ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6
Read me first
The ICDL® Qualification
The International Computer Driving Licence® (or ICDL®) is the worldwide qualification which
enables people to demonstrate their competence in computer skills. The ICDL® consists of
seven module tests, which lead to the qualification.
The ECDL® Qualification
The European Computer Driving Licence® (or ECDL®) is the name by which the ICDL®
qualification is known in Europe.
ICDL for Educators Courseware
The ICDL for Educators courseware consists of the seven ICDL modules with a specific
focus on classroom use, plus additional Pupil Projects. The result is an ICDL experience that
is totally in context for schools.
The courseware addresses all the skills covered in the International Computer Driving
Licence® syllabus, therefore on completion of the courseware learners should feel confident
to undertake their ICDL® qualification.
European Computer Driving Licence, ECDL, International Computer Driving Licence, ICDL, e-Citizen and related logos are trade marks of The
European Computer Driving Licence Foundation Limited (“ECDL-F”) in Ireland and other countries.
Aston Swann and co is an entity independent of ECDL-F and is not associated with ECDL-F in any manner. This courseware publication may be
used to assist candidates to prepare for ECDL/ICDL tests. Neither ECDL-F nor Aston Swann and co warrants that the use of this courseware
publication will ensure passing of ECDL/ICDL tests. This courseware publication has been independently reviewed and approved by ECDL-F as
complying with the following standard:
Technical compliance with the learning objectives of ECDL/ICDL Syllabus Version 4.0.
Confirmation of this approval can be obtained by reviewing the Courseware Section of the website www.ecdl.com
The material contained in this courseware publication has not been reviewed for technical accuracy and does not guarantee that candidates will
pass ECDL/ICDL tests. Any and all assessment items and/or performance-based exercises contained in this courseware publication relate solely
to this publication and do not constitute or imply certification by ECDL-F in respect of ECDL/ICDL tests or any other ECDL-F test.
For details on sitting ECDL/ICDL tests and other ECDL-F tests in your country, please contact your country's National ECDL/ICDL designated
Licensee or visit ECDL-F’s web site at www.ecdl.com.
Candidates using this courseware publication must be registered with the National Licensee, before undertaking ECDL/ICDL tests. Without a
valid registration, ECDL/ICDL tests cannot be undertaken and no ECDL/ICDL certificate, nor any other form of recognition, can be given to a
candidate. Registration should be undertaken with your country's National ECDL/ICDL designated Licensee at any Approved ECDL/ICDL Test
ECDL/ICDL Syllabus Version 4.0 is the official syllabus of the ECDL/ICDL certification programme at the date of approval of this courseware
ECDL Version 4 Accredited Courseware
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6
The Learning
ICDL for Educators Courseware can be delivered as a face-to-face (tutor led) programme,
as a self-study option, as workshops; or any combination of these options.
ICDL for Educators Courseware can be managed and supported on-line through Managed
Learning Environments, Virtual Learning Environments and Virtual School Environments.
The Content
Module 6: Presentation
The courseware for this module is contained within this workbook
The workbook consists of 3 Parts
Each Part takes approximately 3 hours to complete
Each Part is broken down into Examples
The Examples are based on classroom related documents.
Each Example is broken down into a series of Exercises
The Exercises cover the steps necessary to create the document in the current
Each Exercise is written in a click-by-click format
The Exercises within the workbook cover the full range of the ICDL syllabus skill requirements
for this module. It is important that learners complete this module in full, in order to have
covered all of the syllabus requirements for Module 6.
It is also important to begin with Part 1, and work through to the end of Part 3, as the module
builds upon the skills learned in the earlier Exercises.
This ECDL Foundation approved courseware product incorporates
learning reinforcement exercises. These exercises are included to
help the candidate in their training for the ECDL/ICDL®.
exercises included in this courseware product are not ECDL/ICDL®
certification tests, and should not be construed in any way as
ECDL/ICDL® certification tests. For information about Authorised
ECDL/ICDL® Test Centres in different National Territories, please
refer to the ECDL Foundation website at www.ecdl.com.
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6
Opening and Saving Files
Some of the Exercises contained within this module require learners to open pre-prepared
files, and to save these files and others created during the training into the learner’s filing
The pre-prepared files will initially be contained on a CD. It is the responsibility of the licence
holder to provide learners with a CD containing all the pre-prepared files.
If this is not
practical, it is the responsibility of the licence holder to provide learners with the pre-prepared
files electronically (locally, via Intranet or via a secure Internet web site). In this instance, the
licence holder should advise learners of the location of the files.
The Exercises give click-by-click instructions on how to open the pre-prepared file(s) from the
CD, and how to save files to the [My Documents] folder, or another, appropriate folder. If it is
not practical to save files to the [My Documents] folder, it is the responsibility of the licence
holder to advise learners of the drive, folders and sub-folder(s) in which the files should be
Throughout the courseware, the following methods have been used:
Instructions are indicated by a bullet
The result of the instruction is a sub-bullet below
Exercise information is written without a bullet
Additional information is written in italics
We use the word “Click” for a button
We use the word “Select” for a menu
We use square brackets to indicate a [button name] and [menu name].
