Community Services Department Fees and Charges 2014, 2015 2013 Rental ARENA Summer Ice Rates Standard Rental Slice of Ice Minor Sports Winter Ice Rates Prime Time Non-Prime Time Slice of Ice Minor Sports Public Skating Adult Only Skate Family Skate Child Adult Family Season Pass - Child Season Pass - Adult Season Pass - Family Parent & Tot Skate General Admission Season Pass Senior Citizen Skate: General Admission Season Pass Arena Floor – No Ice Rentals Sports and Short Period Rentals Community Group Private Full Day Rental Circus Arena Sign Rental Rink Board Signs For Glass For Year PARKS FIELDS Adult Rate Short Period Rentals Minor Sports Rate Tournament Fees LIONS POOL Public Swimming Single Swim Children Children Youth Seniors/Special Population Adults Family Day Pass Children Children Youth Seniors/Special Population Adults Family 5-visit Card Children Children Youth Seniors/Special Population Adults Family Seasons Pass Children Children Youth Seniors/Special Population Adults Family Particulars 4:00pm to close on weekdays and all hours on weekends before 4:00pm on weekdays Base Rate 55+ years maximum 12 hours maximum 12 hours no exotic animals Total % Change Base Rate Period 2015 HST Total April 1 , 2014 - September 30, 2014 103% $142.00 hr $18.46 102% $14.82 hr $1.93 103% $142.00 hr $18.46 October 1, 2014 - March 31, 2015 103% $170.00 hr $22.10 104% $142.00 hr $18.46 102% $14.82 hr $1.93 October 1, 2014 - April 30, 2015 104% $142.00 hr $18.46 $160.46 $16.75 $160.46 $192.10 $160.46 $16.75 $160.46 % Change Base Rate Period HST April 1 , 2015 - September 30, 2015 103% $146.00 hr $18.98 101% $15.04 hr $1.96 103% $146.00 hr $18.98 October 1, 2015 - March 31, 2016 103% $175.00 hr $22.75 103% $146.00 hr $18.98 101% $15.04 hr $1.96 October 1, 2015 - April 30, 2016 103% $146.00 hr $18.98 Total $164.98 $17.00 $164.98 $197.75 $164.98 $17.00 $164.98 single $0.55 $4.75 100% $4.20 single $0.55 $4.75 105% $4.43 $4.65 $0.58 $5.00 $2.88 $4.20 $9.73 $49.56 $60.18 $163.72 single single single season season season $0.37 $0.55 $1.27 $6.44 $7.82 $21.28 $3.25 $4.75 $11.00 $56.00 $68.00 $185.00 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% $2.88 $4.20 $9.74 $49.56 $60.18 $163.72 single single single season season season $0.37 $0.55 $1.27 $6.44 $7.82 $21.28 $3.25 $4.75 $11.00 $56.00 $68.00 $185.00 108% 105% 105% 104% 103% 103% $3.10 $4.43 $10.18 $51.33 $61.95 $168.14 single single single season season season $0.40 $0.58 $1.32 $6.67 $8.05 $21.86 $3.50 $5.00 $11.50 $58.00 $70.00 $190.00 $4.20 $49.56 day season $0.55 $6.44 $4.75 $56.00 100% 104% $4.20 $51.33 day season $0.55 $6.67 $4.75 $58.00 105% 103% $4.43 $53.10 day season $0.58 $6.90 $5.00 $60.00 $4.20 $49.56 day season $0.55 $6.44 $4.75 $56.00 100% 104% $4.20 $51.33 day season $0.55 $6.67 $4.75 $58.00 105% 103% $4.43 $53.10 day season $0.58 $6.90 $5.00 $60.00 103% $93.00 103% $845.00 103% $1,185.00 103% $4,225.00 hr day day day $12.09 $109.85 $154.05 $549.25 $105.09 $954.85 $1,339.05 $4,774.25 103% 103% 103% 103% $96.00 $870.00 $1,220.00 $4,350.00 hr day day day $12.48 $113.10 $158.60 $565.50 $108.48 $983.10 $1,378.60 $4,915.50 100% 100% glass year $26.00 $56.55 $226.00 $491.55 100% 100% $200.00 $435.00 