Nursing Resource Guide - Brookdale Community College

Welcome to the Nursing Program at Brookdale Community
Nurse Introduction
College. This booklet, The Student Nurse Resource Guide, contains the
most up-to-date information about the Nursing Program. However, infor­
mation may change, so utilize the resources outlined in this manual such
as the website and check regularly for important updates.
This manual will guide you along the way to your nursing career and
give you information on program track, rules and regulations, uniforms,
required clinical preceptorship and more. Keep this manual handy so you
may reference it for years to come.
Now there‘s a clear path to becoming a Registered Nurse in New Jersey!
Welcome New Nurses
Professional Conduct
Nurse Uniform Guidelines
Nursing Program Overview
Study Tips
Library and Lab Hours
Nursing Skills Lab
Computer Lab
Clinical Information
Math for Medical Personnel
Computer and Online Training Resource
Brookdale Lincroft Campus Map
Registration Guide for Incoming Students
Professional Conduct
Professional Conduct
You will deal with many stressful situations in your intended profession. This will require that you develop skills in problem solving and
conflict resolution. It is expected that you will display courteous and
professional behavior at all times during the program. This profes­
sional behavior extends to the clinical setting, the classroom as well
as in dealings with the Brookdale personnel in the Science/Health
Science office, testing center, registration, etc. If you find yourself in
a conflict, please follow the chain of command. Step one is always to
attempt to resolve the situation with the person directly involved.
Open communication in a mutually respectful environment with clear
statement of expected outcome will resolve most conflicts.
If the situation is not resolved, request a meeting with the person‘s
immediate superior. In all cases, it is the student themselves who
must resolve the conflict- it is not appropriate for family members or
loved ones to intervene on behalf of the student. See the Nursing Stu­
dent Handbook for information about what constitutes unprofessional
behavior and for policies related to grievances.
The nursing faculty regard unprofessional behavior in either the
college or the clinical setting as unacceptable, and will deal with it
Professional behavior
Is expected on the
College campus as well
As in Clinical
Nurse Uniform Look the Part:
The name pin should be
worn at clinical and also
on the lab coat at all
times. The name pin can
be ordered at the scroll
and pen Bookstore on
the Brookdale Commu­
nity College Lincroft
Campus. Allow 3-4
weeks for delivery.
Wear your white lab
coat to clinical.
An example of the
Health Sciences Clinical
Patch. Affix this badge
to your white lab coat on
the left upper arm of the
coat. This patch can be
purchased in class.
Blue nursing shirts are
required to be worn at
clinical (underneath
your lab coat). They are
available at the
Dress Code
Blue pants and nursing shirts
that must be purchased in
the BCC bookstore
Brookdale name pin
(purchase at the College
White nurses shoes (leather
upper, rubber soled shoes
and white stockings or socks)
White lab coat may be pur­
chased at any uniform store.
Hair to be worn pulled back
off the face
Nails—no tips, acrylics, gel
fillings, glued on jewels al­
lowed in clinical. Nails are to
be short and neat. Agency
protocols need to be followed
on acceptable length of nails.
Jewelry—only one pierced
stud allowed in each ear. No
dangling necklaces. We sug­
gest that only a plain wed­
ding band be worn. Wear a
watch with a second hand.
Personal Belongings:
Personal Belongings brought
to clinical need to fit in your
pocket. There are no lockers
available in the clinical
Professional Conduct
Nursing Program Overview
Courses in
the Program
All nursing students must com­
plete the following classes in
the order and Term listed. The
Nursing Program is currently
five Terms long.
Term One
NURS 160
(class only)
Physical Assessment
Math for Meds
Term Two
NURS 161
(class and clinical)
Term Three
NURS 162
(class and clinical)
Fluid and Electrolytes
Women’s Health
Term Four
NURS 163 and 165 may be
taken with NURS 160 or anytime anytime while in the program. Both are offered Fall,
Spring and Summer Sessions.