ICDL for Educators courseware is authored by Aston Swann and accredited by the ECDL Foundation Ltd.
ICDL for Educators courseware is a part of the ECDL for Educators courseware suite authored by Aston Swann.
All rights reserved.
Please contact us with any queries or feedback about this courseware:Aston Swann & Co.
Suite 1, 26-28 Aubrey Street, Hereford HR4 0BU, UK
T: +44 (0) 8454 304051
F: +44 (0) 8454 304052
E: ws@educatorsecdl.com
W: www.educatorsecdl.com
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ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
This page is left deliberately blank
 Aston Swann 2006
Module 6
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Part 1
Read me first ............................................................................................................................. i
Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 3
Screen Layout........................................................................................................................... 4
Example 1 - Understanding PowerPoint................................................................................... 7
Exercise 1
Open Microsoft PowerPoint ....................................................................... 7
Exercise 2
Modify the toolbar display and display options .......................................... 8
Example 2 – A Presentation for Parents’ Evening ................................................................. 10
Exercise 3
Select a design template.......................................................................... 13
Exercise 4
Using text slides ....................................................................................... 15
Exercise 5
Add an image ........................................................................................... 16
Exercise 6
Present information in a table .................................................................. 20
Exercise 7
Create a chart slide .................................................................................. 23
Exercise 8
Create different kinds of chart .................................................................. 25
Exercise 9
Create an organisation chart slide ........................................................... 29
Exercise 10
Edit an organisation chart ........................................................................ 32
Exercise 11
Using imported images ............................................................................ 34
Exercise 12
Resize and move an image:..................................................................... 38
Exercise 13
Check spelling and grammar ................................................................... 39
Exercise 14
Save a presentation ................................................................................. 41
Example 3 - Viewing options .................................................................................................. 42
Exercise 15
Previewing your presentation................................................................... 42
Example 4 - Ways of presenting your presentation................................................................ 50
Example 5 - Printing ............................................................................................................... 52
Exercise 16
Printing a presentation ............................................................................. 52
Example 6 - Working with slide shows ................................................................................... 56
Exercise 17
Add/change transition effects................................................................... 56
Exercise 18
Run a slide show ...................................................................................... 57
Exercise 19
Close the active presentation................................................................... 62
Exercise 20
Close the application – PowerPoint ......................................................... 62
Example 7 - Working with an existing presentation................................................................ 63
Exercise 21
Open and edit an existing presentation ................................................... 63
Exercise 22
Save an existing presentation to a new destination................................. 65
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
This is the Slide pane
Module 6 Part 1
Title bar
Menu bar
This is
Standard toolbar
Formatting toolbar
Drawing toolbar
View buttons
Task Pane
PowerPoint Close button
Presentation Close button
This is the Notes pane
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
PowerPoint is a presentation and graphics package that enables you to
present ideas and proposals in a highly professional way, using a variety of
formats – on screen, via overheads, whiteboards, etcetera, or in printed
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Screen Layout
Title Bar
Identifies the application and the name of your current presentation.
Menu bar
Pull down menus list the commands and options available.
Standard Toolbar
Provides buttons for the most frequently used options.
Formatting Toolbar
Contains buttons to change the look of the document text.
Available Toolbars
Many toolbars are available - click the right mouse button in a tool bar to see
a list. Move them to other areas on your page by clicking and dragging.
Insertion Point
Usually a flashing | cursor. Shows where the next character will appear.
Document Window
Main working area on the screen.
The Ruler
For changing margins, tabs and indents on documents and tables.
Status Bar
The area at the bottom of the PowerPoint Screen gives details of slide
number and design template. It also provides details on the background
activities of automatic document saving and printing.
Scroll Bars
Horizontal and vertical bars used for scrolling through a document.
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Other Useful Terms and Explanations
Drag and Drop
A way of moving small amounts of text in a document.
Select text, hold down the left mouse button and drag to a new destination
To take a copy - hold down the [Ctrl] key while dragging
Spell Check
PowerPoint automatically checks the spelling as you type.
If a word has a jagged red underline, click the right mouse button
This will give a list of alternative spellings or the option to add to the
Click the left mouse button to select the required option
Use the Spelling and Grammar button on the Standard toolbar to spell
check the whole document
A way of changing the page magnification.
Click the [Zoom] button on the [Standard] toolbar (it looks like a white box
with a percentage in it)
From the menu bar, select [View] [Zoom]
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
You can view your PowerPoint presentation in a number of different ways.
From the menu bar, select [View], then select an option from the list:
A PowerPoint presentation is a single file ending with the dot extension
.PPT. That file will be made up of a group of slides, which can be
displayed as handouts, notes or outlines and may be viewed as a screen
show or as a printout on paper, transparencies or 35mm slides.
This is the name that PowerPoint gives to a single page within your
presentation. It may contain a combination of text, pictures, graphs,
shapes and spreadsheets. To save time recreating existing data, it can be
imported from other software applications, such as MS Word and Excel.
You can give your audience up to six slides from your presentation, sized
to fit one A4 sheet of paper.
For each slide that you create, you can add speaker notes as a prompt for
yourself or for someone else, should they do the presentation for you.
