Advanced Placement US History

Advanced Placement U.S. History
2014 Summer Assignment
All work must be hand-written. It will be collected on the first day of school. No late work will
be accepted. Your knowledge of this material will be evaluated on a timed exam. Use the multiple choice
questions and identifications to study for the exam. No other materials will be permitted during the assessment.
The date of the evaluation will be announced during the first week of school.
Part 1:
Read and take notes on AMSCO Chapters 1 – 3. Organize your notes into four separate
categories (i.e. Political, Social, Economic, and Cultural). Use the following criteria to correctly
place your selected evidence/factual information in the most appropriate category:
You will place any historical evidence or information into this category that relates to
laws or public policy making. You can also include anything that has to do with
government actions, undertakings, or endeavors.
You will place any historical evidence or information into this category that has to do
with gender roles, marriage/divorce rates, population rates or shifts, mass
migrations, social mobility, birth rates, etc.
You will place any historical evidence or information into this category that has to do
with wages/salaries, recession/depression, economic philosophy/practices,
employment/unemployment rates, natural resources, profitability, etc.
You will place any historical evidence or information into this category that has to do
with religion, traditions, customs, morals, virtues, tenants, revivals, etc.
Part 2:
Complete the multiple-choice questions at the end of AMSCO Chapters 1 - 3.
Write your answers on separate sheets of paper identified by their chapter headings.
Part 3:
Read the instructions for writing appropriate identifications.
Complete identification summaries for the terms below.
Part 4:
Use APPARTS to deconstruct the given documents in each of the assigned chapters.
How to Write Proper Identifications: What is your teacher looking for?
An identification (ID) is not a definition. You are not to use a dictionary to look up any of the terms and
write the answer. An ID goes beyond defining and asks the AP student to critically analyze an event or person.
When writing IDs, paragraphs and proper sentences are not necessarily required. Bullet points are also
acceptable as long as they conform to the stepsoutlined below.
Step 1
Tell what the event is or who the person is. This is similar to a definition and will be
1 -2 sentences.
Step 2
Explain the event or person. Tell what happened and explain what people, country,
colony, state, etc. was involved. This could is about 2-3 sentences.
Step 3
(THE MOST IMPORTANT!) Tell the significance of the event or person. Explain the
impact of the event or person on that historical era or US history overall. This is the essential
question. SO WHAT IS THE BID DEAL? Why is this person relevant? Do we and should we
still care about this event or person? Why or Why not? This is about 2-3 sentences.
Advanced Placement U.S. History
2014 Summer Assignment
Sample ID
1. Renaissance – A period of rebirth of classical learning and development of cultural and scientific activity in
Europe during the 1400-1500s. Developments such as improved shipbuilding and navigation and the
desire for further knowledge. Led to the Age of Exploration and the discovery of the Americas.
How to Use APPARTS?
As noted by the attachment, APPARTS is an acronym used to assist in the deconstruction of primary
resources. Apply APPARTS to each of the resources that appear in the Documents and Readings
section in all three of the assigned chapters.
Respond ONLY to the following prompts to complete this final part of the summer assignment:
Ch. 1 – Question 2 (pg. 22) / Ch. 2 – Question 3 (pg 41) / Ch. 3 – Question 3 (pg. 59)
Chapter 1 (18)
Martin Luther& Protestant Reformation
Changes in technology: printing press & compass
Papal line of demarcation
Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)
Encomienda system
Asiento system
Joint-stock company
Jamestown & Virginia Company
John Smith
John Rolfe
Plymouth colony
Mayflower Compact
Massachusetts Bay Colony
John Winthrop
Great Migration
Virginia House of Burgesses
Chapter 3 (8)
Great Awakening
Jonathan Edwards
George Whitefield
Cotton Mather
Benjamin Franklin & Poor Richard’s Almanac
John Peter Zenger & libel
Colonial legislatures
Town meeting
John Peter Zenger
Subsistence farming
Carolinas, rice and tobacco plantations
Chapter 2 (21)
Corporate colonies
Royal colonies
Proprietary colonies
Lord Baltimore & Maryland
Act of Toleration (1649)
Bacon’s Rebellion
Indentured servant
Headright system
Roger Williams & Providence, RI
Anne Hutchinson & antinomianism
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1639)
Halfway Covenant
New England Confederation
King Phillip’s War
Quakers, William Penn, & the holy experiment
Georgia & James Oglethorpe
Navigation Acts
Dominion of New England
Triangular trade, slave trade, Middle Passage
Advanced Placement U.S. History
2014 Summer Assignment
Who created the source?
What do you know about the author?
What is the author’s point of view?
Where and when was the source produced?
How might this affect the meaning of the source?
Beyond information about the author and the context of its creation, what do you know
that would help you further understand the primary source?
For example, do you recognize any symbols and recall what they represent?
For whom was the source created and how might this affect the reliability of the
Why was this source created at the time it was produced?
What point is the source trying to convey?
Why is this source important?
What inferences can you draw from this document? Ask yourself, “So what?” in relation
to the question asked.
Advanced Placement U.S. History
2014 Summer Assignment
Document/Source: _________________________________________________________________
Author: __________________________________________________________________________
Place and Time:
Prior Knowledge:
The Main Idea: