MASTERS CONVOC ATI O N MAY 2 0 1 5 M A STERS CONVOCAT I ON THE C ATHEDRAL O F S AINT JO HN THE D I VI N E NEW YO RK, NEW YO RK MASTERS CONVOC ATION I The eighteenth of May, two thousand fifteen, 2:00 in the afternoon MUSICAL PRELUDE Fanfare, Jacques-Nicholas Lemmens William Randolph, Jr., B.Mus., Assisting Cathedral Organist & Adjunct Organist, Columbia University THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION The audience is requested to rise and remain standing until the President’s Party is seated. PROCESSIONAL MUSIC Pomp and Circumstance, Sir Edward Elgar THE ORDER OF PROCESSION Police Emerald Society of Westchester Teachers College Banner Bearer, Rachael Escobedo, Student Speaker Alumni Council Masters Degree Candidates (by Department) Arts & Humanities Banner Bearer: Catherine Heil Banner Bearer Escort: Pablo Quinteros-Meza Curriculum & Teaching Banner Bearer: Christopher Ford Banner Bearer Escort: Elyse Carr Teachers College Golden Reunion Faculty Emeritus Faculty Department Chairs Corporate Officers Trustees President’s Party WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION OF THE PRESIDENT William D. Rueckert, Co-Chair, Board of Trustees THE PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS Susan H. Fuhrman, President of the College PRESENTATION OF THE TEACHERS COLLEGE MEDAL FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Susan H. Fuhrman AWARDING OF THE MEDAL PRESENTATION OF THE CANDIDATE Erica N. Walker, Associate Professor of Mathematics Education, Teachers College, Columbia University THE RECIPIENT’S RESPONSE Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Dean of the School of Education, William H. Payne Collegiate Professor in Education, and director of TeachingWorks, University of Michigan STUDENT SPEAKER Rachael Escobedo, M.A. Candidate, Philosophy & Education, Arts & Humanities (May 2015) MUSICAL INTERLUDE There Will Never Be Another You, written by Harry Warren & Mack Gordon Lindsey St. Onge (vocals), M.A. Candidate, Music & Music Education, Arts & Humanities (May 2015) Daniel Hartig (guitar), M.A. Candidate, Music & Music Education, Arts & Humanities (May 2015) Ari Kessler (piano), M.A. Candidate, Music & Music Education, Arts & Humanities (May 2015) Jeffery Koch (bass), M.A. Candidate, Music & Music Education, Arts & Humanities (May 2015) RECOGNITION OF THE CANDIDATES PRESENTATION OF THE CANDIDATES Thomas Rock, Associate Provost, Enrollment Services Kristine Roome, Associate Dean RECOGNITION OF THE CANDIDATES BY DEGREE Thomas James, Provost and Dean of the College Master of Arts Master of Science Master of Philosophy Master of Education GREETINGS FROM THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Patrick P. McGuire, President, Alumni Association CLOSING REMARKS William D. Rueckert, Co-Chair, Board of Trustees THE RETIRING PROCESSION The audience is requested to remain in place until the procession has left the Cathedral. A reception for Teachers College graduates and their guests will be held immediately following the ceremony in Russell Courtyard at Teachers College. MASTERS CONVOC ATION II The nineteenth of May, two thousand fifteen, 10:00 in the morning MUSICAL PRELUDE Fanfare, Jacques-Nicholas Lemmens William Randolph, Jr., B.Mus., Assisting Cathedral Organist & Adjunct Organist, Columbia University THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION The audience is requested to rise and remain standing until the President’s Party is seated. PROCESSIONAL MUSIC Pomp and Circumstance, Sir Edward Elgar THE ORDER OF PROCESSION Police Emerald Society of Westchester Teachers College Banner Bearer, Nadia Iftekhar, Student Speaker Alumni Council Masters Degree Candidates (by Department) Biobehavioral Sciences Banner Bearer: Lori-Beth Patsey Banner Bearer Escort: Kenay Sudler Counseling & Clinical Psychology Banner Bearer: Michelle Macdonald Banner Bearer Escort: Katelyn Zmigrodski Education Policy & Social Analysis Banner Bearer: Atsuko Muroga Banner Bearer Escort: Cassie Gare Health & Behavior Studies Banner Bearer: Alex Kelly Banner Bearer Escort: Hia Abdelqader Faculty Emeritus Faculty Department Chairs Corporate Officers Trustees President’s Party WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION OF THE PRESIDENT Jack Hyland, Co-Chair, Board of Trustees THE PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS Susan H. Fuhrman, President of the College PRESENTATION OF THE TEACHERS COLLEGE MEDAL FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Susan H. Fuhrman AWARDING OF THE MEDAL PRESENTATION OF THE CANDIDATE Judith Scott-Clayton, Assistant Professor of Economics & Education, Teachers College, Columbia University THE RECIPIENT’S RESPONSE C. Kent McGuire, President and Chief Executive Officer, Southern Education Foundation STUDENT SPEAKER Nadia Iftekhar, Ed.M. & M.A. Candidate, Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing & Elementary Inclusive Education, Health & Behavior Studies (May 2015) MUSICAL INTERLUDE The Climb, Go the Distance (medley), written by Jessi Alexander, John Mabe, Alan Menken, and David Zippel; Arranged by Rhea Francani Rhea Francani, M.A. Candidate (May 2015), Music & Music Education, Arts & Humanities Accompanied by Mark Oleszko, M.A. Student, Music & Music Education, Arts & Humanities RECOGNITION OF THE CANDIDATES PRESENTATION OF THE CANDIDATES Thomas Rock, Associate Provost, Enrollment Services Kristine Roome, Associate Dean RECOGNITION OF THE CANDIDATES BY DEGREE Thomas James, Provost and Dean of the College Master of Arts Master of Science Master of Philosophy Master of Education GREETINGS FROM THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Patrick P. McGuire, President, Alumni Association CLOSING REMARKS Jack Hyland, Co-Chair, Board of Trustees THE RETIRING PROCESSION The audience is requested to remain in place until the procession has left the Cathedral. A reception for Teachers College graduates and their guests will be held immediately following the ceremony in Russell Courtyard at Teachers College. MASTERS CONVOC ATION III The nineteenth of May, two thousand fifteen, 2:00 in the afternoon MUSICAL PRELUDE Fanfare, Jacques-Nicholas Lemmens William Randolph, Jr., B.Mus., Assisting Cathedral Organist & Adjunct Organist, Columbia University THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION The audience is requested to rise and remain standing until the President’s Party is seated. AWARDING OF THE MEDAL PRESENTATION OF THE CANDIDATE Marie L. Miville, Associate Professor of Psychology & Education, Chair, Department of Counseling & Clinical Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University THE RECIPIENT’S RESPONSE Luis C. Moll, Professor of Language, Reading & Culture, College of Education, University of Arizona PROCESSIONAL MUSIC Pomp and Circumstance, Sir Edward Elgar STUDENT SPEAKER Lorraine Hexstall, Ed.M. Candidate, Educational Psychology: Cognitive, Behavioral & Developmental Analysis, Human Development (May 2015) THE ORDER OF PROCESSION Police Emerald Society of Westchester Teachers College Banner Bearer, Lorraine Hexstall, Student Speaker Alumni Council Masters Degree Candidates (by Department) MUSICAL INTERLUDE The Soul Enchanted, composed by Sarah Perry, lyrics based on text by Khalil Gibran Organization & Leadership Banner Bearer: Clint Carlisle Banner Bearer Escort: Annie Dickson Human Development Banner Bearer: Yangyang Liu Banner Bearer Escort: Kristan McCullum International & Transcultural Studies Banner Bearer: Kevin Matthew Wong Banner Bearer Escort: Luis Rodrigo Mayorga-Camus Mathematics, Science & Technology Banner Bearer: Joan Cejudo Chincillas Banner Bearer Escort: Aeloch Enok Kim Faculty Emeritus Faculty Department Chairs Corporate Officers Trustees President’s Party Led by Wavely C. Cannady, Boiler Plant Supervisor, Local 707 In recognition of his 50 years of distinguished service to Teachers College, Columbia University Sarah Perry, Ed.M., MT-BC, Ed.D. Candidate (May 2015) Music & Music Education, Arts & Humanities RECOGNITION OF THE CANDIDATES PRESENTATION OF THE CANDIDATES Thomas Rock, Associate Provost, Enrollment Services Kristine Roome, Associate Dean RECOGNITION OF THE CANDIDATES BY DEGREE Thomas James, Provost and Dean of the College Master of Arts Master of Science Master of Philosophy Master of Education GREETINGS FROM THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Patrick P. McGuire, President, Alumni Association CLOSING REMARKS Jack Hyland, Co-Chair, Board of Trustees THE RETIRING PROCESSION WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION OF THE PRESIDENT Jack Hyland, Co-Chair, Board of Trustees The audience is requested to remain in place until the procession has left the Cathedral. THE PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS Susan H. Fuhrman, President of the College A reception for Teachers College graduates and their guests will be held immediately following the ceremony in Russell Courtyard at Teachers College. PRESENTATION OF THE TEACHERS COLLEGE MEDAL FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Susan H. Fuhrman 2015 Recipients of the President’s Medal for Distinguished Service MASTERS I CEREMONY DEBORAH LOEWENBERG BALL Deborah Loewenberg Ball is the William H. Payne Collegiate Professor in