Tech College Course Code S.C. Technical College Course Title USC Course Code Equivalent ACC 101 Accounting Principles I ACCT 225/RETL 261 ACC 102 Accounting Principles II ACCT 226/RETL 262 ACC 111, 112 & 115 Acct. Concepts, Org. Acct. & Man. Accrt. ACCT 225 & 226 AET 202 History of Architecture ELEC 100* ANT 101General AnthropologyANTH 100* ANT 202Cultural AnthropologyANTH 102 ANT 203 Physical Anthropology & Archeology ANTH 101 ART 101Art History/AppreciationARTE 101 ART 105Film as ArtFILM 100* ART 107 History of Early Western Art ARTH 105 ART 108 History of Western Art ARTH 106 ART 111Basic Drawing IARTS 111 ART 112Basic Drawing IIARTS 112 ART 211 Introduction to Painting ARTS 210 ART 212 Introduction to Watercolor ARTS 512 ARV 101 Early Art Communications ARTH 105 ARV 102 Modern Art Communications ARTH 106 ARV 110Computer Graphics IARTS 102 ARV 114Photography IARTS 260 ARV 120DrawingARTS 111 ARV 121DesignARTS 103 ARV 1223-D DesignARTS 104 ARV 123 Composition & Color ARTS 103/ARTS 107 ARV 161 Visual Communications Media ELEC 100* ARV 205Graphic IllustrationARTS 265 ARV 214Photography IIARTS 261 ARV 215Photography IIIELEC 100* ARV 217Computer ImagingARTS 102 ARV 240Painting IARTS 210 ARV 241Painting IIARTS 210 ARV 244SculptureARTS 108 ARV 261Advertising Design IELEC 100* ARV 262Advertising Design IIELEC 100* ARV 264Special Projects/PortfolioELEC 100* AST 101 Solar System Astronomy ASTR 111 & ASTR 111A AST 102 Stellar Astronomy ASTR 112 & ASTR 112A BAF 260Financial ManagementRETL 100* BIO 101 Biological Science I BIOL 101 & BIOL 101L BIO 102 Biological Science II BIOL 102 & BIOL 102L BIO 105 Principles of Biology BIOL 110 & BIOL 110A BIO 110General Anatomy/PhysiologyBIOL 240 BIO 112 Basic Anatomy/Physiology BIOL 120 & BIOL 120L BIO 201ZoologyBIOL 100* BIO 202BotanyBIOL 100* BIO 205EcologyBIOL 270 BIO 206Ecology LabBIOL 270L BIO 207Wetlands BiologyBIOL 200* BIO 210 Anatomy/Physiology I BIOL 243 & BIOL 243L BIO 211 Anatomy/Physiology II BIOL 244 & BIOL 244L Tech College Course Code S.C. Technical College Course Title USC Course Code Equivalent BIO 225MicrobiologyBIOL 330 & BIOL 330L BUS 101 Introduction to Business RETL 100* BUS 121Business Law ITSTM 240* BUS 130Business CommunicationsMGMT 250 BUS 240Business StatisticsMGSC 291 CGC 210 Advanced Electronic Publishing ELEC 100* CHM 101General Chemistry ICHEM 101 CHM 105 General Organic/Biochemistry CHEM 102 CHM 106 Contemporary Chemistry I CHEM 101 CHM 107 Contemporary Chemistry II CHEM 105 CHM 110College Chemistry ICHEM 111 CHM 111College Chemistry IICHEM 112 CHM 112 College Chemistry II (Organic & Bio) CHEM 102 CHM 211 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 333 & CHEM 331L CHM 212 Organic Chemistry II CHEM 334 & CHEM 332L CHM 220 Analytic Chemistry I CHEM 321 & CHEM 321L CHT 283 Analytic Chemistry I (with CHT 284) CHEM 321 & CHEM 321L CHT 284 Analytic Chemistry II (with CHT 283) CHEM 321 & CHEM 321L CPT 101 Introduction to Computers CSCE 101 or MGSC 190 CPT 111Basic Programming ICSCE 102 CPT 112Essentials of BASICCSCE 102 CPT 114 Computers and Programming CSCE 102 CPT 115 COBOL Programming I (w/ CPT 215) CSCE 205 CPT 116 Essentials of COBOL I (w/ CPT 216) CSCE 205 CPT 120 FORTRAN Programming I CSCE 206 CPT 125 Mainframe Assembler Prog. (w/ CPT 225) CSCE 210 CPT 126 Essentials of Assembler Prog. (w/CPT 225) CSCE 210* CPT 129 Microcomputer Assembler Programming I CSCI 210 CPT 132Pascal ProgrammingCSCE 145* CPT 170Microcomputer ApplicationsMGSC 190 CPT 204 Advanced Computers & Programming CSCE 145 CPT 207 Complex Computer Applications CSCE 206 CPT 211Basic Programming IICSCE 