12 - Catholic High School

catholic high school
From the Office of the Principal
WELCOME: To the parents of the young men who will
be entering Catholic High as freshmen and eighth graders
(our Classes of 2017 and 2018). We look forward to
working with you and your son.
newsletter is our primary means of communication with
parents and is only available online through the Catholic
High website (www.catholichigh.org). I encourage parents
to share the newsletter with their sons. Educational
Mission and Ministry (see next item) states “we give our
personal attention to developing a spirit of openness and
cordial relations with students and parents.”
Each month each family will receive an email notifying you
that the newsletter is posted online. Important information
is contained in the monthly newsletter and I urge you to
read it carefully.
1985, the Brothers of the Sacred Heart of the New Orleans
Province published Educational Mission and Ministry.
This document, which is an articulation of our educational
philosophy, was written so we could share our rich tradition
with those with whom we are partners in our educational
endeavor. Educational Mission and Ministry guides the
operation of Catholic High. According to this document,
"Education according to the tradition of the Brothers of
the Sacred Heart is holistic education rooted in religious
values, structured through friendly discipline, nurtured by
personal attention and committed to academic excellence."
As parents, you are the primary educators of your children.
We thank you for giving us the opportunity to work along
with you in educating your son. Together we can achieve
the mission of Catholic High: "To teach Gospel values in an
environment of academic excellence according to Catholic
tradition and the spirit of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart."
STUDENTS NOT RETURNING: If your son will not
be returning to Catholic High for the 2013-2014 school
year, please let us know as soon as possible.
June 1, 2013
SPRING INVITATIONAL: Each spring, Louisiana State
University invites qualifying seniors to take part in “Spring
Testing.” This event gives those students an opportunity
to earn advanced college credits. Once again, Catholic
High is the recipient of the LSU Spring Invitational Golden
Achievement Award. This award is given to the top 20
schools in Louisiana with the most hours of credit earned
by its students. This year, 66 members of Catholic High
School’s Class of 2013 participated in testing and earned a
total of 1,049 credit hours.
SUMMER OFFICE HOURS: Beginning on Friday,
May 31, and continuing until Thursday, July 25, our
summer office hours will be 8 a.m. until 3 p.m.
We will close at noon on Friday, July 12, Friday, July 19,
And Friday, July 26. We will resume regular office hours
(7 a.m. until 4 p.m.) on Monday, July 29. Our offices will
be closed on Thursday, July 4 and Friday, July 5.
STUDENT SCHEDULES [From Tom Eldringhoff,
Academic Assistant Principal]: In February, students
completed on-line course selections for the 2013-2014
school year. Students received course verification sheets
in late April to ensure that the courses listed were correct
and to provide an opportunity for students to request
changes. Requests for changes were considered if they met
departmental requirements and if there was available space
in the courses requested. Schedules showing the courses
listed on course verification sheets will be available in midJuly through the AP Web Direct link on Edline. The last
opportunity for any requests for course changes will begin
on Monday, July 16, and end on Monday, July 23. Please
be sure you have activated your Edline account by the time
schedules are ready in July.
INFORMATION: Please see the following schedule
for the dates of your son’s mandatory attendance at the
computer rollout sessions this summer.
Computers will be distributed at these sessions, along with
critical instruction that students must have in order to be
issued a laptop and begin the school year. If your son must
attend the make-up session, please contact Vicki Melancon:
vmelancon@catholichigh.org or call 383-0397. All students
must attend one of these two sessions or their standing as a
Catholic High student will be in jeopardy.
We are also offering a voluntary parent orientation on
Wednesday, June 26. The purpose of this program is to
educate parents on the responsible and appropriate use of
the laptop by their son, along with information about parent
oversight of their son’s computer activity. A representative
from the Attorney General’s Office will also make a
presentation on internet safety. I highly encourage parents
to attend this session.
Cafeteria service will not be available during the rollout
sessions so students should eat breakfast before the
morning sessions or eat lunch before the afternoon sessions.
Changes have been made to the purchase procedure for
2013-2014 course workbooks. In the past, workbooks and
other classroom materials could be purchased through the
online bookstore during the summer. This service is not
available this summer.
