Intemational Tribunal for the Law of the Sea delivered the final verdicts on tenitorial waters of Myanmar and Bangladesh on Pyidaungsu Hl@es l4March20l2 for 25tr day One question replied, one bill approved, one bill discussed HluuwnisdbyU Lrulhi olKtugugol clanaf. Myamu foroed Sptcirl worl of krdirf coooi!.cirrdiclu-aioMiaistcr Cdgimtry,Andalt-Gffidof &cush! ItTu Shbrcplidttrt tlc crrc tcnitorial *a borndary bctwccl forFoltignAfrrirs as Cbiuu to potrct Bughdah mdMpouwdlbcEaatd Myareir's iotcrst is el.grl bould lo th bydividiry iuo (2) jdgocc thncprt{l)disctsrioor ftl1, to om tcniioriNl wtcrs sfhich ad 0) gacnb Myanm* dcscncd ald lot to losc I mOt Wi[ rcqcd to th dis{rr5sro{s, ldlmnrmiairlwasrmfuiqbord.r wit Bo$rdcsh. Both crduEivc 1974 ro 1986. 's wrhB. Uark t[c sa.wilto! of it, lcgil eouticsld trlk ee€rtr or desigaxing su boundary, rootiumt sklf rsl My|'n group wac forncd |!d tcairi(rl erycrts grottp rd arrigd duirs, co@ic zo6 iog groqpridmdrpnpnntior Ilese ir all as6cts. Io rcohr 6c drgc rt ITIOS, Bot[ sidc did not rarh rgrecoeot on comol gud. Ilc tdtr Mymrr stnt Udor &mcy.&ual Dr Sb rd Dq*y rqarotadvr Dquty r#rs ro ary $ogr!si. Io Clttoh( 2fl)8, Durctor{xn<nl Ihw Hk Myo Nuc of wrc ndld fc 2l lurs sitrce 1936 rs ficrc Tnn golprgtxplortqy Mbi:ty of Fucigr A&in ud Dqty &illingnotsar AD?t o*as &itlia$ip Dincrr4ocnl U Kyrw Hu of lldon Attomry-Gcacnl 0ffict rr its wrs b &lglfllah's rrtal b orda to woid tle todoas trF€rartrti'r!s. Badrdes! crlrd for Mirur hlsc$ two coruhi.r, for &aipatiol of wbuoJary.upat hrcldisqrsiiixrva. ffiungn Elnaw Spetu U Khin Aarg l!fur wdtls 25t day vsion ol l1{dl;l'apt flbnnr,-ant NrY PYr Trr. 22 Mac!-Tb fui&uag$ $hnrr sassioa codbud for tc 25r &yrt Pyrhugsu lllms Hall d Hhur C,w9la, hae, 6ir ur&g, attcl&dbygdcrofPydllrgn Hhr&wU KlhAmgMyiaSpafcof$ielHhnw 'lhr U $tle Mrar rd 508 $ihugsr hldfor*tincduiry 6c!.riodt6Al-2008 to 18-12010. Du&g 6c hlb, S{S t?gud ll rrSm$h to the $cati6 tht !s l?lcfr.r !012 alln hrqing di'Pe ir II1,0$. of both !U$, lh lilufl lL .{UAJ nrturll frd ges Ercn &iary qurdioq .qlporrd @c onr hll. til od dilc*ricd SrN .i,lldlcts OEr! tslntl Bagladcstutrdfor 195 " on tht s.r ana lr th. of hilg r ntabtr nsrilving & - Myrsr cortrfy:of cmmairo diqltt$ i'ith fu &on & inslatiqrl Sirl6cl6clWoo4KClf.G.I{cdtr of& Irelb! Bir, Udt dKjrgdoo, Malrbrtofthht!$dsrl bcagar, udro tLl|dts botsidcfrildblg€c.Fi!.lt Irttnmulolh rarodui& drorrhsir rd ComLsioL ArsocirtMarhrof hstit*dt 6r rrlt& b!,ll!rnnrr art dar &rn Sr h.schoccotbr.ytorerohcedi4rrt!ty ftcHttuw rcsi,m tqlid t! oo t nt$irl s.r Drundary.rn teldcudl. kgrl n:ars. Chmciry tht ray is bccru* Hluasrycscotiltr. UdKsity ofPdb Mrula adfomcr Cheirun of thlatnxionalhw llanh 1,1 - lied lollowbg aptrtr Ih diryutc. Ir:drorclMrAlrinklkt,Poftscq &5oht &fcarc, Fnncc, ht in derl Triturl f.r&. L.* a(|[, rel ofjudgcs. h !o &irg dnsirg of Srr dr[$r.d tht lhal r.rdicti .[ jrdgcs fton bott sirics did mt rcrcb trntuirlsrtars of Mlamrr d8mg. rgnroeo, hrt both rgrad r scr& 6t lrdlrl to Lrw Clnnb5im, ' ift !