-ffitA; A RULINGJOR HOLMES. Judge Arnold Favors the Pris­ oner In a Decision. RAT OP HOPE FOE THE AOOUSED. The Court Befoses to Admit Testimony Concerniut' the Murder of Pitezel’s Chil­ dren—Holmes’ Alleged W ife Causes a Sensation—He Xs Deeply Moved. 01V 3© » IV J O Y ® Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys­ tem efEectually, dispels colds, head­ aches and fevers aM cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Fij^s is the only remedy of its kind ever pro­ duced, pleasing to the taste and ac­ ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most jtiopnlar remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading- drug­ gists- Any reliable druggist who anay not have it on hand will pro­ cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIM FIG SYRUP CO, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL UOUISVIUE, KY. NEW YORK, M.Yc c;a r t l a n d , 290MSIH 8TSEET. RENTS COLLECTED. C a re o f P r o p e r ty a S p e c ia lty . 2 2 C r a n n e ll S t ., 6 r o o m s $ 1 2 . I have some houses and rooms Yacanfc. Good tenants can move in at once and pay rant "om November l3t."jWbafc more do you want? me know. Offices, Business "Floors and Furnished Houses T o L et. / .strict Agent for tbe Equit­ able Life and Inter-St«';e Accilent Companies of York. 149-fSI MAIN ST^ ll-v » o w n T o w n Dry Goods Store m U B L E C&BFET3 EXCELLERI ViLUES. Extra A ll Wool INGRAINS, the (45c. kind,) Brussels Patterns, only 38 cents a yard,1 i Sales constantly ou the increase be­ cause the best values are given for the LOWEST PRICES. Almost unlimited assortment of the Newest and Prettiest designs in Floor coverings that beautify. W ALL PAPERS. Our W all Papers are in the lead again this fall. After you have looked else­ where, come to U3, we are showing handsomer patterns for lOe., 12^0., and 15 cents a double roll than ever before. Borders, 2 cents a yard upward. IM R D , BEDFORD & MIN ARD P hiladelphia , N ov. 1.~-For about 30 ninutes yesterday the nerve a t which all laen have marveled forsook Holmes, and towed and broken he sank his head into bis hands and sobbed like a child. Mean­ while the woman he persists in calling his wife and upon whom he had pinned his highest hope sat two yards away re­ lating a story th a t seemingly tightened the noose about his neck. For 1 hour and 40 minutes she whisper­ ed to the court crier the words that told how Pitezel had come to the Eleventh street house, where they were stopping, the night before the murder, and how Holmes had been away for five hours of the next day, coming back flushed and e x c ite d a n d c a rr y in g h e r h u r r ie d ly off to Indianapolis. It was the day after this th at the corpse was found in the Callowhill street house. A t the close of her ex­ amination in chief Holmes asked to con­ duct the cross examination himself, and standing in a corner of the dock nervously wringing his hands h e put a few ques­ tions. Then he said he would re s e rv e the right to call her as a witness for the de­ fense. Throughout her testimony Miss Georgiana Yoke, for so she calls herself, n e v e r o n c e b e s to w e d a p a s s in g g la n c e u p o n the man she o n ce had loved. D u r ­ ing the greater part of it she kept her blue eyes riveted on the floor, and when it be­ came necessary to raise them she was careful to shift them so that the pale, shrunken felon in the dock should not come in their path. The case progressed so swiftly th a t but few witnesses remain to be heard before the closing of the commonwealth’s case. Then the defense will open, and in spite of Holmes’ statement th at he would him ­ self testify and also call Miss Yoke his counsel privately state th a t the defense would offer no evidence, bat submit the case on argum ent alone. And they ex­ pressed supreme confidence in his acquit­ tal. Their first victory was gained, and it disappointed those morbid listeners who had counted on viewing the bones of the dead boy Howard. During the day several witnesses were sworn and mainly gave testimony corrob­ orative of the evidence already submitted by the prosecution. Holmes’ A lleged W ife TestiAes. The most im portant