Is it ever prudent to form a global conglomerate? An industry specific investigation. Author: Garrett C. Smith Abstract: In spite of the vast amount of literature covering diversification, as well as the effect, both in an industrial and international setting there remains an area left under investigated. Namely, is the effect whether value enhancing or destroying uniform across different industry groups? Prior literature typically assumes the effect (positive or negative) to be uniformly distributed. Using panel data covering a 30 year period (1982-2011) it is found this effect is not homogenous. Twenty-seven portfolios were constructed following Fama and French’s thirty portfolio specifications, to investigate the industrial effects. First, the sample was used under a pooled ordinary least squares (OLS) framework showing that different industries respond to the different diversification possibilities differently. The results still exist after controlling for “self-selection” bias using Heckman’s Two Stage regression framework. Lastly, a quantile regression technique was also employed to test for the existence of this non-uniform response using both enterprise value and return on assets (ROA). 1. Introduction / Motivation Over the last fifty years the perceptive value of diversification has been debated in both the board room and in extant literature. Ultimately, the perceived value to be gained from diversification seemed to depend upon the year of the calendar, and covered three possible outcomes: value enhancing, value destroying or of no effect. Diversification in general can be performed broadly in three channels: industrial diversification, global diversification (internationalization), or both. Because the ramifications of diversification have significant impact upon the firm, the literature on this topic can be found in a number of different business research areas including strategic management, international business and finance. Much of the literature for this topic began to be developed in the 1970s and 1980s. Much of this theoretical work formed the underpinnings for the empirical work that began in earnest in the 1990s. Lang and Stulz (1994), Berger and Ofek (1995) and Servaes (1996) all contributed empirical studies pointing toward a diversification discount in industrially diversified firms. This view point was so accepted that finance textbooks as well as consulting companies began to espouse this view as fact. However, over the last ten years this position is once again being debated. A number of researchers claim that the apparent diversification discount is an artifact the result of the data used, endogeneity bias, or other biases within the Berger and Ofek (1995) methodology (see for example Campa and Kedia (2002), Villalonga (2004a, 2004b)). Contemporary literature is still split, for example Rudolph and Schwetzler (2012) as well as Ammann et al (2012) find a discount after correction while Lee and Li (2012) report diversification is heteroskedastic, but the actual realized effect from diversification is not significant once firm risk is introduced as a control variable. Finally, Creal et al. (2012) report that global diversification creates a significant diversification premium for US firms. The literature has only been concerned whether an effect from diversification exists on average. The bulk of the finance literature, deals with industrial diversification, while a comparatively smaller sample deals with global diversification. While in some fashion or another most of the literature acknowledges that industry effects could impact the outcome of diversification it is not investigated extensively. This is because either implicitly or explicitly these papers assume that the effect(s) would be heterogeneous across industries. However, for industrial diversification, Santalo and Becerra (2008) investigate how the characteristics of the industry in which a firm operates can affect the outcome of the diversification decision. Subsequently, they report industry effects are not homogenous. In particular how diversified the firm’s competitors are within a given industry have a significant impact upon whether the firm is valued at a premium, discount or has no significant change when compared to the pure play companies. Denis et al (2002) suggest that industrial and global diversification may be substitutes for each other. In this paper the authors also report that industry and time may be a factor, contributing to any observed effect. Their findings suggest that both industrial and global diversification are value destroying undertakings. Subsequently, firms that were both industrially and globally diversified fared worse than being diversified in only one of the two categories. Since there is still a debate within the literature as to the effects of diversification, a larger sample analysis of industry effects as it relates to the diversification choice is warranted. A thirty year time period (1982-2011) is used for this study. Since this time period covers recovery from two major recessions as well as several major boom and bust cycles this may help to determine if time (or timing) plays any roll in observed results. Additionally, since the time frame overlaps with previous studies there is the ability to compare the results in and out of a larger sample to that of previous research. The lack of specific research upon industry effects in global diversification (as well as those firms which are jointly diversified) provides motivation for the research. Management faces a choice to diversify, and they can choose how to undertake this action. As such, the literature states this creates endogenous effects in the empirical analysis. When faced with the option to diversify industrially, globally or both the choice is more complex than just choosing between one branch on the decision tree (industrially or globally) (Gande et al 2009). I argue that because of the increased complexity of the choice that a firm’s management faces, industry specific factors will play a significant role in this process. As such, similar to the findings presented by Santalo and Becerra, I predict that the value premium (discount) observed in the three choice paths will depend upon the industry in which the firm operates. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows; section two reviews the literature relating to the topic, section three describes data collection, section four methodology, five results and discussion and six the conclusion. The findings of the paper refute the idea that the effect of diversification is homogenous across industries. After, using an ordinary least squares (OLS) framework, the Heckman Two Stage regression approach and quantile regression techniques (QR) it is noted that the response is not uniform across industries. When correcting for possible self-selection bias the response within industry is not uniform, where on average the response is to correct is a positive shift to the right, when investigating by industry findings it is seen that the response is not uniform, some shift to the right while others move to the left. Furthermore, the response is not uniform within industry. These responses seem to be linked to both the competitiveness of the industry as well as barriers to entry. 