Lesson 14: Sampling methods • Subjective vs. objective sampling • Centralized replicate, random, and systematic sampling approaches • The relevé method • Cover – Cover estimates – Measuring cover, point sampling, line intercept • • • • • Density Frequency Basal area Count-plot method Distance methods Subjective vs. objective sampling • Subjective sampling – Sample sites are consciously chosen as representative of predetermined vegetation classes. – Most flexible sampling scheme – Allows for experience and decision making ability of the investigator – Best used in areas where there are clear boundaries between plant communities – Good approach for vegetation classification • Objective sampling – Sample sites are chosen according to chance (i.e. random sampling) – Essential if probability statistics are to be used to back up the conclusions – Best used in areas where boundaries between communities are indistinct or where the objective is to determine the causes of variation within a single plant community – Good approach for ordination methods Centralized replicate, random, and systematic sampling approaches • Centralized replicate – Sample sites are chosen subjectively and centrally located within representative homogeneous areas of predetermined vegetation types. – This method is used in the relevé approach (more on this later). • Random – Sample sites are chosen according some randomizing method (e.g., dice, random numbers). Any point is a possible sample point. – In a complete random method plots are chosen completely randomly. – In a stratified random approach, the research areas is first divided into relatively similar classes based on some criteria, for example, landscape units (floodplains, hills, mountains) or mapped vegetation units. Sample sites are then randomly chosen in the various classes. This ensures that the most common units are not over-sampled and the uncommon units under sampled. The samples are dispersed throughout the entire survey area. • Systematic – Plots are located according to a regular system such as a grid or regular intervals along a line. A stratified systematic approach is similar to the stratified random approach except the sample sites are chosen according to a systematic method (grids or linear transects) within each stratified class. Random Systematic Sampling designs Stratified random Stratified systematic Sample size: How many sample plots are needed for an accurate determination of cover? • Take many cover samples within the vegetation type using a point sampling procedure. • The running mean of cover is plotted for various numbers of samples. • Fluctuaitons in cover are damped out as the number of quadrats increases. • In this example from a sagebrush/grassland in the eastern Washington area,1--20 plots might be sufficient to conduct the study, with diminishing reward for added effort beyond that point. Precision vs. Accuracy • Precision is close agreement of sample means to each other without reference to the true mean. • Accuracy is the close agreement of the sample means to the true mean. • In the diagram, the center represents the true cover for a stand of vegetation, and the radiating circles represent departures up to 40% error. A and B are both precise. A is accurate. C is neither accurate nor precise. The relevé method • • • • • • • • French term meaning a collection of data. Often used in terms of surveys. Developed by Josias Braun-Blanquet as a standard method of sampling for vegetation classification according to the ZurichMontpellier School of phytosociology. Recently has gained popularity in North America (e.g., Nature Conservancy, California Department of Fish and Game, Talbot and Talbot 1994, Walker et al. 1994, Komárková 1978, Rivas-Martinez 1997, Miyawaki et al. 1994, Klinka et al. 1996) The quickest way to obtain detailed community information. Does not necessarily involve sampling other components of the site such as soils and site factors, although these are often collected if environmental gradient analysis is part of the research. Subjective sampling (centralized replicate). Qualitative in the sense that species cover is estimated instead of measured. Quantitative in the sense that it gives a complete list of species for the plot. Entitation and requirements of a relevé Entitation • “The process of subdividing the vegetation into recognizable entities or preliminary vegetation types.” • Reconnaissance essential (cannot be overemphasized) The better your initial knowledge of an area, the better will be the subsequent sampling. • Important to avoid sampling ecotones or breaks between distinct communities. • Iterative process that may take several years to develop a good concept of the communities. Requirements of a sample site for a relevé • 1. Homogeneity of the vegetation canopy. • 2. Homogeneity of the soil and other site factors. • 3. Large enough to contain all the species in the community. • 4. Should be recognizable as unit that is repeated in other areas of the landscape, i.e. a repeating assemblage of species. Size of plots: Minimal Area Method Objective: 1. Determine the smallest area that is representative of the plant community so as to minimize the sampling effort. The plot should contain a very high percentage of the total species in the community. 