Volt-Ohm Meters Measure Up

Te c h n i c a l
Special Issue
Volt-Ohm Meter To The Rescue
Quick-Coupler Valves
Quality Parts By Rain Bird
Rain Bird Contest
Win a FREE hat…see back for details
No Need To Worry About Y2K
Published by Rain Bird Sales, Inc. Turf Products
Summer 1999
Volt-Ohm Meters Measure Up
Anyone who has spent countless hours trying to track down electrical problems in the
field knows there must be a better way. Pinpointing the exact source of an electrical problem does not have to be an impossible or frustrating task. The key to efficient troubleshooting is a relatively inexpensive piece of equipment - a volt-ohm meter (VOM) or
multi-meter. A volt-ohm meter measures AC volts, DC volts and resistance and can be
used to troubleshoot controllers, transformers, solenoids and field wiring as well as verify
AC and DC voltage levels.
DC voltage (VDC) is direct current, such as from a battery with polarized positive and
negative charges. AC voltage (VAC), or alternating current, is the type of charge used in
households and in most irrigation solenoids.
Resistance measures how difficult it is for current to flow through the
electrical system. This is the most useful VOM feature for irrigation
Selecting and Using Your Volt-Ohm Meter
Volt-ohm meters come in two styles: analog and digital. The analog
meter uses a needle while the digital multi-meter (DMM) uses a
digital display.
Experts usually recommend using a digital multi-meter with few “bells
and whistles.” You can troubleshoot 99% of a system’s wiring problems
with a meter that simply reads resistance (ohms) and AC voltage.
Knowing how to operate a VOM saves considerable time on any job site. In
fact, with a VOM, you can inspect the condition of the solenoid and field
wiring without leaving the controller.
The “Volts AC” voltmeter setting on the VOM is used to check the output of
the controller, while the “Ohms” ohmmeter setting is used to check field
wiring and solenoids. Controller output power must be ON on when measuring voltage using the voltmeter and OFF when taking resistance readings
using the ohmmeter.
Controllers -Set the volt-ohm meter to the appropriate VAC scale, based on the
voltage you expect to measure. If this is unknown, start with the dial on the
highest setting. Activate and touch the meter leads to the circuit you want
to measure.
Field Wiring and Solenoids - To prevent damage to the meter, make
sure the circuit is OFF off before measuring resistance. Disconnect the
common wire from the controller, set the VOM scale and connect
one meter lead to the common wire and touch the other to each station terminal, recording the resistance.
Typically, a solenoid is good if resistance is between 20 and 60 ohms.
Readings below 20 ohm indicate a short and above 60 ohm indicates
an open. In either case, check the solenoid separately, after disconnecting it from the field wires, to determine if the problem is in the wiring or
wire connectors or in the solenoid itself. When two valves operate together
continued on next page
by Rod Waller
Take the “Trouble” Out of
Troubleshooting Field Wiring
More than 30 percent of controllers
sent in for repair are returned with no
problems found. That’s a lot of time and
money that could be saved with more
effective troubleshooting up front!
The trick to troubleshooting is to systematically eliminate one problem at a
time, until only one option is left. This
systematic approach can cut repair time
in half. Problems in field wiring, for
instance, may be caused by shorts, broken wires or bad splices. Each produces
a unique ohm reading that is above or
below the normal 20 to 60 ohms.
A short indicates the current is taking a
“shortcut” back to the controller, which
creates a lower reading. With a broken
wire, the current has no way of returning to the meter. The volt-ohm meter
may read “infinity” with a blinking
1000k or OL for open line. (Check your
specific meter manual.)
With a bad splice, the current is making
it through the circuit and returning to
the meter, but with so much resistance
the valve cannot operate. The reading
will be higher than normal, but lower
than a broken wire.
Before sending a controller for repair,
always check wiring, the primary power
source, transformer, and solenoids.
If you have additional troubleshooting
tips or other comments, contact me by
e-mail at rwaller@rainbird.com, by fax
(520-434-6289) or phone (520-434-6259).
Rod Waller,
ASC Technical Services Manager
continued from front
on a single station, normal resistance
will read at half that of a single solenoid
(15 to 30 ohms).
You can also use a volt-ohm meter to test
transformers and to determine what type
of battery should be used in a controller.
It’s best to troubleshoot in this order: controller, field wiring, solenoid.
See for yourself how the efficiency of
using a volt-ohm meter measures up!
