressure. pressure using drawing pencils. Individual practice VA1, FA1 2.5 DOK2 Define edge through variations in . Will create a balanced composition of a stillpressure or angle. Scoring Rubric life using graphite. Use media in various ways to create simulated and invented textures Quiz over Elements of Art . Video: Elements of Art, Principles of Design Quiz over Principles of Design VA1, FA1 2.5 DOK2 Use a ruler to create parallel, . Will create art work demonstrating 0ne point perpendicular, and converging lines Perspective, Two point perspective, and Three Test # 1 VA1, FA1 2.5 DOK2 Point perspective. Demonstrate proficiency using a single Individual practice of gradation . Will create texture using graphite and line. drawing media of value using lines in graphite . Will create texture using colored pencils and VA1, FA1 2.5 DOK3 line Mix tempera/acrylic paints to create Teacher Observation . Will create a color wheel by mixing primary different hues colors to create secondary and interGuided practice FA1, VA1 2.5 DOK2 mediate hues using tempera paint Apply paint to create a solid area of color . Will create tints and shades of colors by with no visible brushstrokes, change in Individual practice mixing primary colors with white first and value or intensity. then mixing primary colors with black, Scoring Rubric FA1, VA1 2.5 DOK4 using tempera paint Demonstrate proper use and cleaning of . Will clean paintbrushes and palettes brushes and palettes. Quiz over colors, tints, shades using dish detergent and water Quiz over watercolor techniques FA1, VA1 2.5 DOK2 . Will create watercolor techniques Use brushes of various sizes/types. . Will create a watercolor painting Test # 2 FA1, VA1 2.5 DOK1 demonstrating their knowledge of watercolor techniques Date 1st Q 1st Q-2nd Q 1 Art I Concepts GLE Sculpture, Ceramics, Other Media PP2A GLE Subject Matter: Fine Art PP3A Subject Matter: Functional Art PP3B What Students Should Be Able To Do Teaching Strategies Teaching Assessments (Product/Performance) 2. Select and apply three-dimensional media, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas and solve challenging visual art problems Create ceramics using a hand-building Teacher observation/guided . VIDEO “Whistle while you Sculpt” Crizmac process (e.g., pinch, coil, slab); joining practice . Examples/Discussion techniques, and a uniform thickness Individual practice . Demonstration Ceramic Whistle scoring FA1, VA1 2.5 DOK4 . Create a clay animal whistle using additive, rubric carving, and joining techniques Clay Quiz . Will correct any problems with the whistle Glaze Quiz mechanism Test . Demonstrate proper glazing technique . Glaze clay animal whistle (Product/Performance) 3. Communicate ideas about subject matter and themes in artworks created for various purposes Create original artworks using the Teacher observation/guided . Students will create a still-life with a balanced following as subject matter: Still life practice composition using graphite Individual practice FA1, VA1 2.5 DOK4 . Students will create a non-objective design Create original artworks using the Scoring guide using a variation of line: vertical, horizontal, following as subject Scoring rubric diagonal, curved, zigzag, thick, thin, wavy matter: Non‐objective FA1, VA1 2.5 DOK4 Create a functional artwork based upon a Teacher observation/guided . History on whistles /You tube video cultural example. practice . Examples/Demonstration Individual practice FA1, VA1 2.5 DOK4 . Will create clay whistle Ceramic Whistle scoring . Will correct any problems with the whistle guide mechanism Clay Quiz . Will use additive & carving techniques Glaze Quiz . Will glaze clay whistle Test Scoring Rubric Date 2nd Q 3rd Q 4th Q 1st Q 2nd Q 1st Q 2nd Q 2 Art I Concepts Theme PP3C GLE Line EP1A What Students Should Be Able To Do Create original artwork that communicates ideas through themes (e.g., identity, power, time, nature, illusion). FA1, VA1 2.5 DOK4 Teaching Assessments Teacher Observation/ guided practice Individual practice Scoring Rubric Quiz Test (Elements and Principles) 1. Select and use elements of art for their effect in communicating ideas through artwork Identify and use weighted contour, Individual practice . Examples/Demonstration parallel, and perpendicular lines. Teacher observation/guided . Create a one-point perspective street practice FA2, VA2 2.5 DOK1 . Create composition from a series of Scoring Rubric contour drawings Shapes EP1B Differentiate between and use geometric and organic (freeform) shapes. FA2, VA2 2.5 DOK3 Form EP1C Identify and use illusion of form: sphere, cube, cone, and cylinder. FA2, VA2 2.5 DOK1 Texture EP1D Color EP1E Identify and use real, invented and simulated textures. FA2, VA2 2.5 DOK1 Identify and use color theory including color