2. Minimize the problem of including areas that are not representative of the plant community. Larger areas tend to include multiple communities and ecotonal areas. Nested plot method : 1. A large example of the community in question should be selected in order to permit many doublings of plot size without crossing any community boundaries. 2. A small plot (e.g. 0.25 m2) is laid out, and all the species are recorded including cryptogams. 3. The plot is doubled in size, and any new species are recorded. 4. This is continued until only 1 or two new species are recorded in successive doublings. Size of plots: Minimal Area Method • The minimum plot size is the point on the curve where the line most rapidly approaches the horizontal. Another method is to arbitrarily define the optimum plot size as that where some objective percentage of the total species encountered in the community type occurs (e.g. 90 or 95%). • However, in tropical communities neither method works because the species-curve does not appear to level off. However, it undoubtedly does eventually, and MD&E suggest that an appropriate plot size might be about 5 ha (12.5 acres!). The task of tallying all the species in such a large area would be formidable indeed, and you may want to compromise by doing many smaller manageable plots. Results for dune area in North Carolina (about 0.13 m2), and English Woodland (100 m2) and a tropical forest in Brunei (1000 m2). Minimum area for common vegetation types • The actual minimum area used is usually somewhat larger than the graphical minimum area. • Minimal areas have been established for a wide variety of vegetation types and so there are certain guidelines that can be followed when there is not sufficient time to establish the minimal sample area. Relevé sites • Homogeneous areas of vegetation • Homogenous environment • Large enough to contain minimal area plus buffer Example Relevé data sheet 1. Header includes plot number, date, observer , photo numbers, and a description of the vegetation and the site. 2. Percent cover estimates are given for each growth form category, also, rocks, water, bare soil, 3. Plot size is recorded 4. A complete list of species is made for vascular plants, bryophytes, and lichens. 5. Cover is estimated using the BraunBlanquet cover-abundance scores (see next slide). 6. Samples of all species are collected as vouchers. 7. Unknown plants are collected separately and given a collection number. Cover-abundance classes Site-factor data form • A second data sheet is used to describe the site, including soil moisture regimes, wind regimes, snow regimes, disturbance regimes, slope, elevation, etc. • The introduction of computers has made it necessary to code the site information as much as possible using numeric codes. This sheet shows the codes that were used for a site near Happy Valley, Alaska. • Note the place for notes at the bottom. This is particularly important because it can give important observations that may not be noted by simply filling out the codes. Sample soil description form • A third data sheet is used to briefly describe the soil. • A collection of soil is made from the upper mineral horizon. Common parameters from plant community analysis • • • • • • Species composition (total species list) Cover Density Frequency Basal area Tree heights Cover “The area of ground covered by the vertical projection of the aerial parts of plants of one or more species. “ • An easily obtained index of plant biomass. • Estimates of cover can be obtained by using cover-abundance scores. • Measures of cover can be made using point sampling methods, line transect method, or photos and planimeter or other direct measure of cover. Estimating percentage cover • Cover is very difficult to accurately estimate. The use of cover-abundance scores greatly reduces the variation in scores from observer to observer. • For the relevé method, actual scores are not as important as the presence or absence of species. Cover is a secondary consideration in the Braun-Blanquet method and rarely affects the outcome of a table analysis. • However, every attempt should be made to maintain consistency throughout the sampling procedure. • The method of estimating cover described in Barbour et al. is very difficult to apply in many ecosystems because the actual rooting position is difficult to quickly ascertain, and overlap between leaves of the same species are difficult to estimate. • Generally a ball-park estimate is good enough (e.g., 20% for species B above. This falls in B-B cover category 3, which is the same as the actual cover (33%) determined by measurement.) Measuring cover: Line intercept method • • • Generally used for tree and shrub cover or for measuring cover of clearly defined vegetation types A line is laid out along the ground and the line segments for each species or vegetation type is recorded. Percent cover for each species is the total length of line segments for each species divided by the total length of the transect. Often, a lengthy line intercept is combined with quadrats for estimating density or frequency that run alongside it. Cover is measured along the line, and density or frequency is noted in the quadrats. Measuring cover: Point sampling methods • Cover of plants can also be quantitatively determined by point sampling methods. There are several such methods. All of them, record the vegetation intercepted at random points in the plant canopy. • Percent