2. Related Literature This section is to serve as an overview of the most important theoretical and empirical studies pertaining to the topic. For a more comprehensive review of the industrial diversification literature it is suggested to refer to Martin and Sayrak (2003), Benito-Osorio et al. (2012) and Erdorf et al (2012). Li (2007) as well as Eckert and Trautnitz (2010) provide a basis for review on international diversification. As a note for implications of global diversification, as it relates to finance, one may wish to refer to the cross-border merger and acquisition (M&A) as well as foreign direct investment (FDI) literature. A) Theoretical Framework Broadly there are several reasons why diversification may be beneficial or detrimental to a firm. Most of the detrimental effects are a result of agency and internal governance costs. For instance, Jones and Hill (1988), theorize that as a firm globalizes, its transaction and coordination costs increase. Additionally, costs which could apply to both industrialization and internationalization include information asymmetry (Harris et al. (1982)), incentive misalignment between headquarters and divisional or subsidiary management (Roth and O’Donnell (1996)), and the subsidization of underperforming business segments by those segments which are profitable (Rajan et al (2000) and Scharfstein and Stein (2000). After modeling the inefficient internal capital markets Rajan et al. support their theory with empirical analysis. Managers may also gain personal benefits at the cost of shareholders through unneeded diversification; including, but not limited to, increased pay and prestige or through entrenchment by the management (Jensen (1986)), Shleifer and Vishny (1989), and Jensen and Murphy (1990)). If a manager’s wealth is highly concentrated and connected to that of the firm Amihud and Lev (1981) theorize that managers may diversify the company to reduce their own personal financial risk. Aggarwal and Samwick (2003) further this line of thought by developing a contracting model in an attempt to identify if managers diversify their firms due to the agency issues outlined above. Namely, does the attempt to gain personal incentives (compensation or prestige) motivate managers to diversify or is it to lower firm risk drive the incentive to diversify? After forming the theory they empirically test their model and conclude that managers diversify because of personal incentives. Lyandres (2007), first develops and then empirically tests a model which illustrates how inefficient capital structures within divisions because of organization structure can lead to a reduction in firm value. The model is based upon the contingent claims framework . Another, theoretical model suggests that apparent decrease in firm value is actually consistent with a firm acting to maximize shareholder value, due primarily to a decline in productivity in the original or main line of the business. This model, developed by Gomes and Livdan (2004), yields results which are consistent with empirical papers such as Campa and Kedia (2002) which suggest that it is undervalued companies which diversify. On the other side of the debate potential benefits to diversification could arise from taking advantage of economies of scope or scale from operating in multiple industries or nations (Teece (1980) and Caves (1996)). Additionally, the value of diversification could be greater for firms that have unique assets within the firm (Caves 1971). These assets are typically intangible or information based in nature, such as management skill or superior manufacture technique and exploitation would lead to abnormal returns (Buckley 1988). Because of comparable advantages in a different country as opposed to the home nation a multi-national corporations (MNCs) may be able to exploit these differences across nations and be more competitive in both markets (Kogut and Chang (1991)). A MNC may also be able to exploit differences in tax structures across nations, this profit shifting action could generate excess value for the MNC compared to local (confined) businesses (Errunza and Senbet (1984) and Bartelsman and Beetsma, (2003)). Exploitation of internal capital markets may allow a firm to invest in positive net present value projects that a pure play company may not be able to finance due to capital constraints. It is theorized that internal capital markets have a comparative advantage over external markets (Scharfstein and Stein (2003) and Stein (1997)). A final benefit to be considered here is that diversification ceteris paribus should decrease the volatility of firm’s cash flows, providing the business operations are not perfectly correlated (Lewellen, 1971). Lewellen, also suggests that this action should increase the firm’s debt capacity. B) Empirical Studies As commented upon in the introduction, three major studies in the 1990s have findings that imply diversification destroys value (Lang and Stultz (1994), Berger and Ofek (1995) and Servaes (1996)). Denis et al. (1997), report findings that imply agency issues are in large part responsible for firms continuing value reducing strategies in spite of the empirical evidence that companies should not diversify. The methodology employed by Berger and Ofek became the standard for investigation of diversification discount to present. Denis et al. (2002), report that on average the costs outweigh the benefits of diversification. If one continues to look at the more current literature supporting a value destructive position the following have important implications. Fauver et al (2003) was one of the first papers to explore the effects of diversification on nonUS firms. Through their analysis they found that effects on capital markets can change the outcome of diversification. For firms with high capital market integration and strong legal systems, firms trade at a discount, this supported earlier findings reported by Lins and Servaes (1999). However, for firms operating in less developed markets there is no discount and in some instances a premium was found. Also reported is the discount from diversification is affected by the La Porta et al. (1997) framework. In more recent literature a discount is still noted, for instance, Kim and Mathur (2008), report similar findings to those of Denis et al. 2002, namely that both types of diversification are value destroying. In that paper the authors also report an apparent link between the two modes of diversification. Additionally, evidence supporting the agency costs theory is presented; it is found on average firms, with higher manager based equity compensation, are associated with higher firm value. This would imply that tighter internal corporate governance may reduce the apparent discount from diversification. Since the methodology as outlined by Berger and Ofek, cannot handle financial firms, Laeven and Levine (2007), use slightly different methodology, but also report a diversification discount for financial firms. Ferris et al. (2010) report for a sample of firms from 35 different countries that firms which are only globally diversified have a positive but insignificant diversification effect. However, for industrially and both industrially and globally diversified firms a significant reduction in firm value was found. As documented in the theoretical literature there are a number of ways in which diversification could be beneficial or detrimental. While internal capital markets could give diversified firms an advantage through size or scope (Caves, 1996) it is possible that inefficient investment within this market could also be value destroying (Rajan et al. 2000). All of the empirical research conducted over the years showing a negative relationship could lead a rational observer to question, in the light of all the negative evidence, why companies still pursue diversification strategies? This basic question has motivated many papers to explain the somewhat paradoxical results. Adding to this quandary is the number of empirical studies in the FDI space in particular that show that MNCs from developed economies should have distinct advantages local firms. This especially holds true when comparing the subsidiary of the MNC with local firms that solely operate in highly segmented capital markets or in countries with increased political risk (see for example Desai et al. (2004, 2006 and 2008) . Many of the empirical studies which attempt to rectify this situation call into question either the database, methodology, econometrics, or a combination of the three used in the papers which come to value destroying diversification conclusions. After correcting for whatever specific issue including measurement and endogeneity errors, lack of control variables or methodology, (debt holdings, cash holdings) or methodological (incorrect SIC classifications or measurement of pure play value) the author typically report a value premium or at minimum no effect from diversification.1 In what appears to be typical for this type of research recently some authors report even after correcting for the issues a discount is still observed.2 When considering the possible errors in the methodology which leads to the presence of a reported discount for diversification the largest amount of literature deals with endogeneity. Management has the ability to choose its diversification path. It is also possible that the 1 Refer to Campa and Kedia (2002), Villalonga (2004a, 2004b), Mansi and Reeb (2002), Kumar 2009, Dastidar (2009), and Graham et al. (2002) to name a few of the core papers 2 Refer to Dos Santos et