TDCAF 2011 Annual Report - Texas District & County Attorneys

Texas District and County Attorneys Foundation
Annual Report 2011
(EST. 2006)
From the Foundation’s leadership
e are honored to provide you with the Texas
District and County Attorneys Foundation’s
(TDCAF) 2011 Annual Report, along with our thanks
and sincere appreciation for your support of the
Texas District and County Attorneys Association
(TDCAA) and Foundation.
The last year has proved to be a success for the
Foundation, and with your support we look forward
to continued achievement in 2012. We are proud of
Dan Boulware
all the Foundation accomplished in 2011; we:
TDCAF President
• raised over $228,000 for the Foundation;
• elected a new Board of Directors and added new
members to our existing Advisory Committee;
• created an endowment through the generous
donations from the Founding Fellows of our new
Texas Prosecutors Society. This investment account
will ensure long-term financial support for the Foundation and TDCAA;
• underwrote and mailed the Manual on Family Violence Prosecution to every Texas prosecutor’s office;
• provided four books for every attendee at our
Rob Kepple
two Prosecutor Trial Skills Courses; and
TDCAF Executive Director
• defrayed expenses for the Train the Trainer seminar and Advanced Trial and Appellate Advocacy
Courses. Doing so frees up grant funds to increase
reimbursement to prosecutors and staff for travel and
hotel expenses.
Again, thank you to our TDCAA members,
TDCAA’s Board of Directors, and TDCAF’s Board of
Trustees and Advisory Committee for their continued
support. We kick off our 2012 Annual Campaign in a
few weeks so keep an eye out for more information.
Please check out our website at for
Jennifer Vitera
TDCAF Development Director updates and partnership opportunities.
What is TDCAF?
he Texas District and County Attorneys Foundation (TDCAF) was created in 2006
as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Its sole purpose is to financially support the
educational mission of the Texas District and County Attorneys Association (TDCAA).
OK, then what is TDCAA?
DCAA is the professional association
for Texas prosecutors. Our 5,821
members include prosecutors, investigators, support staff, defense attorneys,
judges, and law students.
A key to achieving justice for crime
victims and society at large is a welltrained cadre of professional prosecutors
and support staff. Without effective advocates, our children, crime victims, and the
general public will not get the justice they
Lawyers and peace officers, like many
professionals, require continuing education hours every year to keep their licenses, and we provide that training at
more than 40 annual conferences. Some
of them are geared toward prosecutors
right out of law school, while others target
elected district and county attorneys. Two
seminars per year are on specialty topics,
such as crimes against children and capital
murder, while others cater to investigators, support staff, and those who want to
delve deeper into trial and appellate advocacy. We also train about 1,400 peace
officers and prosecutors every year on
driving while intoxicated (DWI) and other
intoxication offenses. A great portion of
these seminars are funded by government
There is also a private side to our business. We sell more than 25 books on various areas of criminal law and publish the
first copies of the Penal Code and Code
of Criminal Procedure after the biennial
legislature updates the statutes. These
manuals are invaluable to our members,
who use them to learn about legal
changes, new appellate court decisions,
and courtroom strategies from their peers
all over the state.
Why we formed the Foundation
ince 2006, membership to
TDCAA has increased by 19
percent while grant funding has
not kept pace. Plus, prosecutors’
offices contend with 20 percent attrition annually, which requires a
continued effort to train new attorneys and staff. The Foundation,
created to address this financial
gap, provides 6 percent of
TDCAA’s funding, but we need
more help to maintain our number
and quality of services.
Grant funds
in grant
$1,333,000 $1,333,000 $1,333,000
in grant in grant
in grant
in grant
in grant
members 6,200
in grant
in grant
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
* projected
What the Foundation does
e support TDCAA by funding staff
and training in these areas:
Domestic Violence
Domestic violences cases are among the
hardest to prosecute because the crime
occurs between family members, and the
victims often recant their stories once the
trauma of the assault has passed. Despite
a victim’s reluctance (or refusal) to testify,
prosecutors have a vested interest in trying these cases to protect the victims, especially children, who are scared of their
In early 2011, funding from The Dow
Chemical Company, State Bar Foundation, and Coastal Bend
Foundation to TDCAF
enabled us to print and
mail our Family Violence
Resource Notebook to
every victim assistance
coordinator in Texas—a
boost to those attorneys
and victim services coordinators who deal
with family violence cases regularly.
