Mechanical Engineering - McGraw

2007-2008 NEW Mechanical Engineering Titles
Mechanical Engineering ~
Automotive Technology .............................................. 169
Machine Design ........................................................... 158
Machine Tool Technology ............................................ 169
CAD/CAM .................................................................... 154
Combustion Engineering............................................... 157
Compressible Flow/Gas Dynamics................................ 166
Computational Fluid Dynamics .................................... 165
Control Systems ............................................................ 148
Convective Heat Transfer.............................................. 156
Dynamic Systems ......................................................... 167
Dynamics ..................................................................... 143
Dynamics (Intermediate) ............................................... 147
Finite Element Methods ................................................ 170
Fluid Mechanics (Advanced): Compressible Flow/
Gas Dynamics........................................................... 151
Fluid Mechanics (Introduction) ..................................... 148
Heat Transfer (Introduction) .......................................... 155
Internal Combustion Engines ........................................ 162
Kinematics/Dynamics of Machines ............................... 157
Manufacturing Methods: General Manufacturing .......... 153
Measurements/Experimentation/Instrumentation ........... 162
Mechanical Engineering Design (Capstone) .................. 164
Mechanical/Microprocessors ........................................ 161
Mechatronics ................................................................ 168
Plates & Shells .............................................................. 160
Power Plant Technology ............................................... 161
Professional References ................................................ 171
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning/HVAC ....................... 161
Robotics ....................................................................... 155
Statics ........................................................................... 141
Strength of Materials ..................................................... 147
Stress Analysis .............................................................. 166
Structural Analysis ........................................................ 145
Thermal Fluid Sciences ................................................. 146
Thermal Systems Design ............................................... 165
Thermodynamics (Introduction) .................................... 152
Viscous Flow/Boundary Layer Theory ........................... 151
Vibrations ..................................................................... 166
Welding ....................................................................... 171
NEW Mechanical Engineering Titles
2007 New Titles
Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement
Systems, 3e .....................................................162,168
2008 New Titles
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-246478-8 / MHID: 0-07-246478-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-296305-2 / MHID: 0-07-296305-0
Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics, 5e ................143
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics, 8e.....144
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and
Dynamics, 8e..................................................141,144
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-321222-7 / MHID: 0-07-321222-9
Heat and Mass Transfer: A Practical
Approach, 3e .........................................................155
Statics Lecture Notes (Yot.Com) ............................143
Engineering Thermodynamics, 3e ..........................152
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-059114-1 / MHID: 0-07-059114-8
Design for Electrical and Computer Engineers ....164
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338035-3 / MHID: 0-07-338035-0
Dynamics Lecture Notes (Yot.Com).....................143
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-331178-4 / MHID: 0-07-331178-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-331177-7 / MHID: 0-07-331177-4
Essentials of Fluid Mechanics ..............................148
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-330112-9 / MHID: 0-07-330112-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-325035-9 / MHID: 0-07-325035-X
Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, 6e .152
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-330537-0 / MHID: 0-07-330537-5
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics, 8e ..........142
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-321219-7 / MHID: 0-07-321219-9
Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Sciences, 3e .......146
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-332748-8 / MHID: 0-07-332748-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-321220-3 / MHID: 0-07-321220-2
Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design, 8e ......158
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-331260-6 / MHID: 0-07-331260-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-246477-1 / MHID: 0-07-246477-1
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics, 5e....................142
Fundamentals of Structural Analysis, 3e ..............145
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-330538-7 / MHID: 0-07-330538-3
Fluid Mechanics, 6e.............................................149
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-330920-0 / MHID: 0-07-330920-6
Mechanical Engineering
Eighth Edition
by Ferdinand P Beer (deceased), E Russell Johnston, Jr., University
of Connecticut, Elliot R Eisenberg, Pennsylvania State University,
William E Clausen, Ohio State University, David Mazurek, U S Coast
Guard Academy, and Phillip J Cornwell, Rose-Hulman Inst Tech
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-321222-7 / MHID: 0-07-321222-9
(with Bookmark and OLC)
For the past fifty years Beer and Johnston have been the
uncontested leaders in the teaching of undergraduate
engineering mechanics. Over the years their textbooks have
introduced significant theoretical and pedagogical innovations
in statics, dynamics, and mechanics of materials education. At
the same time, their careful presentation of content, unmatched
levels of accuracy and attention to detail have made their texts
the standard for excellence. The new Eighth Edition of Vector
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics marks the fiftieth
anniversary of the Beer/Johnston series. Continuing in the spirit
of its successful previous editions, the Eighth Edition provides
conceptually accurate and thorough coverage together with a
significant addition of new problems, including biomechanics
problems, and the most extensive media resources available.
• The 8th editions offer a 48% new or revised homework problem
on “free-body-diagram equations” rather than on the standard
algebraic equations of motion, a more intuitive and more complete
understanding of fundamental principles is achieved.
• Review and Summary sections at the end of each chapter provide
students with a valuable study tool. Reviewers found these chapter
reviews to be one of the strongest features of the text and the best
available in the market.
• Computer Problems, relevant to the design process, are offered
at the end of each chapter. While the problems will be generic, they
will be designed to be easily solved using popular computational
programs such as Matlab, Mathcad, Maple, etc. The computer
problems focus on symbolic manipulation and plotting, as opposed
to the more programming-based computer problems in the
current editions. Computer problems help students gain a better
understanding of basic principles because most require integration of
several concepts, much like one does in design. They also allow for
open-ended parametric studies.
• A Fundamentals of Engineering Examination Appendix helps
prepare students for the FE/EIT exam.
• Effective use of 4-color helps students distinguish between
different vectors: red=accelerations and forces (applied and effective)
green=velocities, blue=displacements.
• Instructors enjoy a clearer presentation and organization of
problem solutions with a typeset print solutions manual in a clear 1-2
solution per page format. In addition, Instructors are provided with
assignment grids, designed so that instructors can assign different
homework problems each semester for up to six semesters.
1 Introduction. 2 Statics of Particles. 3 Rigid Bodies: Equivalent Systems of Forces.
4 Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies. 5 Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of
Gravity. 6 Analysis of Structures. 7 Forces in Beams and Cables. 8 Friction. 9
Distributed Forces: Moments of Inertia. 10 Method of Virtual Work. 11 Kinematics
of Particles. 12 Kinetics of Particles: Newton’s Second Law. 13 Kinetics of Particles:
Energy and Momentum Methods. 14 Systems of Particles. 15 Kinematics of Rigid
Bodies. 16 Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies: Forces and Accelerations. 17 Plane
Motion of Rigid Bodies: Energy and Momentum Methods. 18 Kinetics of Rigid
Bodies in Three Dimensions. 19 Mechanical Vibrations. Appendix Fundamentals
of Engineering Examination.
set, with biomechanics-focused problems added appropriately
throughout the texts.
• The photo program continues to be expanded in each edition,
with new chapter opener and in chapter photos added to each
• A C.O.S.M.O.S. Solutions Manual, provided to instructors on
DVD, allows for assignment generation, tracking, and distribution.
Instructors also have the ability to edit homework problems.
• A robust Online Learning Center provides both student and
instructor resources including algorithmic problems, S.M.A.R.T.
tutorials, lecture PowerPoint’s, and images from the text, among
other resources.
• McGraw-Hill’s web-based Hands-on Mechanics teaching
demonstration library provides instructors with instructions for
building hands-on physical models used to demonstrate important
Statics and Dynamics concepts in class.
• A careful, step-by-step presentation is followed in each lesson
of each chapter; every chapter is organized as follows: an opening
photograph to help students visualize key concepts is followed by
a chapter introduction with a chapter outline previewing what will
be covered in each lesson. After each lesson there are 1-4 Sample
Problems (set up to serve as a model for student solutions) followed
by a Solving Problems On Your Own section giving solution
guidelines before the lesson’s problems set. At the end of each
chapter students find a Review and Summary section with notes for
review and examples and cross references to key sections. Finally,
a Review Problem section ties together several concepts from that
chapter and a Computer Problems section also has many problems
relevant to the design process, encouraging open-ended solutions.
• A signature Beer and Johnston text feature, Sample Problems
allow students to see important key problem types with their solution
laid out on a single page, and organized to provide a model for
student problem solving. Sample Problems serve the dual purpose of
amplifying the text and demonstrating the type of neat and orderly
work that students should cultivate in their own solutions.
• Liberal use of free-body diagrams (graphical representation of
objects where arrows indicate forces acting on object) in Statics and
effective-forces diagrams in Dynamics. By placing the emphasis
Complimentary desk copies are available
for course adoption only. Kindly contact your
local McGraw-Hill Representative or fax the
Examination Copy Request Form available
on the back pages of this catalog.
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Mechanical Engineering
Eighth Edition
by Ferdinand P Beer (deceased), E Russell Johnston, Jr., University of
Connecticut, Elliot R Eisenberg, Pennsylvania State University and
David Mazurek, U S Coast Guard Academy
2007 / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-321219-7 / MHID: 0-07-321219-9
(with Bookmark and OLC)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-125765-7 / MHID: 0-07-125765-9
[SI Metric edition]
For the past fifty years Beer and Johnston have been the
uncontested leaders in the teaching of undergraduate
engineering mechanics. Over the years their textbooks have
introduced significant theoretical and pedagogical innovations
in statics, dynamics, and mechanics of materials education. At
the same time, their careful presentation of content, unmatched
levels of accuracy and attention to detail have made their texts
the standard for excellence. The new Eighth Edition of Vector
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics marks the fiftieth anniversary
of the Beer/Johnston series. Continuing in the spirit of its
successful previous editions, the Eighth Edition provides
conceptually accurate and thorough coverage together with a
significant addition of new problems, including biomechanics
problems, and the most extensive media resources available.
The 8th editions offer a 48% new or revised homework problem
set, with biomechanics-focused problems added appropriately
throughout the texts.
• The photo program continues to be expanded in each edition,
with new chapter opener and in chapter photos added to each
• A C.O.S.M.O.S. Solutions Manual, provided to instructors on
DVD, allows for assignment generation, tracking, and distribution.
Instructors also have the ability to edit homework problems.
• A robust Online Learning Center provides both student and
instructor resources including algorithmic problems, S.M.A.R.T.
tutorials, lecture PowerPoint’s, and images from the text, among
other resources.
• McGraw-Hill’s web-based Hands-on Mechanics teaching
demonstration library provides instructors with instructions for
building hands-on physical models used to demonstrate important
Statics and Dynamics concepts in class.
• A careful, step-by-step presentation is followed in each lesson of
each chapter and every chapter is organized as follows: an opening
photograph to help students visualize key concepts is followed
by a chapter introduction with a chapter outline previewing what
will be covered in each lesson. After each lesson there are 1-4
Sample Problems (set up to serve as a model for student solutions)
followed by a Solving Problems on Your Own section giving solution
guidelines before the lesson problems set. At the end of each chapter
students find a Review and Summary section with notes for review
and examples and cross references to key sections. Finally, a Review
Problem section ties together several concepts from that chapter and
a Computer Problems section also many problems relevant to the
design process and encouraging open-ended solutions.
• A signature Beer and Johnston text feature, Sample Problems
allow students to see important key problem types with their solution
laid out on a single page, and organized to provide a model for
student problem solving. Sample Problems serve the dual purpose of
amplifying the text and demonstrating the type of neat and orderly
work that students should cultivate in their own solutions.
• Liberal use of free-body diagrams (graphical representation of
objects where arrows indicate forces acting on object) in Statics and
effective-forces diagrams in Dynamics. By placing the emphasis
on “free-body-diagram equations” rather than on the standard
algebraic equations of motion, a more intuitive and more complete
understanding of fundamental principles is achieved.
• Review and Summary sections at the end of each chapter provide
students with a valuable study tool. Reviewers found these chapter
reviews to be one of the strongest features of the text and the best
available in the market.
• Computer Problems, relevant to the design process, are offered
at the end of each chapter. While the problems will be generic, they
will be designed to be easily solved using popular computational
programs such as Matlab, Mathcad, Maple, etc. The computer
problems focus on symbolic manipulation and plotting, as opposed
to the more programming-based computer problems in the
current editions. Computer problems help students gain a better
understanding of basic principles because most require integration of
several concepts, much like one does in design. They also allow for
open-ended parametric studies.
• A Fundamentals of Engineering Examination Appendix helps
prepare students for the FE/EIT exam.
• Effective use of 4-color helps students distinguish between
different vectors: red=accelerations and forces (applied and effective)
green=velocities, blue=displacements.
• Instructors enjoy a clearer presentation and organization of
problem solutions with a typeset print solutions manual in a clear 1-2
solution per page format. In addition, Instructors are provided with
assignment grids, designed so that instructors can assign different
homework problems each semester for up to six semesters.
1 Introduction. 2 Statics of Particles. 3 Rigid Bodies: Equivalent Systems of Forces.
4 Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies. 5 Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of
Gravity. 6 Analysis of Structures. 7 Forces in Beams and Cables. 8 Friction. 9
Distributed Forces: Moments of Inertia. 10 Method of Virtual Work. Fundamentals
of Engineering Examination. Index. Answers to Problems
International Edition
Fifth Edition
by Ferdinand P. Beer (deceased), and E. Russell Johnston, Jr.
University of Connecticut
2008 (March 2007) / Hardcover / 480 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-246478-8 / MHID: 0-07-246478-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-112166-8 / MHID: 0-07-112166-8
The first book published in the Beer and Johnston Series,
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics is a scalar-based introductory
statics text, ideally suited for engineering technology programs,
providing first-rate treatment of rigid bodies without vector
mechanics. This new edition provides an extensive selection
of new problems and end-of-chapter summaries. The text
brings the careful presentation of content, unmatched levels
of accuracy, and attention to detail that have made Beer and
Johnston texts the standard for excellence in engineering
mechanics education.
• Features precision, accuracy, and math level appropriate for
Engineering Technology courses.
• A Mathematics Review section helps students understand the
basics of the scalar math used in statics & dynamics.
• Sample Problems are included to help students work through the
solution of typical engineering problems and prepare for the assigned
chapter homework problems.
1 Introduction. 2 Statics of Particles. 3 Statics of Rigid Bodies in Two Dimensions.
4 Statics of Rigid Bodies in Three Dimensions. 5 Distributed Forces: Centroids
and Centers of Gravity. 6 Analysis of Structures. 7 Forces in Beams and Cables. 8
Friction. 9 Distributed Forces: Moments of Inertia. 10 Method of Virtual Work
Index. Answers to Even-Numbered Problems.
Mechanical Engineering
by Jeff Jones, California Polytechnic State University
2007 (June 2006) / Softcover / 160 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-331177-7 / MHID: 0-07-331177-4
(with access card)
In the Statics Companion, students
and instructors will find over 300 statics example problems
for use in class or for extra practice outside of class with's corresponding online statics
streaming videos. The videos feature statics problems being
solved in great detail with a voiceover, providing reinforcement
for those students who need the extra help. In addition,
perforated pages allow instructors to easily transfer problems
to transparencies or create handouts.
offers a total of 40 courses, with a strong emphasis on math
and engineering.
• Over 300 Statics Example Probelms for use in class or for
extra practice outside of class with YourOtherTeacher.Com's
corresponding online Statics course
• By using the coupon code within the text and accessing this
course, students will find probelms solved by an online instructor in
a detailed, step-by-step, whiteboard video format.
• Your is the only site that actually talks and
demonstrates the concept as though the student is sitting in a
classroom. Other sites require users to read their solutions off the
screen or watch distracing computer animations.
• Great supplement to studnets who are struggling in class and need
a little more instruction.
• Online lessons have quizzes, so a student can test their
knowledge of the lesson that they just watched
by Jeff Jones, California Polytechnic State University
2008 (September 2006) / Softcover / 128 pages
ISBN: 978-0-07-331178-4 / MHID: 0-07-331178-2 (with access card)
In the Dynamics Companion, students
and instructors will find over 300 dynamics example problems
for use in class or for extra practice outside of class with's corresponding online dynamics
streaming videos. The videos feature dynamics problems being
solved in great detail with a voiceover, providing reinforcement
for those students who need the extra help. In addition,
perforated pages allow instructors to easily transfer problems
to transparencies or create handouts.
offers a total of 40 courses, with a strong emphasis on math
and engineering.
• A 300 statics example problems for use in class or for extra
practice outside of class with's corresponding
online statics streaming videos
• Your is the only site that actually talks and
demonstrates the concept as though the student is sitting in a
classroom. Other sites require users to read their solutions off the
screen or watch distracting computer animations
• Great supplement to students who are struggling in class and need
a little more instruction
• Online lessons have quizzes, so a student can test their
knowledge of the lesson that they just watched
1. Introduction. 2. Statics of Particles. 3. Rigid Bodies: Equivalent Systems of Forces.
4. Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies. 5. Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of
Gravity. 6. Analysis of Structures. 7. Forces in Beams. 8. Friction. 9. Distributed
Forces: Moments of Enertia.
International Edition
Fifth Edition
by Ferdinand P. Beer (deceased), and E. Russell Johnston, Jr.
University of Connecticut
2008 (March 2007) / Hardcover / 928 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-246477-1 / MHID: 0-07-246477-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-112165-1 / MHID: 0-07-112165-X [IE]
McGraw-Hill is interested
in reviewing manuscript
for publication. Please
contact your local
McGraw-Hill office or email to
Visit McGraw-Hill Education (Asia)
The first book published in the Beer and Johnston Series,
Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics is a scalar-based
introductory dynamics text, ideally suited for engineering
technology programs, providing first-rate treatment of rigid
bodies without vector mechanics. This new edition provides
an extensive selection of new problems and end-of-chapter
summaries. The text brings the careful presentation of content,
unmatched levels of accuracy, and attention to detail that have
made Beer and Johnston texts the standard for excellence in
engineering mechanics education.
• Sample Problems are included to help students work through the
solution of typical engineering problems and prepare for the assigned
chapter homework problems.
• A Mathematics Review section helps students understand the
basics of the scalar math used in statics & dynamics.
• Features precision, accuracy, and math level appropriate for
Engineering Technology courses.
11 Kinematics of Particles. 12 Kinetics of Particles: Newton's Second Law. 13
Kinetics of Particles: Work and Energy. 14 Kinetics of Particles: Impulse and
Momentum. 15 Kinematics of Rigid Bodies. 16 Kinetics of Rigid Bodies: Forces
and Accelerations. 17 Kinetics of Rigid Bodies: Work and Energy. 18 Kinetics of
Rigid Bodies: Impulse and Momentum. 19 Mechanical Vibrations. Appendix.
Moments of Inertia in Masses. Index. Answers to Problems.
Mechanical Engineering
• Review and Summary sections at the end of each chapter provide
Eighth Edition
by Ferdinand P Beer (deceased), E Russell Johnston, Jr., University
of Connecticut, Elliot R Eisenberg, Pennsylvania State University,
William E Clausen, Ohio State University, David Mazurek, U S Coast
Guard Academy, and Phillip J Cornwell, Rose-Hulman Inst Tech
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-321222-7 / MHID: 0-07-321222-9
(with Bookmark and OLC)
For the past fifty years Beer and Johnston have been the
uncontested leaders in the teaching of undergraduate
engineering mechanics. Over the years their textbooks have
introduced significant theoretical and pedagogical innovations
in statics, dynamics, and mechanics of materials education. At
the same time, their careful presentation of content, unmatched
levels of accuracy and attention to detail have made their texts
the standard for excellence. The new Eighth Edition of Vector
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics marks the fiftieth
anniversary of the Beer/Johnston series. Continuing in the spirit
of its successful previous editions, the Eighth Edition provides
conceptually accurate and thorough coverage together with a
significant addition of new problems, including biomechanics
problems, and the most extensive media resources available.
The 8th editions offer a 48% new or revised homework problem
set, with biomechanics-focused problems added appropriately
throughout the texts.
• The photo program continues to be expanded in each edition,
with new chapter opener and in chapter photos added to each
• A C.O.S.M.O.S. Solutions Manual, provided to instructors on
DVD, allows for assignment generation, tracking, and distribution.
Instructors also have the ability to edit homework problems.
• A robust Online Learning Center provides both student and
instructor resources including algorithmic problems, S.M.A.R.T.
tutorials, lecture PowerPoint’s, and images from the text, among
other resources.
• McGraw-Hill’s web-based Hands-on Mechanics teaching
demonstration library provides instructors with instructions for
building hands-on physical models used to demonstrate important
Statics and Dynamics concepts in class.
• A careful, step-by-step presentation is followed in each lesson
of each chapter; every chapter is organized as follows: an opening
photograph to help students visualize key concepts is followed by
a chapter introduction with a chapter outline previewing what will
be covered in each lesson. After each lesson there are 1-4 Sample
Problems (set up to serve as a model for student solutions) followed
by a Solving Problems On Your Own section giving solution
guidelines before the lesson’s problems set. At the end of each
chapter students find a Review and Summary section with notes for
review and examples and cross references to key sections. Finally,
a Review Problem section ties together several concepts from that
chapter and a Computer Problems section also has many problems
relevant to the design process, encouraging open-ended solutions.
• A signature Beer and Johnston text feature, Sample Problems
allow students to see important key problem types with their solution
laid out on a single page, and organized to provide a model for
student problem solving. Sample Problems serve the dual purpose of
amplifying the text and demonstrating the type of neat and orderly
work that students should cultivate in their own solutions.
• Liberal use of free-body diagrams (graphical representation of
objects where arrows indicate forces acting on object) in Statics and
effective-forces diagrams in Dynamics. By placing the emphasis
on “free-body-diagram equations” rather than on the standard
algebraic equations of motion, a more intuitive and more complete
understanding of fundamental principles is achieved.
students with a valuable study tool. Reviewers found these chapter
reviews to be one of the strongest features of the text and the best
available in the market.
• Computer Problems, relevant to the design process, are offered
at the end of each chapter. While the problems will be generic, they
will be designed to be easily solved using popular computational
programs such as Matlab, Mathcad, Maple, etc. The computer
problems focus on symbolic manipulation and plotting, as opposed
to the more programming-based computer problems in the
current editions. Computer problems help students gain a better
understanding of basic principles because most require integration of
several concepts, much like one does in design. They also allow for
open-ended parametric studies.
• A Fundamentals of Engineering Examination Appendix helps
prepare students for the FE/EIT exam.
• Effective use of 4-color helps students distinguish between
different vectors: red=accelerations and forces (applied and effective)
green=velocities, blue=displacements.