education at the University of Michigan, and an Arthur F. Thurnau Professor. She currently serves as dean of the School of Education and as director of TeachingWorks. She taught elementary school for more than 15 years and continues to teach mathematics to elementary students every summer. Her research focuses on the practice of mathematics instruction and on the improvement of teacher training and development. She is an expert on teacher education, with a particular interest in how professional training and experience combine to equip beginning teachers with the skills and knowledge needed for responsible practice. Ball has authored or co-authored more than 150 publications and has lectured and made numerous major presentations around the world. Her research has been recognized with several awards and honors, and she has served on several national and international commissions and panels focused on policy initiatives and the improvement of education, including the National Mathematics Advisory Panel and the Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness. She serves on the National Science Board and the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Board of Trustees, and chairs the Spencer Foundation Board of Directors. Ball has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Education, and is a fellow of the American Mathematics Society and the American Educational Research Association. MASTERS II CEREMONY C. KENT MCGUIRE Kent McGuire is the President and CEO of the Southern Education Foundation (SEF) in Atlanta, GA. The Foundation focuses on improving education policy and practice from pre-K to higher education in the American South. Prior to joining SEF, Dr. McGuire served as Dean of the College of Education at Temple University, held positions as Senior Vice President at MDRC, Assistant Secretary of Education during the Clinton administration, Education Program Officer for the Philadelphia-based Pew Charitable Trusts and the Education Program Director for the Eli Lilly Endowment. McGuire was appointed to the President’s Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for African Americans. Dr. McGuire received his doctorate in public administration from the University of Colorado, his master’s degree in education administration and policy from Teachers College, Columbia University, and his bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Michigan. MASTERS III CEREMONY LUIS C. MOLL Luis C. Moll, born in Puerto Rico, is Professor of Language, Reading and Culture in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Sociocultural Studies, College of Education, University of Arizona. He was awarded his Ph.D. in Educational Psychology/Early Childhood Development from the University of California, Los Angeles. Prior to his current position, he was an Assistant Research Psychologist at the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition of the University of California, San Diego. His main research interest is the connection among culture, psychology and education, especially as it relates to the education of Latino children in the US. His co-edited volume, Funds of Knowledge: Theorizing Practices in Households, Communities, and Classrooms, was published in 2005. His most recent book, L. S. Vygotsky and Education, was published by Routledge Press in 2014. Among his honors, he was elected to membership in the National Academy of Education (1998), named a Kappa Delta Pi Laureate (2013), and Fellow (2009) of the American Educational Research Association. DOCTORAL CEREMONY JOHN IOANNIDIS John P.A. Ioannidis holds the C.F. Rehnborg Chair in Disease Prevention at Stanford University and is Professor of Medicine, Professor of Health Research and Policy, and Director of the Stanford Prevention Research Center (SPRC) at Stanford University School of Medicine, Professor of Statistics (by courtesy) at Stanford University School of Humanities and Sciences, one of the two Directors of the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS), member of the Stanford Cancer Institute and the Stanford Cardiovascular Institute, and affiliate in the Stanford Center on Longevity and the Woods Institute for the Environment. Masters Degrees Conferred, Academic Year 2014–2015 MASTER of ARTS awarded october 15, 2014 Esraa Ahmed Al Muftah Maryam M A A Alassaf Tomara Suzanne Aldrich Fatima Nisa Ali Ashleigh Anne Allen Faith Justine Allen Ryan M. Allen Michael Peter Anastasia Jaclyn Marie Appell Jillian Rose Aquila Nixon Ricardo Arauz Melendez Vinushini Arunagiri Ch Najam Asghar Claudia Monique Ash Brooke Ann Baldinger Kristin Elizabeth Baldwin Peter Barrale Michellene Marissa Barrett Amanda Bauman Ashlynne Renee Beard Carlos Salvator Bedoya Paola L. Benevento Samantha Berlowitz Mary Elizabeth Birarelli Alykhan Hassan Boolani Janine Anne Bowes Caitlin Helen Bradley Ellen Okie Bray Mary Elton Brown Kira Lyn Bruce Alexa Michelle Bryn Erin Burns Jennifer Diahann Camp Nora Yvette Campos Jessica Lauren Carl Elizabeth Rachel Carmen Brandon Dante Carter-Guidry Paul Daniel Carvalho Nicole Marie Cegielski Elisa Chang Andres Alberto Chavez Eras Lotus Chen Jessica Eunhye Chi Chih-Yu Chiang Zechariah Asa Chiang Alexandra Chicherchia Amanda Ariel Cimini Sarah Elizabeth Clark Sinead Claire Cloughley Stephanie Lynn Cohen Emily Comstock Sydney Elizabeth Congdon Mary Cathleen Connell Jessica Faith Conway Stacy Marie Cook Claudette Nadeen Coote-Thompson Maisha A. Copeland Chelsea Erinn Corley Taylor Marie Costas Janise Allison Cota Janet Nicole Crenshaw Meredith Bryan Cruikshank Jennifer Ashley Crystle William Paul Cullen Steven Richard Cumberworth Aislinn Kathleen Cunningham Rebecca Elise Dankner Hyun Jung Davidson Anthony J. Del Latto Elizabeth Mary Demaria Michelle Rosemary Demeroukas Celina Antoinette Diaz Gina Marie DiDomenico Thomas J. D’Onofrio Margaux Jean Dubuar Mikaela Sutherland Dunitz Lauren Jamal Dunning Kimberely Dawn Durall Jonah Charbonnet Durning-Hammond Michalyn Caice Starr Easter Taiyo Takeda Ebato Earl James Edwards Jessica Carlye Emanu Amy Diane Estersohn Emily Jill Evans Stephanie Elizabeth Faddis Elias Falconi Augustine Babafemi Fayomi Matthew E. Feigenbaum Hannah Malia Feit Samuel Mark Fetters Madeleine Claire Fierstein Morgan Moran Fincher Charles Thomas Lai FitzGibbon John James Fleming Yesenia Flores Arlena Ann K. Ford Lauren J. Fowler Jennifer Helene Fried Andrew James Fund Damaris Fuster Keri Galitsis Alexander Henry Gallagher Kimberly Julia Garlow Breigh Nicole Garulli Daniel Leyden Garvey Rochelle Marie Gauvin Ze Geng Kristen Elizabeth Georgia Heather Marie Gilchrist Catherine Ann Glass Shauna Queen Glover Molly Margaret Goodell Stephanie Nicole Gounder Candace Nicole Granfelt Liza Jordan Greenspan Daniel Bryan Grissom Emily Caitlin Gross Brittany Guillory Allison Alterman Halff Christin Elizabeth Hanley Megan Balanoff Hanley Emily Rose Hartnett Kelly Catherine Harvey Rebecca Anne Haskell Tahnia C. Hawkins Heidi Elizabeth Haynes Kathleen Elizabeth Helton Whitney Marie Henderson Roya Heydari Nicole Marie Hillas Joanne Elizabeth Hinkel LeAnn M. Holland Takuro Horikawa Bard Parker Hovenga Ashleigh Hussey Joseph Adam Iannazzone Nicolas Charles Jackson Kendrice Elizabeth James Heather Chara’ Janiczek Kara O. Johnson Harley Elise Jones Renee Michelle Jordan Madison Elizabeth Kantzer Leah W. Kepping Abigail Adams Kerlin Adeel Shafqat Khan Yoohyun Kim Daisy Areum Kim Gounee Kim Joy Soon Kim Leah Klaybor Jocelyn Marquerite Klemes James Allen Kline Samantha Pei-Tyng Ko Diane Beth Kolatch Julia Marie Korzeniewski Michael Antal Kovacs Sheldon Cale Krieger Nikhil Krishna Adam Thomas Kuranishi Nora Susanna Kurtz Sarah Elizabeth LaCour MASTER of ARTS awarded october 15, 2014 continued Dorothy Lee Eunice Lee Gina Quee Choo Lee Michelle Lee Stephanie L. Lee Aviva Shayna Leibowitz Beatriz Susana Levin Lauren Elizabeth Lexa Aiying Li Matthew Joseph Licari Mollie Ann Lieblich Pei Lin Xuejiao Lin Julie Ann Lindner Kelly Sara Lippman Ji Liu Jordana Marnie Loft Margarita Anne Lopez Anna Grace Lounsbury Henry O. Love II Helen Kwee Fong Low Cristina Jane Johnson Lowry Brianne Elizabeth Lynch Lin Ma Caroline May MacKeller Akriti Macker Karen Christina Macleod Sarah Allison Maibach Ka Yan Mak Melida Helen Maldonado Leslie Manlapig Erica Lucianna Mariola Matthew Edward Marsallo Samantha A. Marshall Scott Martella Mackee Mycal Mason Rena Kristin Matsushita Charles Walter McGill Eion Craig McGuinness Riley Farrin McIntyre Maeve Patricia McNamara Vanessa Teresa Meli Andrew J. Menfi Mohan Menon Sara Elizabeth Merwin Sarina Hayah Miller Chariclia Minadis Kenneth Charles Montalbano Alejandra M. Montoya-Boyer Maureen Theresa Mooney Melisa del Carmen Morales Mary Angela Moreno Andrew Edward Morgan Michele D. Morris Craig Ian Mutzman Andres Ivan Navedo Serine Ndiaye Ani Mariette Nercissian Jennifer Linh Nguyen April Michelle Nickell Cesar De Jesus Nunez Taylore Dawn Oldfield Ambe Jalal Olinga Paul Allen Oliver Kristi Lynn Orange Carly Kay Orden Danny J. Ortiz Nicole Lynn Padula Oscar Pagoada Lawrence Jaime Lynn Palmer Chiayu Pan Jingliu Pan Haidee Hsien Hsi Pang Amanda Rose Pappagallo Michael Gerard Paravati Christine Park Esther Y. Park Hannah Hajin Park Karen Park Sindy Park Emily Meredith Parker Benjamin Wilson Patton Nikita Michelle Penett