Metrobank Foundation 2012 Annual Report

Annual Report 2012
2012 was a milestone year for us at Metrobank
as we marked our 50th anniversary. It is an
extraordinary feat we share with our corporate
social responsibility (CSR) arm, the Metrobank
Foundation, for underpinning the Bank’s business
practice over the past half century, particularly
our philosophy that “leadership in business
entails leadership in community service.” The Bank’s 50th anniversary celebration has
presented an opportunity for us to look back and
reflect as to where we are heading in the coming
years with regard to corporate citizenship. And
after a careful evaluation of the Foundation’s
accomplishments since its establishment in
1979, we came up with a new perspective on
what we really are as an institution—we are not
simply a philanthropic foundation, we are also a
development organization.
Indeed, the Metrobank Foundation has evolved
from philanthropic to development work as we
turned our advocacies into concrete programs
that aimed at nation-building and social
development. Whether in education, health,
culture and the arts, the Foundation has
adopted a holistic approach to development,
always putting our stakeholders—the people
and the communities we seek to serve—first.
This annual report contains the inspiring
success stories of our awardees and
beneficiaries, which we have been very
privileged to be a part of. They demonstrate
the Foundation’s enduring commitment
to create a better future by recognizing
and cultivating excellence among Filipinos,
engaging their participation and empowering
them to make relevant and meaningful
contributions to society.
As we begin another year, we look ahead with
great confidence to be able to share more of
these tales with you, thanks to the cooperation
and help of our partners from different sectors
of society. Notwithstanding the challenges we
will face, we will realize our common goal of
national progress and development.
Annual Report 2012
An organization is a living, breathing, dynamic
organism. It changes and evolves.
For almost 35 years, the Metrobank Foundation
has proved its dynamism in its role as the
corporate social responsibility (CSR) arm of the
Metrobank Group. While our goals and advocacies
have remained the same, we have constantly
found innovative approaches and methods in
implementing our programs, allowing us to widen
their reach and increase their impact.
Our Grants Program for instance, has become
an effective channel to increase our engagement
in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
By adopting collaborative partnerships as a key
strategy for our social investments in education,
peace and security, culture and the arts, and
disaster management, we were able to address
the challenges facing the development movement
worldwide that put pressure on sources of
funding (i.e. a struggling global economy,
escalating poverty rate, increased frequency and
severity of natural disasters). In 2012, we have
partnered with more than 100 NGOs, civil society
groups and government agencies for projects in
pursuit of specific MDGs and other developmentrelated initiatives, amounting close to P13 million,
while some P8 million was donated for calamity
assistance and relief efforts for victims of natural
disasters that struck the country.
In the true spirit of collaboration and
engagement, we have continued to embolden
the awardees of our excellence awards
programs for our teachers, soldiers, police, and
artists to give back to society by carrying on
with our thrusts and advocacies. More than
the Foundation’s ambassadors, they are the
country’s agents of change. They are our legacy.
We are very proud to note that the
Metrobank Foundation has been recognized
yet again in the past year by a number of
awards and recognitions from its peers in the
development arena, civil society, government,
and private sector. Among them is the
illustrious Gawad Rizal citation by the National
Historical Commission of the Philippines
(NHCP), recognizing our efforts to espouse
and propagate our National Hero’s teachings
and values, and contribute to a stronger nation
through our CSR undertakings.
As we report to you these achievements, we
humbly express our gratitude and appreciation
to all our partners and stakeholders for their
relentless support, and to our officers and
staff for their hard work and dedication. Truly,
our work at the Foundation is more crucial
than ever, and rest assured of our unwavering
commitment to our mandate to contribute to
nation-building and social development.
Annual Report 2012
General Santos Special Education (SPED) Integrated School
2012 Metrobank Foundation Outstanding Teacher
Behind stories of success and triumphs are tales
of hardships, challenges and struggles. Metrobank
Foundation, with its various education programs, proudly
shares real-life stories of ordinary people with great
passion towards excellence.
There was once a child who came from a broken family
and grew up with her grandparents. She was always left
alone in their house where everyone attends to the family
business. She dreamed of becoming a teacher to change
her lonely childhood and to find a home.
Mrs. Marivi Castro from General Santos City SPED
Integrated School shares her story of fulfilling her dream to
become a teacher despite difficulties and trials in her life.
After graduating from college, she looked for a job in
Davao City where her foster family (relatives who raised
her after her grandmother died) lives. She was confident
she would get into a prestigious private school in the city.
She had been an academic scholar and passed the school’s
requirements. But its head told her that in spite of her
outstanding scholastic records, they couldn’t hire her. The
school, the former explained, places emphasis on the value
of a family and since the young graduate was from a broken
one, she was told that she might not be an effective teacher
in the school.
“I was stunned, it felt like a pail of cold water was thrown
at me...yet I remained composed. I was silently praying that
I can make this through. I knew God never left me”, said
Marivi, who had to recall painful memories of her parents’
separation during the interview with the said schoolhead.
“I told her, even when I was young, I tried to understand
my parents …. I believe they worked so hard to make the
marriage work. I believe they made a decision to save
whatever respect left for each other than ruin each other
for the rest of their lives.”
Devastated for being “terminated even before I was hired,”
she didn’t let the experience dampen her spirit. She went
home to her aunt in General Santos City where she received
good news: the other school she applied to called for an
interview. She was eventually hired by the school and, thus,
began her teaching journey.
Metrobank Foundation, Inc.
“Looking back at such a painful job hunt, I came to realize
now that I never hated that person. Instead, she pushed me
to do what I worked for. Yes, it hurt me but it had a reason.
I’d thank her for saying ’no’ to me”, she said.
Over the years, she worked hard and enhanced her craft,
enriching her passion for literature and theatre and sharing
them with her students, who learned valuable life lessons
from stories they read in class as well as Marivi’s own. Her
background allowed her to reach out to students who are also
experiencing family problems “I am not ashamed to share my
story with my students and to emphasize the value of reaching
your dreams in life despite not having a complete family. If my
parents failed me, I will not fail myself. I can still be a channel of
change, joy and inspiration to others.“
Optimistic, generous and loving, Marivi, the dreamer,
became even more faithful to God for making her
understand why she had to face those challenges in her
life. Marivi happily shares, “I have a life to live. God sent me
people who became the parents I never had, real friends
who are a family to me and the biggest gift —the students
entrusted to me.”
After winning the 2012 Metrobank Foundation Search for
Outstanding Teachers (SOT), Marivi was promoted from
Teacher III to Master Teacher 1. She was also honored and
recognized by her alumni school, local government unit of
Gen. Santos City and different education institutions.
Valenzuela City Science High School
1st Place, 4th Year Individual Competition
2012 Metrobank-MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge
Meanwhile, Russelle Guadalupe of Valenzuela City came
from a simple family. His father works part-time in a steel
factory while his mom works in a tailoring shop. He is a
consistent contestant in the Metrobank Math Challenge.
With determination, dedication and hard work, he prepared
himself for the challenge and decided early on that he
would win.
He spent countless nights in a computer shop, searching
the Internet for sample mathematical problems to practice
with. He borrowed reviewers and Math books from
classmates and friends since he couldn’t afford to buy one.
At the regional finals back when he was in Grade 5, the sole
of his shoes tore off due to overuse. Without any hesitation,
he remained in the competition and walked home barefoot
under the scorching heat of the sun. Russelle said, “That
humiliating experience only made me realize even more that
obstacles such as that would never stop me from joining MMC.”
Last year, Russelle emerged as the 1st placer for the high
school individual category in the National Finals of the 2013
Metrobank-MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge (MMC). Using the
cash prize he got from the competition, he bought a new
laptop so he doesn’t have to go to the computer shop to
surf the Internet.
Months after winning in the national finals, he travelled
to Amsterdam in the Netherlands to compete in the 2011
International Math Olympiad together with five other
Filipino students. Russelle also bagged the top score honors
for the individual competition in the 2011 American Regions
Mathematics League in University of Nevada, Las Vegas, as
well as competed in Singapore for the Raffles Invitational
Mathematics Olympiad.
Russelle is now a 2nd year college student at the University
of the Philippines-Diliman taking BS Mathematics, fulfilling his
dream to become a Mathematics teacher someday. Metrobank
Foundation is glad to have been a part of his journey towards
mathematical excellence.
2011 Metrobank Foundation Outstanding Teacher
Andres Bonifacio Elementary School
Recipient, 2012 Strengthening Leadership and Teaching Excellence Skills (SLATES)
“It’s never too late.”
This was what Dr. Teodora D. Conde of Andres Bonifacio
Elementary School realized after grabbing the award for
the 2011 Search for Outstanding Teachers. As a Master
Teacher II in Sta. Cruz, Manila, specializing in Science, Dr.
Conde was recognized as a teacher that exudes great
passion for teaching, exemplified by her contribution to the
development of instructional materials to make learning
Science easier for her pupils. At the age of 63 and with her
44 years of service, she never imagined that her hard work
will still be recognized.
But winning the award is indeed not the finish line towards
achieving greater heights. More and more opportunities for
self-development, career growth and continuous learning
were opened, and in Dr. Conde’s case, it was a year after
winning the competition that she was able to experience
widening her horizon through a hands-on experience of
the educational system in Australia. This came to life when
AusAID and PAHRODF (Philippine Australia Human Resource
and Organizational Development Facility) awarded a two-week
education leadership training in Australia for 10 Metrobank
Foundation Outstanding Teachers.
conversations. The program has different components: a
three-day education leadership program in Manila, a twoweek study visit in Australia by 10 core participants, and a twoday re-entry action planning workshop upon return to Manila.
