GENERAL NOTES 1. The illustrations for guardrail applications are standard configurations; adjustments are to be made as required by site specific conditions to attain optimum design for function, economy and serviceability. 10. The W-beam guardrail system in this index is the standard system to be used on the State Highway System where a Test Level 3 semi-rigid barrier is required. 2. The beginning of guardrail need shall be at the greatest of the upstream distances from the hazard, as determined from Figures 1 and 2, and other application details of this Index. 11. Thrie-beam guardrail panels shall be used in guardrail transitions to bridge traffic railing barriers, to concrete and certain water filled safety shaped barriers, certain crash cushions and as a continuous barrier when called for in the plans. For additional information on rail attachment, post spacings, nested rails, location of thrie-beam transition panels and offset block 3. One Panel (i.e., panel length) equals 12’-6". Guardrail shall be constructed with rail elements 12’-6" in length except where 25’-0" elements are called for by this and other standards (indexes) or specifically called for in the plans. configurations see details elsewhere in this Index, and Index Nos. 402, 410 and 414. The use of thrie-beam guardrail with standard offset blocks (Test Level 3 semi-rigid system) may be considered where one or more of the conditions listed below or similar conditions are anticipated or exist: Post spacing shall be 6’-3" except that reduced spacing shall be used for (a) transitions to anchorages at rigid structures such as bridges (See Detail J and Index No. 402 ) and transitions to redirective crash cushions, (b) the conditions in Note No. 7 below, (c) a. W-beam deflection is marginal, special post applications, (d) reduced post spacing required for specific end anchorage assemblies, and, (e) specific spacing called b. W-beam with rub rail considered functionally deficient, for in the plans. c. Vehicle overriding W-beam is probable, d. Drainage will be impeded or blocked by the use of concrete barrier wall (subject to deflection space requirements), e. High frequency of repairs to W-beam, rub rail 2’-0" to center of beam. Modified thrie-beam shall be mounted at a height of 2’-0" to center of beam. The height is critical f. Spandrel beam with low deflection needed around unrelocatable structure, and shall be attained in all cases; a tolerance of 3" above and 1" below the standard mounting heights is permissible over necessary g. Accommodating passenger vehicles heavier or larger than the standard passenger car (e.g., passenger vans and small buses). 4. Guardrail mounting height for the W-beam without rub rail and for thrie-beam is 1’-9" to the center of beam, and for W-beam with surface irregularities (e.g., across shoulder gutters, inlets and roadway surface break lines). For guardrail placed on slopes beyond the shoulder point, there shall be no deviation more than 1" below to 3" above the desired height within any 25 foot section of The modified thrie-beam guardrail is a Test Level 4 semi-rigid system and may be used where a Test Level 4 guardrail is guardrail. required. 5. All guardrail panels, end sections and special end shoes shall be lapped in the direction of adjacent traffic. 12. Single face median guardrail for bridges located on divided roadways shall be constructed the same as outer roadway guardrail under the following conditions: 6. Flared end anchorage assemblies providing 4’ offset are the standard end treatments for single face free standing guardrail approach ends. Parallel end anchorage assemblies for guardrail approach end treatments will be constructed only when restraints a. Wide medians where approach end anchor is located outside of opposing roadway clear zone, prevent construction of flared end anchorages. b. Medians of uniform width that are occupied by other transportation and joint use facilities, c. Medians of uniform or variable widths with independent vertical alignments not suited to normal median guardrail d. Medians of bifurcated roadways. Guardrail end anchorage assemblies shall be of the type called for in the plans. If the plans call for end anchorage assembly "flared" and does not identify the specific system(s) to be used, the contractor has the option to construct any FDOT approved flared installations, assembly provided in this Index or identified on the Qualified Products List (QPL), subject to the conditions identified in the approved Index drawings, or QPL drawings if applicable. 13. Straight rail sections may be used to construct radii of 125’ or greater. For radii less than 125’ the rail must be fabricated (shop-bent) to fit. If the plans call for end anchorage assembly "parallel" and does not identify the specific system(s) to be used, the contractor has the option to construct any FDOT approved parallel assembly provided in this Index or identified on the QPL, subject to the conditions identified in the approved Index drawings, or QPL drawings if applicable. 14. Crash cushions may be required in lieu of or in conjunction with guardrail at locations where space does not permit development of sufficient guardrail length, offset or crashworthiness at terminals. Crash cushions shall be constructed at or in lieu of Type C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn II assemblies located in the approach clear zones. If the plans call for a specific end anchorage assembly, substitutions with other end anchorage assemblies will not be permitted unless approved by the Engineer. Approved substitutions will not be eligible for CSIP consideration. 15. Corrugated sheet steel beams, end shoes, end sections and backup plates shall conform to the current requirements of AASHTO M180, Class A, Type II (zinc) coating. All other metallic components, hardware and accessories shall be in conformance with the When an end treatment is attached to guardrail with Pedestrian Safety Treatment, only end treatment systems with timber posts are appropriate current AASHTO requirements. to be used. 16. Offset blocks: Existing approved proprietary end anchorage systems are identified on the Qualified Products List (QPL). After January 1, 2011 - a. manufacturers seeking approval of new proprietary end anchorage systems for inclusion on the QPL must submit application along steel offset blocks may remain throughout the service life of the existing guardrail. PERMISSIBLE POST AND OFFSET BLOCK with design documentation showing the end anchorage system; is crash tested to Test Level 3 criteria in accordance with the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH), is accepted by FHWA for use as a guardrail end anchorage system, and is compatible with FDOT guardrail systems. System approvals will be contingent on FDOT’s evaluation of crash test performance results for consistency Steel offset blocks other than modified thrie-beam offset blocks are not permitted for new guardrail construction. Existing COMBINATIONS are tabulated on Sheet 16. b. Plastic offset block installations shall be constructed on guardrail outside of approach end anchorage assemblies or any transition system connecting to a rigid or thrie-beam barrier. with FDOT guardrail application and use. If approved, installation drawings signed and sealed by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Florida will be required. 17. Where necessary to enlarge or add holes to galvanized guardrail, the work will be done by drilling or reaming. Damaged galvanized guardrail will be metalized in accordance with Sections 562 and 971 of the Standard Specifications. No burning of 7. At above ground rigid hazards where the face of guardrail is offset from the hazard less than the 4’ minimum for standard W-beam, holes will be permitted. other guardrail configurations with reduced post spacing may be applicable; see General Note No. 11 and the minimum offset table on Sheet 19. For guardrail with post spacing less than 6’-3" the reduced spacing should extend a minimum of one panel in advance of 18. For guardrail reflector details see Sheet 17. rd960rh the hazard. When minimum offset cannot be attained safety shape concrete barrier wall shall be used unless other shielding is approved by the Engineer of Record. See Index No. 410 for safety shape concrete barrier walls and typical applications, and the plans for special barrier shapes and applications. 19. Any run of guardrail with existing concrete posts that is being reset under a construction or maintenance contract shall be reset using timber or steel posts. Repair within a run of guardrail with existing concrete posts can be made with either steel, timber, sound salvaged concrete posts; replacement in kind of damaged posts is to be made when like posts are on hand at time of 9: 47: 28 AM 8. In addition to use at roadside hazards or other areas where the Engineer has deemed guardrail necessary, guardrail should be repair. considered on flush shoulder sections where fill slopes are steeper than 1:3 within the clear zone and fill heights are 6’ or greater. Curbed sections where fill slopes are steeper than 1:3 and fill heights are 6’ or greater within 22’ of the traveled way should be 20. Substitutions between thrie-beam guardrail and concrete barrier wall are not eligible for CSIP consideration. evaluated for installation of guardrail. Additional guidance for evaluating the need for guardrail can be found in the Plans Preparation Manual. 21. On roadways designated for reverse laning, all downstream ends of guardrail that are not shielded or that are not designed as concrete barrier wall ends shall be marked with Type 3 Object Markers except where there is trailing end guardrail. Object to concrete barrier wall connections see Index No. 410. For existing bridges receiving retrofit traffic railing barriers see Index No. markers to be installed facing reverse laning traffic. The cost of the object marker shall be included in the cost of the 402. guardrail. LAST REVISION 01/01/12 REVISIO N 6/28/2012 approach end terminals shall be marked with post-mounted Type 3 Object Markers. Trailing bridge ends and trailing shoulder 9. The guardrail to bridge connections contained in this Index are for bridges with Test Level 4 traffic railing barriers. For guardrail DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL NO. 400 SHEET NO. 1 End Measurement For Guardrail Payment GENERAL NOTES Misc. Asph. Pavt. M ax. 1. These drawings are representative of the various proprietary guardrail end anchorage assemblies listed on the Department’s Qualified Products List (QPL). For specific details and Impact Head or Rounded End 1: 10 De p ar t u r eL i n e 4’ 1: 10 or Other Special Treatment Beginning Of Length Of Need M ax. Shoulder Misc. Asphalt Pavt. 1 : 1 5 To No r ma lSh l d r .Br e a k Po i n t 3’ Standard Guardrail, Special Transition 10’ requirements see the vendor drawings on the QPL at 2. These drawings present the general graphics to show the limits of payment for guardrail and end anchorage assemblies, modifications to the shoulder and placement of the End Anchorage Assembly miscellaneous asphalt mow strips. TRAFFIC 3. These drawings, along with the various vendor drawings on the QPL, are intended to show FLARED OPTION sufficient details for installation of the end anchorage assemblies and their connection to shoulder guardrail. This precludes the requirement for shop drawing submittals unless otherwise called for in the plans. The various end anchorage assemblies shall be assembled in accordance with the manufacturer’s detailed drawings, procedures and specifications. 4. The various proprietary end treatments listed on the QPL are intended for use as approach end guardrail anchorages for shoulder guardrail. The effective length of the end End Measurement For Guardrail Payment 10’ treatments vary-refer to the vendor drawings on the QPL for the length and the use of special panels and details. Standard guardrail, guardrail transitions or other special treatments shall not be included within the limits of the end anchorage assembly. See the Standard Guardrail, Special Transition vendor drawings for the alignment of the end treatment with respect to the normal 3’ M ax. 1 : 1 5 To No r ma lSh l d r .Br e a k Po i n t M ax. 1: 10 3’ Shoulder Line 1: 10 Or Other Special Treatment guardrail alignment. 5. Flared or parallel end anchorage assemblies shall not be used in medians where horizontal clearance requires use of a back rail. C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn Misc. Asphalt Pavt. Misc. Asph. Pavt. 6. Each of the various end anchorage assemblies have unique features. Careful attention Beginning Of Length Of Need De p ar t u r eL i n e Impact Head the vendor drawings on the QPL for the specific requirements of each system. TRAFFIC End Anchorage Assembly should be given to the types and orientation of the posts and other components. Refer to 7. For galvanizing requirements of the metallic components see Standard Specifications Section 967. 8. Test Level 3 crash tested end anchorage assemblies shown on the QPL are suitable for all design speeds. PARALLEL OPTION 9. Flared end anchorage assemblies shall be paid for under the contract unit price for Guardrail, End Anchorage Assembly (Flared), EA. End Measurement For Guardrail Payment Parallel end anchorage assemblies shall be paid for under the contract unit price for Guardrail, End Anchorage Assembly (Parallel), EA. rd960rh The unit price for end anchorage assemblies shall be full compensation for furnishing and Face Of Curb installing all components in accordance with the plans, the manufacturer’s detail drawings, procedures and specifications and these drawings. 9: 47: 29 AM 25’ At 1:25 Flare Rate End Anchorage Assembly 6/28/2012 PLACEMENT OF PARALLEL OPTION AT CURBED LOCATIONS LAST REVISION 01/01/12 REVISIO N APPROACH END ANCHORAGE DETAILS DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL NO. 400 SHEET NO. 2 Beginning Of Length Of Need Clear Zone Limit Or Horizontal Clearance Limit In Accordance With The Criteria In Volume I Chapters 2, 4 And 25 Of The "Plans Preparation Manual" and Index No. 700. X (Length Of Advancement) Ft. Extended Hazard Hazard Free, Traversable Slopes Back Of Hazard End Anchorage Assembly (Flare Shown) Approach End Anchorage Hazard Inside Varies Dep ar t ur e Horizontal Clearance L i n e d D Clear Zone Or Face Of Guardrail Edge Of Traffic Lane Point Of Departure Design X (Length Of Advancement) Ft. Speed (See NOTES 1 & 2) mph = 45 = 16 (D-d) = 50 = 13 (D-d) NOTES 1. Length of advancement determined from the diagram and equations above establishes the location of the upstream beginning length of need for guardrail, however, the length of C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn advancement can be no less than that required by other details of this index. 2. The flared end anchorage with 4’ nose offset is shown in the diagram above, however, the diagram applies to other configurations that may occur at the beginning of length of need, such as, other flare designs; upstream returns; and, other upstream deflected, tangent and curvilinear conditions. Equation Variables: D = Distance in feet from near edge of the near approach traffic lane to either (a) the back of hazard, when the hazard is located inside the clear zone or horizontal clearance or (b) the clear zone or horizontal clearance outer limit, when the hazard extends to or goes beyond the clear zone or horizontal clearance limit. For left side hazards on two-way undivided facilities, D is measured from the inside edge of the near approach traffic lane (see Figure 2). d = Distance in feet from the near edge of the near approach traffic lane to the face of guardrail at its intersection with the departure line. For left side hazards on two-way undivided facilities, rd960rh d is measured from the inside edge of the near approach traffic lane (see Figure 2). For flared and parallel end anchorage assemblies the beginning length of need is to be set at the 9: 47: 30 AM center of post #3. That is, the departure line must intersect the face of the rail at post #3. For flared end anchorage assemblies the offset distance "d" will equal the normal guardrail offset measured from the face of the guardrail to the edge of the near approach travel lane plus 1’-2" for 6/28/2012 45 mph or less and 1’-914" for greater than 45 mph. LAST REVISION 07/01/09 REVISIO N LENGTH OF ADVANCEMENT - FIGURE 1 DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL NO. 400 SHEET NO. 3 Clear Zone Limit Or H azard Extended X (Length Of Advancement) Beginning Of Length Of Need End Treatment Varies (For Approach End Anchorage Assemblies) Horizontal Clearance Limit Back Of Hazard Hazard Free, Traversable Slopes App r o ac hD epa r t ur eL i n e (Standard For Trailing Applications) 6’ Min. D Type II End Anchorage Assembly Clear Zone Or Horiz. Clear. Face Of Guardrail Type 3 Object Marker When Required (See General Note No. 21) Trailing Departure Line Edge Of Traffic Lane Required Extension Approach End Anchorage Assembly (Type Varies) d Hazard Inside Point Of Length Of Need Departure Length Of Guardrail System (Limit Of Pay For Guardrail) (LEFT SIDE OPPOSITE HAND) Beginning Of Length Of Need (LA) X (Length Of Advancement LA) (LA) Clear Zone Limit Or Horizontal Clearance Limit (RA) Clear Zone Limit Or Back Of Hazard Horizontal Clearance Limit End Treatment Dep ar t ur e (Type Varies) Face Of Guardrail Edge Of Traffic Lane Varies Varies RIGHT APPROACH (RA) End Treatment Approach End Anchorage Assembly L i n e( RA) d d (LA) Or Horizontal Clearance D ( LA) e n i eL ur t ar Dep Hazard Free, Traversable Slopes Hazard Inside Clear Zone A) L ( ( RA) Hazard Free, Traversable Slopes (Type Varies) C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn Beginning Of Length Of Need (RA) X (Length Of Advancement RA) D ( RA) Approach End Anchorage Assembly Extended H azard ONE-WAY TRAFFIC Point Of Departure (RA) Point Of Departure (LA) LEFT APPROACH (LA) LENGTH OF NEED Length Of Guardrail System (Limit Of Pay For Guardrail) rd960rh TWO-LANE TWO-WAY TRAFFIC For description of the dimensions D, d and X, see Length of Advancement - Figure 1. 6/28/2012 9: 47: 31 AM For additional shoulder guardrail information, see Details B and C. LAST REVISION 07/01/05 REVISIO N LOCATING TERMINALS ON SHOULDER GUARDRAILS - FIGURE 2 DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL NO. 400 SHEET NO. 4 Approach End 6’ Varies Min. End Anchorage Type II Varies Anchorage Assembly (2 Panels Min.) (Flare Shown) Hazard Flared End Section 4’ Min. Approach End Shoulder Line Approach End Varies Anchorage Assembly Varies (Flare Shown) (2 Panels Min.) Edge Of Traffic Lanes Varies Anchorage Assembly (2 Panels Min.) (Flare Shown) Hazard 4’ Min. Shoulder Line End Anchorage Type II Flared End Section Shoulder Line 6’ Approach End Min. Anchorage Assembly Varies (Flare Shown) Varies 4’ Min. Approach End (2 Panels Min.) Hazard (2 Panels Min.) 6’ Anchorage Assembly Min. (Flare Shown) 4’ Min. End Anchorage Type II Shoulder Line Edge Of Traffic Lane Edge Of Traffic Lane Shoulder Line Flared End Section 4’ Min. Edge Of Traffic Lanes Hazard Approach End Approach End Shoulder Line 4’ Min. Approach End Varies (Flare Shown) (2 Panels Min.) End Anchorage Type II 6’ Varies (2 Panels Min.) (Flare Shown) Varies Varies Anchorage Assembly (2 Panels Min.) (Flare Shown) Flared End Section Hazard Anchorage Assembly Varies Anchorage Assembly LC DED ROADWAY-DETAI VI UNDI Notes For Details B & C: Min. See General Notes Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Median Guardrail Applications Shown Are For Locations See Details K and L for guardrail offsets. Where Approach End Anchorage Assemblies Are Outside For end anchorage assemblies see sheets elsewhere in this Index and the plans. Of The Opposing Roadway Clear Zone. For hazards that require shielding and are located back of curb see other sheets of this index, and where rigid barrier is required see Index No. 410. LB DED ROADWAY-DETAI VI DI DE HAZARDS ON FOR ROADSI CATI I L APPL GUARDRAI 6’ C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn End Anchorage Type II With Buffer End Section Varies Varies 1 Panel 4 Panels Min. Min 4 Panels Min. 1 Panel When Located Outside Of Approaching Clear Zone, Crash Cushion Required When Inside Approaching Edge Of Traffic Lane Clear Zone; See Sheet 9 And General Note No. 14. Edge Of Traffic Lane Shoulder Line Shoulder Line Flared End Section 125’ R: 1:10 Taper Rate 187’ R: 1:15 Taper Rate 1 * Hazard 4’ Min. * 4’ Min. 1 125’ R: 1:10 Taper Rate 4’ Min. * End Anchorage Type II Hazard 187’ R: 1:15 Taper Rate 1 1 4’ Min. Flared End Section 125’ R: 1:10 Taper Rate * 187’ R: 1:15 Taper Rate Shoulder Line Shoulder Line Edge Of Traffic Lane Edge Of Traffic Lane End Anchorage Type II With Buffer End Section When Located Outside Of Approaching Clear Zone, Crash Cushion Required When End Anchorage Type II With Buffer End Section When Inside Approaching Clear Zone. See General Note No. 14. Located Outside Of Approaching Clear Zone, Crash 4 Panels Min. 1 Panel Varies Cushion Required When Inside Approaching Clear Zone; ONE-WAY TRAFFIC- DETAIL G rd960rh See Sheet 9 And General Note No. 14. * 1:10 Taper Rate For Design Speeds =45 mph This Guardrail Configuration Applies Where Approach End Anchorage Assemblies 1:15 Taper Rate For Design Speeds =50 mph Cannot be Located Outside Of The Opposing Roadway Clear Zone. OPPOSING TRAFFIC- DETAIL D 9: 47: 31 AM Notes For Details D & G: See General Notes Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 14. See Details K and L for guardrail offsets. For hazards that require shielding and are located back of curb see other 6/28/2012 sheets of this index, and where rigid barrier is required see Index No. 410. LAST REVISION 07/01/05 REVISIO N GUARDRAIL APPLICATION FOR NARROW MEDIAN AND GORE HAZARDS DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL NO. 400 SHEET NO. 5 Installation For Bridge End Hazard Only Installation When Other Hazards Or Shoulder Gutter Are Present (No Shoulder Gutter) »¿Approach En Varies 2.5 Panels AnchorageAssembly Approach End Transition Section (See Detail J) Transition Section Anchorage Assembly (See Detail J) (Flare Shown) Bridge Rail 2’ (Flare Shown) Slope Steeper Than 1 : 3 Or Other Installation For Bridge End Hazard Only Hazards Are Present (No Shoulder Gutter) Bridge Rail Projection Projection Approach Slab 2’ Bridge Rail Guardrail Not Required Except Where Varies Approach Bridge Approach End 4 Panels W-Beam Slab Transition Section Anchorage Assembly (See Detail J) (Flare Shown) Bridge Rail Projection 2’ Projection Bridge Rail Projection Bridge Rail Projection »¿Approach End Approach End AnchorageAssembly Varies (Flare Shown) 2.5 Panels Transition Section (See Detail J) Transition Section Anchorage Assembly (See Detail J) (Flare Shown) End Anchorage Type II Approach Approach Slab Bridge Slab Flared End Section Installation For Bridge End Hazard Only Installation When Other Hazards Or Shoulder Gutter Are Present (No Shoulder Gutter) For Median Guardrail See Sheets 8 & 9 And General Note 12. »¿‡ With Four Or More Lanes Trailing Guardrail Anchorages May Be As Shown In Detail P Unless Other Anchorage Called Out In The Approach Slab 2’ Bridge Rail Projection Approach Bridge Slab Flared End Section End Anchorage Type II 2’ UNDIVIDED ROADWAY - DETAIL O Bridge Rail Projection 4 Panels W-Beam Varies C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn Approach End Anchorage Assembly Varies (Flare Shown) 2.5 Panels Transition Section Guardrail Not Required Except Where (See Detail J) Slope Steeper Than 1:3 Or Other Installation When Other Hazards Or Shoulder Gutter Are Present Hazards Are Present DIVIDED ROADWAY - DETAIL P Notes For Details O & P: See General Notes Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9. See Detail J for approach connections to bridges. For end anchorage assemblies see sheets elsewhere in this Index and the plans. 9: 47: 32 AM rd960rh Shoulder gutter in itself does not require the installation of guardrail. 6/28/2012 GUARDRAIL APPLICATIONS FOR BRIDGES WITH FULL WIDTH SHOULDERS AND LAST REVISION 02 REVISIO N SAFETY SHAPE TRAFFIC RAILING BARRIER EXTENDING FULL LENGTH OF APPROACH SLAB DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL NO. 400 SHEET NO. 6 Guardrail Not Required Except Where Slope Steeper Installation When Other Hazards Or Shoulder Gutter Are Present Varies Assembly (Flare Shown) Varies Than 1:3 Or Other Hazards Are Present (No Shoulder Gutter) 1 Panels Transition Section Min. See Index No. 402 Transition Section Min. 2’ Assembly (Flare Shown) Approach 2’ Approach End Anchorage See Index No. 402 Assembly (Flare Shown) Bridge Rail Projection Approach End Anchorage Type II Bridge Slab Transition Section End Of Hazard Bridge Rail Projection Approach Bridge Rail Projection 4 Panels 6’ Approach End Anchorage See Index No. 402 (No Shoulder Gutter) Varies 2’ »¿Approach End Anchorag Installation For Bridge End Hazard Only Installation For Bridge End Hazard Only Slab Approach Bridge Slab Slab Flared End Section For Median Guardrail See Sheets 10 & 11 And General Note 12 »¿Approach End Anchorag Varies Assembly (Flare Shown) Varies Transition Section 1 Panels Transition Section Min. Assembly (Flare Shown) See Index No. 402 Flared End Section See Index No. 402 Approach Installation For Bridge End Hazard Or Shoulder Gutter Are Present Only (No Shoulder Gutter) Bridge Rail Projection Bridge Slab 2’ Installation When Other Hazards End Anchorage Type II Approach Slab 2’ Approach End Anchorage With Four Or More Lanes Trailing Guardrail Anchorages May Be As Shown In Detail I Unless Other Anchorage Called Out In The Plans End Of Hazard Varies LH DED ROADWAY -DETAI VI UNDI Approach End Anchorage Varies Assembly (Flare Shown) Notes For Details H & I: See General Notes Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9. See Index No. 402 for approach connections to bridges. 6’ Min 1 Panels Transition Section Min. See Index No. 402 4 Panels Varies Installation When Other Hazards Are Guardrail Not Required Except Where Slope Steeper Present Or Shoulder Gutter Present Than 1:3 Or Other Hazards Are Present For end anchorage assemblies see sheets elsewhere in this Index and in the plans. LI DED ROADWAY -DETAI VI DI Shoulder gutter in itself does not require the installation of guardrail. GUARDRAIL APPLICATIONS FOR BRIDGES WITH FULL WIDTH SHOULDERS AND 12.5’ SAFETY SHAPE TRAFFIC RAILING BARRIER EXTENDING LESS THAN FULL APPROACH SLAB LENGTH Wing Post 6.25’ Wing Post Than 1:3 Or Other Hazards Are Present No Panel (s) Required In Absence Of Other Hazards Varies To Meet Need When Other Hazards Are Present Varies See Index No. 402 End Of Hazard 6’ Transition Section Flared End Min. End Anchorage Type II 12.5’ Bridge Rail Projection Exist. Bridge Offset Approach Offset Slab 1:10 For Design Speeds =45 mph 1:15 For Design Speeds =50 mph Shoulder Line AYOUT ’R L 25 1 187’ R: 1:15 Taper Rate Shoulder Line 1:10 For Design Speeds =45 mph 1:15 For Design Speeds =50 mph Projection Of Normal 6.25’ Projection Of Normal 187’ R: 1:15 Taper Rate Bridge Rail Projection 12.48’ 125’ R: 1:10 Taper Rate See Detail K Shoulder Line 6.25’ 125’ R: 1:10 Taper Rate Section 1 Panel (See Detail W) Projection Of Normal 1 Panel (See Detail W) 1 4" 5 1:10 For Design Speeds =45 mph 1:15 For Design Speeds =50 mph Offset Wing Post 6.25’ Wing Post Approach Exist. Bridge Slab See Detail K For Median Guardrail See Sheets 10 & 11 And General Note 12 514" 0. 10’ C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn Assembly (Flare Shown) Varies 42’ 0. »¿Approach End Anchorag Varies 0. 16’ 62’ 0. Guardrail Not Required Except Where Slope Steeper 6.25’ 6.25’ 12.49’ See Detail K 1 Panel (See Detail W) See Detail K 125’ R: 1:10 Taper Rate 187’ R: 1:15 Taper Rate Shoulder Line Approach End Anchorage Assembly (Flare Shown) Varies rd960rh Slab See General Note No. 13 STANDARD PANELS SET TO Transition Section See Index No. 402 1 Panel (See Detail W) No Panel (s) Required In Absence Of Other Hazards Varies To Meet Need When Other Hazards Are Present No Panel (s) Required In Absence Of 125’ R: 1:10 Taper Rate Other Hazards, Varies To Meet Need 187’ R: 1:15 Taper Rate RADIALS ADJOINING BRIDGES LW DETAI When Other Hazards Are Present With Four Or More Lanes Trailing Guardrail Anchorages May Be As 9: 47: 33 AM Exist. Bridge Offset 1:10 For Design Speeds =45 mph 1:15 For Design Speeds =50 mph Projection Of Normal AYOUT ’R L 87 1 Approach Bridge Rail Projection Shown In Detail I Unless Other Anchorage Called Out In The Plans Approach End Anchorage UNDIVIDED ROADWAY - DETAIL S Assembly (Flare Shown) Notes for Details S & T: Varies Transition Section See Index No. 402 DIVIDED ROADWAY - DETAIL T See General Notes Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9. See Index No. 402 for approach connections to bridges. For end anchorage assemblies see sheets elsewhere in this Index and the plans. 6/28/2012 GUARDRAIL APPLICATIONS FOR BRIDGES WITH LESS THAN FULL WIDTH SHOULDERS AND LAST REVISION 07/01/07 REVISIO N SAFETY SHAPE TRAFFIC RAILING BARRIER EXTENDING LESS THAN FULL APPROACH SLAB LENGTH DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL NO. 400 SHEET NO. 7 Approach Slab 10’ Min. For Guardrail Lengths See Table Below Left Bridge Edge Of Travel Lane 1:10 For Design Speeds = 45 mph Misc. Asph. Pavt. To 1:15 For Design Speeds = 50 mph Suit Shoulder Treatment Transition Section 6’ Or 10’ Shoulder (Std.) See DETAIL J Shoulder Line 1:25 When Shoulder Gutter Present Extended Shoulder 125’ R: 1:10 Taper Rate Extended Shoulder 187’ R: 1:15 Taper Rate 2’ 5’ Misc. Asphalt Pavt. Approach End Anchorage Assembly GUARDRAIL LENGTH (Ft.) 6’ & 8’ Rdwy. Shldr. 10’ & 12’ Rdwy. Shldr. Remarks Design Projected CZ Speed ADT (Ft.) (mph) Min. Min. Guardrail Median Guardrail Lengths are based on minimum median widths and Length on standard clear zone widths for travel lanes on Median Length Width Width Shoulder Transition 1:10 (Extended Shoulder) Extended Shoulder Slope Varies (See Detail W) Not Steeper Than M edian Guardrail Slope Varies = Clear Z one W idth Break Point Shoulder Line tangent roadways, and the length of advancement 60-70 =1500 36 50 356.5 54 306.5 60-70 <1500 30 44 281.5 48 219.0 55 =1500 30 44 281.5 48 219.0 55 <1500 24 38 194.0 42 144.0 45-50 =1500 24 38 194.0 42 144.0 needed for flared end anchorage assemblies to Edge Of Travel Lane shield normal transverse underslope and bridge end hazards. Lengths may need to be adjusted for auxiliary lanes, curved roadways, parallel end Note: For approach end anchorage assemblies see sheets elsewhere in this Index and the plans. anchorage assemblies, skewed crossings and other 45-50 <1500 20 34 144.0 38 94.0 45-50 Urban w/o Curb 24 38 194.0 42 144.0 35-40 Urban w/o Curb 18 32 144.0 36 81.5 WHEN END TERMINAL IS OUTSIDE OF OPPOSING ROADWAY CLEAR ZONE hazards present. Bridge Approach Slab For Guardrail Lengths See Table Below Transition Section Edge Of Traffic Lane See DETAIL J Flared End Section 6’ Or 10’ Shoulder (Std.) 10’ Min. 1:10 For Design Speeds = 45 mph Shoulder Line 1:15 For Design Speeds = 50 mph Extended Shoulder Not Misc. Asph. Pavt. Steeper Than 1:10 To Suit Shoulder 187’ R: 1:15 Taper Rate Back Rail (To Be Paid (See Detail W) Shoulder Transition Treatment ¡ Median For As Guardrail, LF) Break Point (Extended Shoulder) C. C. Extended Shoulder 2’ C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn 15 or Flatter Asphalt Pavt. Crash Cushion ) .3 tNo e e e Sh ,Se s e i r e Va t Ra d n A n o i t a c o L e( n i eL r u t r a p De 5’ Misc. 30 Uniform Slope Guardrail Transition (For Transition Details See QPL Vendor Drawings For Individual Crash Cushion Used) Edge Of Traffic Lane Shoulder Line Bridge M edian 125’ R: 1:10 Taper Rate Guardrail Approach Slab GUARDRAIL LENGTHS 1:10 TAPER RATE Median 6’ Bridge Shoulder Width (Ft.) Panels (No.) rd960rh Front Back Length (Ft.) Total Total 1:15 TAPER RATE 10’ Bridge Shoulder Panels (No.) Front Back Length (Ft.) Total Total 6’ Bridge Shoulder Panels (No.) Front Back 32 9.5 6 15.5 193.75 6.5 4 10.5 131.25 13.5 Length (Ft.) Total Total 10 23.5 293.75 10’ Bridge Shoulder Panels (No.) Front Back 8.5 Length (Ft.) Total Total 6 14.5 181.25 34 10.5 7 17.5 218.75 7.5 5 12.5 156.25 14.5 11 25.5 318.75 9.5 7 16.5 206.25 36 10.5 7 17.5 218.75 7.5 5 12.5 156.25 15.5 12 27.5 343.75 10.5 8 18.5 231.25 38 11.5 8 19.5 243.75 8.5 6 14.5 181.25 16.5 13 29.5 368.75 11.5 9 20.5 256.25 40 12.5 9 21.5 268.75 9.5 6 15.5 193.75 17.5 13 30.5 381.25 13.5 11 24.5 306.25 42 13.5 9 22.5 281.25 10.5 7 17.5 218.75 19.5 15 34.5 431.25 14.5 11 25.5 318.75 44 14.5 10 24.5 306.25 10.5 7 17.5 218.75 20.5 16 36.5 456.25 15.5 12 27.5 343.75 46 14.5 10 24.5 306.25 11.5 8 19.5 243.75 21.5 17 38.5 481.25 16.5 13 29.5 368.75 48 15.5 11 26.5 331.25 12.5 9 21.5 268.75 22.5 17 39.5 493.75 17.5 13 30.5 381.25 9: 47: 34 AM The lengths shown on this table are typical for roadways with standard width shoulders. Length requirements shall be determined on a site specific basis for both standard width and narrow bridge shoulders and end anchorage or end shielding use. WHEN END TERMINAL CANNOT BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF OPPOSING ROADWAY CLEAR ZONE 6/28/2012 APPROACH GUARDRAIL TREATMENTS FOR BRIDGES WITH SAFETY SHAPE TRAFFIC RAILING LAST REVISION 00 REVISIO N EXTENDING FULL APPROACH SLAB LENGTH IN WIDE MEDIANS WITH FLUSH SHOULDERS DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL NO. 400 SHEET NO. 8 Crash Guardrail Panels And Length (See Table Below) Cushion 10’ Min. Approach Slab Edge Of Traffic Lane 10’ 1:10 For Design Speeds = 45 mph See DETAIL J 1:15 For Design Speeds = 50 mph Misc. Asphalt Pavt. Misc. Guardrail (See Sheet 7) Shoulder Line M edian 10’ Transition Section 12’ Bridge ¡ Median Asphalt 187’ R: 1:15 Taper Rate 12’ Shoulder Line Guardrail Transition (Approach Section) As 10’ 10’ C. C. 125’ R: 1:10 Taper Rate Required For Redirective Crash Cushion (See Detail W) Edge Of Traffic Lane Bridge Guardrail Length-One Half Panel Less Approach Slab Than Taper Side For Plan Quantities DERS DGE SHOUL 0’BRI TH 1 ANS WI MEDI Transition Section Edge Of Traffic Lane 4’ Guardrail Panels And Length (See Table Below) Approach Slab Bridge 1:10 For Design Speeds = 45 mph Crash 187’ R: 1:15 Taper Rate 1:15 For Design Speeds = 50 mph Cushion M edian 6’ Shoulder Line 125’ R: 1:10 Taper Rate Guardrail (See Sheet 7) 8’ 6’ See DETAIL J ¡ Median 10’ Min. (See Detail W) Misc. Asphalt Pavt. Misc. Asphalt Guardrail Transition (Approach Section) As Required For Redirective Crash Cushion Bridge Approach Slab Edge Of Traffic Lane Shoulder Line 4’ 6’ 8’ C. C. Guardrail Length-One Half Panel Less Than Taper Side For Plan Quantities C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn DERS DGE SHOUL ’BRI TH 6 ANS WI MEDI Note: The guardrail configurations shown apply only to parallel or near parallel bridges with open medians. Edge Of Traffic Lane d W idth ( CZ ) Clear Z one GUARDRAIL LENGTHS e ur t par De e n i L WIDTH (Ft.) C. C. x 10’ BRIDGE SHOULDERS 6’ BRIDGE SHOULDERS MEDIAN 1:10 TAPER RATE 1:15 TAPER RATE 1:10 TAPER RATE 1:15 TAPER RATE PANELS (No.) LENGTH (Ft.) PANELS (No.) LENGTH (Ft.) PANELS (No.) LENGTH (Ft.) PANELS (No.) LENGTH (Ft.) Point Of Impact Speed (S ) 30 14.5 181.25 20.5 256.25 7.5 93.75 10.5 131.25 Crash Cushion Located On 28 12.5 156.25 18.5 231.25 6.5 81.25 8.5 106.25 26 11.5 143.75 15.5 193.75 5.5* 68.75 6.5 81.25 24 9.5 118.75 13.5 168.75 5.5* 68.75 5.5* 68.75 Opposing Roadway Shoulder L (Runout Length) The lengths shown in this table are based on standard widths for roadway and bridge median shoulders. Length requirements for Speed (S ) For Determining Crash Cushion Size: both standard width and narrow bridge shoulders and end anchorage or end shielding requirements shall be determined on a site rd960rh »¿S x »¿¡(C = (Design Speed) = L »¿£ specific basis. When crash cushions are required on opposing roadway shoulders, their sizes may be determined by the residual speeds (S ’s) along the runouts from the approach roadways; however, when calculated speeds (S ’s) are less than 30 mph; crash OCATED ONS L NG CRASH CUSHI ZI SI cushions shall be no less in size than for 30 mph, see speed diagram left. The number of panels may be reduced when installing a crash cushion more than 2.5’ in width, see * below. DERS NG ROADWAY SHOUL ON OPPOSI 9: 47: 35 AM * Number shown is the minimum number of panels plus a W-Thrie beam transition panel; single faced guardrail must have a length of five (5) or more panels. 6/28/2012 NG I L C RAI TH SAFETY SHAPE TRAFFI DGES WI L TREATMENTS FOR BRI APPROACH GUARDRAI LAST REVISION 07/01/07 REVISIO N DERS USH SHOUL TH FL ANS WI N NARROW MEDI ENGTH I AB L L APPROACH SL NG FUL EXTENDI DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL NO. 400 SHEET NO. 9 Approach Slab 10’ Min. For Guardrail Lengths See Table Below Bridge Edge Of Travel Lane 1:10 For Design Speeds = 45 mph See Index No. 402 1:15 For Design Speeds = 50 mph Misc. Asph. Pavt. To Suit 1:25 When Shoulder Gutter Present Shoulder Treatment Shoulder Line Extended Shoulder Not Break Point 187’ R: 1:15 Taper Rate Guardrail Extended Shoulder Slope Varies (See Detail W) 5’ Misc. Asphalt Pavt. GUARDRAIL LENGTH (Ft.) Approach End Remarks Anchorage Assembly 6’ & 8’ Rdwy. Shldr. 10’ & 12’ Rdwy. Shldr. Lengths are based on minimum median widths and on Design Projected CZ Min. ADT (Ft.) Median Speed (mph) Guardrail Median Length Length Width Width flared end anchorage assemblies to shield normal transverse underslope and bridge end hazards. 