PowerLab - Harvard Apparatus

Chart Pro For Windows and Mac OS
• Chart Pro - More Analysis
Power, Unbeatable Value
• Chart Pro (MLS250) provides
researchers with more
acquisition and analysis
power at a great price. It
includes all the latest Chart
Modules for Windows and
Mac OS plus 5 years of
FREE upgrades.
Dose Response
The Dose Response Module allows for the calculation of dose response type data from Chart
recordings, automatically or manually, offline or online. See page 112 for more details.
Peak Analysis
The Peak Analysis Module provides automatic detection and analysis of multiple, but not
overlapping, signal waveforms from recordings, online or offline. See page 114 for
more details.
Blood Pressure
The Blood Pressure Module automatically detects, analyzes and reports a set of
cardiovascular parameters from arterial or ventricular pressure signals, online or offline. See
page 116 for more details.
ECG Analysis
The ECG Analysis Module detects and reports the onset, amplitude and interval times of
PQRST online Contact
or Us
offline. The module is suited for analysis of ECG from humans, pigs, dogs,
rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and mice. See page 118 for more details.
Heart Rate Variability
Win or Macintosh
The HRV Module is used to analyze Chart recordings of ECG or Arterial pulse signal. HRV
works online, performing calculations and displaying results as data is recording. HRV also
has additional functionality to allow for offline data analysis. See page 120 for more details.
Spike Histogram
Wind or Macintosh
The Spike Histogram Module provides the ability to detect, discriminate and analyze
extracellular neural spike activity online. Recorded spikes can also be reanalyzed offline with
modified discrimination settings. See page 122 for more details.
Cardiac Output
The Cardiac Output Module allows for cardiac output calculations to be easily derived from a
Chart recording of a thermodilution curve. It calculates cardiac output, baseline temperature,
area under the thermodilution curve and baseline slope correction. See page 124 for
more details.
Win or Macintosh
The Metabolic Module allows for specialized metabolic data acquisition and analysis from
humans. The module can be used to calculate and display metabolic data online and can also
be used offline to analyze data from previous recordings. See page 125 for more details.
DMT Normalization
Win or Macintosh
The DMT Normalization Module is used when performing in vitro experiments on isolated
vessels with Danish Myo Technology (DMT) wire myographs. The module is used to calculate
and set the optimal pretension conditions for microvessels or other tubular tissues prior to
commencing experiments. See page 126 for more details.
QuickTime Capture
The QuickTime Capture Module adds audio and video capability to Chart. The module allows
the synchronized recording and playback of a QuickTime movie and Chart data file. This
enables the comparison of real time events with recorded data. See page 127 for
more details.
Additional Benefits
Purchasing Chart Pro entitles the user to 5 years of FREE online software
updates and upgrades for all the Chart Modules listed above, as well as
updates and upgrades for Chart. Furthermore, any new Chart Module
titles released within this period are also available online, from our
Software Updates section at no further cost.
Chart Pro is available in the following configurations:
Chart Pro Upgrade
Existing Chart 5 users can upgrade to Chart 5 Pro and receive all the
modules purchase with new system. Purchasers of any PowerLab 30 Data
Acquisition System have the option to purchase the system with Chart
Pro. You only pay a small additional amount above the price of the
standard PowerLab System with Chart Software
Chart 5 Pro Requirements
Chart 5 Pro requires Chart v5.4 or later for Windows or Mac OS. If you are
a Chart v5 user you can update to the latest version online FREE of
charge. Simply use your existing license number.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
Chart™ Software
Chart Modules are Chart software add-ons that
provide highly specialized data acquisition and
analysis features for specific applications, for example
analysis of heart rate variability from a recorded ECG
signal. Full licensed versions or free evaluation copies
of Chart Modules can be downloaded from AD
Instruments website. See page 109 for a quick
summary of the available modules. For more details,
see the individual product descriptions.
Quick Set-up and Ease of Use
Start recording experimental data seconds after opening the
Chart program.
Chart 5 Highlights
See the latest features in Chart v5 for Windows and
Powerful Data Analysis
Calculations, measurements, extraction of data, application
specific tools and more.
Download Chart Overview (1.6Mb)
Find out for yourself why people are talking about Chart.
User Friendly Displays
Use clever display features to help with analysis, export
contents or simply print.
Chart In Action (750Kb)
Get a sense of Chart's capabilities by watching this short
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
Chart™ Software (continued)
Additional Chart Functionality - Chart Extensions
File Translation
Chart Extensions provide a number of features that add specific
functionality to Chart software.
Files can easily be moved from Macintosh to Windows, or from Windows
Macintosh. You can also convert data that you have recorded with
Chart into other formats such as MATLAB, AXON, IGOR, CVSoft, DATAPAC
and more.
Us to
Some extensions are included with the standard Chart Installer and
others are available to download from our website.
The text below provides an overview of the types of available extensions
for Chart software. To learn more about individual Chart Extensions
please go to Software Updates
Notch, low-pass, high-pass, and mains hum filtering options are built into
Chart, however additional Chart Extensions are available. Use RMS &
Noise to show the root-mean-square value and standard deviation of a
trace, or use the Savitzky-Golay algorithm to perform data smoothing.
Analysis Windows
Specialist Analysis
Specialist extensions are available for analysis in areas such as
cardiovascular, spirometry, electrochemistry, and spectrometry studies.
Examples include Absorbance, Cardiac Output, Evoked Response, SAECG,
Spirometry, Ventricular Pressure and others.
In addition to Chart Extensions several Modules are available. Chart
Modules are major software add-ons that provide highly specialized data
acquisition and analysis features, such as analysis of the heart rate
interval from an ECG signal.
With analysis windows such as Amplitude Histogram, Curve Fit, STM and
XY Plot you can fit a range of functions to experimental data, analyse
signal amplitude frequency distribution or apply spectral temporal
Measurement & Calibrations
Apply linear or non-linear calibration, calibrate Chart for spectrometry or
calculate parameters (such as height, slope, etc) for individual peaks, and
more. Useful extensions include Multipoint Calibration, Peak Parameters,
pH Measurement and Absorbance.
Utility Features
Utility features are available for an assortment of functions, for example
save Chart data as a QuickTime movie (Export QuickTime), match a
waveform with similar waveforms in a large set (Template), shift data
forwards or backwards in time (Shift), create data mathematically
(Function Generator) and more.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
Dose Response Module for Chart
A Dose Response experiment and the results of the analysis. Three
simultaneous recordings of rat aortic blood pressure. The agonist injection
points were marked during recording of the data, which were digitally filtered
to remove the individual beats and show only the average pressure per beat.
The response points for the three channels and the fitted response curves
are displayed in the Dose Response Results View. Fitting parameters for a
selected curve are shown in the list on the right.
Features and Benefits
The MLS390 Dose Response Module for Chart for Windows allows for
the calculation of dose response type data from Chart recordings. The
• Offline and online analysis.
analysis can be done automatically or manually, offline or online. Chart Contact • Automatic and manual dose response calculations.
data recorded prior to the use of the Module can be readily converted for
• Extensive set of response calculation methods,
use by Dose Response. The results of the analysis can be exported for
based on Chart selections:
use by other applications.
The Dose Response Module should be used with the latest version of
Example Applications
• muscle contraction
• enzyme activity
• hormone secretion
• heart rate
• blood pressure
• membrane potential
In response to stimulation by chemical, electrical or physical agonists.
– Average
– Maximum
– Maximum-Minimum
– Integral
– Minimum
Optional baselines, flat and sloping.
Simple, yet flexible, workflow (online or offline):
– Enter a dose or list of doses.
– Mark dose point(s) on the data trace.
– Auto-analyze data or calculate responses
from manual selections.
Linked displays in the Table View, Analysis View
and Chart View.
Table View provides centralized setup, display
and data management functionality.
Analysis View allows inspection and manual
adjustment of calculation region and optional
baseline for each response.
Result View displays parameters of fitted sigmoid
curves and provides for simultaneous display of
multiple curves with optionally fixed top, bottom
and hill-slopes.
Data can be exported in XML and tab-delimited
text format.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
Dose Response Module for
Chart (continued)
The Analysis View with results from the analysis of the data shown above.
The Analysis View shows the data used to create the response selected in
the Table View. The markers for the response calculation region can be
adjusted manually. The baseline can be dragged vertically, and the slope can
be adjusted by dragging the handles on the left and right. Results are
recalculated automatically.
The Table View with results from the analysis of the data shown above.
Available as Part of Chart Pro
The Dose Response Module is also available as part of Chart Pro. Visit
the Chart Pro information page prior to making a purchasing decision.
Existing Chart users and PowerLab system purchasers can upgrade to
Chart Pro at a special price. If you need more information please contact
your ADInstruments Representative.
Order #
EC1 77-0006 MLS390
Dose Response Module for Chart
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
Peak Analysis Module for Chart
Peak Analysis Module for Chart
The MLS380 Peak Analysis Module for Windows provides automatic
detection and analysis of multiple, but not overlapping, signal peaks in
acquired waveforms. The module can be used either offline, to analyze
peaks in existing recordings, or online, to analyze peaks as they are being
The Peak Analysis Module should be used with the latest version of
Chart. Click here for the latest Chart Update for Windows.
Electrogram and aortic flow
recording from a dog, analyzed with
General Waveform detector settings
Table View
The Table View displays calculated parameters for all detected peaks.
• Selecting a row in in Table View will highlight the
corresponsing peak in the module’s Analysis View
as well as the Chart View.
• By clicking Export, you can save the Table View
contents as a text file that can be opened in other
Wide Range of Applications
The module can be used in a wide range of applications including isolated
tissue studies, hemodynamic measurements, amperometry, cardiac Contact
physiology, neurophysiology and current measurements.
Features and Benefits:
• Reduces the amount of time required to analyze
and extract parameters from multiple peaks
• Provides automatic peak detection of an entire
channel or a selection within a channel
• Provides several analysis presets suitable for
general and specific types of waveforms
• Provides extracted parameters in a table that can
be exported to other applications
• Detects positive or negative peaks
• The Settings button allows you to choose which
parameters to display in the Table View.
• Clicking Add to Data Pad, copies the values to
Chart’s Data Pad to allow exporting and OLE
linking to other applications such as Microsoft
Display of Calculated Peak Parameters in Chart
Any calculated parameters can be displayed as a waveform in individual
Chart channels. This is particularly useful for real-time (online) analysis.
Peak Analysis channel calculations can be selected in each Channel
Function menu.
Peak Analysis Settings
The Peak Analysis Settings dialog provides the means to select Detection,
Calculation and Table View options appropriate for the signal being
Detector settings determine how stimulus artifacts and peaks are
detected. The following analysis presets are available:
• Action Potentials – Ideal for intracellular neuronal action
• Cardiac Action Potentials – Ideal for monophasic
intracellular and extracellular cardiac action potentials
• Evoked Responses – Ideal for monophasic peaks that
follow a stimulus
• General Unstimulated – Ideal for peaks in waveforms
without stimuli
Available as Part of Chart Pro
The Peak Analysis Module is also available as part of Chart Pro. Visit the
Chart Pro information page prior to making a purchasing decision. Existing
Chart users and PowerLab system purchasers can upgrade to Chart Pro at
a special price. If you need more information please contact your
ADInstruments Representative.
Order #
EC1 77-0007 MLS380
Peak Analysis Module for Chart
• Population Spikes – Ideal for extracellular evoked
• Synaptic – Ideal for synaptic measurements.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
Peak Analysis Module for
Chart (continued)
Detector tab in the Peak Analysis settings dialog
Table Options tab in the Peak Analysis settings dialog
The Calculation tab allows the user to set the
boundaries for the calculation of peak parameters.
Contact Table View options determine which calculated
Different parameter options are available for each type Us parameters are displayed in the Table View.
of analysis.
Peak Analysis view
Peak Analysis View
The Peak Analysis View displays all detected peaks one by one.
You can either scroll peak-by-peak in the Peak Analysis View, or select
the peaks of interest in the Chart View or Table View.
Calculations tab in the Peak Analysis settings dialog
As these views are interactive, selecting the peak in one means that all
three will display information about the selected peak.
The Peak Analysis View:
• Displays each peak and its parameters
• Allows scaling of the display
• Displays waveform cursor coordinates
• Displays parameter summary information
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
Blood Pressure Module for Chart
Recording showing ventricular parameters with markers, the average pressure waveform
(shown in black) and the individual cycles that constitute the average (shown in green).