Workbooks and other required classroom materials will be
sold at Orientation in August. This replaces the previous
procedure outlined to all incoming 8th grade and freshman
students at the mandatory parent meetings. This new
procedure also applies to all returning students.
Parents are responsible for purchasing their son’s summer
reading books. The list of summer reading books can be
found on the Catholic High website at
www.catholichigh.org, under the Summer Reading tab
on the main page.
Dress and Grooming Expectations During Rollout:
Students are expected to wear normal school-day attire
during the rollout sessions. This means a dress shirt
(button-down or polo), dress pants, belt, and proper school
shoes. Students must also be clean shaven. For the rollout
sessions only, normal hair restrictions are relaxed. In other
words, students do not have to maintain the typical Catholic
High haircut during the rollout sessions only.
A list of Orientation fees, including a list of workbooks
and other classroom materials to be sold by the Bookstore
at Orientation, will be published in the August Principal’s
24th & 25th
8 to 11 a.m.
24th & 25th
12 to 3 p.m.
BACK - TO - SCHOOL AFTERNOON: Our “Back-ToSchool Afternoon” will be held on Sunday, August 11, from
4-6 p.m. Additional details will be included in the August
Catholic High Newsletter. Please mark your calendar for
this event.
8 to 9:30 a.m.
12 to 1:30 p.m.
8th & 9th
27th & 28th
7:30 to 10:30 a.m.
27th & 28th
11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Make-up Schedule
29th & 30th
8 to 11 a.m.
The Bookstore is closed for the summer; however, you can
email Mrs. Johnson at pjohnson@catholichigh.org with
questions. Please include your name and contact information.
Tullier, President]: For 2013-2014, all CHS tuition
payments will be processed through FACTS Management
Company. Parents have the option of electing a monthly,
semi-annual or annual payment plan, and as has always
been the case, CHS tuition payments are interest free. Each
family must establish an individual FACTS account to
process tuition payments.
CHS tuition for 2013-2014 is $9,005. In addition, there is a
$435 graduation and retreat fee due for seniors in the class
of 2014, and a $450 re-registration fee (for 2014-2015) for
all underclassmen. Therefore, the total of $9,440 for seniors
and $9,455 for underclassmen will be charged through
FACTS. Additional course fees will be charged for AP and
Band courses.
Monthly Payment Plan—Families who choose the monthly
payment plan will pay tuition in 12 equal installment
payments beginning in June 2013, and continuing through
May 2014. Families may select either the 3rd or 15th
of each month as their scheduled payment date. FACTS
charges a one-time per year $43 fee for this installment
Semi-Annual Payment Plan—Families who choose
the semi-annual payment plan will pay tuition in two
equal installment payments—July 3 and December 3,
2013. FACTS charges a one-time per year $10 fee for this
installment plan.
Annual Payment Plan—Families who choose the annual
tuition payment plan will pay tuition in one installment
on July 3, 2013. Though these annual payments will be
processed through FACTS, there is no FACTS charge for
this installment plan.
Please understand that in order for classes to be
scheduled for your son for August, and in order for him
to participate in the required laptop training in June
and be issued a laptop for his use in June, parents must
have set up a FACTS account and be current on tuition
payments. Also, if a student’s tuition account at any time
becomes two months or more past due, he is subject to
suspension from classes and exams until the outstanding
balance has been paid. Any exceptions must be approved
by the CHS President.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
ORIENTATION SCHEDULE: Orientation for all
students will take place on Monday, August 5, and Tuesday,
August 6. Your son must be present for Orientation at his
properly assigned time. Corrective measures will result
from unexcused Orientation absences. Students must
report to the library according to the following schedule:
2013-2014 Orientation Schedule
Monday, August 5
8 a.m.
A - Co
8:30 a.m.
Cr - He
11th Grade
9 a.m.
Hi - Ma
9:30 a.m.
Mc - R
10 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11 a.m.
C - Eg
11:30 a.m.
Em - J
9th Grade
K - Mc
12:30 p.m.
Me - R
1 p.m.
Tuesday, August 6
8th Grade
12th Grade
10th Grade
8 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
1 p.m.
A - Co
Cr - H
P - To
Tr - Y
If you bring your son to Catholic High for his orientation,
we welcome you to come into the Union and relax while
orientation is in process, but please allow your son to
complete orientation himself, unaccompanied by you. The
process typically lasts about an hour. Thanks for your
understanding in this matter.
DEBIT CARD: Balances on returning students’ debit
card accounts from the 2012-2013 school year will be
carried into the 2013-2014 school year. This balance
will be applied toward your son's minimum deposit at
orientation. If you have any questions regarding your
balance, please contact Pinney Johnson, Bookstore
All students, eighth graders through seniors, are required to
wear a coat and tie on the day of their orientation and to be
properly groomed because school pictures will be taken at
that time. If your son does not have a coat, he may come
with a dress shirt and tie and we will provide a coat for the
picture. Please note we do not have every size.
It is particularly important that your son's hairstyle meet
CHS grooming requirements. If your son's hairstyle does
not meet CHS grooming requirements, he will not be
allowed to complete the orientation procedure; in effect, he
will be suspended from school until he has an acceptable
haircut. Last year a barber was on campus and available to
cut hair when needed for a fair fee. We plan to provide the
same accommodations for orientation in August. If your
son uses the on-campus barber, the fee will be added to his
check-out sheet at registration. If you have any questions
about a hairstyle or whether or not it will be acceptable at
CHS, please contact Brian Hightower, Assistant Principal
for Discipline, for an appointment. Please call him in
advance of your visit so he can be available.
SENIORS: Seniors are still required to take pictures
during orientation with all normal dress and grooming
expectations in effect. These pictures are for school use
and also provide parents a less expensive alternative than
special senior portraits to provide photographs of their sons
for friends and relatives.
During this summer seniors must have a formal portrait
taken by Brad Messina Photography for inclusion in the
CHS yearbook. For this picture, hairstyles must meet CHS
grooming requirements. [Note: the requirements outlined
in the previous item for Orientation dress and grooming
apply to our seniors also.]
PARKING FOR 2013-2014 [From Brian Hightower]:
Only those students who pay parking fees will be allowed
to park in either the school’s Main Parking Lot or the
Westmoreland Parking Lot. Security is provided in both
lots to help ensure the safety of our students and their
vehicles. The CHS Board of Directors has set the parking
fee for the 2013 2014 school year at $285. Seniors and
juniors will be able to purchase parking passes during
Student Orientation. Sophomores who have a current
driver's license may purchase any remaining parking passes
after school has begun. Freshmen are not allowed to park
in either lot and should plan accordingly. If you have
questions about student parking, please contact me.
Wednesday, August 7, will be a special day of school
designed exclusively for our 8th and 9th graders. Our other
students - 10th, 11th, and 12th graders - are not to report
to school. This special day for new students is designed
to acquaint them with Catholic High in an atmosphere
that is less hectic than a day with the full student body in
attendance. We will begin with a Liturgy for all 8th and
9th graders at 7:30 a.m. We will run a full schedule of
shortened classes. Lunch will be served. Students must
have their ID/debit cards (that they will have received at
orientation) for this first day of school. We will conclude
the day with Bear Camp. Students will be dismissed about
2:45 p.m.
FOOTBALL PROGRAM: Parents who would like
to place an ad in Catholic High’s 2013 football program
should contact Vicki Melancon at 383-0397 or e-mail her at
vmelancon@catholichigh.org before Friday, June 28. Ads
may be placed for a business or for your child (or a group
of friends). Costs range from $50 to $175. We will be
printing approximately 1,000 programs and selling them at
home games.
STUDENT DIRECTORY: An online directory of
CHS students will be available through the Catholic High
website shortly after the beginning of school. It includes
each student’s name, year of graduation, phone number,
address, and parent(s)’ name(s), phone number(s) and
address(es). Safe Homes participation is also indicated. If
you do not wish to have any of the above-noted information
included in this directory, please contact the school office.
Otherwise, the information (obtained from your son’s 20132014 registration form) will appear in the student directory.
first quarter of each school year, the Guidance Office, with
parental approval, will provide teachers with the names of
students with special health concerns or diagnosed learning
differences on a “Special Needs List.” For a student with
learning differences to be on this list and receive any
classroom accommodations (such as extended time for
testing or special seating), a copy of the student’s psychoeducational evaluation or a letter from the diagnosing
physician must be kept on file in the Guidance Office.