cover is calculated as: % cover of species A = (No. of points that intercept species A at least once) X 100% Total number of points Point sampling methods: I. Point frame • The frame is set up over the vegetation and the needles are lowered down through the plant canopy. • Every time the point of a needle touches a plant, a “hit” is recorded with the species name. • The needle can make several hits before it eventually touches the ground surface. • % cover of species A = (No. of hits that intercept species A)/ (No. of points)¸ • This is the only point sampling method that can give an accurate estimate of absolute cover of each species in multistratose vegetation, and hence an estimate of total leaf area for each species. All other methods give relative percentage cover. • It is, however, a very time consuming method. Electronic inclined point frame Point Sampling methods: II. Point quadrat • This device is very useful for low-growing graminoid or dwarfshrub vegetation. • It consists of a 1-m frame with a double 10cm grid of strings. • We record three things at each of 100 points: • Species at the top of canopy • Species at the ground level. • Distance to the top of the plant canopy from the bottom string. • Distance to the ground from the bottom string. Point quadrat double grid • In sampling a point, the intersections between strings in the upper and lower grid a visually aligned so as to avoid the problem of parallax. • The percent cover for a species in each layer of the canopy is simply the number of hits out of 100. Maps from point-quadrat data Point sampling methods: III. Buckner sampler • Used for sampling along transects and large plots (e.g., 100 x 100m). • It has a mirror that reflects a vertical image of the ground surface into a telescope with a crosshairs in it. The plant at the cross-hairs is recorded. • A large number of point samples is taken (usually 300-400 points per plot) and relative cover for each species is the percentage of the total number of points. • Can also be used for sampling tree canopies by inverting the mirror to look upward. Point sampling methods: IV. methods for tree canopy cover Densitometer with single cross hairs Moosehorn crow-cover estimator Spherical densiometer Density • • • The number of plants per unit area. Expressed as number/square meter, stems/acre, etc. Most often used for trees or large plants. An an easy concept to grasp, but very difficult to perform in some types of vegetation because of: (1) There is difficulty of defining an individual (e.g. caespitose growth forms, plants with underground rhizomes, plants in peaty landscapes often have complicated stems just beneath the surface of the moss layer) (2) Quadrat size affects density size because of problem of counting large individuals near the boundary of the quadrat (3) It is very time-consuming in graminoid dominated systems and lowgrowing vegetation. Frequency • • • • Expressed as a percentage of plots (quadrats) of equal size in which at least one individual of the species occurs in a stand. It is a measure of the degree of uniformity with which individuals of a species are distributed in an area, and more specifically a stand. Generally frequency quadrats are much smaller than quadrats used to determine species composition in plant communities (relevés). Rule of thumb is that the frequency plot size should be at least twice the size of the largest individual. Frequency plots • The various patterns represent species. • The little squares are small frequency plots. • Consider just the cross-hatch polygons. • The frequency of “cross hatch” is the percent of plots which have at least a little cross-hatch pattern • For the regular sampling scheme: Frequency = 21/25 x 100% = 84%. Questions: What is the frequency for the random sampling scheme? What would greatly affect the frequency determinations? Basal area • • • The cross-sectional area of tree stems at breast height per unit of ground area (e.g., m2/ha) A measure of dominance. Generally used for trees. Methods of determining basal area: – Measure tree diameters at breast height with a biltmore stick or diameter tape. Area of each tree = (dbh/2)2. To calculate basal area the area of the stems is calculated for a known area (count-plot method) or by using distance methods (e.g.the point-centered quarter method described in a later lesson). – Bitterlich stick, or angle gauge to calculate m2/ha directly. Diameter Tape • • • A diameter tape (D-tape) is used by foresters to measure the diameter of a tree. Since trees are swelled at the base, measurements are made 4.5 feet above the ground (breast height) in order to give an average diameter estimate. The D-tape is wrapped around a tree and is specially designed to convert the tree circumferance to tree diameter. http://www.cnr.vt.edu/dendro/Forsite/dtape.htm Biltmore Stick • A Biltmore stickis one method used for measuring tree diameter and height . From there, the total board feet of the tree can be established, along with tonnage and cubic feet. It has specially calibrated scale to measure diameter of trees directly. 1. Hold the stick at breast height (4.5 feet from the ground), 25" from your eye, with the back of the stick against the tree you are measuring. 2. Hold the stick at a right angle to the axis of the tree and keep your eyes level with the stick. 