2011 ADVANCED CERIFICATE IN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION APT Financial Management 2011 Index Content Page 1. Introduction 2 2. Course background and regulations 2 3. Lecturer information 4 4. Prescribed textbook 4 5. Open book policy 5 6. Examination 6 7. Important dates 6 8. SAICA Part II Financial Management Syllabus 7 9. Study material 7 10. Work programme 7 11. APT Assist 7 12. Analysis of previous Part II Examinations 8 Annexure A – Frequently asked questions Annexure B – Analysis of previous Part II Examinations 1. INTRODUCTION Welcome to APT Financial Management. As a student you were exposed to a large extent to many of the concepts of Financial Management. The purpose of this specialist course is to take these basic concepts, and explore them further on an advanced and professional level. This course is onerous, and your success will largely be dependent on the extent that you study and understand the underlying theory, apply yourself to the relevant scenarios and do the questions diligently and clear up any uncertainties with your lecturers, as well as your regular class attendance. 2. COURSE BACKGROUND AND REGULATIONS The financial management specialism course builds on your previous Financial Management studies and is a specialism course in preparation for the Part II Qualifying Examination (QE) - Financial Management. 2 APT Financial Management 2011 2.1 On successful completion of this course, candidates will be awarded an Advanced Certificate in Financial Management. 2.2 In order to successfully complete the course, candidates are required: • • 2.3 To achieve a weighted average mark of 50%; and To attend at least 75% of the block contact sessions (distance learning – this requirement is waived. The weighted average mark of 50% is calculated as follows: Weighting 20% 30% 50% 100% Assignments (note 1) Case study 2 (note 2) Examination (note 3) Notes: 1. Candidates are required to submit three assignments (of 50 marks each) during the course. These assignments must reflect the individual attempt of the candidate and group work will not be permissible. 2. Candidates are required to complete case study 2 (100 marks). This will take the form of a written and oral submission. The oral submissions will take the form of 30 minute presentations. Case study 2 will be completed in groups. The groups will be determined by APT. 3. Candidates are required to write one examination of 200 marks. The examination is in the SAICA format and will comprise two papers, each of 2 ½ hours with a further 20 minutes of reading time allocated to each paper. Candidates may read the examination paper and make notes on the paper during the 20 minutes reading time but may not begin their written solutions until the 20 minutes have elapsed. 2.4 Candidates are required to complete case study 1 at the commencement of the course. Group work is possible. Candidates who fail to submit case study 1 without valid reasons may be denied entry into the examination. 2.4 Examination papers on this course will be offered in English only. 2.5 Any candidate who does not successfully complete this course and is not already in possession of a current Advanced Certificate in Financial Management or equivalent qualification will not meet the entry requirements of SAICA and will therefore not be permitted to write the Part II QE - Financial Management. 2.5 A candidate who has an acceptable reason for not writing an examination when scheduled will be required to write a deferred examination. Deferred examinations are granted at the sole discretion of the presenters, who may require written evidence in support of the religious, medical or other grounds provided. Only such reasons as would generally be accepted by University Deferred Examinations Committees will be considered. This will be in the 3 APT Financial Management 2011 form of a third and final examination opportunity written in October. This will cover all the work. Please contact the course administrator in this regard. 2.6 Candidates needing extra time for the APT examination must apply in writing two weeks before the examination. The form can be downloaded from APT Assist. Issue of certificates 2.7 Certificates are issued after successful completion of the course and will be posted to the registered business address on our records. 