Also, in April 2012, TDCAA will host a
three-day course targeting the unique
role of prosecutors’ office personnel in
combating domestic violence so they can
more compassionately and effectively
provide assistance and information to domestic violence victims.
Prosecutor Trial Skills Courses
This course, which we affectionately call
Baby School because it is designed for
brand-new prosecutors, is produced twice
a year. It is an intensive, faculty-driven
course that requires new prosecutors to
work at developing basic courtroom skills
in a week of drills and guided discussions.
Hand-picked, expert faculty teach these
new prosecutors everything from the nuts
and bolts of jury selection and technology
in the courtroom to how to effectively
prosecute domestic violence cases, just to
name a few. Also, each attendee is given
four books—free of charge!—underwritten by the Foundation.
Advanced Prosecutor Training
To fight for victims of crime, prosecutors
must be prepared to be at their best in
the courtroom. To this end, and through
a gift from the Harris County District Attorney’s Office, the Foundation can sustain two critical TDCAA courses.
Train the Trainer. Since 2008, the Texas
District and County Attorneys Foundation
has fully funded the food, lodging, and
training for attendees so that people can
attend at no cost to their offices. Highly
qualified faculty teach prosecutors, investigators, and staff the principles of adult
learning techniques so they can give
more effective oral presentations, whether
to a room of their peers or to a jury panel.
Attendance at this course is by invite only
and is limited to 30 participants so that
each attendee can receive personalized
attention and help.
Because TDCAA has a number of
courses which require experienced faculty, we are always on the lookout for
prospective speakers with the expertise
and talent to teach others. Train the
Trainer has become an excellent “farm
system” for such instructors.
Advanced Advocacy Courses. The second Foundation-funded TDCAA training
is the Advanced Advocacy Course, in
which seasoned prosecutors further their
skills in an intensive, week-long session at
Baylor School of Law in Waco. It is de- tributed to the SBOT ongoing series of
signed for the prosecutor with at least Texas Pattern Jury Charges for Criminal
three to five years of trial experience. Law (the fourth volume is under way). He
Through presentations, demonstrations, also composes our case summaries, which
and directed workshops in real court- are e-mailed weekly to close to 2,000 subrooms, experienced faculty guide partici- scribers.
pants through detailed felony case
scenarios addressing many challenges Victim Services
that arise in their work as experienced Using Foundation funds, we hired
Suzanne McDaniel (pictured left), our VicTDCAA offers both
tim Services Director, to improve
trial advocacy and appellegislatively
late advocacy so that all
largely unfunded—crime victim
prosecutors can enrich
services in prosecutor’s offices.
their skills. These AdSuzanne is responsible for techvanced Advocacy Courses
Suzanne McDaniel nical assistance to prosecutors
are limited to 40 hand-seand staff on issues ranging from
lected students and fully funded by the urgent questions on pending cases to
Foundation so there is no cost to individ- grant opportunities, training, caselaw, and
uals or their offices.
program implementation. Her second
Both courses are manpower- and re- year was busy: co-developing and presource-intensive, and support from the senting victim assistance ethics seminars
Foundation is critical.
across the state; researching and distributing innovation and implementation information in our journal; representing the
Appellate Assistance
Appellate prosecutors handle all sorts of membership in statewide victim service
appeals, from misdemeanors to death coalitions that set best practices and fundpenalty cases. These prosecutors go be- ing priorities; giving TDCAA a place at the
table in multidisciplinary
fore the appellate courts to
coalition meetings to proargue issues that require a
vide our perspective and
great breadth of knowledge,
learn more about others in
both legal and institutional.
issues involving policy and
Your gift to the Foundafunding priorities; and plantion supports our senior apning and providing workpellate attorney, John Stride John Stride
shops for TDCAA’s Annual
(pictured right) whose contributions over the past year have been in- Criminal & Civil Law Update, Victim Assisvaluable. In 2011, John has helped out on tance Coordinator seminar, and partner
the updates for the Prosecutor Trial Note- organizations such as the Children’s Advobook and the Charging Manual; written a cacy Center of Texas and MADD.
