Session T1C HOW DO HIGH SCHOOL MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE TEACHERS COVER ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY? 1 Mike Robinson2 , M. Sami Fadali3 , George Ochs4 , Robert J. Quinn5 Abstract We surveyed science and mathematics teachers in a large urban school district to determine the extent of their coverage of topics related to engineering and technology. A questionnaire was sent to teachers in Grades 7-12, through the school district, asking them to identify engineering related material in the texts they used in their classrooms. Our results show that teachers cover the engineering related material available in the textbooks. However, the results show that most teachers do not understand what engineers actually do. Many teachers confuse using teaching technologies in the classroom with coverage of technology related issues. I. INTRODUCTION In recent years, there has been an alarming decline in the number of US students choosing to pursue a career in engineering and technology. One of the causes of this decline is that high school teachers and curricula rarely present engineering to their students as a viable career option. So while most students are repeatedly exposed to the accomplishments of science, engineering and technological achievements are rarely acknowledged. Most high school students and many of their teachers do not really know what engineers do. In two earlier papers, the authors investigated engineering related content in science and mathematics. The first paper examined the extent to which secondary science textbooks include questions and problems that address engineering principles and design [1]. The paper examined (i) the application of conceptual scientific knowledge and mathematical skills to engineering and technology, and (ii) specific applications of engineering and technology included in the activities, problems and questions within and at the end of the chapters. Some of the newest and most widely used high school science and mathematics texts were sampled and reviewed for their coverage of engineering and technology. Problems with their coverage were identified and suggestions for alternative ways of introducing engineering and technology to students were suggested. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that all of the new secondary science textbooks have sections that attempt to address engineering and technology and try to make connections to society. The paper also addressed whether the textbooks provided adequate support to segments of the National Science Education Standards (NSES) [2] that included engineering principles and design. To some extent the new textbooks also address the process of design in the NSES, Standard E, Science and Technology for grades 5-8 and 912, "Abilities of Technological Design": The second paper examined the extent to which secondary mathematics textbooks included questions and problems that contained engineering and technology applications [3]. The results showed minimal coverage and often the little that was in the textbooks was not identified as engineering or technology. Going beyond the two earlier papers, a more critical question in practice, as well as the research question for this paper is: How much of the engineering related material in the science or mathematics textbooks used by the teachers is actually used in the typical high school science or mathematics classroom? This study addresses this question. Note that our initial survey of the education literature did not reveal any data related to this research question. II. METHODOLOGY The research for the study was based on a questionnaire (see Appendix I) given to secondary science and mathematics teachers in a relatively large urban school district of 57,592 students in a western state. In school year 2001-2002, the total number of Middle and High School students in the district was 9,196 (grades 7-8) and 15,635 (grades 9-12). Test scores on standardized tests, e.g., The Terra Nova, indicate that the school district is average to above average when compared to national norms. The questionnaire was sent by regular mail to all secondary (grades 7-12) science and mathematics teachers in the district. It asked them to identify engineering related material in the texts they used in their classrooms and to indicate to what degree the available material was actually covered. II.1 Subjects The total number of secondary (grades 7-12) teachers in the district was 336 with 161 science and 175 mathematics teachers. We sent the survey to all the teachers by mail and 32 