Welcome from the Northland Trees, Roots, Myths, and Mayhem 22nd Annual Northwest Urban Forestry Workshop March 31, 2006 – Crookston, MN Richard Hauer, Ph.D. College of Natural Resources University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Sometimes the Obvious is Wrong! What’s the Worst that can Happen! Scandinavian Irrigation Bulldozer Bob Sez, Never Killed a Tree! What’s Wrong? Is it the Tree, Site, or Person? 1 Silvics: The Why and Where Trees Grow Trees and Woody Plants Are Adaptable! Biology is the Basis of How Much They Adapt! What do you want? Silvics of North America: http://www.na.fs.fed.us/spfo/pubs/silvics_manual/table_of_contents.htm Genotype + Phenotype = What you Get Is this what you want? 1) Goals 2) Vision 3) Desires How Does a Tree Grow? Trees are the oldest and largest (ancient sitka spruce) Tree Defense Mechanisms Why do Trees Die? The Decline or Mortality Spiral 2 Non Apparent Norway Maple Decline Advanced It started with a request to verify verticillium wilt. “most functioning roots were near the surface” and injury would result if these were buried 1618, William Lawson A New Orchard & Garden What’s the Problem? The Plant’s Response • Genotype versus Phenotype • Normal versus Abnormal Tree Care Based on Tree Biology What is the Tree Treatment and it’s Merit! 3 Tree Biology 101 (aka Tree Structure and Function and associations with the Environment) Basic Tree Biology: Anatomy • Anatomy • Physiology • Pathology, Entomology, Environmental Factors (aka Bugs and Crud) • Ecology Leaf Cross Section Meristems Trees are Generators and Regenerators Basic Tree Biology: Physiology How Does Water Move in Plants? Soil Plant Atmosphere Continuum H2O Loss Trees Manufacture and Respire Basic Tree Biology – PHC (PHC = Plant Health Care) Environmental Factors CO2 entry Basic Tree Biology: Ecology • Trees and Associates • Trees and People Pathology Entomology 4 System Approach to Understand Trees There are two types of growth in plants: Primary growth and Secondary growth Growth defined… • What is a System? kinetic + CO2 + H2O energy • System: orderly collection of parts and processes CH2O + O2 + potential energy Kinetic Energy: from the sun Potential Energy: in bonds in chemical compounds • Energy keeps systems in order Stress, Strain, and Askenasy Energy Reserves: Storage Growth Starch a measurable indicator of Tree Health The Plant Connection System Symplast (Living) Apoplast (non-living) Plant Growth Regulators • Also called plant hormones – http://www.plant-hormones.info/ • Examples – – – – – Auxin Gibberellins Cytokinin Abscisic Acid Ethylene 5 Pruning at Planting an Auxin Story (Walmsley 1985) Tim the Rhizologist asks … What and Where are Tree Roots and Why? Red maple (Acer rubrum) structural roots Surface roots of green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica). 6 Adventitious roots and shoots (Tilia cordata). Green ash adventitious roots. Sugar maple adventitious roots. Mulch line Soil line Structural Roots Wilson, B. 1967 Roots graft to roots! Stems graft to stems! 7 Root and stem tissue do not graft! Sudden tree failure(s) from SGR’s during wind storm. Norway maple (Acer platanoides) sudden failure from SGR’s. Decline of green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), SGR induced. Percent of Stem Encircled by Roots Related to Depth. Mean Percentage of Stem Girdled by Roots Borst and Johnson 1999 100 35 Ash 90 Ash 30 Linden 80 25 Percent Encircled Percent Girdled Linden Both 20 15 10 70 60 50 40 30 20 5 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Depth (inches) 6 7 8 9 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Depth (inches) 8 Percent of Total of Depth to First Main-Order-Lateral Root Storms of 1998 and Tree Failures, Trees Planted to deep and SGR’s 25 881 Sampled Trees Percent of Total 20 Sources (Johnson and Johnson 1997, Borst and Johnson 1999, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board 2000) 15 • 73% of Little leaf linden’s • 17.8% of all tree failures 10 • 30.1% of all tree failures outside of storm center’s 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 • 50% of trees in 6 to 10” DBH with SGR’s Depth (inches) Stem Girdling Roots and Tree Loss: What practitioners said in 1997 survey • Tree decline and death 82% of time • Sudden failure of tree 18% of time Did you Get What you Paid for? Measuring a B&B root ball. Finding structural roots in B&B nursery stock. 9 End result of root system examination. Use of compressed air to examine root systems/removal soil. The End! 10