Upon knowing that she was chosen to be sent to Australia,
Dr. Conde felt very excited. In her 44 years of service, it was
her first time to go out of the country. She felt very blessed
because given her age, it never crossed her mind that she
will still be considered for this program. But a once-in-alifetime opportunity knocked, and she could not ignore it.
As Dr. Conde beamingly recalled, “It was my first time to go
out of the Philippines so I was very excited. Some questions
bothered me like ‘Who are the people we’ll meet?’ and ‘How
will I act?’ I also hoped that I would be able to communicate
well with them.”
The program, entitled “Strengthening Leadership and
Teaching Excellence Skills (SLATES)”, aimed to increase
participants’ knowledge and capability of excellence in
education leadership, develop relationships and networks
with education organizations and associations, undertake
and analyze benchmarking visits of educations systems,
schools and institutions, enhance knowledge of effective
teaching and learning strategies, and develop effective
communication skills and ability to handle critical
Annual Report 2012
Though thrilled on her very first trip abroad, she knew
that this activity is not just something for fun, but more
importantly, an activity to learn from. She looked forward
to enhancing her motivational and convincing skills in
order to influence her co-teachers about developments
that must be done to improve their school. Moreover,
she aspired for the improvement of the educational
system in her own school, particularly the enhancement
of team building among teachers, which hopes to
lessen professional jealousy and strengthen the spirit of
cooperation, camaraderie and unity among them. It was
indeed a heart-thumping feeling as the dates drew near.
She couldn’t wait.
Then the day finally came, she was all packed, like a
soldier ready for his first battle. She was armed not with
weapons, but with knowledge and the intense desire to
experience something new, fun and exciting—feelings
that brought back the same spirit she had during her
younger years. Dr. Conde laughed as she shared, “The
whole trip was really enjoyable.“ Dr. Conde realized that
the program is more than just a fun trip to Australia.
“Aside from learning about how educational leaders
in Australia manage their schools, and on how these
leadership techniques might be applied to my school’s
system, it also gave me an idea on what kind of people
the Australians are. They are hospitable like us. They’re
humble, too. In every classroom we visited, we’re all met
with a smile and courtesy. Thank you very much MBFI
for giving me this opportunity that I really won’t forget.”
For some, life opportunities come earlier than
expected; for others, they come later in life. But
timing doesn’t matter at all. As for Dr. Conde,
being a participant of the SLATES program was an
opportunity that she would forever be thankful for. It
was an opportunity not only for herself but for other
hardworking teachers that might be inspired by her
story of hard work, triumphs, challenges and success.
Indeed, the Filipino dream is neither a beautiful house,
a flashy car nor untold riches. It is a college diploma. It
is the dream of every family that each daughter or son
is able to get a degree, become a more knowledgeable
person, and land a decent-paying job. Metrobank
Foundation firmly believes it can be done with a little help
and then some more from outstanding mentors, proactive
schools, and engaged communities – from all of us.
SOT’s advocacy of extolling the virtues of
teaching consequently sown the seeds for the
National Teachers Month (NTM) campaign.
Conceived in 2008 by the Metrobank
Foundation and De La Salle Philippines
(DLSP), it aims to generate widespread
awareness on and support for World
Teachers’ Day celebrated every 5th of
October, and to create a venue for the
public to show their appreciation and
gratitude for our everyday heroes in
education. Concerted efforts from
the proponents and institutional
partners from the government,
business, media, and civic sectors
have resulted in the phenomenal
success of the campaign.
It reached a milestone in
2011 with the issuance of
Presidential Proclamation 242
by President Benigno S. Aquino
III declaring the period from
September 5 to October 5 of every
year as “National Teachers’ Month”.
Metrobank Foundation President
Aniceto M. Sobrepeña shared how
Metrobank Foundation, Inc.
NTM and other initiatives undertaken by the Foundation
and the private sector have helped improve the status
of teachers in the country in a panel discussion during
the Official Ceremony for the World Teachers’ Day on
October 5, 2012 at the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Headquarters in Paris, France. He joined country
delegates, representatives of various UN agencies,
teacher experts, civil society and private sector
stakeholders in taking a positive stand for teachers
for their unique role in educating the youth and thus,
shaping the future. It is this collaboration from
different organizations and agencies from the private
and public sector of the country that makes the NTM
celebration unique.
Mr. Sobrepeña further stressed the importance of
affirming teachers beyond the confines of schools and
also in the community, where they are continuously
appreciated through celebrations in the community,
offices, public gymnasia and the like. Likewise, there are
special promotions and discounts offered exclusively
for teachers in commercial establishments and fastfood
restaurants. The media, through television and radio
stations and print publications showcased features on
these dedicated public servants, among many other
initiatives. Truly, the NTM is a month-long manifestation
of gratitude, a glorious spectacle of how the rest of the
society unites to help teachers inspire and stay inspired.
“Being a scholar not only provided us financial assistance,
but also made us better persons”, said Jay Mark Estavillo,
a Metrobank Foundation-Pacific Paint (Boysen) scholar
from the University of the Philippines-Diliman graduating
cum laude for his degree in Architecture, during the
Metrobank Foundation’s annual Graduates’ Forum held
last April 28, 2012. Jay Mark was one of eight (8) MBFIBoysen scholars who participated in the 14-year tradition
of providing scholars a venue to express gratitude towards
their benefactors and share their stories of struggles and
triumphs, demonstrating how education not only offers
the keys to a better life, but also provides opportunities for
personal growth. In particular, scholars conveyed how the
scholarship enabled them to discover themselves and their
talents, which they now share with their peers – friends and
fellow scholars they have met through the Foundation.
“Giving back” has also been the impetus for the creation
of the Network of Outstanding Educators (NOTED), the
honor society of outstanding teachers. In 2012, NOTED
has sustained its commitment of nurturing a culture
of excellence and service among educators through
professional development, publications, research, and
advocacy in partnership with government and nongovernment organizations. In September, it held the 4th
National Tri-Level Conference of Teachers and Educators,
putting the spotlight on the recently implemented K-to-12
basic education curriculum and its implications for teachers.
After many years, Lowella Balangue is again travelling on
the bumpy road leading to her beloved elementary school in
San Jose Elementary School, La Union. Memories flooded
her mind after seeing the same old buildings and a few
familiar faces. It was at this school where she began her
journey towards excellence. The principal, who was then her
teacher, beamed with pride recalling how Lowella was the best
student he ever had. Now with a career and a family, Lowella
has returned to give back to the school that has nurtured
her, donating 55 sets of school supplies and food to the
children under the “Project School Aid” of Alumni Scholars for
Service, Excellence and Transformation (ASSET), the alumni
organization for Metrobank Foundation scholars.
Like other members of ASSET, Lowella embodies the value of
gratitude and “paying-it-forward.” “Project School Aid” is only
one of the many programs of the organization, which cater
to disadvantaged students. Not only do they provide school
supplies, but ASSET frequently conducts tutoring programs in
reading and math through their Project ABC and Project Math.
Just this past year, they have benefited almost 300 students
in different regions. Through ASSET, the alumni continue to
demonstrate their commitment to education by instilling the
same hope given to them by the Metrobank Foundation.
In 2012, under the MetroGold Scholarship Program, ACCESS
II (Assistance for the Completion of College Education for
Superior Students) was relaunched as part of the P200million donation of the Bank to support the Foundation’s
new programs. With an allotment of P10 million, ACCESS
II will support 50 new scholars enrolled in the fields
of Information and Computer Technology, Business/
Accounting/Management, Engineering, and Education
starting school year 2013-2014.
Annual Report 2012
2012 Metrobank Foundation Outstanding Soldier
Dreams are the beginnings of new realities.
Orville Wright once said that “the desire to fly is an idea
handed down to us by our ancestors who, in their grueling
travels across trackless lands in prehistoric times, looked
enviously on the birds soaring freely through space, at full
speed, above all obstacles, on the infinite highway of the
air.” The dream of soaring came to life through the Wright
brother’s faith and perseverance in achieving the vision
shared by people before them. Faced with impossibilities,
their ancestors were able to share their aspirations which
gave way for these dreams to become realities.
Like the ancestors of the pioneers of flight, the Filipino
people once had a dream too—a country full of opportunities
and bountiful resources. They sought to live in a society of
peace, security, sovereignty and prosperity. The Filipinos of
old fought for this aspiration, sometimes, even at the expense
of their lives. But more than that, they also shared the dream
to the future generations. They may not be able to fully
accomplish their mission, but, the subsequent Filipinos they
influenced continued to reach for the realization of the hopes
of these ancestors. The ideal situation of peace and security
in our country may still be a far cry, but there is hope for these
aspirations to come true.
These hopes lie in the lives of people like Captain Erick
Kagaoan of the Philippine Navy. Capt. Kagaoan contributed
much to the realization of the dreams of the people in TawiTawi through his excellent service both in military operations
and that of helping the community.
Tawi-Tawi has been inflicted with various peace and security
issues. Despite this situation, Capt. Kagaoan was instrumental
in preventing the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and
the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) from establishing strongholds in
the province. As an advocate of peace in Tawi-Tawi, this navy
officer and his team were also able to confiscate millions worth
of contraband items, illegally cut forest products, prohibited
drugs and various firearms and ammunition.
But more than the prevention of the threat to the security
of the people in Tawi-Tawi, Capt. Kagaoan also helped rebuild
the dreams of the people in Sitio Pahapatan Baldatal Islam,
Sapa-Sapa, Tawi-Tawi. Being part of the OPLAN Balik Sitio
Fleet Marine operation, he and his team were instrumental to
the resolution of the Tribal conflict between the Tausogs and
Samals. One hundred (100) internally displaced persons (IDP)
returned safely to their homes as armed lawless elements were
also removed from their community. This brought new hope
to the lives of the men, women and children of this community.
