The Arl(ansas Family Historian - Arkansas Genealogical Society


The Arl(ansas

Family Historian

Volume 23, No.4,

December 1985

Note: There is a surname index for VoL 23 at the end of issue No.4.





Genealogical Society

Decembe:r 1985


Vice President

Recording Secretary


Corresponding Secretary




Mrs. A. Hall Allen

Russell P. Baker

Beth Brownlee

Dr. T. A. Bruce

Jeania ~bore Burns

Ruby Gagliano

1985 Editor


Dr. Edward Sanders

Mrs. Jan . Eddleman

Mrs. Pat Bennett

Mrs. Bobbie McLane

Mrs. Bobby Mays

Mrs. Lynda Suffridge

Mrs. Wensil Clark

James Logan Morgan

Mrs. Hayle P. Hollis

Mrs. Frankie Y. Holt

Mrs. Yvonne S. Perkins

Mrs. Emogene Tindall

Virginia Wright

Margaret Hubbard

* * * * *


Decanber, 1985

Appointments of Arkansas M.E. Conference

An Early Arkansas Tragedy

Grant Family (Montgcmery County)

Marion County





Cypress Valley Cenetery (Faulkner County)

Genealogical &. Progress Data of the Ward Family

Confederate Pensioners, Conway, Ark. 1900

Hixon Family Bible

Book Lists and Reviews











# #

THE ARKANSAS FAMILY HIS'roRIAN is the official publication of the Arkansas

Genealogical Society. It is published quarterly by the Society and entered in themailsunderThirdClassPermitNo.509atHotSpringsNationalPark.AR.

Alanbership rate is $12.00 per calendar year. Four issues constitute one year's manbership. Manberships may be entered by sui:Jnission of dues and enrollment data to Arkansas Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 908, Hot Springs, AR 71902-0908.

Neither the Arkansas Genealogical Society, the Board of Directors therecf, nor any individual or committee assume any responsibility for information or material included herein. Contributors of material are indicated, and correspondence should be directed to those persons. Notify the Society of any corrections that are needed.


October, 1985

A lot is going on, and we are grateful for the increased participation of members. For example. we have a new Library Committee to work with our Exchange. Editor. That means the work is spread among more people, saving a lot of wear and tear on the nerves of one willing worker.

Dr. and Mrs. Marion S. Craig have donated a 278-volume research library to AGSI These books are being prepared for shelving and will be in use very shortly. We are indebted to the Craigs. and our appreciation will be expressed formally and publicly in the Spring Seminar 1986.

AGS has a new photocopier in the Editor's office--another time saver.

Garland County 1890 records have been published--quite a feat since that courthouse burned twice before 1907. Some ingenious detours had to be made to develop these records. but the results are excellent.

Elections have been held, and the names of the current Board and the slate of elected officers for 1986 will appear in the first issue of the

Historim next year, Welcome to all new hands on board.

In the Fall Seminar,Wendy Elliott did a good job of illustrating how Land

Records can be extremely helpful in solving genealogical problems and puzzles, especially when combined with Court Records. She also became a Life Member of AGS. How is that for recruiting?

Look for those Family Bibles and personal letters--yours, or any that you hear of! Let's persuade everyone we can to allow the Arkansas

, History Commission to microfilm this irreplaceable information, Be sure it is made clear that my records furnished for microfilming will be returned unhar med.

Have a good winter holiday season. Ask a lot of questions about the family's history while you are with relatives during the holidays!

Ed Sanders


TREASURER'S REPORT 9/3.0/84 to 9/3.0/85

BALANCE AS OF 9-3.0-84


Quarterly AFH (Printing)

Newsletter (printing)

Misc. Printing (Including Rep~int of Township Atlas)


653 • .02





Misc. Expense

Mailing Services

Seminar Expenses


Equipment (Minolta copier)



Books (for AGS Library)






356 • .0.0

2,595 • .0.0

495 • .0.0


821. .0.0

28 • .0.0

53 • .00



P. O. Box Rent

Service Charge

Checks for New Account 35.71

$19,441. 32






BALANCE AS. OF 9;"30-85







Certificate of Deposit #.0.022.08-.02, in the amount of $2,931.47,

First National Bank, Hot Springs, AR

r -

Arkansas Genealogical SOciety, Inc.

P.o. Box 908

Hot Springs, Arkansas 71902-0908


'WHEREAS, Dr. Thomas Allen Bruce has contributed significantly to the

Arkansas Genealogical Society thl'Oughout the years he has been

II. member of the Society and its Board of Directors; and; i-lHERW, the Society has learned that Dr. Bruce wil.l soon leave the state of Arkansasl

N011 THEREFORE, it is re.solved by the Al'kansas Genealogical Society that the Society recognizes the outstanding oontributions Dr. Bruce has made to its programs and pl'Ojects and expresses its appreciation to Dr.

Bruce and its sincere best wishes for his sucoess and happiness.

Done this 15th day of June. 1985. at Little Rock, Arkansas. by the

Arkansas Genealogical SoCiety, through its Board of

. Attest.

I l'l'esident.





Democrat Newspaper Nov. 23, 1B49

Little Rock District S. Carlile, P.E.

" » S t a t i o n W.P. Tarcliffe

Prairie Circuit - C. M. Stover


Dover "



S. Farish

To be supplied

J.J. Pitman

II.A. Sugg .

Perryville Miss. H.F. CcNabb [sic). one to be supplied

Benton and Washita Circuit J.M. Boyd, J.H. Rice

Montgomery Circuit Jas. Rice

Batesville District A. Hunter, P.E. n

Station _ To be supplied

" Circuit R.M. Kirby

Elizabeth W.T. Thornbury

Smithville J.M. Rogers

Greenbrier Hiss. D.H. Caruthers

Little Red River Miss. R. Martin

Richwoods n B.S. Carden

Soulesburg [1) Institute To be supplied

Fayetteville District T. Standford. P.E.

" Circuit R.M. Morgan

Van Buren and Fort Smith J. Eastabrook

Fort Smith Circuit J.B. Thetford, one to be supplied

Ozark » - W.J. Stafford





Bentonville n

- J.M. Jones

- J.W. Shook

- To be supplied

Yellville Miss. P. Bassbam

Jasper n J.D. Stockton

John Harrell, agent for American Bible Society

Elm Spring School To be supplied

Washington District W. Moores, P.E.

" Circuit J.J. Roberts. S. Morris

Camden Station - T.E. Garrett

•• Circuit G.W. Cottingham

Arkadelphis" J.E. Cobb

Blue Bayou " To be supplied

Li~tle River Circuit H.G. Carden

Eldorado n _ E.P. Lively, one to be supplied

Princeton •• - J.H. Blakely

Lafayette Miss. - J.N. Stevenson

Princeton Af. Miss. To be supplied

Red River •• n W.B. Mason

C.P. Turrentine, Superintendent of Washington Seminary

H.C. Thweatt, Agent of Washington Seminary

Pine Bluff District A. Avery, P.E.

•• » Station A.H. Barrington

•• " Circuit Y. Ewin

Plum Bayou

Arkansas n

It -

F. Brown

D.L.G. McKinsie








J.F. Truslow l.W. Shiplnan

White Oak liar rison





- To be supplied

- P. Hasken

- To be supplied llelena District - J.M. Steele n

Station J. CowIe

" Circuit C.C. Jones

Lawrenceville Circuit - G.F. Thomson

Marion " - W. Finn


Mount Vernon

" - S. Spurrier

" - T. Hunt

Gainsville Miss. - B. Harris lie lena Af. " - To be supplied

L.S. Marshall and L.C. Adams, left witllout appointments at their own request w.e.

Williams transferred to Mississippi Conference

Nett [sic] increase of members, during the past year, 987

Delegates to General Conference - W.P. Ratcliffe, J.F. Truslow,

A. HUllter, W. 1'10ores

Reserve Delegates - l. Harrell, C.P. Turrentine

# # #


In this town, on Sunday night last, after a long and lingering liiness, of consumption, Mr. Joseph Rutherford, carpenter, aged about 29 years. He was a native of the state of Missouri - an Ingenious and industrious mechanic, and a worthy and useful citizen. By his premature death, his disconsolate wife and Infant daughter have been bereft of an affectionate husband and tender parent.

In this vicinity, on Sunday morning last, William, Infant son of Mr. William Marcus, aged 10 days.

Yesterday afternoon, at the residence of his father, 10 miles south of this place, after an Illness of only 2 or 3 days, of Influenza, Mr. George W. McHenry, eldest son of Mr.

Archibald McHenry, aged about 26 years. It was only last week that we recorded the death of one of his Sisters. Thus, In the short space of less than two weeks, have his afflicted parents been bereft of two promising adult children, who have been suddenly snatched from them by the had of death.

In this county, on the 26 ult., Mr. Charles S. Legate, aged about 60 years.

In Hempstead county, on the 22d Nov., of a most afflicting and protracted i Ilnes5 of pulmonary consumption, Mrs. Elizabeth

Fowler, wife of John H. Fowler, Esq. The latter part of her illness was borne with perfect resignation and christian fortitude, eVincing to the satisfaction of her friends a full preporation for the Kingdom of Glory. Her death is deeply lrunented by her afflicted husband and orphan children - but it has been for her Infinite gain, for she has passed from gloom to glory. Ark. Gazette, Little Rock, Dec. 9, 1854.


An Early Arkansas Tragedy

The following report appears in the D.ttJly Arklll1slIs li.uelle, 23

Jan 1872, p. 1, columns 2-3:

"Ouachita--The Clioulen journlll furnishes the following particulars of the murder of a Mr.

Williams, living between that city and

Washington, heretofore mentioned in the 6.ue1l6 is a paragraph copied from the fl"lIslifntllor.

Te./etr.fllp/J :

This much we know through the statements of

Mrs. Williams, wife of the murdered man: She states that Joseph Arnold (colored) on the night of the 14th lOst. killed her husband, while he was asleep, by severing his head, with a blow from an

U, almost entirely from his body, and afterward attempted to commit an outrage on her person.

The party implicated has been arrested and is now m jail, where we hope he will remain but a short tIme until taken to the gallows, if the charges against him be true."

Families interconnected with the Williamses have preserved this story in remarkably accurate oral form, with only the place where the family was living at the time being in dispute. Because of doubt as to the location, documentation was discovered only in


It was known that a "Mr. Williams," whose given name was unknown, married Mary, the youngest daughter of Solomon and

Susannah (Traylor) Delaughter, who brought their seven sons and seven daughters from Edgefield District, SC to Clark County, AR ca.

1849. It was also known that the Williams couple had a very young daughter, always called 'Willie,' who survived the assault upon the family when her mother ran with her to the nearest neighbor's house. It was further said that the widow of Mr.

Williams was later married to Blake Bryant in Dallas Co.

From these facts, the records could be searched and interpreted.

Not knowing the given name of "Mr. Williams" made a straightforward search impossible, so it had to begin with his wife, Mary Delaughter, d/o Solomon and Susannah:


J - T . 'WiUiamsFa.miJy--EdSuders--p. 2

The 1160 Federal Census, Arkansas, Ouachita Co., Behestian Twp,

17 Ju11860, p. 75 records:


Delaughter. Solomon

Susan lIary



64 M farmer

62 P liP

16 M

36 M farmer

Three houses away, there is found:


Russell, Miss Lucy








Williams, Jesse T.

40 P farmer

17 M

13 M





37 II farmer


SC sc











The 1170 Census for Arkansas, Ouachita Co., Behestian Twp., 28

Aug 1870, p. 6 lists:


Williams, Jesse



47 M farmer

27 F

1 P




The column 'married within the year' is checked, but no month is stated.


1 lao

Census for Arkansas, Dallas Co .• Owen Twp lists:

Bryant, Blake



W M 68 farmer NC wife W F 39 dau WF 9/12

Louvenia dau W F 9/12

Williams, W.C. s/dauW P 10





Examining the census records bears out the family tradition. In

1860, in Ouachita Co., Arkansas, Jesse T. Williams, a 37-year-old farmer born in Tennessee. was living in the house of Lucy Russell. three years older and also born in Tennessee. Lucy has no husband in the house. but has sil: children, the oldest t 7 and the youngest aged 1 year. The fourth child of Lucy is a boy named


Jesse T. William. Fam.ily--Ed Sanders--p. 3

Jesse. Lucy Russell is the head of the household, and must be recently widowed or deserted. Jesse T. Williams is most likely her younger, unmarried or widowed, brother for whom she named her fourth child. Her brother has come to work her farm and help with the bringing up of her six children until one of her sons is old enough to assume that duty, or Lucy is remarried.

Near the Russell/Williams family are the Delaughters, a family of aged parents, with two children, Mary and Benjamin, nearing maturity and an unmarried son, Ramsey, in his late thirties. The

Civil War comes less than a year after the 1860 census. Ramsey

. Delaughter, with two of his brothers, loses his life in that war.

Now, it falls to Mary to care for her aged parents. The mother dies in 1863; the father in 1866.

In 1868, the middle-aged bachelor/widower farmer from

Tennessee, three houses down the road, needs a companion.

Mary's parents are deceased and her youngest brother is 204 years old and can shift for himself. Mary also needs a companion.

Despite the difference in ages (20 years) Jesse T. Willia.s and Mary B. DelauRhter are married and soon haVe a daughter,

Willie C .• born 03 Aug 1869.

When Willie was just two years old, her 048-year-old father was murdered 104 Jan 1872. She and her mother barely escaped.

Willie's mother, the widowed Mary (Delaughter) Williams, married an elderly widower, Blake Bryant, in Dallas Co. and bore him twin daughters, the future "atie Darby and Louvenia Posey when Willie was 10 years old.

At age 16, Willie fell in love with a neighbor, 21-year-old William

Prank Morris, and they were married with her mother's consent conveyed to the Clark Co. Clerk by affidavit of a neighbor, A.W.

Fite, who stated: '1" know lhlll Mrs. Mill"}' BrylUJl hilS given hel

CODsenl for her dllughler Willie Willillms 10 mlUry W. F. Morris.

She laid me


llisl WednesdllY III her house in DIll/liS CounlY. ..

The date of the marriage was 21 Jan 1886, (Clark Co., AR,

Marriage Records, Bk. L, p. 04046).

Four children were born to this union--Rufus, Frances (Fannie),

Jesse W. and Robert Oliver--then Willie died 16 Mar 18904 at age

25 and was buried in an unmarked grave in Sardis Cemetery,


Jesse T. Williams Fa.m.iIy--Ed Sanders--p. 4

Pine Grove, Dallas Co., AR. Frank married again and died 26 Oct

1899. His body was buried in the Halfway Cemetery, on the

Hollywood-Antoine Road, in Qark Co.

Mary H. (Williams, nee Delaughter) Bryant died 13 Julyl924 and was buried in the Sparkman Cemetery, Dallas County, which her younger brother, Benjamin, had donated.

Doubtless, more could be known of the family of Jesse T. and

Mary B. (Delaughter) Williams, except that the Ouachita County

Courthouse burned in 1875, taking with it most of the county's records.

# # #

The al:xlve material was furnished by AGS President, Ed Sanders. Dr. Sanders has became quite proficient with his new computer, and this is an example of the finished product.

# # #

DIED - At his residence at Helena, on the evening of the 31st ult., after a painful illness of between two and three months,

Col. Sylvanus Phillips, in the 65th year of his age. He was one of our earliest settlers, having emigrated to the country before its cession to the U. States in 1803, and has filled several public situations under the different Governments that have exercized jurisdiction over the country, the duties of which were discharged with fidelity to his country and credit to himself. He was an ardent and sincere friend, an obliging neighbor, and respectable and enterprizing citizen. To his family and numerous connexions, his death is deeply afflicltng, and it Is sincerely deplored by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Ark.

