Guide to the UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files Guide to the UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, 1931-1998 Collection number: UArch 11 Department of Special Collections, Davidson Library, University of California, Santa Barbara Contact Information: • Department of Special Collections • Davidson Library • University of California, Santa Barbara • Santa Barbara, CA 93106 • Phone: (805) 893-3062 • Fax: (805) 893-5749 • Email: • URL: Processed by: Special Collections staff Date Completed: 26 April 2004 Encoded by: David C. Gartrell © 2003 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Descriptive Summary Title: UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, Date (inclusive): 1931-1998 Collection Number: UArch 11 Creator: University of California, Santa Barbara. Public Information Office. Extent: 18.8 linear feet (47 document boxes) Repository: University of California, Santa Barbara. Library. Department of Special Collections Santa Barbara, California 93106-9010 Physical Location: Del Sur Abstract: Clippings, press releases, photographs, and other materials relating to UCSB faculty, staff, and administrators. Language: English Access Restrictions None. Publication Rights Copyright has not been assigned to the Department of Special Collections, UCSB. All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing to the Head of Special Collections. Permission for publication is given on behalf of the Department of Special Collections as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which also must be obtained. Preferred Citation UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files. UArch 11. Department of Special Collections, Davidson Library, University of California, Santa Barbara. UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 1 Acquisition Information Transfer from the Public Affairs Office. Box 1: 1 Adam, Samuel Box 1: 2 Adams, Adran D. Box 1: 3 Adams, Charles J. Box 1: 4 Adams, Henry Box 1: 5 Adams, Larry Lee Box 1: 6 Adams, Phillip A. Box 1: 7 Adams, Wallace Earl Box 1: 8 Addison, Michael Cope Box 1: 9 Africa, Thomas Wilson Box 1: 10 Aggeler, William F. Box 1: 11 Aitken, David Box 1: 12 Akoni, Abdulhamid Box 1: 13 Alderman, Pauline Box 1: 14 Aldrich, Henry R. Box 1: 15 Aldrich, Keith M. Box 1: 16 Alexander, Alec P. Box 1: 17 Alexander, Michael Box 1: 18 Alexander, Rod Box 1: 19 Allen, Julia C. Box 1: 20 Altus, William Box 1: 21 Alvar, Manuel Box 1: 22 Alves, Marion Box 1: 23 Andel, Christiane Box 1: 24 Andersen, Susan M. Box 1: 25 Anderson, Clint DeWitt UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 2 Collection Contents Box 1: 26 Anderson, Connie Box 1: 27 Anderson, Mirian Huan Box 1: 28 Andrews, James R. Box 1: 29 Andron, Mortimer Box 1: 30 Angello, Stephen J. Box 2: 1 Anyanwu, Kane C. Box 2: 2 Aplin, Susan E. Box 2: 3 Applebaum, Edward Box 2: 4 Aranguren, Jose Luis Box 2: 5 Arce, Magda Box 2: 6 Armand, Jean-Louis Box 2: 7 Arnold, David Owen Box 2: 8 Ashby, Philip H. Box 2: 9 Ashworth, William Box 2: 10 Atkinson, Burnett Box 2: 11 Atkinson, Charles Box 2: 12 Aubrun, Charles Box 2: 13 Auson, James Box 2: 14 Averill, James R. Box 2: 15 Avila, Pablo Box 2: 16 Awakuni, Gene I. Box 2: 17 Ayres, Larry Box 2: 18 Babcock, Samuel Box 2: 19 Baca, Orlando G. Box 2: 20 Bachman, John C. Box 2: 21 Bachmuth, Seymour Box 2: 22 Backus, Robert Box 2: 23 Baer, Kurt E. UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 3 Collection Contents Box 2: 24 Baker, Bernard R. Box 2: 25 Baker, Mary A. Box 2: 26 Balderston, Mahlon Box 2: 27 Baldwin, John, Jr. Box 2: 28 Ball, James C. Box 2: 29 Bang, Thomas Box 2: 30 Bannon, John F. Box 2: 31 Banta, Martha Box 2: 32 Barkey, Ralph R. Box 2: 33 Barlow, Richard B. Box 2: 34 Barnard, John M. Box 2: 35 Barnes, John W. Box 2: 36 Barnett, Helen M. Box 2: 37 Barrett, Paul Box 2: 38 Barrio, Raymond S. Box 2: 39 Barron, James, Jr. Box 2: 40 Barry, Robert E. Box 2: 41 Barrymore, Carroll Box 2: 42 Barthels, Katherine Box 2: 43 Bartlett, Elizabeth Box 2: 44 Barton, Hildor Box 2: 45 Barton, Rebecca C. Box 2: 46 Bartow, B. Gene Box 2: 47 Bary, David A. Box 2: 48 Baschky, Richard Box 3: 1 Bason, Robert E. Box 3: 2 Bastian, Jarvis UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 4 Collection Contents Box 3: 3 Bataille, Gretchen Box 3: 4 Baylor, Aly Asgar Box 3: 5 Beachboard, Robert Box 3: 6 Beamish, Jerome J. Box 3: 7 Bear, Donald J. Box 3: 8 Bear, Herbert S., Jr. Box 3: 9 Beck, John M., Jr. Box 3: 10 Belchior, Maria-de-Lourdes Box 3: 11 Belknap, Daniel A. Box 3: 12 Bellinger, Majorie J. Box 3: 13 Bennett, Jodi Box 3: 14 Bereiter, Carl E. Box 3: 15 Berens, Hubert Box 3: 16 Berk, Richard Box 3: 17 Berlak, Harold Box 3: 18 Bertelli, Domenick Box 3: 19 Besen, Stanley M. Box 3: 20 Biblarz, Arture Box 3: 21 Bickerdike, Ernest Box 3: 22 Biester, Charlotte Box 3: 