Illinois Chemistry 247 Analytical Chemistry

Illinois Chemistry 247 Analytical Chemistry
Institute of Technology Fall
Instructor: Prof. Diep Nguyen,
Lecture: LS 121, MW 8:35-9:50 AM
Lab Section I: WH 208, M 1:50 – 4:30 PM Lab Section II: WH 208, T 10:00 – 12:40 PM
BCPS Department, LS 148B Office hours: Tues, 1 – 2 PM and Thurs, 1 – 2 PM TA: Bo Hu
( Han Li (
Objectives: Analytical Chemistry (CHEM 247) focuses on the use of analytical techniques to
quantify the components in a sample. In this course you will gain proficiency in the following
1. General overview of an analytical process 2. Statistical data treatment 3. Acid-Base equilibria,
titrations, buffers 4. Equilibrium constants: solubility, activities coefficients 5. Chelation and the
use of EDTA 6. Electrochemistry and electroanalytical techniques 7. Spectroscopy: molecular
(UV-Vis), fluorescence, and AA 8. Analytical separations, chromatography
Text: Exploring chemical analysis Author: Daniel C. Harris 4th Edition ISBN-13: 978-1-42920147-6
Laboratory: Bound Notebook Safety glasses
Midterm Exams (2) 300 pts 30% Quizzes (3) 75 pts 7.5% Written report (1) 25 pts 2.5% Final
exam 300 pts 30% Laboratory component 300pts 30% Total: 1000pts 100%
Grades will be assigned as follows (there will be no curve in the class):
A > 890 pts B 780 – 889 pts C 680 – 779 pts D 580 – 679 pts E < 580 pts
Quizzes: Four quizzes (each worth 25pts), based on the homework assignments and
the Lecture material, will be given during class. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped
and the highest THREE used to compute your quiz total; therefore, there will be no
make-up quizzes.
Written report: One written report on the talk given by the invited speaker. The report
should include: a brief summary of the talk, what have you learnt, how does it affect (or
motivate) your appreciation of taking Chem 247?
Exams: Two midterm exams will be given, in class, on the days indicated on the lecture
schedule. The exams will last about one hour and will be worth 150 points each. There
are no make-up exams. If for any reason you need to miss an exam I will replace the
missed exam with the lowest score from your other two exams. The final exam will be
comprehensive and will last for at least 2 hours.
Assignments: Readings from the text and homework problem sets are assigned for
your benefit. The quizzes and exams will be based on this material, so it is strongly
suggested that you keep up with the schedule. The more problems you work, the more
proficient you will become with the material. To get ready for the exams, work additional
problems at the end of the chapter and study the class assignments, notes, and quizzes.
Laboratory Component: Detailed description on page 4.
Academic Dishonesty: Cheating will not be tolerated in this class. If a clear violation is
encountered, then all of the parties that have participated will receive no credit for that
assignment. For example, if lab reports or writing assignments from previous semesters
are copied and turned in for credit, then you will receive a zero on that assignment (FYI, the
instructor has copies of all lab reports and assignments from previous semesters). Obviously,
you are expected to have similar lab results as your lab partners, but you are expected to work
on your calculations and reports independent of one another. If your formats are found to be too
similar to other classmates, this will be considered cheating. Though cheating is often difficult to
detect, you can be sure that I am always on the lookout because I find cheating to be personally
repugnant and equivalent to stealing.