Gazette, Little Rock, Nov. 10, 1830

# # #

First officials of PIKE COUNTY and their years of service: W.

SORRELS, Judge, 1833-1835; D.S. D[CKSON, Clerk, 1833-1848; John

HUGHES, Sher Iff, 1833- [835; J. W. DICKSON, Coroner, 1833-1835.


G RAN T F A MIL Y - Montgomery. Polk & Hempstead Cos.

William B. Grant was born oa 1778 in South Carolina. and he married oa 1817 to Sarah Wofford, probably in Franklin County. Georgia. During the war with Mexioo. he served as Captain of Co. C •• Georgia Infantry Battalion from

1846 to 1847. He died Ootober 9. 1847 at Columbus, Georgia. His $life, Sarah

Wofford Grant lias born May 2, 1800 and died May 2. 1882. She is buried in the family plot on the old Grant farm located in Gorden County, Georgi~. They were parents of 12 known children of whom five came to Arkansas. Theeefive lIith their'descendantehave,particular interest to us.

I. Nathaniel Grant. born ca 1818. in Habersham County. Georgia. married on

December 6. 1841 to Margaret Lucinda Vandiver. daughter of Manning Vandiver. Nathaniel and family moved to Arkansas about 1851 to Montgomery

Co. Margaret Lucinda Grant died ca 1859. He married on December 23.

1861 to Mrs. Elizabeth Wa.caster. During the Civil War, he served as a

1st Lt. & Captain of Co. C, 4th Reg't. of Arkansas Infantry. In August,

1863. because of ill health, he resigned his commission. He died at his home in Montgomery County. Arkansas in February. 1865. Children by

Margaret Lucinda Vandiver Grant were:

1. Sarah J. Grant. born 1843 in Cass County. GA. She married July 14,

1870 to Joseph H. Meeks. NFl.

2. Georgia Ann Grant. born 1848 in Cass County, GA. NFl.

3. Margaret Charlotte Grant, born March 6, 1852 in Montgomery Co. AR.

She married William W. Wilson; born January 19. 1847 in Texas, on

March 19, 1871. He died September 17. 1908, and she died July 16.

1930. Both are buried in the Macedonia Cemetery near Blevins.

Hempstead Co •• AR. Their children: a. Lucinda Mirna Wilson. born February 1872. died May 4, 1904. She married February 10, 1889 to Ely Mays. Both are buried in Macedonia Cemetery near Blevins, AR. b. Martha Jane Wilson. born September 18, 1874, died February. 1930. at Hope,'AR. She married Henry Jackson Long on Sept. 4. 1892.

Both are buried in Friendehip Cemetery near McCaskill, AR. c. John Nathaniel Wilson, born Maroh 28. 1877. died March 13. 1939; married Etta Whittington; both buried in Macedonia Cemetery near

BleVllns. d. Henry Jackson Wilson, born May 27. 1882; married Alpha City. He died Feb. 11. 1928 in Paris'; Texas. e. George Washington Wilson. born June 7. 1884, died Sept. 20. 1893. f. William Robert Wilson. born September 19. 1887; died 1974/75 in

Idabell, Oklahoma.. g. James W. Wilson, born Aug. 3. 1890, died April 30. 1901. h. Anne. Pearl Wilson. born July 14. 18931 married CliIford Tucker.

Living 1977 in California.

_. ' Mary (Polly) Grant, born August 1854 in Montq;omery Co., AR. died 1916 in Mena. AR. Married (1) Samuel J. Hall, (2) Robert Harrisl and

(3) Lee McAlister.

Lucinda Grant, born 1859. died January 1860.


Children by second wife, Elizabeth Wacaster:

6. Robert W. Grant, born December 1862, Montgomery Co., AB.

? William Burdene Grant, born November 1864 in Nontgomery Co. AR.

II. William Grant, born 1819/20 in Habersham Co., GA. He died 1855 in

Montgomery Co., AB. He was married to ~!argaret Elizabeth Collum and they had four children.

1. Lydia Arlee Grant born 1845 in Gass Co., GA. She died 1877 in Montgomery Co. AR. She married september 4, 1870 to James M. Cox. a. b. c.

Soloman Cox, born 1871 in f'!ontgomery Co., AR.

Elizabeth Cox, born 1875 in Montgomery Co.

Levi Cox, born 1876/77 in Montgomery Co.

2. William Burdene Grant, born Feb. 2, 1848 in


Co., GA. married

September ),

?eb. 4,

1875 to Mary Elizabeth Fredina Williams. He died

1926 in Mena, AR. Known children (several died in infancy): a. Alma Grant, born 1876, died age 10, Choctaw, OK. b. Della Grant, born March ). 1886 in Texas. She married (1)

George W. Hall in Mena, AR. and (2) Mr. Buckley. NFI. c. Emma Grant. born April

Griffith. NFI.


- in Texas. She married Paul d. Robert Worth Grant. born ca 1890; died before 1900. e. Alta Vera Grant, born October 189) in Texas. NFL f. Dessie Arlee Grant, born March 9. 1901; died July 16, 1904; buried in Old Dallas Cemetery. Polk Co., AR.

). Soloman James Thomas Grant, born Feb. 2. 1848, in Cass Co., Ga. He married ca died April

187) to Nancy Caroline Tucker Garner in Amity, AR. He

11. 19)1 and is buried in Owens Cemetery in Polk Co., AR.

S.J.T. Grant married 1 times. Other known wives are (1) .

() Mrs. A.J. Herring in


1907; (4) Mrs. Willie Thomas in 1910; and

(5) Mrs. Sarah (Candy) Ford in 19)0. a. ~illiam Alexander Grant, born March ried Feb.

5, 1874 in Amity. AR; he mar-

6, 189) to Nora Bell Chancellor; he died March 28, 1960 in Borger, Texas. b. c. d.

James W¥att Grant, born September ried

22, 1875 at Amity, AR. He mar-

(1) Alma Weaver on Nov. 19. 1899 at Hatfield. AR., and (2)

Rosa Huggs, on March 8,'1919 in Clark Co •• AB. He died Mar. 16.

1944 in Beaumont. CA and is buried in Sunny Slope Cemetery.

Laura Lee Grant born Sept. 22. 1877, at Amity, AR. She married

Jessie Fletcher Gordon on May 1, 1892. She died in Coleman, TX.

Arrie Lee Grant, born Sept. 22, 1877 at Amity, AR. She married on Feb. 2. 169) to David Goodner Jackson at Amity, AR. She died

June 20, 1962 in Oklahoma City. OK. e. Sarah E. Grant. born Sept. 9, 1879 at Amity. AR. In Sept. 1896, she married Henry Anderson. She died Sept. 9. 1944 at Mena, AR.

Burian is in Owens Chapel Cemetery, Polk Co., AR.

4. John Robert Grant. born March 8, 1852 in Montgomery Co •• AR. died on

January 9. 1920. at Mena. AR. and is buried in Pinecrest Cemetery.

He married August 29. 1879 at Amity, AR. to Nancy E. Garner.


a. Dora Grant, born Aug. 1881. at Amity. AB. She married J.A. Dickson at Nena, AR. NFL b. Arthur A. Grant, born Apr. 4, 1885 at Amity. AR. He died Aug. 15.

1907 and is buried in Pinecrest Cemetery in Mena. AR. In 1906, he married Nina. Tauman. c. James Isaac Grant. born Feb. 1888. On Nov. 15. 1915, he married

Bonnie Cecil; he died Sept. 13. 1973 in Mena. AR. d. Oms Grant. born Feb. 1892 in AR. She married (1) Charley Slokes and (2) Echols. NFL.

III. Charlotte Grant, born 1822/23 in Habersham Co. Ga, married on June 3, 1843 to Levi Vandiver. Five children


1. William Vandiver. born 1844 in Cass Co., GA. NFL

2. James W. Vandiver, born March 1846, in Cass Co •• GA. NFL

3. Sarah Vandiver, born 1852 in Montgomery Co •• AR. NFL.

4. Mary (Polly) Vandiver, born 1856 in Montgomery Co., AR. NFL.

5. Levi Vandiver, born 1858 in Montgomery Co., AR. NFL

IV. Richard George Washington Grant. born Aug. 26, 1823, in Habersham Co., GA.


He married (1) Clarinda Amy Elizabeth Ritchie in 1848; (2) Elizabeth Coleman Forshee on Dec. 19, 1870. He died Jan. 26, 1905 and is buried in Mt.

Tabor Cemetery, Montgomery Co., AR. Children by first wifel

1. Myra Grant, born 1849 in Cass Co., GA. Nr'!.

2. Sarah Elizabeth Grant, born ~larch 20. 1852 in Montgomery Co., AR. She married '-ar1y la70's 'to Benjamin Franklin Jones. She died Feb. 16.

1916 and is buried in Jones Cemetery, Clark Co. AR. Eight children; a. James Thomas Jones, born June 13, 1876. b. Mary Elizabeth Jones, born Nov. 7. 1878, died Sept. 24, 1958. She married Luther Howell on 27 Oct. 1896. c. Georgia Clarinda Jones, born Nov. 27, 1880 in Amity, AR. She married U. U. Cauthen, Aug. 27, 1918. She died Feb. 26. 1962. d. Willis Alfred Benjamin Jones, born March 28. 1885 at Amity. AR.

Married Willie Wright on Feb. 24, 1909. e. Lewis Calip Jones, born Nov. 5. 1890, died May 27, 1971; he married Ruby Wright. f. Edward Frank Jones, born Oct. 1893. He married Esther Corzine on

May 11, 1916. g. Duke Jones, died in infancy. h. Unnamed infant.

3.' Mary (Polly) Grant, born ca 1854 in Arkansas, died 1862-70 in Red River

County, Texas.

4. ~garet Grant, born ca 1856 in Arkansas died 1862-70 in Texas.

5. Nelly Gra.nt, born ca.1858 in Arkansas. died 1862";70 in Red River Co.,TX.

6. Thomas Sterlin Grant. born July 20, 1862 in Montgomery Co •• AR. married

Liza Jane Josephine Collum on Sept. 21, 1884. He died May 29. 1947 and he and wife are buried in Mt. Tabor Cemetery, Montgomery Co. AR.


a. Mary Elizabeth Grant, born Nov. 2, 1885, died Dec. 16, 1902. b. George Washington Grant, born Mar. 9. 1887, died Sept. 27, 1907; married Rene Stafford. c. David Franklin Grant, born Nov. 21, 1888. died July II, 1964; married Cassie Andre Payte. d. Dore Genety Cairline Grant. born Nov. 17. 1890; died Oct. 31, 1923; married Benny Jester. e. Loretta Cornelia Grant, born Jan. I, 1893; she married Joel Schooley

Wright on June 19. 1910. f. James Thomas Grant, born Aug. 26, 18'}4; married Myrtle Whisenhunt. g. William Lewis Grant. born Oct. 6, 1896; married Bertha WOodall. h. Winnie Robert Grant, born Sept. 23, 1898, died Jan. ried Allie Short.

16, 1959; mar-

V. Lydia A. Grant, born 1826, in Georgia; married Marmaduke S. Swann; she died at Cartecay, GA. On March 25, 1892. Four children - all born in Gilmer Co.


VI. John Grant, born 1829 in Georgia; married Mary ca 1856; was living in

Ft. Smith, Sebastian Co., AR. in 1882. Known children:


VIII. lX. x.



1. Lydia A. Grant, born ca 1857 in Gordon Co., GA.

2. Sarah J. Grant, born 1860 in Gordon Co. GA.

Robert R. Grant, born ca 1830 in Cass Co., GA. NFl.

Margaret Jane Grant, born ca 1834 in Cass Co., GA. NFL

Thomas J. Grant, born April 12, 1838 in Cass Co., GA. He married Dec. 28,

1873 to Missouri Warwick. Seven known children, all born in Gordon Co. GA.

Andrew Jackson Grant, born Aug. 25, 1842 in Cass Co., GAl married Frances E.

Walraven Ballew; he died 1933 and is buried in Gordon Co. GA. No children.

Sarah Grant, born 1811-3 in Georgia; md. in 1880 to Martin L. Evans.

~l. (female) Grant, born 1811-5 in GA. NFL

The information on this family is furnished by Evelyn Long Curtis, Rt. I, Box 397,

Camden, AR. 71701. Credit for most of the research goes to Richard and Paula Grant of Silver Springs, NV. Evelyn is a descendant of Nathaniel Grant (#1) and Richard is a descendant of William Grant (#11). Research is documented. Thanks - Evelyn, and Richard,for sharingl

# # #


The following new Post-offices have been recently established in this county, by the Postmaster General, viz:

At the crossing of the Saline, 30 miles south of Little Rock to be called Saline P.O., and William Lockert to be Postmaster:

On the road leading from Owen's to the Hot Springs, to be called New Kentucky P.O., and Richard T. Banks to be


At the house of James Walker, 40 miles north of Little Rock, to be called Desark P.O., and Lewis Kirkpatrick to be

Postmaster. Ark. Gazette. Little Rock, July 6, 1831.




Earl Berry

The area now canprising Marion County was a part of the Louisiana

Territory, owned by France fran 1682 until ceded to Spain by the treaty of

Fountainebleau in 1762. Spain governed this sparsely settled area whose inhabitants were largely of French descent until 1800 vtlen Spain ceded the territory back to France. France held this area fran October 1800 until the whole Louisiana Territory was purchased by President Jefferson for the United

States in 1803. The Congress of the United States on October 21, 1803, ratified the purchase treaty.

In 1812, the Territory of Louisiana by an Act of Congress became k:nown as the Missouri Territory. The Territory of Missouri was divided into districts, later to be known as counties. New Madrid County was one of the largest counties in the Missouri Territory; and on January 15, 1815, the

Territorial legislature of Missouri fonned the County of Lawrence out of New

Madrid County. The County of Lawrence so created was located in vtlat is now southern Missouri and a great part of vtlat is now N:lrth Central Arkansas.

Lawrence COUnty remained a part of the Territory of Missouri until 1819 vtlen the Congress of the United States created the Territory of Arkansas and lIDSt of lawrence County became one of the five counties that made up the newly created Territory of Arkansas. In 1819, the territory canprising lawrence

County contained llDre than half of the area of the northeastern half of the present State of Arkansas and a part of southern Missouri. In area lawrence

County was the largest of the five counties in the Territory of Arkansas but was not as thickly inhabited as sane of the counties.

In 1825, the Territorial Legislature created the County of Izard out of territory fonnerly in the western part of lawrence County.

In 1835, the citizens of Izard County petitioned the General Assembly of the Territorial Legislature of Arkansas: "That all that portion of the

County of Izard, beginning at a point on the Missouri State Line at the

Range line between Range 13 and Range 14 and running South along said Range line to the White River and thence up to the Buffalo Fork to the llDuth of

Big Creek; thence up Big Creek to v.tlere Big Creek forks sane miles above vtlat is called "The Rock HOuse"; thence south to the Van Buren County line so as to include Wiley's Cove in the newly created county; thence westwardly to the southeast corner of Carroll County; thence N:lrth along the east boundary line of Carroll County to the Missouri State line; thence East along the

Missouri State Line to the place of beginning", for the fonnation of a new county vtlich was to be called Marion County. The General Assembly, however, at the time of the passage of the Act in a835 changed the proposed name to

Searcy County in honor of a distinguished fellow citizen, the Honorable

Richard Searcy, deceased.

