Chemistry semester 2 calendar

Chemistry semester 2 calendar
1/4 Chapter 12 starts-Check out books
Inquiry Activity p352
PVCL 12.1p355 (1,2,4,10)
1/5 Lecture: Arithmetic of Equations
Small scale p367 Analysis of Baking Soda (do Procedure and Analyze)
1/6 Use online resources for sense making and practice- participation credit will be given for active exploration during the entire
period. For your “PVCL” - record how each website could be used for test review including how to find materials for
other chapters. (try this link for this chapter-
) (scroll down to Stoichiometry or use this direct link: ) (this link for this chapter- )
1/9 Lecture 12.2 to p362
p361 (11b-14) p379 ( 41,49)
1/10 Review homework, Lecture p363-366 (skip molecule calculations)
PVCL 12.2 p366 (17-20,24)
1/11 or 12 Lecture Percent Yield and Limiting Reagent
Crispie Chemistry lab
PVCL 12.3 p374 (29-32,35), P370 (25-28) p379 (45-47, 51)
1/13 Lecture : help on homework
play PhET Reactants, Products and Leftovers or websites listed on 1/6 for extra practice.
1/17 Review Worksheet (chapter 12 test B)
1/18 or 19 Chapter 12 Test
PVCL 13.1 p387 (1,2) p 407 (27,28)
1/20 Start Chapters 13&14 – Lecture
1. Discuss Cartesian Diver demonstration extra credit project (research what one is, make it, prepare a 2-3 minute oral
explanation of how it functions, and give the presentation on . Credit will only be given if the demo is ready on time and
the presentation is given on the specified day. Individuals or pairs can do the project. )
2. Demos and discussion of 13.1
Lab: States of Matter Basics PhET
1/23 Lecture and demos for 13.2-13.4
PVCL 13.2-13.4 p395 (12-13) p399 (18-19) p404 (25)
1/24 Gas Properties PhET
p407 (32, 39, 43, 49, 56, 57) p 411 (1-6)
1/25or26 Gas Properties PhET (finish)
Lecture 14.1 -14.3
PVCL 14.1-14.3 p417 (4-6), p419 (7-14), p429 (28,29)
1/27 Lab: Quick Lab p428 Anti-acid balloon lab
1/30 Lecture Homework review and 14.4 (skip Graham’s Law), Diver Extra Credit presentations
PVCL 14.4 p 434 (31-32)
1/31 Review
1 Review Game Charges, polyatomic names, acids, etc:
Chemistry semester 2 calendar
2/1 or 2 Chapter 13 & 14 Test
Start new unit - Homogenous Solutions (p450-453 and Sections 16.1-16.2)
Sugar and Salts PhET (computer cart except for second hour will use MS lab)
PVCL p450-453
2/3 snow day
2/6Lecture – Polar vs non-polar solvents , #12 p457, p469 #7, Lab: Solubility of salt and sugar
PVCL 16.1, p465( 31-36, 66), p477 (1,6)
2/7 PhET Molarity (MS lab)
2/8 or 9 Lecture- , Concentrations of solutions calculations- molarity and dilutions, Percent solutions
Lab: Small scale molarity lab
PVCL p480-484 p481 (8-13)
2/10 Lab: Solubility of salt and sugar class time to write
2/13 Review TBD, clicker questions Sugar and Salts PhET, clicker questions Molarity PhET
2/14 or 15 block (14 is 1,3,6,7) TEST Homogenous Solutions (p450-453 and Sections 16.1-16.2)
Start Chapter 18 Reaction Rates, Equilibrium and Entropy (sections 18.1,18.2 and 18.4)
Lab: PhET Reactions and Rates 3: Part 1 (start beaker part)
2/ 16 (7 period day conferences on 16th; Friday and Monday no school)
Lab: PhET Reactions and Rates 3: finish (Ms lab second hour, Cart rest of day)
PVCL 18.1 p547 (3-5) p581 (44-47)
2/21 T Lecture 18.1Rates of Reactions
2/22 or 23 Lab: LeChatlier’s Small Scale Lab(#29)
2/24 F Lab: PhET LeChatlier’s Principal Reactions and Rates 4 PhET (MS lab)
PVCL p549-555 p555 (6), p581(48-50)
2/27 Lecture: 18.2 (p549-555 only)
2/28 Lecture: Rest of 18.2 Equilibrium Constants (p556-559)
PVCL 556-559 p557 (7,8, 14-16) p581 (51,52)