287.5 48 237.5 Lengths may need to be adjusted for connection 287.5 48 237.5 location on wing post or bridge traffic railing barrier 38 212.5 42 162.5 (see Index No. 402), auxiliary lanes, curved roadways, 38 212.5 42 162.5 parallel end anchorage assemblies, skewed crossings 20 34 162.5 38 112.5 and other hazards present. When the wing post is 24 38 212.5 42 162.5 replaced by bridge traffic railing barrier, reference 100.0 Detail J and see Index No. 402. = 1500 36 50 60-70 < 1500 30 55 = 1500 55 45-50 362.5 54 44 30 44 < 1500 24 = 1500 24 45-50 < 1500 45-50 Urban w/o Curb Urban w/o Curb roadways, and the length of advancement needed for 312.5 60-70 35-40 standard clear zone widths for travel lanes on tangent Min. Guardrail 18 32 162.5 36 (Extended Shoulder) Extended Shoulder Slope Varies = Clear Z one W idth 2’ Shoulder Transition Steeper Than 1:10 125’ R: 1:10 Taper Rate M edian Transition Section 6’ Or 10’ Shoulder (Std.) Shoulder Line Edge Of Travel Lane Note: For approach end anchorage assemblies see sheets elsewhere in this Index and the plans. WHEN END TERMINAL IS OUTSIDE OF OPPOSING ROADWAY CLEAR ZONE Approach Slab For Guardrail Lengths See Table Below Bridge Transition Section Edge Of Travel Lane Index No. 402 6’ Or 10’ Shoulder (Std.) 10’ Min. 1:10 For Design Speeds = 45 mph Shoulder Line 1:15 For Design Speeds = 50 mph (Extended Shoulder) C. C. Extended Shoulder 2’ ) .3 tNo e e e Sh ,Se s e i r e Va t d Ra n An o i t a c o L ( e n i L e r u t r a p De 5’ Misc. Asphalt Pavt. Crash Cushion M edian ¡ Median For As Guardrail, LF) Break Point C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn Shoulder Transition Back Rail (To Be Paid Guardrail (See Detail W) 15 or Flatter Shoulder Treatment Steeper Than 1:10 Section 187’ R: 1:15 Taper Rate Misc. Asph. Pavt. To Suit Extended Shoulder Not Flared End 125’ R: 1:10 Taper Rate Uniform Slope Guardrail Transition (For Transition Details See QPL Vendor Drawings For Individual Crash Cushion Used) 30 Shoulder Line Bridge Edge Of Travel Lane Approach Slab GUARDRAIL LENGTHS 1:10 TAPER RATE Median 6’ Bridge Shoulder Width (ft.) Panels (No.) rd960rh Front Back Length (Ft.) Total Total 1:15 TAPER RATE 10’ Bridge Shoulder Panels (No.) Front Back 32 7.5 6 13.5 168.75 4.5 3 6’ Bridge Shoulder Length (Ft.) Panels (No.) Total Total Front Back 7.5 93.75 11.5 Length (Ft.) 10’ Bridge Shoulder Panels (No.) Total Total Front Back 9 20.5 256.25 7.5 Length (Ft.) Total Total 6 13.5 168.75 34 8.5 6 14.5 181.25 5.5 4 9.5 118.75 12.5 10 22.5 281.25 7.5 6 13.5 168.75 36 9.5 7 16.5 206.25 6.5 5 11.5 143.75 13.5 11 24.5 306.25 8.5 7 15.5 193.75 38 10.5 8 18.5 231.25 7.5 6 13.5 168.75 14.5 12 26.5 331.25 10.5 9 19.5 243.75 40 10.5 8 18.5 231.25 7.5 6 13.5 168.75 16.5 13 29.5 368.75 11.5 9 20.5 256.25 42 11.5 8 19.5 243.75 8.5 6 14.5 181.25 17.5 14 31.5 393.75 12.5 10 22.5 281.25 44 12.5 9 21.5 268.75 9.5 7 16.5 206.25 18.5 15 33.5 418.75 13.5 11 24.5 306.25 46 12.5 9 21.5 268.75 10.5 8 18.5 231.25 19.5 16 35.5 443.75 14.5 12 26.5 331.25 48 14.5 11 25.5 318.75 11.5 9 20.5 256.25 20.5 16 36.5 456.25 16.5 13 29.5 368.75 The lengths shown on this table are typical for roadways with standard width shoulders and a relocated connection to the existing wing 9: 47: 35 AM post. When the wing post is replaced by bridge traffic railing barrier, reference Detail J and see Index No. 402. Length requirements shall be determined on a site specific basis for both standard width and narrow bridge shoulders and for end anchorage or end shielding use. WHEN END TERMINAL CANNOT BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF OPPOSING ROADWAY CLEAR ZONE 6/28/2012 APPROACH GUARDRAIL TREATMENTS FOR BRIDGES WITH SAFETY SHAPE TRAFFIC RAILING LAST REVISION 04 REVISIO N EXTENDING LESS THAN FULL APPROACH SLAB LENGTH IN WIDE MEDIANS WITH FLUSH SHOULDERS DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL SHEET NO. NO. 400 10 Guardrail Panels And Length (See Table Below) Crash 10’ Min. Cushion Bridge Transition Section 1:10 For Design Speeds = 45 mph 1:15 For Design Speeds = 50 mph Shoulder Line 187’ R: 1:15 Taper Rate Misc. Asphalt Pavt. (See Detail W) M edian See Index No. 402 12’ 125’ R: 1:10 Taper Rate 10’ 10’ Edge Of Traffic Lane ¡ Median Misc. Asphalt Guardrail 10’ 10’ Shoulder Line Guardrail Transition (Approach Section) Approach Slab As Required For Redirective Crash Cushion Special Blocks As Required Edge Of Traffic Lane Guardrail Panels And Lengths Same Bridge 12’ C. C. (See Sheet 9) As Taper Side For Plan Quantities DERS DGE SHOUL 0’BRI TH 1 ANS WI MEDI Guardrail Panels And Length (See Table Below) Transition Section Bridge Edge Of Traffic Lane 187’ R: 1:15 Taper Rate Shoulder Line (See Detail W) 1:10 For Design Speeds = 45 mph Guardrail Special Blocks (See Sheet 9) As Required Crash 1:15 For Design Speeds = 50 mph Misc. Asphalt M edian 6’ 125’ R: 1:10 Taper Rate 8’ 6’ 4’ See Index No. 402 10’ Min. ¡ Median Cushion Misc. Asphalt Pavt. Approach Slab Guardrail Transition (Approach Section) Bridge 8’ 4’ 6’ C. C. Shoulder Line Edge Of Traffic Lane As Required For Redirective Crash Cushion Guardrail Panels And Lengths Same C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn As Taper Side For Plan Quantities DERS DGE SHOUL ’BRI TH 6 ANS WI MEDI Note: The guardrail configurations shown apply only to parallel or near parallel bridges with open medians. Edge Of Traffic Lane d W idth ( CZ ) Clear Z one GUARDRAIL LENGTHS e n i eL ur t par e D 6’ BRIDGE SHOULDERS MEDIAN WIDTH 1:10 TAPER RATE 10’ BRIDGE SHOULDERS 1:15 TAPER RATE 1:10 TAPER RATE 1:15 TAPER RATE (Ft.) PANELS (No.) LENGTH (Ft.) PANELS (No.) LENGTH (Ft.) PANELS (No.) LENGTH (Ft.) PANELS (No.) LENGTH (Ft.) 30 12.5 156.25 18.5 231.25 6.5 81.25 9.5 118.75 28 11.5 143.75 16.5 206.25 5.5 68.75 7.5 93.75 Crash Cushion Located On 26 9.5 118.75 14.5 181.25 5.5* 68.75 5.5* 68.75 Opposing Roadway Shoulder 24 8.5 106.25 11.5 143.75 5.5* 68.75 5.5* 68.75 C. C. Point Of Impact Speed (S ) x L (Runout Length) The lengths shown in this table are based on standard widths for roadway and bridge median shoulders. Length requirements for both standard width and narrow bridge shoulders and end anchorage or end shielding requirements shall be determined on a site specific basis. rd960rh Speed (S ) For Determining Crash Cushion Size: »¿S When crash cushions are required on opposing roadway shoulders, their sizes may be determined by the residual speeds (S ’s) along the runouts from the approach roadways; however, when calculated speeds (S ’s) are less than 30 mph crash cushions shall be no less in size x »¿¡(C = (Design Speed) = L »¿£ than for 30 mph; see speed diagram left. The number of panels may be reduced when installing a crash cushion more than 2.5’ in width; see * below. 9: 47: 44 AM OCATED ONS L NG CRASH CUSHI ZI SI DERS NG ROADWAY SHOUL ON OPPOSI *Number shown is the minimum number of panels plus a W-Thrie beam transition panel; single faced guardrail must have a length of five (5) or more panels. 6/28/2012 NG I L C RAI TH SAFETY SHAPE TRAFFI DGES WI L TREATMENTS FOR BRI APPROACH GUARDRAI LAST REVISION 04 REVISIO N DERS USH SHOUL TH FL ANS WI N NARROW MEDI ENGTH I AB L L APPROACH SL ESS THAN FUL NG L EXTENDI DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL SHEET NO. NO. 400 11 EGEND L 1 Edge of traffic lane for simple curve turnouts. Edge of travel lane for taper turnouts. 2 Taper. RADIAL GUARDRAIL Normal Turnouts 3 Pavement return (radius R1). Taper 4 Flared end anchorage to be installed except when existing 7 11 5 Post for locating flare, proximate to PC or PT: 9 No. 3 post for Radii > 25’ and < 50’. Between No. 4 and No. 5 posts for Radii 50’ or greater. Required Required 3 6 R2 R2 R 1 No. 2 post for Radii 25’ or less. Panels Panels guardrail on intersecting drive or side road adjoins the project. Simple Curve R1 R 2 RADIAL GUARDRAIL Post for locating flare, proximate to PC or PT: 15’ 25’ 3 8556’ 25’ 3 8556’ 20’ 25’ 3 8556’ 25’ 3 8556’ 25’ 25’ 3 8556’ 25’ 3 8556’ 30’ 25’ 3 8556’ 25’ 3 8556’ 35’ 25’ 3 8556’ 25’ 3 8556’ 40’ 40’ 5 8931’ 40’ 5 8931’ 45’ 40’ 5 8931’ 40’ 5 8931’ 50’ 40’ 5 8931’ 40’ 5 8931’ No. 3 post for Radii 25’ or less. Note: Only 25’ and 40’ radius panels are to be used for Between No. 4 and No. 5 posts for Radii greater than 25’. return guardrail on normal turnouts. On skewed turnouts the number of panels used and their 7 Expanded shoulder for guardrail. arrangement with straight panels will be as shown in the plans or as directed by the Engineer. 8 Expanded shoulder for flared guardrail end anchorage. ¡ Intersecting Drive Or Side Road 9 Shoulder in absence of guardrail. 10 Flared end anchorage assembly. ¡ Intersecting Drive Varies Or Side Road 11 Radial guardrail to be installed when guardrail required on the intersecting drive or side road (radius R2). Varies 13 12 End anchorage Type II (radial return only). 13 13 Guardrail installation limited to roadway right of way unless 7 otherwise called for in the plans. 7 13 13 10 8 7 5 10 C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn 8 8 8 4 4 7 10 5 3 10 6 6 7 7 4 7 4 7 3 11 11 2 9 1 2 12 12 PC or PT 1 PC or PT 9 1 9 Roadway 12 11 3 PC or PT 3 9 Roadway 11 12 1 PC or PT SIMPLE CURVE TURNOUTS TAPER TURNOUTS Note: The guardrail application shown on this sheet are for highways with flush rd960rh shoulders and no restraints for constructing flared end anchorages and minimum lengths of guardrail. For highways with flush shoulders and restraints to constructing flared anchorages, see General Note No. 6. Where openings in guardrail are required in close proximity to bridge traffic 9: 47: 45 AM rails or ends of concrete barrier walls, and minimum length guardrail with flared end anchorages can not be applied, either controlled release returns 6/28/2012 or energy absorbing terminals are to be applied. LAST REVISION 04 REVISIO N GUARDRAIL APPLICATIONS FOR INTERSECTING DRIVES AND SIDE ROADS ON RURAL FACILITIES DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL SHEET NO. NO. 400 12 See Index Nos. 420, 422, 423, 424, 425, and 5210 For Barrier End Details Approach Slab And Bridge Traffic Railing Barrier Thrie-Beam 3’ End Measurement For Terminal Guardrail Payment Connector (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 02 0. 1 1’-1 2" Standard W-Beam Guardrail, 3’ 12’-6" 6’-3" W-Thrie End Anchorage Assembly, Beam Transition Special Transition Or Section Other Special Treatment D I K E 12’-6" Thrie-Beam Panel (Nested) 25’ Thrie-Beam Panel 12’-6" Thrie-Beam Panel 43’-9" Guardrail Transition 21"x12"x58" Thrie-Beam Terminal Connector Plate (Back-Up Plate) ) d. St ( 4" D i re ct i on Of G ua Tr rd av TR rai el l AN Om i SI tt TI ed F O N rom Long HS Hex Bolts (3 1 2" Min. Thread Length) E And Nuts (5 Reqd.) With 214" OD Plain Round Washers S ho ul de r Ne ar E dg e PI Vi C ew TO RI AL ELEVATION and 8"x8"x114" Special Galvanized Steel Filler Plate (See Below) 7 8"x15" 25 ( S ’ ho S ho ul de ul de r Gu r Gu t t er t t er To Gu Tra ns t t er i t i on W i t h D i ke ) F Of 06 0. Tr af fi c Gu t t er ) d. St ( La ne Shoulder Break Point G Under Heads And Nuts 3’ C Misc. Asphalt Pavt. D 2’ A l a c i p y "T 3 ’ 6 1 c 1 2"c ’ 3@ 3 3 c 6 4"c ’ 6@ 1 B A B For Other Flare Offsets And Parallel Alignments See Sheets Nos. 6, 7, 8 and 9 Arc D C d e t s "Ne 6 ’ 2 1 Approach Slab F Edge Of Traffic Lane G Shoulder Gutter 25’ Shoulder Gutter Transition (Shoulder Gutter To Gutter With Dike) Direction Of Travel E PLAN - GUARDRAIL, SHOULDER GUTTER AND SHOULDER TRANSITIONS 5 8" x18.5" Long Upper And 17.5" Long Lower Post Bolt x20" Long Upper And And Nut With 134" OD Steel 3’-6" W-Thrie Beam Transition Section 6" Dike Begin Shoulder 1’ -9" Misc. Asphalt Pavt. With Dike Line Misc. Asphalt Pavt. Gutter Transition Shoulder Gutter 6" 0.06 0 . 0 6( St d . ) 7" 0 . 0 2( St d . ) 0.06 0 . 0 6( St d . ) 5 8" 21"x12"x SECTION CC Thrie-Beam 3’ SECTION DD U SECTION EE X SECTION FF SECTION CC SECTION GG SECTION DD GUARDRAIL TRANSITION NOTE Single Face Guardrail 22" 31316" 22" 19 3 4" 1 1 2" 1934" APPLICATIONS 2" Double Face Guardrail With Timber Posts Double Face Guardrail With Y V 8" Steel Posts 1 4" 8"x8"x1 Special All Holes Are 1" W Galvanized Steel SPECIAL GALVANIZED STEEL FILLER PLATE 9: 47: 46 AM Back Contoured Filler Plate 0.06 3 8" Terminal Connector Plate 4" Misc. Asphalt Pavt. 3’-7 3’ SECTION BB 6" Standard Shoulder Gutter 114" rd960rh 1’-6" Washers Under Nuts Transition SECTION AA 4’ 4’ 2’-4" End Shoulder 8" C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn 7’-6" And Nut With 134" OD Steel Washers Under Nuts 7’-6" 7’-6" 19" Long Lower Post Bolt 1’ -9" 5 8" Z U V W X Y Z 618" 418" 358" 712" nom. 512" nom. 5" nom. 518" 318" 258" 612" nom. 412" nom. 4" nom. 3 4 8" 3 2 8" 7 1 8" 3 5 4" 3 3 4" 1 3 4" When shoulder gutter is required, the 25’ long dike transition, SECTION CC SECTION DD installed in absence of shoulder gutter. Nested rails shall not be bolted to the blocks and posts at posts (a), (c), and (e). One 16d galvanized nail shall be driven between each post and block, Contoured BLOCK FOR offset blocks are shown for guardrail installations adjacent to shoulder gutter/dike transitions; single offset blocks shall be Back BLOCK FOR shown in the ’PLAN’ and ’PICTORIAL’ above, is required. Double For Double Face Guardrail Connections To Median Bridge Traffic Railing Barrier, and between double blocks, in order to prevent block rotation, See Index No. 410, ’Guardrail Connection To Concrete Barrier Wall Approach Ends’. see ’16d NAIL FOR PREVENTION OF OFFSET BLOCK ROTATION’, this Index. FOR USE AT SECTION BB THRIE-BEAM OFFSET BLOCKS FIELD TRIMMED FOR USE AT SECTIONS CC & DD GUARDRAIL APPROACH TRANSITION AND CONNECTION FOR BRIDGES WITH SAFETY SHAPE 6/28/2012 TRAFFIC RAILING BARRIERS EXTENDING FULL LENGTH OF APPROACH SLAB LAST REVISION 07/01/12 REVISIO N DETAIL J DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL SHEET NO. NO. 400 13 Rubble Protection (Sand-Cement Rubble Protection (Sand-Cement Protection When Specified) Protection When Specified) Wing Wall Bridge Traffic Railing Barrier 15’ Bridge Varies (15’ Min.) 30’ Approach Slab With Bridge Traffic Railing Barrier BRIDGES OVER STREAMS BRIDGES OVER STREAMS Limit Of Slope Pavement At Roadways And Sand Cement Protection At Railroads Sand-Cement Protection 45 12" 1’-6" R (Min.) Wing Wall Bridge Traffic Railing Barrier C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn Bridge 30’ Approach Slab With Bridge Traffic Railing Barrier BRIDGES OVER ROADWAYS OR RAILROADS BRIDGES OVER RAILROADS For Additional Information See Index No. 402 For Additional Guardrail Information See Sheet 13 SKETCHES - BRIDGES WITH SAFETY SHAPE TRAFFIC RAILING SKETCHES - BRIDGES WITH SAFETY SHAPE TRAFFIC RAILING BARRIER EXTENDING LESS THAN FULL APPROACH SLAB LENGTH BARRIER EXTENDING FULL APPROACH SLAB LENGTH SKETCH NOTES 1. These sketches are for showing shoulder interface between roadways and bridges where crossings are normal to other roadways, railroads and streams. For site specific applications and details see the plans and the FDOT rd960rh Structures Design Office "Detailing Manual" and "Design Guidelines". 2. Shoulder treatments shown in these sketches are for locations with shoulder gutter; shoulder hinge location will 9: 47: 46 AM vary for facilities without shoulder gutter. LAST REVISION 04 REVISIO N 6/28/2012 SHOULDER INTERFACE BETWEEN ROADWAYS AND BRIDGES DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL SHEET NO. NO. 400 14 4’ Normal Face Of Guardrail 3’ 6" Varies Normal Face Of Guardrail (See Detail K) Varies Varies Varies 4’-6" (Min.) Varies See Plan Below (See Detail K) Shoulder Pavt. Shoulder Pavt. 3’ 2" Misc. Asphalt Pavt. 2" Misc. Shoulder Gutter 2" Misc. Asphalt Pavt. 2" Misc. Asphalt Pavt. SHOULDER WITH OR WITHOUT 5’ PAVEMENT PAVED SHOULDERS Asphalt Pavt. SHOULDER GUTTER DOUBLE FACE RAIL MISCELLANEOUS PAVING FOR STANDARD GUARDRAIL SECTIONS Shoulder Line 1 : 1 5 To No r ma l Sh o u l d e r Br e a k Po i n t A Misc. Asphalt 3’ Pavt. 30’ Extended Shoulder 10’ Normal Face 8’ Of Guardrail 8’ Of Guardrail 6’-6" When Called For In The Plans Varies Varies Paved Or Unpaved Shoulders Edge Of Traffic Lane Norm al Shoulder See Detail K Misc. Asphalt Pavt. With 3’ Not Steeper 4’ Than 1:10 1:6 For 20’ 4’ Than 1:10 Clear Zone 1:3 (Max.) For Transition Slope 20’ Clear Zone 3’ 3’ 1:3 (Max.) 2" Misc. Asphalt Pavt. 1:3 (Max.) For 2" Misc. Asphalt Pavt. 14’ Clear Zone 1:6 Reference Line SHOULDER WITH OR WITHOUT 5’ PAVEMENT B 6’-6" Not Steeper A Shoulder Line 20’ Normal Face Not Steeper Than 1:10 Normal Face Of Guardrail SECTION AA (EXAMPLE FOR 30’ CLEAR ZONE) SECTION AA (EXAMPLE FOR 20’ CLEAR ZONE) 1 : 1 5 To No r ma l Sh o u l d e r Br e a k Po i n t Extended Shoulder 10’ 30’ Not Steeper Than 1:10 Misc. Asphalt Pavt. Normal Face 2’ Std. 8’ Of Guardrail Normal Face Of Guardrail Normal Face Traffic Lane * Of Guardrail Not Steeper 4’ Than 1:10 Varies Varies See Detail K 6’-6" C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn 6" 6" Normal Face Of Guardrail 6" Transition Slope Shoulder Pavt. Varies 1:3 (Max.) 2" Misc. Asphalt Pavt. B Edge Of Traffic Lane *12’ For Shoulders 10’ And Wider; 8’ For Median Shoulders 8’ Or Less In Width; and, Shoulder Width Plus 2’ For All Others Shoulders. 1:6 Reference Line PAVED SHOULDERS SECTION BB (EXAMPLE FOR 30’ CLEAR ZONE) STANDARD LOCATIONS For Guardrail on slopes see Sheet 26. Shoulder Line 1 : 1 5 To No r ma l Sh o u l d e r Br e a k Po i n t C 3’ GUARDRAIL LOCATION-DETAIL K Extended Shoulder 10’ On 0.06 Rise Misc. Asphalt Pavt. Normal Face Of Guardrail 30’ 6" 8’ 6" 9: 47: 47 AM Of Guardrail Shoulders Applies To Left And Right Side Shoulders. (See Index No. 525 For Shoulder Widths And Shoulder Gutter Locations On Transition Slope Ramps And Auxiliary Lanes) Edge Of Traffic Lane Shoulder Pavt. REVISIO N 6/28/2012 1:6 Reference Line SHOULDERS, SLOPES AND MISCELLANEOUS PAVING FOR FLARED END ANCHORAGE ASSEMBLIES 07/01/09 1:3 (Max.) 2" Misc. Asphalt Pavt. SHOULDER GUTTER LAST 7’ Shoulder Gutter C REVISION 4’ Normal Face ** 8’ For 6’ Shoulders 10’ For 8’ Shoulders 12’ For 10’ And 12’ Varies rd960rh ** Shoulder Gutter SECTION CC (EXAMPLE FOR 30’ CLEAR ZONE) DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL SHEET NO. NO. 400 15 M14x18 or W14x22 16d Galvanized Nail (Timber And Structural Shape 214" Non-Form Fit Plastic Blocks Only) 214" 1 8" 1 8" 1 PERMI SSI BL E POST AND OFFSET BL OCK COMBI NATI ONS 17" 7" 578" 1 VIEW 10" CUTAWAY 16d Galvanized Nail POSTS OFFSET BLOCKS REMARKS Post bolt hole in timber and plastic blocks to be centered – 14"). Timber 6"x8"x14" (Nominal) For W-Beam And 6"x8"x22" 40 Timber All timber offset blocks shall be dressed on all four sides (S4S). (Nominal) For Thrie-Beam 6" Timber Or Recycled Plastic Block STEEL POST POST TIMBER POST FACE SIDE VIEW of block (see detail left). FACE Timber 6"x8"x14" (Nominal) For All Holes Are 1316" 16d NAIL FOR PREVENTION OF W-Beam And 6"x8"x22" Same as above for timber and plastic blocks except that form fit (Nominal) For Thrie-Beam plastic block holes align with holes in steel posts and do not Steel W6x8.5, W6x9 Or 6" C STEEL MODIFIED THRIE-BEAM OFFSET BLOCK ROTATION One 16d galvanized nail per block is to be used to prevent rotation Recycled Plastic (See Notes) TRAFFIC require nails. Recycled Plastic (See Notes) OFFSET BLOCK 5 8"x1 Steel W6x8.5, W6x9 Or 6" C 1 2" long hex head bolts with full length thread and nuts 5 8" W14x22x17" (M14x18x17") (2 Reqd.) and (Steel Modified Thrie-Beam) steel block to post. Bolts are to be installed in opposite holes, plain round washers (4 Reqd.) for mounting top and bottom. ¡ Post Bolt Steel Modified Thrie-Beam Offset Blocks See Detail Notes: 1. Timber and recycled plastic offset blocks of identical size and shape can be intermixed within a run of rail. Rub Rail When Called For ¡ Post Bolt Left And Table Above) By Location In The Plans 2. Recycled plastic offset blocks shall meet the passing evaluation criteria for Test Level 3 crash tests. The ¡ Panel Bolt (On One Or Both Sides W-BEAM W-BEAM WITH RUB RAIL 2’ conditions. The blocks shall be in conformance with Sections 536 and 972 of the Specifications and be 3’ -11" 22" in height. The blocks shall be capable of providing a 712" (Min.) offset. For additional information on included on the Qualified Products List. W-Beam blocks shall be 14" in height and thrie-beam blocks shall be Std. 3’ -11" * 2’ 12" * Std. Std. 4’ -2" For Additional Information) Varies (3’ Min.) plastic offset block installations refer to Sheet 1, GENERAL NOTE 16. MODIFIED THRIE-BEAM ¡ Post Bolts ¡ Post Bolts THRIE-BEAM rd960rh SINGLE FACED GUARDRAIL 1’ -9" Y 1’ -9" Line 6" . d 6 St 0 . 0 Y For Median With Swale. Environmental Or Other Restrictions Prohibit Normal Shoulder Extension Shoulder 4’ For Narrow Medians With No Median Swale. See Sheet 26 *Front Slope When Right Of Way, Edge Of Shoulder Pavement Varies Edge Of Traffic Lane Std. Varies (3’ Min.) Std. * * 4’ -2" Std. 1’ -9" 3’ -10" 1’ -9" Edge Of Traffic Lane 1’ -9" 1’ -9" ¡ Post Bolt 3’ -10" C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn 1’ -9" blocks shall be tested as a component in a semi-rigid guardrail test article under full scale crash test As Specified, See Sheet 26 W-BEAM THRIE-BEAM DOUBLE FACED GUARDRAIL Y = 6" Or Greater Y = Less Than 6" Shoulder Gutter NOTE: For location of guardrail with offset behind curb and gutter refer to the 9: 47: 48 AM Plans Preparation Manual, Volume 1, Section 4.3.5. MOUNTI NG HEI GHTS ON SHOUL DERS AND I N MEDI ANS LAST REVISION 07/01/09 REVISIO N 6/28/2012 LOCATION AT CURB & GUTTER SECTIONS-DETAIL L DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL SHEET NO. NO. 400 16 Reflector Reflector REFLECTOR NOTES 1. Reflectors shall conform to Section 993 of the Standard Specifications. ** 200’ 100’ 75’ 50’ 25’ 2. Reflector color (white or yellow) shall conform to the color of the near lane edgeline. Steel Post Wood Post Note: Adjustment in spacing may be required to fit exact guardrail lengths 3. Reflectors installed on median guardrail shall have retro-reflective as directed by the Engineer. For minimum installations (length 62.5’) sheeting on both sides of the reflector. provide one reflector at each end and one at the approximate center. PICTORIAL VIEW 4. The cost for reflectors shall be included in the contract unit price for REFLECTOR MOUNTING **For curves greater than 2 the spacing shall be reduced to 100’ increments through the curve. Guardrail. REFLECTOR ELEMENT SPACING REFLECTORS-DETAIL M 5 8" Bracket And Pipe Holes With 1 1 2"x3 2" NPS 2 Sch. 40 Galv. Pipe Rail Per Long Hex Bolt And Nut With 12" Plain Round ASTM F1083 Washer (Upset Threads After Tightening) Pipe Rail Thru-bolt With 12"x312" Long Hex Bolts And Nuts End Fixture With 1 2" Attach Pipe Rail End Fixture To Post With 1 2"x7" Plain Round Washers Under Heads And Long Hex Bolts And Nuts With 1 2" This Post Shall 114" Be Timber Only Plain 3 4" Round Washers Under Heads And Nuts Nuts (2 Reqd.) (Upset Threads After Tightening) Bracket Hole With 5 8"x2" Long Hex Bolt And Nut With 58" Plain Round Washers (2 Reqd.) (Upset Threads After Tightening) (Upset Threads After Tightening) 2" Install Pipe Rail Over Pipe Rail End Fixture And Steel Post 1" Steel Guardrail Post Pipe Rail Steel Guardrail Post Guardrail Beam 114" Offset Block 1’ -9" 20"– R Steel Post Pipe Rail Timber Post Top Of Curb 1 1 2"x2"x 4"x4" 2 VIEW A ELEVATION NOTES 4’ 1. Pipe Rail is required on steel guardrail posts when the front of sidewalks or shared use paths are located 4’ or less from Pipe Rail 1 4" behind the back of the post. Pipe rail shall not extend Begin and end the Pipe Rail in accordance with the PIPE RAIL 1 2" 1 Sch. 40 (See Pipe Rail 1" beyond the last post of the approach end anchorage assembly. Steel Pipe l ne Pa l i a dr ar Gu Mounting Detail) 75 END FIXTURE detail. treatment requirements. 6" 3" 2" 1 4 pe Pi l i Ra e gl An et ck ra B VI EW B A 3" W E VI post 4’ or less from the near front of sidewalks or shared use paths, the bolt ends will require one of the following All Holes Shall Be 58" treatments: Galvanize After Drilling And Welding STEEL POST a. Trim back flush with the face of nut and metalize or et fs Of st Po l i a dr ar Gu l ee t S k oc l B 6" 1" Refer to Sheet 1, GENERAL NOTE 6 for guardrail end 2. When guardrail with timber posts are located with the back of rd960rh VIEW B PIPE RAIL MOUNTING 1" C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn PLAN Of Guardrail Post 4" Pipe Rail End Fixture Gutter 118" Offset From ¡ Long Angle Bracket (Galvanized) Lip Of Gutter Guardrail Beam 1 4" 1 SECTION PIPE RAIL END FIXTURE Sidewalk or Shared Use Path PICTORIAL 9: 47: 48 AM b. Use post bolts 15" in length with washers and nuts counter sunk into sinks 1" to 112" deep or c. Use post bolts 15" in length with sleeve nuts and washers. FOR L OCATI ONS USED BY PEDESTRI ANS OR BI CYCL I STS LAST REVISION 07/01/12 REVISIO N 6/28/2012 PEDESTRI AN SAFETY TREATMENTS DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL SHEET NO. NO. 400 17 A B C ) . n Mi ; 4’ d. ’St s -5 e i r a V h dt Wi k( l wa de Si 6’ 6’ -6" See PEDESTRIAN 2" Misc. Asphalt This Standard Post Must 21’-6" (Curb And Gutter Flare) 3’ 13’ Sidewalk Without Utility Strip 20’R SAFETY TREATMENTS 6’-8" 10’ 3’ 3’ 10’ Curb And Gutter Type F Be Timber When Steel Post Used In Guardrail Ahead Flared End Anchorage Assembly Curb Transition 37’-6" Guardrail Flare Transition (MELT Shown) C 35’-4" Drop Curb See Detail L 45’ B A Notes PLAN 1. Curb And Gutter Flare shall follow guardrail flare, see elsewhere in this Index for additional guardrail flare information. Varies 0’-9" Min. (MELT) 2. For Specific Details, Offset Requirements, and End Treatments of Sidewalk (Varies) See Note 1 Proprietary End Anchorage Assembly - Flared Systems, see the 1’ -9" Qualified Products List (QPL). 