On Septanber 29, 1836, the First General Assembly, by an Act of this

First General AsS€lllbly in canpliance with the wishes of the citizens of the area as expressed in the original petition substituted the original name of

Marion in place of Searcy, and by Section I of the Act declared that the county thereafter should be called and known as Marion County.



Thus the county was named in honor of General Francis Marion, a daring Revolutionary War general referred to the British as, 'Old SWamp Fox' .

As created Marion County contained nearly all of the territory now comprising Baxter County, all Marion County, practically all of Searcy County, and parts of Newton, Fbone and Fulton Counties.

The temporary seat of Marion County when it became a county in 1836, was established in the herne of John Adams and the first court was held in the log house of John Adams south of Yellville. The county seat was soon lIDVed to the village of Yellville--forrnerly known as Shawnee town or Shanty TOwn, an Indian village located on the north side of Crooked Creek inhabited by

Shawnee Indians. Yellville was near the center of the county and was on the military road leading frOll Batesville to Fayetteville. Yellville is and has been the county seat except for a brief time in 1870 when it wa s lIDVed to the toy,n of Sherman located on White River near Denton's Ferry. We have been unable to find an explanation for the lIDve or what happened to the town of


Some interesting stories have been handed down as to the origin of the name--Yellville. The popular and generally accepted story is that Archibald

Yell while campaigning for Governor visited the area and told the "city fathers" that if they would name the city in his honor that he would donate $100.00 to the city. Legend has it that it was so named but the $100.00 was never received. Another story is that the Shawnee Chief lived in 'Shanty Tc:mn' village but many of the warriors and hunters of his tribe lived along the banks of

Crooked Creek and that when the Chief wanted his tribesnen to gather for a raid or a hunt he rose early and went to a high bluff on the north side of

Crooked Creek and fron a big rock on the bluff he gave the war cry or "yelled" for their assanbly. Fran this came the name "Yellville".

It is not known when the first white men visited the area now known as Marion County but legend has it that DeSoto, the Spanish explorer and his part, in search of the fabled "Fountain of Youth" came as far North and, perhaps, camped for sanetime in the winter of 1541 at what is now known as De Soto Springs in the southern part of the county near the

Buffalo River before turning South to Hot Springs. History does not indicate that Spain claimed any of the area by right of discovery and exploration.

As indicated earlier the area now comprising Marion County was originally occupied by Indians, prohably of the Cl3age Tribe. As the

Cl3age Tribe lIDVed Westward, the area became the hane of the Shawnees, and many of the early white settlers came to the region not to establish banes but as hunters, trappers and fishermen and to trade with the friendly Indians. Sane of them married Indians and many of the pioneer families had lIDre or less of Indian blood. FrOll this mingling of the races, many of those who came as hunters, trappers, traders and fishermen settled, built their hanes, cleared the land, built schools, roads, and churches and became in truth, the builders of Marion County. Later they were joined by their relatives and friends fran Kentucky, Tennessee,

MissiSSippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Missouri.



Since Arkansas did not become

Record of Marion County is the a State until 1836, the earliest Census

1840 census. The following census records of

Marion County are taken from Chapter TWelve-~PiorteerFruniliesof Marion County-compiled and v,Titten by Mrs. Effie Thcmpson for A History of Marion County published in 1977.

Index to 1840 Census of Marion County

Adams, George

Adams, James

Adams, John

Adams, Robert

Alderson, Moses

Anderson, Abraham

Anderson, El ias

Atkinson, James

Barrett, William

Bass, Sarah

Bennet, Richard

Bennet, Joseph

Beshear, William

Bivens, Mary

Blythe, Jackson

Blythe, John

Bratton, Milikin ruchannan, James

Burns, Alfred B.

Carter, John

Cobb, caleb

Cobb, Isner

Churchman, John

Cochran, James

Cochran, Michael

Cochran, William

Coker, Charles

Coker, Edward

Coker, Washington

Coker, William

Colder, Peter

Cooper, Levi M.

Cowen, Henry

Cowen, Silas

Denton, Samuel

Deshields, William

Dibs, Galaway

Dickson, E. M.

Duggin, James

Duggan, Alex

Everett, J. B.

Everett, John S.

Everett. 'lbams E.

Ezel, Isiah

Farrier, 'lbams

Farrier, Silas

Fellov,s, David F.

Flippin, Allen

Flippin, Thomas E.

Friend, Alex

Friend, John

Friend, Peter

Gage, James

Garrison, William

Gideon, William

Glen, Jacob

G:xxIall, .Margaret

G:xxIall, Robert

G:xxIall, William

Goodman, George



Isaac H.


Goodman, louisa

Gray, Robert

Hall, Absolen

Hall, David, Jr.

Hall, David, Sr.

Hall, John

Hall, Joseph

Hall, ThCJllaS

Hall, Willoughby

Harden, Asher

Hargrave, John

Harris, John

Howard, William

Hightower, H.

Hill, A. M.

Hogan, Ewing

Hogan, Joesph

Hogan, Micager

Hogan, Young lfudson, John B. lfudson , 'lhomas lfurst, Abram

Burst, John

Ingram, John B.

Johnson, Samuel

Jones, Isaac

Keath, John B.

Kelough, Hannah

Keith, John B.

Kidd, Fr-ancis M.

King, Andrew J.

King, James

King, Joel

King, William rangdon, Richard

Lloyd, Levi lord, Jacob I. lovel, William lowther, Robert

Magness, James

Magness, Joseph

Marks, E. H.

Marshall, James

Marshall, Thos.

Massey, ThCJllaS

Masters, J. B.

Mathis, Stephen

Mathis, Michael

McCray, M.

McI):>nald, James

Mclaughlin, Joseph M.

McVey, James

McVey, John

Middeton , i'6n.

Montgcmery, James

Moon, "\\in.

Mooney, Edward

Moreland, John

Moreland, "\\in. 1.



Morris, Washington

Murphy, John T.

Nave, Abram

Nave, Jacob

Nipps, Ibrothy

ONens, Perry J.

Pain, Joseph

Perkins, David

Perriman, John W.

Pierson, levi

Pierson, William

~les, Thcmas

Reed, Hilliard

Reynolds, Martin

Reynolds, William

Ritter, Sarah

Roberts, .C.

Rogers, John R.

Rose, Silas

Rowlett, Moses

Rutherford, James

Rutherford, Thos. C.

Ryal, William

Ryals, William

Shipnan, William

SiJIrrons, John W.

SiJIrrons, Thos. J.

Snap, Madison C.

Stallings, John E. stewart, James

Stinnett, David

Tabor, Elijah

Tabor, John

Talburt, Ibzzle

Talburt, Frederick

Talburt, G. W.

Talburt, Walter

Teaff, Nimrod

Tramnel, Philip

Trimble, Allen

Trimble, Robert

Thrner, John

Thtt, David K.

Tutt, Hansford

Vanzandt, Martin

Walker, Joseph

Weaver, Isaac

Wilburn, Fielden

Wilburn, John

Williams, Allen

Williams, Thos. S.

Womac, David

Wood, Abram

Wood, George

Wood, John

Wood, l'klod,



Wood, Thanas D.

Wood, William, Jr.

Wood, William, Sr.

Wood, William J.

Woodard, Barney

Woodard, John

Young, Eli

Young, Michael

The 1850 Census of Marion County shows a goodly number of new heads of families as well as most of the family heads listed in the 1840 Census

Record, but lack of space prohibits listing of all family heads shown in the

1850 records. Suffice it to say of the 368 heads of families listed and their occupations, the vast majority were farmers. other occupations listed are: blacksni ths, physicians, preachers, wagon makers, tanners, merchants, carpenters, millerites, cabinet makers, teachers, gunsmiths, Attorneys at law, and miners. other praninent families of Marion County '1.110 carne to the county prior to the Civil War were: Angel, Bearden, James H. Berry family,

Black, and Henry Hardin Burch family, Joseph Burleson family, Rube Carson family, Denton, Ibsllier, Estes, Hand, Huddleston, W. C. Jenkins family,

Keeter, Layton, McBee, McCracken, a son, Jefferson Thcmas McCracken was one of the first v.1li te children born in Marion County, November 29, 1830, though the family is not listed in either the 1840 or 1850 Census, John Ott family,

Captain VIm. C. Pace family, Patterson, Sanders, S~s. Thcmas Snith family,

William p. Thcmpson family, Wilson, Isaac Wolf family, Yocham family. George

Young family. Many other pioneer families not listed here came to the county prior to the Civil War.

When the Civil War broke out there were few slave holders in Marion

County, but most of the citizens of the county sympathized with the South and joined the Confederacy. Arrong those v.1l0 became officers in the Confederate



Army were Captain A. S. (Uncle Sud) Wood, the first white child rom in

Marion Cbunty; Captain Jefferson Thcmpson McCracken, Captain William Carroll

Pace, Captain Cravens, and others who were loyal to the Cbnfederacy. There were other pioneer families loyal to the Union and their fathers and sons served with honor and distinction in the Union Army. While the Civil War brought hardships, suffering, and family divisions, brother against brother and father against son, luckily when the hatred war was over, the bitterness and was put aside, for the rrost part, and families were reunited and began to rebuild wh:l.t had been destroyed.

Volume II of the Historical Report of the Secretary of State of

Arkansas - 1978 - Page 264 lists the Cbunty Officials of 1darion Cbunty from

1836 to 1850 as shown below:


1836-38 T.E.Everett

1838-40 v.m. Wood




Jesse Goodman

1840-42 T.E.Everett J . M . Cowdrey

1842-44 John Hargrave J.M.Cbwdrey

1844-46 M. Young



M. Rowden



\\In. Barrett

T.E. Wilson







J. 'looney

J. Alooney





James Cage

James Cage

James Cage

Thos. Jefferson

In summarizing, the boundary lines of Marion Cbunty as described in the

Act creating the Cbunty have been changed fran time to time so that the present

Marion Cbunty area is only a Sllall part of Marion Cbunty of 1836. Today Marion

County is rounded on the North by Missouri, the East by Baxter Cbunty, on the

South by Searcy Cbunty, and on the West by Boone Cbunty and by Newton Cbunty on the southwest corner. The principal streams are White River, Huffalo River,

Little North Fork of White River, and Crooked Creek, all important in the early history of the Cbunty for roth transportation and for the better agricultural lands as well as for the fish as a source of food.

Topographically, the land consists of the valley land along the streams, the level land or prairie land forrrerly known as Flippin Barrens, O:lwan Barrens, and Kings Prairie and the hilly and mountainous land rich in lead and zinc are, and fran one of the early mines, the Morning Star in the Rush Creek District, on the largest mass of free carbonate are ever extracted was taken. A part of this mass of are is on exhibit in the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC.

The building of Bull ShOals Dams on White River, begun in 1948 and officially dedicated by President Harry S. Truman in 1952 has done more, perhaps, than any other event in the history of Marion County, to change the industry, the life of its people, and the growth of the population. While all of this is considered progress, one wonders if something valuable has been lost--the spirit of friendliness, cooperation, love for haneland and a sense of belonging--the putting down of roots for a permanent hane.

A brief history of Marion Cbunty submitted by Earl Berry for The Arkansas Family

Historian. Mr. Berry's address is 815 N. Arthur, Little Rock, AR 72205.

Note: Much of the above material has been taken from' "History of Harion County", published in 1977. Mr. Berry is author of two books dealing with Marion

Cbunty history and genealogy.




From Conway , Arkansas travel east on Highway 64 for 14 miles. Turn south and travel two miles. ·Source and date of inventory unknown.

ALLEN, Docia • Apr. 11, 1880 . Jan. 29, 1925, wife of W.A.R

ANDERSON, JameS A • . July 30, 1830 . June 5, 1885

Margret . Nov. 26, 1837 Aug. 19, 1920, wife of T.S.

Samuel L . . Sept. 2, 1800 Mar. 22, 1864

Thomas S. - Aug 2, 1832 - July 15, 1898

AUSTIN, Nancy Elizabeth - Apr. 15, 1884 - Jan. 27, 1915

BARGER, Emmma Oct. 2, 1862 Apr. 3, 1893 - wife of H.L.

BASS, Elbert F. Feb. 14, 1899 - Oct. 22, 1899, son of T.F. &

Hayben Earl Dec. 12, 1911 - Aug.

BERRY, Julia S. 1870 1927

27, 1913

BIRCHETT, Patsy L. d. Sept. 22, 1957, 72 yra., 6 mos., 5 days


W.T.J. Feb. 1, 1857 July 10, 1935

BISHOP, Bulah Bri"elle - Aug. 15, 1910 Nov. 15, 1911, dau of R.N. & Dora

Dora Adeliar A:>g. 21, 1881 - Sept. 25, 1915, wife of R.N.

Guy Garson July 16, 1889 - Sept. 22, 1901, son of R.V.

James M. - May 26, 1877 - Oct. 20, 1951

R.N. (V.?) - d. Jan. 21, 1938, 65 yrs., 6 mos., 4 days

& Dora

BLASSINGAME, Jewell V. - Mar. 1, 1904 Apr. 5, 1904, dau Of R.M.

Sally d. Dec .. 18, 1943, 70 yrs., 2 mos., 14 days

& L.J.

Willie M. - Sept. 17, 1870 - July 4, 1899. wife of R.M.

BOLES, Noliam M. Dec. 25. 1866 Dec. 27, 1933

BOSTIC, Ben F. Nov. 27. 1868 - Mar. 4, 1930

Fred June 20, 1882 June 241 1B92

George W. Nov. 7, 1909 - May 17, 1947

Lura Belle - Feb. 3, 1876 - May 13, 1957

Malli55a R. - May 5, 1873 - Aug. 24, 1945

Mathew Wade - Apr. 24, 1871 - Sept. 27, 1923

BRIDGES, William Opil - Mar. 29, 1917 Feb. 25, 1945

BROWN, Sadie Feb. 11. 1865 - Nov. 29, 1954

BRYANT, Helen - Aug. 1, 1869 - Dec. 28, 1932

P.E. - Mar. 4, 1861 - Dec. 13, 1915

BUGH, George H. - May 28, 1916 - Oct. 2, 1934

BURKETT, Eva June 9, 1883 - Jan. 9, 1909

CANADA, Annie Sept. 20, 1846 Feb. 7, 1877

CAMPBELL, Henry Eldridge Jan. 14, 1882 Feb. 10, 1898, son of J.P . . . H.D.

CATO, Fred Ross d. Mar. 9, (1), 9 yrs.1 8 mos., 25 days

CHANCE, Mrs. Ina - May 17, 1921 Dec. 24, 1941

CONWAY, James A. - Oct. 21, 1931 - June 12, 1953 - Arkansas Pvt., 5th Inf. Reg.

Korea PH

COOK, U.G.Y.S. Dec. 29, 1884 Feb. 23, 1886, son of R.F . . . M.J. Cook

Elmer Nov. 4, 1858 - Aug. 7, 1910

S.A. Dec. 2, 1864 - Feb. 2, 1887 - wife of Shem

S.S. - Dec. 15, 1884

COSSEY, F.A. - Mar. 25, 1904 - Apr. 16, 1926

DALLAS, G.S. - Apr. 25, 1870 July 20, 1892 -,Parents, R.D. & S.A.

Jennie d. Oct. 17, 1952, 80 yrs., 6 mos., 21 days

Luther L. Feb. 24, 1873 Feb. 1. 1874 Parents, S.D.

Robert D. - 1850 1924

Robert Sk DeCa

& J.R.

I, 1874 June 71 1BB7, Parents, S.D. & R.J.'

S.A. - Sept. 12, 1852 - May 2, 1894, wife of R.D.