value, and color schemes (analogous, monochromatic, and complementary). FA2, VA2 2.5 DOK1 Teaching Strategies . Examples/Demonstration . Create colored pencil techniques . Create project with theme of “Art from Farm” using colored pencils. . Date 2nd Q 1st Q 2nd Q Demonstration on geometric and organic shapes . Create art work using geometric/organic shapes . Will create an illusion of form: sphere, cube, cone, and cylinder with the use of a ruler and graphite pencil- Students will create 9 blended values with shadows showing a light source . Will create texture using line—real (lines cut into Scratchboard) or visual-invented & simulated (by drawing lines, painting, & shading Individual practice Quiz over Elements of Art Test # 1 1st Q Teacher observation/guided practice Individual practice Scoring guide Teacher observation/guided practice Individual practice Scoring guide 1st Q . Discussion/Review Individual practice Teacher observation/guided practice Scoring guide Study guide Test 2nd Q, 3rd Q 4th Q . . . Will create a color wheel by mixing primary colors to create secondary and intermediate hues using tempera paint Will create tints and shades of colors by mixing primary colors with white first and then mixing primary colors with black, using tempera paint Will create a mobile of tints and shades for each color on color wheel Examples/Individual Color wheel charts 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Q 3 Art I Concepts Value EP1F Space EP1G GLE Balance EP2A What Students Should Be Able To Do Teaching Strategies Teaching Assessments Identify and use a range of values to Teacher observation/guided . Will create an illusion of form: sphere, cube, create the illusion of simple forms practice cone, and cylinder with the use of a ruler and (including highlights and cast shadows). Individual practice graphite pencil Scoring guide FA2, VA2 2.5 DOK1 . Examples/Demonstration Identify and use positive and negative Teacher observation/guided . Discussion/Examples/Demonstration space in two dimensional work practice Will create a composition from a series of Identify and use perspective techniques to Individual practice contour drawings Scoring guide/rubric create the illusion of space (one‐point . Demonstration of one point perspective Test linear perspective, overlapping, and . Will create one-point perspective street change of size, detail, placement, value creating illusion of space with overlapping, contrast) FA2, VA2 2.5 DOK1 change of size, and the use of 9 blended values DOK4 (Elements and Principles) 2. Select and use principles of art for their effect in communicating ideas through artwork Differentiate among and use symmetrical Discussion/Review . Examples/Demonstration (formal) asymmetrical (informal), and Individual practice . Will create non-objective design through radial balance. Performance application creation of a four part radial design Study guide FA2, VA2 2.5 DOK3 Test Emphasis EP2B Identify and create emphasis (focal point) through contrast and convergence. FA2, VA2 2.5 DOK4 Contrast EP2C Identify and use variation within a single element to create contrast (e.g., different values), asymmetrical (informal), and radial balance. FA2, VA2 2.5 DOK2 . . Examples Students will create a still-life with a balanced composition using graphite . . . Create still-life with asymmetrical balance Create animal wrap portrait with contrast Create mandala using the primary and secondary colors in different values Discussion/review Individual practice Performance application Study guide Test Discussion/review Individual practice Performance application Study guide Test Date 1st Q, 2nd Q 1st Q 2nd Q 3rd Q 4th Q 2nd Q 3rd Q 4th Q 1st Q 1st Q 2nd Q 3rd Q 4 Art I Concepts Rhythm / Repetition EP2B Unity EP2E Proportion GLE Aesthetics AP1A What Students Should Be Able To Do Identify and use elements to create regular rhythm FA2, VA2 2.5 DOK2 Explain how elements and principles create unity in artworks. FA2, VA2 2.3 DOK1 Teaching Strategies . Examples/Reproduction prints . Create a non-objective design showing movement and rhythm by repeating the elements of art . “Art Talk” Glencoe Chapter 11 “Unity” class discussion, notes, examples of unity in art reproduction prints and in textbook Identify and use realistic facial . Students will create realistic facial features proportions. of the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears in FA2, VA2 2.5 DOK1 graphite with 9 blended values (Artistic Perceptions) 1.Investigate the nature of art and discuss responses to artworks Discuss personal belief about the nature . “Art Talk” Glencoe Chapter 1; Lessons 1,2,3 of art . Research Frida Kahlo’s life Define aesthetics as the branch of . Write short autobiography, as if Frida may philosophy that deals with the nature