3. Adjust the stick so that the left or zero is in line of sight with the left side of the tree. 4. Without moving your head, shift the line of sight to the right hand side of the trunk. 5. Read the diameter on the stick nearest the point at which the line of sight crosses it. http://extension.usu.edu/forestry/Management/Biltmore_UsingABiltmoreStick.htm Bitterlich Stick method for determining basal area directly (a). The original bitterlich stick sight device. This particular one will give total basal area in square feet per acre if the number of trees tallied is multiplied by 10. (b) A bird’s eye view of trees that would be tallied as an observer at the center point turns in a complete circle. Trunk X (shaded) is tallied because its trunk diameter exceeds the angle projected by the sighting device, but trees Y and Z (not shaded) are not tallied. In one complete circle, the observer would tally four trees (all shaded). Basal area = 40 ft2/ acre. (c ) The prism type of sighting device. In this case, the lower trunk is not completely displaced from the upper trunk, therefore the tree would be tallied. Barbour et al. 1999, Fig. 9-13. Measuring tree heights: Native American Indian approach Find a spot where, looking under your legs (as shown), you can just see the top of the tree. The distance from such a spot to the base of the tree is approximately the height of the tree. Why does this work? For a normal, healthy (limber) adult, the angle formed by looking under one's legs is approximately 45˚. Hence, the distance to the tree must be around the same as the height of the tree. Trigonometric methods Lots of trigonometric methods: METHOD 1: Use a meter stick to measure the distance from your eye to your outstretched fist (d). Hold the meter stick vertically at so the length d extends above your fist. Back off from tree holding meter stick vertically in your extended hand, while sighting the top of the tree. When the top of the tree is at the top of the meter stick. Pace the distance to the tree. This distance is the same as the height of the tree. METHOD 2: Tie a ribbon around tree at 2-m above the ground. Back off from the tree and measure the apparent distance between the base of the tree and ribbon (r). Then measure the apparent distance between the base of the tree and the top of the tree (t). The ratio r/t = 2/T. T t 2m r Using the Biltmore stick to determine tree height 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total tree height is measured from the ground to the top of the tree. Merchantable tree height is measured from the stump height to the point at which the tree is no longer useable. Stand 100 feet from the tree you are going to measure. If the ground is not level, stand on a spot which has about the same elevation as the base of the tree. Hold the stick vertical, 25" from your eye, with the “Height of Tree” side facing toward you. Align the base of the stick at the ground (or at your estimated stump height for merchantable height). Without moving your head, shift your line of sight so you can read the height at the point where your line of sight and the top of the tree intersect (or merchantable height). This can also be done opposite: Zero the stick at the top of the tree and check height at the ground http://extension.usu.edu/forestry/Management/Biltmore_UsingABiltmoreStick.htm Measuring tree heights: Sunto Clinometer • User measures a given distance (20 or 15 m) from the tree. • Then sights and aligns a cross hair with the top of the tree. The tree height is then read directly in the viewer (if on level ground). • If not level, the user then sights the bottom of the tree, and subtracts (if the tree base is above the user) or adds (if the tree base is below the user) the reading to the first determination. Measuring foliage heights: Portable LIDAR system for rapid determination of forest canopy structure • • A narrow-beam rapidly pulsed first-return laser rangefinder coupled with a data recording system. Measures distance to overhead plant surfaces. Parker, G.G., Harding, D.J. and Berger, M.L. 2004. Journal of Applied Ecology, 41: 755. doi:10.1111/j.0021-8901.2004.00925.x Count-plot method • • • • Species are counted and measured within a specifically defined area (belt transect or quadrat). Used for determining density and basal area of trees. Widely used method for forest inventory and long-term studies. The main reason for doing a plot as opposed to a plotless methods are: • It can also be used to sample the understory, and thus is useful for vegetation classification. • Record a wide variety of other properties, such as soils, site factors, and the plot can be mapped for spatial studies. • Sampling can be repeated on the same plots in future years. • Useful for long-term studies where the same plot will be revisited in future years. Data obtained in the plot-count method In the United States this is usually done in plots or belt transects (e.g., a 10 x 20-m plot. Sampling often includes: (1) Number of individuals for each tree species above a predetermined minimum diameter. From these data density of each species is determined. (2) Tree diameters at breast height (dbh) using a Biltmore stick or diameter tape and grouped in diameter classes. From these data basal area (cross-sectional area of tree stems at breast height/ha) for each species is determined. (3) Tree heights (e.g., with an inclinometer). (4) Trees less than