In short, the Foundation supports
number of articles for The Texas Prosecutor journal; provided pointers for briefs TDCAA’s mission to assist Texas prosecuand writs; fielded numerous questions; tors and their allied professionals achieve
contributed to preparing and grading the their goal of a safer Texas.
first State Bar of Texas (SBOT) Criminal
Appellate Specialty Exam; and con-
“Why I give to the Foundation”
arly in 2011, we asked several people who have faithfully contributed to the Foundation exactly why they give. We were so heartened by their answers that we
shared them with our entire membership through our Annual Campaign mailing, and
we reprint them here now for you to see. For more stories, see our website,
Richard J. Miller
County Attorney,
Bell County
am in my
19th year as
a prosecutor,
and early on, I
came to truly
appreciate what a valuable support organization TDCAA has been
to my effort. The Foundation is the primary outlet that helps keep
that effort afloat and allows me to make more than a token
contribution to some of the most critical and important work that
we all have the privilege of doing. In an era of diminished funding
for TDCAA, I am confident that every cent we contribute through the
Foundation is furthering that work.”
Sandy Glisson
Executive Assistant,
Walker County Criminal
District Attorney’s Office
raining for prosecutors
and investigators must
be unique and job-specific.
The only organization that
understands our needs is
TDCAA, and the Foundation is
what enables TDCAA to meet
those needs. TDCAA’s
outstanding training,
personnel, and services
cannot survive these hard
economic times without the
Foundation. Now is the time
to give, and your support
makes all the difference!“
Melissa Hightower
County Attorney’s Investigator,
Williamson County
have been a TDCAA member since
1985, and I can say unequivocally that
TDCAA is the best organization I have ever
had the pleasure to be associated with. The
training and resources TDCAA provides to
all employees in a district or county
attorney’s office is invaluable. It is an honor
to give both monetarily and with service to
an organization that serves its members so
well. That is why I give!”
Founding Fellows program
n 2011, under the direction of Board
Chairman, Dan Boulware, the Foundation kicked off its campaign to establish a
select group of supporters we’re calling
the Texas Prosecutors Society. To inaugurate this new society, we have hand-selected 106 prosecutors and alumni from
across the state to be its Founding Fellows. (The number 106 signifies the number of years TDCAA has been in
existence.) This invitation is
for those current or former
prosecutors who are in good
standing with the Association and who have exemplified the highest standards of
Every year, TDCAF will
invite 50 new members to
the Texas Prosecutors Society; these 50 members will
be selected by a nominations committee
from the TDCAF and TDCAA Boards.
These Founding Fellows have
pledged $250 per year for 10 years (or
$2,500 upfront) to build an endowment
fund for the Foundation—a forward-thinking strategy for building stability and
growth for both the Foundation and the
Association. The endowment’s purpose is
to collect and invest funds for the future
to provide critical support to the Association. County budgets, like all government offices, are tight, and the
Foundation wants to assist our members
in any way we can to get them the training
they deserve. The members we serve are
our greatest assets. As a not-for-profit organization, TDCAF depends on charitable
contributions such as those received
through the Fellows Program so we can
continue providing training for our prosecutors and their staffs and making Texas a
safer place-safer for all Texans. The goal
is that a portion of the proceeds will go
toward establishing a permanent endowment for the Foundation.
The members we serve are our greatest assets. As a not-for-profit organization,
TDCAF depends on charitable contributions such as those received through the
Fellows Program so we can
continue providing training
for prosecutors and their
staffs, making Texas a safer
place for all citizens.
