We Serve - Tunku Abdul Rahman College

Academic Calendar 2015/2016
Semester Dates
Bachelor Degree/Diploma
Semester 1
11 May 2015 – 27 September 2015
Semester Examination
20 August 2015 – 5 September 2015
Semester Holidays
6 September 2015 – 27 September 2015
Semester 2
28 September 2015 – 14 February 2016
Semester Examination
7 January 2016 – 23 January 2016
Semester Holidays
24 January 2016 – 14 February 2016
Semester 3
15 February 2016 – 29 May 2016
Semester Examination
4 April 2016 – 20 April 2016
Semester Holidays
21 April 2016 – 29 May 2016
Academic Year 2015/2016 for new students commence on 5 May 2015
Semester 1
Mid Semester Break
13 April 2015 – 23 August 2015 25 May 2015 – 31 May 2015
27 July 2015 – 2 August 2015
Semester 2
Mid Semester Break
24 August 2015 – 12 October 2015 – 7 December 2015 – 10 January 2016
18 October 2015
20 December 2015
Semester 3
Mid Semester Break
11 January 2016 – 29 May 2016 22 February 2016 – 25 April 2016 – 8 May 2016
28 February 2016
Semester Holidays
3 August 2015 –
23 August 2015
Semester Holidays
21 December 2015 –
10 January 2016
Semester Holidays
9 May 2016 – 29 May 2016
Cambridge GCE A Level*
Semester 1
Mid Semester Break
13 April 2015 – 23 August 2015 25 May 2015 – 31 May 2015
27 July 2015 – 2 August 2015
Semester 2
Mid Semester Break
4 August 2015 – 12 October 2015 – 7 December 2015 – 10 January 2016
18 October 2015
13 December 2015
Semester 3
Mid Semester Break
AS Trial Examination
11 January 2016 – 22 February 2016 –
11 April 2016 – 17 April 2016
12 June 2016
28 February 2016
Semester 4
Mid Semester Break
A2 Trial Examination
13 June 2016 – 8 August 2016 – 29 August 2016 – End of November 2016 21 August 2016
11 September 2016
Note: CIE Examination: 9 May 2016 – End of June 2016
10 October 2016 – End of November 2016
* Semester Dates subject to change
Semester Holidays
3 August 2015 –
23 August 2015
Semester Holidays
21 December 2015 –
10 January 2016
Semester Holidays
9 May 2016 – 12 June 2016
Semester Holidays
10 October 2016 –
End of November 2016
Philosophy, Mission & Vision
The Tunku Abdul Rahman University College FIRMLY BELIEVES that education to whomsoever it is given, regardless of
age, sex, race, creed or class, will bring benefits to the people and country.
The Tunku Abdul Rahman University College FULLY REALIZES its responsibility as an institution of higher learning in the
context of the Malaysian education system and its role in fulfilling the common aspirations of the Malaysian people in the
pursuit of education.
The Tunku Abdul Rahman University College STAUNCHLY UPHOLDS the principle that education embraces not only the
pursuit of truth and knowledge but also the development of a moral and ethical character.
The Tunku Abdul Rahman University College is committed to complement
and supplement the efforts of the Government in providing quality education
and training on a comprehensive range of disciplines and levels thereby
adding to the development of human capital in Malaysia.
The Tunku Abdul Rahman University College shall be a distinguished
institution of higher learning acknowledged locally, nationally and globally
for its excellence in providing opportunities for intellectual, personal and
professional development and growth of its students by fostering their
inquiring, creative and innovative minds to succeed in life.
The Tunku Abdul Rahman University College will focus on total development
of students to their fullest potential and its graduates shall be imbued
with knowledge, skills, values and attributes to succeed in life and work,
contributing to the technological, economic and social advancement of the
The Tunku Abdul Rahman University College is committed to maintaining
strong links with business, industry and community as well as collaborating
with other renowned institutions for the purpose of fostering continuous
improvement and learning.
We Serve
We Lead
We Excel
Philosophy, Mission and Vision of TAR UC
Message from the Chairman of the Board of Governors and Trustees
Message from the President
Pengenalan kepada Kolej Universiti
The University College
Board of Governors
Programmes Offered 16
Computing Services and Facilities
Broadcasting, Creative Arts and Hospitality Management Facilities
Student Services
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Academic Progression Route
Minimum Entry Requirements
Bachelor Degree programmes
Diploma programmes
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Academic Progression Route
Minimum Entry Requirements
Bachelor Degree programmes
Diploma programmes
Student Financial Aid
Centre for Continuing and Professional Education
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Academic Progression Route
Minimum Entry Requirements
Bachelor Degree programmes
Diploma programmes
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Academic Progression Route
Minimum Entry Requirements
Bachelor Degree programmes
Diploma programmes
Centre for Nation Building and Languages
Language Courses & Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum Courses
Centre for Pre-University Studies
Foundation programmes
Minimum Entry Requirements
Cambridge GCE A Level programmes
Minimum Entry Requirements
Message from the
Chairman of the Board of
Governors and Trustees
Message from the President
A name that inspires respect and acclaim, Tunku Abdul Rahman
University College (‘TAR University College’) is well recognised for its
tradition of academic excellence and noble mission of providing quality
and affordable education to all Malaysians.
Making the right decision for your future to shape your expertise, soft
skills, career path, employment options, career progression, and the
rest of your life can be a daunting one. With so much of information
inundating school leavers, this poses a greater challenge in making an
informed decision. Hence, this prospectus that you hold is a guide that
will carefully navigate you through in charting your education journey and
exploring options open for you.
Set up in 1969 by the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), TAR
University College today is one of the leading institutions of higher
learning in Malaysia. Over the course of 46 years, the country has
witnessed the contribution of TAR University College in nation building.
Many of the national leaders, industry captains, successful entrepreneurs
and leaders are educated and trained in this institution, a fact that shows
the outstanding quality of the holistic education offered at TAR University
College. This institution is not solely providing academic programmes for
school leavers but it moulds leaders who will be the prime movers of the
country’s growth and progress.
With the upgrading of status, TAR University College will augment its
provision of quality and affordable education to the global stage in a
bid to do its best to propel Malaysia towards becoming a regional hub
for education. This will certainly add an international dimension to the
student learning experience which enhances the value and education
journey here.
Let your tertiary education voyage begin at TAR University College
and experience our holistic education at its best. Do leaf through the
prospectus and visit our website to find out more about our programme
offerings that suit your career aspirations. We look forward to having you
in TAR University College family soon!
Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai
As a recently upgraded University College, educational excellence is
always our commitment and we will not compromise on delivering
quality, affordable, holistic and transformative education for all our
students. Bachelor Degree programmes are now being offered in
addition to all our current Diploma programmes. With our wide range of
study disciplines in applied sciences, ICT, microelectronics, accounting,
finance, business, economics, built environment, engineering, mass
communication, creative arts, social science, hospitality management, as
well as Pre-University programmes such as Foundation and Cambridge
GCE A Level, I am confident that you will find your chosen route with us.
Our strength lies in our long-established teaching and academic
standards that have been well recognised in academia and industries. In
pursuance of students’ total development, we are strongly committed to
building a conducive study environment that promotes personal growth.
You will find plenty of opportunities to experience an immersive learning
in TAR University College.
So go ahead, take a look at the path of your future in this prospectus.
We look forward to welcoming you to TAR University College with utmost
anticipation where you will discover a new world to explore and unlock
the talent within you.
Datuk Dr Tan Chik Heok
kepada Kolej Universiti
Penubuhan Kolej Universiti
Kolej Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (‘Kolej Universiti TAR’) mempunyai sejarah selama
lebih empat dekad sejak 24 Februari 1969 apabila ia ditubuhkan sebagai Kolej Tunku
Abdul Rahman (‘Kolej TAR’) di bawah pucuk pimpinan MCA. Penamaan Kolej ini
adalah bersempena dengan nama Almarhum YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj,
Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang pertama dan juga Bapa Kemerdekaan Malaysia.
Dengan pengambilan pelajar sulungnya seramai 764 orang, Kolej Universiti TAR kini
telah berkembang pesat dengan peningkatan populasi pelajarnya yang menghampiri
seramai 26,000 orang. Kolej TAR telah dinaiktaraf secara rasmi kepada Kolej
Universiti status pada 2 Mei 2013. Dengan kenaikan taraf ini, Kolej Universiti TAR telah
menawarkan program-program Ijazah Sarjana Muda. Subsidi/peruntukan daripada
pihak kerajaan telah membolehkan Kolej Universiti menawarkan pendidikan mampu
biaya kepada rakyat Malaysia.
Selain daripada kampus induk di Kuala Lumpur, Kolej Universiti TAR telah menubuhkan
kampus-kampus cawangannya di Pulau Pinang, Perak dan Johor serta cawangancawangan di Pahang dan Sabah dalam usahanya untuk meluaskan akses kepada
pendidikan yang berkualiti dan mampu biaya.
Kolej Universiti ini disokong oleh empat fakulti yang menawarkan program-program
prasiswazah iaitu Fakulti Sains Gunaan dan Pengkomputeran, Fakulti Perakaunan,
Kewangan dan Perniagaan, Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina serta Fakulti Sains
Sosial, Sastera dan Kemanusiaan. Kolej Universiti ini juga mempunyai sebuah Pusat
Pengajian Pra-Universiti yang menawarkan program-program pra-universiti seperti
Program Asasi dan Cambridge GCE A Level.
Kolej Universiti TAR adalah terkenal di kalangan institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi dan
badan-badan profesional dalam dan luar negara. Kolej Universiti TAR merupakan
sebuah institusi yang mempunyai reputasi unggul di kalangan industri-industri dengan
standard akademiknya yang tinggi dan para siswazahnya yang terlatih. Kolej Universiti
TAR telah melahirkan seramai 170,000 alumni yang berjaya, di antaranya pemimpinpemimpin negara, usahawan-usahawan yang berjaya dan ahli-ahli profesional.
kepada Kolej Universiti
Kampus Induk Kuala Lumpur
Kampus Induk Kuala Lumpur yang terletak di Jalan Genting Kelang, Setapak meliputi
kawasan seluas 186 ekar. Melalui penggabungan konsep alam dan kemodenan,
kampus kemegahan ini menawarkan para pelajar dengan kehijauan yang diserlahkan
oleh gazebo, pergola dan taman-taman lanskap serta kemudahan-kemudahan terkini
yang mempromosikan pengalaman pembelajaran yang unik dan berinspirasi.
Pelbagai jenis kemudahan rekreasi telah disediakan yang merangkumi padang bola
sepak dengan trek larian, kompleks sukan, rumah kelab, kolam renang bersaiz Olimpik
dan dewan utama dengan kapasiti 2,000 tempat duduk. Kompleks Sukan Kolej
Universiti mempunyai tiga gelanggang tenis atas bumbung, satu dewan besar dengan
enam gelanggang badminton, dua gelanggang bola tampar, satu gelanggang bola
keranjang, satu gelanggang bola jaring, dua dewan kecil, lima gelanggang ping-pong
dan sebuah gimnasium.
Di samping itu, sumber-sumber yang komprehensif juga disediakan untuk menyokong
pengajaran dan pembelajaran seperti perpustakaan bertingkat tiga, bilik-bilik tutorial,
dewan-dewan kuliah, makmal-makmal, bengkel-bengkel dan Pusat Siber terkini yang
menempatkan Pusat Komunikasi dan Teknologi Maklumat yang menyediakan sumber
teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi untuk tujuan pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Zonzon akses Internet wayarles yang diperuntukkan juga disediakan di lokasi-lokasi yang
strategik. Kampus Induk Kuala Lumpur juga mempunyai tiga pusat kecemerlangan, iaitu
Pusat Kecemerlangan Personaliti Leonard, Pusat Sokongan Keusahawanan IBM-FASC
dan Pusat Kecemerlangan Maya bagi Perakaunan Profesional.
Penginapan dalam kampus juga disediakan melalui sepuluh blok asrama yang dilengkapi
dengan kemudahan-kemudahan moden dan perkhidmatan keselamatan 24 jam. Selain
itu, terdapat juga sebuah bangunan pentadbiran bertingkat enam yang dikenali sebagai
Bangunan Tun Tan Siew Sin yang beroperasi sebagai pusat nadi pentadbiran Kolej
Universiti dan turut menempatkan sebuah auditorium dan Galeri Kolej Universiti.
Persekitaran alam semula jadi kampus yang beralun dan berbukit yang merangkumi tanah pelbagai peringkat telah dipelihara untuk berpadu
dengan persekitaran semula jadi. Terletak hanya kira-kira lapan kilometer dari kesibukan pusat bandar Kuala Lumpur, kampus ini menawarkan
suatu pengalaman pembelajaran yang unik dipertingkatkan dengan kerancakan kehidupan kota. Perjalanan ulang-alik adalah senang dengan akses
mudah kepada pelbagai mod pengangkutan awam. Kampus Induk juga dihubungkan dengan destinasi membeli-belah utama dan tempat-tempat
pelancongan di kawasan sekitarnya.
Kampus Cawangan Pulau Pinang
Kampus Cawangan Perak
Kampus Cawangan Pulau Pinang merupakan Kampus Cawangan pertama
Kolej Universiti TAR. Kampus cawangan ini telah ditubuhkan pada 15 Julai
1994 dengan pelajar seramai 78 orang. Kini, ia telah berkembang dari segi
bilangan pelajar dan reputasinya. Bilangan pelajar Kampus Cawangan
Pulau Pinang pada masa kini dianggarkan seramai 3,300 orang.
Kampus Cawangan Perak ditubuhkan pada 5 Januari 1998 di premis
sementara iaitu lima lot kedai di Taman Bandar Baru, Kampar. Kampus
cawangan tetap sekarang yang berlatarbelakangkan pemandangan tasiktasik dan bukit-bukit telah dirasmikan oleh YAB Dato’ Seri Abdullah bin Haji
Ahmad Badawi, bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri pada 18 Mei 2003.
Dengan kedudukan kampus cawangan yang strategik di Tanjong Bungah
yang hanya mengambil masa memandu 20 minit dari Georgetown, ibu
kota Pulau Pinang; lokasi ideal ini diperkukuhkan dengan pengangkutan
awam sedia ada (Rapid Penang) berserta dengan perkhidmatan bas Kolej
Universiti untuk memenuhi keperluan pengangkutan pelajar-pelajar dalam
perjalanan dari kampus ke jeti dan Air ltam.
Pusat Sumber kampus cawangan ini menempatkan empat makmal
akademik, dua makmal pengajaran, dua makmal bahasa multimedia, satu
bilik mesyuarat dan sebuah makmal Internet. Auditorium kampus cawangan
ini berkapasiti 1,400 tempat duduk dan mempunyai sistem bunyi dan
pencahayaan yang moden. Di samping itu, Blok Pengurusan Hospitaliti
telah menggabungkan bilik-bilik hotel, dapur pembuatan kek dan pastri,
dapur masakan timur dan barat, kaunter latihan resepsi dan bilik dobi
untuk memastikan pembelajaran imersif bagi pelajar-pelajar dalam program
Pengurusan Hospitaliti. Terdapat juga sebuah restoran yang dibuka
kepada orang awam untuk memberikan latihan amali dalam pengurusan
perkhidmatan makanan kepada pelajar-pelajar. Pembangunan kemahiran
insaniah di kalangan pelajar-pelajar adalah tidak diabaikan dengan adanya
Pusat Pelajar yang memberikan peluang-peluang mengasah kepimpinan
dan kemahiran-kemahiran interpersonal pelajar.
Seiring dengan masa kini, Kampus Cawangan Pulau Pinang telah
memperkukuhkan infrastrukturnya bagi menampung peningkatan
jumlah pelajar. Auditorium, mercu tanda kampus cawangan ini, berdiri
megah manakala kemudahan-kemudahan baru seperti sebuah Makmal
Kejuruteraan yang dilengkapi dengan ‘Matlab’, Makmal Elektronik, Makmal
Binaan dan Studio Penyiaran juga telah ditambahkan kepada infrastruktur
sedia ada dengan kemudahan wayarles percuma di lokasi-lokasi strategik.
Tahun 2014 memperlihatkan penyiapan infrastruktur-infrastruktur
tambahan yang merangkumi sebuah perpustakaan tiga tingkat yang
dirancang, satu blok fakulti empat tingkat dan sebuah teater kuliah
berkembar moden yang boleh menampung seramai 600 orang pelajar.
Bagi tujuan riadah dan rekreasi, pelajar-pelajar boleh menikmati pelbagai
aktiviti sukan di rumah kelab yang menempatkan dua gelanggang skuasy,
sebuah gimnasium yang serba lengkap dan sebuah kolam renang bersaiz
Selain daripada kemudahan-kemudahan yang memperkayakan penuntutan
pengajian akademik, kampus cawangan ini juga menawarkan
banyak kemudahan-kemudahan sukan dan rekreasi bagi
menggalakkan penuntutan gaya hidup yang aktif dan sihat.
Pelajar-pelajar boleh menyertai aktiviti-aktiviti rekreasi dalaman dan
luaran seperti bola sepak, bola keranjang, tenis, bola jaring, bola
tampar, badminton, karom, ping-pong, catur, dart dan banyak
lagi. Di samping itu, Kompleks Rumah Kelab turut menempatkan
sebuah dewan serbaguna, kafeteria, gimnasium, gelanggang
skuasy dan sebuah kolam renang bersaiz Olimpik.
kepada Kolej Universiti
Kampus Cawangan Johor
Kampus Cawangan Johor ditubuhkan pada 18 Mei 1998 di Segamat di
kawasan seluas 20 hektar (50 ekar) yang cantik dilanskap dan dikelilingi
kehijauan. Kampus cawangan ini serba lengkap dengan kemudahankemudahan seperti dapur latihan, restoran latihan, dapur bakeri dan hotel
olokan yang mendedahkan pelajar-pelajar Pengurusan Hospitaliti kepada
standard-standard dan praktis-praktis industri. Sistem RAS (Recirculation
Aquaculture System) dan teknik penanaman cendawan tiram kelabu
organik juga diperkenalkan di bengkel praktikal keusahawanan akuakultur.
Kampus cawangan ini menyediakan pelbagai kemudahan rekreasi
dalaman dan luaran seperti bola keranjang, bola tampar, tenis dan bola
sepak. Aktiviti-aktiviti dalaman seperti karom, catur, ping pong, ‘scrabble’
dan pelbagai mainan lain boleh dilakukan di Kompleks Sukan. Kompleks
Sukan turut mempunyai sebuah dewan serbaguna, bilik mesyuarat dan
bilik pertolongan cemas. Kemudahan-kemudahan rekreasi yang lain
termasuk sebuah gimnasium dalaman, gelanggang skuasy dan badminton
serta kolam renang bersaiz Olimpik.
Sejak bulan April 2014, sebuah blok asrama pelajar yang terletak berhampiran
dengan kampus cawangan ini telah mula beroperasi untuk menawarkan
tempat penginapan yang selesa kepada para pelajar dari luar daerah Segamat.
Cawangan Pahang
Cawangan Pahang telah mula beroperasi dengan pengambilan pelajar
kumpulan pertama pada 4 Januari 1999. Cawangan Pahang yang terletak
di Karak telah ditubuhkan untuk memberikan peluang pendidikan tinggi
kepada komuniti di kawasan Pantai Timur.
Kemudahan-kemudahan di Cawangan Pahang terdiri daripada infrastruktur
akademik yang moden dan berhawa dingin sepenuhnya. Ia menempatkan
bilik-bilik tutorial, sebuah dewan kuliah, sebuah perpustakaan, sebuah
makmal Internet, sebuah makmal penyelenggaraan komputer dan dua
makmal komputer. Cawangan Pahang juga mempunyai kawasan capaian
Internet wayarles yang diperuntukkan untuk menggalakkan pelajar-pelajar
untuk melayari Jaringan Sejagat bagi tujuan penyelidikan dan pemerkayaan
ilmu pengetahuan.
Di samping itu, terdapat sebuah bilik rekreasi di mana pelajar-pelajar boleh
bermain ping-pong, karom, catur dan permainan-permainan lain. Pelajarpelajar yang meminati sukan aktif boleh bermain bola sepak, bola keranjang
dan badminton di kemudahan-kemudahan sukan yang berdekatan.
Cawangan Sabah
Cawangan Sabah yang terletak di Pusat Dagangan Donggongon,
Penampang merupakan cawangan pertama di Malaysia Timur. la
mula beroperasi pada 20 Mei 2002. Cawangan ini dilengkapi dengan
kemudahan akademik moden seperti dewan kuliah, bilik tutorial,
perpustakaan dan makmal komputer. Pelajar-pelajar boleh melayari
Internet di bilik Internet yang disediakan. Selain itu, kemudahan Wifi
juga disediakan di sekitar cawangan ini. Bilik rekreasi juga disediakan
untuk pelajar-pelajar yang meminati sukan. Di samping itu, pelajar-pelajar
boleh menggunakan kemudahan-kemudahan sukan dengan harga yang
berpatutan di Kompleks Sukan Penampang yang terletak berhampiran
dengan Cawangan Sabah.
Dapur latihan, restoran dan bilik hotel praktikal disediakan untuk pelajarpelajar hospitaliti menjalani latihan praktikal. Selain itu, cawangan ini juga
menawarkan kursus-kursus jangka pendek seperti penyelenggaraan
rangkaian dan komputer, pembuatan kek dan fotografi untuk pelajarpelajar dan orang awam.
Daerah Penampang yang terletak kira-kira 30 minit dari Kota Kinabalu
merupakan pintu masuk ke tempat-tempat pelancongan yang terkenal
seperti Pusat Penerangan Rafflesia Tambunan dan Taman Haiwan Lokawi.
Selain itu, Penampang juga terkenal dengan Tamu mingguan.
Pusat membeli-belah Megalong dan Perpustakaan Penampang
juga terletak berdekatan dengan Cawangan Sabah.
Fakulti-Fakulti dan Pusat Pengajian
Kampus Induk Kuala Lumpur mempunyai empat buah Fakulti dan empat
buah Pusat Pengajian seperti berikut:
a) Fakulti Sains Gunaan dan Pengkomputeran
b)Fakulti Perakaunan, Kewangan dan Perniagaan
c)Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina
d)Fakulti Sains Sosial, Sastera dan Kemanusiaan
e)Pusat Pengajian Pra-Universiti
f) Pusat Pengajian Pembinaan Negara dan Bahasa
g) Pusat Pengajian Siswazah dan Penyelidikan
h)Pusat Pendidikan Ikhtisas dan Lanjutan
Fakulti Sains Gunaan dan
Fakulti Sains Gunaan dan Pengkomputeran menawarkan programprogram sepenuh masa pada peringkat Diploma (2 tahun) dan Ijazah
Sarjana Muda (3 tahun).
Program-program Fakulti ini bertujuan memberi para pelajar pendidikan
sains asas yang teguh, selaras dengan peredaran zaman supaya mereka
boleh mempraktikkan pengetahuan mereka dalam memenuhi hasrat negara
untuk mempergiatkan industri perusahaan dan kepelbagaian ekonomi.
Fakulti Perakaunan,
Kewangan dan Perniagaan
Fakulti Perakaunan, Kewangan dan Perniagaan menawarkan programprogram sepenuh masa pada peringkat Diploma (2 tahun) dan Ijazah
Sarjana Muda (3 atau 4 tahun).
Pelajar-pelajar Ijazah Sarjana Muda dalam program Perdagangan
dan Perakaunan juga disediakan secara serentak untuk menduduki
peperiksaan yang dikelolakan oleh badan-badan profesional antarabangsa
iaitu ‘Association of Chartered Certified Accountants’ (ACCA, UK), dan
‘Chartered Institute of Management Accountants’ (CIMA, UK).
kepada Kolej Universiti
Kolej Universiti telah mendapat pengiktirafan daripada badan-badan
profesional untuk menyediakan para pelajarnya menduduki peperiksaan
ikhtisas. Terdapat ramai pelajar yang telah mencapai keputusan yang
cemerlang di dalam peperiksaan yang dikelolakan oleh badan-badan
tersebut dan memenangi hadiah-hadiah di peringkat antarabangsa.
Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina
Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina menawarkan program-program
sepenuh masa pada peringkat Diploma (2-3 tahun) dan Ijazah Sarjana
Muda (3 - 4 tahun). Program-program yang dikelolakan oleh Fakulti ini
telah dapat membekalkan ahli teknologi/jurutera yang terlatih pada tahap
profesional/ikhtisas dan pada tahap separuh profesional demi memenuhi
keperluan tenaga kerja di dalam bidang teknologi/kejuruteraan.
Fakulti Sains Sosial,
Sastera dan Kemanusiaan
Fakulti Sains Sosial, Sastera dan Kemanusiaan menawarkan programprogram sepenuh masa pada peringkat Diploma (2 tahun) dan Ijazah
Sarjana Muda (3 tahun) dalam bidang Komunikasi Massa, Seni Kreatif,
Sains Sosial dan Pengurusan Hospitaliti.
Pusat Pengajian Pra-Universiti
Pusat Pengajian Pra-Universiti menawarkan program GCE A Level
dan program asasi dengan bertujuan menyediakan para pelajar untuk
melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat pengajian tinggi. Ramai bekas pelajar
Pusat ini telah berjaya melanjutkan pelajaran mereka ke universiti-universiti
tempatan atau luar negara.
Pusat Pengajian
Pembinaan Negara dan Bahasa
Pusat Pengajian Pembinaan Negara dan Bahasa menawarkan kursuskursus pengajian pembinaan negara dan kursus-kursus bahasa Inggeris
serta bahasa asing. Kursus-kursus yang ditawarkan memberi penekanan
kepada penghayatan nilai-nilai murni, kemahiran insaniah, kemahiran
berfikir dan kemahiran berbahasa.
Pusat Pengajian
Siswazah dan Penyelidikan
Pusat Pengajian Siswazah dan Penyelidikan ditubuhkan pada tahun 2013.
Pusat ini menawarkan program pasca siswazah kepada alumni kolej
universiti serta orang awam. Pusat ini juga menguruskan dana-dana bagi
aktiviti penyelidikan dan aktiviti ulama seperti penerbitan, isu-isu IP dan
Pusat Pendidikan Ikhtisas dan Lanjutan
Pusat Pendidikan Ikhtisas dan Lanjutan ditubuhkan pada tahun 1999. Pusat
ini telah didaftar sebagai pusat latihan di bawah Pembangunan Sumber
Manusia Berhad (PSMB). Pusat ini memainkan peranan yang penting dalam
mempertingkat dan mengemaskinikan pengetahuan serta menjalankan
kursus-kursus bagi memenuhi keperluan staf, bekas pelajar Kolej Universiti,
pelajar-pelajar dan orang awam melalui kursus-kursus jangka pendek,
seminar dan bengkel-bengkel yang dikendalikan. Selaras dengan kempen
‘Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat’, Pusat ini juga mengendalikan pelbagai
kursus kemahiran dan kursus yang diminati orang ramai. Di
Kampus Induk Kuala Lumpur, Pusat ini menyediakan kemudahan
teater, bilik seminar, makmal komputer, bengkel, dewan kuliah, bilik
kelas dan kemudahan penginapan bagi mereka yang menyertai
kursus-kursus yang dikendalikan oleh Pusat ini.
The University College
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (‘TAR University College’) has
a history of over 4 decades starting from 24 February 1969 when it was
first established as Tunku Abdul Rahman College (‘TAR College’) under
the leadership of the Malaysian Chinese Association (‘MCA’). TAR College
was named after the late YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, the first
Prime Minister of Malaysia and the Father of Malaysian Independence.
From the initial intake of 764 students, TAR University College has grown
by leaps and bounds with its student population increasing close to
26,000. In recognition of its academic excellence for more than 40 years,
TAR College was officially upgraded to a University College on 2 May
2013, to offer Bachelor degree programmes. TAR University College
receives subsidy/grant from the Government so as to allow the University
College to provide affordable education to all Malaysians.
In its quest to widen access to affordable and quality education, TAR
University College set up its branch campuses in Penang, Perak and Johor
as well as branches in Pahang and Sabah.
The University College is supported by four faculties in the delivery of
undergraduate degree programmes, namely the Faculty of Applied
Sciences and Computing, Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business,
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment and Faculty of Social
Science, Arts and Humanities. There is also the Centre for Pre-University
Studies which conducts pre-university programmes such as Foundation
and Cambridge GCE A Level.
TAR University College has become well-recognised both locally and
internationally among the academic fraternity and professional bodies. As
an institution that is well-regarded by the industries for its high academic
standards and well-trained graduates, the University College
counts some of the national leaders, successful entrepreneurs
and professionals among its 170,000 alumni.
The undulating and hilly nature of the
campus consisting of multi-level grounds
has been preserved to blend with the
natural surroundings. Situated only about
8km from the bustling Kuala Lumpur
city centre, the campus offers a unique
learning experience enhanced with
the vibrancy of city life. Commuting is
convenient with easy access to various
modes of public transports. The Main
Campus is also well-connected to major
shopping destinations and places of
interest in the vicinity.
Kuala Lumpur Main Campus
The Kuala Lumpur Main Campus, located at Jalan Genting Kelang,
Setapak, sprawls across an area of 186 acres. Marrying nature with
modernity, the flagship campus affords students the lush greenery
enhanced by gazebos, pergola and landscaped parks, as well as state-ofthe-art facilities that promote an inspiring and unique learning experience.
An array of recreational facilities are provided which include football field
with running track, Sports Complex, a clubhouse, an Olympic-sized
swimming pool and a hall with a seating capacity of 2,000. The University
College Sports Complex has three rooftop tennis courts, a large hall with
six badminton courts, two volleyball courts, a basketball court, a netball
court, two smaller halls, five table tennis courts and gymnasium.
In addition, there are comprehensive resources to support learning and
teaching such as the three-storey library, tutorial rooms, lecture theatres,
laboratories, workshops and a state-of-the-art Cyber Centre which houses
the Communication and Information Technology Centre that provides
Information and Communication Technology resources for teaching and
learning purposes. There are also designated wireless internet access
zones at strategic locations. The Kuala Lumpur Main Campus also hosts
three centres of excellence, namely, the Leonard Personality Centre of
Excellence, IBM-FASC Entrepreneurial Support Centre and Virtual Centre
for Excellence in Professional Accountancy with the aim of enriching
academic learning and training.
On-campus accommodation is available with a 10-block hostel that
is well-served with all mod cons as well as 24-hour security service.
Besides that, there is also a 6-storey administrative building, known as
the Bangunan Tun Tan Siew Sin, which houses an auditorium and the
University College Gallery.
Penang Branch Campus students will enjoy a
conducive studying environment while being
immersed in the charms of Penang, a popular
tourist destination.
Boasting a rich seamless blend of various
cultural heritage that are portrayed by
historical and religious landmarks, Penang
Branch Campus students will definitely be
assured many unforgettable memories and
Students will be feted with an array of
Penang Branch Campus
The Penang Branch Campus, the first branch campus of TAR University
College, has grown in strength and stature from its humble beginnings of
78 students in the pioneer batch during its inception on 15 July 1994 to
approximately 3,300 students presently.
With the Campus situated at the prime belt of Tanjong Bungah which
is a 20-minute drive from Georgetown, Penang’s capital city, this ideal
location boasts of readily available public transportation (Rapid Penang)
together with the University College’s bus services to cater for students’
transportation needs en route to the jetty and Air Itam.
In tandem with present times, the Penang Branch Campus boosted its
infrastructure to accommodate the increasing student numbers. The
Auditorium, the Branch Campus’s landmark, stands majestically while
new facilities such as an Engineering Lab that is equipped with Matlab,
Electronic Lab, Building Lab and Broadcasting Studio have been added to
existing infrastructure with free Wi-Fi at strategic locations.
2014 saw the completion of additional infrastructures which encompass
a three-storey purpose-built library, a four-storey faculty block and a
state-of-the-art twin lecture theatre hall that seats a total of 600 students.
For recreational and leisure purposes, students can indulge themselves
in various sports activities at the campus clubhouse which houses two
squash courts, a well-equipped gymnasium and an Olympic-sized
swimming pool.
shopping centres, beach resorts, and
gourmet paradise that promises invaluable
experiences from its cultural background and
historical landmarks.
Accommodation is readily available at the
residential areas surrounding the campus
where students can go fishing at nearby
fishing ponds, take leisure evening walks
and bicycle rides. The natural surroundings
of the campus are suitable for academic and
social pursuits as it creates a conducive study
environment while providing respite and a
place for sporting games among students.
Kampar is a mid-sized town that is divided
into the old and new town area. Just a
45-minute drive from Ipoh, the old town area
Perak Branch Campus
The Perak Branch Campus opened its doors to students on 5 January 1998
with its temporary premise of five shoplots in Taman Bandar Baru, Kampar.
Its present permanent campus, tucked between a scenic backdrop of lakes
and hills, was officially launched by the then Deputy Prime Minister YAB
Dato’ Seri Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi on 18 May 2003.
The Resource Centre in the campus houses four academic laboratories,
two teaching laboratories, two multimedia language laboratories, one
consultation room and an internet laboratory. The auditorium boasts a
capacity of 1,400 and features state-of-the-art sound and lighting systems.
In addition, the Hospitality Management Block has incorporated hotel
rooms, baking and pastry kitchens, an eastern and western kitchen, a
front desk office training counter and a laundry room to ensure immersive
learning for students of the Hospitality Management programmes. There
is also a restaurant that is open to the public to provide students with
hands-on training in food service management. Not neglecting soft skills
development among students, the Student Centre provides opportunities
to sharpen students’ leadership and interpersonal skills.
gives a taste of typical small town living at its
best and is 10 minutes’ walk from the new
town area. Kampar is known for its delicious
signature food, especially the chicken biscuits
and “chicken bread”.
Besides facilities which enrich academic pursuit, the campus also offers
ample sports and recreational facilities to encourage the pursuit of
an active and healthy lifestyle. Students can participate in indoor and
outdoor recreational activities such as football, basketball, tennis, netball,
volleyball, badminton, carom, table tennis, chess, darts and many others.
In addition, the Clubhouse complex houses a multi-purpose hall, cafeteria,
gymnasium, squash courts and an Olympic-sized swimming pool.
In contrast with city living, Segamat’s living
costs are relatively low and made affordable
to its residents, especially students.
Strategically located between Kuala Lumpur
and Singapore, Segamat is a fast-developing
agricultural (oil palm and rubber) district that
is also well-known for its savoury durians
among both locals and visitors. A typical midsized town that fuses traditional and modern
Johor Branch Campus
Established on 18 May 1998, Johor Branch Campus is a 15-minute
drive from Segamat and centred on an impressive 50-acre beautifully
landscaped space and surrounded by lush greenery.
Fully equipped with top-notch facilities, the Branch Campus has a Training
Kitchen, Training Restaurant, Bakery Kitchen and Mock Hotel especially for
Hospitality Management students to be exposed to industry standards and
practices. Similarly, Entrepreneurship students will be able to develop their
skillsets whilst gathering vital practical experience in the newly constructed
Aquaculture Workshop and Mushroom Cultivation House.
The campus provides an array of indoor and outdoor recreational facilities
such as basketball, volleyball, tennis and football. Indoor activities
like carrom, chess, table tennis, scrabble and various board games
are conducted within the Sports Complex together with an in-house
gymnasium, squash and badminton courts and an Olympic-sized
swimming pool. The Sports Complex also boasts of a function hall,
meeting room and first aid room.
The Johor Branch Campus also pioneers short courses such as
Mushroom Cultivation, Baking and Cake Artistry (Level 1, 2 & 3), Beauty
Make-Up, Beauty Hairstyling and Aquaculture (Fish Farming). The Branch
Campus has the unique TARCianpreneur programme which encourages
students to fully operate a business at the TAR University College Small
Business Shop.
For an enriching and balanced campus life, students are encouraged
to participate in health and lifestyle clubs and societies in the Branch
Campus such as the English Language Society, Buddhist Society, Chinese
Language Society, First Aid Unit, Student Representative Council, Christian
Fellowship, Photography Society, Sabah and Sarawak Students Society,
Students Sports Committee and Tae Kwan-Do Club.
cultures, a 45-minute drive from Segamat
will present a host of exciting hiking trails
and swimming sites such as the Air Panas
Waterfall, Bekok Waterfall and the famous
Gunung Ledang.
The Pahang Branch boasts a scenic view of
the mountains and is surrounded by greenery.
One can take a 20-minute drive to Camang
Waterfall or a 30-minute leisure drive to Hutan
Lipur Lentang. Other places of interest in the
vicinity include the Bentong Hot Springs, Kuala
Gandah Elephant Sanctuary and Deer Park. The
Pahang Branch is also located between two of
Malaysia’s popular hill resorts; Genting Highlands
and Berjaya-Bukit Tinggi Colmar Tropicale
Pahang Branch
The Pahang Branch started its operations with its first batch of students
on 4 January 1999. The Pahang Branch, located in Karak, is established
specifically to provide opportunity for tertiary education for the community
in the East Coast region.
The facilities at the Pahang Branch comprise fully air-conditioned and
state-of-the-art academic infrastructure. It houses tutorial rooms, a lecture
hall, a library, an internet laboratory, a computer maintenance laboratory
and two computer laboratories. The Pahang Branch also has designated
wireless internet access areas to encourage students to surf the World
Wide Web for research and enhancement of knowledge.
In addition, there is a recreation room where students can play table
tennis, carrom, chess and other games. Students who enjoy active sports
can also play football, basketball and badminton at nearby sports facilities.
There are also a number of interesting clubs and societies for students
to participate in, such as English Language Society, Buddhist Society,
Chinese Language Society, First Aid Unit, Student Welfare Committee,
Christian Fellowship, Sports Club, Hindu Society and Computer Science
Club. These activities would certainly create a more vibrant and exciting
campus life for students.
Kota Kinabalu is the gateway to some of the
world’s most spectacular natural attractions
such as the world heritage site of Mount
Kinabalu, where one may catch a glimpse of
the exotic Rafflesia, the world’s largest flower.
A short boat-ride will take one to the islands of
Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park, Manukan
and Gayana for camping and water sports.
Sabah Branch
The Sabah Branch was established on 13 May 2002 as the only branch
in East Malaysia. The Branch is strategically located in the town of
Donggongon, Penampang, which is approximately a 30-minute drive from
Kota Kinabalu City Centre. The location provides easy access to public
transport, supermarkets, library, post office and restaurants.
The Sabah Branch is equipped with computer, languages and internet
laboratories, library, classrooms and lecture hall with teaching facilities
and student recreation centre. Students can access Wi-Fi throughout the
premises. The Hospitality Management students have the advantage of
being exposed to the practical aspects of their programme via facilities
such as the training kitchen, restaurant and mock hotel room. There are
also interesting short courses for students and the public to enhance
their knowledge and skills such as, computer maintenance & networking,
baking and photography. Besides that, the Sabah Branch offers a number
of sports and recreational facilities for both indoor and outdoor activities.
Outstation students have more than four residential areas they can choose
to stay in, all of which are within walking distance from the Sabah Branch.
Apart from academic development, the Sabah Branch provides ample
opportunities for students to participate in extra-curricular activities and
also arranges annual events where students are inculcated with team spirit
and positive traits which will take them far in their future endeavours.