al. (2008), Glaser and Muller (2010), Ammann et al. (2012), Borghesi et al. (2007), Hoechle (2012) and Rudolph and Schwetzler (2012) operating environment or other factors that would influence the choice to diversify also endogenously affect the value of the firm. As such, how should diversification be modeled in order to determine if an effect (premium or discount) exists? The three most influential papers that first explored this question were Campa and Kedia (2002), Graham et al. (2002), and Villalonga (2004b). In using the standard methodology it is assumed that the standalone pure play companies are accurate proxies for the divisions or subsidiaries of the diversified firm. Graham et al. show empirically through their sample that this may not be a valid assumption. They argue that since managers can select the firms they wish to acquire and that these firms are already discounted on average prior to the acquisition. Since, the acquired firms have a discounted value prior to acquisition compared to pure play companies, pure play companies are not an appropriate proxy for divisions or subsidiaries. Therefore, one may conclude diversification in and of itself does not destroy value. Using similar logic and methodologies both Campa and Kedia (2002) and Villalonga (2004b) correct for possible bias. The conclusions were similar in both papers. In Campa and Kedia it is reported that when controlling for endogenous effects using either an instrumental variable approach or Heckman’s two stage regression the value of diversifying is in fact positive. While Villalonga, who presents two additional econometric techniques in addition to Heckman’s two stage estimation process, report that the effect is statistically insignificant after correction. Villalonga argues that using a cross sectional approach as in Campa and Kedia results in a measurement of diversity discount and not diversification discount. Using this same logic she refutes the results of Lamont and Polk (2002). Both of these papers were only concerned with industrial diversification. Dastidar (2009), follows the methodology of Campa and Kedia and applies the two stage estimation process. After correction he report similar results to those documented for industrial diversification, more specifically a diversification premium as opposed to discount. Gande et al 2009 and Kumar 2009 both explore how this potential endogenous effect may influence whether a firm selects to expand industrially or internationally. The outcome supports an easy extension of logic that if industrial or global diversifications are essentially substitutes then in the short run these effects would be negatively related. As such the choice could be even more complex than examining either of them individually. This stands to reason as diversification by any of the paths will require capital, and the firm will likely have capital constraints in the short run which would prevent them from pursuing all possible positive net present value (NPV) projects. Recently, however several studies have applied the methodology to correct for endogenous effects and still find both an economically and statistically significant negative results. The literature that finds a discount usually links the discount to agency costs overcoming the benefits of diversification. The agency costs are all closely tied to corporate governance issues. With this in mind Hoecle at el. (2012) conducted research to test how the diversification discount is tied to in some fashion corporate governance. In their research they find that using both dynamic panel modeling and Heckman’s method that diversification even after accounting for endogeneity leads to a discount. In the paper they also report that if corporate governance variables are introduced to the regressions the apparent discount is reduced, but still significant. They propose that this supports the idea that the discount is tied to corporate governance and/or agency cost affects. In their paper Ammann et al (2012) show that if firm fixed effects are present within samples used to compute the diversification discount, but ignored than the discount may appear to disappear. Using the model criterion in Campa and Kedia while allowing for fixed effects in the second stage of the regression, the authors report that a discount is still present. Connected to corporate governance literature how firms use internal capital markets arising from diversification is also an issue which deserves to be investigated. This includes but is not limited to how firms use and access capital under times of constraint. There is a large amount of literature which deals with internal capital markets and their relation to capital constraints3, but few deal directly with the relationship. Ahn et al (2006) report that on average diversified firms allocated funds less effectively than firms that are pure play companies. Closely related to the study by Ahn et al., Ozbas and Scharfstein (2010) empirically test for what they call the dark side of internal capital markets. The authors report that the investments made by diversified firms tend to occur more often in lower Tobin’s Q related industries. It is possible that these choices are what drive the observed diversification discount. They also find evidence that agency issues could be a significant contributor to the observed poor internal capital flows and investment choices in diversified firms. Using a proprietary data set Duchin and Sosyura (2012) report that social connections play a role in internal capital flows. The results can be mixed, but on average those divisional managers with social connections to the CEO are allocated more capital within the framework of the company. Additionally, they report the connection to corporate governance stating that in a weak environment these connections reduce investment efficiency and firm value. Several studies investigate diversification and how internal capital markets are used under times of capital constraint. These include Yan et al. (2010), Kuppuseamy and Villalonga (2010) and Volkov (2012). Both Yan et al. and Kuppuseamy and Villalonga studies show that under capital constraint conditions being diversified is advantageous. They both additionally report that allocation of capital is optimal and generally increase firm value. 3 For a list of related literature refer to Kuppuseamy and Villalonga (2010) One may wish to question the measurement accuracy or quality of reporting contained within the dataset being used for the investigations. A large portion of the studies including this one use the COMPUSTAT database to obtain the raw data used for the investigation of the relationship between diversification and firm value. Villalonga (2004a), suggests that this dataset is suspect, and explores the possible effects as it relates to industrial diversification. Using a unique dataset she report that a premium for diversification exists as opposed to a discount. Another possible error could be an error in variables. Hoecle et al. (2012) also report in their study that there seems to be significant changes in the data of the COMPUSTAT data base in the time that past between their study and Villalonga and some of the other studies that question its validity. Whited (2001) explores this possibility and suggests that measurement error is in fact the main source for the value reducing effects observed. For this investigation his value measurement was Tobin’s Q, related to the firm value measurement from Berger and Ofek. Gande et al. (2009) using similar methodology as Whited reports positive Q values for global diversification while no effect for industrial diversification. Conversely, Lamont and Polk (2002) acknowledge that measurement error could lead to spurious regression results, but they argue that specifications can be selected which provide accurate results. It stands to reason that firms should be able to reduce their risk through diversification. This holds true regardless of which type of diversification path is chosen, but may be strongest for those firms which have diversified both internationally and industrially. This reduction in risk could allow for Lewellen’s (1971) theory of debt co-insurance to hold. In a contingent claims framework this risk shift should benefit bondholders and come at the expense of shareholders. This may imply that the actual value of the firm has not decreased, but the firm value measurement which is skewed toward