Features and Benefits
• Suitable for analysis of blood pressure from
humans as well as large and small animals
• Blood pressure can be analyzed in real-time
during acquisition
• BP classifier for detection and exclusion of
atypical waveforms
• Several parameters can be displayed as
continuous data on separate channels as
well as logged to the table view
• Averages any number of pressure waveforms
Some of the Calculated Ventricular
Parameters Include
• Maximum pressure
• Maximum dP/dt
• Isovolumic relaxation
• Minimum pressure
• Minimum dP/dt
• Mean pressure
• End diastolic pressure (EDP)
• Maximum-minimum pressure
• Contractility ndex
Some of the Calculated Arterial Parameters
• Systolic pressure
• Ejection time
• Diastolic pressure
• Pressure at dicrotic notch
• Mean pressure
• Pulse pressure
BP Settings Dialog
The MLS370 Blood Pressure Module for Windows automatically detects,
analyzes and reports a set of cardiovascular parameters from arterial or
ventricular pressure signals, either online or offline.
The Blood Pressure Module should be used with the latest version of
The Classifier View allows for easy selection of pressure waveforms for
further analyses. Pressure cycles that are contaminated by artifact, have
abnormal cycle heights or cycle durations (frequency) can be excluded
using the classifier. In addition, the classifier can be used to select
pressure cycles that have increased frequency and/or amplitude for
analysis. For example, increased heart rate in response to
pharmacological agents is easily identified by a group of pressure cycles
with decreased duration.
The Analysis View displays pressure cycles beat-by-beat or as the
average of a specified number of cycles. Depending on the type of
signal under investigation (ventricular or arterial), commonly reported
parameters specific to the type of signal (i.e. systolic pressure, EDP etc.)
are labelled. These measurements are logged in the Table View for
easy exporting.
The module also allows for these measurements to be displayed in
Chart as continuous data on separate channels. Raw data is unaltered
by any calculations ensuring that the ventricular or arterial signals can
be re-analyzed at any time.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
Blood Pressure Module for
Chart (continued)
Table View
Classifier View
Table View
All parameters calculated by the Module are recorded in the Table View.
Table rows are linked to beats in the Analysis View so that highlighting a
The Classifier View allows selection of cycles based on height and
row will automatically show the corresponding beat(s) in the Analysis
duration. The edges of the red boxes represent the cycle classification Contact View as well as the original data in the Chart View.
limits and can be dragged using the mouse to include or exclude detected
Available as Part of Chart Pro
cycles, in the analyses.
The Blood Pressure Module is also available as part of Chart Pro. Visit the
Detection & Analysis Settings
Chart Pro information page prior to making a purchasing decision. Existing
The BP Settings dialog is used to set blood pressure detection
Chart users and PowerLab system purchasers can upgrade to Chart Pro at
parameters. The detection algorithm uses minimum cycle height and
a special price. If you need more information please contact your
minimum cycle duration, with each detected cycle labelled. By selecting
ADInstruments Representative.
ventricular or arterial pressure, specific waveform parameters are
calculated by the Module. Cycle averaging and isovolumic relaxation (Tau)
Order #
Model Product
options are also set in the window.
Classifier View
EC1 77-0008
Blood Pressure Module for Chart
Analysis View with Markers
Analysis View
Every beat, as well as the average of beats, is displayed in the Analysis
View with vertical markers displayed for each ventricular or arterial cycle
parameter. Scrolling horizontally will display each beat or average of
beats in succession.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
ECG Analysis Module for Chart
Chart recording of an ECG signal
with a selection of ECG Analysis
Module windows including ECG
Averaging, ECG Table, ECG
Waterfall Plot and ECG QT versus
Time Plot
ECG Analysis
Module for Chart
ECG Channel Calculation Dialog
MLS360 ECG Analysis Module for Windows automatically detects and
reports PQRST onset, amplitude and intervals, either online or offline.
The ECG Analysis Module should be used with the latest version of Chart.
Click here for the latest Chart Update for Windows.
The raw data is unaltered by any calculations to ensure that the ECG can
be reanalyzed. Default detection and analysis parameters are included for
human, pig, dog, rabbit, guinea pig, rat and mice ECG. Detection settings
can be customized at any time for optimization or for use with other
animals. The ECG Analysis Module should be used with the latest version
of Chart for Windows.
ECG Settings Dialog
Each of the parameters calculated by the ECG Analysis module can be
displayed in a separate Chart Channel. ECG Channel calculations display
the parameters of the averaged beats as they appear in the ECG Table
View. This is particularly useful for online calculations.
Available as Part of Chart Pro
The ECG Analysis Module is also available as part of Chart Pro. Visit the
Chart Pro information page prior to making a purchasing decision. Existing
Chart users and PowerLab system purchasers can upgrade to Chart Pro at
a special price. If you need more information please contact your
ADInstruments Representative.
ECG Settings
The ECG Settings dialog allows
the user to select settings for a
particular animal, as well as
customizing the settings for optimal identification of the waveforms in
the recorded ECG. The user also has the option to average a specified
number of beats, or all the beats across a specified time period or in
a block.
Waterfall Plots of Mouse (top) and Rabbit (bottom) ECG. Note the
prolongated QT interval in the Rabbit ECG plot
ECG Beat Classifier
The ECG Beat Classifier enables the selection and removal of
unsatisfactory beats or groups of beats. The left pane allows
identification of beats with excessive ‘noise’ such as muscle activity. The
pane on the right identifies beats with different RR intervals or altered
QRS complexes. This pane enables ectopic beats and other cardiac
arrhythmias to be easily identified. By positioning the movable red box
limit lines over the desired group or groups and identified beats, the user
selects the beats to be included for analysis. With the click of the ‘Accept
All’ button the user is able to include all the beats in the left and right
pane for analysis.
Order #
EC1 77-0009
ECG Analysis Module for Chart
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
ECG Analysis Module for
Chart (continued)
Recording of a Mouse ECG with markers identifying detected ECG beats
ECG Averaging View
Beat Markers
ECG Averaging View
Once the appropriate setting has been chosen, the ECG Analysis Module
automatically detects the ECG beats according to the ECG Settings.
The ECG Analysis Module averages any chosen ECG beats within an ECG
recording. The number of ECG beats averaged and analyzed together is
dependent on the user’s selection in the ECG Settings dialog.
Beat marker colors correspond to the signal’s “form” and “noise” factor
selections in the ECG Beat Classifier View. The first beat marker is always
Contact Apart from reducing the effects of noise and movement artifacts, averaging
displayed in gray. Beat markers included in analysis are green. Red
is useful when comparing effects on the ECG before and after experimental
marker color indicates exclusion from analysis based on signal noise. Blue
intervention. In the Averaging View, each average can be viewed individually
color indicates exclusion due to form factor, and pink signifies exclusion
and all PQRST markers can be adjusted manually if required. A red marker
due to noise as well as form.
indicates that it was edited manually. The user also has the option of
clearing manual edits by pressing the ‘Clear Edits’ button.
QT interval versus Time for a Mouse ECG
ECG Table View Options Dialog
ECG Table View
The ECG Table View logs and displays selected ECG parameters.
Available parameters are chosen in the ECG Table View dialog.
Values for each ECG average are automatically logged to the ECG Table
View and can be added to the Data Pad (Chart’s internal spreadsheet) or
the parameters can also be exported to graphing or statistical programs
for further analysis. Real-time exporting to Excel can be performed
through OLE linking.
ECG Plots
Plots of QT Interval versus Time, QT Interval versus RR Interval and RR
Interval versus Time can be automatically generated. These tools are
ideal for illustrating effects of drugs on the interval times of an ECG
waveform, in real time.
Waterfall plots can also be easily created using the ECG Analysis
Module. Waterfall plots provide a three dimensional representation of an
ECG. The generated plot is easily enlarged, reduced and rotated to
provide the preferred viewing perspective.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
Heart Rate Variability Module for Chart
When using the HRV Module, a threshold detector is used to detect the R
waves in the raw ECG data and generate RR intervals that are classified as
normal, ectopic or artifact.
Heart Rate Variability Module for Chart
The MLS310 Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Module for Windows provides a
comprehensive set of tools for the analysis and display of variation in the
interval between heartbeats in human and animal electrocardiogram
The Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Module should be used with the latest
version of Chart. Click here for the latest Chart Update for Windows.
Electrocardiograms or other heartbeat-related signals can be recorded
using the PowerLab data acquisition system and changes in the heart rate
can be computed on-line using the analysis features of Chart software.
With the addition of the HRV Module, the analysis of the variability in
this data is possible.
From the classified RR intervals a range of HRV plots, spectral
measurements, statistical histograms and reports are calculated
and displayed.
These include:
• Poincaré Plot
• Period Histogram
• Delta NN Histogram
• Tachogram
• Spectrum
• Statistical report
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
Heart Rate Variability Module for
Chart (continued)
Successive RR interval values are plotted against the ‘beat number’.
Horizontal dotted lines indicate the current limits for ectopic and artifact
recognition. These lines can be dragged to alter the limits.
The Spectrum window displays the power spectrum of time-based
Tachogram, also referred to as the 'Spectrum of Intervals'. Draggable
vertical lines indicate limits of LF and HF regions of the spectrum.
Available as Part of Chart Pro
The Heart Rate Variability Module is also available as part of Chart Pro.
Visit the Chart Pro information page prior to making a purchasing
decision. Existing Chart users and PowerLab system purchasers can
upgrade to Chart Pro at a special price. If you need more information
please contact your ADInstruments Representative.
Order #
EC1 77-0010
Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
Module for Chart
Poincaré Plot
Each RR interval is plotted, against its preceding RR interval, in a scatter
plot with the mean (central point) and standard deviation (ellipse) are
displayed in the window. The window also displays the RR interval
classification boxes (blue for the normal/ectopic limit, red for the
ectopic/artifact limit). These limits can be adjusted by dragging the boxes.
The HRV Module allows you to:
• Define artifact/ectopic interval classification limits
• Exclude or include ectopic beats from analysis
• Add R waves
• Delete R waves which have incorrectly created
short artifacts
• Adjust histogram bin size
• Generate ECG data with specified RR interval
variation (Mac only)
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
Spike Histogram Module for Chart
Discriminator Window – spike populations are selected in the left-hand pane, with selected
spikes viewed on the right-hand pane (red lines)
The MLS062 Spike Histogram Module for Windows provides the
neuroscientist, in conjunction with our PowerLab systems, the ability to
record and analyze extracellular spike data in real time and offline.
The Spike Histogram Module should be used with the latest version of
This module provides the user with the ability to discriminate and analyze
extracellular neural spike activity, featuring a simple height/width
discriminator. The height and width discriminator window provides reliable
discrimination against unwanted units in multi-unit recordings. This method of
detection is better than simple amplitude window discrimination and faster
than template matching. The module provides both in real time and offline
discrimination and analysis, and at all times the recorded spikes can be
reanalyzed with modified discriminator settings.
The Discriminator Settings window can be accessed from the
Discriminator window and user defined spike detection settings of noise
threshold (V) and waveform period (secs) allow for automated detection
of spikes and filtering of unwanted units.
The Spike Histogram Module also features four histogram windows which
can display Ratemeter, Amplitude, Interspike Interval and Peristimulus
Time Histograms. The chart file and analysis windows can be viewed
simultaneously and operate both offline and in real time, with the option
of all data collected by the spike detection parameters being updated and
logged into the analysis windows in real time.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
Spike Histogram Module for
Chart (continued)
NeuroExplorer –A Selection of
Analyses of a Spike Train
(Autocorrelogram, Interspike
Available as Part of Chart Pro
Another added feature to the Spike Histogram Module is the ability to
export to NeuroExplorer software for advanced analysis of spike trains.
The export feature saves files in .nex format which are effortlessly
opened in NeuroExplorer. NeuroExplorer provides an extensive set of
spike train analysis options and histograms including autocorrelograms,
crosscorrelograms, burst analysis, spectral analysis, Poincare maps. For a
complete list of features see our Product page. NeuroExplorer also
includes features for analysis of continuously recorded signals and
populations of neurons as well as allowing the user to create publicationquality figures. A built-in scripting engine allows data editing as well as
the ability to run analyses in batch mode to automate analysis tasks.
NeuroExplorer can be purchased independently or as a module with Spike
Histogram, see details below.
The Spike Histogram Module is also available as part of Chart Pro. Visit
the Chart Pro information page prior to making a purchasing decision.
Existing Chart users and PowerLab system purchasers can upgrade to
Chart Pro at a special price. If you need more information please contact
your ADInstruments Representative.
Order #
EC1 77-0011
MLS062/6 Spike Histogram Module for Chart
EC1 77-0109
MLS063/1 NeuroExplorer Module for Chart
Interval, Power Spectral Density and Joint PSTH)
See AD Instruments website for more information on the NeuroExplorer.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
Cardiac Output Module for Chart
Cardiac Output Module
A Correction factor option has been included in the settings for the user
to account for warming of the injectate as it is injected through the
catheter or any other correction factor related to the experimental
The MLS340 Cardiac Output Module for Windows provides the user with
an analysis tool to easily extract and calculate cardiac output from small
animals, using the thermodilution technique and recorded in Chart.
