LEXIS Ricerche Researches, January 2nd, 2012 1 Branding & Naming Audit NEW BRAND RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: PHONO-­‐SYMBOLIC VALUES IntroducDve arDcle APPLE Phono-­‐symbolic Values of the brand name “APPLE” Milan, January 2nd 2012 In the words we listen to and pronounce, expressive, emotional and symbolic values are “compressed” inside. It is possibile to make these values to emerge through speciAical research methods, that stay between aesthetical and psychological approaches. It is interesting to know phono-­‐symbolic values because they can be both strong or weak points of Brands and names, to be exploited -­‐ or neutralized -­‐ in appropriate ways. LEXIS Ricerche Researches, January 2nd, 2012 2 Branding & Naming Audit A new research approach: phono-­‐symbolic values of Brands According to Fernando Dogana‘s studies, there are some links between phonemas and phono-­‐symbolic “descriptors”. Our results are sometimes surprising because under the phono-­‐symbolic perspective not all names seem to be good By Giovanni Rizzi, LEXIS Ricerche Partner SUMMARY IntroducDon, 2 Phono-­‐symboli values: beGer to know them, 3 Global Brands in general and phono-­‐symbolism, 4 LinguisDc areas, Brands and phono-­‐symbolism, 5 Some phono-­‐symbolically strong Brands, 6 • The APPLE case, 6 • The PORSCHE case, 7 NOKIA: a phono-­‐symbolically criDcal Brand, 8 What to do with phono-­‐symbolism: • EvaluaDng exisDng names, creaDng new ones, 9 INTRODUCTION Secret power of names. Our insDtute has developed several specific methods for analysis and intervenDon in the field of Brands and product / service names . An ulDmate approach of parDcular interest is the phono-­‐symbolic, based on the phoneDc values of the names. Evaluate exisRng names and design new ones. These values are under the eyes (and ears) but they have secret aspects that are useful to know, in order to evaluate exisDng names and to study new ones. ApplicaRon of phono-­‐symbolic approach to big Brands. We have applied the methods of analysis to Brands and product names. Here we would like to introduce you to a study on Brands operaDng in the global market, starDng from the 100 Best Global Brands 2011 idenDfied and measured by Interbrand (www.interbrand.com). THE APPROACH Expressive values "compressed" in the words. In the words we hear, read, pronounce and write expressive values -­‐ emoDonal and symbolic -­‐ are "compressed”. They can be unlocked through a research method that lies between aestheDc criDcism and Language Psychology. Phono-­‐symbolism represents how human language sounds may symbolize semanDc values through the arDculatory and acousDc qualiDes of the smallest units of the word: the phoneme. The term “phono-­‐symbolism” is mostly used in literature, but there are applicaDons in the fields of linguisDcs and psychology. Our main reference is due to the work of the great Italian psychologist and researcher Fernando Dogana*, who devoted a lot of his work to the theme. The phonemes and their "descriptors". Based on Dogana’s research it’s been possible to reconstruct the links between phonemes and a certain number of "descriptors", words that can give an account -­‐ albeit loosely – of the phono-­‐ symbolic the value of Brands and more generally of names. Strengths and weaknesses of Brands. It is interesDng to know these descripDon values as they can represent points of strength or weakness for the Brand exposiDon to the market. Phono-­‐symbolisms is surely not exhausDve for a Brand evaluaDon survey but it’s useful for a more informed and effecDve branding strategy. *This research grounded on the studies of Fernando Dogana (Valdagno, 1937-­‐2003), Professor of Psychology at the Catholic University of Milan. His research interests matched the Aields of social psychology, developmental psychology and psycholinguistics. Lately he was mainly involved with aesthetics and the expressive aspects of human language. In our approach we refer particularly to the following Dogana’s books : LE PAROLE DELL’INCANTO, Franco Angeli, 1990 e a SUONO E SENSO, Franco Angeli,1983 LEXIS Ricerche Researches, January 2nd, 2012 3 Branding & Naming Audit Brands names phono-­‐symbolic values: it’s beTer to know them While researching on Brand names it is useful to consider phono-­‐symbolic implications and not only the rational and conventional aspects Sound and meaning. There are differences between the various linguisDc areas in the presence / frequency of phonemes but the phono-­‐symbolic values sharing olen occurs among those who speak different languages. The phono-­‐symbolic sense and linguisDc meaning of words someDmes converge (e.g. with an onomatopoeia) but someDmes it diverges, as the adult language is based on convenDons ("arbitrariness" of the language). Some words are more phono-­‐symbolic than others because their phonemic sounds and linguisDc