Cultural Properties Protection Act

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this web site, and is not liable for any incorrect information. COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved.This information may be used only for research, educational, legal and noncommercial purposes, with acknowledgement of UNESCO Cultural Heritage Laws Database as the source (© UNESCO).
Article 1 (Purpose) The purp0';c or this Act is 10 contribute to the cultural
advancement or the nation ;"IS wdl ;l~; 10 the cl1ltur<ll improvement or all people
by preserving ~lnd utilizing cuhur:'!! propcrlics.
Article 2 (Definitions) (1) Tlllllis .'\Ct~ "cllllllr;1! property" means thcfollowing:
l. Tangibh' l ullur:ll properlY: huildings. ch~"iC<'d IJOnb:, calligraphic \';orl:s,
ancient dncumcOl<:, pictures, ~clllrtlln', Cr<lfl\\"ork. etc. and other t.lllSibic
cultural pmdll(;l~ or high historic::l.1 Col" ;:nislic \':'II\lc ~111d other archcologic<11
specimens corrrsponding to any of them;
2. Intangible cuhllr:'!l properlY: dram7l, music, dance, crann'ork tcchnic'Jllc etc.
and other im<:ngibl'" cullum I expressions of hiqh historical or :trtislic \"aJuc;
3, ~{ontlmenr: ~!tdl·mountl~, ancicllt lombs, castle sites, pala.e: sitcs, palter)'
remains, strl1t~! cOllt<linint; n':l1liliJl5, etc, or high hi~torical Qr scientific v;J,lll(:~
othcr ~ites of high hi.qoric<l1 nr $cientifir,:111y ,'aillahle rCITIl1iI15, scenic places
cf high ;ll,tiqic Ol" orn;lmcll1:1.1 "<llll'.', :lnim.1ls (including thci,.llabitat. bn~eding
or mi~rali'J;1 !.,LtC~s), pbllls ·:inclllding tbeir hah:':ll), mitlcr:!\s and Gl'·'L:.S of
high scicm:fi·: '::due;
4, Folk-lore material: public morals and cmtn;ns rcl<!ling to food. clothing,
hOllsing. occupation, religion or an annU;1! evem, etc. and clothes. tools or
hou::~' , user! t hcrcfPl' • ha t ;, L~ inc1ispcn~ibl{' In illl' understanding of change.:; ilncl
progress in the l1'\li('ll1~d life:,
In this :\Cl "dt:si.s:-natcd cultur.:l1 prop':'rlyll me;lI1S lhe following:
1. Slale-clesign~t<.:(l cultural property: cullural property which W;1S designated
by th~ l\Iini~tcr of Culture and In[l1rmation in i\ccorclance with the provisk,ns
of Artick:. -} to 7 j
2, City-or P:-o-·:ince-dcsign;1lccI cultural pwperty: cullur:l.l properly which was
designa~cd by the ?\byor of the Special Cil~" of Scoid, the !\[aYOf of a Direct
Control CilY or lhe Governor of a PrO\"incl: ;11 accordancr. \\'itlt the provisions
of Article 55 (1) among cuhllri'd Pl",Jllcl"l;(,_~ not d(":,ignated by Subparagraph I;
3, Ctllttl~'al property material: cultural prr'peny \\'hich ,,':as dc~ignatC'd by the
l\'!ayor of the Special City of Seoul, the j\'by0r of a Dir~t..:t Control City or
the Go\-anor or J Province in :1.ccord.:ll1u· 'I'ilh ti1l' provisiol1:; of :\r!iclc 55(2)
<!ffiong cultural properties not designated by SUbp;1!";1grilph J or 2.
Article 3 (Establishlllcnt of Cultural Prapcl-t.ics ConlIniucc) (1) The
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this web site, and is not liable for any incorrect information. COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved.This information may be used only for research, educational, legal and noncommercial purposes, with acknowledgement of UNESCO Cultural Heritage Laws Database as the source (© UNESCO).
Culttual Properties Committee shall be ('st:-tulishcd in the ~\'Iillistry of Cullure
and Inforn13tion i.0 advise the ?\finisccr of CullulT and lnformation on 1he
research and deliberation on the ft')lIowin~ Il1:lIlC!"y, cOlln:rning t1w pre!:=('r\,:llioll.
management :lnd Uliliz:ninn of' cu1TlIr:11 prnpcnil..:.'i:
1. Designation or cancdlation of J. Sl;\lf.:-dl""ignall;c! cultlll"<ll property;
2. Dcsign~l.tion or cJ.llccllalic\J1 of:l pl'olcnin: "lruCllll'l: nt' protccti\-r. ;11'('.1 fo:-
a.State-designated culLural pmpc:rty;
3. Recognition or G.mccllatioll of :l bolder or a holding body of an important
imangiblc cultur:d propertYi
4-. Orders for subslanti31 repair and r.cstoralion of a St:llc-dcsignalcd cuhurol
5. Permission" lO chilngc the prcsl.:rIt sh:1jJc of a St~11c.d(·~igll:11Cd cultural proper!:.
or to tr4'lsporl it out of the State; .
6. Orders restricting or prohibiting actions :tilt! cSI~b!i!'hillg. cIjllljll:Hill~
or rcmoving r;:!cilitics in order 10 pn.>cl"\"c the CII\'irollllll:1It of a Sl:llC·dL'~i,::­
nated culLural properlY;
7. Purchase of a Stalc-designated (ulLlIral properly;
8. Excavation of a burieu cultural properly;
9. Other special or technical matters considered impon;ltlt to the prcscn'atioll,
rnanag"cmcnt 01" utilization or a State-designated C1.dlUr:d prcjJerly;
10. Recommcnd:1tions by thc :,fini!'ler or Culture and Inlllrmalir.'l1 conc:c;rnin,';
the designation and managcl11l:11t or ;\ City-o!" I'r()\'illcl'-dcsi~J):!h.'d nd\l1r;d
property or a cultural property m:1tcrial;
11. Other matters presented ror disCtI:::!'iol1 13y t!h' .\'lilli:-tlT nr C:U!IUt'I· ;:nd
Information concerning: the 111:111agl'!llCnt of CUIIU!';'}l prnpcl'lics,
(2) Subcommittees may be cstablish\.:d ill lhe Cultur:11 PI'OPCrllC:i C(JIlmliltc:·
according to the cbs.:-.ification of cultur;11 propcl'tit:s lor lite purpost.:: vI' r,,"'~earch·
.ing ilnd deliberating on the mall\.:rs under P:tr;lgraph (I).
(3) ).fatlcrs concerning thc ("Ir~:l.lliz:llion .1Ild ;ld1llini~!r.lliOIl or dIe: CUilll!,;ll
Proper tics COITU11ittcc sh:1l1 he prcscl'ibcd by the Pn;siJi.:nlia! f)ccrc.e.
Article 4 (Designation of Treasures and National Treasures) (I) The
?vIinistcr of Culture and Infonnation l1l:ly designate cenain impOrL:111l tnngii.J1c
cultural propcnies as Treasures, ;"tfter deliberation by the Cultural PropcrtiC'~
(2) The 1\1inistcr of Culture ami Information may, :lftt!' ddibnatioll by the Cu~
ltural Properties Committee, dcsigoT1;tte <IS National Treasures certain Treasures
under Paragraph(l) which arc r:lre and highly ,'alliable from the human cultural
DISCLAIMER: As Member States provide national legislations, hyperlinks and explanatory notes (if any), UNESCO does not guarantee their accuracy, nor their up-dating on
this web site, and is not liable for any incorrect information. COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved.This information may be used only for research, educational, legal and noncommercial purposes, with acknowledgement of UNESCO Cultural Heritage Laws Database as the source (© UNESCO).
puini. of "icw.
Article 5 (Designation of Ill1portant Intangible Cultul'iil 1'1'opcrtics)
Thf; ~1inisll'r of Cllllun' ,lnd fnronn;llion lll:l'~' d"~ign:\[f' cenain impnrl:l:11
inlangilJlc c1!ltur:d prfJj"wrty .IS ;lll impor!;l11( ill(:lll~ild!' cultur:d pmjll'rlY, afler
dclibcr;:tir'lJ1 hy Ihe CU];llr:l! Pr'.lpn;il';'. Cnnllllilll'C.
(2) The ivfinistcl" or Culture :\l1d information Sklll recognize a holder (11cITina ftcr under!'t ood as inc Iucling a ltolcli ng body; or :l n j m port;ll1 tin lJ.ngiblc cuI t ural
property when 111' dc!'ign<llcs :111 importanL illl:ll1c.:ibJc cultuJ":11 properly in
accord::l1ce with Paragr:1ph (I).
(3) The )'filli~tn of Culture ~lllci InfnrrllOtlioll lllay, ill additinn 10 the holder
re~ognizcd Illlckr P;" C~), rccoginl.c annthtT holder of ;\n impnrl.1nt
inti'\ngihlc cultll!';d properlY if he i~ \':()rlhy nr it.
Article 6 (Designation of HistOl·ical sites, Scenic Pbces and Natural I\:1oDuments) TIH' },filli::;ll'r 11!" C\llitll'l' :l/lcl Infnnll:l,inn m:1Y (k~igll~!L{' Cl'I'I.lill
important monument as':l. hislorical <iit~, ::crilic piau: ("II' a ll:lt\lr~ll ITWlHlIlll'llI
afler deliberation by the (:1l1l\l!':l! Prnpr'rlics Committee,
Article 7 (Designation of Inlportant Folk-lore I\-!aterials) The ?\'Iiniq(T
of Culture and Informi1tiol1l IIL\~' de~i~ll~\t(; cerlain important folk-lore m;\tfTi:1l
as an import;l.nt folk-Inrc l11;lil'ri:d :lftl'l' dr.·lilllT:l.tion by thc C\llturJl Properties
Article 8 (Designation of P:'otCCtiO:l F;... cil~ty :1ud Protection Area) \\'hcil
de~igni1tjng .:ll:\lIl'.Ir.~1 pr,);-,~'rr;: in :H.-I'nn:;!1l<'I: \\'id) .\rl!clt: '~, 6 (lr 7: the nfilliqn nf
CuI lure and 1n [01'111.11 iOIl 1!~,\', rll'~i ~n;II" ;: prell CCt j"I' ,~l n!l:lll l'l: or a protecl ivc :~ IT;)
therefor if i1 is
Article 9 (Announcement
r,l'C""";lry fnr
\!l'~ jJ['(lll'I'ii'lll ()['
_,,;ch crr!tur;)[
of Desig:'i.ation) (I) "'hell
designating :'! St;~tc-cl('~ign:l:l,'(l ndlllr:t! proj>LTiy \lllll:ll'.';II'IJd in Ihis :\nick ;15
including protccij',:e SlnIC\\lrl':; :lncl protl'l'li\'l ;11'l':lS:1 Ill' rn:(\~llizillg the holder;-;f
an imp')rl:1.t1t in!:1D,:.!il.ic cultur:'] pr0])L'lty in ;~('nrcbl;cl' \':i:h :\nicks 4-throlllg'h
8, the l\'Iini~lcr of Culture <lnd Inlorm.:lLiol1 sll~1l so .:l111101lnCC in the O[1ici:l1
Gazclte ,wc\ ~hall notify tlw 0\"IICl' or h,..tlcJCT
tht: cultural prppcrty cnllCl'1'll(,CI.
('2j \\-bclI thl're is 1IIJ C\-:I1l'r IJJ' tIlt: cllltur:t1 properly or dll': O\':11e1' 11lCl'l'of is unidentified, in the cast..: ofPal'ilgr;lph (1). the notification !'hall be made to the
occuP':-\l1t or tG the l11:1.n:lgcr tlwreof.
Article 10 (Issufance of rhe Certificate of Designation, etc.) (1) \Vhen
dcsigna':ling a l"i{tiollal tre;l~urL, a trc:I.'lIJC ur ;\ll imporl:lI1t folk-lore m~tcri;11 in
acconJ~1Cc with :\rticlc ·1- or 7, lhe :\fini:>II.T (If' C:diU1'l' ;1l1c! Informatioll skdl
issue;:!. certificate of clcs!gnatin/l thereof in the Q\','lHT 01' the clIlwr:d property
(2) \Vhen recugnizin;; lhe holder nf' an irnport;l11t i\l!;mgiblc cultural propL'rty
in accord'lnce \','ith :\nic1c 5(2) or (3), thl' )'[inistcr of Culture and Inform.:-ttion
shall i5SUC a ccrtiJ1c:1tc ofn:cognitioll then'orlo the holder concerned,
Article 11 (Effective Date of Designation Ol' Recognition) DcsigI1i1tion or
recognition under .-\rticlcs .~ Lhrough :} skill he dTcCli ..·c for the O\\'l1cr, 1\CIldcr,
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this web site, and is not liable for any incorrect information. COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved.This information may be used only for research, educational, legal and noncommercial purposes, with acknowledgement of UNESCO Cultural Heritage Laws Database as the source (© UNESCO).
occupant oJ" mnnagcr or the ruliural prnprrty C(1!lCnllcr!, Crnm Ihc dale Whl:ll he
receives the notice of dcsigll:llion or rrcngllil!('l1 lill'!'C'nf: fill' others: frolll the
date of the announcement ill til(" Ol!icial Gazl:lll·.
Article 12 (Cancellation of De~jgn:-:.tion or Hccog111tioH) ,'.1) \V!Jell :l designated cultural property \':hich w~:. dL'~ign~llcd ill i1croJ'd~ncc with :\nic.1e 4,
6 or 7 has lost its val \Ie "s sllch or ",hc'n thCfr i:: a :,pl:ci:l! rC;l',on 10 do :->0: :he
J..linister of Culture ;J,nd InformatinJl Illay, <1ftcr c!rlibcr:llinll by the C111tllr.::d
Properties Committee. c;ln... tll!Jc ch.::-igll:llioll l!wrl·nf.
(2) \\'hCJl the holdn of:111 imporl:lnt int:ll1g"il>le clIlIlI:':1! prop' rl~ i· rl',!!;:nclccl :15
incompetent due to a physic<ll or mcnlal i!lI1(':-;~ OJ' \,.. lWll I!J,.'J'(· is ;1 spcci;d
reason to do so, the :'finislcr of ClIIllIr": ;:nd Inf;'r!ll:di,,:: !~l;IY. ::(1"1' ddilJi'r·
alion by the CUhllr:1\ Propcnics Commiw'C, C;llll:clthe- IT''/l~nilin:l orl1ll' hold!::'
afan imporl'ant int<lngiblc ctllIllrJ.1 property.
(3) "'hen ;l. holder of <\11 impOrl;~nl iUl';:ngihk 1'lllllll';1! !'r"jJl'ny di,·.... till' n'('(,·
gllilion of the holder cOJlct:rncd skdl 1Jt' n'g;1rckd ;1.~ l;lll'-l'!ll L!, ;1!}(1 \'.1., Ii :dl ,h,·
holders of an imponJ.nt inlangihle cuitl1r;d prnpeny die, 1111.: cksign;llioll ,,1' ,hi:
important intangible cultural properly c.oncerlwd skIll \)'': rf"g;"lrdccl ;l!, cOlllcelled.
(4) \\'hen the designation or it Stalr=-de!'igll;Hrc! Cllltll!':ll propcrty 1!' CIIiCI·lIttl or
when thcre is a ~peci:11 rC<Tmn It) dt1 ~(I, lhe :,vJil1i~ltT .~·rCld'l1rc and 11~liJrtn;llinl1
may c~nccl the- dl.·,~i~ll:ltiOIl or ;111' pr"lt·'·ii\·,.' <:1 ruC! 11]"1' "I' ~!H P:·;dt·,·ti\·,~ :1n:a
(5) Thc pro\'isiom 01 .\nick ~l ;ll1d I I sh:l.1l :lp!JI~' II!/lh:is i1!1//0l/dir 10 tlw calOe::
(Ii through
\Vhen the owner Qr;1 ~~tion;d Tr,';l''I,\'I', ;\ Trl':l'llf •. :':l.11 im;"Jrt.IlH f01~:­
lOri' material recein:s a l:ancclbti,"l1 IInli("" ill .1,·cll!'d:ll::,'· ·,..-iti! dw J'n"'\'i~i:J1l ,"1'
P~r;:grnph (5: (II' .\nick 9, he shall I"l.:illl'lI th .... Ct'l'iillf·:-ttt' ,.!, ~l":-i,':!Jl;tl;OIl til''I"t'(,f
to the :'linistcr Qf Cllhurc and Inform:1li011 \,.·ilhi;l :5(1 'd:l\"~ rPlll~ lhl: d:1!" Ill'
rcct:ivcd the notice.