|rttiu Forttau. Profosc. thivcrsity ofPuir h$,Nnt n!L De$asc, Francc. l\ee We 4) .{ THE NE\\' LICHT Or \{YA\}IAR F Fot.t8r Pyidaungsu Hluttarv session continues... ' day. 13:tarrtl 2012 Dipu MoD sd.d .s ud M' Md Khu&!.d-4.1as. Afilrr Mt r.F..aniiiv. R.{ A.lDnll { Aildttolul t..r.l.r , Minslty of for.ts! Affdri !. d.pury B.'e]l,d..h lko hn.d l.gil .xp.rr3 rod i0t....rtor.l hyd.o!.!ph..r Ae a ]cs.l proc.;r. MrD!@lMltld.Co$shdiioA|bttr Brrahd.|I| tubtlnr.d sddrnl tldt.ply Ill.nilro6l Law. Rcr.{cb.!. C.!l'. .rd lvtyrn$ar, .osnt.t m.8o.i!l .!d & drior r.t.rn.tou! d. s.rt.rr. r.ioiod.. dEirg ln< ITLOS-d.siaol.d (t on rare j) Unildlttv of Ouesl, Nalrar. L1 D.f.ns. Fr.n.r Mrcdlt..Lr6rop.An(fi.l-Adracd. TCEDIN). - - Sor.r.tgn G.ognplnc Mdb.rof rh. Court frod 8-9-1011 .o 14'9'2011 Ndrh Ca'olitu B.r. Uui.d ShG3 oI Bdsr.d.,h s ejs (t.i& ard ITLOS . Edoloriotr e thar &.r. (.t. @i'sct6 fd M. BcnJnmo sarbm. R.s.t(bct ..n borh<bry b.twea in 1974 ddin 2@8i C.ntr. d. &iol itr..rnrrronrl d" li!nr.r. (CEDN). Ual drtt ofparis Oucat. N.oltr. la D.f.n'€, Faft. Illr E u LLM. l!.w YotL Urildsitr Sc!@l of liE, UniGd - ]\.rc6lt.rl,'lhrcp,Ardcy-Adw.!. Sorar.ien C.oefrpb.. M@bei ofrh. Nonh C{rolru - ITLOS r.J<lg B'uF nd..h e chnn: ITLOS d.srgn.lrd l: ril.! wrrb r<iptct io B.rgbd.!h\ .taiE3 fo' 1l mne for Sriut M.rti! ! Irl.ld sd 6ct! za. d.d(o!tu. aI r!.r, iILOS Lirla,' tliukte/ta' Elrdric Pot'et A Krb' M'knB sor nnkes ^to.2 dtrrrssturi- n,rrr ITLOS lho Mt d !s Mynltllw-E6! Palorr.n (B&8lrB!!.ctor e.rhod Aryl. M! H.lo'i. BaJ.r-P.U.t Laqrd, r.jer.d cbio fd .i.Giot of .@!!l &'h) ..srnd Nrf Rir_d cd'!. l$ordlrr' M.Dl's ot rhc Pdis B.', fre<. sh.lfdo.. rbe :@ dile:s Mvdrmlr hrd &sirl.|.d d 1966 sir€..l&ts {r u<tdL G.ologit D. Thun Oo. ?ro of !a. oo r.lcrl protobsatm !o $. B.y of F;nrs lxrw*a Banel.&sh r Sa'rr M.rllt I\t.iknli UnilrBqv. M_]R!,M B.os.l; rtrd ITLOS ..r.d.d t.s.l lel.Dd lrd My.trlu ..rsG ro P!!t No 7 Mr Mir T!.u T!!r. Capr:i!. .vido..1 tb. l9?1 lrFl6g rRdds .ll thc l2a euftJ frle ... ro $. Colwdirsoltr d.Mratr:dNaiil irr..d br lot orty 6'al otn.d! but al$ Fuh@r of Saidl }llnu llhl|d .ad Hy&o!r.r!i. Cdld fishc'rcr .3, wltict! s-et. llE l2d dlrkrl ril. .r. &o Mv.trdrs Sti!.eofAn.n.. - Etp<s f'ouborhcouE ..lilcd lbcn p.ttiofi .long*rrhc d.r..r..orLrarrh. I!'lt Octlvim B*. Unibd Stir4.l Bultu. Hrdrolr.plrr. O! Busl.d.rn 3ut'6tt..l by B.4tad.'h. !o Bo8l.&sh ! c1$6ius ar\D. bou{&iy lin.r. t'dc6und.drt.l,F.idi<binlr i.!dr pdnrs.r i..ltrdld d rE aEr..d hnNtcr of tr 2d Myt@,t-Ba.grt&rt M ititu. Boe.hry Ds{.er,oa M.dirg 1974. T}.16.6 &om Portt No I d.rq' I! cl|i6i!€ costin.llll .lElft.u&ry lir.!, BeeiIndBb tniott .4ttonel-Ce"erol Dr nn Shi', resparset Io qlxtlonc. rr foo Hribluogr Ri!.. niddl. posr l,.n!r.! I!&r 'nd B&shd.* ed Nuf RiRr m'ddlc point b.tq..n MyalM ad a'd rhar rh. l|n. a i,18.5 ldoE.!6 l@e.Ihs {tr.d.har M}aM ' co.'tdl ldgh ts For Nuftur.' nollta to BlullcaF *!ich ii dly n lalf ofR.