equity holders should in fact be negative. Mansi and Reeb (2002) first formally proposed this idea and tested empirically for industrial diversification. Doukas and Kan (2006) investigated this idea for global diversification. In both articles the authors conclude that a diversification discount does not exist. Glaser and Muller (2010) draw upon the framework proposed by Mansi and Reeb as well as the estimation procedure for the market value of debt proposed by Merton (1974)4 for German companies. They find that the effect exists and correction reduces the valuation discount, but the discount remains. Ammann et al. (2012) using similar methodology also report finding a relationship between leverage and the discount. Firms with zero leverage do not appear to have a discount, but the diversification discount is present and increases with increasing firm leverage. They conclude that their results support what they call the value transfer hypothesis, as outlined above. Is it possible that diversified firms differ in ways from the pure play companies that is not controlled for in the current methodology? The overall characteristics of a diversified firm and especially a jointly diversified firm (global and industrial) have different characteristics from those of the pure play companies which serve as the proxy for the standalone value of the subsidiaries or divisions in a diversified company by the Berger and Ofek methodology. A number of control variables are used (see Denis et al. (2002)), but some researchers have proposed that key differences have been overlooked. Duchin (2010) studies the connection between cash holdings and liquidity as it relates to diversification in an industrial setting. Using these finds Rudolph and Schwetzler (2012) make adjustments for the disparity in cash holdings between diversified and non-diversified firms. Investigating industrial diversification with international data, they report that a bias resulting from the difference in cash holdings can be observed. However, for mature economies (US, UK 4 More specifically Glaer and Muller use the methods proposed by Bharath and Shumway (2008), Eberhart (2005) and Vassalou and Xing (2004) to estimate Merton’s model, and derive the market value of debt, when the market value of debt is not directly observable. and Japan) a discount persists even after correction. For the other countries in their sample (a total of eighteen) they report insignificant outcomes after correction. Since firms that are generally in a position to diversify are typically older more established firms, it is possible that firm age could play a role in the apparent diversification discounts. In the literature this variable between firms was not explored initially. After noting this fact Borghesi et al. (2007), report a smaller (roughly 8%), but still significant reduction to firm value for industrial diversification, after controlling for firm age. The authors note that the discount is approximately half the size as reported by Denis et al. in 2002. Similar results would be expected for international diversification. 3. Data Collection / Methodology The Berger and Ofek methodologies were used with small modifications based on more recent studies, which will be discussed as they arise. Accounting data for the firms were collected from the Compustat database. This data was collected for the entire database for the years 1982-2011, giving a thirty year sample. This initial raw sample contained 316,623 firm years. From the historical segment files in Compustat, segment data was collected covering the same time period, yielding a total of approximately 1.5 million firm segment observations (for a detailed account of how firms report their segments refer to Denis et al,2002 or Gande et al, 2009). Data collected to compute market value is from CRSP database. Data for the real US GDP was collected from the BEA website. During the sample period the accounting rules affecting how the segments are reported changed. This change occurred during 1997, which is approximately halfway through the sample period under investigation. In the earlier years of the sample (1982-1997) the reporting rule governing segments was SFAS 14. Under this accounting rule firms were required to report business units by an approach consistent with line of business. Under this requirement to be in compliance companies had to report information by both industry and by geographic area. In the later portion of the study (1998-2011), the rule governing segmental reporting became SFAS 131. Under this rule firms are required to follow a management approach. Meaning, that reporting of the segments by a firm must follow the same structure that company management uses. In spite of the change in rules, it is felt that spanning this time period is acceptable and should not be materially affected by the change in accounting standards. This is based upon previous findings of no material differences between a pre and post regime change (see for example Gande et al., 2009 and Ammann et al., 2012).5 Following the accepted methodologies of Denis et al. (2002) observations were removed from the sample set for the following reasons: the firm is a non-US firm, sales of a firm are less than $20M, segment sales are reported as either negative or zero, summation of the reported segment sales are not within one percent of total reported firm revenue, financial and utility companies (SIC codes 4900-4999 and 6000-6999), and any firms with insufficient financial information needed for the study. This process left a total of 41,078 firm year observations. Following Rudolph and Schwetzler (2012), enterprise value was computed as opposed to the Berger and Ofek’s (1995) firm value measure. This however, is only a small modification. The firm value measure (value of total capital) which is calculated as market value equity plus the book value of debt. To compute the enterprise value, from the firm’s total capital cash and equivalents are subtracted out of this figure. This was done in order to remove the bias of nondiversified firms carrying more cash than those of diversified firms. Once the enterprise value 5 The regressions were also run to test for the effect within this sample and the subsequent results were not materially different, the results are not reported. for all firms was calculated all pure play US firms were identified from the final 41,078 firm years. Next, to compute the imputed value of a diversified firm as a sum of its segments the enterprise value of the pure play companies was divided by its sales. Santalo and Becerra (2008), suggest that in the Berger and Ofek specification of using five firms or more firms by SIC four digit code, then by three and finally by two as needed to find at least five pure play companies is arbitrary and reduces diversification artificially. This is done to find a reliable median value, which was found to be a better estimate than the arithmetical average. Santalo and Becerra suggest matching by four digit SIC regardless of the number of pure plays in the segment, and using the median value. Rudolph and Schwetzler illustrate how median values can skew the results of the tests. They suggest that a better estimate is the geometric mean. For the paper both four digit SIC medians and geometric mean firm value to sales ratios were calculated for all of the pure play companies. To calculate the implied value of the segments of a diversified firm, a particular segment is matched by four digit SIC code to that of the corresponding pure play median or geometric means of the firm value to sales of corresponding four digit SIC codes. Once this ratio is matched the sales figures of the segment is multiplied by the geometric mean (median) to yield the implied value of the segment. Finally, to calculate the implied value of the firm for a given fiscal year, summation of the entire segment values yield the implied value of the firm. While only US firms are considered as pure play companies for this investigation of (both global and industrial) diversification this approach is acceptable. However, as pointed out in Creal et al. (2012), there is a distinct difference between using US pure play companies or using matched foreign pure play companies to the international segments of the US firms. The first method, as followed by the paper, assumes that the segment is repatriated to the US (and makes assumptions that the market would be able to