(7,i 'Vhcn the holde;' of an imp0r1ant intangihll' !'IlIl!,!"·l! !l:,'pcrty rf'c:ci'.·,·~ ;1
r:.::mcdlation notic,: ill accol'dancl: \\'ith Par:lg"Llpll (:,) H!' .\nick !J. ilL ~h~11
return the ccnific~lc of recognition to the :i\Iin!slI:r of C,t1tlll"t: and Inlormalioll
within 30 dny~ from the cht(~ he rc:cci\"C:d the lIotir,' ,: hm·.- ...· \·C'I', !his ~kdl nfl,
apply if a pcrson holding :1n important intangible cu!tur:d propc::ny elit::>,
Article 13 (Provisional Designation) (1) \Vill'n il i:i uq;l'tlt!y ncct'l>~;lry to
dc~ignate a cuItur:l1 property \\'hich is c1CClllc::d \'~J1tl;lbk enough to be de~ign;\tccl
in 41ccordance with Article 6 or 7, and )"t t Iher.... :S tlll lime for dclibn;lIion by
the Cuhur;}} Properties CommiuCl': the i\Iini:,!cl' ...If Culltlrc and lnformation
may provisionally dcsignate the cul,ul'ili prupt'l'ly';1S;11l illlpOrl~!lt cu1tllr<d property ilt lhe rcqt\l.'~t of Ihe Dir~c-lOr of lilf': Cuhur;d PftJrenit.'~ ;"billICllaIlCl: Ofrice.
(2; The pro\'isiol1:ll designation undcr P:u<!gr<lph(l) sh;~11 he df{'cti\'c from Ihe
d:11e \\·hcn thc ownt:r, OCCUP~111 or m~ll;lgt:l' of ,he cultllrrl! propeny JI':-:ign:l1ct!
provisionally (hereinafter, reft.:1Ted to ;1,$ "<1 provisionally designated r:ull ur;1, I
propcrty") receivcs thc notice thrrcf'f.
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this web site, and is not liable for any incorrect information. COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved.This information may be used only for research, educational, legal and noncommercial purposes, with acknowledgement of UNESCO Cultural Heritage Laws Database as the source (© UNESCO).
(3) The provi!'ii0n;d dcsi~;n:llioll llndn P~I:';lgl";lph(l) 5h;,11 berome: ineffective,
if the cultural propf'l'ly concerned i!'i 1101 dr<:ignalcd il!'i prcscri!)nl in ...-\rticlc G
or 7 within six month!' from lhl: {btt': nf irs pr()\'i~ioll~l (Ic.~igll,l!inll.
(4) The pr,wisinm ()f :\niclc!'i II thrntigh lo~n ~h:111 apply mU/tt/:J IIIl1lamJis to
the GISt: of ]Jarilgr"ph ~I); howcvcrl the anl~OlllJ(:cmCill in Ill,' Onicial Gazc!tC'
III accordance with .\nick 9(1) sh ,::d I be Oinillcd.
I\1anagcnlcni and Production
Article 14 (instruction Rcg:ucliu3 l\1;magclncnt !\Icthods) The .\fin;sln 1_01
Culture and Infurm':l.lion may issue necessary inslruCtions conrerning the mall:'.gcment and prolection ur the design:lted cultllr;1l property 10 lhi: owner (\':hen thai;
15 no o\,'nr:1" or ,,:hi'n tht.'I1\\'uer is unidentified. the IlrCUp:'.Tll thereof shall tah· thl;
owner':- pLlce; the s'lme ~hall :!pply hcrt:in:lftcr.\ or tb· holder t111'l'I':uC
Article 15 (O\...·ncr's i\lallagemcnt Duty and I\1an;lgcr) (I) The r,\';ncr (.f:1
Slalc-de~ignal(:d culwr:d propeny shall mall:lgc:lIldprotcnthecuhllr;.!lpropt~:.lY
with [he rl.:.J.sonnhlc C;lre of;l good man;:\gcr.
(2) Thl: f.',""ner (If :l. St:ne-designated cultur:d property rl1:lY, ,,;hCll l1eCCSS;ll"y,
select and nominale :l. manager to man<lgc and prolccl the St:1tc-designalL'd
cultural pr0pcny in his pbce.
(3) The prt')\'isiol1.~ c·r :\rrirll' \.j alltl P:1.r;lgraph (I) of thi~ :\nicle s!lalJ :lpply
1!I1/,'atis 1l:,·,':1:111!i.r 1.n the I1l;W;1gl.'l" ullder P:lra~raph (2).
Article 16 (J'\'lanagemcl1t by a ;'.'fnnaging Body) (I) ""hell tht; owner {"r :l
Statc-designi1led cultural propcrly i!' nOl !t!c!\tiliC'd, ('I" ,,:hen m:lllagcmcll( hy
lhe oWl1er (Ir the manager is cnnsidL'I"t'd (iitlintil ul" ill;llh'qu:nt:, tilt.:' ~Iini~ler
01" Cullllrc and Infonn:Hioll lI1:lY;I!'PClilH ;1 I.III"II {;!'\,(Tlll11cnt, an adl.:qUi\IC
juristic pcr50n or ;~ l){Idy (in tilis t\nick, J"L':i--rn,d to :t5 ";~ L'lcal GO\·t:rlllll(':II,
etc"") to manage the SI:llt'-de:;ign:uC'd cultur:d pn'j}cny"
(2) "'h<,:n <1ppoillting :J. L"Lal GO\"LT!ll!lL:ili, dt. ill .,cuJrdance \\"jth Par.agr;lph
(1), the). [i nislcr of Cull nrc and 1n formiltion !'h:t11 Ii1kc i nil' cIlIHidl'r,:ll ion lhl: opi ~
nions of lhe owner of lh~ cl!lluJ':l1 pn.1pl'rty cl,nCt;r;lt.:d, if ;lIIY, :llld ~h:ljj Jist!'n 10
the opinions of the Local GovefJllllt.:Il(1 ClC. ,,'hich he i~ l!Oillg to appoint.
(3) ,,\rhcn the l\'linistcr of Culture ,l1lel Inforn1:J.lion has :1ppllinled a Loc:l1 GO\·C'I'l1mcnt, etc. in accordance with P:1f:lgraph (l), he: shall so anllounce in til(': Oniciill
Gazette ,';ithollt dc:l:l'y nnd sh;111 noti!"y lb.: owner or the 1ll:l1l:l.J;er of tht~ SI:H('designated cultural properly and the Local GO\'cnllnl"iIl ctc, concerllcd.
(4) The owner or managcrofthc'~igl:alcd cultur,d ]lI'Clpeny ~h:111 nnl,
unless th~n.: is a jusufi:tble rca.c;on J interfnc with tn;"\i1aging acts of tht: Local
Government, etc. (hereinafter referred to a~ :fa mail;1~in~ body") appointed in
accordance wlth Paragraph (1).
(5) \\'hcn the !\Iinister of Culturl' and Illfonnatioll h:E. ilppointt'd :l n1:lnagingbody in accordance with P.J.l"ngraph (IL e:-.:pcmt.:s n:quirt.:cl for the 1ll:l.1l;\.L:t.:,'.
ment of the State-designated cultllral properly shaH be bonl by the rc!L";:\llt
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this web site, and is not liable for any incorrect information. COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved.This information may be used only for research, educational, legal and noncommercial purposes, with acknowledgement of UNESCO Cultural Heritage Laws Database as the source (© UNESCO).
managing body unless lhere is
;l spcci;-:\ rrll\'i~ioll ill Ih;" :\n.
(6) The pro\,j~,iom:: nf :'\rliclc 11 ~h;dl :1pply l1:lItr:!iJ IIIII!fHl""'\ !n 1ill' (.;\';,' Ill" Paragraph fl); the rro"'i5jon~: of ."rtid!' J.l :'inc! l.'i( 1:1, ""uf,~:i( 11!1I!,n;r!ir I" ;Ill' m:1I1:l!.!illg
Article 17 (~fanagcmcnt by the StOlte, etc.) (I: TIll' .\lini~lcr nl (:t1llllrC
and InfClrJn;1ii'"'!1 l1l:l'y m;ll1:l!-'l' dirt'nl;, llw S;;lt('-(k~i~'n;ll('cl "ll)!llr:~1 prnpf'l"IY nr
pro\:isicJI);llly dt~jgllalcd ndtllr:1! ]H'·'!)l;rty '11" Jll:lY 1:,::\" lll'('C!'I.-:':":. !):I';\.~llrt·::, if
to prOlccl (lr ~al('!!l1;1HI 11 frr'111 hl·ing hl1rnt. ~:"I,·n. d:l1H~~l't'd ,II" rnilwd.
Iw ~h;l!1 C'·!1~i(k .. till' "\pini"ll~ p;' !I]C fl\\'IlCI', lIJ,'1,:\:'; ,,~ lll;l!!;\!!ilig
Ihis C3~1.:
body in <l(h'ancc,
(~) \,'jth the rC'tllt1\":d (If the cin':llll\:'I;!IH":~ til:!! :11"( t'~-ll;lll'd !Ill' 1:1'";""\1\'" lltllkr
Par<l,jT;'\ph (1;, lil,.. :\linistcr nr Culture ;lud Tnl;-'l"m:nion ~h:dl !ift JlIi' llit':;~\lrI'3
withollt delay,
"Article 18 (Repairs, etc.) ,I"; The S1;l\l~-(k.. i.(:"I1:llt"lj rllllllr:lI p;,•.,!,,"ny ··II::!! 1)1"
repaired by it ~ ownerfin I hi~ An ide:, "n\':IHT" ;!!:'I) \l1l'~ m ;\ In:II1;l~:i;,..: btlrl y. if tlll'r.·
is one appfJinred) in :lcrr,rck'ln,'" ",ilb 1111' pr... ·.-i!'-inn~ (Ift!lr P,·,··i,I."!Jli:ll !)'Tn·t·,
(:2:' "'hen :In (I\\'ner (If Iht~ St:\1e-dr~ign;l[l'd Cll 11 111':1 1 propt.'rty ;l!tnH!~' In rq1:1ir
his cultllr"l propC'rty in ~ccnrdanc(,t' wiill P;ll":lgr;lph (I), he ~h:dl !J:I\·C.' il rl'p:lirl.:d
by a repairmnn,:1 n-p~lirin"~ '-'nginrcr Or:l rl.:p:liring IrTilllici:lll I'! Cldlllr:d prr'pl·r·
lic,:, who is rcgi~tl'rcd in the (:11 It 11 1":1 1 PrnprTlics j\r:lil1trll~IIl\:C ()!ilcc: lJn\\"n"t:1'.
this shall not ;lpply whcn 1111: lTI,;tir \\"nrk is ~(j ~li~l\l lh:ll it c\"!'~ W'! :dlL'CI Ihl.:
prcscl'\'iltic'lO (,(the cuhnr;t] prnpnlY (('ll1('('!"il('d,
{3:1 The ).lini"1cr nrCllhlln: ::nd Jll!i'l'ln:l1ipn m;,~' ()fckr the rW:!ll'r pf ll!l" S,.ll~'·
dcsigl~iltC'd cul!ur:d J:rnperty lO 11:111 !"~'p::ir"~ ,'I'!\\ hq,~itl :l:'::lin idH"n :111' r'"!',lir"..
delrnnelH;1! 10 the pn'!'-('JT:l1illl\ :llld
llI:lil:Il~l'lLJt III
Pi' JIll' ndlll1'.ll
~i-) Qualificf!.tioTls and mill.:!" n:qllirClnL'nt .. in:- !T~i:-lr;1lit1n f,f 1111' r'·p:llnn:lli. rcpairing engineer or rcp<tiring" technici:1n of tlil' c:lhllr:1! propcrtil" u!'l!.'r Para~r;1ph :~i ~h:!!1 he ;'l'csuilH-d h:: till' Pr..... i(knti~l lien"",
Anicle 19 (Rcco:"d Kccpin~) ~I) Th(; ~ri:!;~llT ,,1 (,lIltlliT :Ind lllli.'nnillif'lI
.!;hall keep :1 record of ccrt:lill imporl:lnt St:lil'-dl"~iSll;llC'd cull ural propcnil.:s,
:'T The). Eni:-h.:r or Cult lire <1 nd I 1l1:)!'!H;ll ion m;\ y. \\""CI1 Ite comirl['r~ it nen~:-~::1 ry
for thc preservation and lll;1n<lgcIllL'llt
;l Sl;lie-de~ign:HC'd ctlllllI":d prllpL'ny,
h=-t.\'c a research inslitution 0r =-t. 111<111 ,",I' ~l'('ci:l1 knm':lcdgc
cullur:d prnprrti("~
kecp a record Or;l St;ltt'.dl'~i1!llall't\ culilll·;ll prll!"'l('n~',
Article 20 (l\1attcrs to be Permitted) ~\ p("1':,(011 \·:hn illlt'ncls to L'l!g;1~C ill tlte
ncti\'itic~ tltlckr till' following Sl1hp;lr;~"o..::r:lph;,; C!)nCt'rnill~ (he Sl;l!('-dl:"~i,!.!Il;tlcd
cultural propcnic:- .. 11;111 oll\:,in Jl\:rll1i~~i"'l\ from the ~Iil1l~[t'l" of Culture ~lI1cl
1n[orm;1lioll in :lccor,:1:"1nc(' will, !ll(' pn'\'i;,;inn~ fir the Prc .. if!l.:1l1i:d I)CCITC, No
alteration in lhe ;lCli\"itics ::h,llllw 11l:\I!I' IInk:::- fUl'1 llf'l' JH:rmi~~i(l1l i~ grallled:
I, C:::IB!tLuring or colkcting- :~niJl\;ll:,. pl:tnl:' 01' min.:!';)ls ill :lll ;lr(';~ dcsign;ltcd
or pro\'isiol1<llly de .. ign:ltl.:d :1:- :~ :-'C'l'llic pl:!n: or :t n:llur<lI IllUlllll11l'l1t, or in
its prolccli\,(" ::n';.l, {'II' lr;ln~pnrting them O\lt Ill' such all are;l;
DISCLAIMER: As Member States provide national legislations, hyperlinks and explanatory notes (if any), UNESCO does not guarantee their accuracy, nor their up-dating on
this web site, and is not liable for any incorrect information. COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved.This information may be used only for research, educational, legal and noncommercial purposes, with acknowledgement of UNESCO Cultural Heritage Laws Database as the source (© UNESCO).
2. C3n'ying a St3tc-t1r.:~igl1alcd cultural proplTly (lUi nl";l 1J!;lCl.:
r"\lqndy or ;\
related place prr~cribcd by the P["C'!'ieJrl1li:l1 Dcrrec;
3. }'Iaking ~ Tuhhing Or:l St:ll(·.drsi!.!;n;!lcu cuhllr.. 1 pmpcny, illllJ1it;lling :tnd
ph{J'(l<"';~';!phi!1:! it ill ~Il("h ,I 111:111111':' 111.,: m:,y :1ITcCl i(~ pn'''l'rV;1linll;
-t, (:h;i1I·.:.ill~ :~I" pr"~I'L1 ~h;l!1r ,Ii ;: S1.:1f'.dr·"I~Il;\lI·d cllllllr:d IWC1plTly (including
tilL' pI"tJII'I'li\T Slna:lun: ~llId prnlccli\'j' ,m':l; or :111 :ICI wuich m:1Y ;'lOCCI its
Article 21 (Prohibition of Export, etc.) (\".\ :'\,llioll;!l Tn:asllrc:. a Trr::l~llrc
\;r 3.1\ inJpr.n~;!t folk-lore 11l.\ILTi:l1 :;ktl11l01 hI' !''\;p,-,rlcd or transported Ottl orlhr
St:lll': I :.:c"p: v:iwn 111'" \Iiniq,: Ill' (:ldll1r,· .:Ill! Illrl1!IlI:::i"ll pcrmi!s it rIll' =111
imcmational cultural cxchangr, ~\lch ;IS ;1 ndlur:d I'l"I'pc.:rty pxhibitio!l in :l.
foreign cc)lln!l~". ell. on r.onclilinn it he hr'll1.o:::hl b:lck 10 \IH' Sl:1i(' \\'ithin IwO
yC:'lrs frwll (b( .-!;:.1IC of its der:lI"turc"
".2"' Lpnn l"r'itlf':'it hy Ihe pcr~fln \\"hr. ":a~ jWl"illiliCcI tn 1;;\II."P(l1"I a :\~iion:,!j
Treasurc, .1 T!Ta'ilin' vr;111 in!jJtWI,11ll folk-Inre In;1iCl'ial ill "lc"prrbllcC' \':ilh Iht'
pro\'iso or Paragraph (I). tht.: ~rinistcrofClllttln: and Inl'fJrtlJ;lliol\ Ill:lY ]Jt'I"l11it the
extension of the limc perind f(ll' IWO )'C;lI"S nr It's~ if hr (flll~ir1f'r.~ il 11ll;\\'oicbblc.
