LewisStluctures "Everythingstartsftom a dot." - WassilyKandinsky anddrawthe writethenumber of valence electrons 1.Foreachatomor ionbelow, LewisSymbol. CI l-/ ' . .t: ,\ Al3* Brlr' )r- )l g -:'1 o. $ ( L A\ 3ts 2. Drawthe LewisStructurefor eachdiatomicmoleculeor ionbelow Startby identifying the numberof valenceelectrons. co re) H z@ oHt- rilz€\ -__V ,. ):o- L" page 1 of 8 N: : Q=O: lJ-L + ( Nz@ 'l'- t+ l J co2- bs'\gi f . .:c | -----:, ra r ,r lt Lro rJ U CN1-@ I I I I \ zC /'q- = u (_ ^)r- l Drawthe lewisstructurefor eachpofiabrniarnsboje s ion below. CzH+ SCCIz HNBTF If_ t I tr c-: c- -r+ LL- :S I tr t+ .tl n lcl * ,l -ct I I I I , rll tl I -rv lll t. HCOzH BrOH CzHz ll t-\ - Q : O q) Dr I - n -\.r' l* (r ' . Ol I t.l CH:CHCHz t+ \ \L- c . t+ "t \ rl t.- =cI t \+ l+ page2 of 8 FNCHz H:Or* 1Fl I u= c-t + 'r I r+ 't \+ -u' I l+ -E r I Drawthelewis may compounds Liel Li .L (/ , \ ' - z -(1 3 - t )r' J.,}J'\NA l' - - J Flr'l- KCN N[I*Br \F .t- \t.. - \* \!--N rd '\ ) i rtsr '\ \-/ ld. 'f .-a ) /rc --= u t 1 L l- \ tl -,+\ L'?l-1"* \ rl \'|, below..Note:some' for.each,.rnalecular cqmpound 5. Drawthelewisstructure compounds.flave of el€etrons. ansdd.numh,er NO o" N- Oto :, )q NSz CIO: ,\ .@ .tl iO - 1 ,r jol ' ri t- V : l-l - -:<w ' N ' :S ; . . | I ,t@ @e3 of I 1- | ' l . , -' ' YZ .r<r , 6. Drawthe lewisstrucfrrefs ed in the 3rd periodand belowmay IBr: ll ,,.8r i | |4-a r r-.r - .. .\ .t 'Ct XeFr ': , !l-, re\ l- , -3 - o I l{c ' (-u, -I ' , "?o tg tl \. r \. ,/ -. - .11 POCI: 4 \-i r (4, -(_) I t\ '-t ,t'.-"7 -ct .F , ll tPl rol * D tL CIO+1- q@' \"a f 7" rl- cl r.'..- / - B r: -r -J- ..-t ,L,. .. J !r SO+2- PCls uoa- 2,fu \ __) 7. Thenitrategn (NOs1)hasthreepossiblelewisstructures.Draweachandassign formalcharg'e to all atomsin the structures. Lf -t rA tL/ ll \| O . -N trl I lD a page4 of I (-> 'l D :N (7 'l .^ '-> c ll lo a'r I 8. Drawat leasttvvoresonance structure of eachmolecule.below. structures of andassignformalchargeto eachatomin the structures.circlethe ( fv rl ar j N= c * t , +> c- =Q L)= i l'r '" (, o^ro^ htrF clcr{- aaXah.oc,,**\ b. Theisocyanate ion (CNOI-)hasa skeletonof C-N-O.Drawthreeresonance structures of andassignformalchargeto eachatomin the structures.circlethe 6') v ., q = l..J (--) 5U =O rFil @ e> ,'C- U - o It \,2 (r** 1e2,,+ue\ .4s\ c. Whichismorestable,the ionyoucircledin (d)or the ionyoucircledin (b)? Why? 'i CA\ tl hes4e bxL ?>/h- o[ &\ rd +. ohsil ' leg (21,q mgvs J. eQ^^S* page 5 of I A,^"J oL rlr e(e"ao"{a t , 10.Themolecularcompoundboron t^ \' t- i-: | g r€) 'r- \ \ ll \\ I :F-R l<-> P', B@ +> I r-1 , l- * ,f f i r ,,/or'l'r r\ I pL- ,7 tF.'| a:\ B\-Y ft 'rP:@ 11.Draw the lewisstructure for eachcompoundbelow Note:a few elementsmavorefer lessthana completeoctet. Hydrogen, Beryllium, Boron,andAluminumarethe most common. HBCIF CH:BeCl A rt " ' nt \-- t I rl lrr I i' It l At' R \h 6',r ( IF; rct t. page6 of I I r-rr ' 1. \- -C -t.t- -B ( AIOBr ', ^,, her, 'i"u u! (v 2/efu'h L iekfrr' (SOz) 12.The sulfurdioxide molecule has charseto eachatominthe_structures. effi t|e modstqb|e€tfE6\\ 3::|tYl"j"rt[3' ;6 ,*- Q ,o,, ,;Y / lg,' ll \ I t*, @!' , l <-) J,@.-" l: i @, + -- I 1r t l\ -l -f; ip . i+ L-J x$ i; l* lOt lO r 9!s ,O; -. b | I \:O: / \/ = 2'P 'Lll-'t '- -t"tlo4L )i'T tr',*2f;:4 q.{i hev'- ./ *r^."/rlhy 'b% ' &uu' 't' ( I-' i .,,1* 'i'1. 3.Drawat leastsixresonance structure$tHzNOzl-.Assignformalchargeto eacn j( a5Y atomin thestructure(otherthanH). Circlethemoststablestructure or structures. -c-- r ug ' - oi @ a,- J\ 9 6-e - L- g> ^'r-o J @^* ,br9 ) r rr+ ( -d: o , @ \\ \ r .: X -'/ t'+-9 -r'r:o := \ \ '\ @ I c--,-l-J r-- .,\) ,/ L -'? ( IJ ( (-_ EDaqe --q, 7 of 8 @ t.-o I l- 'I . - .o I tL {.t V l, Czrta6+ AeQ *r 1 et paylJ +ob1 -n"Jo"C+$| 4.Draw rbn below.Thenitrogenin (b)it's110 d418 kJ/mol; nitrogen pmand r"iHzNNHz (a) lN = l\.J: tf tl 1r")=- N k / \r+ lS.Consider thethreestructures inthequestion above. (a)Aretriplebondsronger or shorter thandoubre bonds?whataboutsingre bondsrelative to doublebonds? wJ l*{: -t-aL" < b41e . < (b) bondtwiceas strongas a singtebond?Dothreesingte-bonds :^lj:yb]-: notoasmuchenergyasonetriplebond? ).1", pJo,Nst%A e,e \" ' b,*- *uy"w ,ots l.*c Nor' .t+pk \d.r paseaof B <h\(- ]>14; ?.< E{,^a.;} bu+.J^ry ar n^t- ?e \ *r^/5, -lL-r-g^tb ) s\r/, >s +1^,*,nV