& .o,si.l l.!c* ed $rt it t.369 trl@.6 ldg. Th. 1n! ldgttr w.r. propontd€d dd ll1r dsed.d wi$ itgt. i5l:l blretor o.ilon fiic :l5n hn. ftoo bi3.ctei.g lt'.ibhary. Rlr'd Diddl. tuioof8dshd4b s cMstll l.!sl|l 06. B.'g1.d€rh .o!*a1 rr.r * 6971? ktod.t .. wtul. Myrftar..8rrl 3qM.. s&. Mi${6 for b dad'io$ ".tnls that otlglnt J.xls{s il Y,ttt 'rnat\ 'rtt., t4 itory', b.tsld Indi! md B.oshiLrl .rd I u..,' 86931 3qudc t!lo"rdd!. T16 u.. retio Sdst d.![ add My@.r n Rivddidd!. p@r b.iw.d MyrM poid Nuf bo'!,rrd4 ltn. on rdi.oridl 'a t,r.4.---+a^ tniroi.l s?.1 bourl.tot| lnd aed.&ih .'tl Bhif cn?. podr o Frflift Cd.t of My.@ *'s sbtud to Poiut No-7 sht! i5 thc .dd podt of Editt@ d.ttu&d by Th!| 2lJ'lir. ws.hus.d inro No"h ktind. 17: 2:" 7 i.d E&l Loogituil. 90' 15' 49,0' T!. ltr wri @rt.d .lo!s th. 200 euri€al Eil. co!.r ol M}ltllu.!d th. .nd FDt q r. up to Poinr No t6 in Ar.laDrn S.n !i .sr..d by Myr!rr.{-I!d;r rlr.sqar. Bmskdsl .l ed up !o tM.lhe 100 Mlntcnl nrl€! of (etin*lal st.lf boe&ry lu:. And lie3 l!db.6, lh. l,ilatdrl a..r ntio $r. rullz.d ir cobp.iis. Firh th..mst l l.o8{r r.tio. Essl.dcch ct.iE d ahr! r|i al.ler <onrr l:1.?5 As n is sl skh dttLrc.t ftdd &. .@.:al r!ti6 l:1.06. ir s !r.t.d lh|t ih. .lcd.d.d lir. ir frn .!d jcr ftcddog to th. r6p..iooliry lBr. Arcordiog ro ib.ITLOS .L.;ioo o€ th. &.tDa && t[. *lsic €red. bft ed .@ii!{k! boudary lin. $rd8tr €quidtst'u..l..lcvnot €u.nmrlitr..! Mya,1tM.I.iDi. nB th ro .At fd $r <L6t{d of to &r!!st. 6 dutirnl oil.i dctltod$n3 ! My!'* .r.|dd sr!!l.d!!t s sisi M..titr l*l.d I citclni ot d*) h.r.ft!.t. ITLOS th.irhnd l]ow.!v. n 'llowtd 12 uutiol 'tlos.d ITLOS f,.. ib. dLi h s,s ilccid.d rhd !ur[m$ ro isl.. ae. of codr@ot l r!.tf otdq. lhd 200 Eit rlse. pag. 5) THE NE'w LIGHT OF MY-{NIt1AR Flidn,, -:3 Pyidaungsu Hluttaw session continues,.. (fitw !ae. 4l dmn Th. o.dtim! borod..Y lllr. d tiJ Mrnqd f.ou lloi$ (A) d..isMi.d 6r Myr@r Elrt Prlilr'! (B.rsl.&rh) r.Elrd N.f tuvd .ou.. bou.trry.r th. NrrlRi!.. muih b.nEa Mrl'|ffi rld Begrn.t rh .a.thoc !!iddl. pohrl B. A 1. B?, Bl, 84.r'd Bi Saut Mri*! LlMd ad M Poior (O !n dil.r e(dr dlt !.r€st poAl .I Mrrdtu-3 @31 i*d Poidr @) b.ts*d .tt ltarch.:Ol: 5 My.,ls, *nd Sanslid.rh Tbe lir! rviB &rM:tatiis nm Po No I .t rhr Nuf tuld tlsth.r!.l!d.dioNnfRn.rr.Eulff bouad.ry srner.d b.r*'... M)rtltu .nd lrr Patior (\ow B&gl.dcat) in 1966. T!. <dlmEd l!. ioo Poirt No. I $sd..$!!s.$r.lirte. Lcscr$od b!.s..a B.n8ladel'r Srut Mand Lled md &. Ml6l)iMcoait. It*r@rtirsd liG toa Point Na? lo Point No-8. s't!c! arei. tL. I ?. DiL ... of Slinr Mdris Island md t!. I ?imiL d. of lb. My.tMcd.t. Poilr No8 rt.tcLr t6 Poid N6 9 frlr toxh.3 zlt" nod Nlf Prv6 @urh ilrrm srrb .qddist&ce f.lhod IILOS .!..isutd the dritis€ l;n b.iwm Sri M.nin I'l,dd boFrd..y sto sdtht'Mcr ofli.inrM.dta lsl.nd .ndMFlI'e.6n.. lh. rietd1i!..hi&.d ad l3 rl.r &@ $. er:s, p.idt of 6My@-srjoudd. ll wc&'usrdl. MlrMr co.n Poim @) ft.n etrct(he .o l2 mil. rirE taG ofrll. iil.rd Poid (E) lhir l'FB th. | 2'ul. e to .h. A. fd s.tBiv. €o@i. zoer Dn .qudistMc. &r .tr.s &.d .or.r. stcr.tirsropoi ).) l'3 7" JO9'e .sri!'l Mr6ur' fofi (E) ii &.s.t (F). Poot qdduol to (C).