Depending on the injectate temperature, there may be some permanent
cooling of the blood. As the cold/cooled fluid is recirculated the
thermodilution curve does not return to its baseline value. The Tail fitting
range allows the user to define a portion of the downslope of the
recorded thermodilution curve from which an exponential curve is
calculated and extrapolated to a baseline. The portion of the downslope
used in this calculation is specified as a percentage of the curve full
The Cardiac Output Module should be used with the latest version of
Chart. Click here for the latest Chart Update for Windows.
The module calculates:
• cardiac output in mL/min
• baseline temperature
• area under the thermodilution curve
• baseline slope correction
The baseline temperature is important in calculating CO and is calculated
for each thermodilution curve created and analyzed. The user in selecting
the curve is also required to define a period of time prior to the
thermodilution curve for the module to determine baseline temperature.
Two parameters are required from the user:
It also adds values to the Data Pad from which data can be exported to
other applications.
1. The Onset time defines the period of time there is beginning to be a
temperature change (the data in this period will not be used for the
Contact baseline calculation).
The module includes three main dialog windows:
1. Cardiac Output Window
2. Cardiac Output Settings
3. Set Baseline Correction
1. Cardiac Output Window
2. The user sets the time interval for baseline temperature determination
in the Calculate baseline from text box. The module will calculate the
baseline over this time interval, with the period selected ending at the
start of the onset period (see Cardiac Output window above).
3. Set Baseline Correction
Any baseline drift can also be corrected by selecting baseline data and
choosing Set Baseline Correction from the Cardiac Output menu.
Selecting OK will automatically insert the correction factor in the CO
calculation, or it can be turned on or off in the Settings dialog box by
checking or unchecking the Baseline slope correction text box.
The capture option in the Setting dialog box allows the user to mark the
selected thermodilution curve with the CO values as well as automatically
adding the calculated values for each thermodilution curve to the
Data Pad.
Available as Part of Chart Pro
A thermodilution curve showing baseline determination (red line) and calculated exponential
curve (shaded region) and cardiac output values (top right-hand corner).
2. Cardiac Output Settings
The Cardiac Output Settings
dialog box allows the user to
define the parameters used in the
calculation of cardiac output.
The MLS340 Cardiac Output Module is also available as part of Chart Pro.
Visit the Chart Pro information page prior to making a purchasing
decision. Existing Chart users and PowerLab system purchasers can
upgrade to Chart Pro at a special price. If you need more information
please contact your ADInstruments Representative.
Order #
Model Product
EC1 77-0012
MLS340/6 Cardiac Output Module for Chart
The injectate parameters that can be entered include Temperature (0 to 30 °C), Volume
(0.01 to 50mLs)
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
Metabolic Module for Chart
Metabolic Module
The MLS240 Metabolic Module is intended primarily for use with the
Exercise Physiology System which includes a combination of the following
hardware: PowerLab System, Spirometer and Flow Head, Gas Analyzer,
Gas Mixing Chamber, Temperature Pod and accessories.
The Metabolic Module Module should be used with the latest version of
Chart. Click here for the latest Chart Update for Windows.
Metabolic menu showing the eight available windows. Metabolic settings and the automated
calibration are also selected within the Metabolic menu.
The Metabolic Module in combination with the ADInstruments hardware
is ideal in the determination of cardiorespiratory function and exercise
physiology measurements. Typical applications include metabolic
measurements, respiratory gas analysis, student exercise testing,
pulmonary function analysis, indirect calorimetry, anaerobic threshold,
biopotential measurements and spirometry.
The Metabolic Log window updates the values in real time, periodically, as set by the user in
the Metabolic Settings dialog box. These values are used to plot in real time or offline plots
listed above.
Available as Part of Chart Pro
Recording of expired Flow and gas concentrations (CO2 and O2), RER vs Time and VCO2 vs
VO2. As the data is being collected in Chart the graphs are updated in real time.
The Metabolic Module records CO2 and O2 concentrations from air
sampled from a gas mixing chamber and interprets these values in real
time to provide measurements of metabolic parameters such as:
VCO2/min, VO2/min, VE/min and RER.
The MLS240 Metabolic Module is also available as part of Chart Pro. Visit
the Chart Pro information page prior to making a purchasing decision.
Existing Chart users and PowerLab system purchasers can upgrade to
Chart Pro at a special price. If you need more information please contact
your ADInstruments Representative.
Order #
EC1 77-0013
Metabolic Module for Chart
The module provides options for setting subject details, recording
parameters and environmental conditions using the Metabolic Settings
dialog box. These include:
• Hardware preferences: choice of the PowerLab/8M or other
“Custom” hardware
• Subject details: name, age, weight, height, gender, id
number, comments
• Calibration preferences: settings for automated first and
second gas calibrations
• General preferences: Averaging time (data logging) and
recording time (duration of experiment) settings
• Environment settings: Expired/inspired, atmospheric and
air conditions.
The Metabolic Module also provides eight windows for viewing results of
the metabolic calculations in real time and offline:
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
DMT Normalization Module for Chart
DMT Normalization Module
The MLS065 DMT Normalization Module provides an easy method for the
calculation of optimal pretension conditions for microvascular or any
small tubular tissue research. The DMT Normalization Module is for use
with PowerLab, Chart and DMT Wire Myographs.
The DMT Normalization Module should be used with the latest version of
Chart. Click here for the latest Chart Update for Windows.
The module:
• Automatically calculates tissue length
• Provides online and offline determination of effective pressure
• Calculates the pre-tension (micrometer setting)
for normalization
A graph of internal circumference
versus resting wall tension is
created with each stepwise
distension, with the module
ending once the effective pressure
exceeds 100 mmHg (13.3 kPa). An
exponential curve is then fitted to
the internal circumference
pressure data and, using Laplace's
equation, the point on the curve corresponding to 100 mmHg is
determined and denoted IC100. From the IC100 a value IC1 is calculated
(0.9 x IC100) which the module then uses to calculate the micrometer
setting which sets the internal circumference to this pressure. The
module has been set with a default of 0.9 (rat mesenteric vessels) this
ratio (IC1/IC100) should be determined for different tissue types.
The rationale and theory behind normalizing elastic tissues such as
microvessels has been extensively investigated by Professor Michael
DMT Normalization window with stepwise distension of the tissue using the micrometer and
Mulvany (for details see Mulvany MJ, Halpern, W Circulation Research
the developed force. The graph on the right is automatically generated from the calculated
1977, 41: 19-26). Mulvany determined that the optimal pre-tension
internal circumference and resting wall tension by the module.
conditions (ie internal circumference) for microvascular studies is best
defined as the size when the vessel is fully relaxed and under a
Normalization Settings dialog
transmural pressure of 100 mmHg. Therefore the aim of the normalizationUs
procedure is to determine the internal circumference at which the vessel
The DMT Normalization Module
would be relaxed and under a transmural pressure of 100 mmHg. This
provides a Normalization Settings
index is denoted as IC100 and is calculated for each vessel mounted on
dialog box in which microscope
the wire myograph.
eyepiece calibration, target pressure,
IC1/IC100 ratio, online averaging and
There are a number of factors which need to be considered when
delay time can be entered which are
conducting studies using elastic tissues, these include:
used in the calculations which will be
1. The size of elastic structures (vessels) which can only have meaning if
used for each tissue being normalized.
the conditions are clearly defined.
Each Chart channel has a separate Normalization Window in which the
2. The sensitivity of preparations to agonists is dependent on the degree
tissue end points (determination of tissue length) and wire diameter can
of tissue stretch.
be entered. Micrometer values and force determinations are entered in
this window either online (while recording) or offline. A graph of the
3. The active response of a vessel is dependent on the extent of stretch
measured internal circumference versus resting wall tension of the vessel
(according to the active tension-internal circumference relation) it is
is created from which the IC100 and IC1 are calculated. The module also
useful to set vessels to an internal circumference which gives the
provides the user with the micrometer setting for achieving the desired
maximum response.
pre-tension conditions for the tissue being studied.
It is therefore important to define the experimental conditions prior to
conducting investigations into the properties of elastic tissues.
The normalization procedure is performed by distending the vessel
stepwise and measuring sets of micrometer readings whilst recording the
developed force using PowerLab and Chart. The DMT Normalization
Module calculates the internal circumference from the measured distance
between the wires, known diameter of the wire and length of tissue used.
The length of the tissue is determined using a calibrated eyepiece and
microscope. Wall tension is the measured force divided by the wall length
from which effective pressure is calculated. Effective pressure is an
estimate of the pressure which would be necessary to extend the vessel
to the measured internal circumference.
Available as Part of Chart Pro
The MLS065 DMT Normalization Module is also available as part of Chart
Pro. Visit the Chart Pro information page prior to making a purchasing
decision. Existing Chart users and PowerLab system purchasers can
upgrade to Chart Pro at a special price. If you need more information
please contact your ADInstruments Representative.
Order #
EC1 77-0014
DMT Normalization Module for Chart
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
QuickTime Capture Module for Chart
Features and Benefits
The QuickTime Capture Module allows for the simultaneous recording and
synchronization of a QuickTime® movie and Chart data. The data and the
movie can be played back together, allowing you to observe any effects
on the data caused by events during the experiment. For example, in a
frog heart experiment the ventricular contractions can be recorded as a
movie in QuickTime while contractile tension is simultaneously measured
with a force transducer and recorded using Chart. By playing the movie
and data file together it is easy to illustrate the visual/physical changes
associated with the mechanical recording.QuickTime Capture Module
for Chart
QuickTime Capture Module
The MLS320 QuickTime Capture Module for Macintosh is used for
simultaneous recording and synchronization of a QuickTime movie and a
Chart data file. A personal video camera is used to record a movie direct
to your computer. The movie is then saved together with the Chart data
The QuickTime Capture Module should be used with the latest version of
Chart. Click here for the latest Chart update for Macintosh.
The audio settings include the type of compression, sampling rate, and
input source if more than one sound recording device is connected.
Us The
Camera Preview window shows a live preview from the camera. This
is useful for the initial setting of image quality. When satisfied with the
camera image, the user can start the recording. The recording of data in
Chart and the recording of the movie, both start simultaneously by
clicking the “Start” button in Chart.
The Movie Marker feature can be used to show the point in the Chart
data file corresponding to the current movie frame. This is useful when
trying to find the exact data point corresponding to a particular
experimental event, or vice versa. The user can navigate through the data
or movie frames by dragging the Movie Marker in Chart.
Alternatively the user can set an active point or make a selection in Chart
and then choose Set Movie Position from the Capture menu to go to that
point or selection. The chosen selection of the movie can then be played.
Available as Part of Chart Pro
The example above shows a simultaneous Chart and QuickTime recording of grip
force measurement
QuickTime Capture is also useful in the teaching market, for example in
developing demonstration recordings of experimental techniques or for
presentations during classes that require both data acquisition and
experimental observation.
The MLS320 QuickTime Capture Module for Macintosh is also available
as part of Chart Pro. Visit the Chart Pro information page prior to making a
purchasing decision. Existing Chart users and PowerLab system
purchasers can upgrade to Chart Pro at a special price. If you need more
information please contact your ADInstruments Representative.
Order #
Ordering Information
EC1 77-0015
Quick Time Capture
Module for Chart (Mac)
The Capture settings dialog box allows the selection of video and/or
audio recordings, movie size options, hard disk space allocation.
QuickTime Capture includes two standard QuickTime settings dialogs.
These are for adjusting settings specific to the recording devices you are
The video settings include the type of compression and frame rate used,
contrast and brightness settings and the input source if more than one
camera is connected.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
GLP Client and Server
• Securely signed data files to avoid tampering
• A non-editable audit trail recording
file operations
• Preservation of raw data
• Single file containing data and audit trail
• Exportable and printable audit trail
• Visual indication of file validity
• Date and time stamping
GLP Server provides:
• Users with authority to sign files upon saving
• Verification of signature validity when files are opened
• Access to remote configuration
• License for an unlimited numbers of users
• The option to merge authorization lists from many sites with
"drag and drop" capability
• Extensive and customizable logging
• Underlying configuration file suitable for scripting and
automating batch processing tasks
GLP Client and Server
The GLP Client and the GLP Server software provide PowerLab users with
an easy and reliable data acquisition solution for a GLP and 21 CFR Part
11 compliant environment. The GLP software is only available for Chart
for Windows (not Chart for Macintosh).
The MLS330 GLP Client provides the user interface, audit trail and signing
components required to meet Laboratory GLP and 21 CFR Part 11
Chart application window with GLP Status
Bar. Recorded data is seen on the left
screen with the GLP Audit Log on the right
The GLP Configuration Utility allows the system administrator to add, delete or change
user privileges.
GLP Installation, Training and Calibration
ADInstruments offers a periodic calibration service for your PowerLab
data acquisition unit to confirm the system is working within
specifications. Calibration can be organized to match your GLP
requirements. An installation service as well as formal training and user
certification are also available.