witness—at least the one fam ishing the sensation of the day—was the alleged wife of the accused man. She gave her testimony in a whis­ per, which was interpreted by the court Georgiana Yoke, for so she gave her name, is a tall, slender woman of about 25 years, with flaxen hair and blue eyes. She was stylishly attired in black. For the first time Holmes broke down. He gazed steadily at her for a few seconds, while his hands twitched nervously and his lips opened and closed, but she care­ fully avoided meeting his eyes. Then he suddenly bent forward over the little desk in his dock, and the tears began to trickle down his cheeks. He drew his handker­ chief out and for a moment or two sobbed. Then, quickly recovering himself, he dried his eyes and bowed his head, busily engag­ ing himself w ith his notes, but still occa­ sionally giving way to a sob. The witness testified th a t she knew the prisoner as fl. H. Holmes and H. M. Howard in St. Louis in June, 1894, and came to Philadelphia with him in August, 1894. Mr. Graham put a series of questions to fix Holmes’ whereabout on the day the murder is supposed to have been commit­ ted—Sunday, Sept 2, 1894. “ I w a s in m y ro o m o n t h e e v e n in g o f Saturday, Sept. 1. the time in bed. I had been ill, part of The prisoner was at home. Some one called d u r in g the e v e n ­ ing to see him, and he went down stairs. When he came up, he said it was a mes­ senger from the Pennsylvania railroad, and he was to see officials of the company at the messenger’s house next morning to close out contracts for copying. A fter­ ward he said the caller was B, F, P ite ­ zel. This was the day before we left P hil­ adelphia.” “ Was he at home the next day?” “ P a rt of the day. He went out a t about half past 10 in the morning and came back between 3 and 4 in the afternoon. He said he had been at Nicetown, a sub­ urb of Philadelphia. He had before men­ tioned going away, and said we would go home to Indianapolis. We were known here by the name of Howard. ’’ The witness testified regarding her sub­ sequent wanderings w ith Holmes and his final arrest in Boston. Another sensation was furnished when Holmes rose to cross question the woman â– whom he c a lls h is w ife. She testified to nothing new, however, and the court took recess. F m 0 A l f . M O T I^ M B E IK X, i 6 » d and met Pitezel a t the main office of the Western Union Telegraph company, giv­ ing him the check for the trunk. Then he went up to the Eleventh street house, and th a t night went west. The next place he saw Pitezel was in Detroit, where he met him a t the postoffice. I asked him where Pitezel and the children were, and he said in South America. He refused to give me the name of the student from .whom he got the corpse, saying th at the student was supposed to be dead, as years before he and Holmes swindled an insur­ ance company out of f 20,000. Besides, the student was a prosperous man of fam­ ily. He would only give his name in the event of being brought up for murder. He said he had told Pitezel how to pre­ pare the substituted body—to place it on the floor, with the arm on the breast, put the liquid in the mouth and set fire to it. The liquid had been used for cleaning clothes. He also told him how to force the liquid into the stomach by working the arms. He said Pitezel had told him th at after he left the Callowhill street house he was walking through the city hall and threw away the hat he had been wearing and put on a silk one, ln-vDownTown Geyer Sees Holmes In Prison. Tbe Bam Katabdin Tested. N ew L ondon, Conn., Nov. 1.