{d 6.a lo hle tb. ririt .etielt{lillll}ouadlr,vliG. Eib.'l1!@, rh. !@i.idd c$tidine. linc dre! by Mtinna w3drrs! d{ ofte B&ngl.iL.[ {d MY'lllu CBrrrol Podl No.i lTlSsdr.mp6iie&.1.qlrAsr.e. lir. i! liL lb. cdtrol pdnt d n&dandltal Codrol Poids cqit t l@ *i! poirt. cllein d by M!6Da ac.ddnr to ia{wwtors. Il]. leo imd .qddisia'r onlod.rd !trr3iool cquiieiidr - . riglt ed kn @.slr of th. di.te.. lre irlsdin! r iDdsndl.l point lrncio - whi.h &d fre lo fac€ R.. oot d.rMbyXTLOS Jor My!,llM. TIE*.llsn! Ilt r Dl6 cdstd.!.ti@ i3 it dld @t .II<1 c<q@rt zoar.o.ti@t l rh.lf $qnd.rt lh. dridils of th. @'iti@ bo@d,.r li", lie d6iss!.d by ITLOS s.r &as! Poirt tb. rod rosrb ie 16,l lilo@t<r Th. No.9roPoidNo.lOq..ri!gth. lloilcac &d lhc cqsdnte. li*. Poirn No.9 .nd Mstt|N cqsrar krgtl ! 7{0 tilo!.t6 nd dt Nuf Ri1.d @uttr to C.p. N.etris PdrtNo | 0.EPoint E rndPoia, Fotth.lid. Gd M.$'tl'rl&a Th" (q!t l 6$a bc- dludd.d a. My{!u r rjobd.rT!. lhd .bd! th. p@r tq!.o BrnsLd*tr .rd MytuM. i. l 2 ol h t!. r.lli8r do clrirEd by My.,]ro. No. ll to cdliluc frortr point No lo Ios lh. er|&3ll t* tt(i!.d F E0406 doing, br.d.dy rh. orr-of.f€.t.r No. I I rque td@.t6 Eltil. th. rs Mr dr |o tud.sdubl. shdd h lia wirh €.u hlr rft.iv.d ir lJ5ll, .qM. lnd.'tn. bs'. n m!.t..rer.d to 6'<200 nlti.rl Th. c! .ntio is l:1.9{ e ir i nor dif.r.Dr aiLr wiiL 2lJ'lirc io c@i<t ri{s rld rh. tou lh. r.!el! Etie. Il \l.i 6e6rc iL- eddl. .a of $. thra .rkl @st l irrtt.o&.l rit d lhebourdry lie weeercqoir.d ro co@tric6.D b.c@ Lld-lod.d '| Th. B.rsL.Lsb dotIe.t<d , I eangtt'l bng.h and d"6a ptoporrionatitr ,a Bd ztaderh's t''e,1,oi'1---re1^ I I mt.os ltvc tt! 6ml d-isi@ d trt : t Tt! ITLOS, o doacarhg r$c fof My'nof Th..@3bltr.*lrob.rwdr t!. r.o Dridl [e allo*rd 42] | R,8!.r-.rrddM)@EEadbtd.ITLos r .oEr.tif(Bdgbdeh.!d58?li1oo.r.ri i! l:r.42. B.[trd6i 8.t ll!611 .qus Lildlr*rndMFloega! l?1832!$le tilaeL$ rft .rdlat toib. iLd(ltd lc I l1-l-2012. TL rb@.ltFtib.d lirc w6. tbc !qid@ bould.ty lia .lried by c6et fd I rn th. dla lrbitslr.{ b} th< ITLOS. tdrirei.l w!t6r, r|!l .!.lt |[d *tsiic eo!@i. .e i'r nE fe.l vd<!cr. B.!et dcrt &Md.d thd ITLos bi. ilt. pol8 to @t <r..irioa fd .Lmr..lid of ofGhc rh lo$ $! $"lich i. ov6 200 ralac.loildlora.I!*..pul?oth.vot,2l jdilr !ri.d y.B rtril I F. Myerulclni!&d 6.a rtd. m. no !ar.!glr th! to lh..!daqtidlic dtta@ q ldt6y. lllri.purro tlr.$t d6id.dbr6.ITI.(X'rR.tiqga19l4.qt,e .rdrfr. t!$!r w.. :O't 6" 6r. .!d ? 'e" ldl@ls3 Tho* ra. lic€ E .s Mrr@r .ldnnit d to th. <b.q rh. B&el.d.ih 'd.. Ed th! rodnd. Berd.&sh &l! rc.rid li!. of s. rdBlory ba!.d d TiIITLO .!r' r.i.dM!rM& 3 diddl. ltEptir.ipL! dv..l.Dir8 51.' .or:r!l ar.! to crP. N.8 ir iu lsLnd.ltiilullotb.vot ''ddl?!..ultsti prop. iorhiy r*l .s dcErodcd by 21 "y6"!oL.rd@_e'r'ot r. M'!!,s MFne{- It .tid lol !8ia th. p.opo..d .l$ dco.!&d to d!!rft.t! boud.ry of Brlstrd..h d.@.nd.d 69717 iqnrrc kilor&r.ri.rd 8o{ 1l163l .