• Instructors enjoy a clearer presentation and organization of
problem solutions with a typeset print solutions manual in a clear 1-2
solution per page format. In addition, Instructors are provided with
assignment grids, designed so that instructors can assign different
homework problems each semester for up to six semesters.
1 Introduction. 2 Statics of Particles. 3 Rigid Bodies: Equivalent Systems of Forces.
4 Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies. 5 Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of
Gravity. 6 Analysis of Structures. 7 Forces in Beams and Cables. 8 Friction. 9
Distributed Forces: Moments of Inertia. 10 Method of Virtual Work. 11 Kinematics
of Particles. 12 Kinetics of Particles: Newton’s Second Law. 13 Kinetics of Particles:
Energy and Momentum Methods. 14 Systems of Particles. 15 Kinematics of Rigid
Bodies. 16 Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies: Forces and Accelerations. 17 Plane
Motion of Rigid Bodies: Energy and Momentum Methods. 18 Kinetics of Rigid
Bodies in Three Dimensions. 19 Mechanical Vibrations. Appendix Fundamentals
of Engineering Examination.
Eighth Edition
by Ferdinand P Beer (deceased), E Russell Johnston, Jr., University of
Connecticut, William E Clausen, Ohio State University, and Phillip J
Cornwell, Rose-Hulman Inst Tech
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-321220-3 / MHID: 0-07-321220-2
(with Bookmark and OLC)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-125875-3 / MHID: 0-07-125872-2
[SI Metric edition]
For the past fifty years Beer and Johnston have been the
uncontested leaders in the teaching of undergraduate
engineering mechanics. Over the years their textbooks have
introduced significant theoretical and pedagogical innovations
in statics, dynamics, and mechanics of materials education. At
the same time, their careful presentation of content, unmatched
levels of accuracy and attention to detail have made their
texts the standard for excellence. The new Eighth Edition of
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics marks the fiftieth
anniversary of the Beer/Johnston series. Continuing in the spirit
of its successful previous editions, the Eighth Edition provides
conceptually accurate and thorough coverage together with a
significant addition of new problems, including biomechanics
problems, and the most extensive media resources available.
• The 8th editions offer a 48% new or revised homework problem
set, with biomechanics-focused problems added appropriately
throughout the texts.
• The photo program continues to be expanded in each edition,
with new chapter opener and in chapter photos added to each
Mechanical Engineering
• A C.O.S.M.O.S. Solutions Manual, provided to instructors on
DVD, allows for assignment generation, tracking, and distribution.
Instructors also have the ability to edit homework problems.
• A robust Online Learning Center provides both student and
instructor resources including algorithmic problems, S.M.A.R.T.
tutorials, lecture PowerPoint’s, and images from the text, among
other resources.
• McGraw-Hill’s web-based Hands-on Mechanics teaching
demonstration library provides instructors with instructions for
building hands-on physical models used to demonstrate important
Statics and Dynamics concepts in class.
• A careful, step-by-step presentation is followed in each lesson of
each chapter and every chapter is organized as follows: an opening
photograph to help students visualize key concepts is followed by
a chapter introduction with a chapter outline previewing what will
be covered in each lesson. After each lesson there are 1-4 Sample
Problems (set up to serve as a model for student solutions) followed
by a Solving Problems On Your Own section giving solution
guidelines before the lesson problems set. At the end of each chapter
students find a Review and Summary section with notes for review
and examples and cross references to key sections. Finally, a Review
Problem section ties together several concepts from that chapter and
a Computer Problems section also many problems relevant to the
design process and encouraging open-ended solutions.
• A signature Beer and Johnston text feature, Sample Problems
allow students to see important key problem types with their solution
laid out on a single page, and organized to provide a model for
student problem solving. Sample Problems serve the dual purpose of
amplifying the text and demonstrating the type of neat and orderly
work that students should cultivate in their own solutions.
• Liberal use of free-body diagrams (graphical representation of
objects where arrows indicate forces acting on object) in Statics and
effective-forces diagrams in Dynamics. By placing the emphasis
on “free-body-diagram equations” rather than on the standard
algebraic equations of motion, a more intuitive and more complete
understanding of fundamental principles is achieved.
• Review and Summary sections at the end of each chapter provide
students with a valuable study tool. Reviewers found these chapter
reviews to be one of the strongest features of the text and the best
available in the market.
• Computer Problems, relevant to the design process, are offered
at the end of each chapter. While the problems will be generic, they
will be designed to be easily solved using popular computational
programs such as Matlab, Mathcad, Maple, etc. The computer
problems focus on symbolic manipulation and plotting, as opposed
to the more programming-based computer problems in the
current editions. Computer problems help students gain a better
understanding of basic principles because most require integration of
several concepts, much like one does in design. They also allow for
open-ended parametric studies.
• A Fundamentals of Engineering Examination Appendix helps
prepare students for the FE/EIT exam.
• Effective use of 4-color helps students distinguish between
different vectors: red=accelerations and forces (applied and effective)
green=velocities, blue=displacements.
• Instructors enjoy a clearer presentation and organization of
problem solutions with a typeset print solutions manual in a clear 1-2
solution per page format. In addition, Instructors are provided with
assignment grids, designed so that instructors can assign different
homework problems each semester for up to six semesters.
11 Kinematics of Particles. 12 Kinetics of Particles: Newton’s Second Law. 13
Kinetics of Particles: Energy and Momentum Methods. 14 Systems of Particles.
15 Kinematics of Rigid Bodies. 16 Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies: Forces and
Accelerations. 17 Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies: Energy and Momentum Methods.
18 Kinetics of Rigid Bodies in Three Dimensions. 19 Mechanical Vibrations.
Appendix A: Some Useful Definitions and Properties of Vector Algebra. Appendix
B: Moments of Inertia of Masses. Appendix C Fundamentals of Engineering
Structural Analysis
Third Edition
by Kenneth M. Leet, Northeastern University, Chia-Ming Uang, Univ
Of California-San Diego, and Anne Gilbert,
Speigel Zamecnik & Shah
2008 (September 2006) / Hardcover / 784 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-330538-7 / MHID: 0-07-330538-3
The Online Learning Center contains instructor and student resources
such as the RISA 2-D software, lecture outlines, an image bank, helpful
web links and more! (Browse
Fundamentals of Structural Analysis, third edition introduces
engineering and architectural students to the basic techniques
for analyzing the most common structural elements, including
beams, trusses, frames, cables, and arches. Leet et al cover
the classical methods of analysis for determinate and
indeterminate structures, and provide an introduction to the
matrix formulation on which computer analysis is based. Third
edition users will find that the text's layout has improved and
the solutions manual has been typeset and carefully checked
for accuracy.
• Design and layout has been improved to better illustrate example
Example problems are now on a two page spread, where in the past
readers had to flip back and forth to follow examples. Now all the
information in one place.
• The Solutions Manual has been revised and checked for accuracy.
• The text features an Online Learning Center at http://www.mhhe.
• Free access to RISA software, which is beneficial since RISA is
among the easiest to learn and utilize, and is a well-known anyalysis
tool in the industry.
• The text contains a highly detailed, realistic art program with fully
drawn, practical illustrations.
• Different types of Structural and Building Codes are described.
• Chapter Two, Design Loads, is devoted to a comprehensive
discussion of loads that include dead and live loads, tributary areas
and earthquake and wind forces. Wind specifications conform to the
latest edition of the ASCE Standard.
• "Computer Problems" that require a computer solution, rather
than a hand analysis, are found in various chapters. We also offer an
academic version of RISA-2D software for free to adopters of the text.
1 Introduction. 2 Design Loads. 3 Statics of Structures-Reactions. 4 Trusses. 5
Beams and Frames. 6 Cables. 7 Arches. 8 Live Load Forces: Influence Lines for
Determinate Structures. 9 Deflections of Beams and Frames. 10 Work-Energy
Methods for Computing Deflections. 11 Analysis of Indeterminate Structures by
the Flexibility Method. 12 Analysis of Indeterminate Beams and Frames by the
Slope-Deflection Method. 13 Moment Distribution. 14 Indeterminate Structures:
Influence Lines. 15 Approximate Analysis of Indeterminate Structures. 16
Introduction to the General Stiffness Method. 17 Matrix Analysis of Trusses by the
Direct Stiffness Method. 18 Matrix Analysis of Beams and Frames by the Direct
Stiffness Method. Appendix A Review of Matrix Operations. Glossary. Answers
to Odd-Numbered Problems. Credits. Index.
Mechanical Engineering
Thermal Fluid Sciences
Third Edition
by Yunus A. Cengel, University Of Nevada-Reno, and Robert H.
Turner, University Of Nevada-Reno
2008 (July 2007) / Hardcover / 1152 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-332748-8 / MHID: 0-07-332748-4
(with Student Resources DVD)
The best-selling Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Sciences is
designed for the non-mechanical engineering student who
needs exposure to key concepts in the thermal sciences in
order to pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam. This
lavishly illustrated text provides a highly intuitive and practical
understanding of the material by emphasizing the physics
and the underlying physical phenomena involved. Using a
reader-friendly approach and a conversational writing style,
the book is self-instructive and entertains while it teaches.
It shows that highly technical matter can be communicated
effectively using simple yet precise language. The text is made
up of Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Fluids. The laws
that govern these three subjects are all the same. Like all the
other Cengel texts, it uses a similar pedagogical approach, by
using familiar everyday examples.
• Exceptional homework problems--over 2,000 homework
problems, including concept, review, design, computer essay, and
lab-type problems, are grouped by topic for easy selection. Openended problem solving is encouraged and readers are given an
early lead-in to design considerations. Numerous realistic economic
and safety-related problems are presented to help promote cost,
engineering practice, and safety awareness.
• EES (Engineering Equation Solver) CD-ROM packaged is free with
text. EES is a powerful equation solver with built-in functions and
property tables for thermodynamics and transport properties as well
as automatic unit checking capability.
• An integrated and highly intuitive approach to the 1st Law of
Thermodynamics unifies, in one chapter, coverage of the 1st Law as
it relates to Closed Systems and Control Volumes.
• Numerous student-friendly examples relate thermal science
concepts to students' everyday experiences (i.e., cooking, weight
gain, cooling drinks).
• A structured approach to problem solving is used while
maintaining an informal style, giving readers a strong grounding in
the concepts of engineering thermal-fluid sciences.
• Current industrial practices are highlighted by offering two
applications chapters to supplement the text. Chapters on the heating
and cooling of buildings and the cooling of electronic equipment are
available for free download on the book website.
1 Introduction and Overview. PART I Thermodynamics. 2 Basic Concepts of
Thermodynamics. 3 Properties of Pure Substances. 4 Energy Transfer by Heat,
Work, and Mass. 5 The First Law of Thermodynamics. 6 The Second Law of
Thermodynamics. 7 Entropy. 8 Power and Refrigeration Cycles. PART II Fluid
Mechanics. 9 Gas Mixtures and Psychrometrics. 10 Properties of Fluids.
11 Fluid Statics. 12 Momentum Analysis of Flow Structures. 13 Bernoulli and
Energy Equations. 14 Flow in Pipes. 15 Flow Over Bodies: Drag and Lift. Part
III Heat Transfer. 16 Mechanisms of Heat Transfer. 17 Steady Heat Conduction.
18 Transient Heat Conduction. 19 Forced Convection. 20 Natural Convection.
21 Fundamentals of Thermal Radiation. 22 Radiation Heat Transfer. 23 Heat
Exchanges. PART IIII Appendices. Appendix 1 Property Tables and Charts (SI
Units). Appendix 1 Property Tables and Charts (English Units). Appendix 3
Introduction to EES
International Edition
Second Edition
by Yunus A Cengel, University of Nevada—Reno and Robert H
Turner, University of Nevada—Reno
2005 / 1,232 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-297675-5 / MHID: 0-07-297675-6
(with CD/OLC Card/ Student CD/Sub Card)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123926-4 / MHID: 0-07-123926-X
[IE with CD/OLC]
The book Online Learning Center offers web-based resources for
instructors and students, including self-quizzing, a student study guide
for thermodynamics, and Access Science. (Browse http://www.mhhe.
The Second Edition of Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid
Sciences presents balanced coverage of the three major subject
areas comprising introductory thermal-fluid engineering:
thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. By
emphasizing the physics and underlying physical phenomena
involved, the text encourages creative think, development of
a deeper understanding of the subject matter, and is read with
enthusiasm and interest by both students and professors.
• A new chapter on Gas Mixtures and Psychrometrics discusses the
properties of non-reacting ideal gas mixtures and examines common
air-conditioning practices.
• A new chapter on Momentum Analysis of Flow Systems, discussing
linear and angular momentum equations, has been added to the
Fluid Mechanics part of the book.
• A new chapter on Dimensional Analysis and Modeling,
contributed by John M. Cimbala of The Pennsylvania State
University, is available as a web chapter.
• A new chapter on Fundamentals of Thermal Radiation discusses
the basic concepts of radiation and radiation properties. The chapter
on Radiation Heat Transfer is also retained in this edition.
• In addition to the four new chapters, several new sections have
been added to existing chapters, including: Accuracy, Precision, and
Significant Digits; Energy and Environment; Compressibility Factor;
Entropy Balance; Heat Transfer in Common Configurations; Natural
Convection from Finned Surfaces and PCBs; Radiation Intensity.
Beyond these new sections, in part II, seven new sections have been
added along with two new chapters to provide completely revised
• Comprehensive problems with parametric studies have been
added. These problems require students to conduct extensive
parametric studies using Engineering Equation Solver (EES) or other
suitable software. These problems are designated by a computer icon
for easy recognition, and can be ignored if desired.
• Electronic Solutions Manual. The detailed solutions for all text
problems will be delivered via COSMOS, our new Complete
Online Solution Manual Organization System. COSMOS is a
database management tool geared towards assembling homework
assignments, tests and quizzes.
• Exceptional homework problems—over 2,000 homework
problems, including concept, review, design, computer essay, and
lab-type problems, are grouped by topic for easy selection. Openended problem solving is encouraged and readers are given an
early lead-in to design considerations. Numerous realistic economic
and safety-related problems are presented to help promote cost,
engineering practice, and safety awareness.
• A structured approach to problem solving is used while
maintaining an informal style, giving readers a strong grounding in
the concepts of engineering thermal-fluid sciences.
• EES (Engineering Equation Solver) CD-ROM packaged is free with
text. EES is a powerful equation solver with built-in functions and
property tables for thermodynamics and transport properties as well
as automatic unit checking capability.
• Current industrial practices are highlighted by offering two
applications chapters to supplement the text. Chapters on the heating
and cooling of buildings and the cooling of electronic equipment are
available for free download on the book website.
Mechanical Engineering
1 Introduction and Overview. PART I Thermodynamics: 2 Basic Concepts of
Thermodynamics. 3 Properties of Pure Substances. 4 Energy Transfer by Heat,
Work, and Mass. 5 The First Law of Thermodynamics. 6 The Second Law of
Thermodynamics. 7 Entropy. 8 Power and Refrigeration Cycles. 9 Gas Mixtures
and Psychrometrics. PART II Fluid Mechanics: 10 Basic Concepts of Fluid
Mechanics. 11 Fluid Statics. 12 Bernoulli and Energy Equations. 13 Momentum
Analysis of Flow Structures. 14 Flow in Pipes. 15 Flow Over Bodies: Drag and
Lift. Part III Heat Transfer: 16 Mechanisms of Heat Transfer. 17 Steady Heat
Conduction. 18 Transient Heat Conduction. 19 Forced Convection. 20 Natural
Convection. 21 Fundamentals of Thermal Radiation. 22 Radiation Heat Transfer.
23 Heat Exchanges. PART VI Appendices: Appendix 1 Property Tables and Charts
(SI Units). Appendix 1 Property Tables and Charts (English Units). Appendix 3
Introduction to EES
Strength of Materials
International Edition
Fourth Edition
by Ferdinand Beer (deceased), and E. Russell Johnston, Jr., and John
T. DeWolf, University of Connecticut
2006 / 800 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-310795-0 / MHID: 0-07-310795-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124999-7 / MHID: 0-07-124999-0
[IE, SI Metric Edition]
For the past forty years Beer and Johnston have been the
uncontested leaders in the teaching of undergraduate
engineering mechanics. Their careful presentation of content,
unmatched levels of accuracy, and attention to detail have
made their texts the standard for excellence. The revision of
their classic Mechanics of Materials features an updated art and
photo program as well as numerous new and revised homework
problems. The text’s superior multimedia supplement package
includes an extensive strength of materials Interactive Tutorial
(created by George Staab and Brooks Breeden of The Ohio
State University) that provides students with additional help
on key concepts, as well as a custom website featuring
animations, lecture powerpoints, and other online resources
for both instructors and students.
• Known for their accuracy and careful development, the 4th edition
offers over 1600 homework problems. 30% of the homework
problems are either new or revised for this edition.
• The text photo program will be expanded to include updated inchapter photographs.
• The custom website now offers even more student and
instructor resources including animations for each chapter, lecture
powerpoints, course organization tools, image files and helpful
• The pedagogical changes that made the 3rd Edition so successful
are retained in the 4th edition, including: a review of statics and the
use of free-body diagrams, a section introducing a problem-solving
methodology, and a Fundamentals of Engineering (FE/EIT) Exam
• All users have access to a free Interactive Mechanics of Materials
Tutorial featuring theoretical explanations coupled with examples
and quizzes based directly on key concepts from the text.
Fourth Edition
by William Nash, University of Massachusetts
1998 / 432 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-046617-3 / MHID: 0-07-046617-3
Schaum's Publication
Tension and Compression. Statically Indeterminate Force Systems Tension and
Compression. Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels. Direct Shear Stresses. Torsion.
Shearing Force and Bending Moment. Centroids, Moments of Inertia, and Products
of Inertia of Plane Areas. Stresses in Beams. Elastic Deflection of Beams: DoubleIntegration Method. Elastic Deflection of Beams: Method of Singularity Functions.
Statically Indeterminate Elastic Beams. Special Topics in Elastic Beam Theory.
Plastic Deformations of Beams. Columns. Strain Energy Methods. Combined
Stresses. Members Subject to Combined Loadings: Theories of Failure.
International Edition
by Thomas Lardner, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Robert
Archer, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
1994 / 992 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-833358-3 / MHID: 0-07-833358-X
(with IBM 3.5” disk) (Out-of-Print)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-113448-4 / MHID: 0-07-113448-4 [IE]
1 Introduction to Stress and Strain/2 Uniaxial Loading and Deformation/3 Torsion
of Circular Shafts/4 Shear Forces and Bending Moments in Beams/5 Stresses
Due to Bending/6 Deflections of Statically Determinate Beams/7 Deflections of
Statically Indeterminate Beams/8 Stress and Strain/9 Analysis of Combined States
of Stress/10 Buckling and Stability
Dynamics (Intermediate)
International Edition
by Haim Baruh, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
1999 / 704 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-365977-0 / MHID: 0-07-365977-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-116094-0 / MHID: 0-07-116094-9 [IE]
Chapter 1: Introduction. Chapter 2: Basic Principles. Chapter 3: Relative Motion.
Chapter 4: Dynamics of a System of Particles. Chapter 5: Analytical Mechanics:
Basic Concepts. Chapter 6: Analytical Mechanics: Additional Concepts. Chapter
7: Rigid-Body Geometry Chapter 8: Rigid Body Kinematics. Chapter 9: Rigid
Body Dynamics: Basic Concepts. Chapter 10: Rigid Body Dynamics: Advanced
Concepts. Chapter 11: Qualitative Analysis of Rigid Body Motion. Chapter
12: Dynamics of Lightly Flexible Bodies. Appendices: Chapter A: A History of
Mechanics. Chapter B: Concepts from the Calculus of Variations. Chapter C:
Common Mass Moments of Inertia.
1 Introduction: Concept of Stress. 2 Stress and Strain: Axial Loading. 3 Torsion. 4
Pure Bending. 5 Analysis and Design of Beams for Bending. 6 Shearing Stresses
In Beams and Thin-Walled Members. 7 Transformation of Stress and Strain. 8
Principal Stresses Under Given Loading Conditions. 9 Deflection of Beams. 10
Columns. 11 Energy Methods
Mechanical Engineering
Control Systems
International Edition
Principles and Design
Second Edition
by M. Gopal, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi
2002 / 989 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-048289-0 / MHID: 0-07-048289-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123127-5 / MHID: 0-07-123127-7 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
1. Introduction to the Control Problem. 2. Dynamic Models and Dynamic
Response. 3. Models of Industrial Control Devices and Systems. 4. Basic Principles
of Feedback Control. 5. Concepts of Stability and the Routh Stability Criterion.6.
The Performance of Feedback Systems. 7. Compensator Design Using Root
Locus Plots. 8. The Nyquist Stability Criterion and Stability Margins. 9. Feedback
System Performance Based on the Frequency Response. 10. Compensator Design
Using Bode Plots. 11. Hardware and Software Implementation of Common
Compensators. 12. Control System Analysis Using State Variable Methods.
Appendix A: Mathematical Background. Appendix B: MATLAB Environment.
Appendix C: Control Theory. Quiz. Index
Second Edition
by Joseph DiStefano, University of California, Los Angeles; Allen
Stubberud, UCLA; Ivan William, TRW Space and Technology
1990 / 572 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-017052-0 / MHID: 0-07-017052-5
Schaum's Publication
Fluid Mechanics (Introduction)
Fundamentals and Applications
by John M. Cimbala, Pennsylvania State University–University Park,
and Yunus A. Cengel, University Of Nevada-Reno
2008 (September 2006) / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-330112-9 / MHID: 0-07-330112-4
(with Student Resource DVD)
The Online Learning Center will house numerous instructor and student
resources such as lecture slides, an image library, FE Exam questions,
text glossary, flashcards, web links, and more! (Browse http://www.mhhe.
Essentials of Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications
is an abridged version of a more comprehensive text by the
same authors, Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications
(McGraw-Hill 2006). Suitable for a one-semester course, this
text communicates directly with tomorrow’s engineers in a
simple yet precise manner. It covers the basic principles and
equations of fluids in the context of numerous, diverse realworld engineering examples, and it helps students develop
an intuitive understanding of fluid mechanics by emphasizing
the physics. An abundance of figures, photographs and
supplemental visual aids spark curiosity and reinforce the
• An abridged version of the successful, Fluid Mechanics:
Fundamentals and Applications by Yunus Cengel and John Cimbala
(McGraw-Hill 2006), this text is suitable for a one-semester course in
fluid mechanics.
• This text emphasizes the physical aspects of fluid mechanics in
addition to mathematical representations and manipulations.