Convenience Coupled
with Reliability:
Rain Bird’s Quick
Coupling Valves
Rain Bird’s durable, red brass, Quick
Coupling Valves provide convenient
access to your irrigation system for
above ground usage. The valves are ideal
for areas that need to be irrigated frequently, but not continuously, explained
Harold McKinney, product manager.
They are also often specified where field
wiring for valves is not convenient.
Accessories and Options
Quick Coupler Valves come in one-piece
and two-piece designs 3⁄4", 1" and 11⁄2 " in
size. There are various options and
accessories available, including locking
features and purple, non-potable, covers.
Some Quick Coupling Valves have a
standard key design, making them easily
interchangeable with valves already on
site. A unique key is used with ACME
thread quick couplers to prevent unauthorized access to effluent water.
Rain Bird now offers swing pipe and
riser assemblies for easy installation and
a low-cost, residential quick coupler
RQC for gardening or washing your car.
A new stabilizer feature will be available
soon, and combined with the swivel ell,
prevent an attached hose from tangling.
Putting a Stop to Leaks
Because Quick Coupler Valves rely on
simple, mechanical operation, troubleshooting is straightforward. Moving
parts, o-rings and gaskets within the
valve sometimes become damaged or
worn over time. If a valve begin to leak,
this is most often the cause.
First, identify if
the valve is a
one-piece or
model. One-piece models have
a U-shaped gasket to seal
around the key. Gaskets can be removed
and replaced using a hooked wire. On
the two-piece valve, a flanged-shaped,
leather packing washer prevents leaks
where the bodies join. Do not use a pipe
wrench for disassembly or assembly
because it can deform the parts. Instead,
choose a strap-type wrench.
On both valves, a rubber seat seals the
water supply when the valve is not in
use. Before removing this for repair,
push down the valve case to flush any
debris that could be causing leaks. If this
doesn’t work, remove and dissemble the
valve from the underside.
Valve keys wear after years of use or
damage from improper handling. Dents
or scratches in this area also wear on
the seal. File off burrs or indentations on
the machined surface of the key (the
area above the stainless steel pin) and
polish with a fine emery cloth to ensure
longer life.
For more on quick coupler options,
reliability and maintenance, see the
Rain Bird Turf Products catalog.
Genuine Rain Bird Parts
Provide Real Advantages
ous parts. It simply makes sense to use
replacement parts identical to the originals,” said Macy.
Customers Look for Genuine Parts
Research has shown that when it comes
to rebuilding or repair, customers prefer
genuine Rain Bird parts. According to
a Rain Bird survey in 1998, more than
80% of respondents said they would
use genuine Rain Bird parts if they
were available.
Millions of dollars in manufacturing
research. Thousands of hours in product
refinements. These are just a few of the
investments Rain Bird has made during
the last 50 years to ensure that all of the
parts we provide are just as strong as our
whole products.
No-Question Quality
Rain Bird quality begins with rigorous
engineering standards.
“We do all of our own manufacturing to
ensure products are built to exacting
specifications. There’s no way to
match the quality in an after-market
situation,” explained Alden
Cleveland, Corporate Parts and
Services Manager.
“People trust the Rain Bird name
and tolerances designed by our
engineers. If the distributorship
makes the part available,
most customer will choose it,”
said Cleveland.
According to the survey, customers’ number one concern is
continuing the product quality. “Using
parts that carry the Rain Bird name is
the best way to ensure the quality customers want,” said Cleveland.
Now Easier to Obtain
Rain Bird has now made it easier to do
business and obtain parts. Programs like
the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
“There are similar parts out there,
but we aren’t testing or sourcing
them,” said Richard Macy,
Technical Product Specialist. “We
know what we’re building. All of the
Rain Bird parts and whole goods
are tested to an exacting standard.”
The pieces Rain Bird provides are
not only identical to the original
parts, they even come from the
same production runs as the originals. When parts arrive in batches, some
are set aside as service parts while the
others are used to create new products.
“You have an irrigation product intended to provide years of continuous service
and it is designed around all of the vari-
“We have programs in
place that make it easy to get what you
need in a timely manner,” said
Cleveland. Rain Bird’s Quick Parts
Service (QPS) delivers overnight or by
second-day air.
The Rain Bird web site and even a CDROM offer parts manuals with schematic drawings. A Master Parts Book, which
will be updated in November, breaks
down and identifies component parts to
further assist in ordering. Customers can
also use a 1-800 number to buy parts.