They are able to go back to their community and have a fresh
start as they try to attain their dreams again.
Captain Kagaoan also had a very important role during
the May 2010 elections. With the onset of election-related
crimes in most parts of the country, the Captain ensured
the security of the polling precincts, safe delivery of the
Metrobank Foundation, Inc.
Precinct Count Optical System (PCOS) machine, Compact
Flash Cards (CFC), official ballots and certificate of canvass.
This resulted to the success of the first automated national
and local elections in Tawi-Tawi. A peaceful election can be
the start of a new hope for a peaceful province. Hence, with
Capt. Kagaoan’s contribution to the attainment of a successful
election, the people and its government are one step closer to
the attainment of their aspirations for a better province and a
quality life.
With so much achievement, Capt. Kagaoan does not end
by simply doing his duties. He went the extra mile and will
continue to do extraordinary things for the achievement of
the people’s dreams. The captain shared his vision of fullyequipped men and women of the armed forces through
initiating several trainings that benefited a total of ten (10)
officers and eighty seven (87) enlisted personnel. Imparting
his vision and expertise to other men and women in uniform
helped Capt. Kagaoan to have more partners to attain peace
and prosperity in Tawi-tawi.
Capt. Kagaoan also went beyond the AFP, and into the
communities in terms of equipping and helping others to fulfill
their dreams. It was Capt. Kagaoan who was instrumental in
conducting the first ever Philippine Military Academy (PMA)
entrance examination in the province of Tawi-Tawi. This
helped the dreams of local students to be part of a premiere
military school in the country. Capt. Kagaoan also helps the
communities he is stationed in by being part of conducting
medical and dental missions, coastal clean-up drives, planting
of mangroves, rebuilding houses and delivering relief goods
during calamities.
True enough, with the one life he has, this 2012 Metrobank
Foundation, Inc. (MBFI) The Outstanding Philippines Soldiers
(TOPS) awardee made great contributions to make his world
a better place. He had a dream for a better Tawi-Tawi, and he
did not just sit on that dream, but he worked hard to achieve it.
In the process, he was able to open more doors of opportunity
for the people of the province. He was able to help others
realize their dreams, as he achieved his.
The Metrobank Foundation and its partner, the Rotary Club
of Makati Metro, honor soldiers like Capt. Kagaoan whose
journey has represented the noble cause of selfless service to
the country. TOPS recognizes the efforts done by the valiant
men and women of the AFP in achieving peace and security
in the nation. These soldiers’ technical expertise as well as
contributions to civilian communities are both given due
recognition in this award.
Capt. Kagaoan is one of the many whose stories of gallantry
and sacrifice remain unheard of. Through the Metrobank
Foundation Search for TOPS, Capt. Kagaoan’s story resonates
with many of us who dare to dream. He has proven that
achieving great things for oneself and for the country begin
with one’s own hopes and dreams.
2012 Metrobank Foundation Outstanding Police Officer
The fulfillment of one’s ambition is never simple, it comes with
hardwork and determination.
SPO3 Rhia Benigla Sotomil’s life shows that there are many
battles people go through as they work to realize their dreams.
For over nine years, SPO3 Sotomil has been fighting a disease
while struggling to balance her career and family life. Despite
being afflicted with lupus, a disease that attacks one’s immune
system, her dream to serve both her family and the community
has been her source of strength. As she puts it, “I want to serve
as an example to other police officers who are in good health.
If I can do it, why can’t they?”
Her work against drug addiction continues to be one of her
greatest contribution to the police force. SPO3 Sotomil seeks
to educate children and the youth about the harmful effects of
drugs to give these youth a better chance at life. She believes
that a drug-free society would lead to less crime and therefore
safer communities. As one of the 2012 Metrobank Foundation
Search for the Country’s Outstanding Police Officers in Service
(COPS) awardees, she seeks to impart one important lesson in
fulfilling dreams: “Nothing is impossible for public service.”
For her, winning the COPS search will serve as an
encouragement and inspiration for her to do more. COPS
have been consistently bringing recognition to exceptional
police officers who have made a mark in making a difference
in their respective communities. Metrobank Foundation, in
partnership with the Rotary Club of New Manila East, the
Philippine Savings Bank (PSBank) and the Philippine National
Police (PNP), works to give credit among the members of the
police force who constantly seek to protect the citizens and
also contribute to the development of the nation.
As the soldiers and police officers of the country continue
to fulfill the dreams of our forebears, Metrobank Foundation
helps them by recognizing the valiant heroes and heroines of
today, sharing their stories of struggles and triumphs for the
next generation. Through this, MBFI and its partners embark
in the journey of nation building, believing that one day the
Philippines will soar higher to fulfill its potential as a nation of
peace and equal opportunities.
Over the years, both COPS and TOPS have become the
highest and most sought after civilian award given to our
soldiers and police. It has continuously generated the support
and participation of government, judiciary, media and civil
society, which share the programs’ vision to display and
promote public appreciation and gratitude for the protectors
of the country and our people.
TOPS awardee and Army spokesperson Major Harold M.
Cabunoc. Also a member of the Philippine Dragon Boat team,
Cabunoc and a colleague played for the TV game show Deal
or No Deal and donated their winnings to the Yellow Boat of
Hope Foundation. His act of giving back started a national
movement to help children who used to swim to school in the
mangrove village of Layag-Layag, Zamboanga City. Through
their donation, combined with those of concerned individuals
and groups, a boat was procured and turned over to the
community, where Cabunoc and at least 800 volunteers,
including at least a hundred soldiers from Western Mindanao
Command, planted 9,000 mangrove seedlings as part of the
reforestation efforts of the local government.
Carrying on their collective community service work, COPS
and TOPS awardees have formed alumni organizations,
respectively, the Policemen Responsible for Organizing,
Transforming and Empowering Communities (PROTECT)
and The Organization of Philippine Soldiers with
Outstanding Leadership, Dedication, Initiative, Excellence,
and Responsibility to Society (TOPSOLDIERS). Since 2011,
PROTECT has been working together with the Network of
Outstanding Teachers and Educators or NOTED for the “Pulis
Ko, Teacher Ko at PROTECT Ako” project to train Grade 6
and 1st year high school students on responsible citizenship
as key to strengthening police community relations. NOTED,
which previously developed the lesson plans for the said
classes, conducted last December a trainers’ training for
police personnel who would be involved in the program.
On the other hand, TOPSOLDIERS has been supporting
different projects initiated by its members such as 2004
Proving that charity indeed begins at home, the late 2011
outstanding soldier Brigadier General Daniel Lucero used his
TOPS cash reward to help build the 103rd Infantry Brigade
Rear Command Post (RCP). This is where soldiers, who used
to pay P200 pesos a night in boarding houses near the 1st
Infantry Division Headquarters, now stay for free when they
visit their mother unit in Pulacan, Labangan, Zamboanga
del Sur. The P400,000-structure was constructed without
funding from the government.
Extending beyond the individual awardees, Metrobank
Foundation’s excellence awards program for the military
and the police redounds to the strengthening of two key
pillars of society. As the late Interior and Local Government
Secretary Jessie M. Robredo stated in his message in the
2012 COPS Souvenir Program, the COPS awardees are “the
models of excellence and agents of transformation in the
PNP, exemplifying high level of professionalism and integrity
in carrying out their sworn duties of serving and protecting
our communities. [Their] sterling examples of police service
have maintained the dignity of the uniform they wear and
the institution that they represent.”
Annual Report 2012
Grand Prize Winner, Architecture Competition
“Tahanang Walang Hagdan”
2012 Metrobank Art & Design Excellence (MADE)
“To create something new that no one has ever built” This is
a dream unfolding into reality for the young architect and
sculptor, Arch. Jonathan Dangue. In 2012, Arch. Dangue
won the grand prize in the architecture competition of
the Metrobank Art & Design Excellence (MADE) annual
competition in painting, sculpture, interior design, and
architecture. More than the monetary award, Arch. Dangue
proved that “dreams come true for those who dare to dream”.
When Failing Became the Only Way to Succeed
The road towards the realization of this dream was not
smooth. Upon learning that he did not make it as one of the
top ten board exam passers last 2011, Jonathan Dangue’s
frustration led to his creation of a toothpick sculpture entitled
“Walang Pinanghahawakang Anuman sa Palad.” The sculpture
made of spiky bamboo toothpicks glued together in a circular
formation with pointed ends, resembled his emotions of anger
and frustration when he felt like his dreams were over. Little
did he know that this creation would bag him the Grand Prize
in the 2011 MADE’s sculpture competition. “When I won the
MADE sculpture competition, doors opened for me and the art
industry welcomed me as a sculptor,” said Arch. Dangue. “I was
supposed to leave the country and work in an architecture firm
in Singapore, but when I received a call that I am a semi-finalist
in MADE, I decided to try my luck in the competition. MADE
is part of my decision to stay in the Philippines and dream
some more.”
And to Dream Some More
There’s no stopping this sculptor-architect as he shifts
from bamboo to brass in his sculpture pieces. Arch. Dangue
is preparing for his first solo exhibition showcasing not
only brass sculpture pieces but also furniture and industrial
fixtures. He recalls: “It is an irony that my sculpture practice is
supporting my dream of putting up my own architecture firm
and not the other way around. I am utilizing the proceeds from
the sculptures as I am setting up my own architectural firm.”
Already demonstrating a display of courageous audacity
in breaking conceptual and artistic norms, the latest crop of
MADE winners could soon join the ranks of these elite artists.
By fostering a culture of artistic appreciation, Metrobank
Foundation encourages young Filipino artists and designers to
dream, to create and to discover.
