Asylum seekers & refugees

Asylum Seeker/Refugee Resources
Rita Afsar
 Sulaiman-Hill, C.M.R, Thompson, S.C., Afsar, R., & Hodliffe, T.L. (2011).
Changing images of refugees: A comparative analysis of Australian and New
Zealand print media 1998-2008. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 9,
Martha Augoustinos
 Augoustinos, M. & Every, D. (2007). The language of contemporary racism.
Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 26(2), 123-141.
 Augoustinos, M., Tuffin, K., & Every, D. (2005). New racism, meritocracy and
individualism: constraining affirmative action in education. Discourse & Society,
16(3), 315-339.
 Augoustinos, M. & Every, D. (2007). Contemporary racist discourse: Taboos
against racism and racist accusations. (pp. 233-254). In A. Weatherall, B. Watson
& C. Gallois (Eds.) Language, Discourse and Social Psychology. London:
Palgrave Macmillan.
Hurriyet Babacan
 Babacan, H. (2008). Addressing Denial: The First Step in Responding to Racism.
In H.Babacan & N. Gopalkrishnan (Eds), The complexities of racism:
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on “Racisms in the New
World Order. Queensland: University of the Sunshine Coast. ISBN13 978-09804744-1-1
Fiona Barlow
 Barlow, F., Paolini, S., Pedersen, A., Hornsey, M.J., Radke, H.R.W., Harwood, J.,
Rubin, M. & Sibley, C.G. (2012). The contact caveat: Negative contact predicts
increased prejudice more than positive contact predicts reduced prejudice.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(12), 1629–1643. doi
Linda Briskman
 Briskman, L. (2013), ‘Technology, control and surveillance in Australia’s
immigration detention centers’, Refuge, 29 (1), 9-19.
 Briskman, L. (2013), ‘Sanctions against Iran’, Arena, No. 125, 16-18.
 Linda Briskman, Lucy Fiske and Michelle Dimasi (2012) ‘Collateral Damage:
The impact of asylum seeker policy on Christmas Islanders 2001 – 2011’/ Shima.
The International Journal of Research into Small Island Cultures titled (vol. 6(2))
Can be downloaded from:,_Lucy
 Briskman, L. (2012), 'Protecting vulnerable asylum seekers: Australia's human
rights violations, Social Dialogue, IASSW,
Fleay, C. and Briskman, L. (2012), The Hidden Men, Report to the Minister for
Immigration on visits to Curtin Immigration Detention (Derby), CHRE, Curtin
University, Perth.
Briskman, L., Zion, D. and Loff, B. (2012), ‘Care or collusion in asylum seeker
detention’, Ethics and Social Welfare, 6(1), pp. 37-55.
Briskman, L. (2012), ‘A clash of paradigms for asylum seekers’: Border security
and human security, in Activating Human Rights and Peace: Theories, practice
and contexts (eds. B. Chen Goh, R. Garbutt and B. Offord), Ashgate, Surrey, pp.
Briskman, L. (2012), ‘Integrating migrants and refugees in rural settings’
in Social work in rural and remote Australia (eds. J. Maidment and U. Bay, Allen
and Unwin, Sydney, pp. 146-160.
Briskman, L., Latham, S., & Goddard (2008). Introduction. In Human Rights
Overboard: Seeking Asylum in Australia (pp. 18-22). Scribe, Melbourne.
Briskman, L., & Babacan, A. (2008). Turning away thy neighbour. In Asylum
Seekers: International perspectives on interdiction and deterrence (pp. 1-9).
Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle, UK.
Australian Council of Heads of Schools of Social Work. (2006). We’ve
Boundless Plains to Share: The First Report of the People’s Inquiry into
Detention. Melbourne: ACHSSW
(The PID Inquiry was convened by Linda Briskman and Chris Goddard).
Justine Dandy
 Dandy, J., & Pe-Pua, R. (2015, online). The Refugee Experience of Social
Cohesion in Australia: Exploring the Roles of Racism, Intercultural Contact, and
the Media. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies.
Val Colic Peisker
Hebbani, A. and V. Colic-Peisker: ‘Communicating one’s way to employment: A
case study of African settlers in Brisbane, Australia’, Journal of Intercultural
Studies, 33(5): 529-47, Oct 2012
Colic Peisker, V., & Tilbury, F. (2006). Employment niches for recent refugees:
Segmented labour market in twenty-first century Australia. Journal of Refugee
Studies, 19(2), 203-229.
Colic-Peisker, V. (2009) ‘Visibility, settlement success and life satisfaction in
three refugee communities in Australia’ Ethnicities, 9(2): 175-199.
Val Colic-Peisker & Farida Tilbury: ‘Being black in Australia: a case study of
intergroup relations’, Race and Class, 49(4):38-56, April-June 2008
Graham Davidson
 Davidson, G. R., & Carr, S. C. (2010). Forced migration, social exclusion and
poverty: Introduction. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology (Special issue on
Psychological Impacts of Forced Migration), 4, 1-6.
Davidson, G.R., Murray, K.E., & Schweitzer, R. (2010). Review of refugee
mental health assessment: Best practices and recommendations. Journal of Pacific
Rim Psychology (Special issue on Psychological Impacts of Forced Migration), 4,
Davidson, G.R., Murray, K.E., & Schweitzer, R. (2008). Review of refugee
mental health and wellbeing: Australian perspectives. Australian Psychologist,
43, 160 – 174.
Murray, K.E., Davidson, G.R., & Schweitzer, R. (2008). Psychological wellbeing of refugees: Resettling in Australia. Melbourne: Australia.
Michelle Dimasi
 Dimasi, M., & Briskman, L. (2010). Let them land: Christmas Islander responses
to Tampa. Journal of Refugee Studies, DOI:10.1093/jrs/feq015.
Danielle Every
 Every, D., Thompson, K., Rainbird, S., Whetton, S., Procter, N., Abdul-Halim, S.,
Sebben, B. (2014). “We’re so lucky”: Meeting challenges to deliver benefits to
children in immigration detention.The Australian Educational Researcher: 41(2),
209-225 (DOI) 10.1007/s13384-013-0134-8
 Every, D., Whetton, S., Rainbird, S., Abdul-Halim, S., Procter, N., Thompson, K.,
Sebben, B. (2013). The social and economic impacts of immigration detention
facilities: a South Australian case study. Australian Journal of Social Issues.
48(2), 173-196.
 Every, D. (2013). “Shame on you”: The enactment and consequences of shame
and shaming in asylum seeker advocacy. Discourse & Society, 26(6), 1-20
 And a link to this e-journal article: Every, D. & Augoustinos, M. (2013). Hard
hearts: A critical look at compassion and humanitarianism in refugee and asylum
advocacy. Refugee Review. Refugee Review, 1, 58-64. E-journal:
 Every, D., Rainbird, S., Procter, N. Sebben, B., Thompson, K. (2012) Social
impacts of the Inverbrackie Alternative Place of Detention on the local
community. Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
 Every, D., & Augoustinos, M. (2007). Constructions of racism in the Australian
parliamentary debates on asylum seekers. Discourse & Society, 18(4), 411–436
 Every, D. and Augoustinos, M. (2008) ‘Taking advantage’ or fleeing persecution?
Opposing accounts of asylum seeking. Journal of Sociolinguistics. 12 (5), 648–
 Every, D. and Augoustinos, M. (2008). Constructions of Australia in pro- and
anti-asylum seeker discourse, Nations and Nationalism. 14(3), 562-580.
 Every, D. (2008). A reasonable and practical humanitarianism: The co-option of
humanitarianism in the Australian asylum seeker debates. Journal of Refugee
Studies. 21(2), 210-229
Karen Farquharson
David Nolan, Karen Farquharson, Violeta Politoff & Timothy Marjoribanks
(2011): Mediated Multiculturalism: Newspaper Representations of Sudanese
Migrants in Australia, Journal of Intercultural Studies, 32:6, 655-671
Lucy Fiske
Lucy Fiske, Mary Anne Kenny and Nicholas Proctor (2014) "Manus Island hunger strikes are
a call to Australia's conscience" in The Conversation 19 January.