MLS330 GLP Client and the GLP MLS335 Server are supplied individually.
One GLP Client is required per one PowerLab system. Typically Server
software is required for a network.
Please Note: The ADInstruments GLP Client is dependent on the version
number of the Chart software. That is the first two digits of the GLP Client
and Chart should be identical (i.e. GLP 5.2 will operate with Chart 5.2.x,
and will not operate with Chart 5.1.x). Before updating software
laboratories should check their standard operating procedures. For
information on updating your current versions of GLP Client, Server or
Chart please contact you local ADInstruments representative.
The Sign Document window is where Chart documents are signed and verified.
The ML335 GLP Server software provides a centralized way to authorize
the signing of Chart files as well as a means to check the validity of the
signatures. It determines which users are permitted to create, modify or
sign GLP documents.
For more information about this Module download the GLP brochure (184
KB) from
http://www.adinstruments.com/products/brochures/GLP_Brochure.pdf or
contact your nearest ADInstruments representative.
Order #
EC1 77-0016
GLP Client
EC1 77-0017
GLP Server
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
Single, Quad and Octal Bridge Amps
Specifications (continued)
Low-Pass Filtering
Frequency Response
(-3 dB)
CMRR (Differential)
100 dB at 50 Hz (typical).
Input Noise
< 1µVrms referred to input at highest gain
Excitation and Zeroing:
Used for measuring force, displacement and physiological pressures. Ideal
for multi-channel isolated tissue studies.
The ML221, ML224 and ML228 Bridge Amps are designed to allow the
PowerLab to connect to most DC bridge trans-ducers, including commonly
available force transducers, temperature probes, light meters,
displacement transducers, pressure transducers, and similar devices. They
are capable of supporting various powered transducers, and certain lowimpedance unpowered transducers.
An overload light on the front of each input indicates whether the
attached transducer is operating correctly or incorrectly. If the overload
light is on the transducer is incompatible with the Bridge Amp and should
be disconnected. Contact your nearest ADInstruments rep for assistance.
Excitation Voltage Range 0-20 volts DC (±10 V referred to ground), adjusted
by external resistor
Transducer Drive Current ±45 mA maximum
Zeroing Circuitry
The Bridge Amps are compatible with PowerLab /SP, /25, /30 series or
later. The ML221, ML224 and ML228 will only operate with Chart version
5.4.2 or later for Windows and Mac. The ML221, ML224 and ML228 will
also only operate with Scope for Windows (3.7.8 or later) or Scope for
Mac (4.0.3 or later).
The following are some of the transducers suitable for use with the
Bridge Amps:
MLT003/D Hand Dynamometer MLT0380/D Reusable BP Transducer
MLT0015 High Grade
Isotonic Transducer
MLT1020 IR Plethysmographs
MLT500/D Force Transducer
(0 - 500 g)
MLT409/D Skin Temperature Probe
MLT050/D Force Transducer (0-50 g)
MLT415/D Nasal Temperature Probe
MLT844 Physiological
Pressure Transducer
MLT0210/D Teaching ForceTransducer
MLT0201 Force Transducer
(5 mg - 25 g)
MLT0202 Sensitive Force
Transducer (0-25 g)
MLT1030/D Wide Range
Force Transducer
MLT1199 Blood Pressure
Transducer/cable kit
For transducers with Grass connectors, a MLAC11 Grass Adapter Cable is required.
Number of Inputs
1 (Single), 4 (Quad) or 8 (Octal) (8-pin DIN)
Input Configuration
Amplification Range
±200 µV to ±5 V full scale in 14 steps
(combined PowerLab and Bridge Amp) ±5 V, ±2 V,
±1 V, ±500 mV, ±200 mV, ±100 mV, ±50 mV, ±20 mV,
±10 mV, ±5 mV, ±2 mV, ±1 mV, ±500 µV, ±200 µV
Software-controlled, either manual or automatic
Internal Offsetting Range ±10 V (1 V - 5 V range)
±1 V (100 mV - 500 mV range)
±100 mV (200 µV - 50 mV)
Internal Offset Resolution 16 bit (internal DAC) ± 32 000 steps about 0V.
1, 2, 5 V -310 µV/step
100 mV, 200 mV, 500 mV - 31µV/step
200 µV to 50 mV - 3 µV/step
Control Port:
I2C Port
Power and control bus for front-end units.
Supports a number of front-ends dependent on
the PowerLab. Interface communications rate of
~50 Kbits/s.
Amplification Accuracy
1 Hz to 2 kHz in eight steps (software selectable)
2 kHz maximum at all gains with the 2 kHz
filter selected.
Physical Configuration:
Dimensions (h x w x d) and weight
Single (ML221)
50 x 76 x 260 mm; 710 g
Quad (ML224)
200 x 60 x 250 mm; 1.5 kg
Octal (ML228)
300 x 60 x 300 mm; 3.4kg
Power Requirements:
(Without transducer attached)
Single (ML221)
0.8 W
Quad (ML224)
2.5 W
Octal (ML228)
Operating Temperature
5.0 W
10 to 40 °C, 0 to 90% relative humidity
The Bridge Amps are supplied with the following:
• I2C Cable (9-pin plug to
• Bridge Amp Owner’s Guide
9-pin receptacle)
• BNC to BNC Cables
- 1 cable with ML221
- 4 cables with ML224
- 8 cable with ML228
• DIN Connector Kits
- 1 kit with ML221
- 4 kit with ML224
- 8 kit with ML228
Order #
EC1 77-0031
Bridge Amp
EC1 77-0032
Quad Bridge Amp
EC1 77-0033
Octal Bridge Amp
Note: A MLAC11 Grass Adapter Cable may be ordered as an optional extra for connecting
transducers with grass connectors to the bridge amps. ADInstruments reserves the right to
alter these specifications at any time
±0.5% (combined PowerLab & Bridge Amp)
Maximum Input Voltage
±10 V
Input Impedance
2 x 1 MΩ (Single-ended) 2 MΩ (Differential)
Read “Statement of Intended Use” on our
website or in “Getting Started with PowerLab” before use.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
ML136 Animal Bio Amp
Features and Benefits
• A low-noise, high-gain
differential amplifier
specifically designed
for biological
signal measurements
• Software-controlled
low-pass, high-pass
and notch filters to remove unwanted signal
frequencies for particu-lar uses
• Audio output for use with EMG or EEG signals
and similar
ML136 Animal Bio Amp
Specifications (continued)
>130 dB (to true earth, 50 to 100 Hz)
Connection Type
Three 2 mm (0.08”) sockets
Input Impedance
200 MΩ differential
Input Leakage
<3 µArms @ 240 V, 50 Hz, <2 µArms @ 120 V, 60 Hz
DC Blocking
±1 V
Baseline Restore
Low-Pass Filter
Fourth-order Bessel filter, ±3% accuracy
Low-Pass Options
Software selectable. Standard: 50, 100, 200, and
500 Hz and 1 and 5 kHz (all at –3 dB); EEG mode:
3, 10, 30, 60, and 120 Hz
High-Pass Filter
First-order filter, ±0.25% accuracy
High-Pass Options
Software selectable. Standard: 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, and
10 Hz (all at –3 dB); EEG mode: 0.03, 0.1, 0.3 and
1 seconds
The ML136 Animal Bio Amp is a galvanically isolated, high performance
software controlled differential amplifier, suit-able for the measurement
of a wide variety of biological signals in animals and isolated tissue. The
Notch Filter
function of the amplifier is to amplify and filter small bioelectrical signals
that are associated with nerve and muscle activity. Three 2 mm input
Contact Output:
sockets allow the direct connection of electrodes to the amplifier. Three Us
Analog Signal
Animal Bio Amp Lead Wires (MLA1215) are included.
Animal ECG, EMG and EEG, sensory nerve action potentials, visual evoked
response, cortical evoked potentials and recording the long term electrical
activity involved in involuntary muscle contractions.
Second-order filter, –32 dB attenuation; 50 or
60 Hz frequency (automatic sensing)
±2.0 V standard; ≤ ±4.0 V over range
3.5 mm (0.14”) stereo jack; ±200 mV; suitable for
headphones or powered speakers
Control Port:
I2C port
Provides control and power. Interface
communications rate of ~50 Kbits/s.
Physical Configuration:
Dimensions (h x w x d)
50 x 76 x 260 mm (1.96 x 3.0 x 10.2 in)
The Animal Bio Amp is compatible with all PowerLab and MacLab models
and requires Chart v4 or later or Scope V3.3 or later.
770 g (1 lb 11 oz)
Power Requirements
<2 W
Operating Temperature
0 to 35 °C, 0 to 90% humidity (non-condensing)
High impedance, differential (floating),
electrically isolated
The ML136 Animal Bio Amp is supplied completed with
the following:
• I2C Cable (9-pin plug to 9-pin receptacle)
±5 µV to ±100 mV full scale in 14 steps
• BNC to BNC cable
Input Amplifier
Amplification Range
Full Scale
Full Scale
±100 mV
50 µV
±500 µV
250 nV
±50 mV
25 µV
±200 µV
100 nV
±20 mV
10 µV
±100 µV
50 nV
±10 mV
5 µV
±50 µV
25 nV
Order #
±5 mV
5 µV
±20 µV
10 nV
EC1 77-0023
Animal Bio Amp
±2 mV
1 µV
± 10 µV
5 nV
ADInstruments reserves the right to alter these specifications at any time.
500 nV
± 5 µV
2.5 nV
±1 mV
Mid-Band Gain
±1.5% (all ranges, within Bio Amp)
0.1% within range
• MLA1215 Animal Bio Amp Lead Wires (3 pack)
• Animal Bio Amp Owner’s Guide
Noise at Various Bandwidths:
• 1 Hz to 5 kHz
<1.3 µVrms (< 8 µV peak to peak)
• 0.3 Hz to 1 kHz
<0.6 µVrms
• 0.1 Hz to 100 Hz
<0.35 µVrms (@ 200 samples/second)
Read “Statement of Intended Use” on our
website or in “Getting Started with PowerLab” before use.
85 dB (typical) @ 60 Hz
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
ML165 pH Amplifier
Specifications (continued)
EC1 77-0027 ML165 pH Amplifier
±500 mV
250 µV
±200 mV
100 µV
±100 mV
50 µV
±50 mV
25 µV
±20 mV
10 µV
±10 mV
5 µV
±5 mV
2.5 µV
±2 mV
1 µV
±1 mV
500 nV
±500 µV
250 nV
±200 µV
100 nV
Input Impedance
1013Ω typical
Amplifier Noise
<1 µVrms (<4 µV p-p) with a bandwidth of DC- 10 Hz
Maximum Input
±10 V
Input Connection Type Insulated BNC
ML165 pH Amplifier
The ML165 pH Amp may be used with either combination electrodes orContact
electrodes with a separate reference electrode.
With a suitable electrode, parameters such as pH, redox potential,
dissolved carbon dioxide and ammonia can be measured in aqueous
Ion selective electrodes are available for many ionic species including
sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, fluoride, nitrate and sulfide.
The ML165 pH Amp is a dual front-end suitable for use with pH, ion
selective and potentiometric redox electrodes. It can be used as a basic
pH meter, or in conjunction with the in-built temperature amplifier to
provide full temperature compensation.
Low Pass Filter
10 Hz (-3 dB frequency)
Low Pass Filter
±3.0 %
Low Pass Filter Type Bessel (2 Pole)
Temperature Amp Section:
Temp. Probe Type
Temp. Accuracy
The Following are Some of the Transducers and Accessories Suitable for
Use With the pH Amp:
• MLA060 Redox Electrode
• MLT5733 pH Electrode - Tuff Tip for Student Use
• MLA042 pH Electrode
The ML165 pH Amp is Supplied Completed With the Following:
• I2C Cable (9-Pin to 9-Pin)
• BNC to BNC Cables (2)
±0.2 °C
Amplifier Output
0 V @ 0 °C, 50 mV/ °C (factory set)
Output Ranges
±10 V
±200 °C
0.1 °C
±5 V
±100 °C
0.05 °C
±2 V
±40 °C
0.02 °C
±1 V
±20 °C
0.01 °C
±500 mV
±10 °C
0.01 °C
The pH Amp is compatible with all current PowerLab and MacLab models
and requires Chart v4.0 or later or Scope v4.0 or later.
RTD – 100 Ω Type (supplied with unit)
Temperature Range ±100 °C
Input Connection
3 pin mini-audio jack
Control Port:
Provides control and power
Physical Configuration:
(H x W x D)
50 x 76 x 260 mm (1.96 x 3.0 x 10.2 in)
0.8 kg (1.8 lb)
Power Consumption ~1 W
Operating Temp.