NURS 261
Nursing 163
(a mostly online, 2-credit
(class and clinical)
Mental Health
Term Five
Community Health Nursing
Teaching project
Nursing 165
(2-credit course)
Issues in Nursing
Models of care delivery
NURS 262
(10 weeks class and clinical)
Gastro Intestinal
NURS 263
Nursing Program Tracks
Monday Daytime
(4 hour class, times vary by term)
Thursday and Friday Daytime
(hours vary by term)
Or Saturday all day
Tuesday Evening
(4 hour class, times vary by term)
Wednesday and Thursday
(hours vary by term)
Or Saturday all day
Lecture available online
Any of the above
(4 weeks, class and clinical)
Altered Clinical
Math for Meds
Nursing Program Overview
Nursing Study Tips
Study Tips
Kinesthetic Visual
Study Tips Study Tips
Study Tips
Clinical is a great
hands-on opportunity
Tape record lectures
and re-listen later
Use the discussion
forums on the
ANGEL System
ATI and on-line audio resources
Divide up comptencies (one student researches, the others
write; etc.)
Test each other or
come up with fun
quizes for the group
Videos/online videos
HESI review videos
in the Skills Lab
Use the Skills Lab
Make and use Flash
Flash Cards can also
be helpful
Make your own diagrams and graphs
Typing out procedures writing reports
Bankier Library
Hours of Operation:
Regular Hours:
Monday - Thursday 7:15 am - 10:00 pm,
Fridays 8:30 am - 7:00 pm and Saturdays
10:00 am - 4:00 pm.
Summer Hours (June 15 - August 15):
Monday - Thursday 7:15 am - 10:00 pm,
Fridays 7:15 am - 5:00 pm and Saturdays
10:00 am - 4:00 pm.
Instant Message a Librarian!
During Library Hours
Ask a Brookdale Community College Bankier Library
librarian a question via text messaging. Learn how at or ask your professor.
Access and Print Nursing Jour­
From the Library‘s computer terminals
Nursing Skills Lab
Nursing Skills Lab
Hours of Operation
Monday through Saturday:
Children Under the Age of 18
Regular hours are 9:00 am to 9:00 pm, Monday
through Thursday, 9:00 am to 8:00 pm on Friday and 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on Saturdays.
No children are allowed in the lab at anytime.
Children may not wait in the hallway unattended
at any time.
Nursing Skills Lab
Hours may vary during the semester, so check
the Skills Lab Door for the exact hours available.
Nursing Skills Lab
Nursing Skills Lab
Sign in – be sure to sign in your course specific book and TutorTrac
Practice – come in during the hours of operation for practice. No
Testing – appointments needed for testing. Appointments must be
to document the hours that you have spent in the lab
appointments necessary.
scheduled in the lab. No scheduling is done over the phone. Please ar­
rive 15 to 30 minutes before the scheduled time depending on the skill
in order to set up the testing area. Lab instructor will inform students
of arrival time.
Clean up – skill validation forms for successful skill completion
will not be granted until the testing area has been cleaned and organized by the student after testing
Cancellations – If you must cancel your testing time please come
in person or call 732-224-2493. A record is kept of students who do
not call or show for testing and a referral will be made. Students who
are more than 10 minutes late for an appointment will forfeit their time
and reschedule at a later date. If you are going to be a few minutes late,
please call and the spot will be held for a short period of time.
Supervised practice – appointments can be made for supervised
practice with a lab assistant to answer questions and help with skill
performance. There is a 10 student maximum and testing cannot be
scheduled for the same day as a supervised practice. Appointments are
made for 30 minutes. This is not a teaching session or skill demonstra­
tion by lab staff. Students should come in prepared for the skill.
Nurse kit – testing supplies must be purchased from SunRay Medical.
Students will not receive their skills validation forms if they have not
purchased a nurse kit.
Uniforms – for testing lab coats must be worn. Skills validation is a
reflection of clinical practice; therefore, hair, nails and jewelry must
meet practice requirements.