support the additional output). Where Creal et al. through access to a propriety data set identify the countries in which the business segments operate. After the countries of operation are identified, international data is used to calculate the value of the foreign pure plays. In their study they report finding positive outcome from international diversification. However, as already noted, they do not investigate the possibility of industrial effects. To explore the effect of the diversification discount many dummy variables were formed. For the first level of dummies represents if a firm reported themselves in the Compustat data as having international operations it was coded as a geographically diverse company. If any company had more than one segment in a given year it was coded as an industrially diversified firm. Lastly, if the firm received a one for both of the previous dummies it was coded as both industrially and globally diversified, and the other dummies were set to zero. For the industry dummies a modified form of the Fama and French thirty industry portfolios was used. From French’s website the four digit SIC specifications were followed to build twenty-seven portfolios. This corresponds to the thirty industry portfolios, less the financial and utility industries. Due to sample size the “Beer” and “Smoke” portfolios were combined for the purposes of the paper as “Vice”. Finally, interaction terms were constructed for all twenty-seven portfolios and the three possible diversification dummies yielding a total of 81 dummies. It is important to note that in all specification and under all of the various empirical investigations the base value is always the pure play companies by industry. This holds for the large full sample regressions as well as the smaller industry specific regressions. The following are the testable hypotheses which are tested empirically for the paper. H1: The observed diversification effect (premium, discount or zero) will differ across industry specification. Tested using an OLS framework with the dummy variables as described above. H2: The response will be different if isolated by industry segment. An OLS specification same as the on the whole sample, but only on the data pertaining to the specific industry H3: The effect will still be present even after controlling for self-selection bias. The Heckman Two Stage Regression technique will be employed to correct for the self-selection bias. H4: The effect within industry group will be homoscedastic Tested by using the quantile regression (QR) techniques One stage OLS Model EV = α0 + β1i Sizet + β2i Lev+ β3i C/S+ β4i E/S+ β5 - 85i D + εit where: EV = Enterprise Value of the firm Size = Ln of Market Cap Lev = Long-term debt/Total Assets C/S = CAPEX/Sales E/S = EBIT/Sales D = One of 81 possible dummy variables. Created by assigning a dummy based on one of three possible diversification choices and twenty-seven industries εit = Error term Two stage Heckman Model 1st Stage Logit Regression for Lambda: λGD = α0 + β1i Sizet + β2i Lev + β3i C/S + β4i E/S + β5i C/S t-1+ β6i C/S t-2 + β7i E/S t-1 + β8i E/S t-2 + β9i AT t-1 + β10i AT t-2 + β11i G + εit λBD = α0 + β1i Sizet + β2i Lev + β3i C/S + β4i E/S + β5i C/S t-1+ β6i C/S t-2 + β7i E/S t-1 + β8i E/S t-2 + β9i AT t-1 + β10i AT t-2 + β11i G + εit λBTD = α0 + β1i Sizet + β2i Lev + β3i C/S+ β4i E/S+ β5i C/S t-1+ β6i C/S t-2 + β7i E/S t-1 + β8i E/S t-2 + β9i AT t-1 + β10i AT t-2 + β11i G + εit Where: λGD = firms which are geographically diversified λBD = firms which are industrially diversified λBTH = firms which are both industrially and geographically diversified Size = Ln of Market Cap Lev = Long-term debt/Total Assets C/S = CAPEX/Sales E/S = EBIT/Sales AT t-1,t-2 = The respective one and two year lags of total assets C/S t-1,t-2 = The CAPEX/Sales ratio of one and two year lags E/S t-1,t-2 = The EBIT/Sales ratio of one and two year lags Second Stage OLS including the calculated Lambda: EV = α0 + β1i Sizet + β2i Lev + β3i C/S + β4i E/S + β5i C/S t-1+ β6i C/S t-2 + β7i E/S t-1 + β8i E/S t-2 + β9i AT t-1 + β10i AT t-2 + β11i G + β12i λGD + β13i λBD + β14i λBTH + β15Di - β95Di + εit Where all variables are the same as the earlier 1st stage specification and the dummy variables correspond to each of the three possible diversification and industry portfolios 4. Empirical Results: I begin by exploring how closely the results replicate those of the other studies investigating both global and industrial diversification. For the paper the diversification discount was calculated for matching of four, three and two digit SIC codes using either the median or geometric mean value as commented on above. For brevity only the two and four digit SIC with geometric mean is shown, as all results were similar to one another. The use of the four digits SIC with geometric mean was selected because of the already previously cited work. (1) lnvaldif (2) lnvaldif (3) VALDIF (4) VALDIF GeoDum -0.223*** (-7.70) -0.175*** (-11.11) -0.329*** (-7.08) BusDum -0.154*** (-11.60) -0.146*** (-23.04) -0.174*** (-8.16) -0.123*** (-11.58) Both -0.382*** (-4.82) -0.346*** (-9.58) -0.784*** (-6.16) -0.478*** (-7.83) size 0.155*** (37.88) 0.160*** (84.18) 0.154*** (23.47) 0.184*** (57.62) -254.9*** (-25.65) -126.5*** (-44.36) -298.5*** (-18.68) -165.3*** (-34.37) capexpersa~s 0.850*** (13.75) 0.185*** (17.30) 0.972*** (9.78) 0.142*** (7.88) ebitpersales 0.149*** (4.99) -0.0746*** (-6.18) 0.431*** (9.00) -0.177*** (-8.67) debtperMV xrdpersales 0.630*** (12.84) advpersales 0.239** (1.98) _cons N R-sq -0.0472* (-1.78) 1.096*** (13.89) 0.381* (1.96) -1.728*** (-36.02) -1.757*** (-78.31) -1.547*** (-20.05) -1.917*** (-50.68) 8993 0.266 40622 0.213 8993 0.154 40622 0.116 t statistics in parentheses * p<0.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01 . The first two columns report a diversification discount using the two-digit SIC geometric mean specification while, the latter two shows the four digit specification. Column two, shows results that are very similar to those presented by Denis et al. (2002). It can be observed that the results are similar, different between the two and four digit specifications. Currently, the only paper to have investigated the effects of industry on the diversification discount was Santalo and Becerra. In their paper they reported that the effect of diversification is not homogenous, as implied in other studies. However, for their work they did not look at industry per se, but rather how diversification within industries affects diversification. Most specifically they reported that diversification within industries that are heavily dominated by diversified firms gives a premium for diversification. On the other hand they reported that being diversified in an industry which is predominately controlled by single segment firms, results in a diversification discount. Additionally, they do not attempt to explain why this result may be observed. Conversely, this paper follows the industry specifications in Fama and French (1997), and constructs 27 industrial portfolios. These portfolios more accurately illustrate how the SIC code classifications relate to each as opposed to using either a two or three SIC code methodology. Additionally, even with some forty-thousand observations there are industries at the two digit level that have few observations and would yield little power from any tests run using them as the only data set. Regressions were run using the full sample, using pooled OLS methods done to observe the effects if any from being in a different industry with differing levels of diversification. Additionally, regressions were also run within each of the samples, while direct comparison is not possible in this way; it is possible to see how different industries respond to diversification. Table 2 shows the regression results, perhaps more beneficially Figure 1(above) shows the results in a graphical manner. In figure shows the coefficients of the various portfolio and diversification dummy variables. It can be seen the response to diversification is not homogenous, and can vary significantly. Two different specifications were run, the differences being found in the control variables used. The first follows the specification of Denis et al. the second follows a modified Campa and Kedia methodology. Here, Campa and Kedia is introduced to have reference for later in the paper when controlling for possible endogeneity bias. Refer to appendix A for the pooled OLS results by industry characteristics. 