0 to 35 °C, 0 to 90 % Humidity (non-condensing)
Order #
EC1 77-0027
pH Amp
EC1 77-0052
Redox Electrode, see page 151
EC1 77-0093
pH Electrode, see page 151
pH Amplifier Section:
EC1 77-0051
pH Electrode, see page 151
EC1 77-0088
RTD Temperature Probe
• MLT404/A RTD Temperature Probe
• pH Amp Owner’s Guide
pH Amplifier
High Impedance, Electrometer Type
Amplification Range ±2 V Down to ±200 µV Full Scale in 13 Steps
Full Scale
±2 V
1 mV
±1 V
500 µV
ADInstruments reserves the right to alter these specifications at any time.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
ML185 Neuro Amp EX
EC1 77-0029 ML185 Neuro Amp EX with head stage
Connection Type
Five-pin Redel connector
One isolated differential channel with isolated
ground reference
100 MΩ
Approved to IEC601-1 BF (body protection)
4000 Vrms (50 Hz for 1 minute)
Amplification Ranges ± 20 µV to ± 1 mV full scale in 6 steps (combined
PowerLab, Neuro Amp EX front-end and headstage)
1 mV
500 nV
500 µV
250 nV
200 µV
100 nV
Animal applications include extracellular recordings from single cells or
groups of cells single nerve fiber recordings (split-nerve preparation or
human microneurography).
100 µV
50 nV
50 µV
25 nV
20 µV
10 nV
ML185 Neuro Amp EX
The Neuro Amp EX headstage (MLT185) provides a gain of 100x with a
10Hz High Pass filter.
The cable shielding is directly connected to the casing, limiting the
for additional shielding at the input terminals.
need Us
The ADInstruments Neuro Amp EX is a low noise and high gain device
which makes it suitable for all recording environments requiring a wide
bandpass (100 Hz – 5 kHz) and a high signal to noise ratio. The device is
certified safe for human connection with the supplied MLT185 Neuro
Amp EX headstage. The Neuro Amp EX is also supplied with six male (6)
Amphenol connectors for customization of microelectrode adapters for
use with the MLT185 Neuro Amp EX Headstage (microelectrodes are
not supplied).
Please note that the Neuro Amp EX is not suitable for intracellular
recording with glass microelectrodes. For more information regarding
suitable microelectrodes please contact your nearest ADInstruments
The Neuro Amp EX in Conjunction with PowerLab, Chart or Scope Provides:
• Full electrical isolation from power-line (mains)
circuitry to guarantee subject safety
• A low-noise, high-gain differential amplifier
specifically designed for recording extracellular
• Software-controlled low-pass, high-pass, notch
and mains filters to remove unwanted signal
frequencies for particular uses
• Audio output to listen to neural signals.
Low-Pass Filtering Fourth-order Bessel filter, ± 3% accuracy,
frequencies software-selectable: 1 kHz, 2 kHz, 5 kHz
High-Pass Filtering Fourth-order Bessel filter, ± 3% accuracy, frequencies
software-selectable: 100 Hz, 300 Hz, 500 Hz
Notch Filter
Second-order filter, –32 dB attenuation; 50 or 60 Hz
frequency (automatic sensing)
±2.0 V standard
Stereo jack with mono output; ± 200 mV full scale,
current limited to ± 5 mA, suitable for headphones
or powered speakers.
Control Port:
I2C Port
Provides control and power, interface
communications rate of ~50 kbits/s.
Physical Configuration:
(H x W x D)
50 x 76 x 260 mm (1.96 x 3.0 x 10.2 in)
770 g (1 lb 11 oz)
Power Requirements ~2 W
Operating Conditions 10 to 35 °C, 0 to 90% humidity (non-condensing)
Approved to IEC601-1:1988 Including A1 & A2 BF
rated (body protection)
Approved to IEC60601-1-2:2001
Other Approvals
Class I
Only a single Neuro Amp EX may be connected to a single PowerLab.
Order #
EC1 77-0029
Neuro Amp EX
ADInstruments reserves the right to alter these specifications at any time.
Read “Statement of Intended Use” on our
website or in “Getting Started with PowerLab” before use.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
MLT185 Neuro Amp EX Headstage
EC1 77-0030 ML185 Neuro Amp EX Headstage
High Grade Isotonic Transducer
The High Grade Isotonic Transducer is a high performance isotonic
transducer, suitable for the measurement of displacements with
preadjusted loads in the range of ±15°.
Recommended for use with our range of Research or Teaching
Tissue/Organ Bath models and is suitable for connection to the ML221
Bridge Amp, ML224 Quad Bridge Amp, ML228 Octal Bridge Amp.
Please note: Does not operate with ML118 Quad Bridge Amp or
ML119 Octal Bridge Amp.
Order #
EC1 77-0060
High Grade Isotonic Transducer
Hand Dynamometer
The Hand Dynamometer is an accurate strain gauge based hand
dynamometer capable of indicating forces in the range 0 to 600 N.
Features of the Headstage Include
The transducer is suitable for direct connection to a PowerLab Pod port,
• A gain of 100x with a 10Hz high pass filter
any ADInstruments Bridge Amp or ML142 GP Amp. This transducer is also
• The cable shielding is directly connected to the Contact available with an audio connector (MLT003/A) for use with an ML301
casing, limiting the need for additional shielding Us Bridge Pod.
at the input terminals
• The Headstage includes three input sockets
Order #
(female Amphenol connectors) that accept
EC1 77-0063
MLT003/D Hand Dynamometer for ML142 GP Amp
standard metal microelectrodes
EC1 77-0062
MLT003/A Hand Dynamometer for ML301 Pod
• The Headstage is supplied with 6 male
Amphenol connectors (microelectrodes are
Cardio Microphone
to be purchased separately)
The MLT185 is a high impedance Headstage which can be mounted in a
micromanipulator (animal use) or taped directly to the skin of a human
subject. This Headstage is configured for use with the ADInstruments
ML185 Neuro Amp EX.
Connection Type
Amphenol WPI 220-883-S02; to suit Male 220-P02
100 MΩ // ~100 pF
Input Leakage Current
~1 pA
100 dB Typical @ 50/60 Hz
Noise (rti)
< 2 µVrms, < 14 µVpp (100 Hz – 5 kHz)
From the Neuro Amp EX Front-End
Electrode Impedance
≤ 300 kΩ, Suitable for Metal Microelectrodes
8 mm OD, 100 mm long
Stainless Steel
Cable Length
2.8 m
Order #
EC1 77-0030
Neuro Amp EX Headstage
*Please note that the Neuro Amp EX is not suitable for intracellular recording with glass
The MLT201 Cardio Microphone converts heart sounds into electrical
signals. The microphone is suitable for connection to the ML142 GP Amp
or directly to a PowerLab Pod ports.
Order #
EC1 77-0080
Cardio Microphone
These plethysmographs operate by recording changes in blood volume as
the arterial pulse expands and contracts the microvasculature.
The MLT1020EC Plethysmograph is an infrared photoelectric sensor used
to record changes in pulsatile blood flow from the ear. The MLT1020FC
Plethysmograph is an infrared photoelectric sensor used to record
changes in pulsatile blood flow from the finger. The MLT1020PPG
Plethysmograph is an infrared photoelectric sensor used to record
changes in pulsatile blood flow from the finger, toe or forehead.
The Plethysmographs can be plugged directly into a PowerLab Pod port, or
Front-end (amplifier) such as the ML142 GP Amp or any ADInstruments
Bridge Amp.
Order #
EC1 77-0070
Plethymographs, from Ear
EC1 77-0071
Plethymographs, from Finger
EC1 77-0072
Plethymographs, from Finger,
Toe or Forehead
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
ML142 General Purpose (GP) Amplifier
EC1 77-0026 ML142 General Purpose Amplifier
Number of Inputs
1 (standard 8-pin DIN)
Input Configuration Differential
±2 mV to ±10 V full scale in 12 steps
(combined PowerLab and GP Amp)
±10 V
±5 V
±2 V
±1 V
±0.5 V
±0.2 V
±0.1 V
±50 mV
ML142 General Purpose (GP) Amplifier
±20 mV
±10 mV
Temperature measurement, powered transducers and measuring systems
of various kinds, can be used with intracellular head stages.
±5 mV
±2 mV
±0.5% (combined PowerLab and GP Amp)
Maximum Input
±15 V
Input Impedance
100 MΩ
Response (3 dB)
5 kHz maximum at All Gains with Filters Off
The GP Amp is compatible with all current PowerLab models as well as
most older PowerLab and MacLab models (ask your local ADInstruments
representative for further details).
CMRR (Differential) 100 dB @ 50 Hz (typical)
Input Noise
<2 µVrms referred to input at highest gain
Excitation and Zeroing
The Following Are Some of the Transducers Suitable for Use
With the GP Amplifier:
Excitation Voltage
0 to 20 V DC (±10 V referred to ground),
Adjusted by external resistor
Transducer Drive
±100 mA maximum
The ML142 General Purpose Amp is a general-purpose non-isolated Contact
amplifier suitable for use with strain gauge or powered transducers.
It is specifically suited to transducers with a high signal output or high
input impedance.
• MLT0015 High Grade Isotonic Transducer, see
page 133
• MLT003 Hand Dynamometer, see page 133
• MLT201 Cardio Microphone, see page 133
• MLT1020 Plethysmographs, see page 133
• MLT409 Skin Temperature Probe, see page 157
• MLT415 Nasal Temperature Probe, see
page 157
The ML142 GP Amplifier is Supplied Completed With the Following:
• DIN Connector Kit
• I2C cable (9-Pin Plug to 9-Pin Receptacle)
• BNC to BNC Cable
• GP Amp Owner’s Guide
Zeroing Circuitry
Software-controlled, either manual or automatic
Internal Offset
12-bit (internal DAC) ±2048 steps about 0 V designed to
offset a maximum of ±5 V, giving a resolution of ~2.5 mV
Low-Pass Filtering 1, 10, or 100 Hz (software-selectable) using FourthOrder Bessel filter, or Off (the non-filtered GP Amp
bandwidth is 5 kHz)
High-Pass Filtering DC or 0.3 Hz (software-selectable)
Control Port:
I2C Port
Provides control and power, interface
communications rate of ~50 Kbits/s
Physical Configuration:
(H x W x D)
50 x 76 x 260 mm (1.96 x 3.0 x 10.2 in)
775 g (1 lb 11 oz)
Power Requirements 3.2 W (with no transducer)
0 to 35 °C, 0 to 90% humidity (non-condensing)
Temperature Range
Read “Statement of Intended Use” on our
website or in “Getting Started with PowerLab” before use.
Order #
EC1 77-0026
General Purpose GP Amp
ADInstruments reserves the right to alter these specifications at any time.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
ML132 Bio Amp
Features and Benefits
• Full electrical
isolation from power
line (mains) circuitry
to guarantee
subject safety
• A low-noise, high
gain differential
amplifier specifically
designed for biological signal measurements
• Software-controlled low-pass, high-pass and
notch filters to remove unwanted
signal frequencies
• Audio output for use with EMG or EEG signals
and similar
ML132 Bio Amp
Specifications (continued)
Gain Accuracy
±1.5 % all ranges
<0.1% within range
Noise at Various Bandwidths:
IMRR (isolation mode)
EEG, ECG and EMG, sensory nerve action potentials (SNAP), visual evoked
response (VER), cortical evoked potentials and smooth muscle studies.
Input Leakage Current
The Bio Amp is compatible with all PowerLab and MacLab models and
required Chart v4 or later or Scope V3.3 or later.
<0.6 µVrms
0.1 Hz to 100 Hz
<0.35 µVrms (@ 200
>130 dB (to true earth, 50 to 100 Hz)
<3 µArms @ 240V, 50 Hz
<2 µArms @ 120V, 60 Hz
DC Blocking
±1 V
Baseline Restoration
Low-Pass Filter
Fourth-order Bessel filter, ±3% accuracy
Low-Pass Options
Software selectable. Standard: 50, 100, 200, and
500 Hz and 1 and 5 kHz (all at –3 dB); EEG mode: 3,
10, 30, 60 and 120 Hz
First-order filter, ±0.25% accuracy
Software selectable. Standard: 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, and 10
Hz (all at –3 dB); EEG mode: 0.03, 0.1, 0.3 and 1 seconds
Second-order filter, –32 dB attenuation; 50 or 60 Hz
frequency (automatic sensing)
Analog Signal
±2.0 V standard; ≤ ±4.0 V over range
3.5 mm (0.14”) stereo jack; ±200 mV. Suitable for
headphones or powered speakers
Control Port:
I2C Port
<1.3 µVrms (<8 mV p-p)
0.3 Hz to 1 kHz
CMRR (common mode) 85 dB (typical) @ 60 Hz
The ML132 Bio Amp is a fully isolated, high performance differential
High-Pass Filter
amplifier with filter settings optimized for the measure-ment of a wide Contact
High-Pass Options
variety of biological signals including EEG, ECG and EMG. The ML132 Us
comes equipped with an output jack for headphones or powered
Notch Filter
speakers, a subject cable and lead wires. The ML132 Bio Amp is
approved IEC601-1 (BF body protection) for human connection.
