The KING’S Medium Term Plan – ART Year 8 Key Stage 3 Art Project Plan ART Subject Theme The 4 Assessment Objectives will be addressed throughout the learning cycle. AO1 looks at Artist research, contextual and cultural research linking into students own work. AO2 asks that students explore, experiment and refine techniques with a wide range of artistic materials & techniques. AO3 requires students to record & collect primary and secondary source material, with accompanying written evaluation notes. AO4 asks for a personal, imaginative and meaningful response to a theme/brief whilst making perceptive links between all elements in a final piece. During this Learning Cycle students will answer each of the assessment objectives as follows:AO1 Research into established Artists and artworks will help students to develop their own ideas and try their techniques over the coming 7 weeks. Students can also find their own inspirational Artists through internet research throughout. AO2 AO3 Experiments with pencil, graphite, coloured pencil, pen, charcoal, bleach, oil pastels, paints and other mixed media/assemblage materials needed. Techniques demonstrated by Artists can be tried throughout. Theme of Identity continued. Students will start at a more personal journey into identity and the path that interests them. They will collect relevant sources to work from including 1st hand sketches, photographs of what signifies their own identity and appropriate secondary research. Notation is to accompany all sketches and source material to explain ideas and choices. AO4 During this LC Students will work towards a final outcome. They will produce build up work that links to real life Artists practices and create a rough draft before producing a summative piece of work in an appropriate media. Weekly breakdown for project Overarching Question: Why do artists challenge the concept of ‘what art is’? This learning cycle will study the art work of grafitti artist, Banksy and will allow students to recreate art in the style of the artist. Week 1: Introduction to topic. Artist research. Designing a personal stencil. Week 2: Skills based. Creating a stencil (design and cutting). Week 3: Week 3 – Skills based – Paint/ sponge/ stipple/ spray/ draw/ outline/ layering Mid way assessment: Mark work using criteria tick sheet Week 4: Start final piece (design) (based on where individual skills lie) Week 5: Continue final piece (cutting stencil) Week 6: Complete final piece (paint application) Week 7: Analyse and evaluate final piece Final Learning cycle assessment: Mark work with WWW and EBI. Progress Objectives By the end of this Learning cycle, GCSE Fine Art students will be able to: • • • • • Explore ideas in a range of 2D media, materials, techniques and processes. Understand how the work of Artists past and present can inform our own ideas and help our skills progress. Analyse the context in which Artists made their work and how historical, social & cultural aspects affected their creation. Consider & discuss the success of each explored technique/ media, refining ideas and techniques and setting future targets. Understand that written communication describing thought processes of evaluation is exceptionally important and helpful in developing ideas. • Use resources imaginatively and inventively to create own Art work, demonstrating confident understanding of the formal elements & using technical skills to manipulate materials appropriately. Assessment Criteria for project (GP1/2) MARK BAND 1: PARTIAL. AO1: Undertakes limited investigations that provide literal links to simplistic ideas Demonstrates a limited understanding of source material used for research showing minimal cultural understanding. AO2: Shows limited and minimal refinement of ideas Demonstrates minimal ability to experiment with few media, materials, techniques and processes Shows limited ability to select resources independently; choice of resources is minimal and weak. AO3: Demonstrates a limited ability to record observations and insights Demonstrates weak understanding through observations and insights that are disconnected from intentions. AO4: Demonstrates limited ability to present an informed and meaningful personal response, showing minimal critical and analytical understanding Demonstrates minimal realisation of intentions. Makes simplistic and literal connections between visual, written, oral and other elements. (GP3) MARK BAND 2: BASIC. AO1: Undertakes basic investigations that provide some superficial links to obvious and predictable ideas Demonstrates some superficial understanding of source material used for research and shows some cultural understanding AO2: Shows basic and superficial refinement of ideas Demonstrates some ability to experiment with a small range of media, materials, techniques and processes Shows some ability to select resources independently; choice of resources is predictable and sometimes inappropriate. AO3: Demonstrates some ability to record observations and insights Demonstrates basic understanding through obvious and predictable observations and insights that show some connection to intentions. AO4: Demonstrates some ability to present an informed and meaningful personal response, showing basic critical and analytical understanding Demonstrates a basic realisation of intentions. Makes obvious and predictable connections between visual, written, oral and other elements. (GP4) MARK BAND 3: COMPETENT. AO1: Undertakes sound investigations that provide relevant links to the development of informed ideas Demonstrates a good understanding of a range of source material used for research and shows sound cultural understanding. AO2: Shows effective and relevant refinement of ideas Demonstrates sound ability to experiment with a range of media, materials, techniques and processes Selects most resources