For a student with special health issues, a note from his
physician is required.
Please send all documentation to the Guidance Office by
Friday, August 2, 2013. If a student’s name appears on
the list, it remains his responsibility to talk to each of his
teachers about his health concern or learning difference.
Please note that elementary schools do not transfer
documentation of learning needs to the student’s high
school; therefore, parents of incoming eighth graders and
freshmen need to supply that documentation to CHS. If
you have any questions regarding this practice or any other
concern regarding your son, please contact the Guidance
PRODUCTIVE SUMMER: I hope that you and your
family have a wonderful summer. Please know of my
continued prayers for you, especially for your son. In late
July, our August issue of the Catholic High Newsletter will
be published.
Have you made your gift to PAGE 28?
If not, please respond by June 30, 2013.
The PAGE 28 appeal was led by dedicated volunteer parents.
The CHS Office of Advancement is most appreciative for the
support, energy, guidance and initiative in their outreach to peers.
In particular, the chaircouple and leadership of the senior class
are graciously acknowledged for their service to PAGE.
PAGE 28 Chaircouple
Jane and Steve Sherman
parents of Bennett ’13, Kramer ’09 and Stephen ’08
12th Grade Class Coordinators
Mindy and Kevin Colomb
Kathy and Dwayne Honoré
parents of Stephen ’13
parents of Daniel ’12 and Travis ‘13
Jerelyn and Perry Key ’78
parents of Christian ’13
8th Grade Class Coordinators
Denise and Scott Culotta
parents of Angelo ’17 and Sammy ’16
10th Grade Class
Mary and Scott Carmouche
9 Grade Class Coordinators parents of Grant ’15 and Tommy ’08
Margaret and Steven Brooksher ’70
Missy and Guy Hopkins ’76
parents of Nic ’16, Mat ’02 andSteven ’00
parents of Will ’15, Matt ’08 and
Hank ’07
Anne and Steve Carville ’76
parents of Nick ’16 and JoJo ’07
Paula and Tommy Savoie
parents of Thomas ’15
Lacy and Bernie Corrippio ’82
parents of Roman ’16, Garrett ’11
Marla and Joel Silverberg
and Nicholas ’09
parents of Simon ’15 and Ben ’09
Kathleen and John Lovretich
parents of Sam ’16 and Max ’14
11th Grade Class
Nan and Tim Barfield ‘82
parents of Thomas ’14
Kema and Kurt Bueche
parents of Chandler ’14, Conner ’12
and Cameron ’11
Joan and Sonny Chastain ’82
parents of Sam ’16 and James ‘14
Rene and Gary Graphia
parents of Peyton ’14
CHS seeks the support of
of the families of current students through a gift to PAGE.
As of May 25,
of parents have made gifts totaling
to PAGE 28.
Gifts to PAGE are a vital resource in covering the gap ($2,030),
the difference in the cost to educate your son(s) and the actual tuition paid.
If your name is not included in the list below, please know your participation is important to the
mission of CHS. Please join the donors listed by making a gift that is appropriate for your family
Gifts to PAGE 28 have been made in the following ranges:
Jill and Chris Abadie '78
Kate and Robert Abbott
Kimberly and Leo Abel '89
Lisa and Tom Adamek
Tracie and Daniel Aguillard
Darlene Aguillard
Stacie and Paul Aguillard
Patti and Haven Aldrich
Kelly and Lathan Alexander
Charlene and Eric Amos
Leah and Jody Anderman
Melanie and Nolan Anderson
Susan and Bryan Andries