1 Hz to 5 kHz
Provides control and power. Interface
communications rate of ~50 Kbits/s.
Physical Configuration:
Dimensions (h x w x d) 50 x 76 x 260 mm (1.96 x 3.0 x 10.2 in)
The following are some of the accessories suitable for use with the
Bio Amp:
770 g (1 lb 11 oz)
Power Requirements
Reusable ECG Electrodes
Operating Temperature 0 to 35 °C, 0 to 90% humidity (non-condensing)
Chest ECG Electrodes
EEG Flat Electrodes
3-Lead Shielded Bio Amp Cable
The ML132 Bio Amp is supplied completed with the following:
• I2C Cable (9-pin plug to 9-pin receptacle)
Shielded Lead Wires (3 pack)
• BNC to BNC Cable
ECG Lead Switch Box
• MLA2340 3-Lead Shielded Bio Amp Cable
• MLA2503 Shielded Lead Wires (3)
• Bio Amp Owner’s Guide
Connection type
Six-pin DIN/MS socket to fit 3-Lead Bio Amp Cable
(Tronomed D-1340)
Input Configuration
1 isolated differential channel with isolated
ground reference
Input Impedance
200 MΩ differential, 30 pF (no cable) or 200 pF
(supplied Bio Amp cable and leads) to
isolated ground
Order #
EC1 77-0021
Bio Amp
EC1 77-0056
Reusable ECG Electrodes
EC1 77-0057
Chest ECG Electrodes
EC1 77-0059
EEG Flat Electrodes
Approved to IEC601-1 BF (body protection) standard
4000 Vrms (50 Hz for 1 minute)
EC1 77-0053
3-Lead Shielded Bio Amp Cable
±5 µV to ±100 mV full scale in 14 steps (combined) PowerLab
EC1 77-0054
Shielded Lead Wires (3 pack)
and Bio Amp) ±100 mV, ±50 mV, ±20 mV, ±10 mV, ±5mV, ±2mV,
EC1 77-0050
ECG Lead Switch Box
±1 mV, ±500 µV, ±200 µV,±100 µV, ±50 µV, ±20 µV, ±10 µV, ±5µV
ADInstruments reserves the right to alter these specifications at any time.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
ML135 Dual Bio Amp
Specifications (continued)
Amplification Ranges
Features and Benefits
• Full electrical isolation from power-line (mains)
circuitry to guarantee subject safety
• Low-noise, high-gain differential amplifier
specifically designed for biological
signal measurements
• Software-controlled low-pass, high-pass and
notch filters to remove unwanted signal
frequencies for particu-lar uses
• Audio output for use with EMG signals
and similar
ML135 Dual Bio Amp
Gain Accuracy
±1% all ranges
<0.1% within range
Noise at Various Bandwidths:
1 Hz to 5 kHz
0.3 Hz to 1 kHz
0.1 Hz to 100 Hz
Suitable applications include EEG, ECG, EMG, EOG, sensory nerve action
potentials, visual evoked response, cortical evoked potentials and smooth
muscle studies.
The Dual Bio Amp consists of two fully isolated, high performance
differential amplifiers with extended low frequency range and a common
subject ground connection. It is ideal for many bilateral low-level
recordings. The ML135 is equipped with an audio output jack for
headphones or powered speakers. Approved to the IEC601-1 CF (cardiac
protected) standard for direct cardiac connections.
<1.3 µVrms (< 8 µV p-p)
<0.6 µVrms
<0.35 µVrms (@ 200
IMRR (Isolation Mode) >135 dB (to true earth, 50 to 100 Hz)
CMRR (Common Mode) 85 dB (typical) @ 60 Hz
Input Leakage Current
<3 µArms @ 240V, 50 Hz
<2 µArms @ 120V, 60 Hz
DC Blocking
±1 V
Baseline restoration
Automatic or manual
Low-Pass Filtering
Fourth-order Bessel filter, ±3% accuracy.
Frequencies software-selectable. Standard: 50,
100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, and 5000 Hz (@ –3 dB);
EEG mode: 3, 10, 30, 60 and 120 Hz
High-Pass Filtering
First-order filter, ±0.25% accuracy. Frequencies
software-selectable. Standard: 0.02, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3,
and 10 Hz (@ –3 dB); EEG mode: 0.03, 0.1, 0.3 and
1 seconds
Notch Filter
Second-order filter, –32 dB attenuation; 50 or 60
Hz frequency (automatic sensing)
±5 µV to ±100 mV full scale in 14 steps (combined
PowerLab and Bio Amp) ±100 mV, ±50 mV,
±20 mV,, ±10 mV, ±5 mV, ±2 mV, ±1 mV, ±500 µV,
±200 µV, ±100 µV, ±50 µV, ±20 µV, ±10 µV, ±5 µV
Analog Signal
±2.0 V standard
Audio Output
Stereo output supplying signals from both data
channels; ±200 mV full scale, current limited to
±5 mA. Suitable for headphones or
powered speakers.
Control Port:
The Dual Bio Amp is compatible with all PowerLab and MacLab models
and require Chart v4 or later or Scope v3.6 or later.
I2C Port
Provides control and power. Interface
communications rate of ~50 Kbits/s.
Physical Configuration:
The following are some of the accessories suitable for use with the Dual
Bio Amp:
Dimensions (w x h x d) 200 x 65 x 250 mm (7.9 x 2.6 x 9.8 in)
1.47 kg (3 lb 4oz)
Power Requirements
~3 W
Operating Temperature 0 to 35 °C, 0 to 90% humidity (non-condensing)
Reusable ECG Electrodes
Chest ECG Electrode
5 Lead Shielded Bio Amp Cable
EEG Flat Electrodes
The ML135 Bio Amp is supplied completed with the following:
Shielded Lead Wires (5 snap on)
ECG Lead Switch Box
• MLA2540 5 Lead Shielded Bio
Amp Cable
• BNC to BNC Cables (2)
• Bio Amp Owner’s Guide
• MLA2505 Shielded Lead Wires (5 snap-on)
• I2C Cable (9-pin plug to 9-pin receptacle)
Connection Type
Six-pin DIN/MS socket to fit 5-Lead Bio Amp
Cable (Tronomed D-1540)
Input Configuration
Two isolated differential channels with common
isolated ground reference
Input Impedance
200 MΩ differential, 30 pF (no cable) or 200 pF
(supplied Bio Amp Cable and Leads) to
isolate ground
Approved to IEC601-1 CF (cardiac
protection) standard
4000 Vrms (50 Hz for 1 minute)
Order #
EC1 77-0022
Dual Bio Amp
ADInstruments reserves the right to alter these specifications at any time.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
ML138 Octal Bio Amp
Features and Benefits
• Electrical isolation
from power-line
(mains) circuitry to
ensure subject safety
• Record 8 biopotential
inputs from a single subject
Suitable for human connection
Software control of gain, filter settings and an
adaptive online mains filter
Seamless integration with PowerLab data
acquisition systems
Displays actual input amplitude (when used with
PowerLab & Chart software), no
rescaling required
ML138 Octal Bio Amp
Specifications (continued)
Gain Accuracy
±1.5 % all ranges
<0.1 % within range
Noise at Various Bandwidths:
• 1 Hz to 5 kHz
<1.3 µVrms (<8 µV p-p)
• 0.3 Hz to 1 kHz
<0.7 µVrms
• 0.1 Hz to 100 Hz
IMRR (Isolation Mode)
<0.35 µVrms (@ 200 samples/second)
>135 dB (to true earth, 50 to 100 Hz)
CMRR (Common Mode) >85 dB typical (1-60 Hz)
Input Leakage Current
<3 µArms @ 240V, 50 Hz, <2 µArms @ 120V, 60 Hz
DC Blocking
±1 V
Baseline Restoration
Automatic or manual
Low-Pass Filter
Fourth-order Bessel filter, ±3 % accuracy
Low-Pass Options
Software selectable. Standard: 50, 100, 200, and
500 Hz and 1, 2 and 5 kHz (at –3 dB); EEG mode: 3,
10, 30, 60 and 120 Hz
High-Pass Filter
First-order filter, ±0.25% accuracy
High-Pass Options
Software selectable. Standard: 0.02, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3,
and 10 Hz (all at –3 dB); EEG mode: 0.03, 0.1, 0.3
and 1 seconds
The ML138 Octal Bio Amp is an electrically isolated, (designed to meet
IEC60601-1), high-performance, 8-channel differential amplifier. It
features filter settings optimized for measuring a wide variety of
Notch Filter
biological signals including EEG, ECG and EMG. The unit is equipped with
8 x 2 differential input sockets, suitable for connection with unshielded
leads for EMG, EEG and ECG recordings as well as connection to the
Electro-Cap Systems (MLAEC1 & MLAEC2). A single ground references all
Audio Output
input channels. The front panel also features 4 mini-stereo jacks for audio
monitoring (L+R) of channels 1+2, 3+4, 5+6 and 7+8.
Second-order filter, –32 dB attenuation; 50 or 60 Hz
frequency (automatic sensing)
±2.0 V standard
Stereo output supplying signals from both data
channels; ± 200 mV full scale, current limited to ±5
mA. Suitable for headphones or powered speakers
Control Port:
I2C Port
Suitable applications include surface EMG from multiple muscles, 12-lead
ECG (8 channels plus 4 calculated), 8-channel EEG and event
related potentials.
The Octal Bio Amp is compatible with SP PowerLab models or later and
requires Chart v4 or later or Scope v3.3 or later (ask your ADInstruments
representative for further details).
Provides control and power. Interface
communications rate of ~50 Kbits/s.
Physical Configuration:
Dimensions (w x h x d)
300 x 76 x 300 mm (11.8 x 2.6 x 11.8 in)
4 kg (9 lb)
Power Requirements
~10 W
Operating Temperature 0 to 35 °C, 0 to 90 % humidity (non-condensing)
The following are some of the accessories suitable for use with the Octal
Bio Amp:
Approved to IEC60601-1:1988 including A1 &; A2
(pending); BF rated (body protection)
MLA700 Reusable ECG Electrodes
Approved to IEC60601-1-2:2001 (pending)
Method of Disposal
Forward to recycling center or return
to manufacturer.
Class 1
MLA710 Chest ECG
MLA0310 Lead Wires (10 snap on) Electrodes
The Octal Bio Amp is supplied with 1 Cable Kit containing the following:
Connection Type
17 x 1.5 mm single pin shrouded male socket
to suit single pin 1.5 mm
Input configuration
8 isolated differential channels with common
isolated ground reference
Input Impedance
200 MΩ differential, 30 pF (no cable) to
isolated ground
4000 Vrms (50 Hz for 1 minute)
Amplification Ranges
±5 µV to ±100 mV full scale in 14 steps (combined
PowerLab and Bio Amp) ±100 mV, ±50 mV, ±20 mV,
±10 mV, ±5 mV, ±2 mV, ±1 mV, ±500 µV, ±200 µV,
±100 µV, ±50 µV, ±20 µV, ±10 µV, ±5 µV
MLAC01 BNC to BNC Cable x 8
MLA0310 Lead Wires (10 Snap on) x 2
MLAC02 DB9M - DB9F Cablex 1
Bio Amp Owner’s Guide x 1
Order #
EC1 77-0024
Octal Bio Amp
ADInstruments reserves the right to alter these specifications at any time.
Read “Statement of Intended Use” on our
website or in “Getting Started with PowerLab” before use.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
ML408 Dual Bio Amp/Stimulator
Specifications (continued)
Baseline Restoration
Noise Levels
0.1 Hz to 5 kHz 1.95 µV, 0.1 Hz to 1 kHz 1.25 µV
0.1 Hz to 50 Hz 0.5 µV, 0.1 Hz to 20 Hz 0.2 µV
IMRR (Isolation Mode) >130 dB (@ 50 to 100 Hz)
CMRR (Common Mode) >75 dB (DC to 100 Hz)
>60 dB (@ 1 kHz)
The unit can be used to record biological signals such as ECG, EEG, EMG,
EOG, ERG, cortical evoked potentials and sensory nerve action potentials.
The unit can also be used for conductivity nerve conduction studies.
The ML408 Dual Bio Amp/Stimulator consists of two fully isolated,
differential amplifiers with an integrated isolated stimulator suitable for
human use. The stimulator is electronically isolated from both ground and
the dual bioamplifier. The Bio Amp features are optimized to measure a
wide variety of biological signals. Subject cables and lead wires are
included with the unit. It also features an audio output jack for
headphones or powered speakers. Approved to the IEC601-1 standard for
human connection as a body protected (BF rated) instrument.