Of Impossible Dreams
After winning in 2011, he courageously ventured to the craft
and met several collectors and patrons of his own. However,
moved by his love for architecture and with an artist’s endless
passion to create, he again dared of dreaming something
seemingly impossible. In 2012, Arch. Dangue challenged
architectural practice when he designed “Tahanang Walang
Hagdan.” A six story house on stilts located on a mountain
slope made of bamboo. Utilizing ramps instead of stairs, this
ambitious architectural masterpiece exhibits both sculptural
artistry and design ingenuity. It was no surprise that the board
of judges awarded this avant-garde and eco-friendly design the
Grand Prize for the 2012 MADE architecture competition.
Metrobank Foundation, Inc.
Together with four others, Arch. Dangue received a trophy
and a cash prize of P300,000 each. Three painters and a
sculptor were recognized during the 2012 MADE Awarding
last September at Le Pavillon, Pasay City. They are Christopher
Gomez whose watercolor artpiece “Asong Tao: Taong Aso”
revisits society’s definition of humanity; Ronante Maratas
reminds the audience of dreams, memories and the fragility
of time in the “Undoing Ruin”; Michael Villagante depicts crab
mentality in our modern society in “Sagad Hanggang Buto”;
and Alexander Tee’s “Batak” sculpture narrates the story that it
is never too late to pursue one’s dream.
Ronante Maratas
Alexander Tee
Christopher Gomez
Further expanding this advocacy, Metrobank Foundation
launched the Metrobank Art Club in November 2012. The art
club was established in order to bring together art collectors and
enthusiasts and to provide a venue for the members to exchange
ideas and experiences through artistic and cultural activities
initiated by MADE and MADE-Network of Winners (NOW). The
Club aims to cultivate awareness and deeper understanding
of Philippine art and support Filipino artists.
The Foundation has likewise partnered with various
organizations for similar undertakings to keep Philippine arts
and culture alive and flourishing such as DiplomArt: Cultural
Diplomacy through Philippine Architecture and Interior
Design. In partnership with the Department of Foreign Affairs
(DFA) and the National Commission for Culture and the Arts
(NCCA), the cultural diplomacy program featured an exhibit
and book launch of “Salumpuwit, Bangko, Silya, atbp: Chairs
in Filipino Life” by Dr. Gerard Rey Lico, head of the NCCA
National Committee on Architecture and Allied Arts. Elevating
the mundane to the sublime, Dr. Lico highlighted chairs as
important elements in Philippine interior design, which also
function as social artifacts that reflect style and decorative
influences dating from pre-colonial to the modern era.
For the past 28 years, MADE has served as a career launching
pad for the young artists and designers it has recognized while
cultivating artistic excellence and appreciation for our country’s
rich cultural heritage. In addition to the annual competition,
MADE holds the Art Exploration Series that aims to promote art
education, animate active participation and stimulate curiosity
and creativity among Filipinos. Some 300 students, teachers, art
enthusiasts, and the general public attended the lectures given
last year by former MADE winners as well as distinguished artists,
scholars and critics.
Resonating the Foundation’s philosophy of “paying it forward,”
the alumni organization of MADE winners—MADE-NOW held
a parallel exhibit, during the 2012 MADE awarding ceremony,
of which a percentage of the proceeds was used for the
organization’s outreach programs. Participating artists included:
Clarence Eduarte, Ernilo Germino, Ferdinand Doctolero, Juan
Sajid Imao, Julius Anthony Del Castillo, Lester Rodriguez, Melvin
Culaba, Mervy Pueblo, Noel Ferraris, Noell EL Farol, Norlie
Meimban, Rolando Ventura, Raffy Napay, Rex Tatlonghari,
Ronald Jeresano, and Salvador Ching.
In keeping with its goal to nurture the country’s next generation
of masters in the arts and design, the Foundation supported
the 13 Artists Awards of the Cultural Center of the Philippines
(CCP). Two (2) former MADE winners, namely, Leeroy New
and Mark Salvatus, have previously received the triennial
recognition bestowed upon promising Filipino artists who can
raise the level of contemporary art practice.
Annual Report 2012
2012 Grants Social Development Partners
They are small towns which share big dreams: to educate and
ensure a brighter future for their youth. And as in any other pursuit,
however, there are challenges that add a degree of difficulty in
fulfilling their aspirations.
For the Higaonon people in Barangay Sinakungan, Esperanza
in Agusan del Sur, it is the lack of indigenous education
program for its young people. Located in the remaining forest
land of the province, the Higaonon people, one of the ethnic
groups in Mindanao, have limited access to education and other
basic services. Meanwhile, the Municipality of Del Carmen in
Siargao Island in Surigao del Norte is dealing with yet another
major problem plaguing Philippine public schools besides
classroom congestion, shortage of teachers and textbooks:
poor sanitation facilities.
In 2012, the Metrobank Foundation came to their aid, supporting
projects to address their specific needs. It funded Cartwheel
Foundation’s education program for Higaonon children,
particularly, the indigenization or integration of the Higaonon’s
unique culture, beliefs and practices into the curriculum, teachers
training, instructional materials development, and increasing
community involvement.
Through the grant from the Foundation, Cartwheel was able to
conduct teacher’s training workshop for four para-teachers in order
to improve their teaching skills in lesson planning and classroom
instruction. A Tribal Education Council was also formed with the
aim to create a culture of sharing among community members,
especially between the young and old folks, who are encouraged to
gather regularly and celebrate various parts of their unique identity.
“The elders, community members, parents, students, and parateachers express their gratitude to the Metrobank Foundation for
the support,” said Cartwheel’s Education coordinator Bricks Sintaon.
“The support was able to help 47 students from pre-school to Grade
6. It did not only benefit the students but the whole community for
you have given them so much hope for the future.”
On the other hand, Metrobank Foundation, in partnership with
the municipal government, constructed four more common
toilets for selected elementary schools in Del Carmen. This is
the second year that the Foundation has joined the project that
aims to promote hygiene and sanitation in its primary schools
by building toilets and thus, improving the learning environment
and performance of students. Utilizing its limited budget, the
municipality matches its counterpart’s contributions, building a
total of six (6) sanitation facilities in six (6) elementary schools
with the grant from the Foundation.
Cartwheel Foundation and the Municipality of Del Carmen are
among the 104 local and national government agencies, socio-civic
and non-government organizations (NGOs) that the Metrobank
Foundation has partnered with under its Grants Program last year.
Conceived in pursuit of its social development goal, the program
provides financial and in-kind assistance for interventions in line
with its main thrusts in education, visual arts, and healthcare, with
special focus on specific Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Beneficiaries, Basic Entrepreneurship Program
ASKI Global Ltd. (Singapore)
In the last three years, Marisol and Evelyn’s lifestyle is spent
most of the time hanging out with friends and would frequent
Singapore’s famous open parks and shopping malls. Until they
were referred to undergo training offered by ASKI Global Ltd.
and subject themselves into worthwhile activities. Luckily, Marisol
and Evelyn were granted scholarships by ASKI to undergo the
Basic Entrepreneurship Program. About 400 low-income migrant
workers in Singapore will be granted the same scholarship for the
Basic Entrepreneurship and Financial Education programs within
the next two years.
“Salamat at merong scholarship na binibigay ang Metrobank
Foundation upang ang gaya naming domestic helpers ay makapagaral ng pagnenegosyo,” said Marisol. “Ngayon, wala na kami sa
pasyalan at parke sa Singapore, nasa loob na kami ng isang silid,
nag-aaral at natututo,” shared Evelyn.
The story of Marisol Aguilar & Evelyn Roxas is similar to any
struggling overseas Filipino contract workers who chose to leave
their families behind as a necessary move to provide them a better
living. They are among the 200,000 Filipino migrant workers in
Singapore. Based on a study, majority of the household service
workers lack basic knowledge on entrepreneurship and financial
literacy even if they dream of starting their own entrepreneurial
activities someday. Some of them would send the full amount
of their hard-earned salaries to their families without financial
planning. This is where ASKI Global Ltd. saw the opportunity in
educating Filipino migrant workers in order to grow their money
into productive and sustainable endeavours.
Metrobank Foundation, Inc.
They would attend the regular classes twice a month and during
Sundays, the two are busy working on their respective business
plans. “Ang aming Linggo ay nagiging produktibo at makahulugan,
walang nasasayang na oras”, Evelyn stated. “Para sa amin at sa
aming pamilya itong pagpla-plano para sa negosyo, kaya kailangang
pagbutihan,” explained Marisol. Evelyn dreams of putting up her
own flower shop in her Bulacan hometown while Marisol plans to
establish a business on rice wholesaling and retailing in Cagayan.
They are keen on setting up their dream businesses and once
they become successful, they will definitely plan for an early
retirement as they wish to be reunited with their families for the
rest of their lives.
“Mahirap mamasukan dito sa Singapore, kaya lubos kaming
nagpapasalamat sa Metrobank Foundation at ASKI Global Ltd. sa
pinagkaloob nilang pagkakataon upang kami ay makapag-aral at
makapagnegosyo. Kami ay nakakasiguro na hindi na kami magiging
katulong habang buhay,” expressed the teary-eyed ladies.
Filipino migrant workers in Singapore. It has also paved way for
collaboration between ASKI Global Ltd. and Metrobank Remittance,
introducing the discounted remittance charges for about 1000
overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) undergoing the trainings.