independently; choice of resources is informed and usually appropriate. AO3: Demonstrates a sound ability to record observations and insights Demonstrates good understanding through informed and relevant observations and insights that show effective connections to intentions. AO4: Demonstrates a sound ability to present an informed and meaningful personal response, showing good critical and analytical understanding Demonstrates an effective realisation of intentions Makes informed and relevant connections between visual, written, oral and other elements. (GP5/6) MARK BAND 4: COHERENT. AO1: Undertakes a range of purposeful investigations that provide appropriate and meaningful links to the development of independent and imaginative ideas Demonstrates a strong and consistent understanding of a wide variety of source material used for research and shows strong cultural understanding through personal and independent responses. AO2: Shows purposeful and considered refinement of ideas Demonstrates strong and consistent ability to experiment with a wide range of media, materials, techniques and processes Selects resources independently and thoughtfully; choice of resources is appropriate. AO3: Demonstrates a strong and consistent ability to record observations and insights Demonstrates strong understanding through considered and meaningful observations and insights that show purposeful connections to intentions. AO4: Demonstrates a strong and consistent ability to present an informed and meaningful personal response, showing thoughtful and consistent critical and analytical understanding. Demonstrates a strong and imaginative realisation of intentions Makes considered and meaningful connections between visual, written, oral and other elements. (GP7/8) MARK BAND 5: CONFIDENT. AO1: Undertakes a wide range of in- depth investigations that provide well-considered, focused and insightful links to the development of sophisticated, expressive and imaginative ideas Demonstrates an excellent understanding of a wide variety of source material used for research and shows perceptive cultural understanding through independent, well-informed responses. AO2: Shows decisive, focused and well- considered refinement of ideas Demonstrates a very strong and sustained ability to experiment with a wide range of media, materials, techniques and processes. Selects resources perceptively and imaginatively; choice of resources is clearly appropriate. AO3: Demonstrates a very strong, sustained and focused ability to record detailed observations and insights. Demonstrates excellent understanding through wellconsidered and perceptive observations and insights that show sophisticated and imaginative connections to intentions. AO4: Demonstrates a very strong and sustained ability to present an informed and meaningful personal response, showing focused, in-depth and well- considered critical and analytical understanding Demonstrates an expressive, imaginative and sophisticated realisation of intentions Makes perceptive and insightful connections between visual, written, oral and other elements. Week 1 Introduction and Artist research. Designing a personal stencil. Assessment Objectives covered – AO1, AO2, AO3, AO4 Lesson Hypothesis: ‘Art is in the eye of the beholder’ Learning Activities: 1. Pose question ‘Why do artists challenge the concept of what art is?’ and welcome responses and opinions from students. AO3 2. Introduce the Learning cycle, explaining what we will learn throughout the 7-week topic. 3. Artist research (Banksy). AO1, AO3, AO4 4. Draw a personal stencil design (a graffiti looking version of your name) inspired by the work of Banksy. The purpose of this stencil is to learn the method and technique for understanding positive and negative space, as well as how to make a successful stencil. AO2, AO3 Suggested Artist research –. Banksy, Nick Walker, Mobstr, Christian Guemy (C215), Blek le rat (Xavier Prou) Home learning – Complete an Artist profile page on the artist Banksy. AO1, AO3, AO4 Criteria: Page should be A4 and can be done either by hand or digitally (but will need printing off ready for the lesson.) Page will need: 1. A title (Artist Profile: Banksy) 2. Image of the artists work (at least 2) 3. Information about the artists work (written in own words, not copied from the internet) 4. A personal opinion of Banksy’s work (What you like/ don’t like and why?) 5. Your own drawing of a piece of Banksy’s work (this is known as an ‘artist response’) Keywords Banksy, grafitti, stencil, conceptual, opinion, factual. Week 2 Skills based: Creating a stencil (design and cutting) Assessment Objectives covered – AO1, AO2, AO3 Lesson Hypothesis: ‘Stencils are the simplest form of art’ Learning Activities: 1. Peer review of stencil name designs looking specifically at whether they will work when cut and understanding which sections should be cut/ left in tact to produce a successful stencil. (Connecting sections etc.) AO1 2. Safety information regarding use of tools and equipment. AO3 3. Demonstration: How to correctly and safely use the knives. 