Our Founding Fellows will
be recognized at the Board
Dinner at TDCAA’s Annual
Criminal & Civil Law Update
in September, and we plan
on hosting a special cocktail
reception annually to recognize new
We’d like to honor our Founding Fellows by recognizing them here:
Founding Fellows
(as of March 7, 2012)
Richard B. Alpert
Bernard W. Ammerman
Gordon V. Armstrong
Eduardo Arredondo
Patrick C. Batchelor
Diane Beckham
Robert Newton Bland, IV
Dan M. Boulware
Kathy Braddock
John M. Bradley
Richard W. Brainerd
Thomas L. Bridges
C. Scott Brumley
Founding Fellows program
Katherine A. Cabaniss
Stephen H. Capelle
The Honorable Jim Chapman
Tim Cole
J. Michael Criswell
Norma Davenport
A. W. Davis, Jr.
Yolanda De Leon
Gianna M. DeBottis Metts
John P. Dodson
Scott A. Durfee
Laurie K. English
David Escamilla
Jaime E. Esparza
Knox Fitzpatrick
Gerald A. Fohn
Michael E. Fouts
Jack C. Frels
Robert Wayne Gage
Henry L. Garza
The Honorable Larry Gist
Jesse Gonzales, Jr.
The Honorable Gerald Goodwin
H.E. Bert Graham
Michael J. Guarino, Jr.
Rene A. Guerra
Tom Hanna
Russell Hardin, Jr.
John Staley Heatly
Michael J. Hinton
John B. Holmes, Jr.
William Lee Hon
Bruce Isaacks
Micheal E. Jimerson
Ed C. Jones
James H. Keeshan
Rob Kepple
The Honorable W.C. “Bud” Kirkendall
The Honorable Oliver Kitzman
Tom Krampitz
James M. Kuboviak
James E. “Pete” Laney
Robert Charles Lassmann
Crawford Long
Doug Lowe
Barry L. Macha
Elizabeth H. Marshall
Richard J. Miller
Kim K. Ogg
Rene M. Peña
Lisa Peterson
G. Dwayne Pruitt
Steven E. Reis
Fred G. Rodriguez
Vincent R. Ryan, Jr.
The Honorable Susan Reed
Joe Shannon, Jr.
Randall Coleman Sims
Johnny Keane Sutton
Marcus D. Taylor
The Honorable F. Duncan Thomas
Sherri K. Tibbe
William R. Turner
Carol S. Vance
Janice Warder
Martha Warren Warner
David P. Weeks
L. E. “Ted” Wilson, III
Mark Yarbrough
TDCAF donors in 2011*
TDCAF by the numbers
FY 2011
% of Budget
Restricted Funds
Net Restricted Income
Fund Balances
Total All Funds
Unrestricted Funds
Net Unrestricted Income
Amount transferred to TDCAA in 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$227,938
Amount raised at the third annual golf tournament . . . . . . . . . . .$15,000
Amount raised from the 2011 silent auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3,000
Number of donors in 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .264
Total fund balance for 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Participation from the Foundation Board
and Investigator Board to the Annual Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3rd Millennium Classrooms
W. Clay Abbott
Jeffrey Wayne Actkinson
Isidro R. Alaniz**
Kimberly L. Allen
Larry W. Allison**
Richard B. Alpert
Alpha Capital Management
Alva Alvarez
Bernard W. Ammerman
Bernard W. Ammerman**
Jana Anderson
Gordon V. Armstrong
Eduardo Arredondo
Nancy Firebaugh Arthur
J. Kerye Ashmore
Stephen Patrick Ballantyne Jr.
Harry J. Barina Jr.
Patrick C. Batchelor
Linda Bayless
Diane Beckham
Elmer C. Beckworth Jr.
Richard P. Bianchi
Robert Allan Bianchi Jr.