Alternatively, a notes sheet with a scaled down copy of your slide on the
top half of the A4 and printed notes below, might make an excellent
handout to delegates to help them recall what was said.
Starting your presentation in outline view is a quick way of inputting your
presentation's headlines and text. You can print out in outline view to
create an alternative plain set of speaker notes without any of the
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Example 1 - Understanding PowerPoint
Exercise 1
Open Microsoft PowerPoint
From the Task Bar at the bottom of the screen, click the [Start] button
Select [All Programs] (Microsoft PowerPoint]
Microsoft PowerPoint will open, with a Title Slide on the screen
The [New Presentation] Task Pane will open at the right of the screen
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Exercise 2
Module 6 Part 1
Modify the toolbar display and display options
Several toolbars are displayed on screen when PowerPoint is opened. These
provide a quick way to access common functions using the mouse. Some
toolbars open at the top or bottom of the screen, others are ‘floating’ and
contained within their own window on screen. Some toolbars will open as
required when certain functions are being carried out (eg the [Picture] toolbar
will open when a picture is selected on screen). Others can be opened and
closed by the user as required in order to display those buttons needed at
any time.
From the menu bar, select [View] [Toolbars]
A list of the existing toolbars will be displayed
Those toolbars that are currently open on screen will have a tick next to
Clicking on one of these toolbars will close it
Those toolbars available, but not currently displayed on screen, will not
have a tick next to them
Clicking on one of these toolbars will open it onto the screen
Ensure that the following toolbars are open:
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Modify the display options:
Often the Standard and Formatting toolbars are shown next to each other on
a single line.
When displayed in this way, several of the available buttons are not shown on
the screen.
To ensure that the Standard and Formatting toolbars are shown fully on two
From the menu bar, select [View] [Toolbars] [Customize…]
The Customize dialog box will open
Select the [Options] tab
Point and click in the white boxes to select or deselect options as
To select the options as shown in the diagram below
Click on the [Close] button
To close the Customize dialog box
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Example 2 – A Presentation for Parents’ Evening
Who are we?
September 2006
©Aston Swann 2002 – 2003 All rights reserved
Here are some clues
There are 25 of us
We live in Shiretown
We go to Uptown
Our teacher is Mr
©Aston Swann 2002 – 2003 All rights reserved
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
 Aston Swann 2006
Module 6 Part 1
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Our School
Mr Lee
Head Teacher
Mrs Jones
Class 1
Mr De Silva
Class 2
Miss Patel
Class 3
Mr Morris
Class 4
Mr Smart
Mrs Powell
©Aston Swann 2002 – 2003 All rights reserved
Who are we?
We are Form B!!!
©Aston Swann 2002 – 2003 All rights reserved
Miss Evans
Class 5
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Creating a presentation
Exercise 3
Select a design template
On the Task Pane, select [From Design Template]
The [Slide Design] Task Pane opens, showing previews of the
templates available
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Hold the mouse pointer over a template – to see its name
Click on the template preview – to apply it to your slide
Select several in turn – to see how they look on your slide
The last four templates used are conveniently kept in the [Recently Used]
Select the [Blends.pot] template
To apply that template to your slide
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Exercise 4
Module 6 Part 1
Using text slides
By default, the first slide of a new presentation is a Title Slide containing two
ready made text boxes in which to type your title and subtitle.
Move the mouse pointer into the [Click to add title] box and click the left
mouse button
To select the text box
To see the text insertion cursor
Type “Who are we?”
To enter text in the box
The text will automatically size and position itself on the screen
Move the mouse pointer into the [Click to add subtitle] box and click the
left mouse button
Type the date
Click outside the text box to confirm text
Who are we?
September 2006
©Aston Swann 2002 – 2003 All rights reserved
Click into a text box to open it in edit mode in order to insert text
To edit or change text, point and click at the part to be edited and change
or add as necessary
Click onto the outside edge of a text box to select it as an object
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Exercise 5
Module 6 Part 1
Add an image
On the Formatting toolbar, click the [New Slide] button
To open, by default, a new [Title and Text] slide
To open the [Slide Layout] task pane
From the [Slide Layout] task pane, scroll down to [Other Layouts]
Select [Title, Text and Clip Art]
To change the slide layout to one containing a title box, a text box and
a Clip Art box
Hold the mouse pointer over a slide layout – to see its name
Click on the slide layout preview – to apply it to your slide
Select several in turn – to see how they look on your slide
You may need to use the task pane scroll bar to find the correct slide
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Click into [Click to add title] box
Type “Here are some clues”
Click into the left hand [Click to add text] box
Type “There are 25 of us”
Press [Enter] on the keyboard
A new bulleted line is created
Type some short descriptions on several bulleted lines
Press [Enter] after each line
Module 6 Part 1
To create each new bulleted line
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Click twice in quick succession (‘double click’) on the [Double click to add
Clip Art] box
Module 6 Part 1
The [Select Picture] window opens
Select a suitable clip and click [OK]
To insert the clip into the box
To see your inserted graphic
To close the [Select Picture] window
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Sometimes, the window sits on top of the graphic and hides it!