The Dual Bio Amp/Stimulator is compatible with all PowerLab and
MacLab models and requires Chart v4 or Scope v3.6 or later.
The following are some accessories suitable for use with the Dual Bio
MLA700 Reusable ECG Electrodes MLA0112/D ECG Lead Switch Box
MLA710 Chest ECG Electrodes
MLADDF30 Stimulating Bar Electrode
MLA2540 5 Lead Shielded Bio
Amp Cable
MLAWBT9 EEG Flat Electrodes
MLA2505 Shielded Lead Wires (5 snap on)
Input Leakage Current <6 µArms @ 240 V, 50 Hz, <4 µArms @ 120 V, 60 Hz
Audio Output
Stereo output supplying signals from both Bio Amp
channels. Suitable for earphones, headphones, or
most externally powered speakers. Output is a
100 mV signal for any full-scale signal. Current
limited to ±5 mA.
Isolated Stimulator Output:
Output Configuration
Constant-current stimulator with hardware limited
repetition rate
Isolation Rating
4000 Vrms to ground as per IEC601-1
2000 Vrms (60 seconds) to Bio Amp inputs
Pulse Duration
50 to 200 µs (software-selectable)
Compliance Voltage
100 to 110 V typical
Output Current
0 to 20 mA in 0.1 mA steps (software selectable)
Pulse Rate
Software-selectable, but hardware-limited to a
maximum of 20 Hz for safety
Safety Indicators
A single multi-colour indicator displays the isolated
stimulator status. A green flash indicates delivery of
a valid stimulus. A yellow flash indicates an out-of
compliance condition.
Safety Switch
Isolating on-off switch flicks down to
disconnect quickly
Control Port:
I2C Port
Provides control and power. Interface
communications rate of ~50 Kbits/s.
Physical Configuration:
Dimensions (w x h x d) 200 x 65 x 250 mm (7.9 x 2.6 x 9.8 in)
1.52 kg (3 lb 5oz)
Dual Bio Amp Input:
Power Requirements
~6 W
Connection Type
Six-pin DIN/MS socket to fit 5-Lead Bio Amp Cable
(Tronomed D-1540)
Input Configuration 2 differential channels with common isolated
ground reference
Input Impedance
100 MΩ to ground (~200 pF per lead) using supplied
Bio Amp cable and leads
Approved to IEC601-1 BF (body protection) standard
Isolation Rating
4000 V ACrms for 1 minute
Amplification Ranges ±20 µV to ±50 mV full scale in 11 steps (combined Bio
Amp and PowerLab) ±50 mV, ±20 mV, ±10 mV, ±5 mV,
±2mV, ±1 mV, ±500 µV, ±200 µV, ±100 µV, ±50 µV, ±20 µV
Gain Accuracy
±1 % all ranges
<1 % of full scale (better for ranges under 1 mV)
50 or 60 Hz notch filter, automatically selected to
match supply frequency
High-Pass Filtering Single-pole 0.1, 0.3, 1, and 10 Hz (–3 dB) with
accuracy of ±10 %. The high-pass filters are phase
matched to within 1° phase shift at the –3 dB
frequency to allow for accurate waveform arithmetic.
Low-Pass Filtering
8th-order Bessel-type filters (linear time delay).
Frequencies software-selectable at 20, 50, 100, 200,
and 500 Hz, and 1000, 2000, and 5000 Hz. Frequency
accuracy is ±2%.
DC Blocking
±0.5 V
Operating Temperature 0 to 35 °C, 0 to 90% humidity (non-condensing)
The ML408 Dual Bio Amp/Stimulator is supplied completed with
the following:
• MLA2540 5 Lead Shielded •MLA2505 Shielded Lead Wires
Bio Amp Cable
(5 snap on)
• BNC to BNC Cables (3)
• MLADDF30 Stimulating
Bar Electrode
•Dual Bio Amp/Stimulator Owner’s Guide
•I2C cable (9-pin plug to
9-pin receptacle)
Order #
EC1 77-0049
Dual Bio Amp/Stimulator
ADInstruments reserves the right to alter these specifications at any time.
Read “Statement of Intended Use” on our
website or in “Getting Started with PowerLab” before use.
The Dual Bio Am/Stimulator is only certified for human
connection when used with supplied cable and leads
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
ML180 Stimulus Isolator
EC1 77-0028 ML180 Stimulus Isolator
Connection Type
2 x 4 mm (0.16") shrouded banana plugs
Output Configuration Constant-current stimulator with hardware limited
repetition rate, with following discharge clamp
Output Waveform
Rectangular, monophasic pulses with software-set
pulse amplitude and duration
Approved to IEC601-1 BF (body protection) standard
Isolation Rating
4000 V ACrms for 1 minute
Safety Indicators
A single multi-color indicator displays the isolated
stimulator status. A Green Flash indicates delivery of
a valid stimulus. A Yellow Flash indicates an out-of
compliance condition
Safety Switch
Isolating On-Off switch flicks down to disconnect quickly
Compliance Voltage 100 V fixed
ML180 Stimulus Isolator
The ML180 Stimulus Isolator is suitable for both transcutaneous human
nerve stimulation and stimulation of isolated nerves when obtaining
evoked response measurements.
The ML180 Stimulus Isolator uses the analog output from a PowerLab to
produce isolated constant current pulses. The unit provides adjustable
pulse amplitude, width and frequency. It is electronically isolated for
subject safety and approved to the IEC601-1 standard for human
connection as a body protected (BF rated) instrument.
Current Ranges
100 µA, 1 mA, or 10 mA Full Scale
Current Rise Time
<1 µsec (1 kΩ load @ 10 mA)
25 µsec (100 kΩ load@ 0.5 mA)
Current Fall Time
<1 µsec (1 kΩ load @ 10 mA)
25 µsec (100 kΩ load @ 0.5 mA)
Operating Duty Cycle Up to 20%
1% of Full Scale (1 mA, 10 mA, or 100 mA)
AC Line Leakage
<200 nA p–p
Differential Output
<1 µA p–p
Power Source
Non-isolated circuitry supplied by PowerLab via I2C
connection; isolated and high-voltage circuitry
derives power from the external 12-volt AC, 300
mArms, wall-plug transformer; high voltage isolation
is provided by an internal isolation transformer,
no batteries required
The Stimulus Isolator is compatible with all PowerLab and MacLab
models and requires Chart v4 or Scope v3.3 or later.
For use with MLADDF30 Stimulating Bar Electrode.
The output stage consists of a high-voltage constant-current source that
can produce pulses of variable duration and amplitude under software
control. The current source can deliver pulses up to 10 mA at 100 V
compliance levels; its amplitude is set by a digital attenuator network,
which is in turn controlled by the I2C logic. The output to the subject is
through high-isolation optical couplers. Power for the stimulator current
source is derived from the safety approved power pack External AC wall
Transformer (plug pack) coupled through a custom isolation transformer
(from which the isolated low voltage and 100 V supplies are derived).
Pulse Control (Internal Pulse Duration Control)
Pulse Duration Range 0.01 ms (10 µs) to 2.56 ms in 0.01 ms (10 µs) Steps
Duration Accuracy ±0.01%
Repetition Rate
2 pulses per minute (0.0333 Hz), up to 200 Hz with
chart for MacOS, 1 pulse per minute (0.017 Hz),
up to 200 Hz with chart for Windows
Repetition Accuracy ±0.1% (determined by PowerLab)
Current Rise Delay 12 to 22 µs (variable)
Control Port:
I2C Port
Provides control and power, interface
communications rsate of ~50 Kbits/s.
The power pack complies with medical safety requirements. Under no
circumstance should any other transformer be used with the ML180
Stimulus Isolator. During operation an indicator light on the front panel
lights green with every pulse (it will glow yellow if the Stimulus Isolator
is out of compliance). A small internal beeper can also be enabled to give
an audible beep with every pulse delivered.
Physical Configuration:
The ML180 Stimulus Isolator is supplied completed with the following:
(H x W x D)
50 x 76 x 260 mm
(1.96 x 3.0 x 10.2 in)
840 g (1 lb 13 oz)
0 to 35 °C, 0 to 90% Humidity (non-condensing)
Temperature Range
Order #
• Shrouded Plugs (One RED, One BLACK) (2)
EC1 77-0028
Stimulus Isolator
• I2C Cable (9-Pin Plug to 9-Pin Receptacle)
EC1 77-0058
MLADDF30 Stimulating Bar Electrode
• BNC to BNC Cable
ADInstruments reserves the right to alter these specifications at any time.
• Stimulus Isolator Owner’s Guide
• Power Plug Pack (12 V AC, 20 V AC)
Read “Statement of Intended Use” on our
website or in “Getting Started with PowerLab” before use.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
ML116 GSR Amp
Connection Type
2 x 4 mm (0.16”) shrouded banana plugs to
custom cable. Two dry, bright-plated, bipolar
electrodes with Velcro™ attachment strap
suitable for adult fingers.
Constant-voltage AC excitation
(22 mVrms @75 Hz)
Current Density
≤0.5 µA cm–2
Approved to IEC601-1 BF
(body protection) standard
Input Isolation
Transformer isolation (AC bridge operation)
Isolation Rating
4000 V ACrms for 1 minute
Amplification Ranges
1 to 40 µS full scale in 6 steps
(combined PowerLab and GSR Amp)
0 to 40 µS, 0 to 20 µS, 0 to 10 µS
0 to 4 µS, 0 to 2 µS, 0 to 1 µS
ML116 GSR Amp
The ML116 GSR Amp is used to measure the Féré effect, a general
measurement of autonomic nervous system activ-ity. It can be used to Us
analyze the startle response to visual, auditory or somatosensory stimuli.
The ML116 GSR Amp is a fully isolated, skin conductance response
amplifier with low constant-voltage AC excitation and automatic zeroing.
The low level AC excitation reduces electrode polarization artifacts found
in DC systems. The GSR Amp is galvanically isolated for subject safety
and approved to the IEC601_1 standard for human connection as a body
protected (BF rated) instrument. Supplied with a pair of MLT116F finger
electrodes with Velcro™ attachment straps.
Frequency Response
–3 dB at 1 Hz
±5 %
Input Leakage Current
<3 µArms at 240V, 50 Hz
<2 µArms at 120V, 60 Hz
Zeroing and Offset
Automatic software-controlled fast zeroing,
controlled by internal 12-bit DAC;
resolution = ±0.2 µS
Analog Signal
±2 V full scale
Control Port:
I2C Port
Provides control and power. Interface
communications rate of ~50 Kbits/s.
Physical Configuration:
Dimensions (h x w x d)
50 x 76 x 260 mm (1.96 x 3.0 x 10.2 in)
750 g (1 lb 10.5 oz)
The GSR Amp is compatible with all PowerLab and MacLab models and
requires Chart v4 or later or Scope v3.5 or later.
Power Requirements
2.5 W maximum
Temperature Range
0 to 35 °C, 0 to 90% humidity
The 75 Hz oscillator supplies a near square wave, low-impedance, lowvoltage (22 mVrms) signal to an electrode on one finger of the subject. If
the skin has a measurable conductance, current flows from the electrode
on the other finger back into the very low impedance input of the
transimpedance amplifier. The current is then converted to a voltage
signal. The current will change as the autonomic reflexes change the
skin’s conductivity.
• Do not use recording gel with the electrodes. This will tend to give
higher basal readings as skin resistance is lowered by gel.
• Avoid measuring skin conductance if the subject is perspiring
excessively at rest.
The ML116 GSR Amp is supplied completed with the following:
• I2C Cable (9-pin plug to 9-pin receptacle)
• BNC to BNC Cable
• GSR Amp Owner’s Guide
• MLT116F Finger Electrodes
Also available:
• MLT117F MRI Compatible Finger Electrodes (5m)
• ML116-DC-06A
Order #
EC1 77-0019
ADInstruments reserves the right to alter these specifications at any time.