23 Billigmeier, Robert Box 3: 24 Binford, Lewis Box 3: 25 Binford, Sally R. Box 3: 26 Birong, Elizabeth Box 3: 27 Bissell, Arthur Box 3: 28 Bittner, Joyce E. Box 3: 29 Bitton, R. Davis Box 3: 30 Bjorkman, Ray UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 5 Collection Contents Box 3: 31 Blair, Joel, Jr. Box 3: 32 Blakemore, Robert Box 3: 33 Blanchard, William Box 3: 34 Blankenbecler, Richard Box 3: 35 Blue, Gary D. Box 3: 36 Blum, Gerald Box 3: 37 Blyth, Amelie C. Box 3: 38 Bockman, Kenneth Box 3: 39 Bode, Barbara O. Box 3: 40 Boehme, Thomas Box 3: 41 Bohannan, Paul Box 3: 42 Bolduan, Nils Box 3: 43 Bollens, John Box 3: 44 Bonadio, Felice Box 3: 45 Bonhaim, Helmut Box 3: 46 Bonnell, John Box 3: 47 Boone, George Box 3: 48 Borden, Morton Box 3: 49 Borgstrom, Karl Box 4: 1 Borjas, George Box 4: 2 Bosch, Raymond A. Box 4: 3 Bossell, Hartmut Box 4: 4 Bouchard, Thomas, Jr. Box 4: 5 Boughey, Howard N. Box 4: 6 Bowers, Cheryl Box 4: 7 Bowers, Edgar Box 4: 8 Bowers, Ellen UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 6 Collection Contents Box 4: 9 Bowles, Derry Box 4: 10 Bowman, Douglas T. Box 4: 11 Boyan, Norman Box 4: 12 Boyer, Ernest Box 4: 13 Brace, C. Loring Box 4: 14 Bradfield, Roger Box 4: 15 Bradley, Alice V. Box 4: 16 Braine, Martin D.S. Box 4: 17 Braley, Loy S. Box 4: 18 Brams, Jerome Box 4: 19 Brandts, Robert Box 4: 20 Breen, Lelwyn Clyde Box 4: 21 Brenner, Joel Lee Box 4: 22 Breslin, Hazel Jessie Box 4: 23 Briggs, David Walter Box 4: 24 Broida, Herbert P. Box 4: 25 Brokensha, David Box 4: 26 Brown, D. Mackenzie Box 5: 1 Brown, Esther Box 5: 2 Brown, George I. Box 5: 3 Brown, Herbert C. Box 5: 4 Brown, Kathrine Box 5: 5 Brown, Samuel A., Jr. Box 5: 6 Browning, Lloyd Box 5: 7 Brubaker, Dale Lee Box 5: 8 Bruch, John Box 5: 9 Bruckner, Andrew Box 5: 10 Buchanan, A. Russell UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 7 Collection Contents Box 5: 11 Buchanan, Walter Box 5: 12 Buckley, Walter Box 5: 13 Bunting, Basil Box 5: 14 Bunton, Clifford Box 5: 15 Burkart, Kathryn Box 5: 16 Burke, Cletus J. Box 5: 17 Burns, Robert K. Box 5: 18 Butler, Nancy Lee Box 5: 19 Byers, Jack Adin Box 5: 20 Byers, Loretta Box 5: 21 Cabot, Joyce Box 5: 22 Caillet Bois, Julio Box 5: 23 Calaprice, Nora Lee Box 5: 24 Calden, Gertrude Box 5: 25 Cameron, Robert Box 5: 26 Campbell, Albert Box 5: 27 Campbell, Brenton Box 5: 28 Campbell, Catherine Box 5: 29 Campbell, James Box 5: 30 Canney, Michael Box 5: 31 Capps, Lelon R. Box 5: 32 Capps, Walter Box 5: 33 Capron, Margaret Box 5: 34 Carbon, John A. Box 5: 35 Carlsen, Darvey Box 5: 36 Carr, John B., Jr. Box 5: 37 Carr, Robert L. UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 8 Collection Contents Box 5: 38 Carroll, John S. Box 5: 39 Carter, Ernest Box 5: 40 Cassidy, Rosalind Box 5: 41 Cassman, Marvin Box 5: 42 Caswell, Margriet Box 5: 43 Cavat, Irma Box 6: 1 Ceder, Jack Box 6: 2 Chaffee, Rowand Box 6: 3 Chailley, Jacques Box 6: 4 Chalberg, E.L. Box 6: 5 Chamberlin, Patricia Box 6: 6 Chamberlin, R. Philip Box 6: 7 Chambers, Robson Box 6: 8 Chambliss, William J. Box 6: 9 Chaney, Robin Ward Box 6: 10 Chapin, Seymour Leon Box 6: 11 Chapman, Peter Box 6: 12 Chapman, Roger E. Box 6: 13 Charlesworth, Barbara Box 6: 14 Chase, Francis S., Jr. Box 6: 15 Chase, Pearl Box 6: 16 Chasse, Dorothy Box 6: 17 Chavarria, Jesus Box 6: 18 Cheadle, Vernon Box 6: 19 Chennell, Virginia Box 6: 20 Cherry, James B. Box 6: 21 Chilcott, John Box 6: 22 Chiodi, Hugo UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 9 Collection Contents Box 6: 23 Chmielwski, Edward Box 6: 24 Christy, Van A. Box 6: 25 Chuey, Robert A. Box 6: 26 Cicin-Sain, Biliana Box 7: 1 Clancy, Norah M. Box 7: 2 Clark, Jerry H. Box 7: 3 Clark, John B. Box 7: 4 Clark, Joseph C. Box 7: 5 Clark, Robert L. Box 7: 6 Cleland, Troy S. Box 7: 7 Clemens, Walter, Jr. Box 7: 8 Clemmer, Edward Box 7: 9 Cleworth, Derek Box 7: 10 Cline, Hugh F. Box 7: 11 Cloud, Preston Box 7: 12 Coburn, Jesse L. Box 7: 13 Cody, Edward J. Box 7: 14 Cohen, Patricia Box 7: 15 Cohn, Thomas Box 7: 16 Cole, Fay Box 7: 17 Colville, Francis Box 7: 18 Comstock, Richard Box 7: 19 Connell, Joseph Box 7: 20 Conrad, Albert G. Box 7: 21 Conrad, Walter E. Box 7: 22 Cook, Howard Box 7: 23 Cornell, Thomas B. UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 10 Collection Contents Box 7: 24 Corry, Mary Jane Box 7: 25 Corson, Harry H. Box 7: 26 Cortright, Steven Box 7: 27 Cosgrove, Jane Box 7: 28 Cossi, Caren Box 7: 29 Costello, Janice Box 7: 30 Cotton, John Box 7: 31 Courtney, Charles R. Box 7: 32 Coward, James K. Box 7: 33 Cowing, Cedric B. Box 7: 34 Cowles, Raymond Box 7: 35 Cowley, Arthur M. Box 7: 36 Crampton, John A. Box 8: 1 Cressey, Donald Box 8: 2 Crockett, Dodge, Jr. Box 8: 3 Cronshaw, James Box 8: 4 Crouch, Robert Box 8: 5 Crowell, John Box 8: 6 Crumb, Robert P. Box 8: 7 Cruttwell, Patrick Box 8: 