PROPOSED EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING FOR DIPLOMA IN HRM SWE/WIL E-PORTFOLIO MODEL FOR APPLIED COMPETENCE MODULES Department of Human Resource Management Prof Heinz Schenk Dr Willa Louw Mrs. Nadia Ferreira Mrs. Ingrid Potgieter HEQF 2006 and HEQF 2011 • 2006,19 – “Advanced certificate programmes typically include a simulated work experience or work integrated learning (WIL)”. • 2011, 4 – CHE Discussion document: “A more comprehensive understanding of WIL...may include...project-based, problem-based and work-directed learning”. WIL vs. SWE WIL • Refers to the integration of theory and practice in work-based contexts helping the student to assimilate into the workplace environment but excludes practicals and laboratory work. Cooperative education • Refers to a form of education in which the educational institution and the occupational field cooperate to provide a joint educational programme, which includes workplace experience. SWE • Refers to the learning and teaching technologies used to create artificial learning environments that augment, replace, create and or manage a student’s actual experience with the world by providing realistic content and embedded instructional features (CannonBowers & Bowers,2008). A comparison between SWE and WIL • SWE • Integrated into the core curriculum but its credits are embedded into the credits of the module into which SWE is designed. • SWE takes the form of well-designed simulated work experiences. • Students do not need to be placed at employers. • Students are assessed by Unisa. • SWE is part of a well-designed and integrated approved Form 3 and assessment plan. • SWE is part of the learning contract between the student and the delivering institution. A comparison between SWE and WIL • WIL • WIL forms part of the core curriculum and mostly consist of a separate module with allocated credits. • WIL takes the form of real, workplace-based learning experiences under supervision of the employer. • Unisa places students into participating organisations. • Students are assessed by accredited assessors in collaboration with the employers. • The offering of WIL modules is ultimately an institutional responsibility and Unisa is accountable to report to statutory, professional and/or vocational bodies. • The offering of a WIL module requires a tripartite relationship between Unisa, the host employer organisation (including the workplace mentor) and the student. BACKGROUND INFORMATION In the new PQM of the Department of Human Resource Management we offer Three SWE/ WIL modules at undergraduate level, which include: • • • HRM3701 (Applied Human Resource Management Competencies) (12 credits) HRD3701 (Applied Human Resource Development Competencies) (12 credits) LRM3701 (Applied Labour Relations Management Competencies) (12 credits) • Students will need to complete year 1 and year 2 in the Diploma before they will be able to register for these modules. These three SWE/WIL modules are capstone modules for the recording and assessment of practical application of selected learning outcomes from the 1st and 2nd year curriculum in the three HRM sub-fields The purpose of these 3 SWE/WIL modules is to teach the students to apply the theory that they have learned in year 1 and 2 in a practical manner Another main reason for this approach is to assist students to comply with the SABPP experiential requirements for professional registration • • • BACKGROUND INFORMATION CONTINUE… • The SWE/WIL component will: • Give effect to the aims of the Unisa policy on experiential learning in the context of the university’s comprehensive character • Use the Sakai-based Unisa technology platforms for deploying appropriate learning and teaching approaches to enhance realistic experiences for relevant world of work experiences • Support the Unisa graduateness profile and promote the students’ suitability for sustained employability. • In combination also provide students with a portfolio of evidence of applied competence to present to future employers. • Provide a structured framework for focused student reflection • The proposal is that these three SWE/WIL modules be presented online WHAT HAPPENS IF STUDENTS DOES NOT HAVE INTERNET ACCESS??? STUDENTS vs INTERNET ACCESS • Students will be provided with all the information on a CD • The CD will include the assignments as well as all the necessary information needed • Students will be able to complete the assignments offline, by means of “forms” or “templates” provided on the CD • The assignments must then just be loaded onto myUnisa at some stage • The student will be required to at least have access to the internet at least twice in order to submit the assignments. WHY DO WE WANT THE STUDENTS TO SUBMIT THE ASSIGNMENTS ON myUnisa? Why myUnisa? Apart from the theoretical content of each of