Carla Felice Perez Kathryn Nancy Phillips Elizabeth Pino Lindsay Gail Plunkett Kimia Poosti James Matthew Preimesberger Melissa Estee Procton Alicia Renee Quillen Starlight Rainbow Anthony Vanderlipe Ramil Darryl Eric Reed Rachel A. Reed Vanessa Lynn Reid Peter Reitzfeld Daniel A. Renzoni Katherine Ann Rietberg Joseph Daniel Riina-Ferrie Gayla Rochelle Robbins Melissa Rodriguez Sabina Rowe Rose Miriam Ruback Steven Allen Rufe Kristin Elizabeth Ryan Elena Marie Ryck Tamara Berk Sacks Nina Vivian Safane James Alexander Salamon Jocelia Karlina De Daniel Salu Carlos Douglas Sanchez Louis Mario Sanchez Ilana Paige Sanders Hannah Natalie Saphir Augustine Sasso Elizabeth Ann Schiavone Bradley D. Scott Aimee B. Seeram Pooja Harish Shah Pooja Sunil Shah Devon Taylor Shaw Katherine Jane Sheerer Constance Elise Shepherd Karin Rachel Shim Kathryn D. Shimko Alexander Matthias Shuman Joanne Marie Sidoti Catharine Emily Simler Brittney E. Simmons Shelyse Kylila Simmons Jonathan David Singer Katarina Slobodova Joseph Bernard Sneed Dino Daniel George Sossi Shanae Alexandra Staples Megan Anne Steindorf Justin Allan Steiner Georgina Elizabeth Stephens Sandra Marion Stonebraker Daniel Patrick Strong Bugu Subasi Masika Sweetwyne Kimberly Ming-Gee Tang Pauline Tannos Darren Z. Tarshis Marcus David Thomas Martha Anne Thompson Shannon Davis Threatt Cassandra Louise Tighe Alexandria Victoria Tom Bernadette Manoda Turegano Ian Anthony Ulmer Muhamad Iman Usman Anna Victoria Waldthausen Samuel James Wallis Jinglei Wang Joshua Louis Warren Daniel Morris Watson Amber Dawn Webb Margaret Susan Weisman Jessica Alexandra Weissman Leah Miriam Werner-Evans Justin Julian West Audrey Jennifer White Sarah Jean Whittemore Devon Ann Williamson Leigh Katherine Wilson Amiee Winchester Jessica Divinna Woods Mayuri Yamaguchi Yijia Yang Justine Inui Yi Jasmin Esther Yoo Margaret Larsen Youmans Kimberly Eileen Zaroba MASTER of ARTS awarded february 11, 2015 Amanda Leigh Abdill Folashade Jennifer Adekunle Karlyn R. Adler Afnan Mosaed A. Alganawi Caitlyn Ann Alley Peña Alexandra Marie Alvarez David An Jin Young Bae Damalye Nateisha Barclay Kaitlyn Ann Barnes Leonardo Ignacio Barros Pereira Jovan Restofel Basir Michael P. Baum Asma Begum Emily Elizabeth Bierwirth Isabelle Sinclair Bitman Nicole Monique Blanchette Landis Cleary Block Shira Suzanne Borkon Emily Grace Bouvier Andrea Bozja Molly Guinn Bradley Deirdre Mary Brady Coranna Bernais Brokaw Amanda Ilyse Bromberg Elisabeth Sarah Bronheim Kurt S. Brueckner Juliana Marie Bueti Alexis Nicole Cabrera Alexandra Rose Cassel Carla Elaine Catrambone Mauro Cau Ellen Jane Chan Laurence Chan Kaidan Chen Qiannan Chen Cheng Cheng Jacky Li-Yang Cheng Cher Joanna Chew Mei Yee Chew Ruby Ching Ernest Yu Yung Chiu Seong-Ah Cho Alexandria Sara Choudhury Kei Ho Chow Ariane Michelle Chretien Irene P. Chrysafi Heather Lynn Cirmo Jeanne Coffey-Chun Claudia Ellie Constantiner Jeremy Scott Cooper Rebecca Lindsay Cooper Charles Johan Cordova Toni Marie Crouse Mary Lynn Dalton Orellana del Fierro Lorianne Nicole Delahunt Michael Tucker Delfausse Marcela Desemone Angela C. DiGiulio Katherine Lucrezia DiMaggio Jenny Anne Dorsey Katie Anne Dorsey Tobey Howden Duble Kaitlin Elizabeth Duranti Benjamin Langsdorf Echeverria Jamie Lynn Eckstein Jacqueline Lenore Ehrhardt Moria Eliad Yuanyuan Fang Erin Farmer Madeline Mari Jo Feldman Julia Hallie Kirsh Firestone Bryan Walter James Fletcher Katherine Rose Freedman Clare Lauren Friedrich Nica J. Froman Weina Gao Hazel Rosaly Garcia Nicolette Faith Gelfand Caroline Lauren Gerber Jordan Michael Gilliland Fara Loren Goodman Zachary Lloyd Graves Rebecca Brooke Green Lindsee Ann Gregory Stephanie Lynn Gruber Kristi Lee Guinness Sebastian Hadinata Anna Lauren Halliday Alyson Dara Halpern Grace Suji Han Elisabeth Anne Hansen Pooja Gautam Harlalka Jin Hashimoto Ayanna Camille Haskell Kasey Lynne Heil Danielle Herman Christian David Hernandez Erika Nicole Hirsch Elliot Edward Hirshon Adam Bullard Hixon Lia Anne Horii Chengbin Hu Lingdi Hu Yilan Lynne Huang Mary Keane Iannuzzi Carrie Edel Isaacman Christine Jang Megan E. Jensen Naomi Eve Jetter Hui Shi Jiang Nicole Arianna Johnson Ana Ines Jorge Artigau Chelsea Kallery Rabeya Kamal Jennifer Eun Kang Katherine Imkyung Kang Rachel Jill Kasten Anne Kay Jacqueline Marissa Kelly Bow Young Kim Peter Kieyoung Kim Jean E. Komline Kayoko Kozuka Nicole Stefanie Kronfeld Kristen Elizabeth Kurre Daniel Paul Lakin Alessandra Laqueur Larson Khadeidra Cherisse Le Gendre Jeremy Y. Lee Trevor Zong Ning Lee Siavonh B. Lenaburg Dustin Loren LeVasseur Yong Chai Alan Lim Jessica Lin Drew R. Lomax Bryce K. Loo Alexandra Lubensky Matthew Marcorde Lucero Ashley Michelle Macdonald Alessandra Ann Maria MacKinnon Keith Alan Malament Hiu Po Pauline Mang Denise Rochelle Marte Maria Martinez Calderon Kareen Marie Matouk Jayna Grace McCarron Holly O. McMahon John William McMahon Erin Adams McNiven Vanessa Andrea Meintjes Cheryl Lucy Mele Stephanie Belle Mendelsohn Shayna Darleene Mizrahi Marcela Moguilevsky Negar Morshedian Shannon Leigh Morton Katherine Taylor Mullan Stephanie Andrea Murray Adam Mark Nadler Dimitri Nessas Alexandra Elizabeth Marsh Newlin Erica Lee Nirsberger Stephanie Lynn Norman Hyun Ji Oh Shelly Oh Jennifer Scaring Okean May Pan Oo Sibel Ozcan Sophia Young Pak Minoosh Pardakhti Brooke Elizabeth Parham Boo Youn Park Cassi Sanghee Park Ji Yoon Park Min Ji Park Yeonji Park Robin Marie Perenchio Nicole Alexandria Perez Betsy DeHaven Peterson Alyssa D. Phillips Tonie Christie Phillips Katherine J. Picha Shufen Poh Veronica Puente Shawn Hayden Ramsingh Deborah Ratliff Amelia Michele Reilly Manuela Rigaud Toby Ring Maria Eugenia Rivera Matus Perry Joseph Rizopoulos Katherine Fumi Roche Magdalene Jaclynn Rolka Justine Rosen Deborah L. Rosenbaum Paige Mealy Rosenthal Rodrigo Sandoval-Perez Timothy John Schaffer Cortney Ellen Sera Mallory Ann Servais Xin Shan Kanchan Jagdishprasad Sharma Woody Louis Armstrong Shaw III Kelley Patricia Shea Michelle Kennel Shenk Alexandra Morgan Sherman Erika Sydney Sherman Catherine Elizabeth Shores Lindsay Suzanne Simon Emily Pemberton Smith Tanya M. Smith Taylor Miller Smith Blake Soderstrom Rosselin Soendjojo Mary Elizabeth Somich Yoojung Song Shawn Thomas Sorge Estefania Iris Valente De Sousa Sharron Alicia Spriggs Ranjana Srinivasan Bradley Maslon Starr Michael Edward Stewart Penina R. Stiefel Chelsea Grace Stout Christy Michelle Tadros Mayu Takezawa MASTER of ARTS awarded february 11, 2015 continued Chor Pang Tan Mei Teck Tan Kim Seng Tay Lauryn Ashley Taylor Lourdes Lee Taylor Arianne Mary Templeton Yvonne Teo Teik Hoe Teoh Melissa D’Aniello Theroux Alexandra Hope Thier Molly A. Thompson Linda Tran Timothy Wysong Vance Meredith Lee Vasta Leehi Wagner Rie Wakui Suzanne Mary Wallace Courtney Lynn Walsh Huan Wang Wei Wang Yafei Wang Ziqiao Wang Clarke Alfred Weatherspoon Tamira Jennifer Wiener Jessica Gail Wieselgren Erin Elizabeth Wolfe Esther Alexandra Mira Wolfond Michele K. Wong Tarani Joy Merriweather Woodson Serena Woolf Alyson Michelle Woolfrey Minghui Xia Yuki Yamazaki Terence Joseph Yearley Christine W. Yeh Chiyoko Yoshioka Hong Yu Jiawen Yu MASTER of ARTS candidates may 20, 2015 (subject to completion of all requirements) Hia Maher Abdelqader Joel E. Abraham Serena Abraham Christian Abreu Reem Mansur Wadie Abu Rahmeh David Samuel Adler Frances Y. Adomako Katherine Elizabeth Aguero Mohammad Javad Ahmadi Keeno Mahira Ahmed-Jones Faisal Ali Murad AL Balushi Nora Sulaiman Aldhuwaihi Lina Maria Alfonso Gutierrez Alaa M KH Y S Alhomaizi Dalal M KH Y S Alhomaizi Gregory Vincent Alongi Maria Fernanda Alonso-Diaz Fahad Ibrahim Alshamsan Lindsey G. Altomare Maria C. Alvarez Dominick Joachin Ambroise Barry Gene Ammons Nana Agyeiwaa Amoh Safiya Ammar Amonette Anthony Gerard Amorese Ran An Lin Jeong Anderson Margaret Butler Anderson Shanice Richeena Anderson William T. Anderson Jennifer Ansah Elexa Dori Antweil Ricardo L. Anzar Shahida Arabi Sarah Christina Arango Aranzazu Araujo Mary-Andree Michelle Ardouin-Guerrier Rosa I. Arenas Brian Harvey Arnold Saliha Aslan Natasha Alicia Atkins Caitlin C. Aymong Alison Badgett Dalal Badreddine Kunsoo Philip Bae Michele Kumi Baer Natalie Baer Michael Steven Bafundo Rohini Bagrodia Yu Bai Charles Robert Bailey Daniela Bailey Noor Baker Ipek Bakir Emily Katherine Bales Aaron A. Barksdale Cecil Terrell Barnes Bret Andrew Barnett Asha Amanda Bartley Aisha Bashir Joyceline Escorpizo Batay Brandon Joseph Baughn Filiz Anne Becer Julia Belfer John Munro Bell Jillian Preston Bennett Erika Inez Bernardino Melissa Raquel Bernier-Quintana Perla Bernstein Lauren Margaret Berrill Emily Florence Bierman Brittany Lauren Bifulco Lauren Mandeville Biggs Abigail Latham Biller Anna Costelloe Birinyi Christopher George Birks Lucy Amelia Blackford Nancye Wilbur Blair Trevor Bryce Body Wade Hamilton Boggs Matthew Todd Boise Mary Ann Bonet Jared Colby Borden Spencer Robert Born Natalie Jane Bornstein Donald Alexander Borror Maritza Borsuk Tanya Renuka Marie Boteju Bethany Marlene Bradley Alexis Lynn Branca Jennifer Maureen Brandes Laura Kathryn Brantley Lorraine Mary Breen Christina J. Bricca Amber Marie Briggs Jonathon Michael Brown Julianna Brown Matthew Eugene Brown Naima Taaj Ajmal Brown Quinn Semaj Brown David James Bruder Michael Gregory