Board of Governors
Board of Governors
(as at 1 December 2014)
Y B Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai
Minister of Transport
Ministry of Transport, Malaysia
Y Bhg Dato’ Dr Hou Kok Chung
Vice President, Malaysian Chinese Association
Mr Foong Chee Meng
Managing Partner, Foong & Partners
Y Bhg Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Goh Ming Choon
President of TARCian Alumni Association
Y Bhg Dato’ Ir Dr Gue See Sew
Managing Director, G&P Professionals Sdn Bhd
Dr Pamela Yong
Dental Specialist in Orthodontics
Smile Orthodontics Specialist Clinic
Y Bhg Professor Dr Jamal Othman
Professor, School of Economics
Faculty of Economics and Management
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Y Bhg Professor Dr Ghazali Musa
Professor, Department of Business Strategy and Policy
Faculty of Business and Accountancy
Universiti Malaya
Y Bhg Professor Dr Ibrahim Kamal bin Abdul Rahman
Professor, Faculty of Accountancy
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Mr Chin Tuck Seng
Deputy Director
National Budget Office, Ministry of Finance, Malaysia
Y Bhg Datuk Dr Tan Chik Heok
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
Mr Yau Teck Kong
Managing Director, Total Drive Transmissions Sdn Bhd
Associate Professor Say Sok Kwan
Dean, Faculty of Accountancy, Finance & Business
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
Tuan Haji Rosli bin Isa
Deputy Under Secretary Division
Development Division (Higher Education)
Ministry of Education, Malaysia
Ms Phoong Huei Ling
Registrar (Secretary)
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
Y Bhg Professor Dr Nor Ghani Md Nor
Faculty of Economics and Management
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Bioscience with Chemistry
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Analytical Chemistry
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Management Mathematics with Computing
Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) in
Interactive Software Technology
Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) in
Software Engineering
Bachelor of Information Systems (Honours) in
Enterprise Information Systems
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) in
Software Systems Development
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) in
Internet Technology
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) in
Information Security
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Applied Physics with Scientific Instrumentation
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Microelectronics with Embedded Technology
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Sports and Exercise Science
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Food Science
Diploma in Science
(Chemistry and Biology)
Diploma in Science
(Computer Science and Statistics)
Diploma in Science (Computer Science and
Management Mathematics)
Diploma in
Interactive Software Technology
Diploma in Science
(Computer Science and Computer Mathematics)
Diploma in Science
(Business Information Systems)
Diploma in Science
(Information Systems Engineering)
Diploma in Science
(Internet Technology)
Diploma in Science
(Microelectronics and Physics)
Diploma in Science √
(Microelectronics with Computer Communications) (N/482/4/0056)
Diploma in Science (Microelectronics with Automatic Control)
Diploma in
Sport and Exercise Science (N/813/4/0021)
Diploma in Food Science
KL – Kuala Lumpur Main Campus
JH – Johor Branch Campus
PG – Penang Branch Campus
PH – Pahang Branch
PK – Perak Branch Campus
SB – Sabah Branch
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor of Accounting (Honours)
Bachelor of Business (Honours)
Accounting and Finance
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)
Bachelor of Corporate Administration
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)
Bachelor of Banking and Finance (Honours)
Bachelor of Economics (Honours)
Bachelor of Business (Honours)
in Entrepreneurship
Bachelor of Finance and Investment (Honours)
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Human Resource Management
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in International Business
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in
Bachelor of Retail Management (Honours)
Diploma in Business Studies
Diploma in Business Studies
(Business Administration)
Diploma in Business Studies
(Banking and Finance)
Diploma in Banking and Finance
Diploma in Business Studies
(Business Economics)
√ √
Diploma in Entrepreneurship
Diploma in Business Studies
(Finance and Investment)
Diploma in Business Studies (Human Resource Management)
Diploma in Business Studies (International Business)
Diploma in Business Studies (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
Diploma in Business Studies
(E-Commerce and Marketing)
(N/340/4/0290) (N/340/4/0308)(N/340/4/0316)
Diploma in Business Studies
Diploma in Business Studies (Retail Management)
KL – Kuala Lumpur Main Campus
JH – Johor Branch Campus
√ √
PG – Penang Branch Campus
PH – Pahang Branch
PK – Perak Branch Campus
SB – Sabah Branch
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Bachelor of Construction Management and
Economics (Honours)
Bachelor of Estate Management (Honours)
Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Electrical and Electronics
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Electronic (Communication)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Material
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Mechanical
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Mechatronic
Diploma in Architecture
Diploma in Technology (Building)
Diploma in Technology (Property Management)
Diploma in Technology
(Quantity Surveying)
Diploma in Technology (Electronic Engineering)
Diploma in Technology (Materials and Manufacturing Engineering)
Diploma in Technology
(Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering)
Diploma in Technology (Mechatronics)
KL – Kuala Lumpur Main Campus
JH – Johor Branch Campus
PG – Penang Branch Campus
PH – Pahang Branch
PK – Perak Branch Campus
SB – Sabah Branch
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in
Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in
Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in
Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in
Media Studies
Bachelor of Public Relations (Honours)
Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) in
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in √
Fashion Design
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in
Graphic Design
Bachelor of Creative Multimedia (Honours) in
Multimedia Design
Bachelor of Tourism Management √
Bachelor of Hospitality Management √
Bachelor of Hospitality and Catering Management √
Bachelor of Corporate Communication √
Diploma in Mass Communication √
Diploma in Mass Communication √
(Broadcast Communication)
Diploma in Mass Communication √
Diploma in Mass Communication √
(Media Studies)
Diploma in Mass Communication √
(Public Relations)
Diploma in Social Science (Counselling)
Diploma in Fashion Design
Diploma in Graphic Design
Diploma in Multimedia Design
Diploma in Hospitality Management
Diploma in Hospitality Management √√
(Hotel Management)
Diploma in Hotel Management
Diploma in Hospitality Management
Diploma in Event Management
Centre for Pre-University Studies
Foundation in Science
Foundation in Arts
Cambridge GCE Advanced Level (Science)
Cambridge GCE Advanced Level (Arts)
KL – Kuala Lumpur Main Campus
JH – Johor Branch Campus
PG – Penang Branch Campus
PH – Pahang Branch
PK – Perak Branch Campus
SB – Sabah Branch
In the interest of general safety, the University College reserves the right to
consider applicants with medical conditions for admission to an alternative
Fraudulent Documents
Admission is based upon the authenticity of documents submitted and
information contained in the application form. Discovery of false information
or omission of relevant information subsequent to the offer of admission
will lead to the immediate dismissal at any point of time during the
student’s programme of study. Such dismissal shall result in forfeiture of
all fees paid and academic credit earned. Upon dismissal, students would
NOT be able to gain re-admission into the University College.
Submission of Application
The completed application form and the required documents together with
an application fee of RM50 (non-refundable) must be submitted to the
campus of the applicant’s first choice of programme as indicated in his/
her application form. Completed application forms that are directed to the
wrong campus may delay the processing of the application forms.
Proof of posting is not proof of receipt. The University College will not be
responsible for completed application forms that are lost or damaged in
The January Intake and April Intake offer the Foundation and GCE A
Level programmes while the May Intake and September Intake offer the
Bachelor Degree and Diploma programmes.
Application for Admission
Applications must be made on prescribed form obtainable at any TAR
University College campuses at RM10 per set. The application forms are
available by end November (for January Intake), end January (for April/May
Intake) and end July (for September Intake).
Online application is also available at www.tarc.edu.my during the
admissions period.
Entry Requirements
To be considered into a programme of study, applicants must possess
the minimum entry requirements and meet the conditions of entry for the
programmes as specified in the respective chapters of this Prospectus.
The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination
sitting. A Full Pass at STPM or a Pass at A Level may be acceptable in lieu
of a credit for the corresponding SPM subject for admission into Diploma/
Foundation programmes.
Meeting the minimum entry requirements does not guarantee a place
in the University College. Admission to the University College would
depend on the applicant’s academic standing, programme selection
and competition amongst applicants. Selection for admission to any
programme/campus is at the sole discretion of the University College.
Applicants must not have been involved in any disciplinary cases. Exstudents who were required to leave the programme due to disciplinary
action may NOT be re-admitted into the University College.
Medical Fitness
Applicants with medical conditions (e.g. SLE, epilepsy, etc) or other
physical disabilities are advised to consider their choice of
programme carefully. Such applicants are required to submit a
medical report in their application for admission.
All documents submitted to the University College for admission purposes
will be treated with confidentiality. The document will become part of the
official files of the University College and cannot be released or returned to
the student or another institution.
Selection of Application
The selection of application is based on applicants academic merit, order
of choice of programmes and the availability of programme vacancies.
Result of Application
Applicants will be notified on the result of their application by post. Short
Message Service (SMS) will be sent to successful applicants. Applicants
may also access the University College website to check on the status of
their application.
Acceptance of Offer/Registration
Acceptance of the offer of admissions is upon students having paid the full
fees by due date stipulated in the offer letter.
Late registration is subject to approval and a penalty fee and is at the
absolute discretion of the University College. The University College
reserves the right to reject registration and payments made after the
stipulated due date.
No student should enrol in more than one programme of study in the
University College at any given time. Similarly, existing students with
outstanding courses to resit/repeat will not be allowed to enrol for
another programme. The onus is on the student to withdraw from his/her
current programme of study should he/she decide to register for another
programme in the University College. Any student found to be pursuing
more than one programme of study in the University College at any time is
liable to have his/her student status terminated in one of the programmes.
Credit Transfer
Students applying for credit transfer must have successfully completed
their programme and have good academic standing at the previous
institution. Transfer of credits will only be awarded for previously attempted
programmes that earned good grades and having comparable contents to
the programme at Tunku Abdul Rahman University College.
Certified true copies of the official transcripts, programme structure,
syllabi, samples of past examination papers and all relevant information
and materials related to the post SPM/STPM/A Level/UEC/equivalent
studies must be enclosed with the application and submitted to the Kuala
Lumpur Main Campus.
Applications submitted without the above documents will be processed for
normal admission without any consideration given for credit transfer.
Credit Evaluation and submit it to the Division together with the student ID
card or notify the Registrar in writing.
A student who does not attend class or discontinues class attendance in a
new semester without notifying the University College of his/her withdrawal
is liable to all fees due to the University College for that semester and
subsequently will be withdrawn due to arrears of fees.
The date the University College receives the student’s withdrawal
notification is the official date of withdrawal even if the student has
stopped attending classes earlier.
For refund of fees, please refer to Page 34 in the ‘Fees’ chapter.
Programme/Campus Transfer
Newly registered students who wish to transfer to another programme/
campus are required to apply for programme/campus transfer. The
prescribed application form is obtainable at the Division of Admissions &
Credit Evaluation. Closing date for submission of completed application
forms is normally on the second Friday after the commencement of
lectures for new students.
Approval for programme/campus transfer is not guaranteed. Students will
be notified of the outcome of the transfer through their respective Faculty/
Centre/Division of Admissions & Credit Evaluation. The decision on the
transfer outcome is FINAL.
Students whose transfers are successful are required to collect their
transfer offer letter from their respective Faculty/Centre/Division of
Admissions & Credit Evaluation. For the transfer to take effect, students
are required to pay the transfer fee and the difference in tuition fee/other
fees (if applicable). There is strictly no refund and no transfer of fees if fees
paid for the former programme is higher than the latter programme.
Students who have accepted the programme/campus transfer through
payment of fees will NOT be allowed to transfer back into their original
Withdrawal from Programme
Terms and Conditions
Students must note that upon registering as students of Tunku Abdul
Rahman University College through payment of fees, they are to abide
and comply with all the rules and regulations of the University College.
These include payment of fees, attendance at classes, attendance at
examinations and observing rules. It is the responsibility of students to
familiarise themselves with these rules and regulations and to understand
that any breach of the same may lead to disciplinary action.
The University College does not accept responsibility or liability for
any damage to students’ property, the transfer of computer viruses to
students’ equipment or personal injury to students caused by the misuse
or unauthorised use of University College equipment or due to students
not taking due care whilst on University College premises or engaging in
University College activities.
This Prospectus is prepared well in advance of the Academic Year to
which it relates. At the time of going to press, the programmes described
herein are those that the University College is planning to offer in the new
Academic Year.
The University College will make every endeavour to deliver programmes
as described in this Prospectus. However, the University College reserves
the right to make variations to the contents or methods of delivery of
programmes or to discontinue or not to conduct the programmes, if such
action is deemed necessary by the University College.
A student who wishes to withdraw from his/her programme must complete
a prescribed withdrawal form obtainable from the Division of Admissions &
The University College Library comprises the Main Library and five Branch
Campuses/Branches Libraries. Its primary mission is to support the
University College’s educational programmes and to provide information
resources, facilities and services to meet the reading, reference and
research needs of the staff and students of the University College.
Academic Resources
Information on library’s holdings is available from Library InfoWeb (Social
OPAC) at http://infoweb.tarc.edu.my. Library InfoWeb is accessible at
anytime, anywhere, on any Internet-connected device.
Students pursuing Campbell University and Sheffield Hallam University
Degree Programmes will have access to relevant Campbell University
electronic databases and Sheffield Hallam University’s library resources
The Library offers an extensive range of academic resources, comprising:
• Over 200,000 books and 10,000 media materials (e.g. DVD-ROMs,
videotapes, etc.)
• Over 300 titles of print + online serials
• Past year’s examination question papers
• Online resources covering multidisciplinary subjects (e.g. online
databases, e-journals, e-books and CCH online publications) that can
be accessed on and off campus
Online databases subscribed by the Library include ACM Digital Library,
Ebrary, EBSCOhost Business Source Complete, Emerald, IOPScience,
LawNet, Passport, ProQuest Research Library and ProQuest Science
Opening Hours – Main Library
Normal Days
Mondays – Fridays
Exam Period
8.30 a.m. – 9.00 p.m.
Semester Holidays
8.30 a.m. – 7.00 p.m.
9.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.
8.30 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
9.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.
9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Note: The Main Library is closed on Public Holidays.
Scan this QR code with your smartphone
to access the Library webpage.
Facilities & Services
The Library is well-equipped with PC clusters, audio, visual, multimedia
and projection equipment. It boasts impressive facilities for individual study,
group discussion, presentation work and media viewing. This includes
study carrels, individual study rooms, discussion rooms, research room,
presentation room, media room and audio visual room. Wifi access is
available throughout the library building and reading rooms.
The Library provides a number of services including:
• Circulation services (borrowing and returning, online renewals, online
requests, etc.)
• Self-service borrowing/renewing of books using self-check station
• Reference services
• Induction programmes for new users
• Training sessions on Library InfoWeb and Online Resources Searching
• Interlibrary loan and document delivery services
• Photocopying services
Services and Facilities
TAR University College website (http://www.tarc.edu.my) is updated
regularly to disseminate information about the University College and
its activities to staff, students, alumni and the general public. Intranet
services available include the University College e-mail, University College
E-Learning System (CeL) and University College information for staff and
TAR University College Integrated Administrative
TAR University College Integrated Administrative System is developed inhouse and customized to cater for the continual needs and requirements
of the University College administration. It is fully integrated and real-time,
thus providing up-to-date and complete information for the University
College administrative needs. Information is accessible through Local Area
Network (LAN) in the Main Campus and Wide Area Network (WAN) at all
TAR University College Campuses.
The administrative system is also integrated with web-based applications
for admission, course registration and evaluation, examination time table
and results enquiries, and bill enquiries.
Communication &
Information Technology Centre
The Communication and Information Technology (CIT) Centre provides
ICT for University College administrative functions and services and for
teaching and learning.
CIT Centre is situated in Cyber Centre, a three-storey building with a
total built-up area of 100,000 square feet. It is designed to provide an
ideal environment for student learning and social educational interaction.
17 ICT laboratories and 21 discussion rooms are fully equipped with
Internet connectivity to support training, e-learning, multimedia language
learning, and a host of other teaching and learning activities. The layout
of these laboratories, discussion rooms and the spacious atrium are
furnished and designed to provide a conducive learning environment for
students with different learning styles and preferences. The technology
supported teaching environment caters for different teaching approaches
and knowledge acquisition. This building houses a fast, reliable and
comprehensive network infrastructure and various supporting utilities to
enable effective and efficient development, operation, and maintenance of
ICT facilities and services provided to all campuses.
The functions and services provided by CIT Centre are:
Internet and Intranet Services
Internet and Intranet facilities are available for University College staff and
students in the Library, Internet laboratories and most of the academic
computer laboratories. These facilities are also accessible from the various
wireless access zones in the campus.
Network, Hardware and Software Services
The University College network infrastructure runs on fibre optic backbone
to cater for multimedia communication, such as voice, data and video,
through fibre switches and VoIP gateways. The applications running on
the network include TAR University College Integrated Administrative
System, Internet and Intranet services. CIT Centre is responsible for the
network management, maintenance and security to ensure the delivery of
the University College applications is implemented in a stable, secure and
reliable manner.
With the growth of Internet usage and its extension to the wireless domain,
a high speed Internet connectivity of up to 1 Gbps bandwidth is in place to
support the University College community for teaching, learning, research
and administration. Wifi coverage is extended to almost all buildings to
cater for the increase of mobile device users.
CIT Centre also provides maintenance services on ICT hardware and
software for administrative use, faculty teaching and ICT teaching
laboratories. Preventive maintenance on servers, workstations and printers
are conducted regularly to ensure that these equipment are in good
condition to deliver optimal performance.
Multimedia Services
CIT Centre offers services in multimedia design, graphic animation,
interactive presentation, video shooting and live projection of events,
video editing, events recording, digital imaging, printing, webcasting
and broadcast stations presentation. University College convocation
ceremonies video clips are available for general public viewing through
webcasting hosted on the University College website. Information of
students’ events or activities is developed and edited for the University
College digital broadcast stations in KL Main Campus.
Services and Facilities
Opening Hours – Internet Laboratories (Main Campus)
Normal Days
Exam Period*
Mondays – Fridays
8.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m.
8.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m.
9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
* Two weekends before the University College Examination commenced and every weekend throughout the University College Examination.
The Internet Laboratories is closed on Public Holidays.
The multimedia studio is well equipped with video editing workstations,
semi-professional video cameras, digital cameras, multimedia production
systems, video and audio mixer, and others. Video editing software, real
time effect software, 3D animation and modeling software are also used.
With the combination of creativity and technology, CIT Centre is able
to deliver quality and professional multimedia services to meet the fast
growing information technology needs of the University College.
Teaching and Learning Technology Support
The Centre facilitates the implementation of ICT for teaching and learning
across the University College. Academic staff are encouraged to create
online courses in the University College E-Learning System (CeL) to
complement their lectures and tutorials. Training and support in the use of
CeL are provided through hands-on workshops and collaborations.
Workshops on authoring tools and pedagogical design are conducted
throughout the year to equip the academic staff with the necessary skills
and knowledge on e-learning. Consultative sessions are held to design
online learning materials and activities based on pedagogical principles,
and to provide direct hands-on support. An online support site is available
to facilitate service requests and to disseminate information on e-learning
in the University College.
From CeL, students can access supplementary learning materials and
podcasts, browse through relevant web resources, submit assignments,
complete online assessments and discuss topics related to their subjects.
Through this blend of online and face-to-face learning approach, students
will have a better learning experience and acquire critical lifelong learning
To enhance teaching practices, lecture theatres, academic laboratories
and tutorial rooms are equipped with ICT equipment and audio visual
devices. This will help students to better comprehend the subject matter
taught. Wireless Internet access at all student-centred areas allows
students to use the Internet for learning at any place and time using their
mobile devices.
Computer Laboratories Facilities
Cisco Networking Laboratories
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College is a Cisco Academy of the Cisco
Networking Academy Programme since 2005. The Cisco Networking
Academy Programme is designed to teach various levels of students
to design, build and maintain computer networks for local, national and
global businesses.
Three Cisco networking laboratories and two E-learning laboratory have
been set up to meet the increasing demand for training in networking for
Cisco certification examinations.
The laboratories are dedicated for teaching and learning of networking,
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Routing and Switching courses
and CCNA Network Security Courses. Each laboratory is equipped with
24 units Cisco 2811/1841 routers, 16 units of Cisco 2950/2960 switches
and 25 PCs.
These facilities are dedicated for students from various programmes,
namely Information Systems Engineering, Internet Technology, Software
Systems Development and Information Security to experience, design and
develop computer network configurations. Apart from that, the laboratories
also serve as training facilities for the faculty, staff and public.
Computer Laboratories for
Software Engineering and Computing
Computer laboratories at TAR University College Campuses provide
computer facilities for teaching software engineering and computing courses
in the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing. With a total of more
Services and Facilities
than 500 desktop computers available for students’ use, these computer
laboratories enable all Bachelor and Diploma students of these faculties
to have hands-on training on the various development tools and software
incorporated into the programme syllabuses.
The software available at the Main Campus computer laboratories include,
among others, Oracle Database, Microsoft Visual Studio, Adobe Flash,
IBM Rational Software Architect, IBM Lotus Notes and Domino, Microsoft
SQL Server, NetBeans, JCreator LE, Microsoft Expression Web, Adobe
Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, SWI-Prolog, Adobe Fireworks, Microsoft
FrontPage, SPSS (Statistical Package), Microsoft Office, Maple, MYOB,
Microsoft Macro Assembler, Microsoft XNA Game Studio, Unity 3D, Novell
SUSE Linux, SAP, HP Application Lifecycle Management, Metasploit
Express, Nexpose Express and Encase.
The software available at the other campuses include Microsoft Visual
Studio, Adobe Flash, NetBeans, JCreator LE, Microsoft Expression Web,
Adobe Dreamweaver, Microsoft FrontPage, Adobe Fireworks, Adobe
Photoshop, Adobe Pagemaker, Microsoft Office, MYOB, Microsoft Macro
Assembler and SAP.
There are many more software available for faculty and students to use
which are covered under Microsoft DreamSpark and IBM Academic
Initiative (IBM-AI).
Interactive Software Technology Laboratory
The Interactive Software Technology Laboratory facilitates the teaching and
learning of various aspects of computer games design, programming and
technology. The laboratory is used for two main purposes:
• to provide a platform for students to experience, analyse and evaluate
different computer game genres and especially to create awareness
among them on the important parameters of a game programme.
• to provide the equipment and software required for the development of
computer game and other interactive software.
The laboratory is equipped with game consoles such as the Nintendo Wii,
Sony PlayStation 3 and Microsoft XBox 360 Kinect as well as high-end PCs
and in the near future, game development kits. Various genre of commercial
games such as role playing, strategy, sports and simulation games are used
in teaching the games technology courses.
Computer Laboratories for Microelectronics
The computer laboratories with high performance Pentium based PCs
provide facilities to Microelectronics students in circuits and systems
design and development (D&D). These PCs are interfaced with Embedded
System peripherals, Altera FPGA boards, Microchip development boards,
Keil evaluation boards (ARM9) for embedded systems design and digital
systems design. To aid students’ design and development work, the PCs
are also installed with relevant EDA tools such as Quartus-II, Multisim,
Ultiboard, professional Mentor Graphics software for IC design, Keil Realview
Microcontroller Development Kit, Keil Realview RealTime Library, assembler
and cross-assembler for different microprocessors/microcontrollers suite.
The laboratories are also equipped with Matlab, simulink and various
toolboxes such as digital signal processing, communication, RF, control,
fuzzy logic, neural network and realtime workshop, etc.
Two dedicated computer laboratories have been set up. The
Virtual Instrumentation and Data Acquistion Laboratory provides
training facilities for conducting National Instruments Lab View and virtual
instrumentation. The Multiphysics Simulation and Modelling Laboratory
is equipped with high performance Dell workstations and professional
software for simulation in electromagnetics and multiphysics.
Computer Aided Design Facilities
Computer Aided Design facilities provides the necessary technical
education base for Engineering and Built Environment students to
learn Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD), Computer Aided
Engineering (CAE) as well as Computer Aided Management in line with
industry requirements. A suite of centres and Laboratories have been
setup to facilitate this.
Computer Aided Design Centre (CAD) and
Built Environment Computer Laboratory (BECL)
The CAD centre and BECL consists of two large computer laboratory housing
over 200 computers linked to 3 servers. It serves the following CAD activities:
• Design and Drafting (CADD) with software such as AutoCAD, Revit
• Measurements with software such as Buildsoft and Binalink
• Project Management with software such as Primavera and Microsoft
Project Management
• Site Surveying with software such as AutoCAD 3D Civil
• Research Methodology with software such as SPSS
• Facilities Management with software such as CWorks
• 3D Mechanical Design and simulation with software such as SolidWorks,
Autodesk Inventor ®Professional
• Process and Control Design with software such as MATLAB and
• Thermo Plastic Material process Design with software such as Moldflow
Plastic Advisors (MPA)
• Electronic Circuit Design with software such as PROTEL and Proteus VSM
Engineering Specific Laboratories
These laboratories houses Computer Aided Electrical/Electronic,
Communication, Mechatronic,Mechanical, Material, Design, Analysis and
Testing equipment and software such as MATLAB with the necessary
toolboxes for communication system, control system, DSP system, Fuzzy
logic, Neural network, Optimisation, Signal processing, Image processing
and computer vision. The laboratory also caters for computer aided.
• Electronic testing with simulation software such as Mutisim & Electronic
Workbench and National Instrument Labview
• Advanced RF circuit design with Agilent ADS RF circuit design software
• Advanced Electronic circuit design and simulation with ORCAD unison
EE package with Pspice.
• Simulation of the Fabrication of complex mechanical parts with CNC
Simulation Software
• 3D Mechanical Design and simulation with Catia V5R6
• Animated ladder programming for PLC with PLC Simulation Software
• Design and Simulation of Fluid and Solid Material Behaviour with Ansys
• Design and Simulation of Production Floor Plan with Delmia
• Metal process Design with Any Casting
Broadcasting, Creative Arts & Hospitality
Management Facilities
The Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities lab facilities are
purpose-built facilities designed to supplement and complement the
academic teachings and learning in various disciplines. Upon graduation,
students will be academically sound and practically well-trained to be
accepted into their respective industries.
Broadcasting Laboratories
The TV and Radio Labs provide practical platforms to foster future
Broadcasting professionals who are both creatively innovative and
computer savvy. The broadcast audio lab caters to the production of radioprogramme contents such as live-recorded shows and news anchoring.
Broadcasting students are able to hone thier hands-on TV/Radio
production skills via up-to-date broadcast equipment and the latest
professional software such as Pro-Tools LE and professional video-editing
software Final Cut Pro.
In addition, TAR University College had taken the lead in pioneering the
application of the broadcast industry’s innovative software 3D Studio Max
as a teaching tool.
Students benefit form their hands-on learning using high definition, digitalvideo cameras, video lighting grips, boom mics for on-location production
on TV commercials, documentary and electronic-news gathering.
Creative Arts Laboratories and Studios
The Faculty’s Multimedia Design and Graphic Design programmes aim
to produce creatively capable graduates skilled in digital-and-interactive
media production.
The Creative Arts laboratories offers up-to-date version of industrialstandard software, such as Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash, Adobe
Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effect, 3D Studio Max that
will bring students to the innovative edge of the multimedia and creative
industry, becoming experts in visual production, electronic imaging,
computer animation, software applications, and games design.
The Creative Arts laboratories is also furnished with the latest MAC-INTEL
computers, which support up-to-date software for multimedia production
& authoring, video & sound editing, and web-based designs.
The Fashion Design programme offers students a practically challenging
and interesting learning process that develops future clothing-creators and
fashionistas who are critically aware of the creative needs of textile-andtrend.
So, fancy seeing fashion supermodels strut their stuff on a glitzy catwalk,
glamorously parading clothing designs you created? You would be taught
the “trade of the trend” via this enjoyable, and employable, Fashion Design
programme in the Faculty’s Fashion Design Studio, which helps to exploit
the inherent creative flair and trend-setting tendency of young Malaysians.
Restaurant and Kitchen
Food and beverage practices are deemed to be vital element within the
hospitality programmes. Our state-of-the-art kitchen and restaurant served
as a platform for the students to deliver their full service restaurant skills
and at the same time to showcase their gourmet master pieces confidently
during their practical trainings. These experiences will definitely enhance
their career progression.
Student Services
Information on rooms available is regularly disseminated on notice boards
maintained by the Department of Student Affairs.
University College students are able to find accommodation in the nearby
housing estates which are within easy reach of the University College
campuses. Housing areas that are popular with the Main Campus
students are:
• Taman Bunga Raya
• Taman Desa Setapak
• Wangsa Maju • Taman Melawati • Taman Melati
• Wangsa Melawati
• Jalan Genting Kelang
• Taman Sri Rampai
• Setapak Jaya
• Setapak Indah
• Taman Danau Kota
Outstation students should arrive in their respective campuses much
earlier before the semester begins so that they can make the necessary
arrangements for their accommodation.
Students are advised that it is to their advantage to enter into a
tenancy agreement with the landlord. It is important that the terms and
conditions of the contract should be clearly stipulated so as to avoid any
misunderstanding. Copies of information sheets, “Guidelines on Tenancy
Agreements” and “Sample Tenancy Agreements” are available at the
respective campuses’ Department of Student Affairs upon request.
Personal Living Expenses
Living expenses depend very much on an individual’s living standard. For
an outstation student, a reasonable estimate (including accommodation,
meals, travelling expenses, recreation, and other personal expenses) is
about RM900 to RM1,000 per month.
Hostel Accommodation
Hostel accommodation is available at the Kuala Lumpur Main Campus.
Situated on a 6-acre land, the hostel consists of 10 blocks of 5-storey
building with 1,000 rooms which can accommodate 2,000 students.
Hostel availability is based on first-come-first-served. Students can apply
for the hostel only after receiving the University College Offer Letter and
having PAID the full fees.
Facilities in the hostel include:
• 24 Hours Security Guard
• Chinese & Malay Cafeteria
• Air-Conditioned Study Rooms
• Free Internet Service in Study Rooms & Dining Areas
• Convenience & Stationery Shop
• ATM (Public Bank)
• Hot & Cold Water Dispensers
• Self-Service Laundry Machine
• Multi-Purpose Hall with Stage Facilities
• Covered Canopy Walkway to Community Centre & University College
Student Services
Sports and Recreation
The outdoor sports facilities available in the Main Campus are:
• One sports field comprising one soccer pitch, jogging track and two
netball courts
• One futsal court
• One handball court
• One dodgeball court
• Two volleyball courts
• Three basketball courts
Sports Complex and Clubhouse
Canteen Facilities
The facilities and their operational hours of the Sports Complex and
Clubhouse are as follows:
Reasonably priced meals, snacks and refreshments are available in the
canteens. In the Main Campus, the canteens are located in Block G (Red
Bricks Cafeteria), Block L (Canteen 2), the Cafeteria in the Clubhouse and
PappaRich Express in the Cyber Centre.
Operational Hours
Sports Complex
Mondays to Fridays
1 gymnasium
9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m.
2 multi-purpose Halls
3 rooftop tennis courts
Saturdays & Sundays
6 table tennis courts
9.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.
6 badminton courts/2 volleyball
courts/1 basketball court
2 gymnasiums
2 squash courts
An Olympic-sized swimming pool
A learner’s swimming pool
1 snooker table
Mondays to Fridays Mondays to Fridays
7.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
PappaRich Express
Mondays to Fridays
7.30 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.
SaturdaysSaturdays Saturdays
7.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. 8.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
Mondays to Fridays
9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m.
9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon
3.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.
3.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.
There are also facilities available in the other campuses for the students’
recreational activities.
Student Services
University College Bus Service
Students’ Insurance Scheme
The Main Campus maintains a regular bus service which ferries students
between the campus and the following nearby residential areas.
A ‘Student Personal Accident Insurance Scheme’ insures all students of
the University College.
The bus routes are as follows:
Students are required to pay a premium of RM 15 per year. The policy will
cover the students for accidents round the clock, anywhere in the world.
The sum insured is RM 100,000 for death or total disablement. In the
event of death of the policy holder, funeral expenses not exceeding
RM 5,000 would also be paid.
• Wangsa Maju
• Sri Rampai
• Jalan Genting Kelang
• Melati Utama
• PV10, PV12, PV13, PV15, PV16
The buses operate daily (from Mondays – Fridays) between 7.15 a.m and
9.30 p.m. For Saturdays, the buses operate from 7.15 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.
During semester holidays, the bus schedule would be adjusted accordingly.
There will be no bus service on Sundays and Public Holidays.
The Main Campus bus service makes it very convenient for students
to commute between the campus and nearby housing areas. Besides
operating a daily bus service along the defined routes, the University
College also provides bus services for field trips, educational visits and
tours organised by students.
Bus services are also available at the other campuses.
In addition, students can also claim for medical treatment up to a
maximum of RM 15,000 and/or RM 1,000 for traditional treatment per year
(registered medical practitioners only) for injuries sustained in an accident.
Copies of the Insurance Policy’s terms and conditions are available at the
Department of Student Affairs for reference.
Student Services
Student Development and Counselling Services
KL Main Campus
Student Development & Career Guidance
Student Development and Career Guidance (SDCG) is a part of
Department of Student Affairs, that offers uniquely designed life
programmes that are central to a student’s personal and career growth.
One of SDCG specially crafted programme is called “Leadership
Excellence Programme”. It takes on an activity base approach that provide
important tools and skills for student leaders. This programme comes with
number of enticing camps, activities and workshops which helps to mould
the students to become a leader with distinctive quality. “Your Leadership
DNA’ camp is part of the programme. It gives students the tools necessary
to attain true leadership quality. And in tandem with the ever changing
environment, a programme called ‘The Road to Excellence’ has been
designed to enhance students’ resiliency and learning agility. Together,
SDCG, in partnership with the Counselling Services and Professional Life
Coaches conduct awareness campaigns, workshops, talks and seminars.
Hence, SDCG offers a wide range of services designed to meet the
existing students’ needs and will evolve continually according to time. The
services provided are in these areas:
• Student Development & Career Resource Centre
• Leadership Camp & Skills Training
• Purpose & Motivations
• Career Explorations
In order for students to gain concrete knowledge and experience on their
developmental growth, there is a need of tests tools. Tests tools will be
promoted throughout the year. This is the first step to self-exploration,
discovering of values, developing strength/potentials, basic understanding
of weaknesses and identifying innate skills.
We have qualified student counsellors that are ready to do a free basic
assessment test with students. From the free basic tests, students will be
recommended to take more in-depth tests to ascertain the results of their
assessments or attend workshops (e.g. Leadership Skills, Living Your Best
Life, etc) that will be conducted by licensed trainers or facilitators and a
subsequent follow-up programme.
One of the very practical ways to see the
developmental stages of a student is ENACTUS
TAR-UC. ENACTUS is a very unique platform
that students can use to develop themselves
by helping the communities that are in need.
As a result of these projects, each student can develop their personal
excellence and achievement. (Enactus TAR-UC Facebook)
Career Services
Another part of students’ development processes is the career
development of students. SDCG works closely with the Career Guidance
Society (CGS) to organize Career Development Workshops & Talks
throughout the semester to help students to be aware of present day
industries’ requirements. The Career development workshops are
conducted by counselors, recruitment firms and professional organizations
who would guide students in the identification of skills, interests, values
and how to make appropriate career decisions with confidence and
maximize their employability opportunities. Some of the Career Talks or
Workshops that will be conducted by Student Development and Career
Guidance throughout the semesters are:
• Company Talks
• Living Your Best Life Workship
• Personality, Goal Setting & Career Profiling Workshops
• Resume Writing & Interviewing Skills Workshops
• Career Decision Making
• Career Fairs
Student Counselling Services
A team of counsellors is available to help students with emotional, personal
or academic concerns through individual counselling sessions, group
Student Services
counselling sessions, workshops and seminars. The counselling services
are strictly confidential. All individual and group counselling services are
free of charge. Counselling services are available to students during office
hours at the Department of Student Affairs.
a) Individual Counselling
The University College provides individual counselling services for
students to cope better with academic issues, conflicts, stress or
anxiety, homesickness, depression or grief which may hinder his/her
studies. Counselling helps students understand and cope with their
individual issues, and eventually lead to personal growth and social
Penang Branch Campus
The Penang Campus provides counselling and placement services.
Students may seek counsel or guidance from the counsellor during office
hours at the Department of Student Affairs.
Types of Services
(a)Individual and Group Counselling
Students facing intrapersonal and interpersonal problems related
to academic, family, peers or career are encouraged to seek the
assistance of the counsellor. This may contribute towards the
improvement of their personal and social development.
Types of Individual Counselling
b) Group Sessions
Group sessions may be more effective in dealing with certain students’
issues, as group members will experience support from each other,
and learn new ways of communication. The counsellors conduct
group sessions on various topics depending on the needs of the
students, e.g. self-discovery, interpersonal relationships, career interest
exploration, etc.
• Telephone counselling
• Counselling through e-mail
c) Career Guidance
(b)Job Placement
The counsellors provide guidance on career interest exploration,
career planning, values identification, career decision making and
career interest assessment. It provides students with the support and
inspiration to get from where they are now to where they want to be.
d) Workshops and Campaigns
Workshops and campaigns on youth related issues, managing
challenges, adjustment to campus life and personal development are
conducted regularly to promote students’ personal growth.
The Counselling and Placement Unit acts as a liaison between
students and potential employers. This is done through the placement
of job listing for part-time/full-time jobs and on-campus recruitments.
(c)Workshops, Talks and Seminars
The Penang Branch Campus organises self-motivation workshops,
talks and seminars throughout the academic year.
e) Self-Help Leaflets
The Student Counselling Services has a wide range of self-help leaflets
that provide helpful information related to personal development and
growth. A soft copy of the leaflets can also be downloaded from
Student Counselling Services site at http://web3.tarc.edu.my/v1/sad/
Co-curricular Courses
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College believes in providing holistic
education. The moral, social and physical aspects of a student’s life are as
important as the student’s academic and intellectual development.
In general, the implementation of this course will enable the University
College to produce graduates who are able to face life’s challenges.
The course is specially designed:
– To develop responsible citizens and foster national unity.
– To develop understanding between different cultures.
– To develop student’s physical, spiritual and emotional health.
– To develop student’s soft skills.
The co-curricular course is compulsory for all students pursuing TAR
University College’s Diploma and Bachelor Degree programme.Students
are required to complete and pass two credit hours before they can
graduate at every level of their studies.
Students taking the co-curricular courses will be graded. However, the
grades will not contribute to their GPA and CGPA.
Students have five categories to choose from, depending on their field of
interests. They are:
2.Cultural Studies
3.Community Service
TAR University College Alumni
The joy and pride of TAR University College is its more than 170,000 graduates, many of whom are holding executive positions as professional,
corporate and national leaders. The University College-TAR UC Alumni bond is continuously nurtured through engaging in educational,
recreational and social activities for mutual benefit and fostering closer ties.
Support and Contributions of Alumni
Over the years, many of the University College alumni have supported the
University College through various ways:
• Offering on-the-job industrial training to students.
• Establishing various Student Loan Funds.
• Providing employment opportunities to fresh graduates.
• Conducting workshops and talks to staff and students.
• Giving career guidance and talks to students.
• Building bonds and relationships, through regular networking events.
• Providing technical and professional advice and inputs to curriculum
As at 2014, University College alumni have set-up 14 Student Loan Funds
which make up 50% of the total 28 Student Loan Funds.
TAR UC Alumni Affairs Office
As the alumni walk through the doors after their graduation, they serve as
a goodwill ambassador of the University College to the world. The alumni
are urged to make the University College proud. At the same time, the
University College also wants its alumni to stay connected as their alma
mater would like to keep the network strong by informing them of its latest
developments. The University College hopes that its alumni will stay in
touch by sharing news of their life, career and successes after graduating
from TAR University College. The alumni can keep their alma mater
informed by contacting the Alumni Affairs Office at:
Department of Corporate Communication & Marketing
: 603-4145 0100/123
(ext. 456 – Ms Ong / 354 – Mr Jenson Ng)
: 603-4142 3166
Email : alumni@mail.tarc.edu.my
Facebook: www.facebook.com/tarcian.alumni
The following fee schedules will be in effect for the 2015/2016 Academic
Year commencing April/May 2015 and will be subject to annual review.