8 Cuetara, Demetrio Box 8: 9 Culler, Glen Box 8: 10 Cunningham, James Box 8: 11 Cunningham, Roberta Box 8: 12 Curran, John F. Box 8: 13 Curran, Nora Belle Box 8: 14 Current, Richard Box 8: 15 Curry, James W. UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 11 Collection Contents Box 8: 16 Curry, Robert Box 8: 17 Curtice, Jack C. Box 8: 18 Curtis, Renee L. Box 8: 19 Cushing, Anne Box 8: 20 Cushing, John E., Jr. Box 9: 1 Daigneault, George Box 9: 2 Dales, Richard C. Box 9: 3 Damon, Phillip Box 9: 4 Damuth, John Box 9: 5 Daniel, Erno Box 9: 6 Davenport, Demorest Box 9: 7 Davidson, Donald Box 9: 8 Davidson, Roger Box 9: 9 Davie, Donald Box 9: 10 Davies, Bob Box 9: 11 Davis, Leonard H. Box 9: 12 Davis, Robert M. Box 9: 13 Dawson, R.E. Box 9: 14 Dean, James Box 9: 15 Dearborn, Terry Box 9: 16 Dearmin, Jennie Box 10: 1 DeConde, Alexander Box 10: 1 Deer, Irving Box 10: 2 DeConde, Alexander Box 10: 2 Deetz, James Box 10: 3 De Kuehne, Alyce Box 10: 4 DeLacy, Ed UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 12 Collection Contents Box 10: 5 DeLattre, Genevieve Box 10: 6 DeLattre, Pierre Box 10: 7 Delmarsh, Archibald Box 10: 8 De Mille, Richard Box 10: 9 De Necochea, Gladys Box 10: 10 Dennehy, Joseph Box 10: 11 Dent, Preston Box 10: 12 Deran, Elizabeth Box 10: 13 De Sena, Jorge Box 10: 14 Deutsch, Barbara Box 10: 15 Deutsch, Monroe Box 10: 16 De Voros, Evelyn Box 10: 17 Dewey, George Box 10: 18 De Wolfe, Barbara Box 10: 19 DeWolfe, Robert Box 10: 20 Diaz-Plaja, Fernando Box 10: 21 Diemer, Emma Box 10: 22 Dietz, Margeret Box 10: 23 Dillman, Beryl Box 10: 24 Dilman, Ilham Box 10: 25 Divens, Dennis Box 10: 26 Djordjevic, Dimitrije Box 10: 27 Dolch, Edward W. Box 10: 28 Dole, William Box 10: 29 Dorbin, Sanford Box 10: 30 Dorra, Henri Box 11: 1 Doty, Ed Box 11: 2 Doty, Mercer UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 13 Collection Contents Box 11: 3 Douglas, Michael Box 11: 4 Dozer, Donald Box 11: 5 Drinkwater, Barbara Box 11: 6 Droscher, Ken Box 11: 7 Drum, Dale D Box 11: 8 Duncan, Beverly Box 11: 9 Duncan, Otis D. Box 11: 10 Dunlap, Loren Box 11: 11 Dunn, Philip Box 11: 12 Dunton, Ephraim Box 11: 13 Durflinger, Glenn Box 11: 14 Dusmet, Luigi Box 11: 15 Duval, Edwin Box 11: 16 Dykstra, Clarence Box 11: 17 Ebenstein, William Box 11: 18 Eby, James Box 11: 19 Echols, Claude Box 11: 20 Eckert, Charles Box 11: 21 Eddy, Samuel Box 11: 22 Edwards, Suzanne C. Box 11: 23 Egan, Robert Box 11: 24 Eidam, Elizabeth Box 11: 25 Eisberg, Robert Box 11: 26 Eisley, Irving Box 11: 27 Eisner, Allen Box 11: 28 Eliade, Mircea Box 11: 29 Elias, Luis R. UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 14 Collection Contents Box 11: 30 Elings, Virgil Box 11: 31 Ellenwood, Theodore Box 11: 32 Elliot, John, Jr. Box 11: 33 Ellison, Ruth Box 11: 34 Ellison, William Box 12: 1 Emmett, Paul Box 12: 2 Engle, Roy Box 12: 3 Englesberg, Ellis Box 12: 4 Epperson, David Box 12: 5 Epstein, Maxwell Box 12: 6 Erasmus, Charles Box 12: 7 Erickson, Mary Box 12: 8 Ericson, Emanuel Box 12: 9 Esau, Katherine Box 12: 10 Etzkorn, K. Peter Box 12: 11 Evans, Elliot Box 12: 12 Evans, Robert Box 12: 13 Evenson, Robert Box 12: 14 Exner, Richard Box 12: 15 Fairly, Harold Box 12: 16 Fan, Ky Box 12: 17 Farley, Charles Box 12: 18 Farmer, J. David Box 12: 19 Farrell, Barry Box 12: 20 Farwell, Beatrice Box 13: 1 Faulkner, Maurice Box 13: 2 Federman, Raymond Box 13: 3 Fenci, Renzo UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 15 Collection Contents Box 13: 4 Fenech, Henri Box 13: 5 Fenton, Howard Box 13: 6 Fernandez, Frank Box 13: 7 Field, Frank Box 13: 8 Finney, Ben Box 13: 9 Finney, Ruth S. Box 13: 10 Fish, Alphoretta Box 13: 11 Fish, James Box 13: 12 Fisher, Anthony D. Box 13: 13 Fisher, Richard V. Box 13: 14 Fitzgibbon, Russell Box 13: 15 Fleming, Brice Box 13: 16 Flint, John Box 13: 17 Flint, Martha Box 13: 18 Foladare, Joseph Box 13: 19 Foley, Marie Box 13: 20 Fontana, Jorge Box 13: 21 Forfota, Erich Box 13: 22 Fosmark, Carsten Box 13: 23 Foster, Hague Box 13: 24 Fox, Jack Box 13: 25 Frakes, George E. Box 13: 26 Frank, Sidney R. Box 13: 27 Frederick, John Box 13: 28 Freeman, Donald Box 14: 1 Fricker, Peter Box 14: 2 Fried, Zoltan UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 16 Collection Contents Box 14: 3 Friesen, Abraham Box 14: 4 Frost, William Box 14: 5 Fruhauf, Ennis Box 14: 6 Frye, Winifred Box 14: 7 Fuchs, Albert Box 14: 8 Funkhouser, James A. Box 14: 9 Gabel, Norman Box 14: 10 Gahagan, William Box 14: 11 Gallon, Arthur Box 14: 12 Gamow, George Box 14: 13 Gander, James Box 14: 14 Garcia, Eugene Box 14: 15 Gardiner, Frank Box 14: 16 Gardner, David Box 15: 1 Garrison, Robert Box 15: 2 Garrison, William, Jr. Box 15: 3 Gartner, Theodore Box 15: 4 Gaughan, Gerald Box 15: 5 Gaynor, Donald Box 15: 6 Gazzaniga, Michael Box 15: 7 Gebhard, David Box 15: 8 Geiger, George Box 15: 9 