Cellular Biophysics SS 20007 Manfred Radmacher Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part 2 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Bacterial reaction centre The trimeric Photosystem I reaction center from Synechococcus elongatus at 2.5 Å resolution. View is from the stromal side looking down into the 3-fold symmetry axis. The chlorophylls are depicted in yellow and the stromal proteins PsaC, PsaD and PsaE are depicted in magenta, light-blue and cyan, respectively, From: P. Jordan, Ph.D. thesis, Freie Universität, Berlin. From: John H. Golbeck "Photosynthetic Reaction Centers: So little time, so much to do" http:// www.biophysics.org/education/topics.htm Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 2 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Bacterial reaction centre Figure 6 Depiction of the Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction center. The a-helices are depicted in red/yellow; b-sheets in cyan; the bacteriochlorophyll a and bacteriopheophytin a molecules in green; and the non-heme iron in blue. The menbrane thickness can be estimated by the length of the membranespanning a-helices. From the Jena Image Library for Biological Molecules; http://www.imbjena. de/IMAGE.html From: John H. Golbeck "Photosynthetic Reaction Centers: So little time, so much to do" http:// www.biophysics.org/education/topics.htm Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 3 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Bacterial reaction centre Figure 7. Cofactors of the bacterial reaction center. The edge-to-edge distances between the cofactors are depicted along with the electron transfer rates. The distances are only approximate and refer to the closest approach of the aromatic rings (sufficiently accurate for the purpose of this discussion). Note the pseudo C2 axis of symmetry that spans the bacteriochlorophyll a dimer and the non-heme iron. From: John H. Golbeck "Photosynthetic Reaction Centers: So little time, so much to do" http:// www.biophysics.org/education/topics.htm Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 4 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Bacterial reaction centre BacterioChlorophyll-Dimer adsorbs light P865 -> P865* Electron Charge transfer to BChla (6Å, 2.8 ps) P865* + BChla -> P865+ + BChla*Electron Charge transfer to BPhea (5.5Å, 2.3 ps) BChla*- + BPhea -> BChla + BPhea*Electron Charge transfer to Qa (10Å, 200 ps) BPhea*- + Qa -> BPhea+ Qa*Electron Charge transfer to Qb (15Å, 100 µs) Qa*- + Qb -> Qa + Qb*- Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 5 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Bacterial reaction cycle Figure 5. Cyclic operation of the bacterial reaction center. Note that QA is only capable of a single electron reduction to the semiquinone radical state, whereas QB is capable of double reduction followed by double protonation to the fullyreduced hydroquinone state. The reduced hydroquinone is loosely bound to its site and is displaced by an oxidized quinone for another round of light-induced turnover. From: John H. Golbeck "Photosynthetic Reaction Centers: So little time, so much to do" http:// www.biophysics.org/education/topics.htm Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 6 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Redoxpotentials in electron transfer chain Figure 12. The components of the Photosystem II reaction center depicted with redox potential on the y-axis and rate of electron transfer on the x-axis. Note the similarity in the identity of the cofactors and the electron transfer rates with the bacterial reaction center. Absorption of photon has a quantum yield of 1 at a 100% conversion rate, however, energy is lost in electron transfer chain otherwise recombination would occur Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II From: John H. Golbeck "Photosynthetic Reaction Centers: So little time, so much to do" http:// www.biophysics.org/education/topics.htm 7 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Why do we need two photons? Energy of photon is ~ 1.6 eV useful energy at the end of electron transfer chain: ~ 1 eV energy needed for dissociation of water: ~ 1.3 eV => two photons (sulfur bacteria dissociate H2S, one photon does the job) Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 8 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher In plants there are two Photosystems Figure 14-47. Changes in redox potential during photosynthesis. The redox potential for each molecule is indicated by its position along the vertical axis. In photosystem II, the excited reaction center chlorophyll has a redox potential high enough to withdraw electrons from water, by means of a specially organized cluster of four manganese atoms. Photosystem II closely resembles the reaction center in purple bacteria, and it passes electrons from its excited chlorophyll to an electron-transport chain that leads to photosystem I. Photosystem I then passes electrons from its excited chlorophyll through a series of tightly bound iron-sulfur centers. The net electron flow through the two photosystems in series is from water to NADP+, and it produces NADPH as well as ATP. The ATP is synthesized by an ATP synthase that harnesses the electrochemical proton gradient produced by the three sites of H+ activity that are highlighted in Figure 14-46. This Z scheme for ATP production is called noncyclic photophosphorylation, to distinguish it from a cyclic scheme that utilizes only photosystem I (see the text). From: Alberts et al, "Molecular Biology of the Cell" Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 9 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Photosynthetic units in different organisms Green Bacteria Cyanobacteria Dinoflagellates Green Plants From: X. Hu, A. Damjankovic, T. Ritz and K. Schulten, "Architecture and mechanism of the light-harvesting apparatus of purple bacteria", PNAS (1998), 95(5935-5941 Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 10 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher To enhance absorption cross section light harvesting complexes are used From: X. Hu, A. Damjankovic, T. Ritz and K. Schulten, "Architecture and mechanism of the light-harvesting apparatus of purple bacteria", PNAS (1998), 95(5935-5941 Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 11 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Simulation of excitation processes in reaction centre Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 12 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Organization of pigments in LHC II and LHC I From: X. Hu, A. Damjankovic, T. Ritz and K. Schulten, "Architecture and mechanism of the light-harvesting apparatus of purple bacteria", PNAS (1998), 95(5935-5941 Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 13 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Light harvesting complex II (LHC II) of purple bacteria The energy levels in LHCs are fine tuned by overlap of electronic levels between molecules in a periodic arrangement. In these rings excitons (excited, delocalized electron-hole pairs) Different orientations of B800 and B850 From: X. Hu, A. Damjankovic, T. Ritz and K. Schulten, "Architecture and mechanism of the light-harvesting apparatus of purple bacteria", PNAS (1998), 95(5935-5941 Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 14 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Light harvesting complex I (LHC I) of purple bacteria Exciton in LHI rings of BChl ring -> reaction centre: Förster transfer (distance too large for electron exchange) PaPb -> BA: electron exchange (overlap of wavefunctions) From: X. Hu, A. Damjankovic, T. Ritz and K. Schulten, "Architecture and mechanism of the light-harvesting apparatus of purple bacteria", PNAS (1998), 95(5935-5941 Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 15 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Excitation transfer between LHC II and LHC I From: X. Hu, A. Damjankovic, T. Ritz and K. Schulten, "Architecture and mechanism of the light-harvesting apparatus of purple bacteria", PNAS (1998), 95(5935-5941 Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 16 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Energy Levels in PSUs From: X. Hu, A. Damjankovic, T. Ritz and K. Schulten, "Architecture and mechanism of the light-harvesting apparatus of purple bacteria", PNAS (1998), 95(5935-5941 Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 17 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Protection mechanisms by carotenoid interactions 3O 2 + 3BChl* -> 1O2 + 1BChl Triplett Oxygen (ground state of oxygen) quenches fluorescence and produces highly reactive singuelett oxygen -> Carotenoides quench this process From: X. Hu, A. Damjankovic, T. Ritz and K. Schulten, "Architecture and mechanism of the light-harvesting apparatus of purple bacteria", PNAS (1998), 95(5935-5941 Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 18 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher The reaction centre shows some analogy with a photodiode From: http://www.imo.physik.uni-muenchen.de/ Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 19 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher How to measure ps-timescale chemical reactions? From: http://www.imo.physik.uni-muenchen.de/ Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 20 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher How to measure ps-timescale chemical reactions? From: http://www.imo.physik.uni-muenchen.de/ Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 21 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Summary of the primary processes of photo-synthesis From: http://www.imo.physik.uni-muenchen.de/ Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 22 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Mitochondria Muscle Cell Mitochondria (TEM x190,920) Mitochondrion from a heart muscle cell showing numerous cristae Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 23 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Chloroplasts and Mitochondria share many similarities Figure 14-1. Harnessing energy for life. (A) The essential requirements for chemiosmosis are a membrane—in which are embedded a pump protein and an ATP synthase, plus a source of high-energy electrons (e-). The protons (H+) shown are freely available from water molecules. The pump harnesses the energy of electron transfer (details not shown here) to pump protons, creating a proton gradient across the membrane. (B) This proton gradient serves as an energy store that can be used to drive ATP synthesis by the ATP synthase enzyme. The red arrow shows the direction of proton movement at each stage. From: Alberts et al, "Molecular Biology of the Cell" Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 24 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Chloroplasts and Mitochondria share many similarities Figure 14-3. Electron transport processes. (A) The mitochondrion converts energy from chemical fuels. (B) The chloroplast converts energy from sunlight. Inputs are light green, products are blue, and the path of electron flow is indicated by red arrows. Each of the protein complexes (orange) is embedded in a membrane. Note that the electronmotive force generated by the two chloroplast photosystems enables the chloroplast to drive electron transfer from H2O to carbohydrate, and that this is opposite to the energetically favorable direction of electron transfer in a mitochondrion. Thus, whereas carbohydrate molecules and O2 are inputs for the mitochondrion, they are products of the chloroplast. From: Alberts et al, "Molecular Biology of the Cell" Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 25 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Chloroplasts and Mitochondria share many similarities Figure 14-29. Redox potential changes along the mitochondrial electron-transport chain. The redox potential (designated E′0) increases as electrons flow down the respiratory chain to oxygen. The standard free-energy change, ΔG°, for the transfer of each of the two electrons donated by an NADH molecule can be obtained from the left-hand ordinate (ΔG = -n(0.023) ΔE′0, where n is the number of electrons transferred across a redox potential change of ΔE′0 mV). Electrons flow through a respiratory enzyme complex by passing in sequence through the multiple electron carriers in each complex. As indicated, part of the favorable free-energy change is harnessed by each enzyme complex to pump H+ across the inner mitochondrial membrane. It is thought that the NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome b-c1 complexes each pump two H+ per electron, whereas the cytochrome oxidase complex pumps one. It should be noted that NADH is not the only source of electrons for the respiratory chain. The flavin FADH2 is also generated by fatty acid oxidation (see Figure 2-77) and by the citric acid cycle (see Figure 2-79). Its two electrons are passed directly to ubiquinone, bypassing NADH dehydrogenase; they therefore cause less H+ pumping than the two electrons transported from NADH. From: Alberts et al, "Molecular Biology of the Cell" Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 26 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Fluorescence Labelling is a very important technique in modern biology and biophysics triple stain: red: actin green: micro tubules blue: DNA from: http://www.itg.uiuc.edu/technology/atlas/structures/ Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 27 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Examples of fluorophores Fluorescent conjugates with polypeptides A: A) Alexa 488-SP, B) BODIPY Fl-SP, C) fluorescein-SP, D) Oregon Green 488-SP E) tetramethylrhodamine-SP from: Vicki J Bennett and Mark A Simmons "Analysis of fluorescently labeled substance P analogs: binding, imaging and receptor activation", BMC Chemical Biology Volume 1 Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 28 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Examples of fluorophores Fluorescent conjugates with polypeptides A: A) Alexa 488-SP, B) BODIPY Fl-SP, C) fluorescein-SP, D) Oregon Green 488-SP E) tetramethylrhodamine-SP from: Vicki J Bennett and Mark A Simmons "Analysis of fluorescently labeled substance P analogs: binding, imaging and receptor activation", BMC Chemical Biology Volume 1 Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 29 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher GFP opens new labelling strategies From: http://www.tsienlab.ucsd.edu/Images.htm From: http://papilio.ab.a.u-tokyo.ac.jp/bioresource/shimada/index-e.html Cellular Biophysics Ch. 05 Photosynthesis Part II 30 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Optical Microscopy - STED From: http://www.mpibpc.gwdg.de/abteilungen/200/ Introduction to Biophysics Ch. 2 Cells & Organelles 31 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Optical Microscopy - STED From: http://www.mpibpc.gwdg.de/abteilungen/200/ Introduction to Biophysics Ch. 2 Cells & Organelles 32 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Optical Microscopy - STED From: http://www.mpibpc.gwdg.de/abteilungen/200/ Introduction to Biophysics Ch. 2 Cells & Organelles 33 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher There is much more to fluorescence The Fluorescent Toolbox for Assessing Protein Location and Function Ben N. G. Giepmans,1,2 Stephen R. Adams,2 Mark H. Ellisman,1 Roger Y. Tsien2,3* SCIENCE VOL 312 14 APRIL 2006 Introduction to Biophysics Ch. 2 Cells & Organelles 34 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher There is much more to fluorescence The Fluorescent Toolbox for Assessing Protein Location and Function Ben N. G. Giepmans,1,2 Stephen R. Adams,2 Mark H. Ellisman,1 Roger Y. Tsien2,3* SCIENCE VOL 312 14 APRIL 2006 Introduction to Biophysics Ch. 2 Cells & Organelles 35 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Single Molecule Spectroscopy - inhomogenous line broadening From: Moerner "Examining Nanoenvironements in solids on the scale of single, isolated impurity molecule", Sience 1994, Vol, 265 Introduction to Biophysics Ch. 2 Cells & Organelles 36 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Remember light scattering and Fourier transforms decay process diffusion Lorentzian in homogenous line broadening Gaussian homogenous line broadening Introduction to Biophysics Ch. 2 Cells & Organelles 37 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Single Molecule Spectroscopy - spectral diffusion From: Moerner "Examining Nanoenvironements in solids on the scale of single, isolated impurity molecule", Sience 1994, Vol, 265 Introduction to Biophysics Ch. 2 Cells & Organelles 38 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Single Molecule Spectroscopy - spectral hole burning From: Moerner "Examining Nanoenvironements in solids on the scale of single, isolated impurity molecule", Sience 1994, Vol, 265 Introduction to Biophysics Ch. 2 Cells & Organelles 39 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Spectral Hole burning From: Frauenfelder & Wolynes, "Biomolecules: where the physics of complexity and simplicity meet", Physics Today, Febr. 1994, 58-64 Introduction to Biophysics Ch. 5 Protein Structure 40 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Spectral Hole burning From: Frauenfelder & Wolynes, "Biomolecules: where the physics of complexity and simplicity meet", Physics Today, Febr. 1994, 58-64 Introduction to Biophysics Ch. 5 Protein Structure 41 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Single Molecule Spectroscopy - blinking molecules From: Thomas Basche & Christoph Bräuchle "Single molecule spectroscopy in solids: quantum optics and spectral dynamics" Introduction to Biophysics Ch. 2 Cells & Organelles 42 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher One reason for blinking is being trapped in the triplet state Figure 2. Three-level energy scheme describing single molecule fluorescence. S0 and S1 are the singlet ground and excited states; T1 the first excited triplet state. The repeated S1-S0 excitation-emission photo-cycle yields the fluorescent signal. Occasionally the molecule can drop into the T1 state (intersystem crossing) where it gets trapped because the T1 lifetime is much longer than the S1 lifetime. Figure 3. Time image with 3.5 s of fluorescence blinking. Bright streaks are due to S0-S1 cycling; dark streaks represent residence in the T1 state. At first impression one sees noise, yet detailed analysis reveals stochastic quantum jumps governed by the triplet lifetime and singlet-triplet crossing rate of the individual molecule. From: María García-Parajó http://ot.tnw.utwente.nl/project.php?projectid=23&submenu=16 Introduction to Biophysics Ch. 2 Cells & Organelles 43 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Single Molecule Fluorescence Fig. 1. Labeling schemes (left) and physical observables (right). (A) Localization of a macromolecule labeled with a single ßuorophore F with nanometer accuracy. The point-spread-function (PSF) can be localized within a few tenths of a nanometer. (B) Colocalization of two macromolecules labeled with two noninteracting ßuorophores, F1 and F2. Their distance can be measured by subtracting the center positions of the two PSFs. (C) Intramolecular detection of conformational changes by spFRET. D and A are donor and acceptor; ID and IA are donor and acceptor emission intensities; t is time. (D) Dynamic colocalization and detection of association or dissociation by intermolecular spFRET. Donor and acceptor intensities are anticorrelated both in (C) and (D). From: Shimon Weiss "Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Single Biomolecules" SCIENCE 1999 p. 1676 VOL 283 Introduction to Biophysics Ch. 2 Cells & Organelles 44 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Single Molecule Fluorescence (E) The orientation of a single immobilized dipole can be determined by modulating the excitation polarization. The ßuorescence emission follows the angle modulation. (F) The orientational freedom of motion of a tethered ßuorophore can be measured by modulating the excitation polarization and analyzing the emission at orthogonal s and p polarization detectors. IS and IP are emission intensities of s and p detectors. (G) Ion channel labeled with a ßuorescence indicator I. Fluctuations in itsintensity II report on local ion concentration changes. (H) Combination of (C)and (G). D and A report on conformational changes whereas I reports on ion ßux. From: Shimon Weiss "Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Single Biomolecules" SCIENCE 1999 p. 1676 VOL 283 Introduction to Biophysics Ch. 2 Cells & Organelles 45 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Single Molecule Fluorescence From: Shimon Weiss "Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Single Biomolecules" SCIENCE 1999 p. 1676 VOL 283 Introduction to Biophysics Ch. 2 Cells & Organelles 46 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher Single Molecule Fluorescence combined with other techniques From: Shimon Weiss "Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Single Biomolecules" SCIENCE 1999 p. 1676 VOL 283 Introduction to Biophysics Ch. 2 Cells & Organelles 47 INSTITUT FÜR BIOPHYSIK Universität Bremen Prof. Manfred Radmacher