ADA Syllabus Statement: Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with
documented disabilities. In order to receive accommodations, students must obtain a
letter of accommodation from the Center for Disability Resources and make an
appointment to speak with me as soon as possible. The Center for Disability Resources
(CDR) is located in Life Sciences Room 218, telephone 312-567-5744 or
Approximate Lecture Schedule for Chemistry 247 Fall 2011
# Date Exam /
Lecture Subject Chapter Laboratory
1 Mon, 8/22 Course overview, Analytical Process 0 + 1 Safety / Lab partner
Orientation 2 Wed,
8/24 Statistics 3, 4 3 Mon, 8/29 Statistics 3, 4 Exp. 1 Vol Glass 4 Wed, 8/31 Quiz 1 Acids and Bases 8
Mon, 9/5 Labor Holiday 5 Wed, 9/7 Buffers 9 6 Mon, 9/12 Acid – Base titration 10 Expt. 2 AB
Indicators 7 Wed, 9/14 Solution: Solubility 6.4&12.1 8 Mon, 9/19 Solution: Activities and equilibrium 12
Expt. 3: Part 1 9 Wed, 9/21 Quiz 2 EDTA 13 10 Mon, 9/26 EDTA – Review 13 Expt. 3: Part 2 11 Wed,
9/28 Review 12 Mon, 10/3 Exam 1 Midterm Exam 1 Expt. 4: EDTA 13 Wed, 10/5 Midterm Exam 1 –
Corrections /
Electrode potentials
Mon, 10/10 Fall Break No Lab 14 Wed, 10/12 Electrode measurements 15 15 Mon, 10/17 Redox
titration 16 Expt. 5: Iodimetric
titration 16 Wed,
10/19 Quiz 3 Instrumental Methods in
17 Mon, 10/24 Quality Assurance, Calibration
5 Make up lab
18 Wed, 10/26 Spectrophotometry 18 19 Mon, 10/31 Spectrophotometry, UV-Vis 19 Expt. 6: UV-Vis 20
Wed,11/2 Spectrophotometry, Fluorescence 19 21 Mon, 11/7 Atomic spectroscopy 20 Expt. 6: UV-Vis
Expt. 7: AAS 22
Wed, 11/9 Review 23 Mon, 11/14 Exam 2 Midterm Exam 2 Expt. 7: AAS 24 Wed,11/16 Midterm Exam 2
– Corrections /
Solvent Extraction 25 Mon,11/21 Solvent Extraction / Gas and Liquid
21 Expt. 8:
Chromatography Wed,11/
23 Thanks Giving Holiday 26 Mon, 11/28 Quiz 4 Chromatography – MS 22 Make up lab.
All Lab reports (including make ups) are due 27 Wed,11/30 Last day
of class
28 Monday
Dec ?
Final Exam
*September 2
, 2011 is the last day for official withdrawal from the class with full
refund. Fall Break October 10 Thanks Giving Break begins November 23, 2011
*October 31, 2011 is the last day for official withdrawal from the class. **No make-up
times will be scheduled for the Final Exam.
CHEM 247 Fall 2011 Lab Component Lab instructors: Mr. Bo Hu ( for
Monday, 1:50 - 4:30 PM; and Mr. Han Li ( for Tuesday, 10:00 AM 12:40 PM; Location: Wishnick Hall 208
Week of Semester Lab Due* Experiment Number and Description1 Week 1 (8/22) Safety and
group organization Week 2 (8/29) Exp. 1: Calibration of Volumetric Glassware Week 3 (9/
5) Labor Holiday – No Lab Week 4 (9/12) Expt. 1 Exp. 2: Statistical Evaluation of Acid-Base
Indicators Week 5 (9/19) Exp. 2 Exp. 3: Part I: Preparing Standard Acid and Base Week 6 (9/
26) Exp. 3: Part II: Using a pH Electrode for an Acid-Base
Titration Week 7 (10/3) Exp. 3 Exp. 4: EDTA
Titration of Ca and Mg in water Week 8 (10/10) Fall Break – No Lab Week 9 (10/17) Exp. 4 Exp.
5: Redox titration Iodometric Titration of Vitamin C Week 10 (10/24) Make up Lab Week 11 (10/
31) Exp. 5 Exp. 6: UV-Vis Analysis Week 12 (11/7) Exp. 6: UV-Vis Analysis
Exp. 7: Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Week
13 (11/14) Exp. 6 Exp. 7: Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Week 14 (11/21) Exp. 7 Exp. 8:
Chromatography Week 15 (11/28) Exp. 8 Make up lab
Lab Reports: Each report should be typed and have the following sections: 1) Title and Name
(along with name of lab partners), 2) Abstract, 3) Experimental, 4) Results and Discussion 5.)
Conclusions and 6.) References. Read the guide and examples that are posted on Blackboard
for the proper preparation of a report. Complete lab reports should be submitted as hard copies
on the due date at the beginning of the lab period.
Grading Policy: The lab reports will be graded on the content (how well did you write-up your
results), the results of the experiment, and the use of significant figures. Each report is worth
30 pts for a total of (8 reports x 30 pts) 240 pts. The other 60 pts for the lab portion of the class
will be assigned by the lab TA based on your lab technique and lab notebook. The lab notebook
should have a table of content. *Lab reports are due at the beginning of lab. If the reports are
late, then 10 points per day will be deducted from the grade until the report is turned in. All lab
reports, including make up lab reports, are due on Monday November 28. Make-up Labs: If
you must miss one of the labs due to illness or a school sponsored event; or have the need to
repeat the labs due to poor or incomplete results, you must contact me ASAP with the reason
for not being in lab and then schedule with the TA to do the lab during one of the make-up
periods. You must notify them in writing at least 3-days before the section, so that they have
time to ensure that the necessary chemicals and equipment are available for you when you
come to lab.