Geiringer, Karl John Box 15: 10 Gerlach, Lee Box 15: 11 Getman, Margaret Box 15: 12 Gewehr, Wesley Box 15: 13 Gillespie, John Box 15: 14 Gilman, Graciela UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 17 Collection Contents Box 15: 15 Givertz, Harry Box 15: 16 Gogel, Walter Box 15: 17 Gold, David Box 15: 18 Gollner, Theodor Box 15: 19 Golomb, Berl Box 15: 20 Goodrich, Chauncey Box 15: 21 Goodspeed, Stephen Box 16: 1 Goodwin, Sidney Box 16: 2 Gordon, David Box 16: 3 Gosfield, Amor Box 16: 4 Gottsdanker, Robert Box 16: 5 Gould, Samuel (Part I) Box 16: 6 Gould, Samuel (Part II) Box 16: 7 Gralapp, Leland Box 16: 8 Gray, Augustine Box 16: 9 Green, Douglass Box 16: 10 Green, H.A. John Box 16: 11 Gregory, Robert Box 16: 12 Griffin, Fred Box 16: 13 Griggs, Earl Box 16: 14 Grimes, Roberta Box 16: 15 Groebli, John Box 16: 16 Grossenbacher, Karl Box 16: 17 Grove, Roger Box 16: 18 Gunsel, Robert Box 16: 19 Guss, Donald Box 16: 20 Hackwood, Susan UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 18 Collection Contents Box 16: 21 Haddad, George Box 16: 22 Hagen, Fred Box 16: 23 Hagerson, Lawrence Box 16: 24 Haight, Fletcher Box 16: 25 Haight, Genevieve Box 16: 26 Haines, Harold Box 17: 1 Hall, Leonard Box 17: 2 Hall, Peter Box 17: 3 Haller, John Robert Box 17: 4 Hallert, Robert Spencer Box 17: 5 Halterman, J. Frederick Box 17: 6 Hamalainen, Pekka Box 17: 7 Hamilton, Ann Box 17: 8 Hamilton, Stanley K. Box 17: 9 Hammer, Willard Box 17: 10 Hammes, Gordon Box 17: 11 Hanby, Maria Box 17: 12 Hand, George Box 17: 13 Hanley, Theodore Box 17: 14 Hansen, Donald Box 17: 15 Hanson, Robert Box 17: 16 Hanson, Roger Box 17: 17 Harada, Higo Box 17: 18 Harder, Theodore Box 17: 19 Hardin, Garret (part 1) Box 18: 1 Hardin, Garrett (part 2) Box 18: 2 Hardin, Garrett (part 3) Box 18: 3 Harding, Harold UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 19 Collection Contents Box 18: 4 Harding, Thomas Box 18: 5 Harlan, Peggy (Lucy) Box 18: 6 Harmon, George Box 18: 7 Harper, Richard Box 18: 8 Harris, Chester Box 18: 9 Harris, Richard Box 18: 10 Hathaway, Ronald Box 18: 11 Hatlen, Theodore Box 18: 12 Hawes, James Box 18: 13 Hawkins, Alice Box 18: 14 Hay, Eloise Box 18: 15 Hayes, William Box 18: 16 Hazard, Benjamin Box 19: 1 Headley, Hubert Box 19: 2 Hedden, Gerald Box 19: 3 Hedge, Jeannette Box 19: 4 Heeger, Alan Box 19: 5 Heise, Helen Box 19: 6 Henderson, John Box 19: 7 Hendrick, Ella Box 19: 8 Henson, Robert Box 19: 9 Herod, Joyzelle Box 19: 10 Herzog, Marcel Box 19: 11 Hess, Gary Box 19: 12 Hetrick, Carl Box 19: 13 Higgins, Jerry Box 19: 14 High, James UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 20 Collection Contents Box 19: 15 Hill, Forbes Box 19: 16 Hilligas, Ernest Box 19: 17 Hirschfelder, Joseph Box 19: 18 Hitch, Charles (part 1) Box 19: 19 Hitch, Charles (part 2) Box 19: 20 Hodgins, Winifred Box 19: 21 Hodgkins, Jean Box 19: 22 Hoffmeister, Gerhart Box 19: 23 Hogarth, Karen Box 19: 24 Hohenberg, Margaret Box 19: 25 Hohl, Judy Ann Box 19: 26 Hollister, Warren Box 19: 27 Holmes, Richard Box 20: 1 Holmes, Robert Box 20: 2 Holtrop, William Box 20: 3 Holtz, William V. Box 20: 4 Hopson, Clifford Box 20: 5 Horne, Anna Box 20: 6 Horton, Roger Box 20: 7 Horvath, Ronald Box 20: 8 Horvath, Steven Box 20: 9 Hosford, Ray Box 20: 10 Houlgate, Laurance Box 20: 11 Houston, Paul Box 20: 12 Hoyt, Mildred Box 20: 13 Hsu, Dolores Box 20: 14 Hsu, Immanuel Box 20: 15 Hsun-Tu, Kwang UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 21 Collection Contents Box 20: 16 Hubbard, Arthur Box 20: 17 Hughes, Richard Box 20: 18 Hughes, Thomas Box 20: 19 Hupp, Margaret Box 20: 20 Hurt, Ellen Box 20: 21 Hutcherson, Donald Box 20: 22 Ihrig, Harry Box 20: 23 Illiano, Antonio Box 20: 24 Irish, Elizabeth Box 20: 25 Isherwood, Christopher Box 21: 1 Israelachvili, Jacob Box 21: 2 Iyer, Nandini Box 21: 3 Iyer, Rhagavan Box 21: 4 Jackson, Mary Box 21: 5 Jacobs, Berne Box 21: 6 Jacobs, Charles L. Box 21: 7 Jacobs, Ruth Box 21: 8 Jacobs, Samuel Box 21: 9 Jacobs, Wilbur (Part 1) Box 21: 10 Jacobs, Wilbur (Part 2) Box 21: 11 Jaimes-Freyre, Mireya Box 21: 12 James, Henry Box 21: 13 James, John Box 21: 14 Jamgochian, Richard Box 21: 15 Janssen, Henry Box 21: 16 Jarmie, Nelson Box 21: 17 Jensen, Richard UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 22 Collection Contents Box 21: 18 Jillson, Beatrice Box 21: 19 Johnsen, Eugene Box 21: 20 Johnson, Bruce Box 21: 21 Johnson, Donald Box 21: 22 Johnson, Martin Box 21: 23 Johnson, Robert Box 21: 24 Johnston, Olive Box 21: 25 Joncich, Geraldine Box 21: 26 Jones, Edwin Box 21: 27 Jones, Evelyn Box 22: 1 Jones, Paul Box 22: 2 Jordaan, Johannes Box 22: 3 Jordan, Borimir Box 22: 4 Karcz, Jerzy Box 22: 5 Karls, James Box 22: 6 Kartman, Myron Box 22: 7 Kaspin, Albert Box 22: 8 Kawazu, Mitsutaka Box 22: 9 Kay, Herbert Charles Box 22: 10 Kaywood, Richard Box 