Curriculum Vitae with a list of publications

Eugene Surdutovich
Department of Physics
Oakland University
Rochester, MI 48309
Cell phone (734)-358-5025
Office phone (248)-370-3409
Web site:
Ph. D. in Physics, (GPA=3.93), Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, December 1998
Dissertation title: “Space-time evolution of quantum fluctuations and creation of quark-gluon
plasma in ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions”
M. S. in Physics, with honors, (GPA=4.79/5), Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology,
Moscow, Russia, June 1989
M.S. Thesis title: “A study of the light-induced drift in a single-component gas”
Professional Employment
2008 – present: Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Oakland University,
Rochester, Michigan
2007 – 2008: Visiting Scientist, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt, Germany
1998 – 2007: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
2001 – 2005: Research Associate, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Wayne State
University, Detroit, Michigan
1993 – 1998: Research/Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Wayne State
University, Detroit, Michigan
1989 – 1992: Research Fellow, Central Institute of Aero-Hydrodynamics, Moscow, Russia
Courses Taught and Being Taught:
Descriptive Astronomy: Fall 2005, 2006, 2007, Winter 2006
Conceptual Physics: Fall 2005, Spring-Summer 2006, 2007
General physics I (algebra based): Winter 2007, 2008, Fall 2007
General physics II (algebra based): Winter 2001
General physics I (calculus based): Spring-Summer 1998, 2000, Fall 2008, Winter 2009
General physics II (calculus based): Winter 2008
Mechanics I: Fall 2008
Modern Physics: Fall 2006
Modern Physics Lab: Fall 2006
Optics: Winter 2008
Electro-magnetism I, II: Fall-Winter 1998-2000, 2008-2009
Recitation (quiz) sections and laboratories in General physics 1994-2007
2007-2009: Reviewer/Consultant for Thomson Brooks/Cole and Cengage, Inc.
Accuracy review of chapters of “College Physics” by Serway et al. and review of
problems and questions for this book.
Accuracy review of chapters of “University Physics” by C. Vuille et al.
2007: Edited the Physics Lab Manual for General Physics Lab at Wayne State University
Current research
Developing a multiscale inclusive approach to physics phenomena relevant to proton/ionbeam cancer therapy; this approach will allow calculation of DNA damage as a result of
irradiation of tumors by protons or heavier ions.
Fields of Research Expertise
Experimental atomic physics, positron-atom/molecule scattering
Measuring positron-atom/molecule cross sections, experiment automation, experiment
design; positron beam, vacuum equipment, computer interface, electronics
Positron Annihilation Ratio Spectroscopy, biological applications
Theoretical high-energy nuclear physics; ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions
Study of the earliest stage of ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions, dynamics of the quarkgluon plasma onset, HBT interferometry; quantum field dynamics, QCD, analytical
Rarefied gas dynamics and kinetics
Theoretical aspects and applications of light-induced drift in rarefied gases, chemically
reacting flows in porous media, non-standard heat shielding techniques for aero-space
vehicles; analytical and numerical calculations in aerodynamics and kinetics; direct
Journal Referee: Physical Review Letters
Co-chair of the Organizing Committee of the Fourth International Symposium for Atomic
and Cluster Collisions 2009 (ISACC’09), Ann Arbor, Michigan, 14-18 June 2009
List of publications in refereed journals
1. Physics of ion beam cancer therapy: a multiscale approach, A.V. Solov'yov, E.
Surdutovich, E. Scifoni, I. Mishustin, W. Grainer, Phys. Rev. E 79, 011909 (2009).
2. A physical palette for the ion-beam cancer therapy, E. Surdutovich and A. V. Solov'yov,
Europhys. News, 40 (2009) in production.
3. Ion-induced electron production in tissue-like media and DNA damage mechanisms, E.
Surdutovich, O. I. Obolensky, E. Scifoni, I. Pshenichnov, I. Mishustin, A. V. Solov'yov,
and W. Greiner, Eur. Phys. J. D. 51, 63-71 (2009)
4. Ion beam cancer therapy: fundamental aspects of the problem, O. I. Obolensky, E.
Surdutovich, I. Pshenichnov, I. Mishustin, A. V. Solov'yov, and W. Greiner, Nucl. Instr.
and Meth. B 266 (2008) 1623-1628.