Burgo Alexa Katherine Burke Rebeka N. Burns Geriann Burrington Timna Sivan Burston Alexandra Lea Brillantes Bushman Katharine Loomis Cameron Joseph Thomas Cancellieri Celenia Cano Kelly Elizabeth Carleton Clint M. Carlisle Christine Noel Carmichael Dana Michelle Carr Elyse Rachel Carr Cynthia Nayeli Carvajal Taymy Josefa Caso Luis Miguel Castillo Lucia Milagros Caumont Stipanicic Joan M. Cejudo Chinchillas Jihae Cha Brittany Sachi Chambers Chia-Heng Chang Jeansoo Chang Wei-Ling Chang Octavia Crystal Kathlee Charles Gem L. Chema Catherine Anne Chen Hsuan-Ju Chen Huang Chen Jianghua Chen Jin Chen Jingjing Chen Yining Chen Xin Cheng Zui Cheng Cher Joanna Chew Jenna L. Chewens Chien-Te Chiang Seul Ki Chin Yee Lin Karen Chin Alice Jene Cho Anna Jaeyeon Cho Grace Cynttia Cho Andrea Yoo-Sun Choi Il Hwa Choi Alice Rae Chorneau Yu Shan Chou Nicole Perkins Chulick Amanda Beth Chusid Allison Owen Clayman Sasha R. Clynes Kevin Michael Coale Juan Carlos Cobos Caitlin Mary Coghlan Ryan M. Collie Otis Collier Elizabeth Magee Collins Carlos Enrique Comashorta Alexandra Elizabeth Connell Mary Ellen Connington Elizabeth Cooper-Mullin Flynn Corson Melissa Emma Cortes Elizabeth Ann Cote Crystal M. Crawford Caroline Mary Louise Crosbie Mariana Cruz Shaoyu Cui Yixin Cui Cody Jack Cunningham Johanna Kate Cunningham Valerie Dahan Benjamin Patrick Dalton Martin Michael Daly Marissa Lynn D’Ambra Michael P. Dandrea Jillian Noelle Danley Shivani Krishnavadan Dave Stephanie Alexandra Davidow Paula Impalli Davis Veronica Davis-Smith Jhokania De Los Santos Michelle D. Debski Margareth Vanessa Del Cid Paul Anthony D’Elia Fei Deng Kathleen Jane Denny Thomas A. Depree Heather Lynn DeVerna Yana Dey Awa Diaw Ariana Noel Dichiara Ann Dame Dickson Alessia DiGenova Karen Jane Dilsizian Katherine Rose Buesing Christopher Michael Disimile Alysha N. Dixon Linh Nguyet Doan Lilith Kaiyeon Dollard Ana Luisa Domingues de Moura Cheng Dong Dong Dong Lawrence Thomas Donovan Stefan Dorosz Daniel Thomas Drew Xiaotong Duan Xiaoyu Duan Polina Filippovna Dubik Spencer James Dudley Sarah Elizabeth Duer Megan Patricia Duff Carolyn Brie Dunn Katie Lynne Johnson Dunn Natalie Kayla Dunn Charlotte Stearns Dwight Larissa Daniela Dzegar Rikki Kathryn Eble Kimberly M. Edmunds Ortal Joy Edry Gabriella Richelle Eisendorf Sarah Ezzat El Wazzi Hebah Elaiwat Emily Ann Elkind Anne Dorthea Elliott Charryse Monique Ellis Linnea Engstrom Nadia Martha Eran Whitney Jamelle Erby Naomi Ann Erlewine Valentina Errazuriz Besa Katherine Lynne Esbenshade Rachael Leah Escobedo Matthew L. Espino Per Anders Eivind Kollen Evensen Alyssa Johanna Exposito Meghan Elizabeth Fahey Amnah Osamah O Fakieh Andrea Farquharson Jeffrey John Fearing Webster Kerry Felix Jennifer C. Feng Alexander Harris Ferguson Holly J. Fernandez Rosa Fernandez Elise Victoria Ffitch Jared Max Field Melissa A. Figueira Diane Cardenas Figueroa Veronica Fischmann MASTER of ARTS candidates may 20, 2015 continued (subject to completion of all requirements) Coleen Mary Fitzpatrick Daniel J. Flack Gabriela Flores Sarah Ashley Floyd Sen Chi Fong Christopher Edward Ford Madeline Rose Forinash Sandra Manjie Forlemu Alyssa Caitlin Forman Katharine Elizabeth Fosina Elizabeth Foskolos Alyssa L. Foster Julia Louise Foxworth Rhea Jacquelyn Francani Felipe De Jesus Franchini, Jr. Sarit Friedman Barrington Anthony Fulton Ye Gao Zhijing Gao Luz-Maria Denise Garcelon Bonnie Elizabeth Garcia Maria Fernanda Garcia Lozano Cassie Tovah Gare Katherine Eleanor Garland John Gregory Garvey Vielka Genao Kira Licata Gerbron Jonathan Bradford Gertz Clarissa Constance Ghelli Ellen Gianakis Corinne Cathcart Gibbon Christopher Patrick Gilbert Peter Wood Gill Caroline Crosson Gilpin Faryn Cooper Goidel Willy J. Golden Sasha N. Goluskin Yinan Gong Henriett Adrienn Gonzales-Mastrapa Talia Rosa Gonzalez Moran Goren Katina Fritza Gracien Amber Ann Graham Carma Graham Fredrique Ariel Green Andrew Charles Greene Katherine Rebecca Greenfield Ashley Briggs Greer Victoria D. Grevenberg Kaitlin Michelle Griswold Alexandra Eve Grumet Jingyi Gu Emily R. Guarnieri Melanie Jean Gulino Chuxin Guo Menglin Guo Shirley Ying Guo Katrina Marie Gurguis Brittany Alexandria Gurney Kestin Alyse Gussoff Clara E. Gutkin Dusty Renee Hackler Devyn Shane Hale Stacy S. Hall Kimberly Ann Iwanski Il Han Man Woong Han Myoungcheol Han Rongrong Han Susan Patricia Hanna Wicht Daniel Harris Scott David Harris Roland Peter Hart Daniel Todd Hartig Kamal Amadu Haruna Matthew Thomas Hastings Scott Whittle Hathaway Chengyang He Emily He Ning He Alyssa Janice Heavens Catherine Regina Heil Gary Edward Heimbauer Arianna LaBella Heintz Michele Michiko Helm Caitlin Doyle Henning Annie A. Heo Amelia S. Herbert Theresa Elpidia Hernandez Jasmine Y. Highsmith Sasha Clara Hoff Dane A. Holding Amy Kathleen Holdsworth Laura Claire Hollahan Whitney Lynn Holmes Eun-Ho Hong Hyosun Hong IN Y Hong Julina Lee Hooks Audrey M. Howell Lakisha Howell Ginger Chin Chieh Hsieh Danfei Hu Silu Hu Devlin A. Hughes Huai-En Hung Sahar Hussain Chelsea Lyn Huttner Hung Q. Huynh David Seongwon Hwang Engela Ibrahimi Nadia Jabeen Iftekhar Eri Imahori Cindy Ip Jayne E. Irvine Serina Michelle Isch Daniel Benjamin Isquith Josephine Jalandoni Mervette Kimberly Jebara Asna Abbasi Jefferies Michael Arthur Jensen Ashley Jenson Fan Jiang Phoebe Woantying Jiang Wei Jiang Wennan Jiang Jessica Jimenez Gabriela Ines Jimenez Rodriguez Zhiyin Jin Ara Jo Patrycja Anna Joczyn Deneisha Nakeira Johnson Bryan Donovan Jones Emily Anne-Louise Jones Katharine Elizabeth Jones Rebecca M. Jones Gerrit Martin Jones-Rooy Seunghee Joo Jeanny M. Jorge Jennifer Joseph Eun Son Ju Jiarun Ju Hiyun Jung Sara Beth Jutcovich Emily Anne Kadash Emily Grace Kaiser Daniel Thomas Kalla Nayeon Kang Tina YoonKyung Kang Yang Kang Cydni Ellison Kantor Chandni Milan Kapadia Gopika Kapadia Anna Kaplan Meghana S. Karnik Kavazeua Uapanda Katjomuise Alexa Darby Kauffman Ramandeep Kaur Alison Claire Keane Amanda Corbett Keats Steven Keem Erinn Elizabeth Kehoe Alex Michael Kelly Georgina Margaret Kemp Ariel Kessler Sannaz Kamillia Keyhani Liana Khandji Aeloch Kim Eun Kim Jennifer Young-Jin Kim Ji Yeon Kim Sei Eun Kim So Yoon Kim Soojong Kim Daniel Tyler King Micah Jeremy Klein Kelly Lynn Kleinert Kristen Elizabeth Kohm Tse Wei Kok Natalie Susanne Kolodinski Karen Judith Koslowsky Ajua Paule-Andree Kouadio Samantha Marie Western Allison Lynn Krech Ei-Leen Kuah Szu-Ying Kuan Elana Felice Kuflik Naa-Adjeley Ama Kuma Lindsey Marie Kundel Sara Adelaide Kuperminc Fumiko Kurosawa Tyler James Kusunoki Kristina Stanislavovna Kuznetsova Helen Chanyoung Kwak Zerlina Kwok Lindsay Katherine Kwon Lizel Deala Lacambra Celine A. Laheurte Tinny Yung-Chun Lai Taryn Alex Lakow Mary Elizabeth Larew Anne Hua Lattner Florence Shi-Yi Lau Kayla Eve Lauricella Vi Van Le Corinne Nicole Leary Jessica Brunson Lebitz Cynthia Leck Andy Lee Audrey Lee Grace Lee Joan Seyoung Lee Juhye Lee Jung Min Lee Seo Hyung Lee Shannon Hyuna Lee Soomin Lee Sunmi Lee Yoon Hyoung Lee Yu-I Lee Elizabeth Carlen Leeser Sarah Ann Lehman Jessica Lauren Lense Matthew Patrick Lenzi Jose Antonio Leonor Erin M. Leonsky Zehava Aliza Lerman Marlyn Marie Lourdes Lestage-Laforest Michelle Juliette Levine Zoe Belle Lewin Amy Elizabeth Lewis Hui Li Kaihua Li Lingxi Li Ming Li Shicong Li Tok Wa Li Xin Li Yixuan Li Zijun Li Jie Liang Mudi Liang Christopher Weng-Keong Lim Lizelle Lim Shu Fen Sabrina Lim Jinyi Lin Pei-Hua Lin Cullen MacLaren Lind Danielle Corleen Lindenberg MASTER of ARTS candidates may 20, 2015 continued (subject to completion of all requirements) Micaela E. Linder Tiffany Neulene Lindley Bibo Liu Diana Yang Liu Ruey-Ying Liu Shuo Liu Shuyun Liu Siwei Liu Tongfei Liu Wei-Ling Liu Xingyu Liu Yangyang Liu Zichao Liu Zizhen Liu Leslie A. Loeb Emily Downs Lohmann Mathilda Albano Lombos Kan Tiffany Long Shari Lauren Long Julia Persephone Loonin Alicia Celeste Loscalzo Krista Erin Loveless MariTi Blaise Lovell Haoxing Lu Stefanie Taylor Lugassy Amelia Gemma Luongo Eleonora Lupyan Jessica M. Lussier Matthew Leslie Lynes Yiyun Ma Olivia Jean MacArthur Stephanie Anne Machacek Alexandra Mary MacLean Samantha Ann Madonna Amy Beth Magaletti Nathan Aaron Magel Brian Antonio Mahabee Meghan Beatrice Maines David Patrick Makowski Justine Caritess Maloy Simoes Manaia Cara Rose Mancuso Naheed Natasha Mansur Yaoli Mao Jessalyn Alice Marconi Robert E. Marcus Gregory M. Marino Rebecca Grace Markiewicz Andrew Joseph Marotta David Schneider Marshall Silse Martell Thomas Patrick Martin Steven Martinez Victoria Eugenia Martinez Martinez Rebecca Anne Masse Mallory Ann Massie Gretchen Krieg Mathews Ellyn Elizabeth Matos Kristyn E. Matovich Michiko Matsuba Monifa Ayana Matthew Emmy Nerlandy Maurilus Ashley Denise Maxie-Moreman Lindsay Kate Mayott Patricia M. Mays Christie Anne McCarthy Brittany Alana McClinton Kristan L. McCullum Meghan Mcdermott Kate LaBella McGovern Michele Kaitlyn McGrath Toby Jonas Guzowski McGrath Allison Lynn McLaren Paris Leland McLean Myra LeeAnn McMinn Asad Ali Medina Rohaan Framroze Mehta Amanda Marie Meier Lindsay Elizabeth Mejer Alyssa Nicole Mellman Leanna Sarit Mellon Alexandra G. Melville Julia R. Melvin Maria Alexandra Gama Mendonca John O. Menton Tyler Anthony Merritt Ashley Marie Mettlen Wallis Ethel Meza Sameen Mian Ginherr Eugene Miao Rachel