these 3 SWE/WIL modules we would also like the student to be competent in the following areas: • • • • Computer skills Reflective skills Practical application skills Time management skills By submitting assignments on myUnisa only will ensure that students develop the above mentioned skills, in order to enhance their employability and graduateness What does this proposed model look like? PROPOSED MODEL • • • First of all the modules will be designed mainly online (on myUnisa) Students will received a “manual” which will still be distributed as a hard copy to all students registered for these modules During the design of each of these modules we will make use of the following myUnisa tools: E-Portoflio tool Self-assessment tool Podcast tool FRONT PAGE OF THE E-PORFOLIO TOOL (Student’s view) ADD PHOTO NAME STUDENT NO MODULE CODE AGE GENDER ID NUMBER RACE NATIONALITY FRONT PAGE OF THE E-PORFOLIO TOOL (Student’s view) LANGUAGE AFRIKAANS ENGLIGH OTHER ADDITIONAL SKILLS EDUCATION HISTORY ACHIEVEMENTS WORK HISTORY FRONT PAGE OF THE E-PORFOLIO TOOL (Student’s view) MY STRENGHTS MY WEAKNESSES HOBBIES REFERENCES FROM A STUDENT’S VIEW IN THE E-PORTFOLIO TOOL HRM3701 Assignment 01 Assignment 02 Assignment 03 Assignment 04 HRD3701 Assignment 01 Assignment 02 Assignment 03 Assignment 04 LRM3701 Assignment 01 Assignment 02 Assignment 03 Assignment 04 LRM Reflection CC HRM Reflection Ethics code HRM Professional Praxis (SABPP Registration) HRD Reflection CC GC/PP STUDENT REGISTERED FOR HRM3701 ONLY HRM3701 Assignment 01 Assignment 02 Assignment 03 Assignment 04 HRD3701 Assignment 01 Assignment 02 Assignment 03 Assignment 04 LRM3701 Assignment 01 Assignment 02 Assignment 03 Assignment 04 LRM Reflection CC HRM Reflection Ethics code HRM SABPP registration HRD Reflection CC GC/PP STUDENT REGISTERED FOR HRM3701 AND HRD3701 HRM3701 Assignment 01 Assignment 02 Assignment 03 Assignment 04 HRD3701 Assignment 01 Assignment 02 Assignment 03 Assignment 04 LRM3701 Assignment 01 Assignment 02 Assignment 03 Assignment 04 LRM Reflection CC HRM Reflection Ethics code HRM SABPP registration HRD Reflection CC GC/PP WHAT DO THESE MODULES ENTAIL? GENERAL BACKGROUND • Students will be provided with a “manual” or Tutorial letter 501, that will serve as an instruction guide for each of these modules • Each lecturer or team of lecturers involved in these modules will receive a manual as to how to manage these modules to assist them • Students will provide a “study plan” or “project plan”, which will give them an indication as to by when certain assignments should be completed • The lecturers need to send out announcements on myUnisa on a regular basis in order to just guide the student along with their “project plan” • This will possible help the students to keep on track and not leave everything for the last minute OVERVIEW OF THE ASSIGNMENTS OF THE MODULES HRM3701 HRD3701 LRM3701 GC/PP Assignment 01 20 MCQ’s Self-assessment tool Assignment 02 Case study Self-assessment tool Assignment 03 Short activities (videos/case studies) Self-assessment tool Assignment 04 Video Self-assessment tool (2 credits) (2 credits) (2 credits) (2 credits) Assignment 01 20 MCQ’s Self-assessment tool Assignment 02 Case study Self-assessment tool Assignment 04 Video Self-assessment tool (2 credits) (2 credits) Assignment 03 Short activities (videos/case studies) Self-assessment tool (2 credits) Assignment 01 20 MCQ’s Self-assessment tool Assignment 02 Case study Self-assessment tool Assignment 04 Video Self-assessment tool (2 credits) (2 credits) Assignment 03 Short activities (videos/case studies) Self-assessment tool (2 credits) LRM Reflection CC HRM Reflection Ethics code HRM SABPP Registration HRD Reflection CC (2 credits) (2 credits) (2 credits) (2 credits) (2 credits) (2 credits) ASSIGNMENT 01 • • • • • • 20 MCQ questions for each of the 3 WIL modules The reason for this is to refresh and test the student’s theoretical knowledge based on the theory learned in year 1 and year 2 of the diploma. Another reason for choosing this type of assignment is to be able to get a year mark on the system and to be able to submit an assessment plan on the system The lecturer(s) for each modules will develop these questions in the selfassessment tool on myUnisa The system will automatically assess these questions and add the student’s mark for this assignment on the system, which will then contribute 10% towards the final year mark There will be a due date for this assignment which the student will have to adhere to in order to obtain the year mark FROM A STUDENT’S VIEW IN THE E-PORTFOLIO TOOL HRM3701 Assignment 01 HRD3701 Assignment 01 Assignment Assignment Assignment 02 03 04 Student will have to click here and complete the reflection form template and Assignmentadd his Assignment mark here. Assignment 02 03 04 LRM3701 Assignment 01 Assignment 