Special Administration Fee*
RM 200
(Payable by students of Diploma in Technology (Quantity Surveying) and
Diploma in Technology (Property Management)).
Cambridge GCE A Level
Tuition Fee Per Credit
RM 128
(Payable thereafter at the beginning of each subsequent semester. Please
refer to the programme outline under the relevant Faculty section in this
Prospectus for the total number of credits).
Fees payable at time of registration
Registration Fee
Orientation & Activity Fee
Caution Money
RM 150
RM 100
RM 200
Special Administration Fee
RM 200
Laboratory/Workshop Fee
RM 200
[Applicable only to Cambridge GCE A Level (Science) students]
Facilities and Resource Fee
RM 200
(Payable thereafter in the third semester of study)
Tuition Fee For First Semester
– Arts
– Science
RM 3,400
RM 4,400
Estimated Total Fee Per Programme
– Arts
RM 13,500
– Science
RM 17,400
(The estimated total fee may vary by 10%)
In addition to the above fees, students are required to pay the A Level
Examination Fee (Cambridge International Examination) of approximately
Foundation Level
Fees payable at time of registration
Registration Fee Orientation & Activity Fee
Caution Money Facilities and Resource Fee
RM 150
RM 100
RM 200
RM 200
Laboratory/Workshop Fee
RM 200
[Applicable only to Foundation in Science students]
Tuition Fee Per Credit
RM 151
(Payable thereafter at the beginning of each subsequent semester. Please
refer to the programme outline under the Centre for Pre-University Studies
section in this Prospectus for the total number of credits).
Diploma Level
Fees payable at time of registration
Registration Fee Orientation & Activity Fee
Caution Money Laboratory/Workshop Fee*
Facilities and Resource Fee*
RM 150
RM 100
RM 200
RM 200
RM 200
* Payable thereafter in each subsequent year by intake session.
Bachelor Degree Level
Fees payable at time of registration
Registration Fee Orientation & Activity Fee
Caution Money Laboratory/Workshop Fee*
Facilities and Resource Fee*
RM 150
RM 100
RM 200
RM 300
RM 200
Special Administration Fee*
RM 200
(Payable by students of Bachelor of Accounting (Honours), Bachelor of
Commerce (Honours), Bachelor of Corporate Administration (Honours),
Bachelor of Business (Honours) Accounting and Finance for professional
examinations and all Bachelor’s Degree of Faculty of Engineering and
Built Environment except Bachelor of Construction Management and
Economics (Honours))
Tuition Fee Per Credit
RM 185
(Payable thereafter at the beginning of each subsequent semester. Please
refer to the programme outline under the relevant Faculty section in this
Prospectus for the total number of credits).
In addition to the above fees, students who are taking professional
examinations are required to pay additional fees for professional
Other fees may be chargeable for dual award, study abroad, special
projects, learning material, field trip and any external accreditation.
* Payable thereafter in each subsequent year by intake session.
All students are required to pay an insurance premium.
Fees Payable for Additional
1. The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
(ACCA), U.K.
Registration Fee payable at
the time of registration
£ 79
Annual Subscription Fee payable
only in January after registration
£ 83
Examination/Exemption Fees
£ 76 per paper
£ 96 per paper
£ 111 per paper
2. The Malaysian Institute of Chartered Secretaries and
Administrators (MAICSA)
Registration Fee payable at the
time of registration
RM 450
Annual Subscription Fee payable
only after one year of registration
RM 185
4. A late fee of RM10 per week or part thereof with effect from the last
day for fee payment as stated in the student bills will be imposed on
students who do not pay on or before the due date.
5. Unless otherwise specified, payment of fees must be made by
Banker’s Cheque/Money Order/Cheque in favour of ‘Kolej Universiti
Tunku Abdul Rahman’.
Examination/Exemption Fees
MAICSA RM 100 per subject
PDCA 6. Students who wish to terminate their studies with the University
College shall notify the Registrar in writing; failure to do so will render
them liable to all fees due to the University College.
ICSA IQS RM 200 per subject
7. All fees paid are strictly non-refundable and non-transferable.
Basic Entry Fee for examination
RM 150
3. The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
(CIMA), U.K.
Registration Fee payable at the
time of registration
Annual Subscription Fee payable
at the time of registration £ 106
Exemption Fee
£ 75
CIMA Certificate in Business
Accounting £ 53 per subject
Operational & Management
Level Objective Tests £ 70 per subject
Operational & Management
Level Case Study Examinations
£ 115 per examination
Operational & Management £ 115 per examination
Level Case Study Examinations
Strategic Level Objective Tests £ 115 per subject
Strategic Level Case Study £ 175
4. Campbell University (for Bachelor of Science students)
Special Administration Fee*
Examination Fee*
Registration & Administration Fee
Graduating Students are required
to pay an award assessment
fee of
* Payable thereafter in each subsequent year by intake session.
5. Dual Award
1. All fees paid are strictly non-refundable and non-transferable.
2. Refund of Fees for Newly Registered Student Who Withdraws
2.1 Withdrawal BEFORE Commencement Date of the Programme
If notification of withdrawal is received before the commencement
date of the programme, FIFTY PERCENT (50%) of the amount
of Tuition Fee, Special Administration Fee, Examination Fee,
Laboratory/Workshop Fee and Facilities & Resource Fee paid by
the student may be refunded.
Registration Fee and Orientation & Activity Fee are strictly nonrefundable.
2.2 Withdrawal AFTER Commencement Date of the Programme
Examination Fee
Refund of Fees
Please refer to the relevant Faculty section in the website for details.
** Subject to changes.
Payment of Fees
1. Fees payable at the time of registration must be paid before or on the
date stipulated in the letter of offer.
2. Fees payable at the beginning of each subsequent semester, unless
otherwise specified, must be paid within two weeks from the date of
the commencement of the semester, failing which the students shall
be withdrawn without further notification. For withdrawal due to nonpayment of fees, the withdrawal date shall be the commencement
date of the semester.
3. Students wil be advised on the total fees payble in their student bills
or notices displayed on the Faculty noticeboards/University College
There is strictly no refund of all fees paid if notification of
withdrawal is received after the commencement date of
2.3 For students who pay and register AFTER the commencement
date of the programme, there is strictly no refund of all fees paid
upon withdrawal from the programme.
2.4 Save and except for Clauses 2.1 and 3; there shall be no refund of
any other fees paid.
2.5 All notification of withdrawal must be made in writing.
3. Caution money (less any liabilities) may only be refunded on application
after a student has completed or withdrawn from his/her last
programme of study at the University College. The application for the
refund shall be made within one year from the date of completion or
withdrawal from the University College, failing which, the said caution
money shall be transfer red and donated to TARC Student Loan Fund
and/or its permitted assigns.
Fees for Resit Examination/
Repeating Course(s)
A student shall pay RM95 per course to resit an examination.
A student who repeats one or more courses shall pay tuition fee at the
prevailing rate per credit for the respective course(s).
Fees for Award Assessment
Award Assessment fee of RM60 (Foundation Level), RM80 (Diploma Level)
and RM100 (Bachelor Degree Level) will be payable in the final year of
(Note: The University College reserves the right to revise fees from
time to time without prior notice. As and when fees are revised, the
new fees will apply to all existing and new students).
Financial Aid
Student Loans
Financial Aid refers to funding intended to help students finance their
studies in Tunku Abdul Rahman University College when family and
personal resources are insufficient to meet their total education costs.
Financial aid consists of scholarships, bursary and grants (aid that does
not required repayment) and loans (aid which must be repaid).
There are various types of loans available for students to apply. The type
and amount of loan offered to a student who applied for student loans will
depend on assessed needs level.
Scholarships, Bursary and Grants
The University College provides a variety of scholarships, bursaries and
grants such as:
(a) Tunku Abdul Rahman University College Merit Scholarship
(b) The Star Education Fund Scholarship
(c) Nanyang Tertiary Education Fund Scholarship
(d) Sin Chew Daily Education Fund Scholarship
(e) Tunku Abdul Rahman University College Bursary for State/National
(f) Tan Sri Lee Loy Seng Foundation Scholarship
(g) Mah Sing Foundation Scholarship
(h) Kuok Foundation Study Grants
(i) Grants and awards by generous individuals
(j) Industry-Based Study Grants
(a) TARC Student Loan Fund
(b) Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional (PTPTN) Loan
(c) Penang State Loan
(d) Perak State Loan
(e) Selangor State Loan
(f) Chang Ming Thien Foundation Loan
(g) KOJADI Study Loan
(h) Carlsberg Hua Zong Education Fund Loan
(i) Kuok Foundation Undergraduate Awards
Please visit the website of Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
(http://web3.tarc.edu.my/v1/sad/Index.html) or contact us at Department
of Student Affairs for more information about scholarships and financial
assistance for students.
Academic Progression Route
Minimum Entry Requirements
Bachelor Degree
Bioscience with Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Management Mathematics with Computing
Interactive Software Technology
Software Engineering
Enterprise Information Systems
Software Systems Development
Internet Technology
Information Security
Applied Physics with Scientific Instrumentation
Microelectronics with Embedded Technology
Sports and Exercise Science
Food Science
Chemistry and Biology
Computer Science and Statistics
Computer Science and Management Mathematics
Computer Science and Computer Mathematics
Business Information Systems
Information Systems Engineering
Internet Technology
Microelectronics and Physics
Microelectronics with Computer Communications
Microelectronics with Automatic Control
Sport and Exercise Science
Interactive Software Technology
Food Science
Sciences and
The Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing (FASC) is evolved from
a well-established and reputable School known as the School of Arts and
Science (SAS) of the renowned Tunku Abdul Rahman College (TARC). The
School (SAS) was established in February 1972.
The Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing (FASC) currently runs
programmes at Diploma and Bachelor (Honours) Degree levels. The Faculty
continues the academic collaboration arrangement with the Campbell
University, USA to offer external Degree to the students. In this academic
arrangement, the programme structures and syllabi of FASC programmes
are so designed and arranged that students will be simultaneously prepared
for the programme in FASC in conjuction with the Bachelor of Science (BS)
degree of Campbell University
, Buies Creek, North Carolina,
The Faculty continues to strive for education excellence by providing high
quality education in undergraduate and post-graduate level as well as to
excel in research and industry-collaborations.
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Academic Progression Route
A Level/UEC/
Year 1
Bachelor (Honours) Degree
Dual Award Partner with
SPM/O Level/
• Campbell University, USA
Bachelor Degree (3 years)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
• Bioscience with Chemistry
• Analytical Chemistry
• Management Mathematics with Computing
• Applied Physics with Scientific
• Microelectronics with Embedded
• Sports and Exercise Science
• Food Science
Diploma (2 years)
Dual Award with
Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) in
• Interactive Software Technology
• Software Engineering
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours)
• Software Systems Development
• Internet Technology
• Information Security
Bachelor of Information Systems (Honours) in
• Enterprise Information Systems
January & April
: Foundation, Cambridge GCE A Level
May & September : Bachelor Degree, Diploma
on credit
• Diploma in Science (Business Information Systems)
• Diploma in Science (Chemistry and Biology)
• Diploma in Science
(Computer Science and Computer Mathematics)
• Diploma in Science
(Computer Science and Management Mathematics)
• Diploma in Science
(Computer Science and Statistics)
• Diploma in Science
(Information Systems Engineering)
• Diploma in Science (Internet Technology)
• Diploma in Science (Microelectronics and Physics)
• Diploma in Science
(Microelectronics with Automatic Control)
• Diploma in Science
(Microelectronics with Computer Communications)
• Diploma in Sport and Exercise Science
• Diploma in Food Science
• Diploma in Interactive Software Technology
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Minimum Entry Requirements
Bachelor Degree
Entry Qualification
Bachelor of Science
(Honours) in Bioscience
with Chemistry
Full Pass in
Biology and
A Level
Pass in Biology
and Chemistry
ATAR 70 and
minimum Grade
B in Biology and
70% average in 6
relevant subjects
which must
include minimum
70% in Biology
and Chemistry
Grade B in 5
relevant subjects
which must
include Biology,
Chemistry and
(I or II).
Grade C in
• Foundation in
(Track B)
• Diploma
in Science
(Chemistry &
SPM Credit in Mathematics. Pass in English Language** OR
O Level Grade C in Mathematics. Grade E in English Language**
Bachelor of Science
(Honours) in Analytical
Full Pass in
Chemistry and
Pass in Chemistry
and Mathematics
ATAR 70 and
minimum Grade B
in Chemistry and
one Mathematics
70% average
in 6 relevant
subjects which
must include
minimum 70% in
Chemistry and
one Mathematics
Grade B in 5
relevant subjects
which must
include Chemistry
and Advanced
(I or II).
Grade C in
• Foundation in
(Track A/
Track B)
in Science
(Chemistry &
SPM Credit in Mathematics. Pass in English Language** OR
O Level Grade C in Mathematics. Grade E in English Language**
Bachelor of Computer
Science (Honours)
in Interactive Software
Full Passes in
2 relevant
subjects which
must include
Grade C in
2 relevant
subjects which
must include
ATAR 70 and
Grade B in one
70% average
in 6 relevant
subjects which
must include
minimum 70% in
one Mathematics
Grade B in 5
relevant subjects
which must
include Advanced
(I or II).
Grade C in
• Foundation in
(Track A)
• Diploma in
(with minimum
CGPA 2.5000)#
SPM Credit in Mathematics. Pass in English Language** OR
O Level Grade C in Mathematics. Grade E in English Language**
# Graduates with CGPA below 2.5000 are required to sit and pass a Qualifying Test.
** Grade C and above in AELE 0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants who fail
English at SPM/O Level/UEC level.
a) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
b) Students without a credit in SPM Bahasa Malaysia are required to pass Bahasa Kebangsaan A before the award of Bachelor Degree.
c) TARC/TAR UC Diploma will be accepted on credit transfer into Bachelor Degree programmes.
d) Equivalent qualifications other than the above will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
e) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Minimum Entry Requirements
Bachelor Degree
Entry Qualification
Bachelor of
Science (Honours)
in Management
Mathematics with
Full Passes
in 2 relevant
subjects which
must include
A Level
Grade C in
2 relevant
subjects which
must include
ATAR 70 and
Grade B in one
70% average
in 6 relevant
subjects which
must include
minimum 70% in
one Mathematics
Grade B in
5 relevant
subjects which
must include
(I or II).
• Foundation in
(Track A)
Grade C in
• Computer
Science &
Diploma in
Science (with
minimum CGPA
• Computer
Science &
• Computer
Science &
SPM Credit in Mathematics. Pass in English Language** OR
O Level Grade C in Mathematics. Grade E in English Language**
Bachelor of Computer
Science (Honours) in
Software Engineering
Full Passes
in 2 relevant
subjects which
must include
Grade C in
2 relevant
subjects which
must include
ATAR 70 and
Grade B in one
70% average
in 6 relevant
subjects which
must include
minimum 70% in
one Mathematics
SPM Credit in Mathematics. Pass in English Language** OR
O Level Grade C in Mathematics. Grade E in English Language**
Bachelor of Information
Systems (Honours) in
Enterprise Information
Full Passes
in 2 relevant
subjects which
must include
Grade C in
2 relevant
subjects which
must include
ATAR 70 and
Grade B in one
70% average
in 6 relevant
subjects which
must include
minimum 70% in
one Mathematics
Grade B in
5 relevant
subjects which
must include
(I or II).
Grade C in
Grade B in
5 relevant
subjects which
must include
(I or II).
Grade C in
• Foundation in
(Track A)
• Diploma
in Science
Science &
(with minimum
CGPA 2.5000)#
• Foundation in
(Track A/
Track B)
Diploma in
Science (with
minimum CGPA
• Computer
Science &
SPM Credit in Mathematics. Pass in English Language** OR
O Level Grade C in Mathematics. Grade E in English Language**
• Business
# Graduates with CGPA below 2.5000 are required to sit and pass a Qualifying Test.
** Grade C and above in AELE 0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants who fail
English at SPM/O Level/UEC level.
a) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
b) Students without a credit in SPM Bahasa Malaysia are required to pass Bahasa Kebangsaan A before the award of Bachelor Degree.
c) TARC/TAR UC Diploma will be accepted on credit transfer into Bachelor Degree programmes.
d) Equivalent qualifications other than the above will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
e) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Minimum Entry Requirements
Bachelor Degree
Entry Qualification
Bachelor of Information
Technology (Honours) in
Software Systems
Full Passes
in 2 relevant
subjects which
must include
A Level
Grade C in
2 relevant
subjects which
must include
ATAR 70 and
Grade B in one
70% average
in 6 relevant
subjects which
must include
minimum 70% in
one Mathematics
Grade B in 5
relevant subjects
which must
include Advanced
(I or II).
Grade C in
SPM Credit in Mathematics. Pass in English Language** OR
O Level Grade C in Mathematics. Grade E in English Language**
• Foundation in
(Track A/
Track B)
Diploma in Science
(with minimum
CGPA 2.5000)#
• Computer
Science &
Bachelor of Information
Technology (Honours) in
Internet Technology
Full Passes
in 2 relevant
subjects which
must include
Grade C in
2 relevant
subjects which
must include
ATAR 70 and
Grade B in one
Bachelor of Information
Technology (Honours) in
Information Security
70% average
in 6 relevant
subjects which
must include
minimum 70% in
one Mathematics
SPM Credit in Mathematics. Pass in English Language** OR
O Level Grade C in Mathematics. Grade E in English Language**.
Bachelor of Science
(Honours) in
Applied Physics with
Full Pass in
Physics and
Pass in Physics
and Mathematics
ATAR 70 and
minimum Grade
B in Physics and
one Mathematics
70% average
in 6 relevant
subjects which
must include
minimum 70%
in Physics and
one Mathematics
Grade B in 5
relevant subjects
which must
include Advanced
(I or II)
Grade C in
Grade B in 5
relevant subjects
which must
include Physics
and Advanced
(I or II).
Grade C
in English**
• Foundation in
(Track A/
Track B)
Diploma in
Science (Internet
Technology) (with
minimum CGPA
• Foundation in
(Track A)
• Diploma
in Science
& Physics)
SPM Credit in Mathematics. Pass in English Language** OR
O Level Grade C in Mathematics. Grade E in English Language**
# Graduates with CGPA below 2.5000 are required to sit and pass a Qualifying Test.
** Grade C and above in AELE 0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants who fail
English at SPM/O Level/UEC level.
a) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
b) Students without a credit in SPM Bahasa Malaysia are required to pass Bahasa Kebangsaan A before the award of Bachelor Degree.
c) TARC/TAR UC Diploma will be accepted on credit transfer into Bachelor Degree programmes.
d) Equivalent qualifications other than the above will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
e) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Minimum Entry Requirements
Bachelor Degree
Entry Qualification
Bachelor of Science
(Honours) in
Microelectronics with
Embedded Technology
Full Pass in
Physics and
A Level
Grade C in
Physics and
ATAR 70 and
minimum Grade
B in Physics and
one Mathematics
70% average
in 6 relevant
subjects which
must include
minimum 70%
in Physics and
one Mathematics
Grade B in 5
relevant subjects
which must
include Physics
and Advanced
(I or II).
Grade C
in English**
• Foundation in
(Track A)
Diploma in
• Microelectronics
with Computer
• Microelectronics
with Automatic
• Microelectronics
and Physics
SPM Credit in Mathematics. Pass in English Language** OR
O Level Grade C in Mathematics. Grade E in English Language**
Bachelor of Science
(Honours) in
Sports and Exercise
Full Passes in 2
relevant subjects
Passes in 2
relevant subjects
ATAR 70 and
Grade B in 2
relevant subjects
Minimum 70%
average in 6
relevant subjects
Grade B in 5
relevant subjects
which must
include a science
related subject.
• Foundation in
(Track A/
Track B)
Grade C in
SPM Credit in Mathematics. Pass in English Language** and a science related
subject OR
O Level Grade C in Mathematics. Grade E in English Language** and a science
related subject.
Bachelor of Science
(Honours) in
Food Science
Full Passes in 2
relevant subjects
which must
include Chemistry
Grade C in 2
relevant subjects
which must
include Chemistry
ATAR 70 and
minimum Grade
B in Chemistry
70% average in 6
relevant subjects
which must
include minimum
70% in Chemistry.
• Foundation in
Arts (Track A)
• Diploma in
Sport & Exercise
Grade B in 5
relevant subjects
which must
include Chemistry.
• Foundation in
(Track A/
Track B)
Grade C in
• Diploma in Food
SPM Credit in Mathematics. Pass in English Language** OR
O Level Grade C in Mathematics. Grade E in English Language**
** Grade C and above in AELE 0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants who fail
English at SPM/O Level/UEC level.
a) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
b) Students without a credit in SPM Bahasa Malaysia are required to pass Bahasa Kebangsaan A before the award of Bachelor Degree.
c) TARC/TAR UC Diploma will be accepted on credit transfer into Bachelor Degree programmes.
d) Equivalent qualifications other than the above will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
e) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Minimum Entry Requirements
Entry Qualification
Diploma in Science
(Chemistry and
5 credits which must include
Mathematics, Chemistry
and Biology
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia
and English Language**
Diploma in Science
(Microelectronics and
5 credits which must include
Additional Mathematics and
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia
and English Language**
Diploma in Science
with Computer
Diploma in Science
(Microelectronics with
Automatic Control)
Diploma in Science
(Computer Science
and Computer
5 credits which must include
Additional Mathematics and
a Science subject
Pass in Physics, Bahasa
Malaysia and English
5 credits which must include
Additional Mathematics
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia and
English Language**
Diploma in Interactive
Software Technology
Diploma in Science
(Computer Science
and Statistics)
5 Grade C in the relevant
subjects which must
include Mathematics,
Chemistry and Biology
3 Grade B in Biology,
Chemistry and Advanced
Mathematics (I or II)
Grade C in English**
Grade E in English
5 Grade C in the relevant
subjects which must include
Mathematics-Additional and
3 Grade B in the relevant
subjects which must include
Physics and Advanced
Mathematics (I or II)
Grade E in English
Grade C in English**
5 Grade C in the relevant
subjects which must include
Mathematics-Additional and
a Science subject
3 Grade B in the relevant
subjects which must include
Advanced Mathematics
(I or II) and a Science subject
Grade E in Physics and
English Language**
Grade C in Physics and
5 Grade C in the relevant
subjects which must include
3 Grade B in the relevant
subjects which must include
Advanced Mathematics/
Advanced Mathematics
(I or II)
Grade E in English
Relevant Certificate
Grade C in English**
5 credits which must include
Pass in Additional
Mathematics, Bahasa
Malaysia and English
Diploma in Science
(Computer Science
and Management
O Level#
5 credits which must include
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia
and English Language**
5 Grade C in the relevant
subjects which must include
Grade E in MathematicsAdditional and English
5 Grade C in the relevant
subjects which must include
Grade E in English
3 Grade B in the relevant
subjects which must include
Advanced Mathematics/
Advanced Mathematics
(I or II)
Grade C in English**
3 Grade B in the relevant
subjects which must include
Advanced Mathematics/
Advanced Mathematics
(I or II)
Grade C in English**
**Grade C and above in AELE0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants who fail English at
SPM/O Level/UEC level.
# Students with 3-4 relevant credits in SPM/Grade C in 3-4 relevant subjects in O Level may be considered for the Diploma programmes offered at the Perak Branch Campus (PK), Johor
Branch Campus (JH), Pahang Branch (PH) and Sabah Branch (SB)
a) SPM holders from Year 2013 onwards must have at least a pass in Sejarah.
b) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
c) Students without a credit in SPM Bahasa Malaysia are required to pass Bahasa Kebangsaan A before the award of Diploma.
d) Equivalent qualifications other than the above will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
e) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Minimum Entry Requirements
Diploma in Science
(Business Information
Diploma in Science
(Information Systems
Entry Qualification
O Level#
5 credits which must include
5 Grade C in the relevant
subjects which must include
3 Grade B in the relevant
subjects which must include
Mathematics (I or II)
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia
and English Language**
Grade E in English
Relevant Certificate
Grade C in English**
Diploma in Science
(Internet Technology)
Diploma in Sport and
Exercise Science
5 credits which must include
Pass in one relevant Science
subject, Bahasa Malaysia
and English Language**
Diploma in Food
5 credits which must include
Mathematics and Chemistry
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia
and English Language**
5 Grade C in the relevant
subjects which must include
Grade E in English
Language** and one
relevant Science subject
5 Grade B in the relevant
subjects which must include
Mathematics and Chemistry
Grade E in English
3 Grade B in the relevant
subjects which must include
Mathematics (I or II)
Grade C in English** and one
relevant Science subject
3 Grade B in the relevant
subjects which must include
Advanced Mathematics
(I or II) and Chemistry
AND 2 Grade C
Grade C in English**
**Grade C and above in AELE0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants who fail English at
SPM/O Level/UEC level.
# Students with 3-4 relevant credits in SPM/Grade C in 3-4 relevant subjects in O Level may be considered for the Diploma programmes offered at the Perak Branch Campus (PK), Johor
Branch Campus (JH), Pahang Branch (PH) and Sabah Branch (SB).
a) SPM holders from Year 2013 onwards must have at least a pass in Sejarah.
b) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
c) Students without a credit in SPM Bahasa Malaysia are required to pass Bahasa Kebangsaan A before the award of Diploma.
d) Equivalent qualifications other than the above will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
e) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Bioscience with Chemistry
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Analytical Chemistry
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
3 Years
his programme equips graduates with an in-depth understanding
of the core principles and methodologies underlying current
biotechnological research, thus, able to pursue careers in bioscience
and biotechnology either in industry or academic research. In this
programme, students are able to develop the transferable qualities and
skills required for employment or research in the biosciences sector.
Bioscience graduates are not only trained in laboratory and research skills
but also in relevant business and entrepreneurial skills. Students will have
an opportunity to work with industry through their internship and to carry
out a real-life research project in bioscience area. All such training will add
value to their qualification and benefit their employment.
A graduate from this programme can join Institut Kimia Malaysia (IKM) as a
member and be recognised as a ‘Registered Chemist’ in Malaysia.
Career Prospects
• Research Scientists
• Quality Control/Assurance
• Marketing & Sales Executives
• Life Science Technologists
• Life Sciences Product Specialists
• Occupational Health and Safety
3 Years
nalytical chemistry is the study of the separation, identification and
quantification of the chemical components of natural and artificial
materials. Qualitative analysis gives an indication of the identity of the
chemical species in the sample and quantitative analysis determines the
amount of one or more of these components.
Analytical chemistry focuses on improvements in experimental design,
chemometrics and the creation of new measurement tools to provide
better chemical information. Analytical chemistry is applied in forensics,
environmental analysis, materials analysis, drugs analysis, food analysis,
bioanalysis, and clinical analysis. As a scientific field of great diversity in its
application, graduates trained in this programme will be in great demand in
the chemical related industries.
This programme provides students with a thorough background in
analytical chemistry with a strong emphasis on instrumentation and the
development of variety of important analytical skills.
This programme focuses on giving hands-on experience to students on some
of the major analytical techniques for analysing samples from a wide range of
sources and equips graduates with a broad solid foundation in Chemistry.
It is also designed to meet industries’ need for capable, dynamic and
innovative graduates with well-developed technical skills and a sound
theoretical knowledge in analytical chemistry.
A graduate from this programme can join Institut Kimia Malaysia (IKM) as a
member and be recognised as a ‘Registered Chemist’ in Malaysia.
Career Prospects
• Research Scientists
• Analytical Chemists in
commercial laboratories
• Quality Control/Assurance
• Laboratory Supervisors
• Product Chemists (Analytical
• Occupational Health and Safety
• Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) Officers
(Chemistry aspect)
• Product Development Chemists
(pharmaceutical area, food
industry, cosmetic industry,
polymer industry, etc)
• Product Specialists
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 125)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 125)
• Integrated Biology
• Ecology and Biodiversity
• Structural Biochemistry
• Principles of Genetics
• Principles of Biotechnology
• Physiology and Behaviour of
• Metabolic Biochemistry
• Molecular Biology
• Integrative Physiology
• Techniques in Biotechnology
• Cell and Tissue Culture
• Physical Chemistry
• Organic Chemistry
• Inorganic Chemistry
• Analytical Chemistry
• Kinetics, Mechanism and
• Spectroscopy and Properties of
Organic Compounds
• Instrumental Methods of
Chemical Analysis
• Environmental Chemistry and
• Chemical Laboratory I
• Chemical Laboratory II
• Chemical Laboratory III
• Chemical Laboratory IV
• Chemical Laboratory V
• Physical Chemistry
• Organic Chemistry
• Inorganic Chemistry
• Analytical Chemistry
• Properties of Matter and
Chemical Energetics
• Chemistry of Elements and
Organic Compounds
• Kinetics, Mechanisms and
• Thermodynamics and
• Spectroscopy and Properties of
Organic Compounds
• Polymer Chemisitry I
• Polymer Chemistry II
• Materials Science
• Chemical Lab Management
• Transition Elements and
Coordination Compounds
• Food Chemistry and Analysis
• Polymer Chemistry
• Calculus and Algebra
• Basic Statistical Methods for
Scientific Analysis
• Industrial Training or 2 elective
Bioscience Elective I, II (Choose 2)
– Advanced Microbiology
– Genomics, Proteomics and
– Cancer Biology
– Reproduction and Developmental
– Nutrition in Health and Diseases
– Conservation Biology
– Industrial Microbiology
– Medicinal Biochemistry
Chemistry Elective I (Choose 1)
– Food Chemistry and Analysis
– Industrial Organic Chemistry
Chemistry Elective II (Choose 1)
– Chemical Lab Management
– Chemical Safety and Security
– Solid State Chemistry
– Surface and Colloidal Chemistry
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Hubungan Etnik, English for the Profession, Entrepreneurship,
Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Moral dan Etika, Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
• Instrumental Methods of
Chemical Analysis
• Environmental Chemistry and
• Analytical Method Development
and Validation
• Environmental Pollution Control
• Solid State Chemistry
• Industrial Training or 2 elective
• Calculus and Algebra
• Basic Statistical Methods for
Scientific Analysis
• Elective I
• Elective II
Elective Courses (Choose 2)
– Chemical Safety and Security
– QA and QC in Good Laboratory
– Cosmetic Chemistry
– Medicinal Chemistry
– Organometallic Chemistry
– Occupational Safety & Health
– Surface and Colloid Chemistry
– Industrial Organic Chemistry
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Hubungan Etnik, English for the Profession, Entrepreneurship,
Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Moral dan Etika, Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
Note: General College Curriculum and Liberal Arts requirements must be fulfilled for Campbell University BS Degree programme
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Management Mathematics with Computing
Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) in
Interactive Software Technology
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
3 Years
his programme is a multi-disciplinary blend with Management
Mathematics as the major, Computing as minor and Business
Management as associated study. Management Mathematics
covers mathematical techniques for business management, including
resource allocation and planning, optimisation, project management,
quantitative decision, applied statistics, quality control and financial
mathematics. Computing courses prepare students for software design
and development including skills on programming and information
This programme also prepares graduates to branch into other disciplines
for further academic pursuit such as master in business management,
statistics, and information technology.
It also lays the foundation for graduates to achieve further professional
qualifications in actuary, financial planning, financial analysis and risk
3 Years
his programme aims to teach students the technical knowledge
and skills in computer science with a further focus on the design
and development of interactive software that can be used in mobile
applications, video games, flight simulators, virtual reality, electronic
magazines, educational and training materials. Business organisations
use interactive advertisements, job-training applications and skills-training
applications. Educators use interactive media to deliver classroom
presentations that enhance students learning. Students use interactive
multimedia applications to learn by reading, seeing, hearing and interacting
with the subject content. Interactive content is always present in computer
games and other types of entertainment that uses multimedia applications.
The students from this programme will study Computer Game Studies,
Multimedia Development for the Web, Mathematics for Games Technology,
Computer Game Programming, Software Engineering, Mobile Application
Development, Artificial Intelligence, Graphics Programming and Human
Computer Interaction.
Electives courses like Advanced Computer Game Programming, Digital
Illustration, Computer Game Design, Virtual Reality, 3D Animation and
3D Game Development will be offered to students undergoing this
Career Prospects
Officers in financial institutions such as banks, insurance firms, and
investment houses, Quantitative Analysts, Quality Managers, Research
Officers, Investment Analysts, Financial Analysts, Management
Consultants, Financial Planners and Advisors, Pricing Analysts, Market
Risk Managers, Credit Risk Managers, Asset/Liability Managers, IT
Managers, Programmers, Teachers.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 122)
• Discrete Mathematics
• Calculus I
• Calculus II
• Probability and Statistics
• Linear Algebra
• Advanced Calculus
• Numerical Methods
• Mathematical Statistics
• Applied Statistics
• Operations Research I
• Operations Research II
• Financial Mathematics
• Quality Control
• Mathematical & Statistical Software
• Problem Solving and Programming
• Database Management
• Computer Organisation and
• Object-Oriented Programming
• Operating Systems
• IT Fundamentals
• Visual Programming
• Industrial Training
– Accounting Methods I
– Accounting Methods II
– Principles of Finance
– Business Organisation &
– Further Applied Statistics
– Mathematics for Computer
– Advanced Financial Mathematics
– Graph Theory and Appplications
– Actuarial Mathematics
– Software Engineering
– Social and Professional Issues
– Web Design and Development
– Digital Multimedia
– Mobile Application Development
– Systems Administration
– Corporate Finance
– Risk Management
– Music Appreciation
– Introduction to the Short Story
– Data Structures and Algorithms
– System Analysis and Design
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Hubungan Etnik, English for the Profession, Entrepreneurship,
Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Liberal Arts, Moral and Etika, Contemporary
Malaysian Issues, Co-curricular
Career Prospects
• Games Designers
• Games Programmers
• Games Software Engineers
• Games Producers
• Games Testers
• Technical Lead
• Web Designers
• Multimedia Developers
• Software Developers
• Mobile Application Developers
• Systems Analysts
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 125)
• Problem Solving and
• Computer Game Studies
• Database Management
• Computer Organization and
• Object-Oriented Programming
• Research Methods
• Object-Oriented Analysis and
• Data Structures and Algorithms
• Operating Systems
• Software Engineering
• Graphics Programming
• Computer Game Programming
• Social and Professional Issues
• Artificial Intelligence
• IT Fundamentals
• Web Design and Development
• Multimedia Development for the
• Fundamentals of Computer
• Mobile Application Development
• Human Computer Interaction
• Discrete Mathematics
• Probability and Statistics
• Mathematics for Games
• Project I
• Project II
• Industrial Training (6 months)
Electives (Choose 4)
– Virtual Reality
– Computer Game Design
– Advanced Computer Game
– 3D Game Development
– Advanced Graphics
– Digital Illustration
– 3D Animation
– Introduction to the Short Story
– Music Appreciation
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Hubungan Etnik, English for the Profession, Entrepreneurship,
Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Moral dan Etika, Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
Note: General College Curriculum and Liberal Arts requirements must be fulfilled for Campbell University BS Degree programme
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) in
Software Engineering
Bachelor of Information Systems (Honours) in
Enterprise Information Systems
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
3 Years
raduates of this programme will be able to develop, manage
and maintain high-quality software in a systematic, controlled
and efficient manner. In addition to fundamentals of computing,
students will develop their specialisation by going through the following
courses: Systems Analysis and Design, Software Engineering, Software
Construction, Software Quality Assurance and Testing, Software
Requirements Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Web Application
Development and Human Computer Interaction.
Electives courses like Software Project Management, Introduction to
Computer Security, Advanced Database Management, Mobile Application
Development, Software Design and Architecture and Distributed Computer
Systems will be offered to students undergoing this programme.
Students will have an opportunity to work with industry through their
6 months industrial training and carry out real-life projects on software
engineering. All such training will add value to their qualification and
increase their employment opportunities.
3 Years
nformation systems are the heart of many organisations that support their
daily business processes and in turn promote business growth. As the
size and demand of information systems has grown tremendously, many
of the business functions like sales & marketing, finance & accounting,
manufacturing & processes, human resources, supply chain management,
customer relationship management, knowledge management and many
other business functions are integrated into enterprise information systems
to further improve organisational performance.
This programme is designed to equip graduates with skills in solving practical
problems in implementation of enterprise information systems in large
organisations. In addition to fundamentals of computing, the specialisation
subject area covers Business and Information Systems, Systems Analysis and
Design, Enterprise Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning, Data Warehouse
Technology, Business Intelligence, Business Process Management,
Information Systems Implementation and Principles of Accounting.
Electives courses like Introduction to Computer Security, Visual
Programming, Software Project Management, Decision Support Systems,
Advanced Database Management, Electronic Commerce, Database
Administration and IS Strategy and Management will be offered to students
undergoing this programme.
Students will have an opportunity to work with the industry through their
6 months of industrial training and carry out real-life projects on software
development, implementation of enterprise information systems and data
analysis. All such training will add value to their qualification and increase
their employment opportunities.
Career Prospects
• Software Engineers
• Software Testers
• Software Quality Assurance
• Software Developers
• Software Architects
Career Prospects
• Systems Analysts
• Web Developers
• Mobile Application Developers
• IT Consultants
• IT Managers
• ERP Consultants
• Business and Systems Analysts
• Business Process Consultants
• Business Intelligence Specialists
• Data Warehouse Developers
• IT Consultants
• IT Managers
• Web Designers
• Database Administrators.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 122)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 122)
• Problem Solving and
• Database Management
• Computer Organisation and
• Object-Oriented Programming
• Research Methods
• Object-Oriented Analysis and
• Data Structures and Algorithms
• Operating Systems
• Software Engineering
• Social and Professional Issues
• Artificial Intelligence
• Software Construction
• Software Quality Assurance and
• Software Requirements
• IT Fundamentals
• Software Design and Architecture
• Systems Analysis and Design
• Fundamentals of Computer
• Business and Information
• Problem Solving and
• Database Management
• Computer Organization and
• Object-Oriented Programming
• Research Methods
• Object-Oriented Analysis and
• Data Structures and Algorithms
• Operating Systems
• Enterprise Resource Planning
• Information Systems
• Social and Professional Issues
• IT Fundamentals
• Web Design and Development
• Systems Analysis and Design
• Enterprise Systems
• Fundamentals of Computer
• Business Process Management
• Web Design and Development
• Human Computer Interaction
• Probability and Statistics
• Discrete Mathematics
• Further Discrete Mathematics
• Project I
• Project II
• Industrial Training (6 months)
Electives (Choose 4)
– Distributed Computer Systems
– Advanced Database
– Web Application Development
– Introduction to Computer
– Mobile Application Development
– Software Project Management
– Introduction to the Short Story
– Music Appreciation
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Hubungan Etnik, English for the Profession, Entrepreneurship,
Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Moral dan Etika, Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
• Data Warehouse Technology
• Business Intelligence
• Probability and Statistics
• Discrete Mathematics
• Business Organisation and
• Project I
• Project II
• Industrial Training (6 months)
Electives (Choose 4)
– Advanced Database
– Introduction to Computer
– Visual Programming
– IS Strategy and Management
– Database Administration
– Software Project Management
– Decision Support Systems
– Introduction to the Short Story
– Music Appreciation
– Principles of Accounting
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Hubungan Etnik, English for the Profession, Entrepreneurship,
Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Moral dan Etika, Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
Note: General College Curriculum and Liberal Arts requirements must be fulfilled for Campbell University BS Degree programme
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours)
in Internet Technology
in Software Systems Development
3 Years
3 Years
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
his programme is to produce and equip graduates with in-depth
knowledge and skills that are essential to work as professionals in the
software systems development and computer networking sectors.
In addition to fundamentals of computing, topics of specialisation covered
are Systems Analysis and Design, Visual Programming, Web Application
Development, Software Engineering, Agile Software Development,
Software Project Management, Human Computer Interaction and
Computer Networking.
