< Content CO S M ET I C S R A D I C A L S K I N STAT U S FAC TO R ( R S F ) T. Herrling* •, K. Jung• The Radical Skin Status Factor RSF – An Universal Indicator for the Classification of Skin Changes Part III – Physical and Chemical Influences Introduction The physical treatment of skin with environmental noxa can influence the skin’s radical status. Among these treatments, the whole spectrum of electromagnetic radiation from ionizing radiations up to radio waves have to be considered. A second class of influence can be initiated by ultrasound, resulting in mechanical traction, pressure or hit. The skin consistence determines its physical properties influenced by the hydrophilic muscle and hydrophobic fat tissues. This ratio of muscle to fat influences the number of generated free radicals/ROS (reactive oxygen species). Additionally, chemical hazards can influence the radical status especially in the upper layer (stratum corneum) of the skin. The water/salt(enzymes)/fat content determines the skin’s answer to external chemical influences. Acids, leaches, salts and gases determine the chemical effect of external treated influences. The aim of the present work is the description of the influence of various physical and chemical treatments of the skin on the Radical Status. The water content of the skin layers is one of the most important driving parameters that modulates the activity of external noxa and treatments. Physical Influences Water content in skin Skin is a large water reservoir that actively participates in the regulation of the fluid balance in the organism. Water enters the skin via capillaries by ultrafil22 tration caused by the difference between the hydrostatic blood pressure and the pressure in the interstitium. There is a continuous passive diffusion of water across the different skin layers outwards leading to thermal loss by evaporation of the insensible transepidermal water loss (TEWL) from the skin surface. The rate of TEWL is regulated mainly by the skin barrier in the stratum corneum, by the humidity, velocity and temperature of ambient air (concerning winter xerosis of the skin) and by clothing, which adjusts the »mini-climate« on the skin surface. TEWL varies depending on the skin region. The structure and chemical composition of the lamellar skin barrier in the intercellular space of corneal cell layers are quite well known, as well as the mechanism of its repair after injuries. Ceramides, cholesterol, and free fatty acids form the major lipid components between water layers. (1) Adverse environmental exposures (chemical or physical) Abstract P hysical and chemical effects caused by environmental conditions have an influence on the radical status of skin. UV and IR radiation from the sun, mechanical distortions from tractions and ultrasound can have detrimental effects. Daily contact with several chemicals like soaps or cleanser and hair shampoos can change the radical status. Electromagnetic radiation from the sun with wavelength λ < 400 nm performs the main part of environmental radical influences. No other influence has such a high significance. Radical generation correlates with the energy of the photon. The visual and infrared part of the solar spectrum has only a minor part for radical generation. In contrast to radical prevention by various antioxidant formulations the enrichment of moisture alone has a radical promoting effect in the skin. The Radical Status Factor RSF measures the skin answer to a defined provoked oxidative stress and quantifies all influences (products and treatments) directed against them. SOFW-Journal | 136 | 10-2010 CO S M ET I C S < Content R A D I C A L S K I N STAT U S FAC TO R ( R S F ) may cause disturbance in barrier function, increase TEWL and cause clinical symptoms: irritation, desquamation, loss of corneal elasticity, and eventually, surface cracks. Repeated irritations may initiate an inflammatory cycle and lead to eczema. For the health and normal function of the skin, the grade of the humidity in the corneal layer is of major importance. The water content of the normal skin (Fig. 1) decreases from about 70% in the dermis towards the outmost layer of stratum corneum being 30% by weight in the lower and only 15% in the upper corneal layers of a healthy skin, both considerably less hydrated than the viable epidermis (2 ). The superficial layers of stratum corneum are less hygroscopic and less capable of holding water than its deeper portions (3). Water content of stratum corneum depends on both the degradation products of the keratin and on the components of sweat and sebum (so called natural moisturizing factor) as well as on the intercellular lipids, the essential components of the lamellar skin barrier (4). Electromagnetic Radiation The electromagnetic radiation is characterized by its dualism, the wave nature and the particle nature. The impact of electromagnetic waves on skin is caused by both the wave length and the appropriate quantum energy. These two