Thermodynamics I Spring 2015 Lecture 9: Evaluating properties Yong Li Shanghai Jiao Tong University Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics 800 Dong Chuan Road Shanghai, 200240, P. R. China Email : Phone: 86-21-34206056; Fax: 86-21-34206056 1.1 Last Lecture Energy Balance – Cycles: » Summation of all heat interactions (Qcycle) must equal the summation of all work interactions (Wcycle) Power cycles deliver net work output Refrigeration/ heat pump cycles require net work input Qin + Wcycle = Qout Performance parameters defined for the above cycles » Power Cycle Thermal Efficiency (η) » Refrigeration/heat pump cycles – Coefficient of Performance (COP) 1.2 In the following Lectures—start Chapter 3 The objective of the Chapter 3 is to introduce property relations relevant to engineering thermodynamics. » State principle » Simple system, simple compressible systems » Pure Substance » Phase » Phase Change » Property Diagrams The equilibrium state of a simple compressible system is specified of two independent, intensive properties. 1.3 Concepts Fixing the state State Principle ::: A general rule determining the number of independent properties required to fix the state of a system. » The number of independent properties is 1+ the number of relevant work interactions. Based on experiments Simple Systems ::: There is only one way the system energy can be significantly altered by work as the system undergoes quasiequilibrium processes. » Two independent properties needed to fix the state of a simple system. » Simple compressible system » Simple elastic system » Simple magnetic system 1.4 Concepts Fixing the state Simple Compressible Systems ::: pure substance system » useful for a wide range of engineering applications. » The state principle indicates that the number of independent intensive properties is 2 for such systems. » Intensive properties such as velocity and elevation that are assigned values relative to datums outside the system are excluded from present considerations. » The only mode of energy transfer by work that can occur as a simple compressible system undergoes quasiequilibrium processes, is associated with volume change and is given by ∫ p dV. Is it a model? Yes 1.5 Concepts Pure Substances A pure substance :::uniform and invariable in chemical composition. A pure substance can exist in more than one phase, but its chemical composition must be the same in each phase. » A system with two phase liquid water and water vapor is a pure substance? Yes A mixture of various elements or compounds is a pure substance as long as the mixture is homogeneous. » Air is a pure substance? Yes A mixture of two or more phases is a pure substance as long as the chemical composition of all phases is the same » e.g. A mixture of ice and liquid water 1.6 Concepts Phases of Pure Substances A phase of a substance ::: having a distinct molecular arrangement which is homogeneous throughout and separated from the others by easily identifiable boundary surfaces. Solid ::: Molecules oscillate about “fixed positions, tightly packed; oscillation is related to temperature Liquid ::: “Chunks” of molecules float about each other; maintain molecular order Gas ::: No molecular order; gas molecules move at random large distances between molecules; small intermolecular forces 1.7 Concepts Concepts relation System Simple system Simple Compressible System .. pure substance system Phase 1.8 Concepts Phase Change Phase Change::: transformation of a thermodynamic system from one phase to another. Molecular motion determined by temperature Higher temperatures result in higher microscopic internal energy (translational, rotational, vibrational) Energy content increases from solids to liquids to gases Phase change processes important in many practical applications » e.g.: boiler and condenser (liquid‐vapor equilibrium) in steam power plant cycle In general, liquid‐vapor phase changes will be of the most importance for this class 1.9 Concepts Phase Change A Melt B Freeze C Boil D Condense E Sublimation (升华) F Desublimation (凝华) 1.10 Concepts p-v-T Surface The substance is at equilibrium p-v-T Surface::: In 3-D space, indicate relationships between p, v and T for a given pure substance on p-v-T surface p-v-T surface depicts the complete behavior of a given pure substance Two-phase regions::: Located between the single-phase regions » Two phases exist in equilibrium » liquid–vapor(L-V), solid–liquid (S-L), and solid–vapor(S-V) » The state cannot be fixed by temperature and pressure alone; however, can be fixed by v Three phases can exist in and either p or T equilibrium along the line labeled triple line. 1.11 Concepts p-v-T Surface T-v, p-v and p-T diagrams are simply projections from this surface Triple point ::: the triple line of the threedimensional p–v–T surface projects onto a point on the phase diagram. Water, triple point 273.16K at 0.6113 kPa P-T diagram = Phase diagram 1.12 Concepts p-v-T Surface T-v, p-v and p-T diagrams are simply projections from this surface Triple point ::: the triple line of the threedimensional p–v–T surface projects onto a point on the phase diagram. P-T diagram = Phase diagram Water, triple point 273.16K at 0.6113 kPa Assigned Measured 1.13 Phase diagram for water (not to scale) 1.14 1.15 T-v, p-v diagram 1.16 Temperature and Energy 1.17 Constant Pressure Phase Change for Water 1.18 Concepts States of Water, Liquid and Vapor Subcooled liquid::: liquid too cold to vaporize at the given pressure =::: compressed liquid Saturated Liquid::: liquid about to vaporize Liquid‐Vapor Mixture::: liquid and vapor co-exist in equilibrium Vapor dome Saturated Vapor::: vapor about to condense Superheated Vapor::: vapor too hot to condense at the given pressure Saturation state 1.19 Concepts States of Water, Liquid and Vapor Subcooled liquid::: liquid too cold to vaporize at the given pressure =::: compressed liquid Saturated Liquid::: liquid about to vaporize Liquid‐Vapor Mixture::: liquid and vapor co-exist in equilibrium Vapor dome Saturated Vapor::: vapor about to condense Superheated Vapor::: vapor too hot to condense at the given pressure Saturation state 1.20 Concepts T-v vs. p-v Diagrams lines of constant P lines of constant T 1.21 Concepts Saturation T & p Saturation Temperature (Tsat)::: At a given pressure, the temperature at which a pure substance changes phase (liquid ⇒vapor or vapor ⇒liquid) Saturation Pressure (psat)::: At a given temperature, the pressure at which the given pure substance changes phase (liquid ⇒vapor or vapor ⇒liquid) Tsat increases with psat and vice‐versa 1.22 Saturation T & p Line showing saturation temperature and saturation pressure 1.23 Concepts Critical Point Critical Point::: A point on the phase change diagram of the given pure substance where saturated liquid and saturated vapor states are identical Beyond the critical point, no distinct phase change process For water, pcr ~ 221 bar; Tcr ~ 374.1C At critical pressure, no separation between sub-cooled liquid and superheated vapor, i.e., the two-phase region is non-existent 1.24