2" Misc. Asphalt ) . d St 2( 0 . 0 C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn SECTION CC Varies 1’-1" Min. (MELT) Sidewalk (Varies) 1’ -9" See Note 2 2" Misc. Asphalt ) . d St 2( 0 . 0 SECTION BB 4’ rd960rh 1’ -9" Sidewalk (Varies) 9: 47: 49 AM ) . d St 2( 0 . 0 2" Misc. Asphalt SECTION AA 6/28/2012 APPROACH TREATMENT FOR CURB AND GUTTER LAST REVISION 07/01/12 REVISIO N DETAIL Q DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL SHEET NO. NO. 400 18 3" Min. x 118" Slots 3" Metalizing Permitted Lap Post Bolt And Nut With 58" ¡ Steel End Section Or End Shoe 15 16" 29 1 32"x1 8" Hole (Typ.) (4 Reqd.) Note: 58" CE I L SPL BEAM RAI W- Slots Over Beam Slot 1 4" 4 1 4" 4 2" 30 Slot Approach Beam, Washer Under Nut Contour To Fit ¡ (Typ.) (8 Reqd.) 29 1 32"x1 8" 29 1 32"x1 8" Slots ON ROUNDED END SECTI FLARED END SECTION AL END SHOE SPECI Slots (Typ.) (4 Reqd.) (Typ.) (8 Reqd.) Steel washer required with splice bolts ¡ 3" 3 16" ¡ 29 1 32"x1 8" 6" Base Metal 1"x 1 16" Deep Recess ON BUFFER END SECTI 3 4" (Both Sides) 3 1 4"x2 2" 11 16" 114" Slot 5 16" Slot 12 1 4" 7 8" 1 Slots (Typ.) (4 Reqd.) Thickness Note: 1 2" 7 Varies 12" 112" 11 16"x1" 812" 2" 1 4" 1 4" Slots With 12 1 2" x 2 3 1 4"x2 2" 3 1 4"x2 2" 12 Type MELT 712" Varies 1 4" Or End Shoe 812" 2" 1 4" With End Anchorage 414" 414" 3" 4" 312" 312" Terminal Section 4" 12 2" 12 Hole For Use 3 8" 3 4" Trailing Beam, 3 4" R When Used Type MELT) 3 And Nuts (8 Reqd.) 414" 1’ -418" Approx. 414" 338" Button Head Bolts 1’ -418" With 58" x 114" Long 1 2" For End Anchorage 30 Direction Of Traffic (10 R 1 4" 6 Over Beam 10" (8 Per Beam) 1’-3" R Standard Contour To Fit Neutral Axis and CRT. Field Bend With 1’ -9" or 2’ -6" Anchorage Type MELT 29 32" 2’-312" 2’-6" 1’ -418" 2512– For End L 7 32" 3 8" 1 to accomplish alignment or where the posts bolt head shows tendency 138" R to pull through the rail slot. Washers installed on guardrail, between 15 16" 5 8" anchorage assembly details. Washers are to be used where necessary 3 1 32" For beam washer requirements on end terminals, see individual end 5 ED FI 8"MODI HEAVY Note: For application information see individual RECESSED NUT) HEX NUT ( end anchorage assembly details. end anchorages, prior to July 1, 1990 may remain in place until the W-BEAM BACK-UP PLATE guardrail is relocated or until repairs require removal and THREAD Full Length POST Rail Splice Bolt rd960rh 3 1 4"x2 2" NESTED BEAMS Slot 10" 4" Post Bolt - Metal Thickness 18" 4" 25"* 4" 6’-3" Block(s) On Steel Post 1 2" As An Option, A Single 25"* 3’-1 Long Post Bolt May Be Used 1’-634" Post Bolt - Single Faced Guardrail Timber Posts W-Beam Thrie-Beam W-Beam Thrie-Beam 4’-0" 3’-4" N/A N/A 3’-0" 2’-8" 2’-8" 2’-4" N/A N/A 2’-4" 2’-0" ¡ Of Beam 15 16" 1 4" Note: supported by empirical validation. Those desiring to develop Double Faced Guardrail Steel Posts offset values from the simulated deflection values shown in not less than 4". to proceed only if background in the table development is Thickness understood. For applications where special bolts having lengths greater than 25" are post bolt nut for connecting the beam to the timber post and offset required, the Contractor may use a 5/8" threaded rod (field cut to blocks; for connecting the beam to steel posts with timber offset length). A hex nut and beam washer shall be used at the guardrail face with blocks; under the hex bolt head for securing the beam anchor plate to no more than 34" of the threaded rod projecting beyond the top of the nut. the beam; and, for general guardrail connections hex bolts and nuts and under hex nut for connecting rub rail to wood and steel anchorage assembly details, SPECIAL STEEL GUARDRAIL POSTS, SPECIAL END SHOE, W-BEAM RAIL SPLICE, THRIE-BEAM RAIL SPLICE, 10(– 1) Tolerance 3316" (-0,+ 116") 314" MUM OFFSET FOR NI MI ) . Ft L( E FACED GUARDRAI NGL SI BEAM W- The projecting thread on both ends shall be distorted to secure the nuts, and both ends of the threaded rod metalized with organic zinc-rich coating. HS Hex bolts for THRIE-BEAM TERMINAL CONNECTORS shall conform to the posts. For supplemental information see BEAM ANCHOR PLATE, PERMISSIBLE POST AND OFFSET BLOCK COMBINATIONS, individual end 111 " 6 Table 5.4 of the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide are cautioned Sheet recess nut for connecting the beam to the special end shoe; under the 5 by 8" 3 8"R Post Bolt - Double Faced Guardrail Timber Posts Special bolts having lengths of 10" or greater shall have a thread length of The round washer is not intended for use under the recess nut for 12132" 2 The values shown should be utilized unless changes are Note: R 1 4" Base (Ft.) 3 Timber Or Recycled Plastic Offset 25 11 16" 9 64" 55 Single Or Double Faced Guardrail 134" 1 SPACING the beam to beam rail splice. The washer is required under the 9: 47: 50 AM SINGLE BEAM Slots 1 4" 1 4" 1 29 1 32"x1 8" Front Of Above Ground Rigid Hazard 55 BEAM WASHER 12 Measured From Face Of Guardrail To 1 8" APPLICATION (Min.) (In.) 5 16" LENGTH (In.) 2 L ATE WASHER) AR PL RECTANGUL ( R OFFSETS (Ft.) 55 C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn reinstallment of a post bolt. 15 16" requirements of ASTM A449 (Type 1) with heavy hex nuts and washers. All *Use of the 25" AASHTO-AGC-ARTBA standard length post bolt on double faced other hex bolts shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A563. Bolts, nuts guardrail that results in the bolt projecting more than the nut after pull-up shall be trimmed to 3 4" 3 4" beyond the face of reveal and metalized with and THRIE-BEAM TERMINAL CONNECTOR details. and washers shall be hot dip galvanized. Heavy hex nut may be used in lieu of hex nuts and hex nuts used for jam nuts. 6/28/2012 organic zinc-rich coating. LAST REVISION 07/01/07 REVISIO N 5 TEEL WASHER 8"S 5 8" OVAL SHOULDER BUTTON HEAD BOLT HEX BOLTS AND NUTS DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL SHEET NO. NO. 400 19 Steel ¢ 2" Nom. Dia. 5" 3 8" 2" Galvanized (Both Ends) 5 8" 1 3 4" 6" Hex (Jam) Nut Swage Fitting 4" 4" 4" 2" Washers Under Heads (8 Reqd.) Holes (Typ.) (8 Reqd.) 3 4" Holes Cable Assembly 1 3 4" Galvanized Cable (6x19) 3 8" Swage Connected To Studs Note: W-Beam R 35 Washer (2" OD, 8" Cable assemblies shall be in accordance with the specifications 1 16" BREAKAWAY TERMINAL of AASHTO-AGC-ARTBA ’A Guide To Standardized Highway Barrier R 118" Hole 4" Anchor Plate 1 15 16" 134" 1 4" 1" Anchor Rod And 3 8" Long Hex Head Bolts And Nuts With Plain Round Hex Nut 8" 1"x7" Stud, Full Threads, 21116" 514" 7" 5 1 8"-11x1 2" 16" (2.067" ID, 2.375" OD) 15 16" 5 8" 6’-6" BEARING PLATE ID, 9 64" 5 8" 1 Thick) Steel End Plate 512 1 4 12" required for each end anchorage assembly Type CRT. Holes 8" 9 (16"x12 16"x3/16") Three With 118" Center Hole assembly 9’ in length with a swaged fitting on one (1) end is 3 4" 23 Shaped Steel Plate 3 3 8"x2 4"x3" POST SLEEVE Hardware’ Cable Anchor Assembly FCA01. An additional cable 1 33 8" Sides BACK VIEW SECTIONS 6" 4" 4" BEAM ANCHOR PLATE 2" 2" 9" 9" 6" Back-up plate required behind rail 9" 6" 9" 12" 8" 13 16" 1 2" 3 238" 12" 8" 1 4" Plate For Barrier Walls Plate See Detail J For Application Plate For All Applications FILLER PLATE SPECIAL END SHOE posts when steel offset block used. 24" All Holes 1" Except As Shown THRIE-BEAM BACK-UP PLATE 1 4" 13 16" 3 114" THRIE-BEAM TERMINAL CONNECTOR elements at intermediate (non-splice) 112" 3 4" Plate For Bridge Traffic Railing Barrier 1 4" 24" 2" Hole 12" 5 8" 4" 1 2" 4" 3 3 4" 3 7 24" 20" ( – 5 8" 3 4" Holes 9" 21" 1 ) 4" 12" 18" Holes 238" Slot 3 4" 758" 3 1 4"x2 2" 13 16" 2 7 8" CABLE ASSEMBLY GALVANIZED STEEL BACK-UP PLATES FOR CONNECTING SPECIAL END SHOES AND TERMINAL Steel ¢, Galvanized CONNECTORS TO CONCRETE BRIDGE TRAFFIC RAILING BARRIERS AND CONCRETE BARRIER WALLS SOIL PLATES Slots (12 Per Beam) 5 1 With 8"x1 4" Long Button Head Lap 1 4 4" Neutral Axis 338" 29 1 32"x1 8" 6’-3" 414" Bolts And Nuts (12 Reqd.) 3’-112" Trailing Beam, W-Thrie 3 4" 2" 4" 414" 414" 3" 4" Holes 2" 1 4" 414" 4 1 2" 3’-1 2" Min. 2" Min. 414" 414" 2" Beam Transition Section Neutral Axis (2 Reqd.) 5 8" Steel Washers 3 1 4"x2 2" 1 4" Post Bolt Slots (2 Reqd.) 15 16" 29 3 32"x1 4" Holes (Typ.) 3 1 4"x2 2" 1 4" (12 Reqd.) Note: 1 4" 2 Post Bolt Slots Slots (Typ.) Rotated 50 (Typ.) (7 Reqd.) 12132" 12 20" 13 16" 3 20" ( – 14" ) With ¡ Post Bolt Slot R 55 rd960rh 15 16" Slots (2 Per Beam) With Post Bolts And Nuts Under Nuts (2 Reqd.) 118" Slots 3 1 4"x2 2" 3 29 1 32"x1 8" 3 1 4" R 20" ( – 15 16" About ¡ 1 ) 4" Symmetrical 3 x212" Slots 4" Or Terminal Connector 55 C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn 2’-6" 3" 5 8" steel 29 1 32"x1 8" Splice Bolt Slots (Typ.) washer required with splice bolts Thickness 3 16" 3 Beam Transition Section 2 25 9: 47: 51 AM 55 111 " 6 Sheet 3 8" Approach Beam, W-Thrie 3 8"R THRIE-BEAM TERMINAL CONNECTOR W-THRIE BEAM TRANSITION SECTION Or Terminal Connector 10(– 1) Direction Of Traffic 1 16") Tolerance (-0,+ 6/28/2012 THRIE-BEAM RAIL SPLICE LAST REVISION 07/01/05 REVISIO N 314" THRIE-BEAM DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL SHEET NO. NO. 400 20 13 7" Adjusting Nuts 12 " (See Note 3) 6" 6" 2" Recess " 12 FOR REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING W8x18 Galvanized Existing Structure (See Note 3) PROJ ECTI ON GUARDRAIL POSTS ON APPROACH SLABS AND BRIDGES 3 16" TS 8"x6"x Anchor Hole 1 2" SIDE VIEW 17" Base Plate Part Of BEST System ) (4 Reqd.) 5’ 1 2" 1 1 4 Anchor Hole TOP VIEW FRONT VIEW 3" 1 2"x12"x12" Standard Washers 1" ¡ Slotted Hole 2" ( 6’ -6" W hen Used As 1" 2" Recess 3" Nuts (8 Reqd.) & 11 H ol es (4 Reqd.), Hex 7" 14" 7 8" Base Plate Holes Galvanized Anchor Bolts Slotted Holes (4 Reqd.) Adjusting Nuts Base Plate 3 1 4"x1 2" 7 8"x14"x11" M in. 512" 7" & Standard Washers 1" Holes 3 4" 3 4"x10" 1 4 Hex Nuts (8 Reqd.) W8x18 Post 6" ¡ W6x9 Post See Notes Nos. 2 thru 5 Below. M in. Galvanized Anchor Bolts (4 Reqd.), Slotted Hole 8" Note: 758" * 7 8"x10" 512" 4" 7" 7" 11" 3 1 4"x1 2" 758" * Varies Varies 138" 1" 8" ¡ W8x18 Post ¡ W8x18 Post SIDE VIEW Open End FOR CONSTRUCTI ON OF GUARDRAI L WHERE CUL VERT,PI ER FOOTI NG * Additional slotted hole required when mounting thrie-beam guardrail EW SIDE VIEW FRONT VI OR OTHER STRUCTURE PRECL UDES DRI VEN POST I NSTAL L ATI ON For Use In Combination With NOTES: (SPECIAL STEEL POST) 3. Posts are to be plumbed by adjusting nuts or mortar seating. Posts installed using anchor bolts and adhesive Short Timber Breakaway Post anchors are to be set with adjusting nuts as detailed, unless the Engineer approves the use of mortar seating in lieu 1. See Index No. 402 for special steel posts required for construction and repair of guardrail transitions to STEEL TUBE of adjusting nuts. Posts installed using wedge anchors are to be set with mortar seating. Base plates shall be bridge traffic railing barrier retrofits on existing bridges. See Structures Index Nos. 470 through 476 for grouted with neat finish. steel posts required to construct traffic railing barrier retrofits on existing bridges. 