102 CPT 215 COBOL Programming II (w/CPT 115) CSCE 205 CPT 216 Essentials of COBOL II (w/CPT 116) CSCE 205 CPT 225 Mainframe Assem Prog. II (w/CPT 125/126)CSCE 210 CPT 233ADA ProgrammingCSCE 102 CPT 234 C Programming I (with CPT 235) CSCE 207 CPT 235 C Programming II (with CPT 234) CSCE 207 CPT 244Data StructuresCSCE 146 CPT 264 Systems and Procedures CSCE 145 CPT 270 Advanced Microcomputer Applications CSCE 100* CRJ 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice CRJU 101 CRJ 115Criminal Law ICRJU 314 CRJ 125CriminologyCRJU 341* CRJ 130Police AdministrationCRJU 311 CRJ 220The Judicial ProcessCRJU 313 CRJ 242Correctional SystemsCRJU 312 ECE 205 Electrical & Computer Lab I ELCT 201** Tech College Course Code S.C. Technical College Course Title USC Course Code Equivalent ECE 211 Introduction to Computer Engineering I CSCE 211** ECE 212 Introduction to Computer Engineering II CSCE 212** ECE 221 Introduction to Electrical Engineering I ELCT 221** ECE 222 Introduction to Electrical Engineering II ELCT 222** ECO 201Economic ConceptsECON 224 ECO 210MacroeconomicsECON 222 ECO 211MicroeconomicsECON 221 EGR 260Engineering StaticsENGR 200** EGR 262Engineering DynamicsENGR 210** EGR 264 Intro to Engineering Mechanics of Solids ENGR 260** EGR 266 Engineering Thermodynamics ENGR 290** EGR 270 Introduction to Engineering ENGR 101** EGR 281 Introduction to Algorithmic Design I CSCE 145 EGR 283 Introduction to Algorithmic Design II CSCE 146 EGT 102Technical DrawingENGR 102** ENG 101 English Composition I ENGL 101 ENG 102 English Composition II ENGL 102 ENG 165 Professional Comm (for business majors) MGMT 250* ENG 170 Business Comm(business majors) MGMT 250* ENG 201American Literature IENGL 200* ENG 202 American Literature II ENGL 200* ENG 203 American Literature Survey ENGL 287 ENG 205English Literature IENGL 288 ENG 206English Literature IIENGL 289 ENG 208World Literature IENGL 200* ENG 209World Literature IIENGL 200* ENG 210Asian LiteratureCPLT 200* ENG 210Asian LiteratureENGL 200*** ENG 211African LiteratureENGL 200*** ENG 212 Latin American Literature ENGL 200*** ENG 214FictionENGL 282 ENG 218DramaENGL 284 ENG 222PoetryENGL 286 ENG 230Women in LiteratureENGL 200* ENG 234 Survey in Minority Literature ENGL 200* ENG 235Southern LiteratureENGL 200* ENG 236 African American Literature ENGL 200* ENG 238Creative WritingENGL 200* ENG 260 Advanced Technical Communications ENGL 462 FRE 101Elementary French IFREN 109 FRE 102Elementary French IIFREN 110 FRE 201Intermediate French IFREN 200* FRE 202 Intermediate French II FREN 200* FSM 101Fashion MerchandisingRETL 100* FSM 115Textiles for FashionRETL 100* FSM 215Visual MerchandisingRETL 100* GEO 101 Introduction to Geography GEOG 103 GEO 102World GeographyGEOG 121 GEO 260 Economic/Cultural Geography GEOG 100* Tech College Course Code S.C. Technical College Course Title USC Course Code Equivalent GER 101Elementary German IGERM 109 GER 102 Elementary German II GERM 110 HIS 101 Western Civilization to 1689 HIST 101 HIS 102 Western Civilization Post-1689 HIST 102 HIS 104World History IHIST 100* HIS 105World History IIHIST 100* HIS 106 Introduction to African History HIST 106 HIS 108 Introduction to East Asian Civilization HIST 105 HIS 109 Introduction to Latin American Civilization HIST 109 HIS 110 Introduction to American History HIST 100* HIS 112Non-Western CivilizationHIST 100* HIS 115African-American HistoryHIST 100* HIS 130 African-American History to 1877 AFRO 201 HIS 131 African-American History since 1877 AFRO 202 HIS 201 American History: Discovery-1877 HIST 111 HIS 202 American History: 1877 