Click the [Change to small window] button
To reduce the window size
To see your inserted graphic
Use the [Insert Clip Art] button on the [Drawing] toolbar
To insert Clip Art where there is no Clip Art box
It is probable that not all Clip Art shown in the Select Picture dialog box is
stored on your computer, in which case you will be asked to insert the
necessary disk. If that disk is not available to you, select a different picture.
To delete a selected picture or image press the [Delete] key on the keyboard
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Exercise 6
Module 6 Part 1
Present information in a table
On the [Formatting] toolbar click the [New Slide] button
To open, by default, a new [Title and Text] slide
To open the [Slide Layout] Task Pane
From the [Slide Layout] Task Pane, scroll down to [Other Layouts] and
select [Title and Table]
To change the slide layout to one containing a title box and a table
Click into the [Click to add title] box
Type “Our interests include…”
Double click in the [Double click to add table] box
In the [Number of columns:] box, click on the upward arrow and select [4]
To have 4 columns in the table
In the [Number of rows:] box, click on the upward arrow and select [3]
The Insert Table dialog box opens
To have 3 rows in the table
Click on [OK]
To create a table with 4 columns and 3 rows
To open the [Tables and Borders] toolbar.
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
A toolbar will appear in the last place it was opened up. It might be on one
side of the screen, or it might be “floating”. If it is floating and in your way,
click with your mouse in the title bar and drag it to where you want it.
Click into the first cell and type “WE PLAY”
Click into the cells below in turn, and type “WE COLLECT” and “WE
ENJOY” respectively
Complete the other cells in the table as appropriate
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Click into the first cell, hold the left mouse button down and drag down the
To select the whole column
Click the drop down arrow to the right of the [Fill Color] button on
the [Tables and Borders] toolbar
To see a choice of fill colours
Select a colour
To apply that colour to the highlighted column
Our interests include…
Paper for
WE ENJOY Swimming Dancing
©Aston Swann 2002 – 2003 All rights reserved
Click the [Table] button on the [Tables and Borders] toolbar
Click the [Draw Table] button
To be able to draw in cell lines
Click the [Eraser] button
To be able to insert and delete rows and columns
To be able to erase cell lines
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Exercise 7
Module 6 Part 1
Create a chart slide
From the [Formatting] toolbar, click on the [New Slide] button
The [Slide Layout] Task Pane will open
From the [Slide Layout] Pane, scroll down to the [Other Layouts] option
Double click on the [Title and Chart] slide
A blank [Title and Chart] slide opens within your presentation
Click into the [Click to add title] box and type “Sports Poll”
Double click on the [Double click to add chart] box
The Datasheet window opens
[Chart] and [Data] menus and buttons become available
A default column chart is created
In the [Datasheet] window, click on the grey [C] column heading
Press [Delete] on the keyboard
To select that column
To erase that column
Follow the steps just taken to delete column [D] as well
Notice how the chart updates as the information is entered into or removed
from the datasheet
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Click onto “1st Qtr” and type “Males”
Click onto “2nd Qtr” and type “Females”
To replace the text
Click onto “East” and type “football”
Replace the other row names with the sports polled
Complete Columns [A] and [B] with the number of times each sport was
Click away from the chart
To update the presentation
To return to editing your slide
From this:
To this:
Sports poll
©Aston Swann 2002 – 2003 All rights reserved
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Exercise 8
Module 6 Part 1
Create different kinds of chart
Double click on your chart
To open the chart object
To be able to edit and change the chart data
From the menu bar, select [Chart] [Chart Type:]
The [Chart Type] window opens
Select the [Standard Types] tab
Select a [Line] chart and a [Chart sub-type:]
Click [Press and Hold to View Sample]
To preview the data presented in your currently selected chart type
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Select a [Pie] chart and a [Chart sub-type:]
Click [OK]
To see the data representing the sports results for males and females
presented in a pie chart
Module 6 Part 1
To see only one data series presented in the pie chart
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Select the [Data] menu and [Series in Columns]
Module 6 Part 1
To see the pie chart represent the sports played by the males
Select the [Data] menu and [Series in Rows]
To see the pie chart represent the number of males and females who
play football
Note how the column or row of information being represented by the pie chart
is signified by the coloured symbols in the column and row headings of the
Datasheet window.