Elizabeth and Brett Angelloz
Robin and Angelo Annaloro
Karen and Trey Argrave '86
Shanna and David Arrighi '73
Judi and Richard Atkins
Missy and Rodney Averett
Ainslie and Brad Babin
Paula and Russell Babin
Dana and Tom Baggett
Jennifer Bagnerise
Kathy and Dan Balhoff '81
Sharon and George Balhoff
Connie Bannister
Cheryl and Mike Bannister
Lydia and Michael Barbee
Nan and Tim Barfield '82
Diane and Dale Baringer '72
Lynette and Walter Barker '76
Betsy and Walton Barnes
Andrea and Gerard Barrack
Mary and Michael Barrios
Kellie and Bob Barton
Claire and David Bateman '80
Cherie and Jeffrey Baudier
Rita and Gerard Becnel
Carol and Mark Bellue
Stacie and Scott Bemis
Carla and Scotty Bergeron '87
Dana and Jim Bernhard
Diane and Denis Bertrand
Natalya and Dave Besse
Connie and Frank Betts
Marianne Bianca
America and David Bienvenu
Ainsley and John Bishop '84
Lynn and Travis Blanchard
Shawn and Stephen Bone
Cindy and Stanley Bonis
Linda and Dayne Bonvillain
Geraldine and Steven Bordelon
Brad Bourg
Danna and Thomas Bourg
Diane and James Bourgeois
Brandi and Ron Bowen
Bridgett and Jim Boyce '85
Cindy and Bill Bozeman '82
Janet and Todd Branch
Lorilin and John Braymer
Stacey Breaux
Todd Breaux
JoAnn and David Brian
Donna and Frank Brian '82
Renee and Kevin Brian '86
Walter Bringaze
Laura and Brett Brock
Margaret and Steve Brooksher '70
Sherry and Rob Brouillette
Patricia and Louis Broussard
Kay and Val Browning
Angie and Jeb Broyles '88
Kema and Kurt Bueche
Pamela and Walter Bueche
Fain and Gary Buete
Lisa and Bill Burke
Linda and Tom Burnett
Betty and Larry Cain
Elizabeth and Scott Callais
Cheryl and Kevin Callerame
Jeannine and Mark Calvit
Missy and Cam Cameron
Dave Campagna
Kathryn and Mike Campesi
Phyllis and Samuel Cancienne
Erin and Darryl Candilora
Toni and Robby Cangelosi '80
Lenny Cardenas '80
Reneè and Chris Caruso
Anne and Steve Carville '76
Jill and Jodie Cashio
Tina and Mike Cashio
Deborah and Chris Castel
John Caulfield
Maria and Alan Cayer
Shannon and Fred Cerise
Joan and Sonny Chastain '82
Ricky Chatman
Nury and Gerard Chenevert
Elif and Edward Chiasson
Allison and Maurice Coleman '82
Heather and Doug Collis
Mindy and Kevin Colomb
Madelaine and Luis Colon
Laurina and Mark Conger
Wendy and Jarrod Coniglio
Janet and John Connolly
Angele and Todd Cooley
Lauren and Tim Cooper
Allyson and Stuart Corder
Liz and Sterling Core
Karla Coreil
Lacey and Bernie Corripio '82
Kerin and Jeff Cotten
Patricia and D. Porter Craig
Kathleen and Mike Crapanzano '80
Susan and Robert Creel
Stephanie and Ray Crochet
Katherine and Jeff Crosby
Bridget and Leonard Culotta
Denise and Scott Culotta
Susan and George Cunningham '81
Lisa and Roger Daggett
Charlene and Vance Daigle
Teri and Chris Davidson
Britt and Richard Davies
Chelsea and Keith Day
Helen and Jeff Dedon
Ann and Ron DeJean
Marti and Scott DeLee
Brenda and Leland Denison
Robbin and Kevin Denny
Patricia and Mike DePaul
Toni and Scott Deranger
Evangeline and Brian Despinasse
Susan and Ron Devillier
Missy and Bill DeVillier
Judy and Kraemer Diel '61
Rachel and Michael DiResto
Christine Doiron
Nadine and Christopher Donner
Gena and David Doucet
Deborah Doucet
Tommie Doucet
Stacy and Gregg Dubroc
Suzanne and Kevin Ducote '85
Dana and Dwayne Dugas
Laura and Ken Duhe
Josie and Keith Duke