(3) \Vhcl1 the )'linistcr ofCultul'C' ;:llld Inr.'l'll1:'!.lion illlrlld~ ill !.!r;lnl pC'nni~.'=iol1 for
trJ.mporting;:!' cultrll;\1 propeny Olll of lhc Sl.\lC in :lrcf\rd:t:ln' \'.. irh Ill/' prm"i ... o
of Par.Jg-r:tph·:I·. or \,"hell he ilHt'ncls to pc.:r:n:1 ;:111 ~~:':Il:n ... ioll "I'llif' lilll" jl('rifld in
accordallrl' \\";i!l P;lr.:."~r:\ph.2·. ;\1" ~h;dl rr'!'n hi~ int,>nril'l: ;I·llt," Sl:-l1l' ('(,uncil rnr
deli be!"<ll iUi,"
Article 22 (Canceltation of Permission) j t" Iltt" !l'·;"'-I.n ·.·.. !11 1 II:!>..... bl,:i!l(·d 1',";-ll1i~sirJn in :'!.cconbnr,· ,,:irll "\nidC' ~(J ,,~. 21 ·:i,d.:lt·'; it" 1t'!"11l~ (11 ,-nndi,i."'ln..,:. tlf if
it i~ ;C;1fCd {h:1i bt' 11l:IY di!lli!li:-Il ilil' \",\1111" "~" :L," SI:llt·-d·,-i!Jll;l!r·c! Ct:hllr;d j,lilpt.:ny for ;1ny r('.\50rl, the ~!in:;.tl'!" ill" (:ll!ll:r,' :111(: Illl;Il'-I:l::li(lll lli,\y ,.1l1l'd lh,·
Article 23 (Consignment or f,1ai):lgCtTll!IH, ctc. or Technical Gui(I:1nec)
OJ Thl: O\\"uc!" uf a Stillt.:-lh.:siglJ,liL·d ,'lllillt:;1 P:""i~t'l"I:: :n:l:: t.:lln..,:i.~ll it:> Jll;\!l:I~L'"
ment or its n:p:lirs 10 Ihe :'dinisll:rol' C,t1lurl' :Incl Illli,rlll;llion;H!Jnl hy
thl:' Prl·~ic!":!l:!~l Dl'cn'l': hn\':c.:':n.:'!. nl;lI~:I~ill'-: i",tl~", ;1' :l~)PI,ill!l>d ~lS ~l1rh. Ill;l::
consign ollly repairs
the cul!ural property 10 thc ?\·lil1iqcl' ul" Cullure ;"tntl 111-
(2) The o\\'l1er or Ih •.: 1ll:1llilgil11.j' h'ld~' of :1 Sl;llc-dcsigl1~lt.:d cultur:l! prOjW'"ly
lTI:ly requc.:st the :\1:nislt.T OrC:Ullllrc :ltHllnforl11:1lion lor u:rhnic<!\ gllicbncc \\"ilh
respect to Ilw 11lan;:lgcl11cnt or I\'p:'lirs nft!l!." ."ultru:11 property COllC'lTl1cd.
(3) \Vhen the ~Iilli~;l'l" nf Cu!turt: :1IH.1 Ill["ol'lnation i$ con~ig-ncd wilh lhl'
m ... n:igelllCllt or rcp:~ir~ 01':1. cllltllr;d properly in ;lcconbnce with Pill"ilgrnph(l),
he :-:haJl ;1ppoilll his mborclin:lll' "Jll("i:ll III hI' rL·:,pr'il~iblc for ihc: managcll!CIlI
and rcp;:Jir~ iht:n'of.
Article 24 (Protection and NurlUring of h~lfJort::lIH Int;lI!~blc Culem-al
Properties) (I) The Slilll' ~h:lll prnll't'l :illt! 11lInIH'I' lhl' 111lJ!urt:lll! il1l:111gillle
cultural »1'0pcnit::: fiJI" lilt.> jmrpU:>I' PI' tl·:lh'llIiltill.(~ ;\1111 {!t·\·I·lnp;ll.~ lradili(ll1:t1
DISCLAIMER: As Member States provide national legislations, hyperlinks and explanatory notes (if any), UNESCO does not guarantee their accuracy, nor their up-dating on
this web site, and is not liable for any incorrect information. COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved.This information may be used only for research, educational, legal and noncommercial purposes, with acknowledgement of UNESCO Cultural Heritage Laws Database as the source (© UNESCO).
(2) The 1vfinisler of Culture and Information m<l.Y klye the holclcr of an import<l.nt
intangible cultural property (e;1r:h his :;kill <l.ntl performing art for Ihe purrnsc of
lransmilting and pn·~uving the important inti1ngiblc ndtuf:11 property r:o!1ccrncd.
(3) The State may bear the cxpemes required fnr IIII' tran~llli~si[lll l~;lChiTlg under
Parilgraph (2) as nilowed in the Budget.
(4) The ::'\finiHcr (JrCllllUrc and Infnrmali()Illilay ;~'.\':1rd schobrship If) the person
\\'ho is trained with the trnnsmissioll leachin o'
(5) i\'!atters ncccssal:Y for transmission teaching :lllrl aW:J.rding ofthc !'cholarship
in accordance \',.-ith Paragraph (2) and (4) Sklll be prescribed by the Presidential
Article 25 (Ad.m..inistrative Order) (1) Till: ~finisllT nfC\J!lun: and Infornl;l~
tion may issue folIO\dng orders, .whcn he deems it nccr.~,s;)ry for mallagcrllL:nt
and protection of a Stu. tc-dcsign2. ~cd cui t lira I propert y (in I h is ,\rtid (', II ndcrs! nnd
as including the protective structure :md pmtl:cti\,r; ;11'r.;:\.):
I. Anorderp!'ohibi~ng c.. r rcstricling c"rlaill aeb or the owm.:r, holder, J11<lnaglT
or the rn~nagii1g body of;l. State·c!c:-ign:lln] cnlillral property when its management is considered improper or when 1]lcrc is a ~ljl!.:cial re<l.S011 to do SOj
2. An order dimussing tile manilgl'r J whcll 11ll" ::dccting <l.nd app"inting of the
manager in accord;1ncc with .\rliclc 1':1 (~) i~ c0Jl:;irlcrcd improper;
3. An order repairing, imtalling- nLec~~;lry !;1cility, removing (lh~tacl('s 10 the
owner, nUl.l1;1ger or 1l1all~~:;ing body Dfa Statt".tlc~ignatcd cu!tur~1 properly;
·k Orders, other than those prc'$crib~:d in SUhpal';1sr::phs 1 to 3: tn the owner,
manager or m;ll1tlging body of a Staic~dc~ir:;n:lil.:(l o!lttli':ll properlY 10 lake
necessary mea~t1rc~.
,:2) The ~linistcr of Culture ~',.lld Illl'ul'll:ation Ill:'.)' directly t;d,:e mC15UrL'S prescribed in each Subp:l.ragr;:r'lh ofParagr:tph (I) at the c;.:pCllSe ofthc State when
the owner or m~-:.nager of the State-designated cultural property not cxccute an order under ParJ.graph (I) or wIlcn it is l:ol1sidcred improper to have
him take measun:s pr('~c:r;l)('d ill each Sllbparagr:lJlh or Paragraph (1).
Article 26 (Restictions Oil. Sale) (1) \Vhcn tile owner of <1. State-designaled
cultural propeny intends [0 sell the clllt\lr~l pr0pcrlY concemr-c1, he shall dispose of ir prcfl':ren\i:.:lly trJ the Stale, iI Loc;d COHTllrllt:111 or:l JllIIsetl!11 if it
intends to purcha~e the cultur:d properly.
(2) The l\linister of Cullure and Information sh;1\ contrive necc~sal"')' measures
for pureha5ing the cultural properties \·.. hich it is considered nccess;1ry for the State
to purchasc, preserye and manage.
Article 27 (!\latters to be Reported) "'hen;l br:t falling under any of the
following SubpJ.ragr:lphs h~s occulTed, the ()\\'ner: holclcT: manage!' or man;1ging
body or a State-designated cultur<11 properlY (l1ndnslooc! in thi~ Anic1c <1S including the protective sirl\~tll!'(:" <lnd proteclivc an.';\~) :-h<dl report details thereof
to the :Minislcr of CU:lt:re: and ]lli'Orinalinl1 in :1cconl;1nce with the prCJvisiollS
of the Presidential DC'cr~i..:; !lO\\'l;VCr, the report :-h:111 be mack willl the joint
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this web site, and is not liable for any incorrect information. COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved.This information may be used only for research, educational, legal and noncommercial purposes, with acknowledgement of UNESCO Cultural Heritage Laws Database as the source (© UNESCO).
signature of the owner .:md the man:tgcT in (;\St: of Subparagraph I, and with
the joint signature of the old and new owners in C;1SC of Subparagrilph 2 rt·~pcc­
tivdy, and one member of the family living in the Silil1C houst:holc1 sh:111 rrpnrt
thereof in case of Subparagraph 10:
1. \Vhcn a manager was appointed or dismissed;
2. \Vhen a State-designa~cd cultural property is going to be sold, or when its
o.\lt'ncrship was tra:lsfcrrcd;
3. \Vhcn the name or addrc~s of the owner, holder or managl:r changed;
4-. \\'hen the name, lot 1l1l111btr~ i:lnd GHcgory or the extenl of Ihe site of a
State·dcsignated cultural properlY ch:lngccl;
5. \Vhc'n the place of cllSlody ch~\llgcd;
6. \Vhcn a Statc-dc!'ignatcd ciJ1tul";t1 properly \\';15 ruined, !'Iolcn, dC!'ITOycd or
7. \Vhcn a cultur.1.1 property W:loS If:lnsponcd ",ilh the permission under SUbp;1r;Jgraph I .::If 2 of .-\rticlc 20, or lhe proviso of Article 21 (I), or when i[ \\':\5 returned
10 its right place;
B. \\'hen a ch;In~c of the prcsclll sh:lpc or Oliler acts in the cuhllr;'!1 properlY
11<15 been bunched
completed wilh the permission (including lht.' chan:;cd
S\:lJp:tr.:'l;;r:lph -} of .\niclc 20;
9. \\'hell the l"cr,-;ir v;nrk, insl:lllation of facililil:~~ ]"c01o\'.1.1 of ob~taclcs, or olher
measures k·!" I:!'.' Cllhur:d properties h:1\'~ bcen bunched or completed under
the order !11 .S\:bp:lr;~~r;lph 3 or .~ of .\niclc 25 (1);
10. \Vhcn :l.Il ir.di\"idll:t! holding:111 import:lnl int,1ngiblc cultllral properly died.
Article 28 (Subsidies) ·:1' The St:ttc 11l:ly gr:tnt a subsidy to CO\·cr tht" whole
or a pan of Ihe follon-jug C~PCl1s(,s:
1. E~pcnscs neccs~~I"Y for Ihe l1l~nagcmel1t of the cultnr:ll prnpcny by a mall:1ging bod~- prr:snibcd in :\nick 16 (l);
2. Expenses nt:Cl's:!;ary lor (:lking mt"~Sllrcs in accordance with e~ch Subp:lr,graph of.-\nielc 25 (I);
3. Exp,;,·mcs. other 11,:111 1I105e IIl1der Sllhpar.:'!J;r~phs I and 2 , ncceSS:lry for Ihe
management, protcction, repair"s or record keeping of a Swtc-designated
cultural property;
-!-. Expenses nece~s:!.ry for the protection and nUlliring of an import:lnt inl:lIlgiblc cuhur:!.l propeny.
(2) \Vhen granting <1 sul):,idr in aceordancL: \\"jlh Paragrilph (1L the ;"lini30tcr of
Culture and Information lila)' sllpervise tht: rcp:lirs and other engineering \';orks
on the cultural property concerned.
(3) The subsidies under Subparagraphs 2 through -t or Par;:l.graph (I) shall be
delivered through the :;\'IaYOl" of the Special CilY of Seoul, the :Mayor of it
Direct Control City, or Ihe Governor of il Province, and shall be managed and
utilized pursuanl [0 his dircctio~ls; ho\\'c\"n, thi~ sll:lll not apply whcn the ~Iinislcr
of Culture and Information Jcems it lllllWCl'ss;lry.
Article 29 (Return of Subsidies, etc.) (I) \\·ht.'1\ ;"lny d the following Suh2519
DISCLAIMER: As Member States provide national legislations, hyperlinks and explanatory notes (if any), UNESCO does not guarantee their accuracy, nor their up-dating on
this web site, and is not liable for any incorrect information. COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved.This information may be used only for research, educational, legal and noncommercial purposes, with acknowledgement of UNESCO
Database as the source (© UNESCO).
_. Cultural Heritage
... .. -
pdragraphs applied (0 :l person who has n:cciH'd a sub~idy pursu<llll 10 Article
28 falls. the i'.1inislcr of Culture and lnform:lllon may suspend the ~llhsidy ('11"
order its return in \~'holc or in pan of the subsidy already granted:
I. When the subsidy W;'IS u!icd for a purpose other lhan those for which the ddiy:::ry W;1!i m;\c1t: in :-:ccnrcl:lncc with each Subparngrilph of :\rticlc 23 (I);
2. \Vhcll pcrmi~!'il'll 1"01 the repairs or other IllZlintcnancc \\'orl, (111 the,;ct~.
for which ,he !'t1bsidy \\":l~ g-r:lnlcd was c:lIlcdlcd in accordance willi ,\rtide ~2;
3. \Vhcn it is acknowledged that there is 110 pos~iblity f.:-f :l.chicving till: purpose
for which the subsidy was granted in :lccordar,cc \\"jtlJ Subpilrilgrilph 2 or 3 of
~\nick 2~
..t. "'hen the- :,ulnidy \\'ilS gilined hy li'oudukm
othlT ullfair Illt':tI1S;
5. \Vhen a St:llc-d<.':'igllared cultural property on which subsidized repairs or
Olher work !1:td bcell performed, i.-; tr.:1mrciTl'c1 with cOl1lpcn~;ltinll,
(2) ~fattcrs ncce.ssil:'y for the return of a ~ub~idy in :lCCnrdilnc:e \\'ith Pill'agr.:lph
(1) shall bc prC':,crihn! by the rn'~idcntial D,'ern:.
Article 30 (Compensation for Loss) The St;1tL' .. h:dl Ill;l!-:t; Ll)lIlpen~iltion 10
any pcr~on WhU:'L' lu~~ fali-; tIlH!L-r i'..l1y or lh· l~llh)wing Sllbp;lril~r;lph:,:
I. :\ pcrsoa \':ho 11::~ :-urrer~tl a 10s:I (iu ..., 1'_' lilt: Inil!l;I~t:llIClll by llll' S,;;; ...,
pUI":,u:lIlt to _-\n ick ! I : I:,:
~ . ..\ penon W;\O 1I:t.~ ~uflcrL'd :l 10$5 clue In the O:LL:illil'li or :11I urdcr ill :1cctJr·
dJ.HCt' with .-\nick !C (3" SllbP:1I";l,~raph 1,3 lll" ·1- (,i' .\nil,'lc 2j (I~;
J, .-\ rL'r~'.)a \\'hn h~· . ":Tt'l"'.'c! :1 l'l~" due III I11C::- ',ln', lakt:n 11111"':\1:1111 tn .·\nick :!:.
Article 31 (Expenses
Go\"crnrnclll may !Jc::r
be Darn by [he Local Government)
s:ub,:;:idizc lhe n~pCn.':iC5 rcquired for Ihc m:\llag'('llll.'nt,
prolection or repair; of tho:,C' St:Hc-designalcd cultural propenies which are
located within its tt.TrilOrial jlll"i:;diction IIlIl no; in ils pns~t~s;{)n nor UndL'l' its
Article 32 (lHutatis l\lutandis Application) The [J]"I,\:i:-i"ll~ 'If ,\l'lick~ Il,
15,20 to :!2, Subpar:l.:;,;rapils I and 4 or :\nide ::!j (I" Sllhpar.:!~r;lphs 2 tt.) ·L
6 to 8 of :\nicle 27 i1ncl :\niclc 30 shall :tpply mulnlij mll/nl/dis tn lhe ll1;'\nagcment and prolcction of the prm'ision::dly designated cultul'.d rrnpl.:~·~il.:s.
Opening to the Public
Article 33 (Opening to the Public) The Stalc-~lcsi8"n:1tcd cultural propertic:::
shall be open to the public as prescribLd by this .'\C1.