Fiske, L. (2013) 'Riotous refugees or systemic injustice? A sociological
examination of riots in Australian immigration detention centres' Journal of
Refugee Studies, doi 10.1093/jrs/fet047
Kenny, M.A. & Fiske, L. (2013) “Regulation 5.35: Coerced treatment of detained
asylum seekers on hunger strike. Legal, ethical and human rights implications” in
Juss, S. (ed) The Ashgate Research Companion to Migration Theory & Policy.
Ashgate Publishing, Williston pp. 423 – 442. Available:,_Lucy
Lucy Fiske (2012) Insider Resistence: Understanfing refugee protest against
immigration detention in Australia 1999 - 2005, Curtin University Centre for
Human Rights Education, PhD thesis. Can be downloaded from:,_Lucy
Fiske, L. (2009). The numbers prove Turnbull wrong. Retrieved _________,
Soldatic, K. and Fiske, L. (2009) 'Bodies 'locked up': intersections of disability
and race in Australian immigration', Disability & Society, 24:3, 289 — 301
Caroline Fleay
 Fleay, C. & Hartley, L. (2015). ‘I Feel Like a Beggar’: Asylum Seekers Living in
the Australian Community Without the Right to Work, Journal of International
Migration and Integration, doi: 10.1007/s12134-015-0453-x
 Fleay, C. and Briskman , L. (2013), ‘The Hidden Men’, Refugee Survey
Quarterly, 32 ( 3), September, 113-129
Jim Forrest
 Forrest, J., Hermes, K., Johnston, R., & Poulsen, M. (2012). The housing
resettlement experience of refugee immigrants to Australia. Journal of Refugee
Studies, doi:10.1093/jrs/fes020.
Farida Fozdar (Tilbury that was)
 Fozdar, F.E. 2014, Aussie Cows and Asylum Seekers: Cartooning About Two
Key Political Issues in Renate Brosch, Kylie Crane (Eds.): Visualising Australia:
Images, Icons, Imaginations, WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier , Germany. P
135-149 [Please contact Farida if you would like a copy of this]
Fozdar, F., Spittles, B., & Hartley, L.K. (2014). Australia Day, flags on cars and
Australian nationalism, Journal of Sociology. doi: 1440783314524846
Fozdar, F. & Hartley, L.K. (2013). Civic and ethno belonging among
recent refugees to Australia, Journal of Refugee Studies. doi:
Fozdar, F. & Hartley, L.K (2013). Housing and the Creation of Home for
Refugees in Western Australia, Housing, Theory and Society.
Fozdar., F., & Hartley, L.K. (2013). Refugee resettlement in Australia: What we
know and need to know. Refugee Survey Quarterly. doi: 10.1093/rsq/hdt009
Fozdar, A., & Pedersen, A. (2013). Diablogging about asylum seekers: building a
counter-hegemonic discourse. Discourse and Communication. 7, 1–18. DOI:
Fozdar, F and Hartley, L (2012) Refugees in Western Australia: Settlement and
Integration Final Report. MMRC and Lotterywest.
Fozdar, F and Hartley, L (2012) Refugees in Western Australia: Settlement and
Integration Final Report Highlights. MMRC and Lotterywest.
Fozdar, F (2009) “‘The golden country’: Ex-Yugoslav and East African refugee
experiences of settlement and ‘depression’”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration
Studies, 35:8:1335-1352.
Tilbury, F, (2007) “‘I feel I am a bird without wings’: discourses of sadness and
loss among east Africans in Western Australia”, Identities: Global Studies in
Culture and Power, Volume 14, Issue 4 July 2007, p 433 – 458
Fozdar, F and Torezani, S (2008) “Discrimination and well-being: perceptions of
refugees in Western Australia”, International Migration Review, 42(1): 30-63.
Torezani, S, Fozdar, F and Colic-Peisker, V (2008) “Looking for a ‘missing link’:
formal employment services and social networks in refugees’ job search”, Journal
of Intercultural Studies, 29(2): 135-152.