$Er. d.6rJ€ridof Brogh&rl. Th.d<iri6 of silh .qsidist'lc. r.l.vEr rh. ITI,S ir .i!t'r .r!d .pF.p.i.r. lrd dr .Llf @.rl lc!s{! atio b.trco BadgL&.h .i!..ort8c.r. lr rG tur !o &. vol., nto -..i@g2t _y.i"Ei.5.Dd A.cordilg 1o tb. li& of lir. ot dos..rdr3.ttrdF In-os,.llrh.oilfi .ld. d.tEdri@ ff x.dbyII.ITLOS, AB7.AD- hcludins AD-7. AD'8 sdAD-9 *ficl e dit6.Idi ct ftndynnd.r &ilting l5strd6ddlrir!|dcttilt*i|llntthcicriqdl 8 E'ldAdt <l6ly $idi! MtM's, enb *aG6 ot My.Md. so. n i lh. 60 i!@.*d FotPRr. fd mid u.r. $itl co.&@tiotoMr@rto.odin&& lita olLhor. drillrn! Besh&sb .I6.oil6.l.b aitlin ilcst a. R.s.tding at d MFIllM lo slop r.'l.d;ll'ng ofAD &.A-t .dA-3 otMllai dq,ri., A- I w.i ibdMFtllwii l:1.42 ih. raslrt 'd A.lordiDs .o *. 7 n& dop t honltg Batngla.Esh aid Mfant$ar's lenilorktt lqters at.oratlttg b IILOS borfi{r.I(l't'n". -n!.'{A oi$ddi.2q)8". &6wlrwiilrit tdrory,Bur,...o.dcrs to tb. lie of &D&.t@ d.€id.d 6y th. ITLOS, it it.\.j&rn rlEtth.t bcloaes lo 'g Eorh .id* ur.inou3ly .<tnodds.d |nc ITLOS s .!6ority dqe.ndofal |n.d|dk nor rs, divadlil .r A I -l init Al -2 ir 1997 .rd die. ttrt tic tlbr. oilfi.l& .r. .Lnrly *ittin Mldo.t ti&, Th. d.(i'i@lhlt ITLOS L.r .ltbdity to d.!r!6E fq cdria.otd .Llf lq€.r rt.r 2m Dirca do.i lor 6..r in.rn iryrodp$skofrklrNcorEinaoa d rh.IEn6 ofth. Colria.ttll S!.lt ls.e tbsa 6t 6 I HE NEW LIGHr OF IIYAN\I,{R L;d Pyidaungsu l'r'iday. ,iJ Malch, Mitu.t.r for El.. r; :0ll Powd No lU Khttr Miudg So. r.spdr.lcd io rh. dirc!.$odr thltl Hluttaw session coutinues... |r. aor i&hrd.d 0 tb. dDddNdr of dr budget cd.ohrs rhc Uni6 Brd8.t Bill 201: \dr. apFov.lj r-<. sndr ioE ih. Hhita* pdrg.pb by (n?d pas. 5) peg.pb r.gedDS th. daihdr. MraEre !h.r popold to |!. li ft. drscb.i63. Uniod Msi,rd <olls*i@ lo 1d rt hrY. up ro 150 l,rt1c!l UHl. Tul inidd!! Tt uni& Budl|rt B ddcs 6f iti cooiir.ll.I .h.lf. on 16 201 :-101.] fi5.!l y<.. qrr r&ns, ds. to Daorbtr, 1008 MyaMr llro *bnitt d r irs fic.xlr d<dit. .nd k hnicd 6idd..x itr t|3 Fopo$l ,! li!. sidr $. pro|lr@s .f tL. rJi- CdFdnor d lie of rh€ S.! Th. .omoisrior poitpoa.d to .onsidcr M).'inoar'! ptoporrl t,.caur. of BMgla&sh'! obj6ti6 lo th. propGl sd hs.uir b.t$dn lbc t\r,o rrlont T1. ITLOS did nor .gred th. Ba4la&sh s d.rrand $hi(h 3!id l'lat M)!@rr b.r m nghi to .itnd uor. the 100 el.r bBt djy h63 d!. rigbr lo ha!. J0 mun(.I ail.i ftoo dnh R.bin pdrirsid *$i*tam ed w.s.!. of rcsiodl .lld&r.. od .r!3- oslr n$rrturt &d Id6 b rgrcns and rr|l.r in addnbr b i.denr rh. hrds.t of 6. L'Eor In doos. llc Lbior Budscr nrg 'o Bdl l0l : wa. .taM i! 18. wi6 il. uorisr6 of nlc l\ilioMl Phming Bill l0l 2:0ll fis(.1 y.!f .ppro!'.d br hid.Eesu mniaw q dLr. ms K & O! .Ddtden|t Al&ou8h sr$ K c.npar.d n.wbill ' 251 788 Th. '.t!o DiIi@ bldc.t d.6cit. e,Ili@ in th! 1953712 ofd.I|itrocDp d6!'rd 3 .19'o frorn 4-96. Cen tlF \.rdi.t of ITI,S (.! In lEr r6po$. D.puty MDi'lt h.lp !r'd th. &idlock hil.er6 dEr D. Da\. Mylt MFr Ohr Kia rid lhlt ih. dc t@d for o!.r :0O srutical captlal lrpcodrnr. Ms $blta.tcd fid r[? oilcs lolg <@ruotal *.U. My.trlu n odd of co{-rhdme leltl d.. ,!d 50 Fop@d to th. Uli Co!Mi$i@ @Li!'t of .L. Cdtl,hial Sh.lf on 25 F.trtrr1.. l0lI far letineit ha!..