meaning Phonemes and their frequency in global Brands converge, while others bear weaker phono-­‐ symbolic aspects because meanings and sounds The pre-­‐linguisRc meaning of words. The child are inconsistent one another. comes into contact with his language during a Groups of phonemes. Dogana -­‐ on the basis of pre-­‐linguisDc interacDon with his mother, in many tests carried out by himself and several situaDons with highly kinestheDc (body sensaDons other researchers in different language areas – He while listening and producing sounds), emoDonal sorted out phonemes into groups with special and expressive valences. This occurs at an early evocaDve properDes. Examples: the occlusive stage when the child hasn’t yet learned the consonants (/P/B/, /T/D/, K/ hard /G/ and /C/) language or the cultural meaning of the words. express values such as strength, power, The phonemes make sense. From Dogana studies aggression, masculinity, stability. Spirant or we learn that different phonemes -­‐ vowels and affricate consonants (/S/Sc/F/V/Z/sol /C/G/) consonants – retain in an adult stage traces of communicate impression of lightness, speed, this pre-­‐linguisDc sense. These traces are usually vitality, joy. The nasals (/M/N/) evoke sensaDons very lively in the arDsDc sensibility of certain of solness, warmth, slowness, childhood. poets and writers. But these effects may be Vowels. The /A/, for instance, suggests feelings of revealed through proper phono-­‐symbolic tests. greatness, wideness, openness, slowness, The different phonemes are typically associated wonder. The /O/ communicates size, roundness, with specific expressive values, that are weight, power; /I/E/ mean small, fast, light. The / commonly shared by people, as demonstrated in U/ is less frequent than others but carries its own several sample tests (Dogana 1990, page 421 and parDcular set of values (e.g. sacred), not so following). good... etc. Brands can be evaluated for their historicity, reputation, image, evocative capabilities (eg the association with particular products / services or with certain types of people or social worlds), the ability to differentiate their offer, the role they have in their business model, their value as intangible asset, the ability to communicate values and to be factors of identiAication for consumers (or for the Trade , the InAluencers, and more in general for Stakeholders) ... We propose to study them for their phono-­‐symbolic properties, because they can give us some interesting suggestions and can reveal… secret points of strength or weakness. LEXIS Ricerche Researches, January 2nd, 2012 4 Branding & Naming Audit Global Brands phono-­‐symbolic values We conducted an examination of phono-­‐symbolisms of the most successful brand in the global market. In general the frequency of some vowels and consonants classes is higher. There are some absences ... 100 GLOBAL BRANDS Ranking of 100 Global Brands Global Brands. Since 2001 the company Interbrand ranks up the top 100 Global Brands, lisDng them from the first to the last according to their value, which is calculated in U.S. dollars. (www.interbrand.com/). Global Brands and linguisRc areas. The Interbrand list includes American brands (as many as 49 out of 100), followed by the Germans (10), the French (7) and Japanese (7). These were followed by the English (5 cases) and the Swiss (5 cases). The Dutch brands are three as well as the Italians (Gucci, Armani and Ferrari). The remaining posiDons are occupied by the Canadians, Spanish, Korean, Swedish, Finnish, Mexican and Taiwan brands. The graph examines the phonemic structure of 97 Brands that belong to four main language areas (Anglo, Germanic, Romance / Neo-­‐LaDn and ”Oriental", namely Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese). General analysis. As showed in the graph, all together, the major global Brands: • Show emphasis in vowels /I/E/ (lightness, brightness, proximity, femininity), in occlusive consonants (/P/B/, /T/D/, /K/ hard /G/ and hard / C/), communicaDng power, decisiveness, aggressiveness, importance), in spirant and affricate consonants (/S/Sc/F/V/Z/ sol /C/ and /G/) which express lightness, speed, vitality, joy. • Less common are among Global Brands phonemic structures the /O/ (greatness, roundness, heaviness, slowness, power), the /U/ (sacred but also dark, far), and especially certain types of consonants: nasals (/ M/N/ expressing solness, warmth, slowness, childhood, maternity), liquids /l /Gl/ (smooth, light, free, feminine, tender) and the vibrant /R/ (roughness, hardness, biGerness, anger, and masculinity, carnality). As we shall see, liquid and vibrant consonants are absent among the “Oriental” Brands. As shown in the chart of the main areas of Global Brands (Anglo, Germanic, Romance and ”Oriental") there is emphasis on /I/E/ vowels, occlusive consonants (/P / B, T / D, K / hard /G/ and /C/) communicating "power", as well as spirants and affricates (S / SC / F / V / ZC / soft G) which express lightness, speed, vitality, joy. Vowels /O/ and /U/ are less common are as some classes of consonants: the nasals (/M/N/), the liquids / l / Gl/, the vibrant /R/. The last two categories are absent from the phonetics of "Oriental" Brands contained in the list of Best Global Brands... LEXIS Ricerche Researches, January 2nd, 2012 5 Branding & Naming Audit Brand phono-­‐symbolisms and linguisRc areas The major Brands are predominantly of Anglophone origin (U.S. in many cases, but also British and Anglo-­‐Canadian), but there are remarkable presences of German, Neo-­‐Latin and “Oriental” Brands 100 GLOBAL BRANDS Brands and Phonemes LinguisRc areas and Brands. It is interesDng to generate some analysis on Brands broken down by language areas. The Anglophone is the largest (56 cases), followed by Neo-­‐LaDn with 16 cases (French, Italian, Spanish, Swiss, French, Mexican), German (15 cases). Finally the “Oriental” -­‐ Japanese, Korean, Taiwan -­‐ with 10 cases. Significant phono-­‐symbolic differences. There are meaningful differences regarding the phonema’s presence in Brands if divided by language areas. Oriental origin Brands. Brand of oriental origin have a high incidence of broad vowels (/A/O/), of nasals (/M/N/), while spirant and affricate consonants (/S/SC/ etc.) are below average . It is interesDng to note that the liquids (/L/GL/) and the vibrant /R/ are completely absent. This makes the eastern Brands rather slow, a liGle “infanDle”, round, more heavy than light and more maternal than masculine. The Brands of Western origin (Anglophone, Neo-­‐ LaDn, Germanic, etc.) show instead the presence of vibrant consonant /R/, the liquid ones (/L /Gl/), and a larger number of spirant and affricate (/S/ Sc/F/V/Z/ sol /C/ and /G/). They also show a smaller presence of broad vowels (/A/O/) and a greater presence of the narrow ones (/E/I/). For all these reasons Western Brands seem more "angry", light, bright and noble, less maternal and infanDle, more masculine than feminine, slow / rater than fast. More specifically, among the Western brands: • Brands of Anglophone origin are mainly characterized by lightness. • Those Neo-­‐LaRn suggest more slowness, and more masculinity than femininity. • Brands of Germanic origin appear mostly light and fast, and suggest more femininity than masculinity. It is possible to work out a comparison between the frequencies of phonemes among Brands divided by language area. Phonemic differences translate into differences in phono-­‐symbolisms. The Oriental Brands are characterized by the absence of liquid and vibrant consonants, by the greater frequency of nasal consonants and "large” vowels: the overall effect express slowness and heaviness: not so good phono-­‐symbolic values -­‐ for example – if we think of the Aields of automotive and mobile phones. Very different are the Anglophone Brands and in particular those of the Germanic area, offering the ideas of lightness and speed. LEXIS Ricerche Researches, January 2nd, 2012 6 Branding & Naming Audit APPLE: phono-­‐symbolically a very strong Brand Apple is eighth in the ranking of the 100 most important Brands. Apple has a unique history and great products but it is also one of the best Brands under the phono-­‐symbolic perspective. APPLE Phono-­‐symbolic values of the Brand APPLE Apple Brand is famous and appreciated all around the world, as demonstrated in many ways, and its Brand value is growing, as claimed by Interbrand (Best Global Brands 2011). Studying the Brand Apple we cannot ignore the fact that its founder was a genius, that this name marks strongly innovaDve products, having great personality and quality (iPad, iPhone and Mac), that the word APPLE means "apple" in English, word with it’s symbolic meanings (not surprisingly, the APPLE logo shows a biGen apple), and "big Apple" is one of the nicknames of New York, the capital of the world (not only the Western). But by analyzing the smallest components of the word APPLE, the set of phonemes used to compose it and the evoked contained suggesDons, it appears that the name APPLE also owns strong phono-­‐symbolic values, quite in line with what we all want from mobile phones, laptops, tablets, etc. A phono-­‐symbolism consistent with the values of the product. In the phonemes composing the word /APPLE/ we have included values as: power, lightness, brightness, nobility, femininity and delicacy. We revealed these values through our research approach that allows us to idenDfy a set of "descriptors" for each of the phonemes in the name. The "descriptors" are then brought together in a map of words organized by one of the most manageable Words Clouding programs: Wordle, (by Jonathan Feinberg), which returns a lively account of word frequency. In the graph, the set of phonemes composing the word (APPLE, /E/P/O/L/) is analyzed through the categories proposed by Fernando Dogana. As we can see, this brand is characterized by the combination of a narrow, fast and close / intimate vowel (the /E/) and the round and large /O/. Consonants are in in game with the powerful occlusive /P/ and the liquid /L/, l ight and feminine, noble and delicate. The phono-­‐ symbolic secret of the name APPLE is therefore in the fact that it evokes masculine traits (technology) together with feminine ones (grace), as well as strength and bright lightness... LEXIS Ricerche Researches, January 2nd, 2012 7 Branding & Naming Audit PORSCHE: another example of strong phono-­‐symbolic Brand Porsche Brand has strong values and is very much in line with the sporty, aggressive and high-­‐level Brand product. A German Brand with amazing phono-­‐symbolic values PORSCHE Phono-­‐symbolic values of the Brand PORSCHE The PORSCHE Brand is -­‐ according to Interbrand – in a slight rate on increase of value between 2010 and 2011, but what we can say is that this is a car Brand with unique phono-­‐symbolic traits in the scene of leading automoDve market Brands. PORSCHE is synonymous of a two-­‐seater car, very powerful and fast, compact and charming, especially but not only for the male audience, in all conDnents. With a raDonal examinaDon the name PORSCHE may be quesDonable but if we consider its phono-­‐ symbolic values we realize that they are extremely aligned with the profile of the Brand and its products. PORSCHE can be phoneDcally described as /P/O/ R/SC/E/, a set of phonemes showing a parDcular and well profiled composiDon. The iniDal /P/ phono-­‐symbolically communicates power, strength, aggressiveness, authority, leadership, masculinity, but also decision and obsDnaDon, all values strongly in line with a high level offer of highly performing sports cars. The spirant /Sc/ communicates lightness and speed, but also joy and liveliness. The /R/ -­‐ not very present in the German Brands -­‐ expresses hardness, fricDon and anger, but also vibrant sensuality and carnality (adding perhaps a liGle Neo-­‐LaDn charming). The vowels are balanced: the /O/ communicates round and superb potency, the /E/ recalls small, sharp, bright, straight and fast, it also suggests modernity, intelligence and nobility. In synthesis, a great Brand containing a happy phono-­‐symbolic “cocktail” of sounds. As you can see the word PORSCHE (/P/O/R/ Sc /E/) is characterized by two phonemes relatively less present in the landscape of the 100 Global Brands: The vowel /O/ and the vibrant (/R/), blending harmoniously with the powerful /P/, the spirant /SC/ and with the small and fast /E/, which closes the sequence. This elicits – as seen in the phono-­‐symbolic Cloud -­‐ values of power, masculinity, aggression ("angry"), hardness and lightness (value that is well suited for very high performing and sporty cars like PORSCHE. LEXIS Ricerche Researches, January 2nd, 2012 8 Branding & Naming Audit NOKIA: a parRally unhappy example of Brands phono-­‐symbolism NOKIA hides -­‐ in its phono-­‐symbolism -­‐ a strength that was perhaps transformed over the time into weakness. A Brand suitable for the market in the early development? NOKIA Phono-­‐symbolic Values of Brand NOKIA The Brand NOKIA in Interbrand's report 2011 occupies the fourteenth posiDon in the global ranking, a sharp decline from the 2010 survey, where it was eighth (six posiDons lost). According to the economic evaluaDon of Interbrand, this Brand had lost 15% of its value between the two menDoned surveys. Despite the first alliance with Intel (now dissolved) and then with Microsol (which has yet to bear fruit), Nokia tends to be perceived as an "entry level” Brand, that presumably makes it less compeDDve in the evoluDon of the mobile phone market , which goes towards the "smartphone" (of which iPhone is the leading exponent). It may surprise that Nokia as the tendency to be perceived as "entry level", despite its historical importance as specialist in mobile telephony, and its great business reality in this market. Phono-­‐symbolic analysis can suggest a reason for this percepDon… Phono-­‐symbolic analysis reveals a sort of secret emoRon compressed in this name. The Brand Nokia is composed of the iniDal phoneme /N/, a nasal consonant that communicates solness, infanDle and maternal values, as well as impressions of funny and warmth. There is also the presence of three vowels, dominated by a pair of large ones ("oral" and "coarse", the oldest in evoluDonary terms): the /O/ in second posiDon and the /A/ in the last. The vowel /I/ -­‐ fast, light, in evoluDon -­‐ it expresses low weight because in minority, and also because hold by the occlusive /K/ (important and decise) that follows. Overall, the phono-­‐symbolic values of the nasal consonants and of the large vowels, aggregated together, carry