1 VALDIF 0.201*** -63.05 2 VALDIF 0.245*** -44.81 1 VALDIF -0.107** (-2.13) 2 VALDIF -0.135** (-2.19) 1 VALDIF 0.0896*** -2.77 2 VALDIF 0.161*** -4.06 1 VALDIF 0.636*** -7.56 2 VALDIF 0.496*** -5.54 Lev -0.754*** (-27.95) -0.788*** (-24.42) hshldG -0.00721 (-0.03) -0.1 (-0.50) cnstrG 0.0519 -0.32 0.133 -0.61 carryG 1.049*** -3.86 1.237*** -2.83 capexpersa~s 0.202*** -10.5 0.251*** -7.45 o.hshldBT 0 (.) 0 (.) cnstrBT 0.357 -0.73 2.898*** -217.17 o.carryBT 0 (.) 0 (.) ebitpersales -0.206*** (-8.94) -0.177*** (-4.77) apparelB -0.217*** (-5.09) -0.208*** (-4.27) steelB -0.303*** (-8.30) -0.253*** (-6.13) minesB 0.0807 -1.01 0.0532 -0.56 foodB 0.483*** -11.85 0.525*** -11.14 apparelG -0.333*** (-5.56) 0 (.) steelG -0.0927 (-0.80) -0.0728 (-0.61) minesG 0.312** -2.55 0.143 -1.01 foodG 0.232* -1.66 0.173 -1.27 o.apparelBT 0 (.) 0 (.) steelBT -0.672*** (-3.56) -0.510* (-1.96) minesBT -0.694** (-2.03) -0.427 (-1.10) foodBT -0.388 (-1.32) -0.524 (-1.43) hlthB 0.135*** -4.89 0.175*** -5.49 fabprB 0.235*** -8.75 0.252*** -7.88 coalB -0.829*** (-5.26) -0.789*** (-3.32) booksB -0.327*** (-9.80) -0.278*** (-7.56) hlthG 0.580*** -6.32 0.679*** -6.36 fabprG 0.222 -1.47 0.17 -0.97 coalG -0.297*** (-2.95) -0.208* (-1.78) booksG -0.387 (-1.59) -0.39 (-1.23) hlthBT 0.38 -0.68 -0.565* (-1.68) fabprBT 0.471*** -38.54 0 (.) coalBT -1.354*** (-8.64) -1.294*** (-7.20) o.booksBT 0 (.) 0 (.) chemsB 0.191*** -2.66 0.306*** -3.45 elceqB 0.258*** -6.25 0.341*** -7.24 oilB -0.513*** (-19.68) -0.479*** (-14.67) gamesB -0.305*** (-7.91) -0.251*** (-5.38) chemsG 0.977** -2.42 1.821** -2.28 elceqG -0.0453 (-0.26) -0.0949 (-0.48) oilG -0.731*** (-9.80) -0.682*** (-6.92) gamesG -0.360*** (-4.44) -0.286*** (-5.01) chemsBT -0.0534*** (-4.99) 0 (.) o.elceqBT 0 (.) 0 (.) oilBT -0.808*** (-5.45) gamesBT -0.729*** (-3.52) -0.579*** (-26.52) -0.580** (-2.40) -0.629*** (-23.57) txtlsB 0.194*** -4.25 0.256*** -4.6 autoB 0.144*** -3.22 0.144*** -2.86 -0.785*** (-4.81) 0.00000313 -0.64 txtlsG -0.322* (-1.85) -0.217 (-1.05) autoG 0.153 -1.05 0.250** -2.02 -0.595*** (-10.21) -0.649*** (-10.15) o.txtlsBT -0.349* (-1.84) -0.217 (-0.98) mealsB 0 (.) -0.0674 (-1.39) autoBT servsBT 0 (.) -0.0955** (-2.31) -1.079*** (-138.56) -1.221*** (-27.51) lagcapexpe~s 0 (.) -1.265*** lag2capexp~s (-24.49) 0.00289 -0.13 buseqB 0.131*** -7.16 0.148*** -6.97 mealsG 0.204 -1.38 0.252** -2.13 wholeG -0.628*** (-3.59) -0.505** (-2.21) lagebitper~s 0.0119 -0.36 buseqG 0.0802 -1.28 0.122* -1.66 mealsBT 0.986*** -15.19 1.177*** -56.33 wholeBT -2.697*** (-268.42) 0 (.) lag2ebitpe~s -0.0104 (-0.37) buseqBT -0.618 (-1.61) 0.132 -1.06 -1.133*** (-11.07) 0.124 -1.24 otherB -0.460*** (-3.94) -0.259 (-1.54) rtailB -0.225*** (-6.98) -0.160*** (-4.31) lnGDP -0.401*** (-13.93) otherG -1.670*** (-6.19) -1.918*** (-69.24) rtailG -0.439*** (-4.12) -0.368** (-2.56) _cons 0.148 -0.75 0.395 -1.64 otherBT 1.238*** -2.94 -0.311*** (-6.66) 0.708** -2.16 -0.291*** (-8.31) rtailBT 0.776* -1.65 -0.409*** (-10.30) 0.525** -2.28 -0.265*** (-8.51) -1.209*** (-148.62) -0.0573* (-1.88) 0 (.) -0.0137 (-0.36) paperG -0.361*** (-4.47) -0.279*** (-2.98) telcmG -0.522*** (-8.13) -0.405*** (-5.92) -0.438*** (-3.64) -0.505*** (-3.16) paperBT -0.450* (-1.85) -0.121 (-0.44) telcmBT -0.608*** (-7.15) -0.25 (-1.48) -0.329*** (-3.77) -0.338*** (-3.27) size hshldB cnstrB carryB lagAT servsB servsG viceB viceG viceBT transB transBT transG lag2AT paperB wholeB telcmB N R-sq -0.0000297*** (-4.18) 0.0176 -0.48 -2.057*** (-54.98) 40622 0.174 1.042*** -4.12 27088 0.214 From Table 2 it is possible to see that there is varying levels of significance and direction for all three dummy variable types, depending upon the industry. Typically, the level of significance as well as the sign is uniform regardless of the OLS model. On only six occasions was the coefficient of the dummy variable significant in one model, yet insignificant under the other condition. There are more negative coefficients than positive, the stands to reason as the overall average effect is negative, even after corrections for some of the bias discussed in the literature review. In the regressions of the three possible outcomes statistically insignificant occurs for the dummy variables the least. Also, note that some of the dummy specifications are omitted from the model because there are no observations within the data set. From the results displayed and those listed in the appendix it can be observed that both the first and second hypotheses hold. The response is not homogeneous under either the specifications. The results imply that certain industries have characteristics that make certain types of diversification more beneficial. In some cases this may be becoming an industrially diversified firm, in others perhaps expanding globally and yet in others it seems to be both feasible and prudent to expand both globally and industrially. Clearly, the governance and additional costs of diversification are present, and special circumstances must exist to overcome these additional costs in order to prevent value destruction within an industry class. In this next section self-selection bias will be considered. While there are a number of possible ways to control for possible self-selection bias including dynamic panel modeling, fixed-effect, or random effect models, these require panel data to be used properly. While in a sense the data being used for the study is an unbalanced panel set, the fact that firms “disappear” and then return to the set as the years progress makes this technique unusable. As a result a different approach needs to be used that is suitable for pooled data analysis. The methodology discussed for Heckman’s Two Stage regression in Campa and Kieda (2002) is used to test correct of endogeneity bias. The significant control variables used in their specifications were used in addition to the log of real GDP. This variable was suggested and used in Villonga (2004b). In the Heckman’s Two Stage model first a dichotomous variable is selected and the chosen independent control variables are used in a logistic regression. This specification referred to as either Lambda or the Inverse-Mills ratio is then introduced into the second stage of the regression. This second stage is merely the original OLS regressions, but with the Inverse Mill’s ratio as an independent variable in the second stage. (1) GeoDum main size lagAT lag2AT 0.291*** (13.99) -0.0000169 (-1.42) (2) BusDum 0.194*** (22.23) 0.0000201* (1.78) (3) Both 0.340*** (6.79) 0.0000140* (1.70) 0.0000173 (1.33) -0.0000431*** (-3.18) -0.00000845 (-0.74) capexpersa~s 0.101 (0.65) -0.715*** (-6.23) 0.214 (0.66) lagcapexpe~s 0.341** (2.38) -0.367*** (-3.10) -0.113 (-0.33) lag2capexp~s 0.175** (2.05) -0.327*** (-3.61) 0.214 (1.38) -0.325*** (-3.92) 0.646 (1.15) ebitpersales -0.00276 (-0.02) lagebitper~s -0.207 (-1.53) 0.0203 (0.22) 0.597 (0.94) lag2ebitpe~s 0.0263 (0.20) 0.107 (1.47) 0.630 (1.27) Lev -0.523*** (-3.11) lnGDP _cons N R-sq 1.422*** (8.44) -19.99*** (-13.21) 27088 -0.601*** (-9.51) 0.808** (2.50) -0.0675 (-1.11) 4.572*** (7.68) -1.509*** (-2.81) 27088 t statistics in parentheses * p<0.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01 -52.53*** (-9.60) 27088 If the Inverse Mill’s ratio is negative it implies that the firm was underperforming its peers in the cross-section (as a result of diversity). On the other hand if the ratio is positive than it implies that the firms were outperforming their peers prior to diversification. In recent literature even after controlling for the endogeneity bias a discount is still observed. The first stage of the regression is found in Table 3. Since we have three possible choices, to be solely industrially diversified, solely globally diversified or both industrially and globally diversified there are three logistic regressions. It can be observed that the effects of the controls upon the dichotomous variable in question are in general not uniform. The log of market capitalization (size) and leverage are the only (1) VALDIF BusDum -0.103*** (-8.05) independent variable which is significant for all three. Interestingly, (2) VALDIF firms leverage flips from being negative and significant for industrial -0.102*** (-7.99) and global diversification, but for both leverage became positive. GeoDum -0.0562* (-1.71) (-1.62) (2009), investigates diversification from an international Dastidar -0.0528 Both -0.429*** (-5.87) -0.428*** setting using this process, however, he does not investigate using all (-5.81) size 0.282*** (8.32) 0.281*** three possible specifications, instead only calling a firm diversified or (8.38) not. As a result it is difficult to compare the results with those lagAT -0.0000335*** (-5.66) -0.0000315*** (-5.34) lag2AT 0.00000920 (0.87) 0.00000470 (0.45) previously reported. To the right in Table 4, the results for the second stage, OLS, portion capexpersa~s 0.409*** (3.74) is showed. After correcting for the possible self-selection bias it can be (3.46) lagcapexpe~s 0.324*** (4.08) seen0.274*** that the coefficients of the dummy variables in question are still lag2capexp~s 0.137*** (2.91) 0.366*** (3.68) negative. 