Fozdar, F (2008) “Duelling discourses, shared weapons: Rhetorical techniques
used to challenge racist arguments”, Discourse and Society 19(4).
Tilbury, F (2007) “We are family’: the use of family tropes in refugee/advocate
talk”, Journal of Social Identities, vol 13, No. 5, p 627-649
Tilbury, F., & Colic-Peisker. (2006). Deflecting responsibility in employer talk
about race discrimination, Discourse and Society, 17(5), 651-676.
Peter Gale
 Gale, P. 2004, The Refugee Crisis and Fear: Populist Politics and Media
Discourse, Journal of Sociology, Vol 40, No. 4, December, SAGE, pp 321-340
 Gale, P. 2006, Fear, Race, and National Identity, in Dialogue, 25, 3, pp 35-42
Diane Gosden
Gosden, D. (2012). ‘'I Had To Do Something. I Couldn't Do Nothing!': Citizen
Action In Support Of Asylum Seekers In Australia, 2001-2006’ Retrieved from:
Gosden, D. (2011). 'Collective Action in Support of Asylum Seekers: The Action
of a Minority Australian Population in the Period 2001-2006', in P. Marcelino
(ed) Home in Motion: The Shifting Grammar of Self and Stranger, InterDisciplinary Press, Oxford, UK. Retrieved from:
Gosden, D. (2007). 'From humanitarianism to human rights and justice: a way to
go', in Australian Journal of Human Rights, vol. 13, no. 1, pp.149-176. Retrieved
Gosden, D. (2006). "What if no one had spoken out against this policy? ": The
rise of asylum seeker and refugee advocacy in Australia', in Portal: Journal of
Multidisciplinary International Studies, vol. 3, no. 1.
Retrieved from:
Gosden, D. (2005). 'What can ordinary people do? Reflections on advocacy' in
Migration Action, vol. XXV11, no. 3, pp.26-32. Retrieved from:
Pauline Guerin
 Guerin, P., & Guerin, B. (2007). Research with refugee communities: Going
round in circles with methodology. The Australian Community Psychologist, 19,
 Guerin, B., & Guerin, P. (2007). Lessons learned from participatory
discrimination research: Long-term observations and local interventions. The
Australian Community Psychologist, 19, 137-149.
 Guerin, P.B., Allotey, P, Elmi, F.H. & Baho, S. (2006). Advocacy as a means to
an end: Assisting refugee women to take control of their reproductive health
needs, Journal of Women & Health, 43, 7-23.
Lisa Hartley
Hartley, L.K., & Pedersen, A. (2015). Asylum seekers and resettled refugees in
Australia: Predicting social policy attitude from prejudice versus emotion.
Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 3(1), 179–197,
Hartley, L.K & Fleay, C. (2014). Policy as punishment: Asylum seekers living in
the community without the right to work.
Hartley, L., Pedersen, A., Fleay, C., & Hoffman, S. (2013). “The situation is
hopeless; we must take the next step”: Reflecting on social action by academics in
the asylum seeker policy debate. The Australian Community Psychologist, 25,
Hartley, L & Fleay, C. (2012). Released but not yet free: Refugees and asylum
seekers living in the community after long-term detention. Centre for Human
Rights Education, Curtin University.
Hartley, L.K., Pedersen, A., & Dandy, J. (2012). Attitudes towards asylum
seekers: An evaluation of a mature-aged community education programme.
Racial Equality Teaching, 30, 34-38.
Hartley, L., & Pedersen, A. (2007). Asylum seekers: How attributions and
emotion affect Australians’ views on mandatory detention of ‘the other’.
Australian Journal of Psychology, 59(3), 119-131.