glass year $26.00 $56.55 $226.00 $491.55 season use use day $150.02 $6.05 $1.14 $22.75 $1,304.02 $52.55 $9.89 $197.75 103% 103% 103% 103% $1,188.00 $48.00 $9.00 $180.00 season use use day $154.44 $6.24 $1.17 $23.40 $1,342.44 $54.24 $10.17 $203.40 $90.00 $820.00 $1,150.00 $4,100.00 $200.00 $435.00 teams scheduling a field 25 or more times per season for league play, a per use charge up to 25 uses per participant, per team, no GST per diamond, per day HST April 1 , 2013 - September 30, 2013 $138.00 hr $17.94 $155.94 $14.60 hr $1.90 $16.50 $138.00 hr $17.94 $155.94 October 1, 2013 - March 31, 2014 $165.00 hr $21.45 $186.45 $137.00 hr $17.81 $154.81 $14.60 hr $1.90 $16.50 October 1, 2013 - April 30, 2014 $137.00 hr $17.81 $154.81 $4.20 7-18 years 19-54 years 2 adults of same household & children under 19 years of age 7-18 years 19-54 years 2 adults of same household & children under 19 years of age Period 2014 $1,120.00 $45.00 $8.50 $170.00 hr day day day glass year season use use day $11.70 $101.70 $106.60 $926.60 $149.50 $1,299.50 $533.00 $4,633.00 $26.00 $56.55 $226.00 $491.55 $145.60 $1,265.60 $5.85 $50.85 $1.11 $9.61 $22.10 $192.10 $200.00 $435.00 103% $1,154.00 103% $46.50 103% $8.75 103% $175.00 under 2 years 2 - 15 years 16 - 18 years 55+ years 19 - 54 years 2 adults of same household & children under 19 years of age $0.00 $2.88 $3.54 $3.54 $4.42 $12.83 swim swim swim swim swim swim $0.00 $0.37 $0.46 $0.46 $0.57 $1.67 $0.00 $3.25 $4.00 $4.00 $5.00 $14.50 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% $0.00 $2.88 $3.54 $3.54 $4.43 $12.83 swim swim swim swim swim swim $0.00 $0.37 $0.46 $0.46 $0.58 $1.67 $0.00 $3.25 $4.00 $4.00 $5.00 $14.50 100% 108% 106% 106% 105% 103% $0.00 $3.10 $3.76 $3.76 $4.65 $13.27 swim swim swim swim swim swim $0.00 $0.40 $0.49 $0.49 $0.60 $1.73 $0.00 $3.50 $4.25 $4.25 $5.25 $15.00 under 2 years 2 - 15 years 16 - 18 years 55+ years 19 - 54 years 2 adults of same household & children under 19 years of age $0.00 $3.98 $4.42 $4.42 $6.42 $21.24 day day day day day day $0.00 $0.52 $0.57 $0.57 $0.83 $2.76 $0.00 $4.50 $5.00 $5.00 $7.25 $24.00 100% 106% 105% 105% 103% 103% $0.00 $4.20 $4.65 $4.65 $6.64 $21.90 day day day day day day $0.00 $0.55 $0.60 $0.60 $0.86 $2.85 $0.00 $4.75 $5.25 $5.25 $7.50 $24.75 100% 105% 105% 105% 107% 101% $0.00 $4.43 $4.87 $4.87 $7.08 $22.12 day day day day day day $0.00 $0.58 $0.63 $0.63 $0.92 $2.88 $0.00 $5.00 $5.50 $5.50 $8.00 $25.00 under 2 years 2 - 15 years 16 - 18 years 55+ years 19 - 54 years 2 adults of same household & children under 19 years of age $0.00 $11.50 $14.16 $14.16 $17.70 $51.33 card card card card card card $0.00 $1.50 $1.84 $1.84 $2.30 $6.67 $0.00 $13.00 $16.00 $16.00 $20.00 $58.00 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% $0.00 $11.50 $14.16 $14.16 $17.70 $51.33 card card card card card card $0.00 $1.50 $1.84 $1.84 $2.30 $6.67 $0.00 $13.00 $16.00 $16.00 $20.00 $58.00 100% 108% 106% 106% 105% 103% $0.00 $12.39 $15.04 $15.04 $18.58 $53.10 card card card card card card $0.00 $1.61 $1.96 $1.96 $2.42 $6.90 $0.00 $14.00 $17.00 $17.00 $21.00 $60.00 under 2 years 2 - 15 years 16 - 18 years 55+ years 19 - 54 years 2 adults of same household & children under 19 years of age $0.00 $70.80 $79.65 $79.65 $99.12 $205.31 season season season season season season $0.00 $9.20 $10.35 $10.35 $12.88 $26.69 $0.00 $80.00 $90.00 $90.00 $112.00 $232.00 100% 103% 103% 103% 104% 103% $0.00 $72.57 $82.30 $82.30 $102.66 $212.39 season season season season season season $0.00 $9.43 $10.70 $10.70 $13.35 $27.61 $0.00 $82.00 $93.00 $93.00 $116.00 $240.00 100% 102% 102% 102% 103% 102% $0.00 $74.34 $84.07 $84.07 $106.20 $217.70 season season season season season season $0.00 $9.66 $10.93 $10.93 $13.81 $28.30 $0.00 $84.00 $95.00 $95.00 $120.00 $246.00 Community Services Department Fees and Charges 2014, 2015 2013 Rental Swim Lessons ½ hour ¾ hour 1 hour Bronze Star (book extra) Bronze Medallion (book extra) Bronze Cross (book extra) Swim Team Family Discount Private Rentals 1-30 swimmers 31-125 swimmers Sponsor a Swim Sponsored Swim Sponsored Free Swim DAY CAMP 5-Day Week 4-Day Week Single-Day Family Discount KIWANIS COMMUNITY CENTRE Charitable, Church, Community, Clubs Monday Morning to Friday at 4pm Single Meeting Room Double Meeting Room Hall Friday after 4pm to Sunday Evening Single Meeting Room Up to 8 hours Beyond 8 hours Double Meeting Room Up to 8 hours Beyond 8 hours Hall Auditorium Up to 8 hours Beyond 8 hours Extra Meeting Room Private & Commercial Monday Morning to Friday at 4pm Single Meeting Room Up to 8 hours Beyond 8 hours Double Meeting Room Up to 8 hours Beyond 8 hours Hall Auditorium Up to 8 hours Beyond 8 hours Friday after 4pm to Sunday Evening Single Meeting Room Up to 8 hours Beyond 8 hours Double Meeting Room Up to 8 hours Beyond 8 hours Hall Auditorium Up to 8 hours Beyond 8 hours Extra Meeting Room Amenities Kitchen Kitchenette Audio Visual DVD / VCR / TV / Projector ROTARY COMPLEX General Rates Monday Morning to Friday at 4pm (Weekday) All 4 Community Halls Single Community Hall Upper Community Room (Tim Taylor Lounge) Particulars 2 week session, 10 classes 2 week session, 10 classes 2 week session, 10 classes 2 week session, 10 classes 2 week session, 10 classes 2 week session, 10 classes season, 5 days per week 3rd child or more enrolled in same session receives discount Base Rate Period $67.00 session $72.00 session $78.00 session $78.00 session $142.00 session $142.00 session $95.00 season $20.00 per child 2014 HST Total % Change Base Rate Period $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $67.00 $72.00 $78.00 $78.00 $142.00 $142.00 $95.00 $20.00 103% 104% 104% 104% 103% 103% 116% 75% $69.00 session $75.00 session $81.00 session $81.00 session $146.00 session $146.00 session $110.00 season $15.00 per child 2015 HST Total % Change Base Rate Period $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $69.00 $75.00 $81.00 $81.00 $146.00 $146.00 $110.00 $15.00 103% 103% 104% 104% 103% 103% 105% 100% $71.00 session $77.00 session $84.00 session $84.00 session $150.00 session $150.00 session $115.00 season $15.00 per child HST Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $71.00 $77.00 $84.00 $84.00 $150.00 $150.00 $115.00 $15.00 $150.44 $168.14 hr hr $19.56 $21.86 $170.00 $190.00 103% 103% $154.87 $172.57 hr hr $20.13 $22.43 $175.00 $195.00 103% 103% $159.29 $176.99 hr hr $20.71 $23.01 $180.00 $200.00 