• Since fluid mechanics is a highly visual subject, the Cimbala
text features 660 illustrations and photographs. Also included is
an outstanding media program that includes narrated videos and
• Topic Flexibility facilitates different approaches by covering
the basics for all majors and then offers robust coverage to allow
mechanical, civil, or aerospace engineering approaches.
• A Student Resources DVD is included with each text. The DVD
includes the Limited Academic Verison of Engineering Equation
Solver (EES) with scripted solutions to select text problems and
narrated Fluid Mechanics visualization videos.
• An Online Learning Center is available for students and instructors
• This text features Hands-on Mechanics as an additional resource
for instructors. Hands-on Mechanics is a website designed for
instructors who are interested in incorporating 3-Dimensional, handson teaching aids into their lectures.
1 Introduction and Basic Concepts. 2 Properties of Fluids. 3 Pressure and Fluid
Statics. 4 Fluid Kinematics. 5 Mass, Bernoulli, and Energy Equations. 6 Momentum
Analysis of Flow Systems. 7 Dimensional Analysis and Modeling. 8 Internal Flow.
9 Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow. 10 External Flow: Drag and Lift. 11 OpenChannel Flow. 12 Turbomachinery.
Mechanical Engineering
International Edition
Sixth Edition
by Frank M. White, University Of Rhode Island-Kingston
2008 (October 2006) / Hardcover / 896 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-330920-0 / MHID: 0-07-330920-6
(with Aris bind-in card and Student DVD)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-128646-6 / MHID: 0-07-128646-2
[IE, with Aris bind-in card and Student DVD]
Whites Fluid Mechanics sixth edition will continue the text's
tradition of excellent problems of different types, precision and
accuracy, and good application of concepts to engineering.
The new 6th edition will feature the best general problemsolving approach to date, presented at the start of the book
and carefully integrated in all examples. Students can progress
from general ones to those involving design, multiple steps
and computer usage. Word problems are included to build
readers’ conceptual understanding of the subject, and FE
Exam problems (in multiple-choice format) are included. EES
(Engineering Equation Solver) software is included so that
students can effectively use the computer to model, solve and
modify typical fluid mechanics problems. A DVD containing
EES is free with every book, and Appendix E describes its use
and application to fluid mechanics. A limited version of EES, that
does not expire, is included on the CD ROM; users of the book
can also download and distribute the full Academic Version
of EES, which is renewed annually with a new username and
password. Also an annimation library will be included as will
an unlimited amount of problems, due to ARIS.
• The exciting new supplements package includes a rich array
of resources for students and instructors. For students there is a
new Student Resource DVD that contains visualizations, Fluent's
animation libraries, EES software, and scripted EES problems.
The book's ARIS site includes interactive FE Exam Quizzes and
Algorithmic Problems for students, as well as images and solutions
for instructors. This book will also feature Hands on Mechanics! A
Student Study Guide will also be available. This makes us unique
compared to the competition
• New examples have be added, and as in the 5th edition, these
examples and the book's problems feature such modern engineering
applications as biofluidics and nano-technology applications of
• Features best general problem-solving approach to date, presented
at the start of the book and carefully integrated in all examples.
• The 6th edition continues White's tradition of offering easy-tofollow explanations that are more realistic than any other book in
terms of how problems are actually solved.
• 30% of the problems are new or revised.
• Excellent progression from physical concepts to engineering
1. Introduction. 2. Pressure Distribution. 3. Integral Relations for a Control Volume.
4. Differential Relations for Fluid Flow. 5. Dimensional Analysis and Similarity
6. Viscous Flow in Ducts. 7. Flow Past Immersed Bodies . 8. Pontential Flow
and Computational Fluid Dynamics. 9. Compressible Flow. 10. Open-Channel
Flow. 11. Turbomachinery. Appendix A Physical Properties of Fluids. Appendix B
Compressible Flow Tables. Appendix C Conversion Factors. Appendix D Equations
of Motion in Cylindrical Coordinates. Appendix E Introduction to EES. Answers
to Selected Problems. Index
International Edition
Fundamentals and Applications
by Yunus A Cengel, University of Nevada - Reno and John M
Cimbala, Pennsylvania State University - University Park
2006 / 864 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-304465-1 / MHID: 0-07-304465-2
(with OLC, Engg Sub Card/Student DVD)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111720-3 / MHID: 0-07-111720-2
[IE with OLC/Student DVD]
The book website provides students with chapter-based resources
and Access Science. The Instructor Edition includes text image sets,
PowerPoints, and additional resources such as sample syllabi. (Browse
communicates directly with tomorrow’s engineers in a simple
yet precise manner. The text covers the basic principles and
equations of fluid mechanics in the context of numerous
and diverse real-world engineering examples. The text helps
students develop an intuitive understanding of fluid mechanics
by emphasizing the physics, and by supplying attractive
figures, numerous photographs and visual aids to reinforce the
• EMPHASIS ON PHYSICS. This text emphasizes the physical
aspects of the subject matter in addition to mathematical
representations and manipulations. The authors believe that the
emphasis in undergraduate education should remain on developing
a sense of the underlying physical mechanisms and a mastery of
solving practical problems than an engineer is likely to face in the
real world.
• VISUAL PROGRAM. fluid mechanics is a highly visual subject,and
students learn more effectively by visual stimulation. Our text
features more illustrations and photographs than other books in
this category. Some of the figures and photographs in the text are
intended to serve as a means of emphasizing key concepts that
would otherwise go unnoticed; some serve as page summaries.
• VIDEO CLIPS AND ANIMATIONS. In addition to text figures
and photographs, there are narrated video clips of fluid mechanics
experiments that complement the text material. There are also
dozens of animations created with computational fluid dynamics.
Both the video clips and animations can be found on the DVD that
accompanies the text.
approach is used in problem solving while maintaining an informal
conversational style. The problem is first stated and the objectives
are identified, and the assumptions made are stated together with
their justifications. The properties needed to solve the problem are
listed separately. Numerical values are used together with their
units to emphasize that numbers without units are meaningless, and
unit manipulations are a important as manipulating the numerical
values with a calculator. The significance of the findings is discussed
following the solutions. This approach is also used consistently in the
solutions presented in the Instructor’s Solutions Manual.
problems are grouped under specific topics in the order they are
covered to make problem selection easier for both instructors
and students. Within each group of problems are CONCEPT
QUESTIONS, to check the students’ level of understanding of basic
directly tied to any specific section of a chapter—in some cases they
require review of material used in previous chapters.
• DESIGN AND ESSAY PROBLEMS. This special category of
end-of-chapter problems encourages students to make engineering
judgments, to conduct independent exploration of topics of interest,
and to communicate their findings in a professional manner.
• COMPUTER PROBLEMS. Throughout the text comprehensive
problems that require conducting extensive parametric studies are
incorporated using either a spreadsheet or the enclosed EES (or other
suitable) software. These problems are designated by a computer
icon for easy recognition.
• CHAPTER ON CFD. Commercial CFD (Computational Fluid
Dynamics) codes are used widely in engineering practice in the
Mechanical Engineering
design and analysis of flow systems, and it has become exceedingly
important for students to have a solid understanding of the
fundamental aspects, capabilities, and common pitfalls of CFD.
Chapter 15 describes the fundamental concepts of CFD, and shows
students how to use commercial CFD codes as a tool to solve
complex fluid mechanics problems. We emphasize the application of
CFD rather than the algorithms used in CFD code.
• APPLICATIONS SPOTLIGHT. Written by guest authors, this feature
is designed to show how fluid mechanics has diverse applications in
a wide variety of fields. The Application Spotlights highlight industry
and university research worldwide.
of the fact that English units are still widely used in some industries,
both SI and English units are used in this text, with an emphasis on
SI. Problems, tables, and charts in English units are designated by “E”
after the number for easy recognition, and they can be ignored easily
by SI users.
• ACCURACY. The accuracy of the book will be insured by
thorough testing.
• STUDENT DVD: Packaged free with the text, the Student
Resources DVD features: 1) Limited Academic Version of EES
(Engineering Equation Solver) software with scripted solutions
to selected text problems 2) Video Clips of fluid mechanics
experiments; and 3) Animations Library (Courtesy of Fluent, Inc.)
offering dozens of animations created with CFD.
• INSTRUCTOR’S RESOURCE CD. This CD provides all of the text
images in Jpeg and PowerPoint formats and the detailed solutions
to all text problems are delivered in our electronic solutions manual
and organization system—COSMOS. COSMOS is a database
management tool geared toward assembling homework assignments,
tests, and quizzes.
1 Introduction and Basic Concepts. 2 Properties of Fluids. 3 Pressure and Fluid
Statics. 4 Fluid Kinematics. 5 Bernoulli and Energy Equations. 6 Momentum and
Analysis of Flow Systems. 7 Dimensional Analysis and Flow Systems. 8 Flow in
Pipes. 9 Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow. 10 Approximations of the NavierStokes Equation. 11 Flow Over Bodies: Drag and Lift. 12 Compressible Flow. 13
Open-Channel Flow. 14 Turbomachinery. 15 Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD). Appendices: 1 Property Tables and Charts (SI Units). 2 Property Tables
and Charts (English Units) 3 Introduction to EES
International Edition
Ninth Edition
by Victor Streeter, retired, University of Florida; K.W. Bedford and E.
Benjamin Wylie, University of Michigan
1998 / 656 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-115600-4 / MHID: 0-07-115600-3 [IE]
Part 1•Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics and Transport/1 Fluid Properties/2
Fluid Statics/3 Fluid Flow Concepts and Basic Control Volume Equations/4 Basic
Governing Differential Equations/5 Dimensional Analysis and Similitude/6 Viscous
Flow: Pipes and Channels/7 External Flows/8 Ideal Flow/9 Transport by Advection
and Diffusion/Part 2•Applications of Fluid Mechanics and Transport/10
Measurement/11 Turbo Machinery/12 Closed-Conduit Flor/13 Flow in Open
Channels/14 Applications of Transport Phenomena
Third Edition
by Ranald Giles, Drexel Institute of Technology; Jack B. Evett,
UNCC; Cheng Liu, UNCC
1994 / 384 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-020509-3 / MHID: 0-07-020509-4
Schaum's Publication
1 Properties of Fluids/2 Fluid Statics/3 Hydrostatic Force on Surfaces/4 Buoyancy
and Flotation/5 Translation and Rotation of Liquid Masses/6 Dimensional Analysis
and Hydraulics Similitude/7 Fundamentals of Fluid Flow/8 Flow in Closed
Conduits/9 Complex Pipeline Systems/10 Flow in Open Channels/11 Flow of
Compressible Fluids/12 Measurement of Flow of Fluids/13 Forces Developed by
Moving Fluids/14 Fluid Machinery/Appendix
International Edition
Tenth Edition
by E John Finnemore, Santa Clara University and Joseph B Franzini,
Stanford University
2002 / 816 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-243202-2 / MHID: 0-07-243202-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-125126-6 / MHID: 0-07-125126-X [IE]
1 Introduction. 2 Properties of Fluids. 3 Fluid Statics. 4 Basics of Fluid Flow. 5
Energy in Steady FLow. 6 Momentum and Forces in Fluid Flow. 7 Similitude
and Dimensional Analysis. 8 Steady. Incompressible Flow in Pressure Conduits.
9 Forces on Immersed Bodies. 10 Steady Flow in Open Channels. 11 Fluid
Measurement. 12 Unsteady-Flow Problems. 13 Steady Flow of Compressible
Fluids. 14 Ideal Flow Mathematics. 15 Hydraulic Machinery - Pumps. 16 Hydraulic
Machinery - Turbines. Appendix A Fluid and Geometric Properties. Appendix
B Equations in Fluid Mechanics. Appendix C Programming and Computer
Applications. Appendix D Examples of Using Solvers
McGraw-Hill is interested
in reviewing manuscript
for publication. Please
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Mechanical Engineering
Viscous Flow/Boundary Layer
Fluid Mechanics (Advanced):
Compressible Flow/Gas
International Edition
Third Edition
by Frank White, University of Rhode Island
2006 / 640 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-240231-5 / MHID: 0-07-240231-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124493-0 / MHID: 0-07-124493-X [IE]
The site will include general textbook information, the solutions to endof-chapter problems and links to helpful Web sites. (Browse http://www.
Frank White’s Viscous Fluid Flow, Third Edition continues
to be the market leader in this course area. The text is for a
senior pr graduate level elective in Mechanical Engineering,
and has a strong professional and international appeal. Author
Frank White is has a strong reputation in the field, his book is
accurate, conceptually strong, and contains excellent problem
sets. A large number of the problems are new to this third
edition; a rarity among senior and graduate level textbooks as
advanced problems are difficult to create. The references found
in the text have been updated and reflect the most current
information available. Users will also be interested to find
explanations of, and references to ongoing controversies and
trends in this course area. Topically speaking, the text contains
modern information on technological advances, such as Microand Nano-technology, Turbulence Modeling, Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD), and Unsteady Boundary Layers.
• Topically speaking, the text contains modern information on
technological advances, such as Micro- and Nano-technology,
Turbulence Modeling, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), and
Unsteady Boundary Layers.
• The role of Computerized Fluid Mechanics (“CFD”) in viscous
fluid flow/boundary layer analysis will be described, and examples of
CFD as an analysis tool will be included.
• The 3rd edition has been redesigned for a more open and
attractive appearance.
• Each reference in the text reflects the most recent information
• A text Web site will accompany this text at http://www. The site will host general textbook information,
the solutions to end of chapter problems, and additional reference
• Frank White has always been recognized for his enagaging, and
easy-to-read writing style.
1 Preliminary Concepts. 2 Fundamental Equations of Compressible Viscous
Flow. 3 Solutions of the Newtonian Viscous-Flow Equations. 4 Laminar Boundary
Layers. 5 The Stability of Laminar Flows. 6 Incompressible Turbulent Mean Flow.
7 Compressible Boundary Layer Flow. Appendices: A Transport Properties of
Various Newtonian Fluids. B Equations of Motion of Incompressible Newtonian
Fluids in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates. C A Runge-Kutta Subroutine for
N Simultaneous Differential Equations. Bibliography. Index
International Edition
With Historical Perspective
Third Edition
by John D. Anderson University of Maryland—College Park
2003 / 776 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-242443-0 / MHID: 0-07-242443-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124136-6 / MHID: 0-07-124136-1 [IE]
This website will have solutions to all chapter problems, additional
information on Computerized Fluid Dynamics (CFD), and addtional
CFD applications. (Browse
1) Compressible Flow-Some History and Introductory Thoughts. 2) Integral Forms
of the onservation Equations for Inviscid Flows. 3) One-Dimensional Flow. 4)
Oblique Shock and Expansion Waves. 5) Quasi-One-Dimensional Flow. 6)
Differential Conservation Equations Revisited for Inviscid Flows. 7) Unsteady
Wave Motion. 8) General Conservation Equations Revisted: Velocity Potential
Equation. 9) Linearized Flow. 10) Conical Flow. 11) Numerical Techniques for
Steady Supersonic Flow. 12) The Time Technique With Application to Supersonic
Blunt Bodies and Nozzles. 13) Three-Dimensional Flow. 14) Transonic Flow.
15) Hypersonic Flow. 16) Properties of High-Temperature Gases. 17) HighTemperature Flows: Basic Exammples
Third Edition
by William Hughes, Carnegie-Mellon University, John Brighton,
Pennsylvania State University, and Nicholas Winowich, University of
Tennessee, Knoxville
1999 / 369 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-031118-3 / MHID: 0-07-031118-8
Schaum's Publication
Introduction. Fluid Statistics. Mathematical Models of Fluid Motion. Dimensional
Analysis and Similitude. Boundary Layer Flow and Flow in Pipes and Ducts.
Incompressible Potential Flow. One-Dimensional Compressible Flow. TwoDimensional Compressible Flow Gas Dynamics. Incompressible Turbulent Flow.
Hypersonic Boundary Layer Flow. Mangetohydro-dynamics. Non-Newtonian
Fluids. Appendices: A: Some Properties of Fluids. B: Units and Dimensions. C:
Some Basic Equations in Various Coordinate Systems. D: Tables for Compressible
Flow. E: Cartesian Tensors. F: Vector Identities. G: Flow Measuring Techniques.
Mechanical Engineering
International Edition
by Patrick Oosthuizen, Queens University and William Carscallen,
National Research Council of Canada
1997 / 512 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-115426-0 / MHID: 0-07-115426-4 [IE]
1 Introduction/2 The Equations of Steady One-Dimensional Compressible
Flow/3 Some Fundamental Aspects of Compressible Flow/4 One-Dimensional
Isentropic Flow/5 Normal Shock Waves/6 Oblique Shock Waves/7 Expansion
Waves: Prandtl-Meyer Flow/8 Variable Area Flow/9 Adiabatic Flow in a Duct
With Friction/10 Flow With Heat Addition or Removal/11 Generalized Quasi
One-Dimensional Flow/12 Numerical Analysis of One-Dimensional Flow/13 An
Introduction to Two-Dimensional Compressible Flow/14 Hypersonic Flow/15
High-Temperature Flows/16 Low-Density Flows
Thermodynamics (Introduction)
Sixth Edition
by Yunus A. Cengel, University Of Nevada-Reno, and Michael A.
Boles, NC State University-Raleigh
2008 (September 2006) / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-330537-0 / MHID: 0-07-330537-5
(with Aris bind-in card and Student Resource DVD)
hands-on teaching aids into their lectures.
This is another reason why we had such a quick turnaround. Our
media package has increased with HOM.
• Over 500 homework problems have been revised or are new to
the sixth edition.
• This text features more illustrations and photographs than other
books in this category. The illustrations again illustrate things we see
around us, everyday experiences, so students can identify with what
they are reading. Some of the figures and photographs in the text
are intended to serve as a means of emphasizing key concepts that
would otherwise go unnoticed; some serve as page summaries.
• Hundreds of industry-related problems, many of which are
comprehensive computer problems.
• A Student Resources DVD is packaged with each new copy
of the text. The DVD contains the Limited Academic Version
of the Engineering Equation Solver (EES) software, 9 Physical
Experiments including videos, write-ups and data, and an Interactive
Thermodynamics Tutorial.
• A distinctive feature of this book is its emphasis on the
physical aspects of the subject matter in addition to mathematical
representations and manipulations.
Cengel uses ordinary day to day experiences that builds up to a
mathamatical problem--other texts give you the theory and math
first--we build up to it and the competitors dive right into the theory
and math
• The 1st Law of Thermodynamics is introduced early in a new
Chapter 2: Energy, Energy Transfer, and General Energy Analysis.
1 Introduction and Basic Concepts. 2 Energy Conversion and General Energy
Analysis. 3 Properties of Pure Substances. 4 Energy Analysis of Closed
Systems. 5 Mass and Energy Analysis of Control Volumes. 6 The Second Law
of Thermodynamics. 7 Entropy. 8 Energy: A Measure of Work Potential. 9 Gas
Power Cycles. 10 Vapor and Combined Power Cycles. 11 Refrigeration Cycles. 12
Thermodynamic Property Relations. 13 Gas Mixtures. 14 Gas Vapor Mixtures and
Air-Conditioning. 15 Chemical Reactions. 16 Chemical and Phase Equilibrium
17 Compressible Flow. Appendix 1 Property Tables and Charts (SI Units).
Appendix 2 Property Tables and Charts (English Units)
The worldwide bestseller Thermodynamics: An Engineering
Approach brings further refinement to an approach that
emphasizes a physical understanding of the fundamental
concepts of thermodynamics. The authors offer an engineering
textbook that "talks directly to tomorrow's engineers in a simple
yet precise manner, that encourages creative thinking, and is
read by the students with interest and enthusiasm". Over 500
new or revised homework problems have been added to this
The media package for this text is extensive, giving users a
large variety of supplemental resources to choose from. A
Student Resources DVD is packaged with each new copy
of the text and contains the popular Engineering Equation
Solver (EES) software, Physical Experiments, and an Interactive
Thermodynamics tutorial. McGraw-Hill's new Assessment,
Review, and Instruction System (ARIS) is available to students
and instructors. ARIS is a complete, online tutorial, electronic
homework, and course management system designed for
greater ease of use than many other systems available.
McGraw Hill has provided a solution to answers to homework
problems circulating around campus by providing ARIS. This
is an algorithmic problem generator, which allows you to
generate your own problems
• ARIS (Assessment, Review, Instruction System) is a complete,
online tutorial, electronic homework, and course management
system designed for greater ease of use than many other systems
This is why we are coming out with such a quick turnaround,
because we have a solution to the problem of solutions circulating
around campus
• Hands-on Mechanics is a web site developed by McGraw-Hill
in partnership with the United States Military Academy. The site is
designed for instructors who are interested in incorporating 3-D,
Third Edition
by P.K. Nag, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
2007 / Softcover / 848 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-059114-1 / MHID: 0-07-059114-8
(Tata McGraw-Hill)
The new edition of this flagship title has been enriched with pedagogy
to further help the readers. With the addition of a new chapter on
Gas Compressors, the book is now a complete offering for the first
course on Thermodynamics. Key Features Separate chapter on Gas
Compressors with detailed coverage on Single Stage Reciprocating Air
Compressor, Multistage Compression, Rotary Compressors. Increased
number of solved examples in all the chapters. More real life questions
added at the end of each chapter. Exclusive web site dedicated to the
new edition of the book. Web site will feature the following: Solution
manual to the third edition, Self-test quiz.
1. Introduction. 2. Temperature. 3. Work and Heat Transfer. 4. First Law of
Thermodynamics. 5. First Law Applied to Flow Processes. 6. Second Law of
Thermodynamics. 7. Entropy. 8. Available Energy, Availability and Irreversibility.
9. Properties of Pure Substances. 10. Properties of Gases and Gas Mixtures. 11.
Thermodynamics Relations, Equilibrium and Stability. 12. Vapour Power Cycles.
13. Gas Power Cycles. 14. Refrigeration Cycles. 15. Psychometrics. 16. Reactive
Systems. 17. Compressible Fluid Flow. 18. Elements of Heat Transfer. 19. Gas
Mechanical Engineering
Second Edition
by Merle Potter, Michigan State University, and Craig Somerton,
Ph.D, Michigan State University
2006 / Softcover / 400 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-146306-5 / MHID: 0-07-146306-2
Schaum's Publication
Get the essentials of thermodynamics all in one book!
Thermodynamics is a core course for you if you are studying
mechanical, civil, or electrical engineering. The second
edition of Schaum’s Outline of Thermodynamics for Engineers
is reorganized and expanded to conform to the more userfriendly, pragmatic approach to the material now used in
Includes: New sample tests simulate quizzes and tests given in
class; 500 fully solved problems.
