Name______________________________ Framingham State College Department of Economics and Business Principles of Microeconomics Section D 2nd Midterm Practice Exam – Fall 2006 This exam provides questions that are representative of those contained on your exam. This test should in no way be considered a facsimile of your exam. All topics, problems, key words, and class discussion are fair game for the exam whether or not they are contained on this practice exam. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Directions: • Provide the best answer to the following: • 10 Multiple Choice Questions each worth 4 points • 10 True/False Questions each worth 2 points • 5 Short Answer Questions each worth 8 points • for a total of 100 points. • You will be given 110 minutes to complete the exam. • If you finish early, you may quietly turn in your exam and leave. • The exam is closed book and closed note, please place everything other than your calculator and writing tools at the front of the class. • You may not share a calculator. • Ensure that you label your graphs comprehensively. Show the before state and the after state where appropriate and label the two states in a way that is unambiguous • You are expected to use full sentences in your answers to the Short Answer Questions. Incomplete sentences will be penalized in the grade awarded. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Multiple Choice: Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Economics is defined as the study of a. business. b. how society manages its scarce resources. c. central planning. d. government regulation. (1) ____ 2. A price ceiling a. is a legal maximum on the price at which a good can be sold. b. is a legal minimum on the price at which a good can be sold. c. occurs when the price in the market is temporarily above equilibrium. d. will usually result in a market surplus. (47) The Principles of Microeconomics 1 of 11 Practice Second Midterm Exam ____ 3. Water shortages caused by droughts can be most efficiently lessened by a. allowing price to equate the quantity demanded of water with the quantity supplied of water. b. restricting water usage of consumers. c. arresting anyone who wastes water. d. imposing tight price controls on water. (49) Figure 1 ____ 4. Refer to Figure 1. The price sellers receive after the tax is imposed is a. $18.00. b. $14.00. c. $12.00. d. $8.00. (50) The Principles of Microeconomics 2 of 11 Practice Second Midterm Exam Figure 2 ____ 5. Refer to Figure 2. When the price rises from P1 to P2, consumer surplus a. increases by an amount equal to A. b. decreases by an amount equal to B + C. c. increases by an amount equal to B + C. d. decreases by an amount equal to C. (58) Figure 3 The Principles of Microeconomics 3 of 11 Practice Second Midterm Exam ____ 6. Refer to Figure 3. Producer surplus before trade would be a. $3600. b. $4400. c. $5200. d. $6600. (68) Figure 4 ____ 7. Refer to Figure 4. To internalize the externality in this market the government should a. impose a tax on this product. b. provide a subsidy for this product. c. encourage firms to supply more of this product by taxing them. d. produce the product itself. (75) ____ 8. When a free-rider problem exists a. too few resources are devoted to the good. b. the cost of the good will always be more than the benefit of the good. c. the good will not be produced. d. entrepreneurs will eventually find a way to make free-riders pay their share. (80) The Principles of Microeconomics 4 of 11 Practice Second Midterm Exam ____ 9. The town of Sointenly does not have any public snow-plows. Anyone who wants their street cleared of snow must hire a private snow-plow company to do it for $75. Curly, Larry and Moe all live on a dead-end street, with Curly living at the very end of it. Each one values snow removal at $50. At present, the snow is never cleared from the street. We can conclude that a. the current situation is best because the cost of snow removal exceeds what each of them is willing to pay for it. b. Larry and Moe should wait for Curly to pay for the service because if the snow is cleared all the way to Curly's house, Larry and Moe will get the service for free. c. the fee charged by the snow removal company is unfairly high. d. Curly, Larry and Moe could all be better off if they acted collectively. (85) ____ 10. Deadweight loss from taxes in a market represents the a. inefficiency that taxes create. b. shift in benefit from producers to consumers. c. part of consumer and producer surplus that is now revenue to the government. d. loss in profit to producers when quantity demanded falls as a result of higher prices. (91) True/False: Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. ____ 11. Productivity is the primary determinant of a country's living standards. (103) ____ 12. The tradeoff between the production of different goods can change because of technological improvement over time. (105) ____ 13. The housing shortages caused by rent controls are larger in the long run than in the short run because both the supply of housing and the demand for housing are more elastic in the long run. (124) ____ 14. If a tax is imposed on the buyer of a product, the tax incidence will fall entirely on the buyer, causing the buyer to pay more. (127) ____ 15. Even though participants in the economy are motivated by self-interest, the "invisible hand" of the marketplace guides this self-interest into promoting general economic wellbeing. (134) ____ 16. Free trade causes job losses in industries in which a country does not have a comparative advantage, but it also causes job gains in industries in which the country has a comparative advantage. (142) ____ 17. If the social cost of producing robots is less than the private cost of producing robots, the private market produces too few robots. (145) ____ 18. Pigovian taxes enhance efficiency, but the cost to administer the tax frequently exceeds the revenue they raise for the government. (148) The Principles of Microeconomics 5 of 11 Practice Second Midterm Exam ____ 19. When one person enjoys the benefit of national defense, he (or she) reduces the benefit to others. (150) ____ 20. If we can conclude that human life has a finite value, cost-benefit analysis can lead to solutions in which human life is worth less than the cost of a potential project. (155) Short Answer: Your answers should be given in complete sentences or complete paragraphs. 21. Gary and Diane must prepare a presentation for their marketing class. As part of their presentation, they must do a series of calculations and prepare 50 PowerPoint slides. It would take Gary 10 hours to do the required calculation and 10 hours to prepare the slides. It would take Diane 12 hours to do the calculations and 20 hours to prepare the slides. (169) a. How much time would it take the two to complete the project if they divide the calculations equally and the slides equally? b. How much time would it take the two to complete the project if they use comparative advantage and specialize in calculating or preparing slides? c. If Diane and Gary have the same opportunity cost of $5 per hour, is there a better solution than for each to specialize in calculating or preparing slides? The Principles of Microeconomics 6 of 11 Practice Second Midterm Exam 22. Using the graph in Figure 5, answer the following questions. (170) Figure 5. a. What was the equilibrium price in this market before the tax? $ b. What is the amount of the tax? $ c. How much of the tax will the buyers pay? $ d. How much of the tax will the sellers pay? $ The Principles of Microeconomics 7 of 11 Practice Second Midterm Exam e. How much will the buyer pay for the product after the tax is imposed? $ f. How much will the seller receive after the tax is imposed? $ g. As a result of the tax, what has happened to the level of market activity? 23. What is meant by "internalizing" an externality? How can a negative externality be internalized? (192) 24. Why are public policy solutions such as Pigovian taxes and subsidies preferred over regulatory policies? (196) The Principles of Microeconomics 8 of 11 Practice Second Midterm Exam 25. Using the information in the graph shown below, answer the following questions about hammers. Price $22 Domestic Supply $14 World Price $10 $5 Domestic Demand $0 0 50 90 Quantity 135 a. What is the equilibrium price of hammers before trade? $ b. What is the equilibrium quantity of hammers before trade? c. What is the price of hammers after trade is allowed? $ The Principles of Microeconomics 9 of 11 Practice Second Midterm Exam d. What is the quantity of hammers imported? e. What is the amount of consumer surplus before trade? $ f. What is the amount of consumer surplus after trade? $ g. What is the amount of producer surplus before trade? $ h. What is the amount of producer surplus after trade? $ i. What is the amount of total surplus before trade? $ The Principles of Microeconomics 10 of 11 Practice Second Midterm Exam j. What is the amount of total surplus after trade? $ k. What is the change in total surplus because of trade? $ The Principles of Microeconomics 11 of 11 Practice Second Midterm Exam