4. Adhesive-Bonded Anchors for Structural Applications shall comply with Section 937 and be installed in accordance with 2. Either anchor bolts, concrete wedge anchors or approved Adhesive-Bonded Anchors for Section 416. Drilled hole diameter shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Structural Applications may be used. Anchor bolts, wedge anchors and adhesive anchors shall have a minimum tensile strength of 60,000 psi and galvanized in accordance with 5. Anchor holes and recesses shall be drilled; wedge anchor holes are to be drilled in accordance with the ASTM A153 (stainless steel components may be substituted but components plated in manufacturer’s specifications. Encountered reinforcing steel shall be drilled through. Holes shall be thoroughly accordance with ASTM B-633 are not acceptable). Adhesive anchor rods shall be equal in cleaned when setting bolts and anchors and dry when setting wedge anchors. diameter to that detailed for anchor bolts. Wedge anchors are to be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, assuming 3,000 psi compressive 6. Steel post and base units shall be galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123. Any damaged galvanized areas are to be strength for concrete. Wedge anchors shall also meet the following requirements: metalized in accordance with Section 562 of the Standard Specifications. a. tensile load each anchor: approach slabs 14,000 lbs.; other structures 8,000 lbs. b. 7. Special steel posts are not to be substituted for any post in a guardrail approach end treatment system. shear load each anchor: approach slabs 15,000 lbs.; other structures 7,800 lbs. 6" 6" C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn 6" SPECIAL STEEL GUARDRAIL POSTS rd960rh 13 16" * W-BEAM Hole When Rub Rail Called For THRIE-BEAM THRIE-BEAM WITH WITH STANDARD STEEL MODIFIED OFFSET BLOCKS THRIE-BEAM OFFSET BLOCKS FRONT VIEW All Holes Shall FRONT VIEW Be 1316" SIDE FRONT VIEW VIEW Identical Front And Back Flanges Hole (When Thrie Terminal Post 7 8" 6’ H ole 312" ( 2 H oles Each Post) 7" 1’ -9" Treated Breakaway Hole Sleeve In End Post Only) 2 Beam Post) S4S And Slot 1’ -4" 5 8" 7 12" 3 4" 6’ -6" Hole When Hole (When Rub Rail Required) SIDE FRONT FRONT SIDE VIEW EW VI EW VI VIEW S4S And Treated in any continuous run of guardrail. Posts to For Use In Combination With Steel Tube be galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123. 6"-C STEEL POST Note: Hole (Install Note: 6"-C steel posts are to face the same direction FRONT VIEW 3 8" 2 7" -6" 6’ 6’ -9" All Holes 1316" * SIDE VIEW Hole (Centered –1/4") 3 3 4"x2 4" 18" 7" 3 4" Flanges (Total 4 Holes) 13 16" 712" (+0,-516") 6" Nom. 2 Holes Front And Back Hole 1 (+0,- 4") 1 2" 8" Nom. 1 2" 0.25" R 3’ -6 0.170" 5. 875" 7" 3 4" 1 5 2" 12" 10" 7" 758" 6’ -6" 12" 6’ -6" 118" 578" 118" 7" 118" 118" 4" 0. 75" 4" 3 4" 9: 47: 51 AM 8" Nom. 4.340" 4" Rub Rail Called For W6x8.5 or W6x9 steel posts may be either rolled or welded structural shapes conforming to or exceeding the design properties of ASTM A6/A6M. Welding shall be in accordance with the requirements of ASTM A769/A769M. Posts shall be cut to length and the ends SIDE FRONT VIEW EW VI TIMBER POST seal welded between web and flange before galvanizing. Posts to be galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123. SHORT TIMBER BREAKAWAY POST CRT TIMBER POST SPECIAL TIMBER GUARDRAIL POSTS W6x8.5 OR W6x9 STEEL POST STANDARD TIMBER AND STEEL GUARDRAIL POSTS LAST REVISION 07/01/09 REVISIO N 6/28/2012 6" Nom. DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL SHEET NO. NO. 400 21 Only Single Special Post Shown (Normal Location For Special Post) Max. Variation In Location Max. Variation In Location Of For Single Special Post Max. Variation In Location Of One Of Two Special Posts Max. Variation In Location On One Of Two Special Posts One Of Two Special Posts Max. Variation In Location Of Min. 1 Max. 2 Max. 2 Max. 2 Basis Of Estimate For Payment 2 Basis Of Estimate For Payment 1 ET TYPE 1 NL CURB I ET TYPE 2 NL CURB I Only Single Special Post Shown (Normal Location For Offset Block) Max.Variation In Location 1’ -9" Min. 1 At Face Of Rail Min. 2 2" (Single Offset Block) (Double Offset Block) Posts (W6x9 Post Shown) Misc. Asphalt Varies ( 2’M in. ) NUMBER OF SPECIAL POSTS Varies ( 4’ -3" M in. For W -Beam , NUMBER OF SPECIAL POSTS 4’ -7" M in. For Thrie-Beam ) Timber Or Steel One Of Two Special Posts Foam Wrap Class NS Conc. (Do Not Add For Single Special Post Max. Variation In Location Reinf. Steel) Max. Variation In Location Of 3" Of Special Post Max. Variation In Location Of One Of Two Special Posts ON SECTI One Of Two Special Posts 15" For Steel Post Or 17" For Timber Post NUMBER OF SPECIAL POSTS (Single Offset Block) (Double Offset Block) NUMBER OF SPECIAL POSTS To Facilitate Post Replacement Min. 1 Max. 1 Min. 1 Min. 1 Max. 2 Max. 1 Basis Of Estimate For Payment 1 Basis Of Payment 1 Install With 3 16" Plastic Foam Sheet On All Sides, Below The Surface Of The Miscellaneous Asphalt Pavement. Foam Or Timber Block-Out For W6x9 Or 6" C Posts PLAN ON) SQUARE OPTI ( 15" For Steel Post Or ET TYPE 4 NL CURB I C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn ET TYPE 3 NL CURB I Max. Variation In Location Of Special Post 17" For Timber Post Max. Variation In Location Of Max. Variation In Location Of One Of Two Special Posts One Of Two Special Posts Foam Wrap And Foam Or NUMBER OF SPECIAL POSTS Timber Block-Outs Same As NUMBER OF SPECIAL POSTS Min. 1 For Square Option Above. Min. 2 Max. 1 Max. 2 Basis Of Payment 1 Basis Of Payment 2 PLAN ON) ROUND OPTI ( Note: For line post applications only, i.e., not to be used with breakaway post applications nor be used to modify End Anchorage Assemblies Type II. ES TI I L OW UTI L Y OVER SHAL L PAL NCI TO BE USED PRI ET TYPE 6 NL CURB I ET TYPE 5 NL CURB I Notes: L POST ENCASED GUARDRAI rd960rh 1. The locations shown for special posts mounted on inlets are to be used as guidelines for positioning the posts and for estimating the number of required posts. 2. Special posts and their anchorages mounted on curb inlets shall be in accordance with special steel guardrail posts Sheet 21, and paid for under the contract unit price for Special Guardrail Post, EA. 9: 47: 52 AM EGEND L 3. Variations shown for the locations of special posts mounted on inlets are established from standard post spacing (6’-3"); clearance of standard posts from inlets (4" min.); use of single and 3 4" double offset blocks on standard posts adjacent to the inlets; optional flange mountings; and, concrete anchor edge distances (2" for grouted and 3 Variation In Location Of Special Post: for expansion anchors). The number Single Offset Block(s) On Adjacent Standard Post(s) of posts and their locations may vary by reducing post spacing and adjusting the length of rail panel (s). Expanded Location By Using Double Offset Blocks On Adjacent Standard Post(s) cost of foam wrap and concrete encasement. ETS NL ONS ON CURB I OCATI AL POST L SPECI LAST REVISION 07/01/12 REVISIO N 6/28/2012 4. Encased guardrail posts shall conform in section to standard timber and steel posts, and be paid for under the contract unit price for Special Guardrail Post, EA. Payment shall include DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL SHEET NO. NO. 400 22 Misc. Asphalt Pavt. 10’ Approach End Guardrail Misc. Asphalt Pavt. Soil Plate Anchor Plate Cable Assembly 5 8"x25" Misc. Asphalt Pavt. 6’ Hex Nut & Hex (Jam) Nut 10’ Approach End Guardrail Trailing End Guardrail And Washer Each End Approach Rail Buffer End Section For (Position Varies) Long Post Bolt And Nut Approach End Anchorage With Beam Washer Under Head And Buffer End Section Under Nut (Timber Post And Block) Steel End Plate, Washer, Hex Nut And Hex (Jam) Nut Short Timber Breakaway Post TOP VIEW-DOUBLE FACE Anchor Rod 30" Position Varies 5 8"x18" Long Post Bolt And Nut With Beam Washer Under Head And 5 8" Plain Round Washer Under Nut (Timber Post And Block) 5 8"x10" Long Post Bolt And Nut With Beam Washer Under Head And 5 8" Trailing Rail Turnbuckle (6") See Note Below Plain Round Washer Under Nut 30" Flared Or Rounded End Section Flared End Section (Rounded End Cable Assembly Anchor Plate (Block To Be Positioned To Suit On Trailing End Section Section When Located Adjacent To Concrete Anchor Block Anchorage Alignment. Only One TOP VIEW Anchorage Required. Anchorage Sidewalks Or Shared Use Paths) To Be On Approach Rail When Both Approach And Trailing Hex Nut & Hex (Jam) Nut Soil Plate End Measurement For Guardrail Payment And Washer Each End Short Timber Breakaway Post TOP VIEW-SINGLE FACE Misc. Asphalt Pavt. End Measurement For Guardrail Payment Guardrails Are Connected.) 4’-9" 6’-3" 12" 16" Anchor Plate 6’ Trailing End Guardrail Standard Post 6’-3" To Next Post 1’ -9" Misc. Asphalt Pavt. 6’-3" No Cover Required Turnbuckle (6") Misc. Asphalt Pavt. See Note Below 12" 16" Short Timber 30" Std. End Section 3’ -6" 1" Galv. Breakaway Post Anchor Rod 1 2" Anchor Plate 1 ID Pipe Sleeve 3 4" Galvanized 4"x4"x Cable To Be Drawn Taut Post Sleeve Two 8d Nails To Prevent Rotation With Hand Wrench Prior To Setting Jam Nuts 1’ -9" C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn FRONT VIEW Timber Or Steel Post With Timber Block May Be Used, Long Bolt And Nut With 58" Turnbuckle shall be field cut, threaded 4" on each end, and, metalized in accordance with Sections 562 and 975 of the Standard Specifications. The cost for cutting, threading, metalizing and the turnbuckle shall be included in the contract unit price for Reset Guardrail, LF. Bearing Plate Misc. Asphalt Pavt. 5 8"x10" The payment for the items of End Anchorage Assembly Type II shall be full compensation for furnishing and installing 5 8"x18" Plain Long Bolt And Nuts 5 With 8" Round Washer Under Head And Nut the Beam Anchor Plate, Anchor Rod, Pipe Sleeve, Anchor Block, either Flared, Rounded or Buffer End Section, and the necessary hardware. Plain Round Washer Under Head And Nut (2 Req’d.) Timber Post And Block Shown CONCRETE ANCHOR BLOCK OPTION (This Post Must Be Timber In Steel Post Run Of Rail Adjacent Plate Beveled Washer And Hex Nut 1 4" Soil Plate 18"x24"x Note: Steel tubes and attached soil plate may be TYPE II NOTES installed by: To Sidewalks Or Shared Use 1. Unless specified in the plans, the contractor can supply either the cable anchor option or the concrete anchor block option. Paths, To Provide Anchorage 1. Excavating, backfilling and compacting to For Pipe Rail As Required) TS 8x6x.188 Galvanized Steel Tube provide full passive soil resistance to 2. Type II end anchorage assemblies are approved for all speeds and are intended for use as: all surfaces of the tube and soil plate. rd960rh a. trailing end anchorages for single face free standing guardrail systems; 2. Driving steel tube and soil plate as a unit with a dummy timber post to prevent damage to breakaway post. b. approach end anchorages for single face free standing guardrail systems when end anchorage is located outside of the clear zone; and, c. both approach and trailing ends of double face guardrail systems. FRONT VIEW 9: 47: 53 AM Crash cushions shall be constructed at or in lieu of approach Type II end anchorages located inside the clear zone. The payment for the items of End Anchorage Assembly Type II shall be full compensation for furnishing and installing either the Round or the Buffer End Section, the Beam Anchor Plate, End anchorage for thrie beam guardrail shall be constructed the same as detailed for W-beam, except use thrie beam rail Cable Assembly, Pipe Sleeve, Soil Plate, Steel Tube, Bearing Plate, Short Timber Breakaway Post, and end section; and the Anchor Plate is to be attached to the bottom corrugation of the thrie beam. Offset Blocks and the necessary hardware. 6/28/2012 3. These end anchors are to be paid for under the contract unit price for Guardrail, End Anchorage Assembly (Type II), EA as CABLE ANCHOR OPTION called for in the plans or by permit. LAST REVISION 07/01/12 REVISIO N END ANCHORAGE ASSEMBLY TYPE II DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL SHEET NO. NO. 400 23 End Measurement For Guardrail Payment MODIFIED ECCENTRIC LOADER TERMINAL NOTES 1 3 4 end guardrail anchorage for shoulder guardrail. Its alignment is a flare from the normal guardrail alignment with an effective length of 37.5’ including three standard W-beam panel outside of any standard 10’ 3’ Shoulder Line 1 : 1 5 To No r ma l Sh o u l d e r Br e a k Po i n t 1: 10 M ax. 2 1. The MELT is applicable for design speeds up to 45 mph. The MELT is intended for use as an approach 1: 10 Misc. Asphalt Pavt. 2’ -1" e n i eL r u t r a p De Standard Guardrail, Treatment 2 Spaces @ 6’-3" 1’-2" 8" 4" 2 Other Special 1 2" 1" Special Transition Or 4’ -0" 6 7 M ax. 5 guardrail, guardrail transitions or other special treatments. 2. This standard drawing is produced by the Florida Department Of Transportation solely for use by the Department and its assignees. This standard drawing provides the general graphics and information necessary to field identify component parts of the MELT and their incorporation into a whole system. Misc. Asphalt Pavt. To Suit Shoulder 3. This standard drawing is sufficient for plan details for the MELT when installed in connection with Treatment, See shoulder guardrail and precludes the requirement for shop drawing submittals unless the plans otherwise Sheet No. 15 Beginning Of Length Of Need 3 Spaces @ 4’-2" call for such submittals. The MELT shall be assembled in accordance with the distributor’s detailed 2 Spaces @ 6’-3" drawings, procedures and specifications. CRT Timber Posts & Offset Blocks – 21’ R Fabricated Standard Timber Post Over Beg. 6’-3" 4. The first two post must be short timber breakaway posts with steel foundation tubes and soil plates, post No Bolts Through Rail To Posts (Bolt Back Up Plate And Offset Block Nos. 3 thru 6 must be CRT timber posts and post No. 7 must be a standard timber post. To No. 4 Post To Provide Nested Support For Rail) 37.5’ Flare (Lap Panels In Direction Of Near Traffic) 5. The MELT can not be used in medians where horizontal clearance requires the use of a backrail. 