—-The lai;est addition to the new navy of the Unit­ ed States, the ram Eatahdin, has had her official trial, and, although the result will not be positively known for 48 hours or more, it is believed the final official record will show that she has done better than the 17 knots required by the government. iDry GoodsStore Judge Arnold caused a mild sensation by deciding th a t the killing of the chil­ dren had no connection w ith the trial of Holmes for the murder of the father, and th at no such evidence could be introduced. This was the first turn in favor of Holmes since the beginning of the trial and a decided setback for the common­ wealth. The prisoner, however, made no sign when he heard the decision. Geyer was then put under cross exami­ nation. He was asked but a few questions and corroborated his former statements. Superintendent of Police Linden of this city testified th a t Holmes made a statem ent to him in his office about Jan. 6 last. Holmes had requested the privi­ lege of m aking the statem ent without the knowledge of his counsel if possible. In this he said that, having failed to get a body in New York, he catne back to Phil­ Jo h n Iioem ing, adelphia, and on Saturday night, Sept, i, Undertaker and Embalmor, 3 6 1 Main Street, Pokeepele. Telephone Call 184r33. Eeeidence 149 Montzomery street. S . H. C onklin, Undertaker and Embalmor, 361 MilaOti-Mt PokHptiA T^ephon© o w l 18442, Beeldenoe 18K. Hamilton street. B u r n e d W i t h M o lte n M e t a l . P it t s b u r g , N ov. 1..—A n explosion of molten metal a t the Carnegie blast fur­ nace a t Braddock fatally burned Joseph Sohwapps and Mike Goski and slightly injured a number of other workmen. The cause of the explosiort is not known. R egu lar F rice, ----^)A(---^ 5A nP L E --^PACKAOe |1 We bouglit to sell at L ess ten per een t for cash, oe Toledo , i Lucas County, 99c. These goods are finely made and finished. Size,, feet. They make a useful Xmas present for gent or lady. Your money back if you ask it.. Periodical tickets received. State oe Ohio, City J. Cheney makes oath that he is F. J. Cheney \y of Toled* _____ ___________ ‘esaid, and that sai _ firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of C a t a k e h that cannot be cured by the use of H a l l ’s C a t a k k h Cur~ Sworn t presence t a . w. g l e a s o n , Notary Public. Ball’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous sur­ faces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENH1Y & CO., Toledo, O. i»^“Sold by Druggists. 75 cents. M TT p p r i ATA* A A V /A A A V I V 9 house furnisher, 3r5-V 7M aln Street. KITEasy Terms Can be Arranged if Desired. NEW TORE DENTAL PARLORS, 3 1 8 MAIN STBEEX. D JE A Taa, Teeth Without Plates A S P E C IA L T Y D E A N .—I n This city, Oct. 31, Cordelia S., vife o f vViilard L. D ean. W E WONT DO As sume people do to induce tbe ladies to call and look at a special cheap job lot of Stuff Marked Low to catch their eye, but we have Good Staple Millinery Goods and we do not ask you to buy No m ore d r e a d o f t b e D e n ta l C h a ir ! A v isit to ouip ele g a n t D e n ta l P a rlo rs -will convince anyone t h a t ^ e ^ a r i ^ a i r ^ ® th** p la c ^ o u r prices liB S S T H A N H crow ns w ith o u t th e p a r t i t e of p a in o r d a n g e n ^ W h ^ m ea n j a st w h a t w e say. A n a tu r a l looking a n d s e rv ic ab le s e t of T e e th ................................. ........................................ $5 00 A v e rv good s e t Of T e e th .......................... ...................................................... — .......................... 8 00 G o ld fim n g s........................................................................................ ..................... ............................ 1 OOnp S ilver fillin g ............................................................................................................................ ............. fOo Goid a n d P la tin u m ................... ........................................... ................................... .......................... T5c up C e m e n t....... ..................................................................................................................................... 35o P o rc elo in .......................... ................................................................................................................. . 1 00 u p ATmO Give "DIXON’S' Away W ood s. L ewes, Del., Nov. 1.