According to Ian Arcebal, Training and Microfinance Manager
of ASKI Global Ltd., the grant assistance from the Metrobank
Foundation has greatly contributed in the increase of enrolment in
Basic Entrepreneurship and Financial Education courses, thereby
increasing the number of sessions from 2:00 to 4:00 pm every
Sunday, composed of 40-70 participants per session. It has also
encouraged microfinance loan applications, not only in Luzon where
ASKI Philippines is actively operating, but also in the Visayas and
Mindanao regions as well. They also offered a new microfinance
product line, “Alalay sa OFW” program specifically earmarked for
Following the success of the Financial Education Program for
Overseas Filipino Workers in 2011, which benefited close to 100
low-income professional and non-professional workers in Singapore
and their family members in the Philippines, the Foundation has
sustained its partnership with Alalay sa Kaunlaran, Inc. or ASKI
last year. Specifically, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was
signed with ASKI and ASKI Global Ltd. Singapore for a twopronged Financial Literacy Program that will train an additional 400
OFWs and their loved ones in the country. Some P12 million had
been allocated for the said project. Marisol and Evelyn are current
beneficiaries of the renewed partnership.
As part of Metrobank’s tradition of giving back, 50 selected
development partners attended the Annual Grants Turnover
Ceremony in August at Metrobank Plaza, where a total of P10
million worth of donations was awarded to them.
Another priority area identified by the Foundation’s Grants Program
is calamity assistance. In 2012, it donated a total of 5.5 million
pesos to emergency and relief operations for victims of Habagat
(monsoon rains) and typhoon Pablo. The donation was coursed
through the Department of Social Welfare and Development,
ABS-CBN Foundation Sagip Kapamilya, GMA Kapuso Foundation,
TV5 Alagang Kapatid Foundation, Federation of Filipino Chinese
Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Philippine Red Cross, The
Philippine Star, and Philippine Daily Inquirer.
The Metrobank Foundation and GT-Metro Foundation
conducted the 2nd year of the “Bags of Blessing” as a unique
way of celebrating Chinese New Year. Around 10,000 food
packages were distributed to 10,000 families in 17 areas in Metro
Manila, Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.
In support of the attainment of the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs), the Foundation has focused its initiatives on
poverty reduction, improvement of maternal and child health, and
universal access to education. Of the P13 million donation to social
development partners in 2012, more than P4 million was disbursed
to 34 organizations whose programs have direct impact on the
attainment of MDGs.
As part of Metrobank Foundation’s nation-building efforts, it aims to
strengthen key institutions and professions like law and the judiciary
through strategic implementation of capacity-building programs.
More than a decade ago, it partnered with top organizations in the
public and private sectors to establish Professorial Chairs in the
areas of medicine, public service and governance.
Jointly undertaken by the Foundation and the Philippine Judicial
Academy (PhilJA) of the Supreme Court of the Philippines, the
Professorial Chair Lecture and the Academic Excellence Lecture
Series (AELS) in the Judiciary aim to contribute to the growth of
the judiciary as a major pillar of our democracy and development.
Aside from the professional development of its members, the
projects intend to educate the citizenry on public interest issues.
In 2012, the Foundation brought the AELS to audiences outside
Metro Manila, organizing a lecture by former Supreme Court
Associate Justice and current PhilJA Chancellor Adolfo S. Azcuna
at the Ateneo de Davao University College of Law in Davao City.
Retired Justice Azcuna’s lecture entitled “Updates on International
Humanitarian Law: A Field Guide to the Basics” drew a crowd of
more than 300 law students and practitioners, government and
socio-civic sector representatives.
Furthering its advocacy for judiciary excellence, the Foundation
also partnered with the Foundation for Liberty and Prosperity
(FLP) for the conduct of the Chief Justice Panganiban
Professorial Chairs for Liberty and Prosperity. The initiative was
formally launched in September, with newly appointed Supreme
Court Chief Justice Maria Lourdes P. A. Sereno serving as Guest
of Honor and Speaker. It was also attended by Former President
Fidel V. Ramos, Former Chief Justice and FLP Chair Artemio V.
Panganiban, Former Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr., and other
legal luminaries, members of the diplomatic corps, business and
civic sector, and the academe.
“We are fortunate to have partnered with the Metrobank
Foundation which has a vast experience in holding professorial
lectures not just in the judiciary but also in related fields. We
believe that through this joint undertaking, we are strengthening
the judiciary and its practitioners,” says Panganiban who chairs
the FLP, and concurrently, chair of the board of advisers of the
Metrobank Foundation.
The first seven (7) holders of these chairs are retired Justice
Adolfo Azcuna (Chancellor, Philippine Judicial Academy), Dean
Andres Bautista (Far Eastern University Institute of Law), Dean
Sedfrey Candelaria (Ateneo de Manila College of Law), Dean Danilo
Concepcion (University of the Philippines College of Law), Dean
Jose Manuel Diokno (De La Salle College of Law), Dean Nilo Divina
(University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Civil Law), and retired Justice
Antonio Eduardo Nachura (Chair, Arellano Law Foundation).
Cognizant of the media’s role in development, Metrobank
Foundation launched last year the Search for Journalists of the
Year (JOY). A collaboration with the Probe Media Foundation
Inc. (PMFI), the search celebrates and honors distinctive Filipino
journalists from print, broadcast and online media for their body of
work that has contributed to the development of the nation and
inspired other media practitioners. It also encourages responsibility,
accountability and excellence in storytelling. In addition to the cash prize and a special trophy, the three
winners will also receive the Metrobank Foundation Fellowship
Program in Journalism. In this program, they will deliver lectures
about their journalistic experiences in select academic institutions
in NCR, Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, to audiences of students,
academe, media, civil society and others. The program will highlight
the journalists’ contributions to both the industry and to society,
and give the public a chance to learn from these noteworthy
Meanwhile, in recognition of the contribution to economic
development of the legions of skilled workers who constitute the
backbone of the country’s industrial capacity, the Foundation
together with the Rotary Club of Manila has relaunched the
nationwide Search for The Outstanding Workers of the Republic
(TOWER). Dubbed as “the seal of confidence” to outstanding
blue collar workers of the country, TOWER has gained the support
of new institutional partners—the Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE) and the Presidential Communications and
Operations Office (PCOO).
Annual Report 2012
Bridging the Gap (BTG)
Share the Gift of Vision (STGOV)
Nineteen (19)-year-old Karen Mabasa feels so different
from the rest because of her cleft lip and palate. She
envisions that one day, she will experience that deep sense
of belongingness in the society, not being made fun of
by others because of her physical condition. Though she
had an initial operation in 2009, her family cannot afford a
subsequent operation because of financial constraints.
It was Marilou Teves’ dream for her mother, Nilda Baliday, to
see again. Nanay Nilda has been longing to undergo cataract
surgery ever since she was diagnosed with Cataract Mature
OD at a local clinic in her hometown in Oriental Mindoro. As a
widow, she fully relies on the meager income of her children
who also have their own families to support.
The Metrobank Foundation, Inc. (MBFI) believes that the
health of the people greatly affects the development of the
country. Through its healthcare arm, the Manila Doctors
Hospital (MDH), the Foundation continues to build dreams
of healthier communities and reach out to lesser-privileged
individuals who are in need of medical assistance.
Nanay Nilda’s dream to regain her normal sight has been
bleak ever since, but thanks to the support of MBFI and MDH
through the program, Share the Gift of Vision (STGOV), she
was able to undergo her much needed operation. For 11 years
now, STGOV has been restoring vision for about 70 patients
annually through free cataract surgery.
Bridging the Gap (BTG), a program started in
2003 spearheaded by the Hospital’s Department of
Otorhinolaryngology, grants subsidized reconstructive
surgery to patients with cleft lip and palate. More than the
surgery itself, the program also caters to the emotional and
psychological challenges faced by the patient and his/her
family. Every year, an average of 28 patients is given the
chance to have their lives changed through this program.
Through the BTG program, Karen is given renewed hope to
belong and be accepted among her peers and community.
As she expressed,
“Salamat po at hinipo po kayo ng Panginoon para sa amin
at sa mga doktor, hospital at sa Metrobank Foundation na
nagsponsor sa amin para po kami ay maoperahan. Ngayon
po ay nasa ayos na ang aking bibig. Sana po magpatuloy
ang inyong misyon at ibalik sa inyo ng Panginoon ang
lahat ng tulong na binigay ng liglig, sigsig at umaapaw na
pagpapala para po lubos pa po kayong makatulong sa mga
nangangailangan. Salamat po ng marami!”
In line with the Hospital’s aim in aligning and implementing
the goal of the Foundation to intensify its Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) thrust and bring access to world-class
healthcare among Filipinos, especially the marginalized
and underserved, MBFI guided and assisted the Hospital to
craft and launch its Social Vision earlier in 2012. This made
MDH the very first private hospital in the country to have
a social vision statement as it seeks to sustain the viability
of its operations enabling the implementation of various
CSR programs. The launch was done during the Hospital’s
first CSR Forum. MDH continuously enhances its service
facilities, investing in state-of-the-art medical technologies.
Moreover, it has ensured the practice of good governance,
transparency and accountability by publishing its first
Sustainability Report.
Metrobank Foundation, Inc.
Expressing her gratitude for the Foundation, Marilou
expressed, “Sagot po kayo sa amin ng Diyos, sapagkat ngayon
po ay matagumpay na naoperahan si Nanay at napakalaking
tulong po ito sa kanya ganun din po sa amin. Dahil magaan po
sa amin na makitang hindi na siya nahihirapan sa problema sa
katarata. Nais ko pong mag pasalamat at sana ay lalo pa pong
pag palain ng Panginoon ang inyong programang ito.”
Along with Karen and Nilda, MBFI and MDH helped in
re-building and achieving the dreams of a total of 125
indigent patients with cataracts, cleft lip/palate disorders,
uterine tumors and goiters in 2012.
In November 2012, amidst the devastation brought about
by the Habagat calamity, MBFI and MDH brought hope
by providing free medical consultations, screenings, vital
signs monitoring and medicines to 3,600 residents in a
community in Laguna.
The MDH Purple Hearts Club took part in the annual
Brigada Eskwela of the Department of Education, held at
Dr. Celedenio Salvador Elementary School in Paco, Manila.
