Computer Networks CSE2CN Subject Learning Guide Semester 1, 2013 Bendigo Subject Coordinator: Ms Mary Martin Table of Contents SUBJECT DETAILS 3 SCHEDULE OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES 6 SESSION PLAN (TIMETABLE) LEARNING ACTIVITY DETAILS LECTURES, TUTORIALS AND PRACTICAL CLASSES 6 6 6 ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK DETAILS 7 DETAILED GRADING CRITERIA 7 LEARNING RESOURCES 8 ACADEMIC LANGUAGE AND LEARNING UNIT (ALLU) LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LMS) LIBRARY STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES 8 8 8 8 POLICIES, PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES 9 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY SPECIAL CONSIDERATION EXTENSIONS, LATE SUBMISSIONS AND PENALTIES 9 9 9 Subject Learning Guide – CSE2CN Bendigo Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering Page 2 of 9 Subject Details GENERAL DETAILS Subject Code: CSE2CN Subject Title: Computer Networks Teaching Period: 1 Location(s): Bendigo Credit Points: 15 Mode: Day ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Level: Prerequisites: INT1ITF or CSE1ITF, INT1PE or CSE1PE. Co-­‐requisites: None. Incompatibles: INT3CN or CSE3CN, INT2CN. Assumed Skills & Knowledge: None. Special Study Requirements: None. STAFF CONTACTS Subject Coordinator: Undergraduate Ms Mary Martin Email: Location: Rm 1.12, Business Building Bendigo Tel: SUBJECT DESCRIPTION 7273 In this unit, students are provided with the opportunity to gain an understanding of the protocols and technologies of modern computer networks, with particular emphasis on the global Internet. The unit has a ""top-­‐down"" structure, concentrating firstly, and principally, on network applications and application protocols. The various underlying network technologies are then examined in somewhat less detail. Several "specialist" topics, such as Network and Data Security, Network Management and Network Applications in Electronic Commerce are also covered in overview. SUBJECT INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (SILOS) Upon successful completion of this subject, you should be able to: 1 Broadly explain the major computer network technologies. 2 Explain in some detail the Internet family of protocols. 3 Understand network technology issues associated with E-­‐commerce, Web application and general networking application development 4 Describe, explain and apply knowledge of application protocols such as HTTP and SMTP. 5 Describe, explain and apply knowledge of the structure of the DNS system. 6 Describe, explain and apply computer network security concepts and the issues associated with them. 7 Describe and explain the basic principles of data encryption. 8 Describe and explain the main functions of network management Subject Learning Guide – CSE2CN Bendigo Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering Page 3 of 9 FACULTY GRADUATE CAPABILITIES The following Faculty Graduate Capabilities (FGCs) are evaluated in this subject: a b c d FGC Writing Inquiry/ Research Critical Thinking Creative Problem-­‐ solving Teamwork Discipline-­‐specific GCs FGC Assessment Tasks Assignment 3 Assignment 3 Assignment 3 Assignments 2 and 3 e Assignments 2 and 3 f Assignments 1, 2, 3 and Exam LEARNING ACTIVITY SUMMARY Learning Activity: Schedule Two 1-­‐hour lectures per week. Two 1-­‐hour tutorial/laboratory classes per week. Week 1 to 13 Week 1 to 13 Further information is available at ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK SUMMARY Assessment Tasks: Due Date % One assignment equivalent to 200 words. One assignment equivalent to 700 words. One assignment equivalent to 1,000 words. One 2.5-­‐hour examination. LEARNING RESOURCES 5 15 20 60 Reading Type Title Author and Year Publisher Textbook Computer Networking Kurose, J & Ross, K. 2010 Pearson Internet! Everything (computer) networking! Comments STUDENT FEEDBACK ON SUBJECT SURVEY The Student Feedback on Subjects (SFS) Survey is part of the quality assurance process that occurs across the university. In this survey you are invited to tell us about your learning experiences in this subject. We want you to tell us of your experience in this subject. Your views will be taken seriously and will assist us to enhance this subject for the next group of students. Your feedback will also contribute to the text for ‘Summary of Previous Student Feedback’ below so please take the time to tell us your views. The surveys are anonymous and will be distributed prior to the end of the teaching period. Subject Learning Guide – CSE2CN Bendigo Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering Page 4 of 9 Summary of SFS Feedback from Last Year The subject notes and practical tutorials were further developed in 2012. As was the case for the last two years students welcomed the involvement of Industry Professionals in the group assignment and believed it contributed significantly to their learning; this initiative continues with generous cooperation from local industry. The subject learning outcomes are generally well understood. Students generally find the subject assessment, marking and assessment criteria clear. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Academic integrity means being honest in academic work and taking responsibility for learning the conventions of scholarship. La Trobe University views this seriously as evidenced by the following extract: Academic honesty is a fundamental principle in teaching, learning, research and scholarship. The University requires its academic staff and students to observe the highest ethical standards in all aspects of academic work and it demonstrates its commitment to these values by awarding due credit for honestly conducted scholarly work, and by penalising academic misconduct and all forms of cheating. Academic Integrity Procedures (2010, p. 1 of 6) Academic misconduct includes poor referencing, plagiarism, copying and cheating. You should familiarise yourself with your responsibilities in relation to Academic Integrity and if you have any questions, direct them to your Course Coordinator. Information can be found on the website at: Subject Learning Guide – CSE2CN Bendigo Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering Page 5 of 9 Schedule of Learning Activities Session Plan (Timetable) Times and rooms are subject to change. To view the full time and location details for learning activities in this subject, please ensure you seek further information available at You should also regularly check [at least once per week] the subject’s LMS site (where applicable) for updated information. TOPIC SESSION TITLE Introduction & Overview Application Protocols & Programs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Transport, Network and Link Protocols Network Security 10 11 12 13 Network Management Unit Review Introduction, Intro to Network Protocols, Internet Protocols Introduction to Internet Applications, Telnet, Mail HTTP Protocol in detail Network Application Programming Reliable Transport -­‐ TCP IP Addressing, Internetworks Link Layer: Multi-­‐access Networks, Point-­‐to-­‐Point Data Links, Internet Topology and Structure, Wireless Technology Introduction to Encryption: Single Key Systems, Public Key Encryption Practical Encryption & Network Security Introduction to Network Management Network Management, Data Formats and Encoding Revision and Exam Preview Learning Activity Details Lectures, Tutorials and Practical Classes A mix of lecture presentations, tutorial and practical activities will be undertaken each Wednesday morning of the semester commencing at from 9.00 am. Room BUS 2.05 is provided for the total allocated time from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm. The Networking Laboratory (BUS 1.16) and iMac Laboratory (IBUS 1.08) will be used for practical activities during this time. Subject Learning Guide – CSE2CN Bendigo Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering Page 6 of 9 Assessment and Feedback Details Please see page 4 for the Subject Intended Learning Outcomes (SILOs) Assessment Task 1 Due Date % SILOs Assessed One assignment equivalent to 200 words 2oth March 5 4 Due Date % SILOs Assessed 20 1, 3 Submission Details Online submission via email Assessment Task 2 One assignment equivalent to 1000 words. st 1 May 2013 Submission Details Component 1: Written, Individual submission. Component 2: Practical demonstration and group submission. Grading Criteria and Feedback See following section Detailed Grading Criteria for Component 1 Assessment Task 3 Due Date One assignment equivalent to 700 words. 29 May 2013 th % SILOs Assessed 15 1,2,4 Submission Details Single Group Written Report comprised of group and individual components. Grading Criteria and Feedback See following section Detailed Grading Criteria Assessment Task 4 Due Date % SILOs Assessed One 2.5-­‐hour examination. 60 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Detailed Grading Criteria Your written (softcopy or hardcopy) assignments for this subject are expected to conform to Australian higher education (University) standards and will be marked according to the guidelines given in the table below. Although a mark will be given as a result for your work, you can use the following to interpret your overall performance: 85 -­‐ 100 % outstanding in all or most respects, 75 -­‐ 85 % many very good aspects, 65 -­‐ 75 % satisfactory, 55 -­‐ 65 % inadequacies in some aspects, < 55 % inadequacies in many areas. Presentation (10%) Content (60%) Style (20%) Referencing (10%) • • • • legible, well set out framework clear, unambiguous expected length grammar/spelling correct • • • • relevance to topic and extension beyond basic course material logically developed argument variety of viewpoints included inclusion of original research or investigation • • • fluency succinct writing -­‐ effective use of figures, diagrams • • • acknowledgment of sources wide range of sources used correct citation of sources Subject Learning Guide – CSE2CN Bendigo Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering Page 7 of 9 Learning Resources Academic Language and Learning Unit (ALLU) The Academic Language and Learning Unit (ALLU) works