Kim and Michael Duprè
Susan and Charles Dupuis
Linda and Birnie Dupuy '81
Brigid and Mike Durel
Tina Durham
Michelle Eaglin
Darlene and Bruce Eckert '73
Jennifer and Eric Edmonson
Jill and James Edwards
Leslie and Stephen Edwards
Kathryn and Charles Elkins
Kim and Scott Elston
Marci and Paul Esch
Robin and Buddy Ethridge
Dianne and Curt Eysink
Missy and Eddy Facundus '81
Lauren and Donald Fairbanks
Candi and Paul Ferachi '84
Aimee and Benjamin Ferrell
Kelly and Chris Fields
Mandy and Pete Firmin
Deborah and John Fisher
Diana and Mark Fisher
Susan and Gregory Flieg
Lisa and Gary Focht
Cheryl and Barry Fontaine
Georgette and Glynn Fontenot
Ana and Pat Forbes
Kim and Donald Ford
Lisa and Milam Ford
Allison and Norman Ford
Karen and Marc Fournet '68
Ann and Michael Francioni
Melinda and Billy Francioni
Chris and Keith Frederic
Monette and Charles Freeburgh
Karen and Farrell Frugé '78
Roni and Duane Frugé
Louise and Landon Futch
Christina and Drew Gaudet
Stephanie and Richard Gaudin '77
Anne Marie and Steve Gaudin '83
Ann and Todd Gerald '79
Laura and George Getz
Judy and Michael Giorlando
Xiao and Gary Goay
Tracie and Glen Godbery
Lana and Patrick Goldsmith
Roy Gomez
Meg Gough
Jeri and Chris Graham
Anne and Robert Graham
Rene and Gary Graphia
Carla and Allen Graves '79
Carol Green
Emily and Hunter Greene
Jan Grenfell
Melanie and Brad Griggs
Michelle and Douglas Guidroz
Stacey and John Guilbeau
Michelle and Jim Guitreau '83
David Gunn
Jill and Philip Hackney '88
Jim Hall
Vonda and Dave Hannaman '74
Melba Ann and Dean Harris
Kimberly and Glen Harvey
Stacy and Cliff Hebert
Shelby and Ronnie Hebert
Karen and Donald Heltz
Denise Henderson
Jeanne and David Herry
Anna and Stewart Hingle
Linda and Jon Hirsch
Stephanie and Blake Hodges '83
Karen and Jeff Hoffmann
Karen and Derrik Holden
Jackie and Guy Holdridge
Sally and Frank Holloway
Kathy and Dwayne Honoré '83
Missy and Guy Hopkins '76
Maranda and Jason Howell
Julie and Michael Hubbell
Michelle and Kyle Huffstickler '85
Trina Hull
Ashley and Mark Hunt
Susan Hunt
Beth and Bill Hurdle
Elizabeth and Charles Hurst
Caprice and Richard Ieyoub
Madeline and Tom Isacks
Claudia and Ted Jack
Catherine and Jon Jackson
Gloria and Richard Jackson
Karen and John Jakuback
Lori and Edward James
Roderick James
Amy Jeanfreau
Chantal and George Jeha
Polly and David Johnson
Kelley and Chris Jones '95
Diane and Todd Jones
Audrey and Chris Kafkallides
Jamie and Thomas Karam
Brenda and Peter Katzmarzyk
Nancy and Chris Keaton '85
Stacey and Danny Keaton '86
Ellen and Barry Keim
Kimberley and Elwood Keim
Tracey and Patrick Kelleher '83
Jan and Nolan Keller '85
Rebecca and Eric Kelley
Gayle Kellner
Tim Kellner
Constance and Pat Kennedy '81
Suzie and Kyle Kershaw
Jerelyn and Perry Key '78
Hal Kilshaw '75
Janet and George Kleinpeter
Alecia and Greg Kleinpeter
Cindy and Steve Kleinpeter
Niomi and Douglas Krzystowczyk
Stephanie and Charles Kurzweg
Carla and Robert Kusch
Jeany and Doug LaBar
Sharon and Jim LaBauve
George LaCour
Martha LaCour
Susan and Michael Lala
Collette and Brent Lambert
Amanda and Kyle Landry
Heather and Ben Landry
Ashley and Brad Landry
Carolyn and Richard Landry
Melissa and Chris Latour
Catherine and Keith Lauter
Mary Layman
Joe Layman
Elaine and Stuart LeBas
Pam and Eba LeBlanc
Kevin LeBlanc
Diane and Marcy LeBlanc