3. LECTURER INFORMATION 3.1 Course coordinators (and presenters) NAME OFFICE TELEPHONE E-MAIL JHB Mr Ahmed Mohammadali Haji D – Ring 632 (UJ) (011) 559-3980 ahmedh@uj.ac.za CPT Prof Michael Wormald LC 401 (UCT) (021) 650-2257 michael.wormald@uct.ac.za NAME OFFICE TELEPHONE E-MAIL Prof Henk Kriek (UJ) Madibeng building st – 1 floor (UJ) (011) 559-4811 jhkriek@uj.ac.za (preferred) Prof Enrico Uliana (UCT) Bremner 308 (UCT) (021) 650-2217 enrico.uliana@uct.ac.za (preferred) Prof Carlos Correia (UCT) XXX (082) 498-4081 arete@telkomsa.net Prof Ben Marx (UJ) D – Ring 605D (UJ) (082) 804-5072 benm@uj.ac.za 3.2 3.3 4. Other key presenters Course administrator NAME OFFICE TELEPHONE E-MAIL Rina van Rensburg D – Ring 624 (UJ) (w) (082) 801-9304 (f) (086) 607-9970 jhb-apt@adept.co.za PRESCRIBED TEXTBOOK The primary textbook prescribed for this course is: 4 APT Financial Management 2011 Recommended: Financial Management, 7th Edition, Carlos Correia, David Flynn, Enrico Uliana, Michael Wormald, JUTA & CO (Now in its 7th edition, Financial Management is the leading text on the theory and application of corporate finance in southern Africa. Set against the backdrop of the world economy and financial crisis, and subsequent developments in financial markets, this new edition makes reference to real world applications and financial decisions undertaken by South African companies. (the 7th edition is recommended above the 6th edition) Alternate: Financial Management, 6th Edition, Carlos Correia, David Flynn, Enrico Uliana, Michael Wormald, JUTA & CO The modules that follow include reference to specific chapters in the textbook. Secondary readings are included in the modules, where necessary. 5. OPEN BOOK POLICY OPEN BOOK POLICY – Updated and approved by EDCO February 2010 (Per an extract from the exam regulations) 4.1 Candidates will be allowed to bring only the following texts into the examination venue. 4.1.1 The three volumes on International Financial Reporting Standards that form part of the SAICA handbooks. (This year’s volumes are called “A Guide through IFRS”) • Part A • Part B1 • Part B2 • Any supplements published from time to time. 4.1.2 The two volumes of the SAICA Handbook • Volume 2 ‐ Auditing • Volume 3 – Accounting, Ethics and Circulars 4.1.3 The volumes of the SAICA Legislation Handbook • Volume 1 • Volume 2 • Volume 3 4.2 Only ONE version of each of the above books may be brought into the exam venue, although it may be either a version published this year or in one of the previous years. 4.3 Any additional references (updates) which the Initial Professional Development (IPD) Committee (previously known as EDCO) deems appropriate, will be supplied to the candidates on the day of the examination. 4.4 Candidates will only be allowed to highlight, underline, sideline and flag in the permitted texts. Writing on flags is permitted for reference and cross‐referencing purposes only, that is, writing may only refer to the name or number of the relevant discipline standard, statement or section in the legislation. 4.5 Candidates may not have in their possession any loose papers (whether affixed to the 5 APT Financial Management 2011 permitted texts or not). 4.6 Only properly bound standard publishers’ editions will be permitted. Photocopies, printed copies of electronic versions, loose sections or isolated pages of texts are prohibited. 4.7 Any contravention of regulation 4 will be considered to be misconduct. This open book policy will also apply for APT examinations. 6. EXAMINATION Your weighted average mark comprises one examination of 200 marks. • • • • The examination will be written in the same format as the 2011 Part II Examination. The examination will be divided into two distinct case study type questions. Each question will be 100 marks and writing time will be 2,5 hours long for each. Both questions will be written on the same day, and there will be a break in between. Refer to the work programme for the date and times of this examination. • • • 7. At the start of each question, candidates will be provided with an examination paper including the required, and will have 20 minutes to read the examination paper and make notes on the paper. During this time, they will not have answer sheets, and consequently will not be allowed to begin their written solutions until the 20 minutes have elapsed. After 20 minutes have elapsed, the answer sheets will be handed out. Candidates will then have 2,5 hours in order to complete their written solutions. IMPORTANT DATES These are set out in the work programme. SAICA Part II QE – Financial Management: Examination date: Monday, 7 November 2011 Examination times: Session 1: 08h30 to 08h50 reading time 08h50 to 11h20 answer question/s 11h20 to 12h30 break (1 hour and 10 minutes) Session 2: 12h30 to 12h50 reading time 12h50 to 15h20 answer question/s Remember, separate registration with SAICA is required for the Part II QE – Financial Management. Refer to the SAICA website for details regarding this. 6 APT Financial Management 8. 