to Present HIST 112 HIS 215 History & Literature of the Bible RELG 111 HIS 220American Studies ICOLA 100* HIS 230 The American Civil War HIST 200* HIS 235 American Military History HIST 200* HOS 101 Principles of Food Production HRTM 100* HOS 102 Principles of Food Production II HRTM 100* HOS 103NutritionHRTM 100* HOS 108 Food Production Technology HRTM 100* HOS 110 Food Production Management HRTM 270 HOS 115 Quantity Food Preparation HRTM 100* HOS 120Bakeshop ProductionHRTM 100* HOS 140 The Hospitality Industry HRTM 110 HOS 141 Resort Development and Management HRTM 100* HOS 144 Food Service Practicum HRTM 100* HOS 145 Dining Room Operation HRTM 100* HOS 150Hotel ManagementHRTM 260 HOS 155Hospitality SanitationHRTM 100* HOS 157Service TechniquesHRTM 100* HOS 159 Hospitality Accounting Applications HRTM 100* HOS 160 Purchasing for Hospitality HRTM 100* HOS 162 Housekeeping Administration HRTM 100* HOS 164Travel & TourismHRTM 280 HOS 166Hospitality PromotionHRTM 100* HOS 168 Front Office Management HRTM 100* HOS 169Club ManagementHRTM 285 HOS 170Energy ManagementHRTM 100* HOS 171 Food and Beverage Controls HRTM 100* HOS 172 Facilities Management and Design HRTM 100* HOS 173 Hospitality Industry Training HRTM 100* HOS 201A la Carte IHRTM 100* HOS 202A la Carte IIHRTM 100* HOS 220Advanced BakeshopHRTM 100* Tech College Course Code S.C. Technical College Course Title USC Course Code Equivalent HOS 225Buffet OrganizationHRTM 100* HOS 230Therapeutic NutritionHRTM 100* HOS 235Menu PlanningHRTM 100* HOS 245Hospitality MarketingHRTM 200* HOS 255 Food Service Management HRTM 200* HOS 256 Hospitality Management Concepts HRTM 200* HOS 257 Hospitality Security Management HRTM 100* HOS 258Convention ManagementHRTM 200* HOS 259 Hospitality Management Accounting HRTM 200* HOS 260Hospitality MaintenanceHRTM 100* HOS 262 Hospitality Software Applications HRTM 100* HOS 265 Hotel, Restaurant and Travel Law HRTM 357 HOS 266 Destination Tour Management HRTM 100* HOS 270 SCWE in Hospitality/Tourism Mgmt HRTM 290 HOS 271 SCWE in Culinary Arts HRTM 200* HOS 272 SCWE in Hospitality/Tourism Mgmt HRTM 290 HSS 215 History/Literature of the Bible RELG 111 HSS 216Comparative ReligionRELG 203 MAT 109**** College Algebra with Modeling MATH 111 MAT 110College AlgebraMATH 111 MAT 111College TrigonometryMATH 112 MAT 112PrecalculusMATH 115 MAT 120 Probability and Statistics MGSC 291 or STAT 201 MAT 122 Finite College Mathematics MATH 170 MAT 130Elementary CalculusMATH 122 MAT 132Discrete MathematicsMATH 174 MAT 140 Analytical Geometry/Calculus I MATH 141 MAT 141 Analytical Geometry/Calculus II MATH 142 MAT 155 Contemporary Math. (HRSMmajors only) ELEC 100* MAT 165StatisticsSTAT 201 MAT 211 Math for Elmntry Educ. w/MAT 212 & 215 MATH 221 & MATH 222 MAT 212 Math for Elmntry Educ. w/MAT 211 & 215 MATH 221 & MATH 222 MAT 215 Geometry with MAT 211 & 212 MATH 221 & MATH 222 MAT 220Advanced StatisticsSTAT 100* MAT 230 Basic Multivariable Calculus MATH 100* MAT 235Matrix AlgebraMATH 100* MAT 240 Analytic Geometry and Calculus III MATH 241 MAT 242Differential EquationsMATH 242 MGT 101 Principles of Management RETL 100* MGT 120 Small Business Management RETL 100* MGT 150 Fundamentals of Supervision RETL 100* MGT 201 Human Resources Management RETL 100* MGT 230 Managing Information Resources RETL 100* MGT 255Organizational BehaviorRETL 100* MKT 101 Principles of Marketing RETL 100* MKT 110RetailingRETL 265* MKT 120Sales PrinciplesRETL 100* MKT 240AdvertisingRETL 100* Tech College Course Code S.C. Technical College Course Title USC Course Code Equivalent MKT 250Consumer BehaviorRETL 100* MKT 260Marketing ManagementRETL 100* MUS 105Music AppreciationMUSC 110 MUS 110Music FundamentalsMUSC 115 NUR 101 Fundamentals of Nursing NURS 100* NUR 111 Common Health Problems NURS 100* NUR 211 Care of Childbearing Family NURS 100* NUR 212 Nursing Care of Children NURS 100* NUR 214 Mental Health Nursing NURS 100* PHI 101 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 102 PHI 105Introduction to LogicPHIL 110 PHI 106 Introduction Inductive Logic PHIL 111*** PHI 108Critical ReasoningELEC 100* PHI 110EthicsPHIL 100* PHI 115 Contemporary Moral Issues PHIL 100* PHI 201History of PhilosophyPHIL 100* PHS 101 Physical Science I PHYS 101 & PHYS 101L PHS 102 Physical Science II PHYS 102 & PHYS 102L PHS 115 Integrated Science PHYS 101 & PHYS 101L PHY 201 Physics I PHYS 201 & PHYS 201L PHY 202 Physics II PHYS 202 & PHYS 202L PHY 221 University Physics I PHYS 211 & PHYS 211L PHY 222 University Physics II PHYS 212 & PHYS 212L PHY 223University Physics IIIPHYS 100* PSC 201American GovernmentPOLI 201 PSC 205 Politics & Government POLI 105 PSC 210 Contemporary Political Issues ELEC 100* PSC 215 State and Local Government POLI 100* PSC 220 Introduction to International Relations POLI 101 PSY 201General PsychologyPSYC 101 PSY 203 Human Growth & Development PSYC 100* PSY 204Child PsychologyPSYC 100* PSY 205Adolescent PsychologyPSYC 100* PSY 208Human SexualityPSYC 100* PSY 212Abnormal PsychologyPSYC 100* PSY 214 Psychology of Exceptional Child PSYC 100* PSY 215 Psychology of the Mentally Retarded PSYC 100* PSY 220 Psychology of Personality PSYC 100* PSY 225Social PsychologyPSYC 100* PSY 230Interviewing TechniquesELEC 100* PSY 231Counseling TechniquesELEC 100* PSY 235Group DynamicsELEC 100* PSY 240 Ethnicity and Minority Issues PSYC 100* PSY 250Research MethodsELEC 100* REL 101 Introduction to Religion RELG 110 REL 102 Introduction to Biblical Studies RELG 111 REL 103Comparative ReligionRELG 203 REL 201 Religions of the World RELG 110 RTV 140 Basic Photography with RTV 141 MART 262 Tech College Course Code S.C. Technical College Course Title USC Course Code Equivalent RTV 141 Darkroom Procedures w/RTV 140 MART 262 SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology SOCY 101 SOC 102 Marriage and the Family SOCY 100* SOC 151International SociologySOCY 100* SOC 205Social ProblemsSOCY 100* SOC 206Social PsychologySOCY 100* SOC 210Juvenile DelinquencySOCY 100* SOC 220 Sociology of the Family SOCY 100* SOC 235ThanatologySOCY 100* SPA 101Elementary Spanish ISPAN 109 SPA 102Elementary Spanish IISPAN 110 SPA 122 Basic Proficiency Spanish SPAN 122*** SPA 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 200* SPA 202 Intermediate Spanish II SPAN 200* SPC 205Public SpeakingSPCH 140 SPC 208Intercultural CommunicationSPCH 100* SPC 209 Interpersonal Communication SPCH 100* SPC 210 Oral Interpretation of Literature SPCH 100* SPC 215Voice & DictionSPCH 100* THE 101 Introduction to Theatre THEA 100* THE 105 Fundamentals of Acting THEA 100* THE 205Intermediate ActingTHEA 100* THE 220Theatre Laboratory ITHEA 220 THE 221Theatre Laboratory IITHEA 220 *This may indicate one or both of the following: 1) a transferable course for which there is no specific USC equivalent 2) a course that is transferable only to certain specific majors. Telephone the Admissions Office at 803-777-7700 or [toll-free] 800-868-5872 for additional information. **Applies only to A.S. engineering students at Midlands, Greenville, and Trident technical colleges. ***Applies only to students at Midlands Technical College. ****Applies only to students at Greenville Technical College.