the minimum diameter are classed as seedlings or saplings and grouped into 1 ft (30 cm) height classes. Example of plot to determine density and basal area Example forest plot from Hawaii: 1. Calculate the density of Acacia koa: Area = 120 m2 = 1.2 ha No .of ACAKOA = 4 Density = 4/1.2 = 3.3 plants/ha 2. Calculate the basal area of Acacia koa: Basal area = (d/2)2 Basal areas is: (202 + 11.52 + 7.52 + 382) cm2/ha = 6385.3 cm2/ha = 0.64 m2/ha Distance Methods • • • • Developed by Cottam and Curtis in the 1950s to describe the forests of Wisconsin. Density is determined by first finding the average distance between trees, and then squaring this distance to find the average area per tree. To find the number of trees per unit area, divide the unit area (m2) by the area per tree. Frequency is determined by counting the number of points (sample sites) at which a tree occurs (not the percentage of the total number of trees). Dominance is calculated by first determining the mean basal area per tree species and then multiplying by the density of that species. Distance methods Nearest individual - measure distance to the nearest tree at each point (correction factor = 2). Nearest neighbor - the nearest tree is selected and the distance between it and its nearest neighbor is measured. (correction factor = 1.47). Random pairs - a line from a random point to the nearest tree is made and a 90˚ exclusion is erected on either side of the line. The distance to the nearest tree outside the exclusion angle is measured. (Correction factor = 0.8) Nearest individual Point-centered quarter Pont-centered quarter - a pair of perpendicular lines are erected at the random point, forming a cross with four quadrants. The distances to the nearest tree in each quadrant are measured. The distances are calculated separately for each tree species. The squared distances are the areas occupied by each tree. If the average area per tree is divided into a unit of area (e.g. ha), this will give the density of the trees (trees/ha). Nearest neighbor Random pairs Distance methods: Wandering quarter method (Bonham 1989) • The most recent variation on the distance methods is the wandering quarter method suggest by Bonham. • It does not require selection of any random point except the first point. • At each point a 90˚ angle is formed centered on a given azimuth (e.g. North). The distance to the nearest tree within the angle is measured. • That tree then becomes the next point. Bonham 1989 cited in Barbour et al. 1999 Importance Value Used when a single number is needed to incorporate cover, density and frequency (e.g., computerized ordination methods) IVi = Dri + Fri + Bri IV = importance value i = species i Dri = relative density of species i = (density of species i)/ (density of all species) Fri = relative frequency of species i = (frequency of species i)/ (frequency of all species) Bri = relative dominance of species i = (dominance of species i)/ (dominance of all species) Bisect Diagrams Bisect diagrams are scale drawings of the vegetation in strips. As mentioned last lesson, these were developed by British ecologists working in the tropics. These diagrams show stands of tropical rain forests in British West Indies (a) and Borneo (b) Bisect transect: Aracaria forest, Rio Negro, Argentina It helps to visuallize the 3dimensional aspect of the stand to also show the plot in planar view. From Siebert, P. Carta de Vegetacion de region de El Bolson, Rio Negro Y su aplication a la planificacion de uso de la tierra. Canopy profiles • Each bar represents a different layer in the plant canopy. • The thickness of the horzontal bar represent the span of the canopy height. Eastern deciduous forest • The length of the bar represents the percentage cover of the layer. • The eastern deciduous forest has four layers and the canopy is taller. The boreal forest site has 3 layers. Boreal forest Summary Lesson 14: sampling • • • • • Subjective vs. objective sampling Centralized replicate, random, and systematic sampling approaches Precision vs. accuracy The relevé method Cover – – – • Density – • Clinometer Trigonometric methods (45˚ triangle) Count-plot method for determining density and basal area of trees Bisect transect (graphic portrayal of vertical and planar structure of sample transects) Distance Methods – • Tree diameter measurements (diameter tape, Biltmore stick) Bitterlich stick method of direct measurement Tree height – – • • • Frequency plots Basal area – – • Can be obtained from counting in plot count method, or by the distance methods Frequency – • Estimate cover (Braun-Blanquet cover abundance scores or other class estimates) Measure cover (Point sampling techniques, e.g., Line intercept method, point frame, point quadrats, Buckner sampler) Methods for tree canopies (Moosehorn crown cover estimator, densiometer, Buckner sampler) Point-centered quarter method Importance value for ordination methods Literature for Lesson 14 Bonham, C.D. 1989. Measurement for terrestrial vegetation. New York: WileyInterscience. Cottom, G. and J.T. Curtis. 1956. The use of distance measures in phytosociological sampling. Ecology 37:451-460. Westhoff. V. and van der Maarel, E. 1978. The Braun-Blanquet approach. In: Whittaker, R.H. Classification of Plant Communities. The Netherlands: Junk, p. 289-312 (Introduction, History, General Concepts, and Analytical Research Phase)