22: 11 Kedar, Yehuda Box 22: 12 Keener, Clyde Box 22: 13 Keener, Helen Sweet Box 22: 14 Kelley, Robert (Part 1) Box 22: 15 Kelley, Robert (Part 2) Box 22: 16 Kelliher, Mayville Box 22: 17 Kelly, John Box 22: 18 Kelly, Paul UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 23 Collection Contents Box 22: 19 Kendler, Howard Box 22: 20 Kendler, Tracy Box 23: 1 Kennedy, John H. Box 23: 2 Kennedy, Joyce Box 23: 3 Kennedy, Shirley Box 23: 4 Kennedy, William Box 23: 5 Kenner, William Hugh Box 23: 6 Kenney, Sylvia Wisdom Box 23: 7 Kent, Laura Box 23: 8 Kerr, Clark (part I) Box 23: 9 Kerr, Clark (part II) Box 23: 10 Kerr, James Box 23: 11 Kersten, Christian G. Box 23: 12 Kessler, Charles Box 23: 13 Kestenbaum, Lothar Box 23: 14 Kilgore, John Box 23: 15 Kincaid, Edward Box 23: 16 King, Florence Box 23: 17 King, Jack Box 23: 18 King, James Box 23: 19 King, Peter Box 23: 20 King-Farlow, John Box 24: 1 Kingston, Elaine Box 24: 2 Kingston, William Box 24: 3 Kinsey, Barbara R. Box 24: 4 Kirker, Harold Box 24: 5 Kirtman, Bernard UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 24 Collection Contents Box 24: 6 Kitagawa, Joseph Box 24: 7 Kitto, Humphrey Box 24: 8 Kline, James Box 24: 9 Knecht, Robert Box 24: 10 Koffmann, Eugene Box 24: 11 Kotzebue, Kenneth Box 24: 12 Kramer, Herbert Box 24: 13 Kranz, Kurt Box 24: 14 Krayk, Stefan Box 24: 15 Krebs, Stanley Box 24: 16 Krich, Percy Box 24: 17 Kroemer, Herbert Box 24: 18 Kroes, Robert Box 24: 19 Kuby, William Box 24: 20 Kuebler, Clark Box 24: 21 Kuhn, Michael Box 25: 1 Kunzle, David Box 25: 2 Landauer, Ernest Box 25: 3 Lane, Edgar Box 25: 4 Lang, Lois Box 25: 5 Lantagne, Joseph Box 25: 6 La Porte, Mary Box 25: 7 Laris, Philip Box 25: 8 Lauderdale, Dale Box 25: 9 Lcipnick, Rob Box 25: 10 Leach, Mary Box 25: 11 Leedham, Clive D. Box 25: 12 Legassick, Martin UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 25 Collection Contents Box 25: 13 Lehmann, Lotte Box 25: 14 Lehn, Ira Box 25: 15 Lent, Donald Box 25: 16 Lentz, Daniel Box 25: 17 Leonard, Edith Box 25: 18 Lerner, Martin Box 25: 19 Levy, Nissin Box 25: 20 Lichtman, Richard Box 25: 21 Lick, Wilbert Box 25: 22 Lid, Richard Wald Box 25: 23 Liggett, Malcolm Box 25: 24 Limoli, Donald A. Box 25: 25 Lindberg-Hasen, Jacob Box 25: 26 Lingle, Ralph Box 26: 1 Linn, Rolf Box 26: 2 Liskamm, William Box 26: 3 Livesey, Lionel, Jr. Box 26: 4 Livingston, E. Michael Box 26: 5 Lockhart, Russell Box 26: 6 Lodge, Joseph Box 26: 7 Loepky, Charles Box 26: 8 Lolmaugh, Clara Box 26: 9 London, David Box 26: 10 Long, Eleanor Box 26: 11 Lopez, Nelida Box 26: 12 Lorden, Robert Box 26: 13 Lovejoy, Elijah UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 26 Collection Contents Box 26: 14 Lucas, Eldon Box 26: 15 Lundsgaarde, Henry Box 26: 16 Lundsteen, Sara Box 26: 17 Lurie, Mitchell Box 26: 18 Lyans, Florence Box 26: 19 Mabee, Richard Box 26: 20 MacDonald, Gordon Box 26: 21 MacGregor, Alma Box 26: 22 Mackay, Donald Box 26: 23 Macksoud, S. John Box 26: 24 Macomber, William Box 26: 25 Maddox, Edward Box 26: 26 Madsen, William Box 26: 27 Maher, William Box 26: 28 Major, Ruth Box 26: 29 Malarkey, Stoddard Box 26: 30 Mann, Sherrill Box 26: 31 Marcus, Jefferey Box 26: 32 Margolin, Edythe Box 26: 33 Margolis, Jack Box 26: 34 Margon, Joseph Box 26: 35 Marguia, Theodore Box 26: 36 Marincovich, John Box 27: 1 Mark, Peter Box 27: 2 Markenscoff, Xanthippi Box 27: 3 Marks, William Box 27: 4 Markus, Thomas Box 27: 5 Marsak, Leonard UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 27 Collection Contents Box 27: 6 Marschall, Ekkehard Box 27: 7 Marsh, Robert Box 27: 8 Marshall, Lynn Box 27: 9 Marshall, Sandra Box 27: 10 Martinez-Lopez, Enrique Box 27: 11 Mason, Peter Box 27: 12 Masson, Edmond Box 27: 13 Mather, Irving Box 27: 14 Matheson, Robert Box 27: 15 Mathew, Kollamala Box 27: 16 Mathews, Boris Box 27: 17 Mathews, J. Chesley Box 27: 18 Mathiesen, Thomas Box 27: 19 Mathieson, Edna Box 27: 20 Matthaei, George Box 27: 21 Matula, Richard Box 27: 22 Mavalwala, Jamshed Box 27: 23 McAda, Harleen Box 27: 24 McCarthy, Patrick Box 27: 25 McCaslin, Dan Box 27: 26 McClelland, James Box 27: 27 McClendon, Robert Box 27: 28 McClintock, Charles Box 27: 29 McClure, John Box 27: 30 McColl, Robert Box 28: 1 McCorkle, Chester, Jr. Box 28: 2 McCorkle, Homer UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 28 Collection Contents Box 28: 3 McCoy, Philip Box 28: 4 McCoy, Robert Box 28: 5 McCurdy, Bruce Box 28: 6 McGillivray, Patrick Box 28: 7 McGrady, Donald Box 28: 8 McGuigan, Frank Box 28: 9 McKee, Richard Box 28: 10 McLellan, David Box 28: 11 McLuhan, Herbert Box 28: 12 McMenamin, James Box 28: 13 McMillan, Edwin Box 28: 14 McNabb, Katherine Box 28: 15 McRary, Willard Box 28: 16 McWorter, Gerald Box 28: 17 Means, Richard Box 28: 18 Mehrabian, Robert Box 28: 19 Meier, Harold Box 28: 20 Meller, Peter Box 28: 21 