“We are trying to be more forward-thinking in marketing our
parts, with innovations like a
new point-of-purchase display
highlighting Rain Bird’s top 10
most-requested turf parts, internet sales, and competitive pricing.”
said Cleveland.
It’s Just Good Business
A study conducted last year showed that
using genuine parts, in general, actually
lowers the cost of doing business by lowering product returns and the costs
associated with processing returns.
“For distributorships, stocking
Rain Bird parts can translate
immediately into bottom-line
savings,” said Cleveland.
In fact, because service parts are
generally high margin items, they
can increase revenues at the same
time as decreasing costs.
Most importantly, customer service
is a valuable tool to make sure that
people remain Rain Bird customers. Satisfied customers act as
the best sales force - for the distributorship and Rain Bird.
program let you order parts electronically.
An Inventory Management Program provides significant discounts when you add
parts purchases to your whole goods purchases and shipping can be prepaid, lowering overall costs of parts.
“People expect a certain quality from
Rain Bird,” said Macy. “We will have satisfied customers if the product performs
as described in its original sale. We can
almost guarantee this if it is rebuilt or
repaired using genuine RB parts.”
Put On Your Thinking Cap…
Put Your Knowledge of Field
Wiring to the Test and Earn Your
Free Rain Bird Cap!
Try your hand at correctly answering the following questions about field wiring. If you are
one of the first 100 to submit all the right
answers, you will receive a FREE Rain Bird hat.
Choose one of the following answers for each.
Circle your answers on the form below and
submit it to Rain Bird by fax 520-434-6289 or
by e-mail rwaller@rainbird.com. The correct
answers will be published in the next issue.
Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of your hat.
1.Which type of wire is used most often in
residential applications?
a. underground feeder
b. low-volume wire
c. multi-conductor or multi-strand wire
d. backflow wire
2.Which valve component is connected to
the field wires from the controller?
a. diaphragm
b. lower chamber
c. pilot flow port
d. solenoid
3.Which field wire is connected to and
shared by all of the valves on the controller?
a. diaphragm wire
b. station control wire
c. pilot flow wire
d. common wire
4.Which field wire carries the 24V AC signal
to connect the valves to the controller?
a. grounding wire
b. station control wire
c. pilot flow wire
d. common wire
Name: __________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________
City: _______________State: _________ Zip: _________
FAX: ____________________________________________
E-mail address: __________________________________
Last issues answers: 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. D
Irrigating Into the Next Millennium
Rain Bird Products Ready for Y2K
With Year 2000 anxieties sweeping the
country, Rain Bird products present one
less concern for customers.
“Customer do not need to worry. We
will irrigate into the next millennium,”
said Richard Macy, Technical
Product Specialist.
Rain Bird actually began gathering information in preparation for Year 2000
about 10 years ago, according to Macy.
Since 1996 the company has been following a comprehensive plan to deal
with Year 2000-related problems.
“By addressing Year 2000-related issues
early, Rain Bird laid the foundation to
successfully serve its customers and do
business with all vendors and suppliers
into the next millennium,” said Macy.
Products Put to the Test
Whether it’s products, business systems, embedded technology or testing
procedures Rain Bird is prepared.
Product testing has proven that all
Rain Bird products are Year 2000-compliant. In fact, any Rain Bird product
manufactured within five years of Year
2000 that is non-compliant will be
replaced or repaired at no cost to the
user, according to Macy.
Rain Bird has sorted products into four
groups: those with microprocessors
with date embedded features, those
with microprocessors without date
embedded features, mechanical
products with no date/year functions, and central control software
without date embedded features.
“Because irrigation controllers tend
to be fairly simple, it’s
somewhat easy to make
them compliant to the year,”
Macy explained.
For a complete list of controllers
and testing procedures or for
more information on Rain Bird’s Y2K
readiness, visit the web site http://
Rain Bird is committed to address all
Year 2000 compliance issues to ensure
the uninterrupted function of Rain Bird
products into the Year 2000 and beyond.
* Pursuant to the Year 2000 Readiness
Information and Disclosure Act, 105 PL 271
Rain Bird Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure Statement*
“Rain Bird’s Year 2000 compliant systems will not cause
any of the problems commonly referred to as “Year 2000
problems” and will, without interruption or manual intervention continue to operate consistently, predictably and
accurately when used during any calendar year prior to,
during or after the calendar year 2000.”