0.106**While the effect for both the industrial diversification and (2.41) geographically diversified firms are reduced, with the global dummy ebitpersales -0.115* (-1.77) lagebitper~s -0.150*** (-3.95) -0.135*** (-3.64) industrially and lag2ebitpe~s -0.0661* (-1.91) zero. Of note, while all three Inverse Mill’s ratios (IMR) are significant (-1.93) Lev -0.844*** (-7.64) the-0.860*** coefficient for industrially diversified firms is only weakly lnGDP GeoPredict BusPredict BothPredict _cons N R-sq -0.230*** (-5.37) -9.281*** (-10.42) becoming weakly significant, when a firm is diversified both globally, the change is not significantly different from -0.0671* (-7.96) significant, -0.360*** while the other two are highly significant. (-47.84) The signs of the coefficient are also of note. It can be observed that -7.933*** (-11.39) only the Lambda for geographic diversification is negative, while the 1.219* (1.69) (1.38) other two are positive. This would imply that firms that diversified 9.544*** (7.48) globally (7.25) are underperforming their peer group prior to the choice to -1.299*** (-3.10) 27088 0.149 t statistics in parentheses * p<0.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01 . -0.140** (-2.23) 0.962 9.597*** diversify. However, the other two coefficients (industrial and both 27088 0.157 industrially and globally) are positive, implying better performance prior to being diversified in those fashions. These findings are different than those reported in previous papers. In all previous instances, even when a diversification discount was still present the IMR was negative. While discussing the IMR another point is the magnitude of the coefficient. The order of magnitude of the coefficients found for this study is much larger than any reported in prior literature. The significance of this finding is not totally understood. This is because the outcome (the effect on the dummy variables in question) is the same as that documented in the recent literature. Namely, a reduction in the diversification discount is observed for all three groups, but a discount is still present and significant for all three (even though the geographic dummy is now weakly significant). Next, will be discussed the effects of using Heckman’s Model in conjunction with all of the dummy variables to control for industry as well as diversity. In Table 5 below, we have two regression outputs; the first is the specification is the same as the second specification in Table 2. Campa and Kedia’s controls and specifications, the second is the Two Stage Heckman’s regression to control for heterogeneity (self-selection bias). The main results are as follows. First, when comparing the control variables it is seen that both the first and second lags of CAPEX/Sales become significant in the two stage specification. Additionally, the first lag of EBIT/Sales also becomes significant the impact of real GDP is less negative, while leverage is more negative, all of the other variables remain essentially unchanged. Comparing the IMR from the specification with and without the industry dummies it can be observed that for geographic and “both” the effects are essentially the same. The international diversification dummy is significant and negative while the “both” dummy is significant and positive. This implies that within industry those firms that select to diversify internationally, do underperform their peers within their own industry, but firms that select to be fully diversified (globally and industrially) typically are performing better than their peers. However, if the business IMR coefficient is observed, it can be seen that it is now insignificant. This implies that apparent underperformance in industrial diversification only is in fact more associated with actual industry effects. If controlling for different industries helps to remove the significance, this would imply that within industries businesses that choose to diversify perform prior to diversification no worse, nor better than peers within their industry. Upon examination of the coefficients for the regression output it can be seen that the response to the addition of the correction is also not homogenous. This finding supports the third hypothesis of the paper. For some industries the discount is lessened or the premium is increased while in others the discount is increased or the premium is decreased. There is one instance each where a coefficient moved from being significant to insignificant (hltB) and vice versa (telecmBT). While the changes in coefficients are not statistically different from one another in the two models there are a number of cases where a notable change in discount or premium can be observed. For example the following all exhibit more premium from diversification hlthG, autoG, viceBT and ChemB as well as MealsBT show less premium. The discount side sees more changes, all of the following dummies have less discount after the correction: OilB, OilG, OilBT, telcmG and retailB. Finally, looking at dummies that show more discount after correction the following coefficients qualify: booksB, gamesG, CoalG, paperB, paperG, transG, transBT and mealsB. From these results it is clear that the reaction to diversification even after correcting for self-selection bias is not homogenous across different industry specifications. N R-sq otherBT otherG otherB _cons BothPredict BusPredict GeoPredict lnGDP Lev lag2ebitpe~s lagebitper~s ebitpersales lag2capexp~s lagcapexpe~s capexpersa~s lag2AT lagAT size 27088 0.214 27088 0.218 transBT transG 1 2 OLS Heckman 0.245*** 0.297*** foodB -44.81 -9.06 0.00000313 -0.0000280*** foodG -0.64 (-4.93) -0.0000297*** 0.00000445 foodBT (-4.18) -0.44 0.251*** 0.363*** booksB -7.45 -3.46 0.0176 0.291*** booksG -0.48 -3.81 0.00289 0.112** o.booksBT -0.13 -2.49 -0.177*** -0.147** gamesB (-4.77) (-2.33) 0.0119 -0.132*** gamesG -0.36 (-3.62) -0.0104 -0.0467 gamesBT (-0.37) (-1.41) -0.788*** -0.904*** hshldB (-24.42) (-8.42) -0.401*** -0.137*** hshldG (-13.93) (-3.25) -8.869*** o.hshldBT (-10.31) 0.642 steelB -0.92 8.234*** steelG -6.53 1.042*** -2.056*** steelBT -4.12 (-4.98) -0.259 -0.349** viceB (-1.54) (-2.36) -1.918*** -1.946*** viceG (-69.24) (-59.96) 0.708** 0.704** viceBT -2.16 -2.14 transB 1 OLS 0.525*** -11.14 0.173 -1.27 -0.524 (-1.43) -0.278*** (-7.56) -0.39 (-1.23) 0 (.) -0.251*** (-5.38) -0.286*** (-5.01) -0.580** (-2.40) -0.135** (-2.19) -0.1 (-0.50) 0 (.) -0.253*** (-6.13) -0.0728 (-0.61) -0.510* (-1.96) 0.124 -1.24 0.395 -1.64 1.238*** -2.94 -0.311*** (-6.66) -0.338*** (-3.27) -0.505*** (-3.16) 2 1 Heckman OLS 0.534*** apparelB -0.208*** -11.35 (-4.27) 0.211 o.apparelG 0 -1.52 (.) -0.508 o.apparelBT 0 (-1.42) (.) -0.291*** hlthB 0.175*** (-7.88) -5.49 -0.377 hlthG 0.679*** (-1.22) -6.36 0 hlthBT -0.565* (.) (-1.68) -0.256*** chemsB 0.306*** (-5.48) -3.45 -0.301*** chemsG 1.821** (-5.32) -2.28 -0.586** o.chemsBT 0 (-2.50) (.) -0.139** txtlsB 0.256*** (-2.28) -4.6 -0.133 txtlsG -0.217 (-0.67) (-1.05) 0 o.txtlsBT 0 (.) (.) -0.249*** cnstrB 0.161*** (-6.09) -4.06 -0.0951 cnstrG 0.133 (-0.78) -0.61 -0.543** cnstrBT 2.898*** (-2.11) -217.17 0.109 mealsB -0.0674 -1.09 (-1.39) 0.303 mealsG 0.252** -1.15 -2.13 1.305*** mealsBT 1.177*** -3.09 -56.33 -0.310*** wholeB -1.265*** (-6.63) (-24.49) -0.422*** wholeG -0.505** (-4.04) (-2.21) -0.628*** o.wholeBT 0 (-3.84) (.) 2 Heckman -0.210*** (-4.31) 0 (.) 0 (.) 0.174*** -5.47 0.693*** -6.41 -0.521 (-1.47) 0.285*** -3.2 1.816** -2.26 0 (.) 0.251*** -4.53 -0.249 (-1.20) 0 (.) 0.166*** -4.19 0.127 -0.58 2.876*** -213.1 -0.0799* (-1.66) 0.251** -2.11 1.132*** -52.81 -1.247*** (-24.14) -0.528** (-2.34) 0 (.) o.rtailBT rtailG rtailB minesBT minesG minesB o.carryBT carryG carryB o.autoBT autoG autoB o.elceqBT elceqG elceqB o.fabprBT fabprG fabprB 1 OLS 0.252*** -7.88 0.17 -0.97 0 (.) 