Melton, Arthur Box 28: 22 Mendel, Maurice Box 28: 23 Meobius, Robert Box 28: 24 Merchant, Jerrold Box 28: 25 Mercier, Vivian Box 28: 26 Meredith, Florence Box 28: 27 Merriell, David Box 28: 28 Mertz, David Box 28: 29 Meshke, Edna Box 28: 30 Messick, David UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 29 Collection Contents Box 28: 31 Metcalf, Thomas Box 28: 32 Michael, Ernest Box 28: 33 Michael, William Box 28: 34 Michaelides, Peter Box 28: 35 Michaelsen, Robert Box 28: 36 Mikolaj, Paul G. Box 28: 37 Miles, Frank Box 28: 38 Millikan, Roger Box 29: 1 Miller, Charles Box 29: 2 Miller, Glenn H. Box 29: 3 Miller, Harold Box 29: 4 Miller, James Box 29: 5 Miller, Richard Box 29: 6 Miller, Vincent Box 29: 7 Mills, Betty Box 29: 8 Mills, Glen Box 29: 9 Minasian, Jora Box 29: 10 Minc, Henryk Box 29: 11 Minwegen, Patty Box 29: 12 Mitchell, William Box 29: 13 Mitter, Pronab Box 29: 14 Mizerak, Robert Box 29: 15 Mizote, Louise Box 29: 16 Moberly, Ralph Box 29: 17 Mochizuki, Horace Box 29: 18 Moir, Alfred Box 29: 19 Momaday, Navarre Scott UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 30 Collection Contents Box 29: 20 Monaghan, Jay Box 30: 1 Monnot, Michael Box 30: 2 Monroe, Lynne Box 30: 3 Moore, Edwin Box 30: 4 Morbeto, Joseph Box 30: 5 Morgan, Clifford T. Box 30: 6 Morgan, Etoile J. Box 30: 7 Morris, Robert Box 30: 8 Morrison, Stan Box 30: 9 Mortell, Joan Box 30: 10 Mosher, Samuel Box 30: 11 Moseley, Maynard Box 30: 12 Mott, Mary Louise Box 30: 13 Mouck, Norman, Jr. Box 30: 14 Mudrick, Marvin Box 30: 15 Mueller, William Box 30: 16 Mugomba, Agrippah Box 30: 17 Mugridge, Ian Box 30: 18 Muller, Cornelius Box 30: 19 Muller, Walter Box 30: 20 Munger, Shirley Box 30: 21 Munson, George Box 30: 22 Murie, Martin Box 30: 23 Murphy, Franklin Box 30: 24 Musgrave, Thea Box 30: 25 Myer, Prudence Box 31: 1 Myers, Beverly Box 31: 2 Myers, John UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 31 Collection Contents Box 31: 3 Nadkarni, Nalini Box 31: 4 Nair, Ralph Box 31: 5 Nairn, Ronald Box 31: 6 Nakada, Henry Box 31: 7 Nash, Arnold Box 31: 8 Neal, Carolyn Box 31: 9 Nef, Jorge Box 31: 10 Nelson, Arthur Box 31: 11 Nelson, John, Jr. Box 31: 12 Nelson, Urban Box 31: 13 Nelson, Wendell Box 31: 14 Nettler, Gwynne Box 31: 15 Nettles, Henry Box 31: 16 Neuerburg, Norman Box 31: 17 Neupert, Werner Box 31: 18 Neushul, Michael Box 31: 19 Neuweld, Mark Box 31: 20 Neville, Clifford Box 31: 21 New, John Box 31: 22 Newman, Morris Box 31: 23 Newman, Paul Box 31: 24 Newsom, Carolyn Box 31: 25 Nichols, Alan Box 32: 1 Noble, Elmer Box 32: 2 Nolf, Bruce Box 32: 3 Noss, John Box 32: 4 Novick, Peter UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 32 Collection Contents Box 32: 5 Novinger, Gordon Box 32: 6 Nugent, Robert Box 32: 7 Nurse, Peter Box 32: 8 Nyquist, Harlan Box 32: 9 Nyquist, Roger Box 32: 10 Oberg, Arthur Box 32: 11 O'dea, Thomas Box 32: 12 Odegar, Peter Box 32: 13 Offen, Henry Box 32: 14 O'Gorman, John Box 32: 15 O;Hagan, Marie Box 32: 16 Oka, Michio Box 32: 17 Olson, Roy Box 32: 18 Ondrejka, Ronald Box 32: 19 Ordung, Philip Box 32: 20 Orlovsky, Marthe-Nicole Box 32: 21 Orrick, Allan Howard Box 32: 22 Orwitz, Milton Box 32: 23 Outcalt, David Box 32: 24 Outland, George Box 32: 25 Owen, Roger Box 32: 26 Owens, Boone Box 33: 1 Padilla, Amado Box 33: 2 Palmer, Charlene Box 33: 3 Palmer, Upton Box 33: 4 Panizzon, Louis Box 33: 5 Paul, Arnold Box 33: 6 Paul, Richard UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 33 Collection Contents Box 33: 7 Payette, Nancy Box 33: 8 Pearson, Dale Box 33: 9 Pearson, Ralph Box 33: 10 Peck, Daniel Box 33: 11 Peck, Helen Box 33: 12 Percival, Ruth Box 33: 13 Perigord, Paul Box 33: 14 Perkowski, Jan Louis Box 33: 15 Perry, Kati Box 33: 16 Persell, Vernon Box 33: 17 Petersons, Atis Box 33: 18 Petrie, Francis Box 33: 19 Phelps, Clarence Box 33: 20 Philbrick, Ralph Box 33: 21 Phillips, Joseph Box 33: 22 Phillips, Madge Box 33: 23 Picca, David Box 33: 24 Pierce, Paul Box 33: 25 Pierson, Conway Box 33: 26 Pitman, Paul Box 33: 27 Plamenac, Dragan Box 33: 28 Plous, Harold J. Box 33: 29 Plummer, Stanley Box 33: 30 Polt, John Box 33: 31 Ponce, Gustavo Box 33: 32 Pond, Elsie Box 33: 33 Poole, Frazer UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 34 Collection Contents Box 33: 34 Potts, Donald Box 34: 1 Powell, Inge Box 34: 2 Powell, Philip Box 34: 3 Preheim, Doyle Box 34: 4 Premack, David Box 34: 5 Preston, Raymond Box 34: 6 Prevost, Andre Box 34: 7 Pritchett, Charles Box 34: 8 Prossor, John Edwin Box 34: 9 Proulx, Eva Box 35: 1 Ptaszynski, William Box 35: 2 Purcell, Flora Box 35: 3 Purcell, Hal Box 35: 4 Purcell, Robert Box 35: 5 Purves, William Box 35: 6 Quigley, Jerome Box 35: 7 Quimby, Rollin Box 35: 8 Radcliff-Umstead, Douglas Box 35: 9 Ramelli, Eda Box 35: 10 Ramon, Andres Box 35: 11 Ramsay, William Box 35: 12 Rao, Koteswara Box 