physical parameters of solar radiation are decisively concerning their effect on skin The wavelength λ is responsible for the penetration depth of the electromagnetic radiation into the skin/water (Fig. 2) and the photon energy (Fig. 3) determines their effect on the molecular structure of the target. Fig. 1 Water content of skin layers in healthy skin (SC=stratum corneum, GR=str. granulosum, SP=str. spinosum, B=str. basale.) (2) sorption occurs preferentially at certain characteristic wavelengths, while the balance of the spectrum is transmitted with minimal effects . Particle Nature • Photon Energy (ε): ε = h f • Energy carried as energy quant (photon) Wave Nature • Energy carried in fields • Relationship between wavelength (λ) and frequency (f): c = λ f During the transmission of electromagnetic radiation through a medium containing water molecules, portions of the electromagnetic spectrum are absorbed by the water molecules. This water ab24 Fig. 2 Liquid water absorption spectrum across a wide wavelength range SOFW-Journal | 136 | 10-2010 < Content CO S M ET I C S R A D I C A L S K I N STAT U S FAC TO R ( R S F ) The Electromagnetic Spectrum Fig. 3 The Wavelength and the corresponding quantum energy (photon) The wavelength λ (Fig. 2) is responsible for the penetration depth of the electromagnetic radiation into the skin and the energy(photon) (Fig. 3) determines their effect on the molecular structure of the target. The quantum energy ranges over 18 decimal powers from 10-11 eV for Radio waves to 107 eV for Gamma rays. Fragrance and Care from the Plum Kernel Telephone: +49 (0) 69 74742 80 • E-Mail: info@slichemicals.com < Content CO S M ET I C S R A D I C A L S K I N STAT U S FAC TO R ( R S F ) According to the theory concerning atoms, electrons move in orbits around the nucleus. If an electron absorbs energy, it is promoted to a higher energy orbit (Fig. 4). This situation is very unstable, so that after a very small period of time (much less than a second), it falls back to its previous orbit or it forms a semistable free radical. During the fall it emits a photon. The energy of a photon depends on radiation frequency; there are photons of all energies from highenergy gamma- and X-rays, through visible light, to low-energy infrared and radio waves. All photons travel at the speed of light. Photons do not have electric charge or rest mass and one unit of spin; they are field particles that are thought to be the carriers of the electromagnetic field. The wavelength of light λ (in meters), is related to the frequency v (in Hz) and to the speed of light c, by the equation: λ = c/v where c is the speed of light with a constant value of 300 million meters per second, is the frequency of the light in hertz (Hz) , and is the wavelength of the light in meters. From this relationship it is clear that the wavelength of light is inversely proportional to the frequency. An increase in frequency produces a proportional decrease in the wavelength of light with a corresponding increase in the energy of the photons that make up the light. Upon entering a new medium (such as glass or water), the speed and wavelength of light is reduced, although the frequency remains unaltered. The relationship between the energy of a photon and it's frequency is dictated by equation: E = hv = hc/λ where E is the energy in kilo Joules per mole, h is Planck's constant with a value of 6.626 x 10-34 Joule-seconds per particle, and the other variables were defined above. From this equation, it is clear that the energy of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency and inversely proportional to its wavelength. Thus as frequency increases (with a corresponding decrease in wavelength), the photon energy increases and vice versa. 26 Fig. 4 An electron absorbs energy and is promoted to a higher Energy orbit These two physical parameters of solar radiation are decisively concerning their effect on skin. The wavelength λ (Fig. 2) is responsible for the penetration depth of the electromagnetic radiation into the skin and the energy of photons (Table 1) determines their effect on the molecular structure of the target. The relevant part of the sun radiation reaching the earth and influencing the human skin and hair expands from infrared to UV enclosing wavelength from 1000 nm (IR) to 280 nm (UVB). The most painful effects are generated by UVB and UVA. Corresponding to their penetration depth UVB and UVA radiation generate primary free radicals followed by secondary daughter radicals like Lipid radicals. The near ultraviolet (UVB – UVA) from 280 nm to 400 nm is absorbed very strongly in the surface layer of the skin Spectrum UV C B A IR by electron transitions. As we go to higher energies (UVC - UVB) from 100 nm to 280 nm the ionization energies for many molecules are reached and the more dangerous photo ionization processes take place. Sunburn is primarily an effect of near UV. Ionisation produces the direct risk of skin cancer. The quantum energy of