S.D. May II, 1840 Sept. 5, 1895, husb. of R.J~

Willie J. 1875 1909

DALLISt infant - Aug. 18, 1918

Burnice D. - Dec. 2, 1916 - Nov. 2J 1917

B.F. 1868 1910

Regna F. Jan. 25, 1907 - July 25. 1909

Vernal L. May 16, 1905 - May 13, 1907

DARBY. James V. Dec. 11, 1843 Feb. 12, 1881

Myrtle A. Mar~ 18 t

1 74 Dec. 29, 1904, wife of Luther W. Morris

Rebbeca C. Andrews Feb. 16, 1844 July 19, 1902, wife of James V.

DICKSON, W.J. Feb. 12' 1871 Feb. 1, 1931

DIFFEE, Callia Dec. 15, 1889 - June 24, 1914

Cleo Dec. 26. 1899 - Aug 2, 1907, dau of Otho & Emma

Otho - Sept. 2. 1872 - June 14, 1908

DIXON, Cliford C. Feb. 19, 1908 - Mar. 23, 1909, son of J.F.

Coah W. - Oct. 15, 1892 - Oct. 22, 1910

George D. Feb. 10, 1889 July 19/ 1944, husb of Margie E.

J.F. May 7, 1865 - Nov. 7, 1945

Hargie E. - Apr. 19, 1873 - June 10, 1944

& Sarah Dixon


DUNN, Etta Mae - Mar. 30, 1877 - July 29, 1937

EDWARDS, Emma Mar. 26, 1865 June 11 1906 dau of I*N~S.

E.H. - Apr. 18, 1862 July 19, 1942

LN.S. - Sept. 25, 1819 - Nov. 19, 1880

Jessie E. 1899 1953

Lelah Stevenson Feb. 3, 1898 Aug. 4, 1944

Mary C. Dec. 24, 1824 - Mar. 7, 1825

ELLIOT, Frank A. - Jan. 15, 1861 - July 15, 1921

EMERSON, Jessie Lee - Dec. It 1951, 74 yrs., 3 mos.

Tommie Oct. 1, 1874 - Mar. 14, 1945, wife of James E.

EMISON, Donnie - Mar. 26, 1877 - Apr. 17, 1920, wife of J.W.

James E. Mar. 7, 1870 - Apr. 21, 1957

John - May 8, 1829 June 25, 1850, husb. of Mary

Mary A. - Aug. 26, 1833 - Mar. 13, 1883

William 1872 1947

& M~A.R.

EVANS, Amanda L. - Mar. 17, 1849 - Aug. 5,.1878" wife of W.R.

Annie L. - Sept. 18, 1862 - July 9, 1895. wife of W.R.

FARMER, G.B. Nov. 1, 1846 - June 22. 1893

James M. Feb. 12, 1875 Aug. 2, 1876, son of C.B. & J.

Susan J. - Dec. 1, 1851 July 20, 1936

FIDDLER, Alford G. Dec. 22, 1870 - Oct. 31, 1908

Bettie Russell 1875 1956

John W. d. Dec. 23, 1942

Lilburn L. 1874 1954

Infant son of G.F. & Florence Oct. 20, 1904

Evlyn S. Dec. 20, 1895 - Jan. 27, 1898, son of G.T. & Florence

James M. - Nov. 28, 1842 - Mar. 26, 1878

Pearlie E. Mar. 13, 1903 Oct. 9, 1909, aau of G.F. So Florence

Sarah F. Jan. 16, 1647 Feb. 26, 1931, wife of II.H. Mann

FLAKE, Ellora 1863 [nother date], vife of S.D.M.

Leon Sept. 6 , 1921 - Sept.??, 1921

Phillip Gell d. Apr. 26, 1921 s. Dell - 1859 - 1936

FLIN, Jessie - Oct. 19. 1904 Feb. 19, 1905, son of W.S.



FORTNER, Elizabeth - Nov. 2, 1836 - Nov. 2, 1928, wife of R.H.

R.H. June 12, 1838 - July 31, 1914

FRAZIER,????? - d. Dec. 12, 1951

Charles P. Feb. 12, 1883 - Dec. 12, 1927

Charles P. Jan. 27, 1925 Dec. 29, 1931

George E. - Apr. 11, 1892 - Mar. 16, 1915, husb. of FranKie

James H. Sept. 18, 1885 Apr. 28, 1919

Lemuel N. Jan. 28, 1880 - June 6, 1931

Mary G. Sept 3, 1858 - Aug. 20, 1916, wife of G.W.

Rebeca Dec. 7, 1862 - Apr. 18, 1927

FURGERSON, Love - d. Jan. 25, 1938, age 2 yrs., 1 mO~t 27 days

Rebeca d. Mar. 1?, 1946, 84 yrs., 1 mos., 8 days

HARRIS,. Martha Feb. 23, 1844 - Aug. 25, 1895, wife of G.W.

Martha E. oct. 20, 1867 - Nov. 7, 1663, dau of G.!!. &. M.E.

HARROD, Dr. George Apr. 21, 1836 - Feb. 23, 1893

Dr. George W.L. Jan. 25, 1870 July 26, 1952

Dr. James - Jan. 21, 1841 - Har. 28, 1924

Thomas Izaora Nov. 8, 1876 - Oct. 6, 1909

HARSHAW, L.E. - Nov. 18, 1833 Sept. 6, 1884

HENRY, John Sr. - d. Mar. 15, 1943, 77 yr •• , 3 mos •• 8 days

HINSON, Emma C. Sept. 10, 1862 - Aug. 7, 1897

!!rentz L. Nov. 15, 1869 - Apr. 3, 1934

L.L. - Dec. 14, 1855 - Sept. 9, 1889

Mary J. (I.?) - Jan. 1, 1881 Feb. 10, 1953

Sydney 1872 1937

HODGES, Fanny 1853 1888

J.C. - JULY 12, 1843 - May 11, 1924

Mattie - Aug. 10, 1874 - June 20, 1953

W.E. Feb. 2, 1872 Feb. 13, 1947

HOFFMAN, Elizabeth V. - Jan. 25, 1880 - Mar. 12, 1943

HOGAN, Allie B. - 1859 1930

Robert J. - Jan. 24, 1854 Dec. 22, 1928, son of Michall O. &Hartha sanders

HOLMES, Susan Ida - Apr. 19, 1866 - June 25. 1886, wife of J.R.

HUDDLESTON, Henry Sept. 30, 1867 - July 2. 1937

Leona - Apr. 30, 1871 - July 20, 1940

INGRAM, Mrs. A.L. Dec. 2, 1874 - Feb. 8, 1949

JAMES, Cora C. Nov. 8. 1887 - June 5, 1952

JOHNSON, nanny Hoyt - sept. 13, 1946 - Ap. 27, 1954

JONES, Basil Apr. 1916 Aug~ 14, 1936

B. FranK Jan. 7, 1869 Sept. 22. 1951

Ina Blanch d. Aug. 12, 1958, 87 yrs., 15 days


JONES, J .H. - d. Oct. 23, 1926

John V. - Nov. 26, 1905 ??? 27, 1926

William M. son of Josah & Helen

JOLLY, James Franklin - Aug. 11, 1877 - Hay 30, 1944

KEATHLEY, John W. - Jan. 29, 1852 Aug. 25, 1885

Leaota - Sept. 7, 1880 - Oct. 7, 1880 _ dau of J.W. & Mary J!

Manerva E. - Dec. 18, 1876 - July 25, 1888, dau of J.W. & Hary J.

Walter L. - July 17, 1875 Aug. 2, 1876. son of J .W. & Mary J.

Zulah F. - June 6. 1879 - Aug. 2, 1888, dau of J.w. & MaryJ.

KIRBY. Hayburn Feb. 14. 1815 Sept.], 1898

Mary C. - NOV. 26, 1822 - Sept. 13, 1898

LAIRD, Birtie - May 28, 1873 Oct. 10, 1921

Freeman Oct. 13, 1852 Oct. 30, 1916

Lottie - Aug. 28, 1899 - June 15, 1900, dau of F. & Birdie

Raymond E. - Apr. 2, 1903 -

LANGFORD, Henry Dee - Sept. 13,

Aug. 18, 1915

1884 Feb. 14, 1901,son of E.H.

Luncinda Feb. 10, 1819 Dec. 7, 1902, vife of Wiley

Mary C. d. June 29, 1937, 85 yrs., 1 mo., 4 days

LARY, J.A. - June 11, 1848 Oct. 23, 1928

Runny - Sept. 15, 1889 - Sept. 6, 1890, son of J.A. & Z.A.

$pencer T. Feb. 7, 1880 - Sept. 15, 1903

LATIMER, William Mar. 4, 1673 - Jan. 9, 1921

LAWS, James L. - JUly 17, 1660 - Dec. 4, 1878

& H.H.

Mary A. - Dec. 14, 1848 - July 25, 1878, vife of J.F.

LELAND, Bonne F.H. d. Oct. 3, 1921 - dau of G.W. & A.J. Millshop

LOYD, William T. Feb. 25, 1881 - Aug. 22, 1943

LUTHER, Jacob 1875 1946

MACHEK, Adean NOV. 12, 1914 - Oct. 6, 1915, dau of qtto


& Mary Machek

A. Oct. 1, 1865 - Dec. 12,1899, dau of Vanpeet & J.A.

MANN, Henry Oct. 14, 1882 - Sept. 1884, son of W.H. & 5.G.

W.H. Oct. 17, 1855 Feb. 18, 1901

MARTrN, Jessie Francis Feb. 26, 1849 Dec. 9, 1921

McDEW, William E. - July 22, 1851 - Feb. 4, 1914

McPHERSON, Henrietta - Mar. 30, 1863 Nov. 20, 1694

METCALF, Infant JUly 15, 1957

William d. Hay 29, 1959, age B4 yrs.

MITCHELL, Mary Mar. 30, 1856 - Dec. 27, 1925

MIZE, James R. 1881 1939

Mary E. 1874 1937

Mary H. 1915 1935

Virgie 1938 1936

MONTGOMERY, Darles F. d. Mar. 29, 1875 age 57 yrs., 6 mos., 8 days

J.F. Oct. 21, 1842 - May 5, ·1915

John F. Jan. 13, 1872 Jan. 12, IB97

Lara Jan. 14, lBB4 - Oct. 12, 1897

Lawrence - May 121 1896 - Mar. 6, 1898

Lars Oct. 28, 1887 - Dec. 29, 1906, son of J.F. & S.E.

Margaret Aug. 29, 1869 - Aug. 7, 1878

Robert T. - June


II, 1848 - Nov. 19, 1924

E. July 11, 1847 - Sept. 25, 1902, vife of J.F.

Sarah Elizabeth Dec. 29, 1646 Dec. 14, 1934.

Syrena - d. Sept. 7, 1875, 56 yrs., 8 mos., 7 days vife of C.T.

MOOR, A.N. 1836 1904

Emma 1843 1930

Fred 1895 1896, son of D.C. &: Fan'ln'lie Moore (son's name spelled with thelle ll


S.A. Nov. 7, 1861 Dec. 4, 1892, wife of D.C.

MOORE, D.C. 1857 1930

Fannie 1873 1958

O.G. d. Oct. 14, 1939, 71 yrs., 10 mos., 15 days

Will - d. 1897, son of D.C. & Fannie

MORGAN, Clarence A. July 27, 1898 - June I, 1900, son of J.R.

Emma F. 1872 - 1949

M.E. - Feb. 8, 1855 Oct. 9, 1906, wife of Z.D.

& S.R.


HULLINS, Archibald Co. 15th Tenn. MTD Inf.

HUNN, Inez I. Dec. 6, 1885 July 23, 1906

John - May 12, 1816 Jan. 19, 1875

Louis C. July 22, 1656 Aug. 6, 1660, huso. of Jessie

Hary A. June 20, IB24 Nov. 17, 1892, vife of John

Haryeller Jan. 25, 1867 Apr. 3, 1894

Thomas Wesley - Oct. 26, 1891 Jan. 2, 1914

NARVELLE, B.E. - sept. 5, IB26 Aug. 1881

NEALEY, Rufus O. - 1889 1950

V1~ginla v. -

1866 1904

Martha Venice - d. Jan. 26, 1945


NOWELL, Ernest A. June 19, 1862 - July 15, 1877, son of J.W.

J.W. Sept. 30, IR39 Oct. 23, 1904

Mollie L. - June 22, 1866 June 22. 1925, vife of S.A.

& M.J.

Ruth Annie - Nov. 9, 1904 Feb. 17, 1917, dau of S.A. Ii. M.L.

Willie otis Aug. 30, 1899 - July 16, 1900, son of S.A. Ii. M.L.

PANKEY, Sally Feb. 28, 1884 Mar. 26, 1932

PARKS, Arminia S. 1836 1918

Irene 1896 1918

John 1892 1941

Laura L. Mar. 31, 1893 June 16, 1913, vife of C.T.

PATRIC, Mary P. 1880 1932

PATRICK, Francis M. Apr. 8, 1844 Aug. 21, 1926

Jane C. D. Feb. 13, 1936, 28 yrs., 6 mos., 8 days

PATRIC, Jessie L. 1879 1954

PERRY, Elisha Franklin Nov. 20, 1868 Aug. 28, 1876

POOL, A.P. Jan. 19, 1822 - May 8, 1906

Martha E. Nov. 19, 1830 Mar. 21, 1917

POPE, Mary Lou d. Aug. 22, 1888, 29 yrs" 9 mos., 8 da. , wife of W.H.

POWELL, Infant child of A.M. Ii. O.A.L., d. 1831'

AlteraA;L.Alill May 29, 1838 June 7, 1901, vife of A.M.

Francis Edgar Nov. 23, 1874 - Mar. 9, 1906

PRESTON, William - Oct. 3, 1861 Nov. 29, 1951

PROTHERO, Verdie L. Sept. 23, 1884 Sept. 19, 1888, dau of T.J.

RAMSEY, dau. of T.J. July 10, 1941 July 10, 1941

Alford Shaw - d. Sept. 2, 1958, 57 yrs.

Dozier A. 1877 1941

Eva (Eula?) Dean Aug. 9, 1930 Aug. 9, 1930, dau of I.J.

Eva J. 1880 1926

Jimmie Dale - d. June 23, 1942, Smos., 1 day


Verna M. Aug. 7, 1905 - Nov. 18, 1957

RANDALL, Mrs. D.A. Apr. 28, 1898 Jan. 12, 1938

RICHARDS, Jimmie - Sept. 1, 1955 - Sept. 3, 1955, son of V.M. & J.y.

ROBERTS, Charlie 1895 1915

Donle 1898 1922

Jennie Jan. 26, 1887 Sept. 25, 1928, wife of W.E.

ROBINSON. John W. Nov. 16, 1857 July 15, 1945

J. Thomas Mar. 17. 1914 Nov. 23, 1935

Robert Gradon d. Apr. 6, 1959, 58 yr •. ,22 days

SELLERS, Robert E. 1874 1953

SIMPSON, Mrs. Dec. 9, 1869 Feb. 12, 1894

A.E. Prothero

Infant dau of J.N. Ii. M.C. - Mar. 11, 1825 (7)

Infant son of J.N. & M.C. Oct. 1890

Birtha M. July 27, 1884 Sept. 21, 1885

Effie E. Oct. 6, 1892 - Aug. 4, 1894

Eva - Mar. 20, 1887 June 18, 1909, vife of W.H.

James R. Aug. 20, 1816 Aug. 10, 1894, wife of S.V.

Lur.a M. Aug. 27, 1891 Nov. 7, 1891

Mary A. Aug. 4, 1870 Jan. 29, 1900, wife of O.C.