Skills validation forms – Skills validation forms will be given to
the student who successfully completes the assigned skill according to
lab guidelines and dates. Completed skills validation forms are turned
in to your clinical instructor. It is your responsibility to turn in the
signed forms. As stated in the Nursing Student Handbook, it is the stu­
dent‘s responsibility to notify clinical faculty if skills are not complet­
ed by the due date. Referrals are made for students who complete the
skills validation late. Completing skills in a timely manner is evaluated
by clinical faculty at the midterm and final evaluation.
Vital Basic
You must complete basic
skills training to move on to
clinical experience. Skills
must be completed by the
scheduled due date in order
to attend clinical laboratory
Nursing Skills Lab
Procedures (continued):
Retest Forms- retest forms are given instead of skill validation
forms to students who are in need of additional remediation and prac­
tice of the assigned skill. Students will reschedule another appoint­
ment to retest in order to achieve a skill validation form.
Peer Testing- sign ups for peer testing is done in the skills lab. You
Math– Assistance with math is offered as workshops or individual
do not need to sign up with a partner. Sign up for scheduled group
times where you will work in teams to complete the skills validation
with the guidance of a lab Instructor. You will be grouped on the day
of testing. Peer tested skills are outlined in the course specific Sylla­
bus and the Clinical Lab Guide
tutoring and is available to students after attendance at a math work­
shop. Scheduled math workshops are posted at the skills lab entrance.
Tutoring– Tutoring is available for concept maps, care plans and
Referrals– Clinical instructors may refer students to the lab to re­
more. Speak to a lab instructor for help and Information.
validate skills. Schedule appointments in the lab. Bring with you the
referral form from your clinical faculty. The completed skill valida­
tion form is returned to your clinical faculty after revalidation.
If the college is closed due to in­
clement weather , the skills lab is
also closed.
Cancelled appointments will be re­
scheduled after the college reopens.
Faculty may grant extensions on
skill due dates for students who were
affected by the college closing.. If
the weather looks questionable, call
the nursing skills lab and listen to
the recorded message for
Nursing Skills Lab
Special Concern
(Skills Lab):
Health Sciences Computer Lab
MAS 102 Computer Lab
The Science and Health Science
Computer Lab is located at room
MAS 101 and 102 on the first floor
of the MAS building. The lab con­
tains 49 Computers.
The computer lab is used for:
 Research for Science and Health
Science courses.
 Self Studying with pre-installed
academic software
 Computerized testing
 Instructional Purposes
*Non course related web surfing is
The computer lab is staffed with a
professional who can help you ac­
cess the computer programs
(Including learning Harbor, The
Point and ATI testing). Please refer
your academic questions to your in­
structors or Nursing Lab Staff at
MAS 136
When studying
to become a
Refer to the computer chart
on pages 16-20 of this book­
let often for useful tools to
help you on your journey to
becoming a Registered
Nurse. There are videos,
online tools and more .
Lab Priorities:
The lab may be used for your own
studying but not group studying. The
lab has priority for scheduled testing
and instructional purposes. Please
check the Computer Labs Calendar
posted at the entrance of the lab for
the block-out periods. Brookdale‘s
library has many computers availa­
ble for student use. Check the library
website for hours
Printing Policy:
Printing is available in the Bankier
Library for a fee.
Science and Health Science Support
Specialist: Paul Yip, extension
* Please refer to the Student Hand­
book for further information
Lab Hours:
*Please check computer lab entrance for current hours as the
lab may be reserved for computer testing or class
Health Sciences Computer Lab
Science and
Health Science
Computer Lab
Clinical Information
Clinical Information
Clinical Essentials
What to bring to clinical:
The Course Syllabus and
Clinical Lab Guide
Black Pen
Watch with second hand
Brookdale name pin
(required, purchase in the
College Store)
PDA (Personal digital assistant)
*Nursing drug book and reference on laboratory and diagnostic tests (either hard copy or
What to wear to clinical:
Brookdale nursing student light blue
collared shirt with the Brookdale logo
(required, purchase in the College Store)
Note: these are not unisex shirts. There
are men‘s and women‘s sizes.