35: 13 Rapson, Ira Box 35: 14 Rapson, Richard Box 35: 15 Rauch, Stanley Box 35: 16 Raven, Peter Box 35: 17 Reardon, William Box 35: 18 Recsei, Andrew UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 35 Collection Contents Box 35: 19 Rector, Joe Box 35: 20 Redmond, Peter Box 35: 21 Reed, James Box 35: 22 Reichle, Michael Box 35: 23 Remak, Joachim Box 35: 24 Rexroth, Kenneth Box 35: 25 Reynolds, Jack Box 35: 26 Reynolds, Lyle Box 35: 27 Reynolds, Robert Box 35: 28 Reynolds, Winston Box 35: 29 Rice, Ross Box 35: 30 Richards, Maurice Box 35: 31 Rickert, Herbert Box 35: 32 Ridenour, Robert Box 36: 1 Ridland, Muriel Box 36: 2 Riebel, Susan Box 36: 3 Riehlman, Peter Box 36: 4 Riehm, John Box 36: 5 Rietman, Jan Box 36: 6 Riley, Bernard Box 36: 7 Ring, Merrill Box 36: 8 Rippberger, Donald Box 36: 9 Roach, Robert Box 36: 10 Robarge, Dorothy Box 36: 11 Robbins, Wilfred Box 36: 12 Robeck, Mildred Box 36: 13 Roberts, Carol Anne UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 36 Collection Contents Box 36: 14 Roberts, Michael Box 36: 15 Robertson, Ronald Box 36: 16 Robinson, Alvin Box 36: 17 Robinson, Margaret Box 36: 18 Robinson, Robert Box 36: 19 Robinson, Veronica Box 36: 20 Rochelle, Rene Box 36: 21 Roessler, David Box 36: 22 Rohlf, Frank Box 36: 23 Rohrbach, William Box 36: 24 Rohter, Frank Box 36: 25 Rorke, Robert Box 36: 26 Roseman, Murray Box 36: 27 Rosen, Arthur Box 36: 28 Rosenberg, Bruce Box 36: 29 Rosenfeld, Melvin Box 36: 30 Ruby, Jay Box 36: 31 Rudolph, Kurt Box 36: 32 Rudolph, Lois Box 36: 33 Rudolph, Paula Box 36: 34 Runnells, Donald Box 36: 35 Ruppert, Richard Box 36: 36 Russell, Jeffrey Box 36: 37 Russell, Ralph Robert Box 36: 38 Rybalka, Michel Box 36: 39 Ryder, Jean Box 36: 40 Sande, Rona Box 36: 41 Sanders, Norman UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 37 Collection Contents Box 36: 42 Sands, Lester Box 37: 1 Sankey, Benjamin, Jr. Box 37: 2 Sarana, Gopala Box 37: 3 Savage, Thomas Box 37: 4 Saxon, David Box 37: 5 Sayovitz, Joseph Box 37: 6 Scherer, Paul Box 37: 7 Schlesinger, William Box 37: 8 Schneider, Elisabeth Box 37: 9 Schneider, Hans Box 37: 10 Schneider, Immo Box 37: 11 Schneider, Richards Box 37: 12 Schnell, Dorothy Box 37: 13 Schoell, Edwin Box 37: 14 Schrieffer, J. Robert Box 38: 1 Schuler, Carl Box 38: 2 Schutt, Warren Box 38: 3 Schwartz, Arthur Box 38: 4 Schwartz, Murray Box 38: 5 Scott, Nicholas Box 38: 6 Scoville, Warren Box 38: 7 Scruggs, Otey Box 38: 8 Seaborg, Glenn Box 38: 9 Seale, Douglas Box 38: 10 Sedgwick, Francis Box 38: 11 Seefeld, Kermit Box 38: 12 Sekey, Andrew UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 38 Collection Contents Box 38: 13 Seldis, Henry Box 38: 14 Selwood, Pierce Box 38: 15 Semmel, Dorothy Box 38: 16 Senear, Allen Box 38: 17 Sennett, Robert Box 38: 18 Serrano-Plaja, Arturo Box 38: 19 Service, Elman Box 38: 20 Sesonske, Alexander Box 38: 21 Severy, Hazel Box 38: 22 Sexsmith, Cecil Box 38: 23 Shands, Eugene Box 38: 24 Shapiro, Stewart Box 38: 25 Sharaf, Sarah Box 38: 26 Shaw, Geoffrey Box 38: 27 Sheldon, David Box 38: 28 Shepard, Harvey Box 38: 29 Shepherd, Clovis Box 38: 30 Shevelew, Hyman Box 38: 31 Shibutani, Tamotsu Box 39: 1 Shrader-Frechette, Kristin Box 39: 2 Shrank, Glen Box 39: 3 Shrenk, Juergen Box 39: 4 Shwyzer, Hubert Box 39: 5 Silbernagel, Bernard Box 39: 6 Silverman, Robert Box 39: 7 Simmons, Jerry Box 39: 8 Simonett, David Box 39: 9 Simons, Stephen UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 39 Collection Contents Box 39: 10 Simpson, Kenneth Box 39: 11 Sion, Maurice Box 39: 12 Skalnik, John Box 39: 13 Skinner, Ray Box 39: 14 Skubic, Elvera Box 39: 15 Slaggie, Eucharius Box 39: 16 Sloss, James Box 39: 17 Smart, Ninian Box 39: 18 Smith, Dale Box 39: 19 Smith, Gaylord Box 39: 20 Smith, George Box 39: 21 Smith, Henry Box 39: 22 Smith, Huston Box 39: 23 Smith, Jonathan Box 39: 24 Smith, Kathleen Box 39: 25 Smith, Robert Box 39: 26 Snethkamp, Pandora Box 39: 27 Snidecor, John Box 40: 1 Snow, Reuben Box 40: 2 Snyder, John Box 40: 3 Snyder, Robert Box 40: 4 Sobel, Milton Box 40: 5 Sokol, Otto Box 40: 6 Somogyi, Zolton Box 40: 7 Somville, Marilyn Box 40: 8 Sorensen, Philip Box 40: 9 Sorensen, Thomas UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 40 Collection Contents Box 40: 10 Soules, Roy Box 40: 11 Spaeth, Warren Box 40: 12 Sparling, Shirley Box 40: 13 Sparrow, Patricia Box 40: 14 Spaulding, Albert Box 40: 15 Spaulding, Charles Box 40: 16 Spears, Sarah Box 40: 17 Spencer, Helen Box 40: 18 Spindt, Herman Box 40: 19 Sproul, Robert Box 41: 1 Staley, Seward Box 41: 2 Stannard, Jerry Box 41: 3 Stear, Edwin Box 41: 4 Steinhauer, Harry Box 41: 5 Steinmetz, William Box 41: 6 Steir, Lealand Box 41: 7 Stelzer, Otto Box 41: 8 Stephens, Alan Box 41: 9 Stevens, Denis Box 41: 10 Stitt, Elizabeth Box 41: 11 Stock, Patricia Box 41: 12 Stone, Michael Box 41: 13 