Mattie A. Apr. 12, 1865 - Nov. 4, 1892, vife of J.A.

N.C. Sept. 1, 1868 Dec. 7, 1903

Susan V. Dec. 22, 1823 May 3, 1893, wife of j.R.

SMITH, Henry C. Mar. 2, 1885 - June 6, 1887, son of W.D. & M.E.

Mellie Feb. 23, 1890 - Nov. 22, 1918, wife of W.D.

Willie D. Ark. Pvt ICL 354 Inf. 89 Div.

SNOW, E.P. Corp. Co. E 4th Ark. Inf. CSA

Mattie Hiddleston JUly 23, 1890 Jan. 17, 1959

SOARK, Boyd Dec. 13, 1885 - Sept. 15, 1927

SOWELL, Bird Jan. 24, 1885 Dec. 13, 1915

H.T. Aug. 10, 1886 JUly 22, 1896

Mary C. June 28, 1871 Oct. 28, 1871

Roger Lynn 1950 1950

Sallie F. d. July 3. 1900, 41 yra., vife of G.W.

Sarah E. Jan. 13, 1848 July 27, 1927

T.A. Nov. 28, 1873 Feb. 29, 1873

T.G. Apr. 23, 1848 Feb. 7, 1892

Walter - May 14, 1881 Dec. 24, 1957

STANLEY, J.E. d. Aug. 24, 1929 45 yrs •• 6 mos •• 27 days

J.M. 1857 Jan. 21, 1942

Lottie d. Feb. 1922 36 yrs.

Mary E. Nov. 8, 1879 - Apr. 13, 1943

Mattie 1878 Feb. 25, 1943

William 1. Nov. 8. 1879 Apr. 13, 1943

STEVENS, Willie Wilson 1909 1936

Minnie Bell Sept. 12, 1876 Dec. 16, 1951

Other N. d. July 4, 1911, son of W.A. & M.B.

William Adren - Mar. 5, 1875 Jan. 20, 1950


STOCKS. Charley - Jan. 3. 1877 - May 20. 1956

Ida Norma - Dec. 24. 1939 - Mar. 11, 1941

Sennie Belle - June 13. 1879 - Apr. 26, 1940

SULLIVAN, w.L. - 1877 1940

SUMLER, Izora.A. - d. Apr. 11. 1938

SUMMERS. John N. - JUly 23. 1859 - Nov. 23, 1903

TALBERT. Alfred - infant 1903

Annie 1825 1882

Cecille infant 1853

Edn. 1872 1939

Mary - infant 1905

W.M. 1869 1932

W.M.H. 1844 1882

TALEY, Cora H. - Apr. 13. 1910 - Apr. 3D, 1928

TALLEY, Brenda Diane - d. Nov. 21. 1947

Virgle R. - Aug. 17, 1900 Feb. 27. 1956 - Ark. Pvt. 413 coast Arty B.N. WW II

TALLY, Minnie Hazel - d. Feb. 12, 1952 4yrs 24 days

Taylor, Arvil Lee PFC US Army Korea PH Feb. 20, 1933 - JUly 17, 1953

VAUGHAN. Annie Sept. 5, 1889 - Feb. 27, 1912, wife of L.L.

C.L. - JUly 17, 1884 - July 4, 1886,child of W.R. & M.L.

James W. Dec. 20, 1882 ~ June 3, 1883, son of W.R. & M~L.

J.E. 1860 1900

John L. Mar. 28, 1857 - Jan. 30, 1902

M.L. 1865 1920, wife of B.F.

M.L. - Oct. 29. 1860 - May 21, 1661 (sic), wife of W.R.

Sarah N. - Feb. 6, 1666 - Mar. 5, 1903, wife of J.L.

VANN. F.H. - d. Apr. 25. 1936. 69 yrs.

G.P. - Dec. 28, 1865 - JUly 23. 1929

WALL. Ola - Jan. 1, 1884 - Aug. 26. 1894. wife of L.L.

WARD, D.C. - Feb. 4, 1678 - Nov. 6. 1901

WARNER, Thomas C. - d. June 29, 1942, 22 yrs., 3 mos •• 10 days

WARREN, Dorcas 1816 - Jan. 4, 1895

WHARTON, Clara Wilma - JUly 20, 1909 - May 12. 1911

Lemuel (dentist) Aug. 7, 1884 - Feb. 13, 1939

W.D. - Mar. 7, 1838 Apr. 17. 1913

WHITE. Allen Mar. 16. 1847 - JUly 15, 1912

Allen (Mrs. ) - July 1. 1847 - Feb. 24, 1910

Curry F. - JUly 8, 1663 - May 29, 1884, son of P.H.

J . V. - d. Jan. 11, 1858

Lillian E. - c . Oct. 1909

LOn A. - Apr. 20, 1843 - Aug. 31. 1859. wife of W.H.

W.H. - Nov. 8, 1849. - Jan. 28. 1914

WHARTON. J.R. - Oct. 26, 1840 - Oct. 28, 1927

WILLIAMS. J.C. (Mexican Soldier) - Feb. 27, 1835 - Jan. 20, 1913

WILSON. infant son of George & Fanny - Feb. 7, 1633

E. caroline 1852 1903

Charles Bun - Jan. 19. 1918 - May 19, 1942

Flor. - Dec. 21, 1896 - Feb. 1, 1911. dau of W.H. & S.F.

George A. - d.Dec. 28. 1956, 85 yrs., 3 mO$~

George Eller - Jan. 2. 1877 - June 26. 1879, dau of George & Fanny

Jewell L. Dec. 31, 1905 - Aug. 2, 1909, day of G.A.



James G. la33 1890

John A. Sept. 19, 1871 - June 4. 1953

Otis Harold - Dec. 13, 1919 - sept. 26, 1945

William Arthur - Mar. 16. 1886 - Jan. 20. 1952

WILLIAMS, Faber ardell - Aug. 19. 1917 - Mar. 19, 1918

Madison G. - Dec. 26. 1885 - Oct. 15, 1950

WITCHER, Ella - Mar. 28. 1874 - June 30, 1940

John - d. Apr. 14. 1935

M.A. - Aug. 10, 1832 - Sept. 17, 1912

Robert F. - Feb. 11, 1873 - Dec. 6, 1903

WOOLEY. A.O. - Sept. 20. 1823 - Nov. 8, 1923

Bessie Estell Sep~. 12, 1917 - Oct. 16. 1930

Elizabeth C. - Jan. 13. 1834 - July 14, 1932

F.E. - July 5, 1857 - Jan. 5, 1944

J.N. - JUly 8, 1630 - Mar. 11. 1897

Lucy - July 27. 1862 - Sept. 7, 1933

WOOLY, Loyd - d. ??717, 1959, 69 yrs.

WRIGHT, Fannie G. - JUly 4, 1652 Jan. 3. 1910

Garland - Apr. 24. 1902 - JUly 26. 1904

George W. - Co. E. Colonel Harts Regt. CSA

J.F. Oct. 24, 1839 - Mar. 2. 1919

John M. - Sept. 12, 1844 - Mar. 25, 1895

Julia W. - Aug. 19, 1870 - July 7, 1944

J.W. - husb. of Lula J.


WRIGHT, Lucy Lee - 1890 - 1925

Lula B. sept. 15, 1676 July 14, 1697, dau of Zalary

Lula J. 1867 1935

Mattie d. Nov. 8, 1954, 78 yrs., 2 mos., 20 days

Mattie B. July 16, 1881 Sept. 16, 1916

M.E. - Mar. 11, 1851 - Mar. 18, 1901

M.J. Sept. 10, 1842 Mar. 23, 1887, wife of J.T.

Monroe 1871 1940

Otho Feb. 4, 1893 - May 15, 1900



Mary Lee d. June 17, 1958 80 Y rs ~, 2 mos., 25 days

Zora E. 1907 1940

YOUNG, Freddie Apr. 6, 1894 Nov. 27, 1894, eon of B.S. & Henritta McPherson

# It # # #


List of persons Delinquent for County Taxes in the county of Phillips for 1821

Benbrook, Seaburn

Harris, Daniel

Kevan, Samuel

Morton, Jesse

McPeak, John

Simms, Thomas

Tackett, John

Wilcox, Elicott

Welch, Jacob

Davis, Hiram

Fletcher, Aaron

Fletcher, Simeon

Fletcher, John

Fletcher, Moses

Isham, James

Owens, Ahner

Taylor, James

Brewer, Elias

Chandler, William

Morris l


Murrill, James

Stephenson, Stephen

Unry, John

Woods l


Belont, Thurman

Jennings, Thaddeuw

Liddle, Ebenezer

Meford, David

MICall, Samuel

Mixter (?), Rufus

Magahah~ John

Maxwell, William

Phillips, Isaac

Rogers, John

Smith, John

Smith, Thomas

Woodmasee, James

Black, John

Churchman, Alburtus

Davis, Hiram

Davis, Edward

Duncan, Marshal

Farly, Henry

Hicks, Joshua

Hamlin, Luke

Lucas, John

WheelocK, Lewis

Hopefield Township

Hopefield Township

Hopefield Township

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Hopefie1d Township

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Union Township

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Cache Township

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Cache Township

St. Francis Township

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Walnut Township

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Insolvent do do do do do do

Removed-from county do


Deceased and property removed

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Insolvent do



Removed do do do do do do do

Removed do do do do do

Insolvent do do do

George Seaburn, Sheriff, Phillips County Nov. 7, 1921 [Ark. Gazette Nov. 17, 1821

# It It It It

Newport, March 25 County Judge W.H. Jago died at his residence in Jacksonport yesterday evening at 5 olclock. For a number of years he was postmaster at that place, and was elected judge at the last election. [Ark. Gazette, March 26, 1865J



By Prather lee Ward

April 8, 1985

According to the 1910 Federal Census of Alexandria, louisiana, Rapides Parish,

Army discharge papers, and certificate of death record of my grandfather,

Prather Ward, the information and data has been recorded as follows.

The 1910 census listed my great grandfather, Charles A. Ward, as head of the household. His age at the time of the census was 63, married once for 26 years. His wife, (Jennie lucille Smith) age at time of census is 45, also married once for 26 years. The. place of birth for both of them shows Arkansas.

The death record of my grandfather, Prather Ward, shows that his parents,

Charles and Jennie were both born in Arkansas; Charles Ward in Pine Bluff, and

Jennie Smith, in little Rock. Pine Bluff is in Jefferson County, and little

Rock is in P1uski County.

The age on the 1910 census puts Charles Ward being born either 1846 or 1847.

Jennie Smith would be either 1864 or 1865.

The 1910 census shows that five children were born to this Ward family, but only three are listed on this census.

Ina V., daughter, age 23, single, born in Arkansas. Cecil, son, age 13, single, born in louisiana. Prather, son, age 20, married not quite a year (The date on other records shows he was married on February 16, 1910.

Prather's wife, (lillian Addeline Brister), age 18, born in louisiana (my records show born on January 23, 1892).

On this 1910 census it shows that Prather Ward was born in Arkansas. Other information shows his birthplace to be Aransas Pass, Texas. His army discharge papers show he was born in Orange, Texas, on January 9, 1890, in which I assume is correct.

The other two children of Charles Ward, not shown on this 1910 census are,

Allie Ward, no dates known and Welby Ward who was the oldest son, but there are no dates to prove this at this time.

From the above information, a time span was made as follows.

1. Charles A.



Ward, born 1846 or 1847, Arkansas, married, 1883 or 1884,

One of his daughters, Ina V. was born in Arkansas in 1886 or

2. One of his sons, Prather Ward, my grandfather, was born in 1890, in


3. One of his sons, Cecil Ward, was born 1896 or 1897 in louisiana.

4. The 1910 census, shows family in louisiana.




1. Between 1846 through 1886 or 1887 they were in Arkansas.

2. Between 1886 or 1887 they came to Texas.

3. Between 1890 through 1896 or 1897 they came to Louisiana.

4. 1896 or 1897 through 1910 they were in Louisiana.

The 1910 census shows that Charles Ward, and his son Prather Ward were in the lumber business, in Louisiana.

At this time, April 8, 1985, there is no record of who Charles Ward's father was, nor his mother. There is a Or. W. Guy Ward and his wife A. Harrison in my records, that shows that these might have been his parents, but no proof is given. Also in my records a James Smith and his wife Mary E. was Jennie's

(Charles' wife's) parents, but again no proof is given.

The 1910 census does show that Charles Ward's father was born in Virginia, and his mother was born in Arkansas .

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

. .








... ..


On May 13, 1985, information was obtained that Charles Ward died in either 1923 or 1924 in Alexandria, Louisiana, and was buried in Pineville, Louisiana, just across the Red River from Alexandria, but still no month or day. On May 14,

1985, I sent a request to the Louisiana State Board of Health for his death record .

.. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. "







.... ..

The information on the children of Charles Ward is as follows.

1. Ina V., married John Landry, one child also named Ina.

2. Welby, oldest child, first wife's name unknown, had three children.

Dorthy, Vivian, and Welby Jr. (not really sure of Welby Jr. name).

3. Allie Ward, married Arlie B. Ney, four children, Lucille, Alton,

Charles, and Jack. Lucille had a daughter named Betty who married J.

Rhorer Texada (pronounced, Tehada) who lives in Alexandria, Louisiana.

4. Cecil Ward, no information available.

5. Prather Ward, married Lillian Addeline Brister, had three children.

Herman Lee Ward, a daughter also named Prather, and Pete Fritz Ward, my father.

Much later on, after my grandfather Prather died, my grandmother, which I called Nina, remarried to her husband's brother Welby, no children by this marriage. This was his second marriage.



Charles Ward's wife Jennie had relatives it is told, whose name was Nutt, but no other information is given, only that the Nutt family lived in Mississippi.

My grandfather Prather Ward joined the Army shortly after his son Herman lee was born in 1917 (January 11, 1917). Herman saw him on a couple of occasions at a very early age, about six years old. He never really knew his father. My father Pete Fritz was born November 30, 1913, but also never really knew him.

The name Prather I have been told came from a Or. Prather, that Charles and

Jennie knew and was a friend as well as a doctor of the family. They named their son Prather after this doctor, but there is no proof of this. I was named after my grandfather Prather and my middle name lee was from my uncle,

Herman lee Ward •

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..




.......................................................................................... ..

The 1850 census in Arkansas does not list a Charles Ward living or born in Pine

Bluff, Jefferson County, but it does show a Charles Ward age 4 in Jackson, in

Union County, Arkansas. This age puts my Charles Ward the same birthdate of

1846. It also shows the head of household to be Jefferson Ward, age 39, sisters and two brothers, but still no real proof this is my Ward family. born in Georgia, and his wife Frances, born in Alabama, age 28. It lists three

As recorded earlier on May 14, 1985, I sent to the louisiana State Board of

Health for a death record of my great grandfather Charles A. Ward. On June 20,

1985, I received the certificate of death of Charles A. Ward, and it lists the following information. He died on June 11, 1925, at the age of 63. This puts his date of birth in 1862. Name of father is T. W. Ward, birthplace,

Virginia. Name of mother is Virginia Harrison, birthplace Arkansas. It lists

Charles Ward's occupation at time of death as a shipping clerk for Enterprize labor Company in Alexandria, louisiana. This new information shows an error as far as the birth-year of Charles Ward in the 1910 louisiana Census.

# # #

DIED - In this township, on Sunday last, Mr. Urban Haynie.

At Villemont, at the house of B.L. Miles Esq., where he had been only a few days employed in teaching a school, Mr.

Lewis Dunn. He was a cripple, having been afflicted with rheumatism for several years; and was a stranger in the county, and said his mother and two of his brothers resided at or near

Lewisburg, Greenbrier county, Virginia.