0.341*** -7.24 -0.0949 (-0.48) 0 (.) 0.144*** -2.86 0.250** -2.02 0 (.) 0.496*** -5.54 1.237*** -2.83 0 (.) 0.0532 -0.56 0.143 -1.01 -0.427 (-1.10) -0.160*** (-4.31) -0.368** (-2.56) 0 (.) 2 Heckman 0.252*** -7.84 0.181 -1.03 0 (.) 0.336*** -7.18 -0.0988 (-0.51) 0 (.) 0.145*** -2.84 0.299** -2.25 0 (.) 0.490*** -5.55 1.244*** -2.91 0 (.) 0.0862 -0.93 0.185 -1.34 -0.331 (-0.86) -0.123*** (-3.37) -0.374** (-2.55) 0 (.) paperBT paperG paperB buseqBT buseqG buseqB servsBT servsG servsB telcmBT telcmG telcmB oilBT oilG oilB coalBT coalG coalB 1 OLS -0.789*** (-3.32) -0.208* (-1.78) -1.294*** (-7.20) -0.479*** (-14.67) -0.682*** (-6.92) -0.785*** (-4.81) -0.0137 (-0.36) -0.405*** (-5.92) -0.25 (-1.48) -0.629*** (-23.57) -0.649*** (-10.15) -0.217 (-0.98) 0.148*** -6.97 0.122* -1.66 -1.133*** (-11.07) -0.291*** (-8.31) -0.279*** (-2.98) -0.121 (-0.44) 2 Heckman -0.797*** (-3.40) -0.251** (-2.22) -1.296*** (-7.16) -0.466*** (-14.85) -0.649*** (-6.95) -0.615*** (-3.99) -0.0316 (-0.83) -0.389*** (-5.75) -0.332** (-2.45) -0.637*** (-23.95) -0.644*** (-9.85) -0.251 (-1.12) 0.142*** -6.71 0.132* -1.79 -1.125*** (-10.62) -0.301*** (-8.63) -0.315*** (-3.38) -0.153 (-0.55) In the final section we will look at using quantile regression techniques to analyze the differing effects of diversification. Lee and Li (2012), develop methodologies that can be employed to investigate diversification discount using this type of approach. They comment upon the fact that if a sample exhibits a somewhat high degree of heterogeneity at departures from the median standard OLS regressions will yield poor descriptive results. The methodology employed for their paper uses a diversification measure established as one minus a computed value for the Herfindahl index. They report that at high levels of profitability there is a significant and negative relationship to diversification. In the same paper the authors adjust for risk and report that the discount is removed. Using similar methodology but with the enterprise value differential that has been used throughout the paper I intend to investigate the issue further using industry specifications. Because of the length associated with the output for this investigation the results are placed in Appendix B. First we follow the techniques outlined in Lee and Li using the same control variables as well as dummy variables to control for the year. Instead of using the few dummies they report for one digit SIC code for industry the 27 industry portfolio used for the rest of the paper was used in this regression. Comparing the results obtained for this paper compared to those reported by Lee and Li it is found for instance that the relationship with size becomes negative in the highly profitable companies, I however to not find this to be the case. Instead size is always positively significant (while the coefficient does decrease in size). The only change in specifications between their paper and the results shown here is how the industry portfolios were constructed; the results can be found in the appendix. Using the 81 dummy variables to control for industry and diversification, a test to see the connection between excess enterprise value and profitability was conducted. It is possible to refer to Table Six to see these results. In order to create a manageable table only the controls and the enterprise value are shown, the dummy variables are not shown. As a note Lee and Li use ROE as their measure of profitability, where I use ROA. This is a slight difference but, should not impact results in a significant manner. Where Lee and Li report that diversity is positively associated with poor performing firms (ROE 15% or less) and negatively associated with better performing firms (ROE 75% or greater) it is found that after controlling for diversification and industry affects enterprise value differentials are positively associated with better performing firms (ROE >60%) and insignificant for the rest of the sample. Also, they reported that at high ROE >80% size became negative. They interpreted this as a sign that becoming too large when a profitable company is detrimental. Under these conditions perhaps a company should scale back. ROA Coef. Bootstrap Std. Err. t P>t q10 VALDIF 0.0019725 size 0.0060411 capexpersales-0.0919788 ebitpersales 0.7508427 Lev -0.1379977 lnGDP -0.1204442 0.0014129 0.0006963 0.0060567 0.0163724 0.0074355 0.0059844 1.4 8.68 -15.19 45.86 -18.56 -20.13 0.163 0 0 0 0 0 q60 VALDIF 0.0012983 size 0.0033732 capexpersales-0.0300183 ebitpersales 0.4326144 Lev -0.0985015 lnGDP -0.0297184 0.0003352 0.0001742 0.0037453 0.0076071 0.0016944 0.0010848 3.87 19.37 -8.01 56.87 -58.13 -27.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 q20 VALDIF 0.0008954 size 0.0041297 capexpersales-0.0748153 ebitpersales 0.6175498 Lev -0.1207442 lnGDP -0.0725819 0.0006755 0.00038 0.0052773 0.0093851 0.0032978 0.0032947 1.33 10.87 -14.18 65.8 -36.61 -22.03 0.185 0 0 0 0 0 q70 VALDIF 0.0025708 size 0.0036178 capexpersales-0.0216804 ebitpersales 0.3910614 Lev -0.1028765 lnGDP -0.0234157 0.0004069 0.0001844 0.0027637 0.0080908 0.0018961 0.0012953 6.32 19.62 -7.84 48.33 -54.26 -18.08 0 0 0 0 0 0 q30 VALDIF 0.0001285 size 0.0033777 capexpersales-0.0608785 ebitpersales 0.5518125 Lev -0.1077212 lnGDP -0.0500017 0.0003572 0.000237 0.0042198 0.0066423 0.0023764 0.0018888 0.36 14.25 -14.43 83.08 -45.33 -26.47 0.719 0 0 0 0 0 q80 VALDIF 0.0046892 size 0.0038361 capexpersales-0.0142872 ebitpersales 0.3364892 Lev -0.1058051 lnGDP -0.0150432 0.000427 0.0002026 0.0028672 0.0102192 0.0024013 0.0016819 10.98 18.93 -4.98 32.93 -44.06 -8.94 0 0 0 0 0 0 q40 VALDIF 0.0004225 size 0.003174 capexpersales-0.0500842 ebitpersales 0.5065098 Lev -0.101461 lnGDP -0.0395558 0.0002749 0.000211 0.002501 0.007674 0.0017758 0.0011232 1.54 15.05 -20.03 66 -57.14 -35.22 0.124 0 0 0 0 0 q90 VALDIF 0.0083116 size 0.0047597 capexpersales-0.0091948 ebitpersales 0.2650564 Lev -0.1073224 lnGDP 0.0024163 0.0007339 0.0005514 0.0051418 0.0111146 0.0038919 0.0029456 11.32 8.63 -1.79 23.85 -27.58 0.82 0 0 0.074 0 0 0.412 q50 VALDIF 0.0007576 size 0.0033061 capexpersales-0.0398188 ebitpersales 0.4707907 Lev -0.0985157 lnGDP -0.0348601 0.000299 0.00015 0.0031519 0.0064904 0.0014209 0.0009142 2.53 22.04 -12.63 72.54 -69.33 -38.13 0.011 0 0 0 0 0 Next, the same regression approach was used to test for the relationship between the uniformity of the regression results between the 81 dummies testing for the diversification effects and enterprise value. This is done to see if the discount or premium noted for each type of diversification for a given industry is uniform across the quantiles of enterprise value in the cross-section. To the surprise of the author, the response for some industry and diversification was not uniform. This goes against the last hypothesis. While all of the results are not listed within the paper it was observed that for some industries the impact on enterprise value was uniform after considering individually the three ways in which one could diversify. However, for other industry specifications the response was not uniform. This stands contradictory to the final hypothesis of the paper. Clearly, additional investigation into this topic is warrented. 5. Conclusion: After testing for the presence of homogeneity in diversification effect using a number of different econometric techniques. It can be solidly said that diversification does affect a firm’s enterprise value. However, the result is not uniform across industries as prior literature either assumes or directly implies. A total possible number of 81 dummy variables were used to test for the effect, in a pooled OLS format. After eight dummy variables were removed because of their lack in the sample 73 remained. A total of 35 dummies were significant and negative with coefficient values ranging between -.11525 and -2.000322, seventeen variables were found to be statistically insignificant and 22 coefficients were found to be positive with values ranging from .054291 and 1.087618. Since, a large portion of the literature investigates the relation of how the effect can change as a result of endogeneity (self-selection bias). After, using commonly accepted methodologies to control for this bias it is found that the response to diversification is not uniform and does not go away after applying the Heckman Two stage regression techniques. 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