Ronald Kent Birdsong**
Robert Newton Bland, IV
Robert Newton Bland, IV**
Barbara Bailey Bogart
Dan M. Boulware
Kathleen Braddock
John M. Bradley
Richard W. Brainerd
Deborah F. Branch
Loren Breland
Thomas L. Bridges
Gary Lee Brittain
Diana L. Broadnax
Brumley Guinan Gunter Foundation
Michael N. Butera
Clark S. Butler
Katherine A. Cabaniss
Bonny Cain
Craig D. Caldwell
Bill Campbell
Stephen H. Capelle
Michael P. Carnes
Jeffrey Charles Case
David Castillo
Dan F. Cervenka
Rebecca Dodds Clarke
Teresa J. Clingman
Coastal Bend Community Foundation
Richard Lyn Cofer
Joe D. Commander
Convenience Office Supply of Austin
Corrective Solutions
Steve Cowan
Don & Susan Cox
James O. Cure
Robert Darin Darby
Norma Davenport
A. W. Davis, Jr.
William Jewell Davis, M.D.
Yolanda De Leon
Joe Ned Dean
Gianna M. DeBottis Metts
Sam W. Dick
John P. Dodson
Carl L. Dorrough**
Angela M. Dowdle
Thomas C. Dunn
Billy John Edwards
James M. Eidson
Laurie K. English
David Escamilla
Jaime E. Esparza
Robert E. Etlinger
Tim Evans
James A. Farren**
Robert S. Fertitta
David L. Finney
Knox Fitzpatrick
John Thomas Fleming
Gerald A. Fohn
Formosa Plastics Corporation
Michael L. Fostel
Michael E. Fouts
Abigail Akin Fowler
Jack C. Frels
Eloy Mirelez Garcia
Henry L. Garza
The Honorable Larry Gist
Richard E. Glaser
Susan J. Glass
The Honorable Judge George H. Godwin
The Honorable Gerald A. Goodwin
H. E. Bert Graham
Michael J. Guarino Jr.
David W. Hajek
Philip L. Hall
Tom Hanna
Russell Hardin Jr.
William Brent Haynes
John Staley Heatly
John Staley Heatly**
Melissa K. Hightower
John C. Hille Jr.
Doyle E. Hobbs Jr.
Patricia Ann Holloman
* donations received January 1 to
December 31, 2011
** denotes restricted gift
Current fundraising strategies
TDCAF donors in 2011* (cont’d)
Gregory Keith Holloway
Jerry Holmes
John B. Holmes Jr.
James R. Horton
Douglas W. Howell, III
John Thomas Hubert**
Jerrold M. Hunter
Russ & Vicky Hunt
Luke McLean Inman**
Jimmy R. Isbell
Elizabeth Christy Jack
Larry & Lisa Jaynes
Micheal E. Jimerson
Dan K. Joiner Jr.
Cannon Dean Jones
Ed C. Jones
Ed C. Jones**
Kenneth Kalafut
Benjamin I. Kaminar
The Honorable James H. Keeshan
David G. Kemp
Rob Kepple
Daniel Johnson Kindred
The Honorable W. C. “Bud” Kirkendall
The Honorable Oliver S. Kitzman
Frank Dobie Kosub
Tom Krampitz
L.G.S. Inc.
Landon Paul Lambert
The Honorable James E. “Pete” Laney
Robert Charles Lassmann
Elizabeth L. Lieb
Cheryl Swope Lieck
LifeSafer Interlock
Brett W. Ligon**
Linzy & Thigpen, Attorneys at Law
Joel David Littlefield
Michael R. Little
David B. Lobingier
Crawford Long
John Clark Long, IV
Doug Lowe
Susan Michelle Loyless
Jason Luong
Stephen R. Lupton**
Cheryll Mabray
Barry & Jane Macha
Sara Lowrey Mackie
MacLean & Boulware
Tom E. Maness**
Max & Mary Lou Marks
Elizabeth H. Marshall
Mary Ann Martinez
Mike, Michelle, Ethel & Lee Mayfield
Jack A. McGaughey
Drayton McLane, Jr.