In St. Francis county, on the 6th of October, Van Buren, infant son of Green B. Lincecum, Esq. after an Illness of four weeks .••••• Ark Gazette, Little Rock, Oct. 17, 1832

# # #



Conway, Ark., Feb. 11, 1901


Presuming that a list of Confederate pensioners of this county would be a matter of general interest, I herewith give you a complete list as given me by the county clerk.

This list should be, and was intended to be a roll of honor. Just how many on it that should not be there the public will easily decide. The rising generation, or in other words, the state of Arl{ansas has ever been most generous to the Confederate soldiers (God bless them) and I very much fear sometimes that this great kindness may be abused. Heaven grant that avarice and greed in this matter may not some day produce a reaction in the minds of those coming after us, which will defeat and overwhelm this noble and generous spirit.

The state legislature has nOW in contemplation a very much extended system of pensions and most probably it will become law and in this connection I appeal to every worthy Confederate soldier to use every endeavor to keep every unworthy applicant off the list.

My earnest prayer is-that the day may never come when the name of a Confederate soldier may become a stench in the land that his comrades died for and for which he has suffered so much.

Yours etc.,

W.D. Cole

List of pensioners allowed by the Faulkner county pension board on July 12, 1900

M .. J. Buice ...................................... $25.00

Elvira Douglas ••.•••••••••.•..• 25.00

Mary Bearden ................... 50.00

C. Donaghey •••••.•.•..•.••••••• 25.00

\v .. H .. Lovill ....................................... 25 .. 00

Jno. A. Reed ................... 50.00

T.A. Maddox ... "" .. " ........ e .... ,. . . . . . .


Hanna Barringer ••••••.••.•.•••. 25.00

Sam Thomas ..................... 50.00

David Livingston ••••.••..•••••• 25.00

W.L .. Spencer ....................... 25.00

J.H. Dempsey ................... 25.00

A.B. Gibson •••••••••.•.•••.••. 50.00

W.J. Beene ..................... 25.00

Lina Belk ........................................... 25 .. 00

W.P .. Westbrook ................................. 25.00

Jennie Davidson ................ 50.00

Mrs. S.J. Banister .................... 25.00

D.N. Moore ..................... 50.00

Elizabeth Connell ••.••••••••..• 25.00

Mrs. S.A. Terrell .............. 25.00

T.J .. Loveless ................................... 50.00

T .. A .. Whitley ........................... 50.00

J .. F. Johnson •• " .................. ~ .... 25.00

W.H. Reynolds .................. 25.00

B.F. Faulkner .................. 75.00

W.H. Browning .•..••...•••.••.•• 25.00

William Milam .......................... " .. 25.00

H.F. Freeman ................... 25.00

R.F .. Price .................. ~ ....... 50.00

Mrs. N.E. Thornton ............. 50.00

L.N. Lee ....................... 25.00

J.N. Stee1. .................... 25.00

J .. C. .......................... 25 .. 00

F.N. Jones ..................... 25.00

Mrs. Susan C. Driskil1......... 50.00

J.R. Dukes ........................ 50.00

Williar.1 Dyke .......................... " ..... 25 .. 00

Mrs. E.J. Dickey ............... 25.00

Manervey Wear. • . . . . . • . • • . • • • • •• 25.00

J .. M. Strickland ......... ,. .......... 50.00

Mrs .. Jane M. Swan ...... ,. •••••••• 25 .. 00


G.W. Snider .................... 75.00

Mrs. L.C. Smith ................ 75.00

Mrs. M.A. Edwards .••.•.•••..••• 25.00

B.G. Peroon" ............................... 50.00

T.J. Bryant .................... 25.00

A.A. Sllultz .......................... 25 .. 00

E.C. Wilburn ................... 50.00

James Keathley ................. 50.00

A.J. McNutt .................... 50.00

L .. L .. Spergin ..................... 25 .. 00

A.J. Thompson .................. 25.00

Nancy Haskins... • • . . • • • • • • . • . .. 50.00

J.R. Brantley ......................... 25.00

E.W. Wilkerson .................... ~ ~ .. 25.00

Mrs. P.E. Meek ................. 50.00

Rosella Dillbeck............... 25.00

[Conway Democrat Feb. 15, 1901)



Hr. Floyd M. Hixson. 1712 Harvard, Clovis. CA 93612 has submitted this record along with some notations. He has added notes which appear in brackets. Mr. Hixson states that he

••• "cannot vouch for the authenticity of the information, but perhaps it will be helpful to someone." The transcription of these records was done on 29 August 1950. He is particularly interested in contacting anyone who is doing research on the

Hixson name in Virginia prior to 1800.


Pleasat Hixson [Pleasant] and Sarah Ann Wright vas Married Dec.

28. 1848 in the State of Ala., Benton Co. By Peter Johnson J.P.


P.W. Hixson [Pleasant Wesley) was born in the State of Ark. Co.

Johnson, July 23, 1862 [m. Mary Lasater]

W.S. Hixson [William Sherman] was born in the State of Ark. Co. of Johnson Nov. 29, 1866 [m. Leanna Belle Proctor]

E.L. Hixson [Emory Lafayette] was born in the State of Ark ••

Co. of Logan Jan. 2, 1873 [m. Maggie Moore]

Pleasant Hixson was born in the State of Tenn. Bledsoe Co. May

16. 1823

Sarah Hixson was born in the State of S.C. Chester District

July 19. 1829

J.N. Hixson [John Newton] was born in the State of Tenn.

Bledsoe Co. Mar. 7, 1850 [m. Nancy McCrary]

Frances Hixson was born in the State of Ala. Benton Co. Oct.

21, 1852 [m. Granville McDaniel]

Ellen M. Hixson was born in the State of Ark. Johnson Co. Feb.

23. 1855 [m. Thomas Turner)

J.G. Hixson [James] was born in the State of Ark. Co. of

Johnson Nov. 12, 1857 [m. Belle Wolfe]

Sarah J. Hixson [Sarah "Jodie"] was born in the State of Ark.

Co. of johnson Jan. 3, 1860 [m. W.Logan White]


Pleasant Hixson was born in 1823 May the 16th Died June 25th


Sarah A.Hixson died August 31, 1909

# # #

First officials of BENTON COUNTY and their years of service: George

P. WALLACE, Judge, 1836-1838; John B. DIXON, Clerk, 1836-1842;

Gideon B. PACE, Sheriff, 1836-1842; Hy. HASTINGS, Treasurer,

1836-1846; Henry FORD, Coroner, 1836-1838; A. McKISSICK, Surveyor

1836 -18 38. '



Bobbie Jones McLane

This section contains listing and reviews of books submitted to the Arkansas Genealogical Society. Some few are purchased, but the majority are given as review copies to our society, and are housed with our growing collection at the Little Rock Public


THE DODGEN STORY, An Account of a Truly American Family, by

Mary Dodgen Few, Southern Historical Press, 1985. 580 pages, hardback, indexed, price not shown, but may be ordered from the author at Red Top, The Dark Corner, Greenville Co., SC.

A delightful and well researched book, Mrs. Few, also author of three historical novels, has included descendents of William

Dodgen (1) and the progeny and descendants of his two sons, William

Dodgin (2), born in England, and Olimon Dodgen, born in Virginia.

Mrs. Few states this is not a "begat" book, but an effort to tell a story through this family of a fascinating epoch and continuing enlargement of American History. It is well and interestingly written and includes Dodgen lines in Arkansas, one of whom

James Sylvester Dodgen who lived in Mongtomgery Co. had a daughter with the most unusual name of Georgia and Arkansas Dodgen!

Descendants also lived in Clark Co. ---

LINCOLN COUNTY, GEORGIA GUARDIANSHIP BONDS 1800-1895, Abstracted by Joel Dixon Wells, 38 pages, soft cover, surname index. Price

$8.50, may be ordered from Armchair Publications, 810 McDonough Rd.

Hampton, GA 30228. These abstracts give the date of the guardianship, the name of the guardian appointed, the name/names of those having a guardian appointed, in the case of children, the father's name and the securities for the guardian.

HOW TO TRACE YOUR MINNESOTA ANCESTORS, by Robert B. Porter, 44 pages, soft cover, includes a list of groups and organizations throughout the state who work daily to uncover the same kinds of historic information you are seeking. indexed. If you are researching from a distance, and need to know exactly what is available to properly formulate inquiries, this small volume will be very helpful.


Cheek Milner, 1985, 8.5xll, 50 pp., paper, $7.50. Order from

Heritage Books, Inc., Suite 300,3602 Maureen, Bowie, MD 20715.

A directory of newspaper genealogical columns, current and defunct, covering 150 columns appearing in over 250 newspapers nationwide. Special information is given as to where collections of the column and/or indices may be found. The volume begins with listings for some geneal interest columns, but the bulk of the text is arranged geographically with extensive cross-referencing which makes it very easy to use.


J. Konrad, 81 pp. paper, $5.00. This directory contains 1297 names and addresses of such publications throughout the world.

This handy reference is helpful in locating a periodical related to a specific family name. Summit Pub., P.O. Box 222, Munroe Falls,

OR 44262



REV.SAMUEL AND CATHERINE SHERRILL GUNN AND THEIR DESCENDANTS by Louise Gunn Plant, Box 262, Paducah, TX 79248, 81 pp., soft cover (No index) Price $10.00, plus $1.00 postage (Texas residents add 539 tax). This is a compilation of data concerning

Rev. Samuel Gunn 1818-1886, and his wife, Catherine 1819-1893, who lived and died in Izard Co., Ark. and their descendants.

The record contains deeds, marriages, Bible records, etc. The author is continuing her search for the parents, brothers, and sisters of Rev. Samuel and Catherine Sherrill Gunn, and welcomes additional information on this family.

WALLACE A. RAINEY AND JESSIE I. RINGER, Their Ancestors, Descendants, and Allied Families 1985, donated by the author Ralph E.

Rainey, 1191 15th St., Carlyle, IL 62231, $35.00, 402 pp., full index, hard cover. A collection of ancestor charts, family group sheets, related data, and numerous pictures pertaining to the above Rainey family. A good example as to how one family has managed to collect and correlate records pertaining to each generation.

EMIGRANTS TO AMERICA, Indentured Servants RecrUited in London

1718-1733, by John Wareing, Principal Lecturer in Geography, The

Polytechnic of North London, published by the Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MD 1985, 111 pp., hard cover. Part

Three list arranged alphabetically. Part I explains the Binding of Indentured Servants in London, Part Two, Interpreting the


NATCHITOCHES CHURCH MARRIAGES 1818-1860, translated abstracts from the Registers of St. Francois des Natchitoches, LA, Vol. 6, Cane

River Creole Series, Elizabeth Shown Mills, CG, FASC, editor-translator, 216 pp., paper, indexed, $20.00. Order from the author at

107 Woodridge, Tuscaloosa, AL 35406. This volume represents the largest available collection of Natchitoches marriage records for the first half of the 19th century. Protestants and Catholics are found side by side throughout this volume. Some 500 "Anglos" appear among the 3500 indexed names. Birthplace and parental data are given for most AnglO-Protestants, as well as from immigrants from

Europe, Canada, and the British Isles, and the native Creoles of

French Louisiana or Spanish Texas. In nearly 100 of the marriages the parties are free people of color of Black, Indian, or mixed origins. Civil marriage records were not begun until 1855.

MISSOURI ORDEAL 1862-1864, Diaries of Willard Hall Mendenhall, transcribed by Margaret Mendenhall Frazier,219 pp. hard cover, indexed, $23.20, order from Carl Boyer, 3rd, P. O. Box 333, Newhall, CA 91322. The fascinating diary of Willard Hall Mendenhall of LeXington, Lafayette Co., MO for the years 1862-1864. This book, transcribed by Ms. Frazier, provides a revealing account of the ravages of the Civil War upon both Union and Confederate sympathizers in this port on the Missouri River. It includes 15 pages of Mendenhall and Kavanaugh genealogy to help identify family members mentioned in the diaries.


BOOK REVIEWS (It is difficult, no impossible, for a reviewer to review one's own books, therefore, the following is a listing of new publications donated to AGS Library by the compiler(s).

The ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY has named as one of its Arkansas Sesquicentennial projects, the reconstruction of the 1890

Census of Arkansas. This census for the entire country was destroyed by fire in Washington in 1921. For the most part, this reconstruction is being done through the use of county tax records in each of Arkansas' 75 counties. Several counties have been completed, and others are in progress.


Compiled by Inez Halsell Cline, Bobbie Jones McLane, and Wendy

Bradley Richter, 175 pp., soft cover, spiral binding, $10.00.

The compilers have attempted to reconstruct this census in

Montgomery Co. using the 1890 tax receipt book, listing the taxpayer, date paid, section description, number of acres, value and school district. A map is included indicating the location and names of townships and school districts. The loss of census records is particularly acute in Garland Co. due to disasterous fires which destroyed almost all records just after the turn of the century. For Garland Co. several resources were combined, such as city directories, the 1888 Arkansas Gazeteer and Business

Directory, marriage and tombstone records for the years 1887 thru

1892. A map of the city of Hot Springs in the 1888 Gazeteer is included as is a map and key showing the locations of the cemeteries mentioned in the text. The compilers, all natives of Garland

Co., wanted their county included in this Sesquicentennial project.

Knowing all official records had been destroyed, they sought other means to acquire this data - where there's a will - there's a way!

CLARK CO., AR CENSUS OF 1850 ~nnotatedby compiler) Bobbie Jones

McLane, 112 Leach St., Hot Springs, AR 71913, soft cover, 53 pp., arranged alphabetically. Contains numerous genealogical notes concerning families living in Clark Co. at the time of the 1850 census, including marriage, tombstone, probate, earlier census, correspondence with descendants, etc. $12.00

PIKE CO., AR CENSUS OF 1860, transcribed

Jones McLane, 112 Leach St., Hot Springs,

59 pp., indexed, soft cover, $12.00. and indexed by Bobbie

AR 71913, soft cover,

LAFAYETTE CO., AR CENSUS OF 1860, transcribed and indexed by

Bobbie Jones McLane, 112 Leach St., Hot Springs, AR 71913, soft cover, 66 pp., $12.00

SALINE CO •• AR CENSUS OF 1860, transcribed and indexed by Bobbie

Jones McLane, 112 Leach St., Hot Springs, AR 71913, soft cover,

92 pp., indexed, soft cover, $14.00

HOT SPRING CO., ARCENSUS OF 1860, transcribed and indexed by

Bobbie Jones McLane, 112 Leach St., Hot Springs, AR 71913, soft cover, 81 pp., $12.00



IN SEARCH OF YOUR EUROPEAN ROOTS - A complete Guide to Tracing

Your Ancestors in Every Country in Europe, by Angus Baxter, 289 pp., soft cover, $12.95 per copy, plus $1.25 postage and handling.

(MD residents add 5% sales tax) This book is designed to guide researchers through the complexities of genealogical research in

Europe, whether in person or by correspondence. It lists the various types of genealogical records available in each country and explains where they are found and how they are used. In great detail it describes the archival resources of each country; the location of church records and census returns, the systems of births, marriages, and deaths and how to find and use such records. Order from: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1001 N. Calvert

St., Baltimore, MD 21202


Boyd Roberts and William Addams Reitwiesner, 194 pp., hard bound, illustrated and indexed, $15.95, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.