6" 3 4"x1" 3" Slot PLAN 6. See the General Notes for galvanizing requirements of metallic components. MODIFIED ECCENTRIC LOADER TERMINAL (MELT) 712" will not be permitted unless approved by the Engineer. If the plans call for end anchorage assembly ’flared’ at a specific location, the contractor has the option to construct any FDOT approved flared assembly that meet the applications for that location. 13 Steel Tube Hex Nut, Hex (Jam) Nut And Washer Each End plans; the distributor’s detailed drawings, procedures and specifications and this Index. 3 4" 6 Diaphragm Plate Soil Plate Steel Tube Steel Tube 612" Yoke PLAN Yoke * Cable To Be Drawn Taut Note: Assembly installed with channel turned down for right With Hand Wrench Prior side guardrail and turned up for left side guardrail. Note: To Setting Jam Nuts Steel tubes and attached soil plate may be installed by: 2. Driving steel tube and soil plate as a unit with a dummy timber post to prevent damage to breakaway post. 21 R (Typ.) 6" Hole 2" @ 10 1012" R Before 2" @ 35 3 4" @ 35 4" 3 4" 6 3 1 Bending PLAN STEEL STRUT AND YOKE ASSEMBLY 1. Excavating, backfilling and compacting to provide full passive soil resistance to all surfaces of the tube and soil plate. 6/28/2012 11 16" 1 YOKE (2 Reqd.) or 24"x24"x14" ¡ B Soil Plate 24"x18"x14" 3 8" A And Nuts (2 Reqd. Per Steel Tube) 24"x18"x14" or 24"x24"x14" 9: 47: 54 AM 3 2- 4"x4" Slots 8 Plain Round Washer Under Heads e t No R R 3 16 8" 1 2" " 5 8" 3 16 e Se A 11 0 1 5’-714" 5 16 Round Washer Under Head And Nut 1 4" 2" 1 5 2" 2-58"x712" Long Bolts And Nuts With 4" 1 3 2" 1 6 4" 3 16" 1" 1" R (Typ.) STRUT Long Bolt And Nut With 58" Plain 118" 21 1 8" 1’ -9" Prevent Rotation Slot 5 4 Two 8d Nails To 7 8"x2" C 6x8.2 Bearing Plate 5 8"x10" 5 8" SECTION BB 4" 5 8" Strut And Yoke Assembly 3 4" Amber Retroreflective Sheeting (See Above) Pavement R Slot BUFFERED END SECTION * Breakaway Terminal Post Sleeve 3 1 4"x1 8" B Splice Bolts And Nuts 1 4" 29 1 32"x1 8" 118" All Slots Shall Be 1’-834" 214" 2 FLAT PLATE LAYOUT ELEVATION Short Timber Breakaway Post 1’-4" 1 4" 8 1 8" 8 1 4" 8 Max. Post And Offset Block 238" Hole 7 16" 1 1 2" 2" 6’-3" R SECTION AA Plain Round Washer Under Nut TOP VIEW Short Timber Breakaway 5 16" 35 Beam Washer Under Head And 5 8" 10 7 7 4 8" 8" Long Post Bolt And Nut With 11 " 16 1 " 2 1 Long Button Head Bolt And Nut With Beam Washer Under Head And Nut Guardrail 8 25 4 1214" Sheeting To Nose 5 8"x10" Shelf Angle 1’ - 4" Retroreflective Adhesive Washer Under Nut Shelf Angle 1 2" 3 4" 25 Apply 8"x24" Amber Anchor Plate 1’-0" 3 4" 1 2" 8 PLAN Cable Assembly Long Post Bolt & Nut With 58" Plain Round C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn EA and shall be full compensation for furnishing and installing all components in accordance with the Strut And Yoke Assembly Steel Tube rd960rh 8. The MELT shall be paid for under the contract unit price for Guardrail, End Anchorage Assembly (Flared), 45 Special End Shoe Nut & Washer 5 3 8"x1 4" 13 Soil Plate Soil Plate 5 8"x18" R And Recess Nuts (6 Reqd.) Diaphragm Plate SHELF ANGLE 2" Steel Plate Where a flared end anchorage is called for in the plans, any approved substitution with a parallel end anchorage will not be eligible for CSIP consideration. Long Button Head Bolts 45 1 4" 5 3 8"x1 4" Buffer End Section 10 1 112" 3 4" 6 1 8" 7. If the plans call for the MELT at a specific location, substitutions with other end anchorage assemblies Note: Bolt holes are not required, but, diaphragms with either manufacturer produced two or three hole in line patterns are acceptable. FRONT VIEW DIAPHRAGM PLATE (2 Reqd.) REVISION 02 REVISIO N END ANCHORAGE ASSEMBLY TYPE MELT LAST DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL SHEET NO. NO. 400 24 Timber Breakaway Post 3 4" CONTROLLED RELEASE RETURN NOTES Dia. x 9’-0" Cable With One Steel Tube Swaged End (See Sheet 21) 1. Controlled release returns are intended for use (a) in Special End Shoe openings in continuous guardrail for driveway and side Lower Cable Attachment Short Timber 3 4" (See Left) Anchor Plate radial returns can not be applied (Sheet 12); and, (b) for Breakaway Post Dia. x 9’-0" Cable 3 8"x4"x12" 4" With One Swaged End shielding the ends of bridge traffic rails and barrier Soil Plate Steel Plate walls where the driveway and side road access is in Soil Plate 1 1 1 2"x2 2"x 4"x8" 2 permit the proper use of approved flared and parallel 3 4" Structural Tube Cable With Swaged Ends types of Guardrail End Anchorage Assemblies. Attach W-beam To Steel Pipe Tack Weld 212"x212"x14" 1 16" Steel Plate With 1 With 58"x114" Dia. (See Sheet 20) Cable To Be Drawn Taut Button Head Bolt Hole To Tubular Steel Attachment (See Left) substitute or replacement for the appropriate use of TOP VIEW TOP VIEW 6’-3" 12" Timber Breakaway Post 5 8"x1 16" 4. The controlled release returns shown are designed as return can be terminated with the Guardrail End Galvanized Steel Pipe Timber Breakaway Post Dia Hole Apply 8"x24" Amber 5 8"x10" 5. The Guardrail End Anchorage Assembly Type CRT is to be Long Bolts And 3 4" 6~ Cable Clamps 1 2" 4 Round Washers Spacing Typ. 24’ and 32’ radii as shown; the assembly is not to be Lower Cable Under Head And Nut 5 8"x10" Attachment 1 4") used in any tangent rail or flared rail applications. Long Bolts And Nuts Other types of end anchorage assemblies are not to be With 58" Plain Round Washers (See Left) Soil Plate (24"x18"x used in the controlled release returns. Under Head And Nut Soil Plate (24"x18"x14") 5 8"x8" used only for the controlled release returns with 8’, 16’, 2" Misc. Asphalt Pavt. Nuts With 58" Plain SPECIAL GUARDRAIL PIPE ATTACHMENT 5 8" guardrail as shown or as otherwise detailed in the plans. Bearing Plate FRONT VIEW LOWER CABLE ATTACHMENT Anchorage Assembly Type CRT or connected to standard Retroreflective Sheeting To Nose 1 4 FRONT VIEW full returns based on an intersection angle of 90. The Buffer End Section 10" OD Schedule 40 Cable (See Above) 3 4" 18" 12" are designed for highway speeds of 60 mph or less. Special Guardrail Pipe 1’ -9" Steel Tube Hex Bolt & Beam Washer Under Head 1 4 6" Structural Tube 1 2" Attachment (See Left) 1 4 Galv. 10’ 3. Controlled release returns with either 8’, 16’ or 24’ radii To Next Post 7" 1 4 approved vehicle impact attenuators. 6’-3" Steel Plate (See Above) Timber Breakaway Post 2. Controlled release returns are not intended as a Nuts And Connecting Lower Cable To Post Is Required. TOP VIEW Special Guardrail Pipe Soil Plate With Hand Wrench Prior To Setting Jam With No Washer. No Connection & Washer Each End 212"x212"x14"x8" close proximity to the structure and space does not Misc. Asphalt Pavt. 10" OD Pipe (See Below) Galvanized Hex Nut, Hex (Jam) Nut road access when flares and transitions or standard Buffer End Section 5 8"x8" Long Bolts And Nuts With Steel Tubes Long Bolts And Nuts With Plain Round Washers Under Head 5 8" And Nut (2 Reqd. Per Steel Tube) And Nut (2 Reqd. Per Steel Tube) 6. The area immediately behind the control release return shall have slopes not steeper than 1:2 and be maintained Plain Round Washers Under Head free of fixed objects in accordance with the area limits tabulated in the plan below. FRONT VIEW 7. The surface approaching the controlled release return GUARDRAIL END ANCHORAGE ASSEMBLY TYPE CRT shall have a transverse slope not exceeding 1:10. The effective width of the transverse surface is to be based on standard vehicle departure, return radii and g n i c pa S 8. The curved guardrail portion of the controlled release p No. Of CRT Free Posts Of Hazards ng ci a p S CRT Po st s return shall be full section shop bent panels (12.5’ or 25’ panels). Area Behind Guardrail To Be Maintained Free Of Fixed Object Hazards 5 8"x10" And Nut L Slope=10:1 Or Flatter 9: 47: 55 AM 25’ x 15’ 16’ 25’ 6 30’ x 15’ 24’ 37.5’ 8 40’ x 20’ 32’ 50’ 11 50’ x 20’ Guardrail End Anchorage Assembly Type CRT breakaway timber post. 2’-0" Min. 1’ -4" 1:2 Max. to the center control release post. End Measurement For Guardrail Payment 1 2" 3 Misc. Asphalt Pavt. Dia. Holes Centered In Post AssemblyType CRT (In Intersecting Absence Of Connecting 11. See the General Notes for galvanizing requirements of metallic components. See Sheet 15 12. Controlled release return systems shall be paid for Guardrail End Anchorage Guardrail On under the contract unit prices for Guardrail (Roadway), LF, Guardrail (Shop-bent Panels), LF, and Guardrail, End 8" Anchorage Assembly (Type CRT), EA as called for in the Guardrail) Roadway Or Driveway controlled release terminal (CRT) post or at any 10. The guardrail beam of the 8’ radius return is not bolted Connecting 5 Plain Round Washer Under Nut L x W 12.5’ With 58" Steeper Than 1:2 Bent Panels 8’ 9. Washers are not to be used between the guardrail beam Long Post Bolt and the head of the button head post bolts at any And Have Slopes Not 1’ -9" Or Driveway Intersecting Roadway @ CRT Pos ts 6 ’ -3 " @ 2 4 ’ R 2’ -4" R tabulated below. S 6’ -3 " 1 6 ’ R CRT Posts @ Of Shop not greater than the corresponding 15’ and 20’, ’W’ values Index No. 402) Or To Barriers Wall (Index No. 410) g n ci a W p S ng ci a R Length Nom. preceding shielding; the width (beyond shoulder) shall be Or Guardrail Transition To Bridge Rail (See Detail J and Required Area Return Standard Wood Or Steel Posts Guardrail Section (As Shown) Principle Highway 6’ -3 " 8 ’ R CRT Posts @ 6’ -3 " (See ’CONTROLLED RELEASE RETURN NOTES’ No. 10) ’ 2 3 rd960rh C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn Do NOT Bolt Rail To Post At The Center Of The Nose. plans or by permit and shall be full compensation for Options Note: To be constructed when flares and transitions or standard furnishing and installing all components in accordance with the plans and with this index. CRT posts are CRT TIMBER POST included in the cost for guardrail. CONTROLLED RELEASE RETURN FOR SIDE ROAD AND DRIVEWAY ACCESS LAST REVISION 04 REVISIO N 6/28/2012 radial returns can not be applied. See Sheet 12. DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL SHEET NO. NO. 400 25 LATERAL PLACEMENT ON SLOPES 12’-0" 3 Or More Lanes 1 (FROM EDGE OF NEAR TRAFFIC LANE) Notes: 6 1: Or Ditch Misc. Asphalt Pavement Guardrail 1’ -9" 10’-0" Standard Slope 0.02 Guardrail Not 2 1. For shoulders less than 12’ in width the 3 Guardrail 5 0 . 0 With Rub Rail tabulated values will be reduced by the Recommended difference between 12’ and the shoulder 4’ -2" Std. Median Swale 12" Varies ¡ Post Bolt 1:4 to 13’ 14’ to 27’ 28’ to 45’ 1:5 to 14’ 15’ to 25’ 26’ to 45’ 1:6 to 16’ 17’ to 22’ 23’ to 45’ 1:7 to 20’ 21’ to 24’ 25’ to 45’ 1:8 to 25’ 26’ to 45’ 1:9 to 26’ 27’ to 45’ 1:10 to 27’ 28’ to 45’ width. Placement of guardrail on front slopes steeper than 1:4 not recommended. 2. Standard guardrail; 1’-9" to ¡ post bolt. Rub Rail is required on the median side when double face guardrail is used. 8’-0" 2 Lanes 3. Guardrail with Rub Rail; 2’-0" to ¡ post bolt. Traffic Lane Lane Shoulder 12" *Rub Rail Traffic 2’ -0" Pavement Shoulder Lateral Offset 2’ -0" Misc. Asphalt Lateral Offset 12" Or Ditch 1’ -9" 0.02 5 0 . 0 Varies 6 1: 4’-0" 4’ -2" Std. Median Swale 12" Varies ¡ Post Bolt Rub Rail * Front Slope C: \d\projects\standards\roadway\00400-s\00400. dgn (1:4 Or Flatter) Not Recommended on Notes: Slopes Steeper Than 1:6 1. Typical placement shown. May be constructed at other GUARDRAIL ON MEDIAN SLOPES GUARDRAIL ON OUTSIDE SLOPES locations as called for in the plans. 2. Rub Rail is required on the median side or ditch side of the * C6x8.2, Plates And Fasteners or Bent Plate And barrier. Fasteners In Accordance With Standards RLR01 And RER01 Of AASHTO-AGC-ARTBA "A Guide To Standardized MOUNTING HEIGHT FOR DOUBLE FACED Highway Barrier Hardware" GUARDRAIL ON MEDIAN SHOULDERS (FREEWAYS) GUARDRAIL ON SLOPES Connect The Beginning Of Rub Rail To The Backside Of The Last Post Of The End rd960rh Anchorage (First Post Of Standard Guardrail) 9: 47: 56 AM Flared End Anchorage Standard Guardrail End Treatment LAST REVISION 07/01/12 REVISIO N 6/28/2012 RUB RAIL TERMINATION DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT DESIGN STANDARDS 2013 GUARDRAIL SHEET NO. NO. 400 26