Nick Haslam
 Block, K., E. Riggs, and N. Haslam. 2013. Values and vulnerabilities: The Ethics
of research with refugees and asylum seekers Brisbane: Australian Academic
 Haslam, N., & Holland. E. (2012). Attitudes towards asylum seekers: The
Australian experience. In D. Bretherton & N. Balvin (Eds.), Peace Psychology in
Australia (pp. 107-120). New York: Springer Science+Business Media. (contact
authors direct for chapter)
Haslam, N., & Pedersen, A. (2007). Attitudes towards asylum seekers: The
psychology of prejudice and exclusion. In D.Lusher & N.Haslam (Eds), Yearning
to breathe free: Seeking asylum in Australia (pp. 208-218). Sydney: Federation
Sue Hoffman
 Hoffman, S. (2012) Living in Limbo: Iraqi Refugees in Indonesia. Refuge Volume
28, no. 1, pps 15-24. Accessible at
 Hoffman, S. (2010). Fear, insecurity, & risk: Refugee journeys from Iraq to
Australia (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
 Hoffman S. (2010) ‘Looking back, looking forward: Australia, Indonesia and
asylum seekers since 1999’ in (eds) Perera, S., Seal, G. & Summers, S. (pp. 117140). Enter at own risk?: Australia's population questions for the 21st century.
Black Swan Press: Perth, Western Australia.
 Hoffman, S. (2007; June). Reaching Australia: Iraqi asylum seekers in transit in
south-east Asia. Paper presented at the Second Multi-Disciplinary Conference of
the International Association of Contemporary Iraqi Studies. Philadelphia
University, Jordan.
Natasha Klocker
 Klocker, N. (2004). Community antagonism towards asylum seekers in Port
Augusta, South Australia. Australian Geographical Studies, 42, 1-17.
Carmen Laurence
Laurence, C. (2007). Those people. In D.Lusher & N.Haslam (Eds), Yearning to
breathe free: Seeking asylum in Australia (pp. 173-182). Sydney: Federation
Winnifred Louis
 Louis, W., Esses, V.M., & Lalonde, R.N. (2013). National identification,
perceived threat, and dehumanization as antecedents of negative attitudes toward
immigrants in Australia and Canada. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43,
pp. E156–E165. doi: 10.1111/jasp.12044
 Nickerson, A. M., & Louis, W. R. (2008). Nationality versus humanity ?
Personality, identity and norms in relation to attitudes towards asylum seekers.
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 38, 796-817.
 Louis, W. R., Duck, J., Terry, D. J., Schuller, R., & Lalonde, R. (2007). Why do
citizens want to keep refugees out? Threats, fairness, and hostile norms in the
treatment of asylum seekers. European Journal of Social Psychology, 37, 53-73.
Craig McGarty
 OBrien, L.V. & McGarty, C. (2009). Political disagreement in intergroup terms:
Contextual variation and the influence of power. British Journal of Social
Psychology, 48, 77–98.
Harriet McHugh-Dillon
 McHugh-Dillon, H. (2015). ‘If they are genuine refugees, why?’ Public attitudes
to unauthorised arrivals in Australia. Melbourne: Victorian Foundation for
Survivors of Torture.
Gail Moloney
 Moloney, G. (2010) Acknowledging Gerard. Articulating social representations
and identity through process and content: the resettlement of refugees in regional
Australia. Papers on Social representations, 19, 15.1-15.6.
 Moloney G. (2007). Social representations and the politically satirical cartoon:
The construction and reproduction of the refugee and asylum-seeker identity In G.
Moloney & I. Walker (Eds.) Social representations and identity: Content, process
and power. Palgrave Macmillan, New York
 Worboys, J., & Moloney G. (2005). Adolescent understanding of
refugees: The role of social identity and intergroup contact.
Published Conference Proceedings, 40th Australian Psychological
Society annual conference, (APS). Past Reflections Future
Directions, p 382 - 386
Anne Pedersen
Pedersen, A., & Hartley, L.K. (2015). Can we make a difference? Prejudice
towards asylum seekers in Australia and the effectiveness of antiprejudice
interventions. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 9, 1-14. doi:
Stewart, K., Pedersen, A., & Paradies, Y. (2014). It’s always good to help when
possible BUT...”: Obstacles to bystander anti-prejudice. The International
Journal of Diversity in Education, 13, 39-53.