Stoneham, Richard Box 41: 14 Storke, Thomas Box 41: 15 Story, Ala Box 41: 16 Stott, Lowell Box 41: 17 Stough, Charlotte Box 41: 18 String, Joseph UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 41 Collection Contents Box 41: 19 Strong, Edward Box 41: 20 Stuart, Christopher Box 41: 21 Stuurman, Douwe Box 41: 22 Subervi, Federico Box 41: 23 Sudnow, David Box 41: 24 Sulivan, James Box 41: 25 Sutton, John Box 41: 26 Sweeney, Beatrice Box 41: 27 Swineford, Edwin Box 41: 28 Taylor, Edmund Box 41: 29 Taylor, Louie Box 41: 30 Taylor, Ranson Box 41: 31 Taylor, Richard Box 42: 1 Temianka, Henri Box 42: 2 Temmer, Mark Box 42: 3 Temp, George Box 42: 4 Terry, Robert Box 42: 5 Theobald, William Box 42: 6 Theros, Elias Box 42: 7 Thibault, John Box 42: 8 Thomas, James Box 42: 9 Thomas, Murray Box 42: 10 Thomas, Robert C. Box 42: 11 Thomas, Robert M. Box 42: 12 Thomas, William Ray Box 42: 13 Thompson, Beatrice Box 42: 14 Thompson, Robert UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 42 Collection Contents Box 42: 15 Thomson, Sedge Box 42: 16 Thomson, William Box 42: 17 Thon, Frederick Box 42: 18 Thornton, Raymond Box 42: 19 Tiffany, Mary Box 42: 20 Tillich, Paul Box 42: 21 Tilton, George Box 42: 22 Tomlinson, Dale Box 42: 23 Tonetti, Mary Box 42: 24 Topp, Robert Box 42: 25 Topping, Peter Box 42: 26 Totman, Walden Box 42: 27 Town, Victor Box 42: 28 Towsend, Walden Box 42: 29 Trebbe, Stewart Box 42: 30 Triplett, Edward Box 42: 31 Tucker, Joseph, Jr. Box 42: 32 Tufts, Fannie Box 43: 1 Tull, John, Jr. Box 43: 2 Tung, Constantine Box 43: 3 Tunnell, George Box 43: 4 Turner, Frederick Box 43: 5 Turner, Henri Box 43: 6 Turner, Mildred Box 43: 7 Tyson, Patrick Box 43: 8 Unzueta, Manuel Box 43: 9 Van Baelen, Jacqueline Box 43: 10 Van Deman, Dorothy UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 43 Collection Contents Box 43: 11 Van Fossen, Gladys Box 43: 12 Vanderhoof, Vertress Box 43: 13 Vandevender, Janet Box 43: 14 Varela, Jose Box 43: 15 Varley, Charles Ray Box 43: 16 Varner, Miles Box 43: 17 Venti, Richard Box 43: 18 Vierra, Kenneth Box 43: 19 Wait, John Box 43: 20 Walker, Phillip Box 43: 21 Wall, Donald Box 43: 22 Wall, Frederick Box 43: 23 Wallace, Ben Box 43: 24 Walsh, Susan Box 43: 25 Walters, James Box 43: 26 Walton, Lewis Box 44: 1 Wanger, Barry Box 44: 2 Ward, Glen Box 44: 3 Warren, Claude Box 44: 4 Warshaw, Howard Box 44: 5 Waterman, John Box 44: 6 Waters, Aaron Box 44: 7 Watkins, Gordon Box 44: 8 Waugh, Alice Box 44: 9 Way, Stewart Box 44: 10 Weaver, Donald Box 44: 11 Webb, Robert UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 44 Collection Contents Box 44: 12 Weinstein, Ira Box 44: 13 Weintraub, Robert Box 44: 14 Weinzweig, Marjorie Box 44: 15 Weir, Thomas Box 44: 16 Weiss, Max Box 44: 17 Wellman, Harrry Box 45: 1 Wells, Harrington Box 45: 2 Wells, Philip Box 45: 3 Weltin, Hans Box 45: 4 Wendell, Charles Box 45: 5 Werlick, Stephen Box 45: 6 Wesson, Robert Box 45: 7 West, Marda Box 45: 8 Westermeyer, Vaughn Box 45: 9 Westra, Dorothy Box 45: 10 Wharton, Luella Box 45: 11 Wheatley, Jon Box 45: 12 Wheeler, Anita Box 45: 13 White, Lesli Box 45: 14 White, Milton Box 45: 15 White, Richard Box 45: 16 Wieneke, Bryant Box 45: 17 Wienpahl, Paul Box 45: 18 Wilder, Raymond Box 45: 19 Wilkins, Burleigh Box 45: 20 Wilkinson, Ann Box 45: 21 Wilkinson, John Box 45: 22 Wilkinson, Maurice UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 45 Collection Contents Box 45: 23 Williams, Alms Box 45: 24 Williams, Emile Box 45: 25 Williams, J. Harold Box 46: 1 Williams, Roger Box 46: 2 Williamson, Jane L. Box 46: 3 Williamson, Joan B. Box 46: 4 Williamson, Stanley Box 46: 5 Willson, Lawrence Box 46: 6 Wilmore, Jack Box 46: 7 Wilson, Clarence Box 46: 8 Wilson, Clayton Box 46: 9 Wilson, George Box 46: 10 Wilson, Graham Box 46: 11 Wilson, Johanna Box 46: 12 Wilson, John Box 46: 13 Wilson, Mary Box 46: 14 Wilson, Robert Box 46: 15 Wilton, Wilton Box 47: 1 Winter, Donald Box 47: 2 Wishard, Frances Box 47: 3 Witte, Lois Fae Box 47: 4 Wittlin, Alma Box 47: 5 Witzell, Otto Box 47: 6 Wofsy, Samuel Box 47: 7 Wolfe, J. Box 47: 8 Wolfson, Lester Box 47: 9 Wood, Jean UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 46 Collection Contents Box 47: 10 Woodhouse, Charles Box 47: 11 Woolsey, George Box 47: 12 Woolsey, Lucille Box 47: 13 Wootton, Donald Box 47: 14 Wright, Paul Box 47: 15 Wuebben, Paul Box 47: 16 Wyatt, Phillip Box 47: 17 Wyner, Alan Box 47: 18 Yonenaka, Hideo Box 47: 19 Yoshimura, Manabu Box 47: 20 Young, Landon Box 47: 21 Zahniser, Marvin Box 47: 22 Zahradka, Lotar Box 47: 23 Zamora, Charles (Carlos) Box 47: 24 Zarnowski, Walter Box 47: 25 Zaustinsky, Eugene Box 47: 26 Zimmerman, Charlotte Box 47: 27 Zimmerman, Everett Box 47: 28 Zomalt, Ernest Box 47: 29 Zweng, Marilyn Box 47: 30 Zytowski, Carl UCSB Public Information Office Biographical Files, UArch 11 47