the brand in the infanDle, oral, rough and slow area of sense, emoDonally suited to an "entry level" (or a market in its early days), rather than to the segment of the most advanced products. The Nokia Brand has been a leader in the mobile phone market with products simple to be used and very friendly to a consumer who was approaching, inexperienced a new technology. The Brand was particularly suited to this role not only for its product quality but also for its infantile, easy, reassuring Brand’s phono-­‐symbolim. With the transition to the "smartphone" the mobile has become an advanced tool for browsing the web, as well as an high-­‐performance audio-­‐visual instrument. Superseded by Apple’s iPhone, by Samsung (also a leader in the new generation TV screens) and HTC (aggressive acronym, rare among the Oriental Brands phonemes), NOKIA presumably retains to have better chance of success in emerging markets, where the basic entry level is today very important. LEXIS Ricerche Researches, January 2nd, 2012 9 Branding & Naming Audit Phono-­‐symbolism: what to do with it It is possible to use the phono-­‐symbolic analysis to understand what are the strengths and weaknesses of existing Brands and names, as it is possible to test new hypotheses of naming FUNCTIONS OF PHONO-­‐SYMBOLIC ANALYSIS LEXIS BRANDING & NAMING AUDIT Checks on exisRng Brands / names. The phono-­‐ The research about Brands was carried out by symbolic analysis can be carried out on exisDng Lexis Brand Audit using a model and a Brands / names, with the following main so^ware called SemanRcly, developed by Felix purposes: Sagrillo of Sperry Psychotechnologies. The • To assess the strengths, in absolute and in program separates the leTers of the name and relaDon to the compeDDon, to know it and to provide to associate to them the appropriate exploit it for the benefit of the company and its "descriptors". Descriptors were idenRfied by product. Giovanni Rizzi on the basis of Fernando • To check the weakness, in absolute and in Dogana’s studies and drown from the quoted relaDon to the compeDDon, to get to know, works (Suono e senso, 1982, Le parole neutralize or minimize the criDcal effects (e.g. dell’incanto, 1990). through colors and graphics, leGering, adding Some of the other consulted books: Francesco other expressions, etc.) Belli, Felix Sagrillo, Qual è Takete, qual è • To make sure that there is consistency between Maluma?; Luca Nobile, L'origine fonosimbolica the values evoked by phono-­‐symbolisms and the del valore linguisRco nel vocalismo contents of the communicaDon expressed at a dell'italiano standard, Rivista di Filologia raDonal level (e.g. mission, posiDoning, cogniRva, febbraio 2003. Franco Angeli; communicaDon objecDves, etc.) Luciano Canepari, Introduzione alla foneRca, Design of new names. The phono-­‐symbolic Torino, Einaudi, 1995 . analysis can be developed in the study of new Brand and names according to different purposes. The Brands research was carried out by It is possible: Giovanni Rizzi who has also provided the wriRng of this arRcle. • To compare names to idenDfy the most promising as far as phono-­‐symbolic strength This work will be followed by others, including thus analogically more in line with the Lexis Brands CollecRons, sets of Clouds of communicaDons objecDves. Words related to naRonal and internaRonal • To lead the search for new names by translaDon Brands operaRng in different markets. of the communicaDon objecDves into phono-­‐ www.lexisricerche.it symbolical language in order to obtain a high correlaDon between raDonal meanings and emoDve and symbolic evocaDons. LEXIS is a psycho-­‐social research organization dealing with issues regarding social-­‐cultural trends, Consumers and communications. The institute was founded in Milan in 1991 and now has eight senior partners who carry out qualitative and quantitative research, face-­‐to-­‐face (Focus Groups, In Depth Interviews, Ethnography) and online surveys. The name LEXIS has a Greek origin and means "expression", "word". Giovanni Rizzi is a researcher dealing with issues regarding trends, consumption and communications. With his partners, he founded LEXIS in 1991, Ainding the name LEXIS in an ancient Greek dictionary ... LEXIS Ricerche Researches, January 2nd, 2012 10 Branding & Naming Audit NEW RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: BRANDS PHONO-­‐SYMBOLIC VALUES Milan, January 2nd 2012 In the words we listen and pronounce, there are expressive, emotional and symbolic values “compressed” inside. It is possibile to have these values emerge by means of speciAic research methods, that stay in between the aesthetical and psychological approach. It is interesting to know phono-­‐symbolic values because there can always be points of strength or weakness in Brands and names, to be exploited or neutralized using the most appropriate way.