Article 34 (Opening to the Public of State~DesignatedCultural Properties
that are Real Properties) (I) The 0\\'11(:1', l1Iun,lgcr or 11I:lIlaging body of
!\ational Tr<:~:'llrcs i)f Treasures, thai ilrc rcal propenics, :t!ld hislOrical sites,
scenic plaCC!;, natural rnga01lnents (excluding animals) shall open lhc property to
the public in ~!:cf):-d::lnce \\·il h lhe prm'isions of 1 lit.' Pn..:~id(,1lI i;t! Dccn.:t..:; howe\"Cr,
lhis~hal! nol apply in :'I case \"'lich f:tlh. lll1der .:lily of the fldlo\\'illl;; Subparagraphs:
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this web site, and is not liable for any incorrect information. COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved.This information may be used only for research, educational, legal and noncommercial purposes, with acknowledgement of UNESCO Cultural Heritage Laws Database as the source (© UNESCO).
:; .: I .
I, \Vhrn
lhe p\llJlic is iIl:1rprrJp"jalc for l"C:l."nJl!> C'fmcnning rell1:l11;'!gcIllelll or Ill{: Cllllllr;,1 proP!T!)';
2. \Vhen the OWIll'r., man:lgcr or the managing hody h:l!' n!ll:1i!wrl all appro\':11
from the ivlinisler nf Culture and lnforlllatinll not tn '-JfWlI tn Ihl' pulJlic 1;)1'
unavoidable reasons;
3. \'Vhen the ?\linistcr of Culture Inform:l.lion nrdCfrd In rrsirici or suspend
the opening of thl' cultural property to the public if he con~id('rs it necessary
10 protect the cuhur:ll property concerned from bdng dl,~tr/JYf'lJ Ill' damaged,
(2~: \Vhen lhr. .\Iinistcr of Culture :lncl Informalion h:\s i!'.-lIctl 111(" pnlllission or
an order in nccordance \\'ith Suhpar;lgr;Jph 2 or 3 of Par:-!~r:lph {I :\. he sh:lll
make :l. public :lnllmlHCCmenl thereof in accnnLlIlcc \\'jtil the pl'(1\'i,,,inm or IJl"
Presidcnli:tl 1)('("1'('('.
Article - 35 (Opening to the Public of the State-Designated Cultural Properties that are :t\1ovabIe 'Properties) 'It The owner, 11l;11l:lgCI' or lll:ln;lging' body of :l St3Ic-desigll:llec! cllllllr:1I prr'pt'ny Ihal i<; a 1I\1)\':lhk property
shall c-xhillil or open it (0 L1H: public \dlell till' ).lini:Hcr of CIlhlln.: :lnd InfoI'·
mation issucs any
the following order<;: hn\\'c\'l'l'. thi~ ~hall llllt :lpply whell
there is :ltl unavoidable rcason nOt to dn 50:
I. Holding an exhibition :It lh(' ~alion:11 ?\lm.l'llJ1l or olhn plar,'s I~)l';l, pcrivd
11()1 10 e:-.::cced one ye:lr. In Ihi ... C:l~e, Ihe )'lilli~1<:r of Culture ;llId Infnrlll:llioll
may (,;\Il'nd IlJe perine! lip tn Ihrcc Yl'aL-:
~, Opl:nin,~ If) ill,: puhl!\' li)!,:1 ~)cri'ld not Jr' ",,\(t'ed 1)11'1-" lil>'!J1h"
(2 In C;1SCS other 11l;'11 t1ln"l' :l.~ prt'~crib,'d ill ("tch SnlljJ;lr,l:.rr:qJ!l (If P;'!r~­
gr:lph (1), the owner, m:ltlilgcr Ill' Jll;ln;\gin~ bndy o( a SLlI,'·ri(""i-.:n:lll'd cultural
property thai is a Jl1m';lblc prllJwrty slJ:11l Oh;,lill p<"rrlli,~i011 t"n)lll Ihc .\jini.-,tl'r or
Culture nnd InformaliClIl wht'!l he intend:- Ir.... 110\,' ot' 0PCll il In du' public for
appreciation at :1 pbcc exeepl where Ihe cultural pl'nperty has hcel1 krpl in
custody, or at an exhihition sponsored hy al~nI1H'r rt"r~nn: hllWl'\Tl'1 in ihis C:l~CI
the org:lni7,:ltiol1 gO\Trning tht' exhihition concerned which is to be pre~t'nted
widl Ihe cultural properlY shall l11:lkc a prillI' l"l'pon lIf 1111: purport of thc
exhibition to the !\'Iinister of Cuhure and Iulorlllittion.
(3) The ~Iinislcr of Culture :lnd Illform:lli0n Ill;ly issut' :lll order nCCL'~5:lry for
the prescf\'atioll or managemL'm or the cultural propl:ny concerned to lhl:
permo who has oblained permission or has made a report in nccnrc!ancc with
Paragraph (2).
Article 36 (Opening to the Public of Im.portant Intangible Cultural
Propertie5) The holder of :lll important inlaflgihle cultural properlY shall,
except whcn (here is a special ft:ason nOt 10 dn so, open the important intangible
cultural property (0 (he public once :l ycnr or more,
Article 37 (Expenses for Opening: to the Public) .-\11 C'xprnscs for t'xhibilion
or opening In the public in :lCCOrdf11Ke widl Subparagraph of Article 35
(I) or Article 36 shall be born by the Stale; howcn·r. Illl' amount of income
resulting (mill Stich opening to till' J111I)lic or exhibition lllay be deducled from the
i :,'
ligiolls ccrclllflnie:-.
prcs('rv~l.lion 01'
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source (© UNESCO).
.~.-~ - ~ ~ :
. . _. .-'-......
- - "Cultural
- - * " Heritage Laws Database as the
expenses to be born by the State.
Article 38 (Allowances and Com.pcDsatioI1 Money) (I) An owner, manager or managing body of a State-designated cultural property shall be granted
W1th allowances by the State in accordance with the Prcsidental Decree,
when he presented the cultural property for exhibition in a(cord~ricc with
SubpAragraph I of Articlo 35 (1)_
(2) The State shall compcmatc the m..· ncr of a St;>.tc-dcsignatcd cull ural property for any ruin, loss, destruction or damage thereof occulTed eluring exhibition or opening to the public held in accordance with an order \lncler Article
35 (1); howcYer, this shall not apply when the o\,;nCI", 111:1l1agcr or m:lIlaging
body is acountablc for the ruin, loss, destruction or damage thcrcor.
Article 39 (Collection of Admission Fees) (I) The owner, holder or mJ.naging body of a State-designated cultural property In;lY collect :ldmission leI'
from spectators when he opens the cultural pmpcrlY If) the public.
(2) The ~'Iini~ter of Culture nnd Information may d(':-i,~n;l.t(' ;1 competent Local
GO\'crnment 10 collect and manage the admission rc('~ when il is considered
inappropriate for the owner, holder or managing body lhneof to coller! :111rl
manage the 2dmission fees under Paragraph (I),
(3) The )'Jini$ler of Culture and Inr(lrm~ti()n shall prescribe matters necessary
for fixing the 3.lTIOU!H of, collecting and w-ing the admission fees prescribed in
Paragraphs 1 and (2'1.
(4) \Vhen the )'finister nrC:ullurr :llld 111 fnrm:l1in!1 inlcJj(l~ to r1e!'igll;uc a Local
Go\'{'rnmcnt in accordance ,,\"jlll P2.r:1.':::-r; (2), he ~h;lll listcn \() 11ll: opinions
of the Local GO\"Crnmc11l tn 1)(' (!r-,ign:1tcd ,mel lhose of the owner, holder or
managing body or the ('uhllr:11 11rl'peny concerned,
Article 40 (Report of Managerial l\lattcrs) The )'!ini5tcr of" Cllltun: and
Information may have the mn1er J Ill)!ch'r. 11lal~.:1gcr or 1l1.:1'1<:ging body or a Statt'·
desi~l~atcc! culiural property report nl1 the prr~wnl ~h,'r)(', man:1S;l'meIH, rcp;lir';
and ollter m.J.tlcr~ c()nc<.:rtlin~ CI1VirolllllClll<.d !,jt\lalinll~ .:1nc! prc:'ierv:11ir1 J1:
Article 41 (Investigation under Authority) (I) TI\(' :\Iinistcr of Cldture and
Information may, \\"!Jen he considl'l'"~ il ncccss;lry, 1,;\\·(.' 1Ji~ ~uborclin:1tt.: (Jmcials
in\'Cstigale the prc.scnt situation, mall:lgel1lCJ11, rep;liL' ;llld (lliler mallcrs concerning environmental situation and prcscr\'ation or lllt' SI:lI,:-c1csig-l1:1ted cultural
(2) \Vhen an investigation is carried out in accord:1J1cc with Par:1graph (I). lht'
O\.... ner, holder, manager or managing body of the cultural properlY shall be so
notified in advance; howc\,'cr, in case of emergency, l!oLific<llion may be madl
after the investigation is carried out.
(3) ..\ public official who conducts the itl\'(:stigation in ;lccordancl: with Paragraph
(1) may ;lsk persons concerned for necc>;sary conprralion, and measure, exO
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cavatc, femove obstacles and lake other necessary measures for the investigation
so long- as he does not destroy or damage the present shape of the cultural
property conccrncd; howcver, consent shall be obtained from the owner, holder,
manager or managing body concerned for an investigation before sunrise or after
(4) A public official, who conducts the investigation in accordance with Paragraph
(2), shall bear an identification manifesting his authority, and present it to the
person concerned.
(5) The shall make compensation lor any loss arising [rom the investigation
under Paragraph (3).
Article "42 (Investigation, etc. for the Designation) (1) The ~...rinister of Culture and Information may ho.\:e the owner or the manager of a cultural property
report on the present shape or environmental situation thereof, or may have his
subordinale officials make an investigation thereon for the designation under
Articles 4- to 8 or for the provisional designation under Article 13.
(2) The provisions of Article 41 (2) to (5) shall apply mutatis mutalldis to the case
where.: the ~Iinister of Culture and Information has his subordinate oOicials
make an itwcstigation in accordance with Paragraph (l).
Article 43 (Report of Discovery) \ Vllt.:n a cuhural property \i'hich is contained
or, buried in the land, ~L'a-botto!l1 or a structure, etc. (hereinafter referred to a~
"a buried cultural property") is discO\-ered, the disco':elTr thereof, the owner,
the occupant or the man;-tger of Ihe land, sea-bottom or the structure, etc.
shall report the discovery to the ~Jinistcr 01" Culture and Information without
changin\:S the present shapi.: in accordance wilh the provisions oftbc Presidential
Article 44 (Restraint on Excavation) (I) The land 0r .~ea-bot 10m which
is assumed to contain a shell-mound, anciellt tomb or olhel" buried cultural
properties shall not bc excavated; howevcr, this shall not apply to any of the
following Subparagraphs when permission is granted by the ~v1inister of Culture
and Information in accordance with the provisions of the Presidential Decree:
1. \Vhen the excavation is carried out for scientific research;
2. \Vhen the construction work (hereinafter, understood as including civil
cngineeri ng) makes excavation unavoidable;
3. \Vhen the land or sea-bottom is found oul to contain a buried cultural
property during a conslruction work and it is necessary to excavate it to continue the construclion work.
(2) \Vhcn granting pcrmission in accordance with the proviso of Paragraph (I),
the !\Jinistcr of Culture and Information may issue necessary instructions, and
even after granling permission , he may order the cXC::lv~tion stopped or suspended,
if necessary, or cancel the permission of excavation.
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only for research, educational,
legal and non,:-...:_-~ -~..:.-:..-=-..:..'
commercial purposes, with acknowledgement of UNESCO Cultural Heritage Laws Database as the source (© UNESCO).
expenses to be born by the State.
Article 38 (Allowances and Compensation Money)
(1) An o\....ner, manager or managing body of a State-designated cultural propCt'ty shall be granted
with aIJowanccs by the State in accordance with the Presidcntal Decree,
when he pn:5ented the cultural property for exhibition in accordance with
Subparagraph 1 of Article 35 (I;"
(2) The State shall compcmatc the owner of a Statc-designated cultural property for any ruin, loss, deslruction or damage thereof occuITcd during exhibition or opening to the public held in accordance with an order uncler Article
35 (1); howen~r, this shall not apply \\'!lcn thc owner, manager or managing
body is acoul1l~blc for the ruin, loss, destruction or damage Ihen.:of,
Article 39 (Collection of Admission Fees) (1) The O\vncr, holder or mannging body of a State-designated cultural prnpcny !n;ly collect :ldmission fcc
. from spectatrJrs whcn he opens thc cultural properly tn lhc public,
(2) The 1\'lini~lcr ofCulturc and Inform:ltion may dcsig-n;llc <1 competent Local
GO\'crnment to collect and managc the admission rcl'~ when it is considered
inappropriate for thc owner, holder or mannging body 1 hereof to colieci anrl the ~dmission fees under Par;lgrZlph (I),
(3) The ~\'Iini~lcr of Culture and Illfnnn:Jtinn shall prescribe matters necessary
for fixing Ihe amount of, collecting Zlnd ming the admission fees prescribed in
Paragraphs ~ (lnc! :"2'"
(4) \V1Jcn the :\linister nrCUhlln' ;ll,d Il1fnrm:uion intuld:- 10 de:-igll:Jll: a Local
Government in accordance \\"il!l P~r:1:.! (2), he sh:11l listen In the opinions
of the Local GO\'crnmC111 In hI' r!c' ..ignatec! and 1I1Ose of the owner, holder or
managing body or Ihe cuhllr;'!! prnperty concerned.
Article 40 (Report of lvlanagerial i\lattel's) The :,!inisler of Culture and
Information may have the owner, holdn. tll;II:<1g-L'r or m':l'1<:ging body or a S1<Itcdesi~naled ndtural pmpeny repnn ('Ill llle prCSf'lll ~lI;lpl', man;lgt-Illent, rep;liI'·;
and othcr matters c(Jnccl"I1in,~ enVirOIlI11CllIa! Sil\lalinll~ ;""Inc! prCSC1Y:llintl;
Article 41 (Investigation undcI' Authority) (!! TIle" :\fillislcr nfC\:Jturc and
Inform;lIinn may, when he considers it l1ecess;ll"Y_ kl\"l' hi~ ~llbordin;llc omeia!s
in\'C5Iigarc the prcsent situation, managemenl, rcp~irs ;lllcl (llher J1l:ltters concerning em'ironmcntal situation and presCIT;1tioll or Iht' SlalL"-c1csigll:ltecl cllhur<ll
(2) \Vhen an investigation is carried out in accorcbncc with P:lrn.Q;r:1.pll (I), tIll'
owner, holder, manager or managing body of the cultural property shall be ~;n
notified in advance; howc'.'{~r, in case or emergency, I:otific;llion lllay be mad!"
aftcr the investigation is carried out.
(3) ,.\ public official who conducts the il1\'cstigation in aCCOrd;1!lCC wilh
(1) may ask persons concern cd for ncce!'sary coopcr;)lion, and me;ISUJ'(:, ex-
.. ' ,
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- -~- .-<.
cavat~. remove obstacles and lake other necessary measures for the investigation
so long as he docs not destroy or damage the present shape of the cultural
property concerned; howc\'cr, consent shall be outained from the owner, holder,
manager or managing body concerned for an investigation before sunrise or after
(4) A public official) who conducts the im"CSligalion in accordance with Paragraph
(2), shall bear an identification manifesting his authority, and present it to the
person concerned.
(5) The SI:lIC shall mal,c compensation for any loss arising from the investigation
under P,r'graph (3).
Article "42 (Investigation, ctc. for tbe Designation) (1) The l\'Iinistcr of Cui·
ture and Information may ha,,"c the owner or the manager of a cultural property
report on the present shape or environmental situation thercof, or may have his
subordinate officials m<lke an investig;ltion thereon for the designation under
Articles";' tC' 8 or for the provisional designation under Article 13.