02 Assignment 03 Assignment 04 LRM Reflection CC HRM Reflection Ethics code HRM SABPP registration HRD Reflection CC GC/PP OVERVIEW OF ASSIGNMENT 01 ASSIGNMENT 01 OVERALL INFO PURPOSE OF ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE AND ASSESSMENT 20 multiple choice questions per module In line with Unisa assessment policy (indicate active / inactive students) Attach due date to assignment according to academic calendar System generated mark Test essential background 2 credits for each knowledge (from year 1 and year 2) module assignment After student submitted assignment, rest of module (assignments 02 04) becomes active “ungrey” ASSIGNMENT 02 • • • • • • • • The student will be guided by the “manual” as to where to go to be able to complete this assignment assignment 02 will consist of a general case study for all 3 WIL modules Each module’s questions for this assignment will be developed according to assessment criteria 1 on the approved From 3 The case study, questions and answer guidelines to the questions will be developed in the self-assessment tool on myUnisa The answer guidelines will be developed my means of a checklist Once the student completed the assignment he will be able to view the checklist and provide himself with a mark The student will then have another opportunity to re-do the assignment after seeing the answer guidelines in order to improve his marks The student will then go to the e-portfolio tool and click on the matrix under assignment 02, record his marks, motivate and reflect on this assignment FROM A STUDENT’S VIEW IN THE E-PORTFOLIO TOOL HRM3701 Assignment 01 Assignment 02 Assignment 03 Assignment 04 HRD3701 Assignment 01 Assignment 04 LRM3701 Assignment 01 Assignment Assignment 02 03 Student will have to click here and complete the reflection form template and Assignment Assignment add his mark here. 02 03 GC/PP LRM Reflection CC HRM Reflection Ethics code HRM SABPP registration Assignment 04 HRD Reflection CC OVERVIEW OF ASSIGNMENT 02 ASSIGNMENT OVERALL INFO PURPOSE OF ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE AND ASSESSMENT General case study (each module to include own policy) Assessment criteria 01 •Student to award him/herself a mark. •After completion, assessment checklist becomes available. •Student to mark own assignment according to the checklist. •Student has the opportunity to go back to his/her assignment and redo it (according to points highlighted in checklist). •Student to assign him/herself new mark (and motivate the mark) after redoing the assignment. •Student to reflect on what he/she learned. •This reflexion (on template) to be included in matrix under relevant section and module). 02 2 credits for each module assignment ASSIGNMENT 03 • • • • • • • • The student will be guided by the “manual” as to where to go to be able to complete this assignment Assignment 03 will consist of shorter activities (videos or short scenarios) for all 3 WIL modules Each module’s questions for this assignment will be developed according to assessment criteria 2 on the approved From 3 The activities, questions and answer guidelines to these questions will be developed in the self-assessment tool on myUnisa The answer guidelines will be developed my means of a checklist Once the student completed the assignment he will be able to view the checklist and provide himself with a mark The student will then have another opportunity to re-do the assignment after seeing the answer guidelines in order to improve his marks The student will then go to the e-portfolio tool and click on the matrix under assignment 03, record his marks, motivate and reflect on this assignment FROM A STUDENT’S VIEW IN THE E-PORTFOLIO TOOL HRM3701 Assignment 01 Assignment 02 Assignment 03 Assignment 04 HRD3701 Assignment 01 Assignment 02 Assignment 03 Assignment 04 LRM3701 Assignment Assignment Assignment Student will have to click 01 02 03 here and complete the reflection form template and add his mark here. HRM HRM LRM Reflection Reflection SABPP CC Ethics code registration Assignment 04 GC/PP HRD Reflection CC OVERVIEW OF ASSIGNMENT 03 ASSIGNMENT 03 OVERALL INFO Several smaller activities (two to three activities) per module covering specific assessment criteria (outcomes). Videos and scenarios to be used 2 credits for each module assignment PURPOSE OF ASSIGNMENT Assessment criteria 02 DUE DATE AND ASSESSMENT •Student to award him/herself a mark. •After completion, assessment checklist becomes available. •Student to mark own assignment according to the checklist. •Student has the opportunity to go back to his/her assignment and redo it (according to points highlighted in checklist). •Student to assign him/herself new mark (and motivate the mark) after redoing the assignment. •Student to reflect on what he/she learned. •This reflexion (on template) to