1001 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21202. Wide-ranging in its coverage of Lady Diana Spencer's past and present American connections, this book will appeal to those who are fascinated by royalty and to those who would understand the ties which bind the human family. Diana's nearest American ancestor is her maternal greatgrandmother, Mrs. Frances Burke Roche of New York City, daughter of a Wall Street tycoon. She is related to Richard Nixon and 11 other U. S. Presidents or their wives. Her cousins include Brooke

Shields, Orson Welles, Humphrey Bogart and other Hollywood personalities. Diana has as many as 20 to 30 million American cousins.

She is related to most people named Strong, Coggswell, Clapp,

Waldo, Holton, Hibbard and Newbold and to many people named Hart,

Parke, Morgan, Avery, Lyman, Hunt, Huntington, Dennison, and Tuttle.

NEW ENGLAND MARRIAGES Prior to 1700, by Clarence Almon Torrey,

1009 pp., hard cover, fully indexed. price not listed, but may be ordered from Genealogical Publishing Co., 1001 N. Calvert St.,

Baltimore, MD 21202. Gary Boyd Roberts says in his introduction that this is one of the greatest genealogical manuscripts of the

20th century. Torrey's compilation is both ( l ) a nearly comprehensive listing of; and bibliography for, the married population of 17th century New England; and (2) a summary and index, for its subject, of the best American genealogical scholarship since 1860.


1,600 Families of British Origin Now Resident in the United States of America, published by the Genealogical Publishing Co. (address listed in above three notices). In 1939, in the 16th edition of the Landed Gentry of Great Britian, Burke's undertook to treat distinguished American families in the manner of the Peerage and

Landed Gentry, systematically establishing direct-line pedigrees by documenting the marriages, connections, heirs and issue, and dates and places of birth and death in successive generations.

This book is an offprint of pages 2529-3022 of the 16th edition, constituting in entirety, the innovative American section. This part of the work is reproduced in a convenient and relatively inexpensive form (price not quoted).


QUE R I E S Material submitted for this 'query section' must pertain to an area of Arkansas at some point in time. If the name of the County is known and included, it increases your chance of receiving replies to your questions. Always give a full name and a date for reference.

Queries are limited to members only. It simplifies the work of the all-volunteer staff of th publication, if you send your queries with your membership fee. Continue to send to Arkansas Genealogical

SOCiety, P. O. Box 908, Hot Springs, AR 71902-0908. queries should be confined to about fifty words, if possible.

There is no time-table for printing your queries. We work several months ahead of the actual appearance of this quarterly.




FDWAR exchange information on Lucy Jane Litrell b. 2 Dec. 1848, Ala. m.

(l) Fanning; m. (2) 'Thomas Jefferson Hamil ton ca. 1870 or later,

Searcy or Carroll Co., AR, d. 4 Feb. 1927 Braggs, Musko.;ee Co. ,OK.

Lucy ,Jane was a dau. of John and Mandy (Howar) Litrell, both b.AL.

Trena Sabin, 4300 Waialoe Ave. #1403A, Honolulu, FI..awaii 96816 would like help with Joseph Bailey b. Sept. 1845, ~annin Co., GA, d. Nov. 1878, Woodruff Co., AR, m. 20 Oct. 1865, Fannin Co., (IA

J.Duisa Jane Garland: Children: Henry, Jane, Ann Alee &: Cealy.

Henry Bailey b. 10 June 1869, Fannin Co., GA m. 1 AuI':. 1888, Newton



Martha Oregon Crawford, b. Apr. 1866 in C..a., father from NC, mother from

GA (family rerrembers the Crawfords were comrerical fisherrren) Daughte!!': Jesse

~able Bailey b. 7 Mar. 1890, Clarksburg (Clarksville?) Johnson Co.AR m. Thomas

Philip Wisd(1ffi, divorced 1890-1900. Children b. in Ark. Pearl May (Pope Co.),

Gertie (Yell Co.), Riley Allen (Newton Co.) Robert (Johnson OJ.) and Sanford.





Fay Irby, 2148 Dellwood Ave., Jacksonville, FL 32204 is interested in information on Alpherd J. Irby &: Sally Benton. Their son, her grandfather, John Riley Irby b. July 1868 in Fulton Co., .4ft m.

Susan Malena Griffith 12 Feb. 1888, I1Dved to OK in 1908. They had

4 children: !.Du Ada, Laura May, Thomas and Ernest Roy. She is also interested in descendants of Susan's 2nd husband, James Alford Irby and his parents

Jim Irby and Ann Hubbell. Both families lived in Fulton OJ. in late 1800's and early 1900's.

RAGAlif/REAGA."I Mrs. Otis S. Duran, P.O. Box 547, McAlester, OK 74502 would like to

WILLIAMSON exchange information with descendants of William Reagan b. 1770/1780 living in Union 'IWp •• Pope OJ. , AR in 1840 census. Also Bassel J.

Ragon 11 ving in Martin 'IWp. LOes anyone know of a Ragan who married a daughter of the Williamson family or vice-versa?

BURROW Gerald D. Burrow, 209 Wildwinds, O'Fallon, ID 63366, would like to exchange information with anyone researching this surnarre in Sharp,

Fulton. or Independence Co., AR. Especially interested in descendants of Janes D.

Burrow and son Freeman Jarrell Burrow, both born in Bedford Co., 'IN lived in

Sharp Co., AR from ca. 1870 until their deaths.



Mrs. Rex Northcutt, Rt. 2, Box 246, Carlisle, AR 72024 would like to when Miry Jones. wife of Gilbert. died. probably buried New Hope Cern.



AR. No marker. Are there Ash relatives living there?





Denzil R. Mauldin, P.O. Box 690, Valdez, AK 99686 would like to correspond with descendants of the following: John Pearce, b. ca. 1781 NC in Ouachita Co., Ark. 1860; John Pearce b. ca.

HALE 1806 'IN, in Jackson Co., Ark. 1850; William Pearce b. ca. 1786

NC, in Van Buren Co., Ark. in 1850. Sanuel Willis b. 1800 NC in Marion Co., Ark. 1860 and John W. Hale b. ca. 1815 in 'IN, in Pike Co. ,Ark.




New n:amer, Robert lJJwrey, Box 900-37009, Jefferson City, W

65102, would like information on Charles Robert lJJwrey and sons

Barn, Eb, and Charles, daughter Ruth Hight, from the area of

Paris, Ark. in lDgan County. This family has owned land and fanns in this area since at least 1954, when this trember was born there.




Miss Cleo V. Alley, 4106 Cochese Rd., Memphis, 'IN 38118, needs natres of parents and siblings of Rev. John Pinckney Alley,

Methodist Minister b. 1-13-1840, d. 1-27-1891, buried Snow

Cetretery near Benton, Saline Co., Ark. m. Melanie McIntyre

Snow, part Cherokee Indian - ancestors from N. Ga. and part of 'IN, 8 chrn. born to this union; 20d marriage to Malinda Catherine Everett Lane and 2 children were born to this union. Where did this family originate and what nationality were they?

HANKS Linda Hanks, 1808 Miner Ave., San Pablo, CA 94806, seeks inform-

TURNBULL ation on the father of Charley Alfred Hanks, Richard Hanks, who was married to Viola? Richard and Viola had 4 Children: Charly,

George, Jimny, and? Charly was born March 3,1910, Walnut Ridge, Ark. Ris wife is Ruth Turnbull, also of Walnut Ridge, Ark.



Jeri Paszkeicz, 28221 Ben Howard Rd., M::lnroe, WA 98272, wishes information on William M. Rogers, b. 30 June 1854 in M::l. married

SUsanne Serrina JoneS in Griffin, Conway Co., Ark. 5 Sept. 1880 and lived in Ark. until he died in 1902. They had 10 children and seven died.

DJes anyone know where he or the children are buried?



Charis Brangan, 29610 Loddington, spring 'IX 77386, seeks information on any NOrthcutts living in Izard or Baxter Co., Arkansas

DIXON around 1875. Her grandfather was the son of Alabama (Cope) of Ky. and Adrien Northcutt, who was born in Arkansas in Dec. 1875. She also needs information on Joe Dixon, who owned a general store in Calico Rock,

Ark. in the 1890's.



Mrs. Hugh C. Brown, 7500 Hwy 26 S., Linden, CA 95236, would like information on John S. Brown who married Isabella Zora Savage

14 Nov. 1878 in Lonoke, Ark. Children: Gadie Bell b. 27 Mar.1885 and Ethel Jane b. 9 Sept. 1887. Isabella died ca. 1890 in childbirth and was buried in Lonoke. Family left area for Texas.




Marilyn G. Rowan, 1332 Fernside Blvd., Alatreda, CA 94501, would like to contact others working on the lines of Thomas and Hugh

Rowan, two brothers who carre from Ala. to Saline Co., Ark. ca.1836.

Thomas m. Rutha Rowland Jan. 1831, Hugh m. Elizabeth Hutchingson

Oct. 1832, both in st.Clair Co., Ala. Thomas d. Dec. 1846 and Hugh ca. 1865, both in Saline Co., Ark. Son:E of Hugh' s descendants are buried in the Old

Union Cetretery in Saline Co.




1800s. ville,

Mrs. IV. K. Webb, 216 Merriman St., Conway, AR 72032, needs information on children of Stephen ~bore Fbster who married

Rebecca Marilyn Blythe, lived in Logan Co., AR in the late

Stephen was the son of William Golden Fbster, and he died at Rose-

AR 1902.




Eloise Cunningham, 35237 Mt. View St., Yucaipa, CA 92399, seeks information on William Green Nipper and wife Lucy Burrows.

Their son, General Grant Nipper b. 1867 in Ark, m. 1886 in

Topeka, KS, d. 1957 Lander, WY. His wife was Minnie Ophela

Jones 1867-1938, oorn in Mahaska Co., Iowa.



Frances S. Abare, 5741 Lawson Lane, Oklahoma City, OK 73132, wants information on her grandmother, Marsilly (Marinda)(Nancy)

Ann Childers, her parents, and siblings. She married Martin

Wilson in Clark Co., AR Oct. 12, 1860. Would also like nationality, place of birth, marriage, and death dates of John Wilson and Leonora Pierson Wilson, who moved from R.oroo Co., GA and homesteaded land in Clark Co., AR in 1857.

(Martin Wilson, age 26 and wife Minerva(?) age 25 b. Ala are listed in D-20,

Alpine Twp., 1870 Clark Co. census, next door to Rebecca Childers, 69.

Rebecca and her husband, Henry Childers are listed in the 1860 census of

Clark Co. and as Childress in the 1850 census of Benton (Calhoun Co.) Ala.

Children in these census are listed as Elizabeth, Sarah, Tinzy, James,

Chappel, David, Marilla, peter, Marga~et and Mary. BJM}

McGREXl)R Helen Bourque, 518 Canadian St., lbuston, TX 77009, seeks data on the McGregor family. Jason T. McGregor b. 1837, NY d. ca.

1909, Texarkana, Miller Co., AR. Son Judson T. McGregor b. 1861, Marquette

Co., All, d. 1924 Texarkana, AR. Wife Alice B. Dye d. 1940 Texarkana, AR.

Children: Morgan Judd McGregor b. 1888, Marquette, MI, Ethel Gladys McGregor b. 1892, Texarkana, AR.




Mrs. Impo K. Berry, Rt. 3, Sedalia, ID 65301, needs information on Fannie Henrietta Tolbert, oorn on an island in the MiSSissippi

River in 1860, near where Reel Foot Lake is now. Her father was

Duff Tolbert. She had a brother, Duff, and half brothers Jim &

Bill Canpbell. She also had a half-sister, Ehma Campbell who married a Ledgett.

A grandson, or great-grandson of Duff Tolbert may have a shoe store in Little

Rock, AR. Would appreciate his name and address if anyone can supply it.

Ted C. Hilliard, 3111 Pyramid, Ceres, CA 95307, wishes to exchange information on the following AR lines: Chester Arthur

Callahan and Felix Grundy Callahan, Green Jackson Melton, Oakley of Benton Co., Ark. - any information on any Wcxxi or Robertson who married into the Oakley family.

QUALLS Mrs. Hcm3r E. Qualls, 5924 Wilkins Ave., Oakdale, CA 95361, needs data on George Washington Qualls, b. 28 May 1851 in Arkansas, county unknown. Died 20 Feb. 1934. Parents believed to be George WaShington

Qualls and Lotto Miller.



Ella Sue Walker-Neal, Star Rt. B Box 44, Lawton, OK 73501 needs information on Thomas Pritchard b. in Tenn. m. Amelia Hensley, who died in 1908 in Sanger, TX. This family moved from Tenn. to near Snov.ball, Searcy Co., AR in early 1870s. Children: Charles Taylor Pritchard, Mount Pritchard, Henry Clay Pritchard and Tennessee Pritchard.


MJRRIS Mrs. Jolm E. Alexander, 1714 fug'lIDOd, Magnolia, AR 71753 has in her possession a journal, or diary, containing daily entries and narorabilia, pictures, rrenus, newspaper clippings, etc. The diary was kept by Katherine !.iJrris (who was from Newport, AR) while she was a student attending Galloway College in Searcy. The dates are 1909-

1910 and into 1911. ~~s. Alexander wonders if she is still living, or if sorre of her relatives would like to have this item. It was found in the possessions of Mrs. Alexander' s rother, Elizabeth Hively Goss, who also attended Galloway College. .




Linda L. Corrington, 4678 Scottdale St., Eugene, OK 97404 is seeking inforrration on the following: Katie Storm born

1873 in Arkansas, m. Jim Clayton in Texas. Who were the parents of Jim Clayton? Eugene Goodman, born 1861 in Ark., CLAYTON married Sarah Graham, born 1864 in TN. Any information on the Goodman's will be greatly appreciated.




Norma Pennington, 38456 Perkins Dr., Lebanon, OR seeks data on Sherod Rowland b. Feb. 14, 1813/15? f,bntgD!lEry Co., NC, d.

1894 Dallas Co., AR, buried Holly Springs Cern. M. 1st Elvira




King 28 July 1839 Carroll Co., TN. She died 1844 Carroll Co.,

TN. One dau. Martha Jane, b. 6 Jan. Carroll Co., TN, d. 21 Nov.

1927, Dallas Co., AR, buried Holly Springs Cern. She

Joseph B. Hubbard, 2nd George T. Shankle. Sherod m. 1st m. 2nd time CHANDLER


10 ~c. 1846 Margaret McMillan and is also buried at Holly Spgs.

Cern. They had: Caroline (Nancy) who m. Sruruel Shaddock, Thomas M. m. Ellen Chandler; John R. m. Cynthia Shaddock; Sidney A. who m. !.iJlly

Pryor; and Evely. Would like to fill in inforrration on this family for the history of Lloyd and Mary Ann (?) Rowland. Lloyd was b. 28 Oct. 1784 NC and d. 6 June 1858 in Carroll Co., TN. Mary Ann b. 28 Oct. 1784 NC and d. 6 June

1858 in Carroll Co" TN. Would appreciate any information on any of this family, especially daughters Olive b. 28 Oct. 1803 and Sarah b. 1 May 1814/18?





Mrs. Berniece fuuglas Coyle, 574 Tell{lle Dr., Lewisville, TX 75067 needs help on any of the following lines and will exchange info.:

Dr. John David Lewis b. 29 .Tan. 1819 Pa., d. 1896 in Pulaski Co.,

AR m. (1) ? Bohanon, roved to AR by 1880 (in Pulaski &. Faulkner

Cos.) Known children: Mary, John Wilman, George Washington, Eirory

Frank, b. 14 Mar. 1865 Fa., m. Mary Pernetta Brown (b. 1869 Stone Co., AR) Dr.