Lynn Middleton Allison Mary Mihal Samantha Jeanne Miller Vanessa Diane Miller Jordan Ross Milliner Margaret Jihyun Min Jesse Bryan Misbin Ashley Helena Mitchell Ashley Paige Mitchell Joanna Debney Mobley John Andras Molnar AyAnna Lynette Moody Min Hye Moon Loren N. Mora Maria Francisca Morales Hamame Angela Renee Moran Matthew Patrick Moran Georgette Alicia Morgan Junko Janet Morita Kathryn Morrison Sara Fawaz Mouhktar Julia Moura de Almeida Braga Christian Moya Rachel Avigail Muller Zondwayo Mulwanda Atsuko Muroga Elizabeth Ann Murray Claire Elise Nakajima Fumie Nakao Daria Napolina Katherine Mary Nash Feras Faisal Nasser Ray Rion Nathan Haydee Joseline Naula Elizabeth Alice Navarro Anthony Joseph Nedelman Elizabeth Negrete Joseph Ryan Nelson Kyle John Nelson Minh Phuong Nguyen Sarah Nickerson Yardane Orrin Niessink Natalie Mimi Norris Asia Jasmine Norton Aaron Hillel Novak Obioma Okere Tambudzai Nyamala Nicholas Bruce Obourn Liana Nell O’Brien Kelsey Leigh O’Donnell Cecilia Oh Susanna Oh Lia Myriam Ojjeh Richard K. O’Keefe Elizabeth Anne Olsen Lakeya Jenise Omogun Pattharin Ongartitthichai Ugochukwu Charles Onyewuchi Ethan Patrick Orr Hernan Ortiz Maria Elvira Ossa Guzman Taylor P. Overturf Rena Miriam Ovitsh Reveka Panagides Laura Elena Pantin Kiran Lynn Parasher Evelynn Daeun Park Hyun Jean Park Jason Sangchul Park Jennifer Park Lillian Choe Park Miri Faith Park Sera Park Lyla Parvez Hitisha A. Patel Marlene Patricia Lori-Beth Patsey Alexander William Paul Christopher Stuart Pearman Elizabeth Ann Wilson Peer Dalen Pel Mark Allen Pelham Katelyn Joanne Peloquin Stephanie Jane Pena Shali Peng Nicole M. Penso Jennifer Marie Perez David L. Perrotti Shivan Persad Romina Gabriela Peschiera Lauren Mackensie Peters Amber Nicole Peterson Lisa Huynh Pham Gia Anh Thu Phan Penpatch Phetbuasak Ashley Phillips Lauren Evelina Pici Brian Michael Piehl Katie Dorothy Pienkos Joseph Richard Pierce Kettlyne Pierre Judah Alexander Plaut Tatyana Plutova Olga Podkopaeva Sari Anne Pogorzelski Sucheta Sahni Ponda Sotirios Poulimenos Shradha Prakash Alexander Harry Preiss Elizabeth Bouchelle Pyeatt Qin Qin Xiaoman Qu Morgan Alexia Quinn Pablo Alonso Quinteros Meza David Rafe Reanne Rahim Judelaine Abatayo Ramirez-Catalano Alexa M. Ramos Carmen Margarita Ramos-Watson Rebecca Diane Rappaport Sanghvi Trena Miriam Rauner Alaina Rausa Nicholas Edwin Reeb Catherine Lois Reed Lyndsey Edna Reed Shakeria Anissa Reed Jessica Ann Regal Elaine Renz Juan Carlos Reyes Ortiz Nicole Burke Ricca Monica Lauren Ricci Alexandra Rice Daniel Steven Richard Todd Jay Richardson Stephen Edmund Riche Nadege Magda Rihan Maya Hedva Rinat Maria Riofrio Flores Christine Lauren Riolo Ian Jeffrey Rios Lisa Diane Rivera Sylvia Natalia Rivera Marti Emily Robbins Katheryn Lucille Roberson Alice Ann Patricia Robinson Kelsey Margaret Rogalewicz Maria Daniela Romero Amaya Janet Rosado Janae M. Rosell Sarah Danielle Rosenthal Andrea S. Rosko Veronica Catherine Ross Emily Charlotte Roth Rebecca Lieber Rothberg Chaim Shlomo Rothstein Melissa Faye Rothstein Emily Spencer Rozanski Elizabeth Jean Russo Danielle Marie Rylak Sylvia Ryszewska Alia Barnum Sabbs Zeynep Sahin MASTER of ARTS candidates may 20, 2015 continued (subject to completion of all requirements) Teresa Leilani Sakai Julie Blaire Salant Alison M. Salevan Ryan Anthony Salim Brendan Peter Saller Sofia Sampol Magdalena Sanchez Allende Tracey L. Sanders Edwin Russell Sanford Anna Alicia Sarabia Alisha Prabha Saxena Rema Sayed Michael Scott Schurr Benjamin J. Schwab Dwaina Betty Junie Screen Barbara Jo Domondon Scroggin Elian Frances Seidel Jamie Lynn Seidenberg Peter Louis Seidman Meryl Rose Semsker Hyosun Seo Josephine Marlene Servin Kimberly Ann Serzan Liguo Roger Shan Erin Jean Shannon Adam Jeffery Shapiro Nicholas Craig Shapiro Anwar J. Shariff Robert Alan Sharpe Kharee J. Shaw Pengsi Shen Aubrey Sherman Elizabeth Hope Sherry Vanessa Sheu Wen Shi Koei Shimada Charles Malone Shryock Sarah Rebekah Silver Kelly Rae Silvestri Sabina Faye Simon Stephanie Nicole Simon Maya Austin Simpson Tanya Singh Felicia Rebecca Sitrin Ancy Skaria Brenda Skurka Melissa Renee Smith Meghann Joy Snow Ashley Soh Isaac Salomon Solano Megan Alexis Sommer Xia Song Jessica Soria Joseph John Sossi Anna J. Spector Christopher Evan Spendle Simon Huljich Spire Kesha Latoya Springer Marguerite Julianna Spyreas Lindsey Nicole St. Onge Dylan Robert William Stacey Marion M. Stattler Joseph Patrick Steadman Andrea Gray Stein Eleonora Stein Julie Sarah Steinberg Gara Danielle Steinfeld Theodore Stephano Robert Keith Stephens Jonathan Richard Edward Stockford Celise Alexandra Stone Emily Ann Strahler Sierra Rose Strattner Gina M. Strumolo Christina Anne Stutts Su Su Mikaela De Lon Sugarman Young Mee Suh Majeda Sultana Sarah Whitney Suttell Emiko Suydam Gabrielle Cassi Sweeney Patricia Sylvestre Justin Marley Symington Matthew Duncan Talbot Daniel Wei’en Tan Shu Min Crisann Tan David Yao-Zhong Tang Shuwen Tang Yao Tang Yiping Tang Raquel Azarcon Taniguchi Alison Jane Taylor Zachary Christian Taylor Isabella M. Tea Amaris Josephine Tejada Saki Terada Lauren Victoria Thomas Ambika Clare Thoreson Weilu Tian Yuan Tian Cassidy Bleu Tichner Kathryn Elizabeth Tichy Richard I. Tobias Barvina Toledo Joelle L. Tolifero Cassey LaDon Tolliver Anne E. Tomasiewicz Mark Anthony Tortora Josefina Marcela Toso Salman Claudia Maria Triana Elise Trudel John L. Trujillo Jennie Tsang Henry Hao Chun Tu Paula Tucker Bruce Shihning Tung Ya Tuo Aleksandra Antonina Turek Jasper Turner Alvi P. Ulat Kathryn Frances Ulrich Araceli Uraga Jeanny Vaidya Archana Vaidyanathan Katharine Ariel Reiner Kari Vargas Monica Vilacha Kristin Villanueva Paula Volpatto Fagundes Anne Marie Vorderburg Megan Ann Votke Michael J. Vuolo William Dennis Wade Marjorie Levin Wainfan Ikuko Wakiya Dominic Terrel Walker Huiyan Wang Karin Tong Wang Lan Wang Meng Wang Xiaoke Wang Zaozao Wang Whitney Beatrix Warner Amanda Elaine Washington Claire Q. Weaver Keshia S. Webb Rujia Wei Susan E. Weisbrod Jessica Leigh Weiss Shanna Lynn Weiss Kathleen Ann Welsh Katherine Beene Whitmire Tara L. Whitmore Sarah Jeanne Whitney Dosh William Whye Derek Wilairat Twanesha Nicole Wilcox Henry Artez Willis Devin Elise Wilson Elizabeth Deveaux Wilson Elizabeth Mary Wilson Julia Marie Wilson Ryan Charles Wilson Jenna Frances Winarick Sara B. Wolman Christopher Crosby Woodcock Margaret Woodman-Russell Anna Jessica Wronsky Renqiuwen Wu Sangyu Wu Xunan Wu You Wu Lowell James Wynn Kelley Joan Wynne Xuwen Xiang Weitong Xie Diane Xiong Ran Xu Hannah Yafai Jun Yan Xiuxiu Yan Can Yang Danchen Yang Min Yang Xiao Yang Xiao Yang Christopher Ellis Yarrell Solmaaz Yazdiha Beiming Ye Anna Jang Yeo Hui Ying Kathelin Ann Yip Jing Yong Hannoori Yoo Sera Hadassa Yoo Jihae Jane Yoon Sandra Yoshida Tao Yuan Yichen Yuan Diana Yung Alix Virginia Zachow Christopher James Zagursky Hector Rafael Zarate Ariel Eva Zeigler Ziqin Zeng Chuan Zhang Fan Zhang Mengjiao Zhang Nisi Zhang Qi Zhang Rui Zhang Wen Zhang Yinghao Zhang Yuqian Zhang Zhe Zhang Rongke Zhao Yixin Zhao Ning Zheng Tingting Zheng Yitong Zheng Zehua Zheng Jing Zhou Mengyi Zhou Tiancheng Zhou Chaoyan Zhu Chenhong Zhu Yuan Zhu Sharaf Zia Cara Ann Zimmer Katelyn Ann Zmigrodski Elizabeth A. Zook Jiao Zou Qian Zou Karlian Lee Zuckerman Todd T. Zukewich MASTER of EDUCATION awarded october 15, 2014 Joyce Sharlene Narvaez Adgate Alexandra Ayotomi Amos Ilene Laura Arnsdorf Madeline Clare Bierbaum SooKyung Chun Elizabeth J. Bottcher Jacqueline M. Boudria Katie Lynn Boyajian Regina Javelle Boyd Susana Boyko Tiffany Brutus Janique Lanai Cambridge Annette Marie Cantarella Jennifer Ann Cappelli Elizabeth Rachel Carmen Cindy Cascante Tyeisha Hillana Chavis Barbara Hojean Chung Sabrina Claude Andrew Coban Tia Pearl Corniel Vernon Dave Matullano David Adam John Davison Sling Cecilia De La Cruz Christopher Lawrence DelVecchio Mihlakayifani Dlamini Eleese NaCole Dorsey Signy A. Emler Daniel Michael Fanelli Susannah Marian Flicker Brennan Philip Gage Carolina Gazmuri Barker Yu Ting Goh Joshua Mullins Gold Nicole Gonsalves Dusty Renee Hackler Haikun He Meredith Eleanor Hill Hilary Anne Hodes Helena Hae-Jeen Hong Gaurav Kumar Jashnani Cherise Danielle Jones Christy Joy Joswick Jennifer Sue Lee Kelly Larissa Barnes Kenny Jessica Lane Kertz Anna Marie LaDeaux Ching Ting Lee Christina Jane Lee Kelly Marie Lennon Erica-Christina Beauty Little Shuyi Liu Octavio Lizama Sasha Marie Lopez Veeko A. Lucas Betsaida Luna Virginia Elizabeth Maloney Crystal Lynette Marsh Melissa Martinez Jonathan Michael McIntosh Patrick T. McKinney Margaret Sang Miranda Pamela Mudzingwa Ariel Syrla Nadelstern Haya Sofia Nasser Bravo Steven Michael Pape Christian John Pappas Lindsay Gail Plunkett Matthew Aaron Rankin Anne Burgard Rellihan Alison Love Rini Rick Romain Matthew Stuart Rowe Jerrick Rutherford Emily Perschbacher Sands Bryan Sans Safiyah Satterwhite Sarah Rachel Shelzi-Kugelman Christine Shin Mira B. Shore Kwame Simmons Khadeejah Smith Anna Song Dino Daniel George Sossi Rosa Linda Soto Jooeun Suh Henok Tadesse Jessica Elizabeth Teicher Thu Anh Tran Michelle Jenelle Ulysses Michelle Anne Venditti Marvin Melvin Walker Pin Jen Wang Sara Susanne Whalen Elizabeth Anne Yarrington Kristina Gage Jelinek Esther J. Kim Oksana Ksenia Klimparskaya Dillon A. Landi Cheryl Elaine Michaels Gordon Van Owen Begum Ozgozukara Marcus Cornelius Robinson Matthew Scott Rotjan Youngsoo Song William Jon Tonissen Gabriel Seymour Turow Matthew Curtis Winter Angela Katherine Wylykanowitz Linlin Xia Alexis Lynn Branca Juliana Marie Bueti Patricia Marie Burns William Fortune Butz Alexis Nicole Cabrera Lindsay Katherine Calhoun Lauren Beth Carpenter Juan Antonio Casas Pardo Carla Elaine Catrambone Diana Chadi Christopher Mark Chamberlin Laurence Chan Jacks Cheng Ruby Ching Alice Rae Chorneau Kurt Allen Christiansen Jennifer Maria Chupp Caitlin Mary Jones Jeremy Scott Cooper Charles Johan Cordova Benjamin Daniel Courchesne Theresa Ann Cruz Paul Marissa Lynn D’Ambra Orellana del Fierro Michael Ray DeLeon Jane Dicker MASTER of EDUCATION awarded february 11, 2015 Hilary Blum Andrea Maas Bonamico Lydia Peace Browne Marvin Fullwood Andrew Sean Gallagher Edward P. Getman MASTER of EDUCATION candidates may 20, 2015 (subject to completion of all requirements) Edmund S. Adjapong Frances Y. Adomako Grace JungEun Ahn Jonathan Andrew Alschuler Jennifer Anne Ammenti David An Moulay Driss Aqil Sarah Christina Arango Caitlin C. Aymong El hassane Babekri Jared Crawford Baird Candice Marie Barbosa Naheed Bardai Nicoletta Barolini Diarmad Patrick Bash Aisha Bashir Nicola Millicent Berlinsky Amber Berry Emily Elizabeth Bierwirth Nicole Monique Blanchette Chris Langsdorf Bley Landis Cleary Block Nathan A. Blom John David Bordelon Shira Suzanne Borkon Andrea Bozja MASTER of EDUCATION candidates may 20, 2015 continued (subject to completion of all requirements) Katherine Lucrezia DiMaggio Michelle Ronni Dorfzaun Katie Anne Dorsey Julie E. Dunn Emily Dutton Jonathon T. Fairhead Coleen Mary Fitzpatrick Jessica R. Flaxman Leslye Ronee Folmar Dely Maritzol Francisco Brad Fraver Shan Gao Alejandra Maria Gil Morel Elliott Kalish Goodman Felicia Carol Goodman Colette Simone Gregory Melanie Jean Gulino Kathleen Erika Tewes Halstead Grace Suji Han Amy Katherine Hand Tara Kristin Hanna Pooja Gautam Harlalka Jin Hashimoto Amelia S. Herbert Christian David Hernandez Veronika Herrera Lorraine Hexstall Peter Charles Hillman Thu-Nga Thi Ho Ian William Hoke Ginger Chin Chieh Hsieh Sahar Hussain Mary Keane Iannuzzi Nadia Jabeen Iftekhar Dawn K. Jackson Garam Jang Mervette Kimberly Jebara Jennifer Joseph Nyoka Maxine Joseph Rabeya Kamal Cydni Ellison Kantor Rabab H M K H Karam Alex Michael Kelly Hee Jin Kim Nicole Kindzia Chico Reynard Knight Jeffrey Dylan Koch Julie Kozikova Laura Yorke Kulkarni Kamiya Kumar Danielle B. Lally Kayla Eve Lauricella Molly Jane Layton Heather Kathleen Lechner Gail Lee Sunmi Lee Roxanne AJ Leff Siavonh B. Lenaburg Jessica Lauren Lense Erin M. Leonsky Michelle Juliette Levine Yi Li Rongchan Lin Han-Ting Liu Drew R. Lomax Alicia Celeste Loscalzo Ashley Michelle Macdonald Cara Rose Mancuso Ellyn Elizabeth Matos Regina Elizabeth Matthews Ashley Denise Maxie-Moreman Luis Rodrigo Mayorga Camus Alexandra Holland McCluskey Allison Lynn McLaren Holly O. McMahon Jeremy Charles Meserole Caroline Crutcher Mikheev Ashley Helena Mitchell Negar Morshedian Indhira Ileana Mota Mustapha Nadmi Katherine Mary Nash Margot Marie Nasti Alexandra Elizabeth Marsh Newlin Alison Carr Nisbet Karen Mass O’Neill Maritza Norr Diana Bernadette Owen Sibel Ozcan Sophia Young Pak Minoosh Pardakhti Lillian Choe Park Min Ji Park Seul Ki Park Victoria Passarella Nicole M. Penso Tonie Christie Phillips Katherine J. Picha Yvonne Louise Pitts Dara Faye Polera Charles Joseph Polihronakis Stephen Michael Popp Renee Charity Price Elizabeth Bouchelle Pyeatt Xiaoying Qi Rozena Raja Monica Lauren Ricci William Alex Rice Katheryn Lucille Roberson Teresa Grimes Robson Rod J. Rodriguez Jinyung Rumsey Julie Blaire Salant Carlos San Juan Garcia Rodrigo Sandoval-Perez Lauren Elise Scheller Aaron Isaac Schubach Lauren Paola Serpagli Michelle Kennel Shenk Lindsay Suzanne Simon Mara Simon Michael Ray Simpson Jennifer Lynne Slutak Blake Soderstrom Mary Elizabeth Somich Mark J. Sophia Ranjana Srinivasan Paul Joseph Stengel Maurice Antonio Stinnett Jonathan Richard Edward Stockford Oladoyin Awawu Sule Christy Michelle Tadros Meghan Sanders Tally Romela Tarar Lauren Victoria Thomas Cassey LaDon Tolliver Sarah Beth Trignano Monica Vilacha Ilyne Peters Weinberg Cecily Lisette Wilson Sara B. Wolman Kevin Matthew Wong Michele K. Wong Angela Theresa Wyche Minghui Xia Yuki Yamazaki Chia-ling Yang Christine W. Yeh Siok Ee Yeo Colette C. Young Zhaodong Zheng Karlian Lee Zuckerman MASTER of PHILOSOPHY awarded october 15, 2014 Nathan Napoleon Alexander Yakov Ariel Barton Crystal Belle Jonathan Stephen Budd Pei-Han Cheng Yung-Yi Juliet Chou Karima A. Clayton Patrick Warren Comstock Esther Hong Delaney Lauren J. Donnelly Claudio Luis Ferre Christina Fiorvanti Nicole S. Fletcher Erin Elizabeth Forquer Jared Fox Xin Gong Christopher John Huson Carmen Elinor James Michael B. Kern JungMin Lee Crystal Lo Jennifer Haley Lotterman Emily Louise Lyman Ruairidh James MacLeod Yoshiaki Michael Nakazawa Kiersten Rene Nieuwejaar David Alexander Rowe Andrew M. Sanfratello Nancy Louise Green Mohammad Khairul Amilin Tengah Hemantha Eves Wijesooriya Esther Jiyoung Yoon Zhuoying Zhu Constance Emilia Dekis Na Feng Rachel Erin Fudman Katherine Wacht Gardner Anahu Guzman Dusty Renee Hackler Eri Hoshino Jeana Marie Hrepich Deiana Monte’ Jackson Diane Crenshaw Jammula Jacqueline Marie Jodl Kalli Ann Kemp Brian Richard Christo Kinghorn Yoko Kodaira Christopher C. Lazzaro Biagio Michele Mastropieri Marcelle Mentor Anna Karina Monteiro Lindsay Gail Plunkett Wendy Wenhui Qiu Matthew C. Saleh Marisol Vazquez Cuevas Wan-Chen Weng Julia Hope Zavala Sarah Elizabeth Zoogman Nishita Rai Vikash T. Reddy Sunonda Samaddar Rita del Carmen Sanchez Gonzalez Robert Douglas Shand Bradford Clifford Smith MASTER of PHILOSOPHY awarded february 11, 2015 Roni Aviram Lamis Mamdouh A. Baowaidan Justin Daniel Barbaro Matthew Boulay Jared Levy Boyce Marissa Burgermaster Stacy Gallese Cassel Carissa Lynn Chambers Jorge Ubaldo Colin Pescina MASTER of PHILOSOPHY candidates may 20, 2015 (subject to completion of all requirements) Nermeen Dashoush Johannes Charles Familton Alexandra Lewis Heinz Jenny Cinpei Kao Rachael Jeanne Labrecque Jamila Janeice Lyiscott Kimberly Nicole Mosca Haley Elizabeth Pellegren MASTER of SCIENCE awarded october 15, 2014 Andrea Patricia Cedillo Eleanor Ford Cobb Rebecca Lynn Grzadzinski Emily Elizabeth Ike Alexandra Susan Jordan Eunsey Lee Adam Harvey Linker In Kio Mac Ashley Sinclair Moore Sandhya Narayanan Adena Marie Neglia Joshua A. Paxton Aria Pulick Lena Ani Rakijian Ryan Blake Renaud Terry Robertson Amethyst Scolnick Brian Silston Mohammad Khairul Amilin Tengah Christine Tu Anthony Lucas Wind Yang Yang Paul M Yousef Anqi Yu Jin Yuan Marissa A. Fruauff Zoe Louise Grunebaum Jennifer Catherine Hildner Jinyi Hu Sara Dawn Kadoch Amanda Jaime Khoe Talia Leszcz Jiayi Li Xiaoli Li Blair Allison Markowitz Janine Leigh Martire Lorna Mathieu Rhonda Miller Kathleen Moran Ruth Tzipora Morin Katherine Fulton Mosher Natalie M. Motamedi-Rad Soliana Paradise Abigail Lindsey Robinson Jenna Marie Schaeffer Galadriel Sevener Miki Diane Shibata Jacqueline Ann Shinall Kenay Magdalene Sudler Bracha Tova Waldman MASTER of SCIENCE awarded february 11, 2015 Esther Mercy Aburi Lauren Elizabeth Alpert Andrew E. Angeles Sunyoung Ban Federic Bruera Kyla Melissa Chapman Leigh Ariel Cooper Kelly Lynn Cuffe Bowei Du MASTER of SCIENCE candidates may 20, 2015 continued (subject to completion of all requirements) Jessica Rose Abrams Shafi Aktar Tseday Alehegn Mohammad Alhajji Sandra Chris Christenberry Anderson Amika M. Aoki Bonnie Ann Averbuch Leah Alicia Bianco Matthew Paul Blanchard Lauren Zamier Borg Marvelyn Esi Brentum Costanza Capuano Chantel Carnegie Gabriella Caruso Stephanie Lisa Casper Ming Cheng Genevieve Marrin Cody Alyssa Michele Cohen Christine M. Cruz-Miller Laura Curiel Duran Jessica DeCostole Daniel Washburn Deihle Kate Elizabeth Duffy Jenifer Anne Ekstein Fu-Fen Fang Brianna Leigh Farrand Shafeeka Fahed Farsakh Tong Feng Grissell Mercedes Filpo Kathryn M. Fuelling Lydia Elena Garcia-Gonzalez Armand James Gerstenberger James Conor Gibaldi Mary Elizabeth Gillis Angela Giraldo Stefanie C. Gloe Rena Elaine Goldhahn Angela Christine Goppion-Cervantes Erin Nicole Gordon Ruth Gessica Greenfield Tara Brittany Grunfeld Mailyssa Akouvi Guercy-Adodo Laura Ann Guerra Ala Khaled Hassan Sommer Hosny Hassan Lisa Beth Hayim Dave C. Hou Muneeb Hussain Kayla Lyn Jaeckel Jody Jardine Juliet Joseph Kamila Bernadetta Kaldan Talia Claire Kasher Michelle Tom Keh Muhammed Veyis Kilincer Nicole Elizabeth Klein Zsuzsanna Kozmane-Fejes Michelle Feza Kuchuk Nancy Kwon Tara Mengzhi Lai Claire Lamsback Stephanie Ann Lang Michele Sarah Levine Hillary Jane Levinson Austin Jay Light Diane Marie Lindsay-Adler Katie Lynn Loggie Maria Eugenia Lopez Michael Vincent Lopez Kathleen Marie Mathis Dahlia Melissa Milech Debra Leah Mizrahi Anahid Sandaldjian Modrek Alexandra Dawn Morani Egzona Morina Billie Jean Nemon Lorna Msar Obia Colleen Ann O’Brien Alexandra Nicole Paetow Vidya S. Parashar Greyce D. Peabody Lauren Marcia Perrier Samantha Rose Perugini Jeanne Patrice Petrucci Lorraine Kay Porcaro Kaitlyn Alyse Reilley Priscilla Ingalls Ring Natalie Rose Rizzo Karina