@tindt l3h.ltup ot.r:00 trlutlcal &il<s. A6 tn. .olusoa lo.di of notk! to s.ttl.. il ce 1o .oa!i&{MyalllM s propos6l otny i!:036 Mo|t of th. glob.l [!ri@ eG ntlhs rb. Lrli to l.t lhcm ii!.!d tt it cdri.dr.l eh.lf up to lto uuri.rl Eilcs It can &@ thc io!&Eg .,!!ur $'.r. pndarqdetri!lct)@of tl.SRt. [to!. t@ ftc sl6 of @diciEs i! !*d .s 11. cr.ul'l fund .pat o! prolidiag .!.ist&cc b n .dy Pr!.otlr! Pod !.,3d*. P1!s, d$c fionl, .nd ll. pt's"r ro '.lisioir. dior- thc $ii{ec. rln&r dc 'l1otrcd h$. M.drci!.s fo( il*@ .orirol $.t rllo$.d to dl pltllrft i€. ofdd!.. Lik $r*. X'r!y an.l bb 3.*c *a Fou&d ro $c aboi'+lrandd p.t5o6 llith i.c F 6b..!Bd!e!'ld *ar.pftcioutr.loi'.c6 hr!. @_d bd dplotr€d o 350 Eunol 5$la, .od :5 prt id th. t.@t8! orLs lons D.? O..rd Be.u* of ti. incdE s ct. piid ro th. Skr. Co$ lhaing sEDft arr coo??fruor prosp.cls b.ta..,l b.rlft cd. {rc Folt-Dakilg orgaai2.lioor rno bar.. lnt r.* 6 .xpldi68 o tht nr.i .rc*d6g 100 euncnr Eih! .rd rh. o't|dr uto c& .t !d rh...... globrl lrtioo! u! fl)cina ho?it l ia 1i!. $irh 6.lnw' Fo1-tdi!8 lisirlln . for n .dr pd!@. poor F. Mr, wfiord.blc pr$@.l, ?.ito&c . d Eli8iou' ePft€rrlllrnorotl dhk nlow.d ir frtr @d Jull both ro dr( so trrridr Ir J'ds6 u& fa,tdeEidib.oldlytsr.irlag Gd LlFl addtft haical sredpoidlr- ITLOS hrs lh. l.g!! pooli ofMyr!@!E B rie.d rr l'iirg rh. ,3.c.jr!cs pdsri (6d}s ind !uri) .lld ro djoy iLt ristus Eita thc rh. ho.pnr.l At F.s! th.ll,t $ill ar.!ng. $. s.nrc. ro li* ai& tk p!.<!t I^w * Bixslailesh's pira 7. Fr. I l. 0, prr. 15 (b), t r| l: pde {b). 16 O), .ldln pdr pm I5 od G. ., d, 19 (r, b). rF 2 t, p!fr 2] {a) ed p.n 24 in lo. with r rd.Blo*ll of i!. Jd4t bil CoorElnF Es..lyd,.!dni!prob.biniy,ogn'rqno{ y md pdr .{ (r), Fa 6 (c) rd pa: 2l O) rr loi'+1d.nt ii@ of$. Foiat' As Uud Motstd U HL Te $bUdoaMidn ruKbrrMruali@ l,o. Mfi !qqle.. of q lrl Htunls r.spotr&d to th. &qssiona, sr,vug O.t lb. SFatcr Trlm U SLq! M!n!|" prq.clr prcscnt d a lh. r.pdrs ol1 rn odr. S'ift telrdra rb. U!. Cbirntrtrof &r"'€aiic! li[. purpo,cd by B.nehdsl ed.xeodiru. i! 201!-:0t3 }!.t h?idNHlrrla$Prsr..t .!dfb|!ciriD.*ler ptopo*d by MyrMtr. Ac.ordiq ro rr. rim.d to ond.da*. t.giotn: (a .nt (lomitr. U Se Th. siid dDr Ih. &c ai{.. of Cbni.rnon or L:1' of ih. d.v.loplucori IE pror€B har b..d rlrplc- conrrin . s.tuiirtzrd r.d rcdwcd {r. F. by :t !, it a..di ro gt!. 3dgl.&$L6. sol ta ,lHt d to se cr(|6rt d.padt g gt| thc c.!r of crpirt ory.rdilrc ro h 's*d dr.rn !!d .oniidcr th. lcogrrphical n{d 6 2012-2011 nr..l y.ra rdd proJel d.p.ttstcoc.nrldrdrenitbtt.di&rDl r.o!!tTh.ITl{}S st.fut, hNr b.{ pach.*d As rpprolnl ptinndg bill Arihdett illc MiNstr!' of E d. ftu ,u& barcd or tL e.tbodi t'' b..n rouslt &d B.l&E€5lt Hluthw Ca$Lucrior propoecd lo r.dl|.. 52.93 F Fopord bl My'llN i! .oafo@ity sith .o iDpl..rar lh. prq-ls d quictly 16 cat rc&(iotr, s!6ndsid &d pdFotd8 prolieio$ of th. h$ of th. <!, od po.ribL. th. por.cre qdl tE utldlrt s &@ th. qi!