—The schooner Carrie L. Godfrey, from Providence for Wilmington, Del., which went ashore on Paramores beach, Va., is reported in a bad Way. The sea is breaking over her, and she will probably be a total loss. TO YOU 31 and 33 Market Street. ^ M ark«| St. ^ S “s T l l e w Y ork City. WILBUR BROTHERS, and Retail Dealers in Free-burning, Cumberland and Lehigh Coal. Lime and Cement. P o k e e p sie , M. Y, Elevator and General Office, 42-48 Cottage Street. Down Town Office, 14 Academy Street. OPPOSITE THE HELSOH HOUSE. (4 to 7 doses) , Callowhill street house. To any one sending name and address io He identified » In a ll Miun Office, 6 4 W William F. Sauer, sergeant of police,, was one of the policemen called into the Pitezel’s picture as the dead m an found lying on the floor. Detective Thomas G. Crawford, who was sent to Boston to bring Holmes here, said he also brought his papers and effects in two tin boxes. Detective Frank P. Geyer, who traced Holmes’ movements throughout the coun­ try, identified a number of papers taken from these boxes. They were the letters w ritten by the children to their mother and never mailed by Holmes. Detective Geyer said he had an inter­ v ie w with Holmes in the cellroom of the city hall on Nov. 20. 1894, about the body found in the Callowhill street house. Holmes said to him th a t it was not Pitezel’s body, but a substitute. “ He told me he left the Eleventh street house on Sun­ day, Sept. 2, in the morning and went to New York, where he w ent to a medical student and procured a corpse. He put it in a trunk and had it taken by a furniture car driver to Jersey City, where it was silipped on the same tra in to Philadolpliia that Holmes came over on. He WAOhod this city about 4 o’clock in the afternoon A S cb oon er W r e c t e d . CLOTHES POLES he m et Pitezeh The latter was despond­ Of US if our goods are not marked as ent, spoke of his sick children and Said there was nothing for him to live for, or low or lower than any other store in THEODORE R O BSaTS words to th a t effect. Then he told the town. We have the largest assortment story of his visit to the house on Sunday of Hats in the city for Ladies’ and Chil­ and discovering the body—the same he dren. And WG extend a special invita­ told to Detective Geyer. Mr. Graham here said th at w ith the tion exception of two or three witnesses the commonwealth was ready to close, and it would perhaps be better to go on in the morning. The court then adjourned until 10 a. m. Ladies’ one and) all, to call and examine today. _________________ Wholesale our stock of Moderate Priced Trimmed Hats, as well as all sorts of Millinery Trimmings and Staple Fancy Goods. We believe we can save you 10 to 20 per sent, from Main street prices. At Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets commonwealth. If * Threatened Trouble In Arabia. L ondon, Nov. l . —-A dispatch to The Standard from Constantinople says that disturbances are threatened in Arabia, and the ministers are hurrying re-enforce­ m ents to the Red sea. The Arabs, the correspondent avers, dislike the Turkish rule as much as the Armenians do. K illing o f Pitezel Children Immaterial.- When the court reconvened, Mrs. P ite­ zel was recalled and identified a necktie, a piece of shirt and a portion of a pair of trousers which had belonged to her husThe daughter Dessa also identified them, and pictures of Howard, Nellie and Alice. Coroner’s Physician Sidebotham testi­ fied th a t he had procured these articles of clothing from the body of Benjamin P. Pitezel when it was exhumed from the Mechanic’s cemetery by direction of the Postage Stamp Forger Arrested. C in c in n a t i , Nov. 1.—Captain Porter of Chicago and William Burns of Columbus, both of the secret service and under orders from Chief Hazen, have arrested Charles O, Jones, leader of the forgers of postage stamps. The gang was caught in Chicago, where W. T. Thompson is still held. Chief Hazen caught Mrs. Tinsey McMillin in Toronto. Jones jumped $5,000 bail in Chicago. Chief Hazen located Jones here visiting his parents and sent P orter and Burns after him. “ A few days before his arraignm ent for conspiracy, to which he pleaded guilty, I saw him in the cellroom, and he said the story he had told me about the substitu­ tion of a body was not true, and that the corpse found in the house was th a t of Pitezel. I said, ‘Well, Holmes, if th a t’s the case, then you murdered Pitezel and the children.’ He said: ‘No, I didn’t. When I left the Eleventh street house at 11 o’clock on Sunday morning, Sept. 2, I took the Tenth street car and went to the Callowhill street house. I opened the door w ith a key I had, and not finding Pitezel there I went up stairs. On the third floor I found him. He was lying on the floor, his arms across his breast and a cloth over his face. Near by there was a bottle of chloroform, with a thin hose in it so placed th a t the drops of chloroform would fall on the cloth. I put my head to his heart and found th at he was dead. Then I went down stairs and found a note telling me to look inside a bottle in the closet. I did so and found a note in it, in •which Pitezel said I should take his body and do just what I had wanted him to do with the substitute corpse. I went up stairs again and dragged his body down to the second floor, where it was found, placing the broken bottle and the pipe in position and burning the face just as I had told him to do.’ ” Geyer further testified regarding the statements of Holmes as to the where­ about of the Pitezel children. District A ttorney Graham offered to prove the finding of the bones of Howard Pitezel in the house in Irvington, a suburb of Indianapolis, and the bodies of the girls in the cellar of the house a t 6 St. Vincent street, Toronto. The defense objected, and the jury were taken to their room, while a lengthy argu­ m ent on the admissibility of the testimo­ ny was made on both sides. District Attorney Graham contended th at the murder of the children was so in­ tim ately connected w ith the killing of their father th a t it was part of the same transaction, and that it was Holmes’ pur­ pose to exterminate the entire family, in­ cluding Mrs. Pitezel, Dessa and the baby. M rs. P it e z e l R e c a lle d . 149-151 MAIN ST. Another Up Cotmtry W ild Man. MOUNT M o b r is , N. y ., Nov. L —A wild man, who makes his home in a dense wood on the high banks of the Genesee river above Mount Morris, has be‘e n seen recently by boys and hunters, who fre­ quent that locality. He is described as being dressed in garments made of skin, with the fur outsi'' \ and wearing a coonskin cap, to whh.-: he has attached im­ mense amounts . ‘ horsehair strands, which hang down like a bush, covering his back. The man makes his living by hunting and trapping game. u s on a postal card. Q nce Used, They are Always io Favor. Hence, o u r object in sending them out broadcast ^O N T R IA L - They absolutely C7ire Sick Headache, Bil­ iousness, Constipation, Coated Tongue, Poor Appetite, Dy.spepsia and kindred derange­ ments of the Slottiacli, Liver and Bowels. D o n 't accept some substitute said to be ^^just as good." The substitute costs the dealer less. I t costs yo u A B O U T the same. H I S p ro fit is in the " ju s t as good." W H ERE IS YO U R S? Address for F ree S ample , World’s Dispensary Medical Association, No. 663 MmIm S t , BUFFALO, N. V. ECONOMY |I s thelgoveming power in every thrifty family, and o v e r every c a r e fu l h o u s e ­ keeper. The best groceries at the lowest prices are what they are always looking for, and they never fail to get them at the comer of Mill and Bridge streets. We want to tell you that Flour is cheaper today than it has been any time since Christopher Columbus struck this continent. W e offer one of the best brands at per barrel, or by the sack 50 cents. W e are also headquarters for Christian Superlative, White Sponge, Pillsbury’a ^ s t . And all leading brands at lowest prices. Our best Java Coffee at 81 cents per :C0RC0RANS Oor. Mm ardlBridge St. Telephone call, 301—3 rings. Chas. E. Bowne & Son, ------ ;o :------- Carpet Buyers. Our entire stock of Remnants “in all grades of Carpets at “Your Own Prices” during this month, suitable for small rooms, hall and stairs. DO TOU WART & NEW PARLOR CARPET ? All our skill, enterprise, capital and energy have been used in procuring the new spring patterns both in style and fabric. These goods are quick sellers and of interest to every buyer.. Our prices place these Carpets in the reach of|all.]; t^ rB o n ^ t forget the place. ‘ 318 MAIN STREET,