minimum 2 hour purchase minimum 2 hour purchase $137.17 $438.05 hr hr $17.83 $56.95 $155.00 $495.00 100% 100% $137.17 $438.05 hr hr $17.83 $56.95 $155.00 $495.00 103% 103% $141.59 $449.56 hr hr $18.41 $58.44 $160.00 $508.00 3rd child or more enrolled in same session receives discount $102.00 week $82.00 week $22.00 week $20.00 per child $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $102.00 $82.00 $22.00 $20.00 108% 107% 109% 75% $110.00 week $88.00 week $24.00 week $15.00 per child $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $110.00 $88.00 $24.00 $15.00 105% 105% 104% 100% $115.00 week $92.00 week $25.00 week $15.00 per child $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $115.00 $92.00 $25.00 $15.00 Rates do not include setup & take down $15.00 $19.00 $27.00 day day day $1.95 $2.47 $3.51 $16.95 $21.47 $30.51 103% 103% 104% $15.50 $19.50 $28.00 day day day $2.02 $2.54 $3.64 $17.52 $22.04 $31.64 103% 103% 104% $16.00 $20.00 $29.00 day day day $2.08 $2.60 $3.77 $18.08 $22.60 $32.77 $19.00 $155.00 hr day $2.47 $20.15 $21.47 $175.15 105% 103% $20.00 $160.00 hr day $2.60 $20.80 $22.60 $180.80 105% 105% $21.00 $168.00 hr day $2.73 $21.84 $23.73 $189.84 $26.00 $195.00 hr day $3.38 $25.35 $29.38 $220.35 104% 111% $27.00 $216.00 hr day $3.51 $28.08 $30.51 $244.08 104% 104% $28.00 $224.00 hr day $3.64 $29.12 $31.64 $253.12 $31.00 $242.00 $24.00 hr day room $4.03 $31.46 $3.12 $35.03 $273.46 $27.12 103% 106% 104% $32.00 $256.00 $25.00 hr day room $4.16 $33.28 $3.25 $36.16 $289.28 $28.25 103% 103% 104% $33.00 $264.00 $26.00 hr day room $4.29 $34.32 $3.38 $37.29 $298.32 $29.38 $15.00 $118.00 hr day $1.95 $15.34 $16.95 $133.34 107% 108% $16.00 $128.00 hr day $2.08 $16.64 $18.08 $144.64 103% 103% $16.50 $132.00 hr day $2.15 $17.16 $18.65 $149.16 $19.00 $155.00 hr day $2.47 $20.15 $21.47 $175.15 121% 119% $23.00 $184.00 hr day $2.99 $23.92 $25.99 $207.92 104% 104% $24.00 $192.00 hr day $3.12 $24.96 $27.12 $216.96 $46.00 $350.00 hr day $5.98 $45.50 $51.98 $395.50 107% 112% $49.00 $392.00 hr day $6.37 $50.96 $55.37 $442.96 103% 103% $50.50 $404.00 hr day $6.57 $52.52 $57.07 $456.52 $31.00 $242.00 hr day $4.03 $31.46 $35.03 $273.46 103% 106% $32.00 $256.00 hr day $4.16 $33.28 $36.16 $289.28 103% 103% $33.00 $264.00 hr day $4.29 $34.32 $37.29 $298.32 $38.00 $300.00 hr day $4.94 $39.00 $42.94 $339.00 105% 107% $40.00 $320.00 hr day $5.20 $41.60 $45.20 $361.60 103% 103% $41.00 $328.00 hr day $5.33 $42.64 $46.33 $370.64 $54.00 $432.00 $23.00 hr day room $7.02 $56.16 $2.99 $61.02 $488.16 $25.99 107% 107% 109% $58.00 $464.00 $25.00 hr day room $7.54 $60.32 $3.25 $65.54 $524.32 $28.25 103% 103% 104% $60.00 $480.00 $26.00 hr day room $7.80 $62.40 $3.38 $67.80 $542.40 $29.38 $85.00 $50.00 day day $11.05 $6.50 $96.05 $56.50 104% 104% $88.00 $52.00 day day $11.44 $6.76 $99.44 $58.76 102% 103% $90.00 $53.50 day day $11.70 $6.96 $101.70 $60.46 $12.00 day $1.56 $13.56 104% $12.50 day $1.63 $14.13 104% $13.00 day $1.69 $14.69 $2,135.00 $592.00 day day 103% $2,200.00 103% $610.00 day day $286.00 $79.30 $2,486.00 $689.30 103% 103% $2,266.00 $628.00 day day $294.58 $81.64 approx. capacity of 30 approx. capacity of 50 approx. capacity of 180 Rates include setup & take