2/29 or 3/1 Review, practice, Lecture Section 18.4- Entropy
catch up for test before CTAP crazies
PVCL 18.4 p581 (60,61,69-75)
3/2 F (MS lab is scheduled) review using Ohio State Chemistry
3/5 Test Chapter 18 Reaction Rates, Equilibrium and Entropy (sections 18.1,18.2 and 18.4)
PVCL 19.1 p593 (1,2,7,8)
TCAP Schedule:
Mondays – Standard Schedule
Tuesdays & Wednesdays –
classes start at 12:51 and 1:43 - 3/6 (pd. 1 &2), 3/7 (pd. 3&4), 3/13 (pd. 5&6), 3/14 ( pd.7 & Access )
Thursdays –Thursday Block (3/8 and 3/15)
Fridays – Wednesday Block (3/9 and 3/16)
2 Review Game Charges, polyatomic names, acids, etc:
Chemistry semester 2 calendar
3/6 (pd. 1 &2), 3/7 (pd. 3&4), 3/13 (pd. 5&6) [TCAP schedule]
Lab: Small scale p437 (follow procedure and answer Analyze section questions)
3/8 or 3/9 PhET pH Scale and Acid/Base Solutions (MS lab block schedule)
3/12 Lecture: Acid Base theories, pH Scale 19.1 through page 600, and demo
PVCL p594-600 p596-600 (9-14)
3/15 or 3/16 (MS lab block schedule) Clicker questions
Lab: Finding [H+] with Indicators Do all three parts and include calculations and results
3/19 (baseball game)
PVCL 19.3 p601- 611 (14,15,20-23,27)
3/20 Lecture: Calculating pH more, Strengths of Acids and Bases
3/21-22 Review, Review Worksheet, Worksheet: Sweet 16
Practice using OSU site “Conjugate Acids and
Bases” through “Hydroxide Ion Concentration from pH”
3/23 F
Quiz 19.1- 19.3
4/3 T
Chapter 19.4 Neutralization Reactions
PVCL 19.4 p614-616 (30-33,36-37)
4/4 or 5 Titration lab
4/6 F (MS lab) Finish titration lab
P625-629 (65a,97,7)
4/9 practice titration problems
4/11 Furlough no school
4/10 or 12 Quiz on titration
Lab: Flinn 15
4/13Lecture: Salts in solution
Lab: Acidic and Basic Anhydrides p840 Merrill
4/16 Electrochemistry ch 20.1-20.3,21.1-21.
Lecture: The Meaning of Oxidation and Reduction
Do: PVCL 20.1 p 634-638 (1,2, 6-8)
4/17 Lecture: Oxidation Numbers
Lab: Small Scale 34 Determination of an Activity Series
3 Review Game Charges, polyatomic names, acids, etc:
Chemistry semester 2 calendar
Do: PVCL 20.2 p 641-643 (9,12,15,16)
4/18 or19 Lecture: Balancing Redox Equations
Lab: Small Scale 35 Oxidation- Reduction Reactions
Do: PVCL 20.3 p 647-649 (17,18) use only rx # change method
4/20 F MS electrochemistry activities - Explore at least 3 of these and write a quick reflection (including a link for reference) of
how the activity or sim might be useful or
4/23 Lecture: Electrochemical Cells
Do: p 657 (37, 43, 49, 51)
4/24 ACT – no school
4/26 Block day Lecture Half-Cells and Cell Potentials
Lab: Small Scale 36 Voltaic Cells
Do: PVCL 21.1 p 67- (5-7) p 687 (29) and Chapter 20 review sheet
4/27 Tie Dye and survey
Do: PVCL 21.2 p 675 (9-14) review p 688 (58-61)
4/30 Review
5/1 Electrochem Test
5/2 or 3 Start Nuclear Chemistry Chapter 25(MS scheduled) Alpha and Beta Decay
5/4 Furlough day and Prom
(May 7-18 AP testing)
5/7Lecture: Nuclear Reactions
PVCL 25.1 p802 (3-6)
5/8 Nuclear speaker
5/9 or 5/10 (MS scheduled) Lecture: Half- Life Problems
Lab: Radioactive Dating Game and Kärnobyl Nuclear Power Plant
PVCL 25.2 p806-808 (7,8,12-14)
PVCL 25.3 and 25.4 p813 (18-20) p819 (23-24) p 822 (47-52,54)
5/11 Nuclear Fission (use chasteen’s) (MS scheduled)
5/14 Nuclear Test and check in Prentice Hall book
5/15 Gov AP test
5/16 or 17 Start Aspirin Manufacture
5/18 F Harvest crystals and start identification - Aspirin Purity Foundation 34 Part 2 begins
5/21or 22 Finals (Monday and Tuesday) finish identification
4 Review Game Charges, polyatomic names, acids, etc: