Computer Resources for DSPM0700 General Instructions: 1. AOL users must minimize AOL and enter through Internet Explorer. 2. Instructions for several low cost internet services are available through the Computer Help Desk in C308 or at 353-3678. 3. The computers in the Learning Center and in the Open Lab (C308) have the plugins installed. X out of or close the Installation Wizard in these locations. Check the NSCC website for operating hours for each location. 4. Additional math resources including graph paper are available at 5. Videotaped lectures are available in the library for checkout. Ask at the circulation desk. Chapter Test Prep CD (in the back of the book): 1. Insert the Video CD into your CD-ROM drive. The video should start automatically. If it does not, or if you have the auto-launch turned off, you will need to open the program manually. To open the program manuallyWindow users: • Double-click on “My Computer,” and locate your CD-ROM drive. It is usually the D: Drive • Double click on the CD-ROM drive to open the CD Video • Find the file name “Start” • Double-click on “Start” to start the video. Macintosh users: • Locate the CD-ROM icon on your desktop and double-click it to see the contents of the disk. • Locate “Start,” and double-click on it to start program 2. The opening screen lists all your textbook’s chapter titles. 3. Click on the chapter title for the chapter test you want to work on. You will be taken to the Chapter Test for that particular chapter. 4. The Chapter Test menu lists all the problems contained on the Chapter Test in the textbook. 5. Double-click on the problem number(s) to view the solution(s) you need to review. Remember you can navigate to other problems on the test by using the next and previous buttons. 6. Refer to the ReadMe file on the CD for more information. 7. For help contact 800-677-6337 or Chapter Lecture Video CD (in the back of the book): 1. Insert the Video CD into your CD-ROM drive. The video should start automatically. If it does not, or if you have the auto-launch turned off, you will need to open the program manually. To open the program manually1 Window users: • Double-click on “My Computer,” and locate your CD-ROM drive. It is usually the D: Drive • Double click on the CD-ROM drive to open the CD Video • Find the file name “Start” • Double-click on “Start” to start the video. Macintosh users: • Locate the CD-ROM icon on your desktop and double-click it to see the contents of the disk. • Locate “Start,” and double-click on it to start program 2. 3. 4. 5. The opening screen lists all your textbook’s chapter titles. Click on the section title for the lecture you want to view. Refer to the ReadMe file on the CD for more information. For help contact 800-677-6337 or Calculator Instructions: In addition to the Calculator Workshops held on campus each semester, there are three websites that have illustrated instructions for using the TI-83 or TI-84 calculator. 1. at the bottom of the screen, then try the topics under Click on “ each subject area. 2. for TI-83 Click on “Use the Home Screen”. Click on the topic that you wish to try. 3. for TI-84 Click on “Topics” and choose the topic that you need. DPSM Website: 1. Click on “Courses” to find the materials for your course. This site contains the syllabus, assignments, and test reviews for DSPM0700, DSPM0800, and DPSM0850. 2. Click on “Calculator Skills” to obtain the schedule for calculator workshops. The schedule for the workshops is usually available by the third week of the semester. NS Online at or on the NSCC webpage – listed as Attend Online 1. Use your A number and PIN to login. Click on your course at the bottom of the page. 2. Click on “Content” under the NSCC logo to find the syllabus, assignment sheet, handouts, and all notes. 3. Internal e-mails can be sent to other students and to the instructor. Smarthinking at is a free online tutorial service. 1. To register use the username and password provided under NSCC Links on the right after you log into NS Online. 2. On the next screen, create an individual username and password which you will use after you are registered. 2 The school pays for this free online tutorial service as a service to our students, especially the web students who are unable to come to the Learning Center on campus. The school username and password allow you to bypass the payment screen. InterAct Math at 1. Enter the website. 2. In the textbook box, choose Martin-Gay 4e Enhanced and click “Submit”. 3. The Installation Wizard will appear automatically. X out of the wizard if you are oncampus. Follow the directions to install the necessary plugs-ins if you are home. Call 1-800-677-6337 if you have problems. When all the installations are complete, quit your Internet browser and restart it. The Installation Wizard will appear again. This time just close the Wizard. You will never have to install the plug-ins on that computer again. Choose the chapter and section from the drop-down boxes. For objectives, select “All Objectives.” Do both odd and even problems within the numbers that are assigned on the syllabus. “View an Example” and “Help Me Solve This” (on the right menu bar) will teach you how to work the problem. If you think the answer is correct but the program will not accept the answer, read “?” under the math symbols on the left. 5. If you have worked at least one exercise correctly, when you return to the Exercise List, a “Print Results” button will appear just below the picture of the book cover. You can also use right click “Print”. Write the chapter and section at the top of the page. This information will not appear on the printed results. When you have worked all the exercises you intended to work at that time, print your results before leaving the section. Once you leave the site, the computer will not remember what you did. If you do not finish a section, print your results anyway and then begin where you left off when you return. Print a report for every section or part of a section that you work. Be sure you have completed all the objectives for the section. 3