2011 SAICA PART II FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYLLABUS The lectures and modules have been designed to address each line item in the syllabus. Refer to the SAICA website for the 2011 Syllabus. 9. STUDY MATERIAL The file has been designed in two broad sections: • A set of modules – consisting of contextualised information pertaining to a topic, as well secondary readings and tutorial questions. The tutorial questions are included to test your understanding of the fundamental concepts in the topic. • Question bank – this consists of self-assessment questions. These are derived from previous APT examinations and other sources. They have been indexed in terms of each module. You should physically do these questions before looking at the solution. Only after you have done the question properly, should you refer to the solution and mark your answer. After attending the contact session, work through the theory in detail, and ensure that you have a thorough understanding thereof. Thereafter attempt the tutorial questions to test your understanding. Then attempt as many of the self-assessment questions as you can and complete your studies of the topic with the related assignment. Successful course candidates will be issued with a Board Pack. This will be covered in the final revision sessions and will serve as the final material to prepare you for the Part II QE – Financial Management. 10. WORK PROGRAMME The work programme is downloadable from APT Assist (Refer to Announcements). This document sets out all the activities associated with the course and the related timelines. It explains each deliverable, relevant instructions, key dates, etc. Please study the document carefully and diarise the relevant dates. Lectures in Johannesburg take place at the University of Johannesburg, Auckland Park Campus. Lectures in Cape Town take place at the University of Cape Town, Lesley Commerce Building. 11. APT ASSIST APT Assist is an interactive learning website to provide a communication tool between course presenters and candidates. Important documents, for 7 APT Financial Management 2011 example the case studies, will be uploaded on the resources section (within the secure area of the website, therefore login will be necessary). We hope you find it to be useful for the duration of the course. You would have received your username and password during the registration process. Please contact the course administrator should you encounter any difficulties with the website. Refer to Annexure A for the FAQ. 12. ANALYSIS OF PREVIOUS PART II EXAMINATIONS An analysis of the previous Part II QE – Financial Management is included in Annexure B. 8 APT Financial Management ANNEXURE A Frequently asked questions 2011 APT Financial Management 2011 1. APT ASSIST (http://aptassist.co.za/portal/) APT Assist is an interactive online learning site accessible to you for the duration of the course. 1.1.HOW TO GET ONTO THE SITE • Go to http://aptassist.co.za/portal/ • You will be asked for your User ID and Password, which you should have automatically received via email shortly after registering for APT. Please do not create your own account as it will delete you off the APT Assist site. You have been automatically loaded for security reasons. • Please note that your User ID is your APT student number for the duration of APT. This number will be used when displaying your exam results. • You will then see two tabs My Workspace and APT Financial Management 2011. • The “My Workspace” tab shows the details of your account. You can modify your password and email address. Should you change your email address, Please ensure that you notify APT by emailing apt@adept.co.za with your updated email address. • The “APT Financial Management 2011” tab is the main tab that you will be utilising for the duration of the course. 1.2.FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD 1.2.1. If You Steps: • • • • • Forget Your Password At Any Stage, Please Follow These Go to the home page of APT Assist http://aptassist.co.za On the left hand side click the option "Forgot Password" Type in your email address A new password will automatically be emailed to you Your User ID remains the same (i.e. your APT student number) 1.3.“APT Financial Management 2011” TAB We will be using the following tools under this tab: 1.3.1. Messages We will be communicating with you throughout the course via email. You will receive emails from postmaster@aptassist.co.za throughout the course. There will be a copy of this email on APT Assist under the Messages section of your “My Workspace” tab and a copy will be sent to your email address. 1.3.2. Announcements We may also communicate with you throughout the course by making Announcements on APT Assist. There will be a copy of this announcement on APT Assist under the Announcement section and a copy will be sent to your email address. 1.3.3. Chat Room The Chat Room allows you chat to other APT candidates during the course. You can discuss course content or form study groups or lift clubs etc. This is not a forum for academic queries only discussion APT Financial Management 2011 amongst candidates. For academic queries, please email the relevant lecturers (email addresses available in module 1 of your file). 1.3.4. Resources All relevant course information will be loaded under the Resources section for you to download and use. A few examples are: Maps to Venues, Study Calendars, Course Lecture Schedules, Remark Form, Textbook Order Forms, Extra Time Application Form, APT 2011 Exam Results and Lecture Slides etc. 2. APT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 2.1. ONCE I HAVE ENROLLED ONLINE, HOW DO I GO ABOUT CHANGING MY DETAILS? You will automatically receive a copy of your enrolment via email. Please check that these details are correct. Please make your changes on this enrolment and highlight these changes, then email the enrolment back to jhb-apt@adept.co.za. We will amend your enrolment info on the database. Please do not enrol again on www.apt.co.za to show us your changes. 2.2. WHAT ARE APT FINANCIAL DETAILS? Email = jhb-apt@adept.co.za Tel = 082 8019304 Fax = 086 6079970 2.3. WHAT ARE APT’S BANKING DETAILS? Bank: Standard Bank Branch: Rondebosch Bank Code: 025 009 Current Account Number: 071 464 824 Name of Account Holder: Accounting Professional Training Please Reference your Payment as follows: Financial Management: FM-Initial&Surname-Course Programme i.e. FM-S.Sample-JHB 2.4. WHAT ARE THE CONTACT DETAILS FOR INVOICES, PAYMENT QUERIES AND WHERE DO I FAX OR EMAIL MY PROOF OF PAYMENT? Email = jhb-apt@adept.co.za Fax = 086 6079970 2.5. IF I HAVE NOT PAID OR MY FIRM IS PAYING FOR MY APT COURSE, CAN I STILL COLLECT MY MATERIAL? You may collect your material if your firm is paying for the Course. However, if you are personally liable for your APT fees, we will require proof of payment (settlement in full or the initial deposit if you are paying via instalments) before you collect your material. 2.6. WHAT ARE THE APT EXAM DATES? APT exam dates are setout on your timetable in your file. MANAGEMENT’S CONTACT APT Financial Management 2011 2.7. DO I NEED TO TAKE MY ID DOCUMENT AND APT STUDENT NUMBER TO APT EXAMS? No, but please write your APT Student Number on the top right hand corner of your APT Exam Script. 2.8. WHEN ARE APT EXAM RESULTS RELEASED? Exam results are generally released 2 weeks after the APT exams have been written. These will be released on APT Assist (APT Financial Management 2011 tab Resources Section). 2.9. HOW DO I APPY TO WRITE THE SUPPLEMENTARY EXAM? You cannot apply to write the Supplementary Exam. Supplementary Exams are given to candidates at the sole discretion of the APT Directors, after careful consideration of individual results and circumstance. 2.10. WHAT IS APT ASSIST? APT Assist is an interactive online learning site accessible to you for the duration of the course. See info on APT Assist. 2.11. I HAVE GMAIL EMAIL ACCOUNT AND I AM NOT RECEIVING ANY EMAILS FROM APT? Sometimes our emails land up in Gmail’s spam/junk mail folder. You need to log onto your Gmail email account via www.gmail.com and check the spam/junk mail folder for our emails. You need to make sure they are not spam by moving them from the spam/junk mail folder into your inbox. 2.12. WHERE DO I FIND THE LECTURE SCHEDULE FOR MY COURSE? Refer to module 1 of your file. 2.13. WHAT ARE THE PRESCRIBED BOOKS FOR APT? Refer to module 1 of your file. 2.14. WHAT IS MY APT STUDENT NUMBER? It is your User ID for APT Assist. You will automatically receive an email stating that you have been loaded onto APT Assist. This email will display your exam/student number. We will only use this number when we display your APT Exam results to ensure that your results are confidential (i.e. your personal details will not be displayed next to your exam results). 2.15. IS THE SIMULATED EXAM COMPULSORY AND HOW DO I GET A COPY OF THE EXAM AND ITS SOLUTIONS? This is for your benefit as preparation for the Part II QE. It is therefore in your best interests to attempt it. The exam will be loaded onto APT Assist (APT Financial Management tab Resources section). You will be notified via email once the exam is available for download from APT Assist. You will be required to write the exam on the specified day and self mark it with the solutions provided on APT assist). APT Financial Management 2011 ANNEXURE B ANALYSIS OF PREVIOUS PART II EXAMINATIONS