infrared photons is in the range 0.001 to 1.6 eV which is in the range of energies separating the quantum states of molecular vibrations. The result of infrared absorption is heating of the tissue since it increases the molecular vibration activity. Free Radical Formation by Ultrasound Ultrasounds are mechanical vibrations with frequencies above the human limit of audibility. The use of ultrasounds in order to obtain images for medical diag- Wave length λ Energy ε 100 nm - 280 nm 280 nm - 320 nm 320 nm - 400 nm 760 nm - 1 mm 12.3 - 9.8 eV 9.8 - 9.2 eV 9.2 - 8.1 eV 1.6 - 10-3 eV Table 1 Spectrum of UV and IR radiation and its photon energ SOFW-Journal | 136 | 10-2010 < Content CO S M ET I C S R A D I C A L S K I N STAT U S FAC TO R ( R S F ) nostic purposes, typically employs frequencies ranging from 2 MHz to about 12 MHz (5, 6). Ultrasound does not use ionizing radiation. In contrast to ionizing radiation, which can damage biological materials by dislodging electrons from atoms and molecules, ultrasounds do not cause ionisation. They usually interact with human tissue primarily by generating heat, but also non-thermal effects which are ascribed to cavitation (i.e. micro-bubble) (7). The process of cavitation includes ultrasounds mechanical effects which lead to hydrodynamic breaks of hydrogen bonds and oscillation of hydrogen ions, and chemical effects produced by the occurrence of free radicals (8) in intercarionic space in the process of cavitation (Fig. 5). The very high temperatures Fig. 5 At high acoustic pressure, ultrasound is capable of causing rapid bubble which grow and collapse among them (a) and cells (b). This mechanism results in the production of sufficient energy to disrupt chemical bonds and produce reactive free radicals, that may interfere with DNA thermostressine ™ No signs of stress in skin Prevents skin from jet-lag Protects cells against daily stress Boosts HSP70 levels VISIT US ON STAND D40 SOFW-Journal | 136 | 10-2010 www.lipotec.com 27 < Content CO S M ET I C S R A D I C A L S K I N STAT U S FAC TO R ( R S F ) and pressures induced by acoustic cavitation in collapsing gas bubbles in aqueous solutions exposed to ultrasound lead to the thermal dissociation of water vapor into H atoms and OH radicals. Theoretically, these free radicals may interfere with DNA, causing chromosomal damage. Chemical Skin Irritants Skin is a valuable tissue – but chemical irritants can harm it. Different chemicals can irritate the skin. Some chemicals remove fat and oils from the skin. When this occurs, the skin becomes cracked and dry. Irritants can also cause severe burns. Or irritants can cause oils and waxes to plug hair follicles and sweat ducts. This can cause dermatitis and acne. Chemical irritants can cause the generation of free radicals and can work as a catalyzer for UV generated free radicals (9, 10). Types of irritant are shown in Table 2. Application Examples Materials and methods To test the effect of different external influences on skin some tests were done. The basis of these tests were measurements of the RSF (11) of skin after external treating. Generated free radicals were detected with • ESR Spectrometer Mini Scope 200 Magnettech, Germany External treatments were performed with • UV Solar Simulator 300 W Newport 91260 USA • IR lamp Osram Thera 250 W E27 Germany • wIRA lamp Hydrosun 501 Medizintechnik Müllheim, Germany Increased moisture in skin – moisturizers Hydration of skin during UV-irradiation can have a detrimental effect on the UV protection of skin. This detrimental effect is correlated with the generation of free radicals. The radical generation depends on the properties of the skin (water content, see Fig. 1) and the applied formulation (water content, penetration behavior, among others). Hydration of skin can be achieved by using moisturizers. Naturally occurring skin lipids and sterols as well as artificial or natural oils, humectants, emollients, lubricants, etc. may be part of the composition of commercial skin moisturizers. The amount of generated free radicals in moisturized skin is higher than in dry skin. The effect of different moisture contents on the RSF of skin was tested by using different skin moisturizing formulations Four different formulations were applied on the skin and the Radical Status Factor (RSF) was determined (Fig. 6). Generally, all skin treatments that influence the hydration degree of the skin and/or its barrier function may have a measurable influence on the radical gen- Chemical Irritant Examples Found in Effects Strong acid Hydrochloric acid Fertilizers Dyes Paint pigments Severe burns Brief or prolonged Effects Sulfuric acid Battery acid Phosphate Fertilizers Nitric acid Fertilizers Metal working Sodium hydroxide Soaps, detergents Cleaning products Adhesives Paint remover Desinfectants Potassium hydroxide Desinfectants Sterilizing agents Dichlormetane Paint remover Prolonged dermatitis N-Methylpyrrolidine Alcohol Prolonged acne Strong caustics Strong solvents