Graduates will be capable of developing software systems in various platforms
to fulfill the needs and requirements from organisations using appropriate
software engineering methodologies and software project management
techniques. In addition, students graduating from this programme will be able
to design and maintain computer networks in organisations.
Electives courses like Introduction to Computer Security, Integrative
Programming, Digital Multimedia, Principles of Accounting, Network Security,
Cloud Computing, Systems Administration, Mobile Application Development,
Advanced Database Management and Software Quality Assurance and
Testing will be offered to students undergoing this programme.
Students will have an opportunity to work with the industry through their 6
months of industrial training and carry out real-life projects in software systems
development, network communications or database management. All such
training will add value to their qualification and increase their employment
Career Prospects
• Web Developers
• Multimedia Developers
• Mobile Application Developers
• Systems Analysts
• Software Engineers
• Database Administrators
• Network Engineers
• IT Consultants
• IT Managers
he growth and development of the Internet is extremely encouraging.
This phenomenon has enabled many companies to opt for webbased systems to operate their business processes, advertisement,
promotions and other business transactions.
This programme produces graduates who have the in-depth knowledge
and skills that are essential to work as professionals in the web
development, mobile development, web-based multimedia development
and computer networking sectors. Graduates will also be equipped with
knowledge and skills in Enterprise Web Applications, Web Engineering,
Web Services and Internet Security.
Elective courses like Electronic Commerce, Emerging Web Technologies,
Mobile Computing, Advanced Mobile Computing, Advanced Database
Management, Network Security, Cloud Computing and Human Computer
Interaction will be offered to students undergoing this programme.
Students will have an opportunity to work with the industry through their
6 months of industrial training and carry out real-life projects on web
development and computer networking. All such training will add value to
their qualification and increase their employment opportunities.
Career Prospects
• Web Developers
• Multimedia Developers
• Mobile Application Developers
• Systems Analysts
• Network Engineers
• IT Consultants
• IT Managers
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 123)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 123)
• IT Fundamentals
• Web Design and Development
• Systems Analysis and Design
• Visual Programming
• Fundamentals of Computer
• Human Computer Interaction
• Web Application Development
• Computer Networks
• Advanced Computer Networks
• Software Project Management
• Agile Software Development
• Problem Solving and
• Database Management
• Computer Organization and
• Object-Oriented Programming
• Research Methods
• Object-Oriented Analysis and
• Data Structures and Algorithms
• Operating Systems
• IT Fundamentals
• Web Design and Development
• Systems Analysis and Design
• Multimedia Development for the
• Introduction to Internet Security
• Fundamentals of Computer
• Web Application Development
• Computer Networks
• Web Engineering
• Enterprise Web Applications
• Advanced Computer Networks
• Web Services
• Problem Solving and
• Database Management
• Computer Organization and
• Object-Oriented Programming
• Research Methods
• Object-Oriented Analysis and
• Software Engineering
• Social and Professional Issues
• Probability and Statistics
• Discrete Mathematics
• Project I
• Project II
• Industrial Training (6 months)
Electives (Choose 4)
– Introduction to Computer
– Digital Multimedia
– Mobile Application Development
– Network Security
– Systems Administration
– Integrative Programming
– Cloud Computing
– Advanced Database Management
– Software Quality Assurance and
– Principles of Accounting
– Music Appreciation
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Hubungan Etnik, English for the Profession, Entrepreneurship,
Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Moral dan Etika, Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
• Data Structures and Algorithms
• Operating Systems
• Social and Professional Issues
• Probability and Statistics
• Discrete Mathematics
• Project I
• Project II
• Industrial Training (6 months)
Electives (Choose 4)
– Electronic Commerce
– Human Computer Interaction
– Mobile Computing
– Network Security
– Emerging Web Technologies
– Advanced Mobile Computing
– Cloud Computing
– Advanced Database
– Music Appreciation
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Hubungan Etnik, English for the Profession, Entrepreneurship,
Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Moral dan Etika, Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
Note: General College Curriculum and Liberal Arts requirements must be fulfilled for Campbell University BS Degree programme
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
in Information Security
Applied Physics with Scientific Instrumentation
3 Years
3 Years
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
his programme is designed to equip students with technical abilities
and knowledge of the information security in the area of Computer
Security, Internet Security, Information Assurance and Security,
Network Security, Operating Systems Security and Software Security.
In addition, students have the opportunity to learn about computer
networking and software development. Students will learn and be trained
on how to prevent and defend organisations’ systems from unauthorised
his programme equips graduates with the knowledge in physics
and instrumentation and operational technical skill, which would lay
the foundation for applications in various industrial areas. Students
will go through training in the application of physics and instrumentations,
computer simulations, designing virtual instruments using Labview and
handling advanced equipment such as thermal evaporator and atomic
force microscope. This programme would lay the foundation for future
applied physics innovators in material sciences, instrumentations,
biomedical and healthcare equipment designers.
Electives courses like Digital Forensics, Mobile Computing, Vulnerability
Assessment and Penetration Testing, Security Assessment and Risk
Management, Network Forensics, Systems Administration and Cloud
Computing will be offered to students undergoing this programme.
Students will have an opportunity to work with the industry through their 6
months of industrial training and carry out real-life projects in information
security. All such training will add value to their qualification and increase
their employment opportunities.
Career Prospects
• Information Security Analysts
• IT Security Consultants
• IT Security Managers
• IT Security Engineers
• IT Security Administrators
• Forensics Analysts
• Forensics Investigators
• Software Developers
• Web Developers
• Mobile Application Developers
• Network Engineers
Career Prospects
• Research and Development
• Semiconductor Test Engineers
• Semiconductor Design Engineers
• Instrumentation Engineers
• Biomedical Devices Engineers
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 123)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 122)
• IT Fundamentals
• Web Design and Development
• Introduction to Computer
• Internet Security
• Fundamentals of Computer
• Information Assurance and
• Web Application Development
• Computer Networks
• Software Security
• Operating Systems Security
• Network Security
• Advanced Computer Networks
• Problem Solving and
• Database Management
• Computer Organization and
• Object-Oriented Programming
• Research Methods
• Object-Oriented Analysis and
• Data Structures and Algorithms
• Operating Systems
• Electricity and Magnetism
• Physics Laboratory
• Physics II
• Thermodynamics Laboratory
• Classical Mechanics and Special
• Electromagnetism Laboratory
• Quantum Mechanics
• Solid State Physics
• Solid State Physics Laboratory
• Optics Laboratory
• Physics of Semiconductor
• Circuit Theory
• Electronics Laboratory
• Introduction to Microcontrollers
• Programming Concepts
• Virtual Instrumentation
• Control Principles for
• Scientific Instrumentation
• Sensors and Actuators
• Social and Professional Issues
• Probability and Statistics
• Discrete Mathematics
• Project I
• Project II
• Industrial Training (6 months)
Electives (Choose 4)
– Digital Forensics
– Mobile Computing
– Vulnerability Assessment and
Penetration Testing
– Security Assessment and Risk
– Network Forensics
– Advanced Mobile Computing
– Systems Administration
– Cloud Computing
– Music Appreciation
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Hubungan Etnik, English for the Profession, Entrepreneurship,
Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Moral dan Etika, Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
• Algebra and Calculus
• Mathematics for Science I
• Mathematics for Science II
• Public Speaking
• Industrial training (3 months)
Elective I (Choose 1)
– Materials Science I
– Computational Methods in
– Independent Study
– Mathematics for Science III
Elective II (Choose 1)
– Applied Electrogmagnetism
– Photonics and Laser Physics
– Materials Science II
– Energy Science
Optional Electives
(can be taken in any semester)
– Introduction to Short Story
– Music Appreciation
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Hubungan Etnik, English for the Profession, Entrepreneurship,
Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Moral dan Etika, Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
Note: General College Curriculum and Liberal Arts requirements must be fulfilled for Campbell University BS Degree programme
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Microelectronics with Embedded Technology#
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Sports and Exercise Science
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
3 Years
his programme educates and trains knowledgeable personnel to join
the nation’s work force with the direct focus to make Malaysia an
innovative high income society. Graduates will be trained for careers
in semiconductors, IC design, embedded systems and computing which
are important knowledge/ skills to support the electrical & electronics
The curriculum of this programme has been designed to meet the
demands of the Malaysian Economic Transformation Programme (ETP).
Students are trained in analogue and digital electronics, application
specific IC (ASIC), field programmable array (FPGA) and IC design using
current professional tools. These knowledge and skills will be important to
meet the demand of fabless design firms under the ETP. To complement
the microelectronics content of the programme, students are also trained
in embedded systems design using current microcontrollers (ARM/PIC)
as well as real time operating systems (RTOS) with emphasis on efficient
programming techniques.
3 Years
he skills gained from a degree in sports and exercise science
could certainly fire the starting gun for an interesting and rewarding
career. Graduates equipped with a good knowledge of the sports
and exercise science enable them look at the science behind health
and fitness, as well as an insight into related areas such as nutrition,
psychology and management. Demand is growing for sports scientists
and performance consultants, as society in general develops a greater
awareness of health and fitness issues around work.
This programme provides the students an opportunity to work with
industry through their internship and to carry out a real-life research
project on building management. All such training will add value to their
qualification and later to their employment opportunities.
Graduates will be sought after by design houses/companies in IC design
and fabrication, automation, robotics, identification and monitoring, test
and measurement, and consumer electronics.
Career Prospects
• Research & Development
• Microelectronic Engineers
• Firmware Engineers
Career Prospects
• Embedded Systems Design
• IC Design Engineers
• Health & Fitness Industry
• Fitness Coaching
• Sport Administrators
• Health & Lifestyle Consultancy
and Management
• Physical Education Lecturers
• Event Managers
• Sales Managers
• Senior Executive Officers
• Student Liaison Officers
• Sports Development Officers
• Sports Officers/ Administrators
• Sports Facilities Maintenance
• Public Relations Personnel
• Personnel Trainers
• Fitness Trainers/ Advisors
• Fitness/Gym Instructors
• Fitness Sales Consultants
• Sales/Marketing Executives
• Management Executives
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 123)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 123)
• Circuit Theory
• Analogue Electronics I
• Analogue Electronics II
• Digital Logic Principles
• Digital System Design
• Introduction to IC Layout and
• ASIC and FPGA Design
• Integrated Circuit Design
• Semiconductors Devices
• Control Systems
• Digital Signal Processing
• Introduction to Microcontrollers
• Microcontroller Peripherals
• Programming Concepts
• C Language Programming for
• Test Driven Development
• Algorithms & Data Structure
• RTOS for Embedded Systems
• Human Anatomy and Physiology
• Introduction to Sport Science
• Foundation of Fitness and
• Sport Psychology
• Principles of Coaching
• Basic Biomechanics
• Sport Injuries and Prevention
• Motor Control and Learning
• Sport Nutrition
• Sport and Exercise Psychology
• Biomechanical Analysis of
Human Movement
• Exercise Physiology
• Testing and Measurement in
Sport & Exercise
• Applied Exercise Physiology
• Exercise Testing and Prescription
• Research Project
• Research Methodology in Sport
& Exercise
• Sport & Exercise for Special
• Agile Software Development
• Algebra and Calculus
• Mathematics for Science I
• Mathematics for Science II
• Public Speaking
• Industrial training (3 months)
Elective I (Choose 1)
– Data Communication (TCP/IP)
– Power Electronics
– Virtual Instrumentation
– Object-Oriented Programming
Elective II (Choose 1)
– Analogue Integrated Circuit
– Data Acquisition and Instrument
– GUI Pogramming
Optional Electives
(can be taken in any semester)
– Introduction to Short Story
– Music Appreciation
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Hubungan Etnik, English for the Profession, Entrepreneurship,
Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Moral dan Etika, Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
– Behavior Modification in Sport &
Games Elective (Choose 4)
– Games I: Gym Workout and
– Games II : Tennis and Gymnastics
– Games III: Track & Field
– Games IV: Basketball and
– Games V: Golf and Squash
– Games VI: Fencing
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Hubungan Etnik, English for the Profession, Entrepreneurship,
Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Moral dan Etika, Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
# This programme is a Bachelor of Science Degree, not Bachelor of Engineering Degree
• Internship/Industrial training
Core Elective (Choose 6)
– Applied Sport Nutrition
– Exercise and Rehabilitation
– Sport Coaching
– Strength and Conditioning
– Physiological Testing and Training
– Performance assessement for
– Clinical Exercise Testing
– Health, Fitness and Disease
Note: General College Curriculum and Liberal Arts requirements must be fulfilled for Campbell University BS Degree programme
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Food Science
3 Years
Programme Overview
his programme applies the pure science subjects, such as chemistry,
biochemistry, nutrition, biology and microbiology to the study of
the nature, properties and composition of foods. It also covers the
changes which they undergo during storage and processing including
transformation into safe and quality food products for consumers.
Graduates will be given exposures to areas in functional foods leading
to healthy and vibrant lifestyle. In addition, this programme prepares
graduates with advanced laboratory skills and current techniques in food
science including those related to safety practices and standards, leading
to the professionalism in the area of food science.
Graduates of this programme, therefore, will have developed a range
of skills which will enable them to occupy production and managerial
positions in food and food-related industries, consulting laboratories,
government organisations and regulatory bodies. This programme
also aims to prepare technically competent graduates to venture into
entrepreneurship and new product developments in food industry.
Career Prospects
• Food Researchers
• Quality Control/Assurance
• Application Food Technologists
• Food Product Development
• Marketing & Sales Executives
• Food Technologists
• Food Chemists
• Nutrition Executives
• Food Services Executives
• Food Microbiologists
• Food Product Advisors/
• Industrial/Retail Buyers
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 126)
• Introduction to Food Science
• Food Chemistry I
• Food Chemistry II
• Food Analysis
• Food Physics
• Food Microbiology I
• Food Microbiology II
• Unit Operations in Food
• Food Processing Technology
• Food Biotechnology
• Sensory Evaluation
• Food Quality Assurance and
Food Safety
• Food Product Development
• Food Preservation
• Food Fermentation
• Human Nutrition
• Nutritional Assessment
• Fundamental Biology and
• Metabolic Biochemistry
• Fundamentals of Molecular
• General Chemistry I (Physical +
Analytical Chemistry)
• General Chemistry II (Organic +
Inorganic Chemistry)
• Instrumental Methods of Food
• Calculus and Algebra
• Basic Statistical Methods for
Scientific Analysis
• Industrial Training
Elective I (Choose 1)
– Nutrition and Health
– Sport Nutrition I
– Applied Statistics
– Contemporary Issues in Health
and Nutrition
Elective II (Choose 1)
– Therapeutic Nutrition
– Food Toxicology
– Nutritional Immunology
– Sport Nutrition II
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Hubungan Etnik, English for the Profession, Entrepreneurship,
Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Moral dan Etika, Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
Note: General College Curriculum and Liberal Arts requirements must be fulfilled for Campbell
University BS Degree programme
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Science
(Chemistry and Biology)
Diploma in Science
(Computer Science and Statistics)
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
2 Years
his programme aims to produce chemistry and biology graduates
at the sub-professional level. It equips students with the necessary
basic knowledge of scientific concepts and theoretical principles
to understand chemical and biological phenomena and processes, and
trains students to perform standard chemical and biological laboratory
procedures. This programme covers both the practical and theoretical
aspects of the subjects. The chemistry syllabi provide a detailed coverage
of various topics including atomic and molecular structures, properties of
matter, properties and reactions of elements and compounds, analytical
techniques and industrial products. The biology syllabi cover a broad
spectrum of topics which include cells, energetics, homeostasis and
excretion, reproduction and development, biodiversity, ecology, and
microbiology. This programme largely emphasises the application of
chemical principles in control of the living environment.
Career Prospects
Quality controllers, technical
assistants and laboratory
supervisors in manufacturing
industries or medical
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of:
• Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Bioscience with Chemistry
• Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Analytical Chemistry
his programme emphasises on the analysis, development and
implementation of computer systems and also focuses on
developing statistical theory, inference methods and statistical
Career Prospects
• End-user Support Staff
• IT Administrators or Executives,
Systems Officers
• Database Administrators
• Web Designers
• Quality Control Officers
• Market Research Executives
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of:
• Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Management Mathematics with
• Bachelor of Information
Systems (Honours) in Enterprise
Information Systems
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 94)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 94)
• Physical Chemistry
• Inorganic Chemistry
• Organic Chemistry
• Analytical Chemistry
• Chemistry and Society
• Chemical Structure and
• Properties of Matter
• Chemistry of Elements and
Organic Compounds
• Cells and Their Organisation
• Homeostasis and Excretion
• Response and Coordination
• Reproduction and Development
• Biodiversity and Ecology
• Structural Biochemistry
• Information Technology
• Programming Concepts and
Design I
• Programming Concepts and
Design II
• Principles of Information Systems
• Web Design and Development
• Analysis and Design of IS
• Analysis and Design of IS Case
• Object-Oriented Programming
• Windows Application
• Database Development and
• College Algebra
• Analytic Trigonometry
• Forensic Chemistry and Biology
• Introductory Calculus
• Statistics and Operations
• Information Systems and
• Business Organisation and
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, Bahasa Kebangsaan
A, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Public Speaking, English for IELTS, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
• Introductory Mathematical
• Introductory Calculus
• Statistics I
• Statistics II
• Calculus I
• Calculus II
• Discrete Mathematics
• Introduction to Survey Research
• Statistical Software Applications
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, Bahasa Kebangsaan
A, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Public Speaking, English for IELTS, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Science (Computer Science and
Management Mathematics)
Diploma in Science (Computer Science and
Computer Mathematics)
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
mphasis is on analysis, development and implementation of
computer systems, as well as mathematical techniques for financial
and managerial applications.
Career Prospects
• End-user Support Staff
• Assistant System Analysts
• IT Administrators or Executives
• Systems Officers
• Database Administrators
• Web Designers
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of:
• Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Management Mathematics with
• Bachelor of Information
Technology (Honours) in Software
Systems Development
2 Years
tudents are trained in both theoretical knowledge and practical skills
for software development, system design and related mathematical
Career Prospects
• Database Administrators
• Network Administrators
• Technical Officers
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of:
• Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Management Mathematics with
• Bachelor of Computer
Science (Honours) in Software
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 92)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 94)
• Information Technology
• Programming Concepts and
Design I
• Programming Concepts and
Design II
• Principles of Information Systems
• Web Design and Development
• Analysis and Design of IS
• Analysis and Design of IS Case
• Object-Oriented Programming
• Windows Application
• Database Development and
• Basic Mathematics I
• Basic Mathematics II
• Information Technology
• Programming Concepts and
Design I
• Programming Concepts and
Design II
• Principles of Information Systems
• Web Design and Development
• Analysis and Design of IS
• Analysis and Design of IS Case
• Object-Oriented Programming
• Computer Systems Architecture
• Fundamentals of Computer
• Database Development and
• Basic Algebra
• Basic Calculus
• Statistics I
• Statistics II
• Calculus I
• Calculus II
• Discrete Mathematics
• Mathematics for Management
• Accounting Methods I
• Accounting Methods II
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, Bahasa Kebangsaan
A, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Public Speaking, English for IELTS, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
• GUI and Web Application
• Introductory Calculus
• Statistics I
• Statistics II
• Calculus I
• Calculus II
• Discrete Mathematics
• Accounting Methods I
• Accounting Methods II
• Business Organisation and
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, Bahasa Kebangsaan
A, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Public Speaking, English for IELTS, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Science
(Business Information Systems)
Diploma in Science
(Information Systems Engineering)
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
his programme is an applied computer science programme which
majors in computer science with business information systems.
It aims to produce graduates with fundamental knowledge
in information technology and its business related applications. It
covers the theoretical and practical aspects of developing information
systems, management, costing, accounting, electronic commerce, and
mathematics. This programme is supported by case studies and computer
laboratory assignments. In addition, students are exposed to part of the
SAP curriculum like logistics and enterprise resource planning. Students
will acquire practical skills in the C Language, XHTML, JavaScript, VB.NET,
Microsoft Expression Web, Microsoft SQL Server, accounting software
packages and be guided through the process of developing an information
Career Prospects
• Junior Programmers
• End-user Support Staff
• Junior Systems Analysts
• Assistant Webmasters
• IT Executives
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Information
Systems (Honours) in Enterprise
Information Systems.
2 Years
his programme provides students with a basic understanding of
computing techniques and aims to develop the computing and
information technology-based knowledge and skills required in
modern industrial, commercial and service organisations. It will equip
students with essential knowledge of the underlying principles of modern
computing technology and enable students to appreciate how modern
computers are applied to a range of real world problems. Students
will learn C, Java, Assembly Language, Microsoft SQL Server, Adobe
Flash, XHTML, CSS, Microsoft Expression Web and Java Script. Upon
completion, graduates will have acquired knowledge and developed
skills in the areas of computer programming, systems analysis, operating
systems, computer networking, computer applications and object-oriented
software development, as well as in generic business courses. The
foundation in operating systems and fundamentals of computer networks
would prepare students to go through the Cisco Certified Network
Associate (CCNA) and Novell Certified Linux Professional (NCLP) training
offered at the Bachelor Degree level.
Career Prospects
• Junior Programmers
• End-user Support Staff
• Junior Systems Analysts
• EDP Executives
• Assistant Database
• IT Executives
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Information
Technology (Honours) in Software
Systems Development
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 94)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 94)
• Information Technology
• Programming Concepts and
Design I
• Programming Concepts and
Design II
• Principles of Information Systems
• Web Design and Development
• Windows Application
• Analysis and Design of IS
• Analysis and Design of IS Case
• Database Development and
• Managing Information Systems
• Database Application
• Electronic Commerce
• Information Technology
• Programming Concepts and
Design I
• Programming Concepts and
Design II
• Principles of Information Systems
• Web Design and Development
• Analysis and Design of IS
• Analysis and Design of IS Case
• Object-Oriented Programming
• Operating Systems
• Computer Systems Architecture
• Fundamentals of Computer
• Database Development and
• Information Systems
• Fundamental Mathematics
• Introductory Statistics
• Management Mathematics
• Introduction to Logistics
• Enterprise Resource Planning
• Business Organisation and
• Accounting Methods I
• Accounting Methods II
• Cost Accounting
• Accounting Software Packages
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, Bahasa Kebangsaan
A, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Public Speaking, English for IELTS, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
• Managing Information Systems
• GUI and Web Application
• Information Systems
• Calculus and Algebra
• Probability and Statistics
• Discrete Mathematical
Structures I
• Discrete Mathematical
Structures II
• Introduction to Business
• Introduction to Marketing
• Business Organisation and
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, Bahasa Kebangsaan
A, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Public Speaking, English for IELTS, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Science
(Internet Technology)
Diploma in Science
(Microelectronics and Physics)
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
2 Years
his programme aims to equip students with Internet-related
knowledge and skills. Students are trained in the areas of computer,
Internet and World Wide Web technology. This programme also
provides a strong element of Internet design and programming in order for
the students to obtain the essential skills required for effective commercial
use of networks. Students in this programme will learn ASP.NET,
JavaScript, XHTML, C, Web Programming using Adobe Dreamweaver,
web-based multimedia applications using Adobe Flash, database using
Microsoft SQL Server and other supporting courses.
Career Prospects
• Junior Web Programmers
• Junior Multimedia Developers
• Web Application Developers
• Internet Application Developers
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of:
• Bachelor of Information
Technology (Honours) in Internet
• Bachelor of Information
Technology (Honours) in
Information Security
over a wide range of topics in analogue and digital electronics,
microcontrollers, programming, semiconductor devices,
introduction to integrated circuit layout and physics. The
programme trains students in fundamental of circuit analysis and design in
electronics. It aims to develop students’ analytical and logical skills as well
as good hands-on skills.
Career Prospects
• Electronics Technicians
• Embedded Systems Technicians
• Service and Maintenance
• Firmware Programmers
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of:
• Bachelor of Science (Honours)
in Applied Physics with Scientific
• Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Microelectronics with Embedded
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 95)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 94)
• Information Technology
• Programming Concepts and
Design I
• Programming Concepts and
Design II
• Principles of Information Systems
• Analysis and Design of IS
• Analysis and Design of IS Case
• Object-Oriented Programming
• Operating Systems
• Database Development and
• Managing Information Systems
• Fundamentals of Computer
• Electronic Commerce
• Principles of Electric Circuits
• Digital Logic Principles I
• Digital Logic Principles II
• Circuits and Signals
• Analogue Electronics I
• Analogue Electronics II
• Introduction to Integrated Circuit
• Physical Science I
• Physical Science II
• Physical Science III
• Electrical Principles
• Introduction to Semiconductor
Devices and Fabrication
• Programming Concepts
• Software Design and
• Web Development
• Web-Based Systems
• Web-Based Multimedia
• Web Systems and Technologies
• Web Application Programming
• Fundamental Mathematics
• Probability and Statistics
• Discrete Mathematical
Structures I
• Discrete Mathematical
Structures II
• Introduction to Business
• Behavioural Science
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, Bahasa Kebangsaan
A, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Public Speaking, English for IELTS, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
Programming Techniques
• Engineering Mathematics I
• Engineering Mathematics II
• Engineering Mathematics III
• Engineering Mathematics IV
• Engineering Mathematics V
• Engineering Mathematics VI
• Basic Economic Principles
• Entrepreneurial Studies
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, Bahasa Kebangsaan
A, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Public Speaking, English for IELTS, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Science (Microelectronics with
Computer Communications)
Diploma in Science
(Microelectronics with Automatic Control)
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
overs a wide range of topics in analogue and digital electronics,
microcontrollers, programming, semiconductor devices,
introduction to integrated circuit layout, data communication
and telecommunication. The programme trains students in fundamental
of circuit analysis and design in electronics, computer networking and
programming. It aims to develop students’ analytical and logical skills as
well as good hands-on skills
Career Prospects
• Electronics Technicians
• Embedded Systems Technicians
• Service and Maintenance
• Computer Systems Support
• Network Support Personnel
• Firmware Programmers
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Science
(Honours) in Microelectronics with
Embedded Technology.
2 Years
overs a wide range of topics in analogue and digital electronics,
microcontrollers, programming, semiconductor devices,
introduction to integrated circuit layout, programmable logica
controller and PC instrumentation. The programme trains students in
fundamental of circuit analysis and design in electronics, programming and
control. It aims to develop students’ analytical and logical skills as well as
good hands-on skills.
Career Prospects
• Electronics Technicians
• Embedded Systems Technicians
• Service and Maintenance
• PC Control and Automation
• PLC Programmers
• Firmware Programmers
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Science
(Honours) in Microelectronics with
Embedded Technology.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 97)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 94)
• Principles of Electric Circuits
• Digital Logic Principles I
• Digital Logic Principles II
• Circuits and Signals
• Analogue Electronics
• Data Communications and
• Introduction to Integrated Circuit
• Physics I
• Physics II
• Introduction to Semiconductor
Devices and Fabrication
• Information Technology
• Introduction to Programming
• Principles of Electric Circuits
• Basic Microprocessors
• Digital Logic Principles I
• Digital Logic Principles II
• PLC Programming and I/O
Interface Circuits
• Circuits and Signals
• Programmable Controllers
• Analogue Electronics I
• Analogue Electronics II
• PC Instrumentation and Control
• Introduction to Integrated Circuit
• Physics I
• Physics II
• Introduction to Semiconductor
Devices and Fabrication
• Principles of Information Systems
• Object-Oriented Programming
• Web Design and Development
• Engineering Mathematics I
• Engineering Mathematics II
• Engineering Mathematics III
• Engineering Mathematics IV
• Engineering Mathematics V
• Engineering Mathematics VI
• Entrepreneurial Studies
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, Bahasa Kebangsaan
A, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Public Speaking, English for IELTS, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
• Introduction to Programming
• Information Technology
• Software Design and
Programming Techniques
• Engineering Mathematics I
• Engineering Mathematics II
• Engineering Mathematics III
• Engineering Mathematics IV
• Engineering Mathematics V
• Engineering Mathematics VI
• Entrepreneurial Studies
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, Bahasa Kebangsaan
A, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Public Speaking, English for IELTS, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Programmes Offered
Diploma in
Sport and Exercise Science
Diploma in
Interactive Software Technology
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
his programme is designed to cover the application of scientific
principles on three branches of science – biomechanics, physiology
and interdisciplinary approaches. The sports science area largely
offers expert scientific backup for top sport training and performance,
while exercise science has a central role in physical programmes aimed
at improving general health. The qualified sport and exercise scientist
can expect to have a broad technical and physiological knowledge, and
stands to benefit from current developments within the field offering a
professional status that is recognised worldwide. This programme covers
a broad, multidisciplinary study of sport and exercise science. Students will
be introduced the sports concepts and practices, principles of coaching,
health and wellness, and various games in sports. Students will develop
knowledge and understanding of how scientific methods can be used to
examine sport and exercise activities in subjects such as anatomy and
physiology, sports psychology, sport biomechanics and motor learning and
development. Other topics include sports management, maintenance of
sport facilities, sports injuries, legal and ethical issues in sports, and sports
Career Prospects
• Assistant Fitness Trainers
• Assistant Instructors
• Sport Administrators
• Sports Maintenance Personnel
• Junior Sales Executives
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Science
(Honours) in Sports & Exercise
2 Years
his programme equips students with the fundamental knowledge
and practical skills in interactive software technology. Students will
acquire knowledge and practical skills in the C++ language, XHTML,
DirectX, assembly language, and the development of 2D games. This
programme focuses on training students in the development of interactive
software, particularly in the areas of computer games technology,
education, training, business, mass media, simulation and edutainment.
Career Prospects
Graduates can seek employment
at a semi-professional level in
companies involved in the areas of
game development, educational
software development, as
well as programming and web
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Computer
Science (Honours) in Interactive
Software Technology.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 91)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 93)
• Introduction to Sports Science
• Foundation of Fitness and
• Functional Human Anatomy
• Systemic Human Physiology
• Sports Management
• Basic Biomechanics
• Principles of Coaching
• Sport Injuries and First Aid
• Motor Learning and Development
• Health and Wellness
• Sports Nutrition
• Games I
• Games II
• Management and Maintenance
of Sport Facilities
• Information Technology
• Programming Concepts and
Design I
• Programming Concepts and
Design II
• Games Technology
• Computer Game Studies
• Web Development
• Computer Game Development
• Electronic Commerce
• Computer Game Programming I
• Computer Game Programming II
• Analysis and Design of IS
• Analysis and Design of IS Case
• Object-Oriented Programming in
• Legal and Ethical Issues in Sports
• Sports Psychology
• Sport Sociology
• Introductory Statistics
• Introduction to Information
• Basic Economic Principles
• Fundamentals of Marketing
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, Bahasa Kebangsaan
A, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Public Speaking, English for IELTS, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
• Database Development and
• Computer Systems Architecture
• 2D Game Development
• Calculus and Algebra
• Probability and Statistics
• Mathematics for Games
Technology I
• Mathematics for Games
Technology II
• Behavioural Science
• Business Organisation and
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, Bahasa Kebangsaan
A, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Public Speaking, English for IELTS, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
Faculty of Applied Sciences and Computing
Programmes Offered
Diploma in
Food Science
2 Years
Programme Overview
ood Science programme integrates and applies knowledge within
disciplines such as chemistry, microbiology, engineering and nutrition
to preserve, process, package, and distribute food products and
design new processes to improve the safety and quality of foods. Food
scientists develop new foods, add value to raw food commodities and
improve the quality and safety of existing food products.
This programme provides students with the scientific knowledge and
skills of the food chain and forms a link for those who wish to embark
on a career in the dynamic food and nutrition industries. The programme
covers basic principles in the basic sciences in relation to the study of food
science as well as the application of basic science such as food chemistry,
food microbiology, food technology and nutrition. The nutrition subjects
provide knowledge and skills to understand diseases of dietary origin.
This programme also offers hands-on practices and prepares graduates
with fundamental laboratory skills and techniques in food science,
including those related to safety practices and standards, leading to
the professionalism in the area of food science. Students will also be
taught the basics of business and marketing. The better understanding
of entrepreneurial skills can help graduates to take up challenges in the
competitive food business.
Career Prospects
• Food Manufacturing
• Food Production
• Food & Beverages
• Research & Development
• Sales & Marketing
• Food Services/Nutrition
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Science
(Honours) in Food Science.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 94)
• Physical Chemistry
• Organic Chemistry
• Inorganic Chemistry
• Analytical Chemistry
• Biology of the Cells
• Human Physiology
• Introduction to Food Science
• Principles of Nutrition
• Introductory Foods
• Food Physics
• Food Chemistry
• Human Nutrition
• Food Toxicology
• Food Technology
• Food Microbiology
• Food Analysis
• Food Hygiene and Sanitation
• Calculus and Algebra
• Statistics and Operations
• Information Systems and
• Business Organisation and
• Fundamentals of Marketing
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, Bahasa Kebangsaan
A, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Public Speaking, English for IELTS, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
Academic Progression Route
Minimum Entry Requirements
Bachelor Degree
Accounting and Finance
Corporate Administration
Business Administration
Banking and Finance
Finance and Investment
Human Resource Management
International Business
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Retail Management
Business Administration
Banking and Finance
Business Economics
E-Commerce and Marketing
Finance and Investment
Human Resource Management
International Business
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Retail Management
Finance and
Established in 1971 under the name of School of Business Studies, the
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business has more than 40 years of
excellent track records. With a qualified & experienced academic team, the
Faculty offers a comprehensive range of business programmes that caters to
the diverse needs of individuals, industries and the professions at Diploma,
Bachelor and Professional levels.
The Faculty has carved a strong niche in professional education. The excellent
professional recognition for a number of our programmes further enhances
the relevance of the TAR University College qualification to employers!
The Faculty is committed to providing high quality, challenging, innovative and
relevant qualifications which meet the needs of the business sectors both
locally and overseas. The approach to teaching and learning is dynamic and
progressive. The close links with business and industry partners ensure that
our business programmes are relevant and applied in nature. The Faculty’s
aim is to produce confident, astute and knowledgeable graduates to meet the
needs of commerce and industry.
With a business qualification from TAR University College, you can be assured
of a successful and rewarding career like many of our alumni.
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Academic Progression Route
A Level/UEC/
Bachelor (Honours) Degree
Year 1
Dual Award Partner with
• Coventry University, UK
SPM/O Level/
• Sheffield Hallam University,
Bachelor Degree (3 years)
Diploma (2 years)
• Bachelor of Business (Honours) Accounting and Finance
• Bachelor of Business Administration
• Bachelor of Banking and Finance (Honours)
• Bachelor of Economics (Honours)
• Bachelor of Finance and Investment
Dual Award with
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in
• Entrepreneurship
• Human Resource Management
• International Business
• Logistics and Supply Chain Management
• Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Marketing
• Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)
• Bachelor of Corporate Administration
• Bachelor of Retail Management (Honours)
Dual Award with
• Bachelor of Accounting (Honours)
(4 years)
January & April
: Foundation, Cambridge GCE A Level
May & September : Bachelor Degree, Diploma
on credit
• Diploma in Business Studies (Accounting)
• Diploma in Business Studies
(Business Administration)
• Diploma in Business Studies (Business Economics)
• Diploma in Business Studies (Banking and Finance)
• Diploma in Business Studies
(E-Commerce and Marketing)
• Diploma in Business Studies
(Finance and Investment)
• Diploma in Business Studies
(Human Resource Management)
• Diploma in Business Studies (International Business)
• Diploma in Business Studies
(Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
• Diploma in Business Studies (Marketing)
• Diploma in Business Studies (Retail Management)
• Diploma in Banking and Finance
• Diploma in Entrepreneurship
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Minimum Entry Requirements
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor of Corporate
Administration (Honours)
Bachelor of Business
Entry Qualification
A Level
Full Passes in 2
relevant subjects
Passes in 2
relevant subjects
ATAR 70 and
minimum Grade
B in 2 relevant
Minimum 70%
in 6 relevant
Bachelor of Economics
Grade B in 5
relevant subjects
which must
include one
• Foundation in
Arts (Track A)
• Relevant
Grade B in
Bachelor of Banking and
Finance (Honours)
Bachelor of Business
(Honours) in
Bachelor of Finance
and Investment
SPM Credit in Mathematics and English Language* OR
O Level Grade C in Mathematics and English Language*
Bachelor of Business
(Honours) in Logistics
and Supply Chain
Bachelor of Business
(Honours) in Human
Resource Management
Bachelor of Business
(Honours) in International
Bachelor of Business
(Honours) in Marketing
Bachelor of Retail
Management (Honours)
Grade B and above in AELE0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants with a pass in
SPM English Language/Grade D or Grade E in O Level English Language/Grade C in UEC English.
a) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
b) Students without a credit in SPM Bahasa Malaysia are required to pass Bahasa Kebangsaan A before the award of Bachelor Degree.
c) TARC/TAR UC Diploma will be accepted on credit transfer into Bachelor Degree programmes.
d) Equivalent qualifications other than the above will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
e) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Minimum Entry Requirements
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor of Accounting
Entry Qualification
A Level
Minimum Grade
C+ in 2 relevant
Minimum Grade
D in 2 relevant
ATAR 70 and
minimum Grade
B in 2 relevant
Minimum 70%
in 6 relevant
Bachelor of Commerce
Grade B in 5
relevant subjects
which must
include one
• Foundation in
Arts (Track A)
with minimum
CGPA 2.5000
Grade B in
Diploma with
minimum CGPA
Grade B in 5
relevant subjects
which must
include one
• Foundation in
Arts (Track A)
SPM Credit in Mathematics and English Language* OR
O Level Grade C in Mathematics and English Language*
MUET Band 2
Bachelor of Business
(Honours) Accounting
and Finance
Full Passes in 2
relevant subjects
Passes in 2
relevant subjects
ATAR 70 and
minimum Grade
B in 2 relevant
Minimum 70%
in 6 relevant
Grade B in
SPM Credit in Mathematics and English Language* OR
O Level Grade C in Mathematics and English Language*
Grade B and above in AELE0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants with a pass in
SPM English Language/Grade D or Grade E in O Level English Language/Grade C in UEC English.
a) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
b) Students without a credit in SPM Bahasa Malaysia are required to pass Bahasa Kebangsaan A before the award of Bachelor Degree.
c) TARC/TAR UC Diploma will be accepted on credit transfer into Bachelor Degree programmes.
d) Equivalent qualifications other than the above will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
e) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Minimum Entry Requirements
Diploma in Business
Studies (Accounting)
Diploma in Business
Studies (Banking and
Entry Qualification
O Level#
5 credits which must include
Mathematics and 4 other
relevant subjects
5 Grade C which must
include Mathematics and 4
other relevant subjects
3 Grade B which must
include one Mathematics
subject and 2 other relevant
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia.
Credit in English Language*
Grade C in English
Grade B in English*
5 credits in the relevant
5 Grade C in the relevant
3 Grade B in the relevant
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia,
Mathematics and English
Grade E in Mathematics
and English Language
Grade C in one Mathematics
subject and English
Relevant Certificate
Diploma in Business
Studies (Business
Diploma in Business
Studies (Business
Diploma in Business
Studies (E-Commerce
and Marketing)
Diploma in Business
Studies (Finance and
Diploma in
Business Studies
(Human Resource
Diploma in Business
Studies (International
Diploma in Business
Studies (Logistics
and Supply Chain
Diploma in Business
Studies (Marketing)
Diploma in Business
Studies (Retail
Diploma in Banking
and Finance
Diploma in
Relevant Certificate
* Grade B and above in AELE0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants with a pass in
SPM English Language/Grade D or Grade E in O Level English Language/Grade C in UEC English.