International Edition
Third Edition
by John Schey, University of Waterloo
2000 / 984 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-031136-7 / MHID: 0-07-031136-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-116911-0 / MHID: 0-07-116911-3 [IE]
1 Introduction to Manufacturing/2 Manu-facturing/3 Geometric Attributes
of Manufactured Products/4 Service Attributes of Manufactured Products/5
Materials in Design and Manufacturing/6 Solidification and Heat Treatment
of Metals/7 Metal Casting/8 Plastic Deformation of Metals/9 Bulk Deformation
Processes/10 Sheet-Metalworking Processes/11 Powder-Metallurgy/12 Processing
of Ceramics/13 Polymers and Plastics/14 Processing of Plastics/15 Composites/16
Machining/17 Nontraditional Machining Processes/18 Joining Processes/19
Surface Treatments/20 Manu-facture of Semiconductor Devices/21 Manu-facturing
Systems/22 Competitive Aspects of Manufacturing Processes
International Edition
by Yunus Cengel, University of Nevada–Reno
1997 / 922 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-011498-2 / MHID: 0-07-011498-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-114109-3 / MHID: 0-07-114109-X [IE]
1 Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics/2 Properties of Pure Substances/3 The First
Law of Thermodynamics Closed Systems/4 The First Law of Thermodynamics
Control Volumes/5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics/6 Entropy/7 Power and
Refrigeration Cycles/8 Steady Heat Conduction/9 Transient Heat Conduction/10
Forced Convection/11 Natural Convection/12 Radiation Heat Transfer/13 Heat
Exchangers/14 Cooling of Electronic Equipment/Property Tables and Charts (SI
and English units)
Manufacturing Methods:
General Manufacturing
International Edition
Foundry, Forming and Welding
Second Edition
by P N Rao, Institut Teknologi Mara, Malaysia
1998 / 488 pages / Softcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-463180-5 / MHID: 0-07-463180-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118882-1 / MHID: 0-07-118882-7 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
1 Introduction. PART A : Engineering Materials and their Properties. 2 Engineering
Properties and their Measurement. 3 Ferrous Materials. 4 Non-Ferrous Materials.
5 Heat Treatment of Metals. PART B : Metal Casting Processes. 6 Metal Casting.
Processes. 7 Patterns. 8 Moulding Materials. 9 Cores. 10 Elements of Gating
Systems. 11 Gating System Design. 12 Risering Design. 13 Melting Practice. 14
Casting Cleaning and Casting Defects. 15 Product Design for Sand Castings. 16
Special Casting Processes. PART C: Metal Forming Processes. 17 Metal Forming
Processes. 18 Rolling. 19 Forging. 20 Extrusion and Other Processes. 21 Sheet
Metal Operations. 22 Sheet Metal Die Design. PART D: Metal Fabrication
Processes. 23 Introduction to Fabrication Processes. 24 Gas Welding and Cutting.
25 Electric Arc Welding. 26 Resistance Welding. 27 Other Welding Processes.
28 Welding Design. 29 Brazing, Braze Welding and Soldering.
International Edition
by A K Sheikh, S P Jain Institute of Management Studies
2001 / 592 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-120399-9 / MHID: 0-07-120399-0 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
1. Industrial and Manufacturing Typologies and Their Characteristics. 2. An
Overview of MRPII Including Detailed Study of MRPI. 3. Strategic and Business
Planning. 4. Sales and Operations Planning ( S&OP). 5. Demand Management. 6.
Master Production Scheduling (MPS). 7. Bills of Material. 8. Capacity Management.
9. Shop Floor Control. 10. An Introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning:
Architecture, Implementa-tion, and Cases.
Mechanical Engineering
International Edition
by Ibrahim Zeid, Northeastern University
2005 / 992 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-297681-7 / MHID: 0-07-297681-0
(with Engg Sub Card)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123933-0 / MHID: 0-07-123933-2 [IE]
The site includes password-protected solutions to all chapter problems,
PowerPoint lecture slides, and links to the major commercial CAD/CAM
manufacturers. (Browse
Zeid’s Mastering CAD/CAM, first edition covers an in-depth,
comprehensive assembly of modern topics, including featurebased modeling, parametrics, NURBS, collaborative design,
PDM, and PLM. The text integrates theory, practice and the
use of CAD/CAM systems by presenting examples, tutorials,
discussions, hands-on exercises, and end-of-chapter problems.
Zeid provides readers with a large selection of topics, abundant
activities for in-class discussions and outside-class assignments.
The text provides the coverage of topics in a fashion that
lends itself to customization to suit the instructor’s orientation
in course scope and delivery. Suitable for second year to
graduate level courses in CAD, CAM, and computational
geometry, the text is intended for the Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering audience and serves as an excellent reference for
• Balanced coverage of CAD and CAM topics, appropriate for both
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.
• The book takes a “generic” approach, and does not focus on a
specific CAD/CAM software or system. The book uses and discusses
three sets of software: CAD/CAM, programming and graphics, and
symbolic eqaution solvers. CAD/CAM systems used and discussed
in the book are: SolidWorks, Pro/E, Unigraphics, I-DEAS, CATIA,
• Excellent coverage of geometric modeling considerations.
• Excellent use of pedagogy used throughout the text. Objectives,
Goals, Chapter Headlines, Tutorials, Examples, and Graphics are
exceptional and plentiful.
• Large variety of end-of-chapter problem sets (theory, lab and
programming) with varying degree of difficulty and interest levels to
challenge students.
• The readability of the text is exceptional. The contents are clear
and to the point.
• Emphasizes the importance of CAD/CAM usage in the product
lifespan, from preliminary design work through to manufacturing and
information management.
• A text Web site available at includes
password-protected solutions to all chapter problems, and links to
the major commercial CAD/CAM manufacturers.
Part I: Using CAD/CAM Systems: Chapter 1:Introduction. Chapter 2:3D Modeling
and Viewing. Chapter 3:Modeling Aids and Manipulations. Chapter 4:Engineering
Drawings. Chapter 5:Customizing CAD/CAm Systems. Part II: Geometric
Modeling: Chapter 6: Curves. Chapter 7: Surfaces. Chapter 8: NURBS. Chapter
9: Solids. Chapter 10: Features and Parametrics. Part III: Computer Graphics:
Chapter 11: Graphics Display. Chapter 12: Geometric Transformations. Chapter
13: Rendering and Visualization. Chapter 14: Computer Animation. Part IV:
Product Development and Design: Chapter 15: Mass Property Calculations.
Chapter 16: Assembly Modeling. Chapter 17: Finite Element Modeling and
Analysis. Chapter 18: Product Data Exchange. Chapter 19: Collaborative Design.
Part V: Product Management and Manufacturing: Chapter 20: Engineering
Tolerances. Chapter 21: Computer Aided Process Planning. Chapter 22: Part
Programming. Chapter 23: Product Lifecycle Management. Appendices: A
Bibliography. B Linear Algabra. C ANSI and ISO Tolerance Tables.
International Edition
Principles and Applications
Second Edition
by P N Rao, University of Iowa, USA
2004 / 756 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-058373-3 / MHID: 0-07-058373-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124231-8 / MHID: 0-07-124231-7 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
This most current book on CAD/CAM is designed for the
undergraduate curricula on the topic, the Importance of
which has been recognized by universities and industries
alike. New to the Second Edition : Enhanced coverage on
CAD : topics such as free form surfaces, rapid prototyping,
mathematical representation of curves expanded; constraintbased modeling using Autodesk Inventor added; part program
simulations, computer-aided part programming using
Mastercam, the industry standard CAM programming system
is added; Expanded explanations on : automated Guided
Vehicle Systems (AGVS) with details of System Design; robots
and their applications – sensors, grippers, system design for
robot cells, robot programming languages; FMS by adding
details on flexibility concepts, system layouts, and developing
the system concepts; New chapter on Computer Integrated
Manufacturing (CIM); An appendix providing URLs of related
informative Web sites. Other Key Features : the only book that
presents comprehensive and balanced coverage of both CAD;
and CAM; Latest information on CAD and CAM standards,
obtained from the manufacturers and actual users.
1 Introduction. 2 CAD/CAM Hardware. 3 Computer Graphics. 4 Geometric
Modelling. 5 CAD Standards. 6 Introduction to a drafting system. 7 Introduction
to a modelling systems. 8 Finite Element Analysis. 9 Introduction to Computer
Numerical Control. 10 CNC Hardware Basics. 11 CNC Tooling. 12 CNC
Machine tools and Controls systems. 13 CNC Pro gram ming. 14 Turning
Centre Programming. 15 Advanced Part Programming Methods. 16 Computer
aided part programming. 17 Information Requirements of Manufacturing. 18
Group Technology and Computer Aided Process Planning. 19 Production
Planning and Control. 20 Communications. 21 Material Handling Systems.
22 Flexible Manufacturing Systems. 23 Computer Integrated Manufacturing
International Edition
by Sridhar Condoor, Parks College of St. Louis University
2002 / 256 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-112185-9 / MHID: 0-07-112185-4 [IE]
1 Introduction. 2 Bearings. 3 Bearings. 4 Bushing. 5 Retaining Ring. 6 Shaft. 7
Nuts and Bolts. 8 Bolt Heads. 9 Washington Monument and Wing. 10 Springs.
11 Axial Cam. 12 Radial Plate Cam. 13 Grooved Cam. 14 Gateway Arch. 15 Spur
and Helical Gears. 16 Shaft Drawing. 17 Housing. 18 Cam Follower Assembly.
19 Electrical Fuse Assembly. 20 Tricks of the Trade
Mechanical Engineering
International Edition
Design and Manufacture
by Tai-Ran Hsu, San Jose State University
2002 / 512 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-120476-7 / MHID: 0-07-120476-8 [IE]
1 Overview of MEMS and Microsystems. 2 Working Principles of Microsystems.
3 Engineering Science for Microsystem Design and Fabrication. 4 Engineering
Mechanics for Microsystems Design. 5 Thermofluid Engineering and Microsystem
Design. 6 Scaling Laws in Miniaturization. 7 Materials for MEMS and Microsystems.
8 Microsystem Fabrication Processes. 9 Overview of Micromanufacturing. 10
Microsystems Design. 11 Microsystem Packaging. Appendix 1 Recommended
Units for Thermophysical Quantities. Appendix 2 Conversion of Units between
SI and Imperial Systems
International Edition
Technology, Programming and Application
by Mikell Groover, Lehigh University; Mitchell Weiss, United States
Robots, Inc.; Roger Nagel, Lehigh University; and Nicholas Odrey,
Lehigh University
1986 / 480 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-100442-8 / MHID: 0-07-100442-4 [IE]
Complimentary desk copies are available
for course adoption only. Kindly contact your
local McGraw-Hill Representative or fax the
Examination Copy Request Form available
on the back pages of this catalog.
Visit McGraw-Hill Education
Heat Transfer (Introduction)
A Practical Approach, Third Edition
by Yunus A. Cengel, University Of Nevada-Reno
2007 / Hardcover / 928 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-325035-9 / MHID: 0-07-325035-X
(with EES CD)
With complete coverage of the basic principles of heat
transfer and a broad range of applications in a flexible format,
Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach provides the perfect
blend of fundamentals and applications. The text provides a
highly intuitive and practical understanding of the material
by emphasizing the physics and the underlying physical
phenomena involved. Key: Text covers the standard topics
of heat transfer with an emphasis on physics and real-world
every day applications, while de-emphasizing the intimidating
heavy mathematical aspects. This approach is designed to take
advantage of students’ intuition, making the learning process
easier and more engaging. Key: The new edition will add
PowerPoint lecture slides for instructors and helpful web-links
for students. Key: 30% of the texts 2000 Homework Problems
including design, computer, essay and lab-type problems
are new or revised. Using a reader-friendly approach and a
conversational writing style, the book is self-instructive and
entertains while it teaches. It shows that highly technical
matter can be communicated effectively in a simple yet precise
• ~50% of the problems are new or revised to this edition. 130
new review questions, 248 Fundamentals of Engineering (FE)
problems; 378 total NEW problems.
• Nearly 250 Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Problems have
been added to the end of chapters.
• Mathematical details of analytical solutions of 1-D transient heat
conduction have been added.
• Select “Guest Authors” have been chosen to contribute content
to various topics such as Transitional Flow and Microscale Heat
• Chapters on Refrigeration and the Freezing of Foods, Heating and
Cooling of Buildings and Cooling of Electronic Equipment can be
found on the Online Learning Center.
• The Appendix chapter An Introduction to EES has been placed on
the Online Learning Center as well as on the EES CD-ROM.
• Helpful web links have been added to the Online Learning
• A list of chapter objectives have been added to the beginning of
each chapter.
• Nomenclature has been updated to be consistent with Cengel’s
Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics.
• The text and its solutions manual have been carefully checked for
• Lecture slides are being prepared for use with this text. The slides
will be available for chapters 1-14 by June 2006 (some chapters
available sooner).
• Radiation is covered in two chapters instead of one.
• EES (Engineering Equation Solver) CD-ROM packaged free with
text. EES is a powerful equation solver with built-in functions and
property tables for thermodynamics and transport properties as well
as automatic unit checking capability.
• More than 1000 illustrations. This text has a sensational visual
appeal that highlight its key learning features.
• Complete coverage of the the essential heat transfer topic,
convection. Forced convection is covered in three chapters with
separate chapters for external flow and internal flow.
Mechanical Engineering
• A “Topics of Special Interest” feature is included at the end of
most chapters.
• Approximately 2,000 Homework Problems including design,
computer, essay, and lab-type problems are included. FE
(Fundamentals of Engineering) Problems have also been added to the
third edition.
• Numerous worked examples with sketches, step-by- step
procedures, and process diagrams.
• Safety awareness is promoted through the use of safety-related
• Both SI and English units of measurement are included, with an
emphasis on SI.
• Comprehensive computer problems are included. Students can
plot the key variables and generate results by using the powerful and
intuitive Engineering Equation Solver(EES) software tool (or other
suitable programs).
• Offers unique physics-based approach using real-world, everyday
applications to lead students through heat transfer concepts
• Electronic Solutions Manual. The detailed solutions for all text
problems will be delivered via COSMOS, our Complete Online
Solution Manual Organization System. COSMOS helps you to
quickly find solutions and also keeps a record of problems assigned
to avoid duplication in subsequent semesters.
1 Introduction and Basic Concepts. 2 Heat Conduction Equation. 3 Steady
Heat Conduction. 4 Transient Heat Conduction. 5 Numerical Methods in Heat
Conduction. 6 Fundamentals of Convection. 7 External Forced Convection. 8
Internal Forced Convection. 9 Natural Convection. 10 Boiling and Condensation.
11 Heat Exchangers. 12 Fundamentals of Radiation. 13 Radiation Heat Transfer.
14 Mass Transfer. Appendix 1 Property Tables and Charts (SI Units). Appendix
2 Property Tables and Charts (English Units). Appendix 3 Introduction to EES.
Online Chapters. 15 Cooling of Electronic Equipment. 16 Heating and Cooling
of Buildings. 17 Refrigeration and Freezing of Foods
International Edition
Ninth Edition
by Jack P. Holman, Southern Methodist University
2002 / 688 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-240655-9 / MHID: 0-07-240655-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-122621-9 / MHID: 0-07-122621-4 [IE]
1 Introduction. 2 Steady-State Conduction - One Dimension. 3 Steady-State
Conduction - Multiple Dimensions. 4 Unsteady-State Conduction. 5 Principles
of Convection. 6 Empircal and Practical Relations for Forced-Convection Heat
Transfer. 7 Natural Convection Systems. 8 Radiation Heat Transfer. 9 Condensation
and Boiling Heat Transfer. 10 Heat Exchangers. 11 Mass Transfer. Appendix
A Tables. Appendix B Exact Solutions of Laminar-Boundary-Layer Equations.
Appendix C Analytical Relations for the Heisler Charts. Appendix D Use of
Microsoft Excel for Solution of Heat-Transfer Problems
International Edition
Third Edition
by C O Bennett, University of Connecticut; J E Myers, University of
California, Santa Barbara
1982 / 848 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-066180-6 / MHID: 0-07-066180-4 [IE]
Convective Heat Transfer
International Edition
Fourth Edition
by William M Kays, Stanford University; Michael E Crawford,
University of Texas-Austin and Bernhard Weigand, Universitat
2005 / 512 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-299073-7 / MHID: 07-299073-2
(with Engg Sub Card)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123829-8 / MHID: 0-07-123829-8 [IE]
Find password-protected solutions to chapter problems for instructors
and additional information on TEXSTAN. (Browse http://www.mhhe.
The 4th edition Convective Heat and Mass Transfer continues
the trend of encouraging the use of a numerically based,
computational approach to solving convective heat and mass
transfer problems, in addition to classical problem-solving
approaches. This best-selling text also presents a strong
theoretical basis for the subject of convective heat and mass
transfer by focusing on boundary layer theory and provides
optional coverage of the software teaching tool TEXSTAN.
• Significant revisions include an expanded chapter on convective
heat transfer with body forces, reduced focus on heat exchanger
theory, completely rewritten chapters on mass transfer to include
more engineering examples for both low and high transfer rates
that provide the student with more insight into a seemingly difficult
• The use of TEXSTAN software is covered in the appendix and
integrated into computer problems throughout the book.
• Increased coverage of modern numerical and computer
• Instructors can find password-protected solutions on as well as additional information on TEXSTAN.
Second Edition
by Donald Pitts, University of Tennessee
1998 / 384 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-050207-9 / MHID: 0-07-050207-2
Schaum's Publication
• Numerous design sections show how analytical techniques are
actually used to model heat exchangers, etc.
• Computer Problems included in each chapter problem set.
1 Introduction. 2 Conservation Principles. 3 Fluid Stresses And Flux Laws. 4 The
Differential Equations Of The Laminar Boundary Layer. 5 The Integral Equations
Of The Boundary Layer. 6 The Differential Equations Of The Turbulent Boundary
Layer. 7 Momentum Transfer: Laminar Flow Inside Tubes. 8 Heat Transfer: Laminar
Flow Inside Tubes. 9 Momentum Transfer: The Laminar External Boundary Layer.
10 Heat Transfer: The Laminar External Boundary Layer. 11 Momentum Transfer:
The Turbulent Boundary Layer. 12 Heat Transfer: The Turbulent Boundary Layer.
13 Momentum Transfer: Turbulent Flow In Tubes. 14 Heat Transfer: Turbulent
Flow Inside Tubes. 15 The Influence Of Temperature-Dependent Fluid Properties.
16 Convective Heat Transfer At High Velocities. 17 Free-Convection Boundary
Layers. 18 Convective Mass Transfer: Basic Definitions And Formulation Of A
Simplified Theory. 19 Convective Mass Transfer: Evaluation Of The Mass-Transfer
Conductance From The Equation. 20 Convective Mass Transfer: Examples For
Application Of The Simplified Method
Mechanical Engineering
Combustion Engineering
Kinematics/Dynamics of
International Edition
Concepts and Applications with Software
Second Edition
by Stephen R Turns, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
2000 / 704 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-235044-9 / MHID: 0-07-235044-X (with CD)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-116910-3 / MHID: 0-07-116910-5 [IE with disk]
Preface/ Preface to the Second Edition/Preface to the First Edition/Chapter 1:
Introduction/Chapter 2: Combustion and Thermochemistry/Chapter 3: Introduction
to Mass Transfer/ Chapter 4: Chemical Kinetics/Chapter 5: Some Important
Chemical Mechanisms/Chapter 6: Coupling Chemical and Thermal Analyses of
Reacting Systems/Chapter 7: Simplifed Conversation Equations for Reacting Flows/
Chapter 8: Laminar Premixed Flames/Chapter 9: Laminar Diffusion Flames/Chapter
10: Droplet Evaporation and Burning/Chapter 11: Introduction to Turbulent Flows/
Chapter 12: Turbulent Premixed Flames/Chapter 13: Turbulent Nonpremixed
Flames/Chapter 14: Burning of Solids/Chapter 15: Pollutant Emissions/Chapter
16: Detonations/Appendix A: Selected Thermodynamic Propertiesof Gases
Comprising C-H-O-N System/Appendix B: Fuel Properties/Appendix C: Selected
Properties of Air, Nitrogen, and Oxygen/Appendix D: Diffusion Coefficients and
Methodology for their Estimation/Appendix E: Generalized Newton's Method for
the Solution of Nonlinear Equations/Appendix F: Computer Codes for Equilibrium
Products of Hydrocarbon-Air Combustion Motivation
International Edition
by Gary L. Borman and Kenneth W. Ragland, both of the University
of Wisconsin-Madison
1998 / 648 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-115978-4 / MHID: 0-07-115978-9 [IE]
Part I: Basic Concepts/1 Scope and History/2 Fuels/3 Thermodynamics of
Combustion/4 Chemical Kinetics of Combustion/Part II: Combustion of Gaseous
and Vaporized Fuels/5 Flames/6 Gas Fired Furnace Combus-tion/7 Premixed
Charge Engineering Combustion/8 Detonation of Gaseous Mixtures/Part III:
Combustion of Liquid Fuels/9 Spray Formation and Droplet Behavior/10 Oil Fired
Furnace Combustion/11 Gas Turbine Spray Combustion/12 Direct Injection Engine
Combustion/13 Detonation of Liquid-Gaseous Mixture/Part IV: Combus-tion of
Solid Fuels/14 Solid Fuel Combustion Mechanisms/15 Fixed Bed Combustion/16
Suspension Burning/17 Fluidized Bed Combustion/Appendixes/A: Constants,
Atomic Weights, and Conversion Factors/B: Properties of Fuels/C: Properties
of Air/D: Thermodynamic Properties of Combustion Products/E: Viscosity and
Thermal Conductivity of Gas Mixtures/F: A Brief Introduction to Mass Transport
by Diffusion in Gaseous Systems
International Edition
Third Edition
by Robert L. Norton, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
2004 / 832 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-310944-2 / MHID: 0-07-310944-4
(with Student Resource CD-ROM)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123671-3 / MHID: 0-07-123671-6
[IE with Student
Resource CD]
This website will include 50 interactive FE exam questions, links to the
MSC/Working Model and The MathWorks websites, suggested projects,
and learning review features for students. (Browse http://highered.