voluntarily answered, 17 science and 15 mathematics 1 This work was supported in part by DUE grant number 9980687. Mike Robinson, University of Nevada, Curriculum & Instru ction, 3 M. Sami Fadali, University of Nevada, Electrical Engineering, 4 George Ochs, Science Coordinator, Washoe County School District, Ochs@nevada.nv 5 Robert Quinn, University of Nevada, Curriculum & Instruction, 2 0-7803-7444-4/02/$17.00 © 2002 IEEE November 6 - 9, 2002, Boston, MA 32 n d ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference T1C-18 Session T1C teachers, for an overall return rate of 9.52 per cent. Over 90 percent of the teachers are certified in the mathematics or science subject they teach. The average number of years of teaching for the science and mathematics teachers was 6.81 and 5.43. There were 11 male and six female science teachers and six male and nine female mathematics teachers. See Tables 1 and 2 for a breakdown of grade, subject taught, years of teaching experience and gender of the science and mathematics teachers. Table 1. Grade, Science, Years Taught and Gender (M/F) Grade Science 7 Life Science 7 Life Science 8 Physical Science 8 Physical Science 8 Physical Science 8 Physical Science 9 IS 1-2 Earth Science 9 IS 1-2 Phy.& Earth Sci. 9 IS 1-2 Physical Science 9 IS 1-2 Phy.& Earth Science 10 IS 3-4 Life& Env.Science 10 IS 3-4 Life& Env.Science 10 IS 3-4 Life Science 10 IS 3-4 Life Science 10 Biology 10 Biology 11 Chemistry Average Years Experience Yrs. 1 12 1 5 7 1 15 6 12 4 1 4 3 20 1 15 1 6.81 M/F M M M M M M F M M F M F F F M F M II.2 Instrument The instrument (questionnaire) was designed by the authors of the paper to determine whether the science and mathematics teachers addressed the engineering material in the secondary science and mathematics textbooks (see the research question) during instruction and student learning activities. The questionnaire was scaled from 0-4 with the following interpretation: 0, never; 1, rarely; 2, some; 3, quite a bit and 4, a lot. The questionnaire was mailed to all of the district secondary science and mathematics teachers. It had no prior validation in the field. Earlier research had indicated that secondary science and mathematics textbooks contain information in the form of special inserts, problems, questions and laboratory activities that address engineering and technology. Also, the more advanced the science and mathematics courses, e.g., physics or calculus, in general the more engineering information they would contain [1]. Table 2. Grade, Math Course, Years Taught and Gender Grade 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 Science Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Algebra 1-2 Algebra 1-2 Algebra 1-2 Algebra 1-2 Algebra 1 Algebra Interact. Algebra CRS 2 Geometry Geometry Geometry Algebra 3-4 AP Calculus Average Years Experience Yrs. 8 4 4 4 13 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 13 30+ 5.53 M/F M F F F F F M M M F M F M F F In addition to the request for information regarding science textbook engineering related information, the questionnaire also asked for examples of textbook material used by the teachers, information about the textbook being used (see Appendix II) and some personal information about the teachers (see Appendix I). III. RESULTS The results indicate that nearly all of the 17 secondary science and 15 mathematics teachers who answered the questionnaire are using the engineering information in their textbooks during their science or mathematics instruction. In most cases, on the scale of 0-4 with 0 being never use and 4 being a lot of use, teachers were mainly 2, or 3 with the averages of the science and mathematics teachers 1.88 and 1.93 respectively. When broken down by gender, female science teachers had an average of 2.50 and the males an average of 1.55. By gender in mathematics teaching, the females had an average of 1.88 and males an average of 2.00 (see Tables 3 and 4). When the results were broken into middle school (MS), grades 7-8, and high school (HS), grades 9-12, the averages of the science teachers were 1.33 for MS (6 teachers), and 2.00 for HS (11 teachers). For mathematics teachers the averages were 1.50 for MS, (4 teachers) and 2.09 for HS (11 teachers). Furthermore, when the top grade level mathematics teachers, grade 11 and AP calculus were calculated separately, their average was 3.5. In question five of the questionnaire (see Appendix I), the science and mathematics teachers were also requested to give one example of a question in the textbook they used that had application to technology and engineering. In