1 2 3 Albert Is NOT Scared Printable Activity Page 1 www.kanepress.com SHOW ME THE WAY TO GO! Choose and Say Direction Words Children will need: the flash cards on page 2 Print page 2 and cut out the direction word flash cards. a toy animal or action Turn the flash cards face down. figure ave children take turns picking and revealing the H direction cards. As the child turns over a card, ask: What direction does the arrow show? Encourage the child to read the direction indicated by each card. More Practice! Have children work with a partner or in a small group. One child first demonstrates a direction with a toy animal or action figure and asks, “Which way did it go?” The partner or other group members respond and point to the correct choice among the flash cards, which have been displayed on a table or floor. For use with Albert Is NOT Scared (Mouse Math) ©2014 Kane Press, Inc. CHA LLENGE Encourag e children to say a complete sentence that tells they are m how oving the ir a nimal or action fig ure. (Exam ples: My cat went around m y foot. My action figure tur ned right.) 1 4 5 1 Albert Is NOT Scared Printable Activity Page 2 www.kanepress.com For use with SHOW ME THE WAY TO GO! Up Down Left Right Across Through For use with Albert Is NOT Scared (Mouse Math) ©2014 Kane Press, Inc. Backward Around Toward Away 2 Forward 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 Albert Is NOT Scared Printable Activity Page 3 www.kanepress.com WHICH WAY IS IT GOING? Children will need a copy of pages 4 and 5. Review the Direction Words efore beginning, recall with children some of the direction B words they read about in Albert Is NOT Scared. Children may not remember all of the direction words, but they will probably recall most of them such as up, down, right, left, through, and around. E ncourage children to give an example of each word. (Examples: The squirrel ran up the tree, I slid down the pole, The car made a right turn.) Choose the Right Word H ave children look at the first picture on page 4 and read or listen to the sentence and the word choices. For use with Albert Is NOT Scared (Mouse Math) ©2014 Kane Press, Inc. H ave children choose the word that describes the picture and circle the word. Then have children read or listen to the sentence, using the word they chose. C ontinue with the other pictures on pages 4 and 5. Discuss any examples that give children difficulty. Also discuss any examples for which children choose different words. Make sure the children understand the correct word before moving on to the next example. 3 4 5 1 2 Albert Is NOT Scared Printable Activity Page 4 www.kanepress.com For use with WHICH WAY IS IT GOING? 1. 2. The cars are going ___ the tunnel. The woman is walking ___ the stairs. through up up around For use with Albert Is NOT Scared (Mouse Math) ©2014 Kane Press, Inc. 3. toward down 4. The cat is climbing ___ the tree. The dog is trotting ___ the bone. around around up down 5. The boys and girls are running ___ the sprinkler. through around across 4 across toward 3 4 5 1 2 3 Albert Is NOT Scared Printable Activity Page 5 www.kanepress.com For use with WHICH WAY IS IT GOING? 6. 7. The boy is walking his bike ___ the street. The ribbon is wrapped ___ the gift. across toward toward down 8. For use with Albert Is NOT Scared (Mouse Math) ©2014 Kane Press, Inc. backward The sign tells the driver that she must turn ___. forward left 10. The two friends are running ___ from the water. away around 9. The girl on the bike is moving ___. across through down up 5 right around 4 5 1 Albert Is NOT Scared 2 Printable Activity Page 6 www.kanepress.com GUESS THE DIRECTION rite the direction words from W Albert Is NOT Scared where children can see them. ave children take turns H choosing one of the direction words and performing a simple pantomime to illustrate the direction. Remind children not to say the word they are going to show. Have the other children guess the direction word being pantomimed. e know and us y e h t if n re d Ask chil s that are rd o w n io t c e any other dir O T S c a re d . N Is t r e lb A not used in lude under, c in t h ig m s e Respons . Encourage n e e w t e b d n over, a ese words in h t e s u o t n childre eir own. h t f o s e c n e t sen For use with Albert Is NOT Scared (Mouse Math) ©2014 Kane Press, Inc. Have children then say a complete sentence that contains the word. 6 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Albert Is NOT Scared Printable Activity Page 7 www.kanepress.com For use with THINK! activity on page 32 of Albert Is NOT Scared Albert says: Take two steps ________________________. Albert says: Jump ________________________. Albert says: Crouch ________________________. Albert says: Turn all the way ________________________. Albert says: Take three steps ________________________. For use with Albert Is NOT Scared (Mouse Math) ©2014 Kane Press, Inc. Albert says: Skip ________________________ the room. Albert says: Take two long steps ________________________ me. Albert says: Take one step __________________ and then two steps ________________________. Albert says: Turn to the ________________________. Albert says: Move ________________________ from the person closest to you. 7 FOR MORE MATH ACTIVITIES, visit www.kanepress.com/mousemath-activities.html