# Students with 3-4 relevant credits in SPM/Grade C in 3-4 relevant subjects in O Level may be considered for the Diploma programmes offered at the Perak Branch Campus (PK), Johor
Branch Campus (JH), Pahang Branch (PH) and Sabah Branch (SB).
a) SPM holders from Year 2013 onwards must have at least a pass in Sejarah.
b) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
c) Students without a credit in SPM Bahasa Malaysia are required to pass Bahasa Kebangsaan A before the award of Diploma.
d) Equivalent qualifications other than the above will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
e) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Accounting
Bachelor of Commerce
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
4 Years
3 Years
his programme provides a wide spectrum of knowledge and skills
required for a career in the accountancy and finance profession.
The curriculum covers key areas such as financial accounting &
reporting, management accounting & control, accounting information
systems, audit & assurance, public sector accounting, taxation, corporate
governance and professional values & ethics.
Career Prospects
Career prospects for graduates are
wide and varied. Graduates can
serve in the areas of accounting,
finance and other related field in
the commerce and industry, public
practice, public sector and statutory
Professional Accreditation/
Upon successful completion of the
Bachelor of Accounting (Honours),
graduates can claim exemptions
from all 9 papers of ACCA
Fundamentals or all 5 papers in
Certificate in Business Accounting
and all 6 papers at Operational and
Management levels of CIMA.
his programme aims to provide students with thorough and
rigorous learning of financial accounting & reporting, management
accounting & control, taxation, audit & assurance, IT applications in
accounting, professional values & ethics and corporate governance and
their applications in the context of business organisations as well as the
compliance framework required under the relevant authorities.
Career Prospects
Career prospects for graduates are
wide and varied. There are excellent
career opportunities awaiting
graduates of this programme
in public practice, commerce &
industry, public sector and statutory
Professional Accreditation/
Students will follow the Internally
Assessed ACCA Fundamentals
(Skills Module) programme in the
Year 1 and Year 2 of Bachelor of
Commerce (Honours).
Upon successful completion of
Year 1 and Year 2 of Bachelor of
Commerce (Honours), students can
claim exemptions from all 9 papers
of ACCA Fundamentals.
Upon passing the ACCA/CIMA
final level papers and with the
relevant practical work experience,
graduates can then obtain their
professional membership of ACCA/
In Year 3, students are prepared to
sit for the final Professional Level (5
papers) of the ACCA examinations.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 146)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 126)
• Principles of Accounting
• Microeconomics
• Quantitative Studies
• Principles of Management
• Information Systems
• Financial Accounting
• Management Accounting
• Macroeconomics
• Principles of Finance
• Principles of Human Resource
• Operations Management
• Decision Management
• Financial Accounting Framework
• Business Law
• Taxation
• Fundamentals of Auditing
• Advanced Financial Accounting
• Corporate Reporting & Current
• Financial Strategy
• Principles of Accounting
• Economics
• Quantitative Studies
• Organisation & Management
• Information Systems
• Financial Accounting
• Management Accounting
• Principles of Taxation
• Business & Corporate Law
• Principles of Auditing
• Taxation
• Financial Reporting
• Enterprise Resource Planning
• Audit & Assurance
• Financial Management
• Entrepreneurship
• Financial & Controlling
• Industrial Training
• Governance, Risk & Ethics
• Corporate Reporting
• Financial Management
• Corporate Law
• Performance Management
• Advanced Taxation
• Auditing
• Advanced Accounting Practice
• Entrepreneurship
• Enterprise Resource Planning
• Principles of Marketing
• Accounting Information Systems
• Business Analysis & Strategy
• Corporate Governance & Ethics
• Risk Management
• Public Sector Accounting
• Accounting Theory & Practice
• Financial Decision Making
• Practical Training
• Elective I
• Elective II
• Elective III
• Elective IV
• Business Analysis
• Financial Decision Making
• Advanced Financial
• Advanced Performance
• Advanced Taxation*
• Advanced Audit & Assurance*
• Elective I
• Elective II
• Elective III
* options of any 2 of the 4 papers
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for Management,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Critical Thinking, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for Management,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Critical Thinking,
Hubungan Etnik, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Business (Honours)
Accounting and Finance
Bachelor of Corporate Administration
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
Career Prospects
Career Prospects
3 Years
his programme aims to produce graduates who are equipped with
the requisite knowledge, practical skills and attributes to pursue a
career in the accountancy and finance profession. The curriculum
covers key areas such as financial accounting and reporting, management
accounting and control, management information system, taxation,
corporate governance, risk management, treasury management and
financial management.
Career propects for graduates are wide and varied. Graduates can serve
in the areas of accounting, assurance services, taxation, treasury, risk
management and other related field in commerce and industry, public
practice, public sector and statutory organisations. Graduates can also
secure employment in banks, financial institutions and intermediaries
in the areas of treasury management, wealth management and fund
3 Years
his programme provides students with broad base knowledge in
management, law, accounting, taxation, finance and corporate
governance. It also provides opportunities for students to obtain the
internationally recognised ICSA professional qualification.
Graduates can seek employment
in a wide variety of administrative,
management and financial positions
both in the public and private
sectors. These include company
secretary, corporate administrator,
management consultant, corporate
manager, compliance officer,
tax agent and human resource
Professional Accreditation/
Upon successful completion
of the Bachelor of Corporate
Administration (Honours), graduates
can claim exemptions from all 8
papers of the Professional Diploma
in Corporate Administration (PDCA)
programme of MAICSA and all 4
papers of the ICSA International
Qualifying Scheme (IQS)
Professional Part 1.
Graduates can then proceed to sit
for the ICSA International Qualifying
Scheme (IQS) Professional Part 2
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 126)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 124)
• Computer Applications for
• Business Communication
• Business Statistics
• Principles of Accounting
• Financial Accounting
• Business Mathematics
• Principles of Management
• Management Accounting
• Principles of Finance
• Management Information
• Organisational Behaviour
• Fundamentals of Auditing
• Commercial Law
• Corporate Finance
• Financial Accounting Framework
• Advanced Financial Accounting
• Corporate Law
• Computer Applications for
• Economics
• Business Statistics
• Principles of Accounting
• Malaysian Legal System
• Principles of Finance
• Business Mathematics
• Business Organisation &
• Business Accounting
• Business Ethics
• Law & Practice of Meetings
• Business Strategy
• Financial Accounting Framework
• Professional Skills for Managers
• Corporate Finance
• Malaysian Business Law
• Malaysian Taxation
• Management Accounting
• Entrepreneurship
• Investment & Financial Analysis
• Human Resource Management
• Decision Management
• Operation Management
• Business Research
• Advanced Accounting Practice
• Risk Management
• Strategic Planning and
• Corporate Treasury Management
• Performance Management
• Corporate Governance & Ethics
• Strategic Financial Management
• Industrial Training
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for Management,
Hubungan Etnik, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,Critical Thinking,
• Industrial Training
• Financial Reporting
• Malaysian Corporate Law
• Business Strategy in Practice
• Malaysian Company Secretarial
• Risk Management
• Advanced Malaysian Taxation
• Corporate Governance
• Financial Decision Making
• Case Study in Secretarial
• Elective I
• Elective II
• Elective III
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for Management,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Critical Thinking, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Business Administration
Bachelor of Banking and Finance
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
his programme provides students with a well-rounded business
education through a core curriculum of management, marketing,
finance, accounting, economics and law courses. It aims to create
competent executives with abilities to contribute and support leadership in
his programme aims to produce graduates who are equipped with
the knowledge and core competencies and dispositions necessary
for pursuing a demanding career in the highly competitive domestic
and international banking and finance industry.
Career Prospects
Career Prospects
3 Years
Graduates can seek employment in a wide variety of management and
administrative positions both in the private and public sectors in the
areas of business administration, business operation, human resource
management, sales & marketing, business consultancy as well as selfemployment.
3 Years
Graduates can secure employment
in banks and financial institutions
in the area of credit processing,
mortgage sales, treasury services,
customer relations etc.
Professional Accreditation/
Upon successful completion of
the Bachelor of Banking and
Finance (Honours), graduates can
claim exemption from 1 paper of
Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 124)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 123)
• Computer Applications for
• Business Communication
• Business Statistics
• Microeconomics
• Principles of Accounting
• Macroeconomics
• Principles of Marketing
• Business Mathematics
• Principles of Management
• Organisational Behaviour
• Cost and Management
• Commercial Law
• Knowledge & Innovation
• Human Resource Management
• Business & Society
• Cross Cultural Studies
• Principles of Finance
• Corporate Law
• Computer Applications for
• Business Communication
• Business Statistics
• Principles of Accounting
• Economics
• Principles of Marketing
• Business Mathematics
• Business Organisation &
• Financial Accounting
• Principles of Finance
• Principles of Taxation
• Principles of Investment
• Banking Operations
• Monetary & Financial System
• Bank Credit Management
• International Trade Finance
• Law Relating to Financial
• Personal Financial Planning
• Marketing of Financial Services
• Commercial Bank Management
• Managerial Economics
• Operation Management
• Professional Skills for Manager
• Entrepreneurship
• Corporate Finance
• Strategic Planning &
• Business Research
• Management Information
• Case Study
• International Business
• Organisational Development &
• Corporate Governance
• Risk Management
• Industrial Training
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for Management,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Critical Thinking, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
• Corporate Banking – Practice &
• Banking Securities
• People & Organisations
• Management Information
• Entrepreneurship
• International Banking
• Islamic Banking
• Bank Treasury Management
• Risk Management
• Strategic Issues in Financial
• Industrial Training
• Elective I
• Elective II
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for Management,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Critical Thinking, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Economics
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
Career Prospects
Career Prospects
Graduates can seek employment as assistant economists, assistant
researchers, administrative officers, banking and finance officers, financial
analysts etc.
Graduates may seek employment in/start and manage new business
ventures in varied industries.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 123)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 124)
• Principles of Accounting
• Microeconomics
• Computer Applications for
• Mathematics Economics
• Principles of Finance
• Principles of Marketing
• Macroeconomics
• Business Organisation &
• Business Ethics
• Intermediate Microeconomics
• Statistical Tools for Economics
• Money & Banking
• Commercial Law
• Intermediate Macroeconomics
• Basic Econometrics
• Monetary Economics
• Malaysian Economy
• Knowledge Economics
• Entrepreneurship
• Research Methodology
• Econometrics
• Computer Applications for
• Business Communication
• Business Statistics
• Microeconomics
• Principles of Accounting
• Macroeconomics
• Business Mathematics
• Principles of Management
• Principles of Marketing
• Organisational Behaviour
• Human Resource Management
• Principles of Entrepreneurship
• Services Marketing
• Business Planning
• Commercial Law
• Principles of Finance
• Retail Management
• Operations Management
• Franchise Management
• Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Skills
• Entrepreneurial Finance
3 Years
3 Years
his programme provides students with thorough and rigorous
learning of principles of economics and their applications. With
globalisation, graduates who are equipped with knowledge of
economics, information technology, management principles, law and
statistics will be able to seek gainful employment in research house banks,
financial institutions and commercial organisations.
• Project Paper I
• Policies & Issues in Malaysian
• Project Paper II
• Industrial Training
• Elective I
• Elective II
• Specialisation Elective I
• Specialisation Elective II
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for Management,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Critical Thinking, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
his programme aims to produce graduates with the traits
and qualities of entrepreneurs for employment in varied types
of businesses as well as for self-employment as business
• E-Business
• Management Information
• Strategic Planning &
• Entrepreneurial Creativity &
• Business Research
• Social Entrepreneurship
• Managing Business Growth
• Case Study
• Global Entrepreneurs
• Family & Small Business
• Entrepreneurial Project
• Industrial Training
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for Management,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Critical Thinking, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Finance and Investment
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in
Human Resource Management
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
3 Years
his programme aims to produce competitive graduates with
intellectual, creative & cognitive skills and with strong financial
knowledge necessary to support the ever changing and growing
financial services industry.
Career Prospects
Graduates can secure employment
in banks, financial institutions and
intermediaries in the area of fund
management, wealth management,
treasury management, financial
analysis, foreign exchange,
derivatives etc.
Professional Accreditation/
Upon successful completion of the
Bachelor of Finance and Investment
(Honours), graduates can claim
exemption from 1 paper of Certified
Financial Planner (CFP) examination.
3 Years
his programme aims to produce graduates who are well equipped
with the knowledge and core competencies required for effective
human resource management in the dynamic and competitive
business environment.
Career Prospects
Graduates may seek employment in the areas of human resource
administration & management, compensation & benefit, recruitment,
training employee relations, consultancy and general management.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 123)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 124)
• Computer Applications for
• Business Communication
• Business Statistics
• Principles of Accounting
• Economics
• Principles of Marketing
• Business Mathematics
• Business Organisation &
• Financial Accounting
• Equity Analysis
• Corporate Treasury Management
• Financial Markets & Regulations
• Entrepreneurship
• Islamic Finance
• Financial Statement Analysis
• Risk Management
• International Finance
• Portfolio Management
• Case Study in Finance &
• Computer Applications for
• Business Communication
• Business Statistics
• Microeconomics
• Principles of Accounting
• Macroeconomics
• Business Mathematics
• Principles of Management
• Principles of Marketing
• Organisational Behaviour
• Commercial Law
• Human Resource Management
• Organisation Psychology
• Occupational Safety & Health
• Principles of Finance
• Operations Management
• Professional Skills for Managers
• Training & Development
• Organisational Development &
• Entrepreneurship
• Management Information
• Econometrics
• Investment Industry Law
• Money & Capital Markets
• Principles of Investment
• Principles of Finance
• Investment & Financial Analysis
• Forex & Derivatives
• Insurance Management
• Corporate Finance
• Personal Financial Planning
• Corporate Governance & Ethics
• Industrial Training
• Elective I
• Elective II
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for Management,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Critical Thinking, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
• Business Research
• Strategic Planning &
• HR Counselling
• International Human Resource
• Performance Management
• Human Resource Information
• Strategic Compensation &
• Industrial Training
• Industrial Relations & Labour Law
• Contemporary Issues in Human
Resource Management
• Elective I
• Elective II
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for Management,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Critical Thinking, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in
International Business
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
Career Prospects
Career Prospects
3 Years
his programme aims to produce graduates who are equipped with
the knowledge and core competencies and dispositions required of
business personnel working in competitive business environment in
this globalised world.
Graduates may seek employment with any organisations, local or
international in the areas of international business administration &
management, international sales & marketing, international business
consultancy and international liaison.
3 Years
his programme aims to produce graduates who are equipped with
the knowledge and core competencies required for effective logistics
and supply chain management in the dynamic and competitive
business environment.
Graduates can seek employment in any industries with logistics functions
such as transportation, manufacturing, engineering, trading, retailing etc.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 124)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 124)
• Computer Applications for
• Business Communication
• Business Statistics
• Microeconomics
• Principles of Accounting
• Macroeconomics
• Business Mathematics
• Principles of Management
• Principles of Marketing
• Organisational Behaviour
• Commercial Law
• Human Resource Management
• Supply Chain Management
• International Business
• Principles of Finance
• Operations Management
• Cross-Cultural Studies
• Entrepreneurship
• Management Information
• Business Research
• Computer Applications for
• Business Communication
• Business Statistics
• Microconomics
• Principles of Accounting
• Macroeconomics
• Business Mathematics
• Principles of Management
• Principles of Marketing
• Organisational Behaviour
• Commercial Law
• Human Resource Management
• Logistics Systems
• Procurement Management
• Cost & Management Accounting
• Principles of Finance
• Operations Management
• Transportation Management
• Warehouse & Distribution
• Entrepreneurship
• Management Information
• Strategic Planning &
• Global Economics
• International Finance
• International Marketing
• Intercultural Business Skills
• International Business Strategy
• Contemporary Issues in Global
• Global Sourcing
• International Business Law
• Study Abroad Programme/
Industrial Training
• Elective I
• Elective II
• Elective III
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for Management,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Critical Thinking, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
• Business Research
• Strategic Planning &
• Global Sourcing
• Logistics Strategy
• IS Design for Logistics
• International Business
• Case Study
• Import & Export Management
• Risk Management for Logistics
• International Trade Law
• Industrial Training
• Supply Chain Management
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for Management,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia , Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Critical Thinking, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in
Bachelor of Retail Management
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
Career Prospects
Career Prospects
3 Years
his programme aims to produce competitive graduates with
intellectual, creative & cognitive skills and with strong entrepreneurial
spirit necessary for the growing business sector. It seeks to further
enhance the knowledge and skills of students in the field of marketing.
Graduates can seek employment in the areas of sales, market research,
advertising & promotion, retail & distribution, international marketing,
product development as well as self-employment.
3 Years
his programme aims to produce competitive graduates with
intellectual, creative and cognitive skills and with strong
entrepreneurial spirit necessary for the growing retail industry.
Graduates can seek employment in the areas of retail operations, store
management, merchandising, purchasing, customer service, sales &
marketing as well as self-employment.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 124)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 124)
• Computer Applications for
• Business Communication
• Business Statistics
• Microeconomics
• Principles of Accounting
• Macroeconomics
• Principles of Marketing
• Business Mathematics
• Principles of Management
• Organisational Behaviour
• Commercial Law
• Advertising & Promotion
• Human Resource Management
• Consumer Behaviour
• Applied Marketing Research
• E-Commerce & Supply Chain
• Operations Management
• Principles of Finance
• Pricing Strategy
• Product Management
• Strategic Planning and
• Computer Applications for
• Business Communication
• Business Statistics
• Principles of Accounting
• Economics
• Principles of Marketing
• Business Mathematics
• Business Organisation &
• Consumer Behaviour
• Business Accounting
• Commercial Law
• Promotion in the Merchandising
• Retail Loss & Shrinkage
• Principles of Finance
• Managerial Economics
• Applied Marketing Research
• Retail Distribution & Logistics
• Business Ethics
• Business Research
• Management Information
• Project Paper
• Customer Relationship
• Strategic Marketing & Decision
• Integrated Marketing
• Electronic Marketing
• International Marketing Strategy
• Entrepreneurship
• Industrial Training
• Elective I
• Elective II
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for Management,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Critical Thinking, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
• Retail Merchandising
• Industrial Training
• Sales Management
• Retail Location Analysis
• Pricing Strategy
• Retail Operations Management
• Project Paper
• Customer Relationship in
• Strategic Retailing
• Integrated Marketing
• Electronic Marketing
• International Retailing
• Entrepreneurship
• Elective I
• Elective II
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for Management,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Critical Thinking, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Business Studies
Diploma in Business Studies
(Business Administration)
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
his programme provides students with broad base knowledge in
financial accounting & reporting, management accounting, finance,
economics, management, taxation, auditing, law and information
technology & systems. It provides a wide spectrum of knowledge and skills
necessary for a career in accountancy and finance at the semi-professional
level as well as for graduates to further their education and training to
be qualified professional accountants. The Diploma in Business Studies
(Accounting) has been accredited by professional bodies such as ACCA
and CIMA.
Career Prospects
Graduates can seek employment
in accounting, auditing, taxation,
administration & finance in public
practice, commerce and industry at
the sub-professional level.
This Diploma qualification will
enable graduates to support finance
managers in any types of business.
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of:• Bachelor of Accounting (Honours)
• Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)
• Bachelor of Business (Honours)
Accounting and Finance
Professional Accreditation/
Upon successful completion of
the Diploma in Business Studies
(Accounting), graduates can claim
exemptions from papers F1 to F5
of ACCA Fundamentals or CIMA
Certificate in Business Accounting.
2 Years
his programme is designed for students to acquire the basic
understanding of business administration and to develop the
requisite administrative skills required in the job market. It
provides opportunities to school leavers who wish to obtain a business
administration qualification to embark on a business-related career. It also
enables them to proceed to higher level of studies.
Career Prospects
Graduates can seek employment
at the sub-professional level in a
wide variety of management and
administrative positions both in the
private and public sectors in the
areas of business administration,
business operation, human
resource management, sales &
marketing, business consultancy as
well as self-employment.
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of:• Bachelor of Business
Administration (Honours)
• Bachelor of Corporate
Administration (Honours)
Professional Accreditation/
Upon successful completion of
the Diploma in Business Studies
(Business Administration),
graduates can claim exemptions
from 6 papers of the Professional
Diploma in Corporate Administration
(PDCA) programme of MAICSA.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 92)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 92)
• Introduction to Accounting
• Microeconomics
• Quantitative Studies
• Introduction to Organisation &
• Fundamentals of Accounting
• Information Technology &
• Macroeconomics
• Basic Taxation
• Principles of Finance
• Organisation & Human Resource
• Principles of Auditing
• Business Economics
• Introduction to Accounting
• Microeconomics
• Quantitative Studies
• Introduction to Organisation &
• Fundamentals of Accounting
• Information Technology &
• Macroeconomics
• Fundamentals of Marketing
• Organisational Behaviour
• Introduction to HRM
• Basic Management Principles
• Business Finance
• Management Accounting
• Financial Accounting
• Business Law
• Financial Management
• Information for Control & Decision
• Financial Accounting Framework
• Corporate Law & Governance
• Business Software Packages
• Management Information
• Entrepreneurship
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, English for Communication,
Civic Consciousness and Volunteerism, Public Speaking/Drama/Social and
Work Etiquette, English for IELTS, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Co-curricular
• Commercial Law of Malaysia
• Business Economics
• Company Law
• Business Accounting
• Organisation Management &
• Entrepreneurship
• Fundamentals of Corporate
• Ethics for Business
• Management Information
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, English for Communication,
Civic Consciousness and Volunteerism, Public Speaking/Drama/Social and
Work Etiquette*, English for IELTS, Elective I (Foreign Language I),
Elective II (Foreign Language II), Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Co-curricular
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Business Studies
(Banking and Finance)
Diploma in
Banking and Finance
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
he curriculum of this programme focuses on the operation and
management of banking institutions and the regulations governing
the banking industry in Malaysia.
Career Prospects
Graduates can secure employment
in the banks and financial
institutions in the area of credit
processing, mortgage sales,
treasury services and customer
relations at the sub-professional
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Banking &
Finance (Honours).
Professional Accreditation/
Upon successful completion of
the Diploma in Business Studies
(Banking & Finance), graduates can
claim exemption from 1 paper of
the Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
2 Years
his programme aims to produce graduates who are equipped with
broad-based skills and knowledge that will enable them to secure
employment in domestic and international banking and finance
industry at the sub professional level.
Career Prospects
Graduates can pursue career in the
banks and financial institutions in
field such as credit and marketing,
mortgage sales, investment and
wealth management, treasury
services, customer services and
operations management at the sub
professional level.
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Banking &
Finance (Honours)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 91)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 91)
• Introduction to Accounting
• Microeconomics
• Quantitative Studies
• Introduction to Organisation &
• Fundamentals of Accounting
• Information Technology &
• Macroeconomics
• Fundamentals of Finance
• Basic Taxation
• Principles of Investment
• Commercial Banking Operations
• Commercial Banking Services
• Investment & Financial Analysis
• Introduction to Accounting
• Quantitative Studies
• Principles of Management
• Fundamentals of Accounting
• Information Technology &
• Fundamentals of Finance
• Fundamentals of Taxation
• Principles of Investment
• Operations of Commercial
• Services of Commercial Banking
• Investment & Financial Analysis
• Managing People in Organisation
• Financial Accounting
• Bank Lending Assessment &
• Banking Securities
• Islamic Banking
• International Trade Finance
• Law Relating to Financial Service
• Marketing
• Customer Relationship
• Personal Financial Planning
• Entrepreneurship
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, English for Communication,
Civic Consciousness and Volunteerism, Public Speaking/Drama/Social and
Work Etiquette, English for IELTS, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Co-curricular
• Managing People in Organisation
• Financial Accounting
• Islamic Finance
• Banking Lending & Securities
• Money and Capital Markets
• International Trade Finance
• Law Relating to Financial Service
• Customer Relationship
• Personal Financial Planning
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, English for Communication,
Civic Consciousness and Volunteerism, Public Speaking/Drama/Social and
Work Etiquette, English for IELTS, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Co-curricular
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Business Studies
(Business Economics)
Diploma in
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
his programme is designed to provide a thorough and rigorous
learning of principles of economics and their applications in the
context of business organisations. It enables students to develop
and be able to justify their own views on significant ideas and concepts in
the field of economics.
Career Prospects
Graduates can seek employment as
assistant researchers, administrative
executives, bank executives,
finance executives etc.
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Economics
2 Years
his programme provides students with a good understanding of the
fundamental knowledge of entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial
process and skills required as entrepreneurs. It will focus on how to
plan, start, manage and grow a business.
Career Prospects
Graduates may seek employment
in varied types of businesses
particularly that of small and
medium sized enterprises. Such
experiences are beneficial for
potential entrepreneurs.
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Business
(Honours) in Entrepreneurship.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 92)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 91)
• Introduction to Accounting
• Microeconomics
• Quantitative Studies
• Introduction to Organisation &
• Fundamentals of Accounting
• Information Technology &
• Macroeconomics
• Fundamentals of Finance
• Mathematics for Economics
• Fundamentals of Marketing
• Principles of Investments
• Economics for Business
• Consumer Economics
• Microeconomics
• Introduction to Organisation &
• Introductory Business Accounting
• Quantitative Studies
• Introduction to Entrepreneurship
• Macroeconomics
• Principles of Business
• Web Page Design
• Information Technology &
• Entrepreneur Industrial Internship
• Fundamentals of Finance
• Basic Management Principles
• Fundamentals of Marketing
• Economics Statistics
• Organisation & Business
• Business & Corporate Law
• Economics & the Business
• Economics of Industry
• Entrepreneurship
• Economics of Money & Financial
• Ethics for Business
• International Economics
• Managing People
• Economics Issues & Policies
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, English for Communication,
Civic Consciousness and Volunteerism, Public Speaking/Drama/Social and
Work Etiquette, English for IELTS, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Co-curricular
• Principles of Retail Management
• Introduction to E-Commerce
• Fundamentals of Selling
• Business & Cyber Law
• Ethics for Business
• Entrepreneurial Practices
• Principles of Franchising
• Small Business Venture
• Elective I
• Elective II
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, English for Communication,
Civic Consciousness and Volunteerism, Public Speaking/Drama/Social and
Work Etiquette, English for IELTS, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Co-curricular
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Business Studies
(E-Commerce and Marketing)
Diploma in Business Studies
(Finance and Investment)
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
his programme is designed to provide students with the fundamental
knowledge of e-commerce & marketing and the skills of applying
e-commerce technologies to marketing.
Career Prospects
Graduates can seek employment in
almost every sector of e-business
such as tourism, hospitality,
electrical & electronics, information
technology, communications,
media, banking & finance,
education, insurance, travel,
entertainment, advertising &
promotion, market research,
consumer services, retail at the
sub-professional level as well as
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Business
(Honours) in Marketing.
2 Years
his programme focuses on the operations and management of
financial institutions and intermediaries in particular their response
to global business trends and contemporary issues that impact the
financial services industry.
Career Prospects
Graduates can secure employment
in financial institutions and
intermediaries in the area of fund
management, wealth management,
treasury management, financial
analysis, foreign exchange and
derivatives at the sub-professional
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Finance &
Investment (Honours).
Professional Accreditation/
Upon successful completion of
the Diploma in Business Studies
(Finance & Investment), graduates
can claim exemption from 1 paper
of Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 93)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 92)
• Introduction to Accounting
• Microeconomics
• Quantitative Studies
• Introduction to Organisation &
• Fundamentals of Accounting
• Information Technology &
• Macroeconomics
• Fundamentals of Marketing
• Introduction to E-Commerce
• Fundamentals of Finance
• Web Page Design
• Basic Management Principles
• Fundamentals of Selling
• IS for Marketing & Management
• Introduction to Accounting
• Microeconomics
• Quantitative Studies
• Introduction to Organisation &
• Fundamentals of Accounting
• Information Technology &
• Macroeconomics
• Fundamentals of Finance
• Mathematics for Economics
• Principles of Investment
• Investment & Financial Analysis
• Financial Accounting
• Economic Statistic
• Basic Taxation
• IT Applications for Marketing
• Consumer Behaviour
• Business & Cyber Law
• Marketing Research
• Web Design for Marketing
• International Marketing
• Ethics for Business
• Marketing Strategies for
• Setting Up An Online Business
• Entrepreneurship
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, English for Communication,
Civic Consciousness and Volunteerism, Public Speaking/Drama/Social and
Work Etiquette, English for IELTS, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Co-curricular
• Money & Capital Markets
• Foreign Exchange, Derivatives &
the Commodity Market
• Islamic Finance
• Investment Industry Law
• Insurance Management
• Personal Financial Planning
• Financial Economics
• Marketing
• Entrepreneurship
• Ethics for Business
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, English for Communication,
Civic Consciousness and Volunteerism, Public Speaking/Drama/Social and
Work Etiquette, English for IELTS, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Co-curricular
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Business Studies
(Human Resource Management)
Diploma in Business Studies
(International Business)
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
his programme is designed to provide students with the fundamental
knowledge and skills in human resource management.
Career Prospects
Graduates may seek employment
at the sub-professional level in
the areas of human resource
administration & management,
compensation & benefit,
recruitment, training employee
relations, consultancy and general
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Business
(Honours) in Human Resource
2 Years
his programme is designed to equip students with the necessary
skills and knowledge for a career in administration and management
in organisations with cross border transactions. Students are
prepared to seek employment in both national and international
organisations across different industries at the sub-professional level.
Career Prospects
Graduates may seek employment
with any organisations, local
or international in the areas
of international business
administration and management,
international sales & marketing,
international business consultancy
and international liaison at the subprofessional level.
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Business
(Honours) in International Business.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 92)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 91)
• Introduction to Accounting
• Microeconomics
• Introduction to Organisation &
• Quantitative Studies
• Fundamentals of Accounting
• Information Technology &
• Macroeconomics
• Introduction to Human Resource
• Basic Management Principles
• Organisational Behaviour
• Malaysian Employment Laws &
• Employee Relations & Welfare
• Introduction to Accounting
• Microeconomics
• Introduction to Organisation &
• Quantitative Studies
• Fundamentals of Accounting
• Information Technology &
• Macroeconomics
• Basic Management Principles
• Introduction to Logistics
• Fundamentals of Marketing
• Introduction to E-Commerce
• Supply Chain Management
• HR Planning and Recruitment
• Fundamentals of Finance
• Business Law
• Cross-Cultural Studies
• Ethics for Business
• Trade Union & Employers’
• Health, Safety & Security
• HR Training & Development
• Compensation, Benefits &
Performance Appraisal
• Entrepreneurship
• HR Practices
• IT Applications in Human
Resource Management
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, English for Communication,
Civic Consciousness and Volunteerism, Public Speaking/Drama/Social and
Work Etiquette, English for IELTS, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Co-curricular
• Fundamentals of International
Business Environment
• International Marketing
• Cross-Cultural Studies
• International Business Planning
• Distribution Management
• Business & Trade Law
• Principles of International Finance
• Entrepreneurship
• International Economics
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, English for Communication,
Civic Consciousness and Volunteerism, Public Speaking/Drama/Social and
Work Etiquette, English for IELTS, Elective I (Foreign Language I),
Elective II (Foreign Language II), Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Co-curricular
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Business Studies
(Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
Diploma in Business Studies
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
his programme is designed to produce graduates who have broad
understanding of the logistics and supply chain management to
meet the needs of industries. The knowledge and skills obtained
will allow graduates to seek employment in any industry with logistics and
supply chain management function.
Career Prospects
Graduates can seek employment
in any industries with logistics
functions such as transportations,
manufacturing, engineering, trading,
retailing etc at the sub-professional
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Business
(Honours) in Logistics & Supply
Chain Management.
2 Years
his programme is designed to provide students with the fundamental
knowledge and skills in sales and marketing.
Career Prospects
Graduates can seek employment
in areas such as sales, market
research, advertising & promotion,
retail & distribution, international
marketing, product development at
the sub-professional level as well as
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Business
(Honours) in Marketing.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 93)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 93)
• Introduction to Accounting
• Microeconomics
• Introduction to Organisation &
• Quantitative Studies
• Fundamentals of Accounting
• Information Technology &
• Macroeconomics
• Basic Management Principles
• Introduction to Logistics
• Fundamentals of Marketing
• Organisational Behaviour
• Supply Chain Planning &
• Introduction to Accounting
• Microeconomics
• Quantitative Studies
• Introduction to Organisation &
• Fundamentals of Accounting
• Information Technology &
• Macroeconomics
• Fundamentals of Marketing
• Introduction to E-Commerce
• Basic Management Principles
• Fundamentals of Selling
• Principles of Retail Management
• Business Logistics Operations
• Warehousing & Inventory
• Fundamentals of Finance
• Operations Management
• Purchasing Strategy for Inventory
• Transportation Management
• Distribution Management
• Managerial Accounting
• Business & Trade Law
• Entrepreneurship
• Ethics for Business
• IT Applications
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, English for Communication,
Civic Consciousness and Volunteerism, Public Speaking/Drama/Social and
Work Etiquette, English for IELTS, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Co-curricular
• Fundamentals of Finance
• Services Marketing
• IS for Marketing & Management
• Consumer Behaviour
• Business Law
• Marketing Research
• International Marketing
• Marketing Environment
• Ethics for Business
• Marketing Strategy
• Marketing for Stakeholder
• Entrepreneurship
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, English for Communication,
Civic Consciousness and Volunteerism, Public Speaking/Drama/Social and
Work Etiquette, English for IELTS, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Co-curricular
Faculty of Accountancy, Finance and Business
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Business Studies
(Retail Management)
2 Years
Programme Overview
his programme is designed to provide students with the fundamental
knowledge and skills in the operation of retail businesses.
Career Prospects
Graduates can seek employment
in retail businesses such as retail
executives, store executives,
operations executives, departmental
supervisors, customer service
executives, retail buyers, sales
executives, marketing executives,
direct sales agents as well as selfemployment.
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted
into Year 2 of Bachelor of Retail
Management (Honours).
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 94)
• Introduction to Accounting
• Microeconomics
• Quantitative Studies
• Introduction to Organisation &
• Fundamentals of Accounting
• Information Technology &
• Macroeconomics
• Fundamentals of Marketing
• Principles of Retail Management
• Fundamentals of Finance
• Supply Chain Operations
• Basic Management Principles
• E-Retailing
• Consumer Behaviour
• Services Marketing
• Retail Buying
• Introduction to HRM
• Business Law
• Marketing Research
• Visual Merchandising
• Ethics for Business
• Marketing Strategy
• Retail Advertising & Promotion
• Entrepreneurship
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, English for Communication,
Civic Consciousness and Volunteerism, Public Speaking/Drama/Social and
Work Etiquette, English for IELTS , Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Co-curricular
Academic Progression Route
Minimum Entry Requirements
Bachelor Degree
Construction Management and Economics
Estate Management
Quantity Surveying
Electrical and Electronics
Electronic (Communication)
Property Management
Quantity Surveying
Electronic Engineering
Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
The Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment (FEBE) began as
the School of Technology (SOT) which was set up in 1972 to provide
programmes which were designed and arranged such that students may sit
for internationally recognised professional examinations or seek exemptions
from such examinations from Professional Bodies, in particular the Board
of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia (BQSM), Royal Institution of Surveyors
Malaysia (RISM), Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), Institution of Engineers
Malaysia (IEM) and the Engineering Council (EC). With the upgrading of
Tunku Abdul Rahman College to Tunku Abdul Rahman University College,
the School of Technology is now known as the Faculty of Engineering and
Built Environment (FEBE). We welcome you to join us in the pursuit of
Academic Excellence leading to great opportunities in your future when you
graduate. We are very confident that you will find your time with us both
enjoyable and beneficial. Our Aim is always BUILDING YOUR DREAMS
AND ENGINEERING YOUR FUTURE to ensure that your dreams are fulfilled
and your future is secure. So come and JOIN us!!
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Academic Progression Route
A Level/UEC/
Year 1
Bachelor (Honours) Degree
Dual Award Partner with
• Sheffield Hallam University,
SPM/O Level/
Bachelor Degree (3 years)
Diploma (2 years)
• Bachelor of Science in Architecture (Honours)
• Bachelor of Construction Management and
Economics (Honours)
on credit
Dual Award with
• Bachelor of Estate Management (Honours)
(3½ years)
• Diploma in Technology (Building)
• Diploma in Technology (Electronic Engineering)
• Diploma in Technology (Materials and Manufacturing
• Diploma in Technology (Mechanical and
Manufacturing Engineering)
• Diploma in Technology (Mechatronics)
Diploma (2 years 4 months)
• Diploma in Technology (Property Management)
• Diploma in Technology (Quantity Surveying)
Bachelor Degree (4 years)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Electrical and Electronics
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Electronic (Communication)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Mechanical
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Material
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Mechatronic
Diploma (3 years)
• Diploma in Architecture
Dual Award with
• Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours)
January & April
: Foundation, Cambridge GCE A Level
May & September : Bachelor Degree, Diploma
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Minimum Entry Requirements
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor of Engineering
(Honours) Electrical and
Entry Qualification
A Level
Full Pass in
Physics and one
Pass in Physics
and Mathematics
ATAR 70 and
minimum Grade
B in Physics and
one Mathematics
70% average
in 6 relevant
subjects which
must include
Physics and one
5 Grade B which
must include
Physics, one
Mathematics and
3 other relevant
Bachelor of Engineering
(Honours) Electronic
Pass in 5 relevant
Bachelor of Engineering
(Honours) Mechanical
Grade B in
• Foundation in
(Track A)
Bachelor of Engineering
(Honours) Mechatronic
SPM Credit in English Language* OR O Level Grade C in English Language*
OR MUET Band 4 OR IELTS Band 6.0 OR TOEFL Score 550 OR equivalent
Bachelor of Engineering
(Honours) Material
Full Pass
in Physics/
Chemistry and
one Mathematics
Pass in Physics/
Chemistry and
ATAR 70 and
minimum Grade
B in Physics/
Chemistry and
one Mathematics
70% average in 6
relevant subjects
which must
include Physics/
Chemistry and
one Mathematics
5 Grade B
which must
include Physics/
Chemistry, one
Mathematics and
3 other relevant
Pass in 5 relevant
• Foundation in
(Track A)
Grade B in
SPM Credit in English Language* OR O Level Grade C in English Language*
OR MUET Band 4 OR IELTS Band 6.0 OR TOEFL Score 550 OR equivalent
Bachelor of Science in
Architecture (Honours)
Full Passes
in 2 relevant
subjects which
must include:
– Mathematics
– 1 other subject
listed in
Schedule B
Grade C in
2 relevant
subjects which
must include:
– 1 other subject
listed in
Schedule B
ATAR 70 and
Grade B in 2
relevant subjects
which must
include one
70% average
in 6 relevant
subjects which
must include one
6 Grade B which
must include:
– one Mathematics
– 4 other subjects
listed in
Schedule B
SPM Credit in English Language AND Mathematics OR O Level Grade C in
English Language AND Mathematics OR equivalent
Pass in SPM Pendidikan Seni Visual/Lukisan Kejuruteraan OR Portfolio Test conducted by TAR UC
Schedule B
STPM qualification
A Level qualification
UEC qualification
Geografi, Ekonomi, Perakaunan, Mathematics (M)/
Mathematics S, Mathematics (T)/Mathematics T,
Further Mathematics/Further Mathematics T,
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Information and
Communications Technology (ICT)/Computing,
Pengajian Perniagaan and any other relevant
technical subjects.
Applied Information and Communication
Technology, Computer Science, Law,
Psychology, Sociology, Geography, Economics,
Accounting, Mathematics, Mathematics-Further,
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computing,
Business Studies and any other relevant
technical subjects.
Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese, History,
Geography, Economics, Accounting,
Mathematics, Advanced Mathematics,
Advanced Mathematics (I), Advanced
Mathematics (II), Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
Computing and Information Technology,
Business Studies, Book Keeping and Accounts
and any other relevant technical subjects.
Grade B and above in AELE0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants with a pass in
SPM English Language/ Grade D or Grade E in O Level English Language/ Grade C in UEC English.
a) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
b) Students without a credit in SPM Bahasa Malaysia are required to pass Bahasa Kebangsaan A before the award of Bachelor Degree.
c) TARC/TAR UC Diploma will be accepted on credit transfer into Bachelor Degree programmes
d) Equivalent qualifications other than the above will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
e) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Minimum Entry Requirements
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor of Estate
Management (Honours)
Entry Qualification
A Level
Full Passes in
2 relevant
subjects listed in
Schedule B
Pass in 2 relevant
subjects listed in
Schedule B
ATAR 70 which
must include
Grade B in 2
relevant subjects
70% average in 6
relevant subjects
6 Grade B which
must include:
– 5 other
subjects listed
in Schedule B
• Foundation in
(Track A/
Track B)
Grade C in
• Foundation in
Arts (Track A)
Full Passes
in 2 relevant
subjects listed in
Schedule B and
credit in SPM
Grade C in
2 relevant
subjects which
must include:
– 1 other subject
listed in
Schedule B
ATAR 70 which
must include
Grade B in one
70% average
in 6 relevant
subjects which
must include one
SPM Pass in English Language** OR O Level Grade E in English Language**
OR equivalent
Bachelor of Quantity
Surveying (Honours)
Full Passes in
3 relevant
subjects listed in
Schedule B
Pass in 3 relevant
subjects listed in
Schedule B
ATAR 70 and
Grade B in 2
relevant subjects
which must
include one
70% average
in 6 relevant
subjects which
must include one
SPM Pass in English Language** OR O Level Grade E in English Language**
OR equivalent AND
SPM Credit in Mathematics OR O Level Grade C in Mathematics OR equivalent
SPM Pass in English Language** OR O Level Grade E in English Language**
OR equivalent AND
SPM Credit in Mathematics OR O Level Grade C in Mathematics OR equivalent
Bachelor of
Management and
Economics (Honours)
5 Grade B which
must include:
– Advanced Mathematics/
(I or II)
– 4 other subjects
listed in
Schedule B
Grade C in
6 Grade B which
must include:
– one Mathematics
– either Bahasa
Malaysia or
English, with
minimum Grade
C in the other
– 4 other subjects
listed in
Schedule B
• Foundation in
(Track A/
Track B)
Diploma (with
minimum CGPA
2.5000)# AND
a credit in
Mathematics at
• Foundation in
(Track A/
Track B)
• Foundation in
Arts (Track A)
Schedule B
STPM qualification
A Level qualification
UEC qualification
Geografi, Ekonomi, Perakaunan, Mathematics (M)/
Mathematics S, Mathematics (T)/Mathematics T,
Further Mathematics/Further Mathematics T,
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Information and
Communications Technology (ICT)/Computing,
Pengajian Perniagaan and any other relevant
technical subjects.
Applied Information and Communication
Technology, Computer Science, Law,
Psychology, Sociology, Geography, Economics,
Accounting, Mathematics, Mathematics-Further,
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computing,
Business Studies and any other relevant
technical subjects.
Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese, History,
Geography, Economics, Accounting,
Mathematics, Advanced Mathematics,
Advanced Mathematics (I), Advanced
Mathematics (II), Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
Computing and Information Technology,
Business Studies, Book Keeping and Accounts
and any other relevant technical subjects.
# Graduates with CGPA below 2.5000 are required to sit and pass a Qualifying Test.
**Grade C and above in AELE0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants who fail English at
SPM/ O Level/ UEC level.
a) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
b) Students without a credit in SPM Bahasa Malaysia are required to pass Bahasa Kebangsaan A before the award of Bachelor Degree.
c) TARC/TAR UC Diploma will be accepted on credit transfer into Bachelor Degree programmes
d) Equivalent qualifications other than the above will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
e) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Minimum Entry Requirements
Entry Qualification
Diploma in Technology
(Mechanical and
Diploma in Technology
(Materials and
Diploma in Technology
(Electronic Engineering)
Diploma in Technology
Diploma in Technology
(Quantity Surveying)
O Level
5 credits in the relevant
subjects which must include:
– Either Additional
Mathematics OR Physics,
with minimum pass in the
other subject
– 1 subject listed in
Schedule A
5 Grade C in the relevant
subjects which must
– Either MathematicsAdditional OR Physics,
with minimum Grade E in
the other subject
– 1 subject listed in
Schedule A
3 Grade B which must
– Advanced Mathematics (I)
– Either Advanced
Mathematics (II) OR
Physics, with minimum
Grade C in the other
– 1 subject listed in
Schedule A
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia and
English Language**
Grade E in English
Grade C in English**
5 credits in the relevant
subjects which must include:
– Either Additional
Mathematics OR Physics,
with minimum pass in the
other subject
– 1 subject listed in
Schedule A
5 Grade C in the relevant
subjects which must
– Either MathematicsAdditional OR Physics,
with minimum Grade E in
the other subject
– 1 subject listed in
Schedule A
3 Grade B which must
– Advanced Mathematics (I)
– Either Advanced
Mathematics (II) OR
Physics, with minimum
Grade C in the other
– 1 subject listed in
Schedule A
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia and
English Language**
Grade E in English
Grade C in English**
5 credits in the relevant
subjects which must include:
– Either Bahasa Malaysia
OR English Language,
with minimum pass in the
other subject
5 Grade C in the relevant
subjects which must
– English Language
3 Grade B in the relevant
subjects which must include:
– one Mathematics
– Either Bahasa Malaysia
OR English, with minimum
Grade C in the other
Relevant Certificate
Relevant Certificate
a pass in Mathematics at
Schedule A
SPM qualification
Physics, Additional Mathematics, Chemistry,
Lukisan Kejuruteraan, Teknologi Kejuruteraan,
Pengajian Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Pengajian
Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik, Information
& Communication Technology and any other
relevant technical subjects.
O Level qualification
UEC qualification
Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics – Additional,
Computer Science, Computer Studies,
Design and Technology, Information and
Communication Technology and any other
relevant technical subjects.
Physics, Chemistry, Advanced Mathematics (II)
and any other relevant technical subjects.
**Grade C and above in AELE0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants who fail English at
SPM/ O Level/ UEC level.
a) SPM holders from Year 2013 onwards must have at least a pass in Sejarah.
b) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
c) Students without a credit in SPM Bahasa Malaysia are required to pass Bahasa Kebangsaan A before the award of Diploma.
d) Equivalent qualifications other than the above will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
e) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Technology
Diploma in Technology
Diploma in Architecture
Entry Qualification
O Level
5 credits in the relevant
subjects which must include
5 Grade C in the relevant
subjects which must include
3 Grade B in the relevant
subjects which must include
one Mathematics subject
Relevant Certificate
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia and
English Language**
Pass in English Language**
Grade C in English**
a pass in Mathematics at
5 credits in the relevant
subjects which must include
5 Grade C in the relevant
subjects which must include
3 Grade B in the relevant
subjects which must include
one Mathematics subject
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia and
English Language**
Pass in English Language**
Grade C in English**
5 credits in the relevant
subjects which must include
Mathematics and English
5 Grade C in the relevant
subjects which must include
Mathematics and English
3 Grade B in the relevant
subjects which must include
one Mathematics subject
and English
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia
Pass in SPM Pendidikan Seni Visual/Lukisan Kejuruteraan
OR Portfolio Test conducted by TAR UC
**Grade C and above in AELE0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants who fail English at
SPM/O Level /UEC level.
a) SPM holders from Year 2013 onwards must have at least a pass in Sejarah.
b) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
c) Students without a credit in SPM Bahasa Malaysia are required to pass Bahasa Kebangsaan A before the award of Diploma.
d) Equivalent qualifications other than the above will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
e) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Science in
Architecture (Honours)
Bachelor of Construction Management
and Economics (Honours)
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
Career Prospects
Career Prospects
3 Years
3 Years
rchitecture is a social art as well as an artful science which involves
erecting buildings, structures and outdoor spaces to allow the
man-made components to fit in harmony with the environment
while promoting health and well-being. An architect’s design could extend
from simple individual houses, work places to communal and urban living
spaces of the society. This programme aims to equip students with sound
knowledge and skills in architectural design processes and technological
aspects such as services integration in their design projects; application of
building by-laws together with sustainability issues into designed buildings.
It also includes study of architectural history and cultural practices
which will enhance their awareness and sensitivities needed for holistic
architectural education.
Upon completion of the programme, the Part I graduates can be employed
as assistant architects, both for design activities and as executive and/or
as managerial level personnel in architectural practices which include, but
not limited to, production of conceptual and detail designs, construction
drawings, contract administration as well as project implementation in the
construction industry. They will be able to assist professional architects
to run their consulting firms. This Part I degree will provide an effective
pathway for further studies in architecture leading to a Part II professional
degree in architecture which will enable them to be professional architects
with their own consulting firms upon the passing of the Part III Professional
Examinations after a minimum of two years working experience with a
registered architect’s firm.
his is a multi-discipline programme designed to provide essential
academic base in the discipline of construction management,
construction economics and property development needed in the
construction industry. This programme focuses on planning, co-ordination
and control of the construction project from inception till completion stage;
managing financial issues of the project; managing the production of
design, tender, contract and construction drawing including tender and
contract documents; managing the selection of appropriate procurement
system, contractual arrangement and tendering method which satisfies
the client’s needs in term of time, cost, quality and legal aspects; and
managing the contractual issues. Students will be exposed to International
Construction, Value Management, Project Management as well as Risk
Graduates can be employed as executive and/or managerial levels
personnel in managing the real property development projects from
inception to post construction stages in construction and/or property
development firms.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 120)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 131)
• Design Studios
• Architectural Graphic Techniques
• Architectural Drawing
• Design Theory
• History of Eastern Architecture
• History of Western Architecture
• History of Modern Architecture
• Digital Modelling
• Environmental Science & Building
• Mechanical & Electrical Services
• Structural Studies
• Principles of Construction &
• Principles of Management
• Accounting & Financial
• Project Planning, Programming &
• Management of Building
• Site Management
• IT & CAD
• Software Application for Built
• Project Management
• Principles of Economics
• Construction Economics
• Advanced Construction
• Building Construction Technology
• Construction Materials
• Civil Engineering Construction
• Structural Studies
• Construction Technology &
• Special Construction Technology
• Building By-Laws
• Building Analysis
• Principles of Architectural
• Design Project Dissertation
• Industrial Training
• Planning Studies
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for the Profession,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Entrepreneurship, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
• Site Surveying
• Prices Analysis for Construction
• Measurement & Contract
• Environmental Science & Building
• Mechanical & Electrical Services
• Procurement Strategy
• Contract Administration
• Principles of Law
• Land Development Law
• Building By-Laws, Acts &
• Construction Law
• Integrated Projects
• Research Methodology
• Project & Dissertation
• Industrial Training
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for the Profession,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Entrepreneurship, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Estate Management
Bachelor of Quantity Surveying
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
3½ Years
4 Years
his programme equips students for careers in property valuation,
property management, property development, investment and
finance. The programme focuses in core competencies required
on property valuation in wide ranges of property and purposes inclusive
of traditional, statutory, investment, plant & machinery, special properties
and development appraisal. Students will be trained in property and
estate management areas such as development, land purchase, facilities
management, support service, managing and maintaining residential,
commercial and industrial property. This programme also emphasises
on financial, development and investment practices such as investment
analysis, viability study, market study, purchase and portfolio management
of investment property and the financing of real estate projects.
his programme equips students with essential knowledge and skills
in quantity surveying practices such as preparing feasibility study
of the project; handling financial issues of the project; preparing
tender and contract documents including measurement of construction
works and pricing; evaluation and selection of appropriate procurement
system, contractual arrangement and tendering method which satisfies the
client’s needs in term of time, cost, quality and legal aspects; and advising
the contractual issues based on general contract principles of Building
Contract as well as general legal principles of Contract Law, Sale of Goods
Act and Law of Tort.
Career Prospects
Career Prospects
Graduates can be employed as executive and/or managerial level
personnel in property management, valuation and estate agency practices,
which include, but not limited to valuation, feasibility study, property market
research, development, marketing and management.
Graduates can be employed as executive and/or administrative level
personnel in quantity surveying practices which include, but not limited
to, take-off quantities, estimating, tendering, purchasing, cost control,
and contract administration as well as project implementation in the
construction industry.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 137)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 136)
• Introduction to Valuation
• Applied Valuation
• Investment Valuation
• Valuation of Special Properties
• Statutory Valuation
• Advanced Valuation Techniques
• Professional Practice
• Principles of Management
• Facilities Management
• Property Management
• Property Market Research &
• Real Property Finance &
Investment Analysis
• Accounting & Financial
• Building Maintenance
• Building Construction Technology
• Principles of Economics
• Land Economics
• Principles of Measurement
• Measurement of Building Works
• Measurement of Plumbing &
Electrical Works
• Measurement of Civil Engineering
• Construction Materials
• Building Construction Technology
• Civil Engineering Construction
• Principles of Economics
• Building Economics
• Development Economics
• Professional Practice
• Principles of Law
• Land Development Law
• Building By-Laws, Acts &
• Construction Law
• Structural Studies
• Principles of Management
• Principles of Law
• Property Law
• Building By-Laws
• Law of Property Taxation
• Law of Land Acquisition
• IT & CAD
• Site Surveying
• Environmental Science & Building
• Mechanical & Electrical Services
• Town and Country Planning
• Property Development
• Integrated Projects
• Research Methodology
• Project & Dissertation
• Industrial Training
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for the Profession,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Entrepreneurship, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
• Project Management
• Prices Analysis for Building
• IT & CAD
• Site Surveying
• Mechanical & Electrical Services
• Research Methodology
• Environmental Science & Building
• Software Application for Built
• Accounting & Financial
• Prices Analysis for External &
Plumbing Works
• Integrated Projects
• Project and Dissertation
• Industrial Training
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for the Profession,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Entrepreneurship, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Electrical and Electronics
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Electronic (Communication)
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
Career Prospects
Career Prospects
4 Years
lectrical and Electronic Engineering shows you how a touch screen
responds to your fingers, how your GPS knows exactly where
you are and how electricity arrives at your doorstep with a flick
of a switch from a power plant hundreds of kilometers away. Electrical
and Electronic devices are everywhere, rapidly changing the way we live
our lives. It is the leading sector in Malaysia’s industry. The programme
will prepare you to be a competent engineer well equipped to meet the
challenges of a very fast moving industry. Emphasis of the programme
is on sustainable design, development and commercialisation of a wide
range of electrical & electronic products and services. This includes
consumer electronics, intelligent control systems, electrical energy, power
systems and electrical machines.
Graduates will find career opportunities in a wide range of sectors,
including aerospace, communications, instrumentation & control, IT &
computing, consumer & industrial electronics/microelectronics, electrical
& power generation machinery & equipment, manufacturing, transport
networks, power generation, transmission & distribution, public utilities,
building services, scientific, medical and educational institutions, amongst
Job scopes may include developing solutions to problems using new
or existing technologies, product design, research & development, test
& verification, inspection and maintenance, marketing, sales & service,
management/supervision of engineering projects & operations, systems
installation & testing, ensuring projects meet electrical safety regulations
and consultancy, amongst others.
4 Years
lectronic communication is a rapidly developing field as a result
of modern time’s reliance on the Internet, mobile phones,
broadband, and wireless network. The communications engineering
programme aims to develop engineers who will work at the cutting
edge of the communications industry with emphasis on technologies
for mobile and broadband communication. The Bachelor of Engineering
(Honours) Electronic (Communication) programme develops engineers
who design, implement, and manage transmission systems for a wide
range of telecommunications application such as networking security,
signal processing, high frequency circuits, mobile communication, web
technologies, wireless and satellite communication systems.
Graduates will find career opportunities in a wide range of sectors,
including communications, media & entertainment, aerospace, power,
instrumentation & control, software engineering/IT computing, consumer
& industrial electronics/microelectronics, hardware manufacturing, public
utilities, scientific, medical and educational institutions, amongst others.
Job scopes may include developing solutions to problems using new or
existing technologies, mobile radio network engineering, RF test/product
engineering, radio technology development, application & product design,
research & development, test & verification, inspection and maintenance,
marketing, sales & service, management/supervision of engineering
projects & operations, setting up networks & equipment, systems
installation & testing, and project consultancy, amongst others.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 142)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 139)
• Engineering Mathematics
• Programming for Engineers
• Engineering Drawing & CADD
• Digital & Analogue Electronics
• Digital & Analogue Systems
• Microprocessor Systems
• Communication Systems &
• Circuits Analysis
• Signals & Systems
• Discrete Time Signal Processing
• Instrumentation & Measurement
• Control Systems Engineering
• Artificial Intelligence
• Electrical Technology, Power
Systems & Machines
• Power Electronics & Drives
• Engineering Mathematics
• Programming for Engineers
• Engineering Drawing & CADD
• Digital & Analogue Electronics
• Digital & Analogue
Communication Systems Design
• Microprocessor Systems
• Circuits Analysis
• Signals & Systems
• Discrete Time Signal Processing
• Instrumentation & Measurement
• Data & Multimedia Network
• Applied Electromagnetics
• Microwave Engineering
• High Frequency Circuit Design
• Wireless Communication &
• Information Theory & Error
• Power System Analysis, Quality &
• High Voltage Engineering
• Power Transmission &
• Electrical Energy Utilization
• Exergy & Renewable Energy
• Computer Architecture
• Embedded Systems
• Microelectronics & Integrated
Circuit Technology
• Multimedia Technology &
• Engineer & Society
• Engineering Management
• Project & Dissertation
• Industrial Training
• Capstone Project
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for the Profession,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Entrepreneurship, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
• Mobile & Satelite Systems
• Embedded Systems
• Microelectronics & Integrated
Circuit Technology
• Multimedia Technology &
• Opto-Electronics
• Fibre Optics
• Antenna Design
• Engineer & Society
• Engineering Management
• Project & Dissertation
• Industrial Training
• Capstone Project
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for the Profession,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Entrepreneurship, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
4 Years
4 Years
echanical engineers design and develop everything you think of
as a machine from supersonic fighter jets to bicycles to toasters.
Many of them specialise in areas such as manufacturing, robotics,
automotive/transportation and air conditioning. Graduates will be able
to analyse their design using the principles of motion, energy, and force
to insure the product functions safely, efficiently, reliably and can be
manufactured at a competitive cost.
n in-depth understanding on the nature of materials will make you
a better engineer and designer because materials are considered
as the heart of all branches of engineering. Nearly everything we
use is made of materials and essentially every technology depends on
breakthroughs in materials science and engineering, for instance, the
development of semiconducting polymers is one of the contributing factors
that has led to the production of light emitting diodes (LEDs). Any engineer
can search for materials properties from a database or book, but ability to
innovate and to incorporate materials safely in design required in-depth
understanding on the materials structures, properties and processing
techniques. This programme is specially designed to meet the vast
demand of industries. Graduates are also equipped with the knowledge
on manufacturing & management which are essential for their future
Career Prospects
Career Prospects
• Mechanical Engineers
• Design & Development Engineers
Engineers/Production Engineers
• Equipment/Facilities Engineers
• Service/Technical Support/Field
Application Engineers
• Quality Assurance Engineers/
Sales Engineers
Excellent career opportunities exist for Materials Engineering graduates in
many fields. Graduates are employed in a wide range of industries such
as iron & steels, petrochemicals, electronics, ceramics, polymers and
composites as Metallurgical Engineers, Field/Technical Service Engineers,
Plant Engineers, R & D Engineers, Materials Engineers, Corrosion
Engineers, QA/QC Engineers and Sales & Service Engineers
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 142)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 143)
• Engineering Mathematics
• Engineering Mechanics
• Manufacturing Processes &
Production Systems
• Engineering Drawing & CADD
• Programming for Engineers
• Engineering Materials
• Thermodynamics/Heat Transfer &
Fluid Mechanics
• Engineering Design
• Electric Circuits & Electrical
• Strength of Materials/Mechanics
of Solids
• CNC Technology, Industrial
Control & Automation
• Control Systems Engineering
• Product Design & Development/
Project Management/Engineering
• Engineering Mathematics
• Materials Science & Engineering
• Workshop, Manufacturing
Processes & Technology
• Engineering Drawing & CADD
• Materials Testing & Evaluation
• Quality & Production Control
• Polymeric Materials
• Chemistry & Thermodynamics of
• Strength of Materials
• Mechanics of Fluids
• Physical & Welding Metallurgy
• Composites & Ceramic Materials
• Corrosion Control & Protection
• Control Systems Engineering
• Foundry Engineering
• Surface Engineering
• Computer–Aided Engineering/
Finite Element Analysis
• Dynamics of Mechanical
Systems/Vibration & Acoustics
• Manufacturing Management &
System Design
• Quality & Reliability Engineering
• Computational Fluid Dynamics
• Mechanical Instrumentation &
• Digital Electronics &
• Exergy & Renewable Energy
• Engineer & Society/
Communication for Engineers
• Engineering Management
• Project & Dissertation
• Industrial Training
• Capstone Project
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for the Profession,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Entrepreneurship, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
• Electronic, Nano, Magnetic,
Optical & Bio Materials
• Quality & Reliability Engineering
• Materials Application & Selection
• Manufacturing Management &
System Design
• Engineering Metals & Alloys
• Engineer & Society
• Environmental Impact on
• Engineering Management
• Project & Dissertation
• Capstone Project
• Industrial Training
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for the Profession,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Entrepreneurship, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
4 Years
Programme Overview
echatronics combines mechanical, electronics and software
engineering in the design, development and control of diverse
systems used in a range of industries including manufacturing,
medicine and the service industries. Examples of mechatronics systems
include aircraft, dishwashers, motor vehicles, automated manufacturing
plants, robots of all types, and many others. Graduates are therefore
involved in almost every possible industry at levels from applications
development to manufacturing to advanced research.
Career Prospects
• Mechatronics Engineers
• Design & Development Engineers
• Service/Technical Support/Field
Application Engineers
• Quality Assurance Engineers
• Instrumentation & Control
• Automation & System Integration
• Sales Engineers
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 142)
• Engineering Mathematics
• Engineering Mechanics/Theory of
• Engineering Drawing & CADD
• Basic Electronics/Power
Electronics and Drives
• Electrical Circuits & Electrical
• Engineering Materials
• Programming for Engineers
• Industrial Control & Automation/
Automation System Design
• Thermodynamics
• Strength of Materials
• Digital & Analogue Electronics
• Microprocessor Systems
• Measurement & Instrumentation
• Computer-aided Engineering/
Finite Element Analysis
• Embedded Systems Engineering
• Engineering Design
• Control Systems Engineering
• CNC, Robotics Technology/
Robotic Systems & Design
• Networking Systems
• Artificial Intelligence
• Product Design & Development/
Project Management/Engineering
• Engineer & Society/
Communication for Engineers
• Engineering Management
• Exergy & Renewable Energy
• Project & Dissertation
• Industrial Training
• Capstone Project
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for the Profession,
Tamadun Islam dan Asia, Hubungan Etnik, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
Entrepreneurship, Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues,
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Architecture
Diploma in Technology
3 Years
2 Years
Programme Overview
rchitecture is the art and science of designing and erecting
buildings, structures, objects and outdoor spaces. This programme
equips students with basic knowledge and skills in architectural
design practices and technological aspects such as conceptual design
development, integrate building technology concepts like construction
and services into their designed projects; application of building by laws
into designed buildings; appreciation of architectural history and cultural
practices, production of design and technical drawing, model making and
preparation of presentation media.
Career Prospects
Upon completion of the
programme, graduates may be
employed as architectural assistant,
assistant designer, draughtsman,
project supervisor, architectural
illustrator, model maker and
architectural animator and as sales
personnel in architectural and
building related industries.
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Science in
Architecture (Honours).
Programme Overview
his programme is a multi-discipline programme designed to provide
a fundamental academic base in the discipline of construction
management and property development needed in the construction
industry. This programme focuses on planning, co-ordination and control
of the construction project from inception till completion stage; managing
financial issues of the project; managing the production of design,
tender, contract and construction drawing including tender and contract
documents; managing the selection of appropriate procurement system,
contractual arrangement and tendering method which satisfies the client’s
needs in term of time, cost, quality and legal aspects; and managing
the contractual issues based on general contract principles of Building
Contract as well as general legal principles of Contract Law, Sale of Goods
Act and Law of Tort. This programme will provide effective pathway for
students to further their studies at degree level in the area of construction
Career Prospects
Graduates can be employed at
supervisory and/or executive level
personnel in managing the real
property developments project
from inception to post construction
stages in construction and/or
property development firms.
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Construction
Management and Economics
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 99)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 96)
• Construction Technology
• Building Materials
• Architectural Drawing
• Principles of Architectural Design
• Built Environment Studies
• Architectural Design Studio
• Design Theory
• Structural Studies
• Building Science and Services
• Building Materials
• Construction Technology
• Technical Drawing
• IT & CAD
• Building Science & Services
• Site Surveying
• Building Maintenance Technology
• Mathematics for Construction
• Structural Studies
• Basic Soil Mechanics
• Principles of Management
• Site Supervision
• CADD for Architecture
• History of European Architecture
• Digital Design Modeling
• Building By Law & Contracts
• History of Asian Architecture
• Site Surveying
• Practical Training in Industry
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for IELTS,
Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Public Speaking, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
• Construction Health & Safety
• Introduction to Economics
• Principles of Construction
• Introduction to Law
• Principles of Malaysian Land Law
• Building Acts & Contracts
• Construction Finance Practice
• Estimating
• Measurement of Building Works
• Measurement of Civil Engineering
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for IELTS,
Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Public Speaking, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Technology
(Property Management)
Diploma in Technology
(Quantity Surveying)
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years 4 Months
2 Years 4 Months
his programme equips students with essential knowledge and
skills in estate agency practices and sound foundation in property
valuation and management. Students will be trained to handle
marketing, sales and rental transactions issues of land and property
including financial arrangement and advise its related tax, cost and
expense to be incurred, management of property and rental review of land
and property.
his programme equips students with fundamental knowledge and
skills in quantity surveying practices such as preparing feasibility
study of the project; handling financial issues of the project;
preparing tender and contract documents including measurement of
construction works and pricing; evaluation and selection of appropriate
procurement system, contractual arrangement and tendering method
which satisfies the client’s needs in term of time, cost, quality and legal
aspects; and advising the contractual issues based on general contract
principles of Building Contract as well as general legal principles of
Contract Law, Sale of Goods Act and Law of Tort. This programme
will provide an effective pathway for students to further their studies
in Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours) which enable them to be
registered quantity surveyors.
Career Prospects
Career Prospects
Graduates would enjoy good
prospects for employment as
executive personnel in property
valuation and consulting practices,
estate agency practices, developers
and other organisations within the
property sector.
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted
into Year 2 of Bachelor of Estate
Management (Honours).
Graduates can be employed as
executive and/or administrative
level personnel in quantity surveying
practices which include, but not
limited to, take-off quantities,
estimating, tendering, purchasing,
cost control, and contract
administration as well as project
implementation in the construction
Academic Progression
Graduates with CGPA 2.7500 and
above may be admitted into Year 2
Semester 2 and CGPA 2.0000 to
2.7499 may be admitted into Year 1
Semester 2 of Bachelor of Quantity
Surveying (Honours).
Professional Accreditation/
Diploma in Technology (Quantity
Surveying) is accredited by the
Royal Institution of Surveyors,
Malaysia (RISM) and recognised as
an approved QS sub-professional
qualification. Graduates of this
Diploma are exempted from the
Foundation and First Examinations
(except intermediate and Final
Examinations) of the RISM’s
Professional Examinations for
Quantity Surveying.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 100)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 100)
• Building Materials
• Construction Technology
• Technical Drawing
• IT & CAD
• Building Science & Services
• Introduction to Economics
• Building Services
• Site Surveying
• Land Use Planning
• Building Maintenance Technology
• Introduction to Valuation
• Principles of Valuation
• Principles of Investment Valuation
• Principles of Statutory Valuation
• Principles of Accounting
• Building Materials
• Construction Technology
• Technical Drawing
• IT & CAD
• Building Science & Services
• Site Surveying
• Building Maintenance Technology
• Mathematics for Construction
• Structural Studies
• Measurement of Building Works
• Measurement of Civil Engineering
• Estimating
• Introduction to Economics
• Land Economics
• Real Estate Finance
• Principles of Town & Country
• Introduction to Law
• Principles of Malaysian Land Law
• Property Taxation Law
• Estate Agency Law
• Principles of Marketing
• Principles of Management
• Property Management
• Real Estate Professional
• Practical Training in Industry
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for IELTS,
Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Public Speaking, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
• Principles of Building Economics
• Principles of Development
• Principles of Management
• Introduction to Law
• Principles of Malaysian Land Law
• Building Acts & Contracts
• Quantity Surveying Practices
• Integrated Project
• Practical Training in Industry
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for IELTS,
Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Public Speaking, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Technology
(Electronic Engineering)
Diploma in Technology
(Materials and Manufacturing Engineering)
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
2 Years
lectronic technologies form the foundation of modern society,
making possible the devices and systems that we rely upon in our
daily life such as mobile communications, computer networks,
medical equipment, video and audio systems and industrial control and
automation. Electronics is a broad engineering field, giving students
enormous flexibility and wide ranging career options. The Diploma in
Technology (Electronic Engineering) emphasises on design of digital
and analogue systems with a focus on applying basic concepts and
skills to real world situations and developing broad-based knowledge
with a curriculum that includes electronic devices, communications,
automation and control, software engineering and embedded systems.
The Diploma programme is designed to bridge the gap for school leavers
for a successful university study in Electrical and Electronics or Electronic
Communication engineering.
Career Prospects
Graduates will find flexible
and wide ranging of career
options in the industries of
aerospace, telecommunications,
instrumentation & control,
computing, consumer and
industrial electronics with job
scopes that may include product
design, development & testing,
maintenance, marketing and sales
& services.
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of:
• Bachelor of Engineering
(Honours) Electrical and
• Bachelor of Engineering
(Honours) Electronic
an you imagine what will happen if our world is without materials?
Breakthroughs in materials science and engineering improve
the quality of our daily lives. Nearly everything we use is made
of materials and essentially every technology depends on materials
development and innovation. This Diploma is aimed to produce graduates
with a sound foundation in materials engineering to meet the demand
of industries and also to pursue higher qualification in this field. It
encompasses the relationships between structures, properties, selection
and processing of materials to various areas of science and engineering.
Graduates are also equipped with the knowledge which are essential for
their future employment such as management and quality control.
Career Prospects
Graduates may be employed as
assistant engineers, executives or
support staff in a wide variety of
fields such as production, design
and development, marketing, sales,
management, quality assurance,
testing and maintenance.
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Engineering
(Honours) Material.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 99)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 98)
• Mathematics
• Engineering Science
• Computer Studies
• Engineering Drawing & CADD
• Digital & Analogue Electronics
• Microprocessors
• C++ Programming
• Engineering Materials
• Industrial Control & Automation
• Principles of Electrical &
Electronic Engineering
• Electronic Instrumentation &
• Engineering Mechanics
• Mathematics
• Engineering Science
• Computer Studies
• Production Engineering
• Engineering Drawing & CADD
• Materials Science
• Materials Testing
• Introduction to Manufacturing
• Quality & Production Control
• C++ Programming
• Engineering Materials
• Electrical Technology & Circuits
• Embedded Systems, Design &
• Software & Information Systems
• Mini Project
• Engineering Perspectives & Skills
• Industrial Management Studies
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for IELTS,
Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Public Speaking, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
• Polymeric Materials
• Thermodynamic, Fluid & Process
• Mechanical & Structural
• Materials Application & Selection
• Phase Transformations & Heat
• Corrosion Processes & Protection
• Engineering Perspectives & Skills
• Industrial Management Studies
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for IELTS,
Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Public Speaking, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Technology
(Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering)
Diploma in Technology
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
echanical engineering is one of the broadest of engineering
disciplines. It is referred as the ‘mother’ branch of engineering.
Most of the inventions in the modern era are due to the
contribution of knowledge and application of mechanical engineering.
Mechanical engineers contribute their knowledge in the design,
development, manufacture, testing of various engines, vehicles and
machines, manufacturing plants, automated mechanical systems, etc.
Graduates will be able to work in a wide spectrum of industries including
manufacturing, oil & gas, automotive, chemical processing, air conditioning
& refrigeration, agriculture and many others.
Career Prospects
Graduates can be employed as
technical assistant at supervisory
and/or executive level in
manufacturing industries to ensure
engineering processes/operation
are carried out efficiently and
safely. They can also help prevent
problems and troubleshoot and
rectify situations that can lead
to problems in the engineering
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Engineering
(Honours) Mechanical.
2 Years
echatronics is the integration of mechanical engineering systems
with electronic and electrical controls systems. Mechatronics is
involved in such diverse products and systems such as robots,
automated machines and production systems, automobiles, aircrafts,
medical devices and many others. Graduates will be able to work in a
wide spectrum of industries including robotics, automotive, aerospace,
manufacturing and etc.
Career Prospects
Graduates can be employed
as technical assistant and at
executive level in the industries
of manufacturing, robotics &
automation, instrumentation &
control, computing and sales and
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Engineering
(Honours) Mechatronic.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 96)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 97)
• Mathematics
• Engineering Science
• Computer Studies
• Engineering Drawing & CADD
• Workshop Technology
• Production Planning
• Manufacturing Processes
• Industrial Automation
• C++ Programming
• Theory of Machines
• Mathematics
• Engineering Science
• Principles of Electrical &
Electronic Engineering
• Basic/Digital/Analogue
• Computer Studies
• Microprocessors
• Robotics, Manufacture & Process
• Engineering Drawing & CADD
• Engineering Materials
• Mechanical & Structural
• Kinematics & Dynamics
• Thermodynamic, Fluid & Process
• Engineering Materials
• CNC & CAD/CAM Technology
• Engineering Perspectives & Skills
• Industrial Management Studies
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for IELTS,
Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Public Speaking, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
• Thermodynamics, Fluid &
Process Engineering
• Electrical Technology & Circuits
• Mechatronics
• Mechanical & Structural
• Kinematics & Dynamics
• C++ Programming
• Engineering Perspective & Skills
• Industrial Management Studies
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, English for Communication, English for IELTS,
Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, Public Speaking, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
Academic Progression Route
Minimum Entry Requirements
Bachelor Degree
Media Studies
Public Relations
Fashion Design
Graphic Design
Multimedia Design
Tourism Management
Hospitality Management
Corporate Communication
Hospitality and Catering Management
Broadcast Communication
Media Studies
Public Relations
Hotel Management
Event Management
Multimedia Design
Graphic Design
Fashion Design
Social Science,
Arts and
The Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities offers Diploma and
Bachelor Degree programmes in the area of Communication, Creative Arts,
Hospitality Management and Social Science.
These programmes are conducted by well qualified and experienced lecturers
with state-of-the-art facilities for students to explore their talents. The Faculty
has strong industry links which enables students to further gain knowledge
through industrial attachment at Diploma and Bachelor Degree levels.
Graduates emerge as practitioners infused with the knowledge, hands-on
capabilities and professional standards required by the industry. They are
also equipped with persuasive communication, analytical and critical thinking
skills, team-player mentality and ethical values essential to their careers.
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Academic Progression Route
A Level/UEC/
Bachelor (Honours) Degree
Year 1
Dual Award Partner with
• University of Salford, UK
SPM/O Level/
• Sheffield Hallam University,
Bachelor Degree (3 years)
Diploma (2 years)
• Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in Advertising
• Bachelor of Corporate Communication (Honours)
• Bachelor of Hospitality and Catering Management (Honours)
• Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in
• Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in
• Bachelor of Design (Honours) in
Fashion Design
• Bachelor of Design (Honours) in
Graphic Design
• Bachelor of Creative Multimedia (Honours) in
Multimedia Design
• Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in
Media Studies
• Bachelor of Public Relations (Honours)
• Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) in
• Bachelor of Tourism Management (Honours)
• Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Dual Award with
Dual Award with
January & April
: Foundation, Cambridge GCE A Level
May & September : Bachelor Degree, Diploma
on credit
• Diploma in Mass Communication (Advertising)
• Diploma in Mass Communication
(Broadcast Communication)
• Diploma in Mass Communication (Journalism)
• Diploma in Mass Communication (Media Studies)
• Diploma in Mass Communication (Public Relations)
• Diploma in Social Science (Counselling)
• Diploma in Hospitality Management
(Hotel Management)
• Diploma in Hotel Management
• Diploma in Hospitality Management (Tourism)
• Diploma in Hospitality Management (Foodservice)
• Diploma in Event Management
• Diploma in Multimedia Design
• Diploma in Graphic Design
• Diploma in Fashion Design
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Minimum Entry Requirements
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor of
(Honours) in
Entry Qualification
A Level
Full Passes in 2
relevant subjects
Passes in 2
relevant subjects
ATAR 70 and
minimum Grade
B in 2 relevant
70% average in 6
relevant subjects
Grade B in 5
relevant subjects
which must
include English
• Foundation in
Arts (Track A/
Track B)
Bachelor of
(Honours) in
• Relevant
Bachelor of
(Honours) in Journalism
Bachelor of
(Honours) in Media
Bachelor of Public
Relations (Honours)
SPM Credit in English Language OR
O Level Grade C in English Language
Full Passes in 2
relevant subjects
Passes in 2
relevant subjects
ATAR 70 and
minimum Grade
B in 2 relevant
70% average in 6
relevant subjects
Grade B in 5
relevant subjects
which must
include English
• Foundation in
Arts (Track A/
Track B)
SPM Pass in
Bahasa Malaysia
• Relevant
SPM Credit in English Language OR
O Level Grade C in English Language
Bachelor of Corporate
Full Passes in 2
relevant subjects
Passes in 2
relevant subjects
ATAR 70 and
minimum Grade
B in 2 relevant
70% in 6 relevant
Grade B in 5
relevant subjects
which must
include English
• Foundation in
Arts (Track A/
Track B)
• Relevant
SPM Credit in English Language OR
O Level Grade C in English Language
Bachelor of Hospitality
Management (Honours)
Bachelor of Tourism
Management (Honours)
Full Passes in 2
relevant subjects
Passes in 2
relevant subjects
ATAR 70 and
minimum Grade
B in 2 relevant
70% in 6 relevant
Grade B in 5
relevant subjects
Grade C in
• Foundation in
Arts (Track A/
Track B)
• Relevant
Bachelor of Hospitality
and Catering
Management (Honours)
SPM Pass in English Language** OR
O Level Grade E in English Language**
**Grade C and above in AELE0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants who fail English at
SPM/O Level/UEC level.
a) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
b) Students without a credit in SPM Bahasa Malaysia are required to pass Bahasa Kebangsaan A before the award of Bachelor Degree.
c) TARC/TAR UC Diploma will be accepted on credit transfer into Bachelor Degree programmes.
d) Equivalent qualifications other than the above will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
e) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Minimum Entry Requirements
Bachelor Degree
Bachelor of Creative
Multimedia (Honours) in
Multimedia Design
Entry Qualification
A Level
Full Passes in 2
relevant subjects
Passes in 2
relevant subjects
ATAR 70 and
minimum Grade
B in 2 relevant
70% average in 6
relevant subjects
Grade B in 5
relevant subjects
Grade C in
SPM Pass in English Language** OR
O Level Grade E in English Language**
Full Passes in 2
relevant subjects
Passes in 2
relevant subjects
ATAR 70 and
minimum Grade
B in 2 relevant
• Foundation in
Arts (Track A/
Track B)
• Relevant
Diploma (with
minimum CGPA
Bachelor of Design
(Honours) in Graphic
70% average in 6
relevant subjects
Grade B in 5
relevant subjects
which must
include English
• Foundation in
Arts (Track A/
Track B)
Bachelor of Design
(Honours) in Fashion
SPM Pass in
Bahasa Malaysia
SPM Credit in Bahasa Malaysia
SPM Pass in English Language OR
O Level Grade E in English Language
• Relevant
MUET Band 1
MUET Band 1
MUET Band 1
Applicants must pass a specified portfolio test and interview to be conducted by TAR UC
Bachelor of Social
Science (Honours) in
Full Passes in 2
relevant subjects
Passes in 2
relevant subjects
ATAR 70 and
minimum Grade
B in 2 relevant
70% average in 6
relevant subjects
Grade B in 5
relevant subjects
which must
include one
and one Science
Grade C in
• Foundation
in Arts (Track
A/Track B)
AND credit in
and one
Science subject
and a pass in
English at SPM/
SPM Credit in Mathematics and Science/Physics/Chemistry/Biology/
Additional Science OR
O Level Grade C in Mathematics and Physics/Chemistry/Biology/
SPM Pass in English Language OR
O Level Grade E in English Language
• Relevant
AND credit in
and one
Science subject
and a pass in
English at SPM/
# Graduates with CGPA below 2.5000 are required to sit and pass a specified portfolio test and interview.
**Grade C and above in AELE0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants who fail English at
SPM/O Level/UEC level.
a) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
b) Students without a credit in SPM Bahasa Malaysia are required to pass Bahasa Kebangsaan A before the award of Bachelor Degree.
c) TARC/TAR UC Diploma will be accepted on credit transfer into Bachelor Degree programmes.
d) Equivalent qualifications other than the above will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
e) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Minimum Entry Requirements
Diploma in Mass
Diploma in Mass
Entry Qualification
O Level#
5 credits in the relevant
subjects which must include
English Language
5 Grade C in the relevant
subjects which must include
English Language
3 Grade B in the relevant
subjects which must include
Relevant Certificate
Relevant Certificate
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia
Diploma in Mass
Diploma in Mass
(Media Studies)
Diploma in Mass
(Public Relations)
Diploma in Hospitality
Management (Tourism)
5 credits in the relevant
5 Grade C in the relevant
3 Grade B in the relevant
Diploma in Hospitality
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia and
English Language**
Grade E in English
Grade C in English**
5 credits in the relevant
subjects which must include
Mathematics and one
Science subject
5 Grade C in the relevant
subjects which must include
Mathematics and one
Science subject
3 Grade B in the relevant
subjects which must include
one Mathematics and one
Science subject
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia and
English Language
Grade E in English
Grade C in English
Diploma in Graphic
5 credits in the relevant
subjects which must include
Bahasa Malaysia
5 Grade C in the relevant
subjects which must include
3 Grade B in the relevant
subjects which must include
Bahasa Malaysia
Diploma in Fashion
Pass in English Language**
Grade E in English
Grade C in English**
Diploma in Event
Diploma in Hospitality
Management (Hotel
Diploma in Hotel
Diploma in Social
Science (Counselling)
Relevant Certificate
Applicants must pass a specified portfolio test and interview to be conducted by TAR UC
Diploma in Multimedia
5 credits in the relevant
5 Grade C in the relevant
3 Grade B in the relevant
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia and
English Language**
Grade E in English
Grade C in English**
Relevant Certificate
Applicants must pass a specified portfolio test and interview to be conducted by TAR UC
**Grade C and above in AELE0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants who fail English at
SPM/O Level/UEC level.