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Select the [Chart] menu and [Chart Type…]
The [Chart Type] window opens
Select the [Standard Types] tab
Select a [Bar] chart
In [Chart sub-type] select a [Clustered bar with a 3-D visual effect]
Click on [Press and Hold to View Sample] button and check the
description of the chart in the text box above
To confirm that you have chosen the correct chart
Click [OK]
To see the data presented in a different kind of chart
To see all of the data presented in a 3-D bar chart
Click away from the chart
To update the presentation
Sports poll
©Aston Swann 2002 – 2003 All rights reserved
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Exercise 9
Module 6 Part 1
Create an organisation chart slide
From the [Formatting] toolbar, click on the [New Slide] button
The [Slide Layout] Task Pane will open
Scroll down to [Other Layouts]
Hold the mouse over the slide layouts until the layout style entitled [Title &
Diagram or Organization Chart] is highlighted
Click on this layout
Press [Enter]
To open the new slide with the [Title & Diagram or Organization Chart]
layout style
Click into the [Click to add title] box and type “Our School”
Double click on the [Double click to add diagram or organization chart] box
The Diagram Gallery dialog box opens
Click on the [Organization Chart] Diagram Type
Click OK
The Organization Chart toolbar opens
Click into the top box in the chart
To label the hierarchy of that box
Type in “Mr Lee”
Press [Enter] then type “Head Teacher”
Type [Names] in the three boxes in the second row
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
In the example they are “Mrs Jones”, “Mr De Silva” and “Miss Patel”
Press [Enter] after typing each name, to add their Class Number
“Mrs Jones”, “Mr De Silva” and “Miss Patel” are all Co-workers of
each other and Subordinates of the Head Teacher
To add additional Co-workers, click on the last box in the second row
(“Mrs Taylor”)
On the [Organization Chart] toolbar, click on the arrow to the right of the
[Insert Shape] button and select [Coworker]
A new Co-worker box is inserted next to “Mrs Taylor”
Click into this box to add a name
In the example it is “Mr Morris”
Follow the steps above to set up another Co-worker named “Miss Evans”
Press [Enter] after typing each name, to add their Class Number
The Organisation Chart shows five Co-workers
To add an [Assistant], click on the last box in the second row
In the example it is “Miss Evans”
On the [Organization Chart] toolbar, click on the arrow to the right of the
[Insert Shape] button and select [Assistant]
Click into this box to add a name
A new [Assistant] box is inserted below “Miss Evans”
In the example it is “Mrs Powell”
Follow the above actions to add further [Assistants] as required
In the example, Mrs Jones from Class 1 has an Assistant – Mr Smart
Add further boxes and type entries as required
To create your school family tree.
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Our School
Mr Lee
Head Teacher
Mrs Jones
Class 1
Mr De Silva
Class 2
Miss Patel
Class 3
Mr Morris
Class 4
Mr Smart
Miss Evans
Class 5
Mrs Powell
©Aston Swann 2002 – 2003 All rights reserved
Click onto a box in the organisation chart and press the [Delete] key on
the keyboard
To delete an entry from the chart
In the [Organization Chart] object window, select the [File] menu and
A warning screen appears to save changes
Select [Yes]
To update your presentation with the organisation chart object
*If you are using PowerPoint 2003:
Click into a space on the slide away from the organisation chart object
To update your presentation with the organisation chart object
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Exercise 10 Edit an organisation chart
Double click the organisation chart object
To open and edit that object
Change the text or box colour
Click to select the text box you wish to edit
Diagonal lines surrounding the box indicate that
the text area has been selected
Highlight the text to be edited
Make text amendments as necessary
Click away from the box that has just been amended
The box will now show the amended text
To change a box colour, click around the outside of the relevant box to be
Dotted lines surrounding the box indicate the
text box has been selected
On the Drawing toolbar, located along the bottom of the PowerPoint
screen, click the drop down arrow to the right of the [Fill Color] box
To see the fill colour options available
Select a new colour for the text box
The text box will change to the colour applied
Clicking away from the text box will show the finished result
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
To change the hierarchical style
Click on the first person in the Organisation Chart
In the example it is the [Head Teacher]
On the [Organisation Chart] toolbar, click on the drop down button to the
right of the [Layout] button
The menu will list available style options
Choose the layout of the boxes relevant to the Groups, Assistants and Coworkers in your chart.
Click on the [Close] icon in the top right hand corner of the toolbar
To close the Organization Chart toolbar
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Exercise 11 Using imported images
This exercise will insert an image that we will download from the Internet.
This will be an ‘animated’ image – which will be animated on screen when
your presentation is run as a slide show.
Create a new [Title Slide] with the title “Who are we?” and the subtitle “We
are Form B!!!”
Who are we?
We are Form B!!!
©Aston Swann 2002 – 2003 All rights reserved
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
We need to access the Internet and open your Internet Browser software -this
will probably be either Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.
Leave your PowerPoint presentation open on screen
Select the [Start] button and [All Programs]
Select either [Internet Explorer] or [Netscape Navigator]
A new Browser window will open
Your computer will connect to the Internet
(You may need to enter your username and password for this)
Click into the long white address box and type in the following web site
address (this is also known as a URL):
Press [Enter] on the keyboard
To connect to that web site
In the Amazing Animations website, select a category from the
[Categories:] list
Have a look at the range of graphics within that category
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Save an imported image
Right mouse click your choice of image
Select [Save Picture As:]
A “quick menu” opens up
The [Save Picture] window opens
Click the drop down arrow to the right of the [Save in…] field
To view the [Save in] list
To see the drives and folders available to you in your filing system
Select the appropriate folder from the [Save in] list
If necessary, click [Open] to view the contents of any sub folders
If necessary, click the [Create New Folder] button
To create a new folder or sub-folder
When the appropriate folder has been selected, click [Save]
To save the image to the selected folder
Tip: In this example,
the graphic is saved as
“Sport” to the
[My Documents] folder.