Severe burns Brief or prolonged Effects Table 2 Types and effects of chemical irritants 28 SOFW-Journal | 136 | 10-2010 < Content CO S M ET I C S R A D I C A L S K I N STAT U S FAC TO R ( R S F ) Fig. 6 Free radical formation in the skin during UV radiation with and without application of placebo formulations. (Spray = 50% EtOH, Lotion = 70% H2O, Cream = 50% H2O, Glycerine = 50% H2O) eration. The highest effect was measured, when a solution of glycerine and water (50:50, w/w) was applied on the skin. The amount of free radicals compared to untreated skin was nearly doubled. The lowest effect showed an ethanolic spray formulation (28 % more free radicals compared to untreated skin). The measured RSF values are the mean values of 6 samples. Electromagnetic Radiation – Interactions Ultraviolet Interactions The acute reactions of human skin to solar ultraviolet radiation (280 - 400 nm) are recognised as a form of inflammation reactions that are mediated by several possible mechanisms (12) including (a) direct action of photons on DNA; (b) generation of reactive free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) involving the formation of O2-., O2, H2O2, .OH, ROO., ecc.; (c) generation of prostaglandins, histamine, leucotrienes, and other inflammatory mediators. It is conceivable that UV-induced reactions represent oxidative stress mediated by the formation of free radicals, reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxidation, liberation of membrane phospholipids, and subsequent formation of prostaglandins by cyclooxygenase pathway. While the energy of photons of the UVB range seems to be sufficient to damage directly the DNA, the photon energy of UVA radiation generates more free radicals It has been suggested that skin exposure to UVA involves the production of free radicals (reactive oxygen species) which may be the first step of the multiple damages induced by UVA (13). It has also been reported that irradiation with UVA produces a decrease in the levels of antioxidants (14), inactivation of antioxidant enzymes (15) and an increase in the markers of lipid peroxidation in skin (16). Recent studies have shown that UVA can induce epidermal tumours (17), and contributes to erythema caused by solar exposure (18). Infrared Interactions Contrary to UV part of the solar spectrum concerning the generation of free radicals in skin the effect of IR on the skin is under debate. For when you want some clarity. symbio®solv XC PEG-free natural solubiliser for transparent solutions. intelligence behind beauty www.dr-straetmans.de SOFW-Journal | 136 | 10-2010 CO S M ET I C S < Content R A D I C A L S K I N STAT U S FAC TO R ( R S F ) Two classes point out the generation of free radicals/ROS in skin (cell culture material, biopsies, forearms) (19-23) during IRA radiation. In addition to this opinion T. Jung et al. (24) have measured how infrared A acts on skin cells. They have demonstrated that in human dermal fibroblasts the reactive oxygen species generation is dependent on heat formation by infrared A and can be reproduced by thermal exposure. On the other hand wIRA (water filtered IR) irradiation had no detectable effect if the temperature in cells kept constant, even if irradiance exceeded the extraterrestrial solar irradiance in the IR range by a factor of about 4 and the maximum at noontime in the tropics by factor up to about 6. Incandescent lamp Incandescent lamps with an red filter are commonly used as a source of infrared light (IRA, IRB,IRC). A special red filter removes the visible and ultraviolet part of the spectrum. Fig. 7 shows a typical energy curve for an incandescent lamp. As it is seen, energy emission is mostly in the infrared, with only a small amount in the visible region. As with natural daylight, this curve is strictly a continuous spectrum, without the narrow band emissions of fluorescent lighting. Unlike natural daylight (other than direct sunlight at sunrise and sunset), most of the visible emissions consist of red wavelengths. wIRA ( water filtered infrared A) Using only the higher penetrating IRA (penetration window for near IR, see Fig. 2) a special radiator was used. Hydrosun® 501 (Medizintechnik Müllheim, Germany) is a radiator, emitting water-filtered infrared-A (wIRA) and visible light (VIS), spectrum shown in Fig. 8. The principle of operation involves the use of a water-filter in the radiation path that absorbs or decreases those infrared wavelengths emitted by conventional infrared lamps that would otherwise lay a thermal burden on the skin (especially infrared-B and -C and water absorption bands within infrared-A (19-21)). With wIRA high irradiation intensities are perceived as pleasant and therapeutic heating of deeper tissue layers over longer 30 Fig. 7 Spectrum of incandescent lamp periods of time can be achieved. 