Robert Norton’s DESIGN OF MACHINERY 3/e continues the
tradition of this bestselling book by emphasizing the design
aspects of mechanisms and providing numerous industry
examples and illustrations for readers. Norton provides a
solid conceptual foundation of kinematics and dynamics of
machinery, presented in the context of what a design engineer
needs to work with. The new 3/e has revised and expanded
chapter problem set- 231 new problems have been added.
88 project assignments are also included to give readers an
in-depth look at mechanism design and analysis procedures
in a realistic format. Coverage of compliant mechanisms
and MEMS has been added in Chapter 2; a section entitled
“Some Useful Mechanisms” is now in Chapter 3; treatment
of cams in Chapters 8 has been condensed and modernized.
Information on transmissions and engine dynamics has been
enhanced and expanded as well. The third edition comes
with a bound-in Student Resources CD-ROM, with Norton’s
own student-version programs, an extensive group of Working
Model, MATLAB and Visual NASTRAN 4-D simulations and
movie clips (by Sid Wang, North Carolina A&T University),
additional Working Model examples, and the Working Model
2-D program itself (demonstration version). A new Book
Website includes additional instructor and student resources
and a set of interactive FE Exam questions for machine
dynamics and kinematics. A printed Instructor’s Solutions
Manual with detailed solutions to all chapter problems and
project assignments is also available.
Part I Kinematics of Mechanisms: 1 Introduction. 2 Kinematics Fundamentals. 3
Graphical Linkage Synthesis. 4 Position Analysis. 5 Analytical Linkage Synthesis.
6 Velocity Analysis. 7 Acceleration Analysis. 8 Cam Design. 9 Gear Trains. Part
II Dynamics of Machinery: 10 Dynamics Funda-mentals. 11 Dynamic Force
Analysis. 12 Balancing. 13 Engine Dynamics. 14 Multicylinder Engines. 15 Cam
Dynamics. 16 Engineering Design
Mechanical Engineering
International Edition
Second Edition
by Joseph Shigley, University of Michigan; John Uicker, Jr.,
University of Wisconsin
1995 / 719 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-113747-8 / MHID: 0-07-113747-5 [IE]
Part 1: Kinematics and Mechanisms//1 The World of Mechanisms/2 Position and
Displacement/3 Velocity/4 Acceleration/Part 2: Design of Mechanisms/5 Cam
Design/6 Spur Gears/7 Helical Gears/8 Bevel Gears/9 Worm Gears/10 Mechanism
Trains/11 Synthesis of Linkages/12 Spatial Mechanisms/13 Robotics/Part 3:
Dynamics of Machines/14 Static Force Analysis/15 Dynamic Force Analysis
(Planar)/16 Dynamic Force Analysis (Spatial)/17 Vibration Analysis/18 Dynamics
of Reciprocating Engines/19 Balancing/20 Cam Dynamics/Appendix
Machine Design
Eighth Edition
by Richard Budynas, Rochester Institute Of Technology, and J. Keith
Nisbett, University of Missouri - Rolla
2008 (October 2006) / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-331260-6 / MHID: 0-07-331260-6
(with Aris bind-in card)
The eighth edition of Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design
maintains the basic approaches that have made this book the
standard in machine design for over 40 years. At the same
time it combines the straightforward focus on fundamentals
instructors have come to expect with a modern emphasis on
design and new applications.
Overall coverage of basic concepts are clear and concise so
that readers can easily navigate key topics. Problem sets have
been improved, with new problems added to help students
progressively work through them.
The book has included ARIS, which will have algorithmic
problems. The new co-author, Kieth Nisbett has been brought
to help smooth out the writting style and has added a key case
study on power transmission. All standards have been updated,
which will make this the most current text! Also a new chapter
on finite elements has been added
• The 8th edition of Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design features
a major new case study developed to help illuminate the complexities
of shafts and axles.
• New Finite Elements Chapter--This is a trendy topic and makes this
book cutting edge.
• Part III has been updated to reflect current standards. Making this
the most current book out in the market in terms of standards.
• A new co-author, Keith Nisbett brings to the book an accessible
writing style that is evident throughout the entire text. He is also
writting the entire chapter with the case study, which is new. Case is
on Power Transmissions
• Parts I and II have been streamlined to improve readability and
simplify the presentation without sacrificing content.
• ARIS site offers a wealth of learning resources for students such as
FE Exam problems, machine design tutorials, MATLAB simulations,
and PPTs of important figures.
• As in previous editions, the new edition of Shigley featuers
authoritative coverage of the design considerations for major
machine elements (i.e., gears, brakes, clutches).
Part I Basics 1 Introduction to Mechanical Design. 2 Materials. 3 Load and Stress
Analysis. 4 Deflection and Stiffness. Part II Failure Prevention. 5 Failures Resulting
from Static Loading. 6 Failure Resulting from Variable Loading. Part III Design of
Mechanical Elements. 7 Shafts and Axles. 8 Screws, Fasteners, and the Design of
Nonpermanent Joints. 9 Welding, Brazing, Bonding, and the Design of Permanent
Joints. 10 Mechanical Springs. 11 Rolling-Contact Bearings. 12 Lubrication
and Journal Bearings. 13 Gears--General. 14 Spur and Helical Gears. 15 Bevel
and Worm Gears. 16 Clutches, Brakes, Couplings and Flywheels. 17 Flexible
Mechanical Elements. Part IV. 18 Statistical Considerations. 19 Introduction to
Finite Element Analysis. Appendices. A Useful Tables. B Solutions to Selected
Problems. Index.
International Edition
Second Edition
by Bernard J Hamrock, Ohio State University, Columbus; Steven
R Schmid, University of Notre Dame and Bo O Jacobson, Lund
2005 / 1,008 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-297682-3 / MHID: 0-07-297682-9
(with OLC Bind-In Card and Engg Sub Card)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111368-7 / MHID: 0-07-111368-1 [IE with OLC]
Online Learning Center will include Table of Contents, Overview,
Solutions Manual, PowerPoint, Design Tutorials, Rolling Element
Bearing Data, ABET, Web Links, MATLAB Resources (Browse http://
The second edition of Fundamentals of Machine Elements,
second edition provides undergraduates and praticing
engineers with a clear understanding of the theory and
applications behind the fundamental concepts of machine
elements. The text is rich with examples and homework
problems designed to test student understanding and build
their skills in analysis and design. The engineering design
process is stressed throughout the book through the use of
Case Studies, open-ended problems, design procedure boxes,
and in-text discussion. The book is divided into two parts: Part
I (chs 1-8) covers fundamental background topics, and Part II
(chs 9-20), presents the design of various machine components.
Unique coverage of MEMS devices is provided in chapter 20,
reflecting the importance of microsystems in today’s industry.
The book is complemented by extensive online resources for
instructors and students.
• Extensive outside error-checking has been done for the revised
• New chapter 15 on Helical, Bevel and Worms Gears.
• New chapter 20 on Microelectro-mechanical Devices.
• A new Web-based Online Learning Center is available with this
text at
• Available to instructors only, the detailed solutions for all text
problems will be delivered via CD-ROM, in our new, Complete
Online Solutions Manual Organization System (COSMOS).
• Over 600 homework problems are found in the text.
• Approximately 200 worked examples with step-by-step solutions
are in the text. These examples are solved using a consistent
problem-solving methodology, that is first outlined in chapter 1.
Many examples mention practical applications that will interest
• Students are exposed to design principles beginning in chapter 1,
and continuing throughout the book. There are numerous openended problems and case studies sprinkled throughout the text.
I Fundamentals: 1 Introduction. 2 Load, Stress and Strain. 3 Introduction to
Materials and Manufacturing. 4 Stresses and Strains. 5 Deformation. 6 Failure
Prediction for Static Loading. 7 Failure Prediction for Cyclic and Impact Loading. 8
Mechanical Engineering
Lubrication, Friction and Wear. II Machine Elements: 9 Columns. 10 Stresses and
Deformation in Cylinders. 11 Shafting and Associated Parts. 12 Hydrodynamics
and Hydrostatic Bearings and Seals. 13 Rolling-Element Bearings. 14 Spur Gears.
15 Helical, Bevel, and Worm Gears. 16 Fasteners and Power Screws. 17 Springs.
18 Brakes and Clutches. 19 Flexible Machine Designs. 20 Microelectromechanical
Devices. 21 Design Projects. Appendices. Appendix A: Material Properties.
Appendix B: Stress Strain Relationships
International Edition
Seventh Edition
by Joseph Shigley (deceased), Charles Mischke, Iowa State University
and Richard Budynas, Rochester Institute Technology
2004 / 1,088 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-292193-9 / MHID: 0-07-292193-5
(with OLC/BI Card)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123270-8 / MHID: 0-07-123270-2 [IE with OLC]
This Online Learning Center features Tutorials covering major concepts
in the text, interactive FE Exam questions, the FEPC finite element tool
and accompanying Finite Element Primer, and MATLAB for Machine
Design. There are complete chapter problem solutions and PowerPoint
slides of text illustrations for instructors, under password protection.
Students will be able to access quizzes, key terms, crossword puzzles and
flashcards to aid in their learning of machine design topics. (Browse
The seventh edition of Mechanical Engineering Design marks
a return to the basic approaches that have made this book the
standard in machine design for over 40 years. At the same time
the textbook has been significantly updated and modernized
for today’s engineering students and professional engineers.
Working from extensive market research and reviews of the
6/e, the new 7/e features reduced coverage of uncertainty
and statistical methods. Statistics is now treated as one of
several methods available to design engineers, and statistical
applications are no longer integrated throughout the text,
examples and problem sets. Other major changes include
updated coverage of the design process, streamlined coverage
of statistics, a more practical overview of materials and materials
selection, revised coverage of failure and fatigue, and review
of basic strength of materials topics to make a clearer link with
prerequisite courses. Overall coverage of basic concepts has
been made more concise, so that readers can easily navigate
key topics. Problem sets have been improved, with many new
problems added to help students progressively work through
them. The book has an Online Learning Center with several
powerful components: MATLAB for Machine Design (featuring
highly visual MATLAB simulations and accompanying source
code); the “FEPC” finite element program, with accompanying
Finite Element Primer and FEM Tutorials; interactive FE Exam
questions for Machine Design; and Machine Design Tutorials
for study of key concepts from Parts I and II of the text. Complete
Problem Solutions and PowerPoint slides of book illustrations
are available for instructors, under password protection. A
printed Instructor’s Solutions Manual is also available.
Part I-Basics: 1-Introduction. 2-Statistical Considerations. 3-Materials. 4-Load and
Stress Analysis. 5-Deflection and Stiffness. Part II-Failure Prevention: 6-Failures
Resulting from Static Loading. 7-Failures Resulting from Variable Loading. Part
III-Design of Mechanical Elements: 8-Screws, Fasteners and the Design of
Nonpermanent Joints. 9-Welding, Brazing, Bonding and the Design of Permanent
Joints. 10-Mechanical Springs. 11-Rolling Contact Bearings. 12-Lubrication and
Journal Bearings. 13-Gearing - General. 14-Spur and Helical Gears. 15-Bevel
and Worm Gears. 16-Clutches, Brakes, Couplings and Flywheels. 17-Flexible
Mechanical Elements. 18-Shafts and Axles. Appendices: A Statistical Relations.
B Linear Regression. C Propagation of Error. D Simulation. E Useful Tables. F
Solutions to Selected Problems. Index
International Edition
Second Edition
by Structural Dynamics Research Corporation
2004 / 480 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-252544-1 / MHID: 0-07-252544-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-121632-6 / MHID: 0-07-121632-4 [IE]
SDRC’s I-DEAS Student Guide Revised Edition—created by
Mark Lawry—provides the “big picture” of I-DEAS, and shows
how it fits together as an integrated Mechanical Computer
Aided Engineering environment. It provides a quick technical
introduction to I-DEAS, including I-DEAS versions 9 and 10,
and is ideal for users who want to learn other capabilities
of the software. Numerous screen captures provide a visual
parallel to the explanations given in the text. The Student
Guide covers basic commands and procedures, in a format that
makes for convenient reference. The chapter-ending section
includes a series of Tutorials that demonstrate basic concepts
in a hands-on way. Workshop section follow the Tutorials,
and allow users to apply their knowledge in a design context.
The Appendix of the book includes an Icon Summary list, a
section on Advanced Features and Interfaces, and a practical
Troubleshooting Reference. The index is set up to further
increase the reference value of the Student Guide
Preface. How to Use This Guide. 1 Introduction to I-DEAS. 2 Part Modeling. 3
Modifying Parts. 4 Constraints and Constrait Networks. 5 Surfacing Techniques.
6 Assemblies and Mechanisms. 7 Annotation and Drafting. 8 Manufacturing. 9
Simulation. 10 Other I-DEAS Applications. Sheet Metal, Harness, Mold Design,
Test. 11 Best Practices. 12 Collaboration. Appendix: A. Icon Summary. B.
Advanced Features and Interfaces. C. Troubleshooting Reference. Index
McGraw-Hill is interested
in reviewing manuscript
for publication. Please
contact your local
McGraw-Hill office or email to
Visit McGraw-Hill Education (Asia)
Mechanical Engineering
International Edition
An Integrated Approach
by Ansel Ugural, New Jersey Institute Technology
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-292185-4 / MHID: 0-07-292185-4
(with Bind-In Card)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123493-1 / MHID: 0-07-123493-4
[IE with Bind-In/OLC Card]
The Online Learning Center will contain problem solutions and
PowerPoint figures for instructors; FE Exam interactive problems and
extensive MATLAB simulations. (Browse
Ugural’s Mechanical Design: An Integrated Approach provides
a comprehensive, integrated view of machine element design for
Mechanical Engineering students and practicing engineers. The
author’s expertise in engineering mechanics is demonstrated in
Part I (Fundamentals), where readers receive an exceptionally
strong treatment of the design process, stress & strain, deflection
& stiffness, energy methods, and failure/fatigue criteria.
Advanced topics in mechanics (marked with an asterisk in the
Table of Contents) are provided for optional use. The first 8
chapters provide the conceptual basis for Part II (Applications),
where the major classes of machine components are covered.
Optional coverage of finite element analysis is included, in
the final chapter of the text, with selected examples and cases
showing FEA applications in mechanical design. In addition
to numerous worked-out examples and chapter problems,
detailed Case Studies are included to show the intricacies of
real design work, and the integration of engineering mechanics
concepts with actual design procedures. The author provides
a brief but comprehensive listing of derivations for users to
avoid the “cookbook” approach many books take. Numerous
illustrations provide a visual interpretation of the equations
used, making the text appropriate for diverse learning styles.
The approach is designed to allow for use of calculators
and computers throughout, and to show the ways computer
analysis can be used to model problems and explore “what if?”
design analysis scenarios. An Online Learning Center website
provides a wealth of resources for instructors, students and
other readers.
Part I Fundamentals: 1 Introduction to Design. 2 Materials. 3 Stress and Strain.
4 Deflection and Stiffness. 5 Energy Methods in Design. 6 Buckling Design of
Members. 7 Static Failure Criteria and Reliability. 8 Fatigue. Part II Applications:
9 Shafts and Associated Parts. 10 Bearings and Lubrication. 11 Spur Gears. 12
Helical, Worm, and Bevel Gears. 13 Belts, Chain, Clutches, and Brakes. 14 Springs.
15 Power Screws, Fasteners, and Connections. 16 Axisymmetric Problems in
Design. 17 Finite Element Analysis in Design. Appendix A Units, Properties of
Shapes, and Beam Deflections. Appendix B Material Properties. Appendix C Stress
Concentration Factors. Appendix D Solution of the Stress Cubic Equation
International Edition
Sixth Edition
by Joseph Shigley, University of Michigan; Charles Mischke, Iowa
State University
2003 / 156 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-008303-5 / MHID: 0-07-008303-7 [IE]
International Edition
by Sridhar Condoor, Parks College of St. Louis University
2002 / 256 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-112185-9 / MHID: 0-07-112185-4 [IE]
1 Introduction. 2 Bearings. 3 Bearings. 4 Bushing. 5 Retaining Ring. 6 Shaft. 7
Nuts and Bolts. 8 Bolt Heads. 9 Washington Monument and Wing. 10 Springs.
11 Axial Cam. 12 Radial Plate Cam. 13 Grooved Cam. 14 Gateway Arch. 15 Spur
and Helical Gears. 16 Shaft Drawing. 17 Housing. 18 Cam Follower Assembly.
19 Electrical Fuse Assembly. 20 Tricks of the Trade
by A S Hall, A F Holowenko and H G Laughlin, Purdue University
1984 / 352 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-025595-1 / MHID: 0-07-025595-4
Schaum's Publication
Plates & Shells
International Edition
Second Edition
by Ansel Ugural, New Jersey Institute of Technology
1999 / 528 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-116793-2 / MHID: 0-07-116793-5 [IE]
Chapter 1: Basic Concepts Chapter 2: Stress Analysis of Simple Members.
Chapter 3: Elements of Plate Bending Theory Chapter 4: Circular Plates. Chapter
5: Rectangular Plates. Chapter 6: Plates of Various Geometrical Forms. Chapter
7: Numerical Methods. Chapter 8: Anisotropic Plates. Chapter 9: Plates Under
Combined Lateral and In-Plane Loads. Chapter 10: Large Deflections of Plates.
Chapter 11: Thermal Stresses in Plates. Chapter 12: Membrane Stresses in Shells.
Chapter 13: Bending Stresses in Shells. Chapter 14: Applications to Pipes, Tanks,
and Pressure Vessels. Chapter 15: Cylindrical Shells Under General Loads.
International Edition
Second Edition
by Stephan Timoshenko, deceased; Krieger Woinowsky, Stanford
1959 / 580 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-085820-6 / MHID: 0-07-085820-9 [IE]
Mechanical Engineering
International Edition
Design and Manufacture
by Tai-Ran Hsu, San Jose State University
2002 / 512 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-120476-7 / MHID: 0-07-120476-8 [IE]
1 Overview of MEMS and Microsystems. 2 Working Principles of Microsystems.
3 Engineering Science for Microsystem Design and Fabrication. 4 Engineering
Mechanics for Microsystems Design. 5 Thermofluid Engineering and Microsystem
Design. 6 Scaling Laws in Miniaturization. 7 Materials for MEMS and Microsystems.
8 Microsystem Fabrication Processes. 9 Overview of Micromanufacturing. 10
Microsystems Design. 11 Microsystem Packaging. Appendix 1 Recommended
Units for Thermophysical Quantities. Appendix 2 Conversion of Units between
SI and Imperial Systems
Refrigeration & Air
International Edition
Second Edition
by C P Arora
2000 / 433 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-463010-5 / MHID: 0-07-463010-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118848-7 / MHID: 0-07-118848-7 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
Introduction. Refrigerating Machine and Reversed Carnot Cycle. Vapour
Compression System. Refrigerants. Multipressure Systems. Refrigerant
Compressors. Condensers. Expansion Devices. Evaporators. Complete Vapour
Compression System. Gas Cycle Refrigeration. Vapour Absorption System. EjectorCompression System. Properties of Moist Air. Psychrometry of Air Conditioning
Processes. Design Conditions. Solar Radiation. Heat Transfer through Building
Structures. Load Calculations and Applied Psychrometrics. Design of Airconditioning Apparatus. Transmission and Distribution and Distribution of Air.
Fans. Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Control. Applications in Food Processing
and Preservation.
International Edition
by M. M. El-Wakil, University of Wisconsin at Madison
1984 / 861 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-066274-2 / MHID: 0-07-066274-6 [IE]
International Edition
Design for Efficiency
Second Edition
by Jan Kreider, University of Colorado, Boulder; Ari Rahl, Princeton
University and Peter Curtiss, University of Colorado, Boulder
2002 / 704 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124808-2 / MHID: 0-07-124808-0 [IE with CD]
Introduction. Elements of Heat Transfer for Buildings. Review of Thermodynamic
Processes in Buildings. Psychrometrics, Comfort, and Health. Fundamentals of
Fluid Mechanics in Building Systems. Solar Radiation and Windows. Heating
and Cooling Loads. Annual Energy Consumption and Special Topics. Heat
Generation and Transfer Equipment Cooling Equipment. Secondary Systems for
Heating and Cooling. Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Control Systems.
Lighting Design. Design and Efficiency. Economic Analysis and Optimization.
International Edition
Second Edition
by Wilbert Stoecker, University of Illinois/Urbana; Jerold Jones,
University of Texas, Austin
1982 / 443 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-066591-0 / MHID: 0-07-066591-5 [IE]
Power Plant Technology
International Edition
by P K Nag, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
2001 / 896 pages / Softcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-043599-5 / MHID: 0-07-043599-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-121110-9 / MHID: 0-07-121110-1 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
1 Introduction: Economics of Power Generation. 2 Analysis of Steam Cycles. 3
Combined Cycle Power Generation. 4 Fuels and Combustion. 5 Combustion
Mechanism, Combustion Equipment and Firing Methods. 6 Steam Generators. 7
Steam Turbines. 8 Condenser, Feedwater and Circulating Water Systems. 9 Nuclear
Power Plants. 10 Hydroelectric Power Plant. 11 Diesel Engine and Gas Turbines
Power Plants. 12 Energy Storage. Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Index
Mechanical Engineering
International Edition
by M. M. El-Wakil, University of Wisconsin at Madison
1984 / 861 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-066274-2 / MHID: 0-07-066274-6 [IE]
International Edition
Internal Combustion Engines
International Edition
Second Edition
by V Ganesan, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
2003 / 620 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-049457-2 / MHID: 0-07-049457-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123656-0 / MHID: 0-07-123656-2 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
International Edition
by John Heywood, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1988 / 930 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-028637-5 / MHID: 0-07-028637-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-100499-2 / MHID: 0-07-100499-8 [IE]
1 Engine Types and Their Operations. 2 Engine Design and Operating Parameters.
3 Thermochemistry of Fuel-Air Mixtures. 4 Properties of Working Fluids. 5 Ideal
Models of Engine Cycles. 6 Gas Exchange Processes. 7 SI Engine Fuel Metering
and Manifold Phenomena. 8 Charge Motion within the Cylinder. 9 Combustion
in Ignition Engines. 10 Combustion in Compression Ignition Engines. 11
Pollutant Formation and Control. 12 Engine Heat Transfer. 13 Engine Friction
and Lubrication. 14 Modeling Real Engine Flow and Combustion Processes. 15
Engine Operating Characteristics. Appendixes
Third Edition
by David G. Alciatore and Michael B. Histand, Colorado State
2007 / Hardcover / 512 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-296305-2 / MHID: 0-07-296305-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-125407-6 / MHID: 0-07-125407-2 [IE]
Author Web site containing general textbook information, video
presentations, class project assignments, microcontroller resources,
MATHCAD examples from the text, and more!