}Dl FoJ€r!. th. &Fnehr c@.6r.d!.&E d 30 19 Fr<.nt d ytd ;t.dti@ln ., dd..guhticbb.f.r ro tnc fll' judsn dr 1L Hluri.$' lPIrol.ed i!d. of ah. it A(troosn Milislfy ofEL.tlc Pow.rNa 2 ro 8i!glrd!5h ft.*r of&. IILOS. th. rcntonil st6s d;Frt Onlon Budg.t Btll20l3, scri@!itl., dup .,nuft.d to r.&E 37-89 p6 .dt fr@ b.ts{g My'jlj$.nd BMdrd6h !..bcr lcr tdc, pnft l p!'a !, pd 3 (a, t dd .). cxpcodiru X 14t,663 4?9 rillioa by p....tu[y dd th. .oiry ind aond ren 4 (t), pi.i 6 ar) dd snlpm (i). pare 6 nrbllln ie ro!n( r{oja1r. Fopcd M3 slbMgbbdrlitr..s !!ls.o lh. iro edons O).pen8,pdt 10, rar. l2 (.l,lst! ll.pdn nill.d ro r€drre 9.93 pd cilrr Sqm lt( ta, p.l! 15 (i. d. s), per ll. pe 18. p!.. a'! !eoa'It. Tb. !dl)!rty .dUnt@ Mtu$d fd fit'e. ed 30. pan 2: rnd trbL l r0 olrh. bill nr lio. .cdtsd can eler th. Foj.ct. to b. rc.[r..d Rdt'N U Hla Tu!. D.pury Miriitlr &r *rt[ ttc oneirul pror:siolB ofth. bIL pua by 9.19 !q c(d Tbb^ lt. rimitry c@' H6ii Dr Dr* Mylr Mjrt Ol$ Kltn ad l(O. p!'. 4(c), p.'! J. pe 6 (.) (n) (ut, .crdcd i$ to r..orsi&( Auogrhrbyc- Th. ITLOS n h6 low.d 6. f llnc,-rt ^ N&ugyritius ll KV pow.r etid ttd Thato!-M.r'lelio. 2]0 KV pffi srd i! th. prorda l' 6. mrpkrn.tnid s 2Ol ll-20! l itaadfrr. boundn rrir€d d|. prc?oral to npprd! th. Daob Uni@ BldfEt BrI 201:. th. I{Iutilw ap IndrrE, tlr bill, U Thm of Consiito.ocy, U S$ I}d Nlire ot Pspull Co,l!r1lll.!cy, U Tbrec Klorudic t{e of As of Yildbu Co!.tit'.fty. Di* De. Id'leld Ctu!tutuy. Bw.ofctlrSt U tlr sn r. Co[st!$.dcy No 8, ir U Ba of Krirttplu Coordns!.t' lddU S€ S€ ofHngtdug C@dnrcys'lo ntbnt! r.d p.opo!.I of ecodsdl ptdidpir.d d d;cnstid ofpa6 27 (b) ofA -{u.nding Sldr 'whrd or vilbg.-lmcl Adninisiralion Lnlr. &ardlnl &rl1bc so shrfrom !n Hlul'w fd Blll Amlndlng lvad or ln8 .lrnrt Adrllrdst'rtion Law. Todry's 1.30 Rlid dtr po. ard tbc l5n od.. ro an day'oo .r lo.|ll tduron@. vil- dd ar sin c@' tdf, efftrr5 fu)$${d1r{ o{f6 :o q:{ g qh8 1 q$r;lT.tdcr,0ts{ Ho4qd.r'e{ef ,+$f moq{diot4d,rqd ia(D ro5 (goo[Dl odf.rd$dl $dloaqqer, (chs,o:ffi&1{grecfi& ('h So^#i1{o164{p &r&plrdrd"ryrdd AUA3 w!erolt{o6?* Tdoe|& c{$# l8t,f' $&,ot o{pd ncr;q&f{&4"| lt{r.*&l .i{ [d]sEA e€o$ci{ss}€6wi s,co*,,$ o'{eucqpr:co}ilc$r [d$ "*44 ntos4x,r"ra.$d o:igocc &qq.*' ptorrl goesr4y$grr mr6 InsqE i recc:' 6!oob oo&rnlotapmr9c, rL. . t^ -- o^r -o^J" [o]cd,roo).+vJ qFo$ 5S "+od.F" eibfogi$rnco:E$i&?d,D4,'5orq,,!S'S r&,vrr$ t, #etl,IFfct+ $p7&c) J?.?.J@J qlFa .-. 1 vl 8t.{a.f .f9"- .*!rd Eqdd.r,a !&ad DEI .s. - t!5{ xJ ald E!! Pr.4q. l]inqilt d Pair 6.r!jr-ft Lr Daf..s fre, .a rD h.itd.r !.r ceu&4 algii. llald d 6. Iradrlr , sr l!.n*r w@a,xcMG,||ad!.rdrn (irild ra.!&!D, kdld !r .|. - lk Mc&l$ Fdc& lxo(.tB. ultsrtly.r N.idm! l-. D;t!$c, rr'@, n },t fa Slleld. LL !t, N.q Ydt lt{6ti.y &ttdr of lj.ild SFIB d.{ci.a !{! Aaolc B.j6-?.rbr- L.i"ie, M6tta.t 08 &dt aa, C.oldtit E tla.Oq Pt+lk qr tl b.