The Nursing Skills lab has a limited
number of shirts that have been donated
by students who have graduated. They are
available for students for free. Please con­
sider donating your shirt after
Computer Information:
Complete the required Learning Harbor
modules BEFORE the first day of
clinical. The modules are found at Do not print the
individual completion certifi cates.
When all modules are completed print out
the progress report and hand into clinical
instructor by the first day of clinical.
Learning Harbor training must be
completed annually. If you change clinical
facilities in each semester you must com­
plete the agency specific module. You
will NOT be admitted to clinical until the
Learning Harbor modules are completed.
This counts as a clinical absence.
Agency Specific computer
You will be scheduled for agency
specific computer training as required by
each clinical agency. Meridian training is
currently completed online. You must
keep your scheduled appointments for
computer training. The training sites are
limited and rescheduling is not available.
Vital Basic
If you do not meet your
scheduled computer training
appointments then you may
not administer medications in
the clinical setting.
This will affect your ability
to meet your clinical require­
An example of the Health Sciences
Clinical Pass nursing students need
before their first day of clinical
How to get your Green Pass:
Obtain a physical exam form from
Brookdale Community College. Go
to your doctor and get a physical ex­
Bring the physical exam report form
to Pam Anania in the Nursing Skills
Lab during designated times for the
review and approval.
Bring the approved form signed by
Pam Anania to the Science/Health
Science office along with proof of
malpractice insurance and CPR
cards. You will also need a passport
photo to obtain a green pass.
The green pass will be mailed to
your home (in December for the
Spring Term and August
for the Fall Term) or distributed in
course orientation.
For the
Night Before
Review the clinical experi­
ence and decide what you
hope to get out of each
Clinical Information
An example of the Physical Report
Form and Instructions Checklist.
Nursing students must have a physical
exam performed by their doctor before
receiving the green clinical pass.
Clinical Information
At the Clinical Agency:
Introduce yourself to the primary
RN caring for your patient.
Find out if there is anything you need
to know about the patient and what
the plan is for the day.
Take report from the primary nurse.
Things to know before entering a patient’s room:
During clinical, nursing
students will have an
opportunity to apply a
variety of skills learned in
the classroom and in the
College Skills Lab
Initial checks:
How much IV fluid is left in the bag?
Is the correct fluid hanging and is it
running at the prescribed rate?
What is the expiration date on the IV
bag, tubing and angiocath?
Does the patient have a foley?
Does the patient have oxygen?
Check all other invasive tubes to as­
certain that they are functioning
Monitor for a minimum output of 30
What is the IV solution and rate?
Will the patient be leaving the unit
and if so at what approximate time?
Assess wounds, dressing, casts. Are
they dry and intact?
Introduce yourself to the patient and
identify yourself as a nursing student.
Communicate your tentative plan of
care with the patient Does your
patient have any acute altered health
patterns? e.g. cyanosis, chest pain,
Assess using the REEDA scale
(Redness, Edema, Echymosis, Drain­
ing, Approximation).
Any tubes (G, NG, foley, JP, etc)
Prescribed diet
Activity level
Oxygen? How much and what route?
Observe the patient’s bedside to ensure
a safe environment
Should the side rails be up?
Is the call bell in reach?
Are there tissues in reach?
Is the bedside table and telephone
Is it on correctly? Check the patient‘s
oxygen saturation.
Perform a head to toe assessment
Initiate any treatments
Before you leave does the patient
know you won‘t be returning?
Is the patient‘s environment safe?
Are your nurses note charted and
checked by your clinical instructor?
Has a full report been given to the
primary RN?
Preparing for Medication
Review your patient‘s MAR and
compare it to the physician‘s orders
What is the rate of flow and when
does the bag need to be changed?
Look up medications in a drug book.
Remember the ‗5 Rights‘ of Medica­
tion Administration.
Each term has a required
math exam and math
questions are integrated
into many course exams.
Things to know
for Medication
Math for Medication
For success in math for meds, the following tutorials are available to
Log into, enter your access codes, click
on Dosage and Calculation and review:
Medication Administration
Safe Dose
Calculating Oral Medications
Calculating Injectable Medications
Calculating Dosages by Weight
Calculating Parental Medications
Calculating Powdered Medications
Calculating Pediatric Medications
Generic trade name of medications
What are the significant side effects
of the medication
Do you need to know any lab data
before administering the medication?