be included in matrix under relevant section and module). ASSIGNMENT 04 • • • • • • • • The student will be guided by the “manual” as to where to go to be able to complete this assignment Assignment 04 will consist of shorter activities (videos or short scenarios) for all 3 WIL modules Each module’s questions for this assignment will be developed according to assessment criteria 3 on the approved From 3 The activities, questions and answer guidelines to these questions will be developed in the self-assessment tool on myUnisa The answer guidelines will be developed my means of a checklist Once the student completed the assignment he will be able to view the checklist and provide himself with a mark The student will then have another opportunity to re-do the assignment after seeing the answer guidelines in order to improve his marks The student will then go to the e-portfolio tool and click on the matrix under assignment 04, record his marks, motivate and reflect on this assignment FROM A STUDENT’S VIEW IN THE E-PORTFOLIO TOOL HRM3701 Assignment 01 Assignment 02 Assignment 03 Assignment 04 HRD3701 Assignment 01 Assignment 02 Assignment 03 Assignment 04 Assignment 01 Student will have to click here and complete the Assignment Assignment reflection form template and Assignment 02 add his mark 03 04 here. LRM3701 GC/PP LRM Reflection CC HRM Reflection Ethics code HRM SABPP registration HRD Reflection CC OVERVIEW OF ASSIGNMENT 04 ASSIGNMENT OVERALL INFO Video to be used (simulated work environment) 04 2 credits for each module assignment PURPOSE OF ASSIGNMENT Assessment criteria 03 DUE DATE AND ASSESSMENT •Student to award him/herself a mark. • After completion, assessment checklist becomes available. • Student to mark own assignment according to the checklist. • Student has the opportunity to go back to his/her assignment and redo it (according to points highlighted in checklist). •Student to assign him/herself new mark (and motivate the mark) after redoing the assignment. •Student to reflect on what he/she learned. •This reflexion (on template) to be included in matrix under relevant section and module). GC/PP • • • • • • • The student will be guided by the “manual” as to where to go to be able to complete these graduate capability and Professional Praxis activities Assignment 04 will consist of practical activities, which include: Overall reflexion activity(to include all above reflexions, as well as overall reflexion) Assignment on ethics code SABPP Registration (completion of forms to register). Students can use the assignments they completed as evidence for their application at SABPP. The activities will be developed as templates in the e-portfolio matrix FROM A STUDENT’S VIEW IN THE E-PORTFOLIO TOOL HRM3701 Assignment 01 Assignment 02 HRD3701 Assignment 01 Student will have to click AssignmenthereAssignment Assignment and complete the 02 reflection form 03 template and 04 add his mark here. LRM3701 Assignment 01 Assignment 02 Assignment 03 Assignment 04 LRM Reflection CC HRM Reflection Ethics code HRM SABPP registration HRD Reflection CC GC/PP Assignment 03 Assignment 04 OVERVIEW OF GP/PP HRM Overall reflexion activity (to include all Graduate above reflexions, Capabilities (GP) as well as overall and Professional reflexion) Praxis (PP) Assignment on ethics code SABPP Registration (completion of forms to register). Students can use the assignments they completed as evidence for their application at SABPP. HRD Overall reflexion activity (to include all above reflexions, as well as overall reflexion) Graduateness capability LRM Overall reflexion activity (to include all above reflexions, as well as overall reflexion) Graduateness capability ASSESSMENT OF THE MODULES • Due to large amount of students expected, the lecturer will only check if all assignments are completed which will be visible in the matrix (reflexions dropped in each cell from students). Spot checks can be done. • Lecturers do mark the overall reflexion (based on learning that took place) and short activities. Final mark: • Assignment 01 (10%) • Overall reflexion (50%) • Short activity (40%) ASSESSMENT OF THE MODULES CONTINUE… HRM3701 Assignment 01 System generated mark Checklist and reflexion from student Checklist and reflexion from student Checklist and reflexion from student HRD3701 Assignment 01 System generated mark Checklist and reflexion from student Checklist and reflexion from student Checklist and reflexion from student LRM3701 Assignment 01 System generated mark Checklist and reflexion from student Checklist and reflexion from student Checklist and reflexion from student GC/PP Overall reflexion and short case study (LRM) Overall reflexion and code of ethics questions (HRM) SAPBB Registration forms Overall reflexion and short case study (HRD) Any questions/comment or suggestions welcome