(2) The provisions of Article 41 (2) to (5) shall apply mutatis muta1ldis to the case
where the ~\;1inistcr of Culture and Information h:t5 his subordinate onici:tls
make an ifl\"estigation in accord"ncc with Paragraph (I),
Article 43 (Report of Dis eo very) \\'hl'1l a cultural property \\'hich is conuuncd
or. LUt-ied in the land, sl,:a-bollom or a Siructllrc, etc. (hereinafter referred to as
"a buried cuhural property") is disco\'cred, lhe disco'.'crcr [hereof, the owner,
the occupant or the m:lI1agcr of the land, sea-bottom or the structure, etc.
shall repon the discovery to the ~'Iinistcr 01" Culture and Information without
changin~ the presclll sh::lp~ in ::lccordancc widl the prQ\"isions of tile PI-esidential
Article 44 (Restraint on Excavation) (I) The I"nd or :ic::l-boltom which
is assumed to cont;1in a shell-mound: anciellt tolllb or olher lmricd culLural
properties shall not be excavated; however, this shall not apply to allY of the
following Subparagrnphs \\'hen permission is granted by the 1\'1inister ofCultllr~
and Inform.:uion in accordance with the provisions of the Presidential Decree:
I, \Vhcn thr. excavation is carried out for scientific research;
2. \Vhen the construction work (hercinaJ[er, understood as including civil
engineering) makes cxcav;1{ion unavoidable;
3. \r\Then the land or sea-bollom is round out to contain a buried cultural
properly during a construction work and it is necessary to excavate it to continue the construction work.
(2) \Vhen granting permission in accordance with the proviso of Paragraph (I),
the 1Iinistcr of Culture and Information may issue necessary instructions, and
even after granting permission, he may order the cxc::lvalion stopped or suspended,
if necessary', or cancd the permission of eXGl\"::ltion.
DISCLAIMER: As Member States provide national legislations, hyperlinks and explanatory notes (if any), UNESCO does not guarantee their accuracy, nor their up-dating on
this web site, and is not liable for any incorrect information. COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved.This information may be used only for research, educational, legal and noncommercial purposes, with acknowledgement of UNESCO Cultural Heritage Laws Database as the source (© UNESCO).
(3) When the person who has nbtainl'd the pcrmil'sion in acc:nnbncl' H'ith lite pro\·jso of Paragraph (1) h::l5 cump]clcd the excavation, he shall report lht rr5\1]1
to the ?...1inistcr of Culture and Information withom dday, and Ih(' ivIinislcr 01
Culture and Information may, when rcpor!rd on the rcmh, issue nCCCSSflt)
instructions for the preservation and managrmr'nt of the C'XGl\'iltCc! cultural properties.
(4) In case of Subparagraph 2 or 3 of Paragrilph(lj, the }dinistcr of Culture
and Infonnation may, when n('r('~~:try for Ihe' preservation of the cultural property,
excavate it directly, or dcsigl1;llC' a j1r.rson In f':XGI\'<lIC it. Tn this c;l!'C, (':-:rrl1:-(':
for the excavation shall b(· born by lill: pt'l"5011 WllO carrics 0l1t the cxcn'ation
(5) The provisions of Parilgraphs(l) to (3) ~hilll :lpply mutatis mil/aI/dis In c;ues
where the prcsem shapt.: of the buried cultural pl'llpcrty (underslood ns excludillg
a cultural propCTl), that is a mo\·a?lc proporty) i~ ch<lnc;ed. In thi;; c;,~c ICc:\:_
ci1\'ation" shall be read ;'1S "change of the prC'Sl.:1l1 ~h;\pc".
Article 45 (Excavation by the State) (II TIl!' .\1:ni~t(T or Culllirc :lnd Information may, when it is comidercd neccs~ary, c:,\(";'\"alf' Ihe li"llld or ~l'a·bollonL
where a cultural property is thought to be buried.
(2) In the case of Paragraph (I), the ~linister orC:uhul"e and lnfunn;'!tiol1 ~hall,
as prescribed by the Presidenti:1! Decree, if!;Ue :[Ii OC1\":lticn nOlic(' dcs'Tihillg
the purpose and methods of eXC<\\"iltiol1: III(' datt' III :-1~11 t C'X(';l\-:l1;nll :!Ild fllhl'r
necessary matters to the owner or the occupalll (Ii" the bnd,
~3', The owner, managa or nCCupZl.nt or duo !:Ind nr rllt' ~"\Irf;:,c or 1hI.' :-t~;1 !'h:111
nOI refuse: interfcrr. WillI or CV;lclc lhl' CXc;l\";ltinll uncl"l" ]'::r;tgr:lpll (I
~4-; The pro\'isions of :\niclc 38 ~nd 41 sklli :Ippl~ 1IIllI.:::".{ "..:I'ol'l,Ii.. III P:1r:lgraph (I).
Article 46 (Disposition Method) (1) \'·hell :1 cultur;l.! pr"pnty di~cn\"Cry
\\";15 reported under Article 43 or cxcav:l.tcd uncle-r :\nick -1-101' -15. thl? :'\linislt.:t"
of Culture and I nforma tion shall: ir t he owner or till' ful1Ur:l1 property is ident ilicrl:
return it to the owner in il.CCOrdilnce with c:lch Sllbpar:'lgr:lph be1O\\': if, Ill' owner
is uilidentified, notify it to the competenl t.:hi ..: f of police ~lil(ion l"l"ganlk!ols oj
Article 1 (I) of the Lost Articles :\CI which is :lpplicd 11ll1t/;,iJ IIIl1tm/(l'-s by :\rlicll'
13 of the same 1\ct:
1. \\'hen a cultural property di~co\"Cry is reporll.:d uuder ..\nick ,13 or c:-::cavalcd
under Article 44(1), the person who reported or eXGlV;lted :;1Iall return it to
the owner thereof;
2, \Vhen a cultural propcny discovery is Cxc;1.\";l.led uncler ..\rticlc -I-I(-n or 45,
the ]\·finister of Culture and Information shall return it 10 the Q\\'ner lhcreor.
(2) ,"Vhen the chief of the police station received t fle nC!1 ific:uion 11l1ckr Pil ragraph
(1), he sh;llI, \';ithout dday, m;,ke a puhlic annotlllccmc.nt in accord:l1lce widl
Article (2) of tile Lost Articles Act which is .1pplied Illlltnli.r IlIlIfnlldiJ by r\rliclc 13
of t he same Act,
Articl~ 47 (Disposition Method of Duried Cultural Properties by the
Chief of Police Station, etc.) (I) \\'hen a burinl or lost :lrlicle con'252-1
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_ _. . . . . _ _
"'-_-_ _
sidcred 10 be a cull ural properly is submitted to lhe chief of police slntioll
in accordance with Lost Articles ACI, the rhicf of police station shall m:tkc :I
public anllOUllccmC'llt in accord:1ncc with IIlt~ provisiom of the Lost Aniclcs
..\Cl l and at the same timc, shall repon to the Ivlinistcr ofCuhurc and Information
lhal a buried or lost ;lrticlc considered 10 be a cuhllr;].1 property is submilted
La him, and shall present it to the ~\'Iinistcr of Culture and Information within
twenty days from the date of submission unless returning it to the owner.
(2) The ~h;is(cr of Culture and In[ol1Tlation shall appraise the article submitted
to him in ;Ircorc!:\ncc with Par;lgl';lph (I), .Inrl c1isl'n<:.r of it as prescribed in thl.'
following Subparagraphs:
I, \'Vhen the :tnick conccl"ned is ;l cultura! property, Ihe :\'[inislcr of Cultureand Information shall, if Ihe OW11<'1' is l111irler,lificd, 1l00ify the chief of police'
station that the article is a cultur:ll property; if the O\\'i1cr is identified, he shall
return it to the chief of police ~;i'ltiol1 with lh(' opinion Ihal the article is a
cultural properlY;
2. \Vhen the article concerned is not 0. cultur:l! propcny, the !\.1inistcr or Culture
and Information shall rr..:tllrn it to the chief or police sLuion with t1H:: opinion
lh.:tt the <lniclc i!' not:! cultural prnpeny,
Article 48 (Reversion to the SLlte and ConlpCHsation) (1;.\ cultuf!\l
property shall rt:\'crt to the State rcgardh.::,s nt' .. \!'ticles ~')3 amJ 25-} of the Civil
Code if the O\\'ncr of the cullural property is lInl idcJ1Iificd \\-ithin thiny tby:;
from rhe elate 01" public announcemcnt ullder Aflick ·1'6(2) nr ..\rlicle -1-7(1).
(2) In the case ofP~ragr~ph(IL the lvfinislcr orCl!!turc and Illfonllillioll sh:tll, in
accord.:tl1cc \·:ith .\nic!e 13 of the Lost Arlielr:., ..\Cl. compensate tile person \\'ho
discovcred or picked up the cultllral properly cOllcerned and the: owner of the
land, building, etc. where il was disc()\'(:rl:d, Tn this case, if the person who
discovered Qr picked up lhe culrllr~tl pmperty is lint the owner of rhe bnd COil- ccrncd, lhl.: cl)mpl.:l1s.1.t;nn 1110llCY :.hall he dishllr:icd cqll:1J1y; however, the distribUlion 1)1";11<': crJlnpl:1l5~~ion 1l1l)1~('Y ma~:be dilli:n:ntialn\ in ~ccordallcc wilh lhe
provisions I Ill' PI·L'~itll.:llli;,1 fJet'r"':I·. i CI he di~covny or pickillg tip cnt:1ilcel expense.
(3) If il ij not considcrcd llCCC.,:,.:tly fur Ihl..: Srall: 10 prcscrVl: a cuilural properl}'
which rcvcrLed 10 her in accordance with Paragraph (I L lhe i'vlinistcr of Culture
and Information may conccde it to the person who disco....ercd or picked it up
and lhe owncr of Ihe land wherc it \\';),5 discovcn.:d, In lhis C<l:SC, compensatinn
lIJ,dcr Pi:tragraph (2) shall not be lIIade,
Artk1~" ·19 (/l';utatisAIutand:"~ Appticaqon of the Lost Articles Act) .. \nic1c
IJ _. the Lost ;\rticles ..\Ct shall apply mllinlis mutandis to lhe buried cultural
prvpcnies except when lherc is a ~pcci:ll provision in this :\Cl.
Article 50 (l\1anaging Office)
(I) The cultur:ll properlY owned by the State
•• _
• • • • #- •• _
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(hereinafter referred to as <e a State-owned cultural property") shall generally be
managed by the Minister of Culture and Information regardless of Article 6 of
the State Owned Properties Act and Article 15 of the Commodity Management
Act; however, when a State-owned cultu,'aI property is an
managed by the head of a central government organ (hereinafter understood as
meaning the head of a central government organ as provided for in the Government Budget and Account Act) other than the ?\1inistcr of Culture and Information, or when the head of a central government org::ll1 other than the Nlinister
of Culture and Information necessarily h"5 to man;'\gc the State-owned cultural
property, the l\:finister of Culture and Infonn.uion shall decide the managing
office after consultation with the hefld ,of the organ CDllccrnt.:d and the 1\1inister
of Finance.
(2) The Minister of Culture and Information shall listen to the opinions of the
, Cultural Properties Conunittec when he decides the rn:1naging office in accordance
with the proviso of Paragraph ~l).
(3) The l\1inister ofCultw·e and Information may, when he considers it necessary
for the preservation of a State-owned cultural property !lot covel-cd by the
proviso of Paragraph (I), designate a Local Government, a non~profit juristic
person or a non-profit body tho.t i~ not a juristic person to manage the cultural
property concerned.
(4) \\Then designating a managing body under Paragraph(3), the ~{inistcr of
Culture and Information shall listen to rhe opinions
rh,' Local GC'l\"crnment,
the non-profit juristic perwn or the non~profit boely th:lt is not ;\ juristic person
which he intends to designate, in advance.
(5) Profits made from the management under ParagLlph (3) shall revert to
the Local Government, the non-profit juristic person or the non-pr0nt hody
that is not a juristic person concerned.
(6) Articles 11, 14, 15(1), 16(3) (5), Subparagraphs 1,3,1, or -'\rtide 25(1),
Subparagraphs 3 to 9 or Article 27, Subparagrophs 1 to 3 or Article 28(1),
Articles 29(1), 34(1), 35, 37,39(1),40,41(2) to (5) shall apply lillilalis ",,,I"liJis
to the Local Government, the non-profit juristic person or the non-profit
body that is not a juri~tic person designated under Parngr<lph (3).
Article 51 (Gratuitous Management Exchange Between Accounts) The
l....I inislcr of Culture <lnci Inform:ltion may receive free of charge a State-owned
cultural property belonging to another account for its lll<lll:lgel1lellt, regardless
of Article 23 of the Stare Owned Properties l\.ct,
Article 52 (Special Provisions on Procedures andl'\'Iethods) (I) \Vhcn the
Minisler of Culture and Inform'ation grants or cancels the designation or provis, ionaI designation as a State-designated cultural property of a Statc-owned cultural
property whose managing office \vas decided in accordance with the proviso of
Article 50(1), the notification to the owner or occupam of the cultural property
in accordance with this Act shall be made to lhe managing ollice of the cultural
property concerned.
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(2) In applying Articles 14, 15,23,25,27,34,35,39 lO 41 to a State-owned eultral properly whose managing office was decided in 3ccordancc with the provfso
of Article SO(IL the owner of the cultural property means the managing office
. Article 53 (Restriction on Disposal) The rni1naging office under the proviso of
Article 50(1) shall obtain consent from the ~'!inistcr of <;:ulture and Infonnation
in 'advance before performing an act other than those prescribed in each Subparagraph of Article 20 on its State-owned cullural properly or provisionally
designated cultural pr?pcrlY.
Article 54 (Prohibition of Transferring or Establishing Private Right)
Nobody may transfer the StaL-e-owncd cultured property (understood as including its sites) or create a private right to it unless rhc'rc is a spcci~l provision in this
Act; howe\'er, the use of the state-owned cultural property lTI:ty be permitted
under the condition that it does not interfere wilh the management or protection
thereof and is necessary for public usc, ofiicial usc or public utility enterprise.
Article 55 (Designation, ctc. of thc City-or Provincc-Designated Cultural
ProIJcl-ties) (1) The }"Inyor ol"the Special City ofSt:oul, the ~vlayor of a Direct
Control Cit yOI' the Gm"crnor of 3 PrO\'incc may clcsigl1;1tc certain cultural property
which is within his territorial jurisdiction and deservcs preservation and is not
a Slate-designated c.ultural property, as a city-or provincc~clesignated cultural
(2) The lIIayor of the Special City of Seoul, the Mayor of a Direct COnlro! Cit)'
or the Govtrnor of a Province may designate certain cultural property which was
not designated under Paragraph (I) and is considered to be necessary for the
preser\"<ltion of the loc;;11 culture as a cultuml property l1l:iterial.
(3) The ?\Iinister or Culture and Inform~tion may recommend tilt: ~fayor of
the Special City of Seoul, the Mayor of a Direct Control City or the Governor
of a Province to designate and preserve certain cultural properly as a city~or
proyince~dcsignatcd cultural property or as a cultural property m:ucrial ahcr
deliberation by [he Cultural Properties Committee.
(4) In designating a city·or provincc-designated cultural property or a cultural
property matcrial in accordance wilh Paragraphs (1) to (3), the.; n;lmc oftllc Special City of Scoul, the Dircct Control City or the Province shall be prescribed
before the word "designated" to show the designating city or province.
(5) l\,Iattcrs necessary for designating procedurc, managemcnt, protcction, nurtiling, opcning to public, an advisory organ, CIC. of a city-or province-designated cultural properly or a cultural property material shall be prescribed by the Ordinance of thl: Local Government concerned,
Article 56 (Expense Bearing) (1) If a city~or province-designated cultural
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property or a. cultural properly material which was designated in accordance
with Article 55 (I) and (2) is a property of the State or a Local Government,
e.xpenses necessary for its preservation shall be born by the St:1lC or the Local
Government concerned.
(2) "The State or the Local Government may subsidize in pan or in whole the
e.xpenscs .required for the prcscl"y:\tion of a city-or province-designated cultur;}l
property or a cultural property material \\'hich is not a properly of the Stille or
the Local "Government.
Article 57 (Report, etc.) (I) The Mayor of the Special Cily of Seoul, the "hyor of a Direct Control City) or the Governor of:l. PrO\'incc shall repon, without
delay, to the ?vlinister ofCulturelj'-nd I,ifonnation as prc~cribcd by the Presidential
Decree when any of the silU;ltio:1$ in Ihe foJ!o\\'ing Subpttragr;lphs occnrrs:
I. ''''hen ;;l city~or province-dcsign:lIt:d cuilur;)! prnplTty 01- ;l cuhu:ll property
material is designated or cancelled;
2. \\'hen maintenance work changing the pn:l;cnt sl1:l]1": of the city-or provincedesignated cultural property or
n,lIl1l':11 pTopl~rlY lJl:ltc.:rial is st<lrtcd or
3. \\oncn the location or the CIlSlnC:: ~ilr pr;-, rily-n!' prt1\"'l1ccI cultural
property or a cultural propu::: ;ll:lIcri:1! ~~ Ch:ll:S"l'c.\:
4, "'hen a city-or prO\-ince-dl.,·:o;i!}"i1:lll'd cuhur:1l prnp"rty flr a culuml! propert),
material is ruined, InSl clC'~tlT)~·,'d nr r1:lIl1:lgcd,
(2) ''''hen an act mentioned in S:lhp:1r~grap;l>: I 1,0 .1 or;lph (1) is considered inappropriate, Ihe l\1in:$i('l" of Culture ;l!lc! Infonn=Hion may order it
corrected or other necc~~J.ry 111{,.'a5Ul'eS,
Article 58 (Mutatis Mut",,:!is Appliention) (I) .'\niclc; 10(1) to (3), 21(1)
(2),22) and 23(2) shall =.lpply l1:i:!aliJ mut(/I/dis 10 the prnvince-designaled
cultural property or the Cllhul',d property'ri:1l.
(2) Articles 14 to 17,20, 25, ~7~ 33 In 4~ ~h;111 aF'ply Itd.'tntis mulalldis 10 the cityor pro\;'nce·desigIl3lcd CUltUT:l! Frrlpnly or cultural prOptTlY,·i:l]; however,
in this case: "the ~li nister of Cui lure :llld rnformatinn" i;;; rCg';lrdcd :rs "t he Ivfayor
of the Special CilY of Seoul) the )'byor of a Direct COJ1lrol City or lhe Go\'crnor
of a Province"; "as prescribed by the Pre5idcnti;\) Decree" as "as prescribed
by the Ordinance orthe LOC:l1 G,:;,·crnI11Cl1l".
Article 59 (Succession of Rights anrI Duties) (1) Tr lile ownership of J.
Stale-designated cultural property (including Ihe prolcclivc structure, protective
area and provisionally designated cultural property) changes, the new owner
thereof shall succeed to the rights and duties of the former owner bJ.scd on Ihis
Ac[ or orders, instructions or olher measures isslIed under this Act by the
~linister of Culture and Information.
(2) The pro..~lisions of ParJ.graph 'I) 511;,11 apply ml/latis muttUldis 10 the mttn:lging:.!5::!6
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,> v-
body or the owner when the m;ln:l.~il1~ hody is designated in accordancl: with
Aniclc 16 or wheJl the dcsigll:lIioll i:-: c;'ll1ccllcd: hOWe\Tr this sktll nOI ;-epr!Y
to the owner's excJusin' rights :lIld duties.
Article 60 (Objection Filing) (I):\ penon may file :1n nbjcclion wilh the
~1inistcr of Culture and Inform<llion if he objects 10 any of the following
measures taken by the l\Jini!!ICr O[CU!lllfC and ]n[nrmatiol1; nl" by the Direclor of
the Cultural Pl'opcnil's :;...binlcnancc Office, the ~fayor of Ill(' Sprcial City of
Seoul, lhe :\I:lyor of:l Direci C('II1lrol Cil'y or the Governor or a PrO\"jllCl' who
was delegated with authority ofdlC )'[inisICf or (:ultlln" ~md Iuform;lIinn:
1. Designation of a nI:ln:lging body ill :l.ccord:tllcc with ..\l'Iiclf' 16(1);
2. Granting of permission, Of rejection of applicalion 10 l1lakt~ changl':- in the
present shilpe. etc. in accordance with Subp:u:Jgraph .~ of :\rlicle 20;
3. Ordcrs ofprohibilion, "cslriclion, CIC. ofccrt:lin <lciS in accord<lllcc ,,:illl e~lch
Subporogroph 01" Article 2j (I).
(2) The objection under Pafagr;lph (I;. sh:111 be filed by the recipient nr lhl'
measure within thiflY days from the dalc the measurc was rccogniznl; hy
others, within sixty days from the cblc the measure W;"iS taken.
(3) \Vhen the objection tinder Paragraph~ (I) and (~) has been filed, the )'linisll:r
of Culture and Information ~h:dl l1l<lkc :1 decision thereon :lnd provide nntitic·
arion within Ihiny (by:, from Ihe d:H..- of filing.
Article 61 (Permission of Business Including Trading, etc.) (1):\ pr:'~"lI
\\'ho intends to cng~gr ill a I.HI~int'..;~ (.f huying .1ml ~('l1ing or cxchan.:';:l;.~ il11'
tangible cu1tur:1! prop~rtic5 (11" ia!"l':!iblc fnlk·lorc that J.rc mfl\·;ll.Jlc~
(including a person who il1h:lld~ lU \'I,:;':,:.!;t' in ~uch :1 busillCS~ on cOllsi~llllll'nl'
shall obtain permission fr01ll llit' )'lini~tt'r of Cuhurt' .~nd Inform;uioll ,1- pr..:-.
~nibed by lhe Presidcnti:11 Dl'nt:c.
(2) The ~Iinis[er of Culture :'Ind Illfor:ll:ltion may j:;sue orders or in~tructillm
necessary for the prcscn':11i0n of tll\' (uhllr;,.1 properties 10 the pa::on \dlll
obtained pcrmi!-sion ullder Par:lgraph :': (hncin:1ftl'1" l'l'[l'ITed to as ";1 cIllIllLI!
properties dealer") or h'l.\'c him 111:1kc :l report thereon :1ncl may Ilan' his
:mbordinatc otlicia1 yisit the store or pbce of business 10 impcct rc1C\-;l1l\ h()oks~
documents and other materi:1ls or ask Heees:::!r)' questions.
Article 62 (Requisites for Qualification) A person who intends to ol>lain a
permission to be the cull1lr:11 properties dealer under Article 61(1) shall be equal
to any of the following Subp_lr:tgraphs:
1. A person who has dealt \\'iLh Lhe cultur:tl properties for Iwo years or more in
the Government, a Local Go\,erlllllclH., :1 museum or an an gallery;
2. A person who has majored in history, :1rcheology, anthropologYl i:1rt history
or :l science relevant to folklore for one YCflr or more in :l profe5~ional college,
college or uni\'ersily (including a graduate school);
3. A person who has dealt willl the cultural properlies for three years or marc
as an employce of the CUll ural properties dC:1h:r under :\rtic1e 61.
Article 63 (Res on for Dis'qualification) A person who is Ch:lrilCICrized by illly
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of the following Subparagraphs shall not be :l cultural propcftics dealer:
1. A person who was sentenced to a pCIl:l!ty heavier than imprisonment when
three years han.: not passed since the completion thereof or the decision not
to execute it;
2. An incompetem or a limitcd-incompclcnt:
3. A person who remains bankrupt i
4 ..~ person whose permission \,'as canccllt:d in :lccorclallcc wilh Article GS \\'hen
three years have not pa5s:cu ~incc the dale of cancellation.
Article 64 (lvIatters to be Observed) The cultural propcnics c.kall.:r ~h;dl
observe the follo\\'ing:
I. Keeping account books concerning Ir;IJing. cxchang(', ctc. and rccordin.!!
contents of dC:lling;
2. Reporting \,... ithoUl tlday to the :"·Iini5lcr OrCn}lllrc and ]nl"0n11=tlion or tCJ a
crime im:cstig;:Hing authority: and c0mplyill~ to the instnlcliow. therefrom: it"
a cultural property he traded or he i~ lUll::iignl"J to trade is n>J1sidercd LO bc ~
buried cultural properlY illegall}' cxc;~.\"atcd or stolen good~, and then kt::('ping
the culllU"al property concel"lled for at least three months \,'he'll lhen; is no
other special inSln.lCtion;
3, Observing paniculars prescribed by tht:: Ordin:t!lCe of the ~{inistr'Y of Culture and InforJ1l>1tion,
Article 65 (Cancellation of Permission, etc.) \"hen ~ cuhur<ll propcrlies
dealer is characterized by any of the fo!lo\\'in;; S\.lbp:tr<1~r.:J.phs, the 2\linistcr of
Culture and Information may cancel the permission or suspend his busincs~ for
a peried not to exceed one year:
1. "'hen he was sentenced (0 a penalty he~l.\"icr th"n >1 fine in violalion of the
provisions of this .-\ct;
2. \Vhen he bas violated "lOse malters prescribed in Article G·L
Article 66 (Honoring) The )'linister of Culture ~11ld Information may honor
and award a prize to a person charactcriz~d Ly ;lIly of the following Subparagraphs:
1. .-\. person who discovered and reported a bwied cullural property which was
later designated as a National Treasure or ~ Treasure j
2, .-\ person who is not responsible for mJ.nagin~ or prOtccting a designated or
provisionally clesignated cultul'i\1 property, bUL h=ts performed distinguished
service in prc\'cnting the cultur;11 propcrly from being ruined J lost, destroyed
or damaged;
3. A person who is nOt a holder of an imponan.L intangible cull ural properlY,
but has performed distinguished selyicc in prolccting and nurturing an
important cultural propeny j
4. A person who has the responsibililY 01' dUly of managing J prolecting and
opening to the public a designated or provisionally designated cultural property and has afforded a good example to others of m~naging and protecting the cultural property concerned.
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Article 67 (CODJ.pCDsation) The I\1inisler of Culture and Informauon may
grant compensation, as prescribed by the Prcsidenti:d Decree, to a person wbo
has given information to the crimin:\l invesligation authority·ahout a person who
has committed or attempted tIll': crime under ',\rticlcs 80 to 82, or to a person
who distinguished himself by capturing stich a criminal.
Article 68 (Delegation of Authority) A part of the authority of the ?-1inister of
Culture and Information under this Act may be delegated in accordance wilh the
provisions of the Presidential Decree to the Director of the Cultur.:d Propcrti\:s·
Maimcnance Office, the l\fayor of the Special City of Seoul, the ~Iayor of a
Direct Control City or the Governor of a Province.
Articie 69 (Registration of Cultural Properties) The owncr (or the occu~
pant, in case there is no o\vner or the owner is unidentified) of a tangible cultural property which is not designated under this Act or a t~ngible folk~lorc
material which is a mO\'ahle property shall register the cultural property concerned with I he ~'Iinistry of Culture and Information 3S prescribed by I hc Presidential Dl·crcc.
Article 70 (Establishtnent of a Special Account for the rVlanagcm.cnt of Cultural Properties) (1) .-\ special account for th(' mallagr.mcnt Qf cult{lral
properties sb~lI be established for their cITcctive management :lntl prolection.
(2) ~Iatlers necessary for the establishment and operation of [he spcciaJ account
for the man~gcmcnt of cultural properties under Paragraph (I) shall be prescribed
by another law.
Article 71 (Protection of Cultural Properties in Case of Emergency) (1) If
it is considered necessary for the protection of cultural propel tics in time of
war, armed conflict or similar emergency, the Minister of Culture and Infonnalion may take necessary measures including moving 10 a safe place, burying underground" etc. the State-owned cultural properties, other designatcd or provisionally
designated cultural properties which arc not owned by the SI:ltc, or I11ny order
the owner, holder, occupant, manager or managing body of the abo\'c cuhllral
propenie5 (hercinarter, referred to as "the owner, etc. or the cultural property)
to take necessary measures mentioned above.
(2) The owner, etc. of the euhur;:]l property shall not refuse, interfere with or
avoid the measures or the order under Paragraph (1).
(3) The owner, etc. of the cultur:ll property shall comply with the order lIlldcr Paragraph (I) without delay and report the result to an aUlhority prescribed by
the Presidential Decree.
(4) The Nlinister of Cuhure and Information may transport a cultural property
Ollt of the State rcgardlt:ss of Anicle 21, if it is considered necessary for the
protection thercof in time of war, armed connict or similar emergency. In this
case, the intention shall be referred to the State Council for deliberation in
(5) The provisions of Article 30 shall apply mu/a/is mutal/dis to the case of P:lragraph (1); hO\\'ever, it shoji not apply in Ci\se of war or other Jo:ce mnjeur(.
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----_._- -- ----------:;:;
Article 72 (Request for Assistance) The f..·linister of Culture and Information
or a public official canying out an order from the :rvfinislcr of Culture and
Information may ask the head of an authority concerned for OlOy assistance
necessary for performing the measures under Article 71 (1).
Article 73 (Nurturing of Engineer for Repairs, etc. of Cultural -Properties) (1) The }.,Iinistcr of Culture and Information t11;\y nurture engineers
required for the protecuon, management or repair of the cultural properties.
(2) The Minister of Culture and Information may award scholarship when it is
considered ncc('~snry for nurturing engineers under Paragrilph (1).
Article 74 (Preservation
Cultural Properties during Constnlction ',",ark)
hen it is fcared bccause of construction work that a cultural properlY ll1:1y
be ruined; lost, destroyed, damaged or submerged underw:1lef, or \dlen il is necessary for safcgu:lrding :;. cultur=tl properly eluring a construction work, the person
in charge of the constructinn wnrk concerned sh=tll take nccl'::~:1.ry mC:1sures ;lccording 10 the in!'frucIinns of the ~rini!'tcr ("If Cullllrc and Information. In this Cl:'.
e...... pcmes n'C1uired fur l;lking ncn'~!'ar:" lllL'a~l1r(":: .. hall be born IJy the pcr~()11 in
ch~.lfge 01 I he COll:,1 ruel ion ,,·ork.
Article 75 (E:\:propriation or Use of Lnnd) (l"i "'hen il is lleCCSSal)· 1(11" Ill,:
prcscrY<ltion and 1ll:lI1:1gCllll'IH ora CUltlll';l\ prnrer!:', tht' ):fir:istcr ofCuhurc and
Inform:uinn (lr 1IlC' 11l'3rl (",~. a L0cal G,wl:nl!1,t':lt 1~1:1~: (~xprnpri:1tc Ot- lise lhe lands,
buildir.~, trees. b:1l11b0(~~ or '1Iht:r Sll"llrturL'S ill till' proll:cti\·c are.:l [or ~ designated cultural prop(·ny v:hici\ is o\':nl"d hy the Sf:11C fir tltt: Local Government.
(2) The L~nJ Expmpri,\111l:' ;\("1 ~ltalJ Zlpp!y to the r;.;prupriation or usc of
land under Par:1graph (1 '.
Article 76 (Export Restraint, etc.) (1) The prOVt!'lon,- of ;\rticle 21 (I)
and (2) shall apply mlllatis TJlutandis 10 1ll0\':1hlc cultllr:d propcnirs not dcsig"natcd by this Act.
(2) A movable property \,'l1ic1l may be l~l~~I;lI:rl1 fnr i1 cultllr:1! property llllCkr
Paragraph (I) rn:t.y he cxpnncd or Ir:ln'!10rl.':1 (Hil nl" dw SI:11t· \dll1 the prior
confirmation or the i\Iinis!l'I" or Cuhun: ,1l1<1 11lInrlll:l11,'l1,
(3) A person who intends 10 gCI confirm:llion ullder Para,~raph(2) shall pay such
fees as an: prescribed by the Ordin=tnec orll,e ~Iinislry ofCtlllUn' :lnd I nrorm:llion.
Article 77 (Support and Nurturing of Cultural Propertics Protection Bodies) The ~lil1ister of Cll!run: and Infnnnation may SUppllrt ~nd nurture relevalll ~ . oclics I()r the protection: prt:,~en':lli()n or dissl'lllina~jllll of cllltllr;1! properties when he considers it Ilcccss:lry.
Articlc 78 (Protection of Forcign Cultural Properties) (1):\ cultural property designated and prolccfed ~s such by statutes of a foreign counu-y (hereinafter referred to as <Oa foreign cuhllr'll property") whieh is a party to a treaty
on the prntcction of cultural propenies (hereinafter referred to as "the trealY")
which the Republic of Korea has entered into shall be protecled by the treaty
and this Act.
(2) A person who intends to transport .:l for~ign cultural property into the
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this web site, and is not liable for any incorrect information. COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved.This information may be used only for research, educational, legal and noncommercial purposes, with acknowledgement of UNESCO Cultural Heritage Laws Database as the source (© UNESCO).
Stt\lC" (hereinafter l!ndCr~10()d ;l.~ including- ~ pfT"OTl "\\'110 intc'llrlc; !n impnn i:) $hilll
make ~ reporl Ir, th,' ;-..rini~lcr ()rC:IlJlIln~ and Inl'orrn:nitlll wilh d(JcUlneld~ (l'niI"4
ying lhal lIH: ClIilural Jlroperty \':;lS bwfl1lJ'-' tr;-1I1spnrll:tl IlIlt uf t!It· the !~'rl.::;":11
(3) Ir lhcn~ is a pbll:,ib!c l'CiISOIl In ~1l~P('(:t th;}1 <1 t:lllt\lrJI properlY which is ill·
tl'ansit or has i11ready been tr,lllspnl"tL'd into the Sl:1ll' W:1S Ilnbwfully tr:l.mpr,ncl1
our of the foreign rOlll1lry, th,; :'\finiq{'r nrC\l1tl11T :l.lvllnrnrrnilti'm l1\a~' b'cp il
in custndy.