most cases, the technology examples given were what educators generally call educational technology. They included 0-7803-7444-4/02/$17.00 © 2002 IEEE November 6 - 9, 2002, Boston, MA 32 n d ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference T1C-19 Session T1C sensors and probes in science classes, computer software, e.g., geometry sketchpad in geometry class, regular calculators in most mathematics classes and graphing calculators in upper division mathematics classes. Sections of the textbooks that helped students prepare for using technology support for lab work in science and problem solving in mathematics classes were also cited. Teachers also listed career profiles, e.g., one for engineers, as part of the engineering information. Some of the mathematics teachers also gave examples of problems that applied to technology. For example, one teacher listed the following problem. “A wood board is 3.2 meters long. Use estimations to find how many 0.38 meter boards you can cut from this board. *Builders use estimation a lot in the field.” One teacher mentioned electrical engineering but did not give details about what the example included. IV. DISCUSSION Based on the evidence from the examples of “engineering” cited in question five of the questionnaire, it is difficult to say that the results indicate that the secondary science and mathematics teachers that responded to the questionnaire are infusing engineering related material into their classes. Furthermore, we speculate that those teachers who voluntarily answer questionnaires would be more likely to be doing what the questionnaire is addressing. Since the sample return was low, it is not necessarily representative of engineering coverage by all secondary science and mathematics teachers in the school district. The results seem to support the conclusion that “Many of their teachers do not really know what engineers do.” The strongest indicators for their lack of knowledge are the examples given in response to question five of the questionnaire, e.g., use of calculators, computer software, etc, were apparently perceived as engineering or technology. In the majority of cases, what the responding teachers mistook for engineering was actually instructional technology or technology to enhance instruction for coverage of science and mathematics. Since the biggest response rate was from the lower division science (IS) and mathematics courses, maybe these results should have been expected. The IS science courses in grades nine and ten are Integrated Science classes that are the minimal level of science needed before the high school exit exam in science is taken. Furthermore, the high school mathematics teachers who answered the questionnaire were also mainly from the lower division mathematics classes such as first year algebra and geometry. Table 3. Secondary Science Teacher Textbook Use of Engineering Information Grade Science 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 IS 1-2 9 IS 1-2 Life Science Life Science Physical Sci. Physical Sci. Physical Sci. Physical Sci. Earth Science Phy.&Earth Sci. Physical Sci. Phy.&Ear. Sci. Life & Env.Sci. 2 0 2 2 0 2 3 3 1 12 1 5 7 1 15 6 M/ F M M M M M M F M 0 2 2 12 4 1 M F M Life&Env.Sci. 2 4 F Life Science 2 3 F Life Science 3 20 F 1 15 1 6.81 M F M 9 IS 1-2 9 IS 1-2 10 IS 34 10 IS 34 10 IS 34 10 IS 34 10 10 11 Biology Biology Chemistry Average Use 2 3 2 1.88 Yrs. The results do indicate that high school teachers, both in science and mathematics, use more engineering examples in instruction than do middle school science and mathematics teachers and the higher the grade level of the high school teachers both in science and mathematics, the more engineering they use, although the numbers for grades 11 and AP calculus were so small (3 teachers) that the data has little credibility. This data further reinforces what the authors concluded in an earlier paper [4] regarding the need for secondary science and mathematics teachers to take a capstone course in engineering principles and design. Such a class allows them to understand what engineers do and motivates them to infuse engineering principles and design into existing science and mathematics classes. Moreover, further research needs to quantitatively and more extensively address the issues raised in our limited survey. We also need to encourage more upper division science and mathematics teachers to voluntarily answer a revised questionnaire. 