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
[Close] your Internet browser and, if necessary, disconnect from the
In your PowerPoint presentation, from the menu bar, select [Insert]
[Picture] [From File…]
The [Insert Picture] dialog box opens
In the [Look in:] field, select the drive and folder in which you saved your
In this example it is the [My Documents] folder
Select the name of your image from those listed
In this example it is “Sport”
Click [Insert]
To import that image to your presentation, ready to animate when you
run the presentation as a slideshow
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Exercise 12 Resize and move an image:
Click once on the graphic image
To select the graphic
To display “selection circles” at the corners and edges of the graphic
To display the Picture toolbar
If the Picture toolbar does not display,
Select the [View] menu, [Toolbar] [Picture]
To place a tick by [Picture] in the [Toolbar] list
To display the Picture toolbar on screen
Position the mouse cursor over the imported
graphic image
The cursor becomes a four-headed arrow
Click and hold the left mouse button and drag to
an empty space on the slide
Position the mouse cursor over one of the corner “selection” boxes
The cursor becomes a double-headed arrow
Click and hold the left mouse button and drag in a diagonal direction
To move the graphic
To resize the graphic
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Exercise 13 Check spelling and grammar
If you type text that is not included in the Word Dictionary, or repeat a word:
A red underline indicates incorrect spelling
A green underline indicates incorrect grammar
Correct spelling and grammar as you type
Right mouse click a red or green underlined word
To see a list of alternatives
Click on a word from the list
To replace the incorrect text with the alternative
(Note, in the example, the spelling of the word “Who” was changed to
“Woh” to demonstrate the [Spelling] tool)
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Spell check the whole document
Click the [Spelling and Grammar] button on the Standard toolbar
To spell check the whole document
Click [Ignore All]
To retain this instance of your current spelling/grammar throughout the
Click [Add to Dictionary]
To add your spelling to the PowerPoint dictionary
In the [Suggestions] box, click the correct spelling
Click [Change All]
To accept the suggested amendment
To change all instances of the amendment throughout the document
Click [Delete]
To delete a repeated word
Continue until the spelling and grammar check is complete
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Exercise 14 Save a presentation
From the menu bar, select [File] [Save]
Click the [Save] button on the [Standard] toolbar
As this is the first time you have saved your presentation, the
Save As dialog box appears
Type an appropriate name for your presentation in the [File name:] field
Click the [My Documents] button down the left of the Save As dialog box
To select the [My Documents] folder in the [Save in:] field
Click the drop down arrow to the right of the [Save in:] field
To view the available drives and folders
Select the drive, folder (and subfolders) in which you wish to save this
Click the [Save] button
To save the file in the selected folder
Selecting [File] [Save] again will update this file with any changes made
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Example 3 - Viewing options
Exercise 15 Previewing your presentation
There are several ways to view the screen whilst editing presentations in
Normal View
From the menu bar, select [View] [Normal]
To select normal view
To edit an individual slide
You can view the slide in various degrees of magnification:
From the menu bar, select [View] [Zoom…]
The [Zoom] window opens
Click a [Zoom to] percentage radio button and click [OK]
To select that degree of magnification
Type a number in the [Percent:] box and click [OK]
To select that degree of magnification
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
In Microsoft Office XP and Office 2003, the PowerPoint normal screen view is
made up of three parts, known as a “tri-pane” view.
These panes let you work on different aspects of your presentation on one
These are: the “outline” pane, the “slide” pane, and the “notes” pane.
Position the mouse cursor over any grey pane border
The cursor becomes a double-headed arrow
Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the border
To resize that pane
Each pane can be used as a view in its own right.
To move quickly between views, use the slide view buttons in the bottom
left of the screen
These three panes are also displayed when you save your presentation as a
Web page. The only difference is that the outline pane displays a table of
contents so that you can navigate through your presentation.
The Outline Pane
Slide View Buttons
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Slide sorter view
From the menu bar, select [View] [Slide Sorter]
Click the [Slide Sorter View] button at the bottom left of the
To view the slides in miniature
To be able to move, copy and delete slides
To be able to add transition effects
Select multiple slides
Click on the first slide in the presentation
To select that slide
Hold down the [Ctrl] key on the keyboard, whilst clicking on another slide
in the presentation
To select the second slide in addition to the already selected slide
Click on further slides whilst keeping the [Ctrl] key held down
To add these slides to the selected ones
Click on a blank space on the screen to deselect all slides.
Click on the first slide in the presentation
To select that slide
Hold down the [Shift] key on the keyboard, whilst clicking on another slide
in the presentation
To select all the slides between the first slide and the slide you are
currently clicking on
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Copy slides
Whilst in slide sorter view, click onto slide 6
Select the [Edit] menu and [Copy]
Click the [Copy] button on the [Standard] toolbar
To put a copy of that slide onto the Windows clipboard memory
Click in the space between slides 3 and 4
To position a bar line between those slides
Select the [Edit] menu and [Paste]
Click the [Paste] button on the [Standard] toolbar
To paste a copy of that slide to the presentation
You can copy and paste slides between presentations in slide sorter view.
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Slide show view
Select the [View] menu and [Slide Show]
Click the [Slide Show] button
To view the slide in full screen mode
To view any animation effects on that slide
Press the [Esc] key on the keyboard
To exit the slide show
Who are we?
We are Form B!!!