Rodrigues Juviza Karina Rodriguez Stephanie M. Sala Alina Samusevich Liv Ariella Scheinbaum Casey Marie Siegel Choumika Simonis Michael Kenneth Small Matthew James Stranberg Jessica Yumiko Suzuki Linda Taimina Gioacchino Taliercio Roseann Raffela Tebay Sarah Elizabeth Teed Catherine Margaret Tierney Andy Toledo Kimberly Anne Visioni Julia Wadolowska Xiaodan Wang Rui Weng Christine Bernadette Whitaker-Clarke Ashley Karin Wilson Laura Wyatt Susanna Karin Ter Jung Elana Rose Zarenczanski Jing Zhao Xinya Zhu — Scholarships & Fellowships — “My Fellowship gave me unique educational and mentoring opportunities that have fostered my development as a NYC public school educator, without the burden of too much debt.” — kimberly iwanski han, m.m., curriculum & teaching / early childhood education, recipient of the abby m. o’neill fellowship 125th Anniversary Scholarship Grace Hildebrand Allen Scholarship Altman Foundation Scholars Fund Joan Amron Annual Fund Scholarship General Robert Anderson Scholarship Anonymous (2) Anonymous Annual Fund Scholarship Anonymous Endowed Scholarship in the English Education Program Anthropology Research Fund in Honor of Lambros Comitas Patrick J. Aquilina & Richard R. Gray Annual Fund Scholarship Atkins Rosen Scholarship Fund Florence & William C. Bagley Revolving Scholarship Lois LaCroix Barber & Charles F. Barber Scholarship Barnes Foundation Scholarship Barnett Family Scholarship Dorothy & Hubert Beck Health & Behavior Fellowship Behavioral Analysis at Schools Fund Dorothy Dyer Bennett Annual Fund Scholarship James & Landis Best Scholarship Rebecca Binder & Charles Cohen Annual Fund Scholarship Paul E. Blackwood Scholarship Marian A. Bott Policy Scholarship Marion R. Boultbee & Will B. Smith Annual Fund Scholarship Tess Magsaysay & Ken Boxley Scholarship Judith Berman Brandenburg Scholarship James V. Bruni Annual Fund Scholarship Flossie T. Bruyning Scholarship Robert & Judith Burger Endowed Scholarship May Ayres Burgess Fellowship Arvid J. & Mary A. Burke Fellowship Raymond M. Burrows Memorial Scholarship Amity Pierce Buxton Scholarship Cahn Fellowship Program Ruth K. Caille Scholarship L. H. Callahan Memorial Scholarship Frank Chambers Fellowship John Chester Scholarship Lily E. Christ & Duane M. Christ Annual Fund Scholarship Civitas Foundation Scholarship Diana Brewster Clark Fellowship John & Caroline H. Clark Scholarship in Elementary Mathematics Kenneth B. & Mamie P. Clark Fellowship Frances P. Connor Scholarship Anna E. Cook Fund Valerie J. Cooke Nutrition Scholars Joyce B. Cowin Scholarship Gardner Cowles Doctoral Research Fellowship Gertrude Kern Herriott Coyle Memorial Scholarship Estelle & Frank Cramer Scholarship Lawrence A. Cremin History of Education Scholarship Alice W. Cunningham Annual Fund Scholarship Martha Elizabeth Currie Scholarship Eileen A. Cutler Endowed Scholarship Frank W. Cyr Scholarship Darche-Kimber Scholarship Darvin Memorial Scholarship Frances L. Davenport Memorial Scholarship Janet Hayes Davis Endowed Scholarship Dorothy J. del Bueno Annual Fund Scholarship Delta Alpha Phi Fellowship Department of Nursing Education Scholarships Morton Deutsch Scholarship Developmental Psychopathology & Resilience Among Children & Families at Risk Fellowships The Diabetes Education & Management Program Scholarship Susan A. & Robert S. Diamond Scholarship Lucille A. Diorio Scholarship Diversity in Teacher Education Fellowship Award Elizabeth Dockeray Scholarship Doctoral Clinical Psychology Endowed Scholarship Doctoral Scholarships for Women Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation Fellowships Grace H. Dodge Scholarship Dorothy L. Dorman Scholarship Arthur W. Dow Scholarship W.E.B. DuBois Scholarship Pendleton Dudley Scholarship Beverly Edgehill Annual Fund Scholarship Dean S. Edmonds Scholarship Judith Ehrman Annual Fund Scholarship Michael Eisner Educational Fund Elbenwood Center Scholarships Endowed Scholarship in the English Education Program Endowed Teaching as Applied Behavior Analysis Scholarship John F. Fanselow Scholarship Elizabeth E. Farrell Scholarship Fellowship for the National Center for Children & Families Fellowship for Students of Mexican Origin Joan Findlay Dunham Annual Fund Scholarship Rose Finkelstein Memorial Scholarship Alice Pennock Flaccus Scholarship Morton D. Flaum Scholarship Julie Louise Franck Fellowship — Scholarships & Fellowships — Ruth W. Friendly Annual Fund Scholarship Susan H. Fuhrman Annual Fund Scholarship Ron G. Galbraith Memorial Scholarship Enid Gamer Annual Fund Scholarship Edwin S. Gauld Annual Fund Scholarship Florence K. Geffen Scholarship General Scholarship Fund Genishi Family Scholarship A. M. Gentile Scholarship in Motor Learning Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Educational Fund Gold Scholarship Rita W. Gold Scholarship The Phyllis Gold Gluck Scholarship for Excellence in Student Teaching in Art & Art Education Bernice H. Goldberg Memorial Annual Fund Scholarship I. Ignacy Goldberg Scholarship Miriam L. Goldberg Fund Jinny M. Goldstein Annual Fund Scholarship Irwin Goldstein Scholarship Susan E. Goodchild Scholarship Barbara Goodman Scholarship Ruth L. Gottesman Mathematics & Science Education Scholarship Peter Greeman/Community Teachers Initiative Scholarship Patricia Green Endowed Scholarship Maxine Greene Scholarship in Philosophy & Education Antonia Grumbach Scholarship Dr. Priska Gysin International Memorial Scholarship Ruth Zerkowsky Habas Scholarship Dr. Helen Mayer Hacker Endowed Fellowship Laura S. Hahn Scholarship The Friend/Hananel Family Endowed Research Fellowship Charlotte M. Hamill Scholarship Hamitic Coptic Fellowship Harkness Fellowship William Randolph Hearst Centennial Fellowship Program for Minority Students Marie & Manfred Hecht Memorial Fund Matilda & Hattie Heft Memorial Scholarship Heinrich Scholarship Eugene W. Hellmich Math Scholarship Hoadley Scholarship Fund Margaret Hoe Memorial Fund Nancy K. Hu Scholarship ICCCR Director’s Discretionary Fund Florence E. Ingham Scholarship Leland B. Jacobs Scholarship Elliot & Roslyn Jaffe Peace Corps Fellows Program Jaffe Scholarship Fund for Minority Scholarships Jennings-Davis Scholarship Gregory T. Jennings Annual Fund Scholarship Jewish Foundation for Education of Women Scholars Beverly E. Johnson Annual Fund Scholarship Carroll F. Johnson Scholarship Gladys E. Jordan Scholarship in Nutrition Education Lotte Kaliski Scholarship in Special Education Beth C. Kasser & I. Michael Kasser Annual Fund Scholarship Kasser Emotional Growth Fellowship Thomas H. Kean Scholarship David T. Kearns Fellowship Nettie Keck Annual Fund Scholarship Elsie Todd Klaassen Scholarship Joseph Klingenstein Fellowship Program Kenneth E. & Ilamae R. Knapp Scholarship Mariam & Shervin Korangy Endowed Scholarship Korea 125th Anniversary Scholarship Laura O. Kornfeld Scholarship Phyllis & Burton Kossoff Scholarship Susan L. Kriegman Endowed Scholarship Beatrice R. Lane Scholarship Harriet Church Lane Scholarship Jodie Lane Fund James H. Mason & Elizabeth Vader Mason Scholarship Daisy Lai-Yin Lau Masters Student Fellowship Dr. Elizabeth Phelan & Dr. Francis Xavier Lawlor Endowed Scholarship Fund in Honor of Professor Mary Budd Rowe Carmen Lefkowitz Scholarship Lehnerts Scholarship Erin Leider-Pariser Scholarship Fund Lemann Fellows Program at Teachers College Barbara Jean Lewis Early Childhood Education Scholarship LGBTQ Diversity Scholarship C.Y. Li Endowed Scholarship John F. Lidstone Memorial Scholarship Lindamood Family Endowed Scholarship Henry H. Linn Scholarship Aline L. Lydecker Scholarship Fund E. Zimmerman Lynch Scholarship Frances Ma Scholarship in Nutrition Education Grace MacLeod Scholarship Evangeline Maginnis Scholarship Barbara M.V.H. Martindale Scholarship George L. & Enid W. May Fund Dr. Alpha C. Mayfield Music Scholarship Ruth P. McCarthy Scholarship Constance McCutcheon Scholarship The Frances E. McKenzie Scholarship Melba Austin Academic Excellence Award Wiley M. Merryman Scholarship Jack Mezirow Scholarship for Social Action Miller Scholarship Program Stuart Miller Scholarship Evalyn Edwards Milman Literacy Fellowship Moffat Scholarship Alice D. Molenkamp Scholarship Wayne T. Moore Annual Fund Scholarship Eleanor Colford Morris Fellowship Drs. Eleanor & Walbert Morrison Scholarship Enid W. Morse Fellowship for Teaching in the Arts Enid W. & Lester Morse, Jr. Scholarship in Music Education Moser-Burton Fellowship J. Richard Munro Fellowship Suzanne M. Murphy Annual Fund Scholarship Edward Mysak Memorial Endowed Fund Shailaja Nagarkatte Annual Fund Scholarship — Scholarships & Fellowships — Nanzhu Endowed Scholarship for Masters or Doctoral Students Constance M. Hoguet Neel Annual Fund Scholarship Franklin W. & D. Joan Neff Endowed Scholarship James L. Neff Reading Specialist Scholarship Neukom Family Scholarship Anna Neumann Supporting Student Research Award New College Endowed Scholarship Sharon Y. Nickols Scholarship Professor Harold J. Noah Endowed Scholarship in International & Comparative Education Naomi Norsworthy Memorial Fund Nutritional Ecology Endowed Scholarship Oceanic Heritage Foundation Doctoral Fellowship Oceanic Heritage Foundation Scholarship Abby M. O’Neill Fellowship Program at Teachers College Mary Jane Orcutt Scholarship Lida