Is the ordered dose appropriate?
Drug classification
Why is the patient on the medication?
Is any patient teaching required?
Are there any interactions?
Prepare to administer medications
as learned in the skills lab
Check the patient ID band and ask
them their name
NEVER administer any medications
without a nursing faculty member
Check the patient ID band, ask the
patient their name, and use one other identification to confirm
Math for Med. Admin.
The Math for meds tutorial on nursing dept webpage in search put
―Nursing‖ then open the Nursing Dept home page.
Then click on ―While You are Waiting
What‘s there
What you would use it for
ATI Testing
Total Curriculum
Support (TCS) Tutorials/
Reviews Sample exams
Test-taking skills Math
Access during the entire
program, including during
breaks and for one year after
graduation. You are auto­
registered; this is included in
the fees you paid to register
for the course
Nurse Logic- test taking skills tutorial
with questions and answers Learning
system RN- tests by nursing category
with rationales for right and wrong
answers Dosage and calculation-math
for meds reviewed, drills and testing
Personal NCLEX RN review tutorTutorial for content, sample questions.
Pharmacology made easy- tutorials
and questions for drug categories
Brookdale Community
College‘s own manage­
Access during any nursing
course you are currently
registered for or any college
course with an online
component. You must be
registered in the course and
the course must be in session
for this to work properly
Course bulletin board and course mail
along with links to helpful websites
and PowerPoint presentations used in
class. You will also find learning ac­
tivities and discussion questions. In
addition, all of Nursing 163 is con­
ducted online through the ANGEL
tool. Other assignments will be di­
rected from your professors and click on
online courses, then look for AN­
GEL log in on the left side of the
Taylor Disks
You buy these in the
bookstore. They are
a set of DVDs with
skill and instructional
These DVDs can be pur­
chased in the College
Bookstore bundled with the
Taylor Nursing Fundamen­
tals text for a reduced price.
Video demonstrations for how to per­
form nursing skills which can be
watched at home or away from the
classroom and these skills should be
applied in the Skills Lab
Play the DVDs in any standard
Region 1 DVD player or in your
personal computer
The Point
Lippincott‘s online
resource for their
You get a password
inside the book when you
purchase the book. The pass­
word will be good for as
long as you own the book.
Contains activities to supplement the then click on the
books including Videbeck - Mental
Point in the right bottom corner of
Health Nursing and Dudek - Nutrition the page
and Nursing
Elsevier‘s online
resource for their
Registration code is located
inside the book that you
Access is anytime day or
Contains activities to supplement the
books Kee and Hayes - Pharmacy
Community College‘s
own record
keeping system
You must be a registered
student at the
College. Access is
anytime day or night
Contains transcripts, final course
grades including courses you have
taken, courses you are registered for
and meeting times and the corre­
sponding rooms. Also lists sections
and meeting times for the Term‘s
courses and
click on webadvisor
Site address
Need help accessing?