(4) \'Vhen :1 f(Jr~i~n culiur:11 prnrlT1y i:- i l l Ill' kept ill CIIs-Ind\' ill ,1l:r'ordal1il' ·.\·ilh
P:!fJgraph :}\ lht.: :\linisllT Pt' ClI!t\l\'l' ~1I1r! I:l!lll"lll:liinll . . h:lll h:cp ;111(1 m:'II1;1g"t.:
h in a muscum,
(5) \Vhen the foreign cultllr:t\ Pl'Oj'lTlY 1l11d"r 11;lr:\t.:"r;~J\ll \'~:I i~ proH:cl 1(1 1J<1\"{,:
been lawfully tr:::mspo;'{ed 011101' the fureign rlltllllry, til·' \linistCT nf Cultur~ :I!ld
Informalirm sh.:lll return it to tilt" n,,:ncr fir Ill!' 1In'\Ip:lfll 111('1"1.:"," \\'itholll ell-by.
The same sh;-.Il apply to ;1 ro!"eign clIltlll":1i proplTty \',-;Iidl j;; prm'cc! In h;l\\:
bl;en unlawfully tramporlcc! OUI, wlwn it i!: clear d',lt lhe fon'i;jll COUlllr~ dn('s
not wanl 10 recover it.
-(6) \-Vllen a foreign counlry has pron:d Ih:!.t :1 rnl'/'ig:n I.:tlltll1':11 prnpeny \':;l.i
unl'l.\':fully tr:1I15poncd illlo the S{;ltc and il hI' 1"l'1!ll"l!t'lt in :lccnrdancc: "'illl lite
tcrm~ of lhc ;.r~<1tYJ (lr ",hen the :\Iinisicr l..r Cullurc and 11Irnnn:lt;Cln pl'rf'H'IllS
rhe dUly nrl'etl1rning it in accnrd.!ncc. wilh tho.' Ire:"'!l::: ill' sh;l!L \';ilil the h"lp of
thc compe1ent ;ll1thnrilil.:<;, l;lkt· r:'l:cn~;ll"~ 11ll';l'.tln'~ r;)j' I\'llll'nill~ the cll!lur,d
propeny, :lS prescribcd by {Itt' 11't.:;lIy. to l!!C lon'ign l'fHllllry \':Ill~re it \\':IS
t r:ln~f'L'I·tl"C! oul.
Article 79 (Relation ....,ith other L~ws) (1.1 \\'!tCIl ih.: :\Iinislcr of l.ll 1tlln:
:!nd Inforl11:llion intc..:ncls \(1 I;d~I' :11~Y nf lh~ fi-,lIm\'ill~ :lni"lI:o f..w ;1\1 <J.rl'<J.: \d!lI.:C
is prescribed uy the Prc~idl.>rlli:d Decr..:r:. in :1 p::rk ;lrC;1 or p:ll'k prntl'clinn
arc,\ lIJ1ckr the ?'alur;t! Park :\C!, hl' ,,!:.:1l1 "on<:lIl: '.'::I!\ !Ill' compt.:tclil p:lrk
man:l.gcl1l('Jll ilUlhorit y:
1. \Yhen he dcsign:1leS :l cut<1in ~rt::1 :l:' ,I hi.~lnrit·,ll ~ill', :-1'1,:lIil' pbrl' or n;l!li!"':!;\
monument in accol·d:lllCC wit h _'\I'I id,' Ij.:
2, \Vhen he Jcsign:1tl's :t prot...:clion :1rl':: in ;'"\(corU:llll':C ""ilh :\nidl.: 8;
3, \\rhcn he granls i! pcrmis~inll or a altered pt'nnis~iol1 III :1ccnrdancc with
Article 20.
(2) \Vlien the permission ul1ckr :\nick 2U (ilidllding ;) C:lSc.; \,:lll;re :\nick
50 (2) applics 71lutatis mUirmdiJ) i~ gr~nted in ?. park are:l or a p.nk prolL'clion
are;:~ regubtt.:d by the i'\atl1ral Park Act, :Ill~ pCrJni.~::ioll for occUP:llJCY, IISL', etc.
of a p:lrk uncler Artidcs 2::1 and 25 of the i'\;uur;1! P;lrk :\<.:1 :shall be rt.:g:lrdcd
J.S oblaincd as ,,"cll.
Article 80 (Crime of Export, etc. withot:t Permission)
(1):\ pt.:rsoll who
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this web site, and is not liable for any incorrect information. COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved.This information may be used only for research, educational, legal and noncommercial purposes, with acknowledgement of UNESCO Cultural Heritage Laws Database as the source (© UNESCO).
has exported or 11';:.mporlni PU!
or the S[:11(' :1 (ksigll.1.kd
cul1Ilr.-d properlY ar a
cull ural property in vin1:1Ii('n nf' Anir.le 21 (1).. or a
person who has not transported into the Slare \\'ilhin lhc !'pccificd time. limit the
cultural property which W:-IS tr::lnsporlcd Ollt in ~(ronh.1H·c wilh the j1I'O\-isi1 Qf
Article 21 (1) shall be sCnlcnccd 10 pCllal s"ITil1Il.1,· fr'I":t IIxl"(l Jleriod of al kast
£1\,c years, and the cullllral property conccrnt'd sklll be cnn(jsc"t('(~.
(2) .-\ pt'!"'Son who, in viobtion (',r Article: iG II" !J;l:O r;xpnrt<:d 1)1' Ir;-ln~p(Ii"LCd a
cultural propL'r\Y out of the SI;,\tc ur has nor i)rnllL::lll h,I('k lht: cllltur~d property
already transponcd
of the Selle
sClllcncni 1")
fixed period ofatlcaSI threc ycars J and IIll: r.ultllr:ll propl'ny {"(lIlCCrlll'd sll:!11
be confiscated,
(3) A person who has takcn n!' dcli\Trrd .:t cultllr:l! IJl"I,lplTly fir ;~l:l!'d a~; ;1.
medium thcrcfor with the knowledge that it i!: b{'ingcxrlf11'I('d (,1' IrampUl'ltd out
of the Statc in violation OfP"f:lgr:lphs (I) and (2') skd! be Sl:IlICI:ccd 10 j'l'1l:11
servitude for a fixet.l perine! of:l{ leasl lhrcc yrars, :!.Ild tl1l' 1."l11l11r:d 1'l"lljWrly
concerned shall be conftsc;\lcd,
Article 81 (Crime of Darnagc or Conccalnlcnt, ctc.) (I) ,\ [1('r.";OI1 '.-:!w ha!'
damagcd,stolen or conc('~Ic:d il cllli tI 1''' \ prnpf'rt y dc"i;.!;n:l1 ed ;~$ :l :\"a ti"l!a!'J 'n;;tmre
or a Trcasure, or a person who h:ls diminished ir::: lI'iCrlllnl'~s by any ITlC;lIl:-;'
shall be scntenced to penal scn'itlldl' for a fixed pcri0d of al Ic:as{ 1"n.T year.::.
(2) A person who has d;'llla,~nl. sln!c.n or COllcl;;1!ed ~ dc:,ign:llcd f:J1111ll'nl prof,erry or a provision?lIy rksignaled cultllral properly (cxc-.luding "I!'l!['(IIl'l':l
excer;t Ihose prescribed in lJ;~r;!!'r;\ph (I) 01' il Jlt:J'~n!l \\']10 h;,~, hy :1l\~' 1"11':ln~,
dimini,shcd its u5efulnc<:s ~;h;-dl Ill' ,~Cnlf'il("("d In pcn;,i ,;.'!".'illlde fflr:~ ii~:t'd I'l'l'iqd
of ~~t !c;1St 1\,;0 years.
Article 82 (Crime of I!lcgal Excr!'\::tdou, cre.) (I):\ Pt.:I:'OIi \\"11., h:l:; (':.;cav.\!cd :t buried cultural propt.:l'ty without J1"rmi:-::inn '\,:ill:!lJ lhl: PFI!I;C1i,.-!.Hructure or prNcclin: area for a dcsi~llil.lrrl cllllJ!r~1 properly or a prO\'ision:tlly
designated cuhur;,1 property 5h~1I be ~enlcnced III ren:tl ~CrVill1de for a fixed
period of 2.t leas! fi\T year:-.
(2) A pcrson whn h:l" exea\':llcd :t huried clllttLr.d properlY without pCl'lllissioll
in a place other than that prcscribed in P;lr:1~;r;lrh (I), or a pcr;;.on who Jus
violated the order to stop or suspend the eXe;1\':1lion {Jf":l buried clllilintl propcty
sh:\ll be sentenced to penal SCJvitlld~ for n period not ((I excecd lcn years or
to a fine of ten million \VOIl or less,
(3) A person who has delivered. aCCJuirecl , trampnrlec! or h.-pI :I rllhllr:d property with or without payment \\'ith lhe knowlreJgc th:ll it \',':lS C'xCi\\';tll·d or it$
prcsent shape was changed in viola I ion of P:lT;1gr:-: phs t 1) :"!Ild (2) ~h;111 be "('11 kill "rei
to pen:\l senritudc ;for a pcr~()d not to exceed ~C\'en Yl'ar~ or to ;>. fillc of Jive
nlillio:1 \':on or less.
(4) A person who has ;\ctcd a~ a. mediuIIl fOI' ;\Cli\'ilil'S Imdl:r P~r:lgr;lph (3) sh:t11
be sentcnced to the same p\.lnj~hme!JI :\s,pl'cscribecl by P;,r;,gr:!ph (3).
(5) A person who has nOl reponed his cli~co\'cry of:1 buried nJllllral prlljJcrty
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this web site, and is not liable for any incorrect information. COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved.This information may be used only for research, educational, legal and noncommercial purposes, with acknowledgement of UNESCO Cultural Heritage Laws Database as the source (© UNESCO).
and has cOl1c(";1lcd or disposed nfit or h:ls changed il!' pr'_'~clli ··h;lJw ill \'ioblioll
Qf :\:liclc ·i3 dl:l.1! he sentenced (0 pCIl;"'!1 ::c-r\'itllclt: fqr ;\ p~rir~(! nOI 1(. f:~:Ct:Ctl
three yc~rs Clf to ;~ fine or three million \\'011 or Ic..<;s.
(6) In the r;lSC:: of Paragr::phs (1) 10 (5), the (ultHf;)1 propen:. COllCtTil(:d sh.::dl
be C0l1fi~C:1:cd.
Article 83 (Aggravated Crime) (I) Up In half of the pIITlis!J'Il1Cnl pn·;.crilJt.;d
in c:1ch of .·\rticlc 31110 82 shall he :1ddcd rc~pccli\'cly to the ~ClllC:I1CI' of a person
who h<l!' comm.illcd a crime undel" al>o'o·c :\nicks, ,,"hen 11(" !lad ;ll:ll'll ill UIIlc<.:r1
with an or;.:ani7.;'.lion flf ;sroup of pcnplc or ha~ lI:i:CO :l lk!ngcPllI:: ObjlTI.
(2; :\ r(T~(Jn wh(\~ in lil,:: course 1)[ C01~ll1lillii1:; a crimc 1l11lkr Pa::-::-::raph (1:1,11;\:.
killed (\1" injured :1 person m:1naging or protcCling :! dc:-ign:J.icd cultur:d property
pro\'isionally designated cullllr.,1 properly ~hall be ~(,Iltcncl:d to
death, Efe impri~onmen[ or pen:ll scrvilur!,' for al k:lst five YCiln;.
Article 8-1 (1'[llfr.tis Ilf"tandis Application of the Cl"ilnlnal Code) A person
who h:!~ cOInmitlcd a crime of arSOll, inUlldati0n, dalll:lgt: or d,~~lrIlC!i(ll! I'" :1
structure under the following SUbp:lrilgr:1rh~ sh~lI be punished w;th ;\rtick
165,liR or 3Gi of the Crimil1:11 Code :lnd wilh tIll' J1iutr/li.r IJw!mulir :lpplir:iltic.;"ll
of the related Article;; thereor:
J.•-\ SlnlCtllre \,'hich is a designated cullur:tl prnl'lTty or ;t l·r()·;i~ion:dly dc~
sign~ted culnir:J.! propen y;
~. ;\ SlrUGUre f·" (he prolection of:l designated rultur;d Jlr~lpl'ny Ilr ;1 pl" ,,:l:.inllally dcsigniil:..:d cultural properly.
Article 05 (Crirn.(' of Inundation to Histol"icaI Sites: etc.) .-\ p"r'l'li ,,,lIn,
by !11e:-tm ''If in\l!:dating, h:l.s caused t!::nl:I~I' :1'1 ,1 hiqr,ricll ~ill·. :;'r·tlir pbcl'.
:1 l1:ltllr:l1 r,1(1111,::;cnt 01" a protcnin:: ;~rl';\ wl:iclt \,':1:' (k."i~Il;\I,·d "I' ! l!"-'\'i~jl)11ally
dC5igll:~tL:d by Ihe )'[i!li~\cr or Cllllllr~ ;\l1d lllfi.-lrlll;lliflll .'h;~JJ In' .'Cllll:nccd til
or ;)
pCIl~l ~LTyilllck
(,'r frr.m !'.':n 10 (I:ll yC':H':;,
Articl~ BG (Oll!cr Crin"lcs of Inundation)
;\ I'LT.~I)!l " .. Ii", hy Ilh':1n~ of illund;~!iil:;, I. .:; C-!~~:-'
L~:!!!I;';':L' 10 :1 dc:-igll;!ICd fllltl1r:1! prnpcny. <l pnl\'j":Il:l;dly
dcsign;:tcd nJiltlr:t1 property or :l. prolccli\'t: :!IT:l olhcr 1l!;11l lho."c prc~cribcd
I, ,j
I ;
,r ,;
to I.:xcccc1
Article 37 (Attempted Crinl.iu:lI etc.) (I) ;\ pnmn who h:l!' :ltiempl<.-d :t
crime under .-\rticlc 80 If) 3~, 83(1), 35 or GG !'hall be punished.
(2) .-\ person who has plolll'll or compircd :l crimc under Article 00 10 32,
63(1), 85 or 3G shall !Jr' scntenced to penal Sl:r\'ilude for :1 period not to
exceed 1\\'0 Yl:':H5 or to a finc or two millioll 'VOII or less,
Article £:3 (Crirnin~l of NCgligC~lCC) (1):\ pel"son who committed a crime
undc:r ;\nick 85 or 86 because of nq;1igcllcc shall be ~entenced to :l fine of one
million \\'on nr less,
(2; ;\ p-:rson "'lin COlHllliucd a crime uncle,· .-\rticle 1)2(3), 85 or SG by prolCss~
iOIl:!1 llt'gligL'ncc \nq~ligencc of his profc.:ssioni11 dUlies) or gross Il<:gligellct~ shall
be sC!llc.:nccd tel imprisonmelll for a period not to exceed three years or ~ fine of
in .-\nidc
~_~J ~:::tll
tCll YC.·;·5 or
i.)., !iill: I....
~1'IlICnc('d to
r Iell
pcn:ll SLT\'illidf' 1<,1'
p'~ril)d 11u(
Illilliull \VOIl or ks:;,
DISCLAIMER: As Member States provide national legislations, hyperlinks and explanatory notes (if any), UNESCO does not guarantee their accuracy, nor their up-dating on
this web site, and is not liable for any incorrect information. COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved.This information may be used only for research, educational, legal and noncommercial purposes, with acknowledgement of UNESCO Cultural Heritage Laws Database as the source (© UNESCO).
three million \Von or less, :l.nd in C:l.SC of t\rticlc 82(3), 1111: cullllr:" property
concerned sh:dl be confi5C<Hcd.
Article 89 (Crim.e of Transporting out orthe Area, etc. wi~hout Pcnni~sion)
(I) ..\ person falling under :my Oflhc following SllhP:'l·:I~r;'.ph·, ·11::11111' ""IlIl'IlCt:d
to penal servitude for a period nOI (I." cxt:(:l'll !i\"L' ~ ,::11 ~ ur :'_ lim: or 11''-'' milli.,;;
\ \'on or less:
1. :\ person who h;],~ tr:li1:'iponccl , \\'ilhaui PtTllli~.iilin. ;, di'sio.:,ll:1tcd '~Hltur;,l
property or a prO\'i5ioll;\lly d(;sign;llcd cuilur:ll prQjlt'rl~ mlt l·r 111'- proper
place or associated ~rca;
2. A person who, without pcrmis!o.ioll, h:'.s ch:\I1gcd the PI'C":-Cni ~k~pc nf:l (ksi~5n~\Icci
cultural property or :l pro';isinIl311:: dcsign~tcd c\l1l 11 1",11 propl~rIY, OJ" h:1<: performed any activit)' detrimciltal 10 thc m:lll:lgL'1111'1l1 :llld pn::'L'l'valinn Ihcr.:or.