0-7803-7444-4/02/$17.00 © 2002 IEEE November 6 - 9, 2002, Boston, MA 32 n d ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference T1C-20 Session T1C Table 4. Secondary Mathematics Teacher Textbook Use of Engineering Information Grade 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 Science Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Algebra 1-2 Algebra 1-2 Algebra 1-2 Algebra 1-2 Algebra 1 Algebra Interact. Algebra CRS 2 Geometry Geometry Geometry Algebra 3-4 AP Calculus Average Years Experience Use Yrs. 3 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 3 1.86 8 4 4 4 13 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 13 30+ 5.43 M/ F M F F F F F M M M F M F M F F Last, the school district should consider adopting standard textbooks, in each course, that address engineering applications in the problems and other exercises that apply science and mathematics information presented in the chapters. Even more important, because it is expected that teachers will align their curricula with the science and mathematics standards that will be tested on the high school exit exams in science and mathematics, it is necessary that any future revision in the standards include more engineering applications in science and mathematics. APPENDIX I Questionnaire for Data Regarding Textbook Applications of Technology and Engineering Dear secondary science or mathematics teacher, Please fill out the following questionnaire to help us gather data to determine in what way secondary mathematics and/or science textbooks are being used in regard to content and skills information that relates to technology and engineering. 1. Course/Subject _______________________________________ 2. Textbook Used Title__________________________________ Author________________________________ Publisher______________________________ Year Published_________________________ 3. Does the book contain any information in the chapters or end of chapters questions, labs, etc that address technology and engineering? Yes ____ No ____ 4. If you answered yes to question number three, estimate to what degree, on a scale of zero to four, you use the technology and engineering information when you teach the course. Never (0)______ Rarely (1)________ Some (2) ________ Quite a bit (3) ________ A lot (4) _______ 5. If applicable, please give one example of a mathematics or science question or activity that you use that has application to technology or engineering. 6. How many years have you been teaching? ______ 7. What is your gender? Male ____, Female_____ REFERENCES 1. M. Robinson and M. S. Fadali, “How Do Secondary Science Texts Cover Mathematics and Engineering Principles and Design?”, ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Albuquerque, NM, June, 2001. 2. National Resource Council. National Science Education Standards. Washington, DC, National Academy Press, 1996. 3. R. Quinn, M. Sami Fadali, M. Robinson, “How Do High School Mathematics Texts Cover Engineering and Technology?”, Proc. 2001 FIE Conf., Reno, NV, Oct., 2001. 4. Robinson, M., Fadali, M. S., "A model to promote the study of engineering though a capstone course for pre service secondary science and mathematics teachers", Proc. FIE' 98, Tempe, AZ, Nov. 1998. 0-7803-7444-4/02/$17.00 © 2002 IEEE November 6 - 9, 2002, Boston, MA 32 n d ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference T1C-21 Session T1C Appendix II Science and Mathematics Textbooks Title-Science/Author/Publisher/Yr Pub 1. Earth Science Feather-Snyder Glencoe/McGraw Hill 1999. 2. Biology-The Living Science Miller-Levine Prentice Hall 1998. 3. Chemistry Wilbraham-Staley Prentice Hall 2000. 4. Physical Science McLaughlin-Thompson Glencoe/McGraw Hill 1999. 5. Biology Miller-Levine Prentice Hall 2000. 6. Life Science Daniel-Ortleb-Biggs Glencoe/McGraw Hill 1999. 7. Science Spectrum-A Physical Approach DobsonHolman-Roberts Holt-Rinehart-Winston 2001. 8. Modern Earth Science Sager-Ramsay-Phillips HoltRinehart-Winston 1998. Title-Math/Author/Publisher/Yr Pub 1. Geometry Larson-Boswell-Stiff McDougal Littell 2001. 2. Algebra One Interaction Course 1 Kennedy-McCowanSchultz Holt-Rinehart Winston 2001. 3. Algebra 2 Schultz-Ellis-Kennedy Holt Reinhart Winston 2001. 4. Calculus Graphical/Num/Algeb Finney-Demana-Waits Scott Foresman/Addison Wesley 1999. 5. Geometry Rhoad-Milauskas-Whipple McDougal Littell 2000. 6. Algebra One Interaction Course 2 Kennedy-McCowanSchultz Holt Reinhart Winston 2001. 7. Algebra 1 Schultz-Kennedy-Ellis Holt Reinhart Winston 2001. 8. Math 7 Billstein-Willianson Prentice Hall 2002. 9. Math 8 Chapin Prentice Hall 1997. 0-7803-7444-4/02/$17.00 © 2002 IEEE November 6 - 9, 2002, Boston, MA 32 n d ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference T1C-22