5. Measurements of total cross sections for positron scattering by uracil molecules, E.
Surdutovich, G. Setzler, W.E. Kauppila, S. J. Rehse, and T.S. Stein, Phys Rev A 77,
054701 (2008).
6. Measurements of total and inelastic cross sections in scattering of positrons and
electrons on Cs atoms, E. Surdutovich, W.E. Kauppila, C.K. Kwan, E.G. Miller, S.P.
Parikh, K.A. Price, and T.S. Stein, Phys. Rev. A 75, 032720 (2007).
7. Investigations of positronium formation and destruction using PsARS, W.E. Kauppila,
J.J. Edwards, E.G. Miller, T.S. Stein, and E. Surdutovich, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 247
(2006) 117-122.
8. Investigations of positronium formation and destruction using 3  / 2  annihilation-ratio
measurements, W.E. Kauppila, E. Miller, H.F.M. Mohamed, K. Pipinos, T. S. Stein, and
E. Surdutovich, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 113401.
9. Measurements of cross sections for positrons and electrons scattered by Cs atoms, E.
Surdutovich, W.E. Kauppila, C.K. Kwan, E.G. Miller, S.P. Parikh, K.A. Price, and T.S.
Stein, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 221 (2004) 97-99.
10. Experimental investigation of ortho-positronium – surface interactions, T.S. Stein, W.E.
Kauppila, E.G. Miller, and E. Surdutovich, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 221 (2004) 134-139.
11. Positron scattering by molecules, W.E. Kauppila, T.S. Stein, E.G. Miller, and E.
Surdutovich, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 221 (2004) 48-55.
12. Measurements of positronium formation cross sections in positron-Mg collisions, E.
Surdutovich, M. Harte, W.E. Kauppila, C.K. Kwan, and T.S. Stein, Phys. Rev. A 68
(2003) 022709.
13. Positronium formation in e+-Li and e+-Na collisions at low energies, E. Surdutovich,
J.M. Johnson, W.E. Kauppila, C.K. Kwan, and T.S. Stein, Phys. Rev. A 65 (2002)
14. Scenario for ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions: 4. Effective quark mass at the early
stage, A. Makhlin and E. Surdutovich, Phys. Rev. C 63 (2001) 044904.
15. Sensitivity of HBT interferometry to the microscopic dynamics of freezeout, A. Makhlin
and E. Surdutovich, Phys. Rev. C 59 (1999) 2761-2777.
16. Scenario for ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions: Space-time picture of quantum
fluctuations and the onset of QGP, A. Makhlin and E. Surdutovich, Phys. Rev. C 58
(1998) 389-425.
17. Generation of sound by laser in a single-component gas, E. Surdutovich, CAHI [The
Central Aero-Hydrodynamics Institute] Notes, XXII (1991).
18. Light induced drift of single-component gas in a channel, M.N. Kogan and E.
Surdutovich, Soviet Phys. JETP 71 (1990) 62.
Presentations on Recent Conferences and Workshops
1. Towards an inclusive approach to estimation of DNA damage due to incident ions, E.
Surdutovich, invited talk at the ISACC’08, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
2. A multi-scale approach to the physics of ion beam cancer therapy, A.V. Solov’yov, E.
Surdutovich, E. Scifoni, I. Mishustin, and W. Greiner, in "Radiation Damage in
Biomolecular Systems", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference (RADAM
2008) Debrecen, Hungary, 13-15 June 2008, AIP Conference Series Vol. 1080, Eds.
Károly Tokési, Béla Sulik (2009)
3. Ion-beam therapy: from electron production in tissue-like media to DNA damage
estimations, E. Scifoni, E. Surdutovich, A. Solov’yov, I. Pshenichnov, I. Mishustin, and
Walter Greiner, in "Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems", Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference (RADAM 2008) Debrecen, Hungary, 13-15 June 2008, AIP
Conference Series Vol. 1080, Eds. Károly Tokési, Béla Sulik (2008)
4. Mechanisms of Radiation Damage of Biomolecules, E. Surdutovich, et al., (invited talk at
the ISACC’07, Darmstadt, Germany) in “Latest Advances in Atomic Cluster Collisions:
Structure and Dynamics from the Nuclear to the Biological Scale”, ed. A.V. Solov'yov
and J.-P. Connerade, pp. 411-425, (London, Imperial College Press, 2008)
U. S. Citizen
Married, two sons
A marathon runner, fond of literature, history, classical music, and art