They painted the classrooms, fixed chairs and tables and
repaired leaking roofs and faucets.
In line with the celebration of the 151st birth anniversary of
Dr. Jose P. Rizal on June 19, 2012, the National Historical
Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) conferred the
distinguished sesquicentennial Gawad Rizal on Metrobank
Foundation, hailing its contributions to keeping the legacy of
our national hero alive through its pioneering initiatives.
As the lone institutional awardee, Metrobank Foundation,
Inc. (MBFI) was cited for its promotion of excellence in service
and performance among professionals in the fields of arts,
education, peace and security, as well as the ingenious use of
bank resources in implementing relevant programs that inspire
and empower Filipinos, thus, contributing to a stronger nation.
In his acceptance speech, MBFI President Aniceto Sobrepeña
shared the honor with its peers in the development sector,
“This award is too wonderful to claim as our own. It also
belongs to the many other foundations and NGOs, who are
working to improve lives, empower people, uplift the dignity of
men. We share this with them too and doing so, we enlarge a
capacity for hope that our collective efforts will contribute to a
better Philippines.”
Outstanding Philippine Soldiers (TOPS). Shortlisted as Finalists
in their respective categories were the MDH Corporate Social
Responsibility Forum, Metrobank Foundation 2011 Annual
Report, and 2011 Metrobank Art & Design Excellence (MADE)
Awarding Ceremony and Exhibit Opening.
The Foundation likewise received a total of four (4) Anvil
Awards for outstanding PR programs and tools that reflect and
promote public interest, good values, and genuine service to
the community and society in the 48th Anvil Awards by the
Public Relations Society of the Philippines (PRSP). Metrobank
Foundation received two (2) Anvil Awards of Excellence and
two (2) Anvil Awards of Merit. The 2012 Metrobank Art &
Design Excellence (MADE) got an Excellence Award under
the Special Events category. As an annual competition for
painting, sculpture, interior design, and architecture, the 28th
year of the program was culminated into a three-day event
series—Awarding Ceremony and Exhibit Opening and Art
Exploration Lecture Series aimed at celebrating Filipino artistry
and promoting appreciation for the arts by the general public
through lectures facilitated by distinguished professionals and
personalities in the art and design community.
Another Anvil Award of Excellence went to the 2012
Metrobank Foundation Search for TOPS under PR Programs
directed at a specific stakeholder category. As an expression
of the civilian sector’s appreciation for the bravery, dedication
to duty and heroism of the men and women of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines (AFP), TOPS has helped improve the
over-all image of the military and in building a key institution
in Philippine democracy. Over the years, the Search has
become the highest and most sought after civilian award
given to soldiers, from commissioned officers to those in the
Meanwhile, the Quezon City Government also acknowledged
the Foundation’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts,
bestowing upon it the Gawad Parangal for Most Outstanding
Organization during its 73rd founding anniversary in October.
The Foundation was specifically honored for its significant
and outstanding charitable, humanitarian, and educational
assistance and services nationwide, as well as to the people of
Quezon City.
On the other hand, the Foundation’s winning streak in the
business communication and public relations (PR) awards also
continued last year, cementing its reputation as one of the
most-awarded corporate foundations in the country.
It bagged five (5) awards in the 11th Philippine Quill
Awards organized by the International Association of
Business Communicators (IABC)-Philippines. It bagged an
Award of Excellence for its Grants Program and an Award
of Merit for the 2012 Metrobank Foundation Search for The
MBFI’s PR Tools—2011 annual report entitled “Journey
Towards Excellence in CSR” and audio-visual presentation
on the “Metrobank Foundation Outstanding Filipinos” got
Anvil Awards of Merit. The 2011 Annual Report presents the
accomplishments of the Foundation in fostering the best
in the Filipinos through its recognition programs as well
as the strides it did for its social development thrust. The
three (3)-minute audio-visual presentation on the other
hand, has sought to convey the commitment of Metrobank,
through the Metrobank Foundation and its mother company
in honoring and rewarding ordinary individuals made
extraordinary by their steadfast and exemplary performance
on their sworn duties as public servants.
Reflecting on the Foundation’s latest accomplishments,
Sobrepeña said, “We are grateful for our programs that have
been recognized; [they are] a testament to our commitment
of valuing excellence in everything we do. To be awarded
with an Anvil means you are doing an outstanding work that
promotes community service and benefits your employees
which serves as an inspiration for us to continue to do good
for our stakeholders.”
Annual Report 2012
Metrobank Foundation, Inc.
Annual Report 2012
Metrobank Foundation, Inc.
Annual Report 2012
Sta. Rita Elementary School Capas, Tarlac
Santa Cruz South Central School Santa Cruz, Marinduque
Man-it Integrated School Philippine Science High SchoolSouthern Mindanao Campus Passi City
Davao City
Anabu II Elementary School Imus, Cavite
Ernesto Rondon High School Quezon City
West Visayas State University
Iloilo City
General Santos City
SPED Integrated School
General Santos City
Ateneo de Manila University
Quezon City
Concepcion Integrated School-Secondary
Marikina City
Second Prize
“Undoing Ruin”
Grand Prize
“Sagad Hanggang Buto”
Grand Prize
Grand Prize
“Tahanang Walang Hagdan”
Grand Prize
“Asong Tao: Taong Aso”
Chief, Regional Tactical
Operation Center,
Regional Operations and Plans Division,
Police Regional Office 13,
Camp Rodriguez, Butuan City
Chief, Comptrollership Division,
Police Regional Office 6,
Camp Delgado, Iloilo City
Chief, Budget and Finance Section,
Directorate for Intelligence,
Camp Crame, Quezon City
Chief, Laguna Special Task Force
Group /Provincial Human Rights
Administrative Office,
Laguna Police Provincial Office,
Police Community
Relations/Warrant PNCO
Bayambang Municipal Police Station
Bayambang, Pangasinan
Provincial PCR/PIO PNCO
South Cotabato Provincial
Police Command
Koronadal City, South Cotabato
Women and Children’s Protection
Desk PNCO/Municipal Police
Information Officer
Pavia Police Station, Iloilo
Intelligence Operations PNCO
Regional Intelligence Division
Police Regional Office 11, Davao City
Radio Anchor/Writer, Information and
Communication Development Division
Police Community Relations Group,
Camp Crame, Quezon City
Women and Children Protection
Desk/Family Juvenile Gender &
Development Police Community
Relations/Drug Abuse Resistance
Education Officer
Cotabato City Police Station 4,
Cotabato City
Commandant of Combat Arms School
Training and Doctrine Command,
Philippine Army,
Fort Magsaysay, Palayan City
Director, Naval Management
and Fiscal Office, Philippine Navy
Headquarters Philippine Navy
Naval Station Jose V. Andrada, Manila
Chief Clerk Adjutant
53rd Engineer Brigade,
Philippine Army,
Camp Lapu-Lapu, Cebu City
Petty Officer-in-Charge
Maintenance and Repair Branch
Headquarters Fleet Maintenance
and Repair Group,
Eastern Mindanao Naval Station
Felix Apolinario Camp
Panacan, Davao City
Petty Officer-in-Charge
Naval Intelligence and Security Unit
2 Western Mindanao, Naval Station,
Romulo Espaldon, Bagong Calarian,
Zamboanga City
Technician Non-Commissioned
463rd Avionics Armament
Maintenance Squadron,
1st Strike Wing, Sangley Point, Cavite
Branch Non-Commissioned Officer
Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff
for Education and Training, J8
Philippine Army
Fort Gat Andres Bonifacio, Taguig City
Director of Operations
Office of the Assistant Chief of Air
Staff for Operations, A3
Headquarters Philippine Air Force
Col. Jesus Villamor Air Base, Pasay City
Dean of Academics
Academic Group,
Philippine Military Academy
Fort Gen. Gregorio del Pilar, Baguio City
Metrobank Foundation, Inc.
Senior Non-Commissioned
Office of the Assistant Chief of Air Staff
for Civil Military Operations, A7
Headquarters Philippine Air Force,
Col. Jesus Villamor Air Base, Pasay City
1st Place
MGC New Life Christian Academy
Taguig City
1st Place
Valenzuela City Science High School
Valenzuela City
1st Place
St. Jude Catholic School
1st Place
Grace Christian College
Quezon City
2nd Place
General Santos City (SPED)
Integrated School
General Santos City
2nd Place
BHC Educational Institution, Inc.
City of San Fernando,
La Union
2nd Place
Bicol University College of
Integrated Laboratory School,
Daraga, Albay
2nd Place
Philippine Cultural College–Caloocan
Caloocan City
3rd Place
Bicol University College of
Education Integrated Laboratory
Daraga, Albay
3rd Place
Tabunan National High School
Almeria, Biliran
3rd Place
Pasong Tamo
Elementary School,
Quezon City
3rd Place
Potter’s Place School
El Nido, Palawan
BS Architecture
University of Santo Tomas
Cum Laude, BS Architecture
University of Santo Tomas
BS Architecture
University of Santo Tomas
Cum Laude, BS Architecture
University of the Philippines-Diliman
BS Architecture
University of Santo Tomas
BS Architecture
University of the Philippines-Diliman
BS Architecture
University of the Philippines-Diliman
BS Architecture
University of Santo Tomas
Association of
Filipino Teachers
of America
Sponsorship for the Association of Filipino
Teachers of America's 2012 Search for "Mga
Ulirang Guro" Award
Bato Balani
Foundation, Inc.
Funded the implementation of WIWAG
Business Week, a five (5)-day training concept
in business management based on a computer
assisted business simulation game interlinking
management and basic economics, for 30
students of Manila Tytana Colleges (MTC)
Foundation, Inc.
