The Development and Implementation of Life Cycle Assessment courses in Brazilian Universities Scott O. Shrake, Amy E. Landis, Melissa M. Bilec, & Maristela Gomes Da Silva! LCA XI 10/4/2011! Collaboration +! Brasil & LCA Construction Materials! Biofuels ! BR Universities & LCA Construction Materials" Biofuels " Course Development Ideas ! Introductory - lay the foundation! ! Civil and environmental engineer focus! ! Easily replicable ! ! Keep it interesting! ! National focus! Course Timing Course Objectives ! Challenges to sustainable development! ! Evaluate from LCA perspective! ! Understand Different approaches & their +/-! ! Software familiarity! ! Understand impact categories and midpoint vs. endpoint! ! Conduct LCA on product or process from concurrent mechanics of materials course! ! Present results as to class as if for high profile client.! Course Design Location Topic In-class Activity / Exercise Lecture LCA overview Discuss history of LCA, stages of LCA, LCA governing bodies, importance of LCA as a sustinability tool Lecture Goal and Scope Discuss Goal and Scope stage Create a flowchart from your product in your Material Science course Lecture Goal and Scope Review goal and scope Revisit your flowchart, prepare a text describing material flows, and the different stages of production Lecture LCA Example Guest Lecture: Marcella Ruschi Mendes Saade presenting LCA of Brazilian Steel Fabrication (Saade and SILVA 2010) Read: Relative Merits of Polystyrene Foam and Paper in Hot Drink Cups and write a summary (Hocking 1991). Lecture Constructing Flowcharts Final review of flowcharts. Discuss Hocking article. Lecture Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) Discuss LCI stage: Read and review the M.S. Thesis Análise do Ciclo de vida da Tijolus Prensados de Escória se Alto-Forno (Silva 2005). Lab SimaPro Introduction Introduction to Simapro Lab(optional) SimaPro Review SimaPro tutorials Lab LCIA Discuss and demonstrate LCIA tools and methods Read: technical report on brazilain cement manufacturing (Carvalho, Kihara et al. 2010). Lecture LCIA Classification, normailzation, and weighting activities Disccuss the technical report on Brazilian cement manufacturing, activity comparing US and Brazilian production. Lab(optional) LCA SimaPro Begin to create your LCA in SimaPro for your final project Lecture LCA of Buildings Guest lecture: Cassie Theil presenting research about the Phipps Conservatory Living Building Challenge LCA. Lab(optional) LCA Project Continue to work on final project, instructors available for assistance. Lecture LCA by Hand LCA of a factory process Lab(optional) LCA Project Prepare your LCA results in a professional presentation Lecture Final Project Final student presentations Example of Class Activity Electricity Mix! Pittsburgh! Vitoria! Electricity mix data from EIA! Challenges and Solutions ! Data & database availability! ! Software access! ! Instructor! ! Collaboration! Student Response ! Experience:! I decided to do this course because I awoke an interest in learning more about LCA, which, un;l then, was totally unknown to me. In my view, it was a very interes;ng and important course in my academic life. The ini;a;ve, to send a teacher for another country was incredible. We could learn about a different place and see that we have different Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) Database between other countries... the teacher was very a@en;ve to us. ! Improvement:! I think one could learn more about the support pla4orm used (SimaPro)Learn how to insert our own data, specify all the inputs and outputs of a product would actually be very produc;ve. The course load should also be slightly higher. We should have a li@le more ;me to study Results & Improvements ! Lengthen duration of the course ! ! More interaction with software! ! More applications of LCA! FUTURE WORK • Continually update class materials as Brazilian LCI data improves • Disseminate the first course to additional Brazilian Universities! • Proceed with the development of the advanced LCA course! ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: NSF IGERT GRANT NSF DUE 0942172 GRANT MCSI @ PITT PITT SGD GROUP. Universidade Federal De Espirito Santo Sources Allen, D. T., C. F. Murphy, et al. (2007). "Sustainable Engineering: A Model for Engineering Educa;on in the Twenty-­‐First Century?" Engineering Management Review, IEEE 35(3): 67-­‐67. Carnegie Mellon University Green Design Institute (2008). Economic Input-­‐Output Life Cycle Assessment (EIO-­‐LCA), US 1997 Industry Benchmark model. Carvalho, J. O., Y. Kihara, et al. (2010). EMISSÕES DE GASES DE EFEITO ESTUFA NOS PROCESSOS INDUSTRIAIS-­‐ Produtos Minerais (Parte I) Produção de Cimento, Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia. Frischknecht, R., N. Jungbluth, et al. (2005). "The ecoinvent Database: Overview and Methodological Framework (7 pp)." The Interna;onal Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 10(1): 3-­‐9. Hocking, M. (1991). "Rela;ve merits of polystyrene foam and paper in hot drink cups: Implica;ons for packaging." Environmental Management 15(6): 731-­‐747. Lave, L. B., E. Cobas-­‐Flores, et al. (1995). "Using input-­‐output analysis to es;mate economy-­‐wide discharges." Environmental Science & Technology 29(9): 420A-­‐426A. NIST (2007). Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability (BEES) 4.0, Na;onal Ins;tute of Standards and Technology: Building and Fire Research Laboratory. NREL (2008). US Life Cycle Inventory (USLCI), Na;onal Renewable Energy Laboratory. Portal Brasil. (2010). "World Cup and Olympics will follow environmental sustainability criteria." Retrieved July 25th, 2011, from h@p://­‐cup-­‐and-­‐olympics-­‐will-­‐follow-­‐environmental-­‐sustainability-­‐criteria/newsitem_view? set_language=en. PRe SimaPro v7.3. Amersfoort, Netherlands, PRé Consultants: LCA somware. Saade, M. and M. G. d. SILVA (2010). APLICAÇÃO DA ANÁLISE DO CICLO DE VIDA NA CONSTRUÇÃO CIVIL: CONSIDERAÇÕES SOBRE ALOCAÇÃO DE IMPACTOS ENTRE O AÇO E AS ESCÓRIAS SIDERÚRGICAS. Sustainable Building 2010 Brazil. Silva, J. G. d. (2005). Análise do Ciclo de Vida de Tijolos Prensados De escória de Alto-­‐forno vitória. M.S., Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo. The Economist (2011). Measuring Brazil's economy. The Economist. 2011. Wang, M. (2005). GREET Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transporta;on. , Argonne Na;onal Laboratory. !