closely with teaching staff in the Faculties and on the Melbourne campus and the regional campuses to ensure that all La Trobe students – including those from non-­‐ English-­‐speaking backgrounds – develop high-­‐level academic speaking, writing, reading, and numeracy skills required for successful learning in their courses. For further information, including language and learning resources for students, and information about accessing individual student appointments and Drop-­‐In sessions, please see the website at: Learning Management System (LMS) The Learning Management System (LMS) is an Internet based system which allows you access to learning materials and to interact with other students and teaching staff in activities related to your studies from any location with Internet access. Most subjects have a LMS site into which you are automatically added as part of your enrolment into the subject. The LMS can be accessed at: by using your Username and Password provided to you on your Statement of Account. If you are having trouble accessing the LMS or want to find out more about LMS, please see the website at: Library The Library has many valuable physical and online learning resources that can help you with your study. On campus students should get to know the physical Library environment by going on a Library Tour. All students should get familiar with the Library website where online resources include: • • • • • • LibGuides [] – providing specific discipline and subject guides; LibSkills [] – to teach you library research and information literacy skills; LibChat [] -­‐ a library discussion forum allowing you to chat with a Librarian; Academic Referencing Modules [] – to assist you to understand specific referencing styles; Academic Referencing Tool [­‐flash/index.php] – providing detailed referencing examples; and, Assignment Calculator [] – to assist you in time managing your assignments and submitting on time. Student Support Services If you have special needs due to disability or other factors the Equality and Diversity Centre can provide advice and support. This Centre can be contacted by telephone on (03) 9479 2900 (Melbourne); (03) 5444 7410 (Bendigo); (02) 6024 9628 (Albury-­‐Wodonga); National Relay Service Deaf and Hearing Impaired: T: 133677 (within Australia only). Email: or refer to the website at: Subject Learning Guide – CSE2CN Bendigo Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering Page 8 of 9 Policies, Procedures and Guidelines The University has a comprehensive policy framework to which both staff and students must adhere. You should familiarise yourself with those policies, procedures and guidelines likely to affect you especially the following: • • • • • • • • • • Academic Integrity. Academic Progress. Assessment and Feedback. Extension to Submission Dates. Late Submission of Assessment Tasks. Occupational, Health and Safety [OHS]. Privacy. Special Consideration. Student Charter. Use of Electronic Mail. The relevant policies, procedures and guidelines can be found on the website at: Academic Integrity Academic integrity means being honest in academic work and taking responsibility for learning the conventions of scholarship. La Trobe University views this seriously as evidenced by the following extract: Academic honesty is a fundamental principle in teaching, learning, research and scholarship. The University requires its academic staff and students to observe the highest ethical standards in all aspects of academic work and it demonstrates its commitment to these values by awarding due credit for honestly conducted scholarly work, and by penalising academic misconduct and all forms of cheating. Academic Integrity Procedures (2010, p. 1 of 6) Academic misconduct includes poor referencing, plagiarism, copying and cheating. You should familiarise yourself with your responsibilities in relation to Academic Integrity and if you have any questions, direct them to your Course Coordinator. Information can be found on the website at: Special Consideration Special Consideration is the term used to describe a process that applies an equity measure to ensure that where any temporary adverse circumstances beyond the control of a student, that impact negatively on that student’s ability to demonstrate their learning achievement for an assessment task, is taken into account. Eligibility to apply for Special Consideration does not automatically imply eligibility to receive it. Certain criteria must be satisfied in order to receive Special Consideration. Please refer to the relevant policies, procedures and guidelines website at: Extensions, Late Submissions and Penalties There are policies and procedures to guarantee fair, consistent and transparent treatment of late submission of assessment tasks provide equity around extensions to submission dates and penalties associated with not submitting assessment by the due date and time. Please refer to the relevant policies, procedures and guidelines website at: Subject Learning Guide – CSE2CN Bendigo Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering Page 9 of 9