&&LUltiqa$, Ml"ffi, Mt l,!r nEi. TLt. C4[i& C@.naq! Oan a, My|,e :,r.rrl llt!rog+'|!. CElrr, rd cr,*a hst.', Asdy.^rd€- smian G€EoFi.,Ir4 !.t oa e. xd6 crolo aa- !!r!i!tr srF d ,en! r@it" x: G*ir E@ri. rYfrg{h. :q:d .? €s?4-{f'r,e"...{'.* ''!f,.bittl't f,:r.s*ririi<rea: !,r{.&r .4&r.r;s-86 16.8*q .te tt Dplrod" ?ei{!6d9r5'& r& Mdrdal8r r.f r.drr.(&r!)r'rddrsdlr sfaEy. }rid,ty .t f6rt! ^t. .r &t e{'t{a}r4G !?.6 {roh ze.6 {rr) * ?* .\Dp*'.6 .'&*ot'qF oi_.{ {d€..e V,t &5?r€,& ',ro'ri*r8{ +Fr x,Fd cb'"6*" ':iJ',o6 H.,b @. r1 .4'.r'$ra'.?l{.d+i), r.{rriji85d !d!.61.i*n5r.6r{ g},f€.t4 5:lss?$it-A? ri€'1 I t66& ! , .4f6"6*ujy.&t 6"EC.a^* * i1s loLr.s r * r .r{t-d,C"&\F*'*t .,it-frr S;r, "r"; 8?n i,&hd,i6{"4od r.t05"r d6.'aop-4""6?"F dt oh,6ctr$Sv tr€ E&! c*9{i-.1 *r, !.t:JG cyr .rc!.dqr& .!68der€ll rEqy,r5. i '+r'.!68 .,6t.*rb,31.,.{6.s@*oet 5, ,b .€ Frd? I I .rirrlJ€.& a?.5 G5) d iFr .l16riC 'r.o*erl c**rlid {ao4+r (cd* ..,!) €Dl Fr.idi,t**nEd ? J S o.h".i.c+'. ', 6 4)j.4n't' cd€.t.'!rr !'l h-lldIffiffi r*&e:.?'Fi br.'+sCi€f geardlrf,e:$ r*1rt l*S'*oS"*l -=SrffiffS (":=1J -r -l,ai-apq,a tqe En" atd' I Ad or i{€?.p+ *-' t,f6'rd 'L'.rh!Fs.+Dr: 'rrs'.rlt!!.D .+sr: +?e ald' 9I9 8i.-;r*-".q,"r'.5e.. .s g&r€l! !.€*?A.4D'* Sldq/or*', r.-?+.s,ts$ os o6ra ,?-S" 4€,l *a?"**s-* ".hq6ld'r,rytd er "E+-' {?{ +'6tc'iq$}diir. "$?Eo$ ?dl!$i? . rysa$C.t :!lax&& 'A.f.r}.n ;:t rt*rnF; -{.4'.'t.C--}t fqi "-";S"O .* Flt!{ rrr o ** -e.**t y.6*d 6l-d d.&4i.i@c,r ' ec .+tti4;rTt4 *?l'' {h}$.+,!, er'.r . l+.!S&p lnd! ,' $.6:"& D .lD"!D -..s6r$Fi* tl. sf,: (@ " "6..',J r,tl€'-5rt .116 *i*/ ".is. ,."r $ 15. &q j { !s€.{*!d.,€l * n6 3..Do .r&r.!8t -{'i. l6*ql-t ".{s;;.6,1 ttlv' ".., l" @.5 ? : t€r4 + 9&.$f ? r"!rd.iad 16lr.i$,* o6*e ?i *t:t4ree q4.e;{, d! .ist.&f!..f 9t}4 SqEtt:|u.' *.tE r ci'.ml!F $|..6.Jd\!sl16*e-aft€i r,ll*n.rlL .L liE r' 6f {6'.:'l lti. ()!$r. l$. " .rc, k^i.i rr! dh&er {j r.,{ E!,"4 df,#*r"r ?{i} ? .r*n 1116 .r3.$ R4rd' fqliall* Ij'. , ? o+, Eie*..r a,t[i/a.c, 4flttj<t +4<r'€r".6.{ar*rrosegt os*Dlrqr,'a...*+J r{r5orJoqatD.} r :iq'd,,e Lir '!win :&$i&r:.qC/ C*.{F 66, .f*-*,l€r.' rrld I !li" ra "l #f !d"{Ff' {rJ) {€$$dr{ r:q'!!.!''! -dl ",€*dl.Crs{., !,r.$*.D e*i fu) ed,r ,r} ($) i6 c,rqo'.. -jrf isl f,"rq-H,148t "-!-.r.!r, 1r,#sal ?€ drd'*erii*r et 5 €{{ .r,i:, I li&ft6*i &!lt$ Br, r*.&.. c.@ .b drd! lat6$@r d. fiak. Gttr$. sniE it o( P.i! orEt. N&E Lr Dae.*- Lcq teE At\as, SoEd!! c.4r{ai.. ' ll''oe. t,fi* ot rL ,{dln C-obs A.- U6ln S.€ .t :441 'l.a!.. - !tr tai.lir sr@r. llr4rr, C|.!E t ddr tlEor, n6:i rt x&tc ICEDN! Lid\Gdy d P'ir o!.n, N5r.E Lr r.6<{.iN.'}*}qr i-g{f.? +rri* -,,,!,4@,}rli*rt p ",& 6{6ocd,a &r) ,tjdl"rli "c{"-tr, $d *,!6lrrl*?rl//o\'ep"rqe !uT3r"ra,?.,{*3 ti -folp f fr i. i ril t{' $' ir i t 'i *:: tf i] lnf t: it* "'! r*;n !'.!*i ,*t,l |]a*ra**ib.* rr-rrria * ra..lrirlri-r *r, {... F{dbs*it**:1. 3.' t!' rrlos j 4$o[eoo A&S ' o€o,,$GE o5f8o\:*rq d3oD flSa efq$l i ,t!i Jooo ft5o3€ a6<v:e1|<n ooacqQ€yiacgdr <q;c"tl8€t& €r& rIl-os +6i>5$;o.l $fcrq{tyr5ec2& go:rao[ ca!$cor AD-? S]