(2) In case afP;).r<lgr;1ph(I), if thl: c:u!tur;t! pruplTly \'('llKnnl:tl l't·iun.'-!:.; to 11l1'
person who committed lIu.: crime, ht.' ~1l:11l \'I,' ~"!ltt'Il"~'d III l-"'l\:i! ~"lyill!I:{' rlll'::
period not lO exceed lWO yell'::; nr to:'. fine Id'l\\'(l I~~ill;l)li \\"):1 I'l]' 1<:......
Article 90 (Cri01e of Violating Ac!rninistrat"i,:c O!'dc!'!'" etc.)
1).\ person
falling under any of the follaH'ing- SlIbp;tr:1gT,lp!t-; :-h:-:Il Ix S'-."llll' 10 pt'llill
servitude for a period no! In exec,'lI IhlTe years or to a lilH: "If tilfCC million \ Von or
less, and in the C:1se of Suhp:1r=-:gr:lph t3'. tltc ,")I~i{TI cnIH"crn,~d ~l!al1 Iw c'onli,,cated:
1. A person \\'!lo, without ;:In:: jil.·;i!i;:l)!c rcaSO!l;;, !J;l:- \'jo!:lt..:tl die ,·,rr\n \11\dcT
Anicle 25(1) (under:aoocl inr:JLlc!ing lht: t';:l~t: when: ..\nick 2:1(1) is :1lJplil:d
mutatis mll/andi; by ..\nick St:(2::) ( ) t .:\ 71 (1);
2 . .-\ person who has rejected , ill:c!':cri::d willI Oi' f~!i!l;d 10 ;:olllply ,,·:itll 11:e nl;:lna~c·
ment orme:lsures taken in accoJ"d:~ncc willl.\rt!clc J 7( I) (llmlIT:'\tIJ{)d;:ls including
the case where .-\rticle 17(1) i~ applied muldiJ t1Illtalldi.r by .\rtidr.: :1r.(2);
3. A person who, without pcrmi;;!'iioll. has COlllllliucu :In i.lCt Ullllt:-:- Subparagr:lph
1 of Anicle 20 (undCr=ilUod as including t1w C\.<;c; \':II1:n; SI,!lp;lLlgTaplt I of
Article 20 is applied mulati.. 1I~!!f(1w!i; by :\ :l~ .~)::
4. A person \\'ho, wilhout pt:l'lnis~i('Il: 11:1:: :iel :my in:d:lll:\liUll etC. ill all ;trC:l
which is designated or pro'\'isinnaliy designated as a pr01('Cti\·c :\I'C.:\ of a designated cultural propeny, ~ hi:aarical silc, a scenic pl:a:t.: or;\ 1l;11ltr.d lll'lIlll111CI:l
(including a monument which is 4l. city-or provinc:c-de~jgll:!lI;d cullural pruperty or a cultural properties material), or a pcrson \':110, without pt:rmi!=sion,
has committed an :leI dctrimental lO the prolcclioll f,r ilS prol'lll shape';
5. A persoll who has dumped in the habil:It, brecdini-: pbce "I' a mi~~T;t1flry
ground any m:lterial harmful to the growth or ~\n <lnimal ',·:!licIt is cksignated or provisionally dc!=iR"nat~~d as ;l !1:1tl.lral mrH1LlIll,'nl (including" :\ 1l1~'nU­
mem which i!' ;l city·or !Jl""\'illce-dcsign:\lcc! (,lIltur~1 prnpt rl{i.
(2) A person who has cng;tgcd in.1 iJlI"ine:::s \\'il hOUl pallli:-.,;j, ,II ill vi.;1:1 I inll Ill'. \ 1'1 idt:
61(1) sh311 he sentcllcN! \0 pcn~1 ~r't"\';tuJe lor a period !lol [0 l::->_·,·t'(i f1,,·c Y'-.'~lr:j;.
Article 91 (Cri01C of In[(~i'fcl'jng with thc iVla:lagt';lllcllt At.:t~ etc.) ;\
person falling under any of the liJl!r)~':illg Sl!hp;\r:~graph;.: skill be ~n1Ie[1CCd
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this web site, and is not liable for any incorrect information. COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved.This information may be used only for research, educational, legal and noncommercial purposes, with acknowledgement of UNESCO Cultural Heritage Laws Database as the source (© UNESCO).
to pen;].] ~en.:iluck for i!. period nnt 10 exceed twO ye~\r~ 01' In ,I fine of !\,;r,
mil!ion '\\-nn (11- Icy:;.:
1. :\ pc!~on \','hn~ without. any jmliri,lbk rr.<tSOll~, !la." n~jcn{'cl, inlcrflTec! \,,·ilh or
f<likd if) cmnply _'.-ith the: f:XC:I':~lli()n nl' Ihe: hllril~cI r:\lllllr:\! pr()pcrti{:~ l1ncler
Article 45;
", ..\ pcr.~,-,n \,,-ho, \';itholll :I11Y .i\l~:iji;l1)II' J"I::1~nn.~, kls i,!lll.'rl"ercrl \,·jlh the
m;ln;1.~in!,; <lcts of lhe person cl"llillnl III In:l1l;lgc till' d,·~ign2.tcd cul1ur2.1
propr:-rty or the pro\-jsiof:2.Jly clesign:l.ied ndll1r,d Jd'npCrlY;
3. :\ person \':ho, \,,-ithOllt ;lny jU:itifi:lhk j"(",l~nJJS, h:1S n:.ll'clcc1, inlnfcn:d wilh or
failed In uJinp]y ·....:!h a pUlllir: ofiiciZlI\ p/Trnrn,:lIKc nl" d\llil'~ \Hl(!cr ihis :\CI,
or h:1S prcSr;nle(: f;1l~l' lnalcri:d:;:
4 . .~\ person \·,·ho ic; rc:pomihlr: I~·lr Ih.:: nii1n,lgc:mcnl or prcs('!"\'<l1 i011 Of;1 designated ruhur::tl properly· or J. pr0,.-i.';ion:llly designated cultllr::! property and l by
grOSl'. nc~~ligenn·. h::-:
:'\1~\;d ruin: 1(l~,. d{'<:lnlrti,·m or (!:1m;l.!!(· to the cultural
prGpl'r!~.. U}llCtJ"lICd:
5 . .-\ person \':]!,) h,!s ::::pC!1t Iht...: s1l1J:;;iuy undu· this :\ct lor
thm(; it was ,~r:l'lil:d for;
6 . .-\ person will) h;:;;
J:l,lrlC;l b!~c
st;1(('rnC1l1 nl" :l
purpo."(' (,ther than
r:lJ:..;/, I"c]J0ri
(l::-:clllcling:l persoll
who h2.~ made ;l l"<I l~c 51:1 (l..:J 11("111 wI H;n 111:1 ki i!''; ;'1. ~t:\ 1('m1·llt III I riC!" .\ rl ide 713 (2)) ;
7..\ pcr~()n whn Ius n!:1dc lhr hotlJ1c!:1ry Ill' ;111 ;lrl';! :-:rl~cilin! :1,<;:1 dcsign;l.lCd
Ctllltlr:11 !lWjJL'rty llr 1!J·; bOlllld~\r:: llr a jll·,Hn·ti\:c :m;:1. 11Ilidclllifi.~Jble by in~
tention;dly r!c::ircJyin:::;, mo"inr; or rCIl\o\'inr~, lhe bnrln::ll"k nr by ;lny olher
S. :\ p('r~()n who.. \\·itholll pnmi!,:-jclll: has n"lll1ll1illCc\ all ; lmell'r Subparagr:1ph
3 o!" :\r;idc ~I.l (1lIlrl'..:r"lOncl ;1~ !llclllclin~ 1111' r·;!'.l' '".'IHTC S1l1)p;1l·a:~r;:.p1J J of
:\nic!e ~~\ i.< applied /1/ut:lfi.. m:l!,wdi,. l,y .\nick ;-,:~(:~<;:
9 . .-\ pf'r~r':! who hZl,!': in{cill!on:111y \"iO!;\l,·d .-\1"lidl' (II;
10, :\ ])('1"."_':1 \\·lm. wi(hout <IllY .il1~lifi;\bk n';\,nl,", !l;!S \"i(l];llc(! :l!l nl"(!l:r or an
in:--Irucli/'il tllld,l" ,-\nirjr- t'I(~·: "r '.:.
Article 92 (Crime cf
d:r. Order of' Opening to the Public, etc.)
:\ person f:1I1in; t:nr:cr ;my
(b' CnllO\·:in~ SuLll);\r;l~r{\p!l<; ~hall be ~(~ntcncer.l
to a fine of one :llillio;l \\"on or k~s:
1. A per!'oJ1 ".. he.:. ":!!hnut ;"lny juslifi;lbll' IT,\'''m. k\~; \'ip!;1tcc! :Ill C1nlrr Ir' n:·
hibit or open 10 thc pU!.ilic a clcsi!,!I1:11l'd CI111111'<t1 prnpcny, or :tn orckr to
su!'pend or reslricl the l':-:hihi(ilH~ or 0p,.. nin~' it In llt,~ jJIII)]ic;
2. :'\ pcrSU!l ''':!If:"l, " .. if!ll"llll p"1"l!li.~~inn, h:\<: tl]ll'IWr! fht: d('~ign;"llCd Cllltlll',d pr0perly to lhl.: puillic ;u ~\ place nt!ILT (11;'11 (1;.-\..1' " .. ht·:·" il W;;S prtlpcri:: kcpt, or
h;\s pr''.~l';l!(,cl
it fr,-,' :111 c:-:hibilinn. elC".:
3. :\. per~c'll who lias the clcsj.!::"Il;~tccl cl1ltl1r,,] ]wnIWI'I~,· l'l'ln:r~d hy a penun not
r('~~!Slr·rrd in I];("CIl!tur:11 Pn'pcrli,": ?"hinlCn;llH'(' Ul1iCL';
4. :\ prrsoll W~10 h;:,~ 1ll;1r.1C ;1 r,ll-:I· SI:lII'1l1l'111 \\·JWI1 Ilj:lI.:ill~; ,1 St,!tCl1lelll ll:lder
:\nirlc 7B(2·:,
Article 93 (Fine for Negligence)
[;,llil1.C; J::tCkr
oj" the !~)nU\\·;I~~
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d,one TIO:;
Subpar:!;rarh~sh:lll be !'CJl!(,IlCl:d In;L
f._.r Iw~:li~,'!\'c
(i\'C hlilldn'd lhptl~­
\\'on or Ie.!:s:
I. .-\ holder Q[an impQn:m: illt;ln~ihk cullllr:d prOpnl\" tinrludi!,:: Iii,· illl;~rl~ilJk
cultur:d property (k~ign;l.lcd;'l~:l city-or pn,\·ill.-r.,ll"-I'"I,:·!I-': '-\llln:';~! property)
\\'ho h:ts nr'glt'cicd the dUly of orl:nin~ it In Ill'': pi/bEl. 1I:.d,·!' thi.- :\Cl;
2. :\ pCr5Qr. "'!lo hilS failed to tntlkl' tlw ()1,1;.~:\l''i:: ~1.1t(·llll·n' r,!" !"~!pr'rl Ilnder
Ihis :\(;1.
Arti~le 94 (Dual PunishITlcnt) \\"ht'!';~ I"l"l'rt·'·::'.:i!\L', ;1:1 ,::;'I..:ot 'II" :':11 f'lll~
ploy·:c: 1.:IL of ~ juristic pCT::-r,jJ .... j" 0. i:H!I" :ei!;.: 11.c:..s, .)II,il:; :I;l ;\ ,ril:w 1IJ
\·jol;11i(lnnr:1:~·" ,.~ 1111' ."!'lir!t:' f;.!!1) ~'::.' i•. 111'" (. :::., 'l! ::I.lll:·:'lll~ hn:·i!II·!,!, or
m:tJl:..lgil~;; pl"lll~cn:: rOI" dll.: Jllri;;tic }.ICl>!I!l nr til" jj,r~;,.;'~1::I; I··'ll'.' :'1J('(1~ II"; nnly i...
the pcnon wlw cOl1uniltC{: t hr '- ri P.1':: pllll: ·II,·,L lill" .ill! ;.; i- fl' !":-r,l: r.r i; ll~ illdi\"idual
shall also be punishl·d \·.·ill! lht finl" pp'''crihl'd iii; ;lrll 0! ;hc I "nlll":n __ \nick::.
Article 1 (EnforCCIncnt D~!e) Thi:- .\Cl :-!I.:i1 ('nt\·! iml.' Inrcc ~l:: ::Wllt!lS :trlCr
the dJ.te of iie; prrJ!mdg2tinll.
Article 2 (AnlCndn)CDt of Other Laws) I )Ir.iu'·l:
Article 3 (Intcrin"!. f\leasur('~ on D('s~gnatt'd Cultur::1 2t'opcnics, ctc.)
~l: Th...· dC'~:~natt:(: l·lIh.;(;:! i,r,; : :!" ~dr,·.:dy <.!t-~i:..'Il;lil·11 .·S .::ch. il: .. " :nL~li("!'
"..illl the pr\-.·.. i~il-,r•.~ lIr II:. !.l"l:\·i,,\,: .\11 :-h:111 ill' ,i"!'I:l",; I" :1.:'.··· ""'il (i('~i~II;~lcd
:l!l t::e Si.;\;(·.rl.~:--i~nilH.:<.: q.~~'.,!':-.; 'l('i1'·rtil·~ llIui.-r th ....\(":
:i:,· ;:ntc of liS
cnr'.I!'CClllCr.! .
.)~ The Inc:1J (UiiUr;d pr'.'jJ~·:·lil·~ :.;:·I".:t.\· d"~i~Il:~lC'(1 ;:~ ~I!,~h il~ :~clurcbn ...(' with
t;lC P:-O\'lSiCl> uf l!Jr pn:\'ii)~;:- .\("1 .~h;l;; lw ~H1';'-~ "f":'"\ hi!\'C bc.'·n, c.h·si;.;n:llCn:1.5
lilt' city-or p;·C'\·i:l(L'-d('~;~n:l.i!.:lCllll11I".~1 111011" .·.i,·~ r,~' ,he ~'ily ~ ..:. j)rO\'in("c con-
cerned undl"1' Ih::: .·\(i ;1\ ;1\\. !i!;~L: ,Jf il.~ ~·:1!();·.:I·l:i,.·ll;.
(3) The cultural prn.pnii,·:) cll";:kr \·.·h, \\':~~ ~:·.:1:;('(1 pcrllll:"'~:'dl ihue-of in
accordance with the p,Cl\'i~;/ln:", ,,: dl~' prt'\i":l~ .\l..1 ~; lb· li':a (.r dl(' enforcemen;: of thi~\cl ~hall b...· (kL':nni \0 b.t"·\, Lenl gl-;J.lltl.. d \\·jlil Ihe jlC'rll1i!;~iol: to be
a cultural properties de~lcr un,!.:r thi::- :\CI 3t Ihe li:l~(: of il~ enfol"Ccment.
Article 4 (Interim Measurcs OD the Disposal of !\lisccl1:lncous Propertics)
I' "The ~l;i.i.ii.c!" of C:III\\II't.: .:11<1 lll::,nmltion 1l1~Y t'':"'l1\'\:t:C 1(' the.:. spow'c of
)orr. Lee Eun :l P:lrt [':·Ihe miscrll;'llc')\I'; Jll"opLnic:s a:llOJ:!.: ilil' former impcri:lj
progerties \\'hich h~~ rt'Yt:rlt:d iO the St:ll(' in :lcc(~:--C!:'.ilC~ \\'itll tile _\Cl 011 t11(~
Propcrties df the Formei' ROY:l1 HOllsrhold \\'hic!) \\';l~ l'~aicd by Ihc C:ull'ural
Pro~!; Protection Act :\mendmcnI , Law ;\0. 12(,5.
(2)' The concession of the propt.:rlies in accord:1!H.:l' wilh r;'fagr;\ph(l) shall
be r~fern:d t('l the SI:-l.le Council for deliberation flftl'l" com·u!t:Hion \..·ith the
:?\fini~ter of:iimance 41b0\1t the kind, cxtCI1I, ele. (1f the propcnic5 to uc concc"dcd.
Article 5 (Io:erirn l\1easures 00 Punishn1cnt) All :lct commillt:d 1H.:fon:
the enforccment of Ihi:-- :\CI 'shall be pl!l1i~hcd wilh lite f(''ll'Illt.:f proYisil)l1s.