down approx. capacity of 30 approx. capacity of 50 approx. capacity of 180 approx. capacity of 30 approx. capacity of 50 approx. capacity of 180 Rates include setup & take down approx. capacity of 2000 approx. capacity of 250-350 approx. capacity of 100 $277.55 $2,412.55 $76.96 $668.96 $2,560.58 $709.64 Community Services Department Fees and Charges 2014, 2015 2013 Rental Up to 8 hours Beyond 8 hours Lower Community Room (Rm. 136) Up to 8 hours Beyond 8 hours Lower Meeting Room (Mansbridge) Up to 8 hours Beyond 8 hours Friday after 4pm to Sunday Evening All 4 Community Halls Single Community Hall Upper Community Room (Tim Taylor Lounge) Up to 8 hours Beyond 8 hours Lower Community Room (Rm. 136) Up to 8 hours Beyond 8 hours Lower Meeting Room (Mansbridge) Up to 8 hours Beyond 8 hours Amenities Kitchen Bar Charges Draft Fee Ice Audio Visual Wireless Microphone Wired Microphone TV/VCR/DVD/Projector Electrical Connections 110V 15AMP connection 110V 30AMP connection (with panel) 220V connection Data Connections Wired Internet (per single connected unit) Installations Stage - 4 section starter Stage - additional sections Insulated floor to cover ice surface Judges platform - 4 section starter (16' x 8') Judges platform - additional sections (4' x 8') STRATFORD AGRIPLEX FIELDHOUSE 1 Court All 4 Courts for Tournament Use (Day Rate) PUBLIC TRANSIT Cash Child Student Adults Seniors Tickets Student Adults Seniors Passes Adult Students, Seniors, Special Charter (plus GST) PARALLEL TRANSIT One Way Trip - in town Charter - in town One Way Trip - out of town Particulars Base Rate Period 2014 HST Total % Change Base Rate 2015 Period HST Total % Change Base Rate Period HST Total $47.50 $361.00 hr day $6.18 $46.93 $53.68 $407.93 103% 103% $49.00 $372.00 hr day $6.37 $48.36 $55.37 $420.36 103% 109% $50.50 $404.00 hr day $6.57 $52.52 $57.07 $456.52 $22.00 $165.00 hr day $2.86 $21.45 $24.86 $186.45 105% 103% $23.00 $170.00 hr day $2.99 $22.10 $25.99 $192.10 104% 113% $24.00 $192.00 hr day $3.12 $24.96 $27.12 $216.96 $22.00 $165.00 hr day $2.86 $21.45 $24.86 $186.45 105% 103% $23.00 $170.00 hr day $2.99 $22.10 $25.99 $192.10 104% 113% $24.00 $192.00 hr day $3.12 $24.96 $27.12 $216.96 $2,575.00 $770.00 day day 103% $2,652.00 103% $792.00 day day $344.76 $102.96 $2,996.76 $894.96 103% 103% $2,730.00 $815.00 day day $354.90 $105.95 $3,084.90 $920.95 $56.00 $427.00 hr day $7.28 $55.51 $63.28 $482.51 104% 103% $58.00 $440.00 hr day $7.54 $57.20 $65.54 $497.20 103% 109% $60.00 $480.00 hr day $7.80 $62.40 $67.80 $542.40 $38.00 $295.00 hr day $4.94 $38.35 $42.94 $333.35 105% 103% $40.00 $305.00 hr day $5.20 $39.65 $45.20 $344.65 103% 108% $41.00 $328.00 hr day $5.33 $42.64 $46.33 $370.64 $38.00 $295.00 hr day $4.94 $38.35 $42.94 $333.35 105% 103% $40.00 $305.00 hr day $5.20 $39.65 $45.20 $344.65 103% 108% $41.00 $328.00 hr day $5.33 $42.64 $46.33 $370.64 $114.00 day $14.82 $128.82 103% $117.00 day $15.21 $132.21 103% $120.00 day $15.60 $135.60 $57.00 $30.00 day day $7.41 $3.90 $64.41 $33.90 104% 103% $59.00 $31.00 day day $7.67 $4.03 $66.67 $35.03 103% 103% $61.00 $32.00 day day $7.93 $4.16 $68.93 $36.16 $45.00 $17.00 $24.00 day day day $5.85 $2.21 $3.12 $50.85 $19.21 $27.12 