SYSTEMS provides comprehensive and accessible coverage of
the evolving field of mechatronics for mechanical, electrical
and aerospace engineering majors. The authors present
a concise review of electrical circuits, solid-state devices,
digital circuits, and motors- all of which are fundamental to
understanding mechatronic systems.
Mechatronics design considerations are presented throughout
the text, and in “Design Example” features. The text’s numerous
illustrations, examples, class discussion items, and chapter
questions & exercises provide an opportunity to understand and
apply mechatronics concepts to actual problems encountered
in engineering practice. This text has been tested over several
years to ensure accuracy.
A text web site is available at
~dga/mechatronics/ and contains numerous supplemental
• Microcontroller hardware and software design examples have
been added to the text.
• Information on PIC processors and how to select them is included.
Also explains how to use and communicate among multiple PICs in
a project.
• Photographs and descriptions of real devices and mechatronics
systems (e.g. the Segway) have been added.
• Additional clipart has been added as a pedagogical feature.
• Additional system analysis and design examples have been added,
as well as an additional Case Study in the later chapters.
• Various types of voltage sources (power supplies, batteries, AC/DC
converters) have been added to chapter 2.
• An introduction to controls section has been added to chapter 11.
• The text’s focus on measurement systems, circuits and electronics,
interfacing, sensors, and along with analysis and synthesis of
mechatronic systems, provides a thorough cross-disciplinary and realworld overview of Mechatronics.
• Helpful pedagogy includes Integrated Lab Exercises and Class
Discussion items, both of which link theory with practice and handson exploration of mechatronics.
• Content coverage of important subjects like MEMS, cutting edge
sensor technology, and micromachines.
• Provides an overview of measurement systems, circuits,
interfacing, sensors, actuators and design analysis and synthesis of
mechatronic systems.
• Integrates design examples and problems throughout the text.
• Supporting information is available including a typical course
outline and laboratory syllabus, MathCAD files for examples from the
book, Class Discussion Item hints, links to mechatronics resources,
and other supplemental material, is available on the Internet at http://
Mechanical Engineering
1 Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems. 2 Electric Circuits
and Components. 3 Semiconductor Electronics. 4 System Response. 5 Analog
Signal Processing Using Operational Amplifiers. 6 Digital Circuits and Systems.
7 Microcontroller Programming and Interfacing. 8 Data Acquisition. 9 Sensors.
10 Actuators. 11 Mechatronic Systems-Control Architectures and Case Studies.
Appendixes: A. Measurement Fundamentals. B. Physical Principles. C. Mechanics
of Materials
Basics: 1 Experiments. 2 Units and Significant Figures. 3 Technical Communication.
4 Basic Electronics. Hardware: 5 Calibration and Response. 6 Measurement
Systems. Analyses: 7 Probability. 8 Statistics. 9 Uncertainty Analysis. 10 Regression
and Correlation. 11 Signal Characteristics. 12 Digital Signal Analysis. Appendix A
Symbols. Appendix B Glossary. Appendix C Conversions. Appendix D Learning
Objective Nomenclature. Appendix E Physical Principles. Appendix F Review
Puzzle Solutions. Appendix G Problem Solutions. Appendix H Laboratory
Exercises. Appendix I Derivations
International Edition
by Patrick F Dunn, University of Notre Dame
2005 / 560 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-282538-1 / MHID: 0-07-282538-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124682-8 / MHID: 0-07-124682-7 [IE]
For instructors, the Web site includes review and homework
problems solutions, laboratory exercise solutions, and the
WebCT course file. For students, the site offers, a laboratory
exercise manual, MATLAB M-files and data files, and general
text information. (Browse
Dunn’s Measurement and Data Analysis for Engineering &
Science places emphasis on the process of experimentation,
rather than the products of experimentation. Dunn’s objective is
to expose undergraduates and experimentalists to the essential
tools of experimentation, to the scientific detail behind these
tools, and to the role of experimentation in the scientific
process. Guided by worked examples, MATLAB sidebars,
and laboratory exercises, the reader builds a strong working
knowledge while moving progressively through the text. The
first three chapters of the text cover the basics—experimental
methods, units & significant figures, technical communications
and basic electronics. Hardware issues are then presented,
with a focus on measurement systems, and calibration &
response. The final chapters deal with data analysis, with an
overview of basic probability & statistics, uncertainty analysis,
signal characteristics, and digital signal analysis. Following the
text chapters, a full laboratory manual, with an introduction
and twelve lab experiments, is included. This gives users a
chance to put their basic skills to work in actual engineering
experiments, which are taken from a variety of engineering
subject areas. Throughout the book computer techniques are
discussed, and specific MATLAB applications are included,
for problem modeling, exploration and solution. MATLAB
“sidebars” are used to present MATLAB, and associated M-files
are provided on the Web site.
• Over 75 MATLAB “sidebars” and examples used throughout the
• Dunn covers transducers and sensors by starting with a physical
principle upon which a sensor can be based and then showing the
variety of sensors that can be made using this principle.
• The role of experimentation is explained clearly in this text (the
only text to do this thoroughly).
• Dunn adds a historical perspective by using historical equipment
and quotations throughout the text.
• Dunn presents the descriptions of 12 experiments and provides all
of the data from these experiments such that instructors can use the
data in classroom exercises or as virtual experiments in which they
give students the raw data and have them analyze it.
• Crossword puzzles conclude each chapter. Over 70 worked
examples can be found in the text.
• A text Web site, available at
provides instructors with solutions to review and homework
problems, a laboratory exercise solutions manual, and a WebCT
course file. The site provides students with a laboratory exercise
manual and MATLAB M-files and data files.
International Edition
Fifth Edition
by Ernest Doebelin, Ohio State University
2004 / 1,104 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-299072-0 / MHID: 0-07-299072-4
(with Bind-In Sub and DasyLab Card)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-119465-5 / MHID: 0-07-119465-7 [IE]
This website will feature instructor solutions for all chapter problems
(with password protection), background information for MATLAB and
DASY LAB computer tools, and links to professional sites. (Browse
& DESIGN 5/e provides a comprehensive and up-to-date
overview of measurement, instrumentation and experimentation; it is geared mainly for Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering students, though other majors can also utilize
it. The book is also a comprehensive, up-to-date resource
for engineering professionals. The 5/e features expanded
coverage of sensors and computer tools in measurement
& experimentation. Measurement techniques related to
micro- and nano-technologies are now discussed, reflecting
the growing importance of these technologies. The newest
computer methods are covered, and Doebelin has added
a significant commercial software connection for users of
the book. Specific coverage of MATLAB, SIMULINK, and
the lab simulation package DASY LAB is provided with the
book. A Book Website will accompany the text, providing
links to commercial sites of interest, user software resources,
and detailed, password-protected solutions to all chapter
I General Concepts: 1 Types of Applications of Measurement Instruments. 2
Generalized Configurations and Functional Descriptions of Measuring Instruments.
3 Generalized Performance Characteristics of Instruments. II Measuring Devices:
4 Motion and Dimensional Measurements. 5 Force, Torque, and Shaft Power
Measurements. 6 Pressure and Sound Measurement. 7 Flow Measurement. 8
Temperature and Heat-Flux Measurement. 9 Miscellaneous Measurements.
III Manipulation, Transmission, and Recording of Data: 10 Manipulation,
Computing, and Compensating Devices. 11 Data Transmission and Instrument
Connectivity. 12 Voltage-Indicating and Recording Data. 13 Data Acquisition
Systems for Personal Computers. 14 Measurement Systems Applied to Micro
and Nano Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Second Edition
Mechanical Engineering Design
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
by B C Nakra, NSIT and K K Chaudhry, Indian Institute of
Technology, New Delhi
2004 / 600 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-048296-8 / MHID: 0-07-048296-9
Long awaited revision of this well established text book, readers
shall be able to appreciate its contemporary flavour. New to
this edition: Coverage on Transducers updated by adding
fiber optic sensors, silicon microsensors and strain gauge.
New chapters on: Non Destructive Testing. Computer-aided
measurements, smart sensors and virtual instrumentation.
Measurement of sound intensity and sound power added to
the chapter on acoustic measurement. Computer programs
upgraded from Fortran to C++.
PART I : Functional Elements and Characteristics of Instruments: 1 Introduction
to Instruments and Their Representation. 2 Static Performance Characteristics of
Instruments. 3 Dynamics Characteristics of Instruments. 4 Transducer Elements.
5 Inter mediate Elements. 6 Indicating and Re cording Elements. PART II:
Measurements Methods and Applications: 7 Motion Measurements. 8 Force
Measurements. 9 Torque and Power Measurements. 10 Pressure Measurements.
11 Temperature Measurements. 12 Flow Measurements. 13 Acoustics Measurements. 14 Signal and System Analysis. 15 Condition Monitoring and Signature
Analysis Applications. 16 Miscellaneous Instru-ments in Industrial, Bio-medical
and Environmental Applications. PART III: Data Analysis: 17 Basic Statistical
Concepts. 18 Normal Distribution. 19 Graphical Representation and Curve Fitting
of Data. 20 Application of Digital Computers in Experimental Data Analysis.
Appendixes: A-1: Fundamental and Derived Quantities in International System
of Units. A-2: Step Response of a Second Order System. A-3: Auto-Correlation
Functions of a Random Signal. Bibliography. Index
International Edition
Seventh Edition
by Jack Holman, Southern Methodist University
2001 / 720 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-366055-4 / MHID: 0-07-366055-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118165-5 / MHID: 0-07-118165-2 [IE]
Chapter 1: Introduction . Chapter 2: Basic Concepts. Chapter 3: Analysis of
Experimental Data. Chapter 4: Basic Electrical Measurements and Sensing
Devices. Chapter 5: Displacement and Area Measurements. Chapter 6: Pressure
Measurement. Chapter 7: Flow Measurement. Chapter 8: The Measurement of
Temperature. Chapter 9: Thermal- and Transport-Property Measurements. Chapter
10: Force, Troque, and Strain Measurements. Chapter 11: Motion and Vibration
Measurement. Chapter 12: Thermal- and Nuclear-Radiation Measurements.
Chapter 13: Air-Pollution Sam pling and Measurement. Chapter 14: Data
Acquisition and Processing. Chapter 15: Report Writing and Presentation. Chapter
16: Design of Experiments.
by Ralph Ford, Penn State Erie Behrend College, Chris Coulston,
Penn State Erie Behrend College
2008 (January 2007) / Softcover / 320 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338035-3 / MHID: 0-07-338035-0
• Strong guiding vision--that a solid understanding of the Design
Process, Design Tools, and the right mix of Professional Skills are
critical for project and career success
• Ford does a good job at providing comprehensive design
treatment for ECE.
• A text at the right level for senior design--based on reviewer
feedback we have heard that no books existed that were at the level
needed. Ford seems to now bridge that gap and will be the book of
International Edition
Second Edition
by Structural Dynamics Research Corporation
2004 / 480 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-252544-1 / MHID: 0-07-252544-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-121632-6 / MHID: 0-07-121632-4 [IE]
SDRC’s I-DEAS Student Guide Revised Edition—created by
Mark Lawry—provides the “big picture” of I-DEAS, and shows
how it fits together as an integrated Mechanical Computer
Aided Engineering environment. It provides a quick technical
introduction to I-DEAS, including I-DEAS versions 9 and 10,
and is ideal for users who want to learn other capabilities
of the software. Numerous screen captures provide a visual
parallel to the explanations given in the text. The Student
Guide covers basic commands and procedures, in a format
that makes for convenient reference. The chapter-ending
section includes a series of Tutorials that demonstrate basic
concepts in a hands-on way. Workshop section follow the
Tutorials, and allow users to apply their knowledge in a design
context. The Appendix of the book includes an Icon Summary
list, a section on Advanced Features and Interfaces, and a
practical Troubleshooting Reference. The index is set up to
further increase the reference value of the Student Guide
Preface. How to Use This Guide. 1 Introduction to I-DEAS. 2 Part Modeling. 3
Modifying Parts. 4 Constraints and Constrait Networks. 5 Surfacing Techniques.
6 Assemblies and Mechanisms. 7 Annotation and Drafting. 8 Manufacturing. 9
Simulation. 10 Other I-DEAS Applications. Sheet Metal, Harness, Mold Design,
Test. 11 Best Practices. 12 Collaboration. Appendix: A. Icon Summary. B.
Advanced Features and Interfaces. C. Troubleshooting Reference. Index
Mechanical Engineering
International Edition
Third Edition
by David G. Ullman, Oregon State University
2003 / 416 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-237338-7 / MHID: 0-07-237338-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124059-8 / MHID: 0-07-124059-4 [IE]
1. Why Study the Design Process? 2. Describing Mechanical Design Problems and
Processes. 3. Designers and Design Teams. 4. The Design Process. 5. Planning
for the Design Process. 6. Understanding the Problem and the Development of
Engineering Specifications. 7. Concept Generation. 8. Concept Evaluation. 9. The
Product Design Phase. 10. Product Generation. 11. Product Evaluation for Function
and Performance. 12. Product Evaluation for Cost, Manufacture, Assembly, and
Other Measures. 13. Launching and Supporting the Product.
International Edition
by Sridhar Condoor, Parks College of St. Louis University
2002 / 256 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-112185-9 / MHID: 0-07-112185-4 [IE]
Computational Fluid Dynamics
International Edition
by John Anderson, University of Maryland
1995 / 547 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-001685-9 / MHID: 0-07-001685-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-113210-7 / MHID: 0-07-113210-4 [IE]
Part I: Basic Thoughts and Equations/1 Philosophy of Computational Fluid
Dynamics/2 The Governing Equations of Fluid Dynamics: Their Derivation, A
Discussion of Their Physical Meaning, and A Presentation of Forms Particularly
Suitable to CFD/3 Mathematical Behavior of Partial Differential Equations: The
Impact on Computational Fluid Dynamics/Part II: Basics of the Numerics/4
Basic Aspects of Discretization/5 Grids With Appropriate Transformations/6
Some Simple CFD Techniques: A Beginning/Part III: Some Applications/7
Numerical Solutions of Quasi-One-Dimensional Nozzle Flows/8 Numerical
Solution of A Two-Dimensional Supersonic Flow: Prandtl-Meyer Expansion
Wave/9 Incompressible Couette Flow: Numerical Solution by Means of an Implicit
Method and the Pressure Correction Method/10 Supersonic Flow Over a Flat Plate:
Numerical Solution by Solving the Complete Navier-Stokes Equations/Part IV:
Other Topics/11 Some Advanced Topics in Modern CFD: A Discussion/12 The
Future of Computational Fluid Dynamics/Appendix A: Thomas’s Algorithm for
the Solution of A Tridiagonal System of Equations References
1 Introduction. 2 Bearings. 3 Bearings. 4 Bushing. 5 Retaining Ring. 6 Shaft. 7
Nuts and Bolts. 8 Bolt Heads. 9 Washington Monument and Wing. 10 Springs.
11 Axial Cam. 12 Radial Plate Cam. 13 Grooved Cam. 14 Gateway Arch. 15 Spur
and Helical Gears. 16 Shaft Drawing. 17 Housing. 18 Cam Follower Assembly.
19 Electrical Fuse Assembly. 20 Tricks of the Trade
International Edition
Third Edition
by George Dieter, University of Maryland
2000 / 816 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-366136-0 / MHID: 0-07-366136-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-116204-3 / MHID: 0-07-116204-6 [IE]
Preface to the Third Edition. Preface to the Second Edition. Preface to the First
Edition. Chapter 1: The Product Design Process. Chapter 2: Need Identification
and Problem Definition. Chapter 3: Team Behavior and Tools. Chapter 4:
Gathering Information. Chapter 5: Concept Generation and Evaluation. Chapter
6: Embodiment Design. Chapter 7: Modeling and Simulation. Chapter 8:
Materials Selection and Materials in Design. Chapter 9: Materials Processing
and Design. Chapter 10: Engineering Statistics. Chapter 11: Risk, Reliability, and
Safety. Chapter 12: Robust and Quality Design. Chapter 13: Economic Decision
Making. Chapter 14: Cost Evaluation. Chapter 15: Legal and Ethical Issues in
Design. Chapter 16: Detail Design. Chapter 17: Communicating the Design.
Appendixes. Indexship.
Thermal Systems Design
International Edition
by N Suryanarayana, G B Plant Polytechnic and Oner Arici
2003 / 576 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124105-1 / MHID: 0-07-124105-1 [IE]
Introduction to Thermal System Design. The Design Process. Ethical
Considerations. Thermodynamics Review. Fluid Mechanics Review. Heat Transfer
Review. System Components. Case Studies-I. Case Studies-II. Data Analysis.
Economic Considerations. Preparing Technical Reports A- Property Tables A
Using EES
International Edition
Third Edition
by Wilbert Stoecker, University of Illinois
1989 / 565 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-100610-1 / MHID: 0-07-100610-9 [IE]
Mechanical Engineering
Compressible Flow/Gas
International Edition
With Historical Perspective
Third Edition
by John D. Anderson University of Maryland—College Park
2003 / 776 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-242443-0 / MHID: 0-07-242443-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124136-6 / MHID: 0-07-124136-1 [IE]
This website will have solutions to all chapter problems, additional
information on Computerized Fluid Dynamics (CFD), and addtional
CFD applications. (Browse
International Edition
Second Edition
by S. Graham Kelly, University of Akron
2000 / 672 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-116325-5 / MHID: 0-07-116325-5
[IE with CD-ROM]
1 Introduction. 2 Free Vibrations Of One-Degree-Of-Freedom Systems. 3
Harmonic Excitation Of One-Degree-Of-Freedom Systems. 4 Transient Vibrations
Of One-Degree-Of-Freedom Systems. 5 Multi-Degree-Of-Freedom Systems:
Derivation Of Differential Equations. 6 Free Vibrations Of Multi-Degree-OfFreedom Systems. 7 Forced Vibrations Of Multi-Degree-Of-Freedom Systems. 8
Vibration Control. 9 Vibrations Of Continuous Systems. 10 Finite-Element Method.
11 Nonlinear Vibrations. Appendices. Appendix A Unit Impulse and Unit Step.
Function. Appendix B Laplace Transforms. Appendix C Linear Algebra. Appendix
D Deflection of Beams Subject to Concentrated Loads. Appendix E MATLAB
Script.m Files. Appendix F Answers to Selected Problems
1) Compressible Flow-Some History and Introductory Thoughts. 2) Integral Forms
of the onservation Equations for Inviscid Flows. 3) One-Dimensional Flow. 4)
Oblique Shock and Expansion Waves. 5) Quasi-One-Dimensional Flow. 6)
Differential Conservation Equations Revisited for Inviscid Flows. 7) Unsteady
Wave Motion. 8) General Conservation Equations Revisted: Velocity Potential
Equation. 9) Linearized Flow. 10) Conical Flow. 11) Numerical Techniques for
Steady Supersonic Flow. 12) The Time Technique With Application to Supersonic
Blunt Bodies and Nozzles. 13) Three-Dimensional Flow. 14) Transonic Flow.
15) Hypersonic Flow. 16) Properties of High-Temperature Gases. 17) HighTemperature Flows: Basic Exammples
by S Graham Kelly, University of Akron
1996 / 336 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-034041-1 / MHID: 0-07-034041-2
Schaum's Publication
Stress Analysis
International Edition
by Leonard Meirovitch, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
2001 / 816 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-288180-6 / MHID: 0-07-288180-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118174-7 / MHID: 0-07-118174-1 [IE]
1 Concepts from Vibrations. 2 Response of Single-Degree-of-Freedom Systems to
Initial Excitations. 3 Response of Single-Degree-of-Freedom Systems to Harmonic
and Periodic Excitations. 4 Response of Single-Degree-of-Freedom Systems to
Nonperiodic Excitations. 5 Two-Degree-of-Freedom Systems. 6 Elements of
Analytical Dynamics. 7 Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Systems. 8 Distributed-Parameter
Systems: Exact Solutions . 9 Distributed-Parameter Systems: Approximate Methods.
10 The Finite Element Method. 11 Nonlinear Oscilations. 12 Random Vibrations.
Appendix A. Fourier Series. Appendix B. Laplace Transformation.Appendix C.
Linear Algebra.
International Edition
by James R Barber, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2001 / 608 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-232519-5 / MHID: 0-07-232519-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118147-1 / MHID: 0-07-118147-4 [IE]
1 Introduction. 2 Material Behavior and Failure. 3 Energy Methods. 4
Unsymmetrical Bending. 5 Elastic-Plastic Bending. 6 Shear and Torsion of ThinWalled Beams. 7 Membrane Stresses in Axisymmetric Shells. 8 Beams On Elastic
Foundations. 9 Axisymmetric Bending of Cylindrical Shells. 10 Thick Walled
Cylinders and Disks. 11 Curved Beams. 12 Elastic Stability. A The Finite Element
Method. B Properties of Areas. C Stress Concentration Factors.
Mechanical Engineering
Dynamic Systems
International Edition
Second Edition
by Richard Budynas, Rochester Institute of Technology
1999 / 720 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-008985-3 / MHID: 0-07-008985-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-116099-5 / MHID: 0-07-116099-X [IE]
Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Force, Stress, Strain, and Displacement Chapter
2 Stress and Strain. Transforma-tions, Equilibrium, and Compatibility Chapter 3
Funda-mental Formulations of Stress, Strain, and Deflection Chapter 4 Concepts
from the Theory of Elasticity Chapter 5 Topics from Advanced Mechanics of
Materials Chapter 6 Energy Techniques in Stress Analysis Chapter 7 Strength
Theories and Design Methods Chapter 8 Experimental Stress Analysis Chapter 9
Introduction to the Finite Element Method Chapter 10 Finite Element Modeling
Techniques Appendix A SI and USCU Conversions Appendix B Properties of
Cross Sections Appendix C Beams in Bending Appendix D Singularity Functions
Appendix E Principal Second-area Moments Appendix F Stress Concentration
Factors Appendix G Strain Gage Rosette Equations Appendix H Corrections
for Transverse Sensitivity of Strain Appendix I Matrix Algebra and Cartesian
by John Jackson, Vermont Technical College; Harold Wirtz, Vermont
Technical College
1983 / 416 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-032121-2 / MHID: 0-07-032121-3
Schaum's Publication
International Edition
by William Palm, University of Rhode Island—Kingston
2005 / 704 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-301603-0 / MHID: 0-07-301603-9
(with Engg Sub Card)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118179-2 / MHID: 0-07-118179-2
[IE with Engg Sub Card]
Find password-protected solutions to chapter problems for instructors
and files for MATLAB and SIMULINK applications included in the book.