John McMillin
Lisa C. McMinn
Anna Lee McNelis
Joe Anthony Medrano
Jennifer Meriwether
Len & Cindy Mewhinney
Gregory T. Miller
Louis Dayne Miller
Richard J. Miller
Jose J. Monsivais
Martha Ann Montgomery-Moran
Ray E. Lee Montgomery
Bill J. Moore
Nancy Louise Nicolas
William E. Parham
Mark Edward Parker
Peggy Parrott
Jarvis Parsons
Rene M. Peña**
Marlena E. Pendley
Lisa L. Peterson
Walter E. Pinegar
Larry E. Pope
Matthew D. Powell**
James V. Prewitt
Prosecuting Attorneys Association
of Michigan
G. Dwayne Pruitt
Jack W. Pulcher
James & Elisa Rainey
Judge Susan D. Reed
Tanya Louise Reed
Steven E. Reis
Randall W. Reynolds
Ray Rike
Brendan H. Robbins
Patricia H. Robertson
Fred G. Rodriguez
A. Ross Rommel Jr.
Charles A. Rosenthal Jr.
James T. Russell
Evelyn Rutherford
Saulsbury Family Foundation Inc.
Savitsky, Satin & Bacon
Loren & Martin Schwartz
Donnis M. Scott
Daphne Lynette Session
Joe Shannon Jr.
Lynn H. Sheffield
B. J. Shepherd
Gregory A. Silber
Randall Coleman Sims
Joseph J. Skrivanek, III
Richard S. Smith
Ken Sparks**
Ty M. Sparks
Kerry Mason Spears
Wayne E. Springer
John Mark Stephenson
William J. Stroman Jr.
Peggy S. Supak
Johnny Keane Sutton
William G. Swaim
Windy Swearingen
Lynn Switzer
Texas Bar Foundation
The Dow Chemical Company
The Honorable F. Duncan Thomas
Robert Lowell Thompson
William Grover Thompson
Molly J. Thurman
Truck Service Center, Inc.
William R. Turner
William R. Turner**
Carol S.Vance
Delia Vega
Charles Vela
Alyson Vidoli
Jennifer Vitera
Robert Vititow
Terry J.Vogel
David K. Walker
Ronald G. Walker
Cindy Wallace
Janice L. Warder
Martha Warren Warner
Martha Warren Warner**
J. Mark Warren
Keith & Becky Warren
Lonny Watson
David P. Weeks
L. E. “Ted” Wilson, III
Justin Keith Wood
Mark Yarbrough
Mark Yarbrough**
Kevin Patrick Yeary
Jerilynn Yenne
Jerilynn Yenne**
Gary Duane Young
* donations received January 1
to December 31, 2011
** denotes restricted gift
Foundation Board Members & Advisory Council Members The Foundation depends heavily on its Board members to help develop relationships with donors and
prospective donors. The Foundation’s Advisory Council is also key in cultivating, maintaining, and retaining donors.
Annual Campaigns The Foundation has organized annual campaigns to raise
funds. These are known as the “So the State is Always Ready” Annual Campaigns.
Special Events The Foundation has raised funds through a variety of special
events, including an annual golf tournament and Champions for Justice events.
Foundation Grants The Foundation prepares grant proposals and requests for
submission to charitable foundations of all types: individual, family, corporate, community, and general purpose and special purpose foundations.
Honorariums and Memorials The Foundation accepts and encourages gifts “in
honor of” or “in memory of” a donor’s loved ones, friends, and colleagues.
Planned Giving The Foundation is in a position to set up planned gifts in the form
of bequests through wills or other estate plans, charitable gift annuities and trusts,
life insurance, and gifts of stock or real estate.
Sale of a PowerPoint CD We have been selling PowerPoint For the Courtroom
CDs, which were created by Todd Smith, chief investigator in the Lubbock County
Criminal District Attorney’s Office. A portion of the sales benefit the Foundation.