10 mm water cuvette, standard orange filter, water-filtered spectrum 550 - 1400 nm, see Fig. 8 had approximately 185 mW/cm2 total irradiation intensity (wIRA(+VIS)) with approximately 140 mW/cm2 waterfiltered infrared-A (wIRA) and approximately 45 mW/cm2 visible light (VIS) at a distance of 25 cm. Generated Free Radicals during electromagnetic irradiation Using the UV and IR part of the electromagnetic spectrum skin was irradiated by different irradiances to generate free radicals. Fig. 9 shows clearly that free radicals are exclusively induced by the UV part of the solar spectrum. The amount of generated free radicals is advised as the rate constant factor k measuring the differential radical increase. It is seen that k correlates with higher radiation frequencies implicating higher photon energy. The results are the mean values of six skin samples. Sun light is polychromatic, its final effect on human skin is the result of not only the action of each wavelength individually, but also the interaction between these wavelengths (25). Fig. 8 Spectrum with spectral irradiation intensity E (mW/cm2 · (10 nm)-1 = W · m-2 · nm-1 of a wIRA radiator (Hydrosun® 501) SOFW-Journal | 136 | 10-2010 < Content CO S M ET I C S R A D I C A L S K I N STAT U S FAC TO R ( R S F ) Fig. 9 Rate constant k (normalized Radicals / min) of generated free radicals in skin during electromagnetic radiation with the following irradiances: E UVB = 1,2 mW/cm2 , EUVAB = 22,2 mW/cm2, EUVA= 21,0 mW/cm2, EIR1 = 15 mW/cm2 (T = 32 °C) , EIR2 = 150mW/cm2 (T = 42 °C), EwIRA = 150 mW/cm2 (T = 44 °C) Corresponding to its wavelength different radical increases / time unit are seen. The radical increase / time unit is expressed by the rate constant k which correlates with the photon energy of the applied light. The used light spectrum simulated by the UV Solar Simulator 300 W Newport shows the highest rate constant for the UVB part followed by UVAB and UVA. IR and wIRA generated by Osram Thera 250 W E27 and Hydrosun 501 show only minor influences on the generation of free radicals. No free radicals could be detected for electromagnetic radiation with wavelength > 400 nm. This result corresponds to the theoretical assumptions made in (26). proDERM® Institute for Applied Dermatological Research fon +49-40-839 358-0 fax +49-40-839 358-39 Kiebitzweg 2 22869 Schenefeld/Hamburg, Germany info@proDERM.de www.proDERM.de Zastrow et al (27) represented an action spectrum over the range from 280 nm – 700 nm for the generation of an absolute amount of free radicals in the used skin biopsy. This spectrum shows the highest amount of free radicals for the UVA range considering the higher penetration depth of UVA versus UVB. Radicals generated in the range over 400 nm inclusive the whole range of IR radiation show a minor intensity. UVA generates primary oxygen radicals followed by secondary lipid radicals. The high power UVB damages additionally and directly cell structures inclusive DNA. The lower photon energy of IRA is not sufficient to generate any kind of free radicals in skin. The influence of temperature, which is in the physiological range, can be neglected for the generation of free radicals. Finally it is a fact that the feasibility of the generation of free radicals correlates with the photon energy depending on the atomic surrounding of biological object (skin cells). The amount and quality of free radicals is determined by the intensity (wave length) of the photon and only in the case of thermal destruction of the object by long irradiation times (dose), relevant changes may occur. Résumé In a three-part series the Radical Status Factor RSF was represented beginning Dedicated to Skin DERMATOLOGY ORAL CARE OPHTHALMOLOGY INTIMATE HYGIENE Technical expertise, state-of-the-art equipment, stringent certified quality management, and exceptional commitment – these are our strengths in clinical trials. When you choose proDERM, your dermatological study is in reliable hands: You‘ll find competent staff at your disposal who can provide you with expert advice and assistance. We look forward to hearing from you! SOFW-Journal | 136 | 10-2010 31 < Content CO S M ET I C S R A D I C A L S K I N STAT U S FAC TO R ( R S F ) with its measurement and calculation continuing with topical applications of different formulations and ending with external physical and chemical influences. The possibility of measuring the protecting and promoting influences on skin and the presentation as 2D factor (quality – protection/promotion, and quantity - intensity) offers a comprehensive classification and comparison of dermal applied products and treatments. After presentation of the technique in part I the application of the RSF was tested on various examples and was shown in part II and III. A wide range of different applications of this technique is shown. The universality of the RSF enables comparing and assessing of various products and treatments with each other. A simple number determines the redox-status of the skin. It offers the possibility of a comparative classification of all products and treatments. 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