William Palm’s System Dynamics is a major new entry in
this course offered for Mechanical, Aerospace and Electrical
Engineering students, as well as for practicing engineers.
Palm’s text is notable for having the strongest coverage
of computational software and system simulation of any
available book. MATLAB is introduced in Chapter 1, and
every subsequent chapter has a MATLAB Applications section.
No previous experience with MATLAB is assumed; methods
are carefully explained, and a detailed appendix outlines use
of the program. SIMULINK is introduced in Chapter 5, and
used in subsequent chapters to demonstrate the use of system
simulation techniques. This textbook also makes a point of
using real-world systems, such as vehicle suspension systems
and motion control systems, to illustrate textbook content.
• MATLAB is introduced in the first chapter, and integrated
throughout the book.
• A MATLAB Primer is included (as Appendix A) to give readers a
short course in using the program.
• SIMULINK is introduced in chapter 5 and used as an optional
feature in remaining chapters for doing systems simulation.
• Chapters 11-12 provide real-world engineering application
examples of systems dynamics and the integration of concepts in the
preceding chapters.
• Later chapters feature coverage of Controls and Vibrations.
• MATLAB files for all users of the book and a password-protected
instructor solutions manual are provided on
1 Introduction. 2 Modeling of Rigid-Body Mechanical Systems. 3 Solution Methods
for Dynamic Models. 4 Spring and Damper Elements in Mechanical Systems. 5
Block Diagrams and State-Variable Models. 6 Electrical and Electromechanical
Systems. 7 Fluid and Thermal Systems. 8 System Analysis in the Time Domain. 9
System Analysis in the Frequency Domain. 10 Modeling and Analysis of Control
Systems. 11 Control System Design. 12 Vibration Applications. Appendix A
Introduction to MATLAB. Appendix B Guide to Selected MATLAB Commands and
Functions. Appendix C Numerical Methods. Appendix D Fourier Series
Complimentary desk copies are available
for course adoption only. Kindly contact your
local McGraw-Hill Representative or fax the
Examination Copy Request Form available
on the back pages of this catalog.
Visit McGraw-Hill Education
Mechanical Engineering
International Edition
• Microcontroller hardware and software design examples have
Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World
by John Sterman, Sloan School of Management
2000 / 1,008 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-238915-9 / MHID: 0-07-238915-X
(with CD-ROM)
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-117989-8 / MHID: 0-07-117989-5
[IE with CD-ROM]
about Complex Systems. System Dynamics in Action. The Modeling Process.
Structure and Behavior of Dynamic Systems. PART II. TOOLS FOR SYSTEMS
THINKING: Causal Loop Diagrams. Stocks and Flows. Dynamics of Stocks and
Flows. Closing the Loop: Dynamics. Simple Structures. PART III. THE DYNAMICS
OF GROWTH. S-SHAPED GROWTH: Epidemics, innovation diffusion, and the
Growth of New Products. Path Dependence and Positive Feedback. PART IV.
Chains. Modeling Human Behavior: Bounded Rationality or Rational Expectations.
Forecasts and Fudge Factors: Modeling Expectation Formation. PART V. Instability
and Oscillation: Supply Chains and the Origin of Oscillations. Managing Supply
Chains in Manufacturing. The Labor Supply Chain and the Origin of Business
Cycles. The Invisibile Hand Sometimes Shakes: Commodity Cycles. Validation
and Model Testing. Appendix A: Numerical Integration. Appendix B: Noise.
References. Index
International Edition
Third Edition
by David G. Alciatore and Michael B. Histand, Colorado State
2007 / Hardcover / 512 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-296305-2 / MHID: 0-07-296305-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-125407-6 / MHID: 0-07-125407-2 [IE]
Author Web site containing general textbook information, video
presentations, class project assignments, microcontroller resources,
MATHCAD examples from the text, and more!
SYSTEMS provides comprehensive and accessible coverage of
the evolving field of mechatronics for mechanical, electrical
and aerospace engineering majors. The authors present
a concise review of electrical circuits, solid-state devices,
digital circuits, and motors- all of which are fundamental to
understanding mechatronic systems.
Mechatronics design considerations are presented throughout
the text, and in “Design Example” features. The text’s numerous
illustrations, examples, class discussion items, and chapter
questions & exercises provide an opportunity to understand and
apply mechatronics concepts to actual problems encountered
in engineering practice. This text has been tested over several
years to ensure accuracy.
A text web site is available at
~dga/mechatronics/ and contains numerous supplemental
been added to the text.
• Information on PIC processors and how to select them is included.
Also explains how to use and communicate among multiple PICs in
a project.
• Photographs and descriptions of real devices and mechatronics
systems (e.g. the Segway) have been added.
• Additional clipart has been added as a pedagogical feature.
• Additional system analysis and design examples have been added,
as well as an additional Case Study in the later chapters.
• Various types of voltage sources (power supplies, batteries, AC/DC
converters) have been added to chapter 2.
• An introduction to controls section has been added to chapter 11.
• The text’s focus on measurement systems, circuits and electronics,
interfacing, sensors, and along with analysis and synthesis of
mechatronic systems, provides a thorough cross-disciplinary and realworld overview of Mechatronics.
• Helpful pedagogy includes Integrated Lab Exercises and Class
Discussion items, both of which link theory with practice and handson exploration of mechatronics.
• Content coverage of important subjects like MEMS, cutting edge
sensor technology, and micromachines.
• Provides an overview of measurement systems, circuits,
interfacing, sensors, actuators and design analysis and synthesis of
mechatronic systems.
• Integrates design examples and problems throughout the text.
• Supporting information is available including a typical course
outline and laboratory syllabus, MathCAD files for examples from the
book, Class Discussion Item hints, links to mechatronics resources,
and other supplemental material, is available on the Internet at http://
1 Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems. 2 Electric Circuits
and Components. 3 Semiconductor Electronics. 4 System Response. 5 Analog
Signal Processing Using Operational Amplifiers. 6 Digital Circuits and Systems.
7 Microcontroller Programming and Interfacing. 8 Data Acquisition. 9 Sensors.
10 Actuators. 11 Mechatronic Systems-Control Architectures and Case Studies.
Appendixes: A. Measurement Fundamentals. B. Physical Principles. C. Mechanics
of Materials
International Edition
Principles, Concepts and Applications
by N P Mahalik, University College of Engineering, Burla, Orissa.
2003 / 609 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-048374-3 / MHID: 0-07-048374-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-123924-0 / MHID: 0-07-123924-3 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
1 Introduction. 2 Signal Theory and Engineering Tools. 3 Electrical Components
and Electronic Devices. 4 Basics of Digital Technology. 5 Transducers and Sensors.
6 Signal Conditioning theory, Circuits and Systems. 7 Actuators and Mechanisms.
8 Microprocessor and Microcontroller. 9 Modeling. 10 System Response. 11
Transfer Function and Frequency Response. 12 Principles of Feedback and
Intelligent Control. 13 Development tools and concepts. 14 Components-based
System Design and System Validation. 15 Integration. 16 Mechatronic Design
Strategy :An example with High Speed Spindle. Appendix. Index
Mechanical Engineering
Automotive Technology
Second Edition
by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill
2004 / 624 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-860015-9 / MHID: 0-07-860015-4
(A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title)
Automotive Excellence is an automotive technology text
designed to meet both the technical and academic standards
as defined by the National Automotive Technicians Education
Foundation (NATEF), the organization that oversees ASE
(Automotive Service Excellence) Certification. Automotive
Excellence focuses students’ education and training on the
necessary technical skills and correlated communication,
mathematics and science knowledge necessary to pass the ASE
Certification tests.
Brakes. Electrical and Electronic Systems. Engine Performance. Suspension
and Steering.
Second Edition
by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill
2004 / 624 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-860010-4 / MHID: 0-07-860010-3
(A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title)
Engine Repair. Heating and Air Conditioning. Automatic Transmission and
Transaxle. Manual Drive Train & Axles
International Edition
by S R Majumdar, formerly Director, Central Staff Training and
Research Institute (CSTARI), Kolkata
2001 / 464 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-463748-7 / MHID: 0-07-463748-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-120405-7 / MHID: 0-07-120405-9 [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
1. Basics of industrial hydraulics. 2. Hydraulic oils and fluid properties. 3. Filters
& filtration. 4. Hydraulics pumps construction, sizing and selection. 5. Direction
control valves. 6. Flow and pressure control. 7. Hydraulic servo technique recent
trends. 8. Linear Actuators. 9. Rotary actuators and hydrostatic transmission. 10.
Heat generation in hydraulic systems. 11. Hydraulic reservoirs and accumulators.
12. Design of hydraulic circuits. 13. Seals and packings. 14. Hydraulic pipes, hoses
and fittings. 15. Hydraulic system maintenance, repair and reconditioning
International Edition
Tenth Edition
by William H Crouse and Donald L Anglin
1993 / 832 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-02-800943-8 / MHID: 0-02-800943-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-112599-4 / MHID: 0-07-112599-X [IE]
(A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title)
Machine Tool Technology
by Michael Fitzpatrick
2005 / 896 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-829860-8 / MHID: 0-07-829860-1 (with CD)
(A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title)
Machining and CNC Technology is an introductory machine
tools course assuming no previous machining instruction.
Students will learn good machining principles and CNC
operations that all machine tools now have as standard
equipment. The content of this text fits any equipment and
supports any career plan.
• Full-color
• Text fully integrates Computer Numerical Control (CNC).
• Covers the most current skills of the machining industry, including
emerging topics: Statistical Process Control (SPC), Computer
Coordinate Measuring Machines (CCMM), and modern cutter
• NEW! Instructor Productivity CD-ROM includes Instruction Plans
in Microsoft Word®, PowerPoint® slides for each Part and Section,
and ExamView Pro® Test Generator.
• NEW! Student Tutorial CD-ROM provides students PowerPoint®
slides and a self-grading test for each Unit of the text.
Part 1: The Basics of Manufacturing: Section 1. Professionalism in Manufacturing.
Section 2. Understanding Precision. Section 3. Reading Technical Drawings.
Section 4. Introduction to Geometrics. Section 5. Before and After Machining.
Section 6. Tolerances, Accuracy and Five Basic Tools. Section 7. Single Purpose
Tools, Gages & Surface Roughness. Part 2: Machining Fundamentals: Section 9.
Tool Geometry and Chip Making. Section 10. Drilling Operations and Machines.
Section 11. Lathes and Turning. Section 12. Mills and Milling Operations. Section
13. Precision Grinding Operations and Machines. Section 14. Technical Screw
Threads. Section 15. Metallurgy for Machinists. Section 16. Job Planning. Part 3:
CNC Manufacturing: Section 17. Coordinates, Axes and Machine Motions. Section
18. CNC in Manufacturing. Section 19. CNC Controls. Section 20. Operating a
CNC. Section 21. CNC Program Planning. Section 22. Programming Level 1.
Section 23. Programming Level 2. Section 24. Setup of a CNC. Section 25. Cam
Programming. Part 4: A Look Toward the Future: Section 26. Processes Today
and into the Future. Section 27. Statistical Process Control for Machinists. Section
28. Computer Coordinate Measuring Machines
International Edition
Eighth Edition
by William H Crouse and Donald L Anglin
1995 / 458 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-113884-0 / MHID: 0-07-113884-6 [IE]
(A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title)
Mechanical Engineering
International Edition
Sixth Edition
by Stephen Krar, Kelmar Assoc.
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-830722-5 / MHID: 0-07-830722-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-111295-6 / MHID: 0-07-111295-2 [IE]
(A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title)
Technology of Machine Tools 6e provides state-of-the-art
training for using machine tools in manufacturing technology,
including up-to-date coverage of computer numerical
control. It includes an overview of machine trades and career
opportunities followed by theory and application. The text
is structured to provide coverage of tools and measurement,
machining tools and procedures, drilling and milling
machines, computer-aided machining, and metallurgy. There
is expanded coverage of computer-related technologies,
including computer numerical control (CNC) and computeraided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM).
Introduction to Machine Tools. Machine Trade Opportunities. Safety. Job Planning.
Measurement. Layout Tools and Procedures. Hand Tools and Bench Work. MetalCutting Technology. Metal-Cutting Saws. Drilling Machines. The Lathe. Milling
Machines. The Jig Borer and Jig Grinder. Computer-Age Machining. Grinding.
Metallurgy. Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Glossary. Appendices. Index
International Edition
Metal Cutting and Machine Tools
by P N Rao, Universiti Teknologi, MARA, Malaysia
2000 / 550 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-463843-9 / MHID: 0-07-463843-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-121108-6 / MHID: 0-07-121108-X [IE]
(Tata McGraw-Hill Title)
Finite Element Methods
International Edition
Third Edition
by JN Reddy, Texas A&M University
2006 / Hardcover / 912 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-246685-0 / MHID: 0-07-246685-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-124473-2 / MHID: 0-07-124473-5 [IE]
The Instructor and Student Resource Web site contains general
textbook information, solutions to end-of-chapter problems, executables
and supplementary chapters on the FEM1D and FEM2D computer
programs. (Browse
J.N. Reddy’s, An Introduction to the Finite Element Method,
third edition is an update of one of the most popular FEM
textbooks available. The book retains its strong conceptual
approach, clearly examining the mathematical underpinnings
of FEM, and providing a general approach of engineering
application areas. Known for its detailed, carefully selected
example problems and extensive selection of homework
problems, the author has comprehensively covered a wide
range of engineering areas making the book approriate for
all engineering majors, and underscores the wide range of
use FEM has in the professional world. A supplementary text
Web site located at contains
password-protected solutions to end-of-chapter problems,
general textbook information, supplementary chapters on the
FEM1D and FEM2D computer programs, and more!
• Approximately 30% of the problems have been revised or are
new to this edition.
• The previous Chapter 3, Second-Order Boundary Value
Problems, has been split into two chapters for the third edition.
Chapter 3 is now Second-Order Differential Equations in OneDimension: Finite Element Models, and Chapter 4 is now SecondOrder Differential Equations in One-Dimension: Applications.
• A text Web site located at hosts
solutions to end-of-chapter problems, executables, supplementary
chapter on FEM1D and FEM2D computer programs and general
textbook information.
• Worked examples are said to be one of the best features of this
text. The examples are detailed, carefully selected and a number of
examples that show FEM applications are included in this text.
• Strong coverage of FEM’s mathematical foundations.
• Comprehensive coverage of material from general field problems
as well heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and solid and structural
mechanics (bars, beams, frames, plane elasticity and plate bending).
• The author’s writing style is clear and his explanation plenty.
• The text includes a variety of problems including some for hand
calculation, some to be solved using the computer, and others of
the class project variety, which can be done with commercial FEM
packages if the professor so chooses. The problems are a major
feature of this text.
1 Introduction. 2 Mathematical Preliminaries, Integral Formulations, and
Variational Methods. 3 Second-order Differential Equations in One Dimension:
Finite Element Models. 4 Second-order Differential Equations in One Dimension:
Applications. 5 Beams and Frames. 6 Eigenvalue and Time-Dependent Problems.
7 Computer Implementation. 8 Single-Variable Problems in Two Dimensions. 9
Interpolation Functions, Numerical Integration, and Modeling Considerations.
10 Flows of Viscous Incompressible Fluids. 11 Plane Elasticity. 12 Bending of
Elastic Plates. 13 Computer Implementation of Two-Dimensional Problems. 14
Prelude to Advanced Topics
Mechanical Engineering
Third Edition
by Bohnart Sacks
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-825060-6 / MHID: 0-07-825060-9
(A Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Title)
Welding: Principles & Practices is an easily understood text
that will give students solid background in the basic principles
and practices of welding. It introduces the fundamental theory
of the welding process (gas, arc, semi-automatic, automatic,
and robotic welding) and then provides practices jobs so
students develop manipulative skills. Metals and their welding
characteristics, safety practices, welding symbols, and the
fundamentals of print reading are all covered.
• Comprehensive content meets up-to-date American Welding
Society (AWS) Standards for AWS Certification
• Students learn fundamental welding theory, then practice their
skills in JOBS provided in the text
• Includes updated technology, codes and specifications
• Includes Internet Activities in each Chapter Review
• NEW! Instructor Productivity CD_ROM includes Instruction
Plans in Microsoft Word®, PowerPoint® slides for each chapter and
ExamView Pro® Test Generator.
Professional References
Eleventh Edition
by Eugene A. Avallone, The City College of the City University of
New York, and Theodore Baumeister, Columbia University
2007 (November 2006) / Hardcover / 1,800 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-142867-5 / MHID: 0-07-142867-4
Professional Book
Nearly 1800 pages of mechanical engineering facts, figures,
standards, and practices, 2000 illustrations, and 900 tables
clarifying important mathematical and engineering principle,
and the collective wisdom of 160 experts help you answer
any analytical, design, and application question you will ever
Mathematical Tables and Measuring Units. Mathematics. Mechanics of Solids and
Fluids. Heat. Strength of Material. Materials of Engineering. Fuels and Furnaces.
Machine Elements. Power Generation. Materials Handling. Transportation.
Building Construction and Equipment. Shop Processes. Fans, Pumps, and
Compressors. Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Instruments and Controls.
Industrial Engineering. Environmental Control. Refrigeration. Cryogenics. Optics.
Patents. Trademarks. Copyrights. New methods and topics. Miscellaneous.
Unit 1: Chapter 1 History of Welding. Chapter 2 Industrial Welding. Chapter 3
Steel and Other Metals. Chapter 4 Basic Joints and Welds. Chapter 5 Gas Welding.
Chapter 6 Flame Cutting Principles. Chapter 7 Flame Cutting Practice. Chapter
8 Gas Welding Practice. Chapter 9 Braze Welding and Advanced Gas Welding
Practice. Chapter 10 Soldering and Brazing Principles and Practices. Unit 2:
Chapter 11 Shielded Metal-Arc Welding Principles. Chapter 12 Shielded Metal-Arc
Welding Electrodes. Chapter 13 Shielded Metal-Arc Welding Practice. Chapter
14 Shielded Metal-Arc Welding Practice. Chapter 15 Shielded Metal-Arc Welding
Practice. Chapter 16 Shielded Metal-Arc Welding Practice. Chapter 17 Art Cutting
Principles and Arc Cutting Practice. Unit 3: Chapter 18 Gas Tungsten-Arc and
Plasma Arc Welding Principles. Chapter 19 Gas tungsten-Arc Welding Practice.
Chapter 20 Gas Tungsten-Arc Welding Practice. Chapter 21 Gas Tungsten-Arc
and Flux Cored-Arc Welding Principles. Chapter 22 Gas Metal-Arc Welding
With Solid Core Wire. Chapter 23 Flux Cored-Arc Welding Practice. Chapter 24
Welding Practice With Solid Core Wire. Unit 4: Chapter 25 High Energy Beams
and Related Welding Processes. Chapter 26 General Equipment for Welding
Shops. Chapter 27 Automatic and Robotic Arc welding Equipment. Chapter 28
Testing and Inspection. Chapter 29 Reading Shop Drawings. Chapter 30 Welding
Symbols. Chapter 31 Safety. Chapter 32 Welding and Bonding of Plastics
Fourth Edition
by Neil Sclater, Neil Sclater, Assoc., and Nicholas Chironis
2007 (November 2006) / Hardcover / 512 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-146761-2 / MHID: 0-07-146761-0
Professional Book
Motion Control Systems. Robot Mechanisms. Parts-Handling Mechanisms.
Reciprocating and General Purpose Mechanisms. Special-Purpose Mechanisms
Spring, Bellow, Flexure, Screw, and Ball Devices. Cam, Toggle, Chain, and
Belt Mechanisms. Geared Systems and Variable-Speed Mechanisms. Coupling,
Clutching, and Braking Devices. Torque-Limiting, Tensioning, and Governing
Devices. Pneumatic and Hydraulic Machine and Mechanism Control. Fastening,
Latching, Clamping, and Chucking Devices. Key Equations and Charts for
Designing Mechanisms. New Directions in Machine Design
Mechanical Engineering
by Bruce T. Barkley, Kellog Graduate School of Management
2006 / Softcover / 310 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-146626-4 / MHID: 0-07-146626-6
Professional Book
This is a road-map to effectively implementing business
strategies that span the entire organization by using project
management tools and techniques. Readers will learn how to
overcome organizational and departmental barriers in order to
achieve fully integrated, enterprise-wide project management
• A road map to enterprise-wide, multi-project management
• Implement Business plans using project management tools and
• Project management tools placed in a simple conceptual
• Learn how to prepare and present project proposals to a wide
audience of stakeholders and sponsors
• Integrated Software Systems included
Chapter 1: The Project Management. Chapter 2: Case Study of PMBOK
Implementation: Integrated Transportation System. Chapter 3: Case Application:
Integration Issues in Portfolio and Project Planning Life Cycles. Chapter 4: A
Program Management Manual for Integrated Project Management. Chapter 5:
Rebuilding New Orleans: A Case in Integrated Program and Project Management.
Chapter 6: Technical Program and Project Integration Tools. Chapter 7: Quality
and Project Integration. Chapter 8: Creating a Quality Organization in the New
Millennium. Chapter 9: Risk and Project Integration. Chapter 10: Strategic
Integration: The Eastern Case. Chapter 11: How to Use the Integration Tools in
Microsoft Project. Chapter 12: Tools in Building an Integrated Project Management
System. Chapter 13: In Sum
Efficiency Optimization of Refrigeration Cycles. Chapter 19: Transient Analysis
of a Low-Temperature, Low-Energy Carrier, LoTEC(c). Chapter 20: Parameter
Estimation of LoTEC(c). Part 4--Heat-Transfer Coefficient Determination. Chapter
21: Calculation of Convective Heat-Transfer Coefficient using the Semi-Infinite
Solid Assumption. Chapter 22: Determination of Heat-Transfer Film Coefficients
by the Wilson Analysis. Part 5--Tubes, Pipes, and Ducts. Chapter 23: Calculation
of Local Inside-Wall Convective Heat-Transfer Parameters from Measurements
of the Local Outside-Wall Temperatures along an Electrically Heated Circular
Tube. Chapter 24: Two-Phase Pressure Drop in Pipes. Chapter 25: Heat-Transfer
Calculations for Predicting Solids Deposition in Pipeline Transportation of "Waxy"
Crude Oils. Chapter 26: Heat Transfer in a Circular Duct. Part 6--Heat Exchangers.