and have written it value of art . Each student reads his/her autobiography Discuss and develop answers to questions about art, such as: What is art? Why do responses vary? Who decides what makes an artwork special, valuable or good? FA3, VA3 1.5,2.3,2.4 DOK1 R.9-12.1, L.9-12.1 Teaching Assessments Discussion/Review Teacher observation/guided practice Individual practice Scoring guide Study guide Quiz Test Date 1stQ 2nd Q 3rd Q 4th Q Discussion/Review Individual practice Performance application Study guide Quiz Test Individual practice Performance application 2nd Q 3rd Q 4th Q Discussion/review Chapter 1 Review questions Chapter 1, (lessons 1 – 3) Test Chapter 1 2nd Q 3rd Q 4th Q 3rd Q 4th Q 5 Art I Concepts GLE Art Criticism AP2A What Students Should Be Able To Do Teaching Strategies (Artistic Perceptions) 2. Analyze and evaluate art using art vocabulary With one artwork: . “Art Talk” Glencoe Chapter 2 “Art Describe artwork Criticism & Aesthetic Judgment” Lessons 1,2,3 Analyze the use of elements and . Reproduction print “Rucus Rodeo” artist Red principles in the work Grooms Interpret the meaning of the work . Collaborate/create poem capturing mood/theme (subject, theme, symbolism, message of reproduction print communicated) . Students learn purpose of art criticism Judge the work from various perspectives . Students select &analyze artworks using FA3, VA3 1.5,2.4,2.5 DOK2 steps of art criticism to form precise Showing a real or idealized image of life conclusions; description, analysis, (Imitationalism), expressing feelings interpretation & judgment (Emotionalism/Expressionism) . Explain the three aesthetic theories Emphasis on elements & principles of art. (Formalism) . Students will compare & contrast contemporary Serving a purpose in the society or culture and historical styles, identifying themes & (Functionalism) trends. FA3, VA3 1.5,2.4,2.5 DOK2 L.9-12.1 R.9-12.1 Teaching Assessments Date Discussion/review of Chapter 2 (lessons 1,2 & 3) Review questions for lessons 1, 2, & 3 – Chapter 2 Quiz –Lessons 1, 2, & 3 Test Chapter 2 3rd Q GLE Connecting Visual and Performing Arts 1C1A GLE Connecting Art and Non Art Subjects 1C2A (Interdisciplinary Connections) 1. Explain connections between visual art and performing arts Connect meanings of elements in art with . Performance Arts Handbook “Connecting the Discussion/review Chapters 1-3 terms in music, theatre, or dance. With Performing Arts Handbook Arts” Creative expression activities VA6, FA4 1.5,2.4,2.5 . Students learn by correlating what they have Discussion questions Chapters 1DOK4 learned about the visual arts to performing arts 3 (Interdisciplinary Connections) 2. Explain the connections between Visual Arts, Math, Science or Social Studies Explain how historical events & social Individual practice . “Art Talk” Cross - Curriculum ideas are reflected in artworks from Performance Application . M. C. Escher reproduction print “Day & selected cultures or historical time Discussion/review Chapter 5 Night” periods. Discussion Questions . Examples of tessellations Performance application VA6, FA4 2.5 DOK1 . Discussion/research Ecsher’s use of Chapter 5 test G.9-12.1 mathematical principles (tessellation and geometry) 3rd Q 4th Q 3rd Q 4th Q 6 Art I Concepts GLE Historical Period or Culture HC1A Characteristics of Artworks HC1B What Students Should Be Able To Do Teaching Strategies Teaching Assessments (Historical and Cultural Contexts) 1. Compare and contrast artworks from different historical time periods and/or cultures Identify works of art from: Teacher observation guided 1. Ancient Greek / Roman practice . Will create a painting based on the art style 2. Renaissance of an artist from a particular period in history Individual practice 3. Impressionism Performance application . Will research a modern artist and artist’s art Scoring rubrics ( for art and for 4. Post‐Impressionism style and critique one major art work Presentation) 5. Pop Art . Will give a presentation on artist and art 6. Op Art period. FA4, VA5 1.5,2.4,2.5 DOK1 W.9-12.2 SL.9-12.4 Compare and contrast two artworks on: . Will research 2 different artists and artist’s art Guided practice/observation 1. Time Individual practice styles on two major art works 2. Place Scoring rubric for oral . Will write a paper comparing and contrasting 3. Artist presentation . Will give a presentation on the two artists 4. Subject matter Comparing and contrasting the subject matter, 5. Theme time, place, the culture in that time period, 6. Characteristics materials they used & what the function of 7. Material / Technology art was at that time in society. 8. Ideas and beliefs of culture . Reproduction prints – master artists 9. Function of art in culture / society FA4, VA5 1.5,2.4,2.5 DOK3 SL.9-12.4 Date 3rd Q 4th Q 3rd Q 4th Q 7