Turoy-Smith, K., Kane, R., & Pedersen, A. (2013). The willingness of a society
to act on behalf of Indigenous Australians and refugees: The role of contact,
intergroup anxiety, prejudice and support for legislative change. Journal of
Applied Social Psychology. doi: 10.1111/jasp.12017
Pedersen, A., & Thomas, E. (2013). “There but for the grace of God go we”:
Prejudice toward asylum seekers. Peace & Conflict: Journal of Peace
Psychology, 19, 253-265. DOI: 10.1037/a0033738.
Croston, J., & Pedersen, A. (2013). ‘Tell me what I want to hear’: Motivated
recall and attributions in media regarding asylum seekers. Australian Journal of
Psychology, 65, 124-133. Doi: 10.1111/ajpy.12012.
Suhnan, A., Pedersen, A., & Hartley, L.K. (2012). Re-examining prejudice
against asylum seekers in Australia: The role of people smugglers, the perception
of threat, and acceptance of false beliefs. The Australian Community
Psychologist, 24, 79-97.
Pedersen, A., Fozdar, F., & Kenny, M. A. (2012). Battling boatloads of prejudice:
An interdisciplinary approach to activism with asylum seekers and refugees in
Australia. In D. Bretherton & N. Balvin (Eds.), Peace Psychology in Australia
(pp. 121-137). New York: Springer Science+Business Media. (contact authors
direct for chapter)
Pedersen, A., Paradies, Y., Hartley, L.K. & Dunn, K.M. (2011). Bystander antiprejudice: Cross-cultural education, links with positivity towards cultural
“outgroups” and preparedness to speak out. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology,
5, 19-30.
Pedersen, A., & Fozdar, F. (2010). Refugee without refuge: Wasim, Phillip
Adams, and a nation divided. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 4, 7-18.
Pedersen, A., Watt, S., & Griffiths, B. (2008). Prejudice against Australian
asylum seekers and their function: Suggestions for anti-prejudice strategies. In
H.Babacan & N. Gopalkrishnan (Eds), The complexities of racism: Proceedings
of the Second International Conference on “Racisms in the New World Order.
Queensland: University of the Sunshine Coast. ISBN13 978-0-9804744-1-1
Pedersen, A., Griffiths, B., & Watt, S. (2008). Attitudes toward outgroups and the
perception of consensus: All feet do not wear one shoe. Journal of Community
and Applied Social Psychology, 18, 543–557.
Pedersen, A., Kenny, M.A., Briskman, L., & Hoffman, S. (2008). Working with
Wasim: A convergence of community. The Australian Community Psychologist,
20, 57-72.
Pedersen, A., Watt, S., & Griffiths, B. (2007). Prejudice against asylum seekers
and the fear of terrorism: The importance of context. In V.Colic-Peisker &
F.Tilbury (Eds)., Settling in Australia: The social inclusion of refugees (pp.3855). Centre for Social and Community Research, Murdoch University, Perth.
Pedersen, A., Watt, S., & Hansen, S. (2006). The role of false beliefs in the
community's and the federal government's attitudes toward Australian asylum
seekers. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 41(1), 105-124.
Pedersen, A., Attwell, J., & Heveli, D. (2005). Prediction of negative attitudes
toward Australian asylum seekers: False beliefs, nationalism and self-esteem.
Australian Journal of Psychology, 57, 148-160.
Surawski, N., Pedersen, A., & Briskman, L. (2008). Resisting refugee policy:
Stress and coping of refugee advocates. The Australian Community Psychologist,
22, 16-29.
Ryan Perry
 Perry, R., Paradies, Y., & Pedersen, A. (in press). Religious ambivalence:
Suppression of pro-social attitudes toward asylum seekers by right-wing
authoritarianism. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion. Advance
online publication. doi: 10.1080/10508619.2014.921473
Robert Schweitzer
 Schweitzer, R., Melville, F., Steel, Z., & Lacherez, P. (2006). Trauma, postmigration living difficulties, and social support as predictors of psychological
adjustment in resettled Sudanese refugees. Australian and New Zealand Journal
of Psychiatry, 40, 1–9
 Schweitzer, R., Greenslade, J., & Kagee, A. (2007). Coping and resilience in
refugees from the Sudan: A narrative account. Australian and New Zealand
Journal of Psychiatry, 41, 282-288
 Schweitzer, R., Perkoulidis, S., Krome, S., Ludlow, C., & Ryan, M. (2005).