Read “Statement of Intended Use” on our
website or in “Getting Started with PowerLab” before use.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
ML117 BP Amplifer
EC1 77-0020 ML117 BP Amplifier
Specifications (continued)
User Offset
Arbitrary scale offset (for example,
–50 with 100mmHg range gives –50 to 50 range)
–3 dB at 50 Hz Using PowerLab E series
–3 dB at 55 Hz Using PowerLab S series
Correct for 5 µV/V/mmHg transducer standard
(~350 Ω bridge)
±2 % (±0.2 mmHg) all points, after zero correction
Input Leakage
<3 µArms at 240V, 50 Hz, <2 µArms at 120V, 60 Hz
Zeroing and Offset Automatic software-controlled fast zeroing,
controlled by internal 12-bit DAC; resolution
= ±0.2 mmHg (with supplied transducer)
Features and Benefits
• Full electrical isolation from powerline (mains)
circuitry to guarantee subject safety
• Measurement of blood pressure directly in
mmHg: units conversion is done for you
• Pre-calibrated for the MLT0670 disposable
BP transducer
• Ability to override calibration when using
other transducers
Transducer Type
Pre-calibrated for use with MLT0670 Disposable
BP Transducer: No further calibration needed for
normal applications
~5 Vrms AC at 400 Hz ±5%
Alternative Types
Transducers up to 1 kΩ with ~ 5 µV/V/mmHg
sensitivity with a 4-pin transducer connection
cable require calibration
Contact Filters:
Low-Pass Filtering
ML117 BP Amplifier
Analog Signal
The ML117 BP Amp is a fully isolated amplifier designed to operate with
standard disposable blood pressure transducers. It has an in-built offset
for sub-ranges and negative-inclusive (venous) ranges. Approved to
IEC601-1 CF (cardiac protection) for direct cardiac connection
The BP Amp is compatible with all PowerLab and MacLab models and
requires Chart v4 or later or Scope V3.5 or later.
A MLAC05 Medically Rated Transducer Cable and a single MLT0670
Disposable BP Transducer is supplied with the unit. This transducer is
supplied packed and must be sterilized prior to use with humans.
±2.0 V Full Scale
Control Port:
I2C Port
Invasive arterial, venous and ventricular pressure measurements in human
and animal studies
Fixed 55 Hz (–3 dB) two-pole Bessel filter
(limited by PowerLab setting)
Provides control and power, interface
communications rate of ~50 Kbits/s
Physical Configuration:
(H x W x D)
50 x 76 x 260 mm (1.96 x 3.0 x 10.2 in)
750 g (1 lb 10.5 oz)
2.5 W maximum
0 to 35 °C, 0 to 90% humidity (non-condensing)
Temperature Range
The ML117 BP Amp is Supplied Completed With the Following:
• I2C Cable (9-Pin Plug to 9-Pin Receptacle)
• BNC to BNC Cable
• MLAC05 BP Amp to MLT0670 (Deltran II) Cable
• MLT0670 Disposable BP Transducer
• BP Amp Owner’s Guide
Connection Type
6-pin Tronomed brand Spacelabs 0440-01- LX
transducer cable with a 4-pin transducer
connection cable
Additional MLT0670 Disposable BP Transducers (stopcock) may be ordered.
Approved to IEC601-1 CF (cardiac protection)
Order #
EC1 77-0020
BP Amp ML117
Input Impedance
>10 kΩ at 400 Hz AC
EC1 77-0064
Input Isolation
Transformer isolation (AC bridge operation)
Disposable BP
Transducer (Stopcock)
Isolation Rating
4000 V ACrms for 1 minute
50 to 250 mmHg full scale in 3 steps
(combined PowerLab and BP Amp)
0 to 250 mmHg
0 to 100 mmHg
0 to 50 mmHg
ADInstruments reserves the right to alter these specifications at any time.
Caution - Read “Statement of Intended Use” on our website or in “Getting Started with
PowerLab” before use.
• The BP Amp is only suitable for human connection when used with the
supplied cable.
• Only appropriately qualified and experienced personnel should attempt to connect
a blood pressure transducer to a human subject.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
ML141 Spirometer
EC1 77-0025 ML141 Spirometer
Connection Type
Two pipes for airflow physically
connected by plastic tubes to flow head
Max Range
±1 inches H2O
Amplification Ranges ±20 mV to ±500 mV full scale in 5 steps
(combined PowerLab and Spirometer)
Inches H2O
±500 mV
±200 mV
6.25 µV
±100 mV
3.125 µV
±50 mV
1.56 µV
±20 mV
0.625 µV
Max Input Pressure
Temperature Drift
Differential pressure measurements, airflow and breathing.
The ML141 Spirometer is a precision differential pressure amplifier for
measurements of respiratory flow rates with a respiratory flow head. The
Spirometry Extension add-on software for Chart allows flow, volume and
forced expiratory measurements to be calculated. By selecting a suitably
sized flow head, the Spirometer can be used with small animals such as
mice or rats through to large animals and humans.
The Spirometer is compatible with PowerLab and MacLab models and
requires Chart v4.0 or later or Scope v4.0 or later.
The Following are Some Respiratory Flow Heads Suitable for Use With
the Spirometer:
15.6 µV
±28.1 inches H2O (7 kPa)
Features and Benefits
Max Zero Pressure Offset
• Precision differential pressure input that can be
Response Time
used to determine flow rates by suitable flow
head selection
• Provides additional amplification required to deal
Contact Long Term Stability
with a variety of flow rates, from fractions of a Us Warm Up Time
liter per minute (mice and rats) to a thousand
liters per minute (adult humans during exercise)
Low-Pass Filtering
• Additional programmable filtering to remove
unwanted signal frequencies
Control Port:
• Software controlled zeroing for offset removal
I C Port
ML141 Spirometer
0.05 % of full scale per °C
< 1 % full scale, software removable
1 ms (10-90 % full scale)
±0.5 % full scale
±0.25 % full scale
±0.5 % full scale
~ 2 Minutes
1, 10 and 100 Hz (software selectable) using
Fourth Order Bessel Filter
Provides control and power, interface
communications rate of ~50 Kbits/s
Physical Configuration:
(H x W x D)
50 x 76 x 260 mm
(1.96 x 3.0 x 10.2 in)
775 g (1 lb 11 oz)
Power Requirements 1.5 W
0 to 35 °C, 0 to 90% humidity (non-condensing)
Temperature Range
The Spirometer ML141 is Supplied Completed With the Following:
• I2C Cable (9-Pin Plug to 9-pin Receptacle)
• BNC to BNC Cable
• Spirometer Owner’s Guide
Order #
EC1 77-0025
• MLT1000L Respiratory Flow Head 1000 L
EC1 77-0068
Respiratory Flow Head
• MLT300L Respiratory Flow Head 300 L
EC1 77-0067
Respiratory Flow Head
EC1 77-0066
Respiratory Flow Head
EC1 77-0065
Respiratory Flow Head
EC1 77-0087
MLT3813H Heated Pneumotach
• MLT10L Respiratory Flow Head 10 L
• MLT1L Respiratory Flow Head 1 L
• MLT3813H Heated Pneumotach
ADInstruments reserves the right to alter these specifications at any time.
See page 159 for details on Respirator Flow Heads
Read “Statement of Intended Use” on our
website or in “Getting Started with PowerLab” before use.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
ML301 Bridge Pod
EC1 77-0034 ML301 Bridge Pod
ML301 Bridge Pod
Typical measurements using strain-gauge transducers include force,
smooth muscle contractions, displacement, animal arterial and
venous pressure.
frequency signals. Offset adjustment is provided by a 10-turn
potentiometer on the front of the Bridge Pod, allowing transducer offsets
or pretension load signals to be removed before recording. The offset
control provides ±200 mV of offset range (at input) on the low gain setting
and ±20 mV of offset range (at input) on the high gain setting.
Stacking and Unstacking Pods
A low-cost signal conditioner designed to work with bridge-type
Us Pods stack by clicking into place on top of each other. To separate stacked
transducers and PowerLab data acquisition systems. The Bridge Pod
Pods, push the top Pod towards the back and then pull them apart from
provides a stable +2.5 V excitation source for full-bridge strain-gauge
the back. See picture on right.
transducers. A 300 Hz low-pass filter is built-in to reduce signal noise and
a manual DC offset adjustment is provided.
Transducer Capability
Input Impedance
~470 K || 3 pF Differential
The following are some of the transducers suitable for use with the
ML301 Bridge Pod:
Input Ranges
200 µV to 20 mV in 1:2:5 steps x10 Gain selected)
50 mV to 200 mV in 1:2:5 steps (x10 Gain deselected)
• MLT050/A Force Transducer (0 – 50 g)
DC Drift
2 µV/°C
DC Excitation
2.5 V nominal
• MLT500/A Force Transducer (0 – 500 g)
Minimum Load Resistance 300Ω
• MLT1030/A Wide Range Force Transducer (10 mg - 1 kg)
Amplifier Noise
<1 _V RMS (10 Hz bandwidth)
• MLT0380/A Reusable Blood Pressure Transducer
Low-Pass Filter
300 Hz, 3rd order Bessel
• MLT0210/A Teaching Force Transducer
DC Offset
Adjustment Range
±200 mV, 10-turn potentiometer, software selectable
• MLT003/D Hand Dynamometer
Operating Conditions
0 – 35 °C, 0 – 90% humidity — non-condensing
System Compatibility
Input Connector
5-pin mini audio connector
The Bridge Pod connects to any PowerLab hardware units with Pod ports
(8-pin DIN inputs). PowerLab and MacLab (except 4s, 8s and 16s) units
without Pod ports require the ML305 Pod Expander.
Enclosure Size (L x W x H) 108 x 58 x 35 mm (27.4 x 14.73 x 8.9 in)
Cable Length
1.5 m
~200 g
The ML301 Bridge Pod is supported by the following versions of Chart and
Scope software:
Order #
EC1 77-0034
Bridge Pod
• Chart v3.4.8 or later
• Chart v3.6.3 or later
ADInstruments reserves the right to alter these specifications at any time.
• Scope v3.6.3 or later
• Scope v3.6.3 or later
Note: Earlier software versions do not support Pods.
Theory of Operation
The Bridge Pod provides excitation and signal amplification for straingauge transducers in a single device. An excitation voltage of 2.5 V is
applied to the transducer with the transducer output signal being
differentially amplified and then low pass filtered to remove high
Read “Statement of Intended Use” on our
website or in “Getting Started with PowerLab” before use.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com
ML312 T Type Pod
Theory of Operation
EC1 77-0040 ML312 T Type Pod
The thermocouple voltage signal is amplified to produce 10 mV/°C @
25°C. Ice Point Reference compensation is provided by the direct
measurement of the input connector temperature. The equivalent voltage
is subtracted from the thermocouple voltage to compensate for the
changes in the ambient temperature. Temperature changes are typically
slow and filtering is provided by a 2 pole 10 Hz Butterworth filter. This
will provide adequate filtering from mains power supply and allow fast
temperature transients to be monitored.
Note: The output of the Pod is not linearized.
Stacking and Unstacking Pods
Pods stack by clicking into place on top of each other. To separate stacked
Pods, push the top Pod towards the back and then pull them apart from
the back. See picture on right.
ML312 T Type Pod
Input Impedance
The T-type Pod is suitable for biological temperature measurements with
0.2 ºC accuracy (dependent on temperature range).
~1 kΩ
Temperature Range
0 to 20 °C or 0 to 50 °C
Output Voltage
10 mV/°C (0 V = 0 °C) non-linearized
A compact signal conditioner for use with thermocouples to measure
physiological temperatures. The T-type Pod accepts direct connection of
T-type thermocouples fitted with miniature flat pin connectors. The output
of the Pod is 10 mV/°C in the range 0 to 50 °C.
Ice point reference calibration provided
Temperature Accuracy
±0.2 °C
35 to 40 °C
±0.5 °C
0 to 45 °C
±1 °C
0 to 50 °C
Transducer Capability
DC Drift
2 µV/°C
Any T-type thermocouple fitted with a miniature thermocouple connector
is suitable for use with the T-type Pod.
Response Time
(T-type Pod only)
~40 ms (10 to 90% of range) Overall response
time will depend on the response time of the
thermocouple device
For use with:
Amplifier Noise
1 µV p-p (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz)
• MLT1403 Rectal Probe for Rats
Input Connection
Miniature T-type connector
• MLT1404 Rectal Probe for Mice
200 g
• MLT1407 Large Animal Rectal Probe
Enclosure Size (l x w x h) 108 x 58 x 35 mm (4.25 x 2.3 x 1.4 in)
• MLT1400 General Purpose Thermocouple Probe
• MLT1401 T-type Implantable Thermocouple Probe
Order #
• MLT1405 T-type Implantable Thermocouple Probe
EC1 77-0040
T Type Pod
• MLT1402 T-type Ultra Fast Thermocouple Probe
ADInstruments reserves the right to alter these specifications at any time.
• MLT1406 Needle Microbe Thermocouple
See pages 145 to 147
System Compatibility
The T-type Pod connects to any PowerLab hardware units with Pod ports
(8-pin DIN inputs). PowerLab and MacLab (except 4s, 8s and 16s) units
without Pod ports can require the ML305 Pod Expander.
The T-type Pod is supported by the following versions of Chart and Scope
• Chart v3.4.8 or later
• Chart v3.6.3 or later
• Scope v3.6.3 or later
• Scope v3.6.3 or later
Note: Earlier software versions do not support Pods.
Read “Statement of Intended Use” on our
website or in “Getting Started with PowerLab” before use.
Harvard Apparatus • phone 508.893.8999 • toll free U.S. 800.272.2775 • fax 508.429.5732 • www.harvardapparatus.com