Extended support to the Early Childhood
Education Program (ECEP) for the 47
Higaonon children in Sinakungan, Esperanza,
Agusan del Sur
Children's Hour
Supported its educational programs for the
children it serves through the annual benefit
lunch held in Makati City
Foundation for
Asia (CFA)
Funded the Social Media for Educators Project
implemented in Davao City and Metro Manila
and participated by 30 public high school
teachers in each location
Department of
Foreign Affairs
Ladies (DFAL)
Foundation, Inc.
Sponsored one (1) scholar for completion of a
four (4)-year college education
Don Bosco
Training Center
Provided scholarship for two (2) students for
the 10-month vocational courses on Welding,
Motorcycle and Small Farm Engine Technology
and Automobile Mechanics
EJ Litton
Foundation, Inc.
Provided support to its educational assistance
to impoverished Filipino children
Emiliano Gala
Elementary School
Funded the purchase of 50 two (2)-seater
school desks for the pre-school and
elementary students of the school located in
the 2nd District of Quezon Province
Extended financial support to the Association
and to its educational fund GMA Faith Family
International, Inc.
Extended assistance to its scholarship program
by funding one (1) Grade 3 student and
three (3) Grade 4 students until they finish
elementary education
Holy Child
Learning Center
(Saint John the
Baptist Parish)
Extended assistance to the construction of the
Holy Child Learning Center ran by the Saint
John the Baptist Parish in the Municipality of
Badiangan, Iloilo
I.Learn Center
Provided support to its Adopt-A-Scholar
Program by sponsoring three (3) students for
a two (2)-year diploma course in International
Hospitality Services
John Dewey
School for Children
Supported the Singapore Math Seminar
organized by its Education is Hope Project
Foundation, Inc.
Provided two (2) mobile teachers of the
DepEd Division of Batangas access to the
Alternative Learning System using K Channel
LITE educative media instructional materials
and technology
Community, Inc.
La Milagrosa
Extended assistance to the 3rd Philippine
Conference on ICT in Education held in Puerto
Princesa, Palawan organized for De La Salle
University, Mariano Marcos State University
(Laoag) and the University of the Philippines,
together with the UNESCO and Intel
Extended assistance to the construction of a
multipurpose hall utilizing the roof deck of the
2nd storey building of the school in Calbayog
City, Samar
Annual Report 2012
Lifeline Foundation
Support Team, Inc.
Funded the conduct of the Satellite School
Program to provide basic reading, math
and phonics skills including soft skills like
responsibility, good manners, compassion, and
common sense to at least 25 children ages
seven to 12 in the cities of Parañaque and Las
Foundation, Inc.
Supported the programs that provide therapy,
education, training in life skills as well as
technical and livelihood skills to street children
and children-at-risk in General Santos City
Maria Lena
Buhay Memorial
Foundation, Inc.
Continued partial subsidy for the tuition fees
of previously supported hearing-impaired and
financially-handicapped students
Network of
Teachers and
(NOTED), Inc.
Sponsored the 4th National Tri-Level
Conference of Teachers and Educators held in
Manila attended by around 300-400 teachers
and schools heads which featured the highest
education officials, NOTED educators and
members and foreign educator as plenary
Mother Elisabetta
Longhi Foundation
(Hospitalers Sisters
of Mercy), Inc.
Supported the education program for the
less fortunate children from marginalized
Mountain Maid
Training and
Foundation, Inc.
Provided funding for the tuition fees of its five
(5) graduating students
Municipality of Del
Carmen, Siargao,
Surigao del Norte
Provided funding for the construction of a twodoor detached-type toilet for the Common
Toilets for Elementary Schools Project
Municipality of
Continued assistance to the IT enhancement/
support, training and provision of laptop to
champion teachers and for the evaluation of
the three (3)-year pilot program, One Laptop
Computer Per Child (OLPC) for the elementary
students of Lubang, Occidental Mindoro
National Historical
Commission of the
Philippines (NHCP)
Provided funding for the participation of 50
public school students in the fun run of little
Katipuneros and various educational activities
during the Bonifacio@150 Kick-Off Ceremony
at the Pinaglabanan Memorial Shrine in San
Juan City
Office of the City
Mayor of Tagum
Provided funding for the purchase of paint and
other painting materials for the Care for School
Chairs Program of the local government of
Tagum City
Philippine Business
for Education
Extended support to the 1000 Teachers
Program (TP) that provides scholarships and
allowances to the country’s best and brightest
graduating high school seniors who intend to
pursue an education degree
Philippine Center
of International
Theater Institute/
Supported the Center for the logistical and
operational expenses of its educational
initiative for the differently-abled and special
Foundation for
Cultural and
(PFCED), Inc.
Sponsored 33 teachers to attend the half-day
forum on “Teaching and Research Excellence
Towards Philippine Competitiveness” at the
University of the Philippines-Manila which was
participated by 100 professors and instructors
Philippine Jesuit
Aid Association
(PJAA) Inc.
Philippine Jesuit
Prison Service
(PJPS) Foundation,
Funded the construction of the school house
and community center for the Tagbuans,
the indigenous people inhabiting a village in
the island of Alulad, Culion, Palawan and its
neighboring islands as well as the purchase of
30 chairs and blackboard
Sponsored five (5) high school students
from 1st to 4th Year to finish their secondary
Metrobank Foundation, Inc.
Government of
Provided support to the three (3)-day Palawan
Education Summit in Puerto Princesa City on
the full implementation of the K-12 program
that gathered 300 participants composed
of educators, school administrators, LGU
representatives, and Sangguniang members
of the 23 municipalities of Palawan, and other
private stakeholders and government agencies
Sandiwaan Center
for Learning
Provided funding for the purchase of computer
units for the Center's Education for Sustainable
Development Program
Provided sponsorship for its international
conference “Educating for the Future
We Want: A Green Southeast Asia” that
brought together some 400 educators and
development professionals from various
countries for three (3) days of dialogue,
sharing of experiences and exchange of ideas
Senden Home
Foundation, Inc.
Extended assistance to its expenses for the
food and school needs of 35 children living
in the residential care and training center in
Binangonan, Rizal
Sisters of Mount
Carmel Catholic
School (Carmelite
of Our Lady of
Mount Carmel)
Sponsored one (1)-year studies of two (2)
Grade 4 students who come from families
living in urban poor communities in Metro
SOS Children's
Village Philippines
Provided funding for the continuous provision
of school supplies and textbooks to the
beneficiaries of HELP SOS Children Project
that safeguard the welfare of 321 children of
SOS Children’s Village located in Banay-Banay,
Lipa City, Batangas
Tahanan Outreach
Projects & Services
Provided support to Tuluyan, a communitybased alternative education program for
the urban poor children in Manila; the Early
Childhood Education programs; and Silungan,
a temporary shelter/dormitory for abandoned,
out-of-school and street children
Teodoro F.
Foundation, Inc.
Sponsored the 25th Teodoro F. Valencia
Lecture Series on Journalism and Mass
Communication conducted for a period of
eight (8) weeks catering both journalism
and mass communication students and
The Asia
Foundation (TAF)
Extended support to the general operations of
Books for Asia Program wherein 4,652 brand
new books were distributed to various schools
throughout the country
UNESCO National
Commission of the
Extended assistance to the conduct of the
Sixth Karunungan Festival that brings the
knowledge and expertise in the social and
human sciences to bear on curriculum reform
and renewal initiatives in basic education,
particularly in social studies
UP College of
UP Home
Economics Alumni
Subsidized 30 faculty members of the College
for a three (3)-day research-based strategic
planning seminar
Sponsored the allowances of three (3)
students for two (2) years
Art Discovery
and Learning
Foundation, Inc.
Ballet Philippines
Foundation, Inc.
Provided funding for the art workshop held in
Quezon City for more than 200 teachers of
Metro Manila
Sponsored the arts education program “Share
the Magic,” which gives an opportunity for
public school students to watch a matinee
performance of the company at the Cultural
Center of the Philippines (CCP)
Cultural Center
of the Philippines
Provided support to mount the Thirteen
Artists Awards (TAA) with CCP that has
given recognition to artists whose works have
embodied a fresh visual language, innovative
solutions to artistic problems, and sustained
creative output
Dagway Sagay
Artists Village
Funded the conduct of the creative arts
workshop and mural painting competition
for 50 students and out-of-school youth
from marginalized, poor families in the City
of Sagay, Negros Occidental during the first
Sinigayan Arts Festival
Department of
Foreign Affairs
Provided support for its Cultural Diplomacy
Unit’s local and overseas cultural promotion
Council for
Monuments and
Sites (ICOMOS)
Extended support to the 2012 Cultural
Tourism Committee Meeting with the topic
“Sustainable Cultural Tourism as a Resource
for Community Development” held in Vigan,
Ilocos Sur
Manila Symphony
Orchestra (MSO)
Foundation, Inc.
Supported the MSO Gala Concert Series that
featured a variety of symphonic selections
designed to cater a wide variety of musical
tastes from jazz to ballet, symphonies and
concertos to a full-length opera
Mr. Daniel A.
Coquilla (1992
MADE finalist)
Supported his solo exhibit that showcased
his first attempt in integrating installation and
performance arts while fusing multimedia
Mr. Jericho
Vamenta (2011
MADE Grand Prize
Supported the preparation, cost of materials,
framing, and shipping of works for his first solo
Mr. Leonardo C.
Onia, Jr. (2009
MADE Grand Prize
Partially subsidized his first solo exhibit
entitled "Autumnal Episode" at the Blanc
Gallery in Makati City
Ms. Lea Lim (2001
YPA First Placer)
Extended assistance to her one (1)-month art
residency at the Can Serrat International Art
Center in Barcelona, Spain
Visayan Colleges
Provided funding for the purchase of art
workshop materials for the yearly Special
Summer Workshops for children ages
3-15 years of the Province of Aklan and its
neighboring provinces
Philippine Arts
Association (PAEA)
Supported the art education workshop, the
PAEA@45 Conference and Awarding Night at
the GSIS Museum
Committee Asian
Artists, Inc.