104% 106% 52% $47.00 $18.00 $12.50 day day day $6.11 $2.34 $1.63 $53.11 $20.34 $14.13 103% 103% 104% $48.50 $18.50 $13.00 day day day $6.31 $2.41 $1.69 $54.81 $20.91 $14.69 $13.00 $24.00 $110.00 day day day $1.69 $3.12 $14.30 $14.69 $27.12 $124.30 104% 104% 105% $13.50 $25.00 $115.00 day day day $1.76 $3.25 $14.95 $15.26 $28.25 $129.95 104% 104% 103% $14.00 $26.00 $118.00 day day day $1.82 $3.38 $15.34 $15.82 $29.38 $133.34 $34.00 day $4.42 $38.42 103% $35.00 day $4.55 $39.55 100% $35.00 day $4.55 $39.55 100% $0.00 day $0.00 $0.00 104% $12.50 day $1.63 $14.13 103% $1,575.00 day $204.75 $1,779.75 103% $562.00 day $73.06 $635.06 104% $58.00 day $7.54 $65.54 October 1 , 2013 - April 30, 2014 103% $30.00 hr $3.90 $33.90 125% $650.00 day $84.50 $734.50 June 1, 2014 - May 31, 2015 100% 104% 103% 103% 103% approx. capacity of 50 approx. capacity of 30 approx. capacity of 2000 approx. capacity of 250-350 approx. capacity of 100 $334.75 $2,909.75 $100.10 $870.10 approx. capacity of 50 approx. capacity of 30 includes walk-in cooler, warming ovens, carts 1 complimentary; additional charge per extra unit 1 complimentary; additional charge per extra unit per unit per connection per connection per connection per single connected unit complimentary per section, per day, max 24 sections RBC Arena only per half (2 basketball courts) per half (2 basketball courts) $0.00 day $0.00 $0.00 $12.00 day $1.56 $13.56 $1,530.00 day $198.90 $1,728.90 $545.00 day $70.85 $615.85 $56.00 day $7.28 $63.28 October 1 , 2012- April 30, 2013 $29.00 hr $3.77 $32.77 $520.00 day $67.60 $587.60 June 1, 2013 - May 31, 2014 $0.00 day $0.00 $0.00 $13.00 day $1.69 $14.69 $1,622.00 day $210.86 $1,832.86 $580.00 day $75.40 $655.40 $60.00 day $7.80 $67.80 October 1 , 2014 - April 30, 2015 103% $31.00 hr $4.03 $35.03 103% $670.00 day $87.10 $757.10 June 1, 2015 - May 31, 2016 $0.00 $2.50 $2.75 $2.50 single single single single $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.50 $2.75 $2.50 100% 100% 100% 100% $0.00 $2.50 $2.75 $2.50 single single single single $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.50 $2.75 $2.50 100% 110% 109% 110% $0.00 $2.75 $3.00 $2.75 single single single single $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.75 $3.00 $2.75 $2.25 $2.50 $2.25 single single single $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.25 $2.50 $2.25 100% 100% 100% $2.25 $2.50 $2.25 single single single $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.25 $2.50 $2.25 111% 110% 111% $2.50 $2.75 $2.50 single single single $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.50 $2.75 $2.50 minimum charge of $50.00 $57.00 $47.00 $78.00 month month hr $0.00 $0.00 $10.14 $57.00 $47.00 $88.14 100% 100% 100% $57.00 $47.00 $78.00 month month hr $0.00 $0.00 $10.14 $57.00 $47.00 $88.14 104% 103% 103% $59.00 $48.50 $80.00 month month hr $0.00 $0.00 $10.40 $59.00 $48.50 $90.40 minimum charge of $25.00 $25 per hour wait charge extra $2.75 $26.00 $1.30 single hr km $0.00 $3.38 $0.17 $2.75 $29.38 $1.47 100% 100% 100% $2.75 $26.00 $1.30 single hr km $0.00 $3.38 $0.17 $2.75 $29.38 $1.47 109% 104% 104% $3.00 $27.00 $1.35 single hr km $0.00 $3.51 $0.18 $3.00 $30.51 $1.53 under 5 years