# Students with 3-4 relevant credits in SPM/Grade C in 3-4 relevant subjects in O Level may be considered for the Diploma programmes offered at the Perak Branch Campus (PK), Johor
Branch Campus (JH), Pahang Branch (PH) and Sabah Branch (SB).
a) SPM holders from Year 2013 onwards must have at least a pass in Sejarah.
b) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
c) Students without a credit in SPM Bahasa Malaysia are required to pass Bahasa Kebangsaan A before the award of Diploma.
d) Equivalent qualifications other than the above will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
e) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in
Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
3 Years
3 Years
his programme encompasses the basic knowledge and practical
skills of advertising, media and communication. This programme
aims not only to produce advertising personnel who can apply
the relevant skills in the field of advertising, but also to offer students a
greater depth of knowledge and practical skills in terms of management
and persuasive communication, preparing students to join a competitive
and dynamic industry. They will also develop a critical understanding and
appreciation of the advertising profession.
his programme entails knowledge and skills for the technical
understanding, writing, scripting, presenting and organising of
traditional and new broadcast media. There are also specific
courses designed to enhance the depth of knowledge and appreciation of
the broadcast communication industry like Film Appreciation, Criticism and
Interpretation, Cinematography and Visual Communication, Production
and Multimedia, Radio Journalism, Communication Technology,
Communication Theories as well as application in Audio, Television and
Video Production.
Career Prospects
Career Prospects
• Account Executives
• Media Planners
• Advertising & Promotion
• Social Media Executives
• TV and Radio programming
• Disc jockeying
• Research writing for broadcast
• Internet-based businesses
• Production houses and
advertising agencies
• Creative industries
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 125)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 127)
• Introduction to Mass
• Fundamental of Advertising
• Design Fundamentals
• Advertising & Society
• Fundamentals of Photography
• Media Planning for Advertising
• Basic Copywriting
• Consumer Behaviour & Culture
• Communication Theories
• Communication Research
• Theories of Advertising
• Advanced Copywriting
• TVC Production
• Media Audiences OR Media
• Advanced Photography
• Visual Communication
• Industrial Attachment
OR Integrated Marketing
Communication and
• Introduction to Mass
• Audio Production
• Scripting (Audio)
• Scripting (Video)
• Video Production
• Introduction to Film
• Cinematography & Visual
• Communication Theories
• Communication Research
• Audio & Video Editing
• Single Camera Production
• Production & Multimedia OR
Visual Communication
• Rhetoric
• Television Production
• Statistical Analysis for
• Film Appreciation, Criticism &
• Radio Journalism
• Broadcast Communication
Project I
Interpersonal & Professional
• Advertising Project I
• Statistical Analysis for
• Translation & Advertising
• Multimedia Production for
• Accounts Management for
• Advertising Project II
• Creative Strategy for Advertising
• International Advertising
• Codes and Practices of
• Advertising & New Media OR Art
Direction for Advertising
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues, Hubungan Etnik,
English for the Humanities, Critical Thinking, Co-curricular
• Multi Camera Studio Production
• Industrial Attachment
OR Integrated Marketing
Communication and
Interpersonal & Professional
• Communication Technology :
Policy and Planning OR Media
Audiences OR Web Design and
Streaming Media
• TV Journalism
• Documentary Production OR
Media Management
• Broadcast Communication
Project II
• Politics & Media
• Event Management & Promotion
OR Screen Production &
Management OR Applied
Broadcast Project
• Malaysia: Religious & Cultural
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues, Hubungan Etnik,
English for the Humanities, Critical Thinking, Co-curricular
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in
Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in
Media Studies
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
3 Years
his programme is catered for students who wish to develop a career
in journalism. This programme equips students with enhanced
practical skills for fair, balanced and professional media reporting.
Emphasis is also placed on experiential learning and the changing
demands and developments in the media industry.
Career Prospects
3 Years
his programme aims to promote literacy in an information society
where audience is frequently exposed to multifarious forms of
media content which can be developed and transmitted at greater
speed, transcending international boundaries. This programme will enable
students to acquire a greater understanding of the mass media, their
functions, impact and future direction. Students will also be trained in
the higher level of usage of computer software to ensure that they will be
competitive in the employment market.
Career Prospects
• Copy Editors
• Public Relations
• Producers of Information
• Media Writers and Educators
• Media Planners
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 125)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 127)
• Introduction to Mass
• News Gathering, Reporting &
• Media in Malaysia
• Media Law
• Advanced News Gathering,
Reporting & Writing
• Photojournalism
• News Sub-Editing
• Interviewing for Journalism
• Chinese Creative Writing OR
Creative Writing
• Local News Reporting
• Persuasive Writing
• Online Journalism
• Communication Theories
• Communication Research
• Sports Journalism
• Feature Writing
• Newspaper Editing, Design &
• Television Production OR Media
• Introduction to Mass
• Media Writing (Print & Electronic)
• Fundamental of Media Planning
• Introduction to Human
• Print Production
• Introduction to Film
• Malaysia: Religious & Cultural
• Rhetoric
• Communication Theories
• Communication Research
• Media Audiences OR Visual
• Electronic Media Production
• Media Management
• Content Editing OR Media
• Theory of Film
• Statistical Analysis for
• Industrial Attachment
OR Integrated Marketing
Communication and
Interpersonal & Professional
• Statistical Analysis for
• Broadcast Journalism
• JR Project I
• Journalism Ethics & Issues
• Politics & the Media OR
Introduction to Corporate
• Newspaper Management &
• JR Project II
• Business News Writing OR
Investigative Reporting OR
Applied Journalism Project
• Global Journalism OR Citizen
Journalism OR War & Conflict
• PR Practices in Malaysia OR
Intercultural Communication OR
Music Journalism
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues, Hubungan Etnik, English
for the Humanities, Critical Thinking, Co-curricular
• Industrial Attachment
OR Integrated Marketing
Communication and
Interpersonal & Professional
• Advanced Electronic Media
• Politics & the Media
• Online Business &
• Media Studies Project I
• Writing Strategy OR Broadcast
• Documentary Production OR
Comparative International Media
• Media Studies Project II
• Seminar on Issues in Media
• Media Literacy
• Screen Production &
Management OR Event
Management & Promotion
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues, Hubungan Etnik, English
for the Humanities, Critical Thinking, Co-curricular
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Public Relations
Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) in
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
3 Years
ublic relations professionals are sources and producers of
information for organisations and businesses. They are the
information providers sought by the media, client organisations and
also the public that they represent. This programme develops students’
industry and experiential expertise in formulating media strategies,
managing and running PR campaigns, producing PR write-ups and
promotional material.
3 Years
his programme aims at providing a wide range of psychological
knowledge and research skills, covering various aspects of human
behaviours, mental processes and experiences. Students learn to
explore and understand human behaviours and perception in a variety of
situations. They are required to develop application and analytical skills in
psychology to deal with real-life situations.
To produce capable PR practitioners, media liaisons and strategic
managers, it entails courses in corporate communication, crisis
management, integrated marketing communication, advertising, new
media, public opinion, and media ethics. Students’ experiential skills are
enhanced via case studies, campaigns management and internship.
Career Prospects
• PR department and consultancy
• Ads and marketing firm
• Media companies
• Events management
• Human resources
• A myriad of service providers
Career Prospects
• Research institutions
• Training & development
• Sales & marketing
• Management & administrative
• Education institutions
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 127)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 121)
• Introduction to Mass
• Introduction to Public Relations
• Public Speaking for PR
• Public Relations Strategies &
• Public Relations Writing
• Public Opinion & Persuasion OR
Media Law
• Media Relations
• Communication Theories
• Basic Publication for PR OR
Basic Photography for PR
• Communication Research
• Theories, Roles & Models of PR
• PR and New Media
• Advanced PR Writing
• Media Planning for PR
• PR, Advertising & Marketing
• Socio-Cultural Communication
OR Globalisation &
• Introduction to Psychology
• Industrial & Organisational
• Introduction to Counselling
• Lifespan Developmental
• Counselling Skills & Methods
• Leadership Skills
• Statistical Techniques for
Psychology I
• Theories of Personality
• Health Psychology
• Music and Our Life OR
Introduction to Academic
Writing OR Globalisation
& Communication OR
Socio-Cultural Communication
• Research Methods in Psychology
• Statistical Techniques for
Psychology II
• Abnormal Psychology
• Cognitive Psychology
• Industrial Attachment
OR Integrated Marketing
Communication and
Interpersonal & Professional
• Crisis Management in PR
• Introduction to Corporate
• PR Campaign Planning &
• Public Relations Project I
• Statistical Analysis for
• PR for Non-Profit
• Introduction to Organisational
Communication OR Psychology
for Communication
• Publication for PR OR Multimedia
Tools for PR
• Public Relations Project II
• PR Practices in Malaysia
• PR & Media Ethics
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues, Hubungan Etnik, English
for the Humanities, Critical Thinking, Co-curricular
• Professional & Research Ethics in
• Principles of Management in
Psychology OR Organisation
• Psychology Project I
• Testing & Measurement
• Disorders of Childhood &
• Physiological Psychology
• Cross Cultural Psychology
• Psychology Project II
• Motivation & Emotion
• Positive Psychology OR
Educational Psychology
• Industrial Training OR
Communication Skills at
the Workplace and Work
• Social Psychology
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues, Hubungan Etnik, English
for the Humanities, Critical Thinking, Co-curricular
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in
Fashion Design
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in
Graphic Design
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
3 Years
his programme provides academic and specialised practical
knowledge to prepare students for middle-level positions in the
fashion design industry. This programme enables graduating fashion
designers to perform competitively within the local and international
fashion industry, combining creative and intellectual approaches to visualdesign innovations with strong theoretical and practical elements.
The full-time programme is organised over 3 academic years with a focus
on acquiring the technical and professional skills required by the fashion
industry, while developing a personal fashion signature.
Students are encouraged to combine creativity that is within the
globalisation of fashion industry.
3 Years
his programme provides students with education of design process,
research and innovative opportunities with competent technical
and creative skills such as studio-base work, interactive multimedia
production, exhibition and project management in order to make a smooth
transition into the creative industry.
The 3 years duration in completing the graphic design degree prepares
skills you learn here in TAR UC whereby gaining yourself portfolio for future
career prospect in terms of handling and engaging the use of current
media technology – focusing on visual aspects of web and print base
design and working on the ideas of unique design – a life-changing style
for students.
Graduates are sought after by the industry with a demanding employment
rate upon graduating and for internship training purposes. As TAR
UC students are taught entrepreneur skills on how to start up cost for
business and trading whereby students learn to communicate and provide
overall business service is achieved to do and rewarded.
Career Prospects
Career Prospects
• Fashion & Image Consultants
• Fashion & Apparel Designers
• Manufacturing Designers
• Garment and Textile Designers
• Fashion Jewelry Designers
• Fashion Designers
• Fashion and Textiles Buyers or
• Costume Designers
• Fashion Retail Associate
• Retail Buyers
• Fashion Event Organisers
• Visual Merchandisers
• Art Directors
• Signage Designers
• Graphic Designers
• Design Consultants
• In-House Designers
• Character Designers
• Web Page Designers
• General Merchandisers
• Instructional Designers
• Event Display Designers
• Sales Promotion Designers
• Advertising agencies & publishing
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 124)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 124)
• Introduction to Art
• Fundamentals of Fashion Design
• Garment & Pattern Construction I
• Figure Drawing for Fashion
• History of Costume
• Fashion Design Illustration
• Fashion Design Concepts
• Basic Photography
• Colour Theory
• Draping I
• Garment & Pattern
Construction II
• Software Application for Fashion
• Advanced Fashion Design
• Painting Techniques OR Applied
Photography OR Introduction to
• Research for Arts & Design
• Malaysia Costumes & Cultural
• Textile: Exploration & Practices
• Basic Software Application for
• Fundamentals of Design
• Colour Theory
• Drawing
• Introduction to Art
• Basic Photography
• Layout & Typography
• Illustration & Concept
• Print Design
• Digital Typography
• Design Thinking
• Information Graphics
• Packaging Design
• Painting Techniques OR Applied
Photography OR Introduction to
• Research for Arts & Design
• Corporate Identity & Branding
• Advertising & Design
• Digital Visualization
• Draping II
• Fashion Buying & Merchandising
• Sculpture OR Editorial Design OR
Batik Appreciation
• Industrial Training OR
Work-based Learning
• Media & Advertising for Fashion
• Garment & Pattern
Construction III
• Fashion Design Project Planning
• Fashion Embroidery
• Fashion Business Management
• Fashion Design Project &
• Fashion Event Management
• Design & Society
• Type in Motion OR Fashion
Accessories OR Consumer
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues, Hubungan Etnik, English
for the Humanities, Critical Thinking, Co-curricular
• Sales Promotion Design
• Sculpture OR Editorial Design OR
Batik Appreciation
• Industrial Training OR Workbased Learning
• Graphic Design Project
• Web Design & Production
• Publication Design
• Exhibition Management &
• Interactive Multimedia
• Graphic Design Project &
• Design & Society
• Professional Practices for
• Type in Motion OR Fashion
Accessories OR Consumer
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues, Hubungan Etnik, English
for the Humanities, Critical Thinking, Co-curricular
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Creative Multimedia (Honours) in
Multimedia Design
Bachelor of Tourism Management
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
3 Years
his programme aims to impart knowledge and develop skills in
innovative problem solving, risk taking and creative learning. With the
strong focus on the context of bonding technology and arts together
in harmony, the programme aims at producing competent and creative
graduates for employment in creative multimedia industries.
This curriculum is design for those who are interested in leading edge
media technologies, well ground with knowledge, experience and skill
set of producing creative media content for users. It also entails design
management and production aspects of media design, by utilising industry
standard software.
he tourism industry in Malaysia is one of the fastest growing
industries being the second main national economy contributor. As
this sector grows, there will be a greater emphasis and commitment
to expand and improve tourism products and services. This programme
will involve students in context of travel-related business, such as
marketing, foreign languages and convention and meeting management.
Special emphasis is placed on the development of interpersonal,
communication and critical thinking skills. Graduates would have
developed a mature understanding of their field through field trips locally
and internationally as well as industrial attachment.
Career Prospects
Career Prospects
• Interactive Media Artists/
• UX & Web Designers
• Mobile Application Developers
• Social Media Activist/Content
• 2D/3D Animators
• Motion Designers
3 Years
• Digital Filmakers/Editors
• Post Production Designers/
• Instructional Designers/Game
• Creative Technologist
• Creative Entrepreneurs
• Travel agencies
• Tourist attractions
• Research & development
• Tourism marketing
• Conferences & exhibition centres
• Other related tourism
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 127)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 124)
• Introduction to Art
• Fundamentals of Design
• Image Manipulation
• Drawing
• Design Thinking
• Interactive Web Design
• Digital Illustration
• Basic Photography
• 2D Animation
• Information & Interface Design
• Digital Video Production
• Photomedia
• Web Programming
• Painting Techniques OR Applied
Photography OR Introduction to
• Arts Law
• Audio Design
• Motion Graphics
• Content Management
• 3D Animation
• Introduction to Tourism
• Introduction to Hospitality
• Hospitality Economics
• Japanese Language I OR French
Language I
• Hospitality Accounting
• Professional Development
• Strategic Management
• Hospitality Marketing
• Introduction to Information
• Principles of Management
• Legal Aspects in Hospitality
• Geography of Tourism
• Airline Reservation & Ticketing
• Principle of Tourism
• HRM for Hospitality Industry
• Contemporary Tourism
• Sculpture OR Editorial Design OR
Batik Appreciation
• Industrial Training OR Workbased Learning
• Research for Arts & Design
• Project Management
• Web Technology
• New Media
• Media & Innovation
• Digital Media Project
• Design & Society
• Integrated Marketing
• Type in Motion OR Fashion
Accessories OR Consumer
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues, Hubungan Etnik, English
for the Humanities, Critical Thinking, Co-curricular
• Statistical Analysis for Business
• Japanese Language II OR French
Language II
• Tourism Issues in South East Asia
• Responsible Tourism
• Understanding World Culture
• Tourism & Hospitality Industry
• Tourism Product & Destination
• Sustainable Tourism
• Tourism Policy & Planning
• Inbound Tour Business
• Tourism Recreation &
• International Tourism
• Hospitality Financial Accounting
• Tourism & Hospitality Research
• Industrial Attachment
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues, Hubungan Etnik, English
for the Humanities, Critical Thinking, Co-curricular
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
3 Years
Programme Overview
he hospitality industry is diverse in nature and provides abundant job
opportunities worldwide. This programme is aimed to guide students
through a progression route for rapid advancement in their career
within the industry upon graduation. Technical skills in both food and
beverage and rooms divisions as well as managerial and personal skills are
incorporated into the programme to facilitate employment opportunities
among local or international establishments.
Career Prospects
• Hotels, resorts and spas
• Theme parks
• Catering and services companies
& clubs
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 123)
• Nutrition Studies
• Introduction to Hospitality
• Hospitality Economics
• Japanese Language I OR
French Language I OR Korean
Language I
• Hospitality Accounting
• Hospitality Marketing
• Introduction to Information
• Principles of Management
• Legal Aspects in Hospitality
• Japanese Language II OR
French Language II OR Korean
Language II
• Theory of Food
• Beverage Management (Theory)
• Beverage Appreciation (Practical)
• Food Preparation I (Practical)
• HRM for Hospitality Industry
• Resorts Management
• Tourism Management
• Statistical Analysis for Business
• Rooms Division Management
• Food Preparation II (Practical)
• Food and Beverage Service
• Restaurant Management
• Hospitality Financial Accounting
• Tourism & Hospitality Research
• Professional Development
• Ecotourism OR Sustainable
• Tourism & Hospitality Industry
• Strategic Management
• Retail Management
• Food & Beverage Cost Control
• Industrial Attachment
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues, Hubungan Etnik, English
for the Humanities, Critical Thinking, Co-curricular
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Programmes Offered
Bachelor of Corporate Communication
Bachelor of Hospitality and Catering
Management (Honours)
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
3 Years
his programme equips its graduates with the requisite theoretical
knowledge and experiential skills to work in a myriad of sectors such
as public affairs and the media industry. This provides an expansive
platform for corporate communication graduates to enter the commercial,
service-oriented, governmental, and multi-national organisation human
This programme inculcate in its graduates practical expertise in formulating
communication, media and marketing strategies, managing and running
events, producing corporate write-ups and promotional material,
organising publicity events and exhibitions.
• Event Management Executives
• Media Liaison Officers
• Community Affairs Executives
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 122)
• Introduction to Mass
• Introduction to Public Relations
• Mass Media and Society
• Media Law
• Introduction to Journalism
• Basic Entrepreneurship
• Public Speaking
• Integrated Marketing
• Introduction to Corporate
• Communication Theories
• Research Methodology in
Communication I
• Corporate Writing
• Research Methodology in
Communication II
• Small Group Communication
• Interpersonal Communication
• Basic Broadcast Production OR
Basic Photography
• Industrial Attachment
• Publication for Corporate
• Statistical Analysis for
• Event Planning and Management
• Professional Practice and Ethics
• Crisis Management
• Corporate Image and Branding
• Government Relations
• Dissertation I
• Organisational Communication
OR Media Relations
• Dissertation II
• Corporate Social Responsibility
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues, Hubungan Etnik, English
for the Humanities, Critical Thinking, Co-curricular
his programme aims to provide students with in-depth knowledge
and skills, critical thinking skills, creativity and innovation in the
hospitality as well as catering industry. It will produce graduates
that are competence in hospitality and catering management with relevant
theoretical knowledge to give professional and ehtical services to the
public. It also aims to inculcate in students the practice of reliable work
culture, keeping mind accountability to the community in terms of safe and
responsible hospiality and catering management.
Career Prospects
Career Prospects
• Corporate communication
• Public Affairs Executives
• Middle management, supervisory
and strategic-level personnel in
PR department
3 Years
• Hotels and resorts
• Clubs and associations
• PR and event management
• Sales and marketing
• Convention centres
• Food and beverage
• Food court operations
• Commercial caterers
• Restaurant chains
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 120)
• Introduction to Information
• Introduction to Hospitality
• Catering Service
• Food Hygiene and Safety
• Japanese Language I
• Legal Aspects in Hospitality
• Baking and Pastry
• Japanese Language II
• Food and Beverage Cost Control
• Food Catering Operations and
• Food and Beverage Menu
Planning and Development
• Commercial Food Preparation
and Production
• Hospitality Organisational
• Managing Guest Service
• Hospitality Professional
• Fundamental Cookery
• Statistical Analysis for Business
• Cultural Food Habits
• Hospitality Retail Management
• Procurement Management
• Room Division Management
• Festival and Special Event
• Integrated Marketing
Communication for Hospitality
and Catering
• Hospitality and Catering Strategic
• Hospitality and Catering
• Financial Accounting for
Hospitality and Catering
• Research Methodology for
Hospitality and Catering
• Hospitality and Catering Industry
• Hospitality and Catering
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Tamadun Islam dan Asia, English for Communication,
Moral dan Etika/Contemporary Malaysian Issues, Hubungan Etnik, English
for the Humanities, Critical Thinking, Co-curricular
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Mass Communication
Diploma in Mass Communication
(Broadcast Communication)
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
2 Years
his programme encompasses the basic knowledge and practical
skills of mass communication and advertising. The programme
aims not only to produce advertising personnel who can apply
the relevant skills in the field of advertising, but also to offer students a
greater depth of knowledge and practical skills in terms of management
and persuasive communication, preparing students for a competitive and
dynamic industry.
his programme entails knowledge and skills for the technical
understanding, writing, scripting, presenting and organising of
traditional broadcast and new electronic media. There are also
other specific courses designed to enhance the depth of knowledge and
appreciation to the broadcast communication industry.
Career Prospects
Career Prospects
• Account Executives
• Media Buyers
• Media Planners
• Advertising & Promotions
• Social Media Executives
• Brand Executives and
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted
into Year 2 of Bachelor of
Communication (Honours) in
• TV and Radio programme
• Disc jockeying and research
writing for broadcast media,
television, radio and internetbased businesses
• Production houses and
advertising agencies
• Creative industries
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted
into Year 2 of Bachelor of
Communication (Honours) in
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 94)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 92)
• Introduction to Information
• Introduction to Mass
• Design Fundamentals
• Introduction to Electronic
• Mass Media and Society
• Chinese Writing for the Mass
Media OR Music Appreciation
• Consumer Behaviour
• Introduction to Advertising
• Malaysia: Cultural & Religious
• Basic Photography
• Introduction to Information
• Introduction to Mass
• Chinese Modern Writing OR
Music Appreciation
• Chinese Writing for the Mass
Media OR Introduction to Drama
• Malaysia : Cultural & Religious
• Basic Photography
• Mass Media & Society
• Broadcast Writing – Radio
• Film & Society
• The Modern Electronic Media
• Design for Print
• Advertising Copywriting
• Multimedia for Advertising
• Effects of Advertising
• Communication Law
• Advertising Creative Campaign
• Media Planning
• Measurement of Advertising
• Advertising for Electronic Media
• Translation: BM, English &
Chinese OR Translation: BM &
• Marketing
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
English for Communication, Social and Work Etiquette, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, English for IELTS, Co-curricular
• Radio & DJ
• Applied Photography
• Broadcast Writing – Television
• Globalisation & Communication
• Communication Law
• Malaysia & International Relations
• Videography
• Advertising for the Electronic
• Malaysia Constitutional
Framework & Policy
• Translation: BM, English &
Chinese OR Translation: BM &
• Media Ethics
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
English for Communication, Social and Work Etiquette, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, English for IELTS, Co-curricular
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Mass Communication
Diploma in Mass Communication
(Media Studies)
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
his programme is catered for students who wish to develop a career
in journalism. The programme equips students with basic practical
skills for fair, balanced and professional media reporting. Emphasis
is also placed on experiential learning and the changing demands and
developments in the media industry.
Career Prospects
• Journalists and Sub-Editors
• Other career opportunities
include researchers and planners
with mass media organisations
and executive writers in large
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted
into Year 2 of Bachelor of
Communication (Honours) in
2 Years
his programme aims to promote literacy in an information society
where audience are frequently exposed to multifarious forms of
media content. With the advent of modern technology, new forms
of media have developed, transmitting messages at greater speed and
transcending international boundaries. Students will have a greater
understanding of the mass media; their functions, impact and the future
direction of the media.
Career Prospects
• Public relations
• Print media and electronic media
• Producers of information
• Media Planner
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted
into Year 2 of Bachelor of
Communication (Honours) in Media
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 94)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 95)
• Introduction to Information
• Introduction to Mass
• Introduction to Human
• Chinese Writing for the Mass
Media OR Introduction to Drama
• Mass Media & Society
• Writing for the Electronic Media
• Journalism I
• Public Relations
• Introduction to Electronic
• Malaysia: Cultural & Religious
• Journalism II
• Introduction to Information
• Introduction to Mass
• Chinese Writing for the Mass
Media OR Introduction to Drama
• Introduction to Human
• Malaysia: Cultural & Religious
• Chinese Modern Writing OR
Music Appreciation
• Mass Media & Society
• Introduction to Advertising
• Film & Society
• Public Relations
• The Malaysian Mass Media
• Communication Law
• Translation: BM, English &
Chinese OR Translation: BM &
• Media Ethics
• Copy Editing
• Malaysia & International Relations
• Photojournalism
• Production & Publication
• Malaysian Constitutional
Framework & Policies
• Chinese Creative Writing OR
Creative Writing
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
English for Communication, Social and Work Etiquette, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, English for IELTS, Co-curricular
• Public Opinion & Persuasion
• Radio & DJ
• Cybersociety & Communication
• The Modern Electronic Media
• Malaysian Constitutional
Framework & Policies
• Communication Law
• Production & Publication
• Media Planning
• Writing for the Mass Media
• Translation: BM,English &
Chinese OR Translation: BM &
• Media Ethics
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
English for Communication, Social and Work Etiquette, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, English for IELTS, Co-curricular
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Mass Communication
(Public Relations)
Diploma in Social Science
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
2 Years
his programme develops students’ knowledge and practical
expertise in formulating PR plans and organising publicity events,
producing PR write-ups and promotional material. To produce
capable PR and media relations practitioners, the programme entails
courses in PR strategies and tools, PR writing, media relations, media and
advertising, public opinion and public speaking. Students’ experiential
skills are enhanced via case studies and events.
his programme aims at producing graduates for employment in
counselling-related fields and covers various aspects of human
behaviours, affection and experiences. This programme is designed
to provide students with a platform for building skills and knowledge in a
helping profession. Students learn to appreciate and understand different
aspects of counselling skills, theoretical perspectives in psychology and
basic management.
Career Prospects
Career Prospects
• Public relations
• Marketing communication
• Events management
• Customer relations
• Human resource
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of:• Bachelor of Public Relations
• Bachelor of Corporate
Communication (Honours)
• Social work
• Personnel/human resource
management, whereby the desire
to help others and interpersonal
skills are needed
• Work related to psychology
at hospitals, mental health
organisations, business
organisations or nongovernmental organisations
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Social Science
(Honours) in Psychology.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 92)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 93)
• Introduction to Mass
• Introduction to Information
• Chinese Modern Writing OR
Introduction to Drama
• Mass Media & Society
• Introduction to Electronic
• Chinese Writing for Mass Media
OR Psychology I
• Public Relations
• The Modern Electronic Media
• Basic Photography
• Malaysia: Cultural and Religious
• Introduction to Information
• Psychology I
• Introduction to Counselling
• Introduction to Sociology
• Psychology II
• Theories of Counselling &
• Introduction to Social Psychology
• Malaysia: Cultural & Religious
• Leadership Skills
• Interpersonal Communication
• Developmental Psychology
• Vocational & Career Counselling
• Counselling Methods &
Techniques I
• Public Relations Writing
• Public Speaking
• Public Opinion & Persuasion
• Consumer Behaviour
• PR Strategies & Tools
• Public & Media Relations
• Media & Advertising
• Communication Law
• Translation: BM, English &
Chinese OR Translation: BM &
• Production and Publication
• Malaysian Constitutional
Framework & Policies
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
English for Communication, Social and Work Etiquette, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, English for IELTS, Co-curricular
• Counselling Skills
• Industrial & Organisational
• Group Dynamics
• Ethical & Legal Aspects of
• Counselling Methods &
Techniques II
• Methods of Research in
Psychology & Counselling
• Abnormal Psychology
• Counselling Practicum
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A,
English for Communication, Social and Work Etiquette, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, English for IELTS, Co-curricular
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Hospitality Management
(Hotel Management)
Diploma in Hotel Management
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
2 Years
he hospitality industry is diverse in nature and provides abundant
job opportunities worldwide. This programme is designed with an
objective to adapt students to the dynamic hospitality environment.
Students will not only acquire practical skills in food and beverage
operations and rooms division operations but also managerial skills during
their studies and hence when they graduate, they are highly employable
globally and locally.
Career Prospects
• Chain hotels
• Thematic resorts and spa,
• Recreational fields such as
theme parks, amusement parks,
entertainment field and event
organisations located locally as
well as internationally
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of:• Bachelor of Hospitality
Management (Honours)
• Bachelor of Hospitality and
Catering Management (Honours)
he Malaysia’s hospitality industry is experiencing healthy growth in
hotel openings and hospitality-related services through the steady
flow of business travellers, tourists and popularity as a destination
of MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions). As a result,
ample of employment opportunities are available in hotels, resorts,
restaurant and airlines. This programme is designed to provide students
with comprehensive operational and technical skills for successful careers
in the hospitality industry. Special emphasis is placed on the hospitality
operations, customer skills, communication, and cultural diversity. Hence,
students will be given learning opportunities that combines theory and
practical where they exercise their skills and gain deep insight knowledge
in a hospitality simulated environment.
Career Prospects
• Cruise line
• Events companies
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of:• Bachelor of Hospitality
Management (Honours)
• Bachelor of Hospitality and
Catering Management (Honours)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 94)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 94)
• Economics for Hospitality
• Introduction to Hospitality
• Marketing for Hospitality
• Introduction to Information
• Food and Beverage Management
• Food Preparation I (Practicum)
• Hospitality Accounting
• Food & Beverage Cost Control
• Hotel Management & Operations
• Food Preparation II (Practicum)
• Restaurant Management
• Economics for Hospitality
• Introduction to Hospitality
• Marketing for Hospitality
• Introduction to Information
• Food and Beverage Management
• Food Preparation I (Practicum)
• Hospitality Accounting
• Food & Beverage Cost Control
• Hotel Management & Operations
• Food Preparation II (Practicum)
• Restaurant Management
• Housekeeping Management
• Front Office Management
• Principles of Management &
Human Resource
• Hospitality Law
• Principles of Services Marketing
& Management
• Baking & Pastry
• Industrial Attachment
• Maintainance & Engineering
• Kitchen Management &
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Social and Work Etiquette,Pengajian Malaysia 2,
Bahasa Kebangsaan A, French Language I/Japanese Language I/
Korean Language I, English for Communication, French Language II/
Japanese Language II/Korean Language II, English for IELTS, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
• Housekeeping Management
• Front Office Management
• Principles of Management &
Human Resource
• Hospitality Law
• Principles of Services Marketing
& Management
• Baking & Pastry
• Industrial Attachment
• Maintainance & Engineering
• Kitchen Management &
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Social and Work Etiquette,Pengajian Malaysia 2,
Bahasa Kebangsaan A, French Language I/Japanese Language I/
Korean Language I, English for Communication, French Language II/
Japanese Language II/Korean Language II, English for IELTS, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Programmes Offered
Diploma in Hospitality Management
Diploma in Hospitality Management
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
he tourism industry in Malaysia is one of the fastest growing
industries with significant contributions to the national economy, As
this sector grows, there will be greater emphasis and commitment
to expand and improve tourism products and services. This programme
will involve students in the context of travel-related business, such as
marketing, foreign languages, and convention and meeting management.
Special emphasis is placed on the development of interpersonal,
communication and critical thinking skills. Graduates would have
developed a mature understanding of their field through lecture, class
discussion, case studies, field trip as well as industrial attachment.
Career Prospects
• Tourism industry, e.g. work
in travel agencies, tourist
attractions, resorts and hotels
• Administrators, planners or
executives, tour leaders in the
• Research and development,
tourism marketing, eco-tourism,
tourist attraction, conferences,
exhibition centres and travel
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Tourism
Management (Honours).
2 Years
he foodservice sector continue to play an important role in
generating income and employment for Malaysia. As the
government continues to support in upgrading various infrastructure
facilities to attract more tourists to Malaysia, the industry needs to
focus on providing leading edge foodservice facilities to complement
local organisations in Malaysia, as well as foreign tourists and wordclass companies. This programme will provide students with a critical
understanding of the foodservice sector and the issues that underpin
consumer choice. Theory and practical are integrated throughout the
Career Prospects
• Resort areas and other catering
outlets throughout the country
• Food court operations,
restaurants chains, franchise
restaurants, independent
restaurants, hotel food and
beverage departments.
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Hospitality
and Catering Management
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 93)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 95)
• Economics for Hospitality
• Introduction to Hospitality
• Introduction to Travel Industry
• Marketing for Hospitality
• Introduction to Information
• Hospitality Accounting
• Introduction to Transportation
• Principles of Tourism
• Geography of Travel & Tourism
• Principles of Ticketing, Fares &
International Travel
• Basic Management Principles
• Economics for Hospitality
• Introduction to Hospitality
• Marketing for Hospitality
• Kitchen Management &
• Introduction to Information
• Hospitality Accounting
• Introduction to Nutrition
• Food, Ingredients & Basic
Cooking Methods
• Food and Beverage Cost Control
• Basic Chemistry
• Western Food Preparation
• Travel Agency & Tour Operations
• Tourism Planning
• Hospitality Law
• Principles of Services Marketing
& Management
• Convention & Meeting
• The Management of International
• Industrial Attachment
• Development and Management
of Visitor Attractions
• Tourism in South East Asia
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, English
for Communication, French Language I/Japanese Language I/
Korean Language I, Social and Work Etiquette, French Language II/
Japanese Language II/Korean Language II, English for IELTS,
Civic Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
• Catering Systems & Operations
• Baking & Pastry
• Food Chemistry
• Nutrition II
• Catering & Employment Law
• Eastern Food Preparation
• Principles of Service Marketing &
• Event Management
• Industrial Attachment
• Food and Beverage Service
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, English
for Communication, French Language I/Japanese Language I, Social and
Work Etiquette, French Language II/Japanese Language II, English for
IELTS, Civic Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Programmes Offered
Diploma in
Event Management
Diploma in
Multimedia Design
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
2 Years
his programme is designed to provide a practical overview of the
function, skills and knowledge required to plan, organise, manage,
promote and evaluate a festival, convention, trade show or special
event. Through lectures, fieldwork, case studies and practical applications,
students will gain insight into the management and operations in this
dynamic field. Business courses such as accounting, marketing and
business communications are added to enhance students’ holistic
experience in managing events.
ultimedia is for creative and equiring minds, and for those who are
interested in making new multimedia services and products, or
telling stories in an innovative way.
This programme offers a practical hands-on experience across a wealth
of multimedia design subjects including but not limited to photography
and digital imaging, illustration, 2D animation, 3D animation, web design,
conceptual design, video production and more. Through this programme,
students will be taught the way to integrate the theoretical, creative,
conceptual and technical aspects of design and development through the
use of modern technology.
Taking up Multimedia design courses will enable students to communicate
own ideas and interests, and become contemporary visual artists and
interactive media designers.
Career Prospects
• PR and event management
companies and convention
Career Prospects
• Events Executives, Convention
Sales Executives, Marketing
Executives and PR Executives
in the Meetings, Incentives,
Conventions and Exhibitions
(MICE) industry.
• Designers and Assistant
• Multimedia Designers
• Web Designers
• Game Designers
• Interface & Instructional
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Creative
Multimedia (Honours) in Multimedia
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 90)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 92)
• Principles of Economics
• Introduction to Hospitality
• Marketing for Hospitality
• Hospitality Accounting
• Introduction to Information
• Introduction to Event Industry
• Principles of Events Planning &
• Basic Management Principles
• Visual Software for Events
• Catering & Employment Law
• Catering Management
• Introduction to Illustration
• Image Manipulation
• Introduction to Art
• Colour Studies
• Conceptual Design
• Digital Illustration
• Fundamentals of Web Page
• Basic Typography
• Basic Photography
• Creative & Critical Thinking
• Digital Typography
• Applied Photography
• Multimedia Authoring
• Convention Sales & Services
• Project Proposal & Preparation
• Event & Destination Management
• Event Coordination &
• Service Marketing & Management
• Industrial Attachment
• Food and Beverage for Event
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, English
for Communication, Japanese Language I/French Language I, Social and
Work Etiquette Japanese Language II/ French Language II, English for
IELTS, Civic Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
• Arts Law
• Cell Animation
• Multimedia Video & Audio
• Interface Design
• Instructional Design
• Interactive Web Design
• 2D Animation
• Multimedia Design Project
• 3D Modelling
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, English
for Communication, Social and Work Etiquette, English for IELTS, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
Faculty of Social Science, Arts and Humanities
Programmes Offered
Diploma in
Graphic Design
Diploma in
Fashion Design
Programme Overview
Programme Overview
2 Years
2 Years
his programme works as a key entry into the world of graphic design
where it engages students with creative talent, guiding them to the
next level through the training of strong technical skills in conceptual
development and design processes.
Students will indulge into creative areas such as advertising layout,
illustration, typography, photography, commercial design, infographic,
digital imaging with specialised skills in both print and digital media. They
will have the opportunity to explore wide range of artistic medium which
broadens their perspective to develop an appreciation in art.
his programme provides academic and specialised practical
knowledge to prepare students for entry-level positions in the
fashion design industry. This programme enables graduating fashion
designers to perform competitively within the local and international fashion
industry, combining creative and intellectual approaches to visual-design
innovations with strong theoretical and practical elements. It prepares
students for positions in the fashion industry from a realistic industrial point
of view.
Throughout this programme, students will be taught thinking skill which
helps them solves design problems innovatively for future professions and
continuous professional practices in a wide range of commercial areas
such as design management and visual communication.
Career Prospects
• Exhibit Designers
• Signage Designers
• Promotional Designers
• Support staff in mass media
• Ooccupations related to
advertising design or printing
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Design
(Honours) in Graphic Design.
Career Prospects
• Fashion Designers
• Fashion Stylists
• Assistant Designers
• Fabrication and Trim Buyers
• Fashion Illustrators
• Textiles Artists
• Pattern Cutters
• Workroom Assistant
• Visual Merchandisers
Academic Progression
Graduates may be admitted into
Year 2 of Bachelor of Design
(Honours) in Fashion Design.
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 95)
Programme Outline (Total Credits : 93)
• Introduction to Information
• Creative & Critical Thinking
• Design Fundamentals
• Drawing: Dry Media
• Introduction to Art
• Basic Photography
• Colour Studies
• Design for Print
• Introduction to Advertising
• Drawing: Wet Media
• Typography
• Fundamentals of Web Page OR
Introduction to Drama
• Introduction to Information
• Fashion Fundamentals
• Draping
• Figure Drawing
• Fashion Design Concepts
• Costume History
• Introduction to Art
• Basic Photography
• Fashion Illustration and
• Colour Studies
• Textile Materials
• Fashion Image
• Arts Law
• Applied Photography
• Drawing: Mixed Media
• Digital Typography
• Packaging Design
• Digital Illustration OR Music
• Design for Creative Industry
• Print Production
• Commercial Design
• Editorial Design
• Exhibit Design
• Graphic Design Final Project
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, English
for Communication, Social and Work Etiquette, English for IELTS, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
• Visual Merchandisers
• Pattern & Garment Constructions
• Applied Photography
• Embroidery Handwork
• Fashion Accessories
• Computer Aided Textile & Fashion
• Fashion Synthesis
• Fashion Retailing
• Visual Merchandising
• Fashion Design Project
• Fashion Productions
Language, Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) and Co-curricular
English Language, Pengajian Malaysia 2, Bahasa Kebangsaan A, English
for Communication, English for IELTS, Social and Work Etiquette, Civic
Consciousness and Volunteerism, Co-curricular
Nation Building
The Centre for Nation Building and Languages has been
established to provide a range of language and Mata
Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) courses to complement
and supplement Tunku Abdul Rahman University College’s
institutional mission of providing complete quality education
for the students.
Centre for Nation Building and Languages
Courses Offered
Language Courses
Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) Courses
The Division of English and Foreign Languages provides year-round
intensive courses in English language and foreign languages at various
levels. Various language activities are also conducted to further strengthen
the proficiency of students across the faculties in all campuses.
The Division of Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum offers courses which
are aimed at strengthening the quality of human capital. The courses are
designed to produce holistic graduates who have good soft skill ability
and positive values to contribute effectively for the betterment of the
community, nation and the world at large.
English Language
Different levels of English language courses are available to help students
improve their English language skills and communication techniques.
The courses are aimed at helping students to develop and improve their
vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in
English language from foundation to advanced level.
English Language Requirements for University College Awards
Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) Requirements for
University College Awards
Students are required to earn credits in accordance with their programme
requirements in the courses as specified below:
A. Diploma Programmes
To qualify for a Diploma award, a student has to obtain 9 to 12 credits
from the following courses:
Students are required to earn the respective number of credits in English
language as specified below:
UI (Penghayatan Falsafah, Nilai dan Sejarah)
• Pengajian Malaysia 2
A. Diploma Programmes
To qualify for a Diploma award, a student has to obtain 9 credits from
the following courses:
U2 (Kemahiran Insaniah)
• Public Speaking
• Drama
• Social and Work Etiquette
• Bahasa Kebangsaan A*
• English Language
• English for Communication
• English for IELTS
B. Bachelor Programmes
To qualify for a Bachelor award, a student has to obtain 9 credits from
the following courses:
English Language
English for Communication
English for Management OR
English for the Profession OR
English for the Humanities
Japanese Language
Courses in Japanese language from elementary to intermediate levels are
• Japanese Language I
• Japanese Language II
• Japanese Language III
U3 (Ilmu Pengetahuan Bercirikan Kemalaysiaan)
• Civic Consciousness and Volunteerism
U4 (Kemahiran Pengurusan Masyarakat dan Ko-kurikulum)
– Offered by the Department of Student Affairs
• Games/Sports
• Cultural Studies
• Community Service
• Volunteerism
• Communication
B. Bachelor Programmes
To qualify for a Bachelor award, a student has to obtain 12 to 15
credits from the following courses:
UI (Penghayatan Falsafah, Nilai dan Sejarah)
• Hubungan Etnik
• Tamadun Islam dan Asia
Courses in French language from elementary to intermediate levels are
U2 (Kemahiran Insaniah)
• Critical Thinking
• Entrepreneurship
• Bahasa Kebangsaan A*
• French Language I
• French Language II
• French Language III
U3 (Ilmu Pengetahuan Bercirikan Kemalaysiaan)
• Contemporary Malaysian Issues
• Moral dan Etika
Korean Language
U4 (Kemahiran Pengurusan Masyarakat dan Ko-kurikulum)
– Offered by the Department of Student Affairs
• Games/Sports
• Cultural Studies
• Community Service
• Volunteerism
• Communication
French Language
Courses in Korean language from elementary to intermediate levels are
• Korean Language I
• Korean Language II
• Korean Language III
* Students without a credit in SPM Bahasa Malaysia are required to pass Bahasa Kebangsaan A
before the award of Diploma/Bachelor Degree.
The Centre for Pre-University Studies (CPUS), formerly known as the School
of Pre-University Studies (SPUS) has the distinction of having 45 years of
excellent academic backing from Tunku Abdul Rahman College, now
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College. The Centre offers 4 pre-university
programmes for students who wish to gain admission into universities.
The four programmes are the Foundation in Science, Foundation in Arts,
Cambridge GCE A Level Science and Cambridge GCE A Level Arts.
The Cambridge GCE A Level qualification is highly regarded for its quality and
is recognised as proof of academic achievement for admission into first degree
programmes. The Cambridge International AS and A Level syllabuses help
learners to develop in-depth understanding of subject matter, be independent
in learning and builds critical thinking skills, all of which are pre-requisites for
success at university and the workplace.
Leveraging on the success of its A Level programmes, the Foundation
programmes are homegrown to meet the needs of young Malaysians eager to
pursue their first degree programmes. The Foundation qualification is accepted
and recognised as entry qualifications of undergraduate programmes offered
by TAR University College. The Foundation syllabuses are designed to provide
students with a strong academic grounding for successful progression into
tertiary studies.
Centre for Pre-University Studies
he Foundation programmes are home-grown to meet the needs of
young Malaysians eager to enter into their first degree programmes.
The Foundation syllabuses are well-designed to provide a
comprehensive coverage of relevant subjects thus easing the transition of
post-secondary students into their relevant undergraduate programmes.
Foundation students will be equipped with the requisite knowledge,
essential skills and attributes which are highly demanded by universities.
Upon successful completion, students will pursue specific academic
disciplines within a wide selection of TAR UC degree programmes.
3 semesters
January and April
General Progression Route
Foundation in Science
(Track A)
Foundation in Science
(Track B)
O Level/
Foundation in Arts
(Track A)
Foundation in Arts
(Track B)
Bachelor (Honours) Degree
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Electrical and Electronics
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Material
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Mechanical
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Mechatronic
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Electronic (Communication)
Bachelor of Construction Management and Economics (Honours)
Bachelor of Estate Management (Honours)
Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Physics with Scientific Instrumentation
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Microelectronics with Embedded Technology
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Analytical Chemistry
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Food Science
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Bioscience with Chemistry
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sports and Exercise Science
Bachelor of Information Systems (Honours) in Enterprise Information Systems
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) in Software Systems Development
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) in Internet Technology
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) in Information Security
Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) in Software Engineering
Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) in Interactive Software Technology
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management Mathematics with Computing
Bachelor of Accounting (Honours)
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)
Bachelor of Finance and Investment (Honours)
Bachelor of Banking and Finance (Honours)
Bachelor of Corporate Administration (Honours)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)
Bachelor of Economics (Honours)
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Marketing
Bachelor of Retail Management (Honours)
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Human Resource Management
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Entrepreneurship
Bachelor of Business (Honours) in International Business
Bachelor of Business (Honours) Accounting and Finance
Bachelor of Corporate Communication (Honours)
Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in Advertising
Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in Broadcasting
Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in Journalism
Bachelor of Communication (Honours) in Media Studies
Bachelor of Public Relations (Honours)
Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) in Psychology
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Fashion Design
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Graphic Design
Bachelor of Creative Multimedia (Honours) in Multimedia Design
Bachelor of Hospitality Management (Honours)
Bachelor of Tourism Management (Honours)
Bachelor of Hospitality and Catering Management (Honours)
Please refer to Page 117 to 122 for the progression from the various Foundation track to the relevant Bachelor Degree programmes.
Centre for Pre-University Studies
Programme Outline
Foundation in Science (FIS)
Track A
Track B
• English Language
• Foundation Chemistry
• General & Thermal Physics
• Mathematics
• English for Communication
• Physical & Inorganic Chemistry
• Statistics
• Optics & Modern Physics
• Algebra & Trigonometry
• Organic Chemistry
• Wave & Electromagnetism
• Mechanics
• Calculus
• English Language
• Foundation Chemistry
• Physics & its Applications*
• Mathematics
• English for Communication
• Physical & Inorganic Chemistry
• Statistics
• Cell Biology
• Physiology
• Organic Chemistry
• Developmental Biology & Ecology
• Introduction to Genetics
• Methods of Chemical Analysis & Detection
designed for students who have not studied Physics
Foundation in Arts (FIA)
Track A
Track B
• English Language
• Introduction to Malaysian Legal System
• Business Environment
• Principles of Economics
• English for Communication
• Principles of Marketing
• Statistics
• Business Accounting
• ICT Productivity Software
• Business & International Economics
• Quantitative Methods
• Introduction to Financial Accounting
• English Language
• Introduction to Malaysian Legal System
• Business Environment
• Principles of Economics
• English for Communication
• Principles of Marketing
• Basic Human Communication
• Malaysian Cultural Studies
• ICT Productivity Software
• Business & International Economics
• Arts Appreciation
• Mass Media & Society
Centre for Pre-University Studies
Minimum Entry Requirements and Academic Progression of Foundation into Bachelor Degree
Entry Qualification
Foundation in Science
(Track A)
Bachelor of Science
(Honours) in Analytical
Bachelor of Science
(Honours) in Food Science
Foundation in Science
(Track B)
Bachelor of Accounting
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Finance and
Investment (Honours)
Foundation in Arts
(Track A) only
O Level
5 Credits in:
(iii) Additional Mathematics
(iv)2 other relevant
subjects which must
include one science
5 Grade C in:
(iv)2 other relevant
subjects which must
include one science
3 Grade B in:
(i) Advanced Mathematics
(I or II)
(ii) Chemistry
(iii) 1 other relevant science
Pass in Physics and
Bahasa Malaysia.
Credit in English Language*
Grade E in Physics.
Grade C in English
Grade C in Physics.
Grade B in English*
5 Credits in:
(i) Chemistry
(ii) Mathematics
(iii) 3 other relevant
subjects which must
include one science
5 Grade C in:
(i) Chemistry
(ii) Mathematics
(iii) 3 other relevant
subjects which must
include one science
3 Grade B in:
(i) Advanced Mathematics
(I or II)
(ii) Chemistry
(iii) 1 other relevant science
Pass in Biology and
Bahasa Malaysia.
Credit in English Language*
Grade E in Biology.
Grade C in English
Grade C in Biology.
Grade B in English*
5 Credits in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) 4 other relevant
5 Grade C in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) 4 other relevant
3 Grade B in:
(i) Mathematics/Advanced
Mathematics (I or II)
(ii) 2 other relevant subjects
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia.
Credit in English Language*
Grade C in English
Grade B in English*
Bachelor of Banking and
Finance (Honours)
Bachelor of Corporate
Administration (Honours)
Bachelor of Business
Administration (Honours)
Bachelor of Economics
Bachelor of Business
(Honours) in Marketing
Bachelor of Retail
Management (Honours)
Bachelor of Business
(Honours) in Logistics and
Supply Chain Management
Bachelor of Business
(Honours) in Human
Resource Management
Bachelor of Business
(Honours) in International
Bachelor of Business
(Honours) in Entrepreneurship
Grade B and above in AELE 0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants with a pass in
SPM English Language/Grade D or Grade E in O Level English Language/Grade C in UEC English
a) SPM holders from Year 2013 onwards must have at least a pass in Sejarah.
b) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
c) Equivalent qualifications other than the above will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
d) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Centre for Pre-University Studies
Entry Qualification
Foundation in Arts
(Track A) only
Bachelor of Business
(Honours) Accounting and
[Only in Penang Branch
Built Environment
Bachelor of Estate
Management (Honours)
Foundation in Science
(Track A)
Foundation in Science
(Track B)
Foundation in Arts
(Track A)
Built Environment
Bachelor of Quantity
Surveying (Honours)
Foundation in Science
(Track A)
Foundation in Science
(Track B)
Foundation in Arts
(Track A)
5 Credits in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) 4 other relevant subjects
5 Grade C in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) 4 other relevant subjects
3 Grade B in:
(i) Mathematics/Advanced
Mathematics (I or II)
(ii) 2 other relevant subjects
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia.
Credit in English Language*
Grade C in English
Grade B in English*
5 Credits in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) Additional Mathematics
(iii) 3 other relevant subjects
which must include two
science subjects
5 Grade C in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) Mathematics-Additional
(iii) 3 other relevant subjects
which must include two
science subjects
3 Grade B in:
(i) Advanced Mathematics
(I or II)
(ii) 2 other relevant science
Pass in Physics, Chemistry
and Bahasa Malaysia.
Credit in English Language*
Grade E in Physics and
Grade C in English
Grade C in Physics and
Grade B in English*
5 Credits in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) 4 other relevant subjects
which must include two
science subjects
5 Grade C in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) 4 other relevant subjects
which must include two
science subjects
3 Grade B in :
(i) Advanced Mathematics
(I or II)
(ii) 2 other relevant science
Pass in Biology, Chemistry
and Bahasa Malaysia.
Credit in English Language*
Grade E in Biology and
Grade C in English
Grade C in Biology and
Grade B in English*
5 Credits in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) 4 other relevant subjects
5 Grade C in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) 4 other relevant subjects
3 Grade B in :
(i) Mathematics/Advanced
Mathematics (I or II)
(ii) 2 other relevant subjects
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia.
Credit in English Language*
Grade C in English
Grade B in English*
5 Credits in:
(i) English Language
(ii) Mathematics
(iii) Additional Mathematics
(iv) 2 other relevant science
5 Grade C in:
(i) English Language
(ii) Mathematics
(iii) Mathematics-Additional
(iv) 2 other relevant science
3 Grade B in:
(i) English
(ii) Advanced Mathematics
(I or II)
(iii) 1 other relevant science
Pass in Physics, Chemistry
and Bahasa Malaysia
Grade E in Physics and
Grade C in Physics and
5 Credits in:
(i) English Language
(ii) Mathematics
(iii) 3 other relevant subjects
which must include two
science subjects
5 Grade C in:
(i) English Language
(ii) Mathematics
(iii) 3 other relevant subjects
which must include two
science subjects
3 Grade B in :
(i) English
(ii) Advanced Mathematics
(I or II)
(iii) 1 other relevant science
Pass in Biology, Chemistry
and Bahasa Malaysia
Grade E in Biology and
Grade C in Biology and
5 Credits in:
(i) English Language
(ii) Mathematics
(iii) 3 other relevant subjects
5 Grade C in:
(i) English Language
(ii) Mathematics
(iii) 3 other relevant subjects
3 Grade B in:
(i) English
Mathematics (I or II)
(iii) 1 other relevant subject
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia
O Level
Grade B and above in AELE 0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants with a pass in
SPM English Language/Grade D or Grade E in O Level English Language/Grade C in UEC English
a) SPM holders from Year 2013 onwards must have at least a pass in Sejarah.
b) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
c) Equivalent qualification other than the above will be considered on a cases-by-case basis.
d) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Centre for Pre-University Studies
Entry Qualification
Built Environment
Bachelor of Construction
Management and Economics
Foundation in Science
(Track A)
Foundation in Science
(Track B)
Bachelor of Engineering
(Honours) Electrical and
Foundation in Science
(Track A) only
Bachelor of Engineering
(Honours) Material
Bachelor of Engineering
(Honours) Mechanical
Bachelor of Engineering
(Honours) Mechatronic
O Level
5 Credits in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) Additional Mathematics
(iii) 3 other relevant subjects
which must include two
science subjects
5 Grade C in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) Mathematics-Additional
(iii) 3 other relevant subjects
which must include two
science subjects
3 Grade B in:
(i) Advanced Mathematics
(I or II)
(ii) 2 other relevant science
Pass in Physics, Chemistry
and Bahasa Malaysia.
Credit in English Language*
Grade E in Physics and
Grade C in English Language*
Grade C in Physics and
Grade B in English*
5 Credits in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) 4 other relevant subjects
which must include two
science subjects
5 Grade C in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) 4 other relevant subjects
which must include two
science subjects
3 Grade B in:
(i) Advanced Mathematics
(I or II)
(ii) 2 other relevant science
Pass in Biology, Chemistry
and Bahasa Malaysia.
Credit in English Language*
Grade E in Biology and
Grade C in English Language*
Grade C in Biology and
Grade B in English*
5 Credits in:
(i) Physics
(ii) Mathematics
(iii) Additional Mathematics
(iv) 2 other relevant subjects
which must include one
science subject
5 Grade C in:
(i) Physics
(ii) Mathematics
(iii) Mathematics-Additional
(iv) 2 other relevant subjects
which must include one
science subject
3 Grade B in:
(i) Physics
(ii) Advanced Mathematics I
(iii) 1 other relevant science
Pass in Chemistry and
Bahasa Malaysia.
Credit in English Language*
Grade E in Chemistry.
Grade C in English
Grade C in Chemistry and
Advanced Mathematics II.
Grade B in English*
5 Credits in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) Additional Mathematics
(iii) 3 other relevant subjects
which must include two
science subjects
5 Grade C in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) Mathematics-Additional
(iii) 3 other relevant subjects
which must include two
science subjects
3 Grade B in:
(i) Advanced Mathematics
(I or II)
(ii) 2 other relevant science
Pass in Physics, Chemistry
and Bahasa Malaysia.
Credit in English Language*
Grade E in Physics and
Grade C in English Language*
Grade C in Physics and
Grade B in English*
5 Credits in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) 4 other relevant subjects
which must include two
science subjects
5 Grade C in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) 4 other relevant subjects
which must include two
science subjects
3 Grade B in:
(i) Advanced Mathematics
(I or II)
(ii) 2 other relevant science
Pass in Biology, Chemistry
and Bahasa Malaysia.
Credit in English Language*
Grade E in Biology and
Grade C in English Language*
Grade C in Biology and
Grade B in English*
Bachelor of Engineering
(Honours) Electronic
Applied Physics
Bachelor of Science (Honours)
in Applied Physics with
Scientific Instrumentation
Bachelor of Science (Honours)
in Microelectronics with
Embedded Technology
Bachelor of Information
Systems (Honours) in
Enterprise Information
Bachelor of Information
Technology (Honours)
in Software Systems
Bachelor of Information
Technology (Honours) in
Internet Technology
Bachelor of Information
Technology (Honours) in
Information Security
Foundation in Science
(Track A)
Foundation in Science
(Track B)
Grade B and above in AELE 0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants with a pass in
SPM English Language/Grade D or Grade E in O Level English Language/Grade C in UEC English
a) SPM holders from Year 2013 onwards must have at least a pass in Sejarah.
b) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
c) Equivalent qualification other than the above will be considered on a cases-by-case basis.
d) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Centre for Pre-University Studies
Entry Qualification
Life Science
Foundation in Science
(Track B) only
Bachelor of Science
(Honours) in Bioscience
with Chemistry
Sports Science
Foundation in Science
(Track A)
Bachelor of Science
(Honours) in Sports and
Exercise Science
Foundation in Science
(Track B)
Foundation in Arts
(Track A)
Computer Science
Bachelor of Computer
Science (Honours) in
Software Engineering
Bachelor of Computer
Science (Honours) in
Interactive Software
Foundation in Science
(Track A) only
O Level
5 Credits in:
(i) Chemistry
(ii) Biology
(iii) Mathematics
(iv) 2 other relevant subjects
5 Grade C in:
(i) Chemistry
(ii) Biology
(iii) Mathematics
(iv) 2 other relevant subjects
3 Grade B in:
(i) Advanced Mathematics
(I or II)
(ii) Chemistry
(iii) Biology
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia.
Credit in English Language*
Grade C in English
Grade B in English*
5 Credits in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) Additional Mathematics
(iii) 3 other relevant subjects
which must include two
science subjects
5 Grade C in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) Mathematics-Additional
(iii) 3 other relevant subjects
which must include two
science subjects
3 Grade B in:
(i) Advanced Mathematics
(I or II)
(ii) 2 other relevant science
Pass in Physics, Chemistry
and Bahasa Malaysia.
Credit in English Language*
Grade E in Physics and
Grade C in English Language*
Grade C in Physics and
Grade B in English*
5 Credits in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) 4 other relevant subjects
which must include two
science subjects
5 Grade C in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) 4 other relevant subjects
which must include two
science subjects
3 Grade B in:
(i) Advanced Mathematics
(I or II)
(ii) 2 other relevant science
Pass in Biology, Chemistry
and Bahasa Malaysia.
Credit in English Language*
Grade E in Biology and
Grade C in English Language*
Grade C in Biology and
Grade B in English*
5 Credits in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) 4 other relevant subjects
which must include one
science subject
5 Grade C in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) 4 other relevant subjects
which must include one
science subject
3 Grade B in:
(i) Mathematics/Advanced
Mathematics (I or II)
(ii) 2 other relevant subjects
which must include one
science subject
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia.
Credit in English Language*
Grade C in English
Grade B in English*
5 Credits in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) Additional Mathematics
(iii) 3 other relevant subjects
which must include two
science subjects
5 Grade C in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) Mathematics-Additional
(iii) 3 other relevant subjects
which must include two
science subjects
3 Grade B in:
(i) Advanced Mathematics
(I or II)
(ii) 2 other relevant science
Pass in Physics, Chemistry
and Bahasa Malaysia.
Credit in English Language*
Grade E in Physics and
Grade C in English Language*
Grade C in Physics and
Grade B in English*
Management Mathematics
Bachelor of Science
(Honours) in Management
Mathematics with Computing
Grade B and above in AELE 0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants with a pass in
SPM English Language/Grade D or Grade E in O Level English Language/Grade C in UEC English.
a) SPM holders from Year 2013 onwards must have at least a pass in Sejarah.
b) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
c) Equivalent qualification other than the above will be considered on a cases-by-case basis.
d) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Centre for Pre-University Studies
Entry Qualification
Foundation in Arts
(Track A)
5 Credits in:
(i) English Language
(ii) Mathematics
(iii) 3 other relevant subjects
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia
Foundation in Arts
(Track B)
5 credits in the relevant
subjects which must
include English Language
Bachelor of Communication
(Honours) in Advertising
Bachelor of Communication
(Honours) in Broadcasting
Bachelor of Communication
(Honours) in Journalism
Bachelor of Communication
(Honours) in Media Studies
O Level
5 Grade C in:
(i) English Language
(ii) Mathematics
(iii) 3 other relevant subjects
3 Grade B in:
(i) English
(ii) Mathematics/Advanced
Mathematics (I or II)
(iii) 1 other relevant subject
5 Grade C in the relevant
subjects which must
include English Language
3 Grade B in the relevant
subjects which must
include English
5 Grade C in:
(i) English Language
(iii) 3 other relevant
3 Grade B in:
Mathematics (I or II)
(iii) 1 other relevant subject
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia
Bachelor of Public
Relations (Honours)
Bachelor of Corporate
Communication (Honours)
[Only in Penang Branch
Creative Arts
Foundation in Arts
(Track A)
Bachelor of Design (Honours)
in Fashion Design
Bachelor of Design (Honours)
in Graphic Design
5 Credits in:
(i) English Language
(iii) 3 other relevant
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia
Foundation in Arts
(Track B)
Applicants must pass a specified portfolio test and interview to be conducted
5 credits in the relevant
subjects which must
include English Language
5 Grade C in the relevant
subjects which must
include English Language
3 Grade B in the relevant
subjects which must
include English
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia
Applicants must pass a specified portfolio test and interview to be conducted
Creative Arts
Bachelor of Creative
Multimedia (Honours) in
Multimedia Design
Foundation in Arts
(Track A)
5 Credits in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) 4 other relevant subjects
5 Grade C in:
(i) Mathematics
(ii) 4 other relevant subjects
3 Grade B in:
(i) Mathematics/Advanced
Mathematics (I or II)
(ii) 2 other relevant subjects
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia.
Credit in English Language*
Grade C in English
Grade B in English*
Foundation in Arts
(Track B)
5 credits in the relevant
5 Grade C in the relevant
3 Grade B in the relevant
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia.
Credit in English Language*
Grade C in English
Grade B in English*
Hospitality Management
Bachelor of Hospitality
Management (Honours)
Bachelor of Tourism
Management (Honours)
Bachelor of Hospitality
and Catering Management
[Only in Perak Branch
* Grade B and above in AELE 0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants with a pass in
SPM English Language/Grade D or Grade E in O Level English Language/Grade C in UEC English.
a) SPM holders from Year 2013 onwards must have at least a pass in Sejarah.
b) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
c) Equivalent qualification other than the above will be considered on a cases-by-case basis.
d) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
Centre for Pre-University Studies
Entry Qualification
Social Science
Bachelor of Social Science
(Honours) in Psychology
Foundation in Arts
(Track A)
Foundation in Arts
(Track B)
5 Credits in:
(i) English Language
(ii) Mathematics
(iii) 3 other relevant subjects
which must include one
science subject
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia
a) SPM holders from Year 2013 onwards must have at least a pass in Sejarah.
b) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
c) Equivalent qualification other than the above will be considered on a cases-by-case basis.
d) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
O Level
5 Grade C in:
(i) English Language
(ii) Mathematics
(iii) 3 other relevant subjects
which must include one
science subject
3 Grade B in:
(i) English
(ii) Mathematics/Advanced
Mathematics (I or II)
(iii) 1 other relevant science
Centre for Pre-University Studies
Cambridge GCE A Level
The Cambridge GCE A Level is a prestigious and internationally recognised
pre-university qualification for entry into a wide range of degree and
professional programmes. The A Level syllabuses are well-designed
to provide a comprehensive coverage of relevant subjects, equipping
students with the requisite knowledge, essential skills and attributes
which are highly demanded by universities. The TAR University College
A Level provides students with a strong academic grounding, allowing
for a successful progression into tertiary studies in the field of medicine,
sciences, engineering, business, social science and the humanities.
18 months
January and April
General Progression Route
Bachelor (Honours) Degree
(Partial List)
A Level Science @
O Level/
A Level Arts @
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
University of Cambridge, UK
University of Oxford, UK
London School Of Economics & Political Science, UK
Imperial College London, UK
Durham University, UK
University College London, UK
University of Warwick, UK
University of Birmingham, UK
University of Edinburgh, UK
University of Southampton, UK
Newcastle University, UK
University of Glasgow, Scotland
University of Nottingham, UK
University of Manchester, UK
University of Sheffield, UK
Queen’s University, Belfast, UK
Cardiff University, UK
University of Bradford, UK
University of Strathclyde, Scotland
University of Wales, UK
Northumbria University, UK
Oxford Brookes University , UK
University of Sunderland, UK
Heriot-Watt University, UK
Wesleyan University, USA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
St. Cloud State University, USA
Kansas University, USA
University of British Columbia, Canada
Australia National University, Australia
University of Melbourne, Australia
University of Adelaide, Australia
University of South Australia, Australia
Monash University, Australia
University of Western Australia, Australia
University of MacQuarie, Australia
Otago University New Zealand
University of Queensland, Australia
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK
University of Hong Kong, HK
City University of Hong Kong, HK
Lingnan University Hong Kong, HK
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Singapore Management University, Singapore
Centre for Pre-University Studies
Cambridge GCE A Level
Programme Outline
GCE A Level Science#
Compulsory General Paper
General Paper
General Paper
General Paper
Mathematics MathematicsMathematicsMathematics
Physics PhysicsPhysicsPhysics
Further Mathematics
Further Mathematics
Chemistry EconomicsBiology
GCE A Level Arts#
Compulsory E
General Paper
General Paper
Business Studies
Business Studies
* Students without SPM Additional Mathematics are strongly discouraged from taking Mathematics (A Level Arts).
# For the January Intake, the Centre may not offer all of the above combinations. The choice of combination offered is at the discretion of the Centre.
The Centre reserves the right to change the subject combinations without prior notice.
Students can choose three or four subjects at Advanced Level. The General Paper is an Advanced Subsidiary Level subject. A Level examinations
are structured as Advanced Subsidiary (AS) and Advanced Two Level (A2) which may be taken separately or together. With this structure, students
can plan their learning and are given more opportunities to do well in the examinations.
Minimum Entry Requirements
O Level
Cambridge GCE
A Level (Science)
5 credits which must include
Mathematics and 2 relevant science
subjects (Physics/Chemistry/Biology).
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia. Credit in
English Language*.
5 Grade C which must include
Mathematics and 2 relevant science
subjects (Physics/Chemistry/Biology).
Grade C in English Language*.
3 Grade B which must include
Advanced Mathematics (I or II) and 2
relevant science subjects
Grade B in English*.
Cambridge GCE
A Level (Arts)
5 credits in the relevant subjects.
Pass in Bahasa Malaysia. Credit in
English Language*.
5 Grade C in the relevant subjects.
Grade C in English Language*.
3 Grade B in the relevant subjects.
Grade B in English*.
Grade B and above in AELE 0364 English Language (1119 Level) conducted by TAR UC is accepted as having fulfilled the English Language requirement for applicants with a pass in SPM English
Language/Grade D or Grade E in O Level English Language/Grade C in UEC English.
a) SPM holders from Year 2013 onwards must have at least a pass in Sejarah.
b) The entry requirements must be taken from only ONE (1) examination sitting.
c) Equivalent qualifications other than the above will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
d) Information is correct at the point of printing. Subject to the Ministry of Education latest requirements.
The Centre for Continuing and Professional Education (CPE Centre)
was established in 1999 to provide continuing professional education
and lifelong learning opportunities to university college staff, students,
alumni and the public. As part of TAR UC’s commitment to continuing
education and lifelong learning, CPE Centre is entrusted with the role
of designing, developing and delivering a wide variety of activities,
workshops and programmes to meet the diverse learning needs of all
Centre for Continuing and Professional Education
Continuing Professional Development & Lifelong Learning
Programmes & Services
Centre for Continuing and Professional Education
A registered Training Provider under the Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad of the Ministry of
Human Resources.
opportunities for individuals to enhance their career paths and improve
their employability. The workshops also help to impart essential skills
needed by employers to develop their workforce. The design of our
workshops allows us to offer both standard and customised courses
that are tailored and planned to meet the specific needs of learners and
Teacher Development Programmes
CPE Centre offers a comprehensive range of workshops to help teaching
professionals to develop their knowledge and skills required of an effective
educator, highlighting the psychology of learning and motivation of
learners; educator and student communication; classroom management;
testing, assessment and evaluation of students; planning and delivery of
lessons as well as critical thinking skills amongst students and educators.
The Teacher Development Workshops are designed to provide participants
with the tools that are necessary for becoming a more effective and wellrounded teaching professional.
The principal objectives of the CPE Centre are:
• To coordinate and organise staff development programmes and to
support the professional development of faculty and staff of TAR UC;
• To be a training provider under the Human Resource Development
Corporation (HRDC) or Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad
• To coordinate and organise training programmes for the public and
• To organise Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Lifelong
Learning programmes;
• To be a one-stop centre for student placements to universities abroad;
• To provide administrative services and facility support for the
organisation of professional conferences, symposiums, forum, seminars,
workshops and talks.
Workshop activities are designed to encourage participants to play an
active role in construction of their own knowledge and to design their
own learning strategies. Group discussions with other active teaching
methodologies, such as cooperative group solving problems, analysis
of video segments depicting scenes relevant to teaching and learning,
group and individual presentations, moderations are amongst the activities
adopted to enhance effective learning during workshops.
Professional and Technical Development Programmes
CPE Centre offers examination-focused revision courses on professional
and technical qualifications such as ICSA, CIMA, ACCA, CFP, CFA and
CCNA. These revision courses are facilitated by experienced facilitators
from the industries and are open to the students, alumni and the general
public. CPE Centre is the Quality Partner for CIMA and also the appointed
Education Provider for Certified Financial Planner (CFP) .
CPE Centre also conducts professional and industry-specific CPD courses
for professional bodies and associations.
Management and Leadership Programmes
Programmes & Services
Training Provider
TAR UC is registered as an Approved Training Provider of Pembangunan
Sumber Manusia Berhad (PSMB), an agency under the Ministry of Human
Resources Malaysia, organises courses and workshops for TAR UC staff,
public and corporate clients.
CPE Centre conducts public courses, seminars and workshops on
professional, managerial and technical areas, as well as, soft skills
on a regular basis. These programmes are open to students, alumni,
individuals, communities and businesses.
CPE Centre offers quality training workshops with a unique combination
of professional facilitators and delivery options hence enhancing the
effectiveness of the learning process. These training workshops offer the
Our Management & Leadership Training courses are focused on
developing managerial and leadership excellence. The range of workshops
that we offer include public speaking and communication, professional
writing, problem solving, decision making and negotiation, analytical and
critical thinking, strategic planning and cultural competency in a globalised
Centre for Continuing and Professional Education
Continuing Professional Development & Lifelong Learning
Programmes & Services
We aim to promote effective leadership in civil society by enhancing
participants’ communication skills, ability to inspire and empower members
within an organisation, and ability to build effective working relationships
with business partners and colleagues.
job advertisement on to JobsTARC and enable our TAR UC graduates and
students to apply directly to the employers. Employers are allowed to post
permanent jobs, part-time jobs and event internship on JobsTARC.
Our range of management courses and leadership training can be tailored
to meet your organisation’s specific needs. We work with our clients in
order to fully understand their needs and to deliver a practical leadership
training programme that will give incredible results.
Conferences & Forums
CPE Centre plays an active role in organising conferences and forums
for the University College. The Centre is the Secretariat for the TAR UC
International Conferences on Learning and Teaching which is organised
to promote and share research knowledge, experiences and expertise on
developments in learning and teaching, as well as, best practices in higher
The Centre also organises the TAR UC-Employers Forum annually to foster
closer ties between the industry and the University College in education,
training, research, commercialisation and other collaborations. The
TAR UC-Employers Forum provides an excellent platform for academiaindustry dialogue to provide feedback and advice on human capital
development and market trends in the industry.
Vocational and Lifelong Learning
In support of lifelong learning,
CPE Centre conducts courses
that enhance the personal,
social and cultural interests
of individuals on topics such
as health, fitness, dance and
sport, living skills, and cooking.
These programmes are aimed
at creating awareness and
enhancing understanding in
various areas for personal
enrichment and development.
CPE Centre conducts skill-based short courses in collaboration with
other TAR UC campuses for the public to master basic hands-on skills
to enhance their personal development. These programmes range from
Information Technology, beauty, hairstyling, grooming to baking and cake
Study Abroad Unit – Student Placement
The University College has entered into various progression and articulation
arrangements with universities overseas for both undergraduate and
postgraduate studies. Study Abroad Unit (SAU) is a one-stop centre
that assists students for any overseas studies arrangement. SAU works
closely with partner universities and educational agencies to organise talks,
Information Day and Student Placement Day from time to time to enable
students to meet up with the universities’ representatives to discuss their
SAU provides students with academic counselling and assists students
to apply to the universities. Handbooks and information brochures are
available at the SAU Room. Besides that, SAU also assists students in
accommodation, travel and visa application matters.
Training Facilities
Kuala Lumpur Main Campus
With well-equipped and dedicated training facilities, CPE Centre also acts
as an organiser of conferences, seminar, workshops as well as offering its
facilities and rooms for hire which include:
• Seminar rooms with various seating capacity;
• Lecture theatre with seating capacity of 110 persons;
• Single and twin-sharing accommodation at Rumah Tetamu
Rumah Tetamu
TAR UC’s Rumah Tetamu that houses 20 single and 11 twin-sharing rooms
is set in a serene environment overlooking hills and greenery. The rooms
with attached bathrooms are fully furnished, air-conditioned and equipped
with internet access facilities. Wifi is available at the reception area and
TV room. Guests of Rumah Tetamu can also enjoy sports and recreational
facilities at the Club House (swimming pool, gym and squash courts),
as well as having their meals at the cafeteria, which are all located within
walking distance.
Language Short Courses
CPE Centre conducts various language short courses on a modular
basis such as English Language, Japanese Language, French Language,
Korean Language and Mandarin.
CPE Centre conducts the AELE 0364 English Language (1119 Level)
course with assessment that can be used to satisfy the University
College’s English Language entry requirement. The Centre also organizes
intensive classes to prepare students for the Malaysian University English
Test (MUET) and IELTS examination.
JobsTARC (www.JobsTARC.com)
CPE Centre manages a job portal that links the employers from Malaysia
and overseas to potential employees. Employers are able to upload their
For the latest updates on courses and workshops, please
visit the Continuing and Professional Education link on TAR
University College website at http://www.tarc.edu.my.
Design and art direction by TAR University College
Typesetting, colour separation and printing by SP-Muda Printing Sdn. Bhd.
N0. 83, Jalan KIP 9, Taman Perindustrian KIP Kepong, 52200 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 03-6274 2463 Fax: 03-6277 2863