Chapter 27: Air Cooling of a High-Voltage Power Supply Using a Compact Heat
Exchanger. Chapter 28: Energy Recovery from an Industrial Clothes Dryer Using
a Condensing Heat Exchanger. Chapter 29: Sizing of a Crossflow Compact Heat
Exchanger. Chapter 30: Single-Phase Natural Circulation Loops: An Analysis
Methodology with an Example (Numerical) Calculation for an Air-Cooled Heat
Exchanger. Chapter 31: Evaluation of Condensation Heat Transfer in a Vertical
Tube Heat Exchanger. Chapter 32: Heat Exchanger Design Using an Evolutionary
Algorithm. Part 7--Fluidized Beds. Chapter 33: Fluidized Bed Heat Transfer. Part
8--Parameter and Boundary Estimation. Chapter 34: Estimation of Parameters in
Models. Chapter 35: Upper Bounds of Heat Transfer from Boxes. Chapter 36:
Estimating Freezing Time of Foods. Part 9--Temperature Control. Chapter 37:
Precision Temperature Control Using a Thermoelectric Module. Thermal Analysis
and Design. Chapter 38: Thermal Analysis of a Large Telescope Mirror. Chapter
39: Thermal Design and Operation of a Portable PCM Cooler. Chapter 40: A
First-Order Thermal Analysis of Balloon-Borne Air-Cooled Electronics. Chapter
41: Thermal Analysis of Convectively Cooled Heat Dissipating Components
on Printed Circuit Boards. Chapter 42: Design of a Fusion Bonding Process for
Fabricating Thermoplastic-Matrix Composites. Part 11--Economic Optimization.
Chapter 43: Economic Optimization of Heat-Transfer Systems. Chapter 44: Turkey
Oven Design Problem
by Myer Kutz, Myer Kutz Assoc., Inc.
2006 / Softcover / 768 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-141041-0 / MHID: 0-07-141041-4
Professional Book
Packed with laws, formulas, calculations solutions,
enhancement techniques and rules of thumb, this practical
manual offers fast, accurate solutions to the heat transfer
problems mechanical engineers face everyday.
• Step by step procedures for solving specific problems such as heat
exchanger design and air-conditioning systems heat load
• Solutions to thousands of problems in the area of mechanical heat
• Logical organization for accessibility
• Calculation procedures with thermal properties of materials
Part 1--Introductory Calculations. Chapter 1: Multiphase Films and Phase Change.
Chapter 2: Industrial Heat-Transfer Calculations. Part 2--Steady-State Calculations.
Chapter 3: Heat Transfer and Temperature Results for a Moving Sheet Situated in
a Moving Fluid. Chapter 4: Solution for the Heat-Transfer Design of a Cooled Gas
Turbine Airfoil. Chapter 5: Steady-State Heat-Transfer Sample Problem: Cooling
Fin. Chapter 6: Cooling of a Fuel Cell. Chapter 7: Turbogenerator Rotor Cooling
Calculation. Chapter 8: Heat Transfer through a Double Glazed Window. Part
3--Transient and Cyclic Calculations. Chapter 9: On the Use of Green's Function
to Solve for Temperatures in a Bi-Material Slab Exposed to a Periodic Heat Flux
Applied to Corrosion Detection. Chapter 10: Lumped Capacitance Model of
a Tube Heated by a Periodic Source with Application to a Pulsed Detonation
Engine Tube. Chapter 11: Calculation of Decoking Intervals for Direct-Fired
Gas and Liquid Cracking Heaters. Chapter 12: Transient Heat-Transfer Sample
Problem: Tape Pack Cooling. Chapter 13: Calculation of the Transient Response
of a Roof to Diurnal Heat Load Variations. Chapter 14: Transient Heating of
a Painted Vehicle Body Panel in an Automobile Assembly Plant Paint Shop
Oven. Chapter 15: Thermal System Transient Response. Chapter 16: Thermal
Response of Laminates to Cyclic Heat Input from the Edge. Chapter 17: A Simple
Calculation Procedure for Transient Heat and Mass Transfer with Phase Change:
Moist Air Example. Chapter 18: A Calculation Procedure for First and Second Law
by William Liou and Fang Yichuan
2006 / 350 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-144322-7 / MHID: 0-07-144322-3
Professional Book
The rapid progress in fabricating and utilizing
microelectromechanical (MEMS) systems during the last
decade is not matched by corresponding understanding
of the unconventional fluid flow involved in the operation
and manufacture of these small devices. Providing such
understanding is crucial to designing, optimizing, fabricating
and operating improved MEMS devices. Microfluid Mechanics:
Principles and Modeling is a rigorous reference that begins with
the fundamental principles governing microfluid mechanics
and progresses to more complex mathematical models, which
will allow research engineers to better measure and predict
reactions of gaseous and liquids in microenvironments.
• Microfluid processes include: pumping, flow switching, and
mixing incubating
• Molecule-particle separating in microchannels
• Simple and advanced numerical simulation methodologies
• Introduction to design and process control of various MicroElectro-Mechanical Systems
• Fits in with McGraw-Hill’s electronic strategy
Chapter 1: Introduction. Chapter 2: Basic Kinetic Theory. Chapter 3: Microfluid
Properties. Chapter 4: Moment Method: Navier-Stokes and Burnett Equations.
Chapter 5: Statistical Method: Direct Simulations Monte Carlo Method and
Information Preservation Method. Chapter 6: Parallel Computing of DSMC.
Chapter 7: Fluid/Solid Interface Mechanisms. Chapter 8: Development of Hybrid
Continuum/Particle Method. Chapter 9: Low-Speed Microflows. Chapter 10:
High-Speed Microflows. Chapter 11: Perturbation in Microflows
Mechanical Engineering
by Rex Miller, and Mark R. Miller
2006 / Softcover / 602 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-146788-9 / MHID: 0-07-146788-2
Professional Book
by Lee Waite
2006 / 201 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-144788-1 / MHID: 0-07-144788-1
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration helps you understand
today's cooling and climate control systems-so expertly that
you can use it as the foundation for a career! Clear instructionswith over 800 photographs and illustrations-offer step-by-step
guidance to learning the trade for students, professionals,
and homeowners who want to do their own installations or
Cardiovascular products represent the largest dollar portion
of the healthcare industry. Development of these devices
requires dramatic innovation.This book combines engineering
principles with cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology to
show biomedical engineers how to design and implement
arterial grafts, anastomosis devices, and Heart valves.
Step by step instructions for technical installations
Refrigerant usage and regulation
Tools and devices used in the trade
Codes and Standards
Chapter 1: Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Tools and Instruments. Chapter
2: Development of Refrigeration. Chapter 3: Voltage, Current, and Resistance.
Chapter 4: Solenoids and Valves. Chapter 5: Electric Motors: Selection, Operational
Characteristics, and Problems. Chapter 6: Refrigerants: New and Old. Chapter 7:
Refrigeration Compressors. Chapter 8: Condensers, Chillers, and Cooling Towers.
Chapter 9: Working with Water-Cooling Problems. Chapter 10: Evaporators.
Chapter 11: Refrigerant: Flow Control. Chapter 12: Servicing and Safety. Chapter
13: Freezers. Chapter 14: Temperature, Psychometrics, and Air Control. Chapter
15: Comfort Air Conditioning. Chapter 16: Commercial Air-Conditioning Systems.
Chapter 17: Various Types of Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps. Chapter 18:
Estimating Load and Insulating Pipes. Chapter 19: Installing and Controlling
Electrical Power for Air-Conditioning Units. Chapter 20: Air-Conditioning and
Refrigeration Careers. Appendix.
by Thompson Sarkodie-Gyan
2006 / 312 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-144830-7 / MHID: 0-07-144830-6
Professional Book
700,000 Americans suffer strokes, 10,000 suffer traumatic
spinal cord injury, and over 250,000 are disabled by multiple
sclerosis every year. This is intended to be the definitive guide
for those developing state-of-the-art devices for the treatment
of these crippling disorders.
• Presents an overview of Biomedical Engineering as it applies to
Rehabilitation Engineering
• Measures and control systems for designing rehabilitation devices
for upper and lower extremities
• Evaluate real design problems in bioengineering
• Understand and apply basic terminology, theory, principles and
knowledge of human locomotion devices
Chapter 1: Introductory Overview of Rehabilitation Medicine. Chapter 2: The
Dynamics of Neurorehabilitation Devices. Chapter 3: General Purpose of
Neurorehabilitation. Chapter 4: Neurorehabilitation: A Case Study. Chapter 5:
Data Acquisition and Processing in Neurorehabilitation. Chapter 6: Aspects of
Neurological Disorders. Chapter 7: Technology Initiatives in Neurorehabilitation.
Chapter 8: Anatomical Analysis of the Human Upper Limb. Chapter 9: Devices
and Procedures in Neurorehabilitation. Chapter 10: Intelligent Knowledge-Based
Neurorehabilitation. Chapter 11: Virtual Reality in Neurorehabilitation. Chapter
12: Expert Systems in Neurorehabilitation. Chapter 13: Telerehabilitation and
Exercise. Chapter 14: Kinesthetic Therapy. Chapter 15: The Impact of Language,
Music, and Sound in Neurorehabilitation. Chapter 16: Event-Related Potentials.
Professional Book
• Functional anatomy and physiology of the human heart
• Pressure-flow relationship in arteries, elastic properties of the
arterial walls
• Application of imaging techniques on left ventricular dynamics
• Theoretical and experimental studies of pulsatile flow in large
Chapter 1: Review of Basic Fluid Mechanics Concepts. Chapter 2: Cardiovascular
Structure and Function. Chapter 3: Pulmonary Anatomy, Pulmonary Physiology,
and Respiration. Chapter 4: Hematology and Blood Rheology. Chapter 5: Anatomy
and Physiology of Blood Vessels. Chapter 6: Mechanics of Heart Valves. Chapter
7: Pulsatile Flow in Large Arteries. Chapter 8: Flow and Pressure Measurement.
Chapter 9: Modeling. Chapter 10: Lumped Parameter Mathematical Models.
by Praveen Gupta
2005 / 512 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-143764-6 / MHID: 0-07-143764-9
Professional Book
Profits in tough times require prioritization and focus. If properly
managed, Six Sigma methods can deliver dramatic improvement
by increasing manufacturing and process efficiencies. But
nearly 60% of all corporate Six Sigma initiatives fail to yield
the desired results—often companies take the “fighting fires”
approach to business and do not take time to understand what
the data in telling them, which is why many Six Sigma projects
fail. The high-visibility of the Six Sigma Initiative has corporate
executives committing to significant investment in resources
often without any tangible improvement in profitability—a fact
neglected by most Six Sigma books. Written with managers,
not statisticians in mind, this reference shows readers how to
statistically evaluate a Six Sigma program, identify problems,
and make tailor-made adjustments to get the desired results
and revitalize a program.
• Helps you to statistically evaluate your program and make
adjustments to tailor-made solutions
• Insight to challenges encountered in planning, initiating, and
managing six sigma program
• Provides much needed tips for sustaining breakthrough results
• Written with the Manager and not statistician in mind
Chapter 1: Challenges in implementing Six Sigma. Chapter 2: Balanced Approach
To Planning. Chapter 3: Application of Six Sigma Tools. Chapter 4: Identifying
the Problems. Chapter 5: Understanding the Scope of the Problem. Chapter 6:
Developing a Solution. Chapter 7: Breakthrough Solutions. Chapter 8: Sustaining
Breakthrough. Chapter 9: Frequently asked questions about six sigma. APPENDIX:
Mechanical Engineering
Fourth Edition
by Tyler G Hicks
2005 / 1,200 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-142793-7 / MHID: 0-07-142793-7
Professional Book
• Wind-energy system calculations
• Complying with new environmental requirements in engineering
• Structural engineering changes in buildings to fight terrorism
• Data on suitable computer programs for solving repetitive
computational problems
• Data on Websites containing useful engineering information on
standards, units of measurement, design methodology, dimensioning,
vibrations, etc.
• New power plant cost saving calculations
• Finite element analysis methods of calculation
• Data on refrigerants required to replace Freon gases
• New design code calculations in civil engineering
• New pump material and calculation methods
• All ten major engineering fields included
Chapter 1: Civil Engineering. Chapter 2: Architectural Engineering. Chapter 3:
Mechanical Engineering. Chapter 4: Electrical Engineering. Chapter 5: Electronics
Engineering. Chapter 6: Chemical and Process Plant Engineering. Chapter 7:
Control Engineering. Chapter 8: Sanitary Engineering. Chapter 9: Environmental
Engineering. Chapter 10: Engineering Economics.
Eighth Edition
by Thomas F Lammers, Babcock & Wilcox, Co., Ohio
2005 / 800 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-141846-1 / MHID: 0-07-141846-6
Professional Book
• Used nationwide as a guide for local operating license
• Questions and problems are provided at the end of each chapter
• Includes major updates and changes in the areas of pumps, valves,
turbines, condensers, feed-water systems, and cooling towers
• Revised to reflect the latest code changes
by Thomas McCarty, Michael Bremer and Praveen Gupta
2005 / 640 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-144329-6 / MHID: 0-07-144329-0
Professional Book
• Integrate the Six Sigma approach into business strategy
• Tools for estimating quality project cost on individual unit bases
• Problem-solving tools such as: Design for Six Sigma and TRIZ
• Helps to provide the methodologies and tools to lead multiple
projects throughout your firm
• A complete guide for understanding and writing financial reports
Preface. Introduction. Acknowledgements. Part One: Strategy: Chapter 1:
Planning for Six Sigma. Chapter 2: Project Management. Chapter 3: Performance
Reporting. Part Two: Leadership for Six Sigma: Chapter 4: Organizing For Six
Sigma. Chapter 5: Team Leader’s Tools. Chapter 6: Team Measurement Concepts.
Part Three: Corporate initiatives: Chapter 7: Six Sigma. Chapter 8: Lean Thinking.
Part Four: Human Resources Management: Chapter 9: Organizational alignment.
Chapter 10: Compensation and Recognition. Part Five: Methodology Tools:
Chapter 11: Define. Chapter 12: Measure. Chapter 13: Analyze. Chapter 14:
Improve. Chapter 15: Triz. Chapter 16: Control. Part Six: Design for Six Sigma: Part
Seven: Financial Measurements: Chapter 17: Financial. Chapter 18: Operational.
Chapter 19: Reporting. Part Eight: By Industry: Chapter 20: Service. Chapter 21:
Transaction. Chapter 22: Manufacturing. Chapter 23: Healthcare. Chapter 24:
Human Resources Management
by McGraw-Hill
2005 / 500 pages / Softcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-143952-7 / MHID: 0-07-143952-8
Professional Book
• Detailed, well-illustrated explanations, not just definitions
• Hundreds of concise yet authoritative articles
• An easy-to-understand presentation, accessible and interesting to
• A portable, convenient format
• Bibliographies, appendices, and other information to supplement
the articles
Chapter 1: Boilers. Chapter 2: Design and Construction of Boilers. Chapter 3:
Combustion of Fuels. Chapter 4: Settings, Combustion Equipment and Heating
Surfaces. Chapter 5: Boiler Accessories. Chapter 6: Operation and Maintenance
of Steam Boilers. Chapter 7: Pumps. Chapter 8: Reciprocation Steam Engines.
Chapter 9: Valve-Operating Mechanisms. Chapter 10: Operation and Maintenance
of Steam Engines. Chapter 11: Steam Turbines and Auxiliaries. Chapter 12:
Auxiliary Steam-Plant Equipment, Environmental Control Systems. Chapter 13:
Water-to-Energy Plants
by Robert C Rosaler, Santa Rosa, CA
2004 / 1,712 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-140202-6 / MHID: 0-07-140202-0
Professional Book
Chapter 1: History, Perspectives and Trends on HVAC Usage Worldwide. Chapter
2: HVAC Conceptual Design and Applications: Basic Calculations, Basic Equations,
Design Software, Applications of HVAC. Chapter 3: HVAC Operations: Energy
Conservation, Water Conditioning, Condensate Control. Chapter 4: HVAC
Maintenance and Repair: Management of HVAC Maintenance for Maximum
Efficiency. Chapter 5: Maintenance Guide for HVAC Components: Components for
Heating and Cooling, Heat Generation Equipment, Heat Distribution Equipment,
Refrigeration Equipment, Cooling Distribution Equipment. Chapter 6: Controls
Systems: Automatic Controls, Digital Controls.
Mechanical Engineering
Third Edition
by Joseph Shigley (deceased); Charles Mischke, Iowa State University
and Thomas H Brown
2004 / 1,200 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-144164-3 / MHID: 0-07-144164-6
Professional Book
Chapter 1: Standards, Codes, Regulations. Chapter 2: Statistical Considerations.
Chapter 3: Measurement and Inference Numerical Methods. Chapter 4:
Computational Considerations. Chapter 5: Wear. Chapter 6: Solid Materials.
Chapter 7: The Strength of Cold-Worked and Heat-Treated Steels. Chapter 8:
Usability. Chapter 9: Safety. Chapter 10: Minimizing Engineering Effort. Chapter
11: Strength Under Static Circumstances. Chapter 12: Fundamentals of Arc
Welding. Chapter 13: Instabilities in Beams and Columns. Chapter 14: Curved
Beams and Rings. Chapter 15: Seals. Chapter 16: Flywheels. Chapter 17: Limits
and Fits. Chapter 18: Power Screws. Chapter 19: Threaded Fasteners. Chapter
20: Unthreaded Fasteners. Chapter 21: Bolted and Riveted Joints. Chapter 22:
Springs. Chapter 23: Lubrication. Chapter 24: Gaskets. Chapter 25: RollingContact Bearings. Chapter 26: Journal Bearings. Chapter 27: Couplings. Chapter
28: Structural Plastics and Adhesives, Clutches and Brakes. Chapter 29: Belt
Drives. Chapter 30: Chain Drives. Chapter 31: Spur Gears. Chapter 32: Bevel
and Hypoid Gears. Chapter 33: Helical Gears. Chapter 34: Worm Gearing.
Chapter 35: Shafts. Chapter 36: Vibration and Control of Vibration. Chapter 37: A
Thesaurus of Mechanisms. Chapter 38: Cam Mechanisms. Chapter 39: Linkages.
Chapter 40: Load-Cycle Analysis. Chapter 41: Fluid Power Systems and Circuit
Design. Chapter 42: Corrosion. Chapter 43: Noise and Its Control. Chapter 44:
Gear Trains. Chapter 45: Robots and Smart Machines. Chapter 46: Sections and
Shapes-Tabular Data. Chapter 47: Stress. Chapter 48: Deflection
International Edition
Seventh Edition
by Warren Young, University of Wisconsin at Madison and Richard
Budynas, Rochester Institute Technology
2002 / 832 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-072542-3 / MHID: 0-07-072542-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-121059-1 / MHID: 0-07-121059-8 [IE]
International Edition
Second Edition
by Shan Wang
2001 / 1,232 pages / Hardcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-068167-5 / MHID: 0-07-068167-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-118981-1 / MHID: 0-07-118981-5 [IE]
(International Edition is not for sale in Japan.)
Professional Book
Preface to Second Edition. Preface to First Edition. Chapter 1: Introduction. Chapter
2: Psychrometrics. Chapter 3: Heat and Moisture Transfer through Building
Envelope. Chapter 4: Indoor and Outdoor Design Conditions. Chapter 5: Energy
Management and Control Systems. Chapter 6: Load Calculations. Chapter 7:
Water Systems. Chapter 8: Heating Systems, Furnaces, and Boilers. Chapter 9:
Refrigerants, Refrigeration Cycles, and Refrigeration. Chapter 10: Refrigerants
Systems: Components. Chapter 11: Refrigeration Systems: Reciprocating, Rotary,
Scroll, and Screw. Chapter 12: Heat Pumps, Heat Recovery, Gas Cooling, and
Cogeneration Systems. Chapter 13: Refrigeration Systems: Centrifugal. Chapter 14:
Refrigeration Systems: Absorption. Chapter 15: Air Systems: Components—Fans,
Coils, Filters, and Humidifiers. Chapter 16: Air Systems: Equipment—Air-Handling
Units and Packaged. Chapter 17: Air Systems: Air Duct Design. Chapter 18:
Air Systems: Space Air Diffusion. Chapter 19: Sound Control. Chapter 20:
Air Systems: Basics and Constant-Volume Systems. Chapter 21: Air Systems:
Variable-Air-Volume Systems. Chapter 22: Air Systems: VAV Systems—Fan
Combination, System Pressure, and Smoke Control. Chapter 23: Air Systems:
Minimum Ventilation and VAV System Controls. Chapter 24: Improving Indoor
Air Quality. Chapter 25: Energy Management and Global Warming. Chapter
26: Air Conditioning Systems: System Classification, Selection, and Individual
Systems. Chapter 27: Air Conditioning Systems: Evaporate Cooling Systems and
Evaporative Coolers. Chapter 28: Air Conditioning Systems: Space Conditioning
Systems. Chapter 29: Air Conditioning Systems: Packaged Systems and DesiccantBased Systems. Chapter 30: Air Conditioning Systems: Central Systems and CleanRoom Systems. Chapter 31: Air Conditioning Systems: Thermal Storage Systems.
Chapter 32: Commissioning and Maintenance. Appendix A: Nomenclature and
Abbreviations. Appendix B: Pyschrometric Chart, Tables, and I-P Units to SI
Units Conversion.
Professional Book
Part 1: Introduction. Chapter 1: Introduction. Part 2: Facts; Principles; Methods.
Chapter 2: Stress and Strain: Important Relationships. Chapter 3: The Behavior
of Bodies Under Stress. Chapter 4: Principles and Analytical Methods. Chapter
5: Numerical Methods. Chapter 6: Experimental Methods. Part 3: Formulas
and Examples. Chapter 7: Tension, Compression, Shear, and Combined Stress.
Chapter 8: Beams; Flexure of Straight Bars . Chapter 9: Bending of Curved Beams.
Chapter 10: Torsion. Chapter 11: Flat Plates. Chapter 12: Columns and Other
Compression Members. Chapter 13: Shells of Revolution; Pressure Vessels; Pipes.
Chapter 14: Bodies in Contact Undergoing Direct Bearing and Shear Stress.
Chapter 15: Elastic Stability. Chapter 16: Dynamic and Temperature Stresses.
Chapter 17: Stress Concentration Factors. Appendix A: Properties of a Plane
Area. Appendix B: Glossary: Definitions. Appendix C: Composite Materials.
Name Index. Subject Index
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