4. Students explore stencil cutting to develop skills with the technique. AO2, AO3 Suggested Artist research –. Banksy, Nick Walker, Mobstr, Christian Guemy (C215), Blek le rat (Xavier Prou) Home learning – Research ‘how to create a stencil’ ready for next lesson. Write down instructions so that they can be put in to practice next lesson. AO1, AO2, AO3 Keywords Banksy, grafitti, stencil, craft/ Stanley knife, cutting mat. Week 3 Skills based – Paint/ sponge/ stipple/ spray/ draw/ outline/ layering Assessment Objectives covered – AO2, AO3 Lesson Hypothesis: ‘Grafitti is vandalism not art’ Learning Activities: 1. Review homework by sharing student findings on stencil creation (different methods of application). AO3 2. Demonstration: How to create a stencil using variety of techniques) AO2 3. Work station rotation (paint/ sponge/ stipple/ spray/ draw/ outline/ layer) Students to explore as many as possible during course of lesson. AO2, AO3 Suggested Artist research –. Banksy, Nick Walker, Mobstr, Christian Guemy (C215), Blek le rat (Xavier Prou) Home learning – Evaluate your media experimentation from today. Which media did you do best with and why do you think this? Which media did you least enjoy working with and why? How can you improve your stencil skills? AO3 Keywords Banksy, grafitti, stencil, craft/ Stanley knife, cutting mat, application, technique, method, evaluation, paint, sponge, stipple, spray, draw, outline, layering Week 4 Start design for final piece (based on where individual student skills lie) (3 hrs class based learning + Lesson Objectives covered – AO1, AO2, AO3 1 hr extracurricular + Learning Activities: 1 hr homework) Lesson Hypothesis: ‘You must reflect in order to progress’ 1. Students to read through teachers ‘Mid way Marking’ and respond in the box below. AO1 2. Students to research stencils in order to find inspiration for their final stencil design (using ipad). AO1, AO2 3. Students to draw a final stencil design to be executed based on where their personal skills lie (spray paint/ outline/ sponged etc.) AO1, AO3 The brief for the stencil design is, ‘To create a cartoon type character which you may find in Banksy’s Dismaland. You should also add some text to your graffiti by making these separately and layering over the top.’ Suggested Artist research –. Banksy, Nick Walker, Mobstr, Christian Guemy (C215), Blek le rat (Xavier Prou) Home learning – Create an artist profile page on another grafitti artist. You can research one of the ‘suggested artists’ or you can find your own grafitti artist to research. AO1, AO3, AO4 Criteria: Page should be A4 and can be done either by hand or digitally (but will need printing off ready for the lesson.) Page will need: 6. A title (Artist Profile: ‘Name of the artist you research’) 7. Image of the artists work (at least 2) 8. Information about the artists work (written in own words, not copied from the internet) 9. A personal opinion of the artist’s work (What you like/ don’t like and why?) Your own drawing of a piece of the artist’s work (this is known as an ‘artist response’) Keywords Banksy, graffiti, stencil, technique, method, evaluation, review, inspiration. Week 5 Continue final piece (cutting stencil) (3 hrs class based learning + Lesson Objectives covered – AO1, AO3 1 hr extracurricular + Learning Activities: 1 hr homework) Lesson Hypothesis: ‘Why do artists challenge the concept of what art is?’ 1. Students share their homework of artist research and peer assess against the marking criteria. AO1 2. Cutting demonstration/ recap (connective sections etc.) AO1, AO3 3. Students cut out their stencils using and developing the skills learnt in prior lessons. AO1, AO3 Suggested Artist research –. Banksy, Nick Walker, Mobstr, Christian Guemy (C215), Blek le rat (Xavier Prou) Home learning – Write a personal response to the question ‘Why do artists’ challenge the concept of what art is?’ This must be at least half an A4 page and must be done either in your neatest handwriting or typed and printed off. AO1, AO3 Keywords Banksy, graffiti, stencil, craft/ Stanley knife, cutting mat, opinion Week 6 Complete final piece (paint application) (3 hrs class based learning + Lesson Objectives covered – AO1, AO3, AO4 1 hr extracurricular + Learning Activities: 1 hr homework) Lesson Hypothesis: ‘Graffiti is not art, it is messy and talentless’ 1. Students selected to read their responses to the homework question from last week. AO1 2. Recap and demonstrations on paint application methods (set out as work stations.) AO1, AO3, AO4 3. Students to ensure they use the marking feedback from their last stencil creation in order to help them produce a more successful outcome and therefore make further progress this time. AO1, AO3, AO4 Suggested Artist research –. Banksy, Nick Walker, Mobstr, Christian Guemy (C215), Blek le rat (Xavier Prou) Home learning – Respond to the following statement… ‘Graffiti is not art, it is messy and talentless.’ AO1, AO3 Your response must be in the form of a paragraph and should explain whether you agree or disagree with the statement and why you feel this way. It should be at least half an A4 page in length. Keywords Banksy, grafitti, stencil, craft/ Stanley knife, cutting mat, application, technique, method, evaluation, paint, sponge, stipple, spray, draw, outline, layering, opinion Week 7 Analyse and evaluate final piece (3 hrs class based learning + Lesson Objectives covered – AO1, AO3 1 hr extracurricular + Learning Activities: 1 hr homework) Lesson Hypothesis: ‘How does graffiti art challenge the concept of what art is?’ 1. Students are selected to feedback their responses to the statement ‘Graffiti is not art, it is messy and talentless’. AO1, AO3 2. Students analyse and evaluate their final stencil piece, including: AO1, AO3 Whether their design skills have improved and how Whether their cutting skills have improved and how Whether their application skills have improved and how Whether their understanding of grafitti art has improved and why Whether they have developed an understanding of ‘why artists challenge the concept of what art should be?’ Whether their ability to talk about art work has developed/ they have become more confident? Suggested Artist research –. Banksy, Nick Walker, Mobstr, Christian Guemy (C215), Blek le rat (Xavier Prou) Home learning – No homework given this week due to this being the final lesson of the learning cycle. End of learning cycle assessment. Keywords Banksy, graffiti, stencil, craft/ Stanley knife, cutting mat, application, technique, method, evaluation, paint, sponge, stipple, spray, draw, outline, layering, opinion, analysis.