©Aston Swann 2002 – 2003 All rights reserved
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Using Outlines
Select the [View] menu and [Normal]
Click the [Normal View] button
The [Tri-Pane] view opens
In the Outline pane at the left of the screen, click on the [Outline] tab
In the Outline pane, click into slide 2
Change some of the information in the bulleted text
To update that slide with that information
To edit the slide using outline view
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Using Notes
Select the [View] menu and [Normal]
Click the [Normal View] button
The [Tri-Pane] view opens
Click into Slide 1
Click into the [Notes] pane at the bottom of the screen
To select this slide to which to add speaker notes for the presenter
In the Notes pane underneath this slide, type a few lines of text
To remind the speaker of how to verbally expand on the main points of
that slide
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Re-order slides
Click the [Slide Sorter View]
To change back to this view
Click onto the newly copied slide (slide 4)
Hold the mouse button down on slide 4 and drag between slides 1 and 2
To position a bar line between those slides
Release the mouse button
To re-position slide 4 between slides 1 and 2
Delete slides
Click onto the newly copied/re-ordered slide (slide 2)
• Select the [Edit] menu and [Delete Slide]
Press the [Delete] key on the keyboard
To erase that slide from the presentation
If multiple slides are selected (as shown on page 44), pressing the [Delete]
key will delete all selected slides
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Example 4 - Ways of presenting your presentation
There are many different ways of presenting your PowerPoint file, and these
are discussed below
Slide Show
You have just created a PowerPoint file saved as a presentation – in “.ppt”
Your file can also be saved as a PowerPoint show – that is, a presentation
that will always open as a slide show. This would be saved in “.pps” format
If you may need to run the slide show on a computer that does not have the
PowerPoint software installed, you can opt to “Pack and Go” the presentation
with a “PowerPoint viewer”.
These slide show formats will be covered later in this Module.
Notes, handouts and outlines
You can give your audience printed “handouts” with a number of slides in
miniature on one sheet of paper.
“Notes” pages allow you to include text annotations relating to the main
points on that slide. These are useful both as prompt text for the speaker or
as more detailed explanations for the audience to take away with them.
Use “outline” to edit, view and print the main titles and text of your
presentation without including the graphics and other objects. This view is
useful to send the contents of the presentation to Microsoft Word.
As well as printing paper copies to a black and white or colour printer, you
can print your slides as black-and-white or colour transparencies for use with
an overhead projector (OHP).
35mm slides
A “service bureau” or photographer can transform your electronic slides into
35mm slides.
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Web pages
Your presentation can be saved in a format suitable for an Internet or Intranet
web site.
To optimise your output settings
Select the [File] menu and [Page Setup…]
The Page Setup dialog box opens
Make your selections from the [Slides sized for:] list
Make any other selections and click [OK]
To confirm your choices
To set up the slide size and orientation for printing
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Example 5 - Printing
The following exercise will explore the possible printing options.
Exercise 16 Printing a presentation
Print the Current slide in Slide format
Work in “normal” or “slide sorter view”
Click on the slide you wish to print
From the menu bar select [File] [Print…]
The [Print] window opens
In [Printer] select a [Name:] from the list
In [Number of copies:] select [1]
In [Print Range] select [Current slide]
In [Print what:] select [Slides]
Click [OK]
To confirm your selection
To print one copy of the current slide to your selected printer
Be aware that clicking the [Print] button prints your presentation
without offering a choice of printer, slide selection or print format.
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Print All slides in Handout format
From the menu bar select [File] [Print…]
In [Printer] select a [Name:] from the list
In [Number of copies:] select [1]
In [Print Range] select [All]
In [Print what:] select [Handouts]
In [Handouts] select [6] [Slides per page:]
Click [OK]
To confirm your selection
To print 6 slides to one page
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Print a Slide in Notes Pages format
In [Printer] select a [Name:] from the list
In [Number of copies:] select [1]
In [Print Range] select [Slides:]
Type the number of the slide with notes (slide [6])
In [Print what:] select [Notes Pages]
Click [OK]
To confirm your selection
 Aston Swann 2006
Module 6 Part 1
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Print selected slides in Outline format
Work in “slide sorter” view
Hold down the [Ctrl] key on the keyboard
Click on slide [1] and slide [2]
To select both of those slides
In [Printer] select a [Name:] from the list
In [Number of copies:] select [1]
In [Print Range] select [Selection]
In [Print what:] select [Outline View]
Click [OK]
To confirm your selection
Click into a blank space on the screen
To deselect all slides
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Example 6 - Working with slide shows
Exercise 17 Add/change transition effects
Work in “slide sorter” view
Click onto slide [1]
To select that slide
Click on the [Transition] button on the [Slide sorter]
The [Slide Transition] Task Pane opens
To see a list of [Slide Transition] effects
Select an effect from the list
To apply an effect that introduces the currently selected slide
To insert a transition effect symbol beneath the currently
selected slide
In the same say, apply an effect to every slide in the presentation
Click the transition effect symbol beneath a slide
Select another effect from the list
To preview that effect
To change the transition effect of that slide
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Exercise 18 Run a slide show
Work in “slide sorter” view
Click on slide [1]
Select the [View] menu and [Slide Show]
