Mission of the Centre for Business Management The Centre for Business Management was established in 1988 to assist the University of South Africa in providing educational opportunities to the South Africa community. As such, the Centre supports the mission of the University, namely “Towards the African university in the service of humanity” The aim of the Centre for Business Management is to complement the University of South Africa’s objective of providing educational opportunities for the community. IN TERMS OF THE MISSION, THE CENTRE WILL STRIVE TO • • • support the responsibility the University bears towards the community in the South African and African business world present pragmatic, non-degree tuition in the management sciences in the accordance with the needs of the business communities through open distance learning conduct relevant research for the business world and/or research in the management sciences In its effort to achieve the above, the Centre accepts the fundamental philosophy of partners in education. This is based on the underlying principle that management education, especially continuing management education, is the responsibility of the University as well as the business community. The Centre strives to execute its task in conjunction with the Department of Business Management, the Department of Finance, Risk Management and Banking the Department of Marketing and Retailing Management; and the Department of Human Resource Management in particular; and the University as a whole. In this regard, the Centre will adhere to the core values of the College of Economic and Management Sciences, namely Responsible Accountable Relevant Ethical Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTACT DETAILS FOR THE CBM 9 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION 11 Programme in Business Communication (PBCM) FINANCE, RISK MANAGEMENT AND BANKING 14 Short Course in Basic Business Finance (CBBF) Short Course in Basic Financial Life Skills (SBFS) Course in Financial Management (CFIN) Course in Financial Performance Measurement and Control (CFPM) Course in Fundamentals of Banking and Risk Management (CCBF) Course in Personal Financial Management (CPFM) Advanced Programme in Risk Management (APRM) Programme in Advanced Bank Management (PABM) Programme in Banking (PBNK) Programme in Business Continuity Management (PCOM) Programme in Financial Management (PFIN) Programme in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (PINV) Programme in Risk Management (PRIM) INSURANCE 30 IISA Short Course in the Elements of Short Term Insurance (ICST) IISA Introductory Programme in Short Term Insurance (IPST) IISA Programme in Short Term Insurance (PSTI) IISA Introductory Programme in Retirement Fund Management (ICRF) IISA Programme in Retirement Fund Management (PRRF) IISA Introductory Programme in Advanced Insurance Practice (IPAI) IISA Programme in Advanced Insurance Practice (PAIP) GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP 42 Short Course in SMME Management (SMME) Short Course in Writing a Business Plan (SWBP) Course in International Business Management (CIBM) Course in Management Principles for First-line Managers (CMPF) Course in Strategic Management (CSTR) Programme in Advanced Strategic Management (PASM) ICSA Programme in Strategic Management and Corporate Governance (PICS) Programme in Business Management (PPBM) Programme in Business Focused Management (PFBM) Programme in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (PESB) Programme in Knowledge Management (PIKM) Programme in Sport Management (PSPM) Programme in Office Management (PIOM) Programme in Safety Management (PSMP) 2 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” TABLE OF CONTENTS HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 58 Course in HR Hiring Practices (CHRH) Course in Labour Relations Management (CLRM) Course in Managing Training and Development (CMTD) Programme in Human Resource Management (PHRM) Advanced Programme in Human Resource Management (AAHR) MARKETING 66 Short Course in Customer Service Management (SCCS) Short Course in Customer Relationship Marketing (SCRM) Short Course in Public Relations (SSPR) Course in Customer Relationship Management (CCCR) Course in Customer Relationship Management for Contact Centre Management (CRMP) Course in International Marketing (CITM) Course in Introduction to Sales and Marketing (CISM) Course in The Introduction to Marketing Management (CCIM) Course in Marketing Research (CRMR) Course in Social Media Marketing (CSMM) Programme in Advanced Marketing Management (PAMM) Programme in Business-to-Business (B2B) Marketing (PB2B) Programme in Customer Service (PRCS) Programme in E-Marketing (PEMK) Programme in International Marketing (PPIM) Programme in Marketing Management (PMRM) Programme in Marketing and Marketing Research (PMMR) Programme in Sales and Marketing (PISM) PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 88 Course in Basics of Project Management (CBPM) Course in Basics of Total Quality Management (CSTQ) Course in Work Study (CIWS) Programme in Total Quality Management (TQM) Programme in Production/Productivity and Operations Management (PPOM) PURCHASING AND SUPPLY MANAGEMENT 94 Course in Introduction to Storage and Inventory Management (CISIM) Programme in Public Procurement and Supply Management (PPPS) Programme in Purchasing and Supply Management (PPSM) Advanced Programme in Sourcing and Supply Chain Management (AASM) RETAIL MANAGEMENT 98 Course in Introduction to Retailing (CIRM) Course in Retail Buying (CRTB) Course in Retail Marketing and Merchandising (CRMM) Programme in Retail Management (PRET) PAYMENT DETAILS 108 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 3 4 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 5 CENTRE FOR BUSINESS MANAGEMENT THE STATUS OF THE CENTRE FOR BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ITS PROGRAMMES The Centre for Business Management (CBM) offers a wide variety of short learning programmes. It is not a separate legal entity from Unisa because it is an integral part of Unisa, which has one accrediting body, namely the Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC) of the Council on Higher Education (CHE). The CBM is not registered as a separate education and training provider because there a need for this since Unisa is a public higher education institution established in terms of its own statute and the Higher Education Act 101 of 1997. As such, neither Unisa nor the CBM has a registration number because it does not require registration. Registration numbers are allocated to private higher education institutions which are required to register in terms of the same Act. The short learning programmes (SLPs) offered by the CBM fulfil an important role in the education, training and development of students for employment in the various fields in the business sector. Although the programmes of the CBM are offered at various NQF levels with various credits, such programmes do not constitute full qualifications. Full qualifications, such as higher certificates, diplomas and degrees, require a minimum number of 120 credits at NQF levels 5, 6 and 7. However, in the case of some of the programmes, selected modules may be presented for exemption purposes should students wish to enrol for formal qualifications such as diplomas and degrees. WHAT STUDENTS CAN EXPECT FROM THE CBM Students can expect the CBM to do the following: Provide students with up-to-date and relevant learning material which is regularly compared and benchmarked against similar local and international programmes. Ensure that the learning material is kept in line with the needs of industry and commerce by consulting regularly with the profession, and with industry leaders and government officials. Assist students by affording them the opportunity to develop competencies and skills at a certain level. They will be assessed on the basis of the NQF level descriptors. Support students whenever they require assistance. They may contact lecturers by making personal appointments, telephoning them or contacting them via email or the internet. We understand that studying through distance education is more challenging than attending a residential university. Provide clear indications of what the CBM expects from them in terms of assessment. Provide timeous feedback on assignments. Lecturers will endeavour to return assignments and feedback within three weeks after the due date, if the assignment was submitted before the due date. STUDENTS’ EXPECTATIONS For students to succeed in their studies, they should do the following: Familiarise themselves with the study material as soon as they receive it from Unisa. Study the prescribed tutorial matter conscientiously according to the guidelines and in the sequence provided. Relate what they learn to the work situation. Plan their studies according to the time available. Use the study guides and prescribed books according to the guidelines provided. Submit and do the activities in the study material in order to develop the necessary insight, understanding and competencies. Do the assignments and submit them before/on the due dates. Plan and allow for sufficient time to prepare properly for the examinations. Register on the Unisa learner management system, myUnisa, and visit the course websites regularly. 6 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” CENTRE FOR BUSINESS MANAGEMENT STUDY MATERIAL After registration, students will be able to download and access study material on the myUnisa website (https:// my.unisa.ac.za). The study material will also be posted or sent to students by courier, but if they wish to commence their studies as soon as they register, they are welcome to download the material from myUnisa. If students decide to download the material, they should download at least the following items from http://my.unisa. ac.za: the study guide(s) for each module (these documents are available on the course website for each module) the CBMALL tutorial letters (also available on the course website for each module) Tutorial Letter 101 for each module (available on the course website for each module) My studies @ Unisa (this document is available on myUnisa) Refer to My studies @ Unisa for instructions on how to register for myUnisa. MYUNISA myUnisa is a free online service for all students registered to study through Unisa. This website gives students direct access to important information such as the study material for the modules for which they have registered as well as examination results. This website also allows students to update their personal details on the Unisa student system and add or cancel modules. They can join and study online, “chat” to lecturers and fellow students, participate in online discussion forums, submit assignments, apply for Library extensions, pay student accounts and gain access to all sorts of learning resources. myUnisa is free for all registered Unisa students. If students do not have their own internet access, however, they may need to visit an internet cafe, library or learning centre in their area. These centres provide access to the internet for a small fee. To use this system students need to claim their free myLife e-mail address (see My studies @ Unisa for the procedure to follow and further instructions). UNISA LIBRARY Refer to My studies @ Unisa for information on Library membership. Students will be able to make use of the Library facilities, but should always have their student card on hand when visiting the Library. Registered Unisa students can access electronic resources via the OASIS Library catalogue: http://oasis.unisa.ac.za or via a mobile device: http://oasis.unisa.ac.za/airpac. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Unless otherwise specified under a programme, the basic admission requirement for any of the short learning programmes (SLPs) in this brochure for the CBM is a National Senior Certificate. Any additional requirements such as access to a computer appear under the description of the relevant SLP. REGISTRATION DATES The registration dates are as follows: First semester: 29 November 2013 to 24 January 2014 Second semester: 02 June 2014 to 11 July 2014 and Year modules: 29 November 2013 to 21 March 2014 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 7 CENTRE FOR BUSINESS MANAGEMENT LANGUAGE MEDIUM All SLPs of the CBM are offered in English only. TEACHING METHOD The teaching method for all the SLPs is via open distance learning (distance education). In this approach, welldesigned study material replaces lecture attendance. This eliminates time and space constraints and students can determine their own study progress. However, this implies that students need self-discipline and dedication in order to complete their studies successfully. ASSESSMENT (ASSIGNMENTS AND EXAMINATIONS) Students must submit assignments for each module. The marks obtained for the assignments will contribute towards a student’s final mark. Most modules have a two-hour written examination at an approved Unisa examination centre. To pass a module, a student must obtain a minimum of 50%. Details of the assignments and assessment procedures appear in Tutorial Letter 101/301, which should be studied carefully. CERTIFICATE On successful completion of all the modules comprising the SLP, Unisa will issue students with an official certificate in ABSENTIA. ARTICULATION In certain instances, students may apply for exemption from modules offered in diploma/degree studies after successfully completing an SLP. ENQUIRIES General Information Number: 012 352 4288 Fax number: 012 429 4150 Fax to email-Registrations office: 086 686 3401 General Email address for Centre for Business Management: Bussen@unisa.ac.za Visit us on the internet at the following address: www.unisa.ac.za/cbm ADDRESS ENQUIRIES TO: Centre For Business Management Solomon Mahlangu Building Room 507 Nana Sita & Lilian Ngoyi str (Skinner & Van der Walt str) Pretoria 0001 8 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” CONTACT DETAILS FOR THE CBM General enquiries: Tel: 012 352 4288 Fax to E-mail: 086 641 7260 E-mail address: bussen@unisa.ac.za Registrations: Tel: 012 352 4307 / 4322 Fax to E-mail: 086 686 3401 E-mail address: cbmregistrations@unisa.ac.za Study material: Tel: 012 429 4801/4920/ 6670 Fax to E-mail: 086 686 3401 E-mail address: cbmstudymaterial@unisa.ac.za Assignments: Tel: 012 352 4376/4274/4174 Fax to E-mail: 086 640 2060 E-mail address: cbmassignments@unisa.ac.za Examinations: Tel: 012 352 4245/4294 Fax to E-mail: 086 682 9651 E-mail address: cbmexaminations@unisa.ac.za Student finances: Tel: 012 352 4227/4350/4215/4224/4236/4230 Fax to E-mail: 086 641 7259 E-mail address: cbmfinance@unisa.ac.za Certificate ceremonies: Tel: 012 352 4059/4058/4348/4360 Fax to E-mail: 086 692 4805 E-mail address: cbmceremonies@unisa.ac.za ON REGISTRATION, STUDENTS MUST PAY THE FEES AS FOLLOWS: Semester modules: The full fee per module for the number of modules registered Year modules: The full fee per module on registration to be paid, unless otherwise stated. No registration will be processed until the fees specified above have been paid. Students living in foreign countries pay an additional levy which will be indicated on the invoice issued at registration. Students who, after registration, change their postal address to a foreign address or examination centre will be liable to pay the foreign levy as specified. The levy for foreign students is not transferable and also not refundable; this rule also applies to the change of address from foreign countries to South Africa. Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 9 10 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” BUSINESS COMMUNICATION PROGRAMME IN BUSINESS COMMUNICATION QUALIFICATION CODE: 71854 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 48 PURPOSE OF SLP The objective of this programme is to teach interpersonal communication skills to businesspeople. One of the main problems in business and marketing is the inability of people to communicate effectively. Communication skills are essential to interaction in business, and without them, misunderstanding and conflict are inevitable. The acquisition of communication skills will enable students to benefit fully from further education and training in their business careers. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification is required for enrolment in this programme. Persons not in possession of such a qualification will be considered for admission on the basis of alternative admission criteria such as relevant work experience. Students will be required to submit proof of this in the form of a detailed CV and references or other prior learning. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PBCM01H Linguistic Ability in Business 12 R900 PBCM02J The Communication Process in a 12 R900 Multicultural Business Environment PBCM03K Oral and Written Communication 12 R900 in Business PBCM04L Internal and External Interaction in 12 R900 Business PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Prof S Rudansky-Kloppers Email: rudans@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 11 12 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 13 FINANCE, RISK MANAGEMENT AND BANKING SHORT COURSE IN BASIC FINANCIAL LIFE SKILLS QUALIFICATION CODE: 7182X NQF LEVEL 5 NO. OF CREDITS: 12 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of this SLP is to educate students, individuals, parents, teachers, skills/HR trainers, brokers to be, employees, entrepreneurs and school leavers in basic personal financial life skills. This knowledge is a prerequisite for life, a career and entrepreneurship. DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory modules Amount per module SBFS016 Basic Financial Life Skills 12 R1 250 - full fees payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Mr NJ Swart Email: swartnj@unisa.ac.za 14 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” FINANCE, RISK MANAGEMENT AND BANKING SHORT COURSE IN BASIC BUSINESS FINANCE QUALIFICATION CODE: 71307 NQF LEVEL 5 NO. OF CREDITS:12 PURPOSE OF SLP The aim of the course is to equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills and values to practise sound basic financial management in their enterprises thereby empowering this sector of the economy and ensuring good small business governance. DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM Module codeModule name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules CBBF01W Basic Business 12 Finance R1 500 - full fees payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Ms L Ngcobo Email: lngcobo@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 15 FINANCE, RISK MANAGEMENT AND BANKING COURSE IN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE : 71293 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 24 PURPOSE OF SLP Effective financial management is of vital importance to any company, particularly if it aims to improve profitability, liquidity and solvency. The purpose of the Course in Financial Management is to develop and train students interested in acquiring knowledge of financial management. The study material is suitable for any nonfinancial manager. DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM No. of credits per module Module code Module name Compulsory modules CFIN01FIntroduction to Financial 12 Management CFIN02GThe Management of 12 Working Capital PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Prof J Marx Email: marxj@unisa.ac.za 16 Amount per module R1 300 - full fees payable on registration R1 300 - full fees payable on registration Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” FINANCE, RISK MANAGEMENT AND BANKING COURSE IN FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL QUALIFICATION CODE: 71285 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 12 PURPOSE OF SLP This course is designed to help students achieve financial excellence in the field of effective financial performance measurement and control. The course focuses on financial performance evaluation and control, financial planning, budget analysis and cost control which are pivotal knowledge areas for any business today. An understanding of these key knowledge areas will help managers and staff not directly involved in the finance function to gain insight into how their decision-making processes affect the financial performance of their organisation. DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory Modules CFPM01B Financial Performance 12 Measurement Amount per module R2 050 - full fees payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Mr J Kasozi Email: kasozjs@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 17 FINANCE, RISK MANAGEMENT AND BANKING COURSE IN FUNDAMENTALS OF BANKING AND RISK MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 72176 NQF LEVEL 5 NO. OF CREDITS: 30 PURPOSE OF SLP Banking and risk management are an integral part of a bank employee’s knowledge framework and it is therefore imperative that they should have a sound knowledge of these subjects. The purpose of this course is to provide students with the required theoretical and practical knowledge in various concepts of banking and risk management, which is necessary to understand the banking environment and its role in society. DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM No. of credits per module Module code Module name Compulsory modules CCBF015 Fundamentals of Banking 15 CCBF026 Fundamentals of Risk 15 Management Amount per module R1 200 - full fees payable on registration R1 200 - full fees payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Prof J Young Email: youngj@unisa.ac.za 18 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” FINANCE, RISK MANAGEMENT AND BANKING COURSE IN PERSONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 71056 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 24 PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to educate students, individuals, parents, teachers, skills/HR trainers, brokers to be, employees, entrepreneurs and school leavers in basic personal financial management relating to investing a package or lump sum — all aspects of the investment decision. This knowledge is a prerequisite for life, the creation of a positive financial future, entrepreneurship and retirement. DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM Module codeModule name No. of credits per module Compulsory modules CPFM01MPersonal Financial 24 Management Amount per module R1 300 – full fees payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Mr NJ Swart Email: swartnj@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 19 FINANCE, RISK MANAGEMENT AND BANKING ADVANCED PROGRAMME IN RISK MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 76789 NQF LEVEL 8 NO. OF CREDITS: 96 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of the Advanced Programme in Risk Management is to provide students with an advanced understanding and the competencies necessary to apply the principles of risk management at a strategic level. The programme is intended to empower learners to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values required to operate responsibly in most sectors in the field of risk management. REQUIREMENTS A National Senior Certificate and Programme in Risk Management or an appropriate three-year qualification is required for enrolment in this programme. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Students must have access to a computer and a mathematical calculator. DURATION 12 months (2 semesters) CURRICULUM Students may register for a maximum of three modules per semester. APRM05Y must be taken in the student’s second semester. Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules APRM01U Credit Risk Management 24 R1 500 APRM02V Market Risk Management 24 R1 500 APRM03W Operational Risk 12 R1 500 Management APRM04X Strategic Business 12 R1 500 Managemen APRM05Y Risk Management 12 R1 500 PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Prof J Young Email: youngj@unisa.ac.za 20 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” FINANCE, RISK MANAGEMENT AND BANKING PROGRAMME IN ADVANCED BANK MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 76767 NQF LEVEL 7 NO. OF CREDITS: 96 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of the Advanced Programme in Bank Management is to equip students with in-depth knowledge and competencies necessary to apply the principles of the operations of the financial system in the domestic economy. The programme is intended for students already in possession of a basic knowledge of banking and finance to enable them to acquire more in-depth knowledge, skills, attitudes and values required to operate responsibly in the banking and financial services sector in various management fields. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS The Programme in Banking or an equivalent qualification in a financial discipline at NQF level 6 or higher DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM The programme comprises eight modules of which the first four are compulsory and the remaining four must be selected from the list of elective modules. Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory modules PAMB018 Credit Risk Management 12 PAMB029 Risk Management 12 PAMB03A Tax Management 12 PAMB04B Financial Management 12 Elective modules - any four modules PAMB05C Portfolio Management 12 PAMB06D Estate Planning 12 PAMB07E Management of Trust 12 PAMB08F Legal Aspects of Financial 12 Planning, Estates and Trusts PAMB109 Strategic Marketing 12 PAMB11A Property Management 12 Amount per module R1 450 R1 450 R1 450 R1 450 R1 450 R1450 R1 450 R1 450 R1 450 R1 450 PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Ms R du Randt Email: duranr@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 21 FINANCE, RISK MANAGEMENT AND BANKING PROGRAMME IN BANKING QUALIFICATION CODE: 75892 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 96 PURPOSE OF SLP Changes in the banking environment necessitate banking staff to equip themselves with basic banking skills. The primary purpose of this programme is to help students understand and enable them to apply the basic principles of the operations of the financial system in the domestic economy. This will contribute to the student’s employability as a professional, both in the formal financial services sector and related industries, thereby contributing to the economic and social up-skilling of South Africa. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A National Senior Certificate or equivalent and the Course in Fundamentals of Banking and Risk Management DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PBNK01S Accounting Principles 12R1 320 PBNK02T Introduction to Economics 12R1 320 PBNK03U Introduction to Tax Environment 12R1 320 PBNK04V Banking Law 12R1 320 PBNK05W Introduction to Business Management 12R1 320 PBNK06X Marketing and Customer Relationship 12R1 320 Management PBNK07Y Compliance Management 12R1 320 PBNK083 Credit Management 12R1 320 PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Mr J Chisasa Email: edubank@unisa.ac.za 22 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” FINANCE, RISK MANAGEMENT AND BANKING PROGRAMME IN BUSINESS CONTINUITY MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 72508 NQF LEVEL 5 NO. OF CREDITS: 72 PURPOSE OF SLP Business continuity management is an integral part of operational risk management and is rapidly becoming a specialised management discipline in its own right. This programme will provide employees in all business environments with the necessary skills to manage risk exposures which may threaten the effective continuation of the business should such a risk event materialise. DURATION 12 months (2 semesters) CURRICULUM Students may register for a maximum of three modules per semester. Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory modules PCOM01C Introduction to Enterprise-wide 12 Risk Management PCOM02D Introduction to Business Continuity 12 Management I PCOM03E Introduction to Business Continuity 12 Management II PCOM04F Strategic Business Continuity 12 Management PCOM05G Business Continuity Planning I 12 PCOM06H Business Continuity Planning II 12 Amount per module R1 500 R1 500 R1 500 R1 500 R1 500 R1 500 PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Prof J Young Email: youngj@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 23 FINANCE, RISK MANAGEMENT AND BANKING PROGRAMME IN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE : 71277 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 48 PURPOSE OF SLP Effective financial management is of vital importance to any company, particularly if it aims to improve profitability, liquidity and solvency. This programme is aimed at managers, accountants, bookkeepers, employees in the financial services sector and business owners. The purpose of the programme is to develop and train any person interested in acquiring knowledge of financial management. The study material is suitable for any manager. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM The curriculum comprises three compulsory modules and one elective module. Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PFIN015 Introduction to Financial 12 R1 300 Management PFIN026 Financing and Investment 12 R1 300 Decision PFIN038 The Management of 12 R1 300 Working Capital ELECTIVE PFIN049 Risk Management 12 R1 300 PFIN05A Tax Planning 12 R1 300 PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Prof J Marx Email: marxj@unisa.ac.za 24 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” FINANCE, RISK MANAGEMENT AND BANKING PROGRAMME IN INVESTMENT ANALYSIS AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 71064 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 48 PURPOSE OF SLP This purpose of this programme is to introduce individuals in corporate, financial and nonfinancial institutions and public institutions to the field of investment analysis and portfolio management. The programme deals with investment background, analysis of equities, fixed-income securities, derivative instruments and ethics in the investment field. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS National Senior Certificate or an equivalent NQF level 4 qualification ADDITIONAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Students must have access to a computer and are required to purchase a financial calculator. The recommended calculators are Texas Instrument Financial BAII Plus or Professional or Hewlett Packard Financial: HP10BII or HP10BII+ DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM The curriculum comprises four compulsory modules. An additional optional module (PINV05B Tax planning for investments) is offered, but does not form part of the curriculum. Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PINV016 The Investment Background 12 R1 200 PINV028 Investment Analysis 12 R1 200 PINV039 Portfolio Management 12 R1 200 PINV04A Ethics 12 R1 200 OPTIONAL PINV05B Tax Planning for Investments 12 R1 200 PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Ms E Botha Email: bothae2@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 25 FINANCE, RISK MANAGEMENT AND BANKING PROGRAMME IN RISK MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 75949 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS:108 PURPOSE OF SLP Risk management has emerged as one of the major management disciplines in a business environment. The purpose of the programme is to provide students with a fundamental knowledge to enable them to manage the risks an organisation faces. Students will acquire knowledge and understanding of a variety of disciplines that will add value during the effective management of risk. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Students must have access to a computer and a mathematical calculator. DURATION 12 months (2 semesters) CURRICULUM Students may register for a maximum of four modules per semester. Module code Module nam No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PRIM014 Introduction to Enterprise 12 R1 100 Risk Management PRIM025 Business Management 12 R1 100 PRIM036 Statistics 12 R1 100 PRIM048 Business Finance and Accounting 12 R1 100 PRIM059 Economics 12 R1 100 PRIM06A Risk Financing 12 R1 100 PRIM07B Risk Control 12 R1 100 PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Prof J Young Email: youngj@unisa.ac.za 26 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” FINANCE, RISK MANAGEMENT AND BANKING PROGRAMME IN CREDIT MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 76812 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 48 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of the programme is to provide learners with a sound understanding of the concepts, processes and techniques that underpin best practice across a range of credit environments. This qualification will contribute to the learner`s employability and marketability as a credit management professional in all sectors of the South African economy by providing skills in credit management. It contributes to the economic and social up-skilling of South Africa. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A National Senior Certificate or equivalent and the Course in Fundamentals of Banking and Risk Management DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PCMN01T Financial Accounting Principles 12 R1 300 PCMN02U Fundamentals of Credit Management 12 R1 300 PCMN03X International Credit Management 12 R1 300 PCMN04Y Operating Liquidity Management 12 R1 300 PROGRAMME LEADER Mr. J Chisasa Email: chisaj@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 27 28 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 29 IISA PROGRAMMES IN INSURANCE IISA SHORT COURSE IN THE ELEMENTS OF SHORT TERM INSURANCE QUALIFICATION CODE 76635 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 12 PURPOSE This SLP and the module is to build the knowledge and skill required by employees in Short Term Insurance who may have had schooling and training in insurance, but have not acquired the necessary knowledge and skills required and regarded as an essential prerequisite for the studying of short term insurance in the IISA Programme in Short Term Insurance. It introduces a basic understanding of the key terms, rules, concepts and principles of the field of short term insurance. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS National Senior Certificate DURATION 6 Months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules ICST016 Elements of Short Term Insurance 12 R1 100 - full fees payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Prof J Marx Email: marxj@unisa.ac.za PROGRAMME ADMINISTRATION OFFICE IISA Programme in Insurance Centre for Business Management PO Box 392, Unisa, 0003 Tel 012 352 4228/012 352 4377 Fax 086 693 7433 Email: pins@unisa.ac.za Web: www.unisa.ac.za/pins 30 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” IISA PROGRAMMES IN INSURANCE IISA INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMME IN SHORT TERM INSURANCE QUALIFICATION CODE: 7652X NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 60 PURPOSE OF SLP This SLP was specifically developed by Unisa and the Insurance Institute of South Africa (IISA) to serve the educational needs of the short-term insurance industry in South Africa and to provide the insurance industry with a higher education qualification in order to satisfy both educational and regulatory needs. This SLP is the first part of a specific learning programme for the short-term insurance market. As such, learners who have completed this SLP will continue with a further NQF level 6 Programme in Short Term Insurance in order to complete their insurance studies at this level. The programme will also enhance the knowledge and competence of financial advisors and intermediaries, which is required in terms of the fit and proper requirements of the FAIS Act. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS National Senior Certificate DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM The Programme consists of five modules. Module IPST01E (Legal Framework of Insurance) is compulsory and a further four modules must be selected from the remaining modules. Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules IPST01E Legal Framework of Insurance 12 R1 100 Elective IPST02F Introduction to Personal 12 R1 100 Insurance Practice IPST03G Introduction to Commercial 12 R1 100 Insurance Practice IPST04H Marine Insurance 12 R1 100 IPST05J Introduction to Reinsurance Practice 12 R1 100 IPST06K Introduction to Risk Management 12 R1 100 PROGRAMME LEADER Mr J van Huyssteen Email: vhuysj@unisa.ac.za PROGRAMME ADMINISTRATION OFFICE IISA Programme in Insurance Centre for Business Management PO Box 392, Unisa, 0003 Tel: 012 352 4228/012 352 4377 Fax: 086 693 7433 Email: pins@unisa.ac.za Web: www.unisa.ac.za/pins Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 31 IISA PROGRAMMES IN INSURANCE IISA PROGRAMME IN SHORT TERM INSURANCE QUALIFICATION CODE: 76546 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 60 PURPOSE OF SLP This short learning programme was specifically developed by Unisa and the Insurance Institute of South Africa (IISA) to serve the educational needs of the short-term insurance industry in South Africa and to provide this industry with a higher education qualification to satisfy both educational and regulatory needs. This SLP is the second part of a specific learning programme for the short-term insurance market. As such, students who have completed this programme may continue with a NQF level 7 Programme in Advanced Insurance Practice in order to complete their insurance studies. The programme also enhances the knowledge and competence of financial advisors and intermediaries, which is required in terms of the fit and proper requirements of the FAIS Act. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS National Senior Certificate and IISA Introductory Programme in Short Term Insurance DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM The programme consists of five modules. Module PSTI01D (Legal Framework of Short Term Insurance) is compulsory. A further four modules must be selected from the remaining modules. Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PSTI01D Legal Framework of Short 12 R1 100 Term Insurance Elective modules PSTI02E Personal Insurance Practice 12 R1 100 PSTI03F Commercial Insurance Practice 12 R1 100 PSTI04G Aviation Insurance 12 R1 100 PSTI05H Reinsurance Practice 12 R1 100 PSTI06K Risk Management 12 R1 100 PROGRAMME LEADER Mr J van Huyssteen Email: vhuysj@unisa.ac.za PROGRAMME ADMINISTRATION OFFICE IISA Programme in Insurance Centre for Business Management PO Box 392, Unisa, 0003 Tel: 012 352 4228/012 352 4377 Fax: 086 693 7433 Email: pins@unisa.ac.za Web: www.unisa.ac.za/pins 32 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” IISA PROGRAMMES IN INSURANCE IISA INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMME IN RETIREMENT FUND MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 76600 NQF LEVEL 56 NO. OF CREDITS: 60 PURPOSE OF SLP This SLP was specifically developed by Unisa and the Insurance Institute of South Africa (IISA) to serve the educational needs of the retirement fund management industry in South Africa and to provide individuals in that sector of the insurance industry with a higher education qualification in order to satisfy both educational and regulatory needs. This SLP is the first part of a specific learning programme for the retirement fund management sector. As such, students who have completed this SLP will continue with a further NQF level 6 Programme in Retirement Fund management to complete their studies at this level. The programme also enhances the knowledge and competence of financial advisors and intermediaries, which is required in terms of the fit and proper requirements of the FAIS Act. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS National Senior Certificate DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM The programme comprises five compulsory modules Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules IPST01E Legal framework of Insurance 12 R1 100 ICRF02L Introduction Fund Administration 12 R1 100 ICRF03M Introduction to Benefit Design 12 R1 100 ICRF04N Introduction to Fund Financing 12 R1 100 ICRF05P Introduction to Investment 12 R1 100 Management PROGRAMME LEADER Prof RH Mynhardt Email: mynharh@unisa.ac.za PROGRAMME ADMINISTRATION OFFICE IISA Programme in Insurance Centre for Business Management PO Box 392, Unisa, 0003 Tel: 012 352 4228/012 352 4377 Fax; 086 693 7433 Email: pins@unisa.ac.za Web: www.unisa.ac.za/pins Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 33 IISA PROGRAMMES IN INSURANCE IISA PROGRAMME IN RETIREMENT FUND MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE : 76511 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 60 PURPOSE OF SLP This SLP was specifically developed by Unisa and the Insurance Institute of South Africa (IISA) to serve the educational needs of the retirement fund management sector in South Africa and to provide individuals in that sector with a higher education qualification to satisfy both educational and regulatory needs. This SLP is the second part of an SLP for the retirement fund management sector. As such, students who have completed this SLP may continue with a NQF level 7 Programme in Advanced Insurance Practice in order to complete their insurance studies. The programme also enhances of the knowledge and competence of financial advisors and intermediaries, which is required in terms of the fit and proper requirements of the FAIS Act. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS National Senior Certificate and IISA Introductory Programme in Retirement Fund Management DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM The curriculum comprises five compulsory modules. Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PRRF01L Legal Framework of Retirement funds 12 R1 100 PRRF02M Fund Administration 12 R1 100 PRRF03N Benefit Design 12 R1 100 PRRF04P Fund Financing 12 R1 100 PRRF05Q Investment Management 12 R1 100 PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Prof RH Mynhardt Email: mynharh@unisa.ac.za PROGRAMME ADMINISTRATION OFFICE IISA Programme in Insurance Centre for Business Management PO Box 392, Unisa, 0003 Tel: 012 352 4228/012 352 4377 Fax: 086 693 7433 Email: pins@unisa.ac.za Web: www.unisa.ac.za/pins 34 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” IISA PROGRAMMES IN INSURANCE IISA INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMME IN ADVANCED INSURANCE PRACTICE QUALIFICATION CODE: 7649X NQF LEVEL 7 NO. OF CREDITS: 60 PURPOSE OF SLP These programmes represent an advanced qualification for insurance staff working across all sectors of the insurance industry who wish to ultimately gain a professional qualification. The programmes will enhance their understanding of insurance practice, both in terms of technical subject matter and overall management skills, often irrespective of the role of the person. This SLP was specifically developed by Unisa and the Insurance Institute of South Africa (IISA) to serve the advanced educational needs of the insurance industry in South Africa and to provide individuals in the insurance industry with a higher education qualification in order to satisfy both educational and regulatory needs. The programmes provide for development in two spheres, firstly, in the business of insurance, through the two compulsory subjects, and then in the processes and practices of insurance at an advanced technical level in the specific subfield through the elective subjects. In the case of the latter, both the formative (assignments) and summative (examinations) assessments test students’ ability to apply the knowledge and skills by requiring them to solve problems, conduct analysis and make recommendations using a factual case study as part of the testing. This SLP is the first part of a specific learning programme for the advanced insurance market. As such, learners who have completed this SLP will continue with a further NQF level 7 Programme in Advanced Insurance Practice in order to complete their insurance studies. On completion of the second part of this specific learning programme, students will academically qualify for election to Associateship of the Insurance Institute of South Africa and the accompanying professional designation, subject to the by-laws from time to time. ADMISSION REQUIREMENT National Senior Certificate and IISA Programme in either Short Term Insurance (76546) or Life Insurance (76538) or Retirement Fund Management (76511) DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM The curriculum comprises five modules. Modules IPAI01R (Introduction to Risk and Insurance) and either IPAI02S (Introduction to Principles of Short Term Insurance) or IPAI03T (Introduction to Principles of Life Insurance) (depending on the study route followed during the NQF 5 studies) are compulsory. A further three modules must be selected from the remaining modules. Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 35 IISA PROGRAMMES IN INSURANCE Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory modules IPAI01R Introduction to Risk and Insurance 12 Elective modules IPAI02S Introduction to Principles of Short 12 Term Insurance IPAI03T Introduction to Principles of Life 12 Insurance IPAI04U Introduction to Interruption Insurance 12 IPAI05V Introduction to Liability Insurance 12 IPAI06W Introduction to Motor Insurance 12 IPAI07X Property Insurance 12 IPAI08Y Property Insurance Hazards 12 IPAI093 Introduction to Life Insurance Practice 12 IPAI10S Introduction to Retirement and 12 Related Benefits IPAI11T Introduction to Life Insurance Sales 12 IPAI12U Introduction to Insurance Broking 12 IPAI013V Introduction to Advanced 12 Reinsurance Practice Amount per module R1 100 R1 100 R1 100 R1 100 R1 100 R1 100 R1 100 R1 100 R1 100 R1 100 R1 100 R1 100 R1 100 PROGRAMME LEADER Mr J Godi Email: godinj@unisa.ac.za PROGRAMME ADMINISTRATION OFFICE IISA Programme in Insurance Centre for Business Management PO Box 392, Unisa, 0003 Tel: 012 352 4228/012 352 4377 Fax: 086 693 7433 Email: pins@unisa.ac.za Web: www.unisa.ac.za/pins 36 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” IISA PROGRAMMES IN INSURANCE IISA PROGRAMME IN ADVANCED INSURANCE PRACTICE QUALIFICATION CODE: 76481 NQF LEVEL 7 NO. OF CREDITS: 60 PURPOSE OF SLP These programmes represent an advanced qualification for insurance staff working across all sectors of the insurance industry, planning to ultimately gain a professional qualification. The programmes enhance students’ understanding of insurance practice, both in terms of technical subject matter and overall management skills, often irrespective of the role of the person. This SLP was specifically developed by Unisa and the Insurance Institute of South Africa (IISA) to serve the advanced educational needs of the insurance industry in South Africa and to provide individuals in the insurance industry with a higher education qualification to satisfy both educational and regulatory needs. The programmes provide for development in two spheres, firstly, in the business of insurance, through the two compulsory subjects, and then in the processes and practices of insurance at an advanced technical level in the specific subfield through the elective subjects. In the case of the latter, both the formative (assignments) and summative (examinations) assessments test students’ ability to apply the knowledge and skills by requiring them to solve problems, conduct analyses and make recommendations using a factual case study as part of the testing. This SLP is the second part of a specific learning programme for the advanced insurance market. As such, students who have completed this SLP will be academically qualified for election to Associateship of the Insurance Institute of South Africa and the accompanying professional designation, subject to the by-laws from time to time. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS National Senior Certificate and IISA Introductory Programme in Advanced Insurance Practice DURATION 6 months Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 37 IISA PROGRAMMES IN INSURANCE CURRICULUM The programme comprises five modules. Modules PAIP01G (Risk and Insurance) and either PAIP02H (Principles of Short Term Insurance) or PAIP03J (Principles of Life Insurance) (depending on the study route followed during the NQF 6 studies) are compulsory. A further three modules must be chosen from the remaining modules. Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PAIP01G Risk and Insurance 12 R1 100 Elective modules PAIP02H Principles of Short Term Insurance 12 R1 100 PAIP03J Principles of Life Insurance 12 R1 100 PAIP04K Interruption Insurance 12 R1 100 PAIP05L Liability Insurance 12 R1 100 PAIP06M Motor Insurance 12 R1 100 PAIP07N Property Insurance Claims 12 R1 100 PAIP08P Property Insurance Perils 12 R1 100 PAIP09Q Life Insurance Practice 12 R1 100 PAIP10H Retirement and Related Benefits 12 R1 100 PAIP11J Life Insurance Sales 12 R1 100 PAIP12K Insurance Broking 12 R1 100 PAIP13L Advanced Reinsurance Practice 12 R1 100 PROGRAMME LEADER Mr J Godi Email: godinj@unisa.ac.za PROGRAMME ADMINISTRATION OFFICE IISA Programme in Insurance Centre for Business Management PO Box 392, Unisa, 0003 Tel: 012 352 4228/012 352 4377 Fax: 086 693 7433 Email: pins@unisa.ac.za Web: www.unisa.ac.za/pins 38 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” IISA PROGRAMMES IN INSURANCE Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 39 40 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 41 GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP SHORT COURSE IN SMME MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 72087 NQF LEVEL 5 NO. OF CREDITS: 12 PURPOSE OF SLP AND MODULE The purpose of this SLP and module is to empower students with the necessary competencies, such as knowledge, skills and values, to equip them for entrepreneurial and management responsibilities in a small business; show them how to apply marketing concepts and principles relating to product, pricing, promotion and distribution strategies in the business; show them how to manage the operations of the business ethically, efficiently and effectively with respect to human resources management and production and operations management; and show them how to manage the finances and assets and evaluate the financial performance of a small business. DURATION 3 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules SMME01K Short Course in SMME R1 210 – full fees Management 12 payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Prof W Ladzani Email: wladzani@unisa.ac.za 42 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP SHORT COURSE IN WRITING A BUSINESS PLAN QUALIFICATION CODE: 7179X NQF LEVEL 5 NO. OF CREDITS: 12 PURPOSE OF SLP The increases in unemployment and the number of retrenched employees, as well as in an entrepreneurial spirit among the youth have resulted in increasingly more people needing to start their own businesses. To start a business or expand an existing one, the entrepreneur needs finance. All financial institutions or venture capitalists insist on a proper business plan. The objective of the course is to provide entrepreneurs with the necessary skills and knowledge to write a business plan for a small and medium-sized venture, introducing entrepreneurs to the various components of a business plan and the level and extent of the information that should be included under each component. DURATION 3 Months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules SWBP01V Short Course in Writing 12 R1 800 – full fees a Business Plan payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Ms MJ Phillips Email: phillmj@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 43 GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP COURSE IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 76735 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 24 PURPOSE OF SLP The Course in International Business Management incorporates the essential knowledge and skills needed by anyone interested in international business. This course has been designed to expose business practitioners to the intricacies of cross-border trade and investment, regardless of business size, experience or capability. It is designed to help and guide people seeking a career in cross-border trade and investment activities. The purpose of the course is to empower everyone, regardless of academic background or professional discipline, with the understanding, tools and skills necessary to invest across borders as entrepreneurs or to interact with foreign organisations hosted in the local economy. The course will help individuals (and their businesses or corporations) to establish the foundations for career development or further professional competence to tackle the challenges of foreign expansion. DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules CIBM01U Introduction to Global 12 R 2 250 - full fees Business Management payable on registration CIBM02V Expansion Strategies in 12 R2 250 - full fees International Business payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Mr RA Aregbeshola Email: aregbra@unisa.ac.za 44 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP COURSE IN MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES FOR FIRST-LINE MANAGERS QUALIFICATION CODE: 71099 NQF LEVEL 5 NO. OF CREDITS: 24 PURPOSE OF SLP First-line managers play a vital role in the success of organisations because they are directly responsible for the efficient and effective delivery of products and services to customers. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the principles of general management, focusing on the theory and skills firstline managers need to perform successfully in the South African work environment. Case studies and interactive activities afford students opportunities to apply the theory to practice and to their own jobs. DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM Module code Module nameNo. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules CMPF01R Introduction to Management and 12 R 1 100 - full fees Management Functions payable on registration CMPF02S Introduction to Business Function 12 R1 100 - full fees payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Ms MJ Vrba Email: vrbamj@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 45 GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP COURSE IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 72028 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 24 PURPOSE OF SLP Strategic management is essentially about surviving in the volatile contemporary business environment. Strategic management consists of two phases, namely strategic planning and strategy implementation and control. The strategic management field has always been seen as the domain of top management. A tremendous need exists in the market for strategic management training. As such, the Course in Strategic Management was developed for individuals who have not yet been introduced to this field and/or who will be involved in strategic management in the near future. The purpose of the Course is to provide training to individuals in order to provide a sound theoretical basis from which to practise strategic management. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification is required for enrolment in this programme. Persons not in possession of such a qualification will be considered for admission on the basis of alternative admission criteria such as relevant work experience. Students will be required to submit proof of this in the form of a CV, references or other prior learning. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Three years’ business-related experience is required. All students need REGULAR access to the internet and must register as a myUnisa user once enrolled for the course. DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules CSTR01L Strategic Planning 12 R1 250 - full fees payable on registration CSTR02M Strategy Implementation 12 R1 250 - full fees and Control payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Dr A Davis Email: cstr@unisa.ac.za 46 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROGRAMME IN ADVANCED STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 76769 NQF LEVEL 7 NO. OF CREDITS: 48 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of this programme is to equip students with advanced knowledge, skills and attitudes in strategic management, with a specific focus on corporate level strategies in multi-business corporations. It is an advanced programme in the sense that it will focus on advanced techniques of analysis, decision making and change management. With two of the four modules focusing on strategy in action, this programme provides an action basis in a field where strategy training traditionally focuses on strategy formulation. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A previous qualification or Course in Strategic Management at NQF level 6 (such as the Course in Strategic Management, ICSA Programme in Strategic Management and Corporate Governance, Course in International Business Management or Programme in Business Management offered by the CBM) and five years of suitable business experience are required for enrolment in this programme. Persons not in possession of such a qualification will be considered for admission on the basis of alternative admission criteria such as relevant work experience. Students will be required to submit proof of this in the form of a detailed CV and references or other prior learning. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS This programme will be offered online and access to a computer with internet and email is a prerequisite. Students need to register as myUnisa users upon activation of registration. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Students need to complete the first two modules (Strategic Intelligence and Analysis [PASM01J]) and Strategic Decision Making [PASM02K]) before they can register for the last two modules (Strategic Change Management [PASM03L] and Strategic Risk Management [PASM04M]). Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory modules PASM01J Strategic Intelligence and Analysis PASM02K Strategic Decision Making PASM03L Strategic Change Management PASM04M Strategic Risk Management 12 12 12 12 Amount per module R1 870 R1 870 R1 870 R1 870 PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Prof P Venter Email: ventep@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 47 GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP ICSA PROGRAMME IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE QUALIFICATION CODE: 71102 NQF LEVEL 7 NO. OF CREDITS: 96 PURPOSE OF SLP On completion of this programme, managers, corporate secretaries and decision makers will have the ability to respond appropriately to the changing environment in which business is being conducted. More specifically, the programme will equip students with insights into integrating holistic thinking into the organisation’s functional components, from a strategic point of view. Students will be able to comprehend the intricacies of corporate finance and its importance to the organisation. Students will understand the effect of legislation on the management function of the organisation - and how to respond to these changes. Without risk, the organisation will not be able to survive or remain competitive. This SLP will teach students how to comprehend risk, its impact on the organisation and the management thereof. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A completed CIS qualification, degree or relevant work experience DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Two study schools (one in April and one in September) will be offered to students during the course of the programme. These study schools are not compulsory, but are extremely valuable to those who attend them. Unfortunately, the classes are only presented in Pretoria. Students will be informed of the classes well in advance and it may be beneficial to arrange travel and leave days in order to attend the classes. Module code NQF LevelModule name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PICS01C NQF 6 Strategic Planning 12 R1 500 PICS02D NQF 6 Strategy Implementation 12 R1 500 PICS03E NQF 7 Corporate Finance I 12 R1 500 PICS04F NQF 7 Corporate Finance II 12 R1 500 PICS05G NQF 7 Corporate Governance 12 R1 500 and Legislation I PICS06H NQF 7 Corporate Governance 12 R1 500 and Legislation II PICS07J NQF 7 Pure Risk Management 12 R1 500 PICS08K NQF 7 Financial Risk Management 12 R1 500 PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Ms N da Silva-Esclana Email: dsilvn@unisa.ac.za 48 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROGRAMME IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 76759 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 72 PURPOSE OF SLP Business management is about managing the business as an integrated system, and in South Africa there is a huge need for sound management education and training. Managers need to be skilled in dealing with resources, people, systems and technology, and this programme has been compiled to expose managers to the various areas of management. Topics dealt with in this programme include general management, accounting and finance, human resource management, marketing and technology management. The aim of this SLP is to equip managers with the skills and knowledge required in various areas of a business. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM The curriculum comprises of six modules of which four are compulsory. Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PPBM01R Management Principles 12 R1 150 PPBM02S Business Communication 12 R1 150 PPBM03T Business Accounting and Finance 12 R1 150 PPBM04U Self-management 12 R1 150 Elective modules PPBM05V Human Resource Management 12 R1 150 PPBM06W Marketing Management Principles 12 R1 150 PPBM07X Information Technology 12 R1 150 PPBM08Y Credit Management 12 R1 150 PROGRAMME LEADERS Name: Prof M Coetzee Email: Coetzm@unisa.ac.za PROGRAMME ASSISTANTS You may direct any registration enquiries to the assistants dealing with the course. The contact details are as follows: Tel: 012 429 4488 Fax: 012 429 4743 Email: pbm@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 49 GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROGRAMME IN BUSINESS FOCUSED MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 71757 NQF LEVEL 5 NO. OF CREDITS: 48 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of this SLP is to equip potential managers with (1) a basic knowledge of the economic environment; (2) methods of price determination in a market economy; (3) a basic understanding of a macroeconomic perspective of the South African economy; (4) knowledge of the three main sectors of the economy; (5) the principles of establishing a new business; (6) knowledge of the functioning of a business organisation; (7) the principles of general management; (8) knowledge of the functional areas of management; (9i) knowledge of effective business communication; and (10) the critical factors determining the success of a manager. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name Compulsory modules PFBM01V Introduction to The Business World PFBM02W The Entrepreneur and His Business PFBM03X Specialised Areas of Management PFBM04Y Critical Factors Determining the Success of a Manager No. of credits per module Amount per module 12 12 12 12 R1 500 R1 500 R1 500 R1 500 PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Prof T Brevis-Landsberg Email: brevit@unisa.ac.za 50 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROGRAMME IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 71773 NQF LEVEL 5 NO. OF CREDITS: 48 PURPOSE OF SLP This programme is intended to: (1) provide potential entrepreneurs with the necessary knowledge to establish and manage a business; (2) transfer entrepreneurial and managerial skills to potential entrepreneurs through indigenous and Africa relevant multimedia (mainly case studies, practical examples and simulation of real business situations by means of teaching); (3) improve the small business management skills of those entrepreneurs who already own a small business; and (4) develop a cadre of entrepreneurs who will promote economic growth and create employment to meet the rising economic expectations of all South Africans. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PESB014 Introduction to Entrepreneurship PESB025 Entering the Business World PESB036 The Business Plan PESB048 Managing the Small Business 12 12 12 12 R1 250 R1 250 R1 250 R1 250 PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Prof T Brevis-Landsberg Email: brevit@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 51 GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROGRAMME IN KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 76778 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 48 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of the SLP is to equip students with knowledge, skills and approaches to knowledge management and the management of intellectual talent in organisations. The programme is targeted at any person in any private or public organisation who needs to adapt to the changing internal and external environment. While the programme is suitable for all levels of the organisation, it is especially relevant to middle and senior managers or project teams involved in the change process. DURATION Minimum of 6 months CURRICULUM Module code NQF Level Compulsory modules PIKM015 NQF 6 PIKM02T NQF 6 PIKM03U NQF 6 PIKM04V NQF 7 Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Knowledge Management Principles Knowledge Management Practices Management of Innovation Human Capital Management 12 R1 450 12 R1 450 12 12 R1 450 R1 450 EXEMPTIONS Students in possession of the Short Course in Knowledge Management certificate are exempt from taking modules PIKM01S and PIKM02T. PROGRAMME LEADERS Name: Prof D Makina Email: makind@unisa.ac.za 52 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROGRAMME IN SPORT MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 76761 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 72 PURPOSE OF SLP The sport industry in South Africa is a multibillion rand industry and the creator of many thousands of jobs. There is a definite gap in the market in relation to the knowledge levels of the sport managers in charge of sport events. The objective of this programme is to teach these sport management skills to any person involved in sport events, be it at management or administrative level, as well as any active sport participants in any of the sporting disciplines of South Africa. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PSPM019 Understanding the Business World 12 R900 PSPM02A The Tasks of Management 12 R900 PSPM03B Legal Aspects of Sport Management 12 R900 PSPM04C Financial Aspects of Sport Management 12 R900 PSPM05D Aspects of Human Resource Management 12 R900 PSPM06E Introduction to Events Management 12 R900 PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Prof S Rudansky-Kloppers Email: rudans@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 53 GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROGRAMME IN OFFICE MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 72702 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 48 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of this SLP is to encourage people in the office environment, especially those who do not have the time for further full-time tertiary education, to study in the field of office management. This will empower them in their environment making them more productive and useful. It will also put them in a position to apply for better jobs and create opportunities for promotion. It will hopefully motivate them and be an indication to them that they are able to further their studies by enrolling for formal courses once they have completed this SLP. ADMISSION REQUIREMENT A National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification is required for enrolment in this programme. Persons not in possession of such a qualification will be considered for admission on the basis of alternative admission criteria such as relevant work experience. Students will be required to submit proof of this in the form of a detailed CV and references or other prior learning. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Module code NQF Level Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PIOM01D NQF5 The Business and Office 12 R1 100 Environment PIOM02E NQF 5 Information Management 12 R1 100 PIOM03F NQF 6 Communication in 12 R1 100 the Office PIOM04G NQF 6 Office Finance 12 R1 100 PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Prof EJ Ferreira Email: eferreir@unisa.ac.za 54 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” PROGRAMME IN SAFETY MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 72435 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 48 PURPOSE OF SLP This SLP focuses on the science of safety management and the safety responsibilities of both line managers and staff safety practitioners. The programme introduces line managers and safety practitioners to the basics of safety management. Such basics comprise the science of safety management, the roles of line and staff functionaries in safety risk assessment, the management of safety in industry and analysis of safety incidents. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification or appropriate experience is required for enrolment in this programme. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Module code NQF Level Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PSMP015 NQF 5 Introduction to Safety 12 R1 500 Management PSMP026 NQF 6 Assess Safety Risk 12 R1 500 PSMP038 NQF 5 Manage Safety in the 12 R1 500 Work Place PSMP049 NQF 6 Analyse Safety Incidents 12 R1 500 PROGRAMME LEADER Name: NJF van Loggerenberg Email: psmp@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 55 56 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” AFTER REGISTERING at the Centre for Business Management YV MZI]S YVIGI RGI]S QEOI P %RHS ME V XI 98 RXQE XLI8 WXY HI YVIEH 0 LEX]S &1%0 WYVIX ' I L ERHX PIXXIV 3 1 3RW YG XLII GIWWJYP E \EQ MREXM HQMWWMS XMQI RXS SRW XE 2 &8 FPI[ MPP E F LIJ MREP IMWWYI H [ MPP XMQI FIT XEFPI SW XI [IIO HXS W ]S Y XLII FIJSVIX LIW \EQ XEVX W-X EZEM S [ J PEFPI SR MPPEPWS 4PIE Q]9 FI WII RMWE RUYM RSX VIMJ VIGI ]S Y MZI H LEZ XLI I XMQI XEFPI Y PP] ]S WJY SYVWI GIW WYG XLIG LE V I %JX XMRK H[ MX 8-% TPI 2 YI GSQ FIMWW R%&7) FI M V PP P [ MP JMGEXI XI[ M WEJXI O GE XM XMJM [II XLI GIV V I G • SJ 8LI HXS IEWI W XI IP TSW MREPV QEVO R J XLI EXMS R M Q I\E 2 %W WM GS KRQ Q I EW TPIX RXQ I T PIX IVH HER YWXF XIV I Y EWW W8 IH HWY F E M QM KRQ LIW XIWM QMXX I Y R R I XLI I]S RXW FQMW 898 H [ WM Y I\ EQ VEH MPPH SRS IX J MRE QMW WMS IV XMS R R XS 4 )RWYVI XLEX]S YXEOI SJEPPX RSXI LIMQT SVXERX MRJSVQ EXMSRS R XLI XMQIXE FPIMI I\EQH ERHXMQ EXI IWIEXM RKXMQ XLII\E IEX QZIR YI2 & ]S YV) ' LIGO <%1:) 29) 5 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” Learn without limits. 57 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT COURSE IN HR HIRING PRACTICES QUALIFICATION CODE 76802 NQF LEVEL 6 NO OF CREDITS 24 PURPOSE OF SLP Employees play a vital role in the success of an organisation. Competent and efficient employees, however, are hard to find and it requires a skilled manager or employment expert to identify and appoint only the best applicants. The purpose of the Short Course in HR Hiring Practices is therefore to equip HR practitioners, trade union officials and line managers with the skills to recruit, interview and select the most suitable applicants in a fair, professional and legally sound manner. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Please note that a National Senior Certificate is not a requirement DURATION 6 Months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory Modules CHRH01E Recruitment and The Management 12 of Job Application CHRH02F Job Interviews and Appointments 12 Amount per module R1 200 - full fees payable on registration R1 200- full fees payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name Prof Mariette Coetzee E-mail Coetzm@unisa.ac.za 58 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT COURSE IN LABOUR RELATIONS MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE 71072 NQF LEVEL 6 NO OF CREDITS 24 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of this course is to afford students the opportunity to develop labour relations management competencies. This is done in terms of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 and other government prescripts and the requirements for the effective management of labour relations in organisational context ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification. Students, who do not have such a qualification, will be considered for admission on the basis of alternative admission criteria such as relevant work experience. Students will be required to submit proof of this in the form of a CV and references or other prior learning. DURATION 6 Months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory Modules CLRM01L Labour Relations 12 Management: A Macro-perspective CLRM02M Labour Relations 12 Management: A Micro-perspective Amount per module R1 430 - full fees payable on registration R1 430 - full fees payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name Dr Nadia Ferreira E-mail ferren@unisa.ac.za PROGRAMME ASSISTANTS You may direct any registration enquiries to the assistants dealing with the course. Their contact details are as follows: Tel 012 352 4309/4283/4324 Fax 086 682 9235 E-mail hrm@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 59 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT COURSE IN MANAGING TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: NQF LEVEL 6 PURPOSE OF SLP 76803 NO. OF CREDITS: 24 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification is a prerequisite. Students who do not have such a qualification, will be considered for admission on the basis of alternative admission criteria such as relevant work experience. Students will be required to submit proof of this in the form of a CV and references or other prior learning. DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory Modules CMTD015 Practicing Training and 12 Development CMTD026 Managing Training and 12 Development PROGRAMME LEADER Dr N Ferreira E-mail ferren@unisa.ac.za Amount per module R1 430- full fees payable on registration R1 430- full fees payable on registration PROGRAMME ASSISTANTS You may direct any registration enquiries to the assistants dealing with the course. Their contact details are as follows: Tel: 012 352 4309/4283/4324 Fax: 086 682 9235 Email: hrm@unisa.ac.za 60 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ADVANCED PROGRAMME IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE 76749 NQF LEVEL 8 NO OF CREDITS 96 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of the programme is to equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to manage human resources effectively in organisations. This programme is ideally suited for middle- and top-level human resource practitioners who will be exposed to the more advanced aspects of human resource management. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS The minimum admission requirement is a Bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management or an Advanced Diploma in Human Resource Management on NQF level 7). The ideal student should also have worked in a human resource department in a middle or senior management position for five years. Prospective students, who do not have a formal qualification in Human Resource Management at NQF level 7, should provide Unisa with the following information on their previous qualifications: • A full academic record • The name(s) of the module/paper, and the syllabus and learning outcomes for the module/paper • A list of the prescribed books used • An indication of any other study material (e.g. study guides) used • An indication of the means of assessment (e.g. assignments and examinations, and their format) • The duration of the module/paper • The entry- level requirement • The NQF level • SAQA credits attached to the module/paper • An indication of whether the institution at which the qualification was obtained is registered as a training provider in terms of the Higher Education Act The above information is required to adequately assess the relative value of modules/papers offered by other institutions. Prospective students are requested to contact the institution at which the qualification(s) was/were completed to obtain the necessary information. In addition, information on relevant working experience should be included in the form of a curriculum vitae. DURATION 12 Months Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 61 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory Modules AAHR01L Strategic and International 24 R2 540 Human Resource Management AAHR02M Organisational Behaviour and Renewal 24 R2 540 AAHR03N Research Methodology 24 R2 540 AAHR04P Advanced Human Resource 24 R2 540 Development PROGRAMME LEADER Dr N Ferreira E-mail ferren@unisa.ac.za PROGRAMME ASSISTANTS You may direct any registration enquiries to the assistants dealing with the programme. Their contact details are as follows: Tel 012 352 4309/4283/4324 Fax 086 682 9235 E-mail hrm@unisa.ac.za 62 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE 71080 NQF LEVEL 6 NO OF CREDITS 96 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of this programme is to equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities in order to perform various human resource management functions at the foundation level in an organisation. This programme, which is accredited by the South African Board for People Practice, affords students the opportunity to develop essential competencies needed within an HR context ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification is required. Persons not in possession of such a qualification will be considered for admission on the basis of alternative admission criteria such as relevant work experience. Such students will be required to submit proof of this in the form of a CV and references or other prior learning. DURATION 12 Months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory Modules PHRM01L The Human Resource Function 24 PHRM02M Labour Relations 24 PHRM03N Training and Development 24 PHRM04P Human Relations 24 Amount per module R1 540 R1 540 R1 540 R1 540 PROGRAMME LEADER Dr N Ferreira E-mail: ferren@unisa.ac.za PROGRAMME ASSISTANTS You may direct any registration enquiries to the assistants dealing with the course. Their contact details are as follows: Tel 012 352 4309/4283/4324 Fax 086 682 9235 E-mail hrm@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 63 64 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 65 MARKETING SHORT COURSE IN CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE 71641 NQF LEVEL 6 NO OF CREDITS 12 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of the Short Course in Customer Service Management is to introduce students to the complexities of rendering service on a one-to-one basis, as well as managing this function in a service rendering organisation. The main areas that students focus on are the general principles of customer service, its advantages to an organisation, the steps involved in developing a service plan and personal features of the excellent service provider. The aim is to develop the services delivery skills of the individual students and to equip them for higher level positions in the service divisions of organisations. The short course also lays the foundation for the students to advance to the one-year Programme in Customer Service Management. The short course serves as a credit for one of the six modules of the one-year programme. DURATION 3 Months CURRICULUM Module name and code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory Modules SCCS01V Short Course in Customer 12 R1 250 – full fee Service Management upon registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Mr DP Theron E-mail: therodp@unisa.ac.za 66 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” MARKETING SHORT COURSE IN CUSTOER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE 71633 NQF LEVEL 6 NO OF CREDITS 12 PURPOSE OF SLP Customer Relationship Marketing is a broadly recognised, widely-implemented strategy for managing an organisation’s interactions with customers, clients and sales prospects. The purpose of the course is to provide students with fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge in various concepts of customer relationship management that is necessary when interacting with internal and external stakeholders. DURATION 3 Months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory modules SCRM01D Relationship Management 12 Principles Amount per module R950 - full fees payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Prof MC Cant E-mail: cantmc@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 67 MARKETING SHORT COURSE IN PUBLIC RELATIONS QUALIFICATION CODE 71897 NQF LEVEL 6 NO OF CREDITS 12 PURPOSE OF SLP Public Relations involve a variety of programmes designed to promote and/or protect an organisation’s image or its individual products. Public relations can also be used to promote people, places, ideas, activities and even nations. The purpose of this short course is to provide learners with the competence to apply, under supervision, the implementation of elementary public relations, communication and media activities. The Short Course in Public Relations aims to provide a working knowledge of the principles of Public Relations. DURATION 3 Months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory Modules SSPR01D Basic Public Relations Principles 12 R950 – full fees payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name Prof MC Cant E-mail cantmc@unisa.ac.za 68 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 69 MARKETING COURSE IN CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE 71110 NQF LEVEL 6 NO OF CREDITS 24 PURPOSE OF SLP Customer Relationship Management is a broadly recognised, widely-implemented strategy for managing an organisation’s interactions with customers, clients and sales prospects. The purpose of the course is to provide students with fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge in various concepts of customer relationship management that is necessary when interacting with internal and external stakeholders. DURATION 6 Months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory Modules CCCR01H Relationship Management 12 R950 - full fees Principles payable on registration CCCR02J Customer Relationship 12 R950 - full fees payable Management: Applied on registration Strategy PROGRAMME LEADER Name Prof MC Cant E-mail cantmc@unisa.ac.za 70 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” MARKETING COURSE IN CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT FOR CONTACT CENTRE MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE 76763 NQF LEVEL 6 NO OF CREDITS 24 PURPOSE OF SLP Customer Relationship Management is a broadly recognized, widely implemented strategy for managing an organisation’s interactions with customers, clients and sales prospects. The purpose of the course is to provide students with fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge in various concepts of customer relationship management in a contact centre environment which is necessary when interacting with internal and external stakeholders. DURATION 6 Months CURRICULUM Module code Module No. of credits per module name Compulsory Modules CRMP01A Customer Relationship Management 12 Principles for Contact Centre Management CRMP02B Customer Relationship Management: 12 Applied Strategy for Contract Centre Management Amount per module R950 - full fees payable on registration R950 - full fees payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Prof MC Cant E-mail: cantmc@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 71 MARKETING COURSE IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETING QUALIFICATION CODE 71250 NQF LEVEL 6 NO OF CREDITS 36 PURPOSE OF SLP The world of exporting is complex. Exporters not only need to understand the context of international trade and international marketing, but also how to deal with administrative, financial and logistical challenges associated with marketing in an international context. This course is aimed at exporters, freight forwarders and other individuals that have an interest in international trade and marketing. The purpose of the course is to provide students with a knowledge of context within which exporting takes place and to enable them to deal with the administrative, financial and logistics challenges that they have to deal with in the export process. The course will enable them to complete the required export documents, negotiate alternative payment options, find alternative sources of financing for their export, and select the most appropriate transportation methods. It will also enable them to identify and select suitable marine insurance cover for their export consignment. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Students with appropriate experience or that are over the age of 25 years will also be considered for this Course. DURATION 6 Months CURRICULUM Module code Module namee No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory Modules CITM01D The International Marketing 12 R1250 - full fees Environment & Research payable on registration CITM02E Export Finance and Payments 12 R1250 - full fees payable on registration CITM03F Export Administration 12 R1250 - full fees and Logistics payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name Mr CH Bothma E-mail bothmch@unisa.ac.za 72 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” MARKETING COURSE IN THE INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE 71625 NQF LEVEL 6 NO OF CREDITS 24 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of this course is to provide a basic understanding of the marketing function to students in an open and distant education learning environment. It commences with the clarification of the marketing terminology. It focuses on the marketing environmental model and helps the student to identify the target market for an organisation. In order to do so the course focuses on consumer behaviour, market segmentation and market research. Furthermore it exposes students to the fundamentals of the marketing mix (product, price, promotion and distribution as well as the extended marketing mix, people, process and physical evidence) and how to prepare a marketing plan. DURATION 6 Months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory Modules CCIM01S Identifying the Target Market 12 R950- full fees payable on registration CCIM02T The Marketing Mix 12 R950- full fees payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name Prof JW Strydom E-mail strydjw@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 73 MARKETING COURSE IN INTRODUCTION TO SALES AND MARKETING QUALIFICATION CODE 76686 NQF LEVEL 5 NO OF CREDITS 24 PURPOSE OF SLP This course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to be able to function effectively in a sales department with a good foundational knowledge of marketing. The qualification provides a solid foundation in the basic principles of marketing, including the development of marketing thought, the marketing environment, consumer behaviour and market segmentation. The marketing aspect concludes with an in-depth discussion of the marketing mix. The main focus of the qualification is sales and successful students will have an extensive understanding of the selling process. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification is required for enrolment in this programme. Applicants without a National Senior Certificate can apply on the basis of written proof of at least two years’ working experience in sales or marketing. DURATION 6 Months CURRICULUM Module code Module No. of credits per module name Compulsory Modules CISM01K Introduction to Marketing 12 R950 - full fees payable on registrati CISM02L Sales Principles 12 R950 - full fees payable on registration Amount per module PROGRAMME LEADER Name Mr MN du Toit E-mail sales@unisa.ac.za 74 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” MARKETING COURSE IN MARKETING RESEARCH QUALIFICATION CODE 7005X NQF LEVEL 6 NO OF CREDITS 24 PURPOSE OF SLP Successful marketing decisions are based on good knowledge of the principles of marketing and the successful gathering of good quality data of the market. The objective of this course is to offer training in marketing research. The programme is practical, geared to South African conditions and career-oriented. ADMISSION REQUIREMENT A National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification is required for enrolment in this programme. Persons not in possession of such a qualification will be considered for admission on the basis of alternative admission criteria such as relevant work experience. Students will be required to submit proof of this in the form of a detailed CV and references, or other prior learning. DURATION 6 Months CURRICULUM Module code Module No. of credits per module Amount per module name Compulsory Modules CRMR03J Market Research: Data Collection 12 R1 200- full fees payable on registration CRMR04K Market Research: Data Analysis payable on registration 12 R1 200- full fees PROGRAMME LEADER Name Dr JAR Botha E-mail bothajar@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 75 MARKETING COURSE IN PUBLIC RELATIONS QUALIFICATION CODE 71889 NQF LEVEL 6 NO OF CREDITS 24 PURPOSE OF SLP Public Relations involve a variety of programmes designed to promote and/or protect an organisation’s image or its individual products. Public relations can also be used to promote people, places, ideas, activities and even nations. The purpose of this course is to provide learners with the competence to apply, under supervision, the implementation of elementary public relations, communication and media activities. The Course in Public Relations aims to provide a working knowledge of the principles of Public Relations and the application areas related to the use of Public Relations. DURATION 6 Months CURRICULUM Module code Module No. of credits per module Amount per module name Compulsory Modules CCPL01N Basic Public Relations Principles 12 R950 - full fees payable on registration CCPL02P Public Relations in Practice 12 R950 - full fees payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name Prof MC Cant E-mail cantmc@unisa.ac.za 76 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” MARKETING COURSE IN SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING QUALIFICATION CODE 76710 NQF LEVEL 6 NO OF CREDITS 36 PURPOSE OF SLP Social media marketing (or social network marketing) is taking the business world by storm! Together with e-marketing, social media marketing provides large and small businesses with a new channel to use to reach out to a huge market of well over a billion users, at affordable prices. Social media marketing has the added advantage of leveraging value from the social and very personal ‘conversations’ that are already taking place amongst a business’s customers, using social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogs, YouTube, etc. Because customers place considerable value on the opinions and advice of family members, friends and colleagues, these social media conversations and channels have a considerable impact and influence on the views of customers that share in these conversations. To put in bluntly; social media marketing works, as recent global events have shown! The purpose of this social media marketing course is to introduce students to the world of social networks and how they work, particularly from the point-of-view of marketing. You will be taught how to listen, initiate and shape these conversations to the advantage of your business. With the knowledge that you get from this three-module, six-month course, you will be able to use this knowledge in your own business or even to help other businesses with their social media efforts. This six-month course in social media marketing is aimed amongst others at: Marketing practitioners and other managers that need to get to grips with new social media marketing and the channels that support them Entrepreneurs that want to market their own businesses in affordable, yet effective ways Existing businesses, large and small, that need to expand their current markets and grow their businesses using social platforms Any individual that wants to get to grips with social media marketing and improve their career and employment prospects This course is a generic social media marketing course developed to addresses the needs of a global audience. Social media marketing is growing at a tremendous rate and opens unique career opportunities for students. It is open to all South African as well as international students from around the world. ADMISSION REQUIREMENT Students with appropriate experience or that are over the age of 25 years will also be considered for this Programme. International students need to provide evidence that they have completed their national schooling requirements. DURATION 6 Months Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 77 MARKETING CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory Modules CSMM015 Social Marketing Principles 12 CSMM026 Social Marketing Channels 12 CSMM038 Social Marketing Strategy 12 Amount per module R1 500- full fees payable on registration R1 500- full fees payable on registration R1 500- full fee payable upon registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name Dr JA Wiid Email: jwiid@unisa.ac.za 78 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” MARKETING PROGRAMME IN ADVANCED MARKETING MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 71129 NQF LEVEL 7 NO. OF CREDITS: 48 PURPOSE OF SLP The future of most organisations depends on the manner in which they deal with their environment and the approach they follow in respect of their markets and competitors. A business needs to be proactive in dealing with these key factors. The aim of this programme is to focus on the strategic aspects of marketing to enable students to deal successfully with the challenges facing businesses in these key areas. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A university degree in marketing, a relevant University of Technology Marketing Diploma, a relevant certificate such as the IMM, the Programme in Business-to-Business Marketing, the Programme in Retail Management, the Programme in Marketing Management or the Programme in Sales and Marketing. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PAMM01P Foundation for Market 12 R1 100 Strategy Selection PAMM02Q Internal Analysis 12 R1 100 PAMM03R Formulation of Competitive 12 R1 100 Market Strategy PAMM04S The Investment Decision in 12 R1 100 Marketing Strategy PROGRAMME LEADER Name Mr R Machado Email machar@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 79 MARKETING PROGRAMME IN BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS (B2B) MARKETING QUALIFICATION CODE 71706 NQF LEVEL 6 NO OF CREDITS 48 PURPOSE OF SLP The focus of study of this programme is on the marketing and selling of goods and services by one business to another business organisation (referred to as business-to-business (B2B) or sometimes industrial marketing). This programme is intended to provide students with the knowledge and skills to analyse customers and the operating environment within which B2B marketing takes place, to prepare a strategic marketing plan, to develop alternative marketing strategies and to prepare an export plan for the firm. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Students with appropriate experience or that are over the age of 25 years will also be considered for this Programme. DURATION 12 Months CURRICULUM Module code Module Name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory Modules PB2B01W Customer Analysis 12 R1 100 PB2B02X Strategic Marketing Planning 12 R1 100 PB2B03Y Marketing Strategies 12 R1 100 PB2B043 Export Marketing 12 R1 100 PROGRAMME LEADER Name Mr CH Bothma E-mail bothmch@unisa.ac.za 80 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” MARKETING PROGRAMME IN CUSTOMER SERVICE QUALIFICATION CODE 76712 NQF LEVEL 6 NO OF CREDITS 72 PURPOSE OF SLP This programme would be useful to students who want to develop their knowledge, skills and competencies in the application and rendering of customer service in private, institutional, governmental and parastatal organisations. Organisations expect their customer service employees to be able to liaise with customers in different contact situations, such as face-to-face, telephone and written contacts. These employees also need to be able to manage a customer service division, by evaluating service activities, developing a service plan and motivating and empowering service personnel. The Programme in Customer Service teaches students the skills to successfully manage the customer service function in an organisation. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification is required for enrolment in this programme. Persons not in possession of such a qualification will be considered for admission on the basis of alternative admission criteria such as relevant work experience. Students will be required to submit proof of this in the form of a detailed CV and references, or other prior learning. DURATION 12 Months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory Modules PRCS01U Basics of Customer Service 12 R800 Management PRSC02V Marketing Management 12 R800 PRSC03W Sales Management 12 R800 PRSC04X Advanced Customer Services 12 R800 Management PRSC05Y Public Relations 12 R800 PRSC063 Relationship Management 12 R800 PROGRAMME LEADERS Mr Brian Soke E-mail bsoke@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 81 MARKETING PROGRAMME IN E-MARKETING QUALIFICATION CODE: 72745 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 48 PURPOSE OF SLP E-marketing provides large and small businesses “24/7” with media-rich, direct-marketing access to a huge market of well over a billion users, making possible affordable, personalised marketing. This programme is aimed at marketing practitioners, managers in all other fields, entrepreneurs, small businesses and individuals wishing to improve their career prospects. It is a generic e-marketing programme developed to address the needs of both South African and students from around the world. This one-year programme enables students to create e-marketing campaigns leveraging the benefits of the various e-marketing channels in order to promote their respective businesses online. Students will learn about web-based, search-engine, email and mobile marketing, including search engine optimisation. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Students with appropriate experience or who are over the age of 25 will also be considered for this programme. International students need to provide evidence that they have completed their national schooling requirements. ADDITIONAL ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS All students must have email and access to the internet/web since this is primarily an online course which requires internet access and at least three or more hours’ online work each week per module. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Module code NQF Level Compulsory modules PEMK018 NQF 5 PEMK026 NQF 6 PEMK03A NQF 6 PEMK04B NQF 6 Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Introduction to E-marketing Web-based and Search-engine Marketing E-mail and Mobile Marketing Practical E-marketing Project 12 R1250 12 R1250 12 12 R1250 R1250 PROGRAMME LEADER Name Mr CH Bothma Email bothmch@unisa.ac.za 82 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” MARKETING PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETING QUALIFICATION CODE 71269 NQF LEVEL 6 NO OF CREDITS 48 PURPOSE OF SLP The importance of exporting and international trade to a country’s economy and to the growth of companies is well documented. This programme equips students to navigate their way through the many environmental challenges faced by exporters, to prepare an appropriate international marketing research plan, to deal with the various marketing variables, and to prepare a market strategy based on these variables. The programme also enables students to learn how to manage their export endeavours and to use the web to market their firms internationally. Students will be expected to complete a comprehensive international market-entry strategy as part of their project. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Students with appropriate experience or that are over the age of 25 years will also be considered for this Programme. DURATION 12 Months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory Modules PPIM01Q The International Marketing 12 R1250 Environment & Research PPIM02R The International Marketing 12 R1250 Mix PPIM03S International marketing 12 R1250 Management PPIM04T Practical Exporting 12 R1250 PROGRAMME LEADER Name Mr CH Bothma E-mail bothmch@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 83 MARKETING PROGRAMME IN MARKETING MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 71765 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 48 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of the Programme in Marketing Management is to equip students with the knowledge and skills to function effectively in a marketing department. The qualification provides a solid foundation in the basic principles of marketing, including the evolution of marketing, the marketing environment, consumer behaviour, market segmentation and information for marketing management. An in-depth study of the elements of the marketing mix is also provided and of the implementation of the marketing strategy. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification is required for enrolment in this programme. Applicants without a National Senior Certificate can apply on the basis of written proof of at least two years’ working experience in sales or marketing. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PMRM01G Marketing Perspective and 12 R950 Environmental Scanning PMRM02H Market Segmentation, Market 12 R950 Targeting and Product Positioning PMRM03J Formulating the Market Strategy 12 R950 PMRM04K Implementing the Marketing 12 R950 Strategy PROGRAMME LEADER Name Mrs C Erdis Email erdisc@unisa.ac.za 84 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” MARKETING PROGRAMME IN MARKETING AND MARKETING RESEARCH QUALIFICATION CODE: 70068 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 48 PURPOSE OF SLP Successful marketing decisions are based on a sound knowledge of the principles of marketing and the successful gathering of quality data of the market. This programme covers both these areas. The purpose of this programme is to offer training in marketing and marketing research. The programme is practical, geared to South African conditions and career oriented. ADMISSION REQUIREMENT A National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification is required for enrolment in this programme. Persons not in possession of such a qualification will be considered for admission on the basis of alternative admission criteria such as relevant work experience. Students will be required to submit proof of this in the form of a detailed CV and references, or other prior learning. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PMMR01B Marketing Management 12 R750 PMMR02C Marketing Strategy 12 R750 PMMR03C Market Research: Data Collection 12 R1 200 PMMR04E Market Research: Data Analysis 12 R1 200 PROGRAMME LEADER Name Dr JAR Botha E-mail bothajar@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 85 MARKETING PROGRAMME IN SALES AND MARKETING QUALIFICATION CODE: 76694 NQF LEVEL 7 NO. OF CREDITS: 48 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of the Programme in Sales and Marketing is to equip students with the knowledge and skills to be able to function effectively in a sales department. The qualification provides a solid foundation in the basic principles of marketing, including the development of marketing thought, the marketing environment, consumer behaviour and market segmentation. The marketing component concludes with an in-depth discussion of the marketing mix. The main focus of the qualification is sales, and successful students will have an extensive understanding of the selling process and be equipped to manage a small sales team. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification is required for enrolment in this programme. Applicants without a National Senior Certificate can apply on the basis of written proof of at least two years’ working experience in sales or marketing. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PISM01V Introduction to Marketing 12 R950 PISM02W Sales Principles 12 R950 PISM03X Sales Management 12 R950 PISM04Y Practical Sales Project 12 R950 PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Mr MN du Toit Email sales@unisa.ac.za 86 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 87 PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT COURSE IN BASICS OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 7215X NQF LEVEL 5 NO. OF CREDITS: 24 PURPOSE OF SLP To purpose of this SLP is to provide students with first-time time exposure to the basic philosophy of project management as a unique and specialised discipline of management. The course will introduce certain selected project management concepts and terminologies and provide an overview of the whole project management body of knowledge (the PMBOK® Guide). It will also enable students to solve practical problems and apply some of the basic project management tools and techniques. The course will help students to attain a basic academic-oriented knowledge of the principal aspects of project management and prepare them for more advanced programmes. The course is aimed at all persons and every employee in a business or private/public institution, organisation or department, who may be involved with or interested in project-type work. This also applies to all persons who may be responsible for planning and executing projects in small and medium in size and ranging from low to medium complexity; aspirant project managers, junior project managers, assistant project managers, project planners, project coordinators, project controllers; and senior managers and CEOs who need to gain a basic understanding of and appreciation for the dynamic nature and potential of the use of project management. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Candidates who do not possess a National Senior Certificate may be admitted on the basis of a equivalent qualification or appropriate work experience specifically in project-type or related work. DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules CBPM01L Introduction to Project Management 12 R2 975 - full fees Concepts and the Managerial Process payable on registration CBPM02M Introduction to The Project 12 R2 975 - full fees Management Body of Knowledge payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name Prof LP Krüger Email krugelp@unisa.ac.za PROGRAMME ASSISTANTS You may direct any registration enquiries to the assistants dealing with the course. The contact details are as follows: Tel 012 352 4319 Fax 012 352 4321 88 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT COURSE IN BASICS OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 71811 NQF LEVEL 5 NO. OF CREDITS: 24 PURPOSE OF SLP Total quality management (TQM) is a popular and recognised managerial philosophy primarily aimed at improving all aspects of the operational performance of the business or other organisations. It focuses on meeting the needs and expectations of customers/clients by moving the focus for quality to other functional areas as well – that is, away from the sole focus of the production/operations function, into a major concern for the whole organisation. TQM is a holistic approach to quality. The primary purpose of this course is to equip employees from all types of businesses with the basic body of knowledge of TQM and introduce them to some of the soft components and methods and techniques for the improvement of quality and overall operational performance. DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory modules CSTQ01H The Human component and 12 Tools and Techniques for TQM CSTQ02J Quality Management Systems 12 and TQM Implementation Amount per module R2 475 - full fees payable on registration R2 475 - full fees payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name Prof RR Ramphal Email ramphrr@unisa.ac.za PROGRAMME ASSISTANTS You may direct any registration enquiries to the assistants dealing with the course. The contact details are as follows: Tel 012 352 4319 Fax 012 352 4321 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 89 PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT COURSE IN WORK STUDY QUALIFICATION CODE: 76737 NQF LEVEL 5 NO. OF CREDITS: 24 PURPOSE OF SLP In order for an organisation to operate effectively, it requires proper working methods and realistic and achievable measurement standards. The primary purpose of this course is to introduce students to the concept of work study and its two techniques, namely method study and work measurement. This qualification provides a solid foundation for those entering the field of work study and students will benefit via the theoretical and practical knowledge that this course will provide. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification is required for enrolment in this programme. Persons not in possession of such a qualification will be considered for admission on the basis of alternative admission criteria such as relevant work experience. Students will be required to submit proof of this in the form of a CV, references or other prior learning. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Students must register concurrently for both modules. Partial or “split-up” registrations will under no circumstances be permitted. DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory modules CIWS01E Method Study 12 CIWS02F Work Measurement 12 Amount per module R2 475 - full fees payable on registration R2 475- full fees payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name Mr B Sookdeo Email bsookdeo@unisa.ac.za 90 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME IN TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM) QUALIFICATION CODE: 71838 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 48 PURPOSE OF SLP The national quality policy focuses on the quality of products, of service delivery (to the internal and external customer), of organisation (systems and processes) and of work-life (QWL). The purpose of this SLP is to provide students with a complete body of knowledge of TQM as a holistic approach to managing quality. Students will acquire fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge in various concepts of TQM necessary to improve quality in any organisation. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification is required for enrolment in this programme. Students who do not possess such a qualification will be considered for admission on the basis of alternative admission criteria such as relevant work experience. Students will be required to submit proof of this in the form of a CV and references or other prior learning. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PTQM01J An Overview of TQM and the 12 R1 987-50 Creation and Maintenance of a Quality Culture PTQM02K Developing the TQM System and 12 R1 987-50 the Tools and Techniques for the Continuous Improvement of Quality PTQM03L Implementing TQM and Sustaining 12 R1 987-50 Continuous Improvement PTQM04M Integrated SHEQ Management Based 12 R1 987-50 on ISO and OHSAS System Standards PROGRAMME LEADER Name Prof RJ Steenkamp Email steenrj@unisa.ac.za PROGRAMME ASSISTANTS You may direct any registration enquiries to the assistants dealing with the course. The contact details are as follows: Tel 012 352 4319 Fax 012 352 4321 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 91 PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME IN PRODUCTION/OPERATIONS AND PRODUCTIVITY MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 71846 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 48 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of the SLP is to provide students with knowledge of the role and functioning of production/ operations management (POM) and the basics of productivity management; including some of the theoretical concepts and practical skills relating to POM strategies, selected aspects of the design, planning and control, and improvement of the production/ operations management system, and the macro- and micro-perspective of productivity management. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification is required for enrolment in this programme. Students who do not possess such a qualification will be considered for admission on the basis of alternative admission criteria such as relevant work experience. Students will be required to submit proof of this in the form of a CV and references or other prior learning. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory modules PPOM01K Introduction and Strategic Role of 12 Production/Operations Management PPOM02L Designing, Planning and Controlling 12 the Production/Operations Management System PPOM03M Improving the Production/Operations 12 Management System and New Challenges Ahead PPOM04N Basics of Productivity Management 12 PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Mr R Dirkse van Schalkwyk Tel: 012 429 2109 Email: dirksr@unisa.ac.za Amount per module R1 987-50 R1 987-50 R1 987-50 R1 987-50 PROGRAMME ASSISTANTS You may direct any registration enquiries to the assistants dealing with the course. The contact details are as follows: Tel: 012 352 4319 Fax: 012 352 4321 92 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 93 PURCHASING AND SUPPLY MANAGEMENT COURSE IN INTRODUCTION TO STORAGE AND INVENTORY MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 76711 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS:12 PURPOSE OF SLP The national quality policy focuses on the quality of product, of service delivery (to the internal and external customer), of organisation (systems and processes) and of work-life (QWL). The purpose of this SLP is to provide students with a complete body of knowledge of TQM as a holistic approach to managing quality. Students will acquire fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge in various concepts of TQM necessary to improve quality in any organisation. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification is required for enrolment in this course. Students who do not have such a qualification will be considered for admission on the basis of alternative admission criteria such as relevant work experience. Students will be required to submit proof of this in the form of a CV and references or other prior learning. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory modules CISIM01 The Task of Management 12 CISIM02 The Functional Areas of Business 12 CISIM03 Storage and Inventory 12 Amount per module R900 - full fees payable on registration R900 - full fees payable on registration R900 - full fees payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Prof JA Badenhorst-Weiss FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel 012 352 4375/4342 Fax 086 519 5871 Email psandscm@unisa.ac.za 94 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” PURCHASING AND SUPPLY MANAGEMENT ADVANCED PROGRAMME IN SOURCING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 71218 NQF LEVEL 7 NO. OF CREDITS: 90 PURPOSE OF SLP The aim of the programme is to provide middle and senior management in purchasing, sourcing and supply related fields with a broader vision of and insight into strategic sourcing, the supply chain management approach, negotiations and global sourcing. It further aims to equip students to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in this area to their current working environment. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS For admission to this programme, students require a university degree; a Management Development Programme offered by various universities; a National Diploma or BTech degree from an accredited institution; a Unisa Programme in Purchasing and Supply Management certificate; or a Unisa Programme in Public Procurement and Supply Management certificate. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules AASM01F Strategic Sourcing 18 R1 500 AASM02G Supply Chain Management 18 R1 500 AASM03H Negotiations 18 R1 500 AASM04J Global Sourcing Management 18 R1 500 AASM05K Research Project 18 R1 500 PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Prof JA Badenhorst-Weiss FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel 012 352 4375/4342 Fax 086 519 5871 Email psandscm@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 95 PURCHASING AND SUPPLY MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME IN PUBLIC PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 71226 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 72 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of the programme is to introduce and sensitise students to an integrated approach in the management of procurement in the highly regulated public sector environment and to provide an output of students who will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of public procurement in South Africa. Students who have completed this programme will • be able to work with confidence in the current government procurement regulatory environment • understand the determinants and be able to apply the procedures relevant to public procurement • understand the business principles underlining procurement of supplies, assets and services • be able to participate in the discourse on and apply developments in procurement, such as preferential procurement, black economic empowerment and the supply chain management framework • be able to apply tendering as a procurement tool (including the drawing up of specifications and the evaluation of tenders) • be able to apply basic legal principles in procurement • understand the role and management of inventories and storage in a supply management context ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A National Senior Certificate (or equivalent) qualification is required for enrolment in this course. Admission without such a certificate may be considered on the basis of seniority and appropriate experience. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory modules PPPS01C Public Financial Management: a 12 Procurement and Supply Perspective PPPS02D Public Procurement and Supply 12 Chain Management PPPS03E Purchasing and Supply Management 12 PPPS04F Purchasing and Supply Tools 12 PPPS05G Legal Aspects of Purchasing 12 PPPS06H Storage and Inventory Management 12 Amount per module R1 200 R1 200 R1 200 R1 200 R1 200 R1 200 PROGRAMME LEADER Name Prof JA Badenhorst-Weiss FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel 012 352 4375/4342 Fax 086 519 5871 Email psandscm@unisa.ac.za 96 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” PURCHASING AND SUPPLY MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME IN PURCHASING AND SUPPLY MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE: 71234 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 72 PURPOSE OF SLP The aim of this programme is to provide knowledge of and insight into the purchasing and supply environment. This will sensitise junior, new and established purchasing, sourcing or strategic supply staff to their contribution, by effectively and efficiently executing their purchasing and supply tasks. This will result in the creation of value and service improvement in the contemporary business organisation with its increased focus on the more integrated approach of supply management, globalisation and technological advancement. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS A National Senior Certificate (or equivalent) qualification is required for enrolment in this programme. Admission without such a certificate may be considered on basis of seniority and appropriate experience. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Amount per module Compulsory modules PPSM015 Enterprise Management 12 R1 300 PPSM026 Purchasing and Supply Management 12 R1 300 PPSM038 Purchasing and Supply tools 12 R1 300 PPSM049 Legal Aspects in Purchasing 12 R1 300 PPSM05A Storage and Inventory Management 12 R1 300 PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Prof JA Badenhorst-Weiss FOR MORE INFORMATION Tel 012 352 4375/4342 Fax 086 519 5871 Email psandscm@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 97 RETAIL MANAGEMENT COURSE IN INTRODUCTION TO RETAILING QUALIFICATION CODE: 71722 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 24 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of the Course in Introduction to Retailing is to equip students with the introductory knowledge and skills to be able to function in a retail organisation by focusing on the importance of a customer focus and store location, as well as the marketing and merchandising of a store to enable a retailer to be successful. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Applicants without a National Senior Certificate can apply on the basis of written proof of at least two years’ working experience in retailing. DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory modules CIRM014 Store Location and 12 Customer Focus CIRM025 Marketing and 12 Merchandising Amount per module R750 – full fees payable on registration R750 – full fees payable on registration PRORAMME LEADER Name: Prof MC CANT Email: cantmc@unisa.ac.za 98 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” RETAIL MANAGEMENT COURSE IN RETAIL BUYING QUALIFICATION CODE: 71692 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 24 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of the Course in Retail Buying is to equip students with the knowledge and skills to function in a buying function in a retail organisation by focusing on the importance of the buyer’s role in buying for retail organisations and the correct sourcing for retail organisations. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Applicants without a National Senior Certificate can apply on the basis of written proof of at least two years’ working experience in retailing. DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory modules CRTB001R Introduction to Retail 12 Buying CRTB02S Retail Sourcing 12 Amount per module R1 250 – full fees payable on registration R1 250 – full fees payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Ms C Erdis Email: erdisc@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 99 RETAIL MANAGEMENT COURSE IN RETAIL MARKETING AND MERCHANDISING QUALIFICATION CODE: 71137 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 24 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of the Course in Retail Marketing and Merchandising is to equip students with the knowledge and skills to be able to market and merchandise a retail store by examining the main marketing issues in retailing, as well as key merchandising elements such as visual merchandising and sourcing. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Applicants without a National Senior Certificate can apply on the basis of written proof of at least two years’ working experience in retailing. DURATION 6 months CURRICULUM Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory modules CRMM01W Business Environment 12 CRMM02X Practical Merchandising 12 Amount per module R1 000 – full fees payable on registration R1 000 – full fees payable on registration PROGRAMME LEADER Name: Prof MC Cant Email: cantmc@unisa.ac.za 100 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” RETAIL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME IN RETAIL MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATION CODE : 71749 NQF LEVEL 6 NO. OF CREDITS: 48 PURPOSE OF SLP The purpose of the Programme in Retail Management is to equip students with the knowledge and skills to function effectively in a retail organisation at all levels in the retail sector. This programme affords students the opportunity to gain real retail knowledge and develop retailing skills. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS A National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification is required for enrolment in this programme. Persons not in possession of such a qualification will be considered for admission on the basis of alternative admission criteria such as relevant work experience. Students will be required to submit proof of this in the form of a detailed CV and references or other prior learning. DURATION 12 months CURRICULUM The curriculum comprises four modules, three of which are compulsory, plus one elective module. Module code Module name No. of credits per module Compulsory modules PRET01A The South African 12 Retail Environment PRET02B Fundamentals of 12 Retail Management PRET03C Functional Aspects of 12 Retail Marketing Elective module PRET04D Strategic Marketing 12 Management PRET05E Small Business 12 Management Amount per module R950 R950 R950 R950 R950 PROGRAMME LEADER Name Prof MC Cant Email cantmc@unisa.ac.za Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 101 102 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 103 104 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” EXEMPTIONS APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION OF MODULES 1. Student number 2. Short Learning Programme for which you have enrolled or which to enrol for 3. Surname, Intials, Title 4. Maiden name/Previous surname 5. Date of birth Year Month Day 6. ID number or Passport number 7. Telephone bumbers Home Cell Work Fax E-mail 8. Postal address and postal code Postal code 9. At which tertiary institution did you pass the study/ paper/module for which exemption must be considered? 10. Indicate the respective study unit/paper/module code below Study unit/paper/module of other institution Centre module code Year passed at other institution Note: The following must be supplied with the application: - Full academic record - The study unit/paper/module name(s) passed and the syllabus thereof - A list of prescribed books and indication of any other study material used (eg study guides) - An indication of the means of assesment (eg assifnments and examinations and the format thereof) - The duration of the study unit - The entry level requirements and NQF level of the study unit/paper/module - SAQA credits attached to the study unit/paper/module - An indication whether the institution (from which the study unit/paper/module was obtained), is registered as a training provider in terms of the Higher Education Act. I hereby declare that I am fully aware that the Centre can amend or cancel my registration if necessary, should I not qualify for exemption from th emodules that I have requested to be exempted from. Signature Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” Date 105 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 97 centre for business management CENTRE FOR BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PLEASE PRINT IN BLACK INK (MARK WITH To all students previously and/or currently registered at Unisa or at any other centre/institute at Unisa 1 ) Please indicate your Student number here Existing CBM Student number (eg 70770947) 2 Qualification code (eg 71900) 3 Surname, Initials Title (eg Ledwaba KJ Mr) 4 First names 5 Maiden name and/or previous surname 6 Date of Birth 7 Year Month Day Gender Male (Mark with ) Female 8 Language for correspondence not for study material (Mark with ) Afr Eng 9 Identity/Passport number 10 Are you physical disabled? Yes If “YES”, Indicate the nature of your disability 11 Telephone numbers Blind No Cerebral palsied Deaf Other Home Cell (dialing code and number) Work Fax (eg 011 893 4671) E-mail 12 May your name and address be given to fellow students for academic purpose? (Mark with 13 Examination centre code-if not available, please indicate name of examination centre Yes ) 14 15A Postal address and postal code None No Home Language 15B Physical address and code Postal Code: 16 Please indicate the mode in which you would like to receive your study material (Mark with 17 Courier address and postal code (for courier of study material during office hours) (No PO Boxes) 18 Postal Code: Post ) Courier Indicate alternative name and contact details of person to receive parcel (office hours) Name Cell phone (Compulsory) Name: Contact no (office hours) Contact no (office hours) 19 In which format would you like to receive your registration material (Calenders, etc) in future? (Mark only with ) E-mail CD Printed copy INFORMATION GIVEN IN QUESTIONS 20-23 IS USED FOR STATISTICAL PURPOSES ONLY 20 Nationality 21 Population group 22 Occupation 23 Economic sector (eg Banking, Education) CENTRE FOR BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PO Box 392 UNISA South Africa (012) 352 4170/4335/4317/4318/4288 • INT +27 +12 4170/4335/4317/4318/4288 NB THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM MUST ALSO BE COMPLETED 98 106 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 24 If You Have Already Registered, Or Intend To Register Concurrently At Another Approved South African Tertiary Institution For 2012, supply The Following Information (i) Other Institution (ii) Degree/diploma/certificate 25 Give particulars of the last tertiary institution at which you were registered before 2011 (Mark with (i) Institution (ii) year (iii)Undergraduate ) Postgraduate 26 Did you pass at least one module/study unit at the above mentioned institution? (Mark with ) Certificate Yes No 27 Give particulars of all previous registrations at Unisa and/or another educational institution, starting with the most recent registration Institution (eg Unisa, UCt or Centre) Qualification (eg degree/) Diploma/Certificate Years Student number If completed,state your completed degree 28 Do you want to apply for exemption from modules/study units passed at the above mentioned institution? Ifyes,aformalrequestmustbesubmittedinwritingindicatingthemodulesforwhichexemptionis/areYes requested(pleaseattachyouroriginalacademicrecord)-useapplicationforminthisBrochure 29 Do you require a library access card ? (Only “yes” if you are not in possession of a library card and need access to the library at Muckleneuk during 2010) (Mark with ) No Yes No QUESTIONS30TO34MUSTBEANSWERED 30 Highest school qualification (eg STD 10 /Grade 12) Grade 12 examination number, if available 31 Will your qualification be completed with this registration? (Mark with ) 32 Indicate the module for which you wish to register For office use only Module code (example appears in first row below) C B P M 0 2 Semester /Intake 1 2 Yes B No UK Year M Pleasenote: AllmodulesareofferedinEnglishonly 33 Particularsofpayment(Indicatemethodofpaymentandamount) All payment payable to UNISA. Creditcard:MastercardorVisaonly SAPODepositPostalorderMoneyorder BankdraftCreditcard (SouthAfrican PostOffice) R R R R R Credit CV number card no. 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Surname: .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. First Names: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Date: ............................................................... Student’s signature: ...................................................................................................................Unisa P2156_Business FAX/E-MAILTHECOMPLETEDFORMTO:0866863401orcbmregistrations@unisa.ac.za PROVIDECELLPHONENRINCASE1STPAGEGETSLOST:.................................................. Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 107 99 RETAIL MANAGEMENT 108 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” APPENDIX 1 EXAMINATION CENTRE CODES Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 109 APPENDIX 1 EXAMINATION CENTRE CODES 110 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” APPENDIX 1 EXAMINATION CENTRE CODES Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 111 APPENDIX 1 EXAMINATION CENTRE CODES 112 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” APPENDIX 1 EXAMINATION CENTRE CODES Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 113 APPENDIX 1 EXAMINATION CENTRE CODES 114 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” APPENDIX 1 EXAMINATION CENTRE CODES Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 115 APPENDIX 1 EXAMINATION CENTRE CODES 116 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” NOTES Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice” 117 NOTES 118 Errors & omissions excepted; management reserves the right to alter contents herein without prior notice”