A. Orzeck Scholarship Fund A. Harry & Shirley S. Passow Fellowship Vallavbhai & Savitaben Patel Foundation Endowed Scholarship Walter H. Patterson, Jr. Scholarship Peace Corps Fellows Fund George W. Perkins Memorial Scholarship Carroll & Milton Petrie NYC Teacher Fellowship Program Carl H. Pforzheimer Fellowship Carl H. Pforzheimer Scholarship Elisabeth Phillips Scholarship in Nursing Education Dorothy Pieniadz Ed.D. Endowed Scholarship Pond Scholarship Samuel R. Powers Scholarship Edward C. Prehn, Jr. Student Assistance Fund Orrea F. Pye Fellowship William F. Raffaniello Annual Fund Scholarship Julie H. Ratner Annual Fund Scholarship Ruth Treiber Rauch Endowed Scholarship Fund Juliet B. Ravitch 1920 Scholarship William David Reeve Fellowship Riady Scholars Fund Helen E. Richards Scholarship Roland DeLano Rinsland Scholarship Isabel H. Robb Fellowship Wililam G. Roberts Annual Fund Scholarship William McKinnley & C.A. Robinson Memorial Scholarship Ethel A. Rollinson Scholarship Elihu Rose Fellowship Mary Swartz Rose Scholarship Mary & Milton Rosenback Foundation Fellowship Obelia Scott Ross Scholarship Runyan Scholarship Dr. Shirley A. Sacks Scholarship Hadassah G. Sahr Scholarship Elizabeth & Stanley J. Salett Annual Fund Scholarship Scappaticcio Fellowship in Clinical Psychology A. Stern-B. Scheib Scholarship Scholarship Fund for Special Education Hannah Holzman Scholl Memorial Scholarship Harold M. Scholl, Ed.D. Endowed Scholarship Rosalea A. Schonbar Scholarship Marvin H. Schur Fund for Clinical Psychology JoAnne Schwartz Scholarship Gladys Schweisinger Scholarship Cynthia Davis Sculco Nursing Education Scholarship Dorothy A. & Joseph J. Sebesta Scholarship Second Century Scholarship Margaret Jo Shepherd Scholarship Edith Shih Endowed Scholarship Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP Endowed Scholarship Walter E. Sindlinger Endowed Memorial Scholarship Carole L. Sleeper Annual Fund Scholarship Carole L. Sleeper Endowed Scholarship Raymond Smith Scholarship L. T. Souzis Memorial Fund in Motor Learning Sparberg Braun Alexiou Endowed Scholarship Janna Spark Scholarship Spencer Research Training Grant Fund Marilyn R. Sporty Annual Fund Scholarship Helena Heid Stack Scholarship Caroline E. Stackpole Scholarship Merrill Ostrus Staton Music Scholarship Violet B. Stein-Rosen Memorial Fund Susan Stempleski Annual Fund Scholarship Elin J. Stene Fund in Music Education Romiett Stevens Scholarship Steward-Burgess Scholarship George D. Strayer Fellowship Emanuel & Barbra Streisand Scholarship Fund Bertha Stump Scholarship Jerome Stupp Scholarship Sarah M. Sturtevant Fellowship Diane & Abraham Sunshine Scholarship Gnana I. Supramaniam Annual Fund Scholarship Surdna Scholarship James J. Sweeney Annual Fund Scholarship Olive M. Swigart Scholarship Edith R. Sydney Annual Fund Scholarship Steven Szabo Memorial Fellowship Clara Mae Taylor Scholarship Jane A. Taylor Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lewis Taylor Memorial Scholarship TC Annual Fund Scholarship Teacher Opportunity Corps Scholarship Teachers College Japan Scholars Award Fund Teachers College Student Council World Friendship Fund Donald G. Tewksbury Memorial Fund Albert S. & Ruby Thompson Scholarship Grace Thompson Scholarship Justen T. Thompson Scholarship Tileston Scholarship Fund Laurie M. Tisch Endowed Doctoral Scholarship Laurie M. Tisch Endowed Doctoral Scholarship in Food, Education & Policy Lynn P. Tishman, Ph.D. Scholarship Toepfer Family Scholarship Cornelia Tomes Scholarship Olivia Moore Trautman Memorial Student Assistance Fund — Scholarships & Fellowships — Beatrice Perlman Troupin Scholarship Major General Irene Trowell-Harris, Ed.D., USAF, retired, Annual Fund Scholarship Jean-Rae Turner Scholarship Charo Uceda Annual Fund Scholarship Gladys Young Uhlir & Gladys Ann Uhlir Scholarship Urban Schools Opportunity Endowed Scholarships Carmela & Marie F. Volpe Fellowship for International Service Education Edna R. Voss Scholarship Helen M. Walker Scholarship Frances Walker-Slocum Annual Fund Scholarship Ruth McCullough Walzer Scholarship A. Duane & Irene Warkentin Sample Music Scholarship Weinberg Fellowship Lorna V. Welch & Thelma L. Welch Scholarship Kuo Ping Wen Scholarship Charles L. & Helga Friedoff Westerberg Scholarship Dr. Ruth Westheimer Scholarship Anna Morris Weston Scholarship Carol Neilson Wilder Scholarship Ruth M. & Julius Wile Endowed Scholarship Harry R. Wilson Fund Charlotte L. Williams Scholarship Leslie Williams Memorial Scholarship Witten Family Scholarship Wolfensohn Family Foundation Scholarship Chuck Prince & Peggy Wolff Scholarship Ben D. Wood Fellowships Ben & Grace Wood Fellowships Monica R. Wood Annual Fund Scholarship Kenneth & Anna Zankel Scholarship Zankel Urban Fellows Program Thank you to all who support scholarships and fellowships at TC. Greetings from the Alumni Association President CONGRATULATIONS, 2015 GRADUATES! As President of the Teachers College Alumni Association, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you into a very distinguished group of leaders: alumni. You are joining a network of some 90,000 plus professionals—from all our departments and programs, all walks of life and at all stages of careers—who have made and continue to make significant contributions and an indelible mark on the world. Alumni have done so because of their intelligence, leadership, motivation, knowledge, experience, tenacity, and wisdom. They have also done so with the support of the people around you today—family, friends, faculty, administrators, trustees, benefactors, and fellow alumni. Your time studying at TC may have been similar to mine, with moments of insight, intense study, laughter and bewilderment. Many of you have developed personal and professional friendships that will stand you in good stead for years to come, and I can assure you that your continued connection to TC will provide leadership support for you throughout your life. This is an exciting time to join the alumni network, as we are in the midst of an historic campaign—Where the Future Comes First, the Campaign for Teachers College—which allows us to strengthen our capacity to create the next chapter in our distinctive legacy of firsts and build our next 125 years! I invite you, the newest members of the Alumni Association, to help us in achieving our non-financial goal of increasing alumni engagement by simply participating. We hope you will join the thousands of alumni who participate each year in an array of activities—at the College (such as our annual signature homecoming event, Academic Festival), around NYC, and in regional groups throughout the world. The opportunities for connection include social events, networking events, career development, as well as online webinars and blogs. Stay connected with us through our social media on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Keep your contact information current at to receive News from the College and to learn about upcoming networking and educational opportunities. We trust you will continue to become more involved as an alumnus/a, whether locally or remotely, and perhaps one day serve on the TC Alumni Council or as a Regional Representative. Please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at to learn about the variety of opportunities. Right now, for many of you your focus is, and should be, on your work and career development. You are destined to continue to enhance the TC legacy through your leadership in education, policy development, healthcare and organizations. But know that you always have a home and rich community at TC to support you. On behalf of all the Teachers College alumni and the Alumni Council, I congratulate you on your accomplishments. We look forward to celebrating your achievements, being a part of your future endeavors and sharing news of your successes. I look forward to meeting you at the many TC alumni sponsored events. Sincerely, Patrick P. McGuire, (Ed.D. ’94) President, Teachers College Alumni Association Teachers College Officers & Trustees TE AC H E R S CO LLE G E O F F I C E R S Susan H. Fuhrman, Ph.D. president of the college Thomas James, Ph.D. provost & dean of the college Suzanne M. Murphy, Ed.M. vice president for development & external affairs Harvey W. Spector, M.A., M.C.R.P. vice president for finance & administration Katie Conway, Ed.D. chief of staff & secretary of the college TE AC H E R S CO LLE G E T RU S T E E S John W. Hyland, Jr. co-chair William Dodge Rueckert co-chair Andrés A. Alonso Lee C. Bollinger Reveta F. Bowers George J. Cigale Geoffrey J. Colvin James P. Comer Joyce B. Cowin Nancy Rauch Douzinas Dawn Duquès Lise B. Evans Susan H. Fuhrman Ruth L. Gottesman Patricia Green Elliot S. Jaffe Eduardo J. Marti Claude A. Mayberry, Jr. C. Kent McGuire Leslie Morse Nelson Dailey Pattee E. John Rosenwald, Jr. Marla L. Schaefer Edith Shih Nancy K. Simpkins Camilla M. Smith Joshua N. Solomon Milbrey “Missie” Rennie Taylor Jay P. Urwitz Valerie R. Wayne Steven R. Wechsler Sue Ann Weinberg Bruce G. Wilcox Christopher J. Williams The chain of office worn by President Fuhrman was commissioned and presented to the College by Elihu Rose, a former Trustee. It was designed and created by Kurt J. Matzdorf of New Paltz, New York.