Your User Identification
Your Password
*You must put in the course code the first
time you register. Course codes are listed in
the ANGEL or can be given by your
Course code
The e-mail address that you provided when
you registered (This may have been your
home e-mail account or your Brookdale
Community College student e-mail
Create your password when you log on for the first
time. Brookdale Community College does not
recommend documenting your personal passwords
Call the helpline 24 hours/seven
days a week at 1-877-725-4357
Or 732-224-2829
First initial and last name, followed
by a number if appropriate i.e., jdoe3 for
Jane Doe (Common names have numbers
after them if they have already been used
at Brookdale Community College)
First and last initial followed by month and date of
birth in four-digit format. Jane Doe born January 7th
is jd0107 Brookdale Community College does not
recommend documenting your personal passwords
Call 1-800-638-3030 from 8:30 am
to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday
DVDs play without username
Call 1-800-638-3030 from 8:30 am
to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday
Codes come from your book jacket. Do not Codes come from your book jacket. Do not lose
lose them. For used books the codes will
them. For used books the codes will not be valid
not be valid
Elsevier‘s online resource for their
Codes come from your book jacket. Do not Codes come from your book jacket. Do not lose
lose them. For used books the codes will
them. For used books the codes will not be valid
not be valid
Call the HELP DESK at (732)224-2632
Help Desk House of Operation:
7:30 am to 10:00 pm Monday
through Thursday, 7:30 am to 5:00
pm on Fridays and 8:00 am to 4:00
pm on Saturdays
Your Student ID number
The last seven digits of your social security
number. Brookdale Community College does not
recommend documenting your personal passwords
What’s there
Tutor Trac
Use to schedule ap­
Information coming
pointments in the Nurs­
ing Skills Lab
Nursing Depart­
ment Home Page
Contains information
about each of the nursing
courses and orientation
Access without a
password to anyone
at anytime using the
Find out general course infor­
mation, dates for course orien­
tation and even readings from
the course before classes begin
and even before the ANGEL
system is available
Learning Harbor
Online Service for yearly
hospital mandatory
Requirements such as fire
Part of your fees
allotted to accessing
this system. If you are in a
clinical nursing course,
you are automatically
Must be completed yearly.
Start with the Term when you
first begin clinical nursing
course 161, and complete year­
ly thereafter. The content of
this program is also tested on
HESI, NCLEX and unit
Community Col­
lege Bankier
Professional journals
and all the resources
of the library
Can be accessed 24 hours/ Library orientation will be
seven days a week from
scheduled to help you learn
any computer as long as
about library resources
you are a Brookdale
Community College
Student then
follow the links for the Library
The OAS Gold and Sorian
systems are hospital based
systems with information
about patients, doctors
orders, diagnostic test
reports and patient histo­
ry. Centrastate uses Sori­
an and the Meridian hos­
pitals use both systems
Once you are assigned to
an agency, you will re­
ceive information about
signing up for training.
Training for Meridian
systems is online.
For meridian computer training
go to
training. Use login ID of nurs­
ing and password of Training1
(case sensitive).
The MAK system is used
for medication admin­
istration in Centrastate
and the Meridian System
Centrastate training is
held at Centrastate and
will be arranged through­
Paul Yip in the Health
Sciences Computer Lab.
What you would use it for Site address
For Meridian training you must
sign a confidentiality agree­
ment and complete online
training prior to being assigned
a code. You are prohibited
from using a code from anoth­
er Meridian hospital or your
staff code if you are a Meridian
MAK (bar code medication
training) is provided on site,
you need a picture and a bar
code badge and
click on the ‗quicklinks‘
drop-down menu, then Academic
Departments, then Nursing. At
this time you can choose the
course you want to access. Ad­
vance placement is also linked
Need help accessing?
Your User Identification
Your Password
Ask any member of the Health/
Sciences/Nursing faculty or Paul
No code is needed as this website may be ac­
cessed by anyone at anytime from
anywhere in the world with an internet con­
Create your password when you log
on for the first time. Brookdale
Community College does not
Recommend documenting your
personal passwords anywhere.
Call 1-609-658-4945
bdc followed by first initial and
then your last name (example:
Your student ID number
Instant messaging a librarian during
regularly scheduled library
Use the long digit number code
on the back of your student
Use the long digit number code
on the back of your student
Contact the help desk at your
assigned clinical agency Your instructor
will work with you through the hospitalbased health team Ask any member of
the Health/Sciences/Nursing faculty or
Paul Yip.