Partially subsidized the expenses in sending
the works to and from Bangkok, Thailand for
the 27th Asian International Art Exhibition
Association (PETA)
Extended support to the showing of the
first-ever Filipino adaptation of William
Shakespeare’s evocative masterpiece, “King
Lear,” under its Theater Appreciation Program
Pink Ladies
Foundation, Inc.
Sponsored the event entitled “Pinaglabanan
Dakilang Kasaysayan ng Lahi,” at the
Pinaglabanan Shrine, San Juan City, which
showcased three (3) living diorama of
significant scenes in the 1986 revolution
against Spanish colonization
Tanghalang Pilipino
Foundation, Inc.
The Filipino
Heritage Festival
Supported the production of ”Ibalong: The
Musical,” the most beloved Bicolano epic and
its 26th theater season finale with 2005 MADE
awardee, Mr. Leeroy New, as the costume
Sponsored the National Heritage Month
celebration, which is held every May with this
year's theme "Traditional Biblical Santa Cruz
de Mayo"
Blessed John Paul II
Home for Priests, Inc.
Extended support to the provision of medical
aid to secular priests in the Home located in
Parañaque City
City Council of Manila
Extended support to “Handog Lingap–
Special Day for Special Kids” Project that
provided a number of healthy activities
including sports education events and sign
language seminar
Spouses Foundation,
Inc. (CSFI)
Supported its continuing programs on
calamity and medical assistance and caring
for the homeless children and the elderly Cottolengo Filipino,
Extended support to its educational programs
and rehabilitation services for orphaned and
abandoned children with disabilities and
special needs from poor families living in
Montalban and San Mateo, Rizal
Dreamhouse Social
Services, Inc.
Funded the second cycle of the feeding
activity for 50 to 100 children who came from
poor families in the communities of Parang,
Hope Worldwide
Funded the Nurturing the Expecting Safe
Teenaged Mothers (Nest for the Nestling)
program for 20 indigent teenaged pregnant
mothers in Payatas, Quezon City by providing
pre- and post-natal needs, care for their
infants and reproductive health education
Joy In Living
Foundation, Inc.
Supported its educational programs for
cancer awareness for patients, their families
and caregivers
Kythe, Inc.
Sponsored four (4) Child Life Teams in four
(4) affiliate hospitals for their continuing
education and training under the Child Life
Program designed to alleviate the anxiety of
pediatric patients and their families who are
faced by the challenge of hospitalization
Philippine Red Cross
- Manila Chapter
Provided funding for the purchase of needed
materials and supplies for the Physical
Rehabilitation Program for at least 50
indigent patients of Manila having four (4)
sessions per month for a one (1)-year project
Rotary Club of
Cosmopolitan Lucena
Provided funding for the four (4)-month
feeding activity for 50 students of Zaballero
Day Care Center in Lucena, Quezon
Rotary Club of New
Manila East (RCNME)
Provided funding for the Milk Feeding
Program (MFP) for 40 Grade 1 pupils of Toro
Hills Elementary School in Project 8, Quezon
City for the entire 100-day period
San Lorenzo Ruiz
Charity, Inc.
Extended assistance to the day care program
for pre-schoolers and supplemental feeding
program for children in select barangays
Union Church of
Manila Philippine
Foundation, Inc.
Supported the conduct of the Child
Education and Nutrition Enhancement
Program (CENEP) for one (1)-month for
100 children in all four (4) sessions in Tondo,
Manila and Mandaluyong
UP Manila – National
Telehealth Center
Extended support to the Philippine
Undergraduate Research in eHealth Awards
(PUReHealth Awards) that aims to build
capacities on eHealth among different
academic disciplines and generate eHealthrelated research in the Philippines
Water, Agroforestry,
Nutrition and
(WAND) Foundation
Funded the construction and installation of
14 units of Communal Portable Ecosan Toilet
for the scattered communities affected by
Typhoon Sendong in the cities of Cagayan
de Oro and Iligan benefitting a total of 420
Annual Report 2012
Augustinian Sisters
of Our Lady of
Funded the conduct of the “Gender
Responsive Wholistic Formation Program
for Community Empowerment” that
highlights women empowerment, social
entrepreneurship and care for the
Global Peace
Festival Foundation
Extended support to the Allights Village
Project that aims to help address the
problem of 34,000 Filipino communities
struggling without electricity
International Bazaar
Foundation (IBF)
Supported the 2012 International Bazaar
with the theme, “Shop Global, Help Local”
for the benefit of the less privileged
children and needy individuals in the local
communities through livelihood projects,
scholarships and medical assistance
Senate Spouses
Foundation, Inc.
Supported its programs for the elderly and
for the orphaned and abandoned children
Cyber City
Philippines (CCTP)
Supported the eGov Awards 2012, a project
of the Department of the Interior and
Local Government (DILG), the National ICT
Confederation of the Philippines (NICP) and
the CCTP held in Sta. Rosa City, Laguna
for Liberty and
Prosperity (FLP)
Co-sponsored the Chief Justice Panganiban
Professorial Chairs on Liberty and Prosperity,
the program wherein 10 professorial chair
holders from nine (9) law schools and the
PHILJA are chosen to conduct original
researches and deliver the intellectual outputs
in forms such as a traditional lecture, debate,
case study or other modern creative modes
of communication
UP National
College of Public
and Governance
(NCPAG) Alumni
Association, Inc.
Supported the international conference
entitled “Public Administration and
Governance: Tradition and Transformation”
during the 60th anniversary celebration of
Civil Military
Operations Battalion
(P)-Philippine Army
(AFP-NCR Command)
Provided assistance to its Youth
Leadership Summit held in Tanay,
Rizal for 50 out-of-school youth from
different youth organizations at Baseco
Compound, Brgy. 649, Tondo, Manila
Diocese of Kalookan
Catechetical Ministry
Supported the implementation of the two
(2)-year Basic Formation Program for
volunteer school-based catechists in public
elementary and high schools in the cities of
Caloocan, Navotas and Malabon.
Calamity assistance for the relief operations
and rehabilitation efforts for the victims of
Habagat (Haikui) and Tropical Storm Pablo
God's Special
Children, Inc.
Supported the training of local volunteers
and the operational expenses of the Pedya
Kamp for 250 special children in Ilagan,
Center for Family
Ministries (CEFAM)
Foundation, Inc.
Provided support to the Center’s Crisis
Intervention for Surviving Disasters (CISD)
Love Institute
Provided sponsorship for the Family
Congress with this year’s theme, "Building
the Filipino Family (BFF)", attended by
approximately 800 participants coming
from Metro Manila and nearby provinces
Community Action
and Responsibility
for our Environment
(CARE) Foundation,
Funded the education, mobilization and
seedling production and tree planting
component of its project, “Save Marikina
Watershed Reserve”
Office of the
Archbishop of
Cagayan de Oro City
Extended assistance to the Responsible
Parenthood and all Natural Family Planning
(RP-NFP) Program by supporting the
provision of the set of Guidebook for
Trainers and Handbook for NFP Counselors
for the training of trainers
Department of
Social Welfare
and Development
Calamity assistance for the relief operations
and rehabilitation efforts for the victims of
Tropical Storm Pablo (Bopha)
Rotaract Club of
Supported the conduct of “RAC Builds
2013” that mobilized at least 250 ChineseFilipino youth volunteers on a house
building activity in Bistek Ville - 1 Payatas,
Quezon City benefitting informal settlers
comprising of 300 families
Foundation, Inc.
Alagang Kapatid
Foundation, Inc.
Federation of
Chambers of
Commerce and
Industry, Inc.
Calamity assistance for the relief operations
and rehabilitation efforts for the victims of
Habagat (Haikui) and Tropical Storm Pablo
Calamity assistance for the relief operations
and rehabilitation efforts for the victims of
Habagat (Haikui) and Tropical Storm Pablo
GMA Kapuso
Foundation, Inc.
Calamity assistance for the relief operations
and rehabilitation efforts for the victims of
Habagat (Haikui) and Tropical Storm Pablo
Philippine Daily
Calamity assistance for the relief operations
and rehabilitation efforts for the victims of
Tropical Storm Pablo (Bopha)
Philippine Red Cross
Calamity assistance for the relief operations
and rehabilitation efforts for the victims of
Habagat (Haikui) and Tropical Storm Pablo
Philippine Star
Calamity assistance for the relief operations
and rehabilitation efforts for the victims of
Tropical Storm Pablo (Bopha)
Metrobank Foundation, Inc.
Serviam Catholic
Foundation, Inc.
Provided support to the development of
Servant Leadership of the Community
The Philippines-Japan
Ladies Association,
Sponsorship for its annual fund drive to
sustain its various socio-economic and
cultural projects
The Roman Catholic
Archbishop of Manila
Extended assistance to the “Patron
of the Arts,” the benefit concert for
the restoration of the currently closed
Metropolitan Cathedral Basilica of the
Immaculate Conception, popularly known
as the Manila Cathedral
University of Asia and
the Pacific (UA&P) –
Center for Research
and Communication
Supported the National Conference on
Revisiting Ideals of Family and Society with
the theme, "Revisiting the Family Today:
The Seedbed of Cultural and Society" held
in Lahug, Cebu City
University of Asia and
the Pacific (UA&P)
– Center for Social
Sponsored the 2nd National Conference on
Sustainability Reporting in the Philippines
(Business Cases, Tools and Best Practices)