Every gi maers
aking a gift to the Texas District and County Attorneys Foundation (TDCAF)
through the Annual Campaign is one of the most meaningful ways you support the ongoing services, training, technical assistance, and educational opportunities for the members of the Texas District and County Attorneys Association
Support the Foundation at any level you can. We invite all elected and assistant
prosecutors, investigators, key personnel, and victim assistants to give to the Annual Campaign. We also need contributions from private donors, private foundations, and corporate partners from across the State. Are there folks in your
community who share our goal of a safer Texas? If so, contact the Foundation at
512/474-2436 or visit our website at Your support will have a lasting
impact on the Foundation.
Remembering Arthur “Cappy” Eads
e year in photos
he Texas District and
County Attorneys Foundation lost a true hero and
friend with the death of
Arthur “Cappy” Eads on
November 1. The Foundation is stronger for Cappy’s
outstanding leadership on
the TDCAF Advisory Board,
of which he’d been a member
since its inception in 2006. He
was so dedicated to and excited
about the Foundation and its
mission that he even asked that
friends donate to TDCAF in his
memory. He will be greatly
Golf tournament sponsors
Special thanks to the sponsors of our 3rd annual golf tournament:
The investigators
won our fundraising
challenge to earn
a happy hour at
Investigator School
Title Sponsor
Family Sponsors
3rd annual golf
H.E. Bert Graham
TDCAF leadership
2011 Foundation Advisory Committee members
D. August Boto, Nashville, TN
Jim Chapman, Austin
Troy Cotton, Houston
Ashton Cumberbatch, Jr., Austin
Norma Davenport, Kerrville
Dean Robert S. Fertitta, Columbia, SC
Gerald R. Flatten, Beaumont
Jack C. Frels, Houston
The Honorable Larry Gist, Beaumont
The Honorable Gerald Goodwin, Lufkin
Michael J. Guarino, Galveston
Tom Hanna, Nederland
Bill Hill, Dallas
The Honorable W.C. “Bud” Kirkendall, Seguin
The Honorable Oliver Kitzman, Brookshire
James E. “Pete” Laney, Hale Center
The Honorable Michael J. McCormick, Lockhart
The Honorable John T. Montford, San Antonio
Kim K. Ogg, Houston
G. Dwayne Pruitt, Brownfield
Charles A. Rosenthal, Jr., Houston
Joe Shannon Jr., Fort Worth
Johnny Sutton, Austin
Carol Vance, Houston
2011 Foundation Board of Trustees members
Dan Boulware, Cleburne
Secretary/Treasurer The Honorable Susan Reed,
San Antonio
Bobby Bland, Odessa
Dan Boulware, Cleburne
Kathy Braddock, Houston
John Bradley, Georgetown
Tom Bridges, Portland
Katherine Cabaniss, Houston
Yolanda de Leon, Harlingen
David Escamilla, Austin
Knox Fitzpatrick, Dallas
Bert Graham, Houston
Russell Hardin Jr., Houston
Michael J. Hinton, Houston
Pete Inman, Austin
Helen McDaniel Jackson, Houston
Tom Krampitz, Dallas
Greg Laughlin, West Columbia
Barry Macha, Wichita Falls
Mindy Montford, Austin
The Honorable Susan Reed, San Antonio
TDCAA staff members
Executive Director Rob Kepple
W. Clay Abbott, DWI Resource Prosecutor
Diane Burch Beckham, Senior Staff Counsel
Kaylene Braden, Receptionist
William Calem, Director of Operations and Chief Financial Officer
Shannon Edmonds, Staff Attorney
Tammy Hall, Financial Officer
Manda Helmick, Meeting Planner
Suzanne McDaniel, Victim Services Director
John McMillin, Research Attorney
Erik Nielsen, Training Director
Dayatra Rogers, Assistant Database Manager
Lara Brumen Skidmore, Database Manager
Andrew Smith, Sales Manager
John Stride, Senior Appellate Attorney
Jennifer Vitera, Foundation Development Director
Sarah Wolf, Communications Director