Click the [Slide Show] button at the bottom left of the screen
Move to the next event in the slide show:
Click the left mouse button
Press [Enter] on the keyboard
Press [Page Down] on the keyboard
See a menu of navigation controls
Move the mouse within a slide
To display an arrow in the bottom left corner of the screen during the
Click the arrow
Right mouse click a slide at any time
Go to Slide/*Last Viewed*
Go to the next/previous/specified slide
Go to the specified/last viewed slide
Meeting Minder
Add meeting Minutes or Action Items
Speaker Notes
Add Speaker Notes
Pointer Options
Select a pen, arrow or hidden pointer
Pause show; go to a black screen; erase pen marks
Custom Show*
A presentation within a presentation
Bring up the [Slide Show Help] screen
End Show
End the show at that point
* MS Office 2003
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Press [Page Up] on the keyboard
Press [Esc] on the keyboard
To move to the previous event in the slide show
To end the slide show
Select the [Slide Show] menu
To see a full menu of options
Start a slide show on any slide
Work in “slide sorter” view
Click on slide [3]
Click the [Slide Show] button
To run the slide show from that slide
To view any transition effects on that slide
Run the slide show through to the end from this point
Add preset animation effects
Work in “slide sorter” view
Click onto slide [1]
Click on the [Design] button on the [Slide Sorter] toolbar
The [Slide Design] Task Pane opens
Click the [Animation Schemes] tab
To select that slide
To see a list of [Slide Animation Effects]
Select an effect from the list
To apply an effect that introduces the contents of that slide
To insert an animation effect symbol beneath that slide
Apply an effect to every slide in the presentation
Run the slide show
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Press the [Ctrl] key and the [A] key on the keyboard at the same time
To select all of the slides
Select a [Preset Animation] effect
To apply the same effect to all slides
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Change preset animation effects
Work in “Slide Sorter” view
Click onto a slide in the presentation whose effect you wish to change
Select the [Transition] button on the [Slide Sorter] toolbar
To choose a different slide transition effect
Select the [Design] button then [Animation Schemes] on the [Slide Sorter]
Run the slide show
To choose a different animation effect
To see the changed effects
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Hide slides
Work in Slide Sorter view
Click to select a slide
Select the [Slide Show] menu and [Hide Slide]
Click the [Hide Slide] button on the [Slide Sorter] toolbar
To put a crossed number icon beneath that slide
To omit that slide from the on-screen slide show
When the presentation runs as an onscreen show, any hidden slides will not
Right click the slide that precedes the hidden one
Select [Go], and from the submenu, select, [By Title]
To display a list of all slides in the presentation
To display hidden slides with their slide numbers in brackets
Select the hidden slide
To display that hidden slide during a slide show
Remember when you print to mark the [Print hidden
slides] box in the [Print] window
To include hidden slides in your printout
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Exercise 19 Close the active presentation
From the menu bar, click on [File] [Close]
To close the current presentation
To leave PowerPoint open on screen, ready to edit another
Exercise 20 Close the application – PowerPoint
From the menu bar, click on [File] [Exit]
To close PowerPoint
To close all open presentations
Clicking the [Close] button at the top right of the screen will also
close the document and, if this is the only PowerPoint document you have
open, will also exit PowerPoint.
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Example 7 - Working with an existing presentation
Exercise 21 Open and edit an existing presentation
Click on [Start] [All Programs] [PowerPoint]
The PowerPoint Presentation screen opens with a blank title slide
The [New Presentation] Task Pane may have opened on
the right of the screen. If so, this can either be used to
find and open your presentation document, after which it
will automatically close; or it can be closed straight away,
and the document opened using the menu bar.
The [Open a presentation] section of the Task Pane
shows your most recently opened presentations. Your
presentation is most likely to be listed in this section, if
not, it can be found by using the [More presentations…] options as shown
If your document is shown in the [Open a presentation] section of the
[New Presentation] Task Pane, select it
To open your presentation on screen
If your document is not shown, click on the [More presentations…] option
The Open dialog box opens
Close the [New Presentation] Task Pane
From the menu bar, select [File] [Open]
The Open dialog box opens
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Click the [My Documents] icon to the left of the dialog box
To view the list of files located in the [My Documents] folder
Click the drop down arrow to the right of the [Look in:] list and select the
folder in which you saved the file
Double click the PowerPoint file name
To open that presentation
Work in slide [1]
Use your skill in PowerPoint to change the date in the subtitle text box
Select the [File] menu and [Save]
To update the modifications to the saved presentation
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
Module 6 Part 1
Exercise 22 Save an existing presentation to a new destination
Let’s assume that this presentation was created for last year’s class.
We now have a new group of pupils in Form B.
We want to keep the original presentation and create a new presentation
based on the original.
From the menu bar, select [File] [Save As…]
To be able to save this presentation to a new destination
To leave the original presentation unchanged in its original folder
The Save As dialog box opens
Type the [File name:] “New Form B”
Select [Desktop] from the left of the dialog box and click [Save]
To save a copy of the existing presentation to a new location with a
new name
To leave the original presentation unchanged.
Part 1 is complete. Use the correct procedure to exit PowerPoint.
 Aston Swann 2006
ICDL for Educators Courseware – Presentation
This page is left deliberately blank
 Aston Swann 2006
Module 6 Part 1