Shelly and Scott LeBlanc
Heidi and André LeBleu '82
Rena and Todd Ledet
Carol and Edwin Lee
Millicent and Terry Lee
Dave Lefeve '82
Cherie and James Lemoine
Lindsay and Jeremy Lemoine
Mark Leto
Kelly and Byron Lewis
Susan and Todd Lindrew
Sheri and David Lindsey
Joy and David Lonibos
Melody and Steve Loupe '77
Anne and Paul Lovell
Kathleen and John Lovretich
Missy and Mark Lusco
Gretchen and Wayne Macaluso
Anna and Robert Magazine
Teresa and Gary Maggio
Kara and Patrick Mahoney
Karen and Paul Mainieri
Patricia and Chad Major
Danielle and Barry Mancuso
Sharon and Tom Mann
Theresa and Timothy Mann
Laura and Larry Manthei
Suzanne and Charles Marquette
Wendy and Patrick Martin
Gayle and Roger Massey
Susan and Stephen Mathews
Ghedy and Aldo Matus
Kathy and Charles McDowell
Jennifer McElveen
Michael McElveen
Christy and Rod McGehee '90
Janet and Andy McGinty '78
Tracey and John McGoey
Diane and Kelly McGovern
Marcia and Lee McKinzie
Melanie McKnight
Michele and John McLindon '81
Cathy and Brad McManus
Selina and Justin McNeely
Tiffany and John Meek '87
Alys Melancon
Mary Allison and Douglas Melancon
Pam and Jeffrey Melancon
Ron Menville
Susan Menville
Rhonda and David Mese '79
Erin and Jeffrey Meyers
Angela and Euclid Michel
Marcie and Don Miller
Karen and Peter Miller '84
Kelley and Duke Minton '88
Dawn and Jeffrey Mire
Arline and Samuel Mistretta
Nateka Mitchell
Lisa and William Mitchell
Barrye and Hiko Miyagi
Laura and John Montagnino
Christy and Patrick Moock
Jenny and Walter Morales '80
Paula and Mark Moreau
Mary Jo and Greg Morgan
Chris and Michael Morgan
Lisa and Jimmy Morris
Jennifer Morris
Tina and Michael Morris
Rebecca and Lee Mouk
Joelle and Robert Moukarzel
Lori and Troy Mouton
Catherine and James Murray
Maria and Yasuo Namba
Tinè and Keynon Neames
Angela Newsom
Suzette and David Newton
Thuy and Bruce Nguyen
Kimmai and Dan Nguyen
Loan Nguyen
Annette and Kevin Nicosia
Alicia and James Nosacka
Delores and Charles Noto
Leslie and Joseph Noto
Leah and Brian Olinde '81
Gwen and Kevin Ortego '79
Ingrid and Enrique Osuna
Stacy and Darron Oubre
Melissa and Craig Ourso
Michelle and Robert Palmisano
Janile and Ezra Parks
Heather and Rick Pastorek '78
Penny and Joseph Patterson
Glynnis and Mike Patterson
Marian and Thomas Patterson
Geri Pearson
Richard Peavy
Charles Pecquet '85
Alicia and Brannon Perilloux '87
Jodi and Brian Perrodin
Janice and Vernon Pfister
Deborah and Gary Pickell
Irene Pineiro Gomez
Melinda and Luke Piontek
Dedra Pipes
Angie and Lane Pitre
Luz and Christopher Plater
Laura and Jay Poché
Sherri and Anthony Pocorello
Kathleen and Anthony Polito
Cynthia and Joseph Popadic
Rachel and Gaither Pope
Laura and Bradley Poret
Anne-Scott and Jacques Pourciau '90
Donna and Mark Prejean
Caroline and Rick Priest
Karen and Donald Puckett
Karen and Steven Quartano
Dianne and John Quebedeaux
Wendy and Joe Quinlan '87
Michell and Scott Rabalais
Danielle and Matt Reames '89
Bridget Reed
Joy and Chris Reily
Wendy and Keith Richardson
Laura and Frank Ringo
Jean and Harry Rivault
Cindy and Clayton Rives
Cindy and Len Riviere
Lisa and Sean Robbins
Heather and Barry Robert
Clay and Richard Roberts '74
Shandra and LaKendrick Robinson
Sandra and Claude Rodriguez
Angie Rogers
Monica and Michael Roppolo
Gloria and Carlos Rosas