Attitudes toward refugees: The dark side of prejudice. Australian Journal of
Psychology, 57, 170-179.
Scott Hanson-Easey
 Hanson-Easey, S., & Augoustinos, M. (2012). Narratives from the
neighbourhood: The discursive construction of integration problems in talkback
radio. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 16, 28–55.
 Hanson-Easey, S., & Augoustinos, M. (2011). Complaining about humanitarian
refugees: The role of sympathy talk in the design of complaints on talkback radio.
Discourse and Communication.5(3). 247-271
 Hanson-Easy, S., & Moloney, G. (2009). Social representations of refugees:
Place of origin as a delineating resource. Journal of Community & Applied Social
Psychology, DOI: 10.1002/casp.1010.
Jack Smit
 Smit, Jack H. (2011). The Political Origins and Development of Australia's
People Smuggling Legislation: Evil Smugglers or Extreme Rhetoric? Masters by
Research (SocSc) Thesis. Social Justice Research Centre, Edith Cowan
University. Available from
Smit, Jack H. (2010). Malcolm Fraser’s response to ‘commercial’ refugee
voyages. Journal of International Relations 8(2), University of Dhaka,
Smit, Jack H (erroneously named "Smits"). (2009). Uninvited and unheard:
Australia’s case of post-Tampa boat arrivals. TAMARA, Journal for Critical
Organization Inquiry, 8(2), pp. 87-104 - Special Issue: Refugee and Migrant
Integration in Developed Nations: The Discovery of Discourse (Sept 2009).
Chris Sonn
 Fisher, A., & Sonn, C. (2007). Sense of community and dynamics of inclusionexclusion by receiving communities. The Australian Community Psychologist,
19, 26- 34.
Avelie Stuart
 Anderson, J. R., Stuart, A., & Rossen, I. (2015). Not all negative: Macro justice
principles predict positive attitudes towards asylum seekers in Australia.
Australian Journal of Psychology
Jon Stratton
 Stratton, J. (2011). Uncertain Lives: Culture, Race and Neoliberalism in
Australia. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars.
 Stratton, J. Dying To Come To Australia: Asylum Seekers, Tourists and Death’ in
Suvendrini Perera Ed. Our Patch: Enacting Australian Sovereignty Post-2001,
API-Network, 2007, pp. 167-196.
VicHealth (Kim Webster)
 Rees, S., & Pease, B. (2006). Refugee settlement, safety and wellbeing: Exploring
domestic and family violence in refugee communities. Melbourne: Immigrant
Women’s Domestic Violence Service Inc.
[in partnership with Victorian Health Promotion Foundation]
 Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (2007a). More than tolerance:
Embracing diversity for health. Discrimination affecting migrant and refugee
communities in Victoria, its health consequences, community attitudes and
solutions: A summary report. Melbourne: Victorian Health Promotion
Sue Watt
 Watt, S.E., Maio, G.R., Rees K., & Hewstone, M. (2007). Functions of attitudes
towards ethnic groups: Effects of level of abstraction. Journal of Experimental
Social Psychology, 43, 441–449
Devorah Wainer
 Wainer, D. (2010). Beyond the wire: Levinas vis-à-vis Villawood. PhD thesis
University of Technology Sydney. Available from
 Every, D., Rainbird, S., Proctor, N., Sebben, B., & Thompson, K. (2012). Social
impacts of the Inverbrackie Alternative Place of Detention on Woodside and
surrounds. Report to DIAC.
 Refugee Council of Australia (2009). Amplifying the voices of young refugees.
 Refugee Council of Australia and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship
(2010). Economic civil and social contributions of refugees and humanitarian
entries. Unpublished document.