You will be assigned a code by
assigned hospital. The code will
be valid your entire Brookdale
Community College career, so
please do not lose initial code
Create your own password
Lincroft Campus Guide
ATC Advanced Technology Center
90.5 The NIGHT Brookdale Public Radio
Brookdale Television Studio and Office
Center for WWII Studies
Communications Media
Outreach, Business and Community Development
AUTO Automotive Technology
BAC Brookdale Administration Center
Business and Finance
College Relations
Design and Production
College Webmaster
Exec VP of Admin, Operations and Information
Tech Services
Foundation Offices
Human Resources
Planning, Assessment and Research
President’s and Executive Offices
Special Events Planning Office
Transfer Services
CAR Center for Admissions and Registration
Admissions and Registration
Cashier, Accounts Receivable
Counseling Offices
Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) Office
Financial Aid
Recruitment Services
Testing Services
CLC Children’s Learning Center
Child Care Center
CVA Center for the Visual Arts
FTC Fitness Center
GOR Gorman Hall
Office of Information Technologies
HTH High Tech High School
LAH Larrison Hall
Business & Humanities Division Offices
The Office of The Stall Newspaper
Reading and Writing Centers
LIB Bankier Library
Distance Education
Small Business Development Center
Teaching and Learning Center (TLC)
Ted Narozanick Center for World War II Studies and
Conflict Resolution Resource Center
MAC Main Acedemic Complex
MAS Main Academic South
Chemistry, Biology, Microbiology Classrooms
and Labs
Physics Labs, Classrooms and Offices
Radiology Lab
Math/Sciences and Technologies
Math Division Office, Classrooms and Lab
Health Sciences Division Office
Nursing/Respiratory Therapy Offices/Lab
Radiology Faculty Offices
CAD and Technology Classrooms and Offices
MM Monmouth Museum
PAC Performing Arts Center
POL Wilbur Ray Police Station
PPL Power Plant
Facilities Management Office
Academic Affairs
Center for Experiential Learning and Career Services
Disability Services
Enrollment Development Office
Exec VP of Educational Services
International Education Center
Health Services Office
NJ Coastal Communiversity
Scheduling Office
Student Affairs
Student Development
PS Print Shop
Robert J Collins Arena
SLC Student Life Center
MAN Main Academic North
TKH Tackman’s House
Social Sciences Division Office
Center for Addiction Studies
MNT Maintenance
Scroll & Pen College Store
The Paddock Convenience Store
Jersey Blues Dining Room
Student Life and Activities Offices
Student IDs
STH Stryker House
Alumni Association Office
Holocaust Center
Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE)
Instructions on how to register for
ALL Nursing Courses at Brookdale
Community College including summer sessions:
Get a registration pass from
Science and Health Science Office. The pass indicates whether
you are a day, evening, split or
online student. You must stay in
the track that you choose for
the entire time you are in the
There is no online registration for the nurse program.
The pass you receive will
state when you may register
in person.
Go to Registration and register
IN PERSON in the Counseling
Admissions, and Registration
building on the Lincroft Main
(See map on previous page)
Pick a nursing Track
(See page 3 in this booklet)
You must stay in the track
you choose for the entire
time you are in the nursing
An example of the
Health Sciences
Registration Passes for
Evening or Split
Student Nurse
The Student Nurse Association (SNA) is dedicated to
fostering the professional development of the nursing
students at Brookdale Community College. Through the
SNA students develop leadership skills, provide service
to their profession and community, mentor students in the
nursing program, and organize the pinning ceremony
for graduating students. The SNA has performed
community service for the college and local communi­
ties, e.g. participating in the BCC Open House and club
fairs, serving meals at Lunch Break in Red Bank and
collecting food for area food banks: the SNA brings in
guest speakers for the nursing students at BCC to learn
about topics of interest to them e.g. the role of the Sexual
Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE nurse), healthcare
needs of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender
population, careers in community based nursing
programs etc. The SNA serves the profession of
nursing by recruiting students to enter the profession and
sending delegates to the National Student Nurses‘
Association convention.
Membership costs $20 or $5/semester for Advanced
Placement students ($15 or $10 depending on which se­
mester you enter the nursing program).
You must be a paid in full member to participate in
the pinning ceremony at the completion
of NURS 263.
The SNA is the local chapter of the National Student
Nurses‘ Association (NSNA). Membership in the
nationalorganization is additional.
NSNA‘s mission is to mentor students preparing for
initial licensure as registered nurses, and to convey the
standards, ethics, and skills that students will need as
responsible and accountable leaders and members of the