Melissa and David Ross
Marie and Mike Rourke
Theresa and Blair Roussel
Jeanne and Shaan Rube
Beth and James Ruiz '74
Karen and Larry Ruth
Kristi and Shawn Sagrera
Kelly Salzer
Allison and Blanchard Sanchez
Molly and Mark Sanchez '82
Mary Sandifer
Ann Marie Sardisco
Charla and Dennis Sartain
Becky and Val Saurage
Paula and Tommy Savoie
Suzette and George Say
Cheree and Roger Scardina
Allison and Craig Sceroler
Kelly and Mark Schexnaildre
Karen and Arnold Schexnayder
Laura and Harry Schexnayder
Christine and Paul Schexnayder
Sheri and Eric Schoonmaker
Deborah and George Schwartzenburg
Ellen and Jay Sciambra
Michelle and Lee Scioneaux
Michelle and Peter Sclafani
Jenny and Thomas Seagraves
Sandra and Adrian Serio
Katherine and Mark Shaheen
Shilonda and Gwynn Shamlin
John Shamma
Susan and Daniel Shea
Carolyn Sherman
J. Scott Sherman '80
Jane and Steve Sherman
Maria and Kevin Shingleton
Donise and Gary Shipley
Elizabeth Sibley
Marla and Joel Silverberg
Andrea and Ric Simmons '81
Stephanie and Dennis Simoneaux
Monique and Brent Simpson
Daniel Slezak
Katherine and Cale Smith
Cathy Smith
Rachele and Dave Smith
Delia and Andy Smith '87
Jenny and Scott Smith
Michelle and Steven Snyder
Rhonda and Carl Soileau
Kay and Curtis Solar '81
Lisa and Jeremy Songné
Christine and Steven Sotile
Marla and Steven Spedale
Donna and Steve St. Cyr
Lynda and Patrick Stagg
Karen Stassi
Curtis Stephens
Karen and Anthony Stephens
Amy and Ronnie Stephens
Allison and James Strate
Marcel and Randy Stuart
Tanya and Stanley Stuart
Lisa and Ernie Summerville
Jeanne and Norman Sutton '76
Lori and Steve Talamo '84
Rebecca and Gregg Theriot
Francelle and Kirk Theriot
Bridget and Robert Thibodaux
Charlotte and Alan Thibodeaux
Beverly and Corky Thompson
Heidi and David Thompson
Shannon and Larry Thompson
Angee and Steve Thompson '77
Edith and Lyman Thornton
Lisa and Tim Thriffiley
Jill and Terrence Tiersch
Stacy and Joe Toranto
Dane and Ronald Torres
Corey and Shaun Toups
Tanya Toussant
Molly and Adam Town
Suzanne and Michael Tramonte
Tu-Trinh and Nee Tran
Kelleé and Graham Tujague '81
Renée and Patrick Tullier '75
Barbara and Rick Tuminello '82
Mari and Vince Tumminello
Vicki and Russell Turner
Michelle and Jean Uzee
Charles Vasquez
Laurie and Richard Venable
Janet and Jimmy Vidrine
Amy and Michael Vint
Joni and Warren Waggenspack '76
Shannan and Hilton Waits
Johnelle and George Wallace '85
Tammy and Toby Wallis
Simone and Bret Walsh
Julie and Richard Wampold
Sandra and James Wand
Wendy and Robert Ward
Rysanek and Leroy Washington
Nora and Wendell Welch
Hope and Steve Werner '87
Lisa and Mark Westmoland
Heather and John Westra
Brian Wigley
Kim Wigley
Karla Wilburn
Sharon and Paul Wilkins
Renee and Gary Williams
Cathleen and Mark Williams
Martha and Miles Williams '79
Paula and Tom Wills
Beth and Jim Wilson
Dana and Herbert Wilson
Nancy and Kevin Wilson
Laurel Wilson
Jennifer and Daniel Wiltz
Carolyn and Carey Winder
Melissa and Craig Wiseman
Vicki and Brad Wolf
Nicole and Jeffrey Worley
Rhonda and Keith Wyckoff
Dana and Mark Ydarraga
Connie and Randy Young
Jennifer and R. Christopher Young
Liz and Chris Zielewski
Thanks for your support of
the mission of Catholic High School and
the charism of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart.
Have a peaceful summer.