E. Frank and Mary (Brown) Lewis lived in Lcnoke and Pulaski Cos. before IlDving to OK. Ch: Mittie, Myrtle, Pearl, Royal, Hoyt., Miles Leslie, Fred, Eunice,

Berniece and Earl. Mary Brown was the dlo Jolm Walter Brown &. Martha Francis

Isaacs (in 1880 Faulkner Co. census).

RElIDY M. B. Ready Gestring, Box 224, Leola, AR 72084 asks i f anyone knows near Lacy, AR. He the burial place for Robert A. Ready, she believes sooewhere was a mail carrier from f,bnticello to Snyder, AR and died circa 1893. He was born inGA, married Chinia Creed and had 3 sons: Jack,

Robert Allen, and William Ready.

SMITH B. C. Hulsey, 12620 Southridge, Little Rock, AR 72212, seeks info.

BUTLER on Arnold Smith living in. Waldron , Scott Co., AR 1870 wlwife Nancy sons John C. (2) and Win. F. (10/12) Also seeks info. on Jolm Butler and wife Sarah fHulsey) Butler who m. in Waldron, Scott Co., AR ca. 1871-75. All letters answered.




Mrs. Jane Lauhon, 1456 Ronda PI., Escondido, CA 92027, seeks infonnation on Dr. Silas Reuben Lauhon, b. March 28, 1826,

Alabama or S.C., m. Maachah "Macci" Gibson in 1851. He lived in Drew Co., AR, in 1860, when he enlisted in Confederate Army and served fran 1861-1865. He later drew a pension and d. Sept. 8, 1904/6 in Drew Co.




Norrm Coffer, 22080 Wallace Dr., Cupertino, CA 95014, will share info. on Jacob Hicks, b. 13 Nov. 1820 NC, m. 8 Jan 1852 NC, Frances

Matilda Israel b. 1831 NC; they migrated to Cherokee Co., AI, soon after they married. The first children were born there and in 1864 the children were born in Greene Co.


AR. On 1870 census they are listed in

Greene Co., AR, with Jacob's mother, Margaret Shook Hicks) living in their household. By 1880 Jacob and family are living in Logan Co., AR where he and his wife died. She preceded him in death and they are buried at Corley Ce!retery near Paris, AR.

MIILS Robert C. Van Dyke, 2006 Breckenridge Dr., Little Rock, AR 72207 needs parents, siblings and any other information on the Mills brothers, both b. SC and d. Faulkner Co., AR. William M(athis?) Mills b. May

1823, was living near Jasper, Walker Co.,

AI, in 1850 and 1860 with wife Elizaheth (Hulsey?). Elizabeth died and he m. Mary (Camack?) and moved to Miss. then to the Needs Creek area near Greenbrier, Conway Co., AR. Mary died and he m. a widow mured Mellissa Cato, on 8 Dec. 1870, and lived in the area when it became a part of Faulkner Co. William died about 1904. Britton L. Mills b. 28 Dec. 1822, m. Mary Spaulding. He died 18 Apr. 1883 and is buried in the

Needs Creek Ca:retery. Were these brothers related to Britton Mills of Wake Co.




Barbara L. Maudlin, 17204 Olympic View Rd. NW, Silverdale, WA

98383, would like the names of the parents of Robert Oden Stuart, born 28 Dec. 1818 (1824?) Sevier Co., AR, d. April 1901, Winthrop,

Little River Co., AR, married Cetha Pettigrew, 16 June 1853, Sevier Co., AR



Viva C. McClain, 504 N. Fir St., Beebe, AR 72012 is searching for data on Leuginna Bull, dau. of Jerry Bull. She married 1. N.

CHANEY Aldridge, Dec. 28, 1882, Woodruff Co., AR. Believed to have had a dau. whose married name was Chaney, who lived in Cotton Plant,

AR in the 1930's. Would appreciate anything on this family.




CURTSINGER family was

Mrs. Shirley Custar, Rt. 2, Box 300, Okemah, OK 74859, would like information on: Avey and Gower families in Newnata (Big Springs) in what is now Stone Co. in 1860 and later. Related family is

Anderson. Terrill - were in Saint Joe in Searcy Co. in 1870 and later. Related families are Keeling and Begley. Curtsinger in Freck in Marion Co. circa 1917.

McVAY Lora McVay Miller, P.O. Box 334, Nowata, OK 74048, would like

MATHIS/MATrHEWS data on John Henry McVay b. 1863 Tenn, son of Joseph P.

GAINES McVey b. Sept. 1823 Davidson Co .• 'IN &; Mary Ann Mathis/Matthews b. 1828 NC. John m. Mattie Gaines b. June 8, 1867 Izard Co. ,AR, dau. of William S. Gaines b. 16 M.ay 1839 'IN d. 1905 Franklin Co •• AR.

HERBOW Geraldine E.. Ox>k, 992 Viejo Dr., rx;BE, Granbury, TX 76048

HARREL inquires about Nathan Sr. and Enoch Herrold/Harrel in 1840 Conway Co •• Petit Jean Thp., who are brothers. Which is the father of Nathan, Jr.? What happened to Nathan, Jr. 's sons William &; Nathan III or the orphan daus. that are missing on the 1860 Perry Co., AR census?





Ri ta Ackerman, 4:055 E. Hartford, Phoenix, AZ 85032 asks for info on

Amanda Elizabeth 'tIeims, b. 1841 in Tenn., daugnter of Richard and

Nancy Tatum 'tIe1ms. Amanda. Elizabeth Weims married Joseph Reed and they were in Johnson Co. AR. in 1869. Children were Nancy Jane,

Phines, Nealey, Willie, Annie, Susie and John. Amanda married (2) a Mr. Smith.

Children: Clabe and William. Amanda's usual residence was Cove, Polk Co. AR.



Cheryl R. Skinner, Rt. I, Box 79. Tuskahoma, Okla 74574 is working on familY of Stephen Trigg Skinner, born 1811 (?), in Tenn. (?). died in Boston, Arkansas. He was a blacksmith in -1891, while living in Boston,

JOHNS Richard Reed, 5419 S. Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, III 60615 seeks info on Adam Johns, born 1824 in Germany. He and wife Catherine, born 1829, came to America in 1850's. They were in Washington Co., AR. in 1880 with children: Laura, Lorna, Willie, Franklin. When and where did he die? Where is he buried?



Paula M. Jamison, 23 Valley View Drive, Fenton, MO. 63026 is researching ancestors of James Jackson Fraley, b. 1874 in Miss.; h~ married Catherine Louise Barton, b, 1884 in Miss., and they came to

Sharp Co" AR. He died 1964; she died in 1955, both in Sharp Co. Parents of

James were William Jackson Fraley and Columbia C. Welch of Hardin Co., TN.

EDWARDS Mrs. Eloys Duerbeck, 4565 David Way, San Bernardino, California 92404 a.eks information on Victor Henry Edwards, born July I, 1852 in

Arkansas. He was last h.card of in New Mexico, had two sons and was supposed to be married to a. part Indian wife. His father was Andrew Jackson Edwards and mothpr was Mary Jane Wheat Edwards. Is this the Henry Edwards, born 1852, died 1935, who is buried in Bethel Cemetery in Pike County, AR?

CALDWELL Hope C. Pees, 11743 East Pacific Place, Aurora, Colorado 80014 is asking for any information on James Caldwell, born ca 1804 in N. C.

He died Aug-Dec 1880 in Washington County, Arkansas. What was surname of his wife

Nancy, born ca 1813 in Tennessee? Children were: Thoma9; Francis Marion, William;

Joshua; Martha. Ann; Hezekiah; James; Andrew Jd Sarah; Elizabeth; Jasper N.;

Daniel 101.; and Lafayette. Welcome correspondence on these Washington Co. people.



Hope C. Pees, address above, wishes data on Richard Love Dunlap who married Lucy Shaddock in Arkansas. He was a son of Samuel Cousar

Dunlap and wife Sarah Cousar of Gwinnett County, Georgia.

SAMMON Hope C. Pees, 11743 East Pacific Place, Aurora, ~olorado 80014 wishes any information at all r?~arding William Sammon, listed in

1860 Census in Johnson County, Clark Township, Arkansas. His age at that time was 42; he was born in N.C. Wife's name was July, aged 32, born Tennessee.

Children were Harriet; James; Jane; Gorge; Thomas; and Dick.



Marie K. Olson, 35 Chadwick Drive, Charleston, S.C. 29407 needs to know place and dates of death of Andrew M. Rhea, born June, 1832 in Cherokee Co., Alabama. married 14 Oct. 1860 in Pope Co., Arkansas to Lucena E. Brewton, born 1841 in Pope Co., AR. In 1870 they were in Pope

County; in 1880 and 1900, this couple was in ilashi!l{!iton Co. AR.





John D. Denny, 1455 East 52 Place, Tulsa, OK. 74105 will exchange information on Nancy Burdine, dau. of Amos BUrdine, md. (1) J~cob

Jackson 1837 at St. Charles, MO. After his death, she md. (2)_, __ __

Ashley and thny wer? in 1860 Newton Co., AR. Census. Her son,

John Jackson, born 1862 in N8wton Co., AR. md. Rosana "right, dau. of Joseph

Carter Wright. All h~lp appreciated.

MITCHELL John D. Denny, address above, needs info (parents, siblings) of

James Franklin Mitchell, born Aug. 1813 in Tenn. With wife,

Catherin, born in 1811 in Tennessee, in Madison Co., AR in 1850. James Franklin married (2) Eva ____ ? They were in Madison Co. AR in 1860 & 1870. In 1880 they were in Boone Co. \,hat were surnames of both wi v',s? When and where did all of these people die? Where are they buried?

REED Linda Riley Diemert, 3810 S. 312th, Auburn, WA 98002 would like to correspond with descendents of Hilliam Harrison Reed, who died

26 April 1922 in Delight, Pike ~o. AR. Children were James Taylor, b. 1876,

George Benjamin, Monroe, Lucy and Marie.


LaMoyne Stroud, 612 West Martin, Jacksonville, AR. 72076 seeks info on Mary Frances Peal, born 1852 in Tenn'. md. William Anderson

Bottoms, born 1847 in Miss. They lived in Yell Co., AR. and are buried in Macedonia Cern., west of Danville, AR. iJho were their parents? When did they die?



Bill Robertson, 443t Central Avenue, Holland, Michigan 49423 asks for information on James and Sarah Robertson (Robinson?) who settled on Spring River in Lawrence Co. AR. about 1800, coming from

KentuckY-Virginia. Childr~n were William, Moses, Charles, Jane, Mary, Asa,

Jefferson and Charity. James died in 1817 and Sarah on 6 May 1843. vlh'"n and where James and Sarah born and who wer," th-·ir par,o'nts?



Bill Rob~rtson, address

Simino (Simoneaux), who

County, AR. Her father

Mollie, Lafayette, Sebron and 'ililliam. above, asks who was the mother of Dora was born 1870-71, probably in Randolph was James Simino. Siblings included

McCRAVEN Georgia D. Held9rlein, 22118 Trotter Rd., Crass Valley, CA 95945 desires to contact descendants of Joseph McCraven, born 1781 in

S.C. He married Rebecca ,born 1785 in S.C. Th"y resided in Hempstead Co.AB. prior to 1828. Joseph and Rr'becca died ca 1851 in Sevier Co. AR. Known children:

Benjamin F. b. 1812 in KY; Amelia, b. 1813 in TN; Lucinda Orlean, b. ca 1825;

Elvira, md. 1841 to Edward Graham. Other children? Hill accept different spelling of name.

GRIFFITH Catherine A. Delsindico, 5935 Auburn Blvd, #162, Citrus Heights,

CA 95621 needs information on James Riley Griffith, born 1872 in

Garland County, AR. Who were his parents? Where were they born? When and where did they die?

COSSEY Catherine A. Delsindico, address above, asks to correspond with anyone of this name. Where was James Cossey born in 1829? H~ died

1900 in Van Buren Co. AR. ,!hat was surname of wife Mary?


GRAVATT Mrs. Tom L. Gravatt, 112)0 See Drive, Whittior, CA 90606 wishes to correspond with anyone regarding the Gravatt family in Paragould, AB. paEticularly regarding George W. Gravatt, who died there, reportedly in May 1941.

COLLIER Georgia D. Helderlein, 2211B Trotter Rd., Grass Valley, CA 95945 desires contact with descendants of Mary Douglass Collier, wife of

James Madison Collier. Mary Douglass was born IB)O in Blount Co. TN., md. in

March IB50 in McMinn Co., TN. to James Collier. They moved to Sebastian Co. AR.

DOUGLASS Georgia D. Helderlein, ,address'above, needs any info on Thomas

Hartman Douglass, born IB73 in Marion Twp., Sebastian "0., AR. He was son of Thomas Brown and Carlotta Buzan Douglass. He was last heard from in

Colorado Springs, CO.

WDODWARD Harold Casey, 1002 Westwood Drive, Stillwater, OK 74074 seeks info on parents of Elisha Woodward, born IB09 in KY. Also need the surname of his wife Mary W. in IB50, 1860 & IB70. - -

, born IBll in Kyo. This couple was in Newton Co. ,AR.

JONES Merle Jones, 502 Catherine Heights, Hot Springs, AB. 71901 needs information on Loranzz D. Jon 5, born May 1820 in Lincoln Co. TN. died 1907 in Garland Co. AB. Buried in Browley Cem •• Hot Springs Co. was Mary Jane Sandland (Sandlin). ad, Nov. 23, 1843 in Lincoln Co.

AB. Wife

TN. Children:

Mary Jane. born 1844, Hiram, b. 1846, Louis Butler. b. 1849, John D., b. IB52,

Alfred Ja.mes, b. IB55, Elizabeth, b. IB58, Sarah F., b. IB60, Fletcher, b. IB64.



Debra Treadway Collins, 1624 E. 151st Terrace, Olathe, Kansas 66062 wishes to find parents of Lee Kizziar. born IB52. died 1925. Death certificate gives name of father as William. Was this the William who is listed in the 1860 Montgomery County Arkansas Census? Names do not quite match. Where was the William Kizziar family in IB50 and 1870? What relationship exists between William and the other Kiziah's listed in the IB60 Montgomery Co.

AR. Census? '



Paul Turner, Box 95 ... ore, OK. 74435 wishes to learn anything concerning Martha 'Turner Burris, b. in Tenn. ca 1845. Her son, John M.

Burris, b. in Pope Co. AB. in 1862. Rainey connection unclear.

CUNNINGHAM Paula M. Jamison, 23 Valley View Drive, Fenton, MO. 63026 asks who were parents and siblings of James Cunningham, who cam" from Alabama to Arkansas in the 1840's. He settled in Lawrence Co., AR •• after IB50 and married

Emily Jane Holt. Pension records give county of birth as Lacalve Co., Ala.bama, but no such county.


AR. in IB60.

Willis. Wife where did she

Norma Wallis Coffer, 22080 Wallace Drive, Cupertino, CA. 95014 asks who was father of Zackariah M. Pettitt, who lived in Montgomery Co.

He was married in 1826 in Gilford County, N.C. to Elizabeth Millis/ last shows on Census in IB50 Polk Co. TN. Was she Indian? When & die? When and where did he die? Will share information on children.

MORROW Wanda McGehee, 8)03 South 30th Circle, Ft. Smith, AB., 72903 asks for names of the two wives of John Morrow, born ca 1774 in South

Carolina, died IB57 in Bloomer, Sebastian County. Arkansas. Oldest childrpn were born in Mecklenberg County, North Carolina.


SOUTH who also died.

Joan Ifland, 275 Chirco Avenue, Santa Cruz Gardens, Santa Cruz, CA.

95065 asks for marriage date of Edward Lucas Holt and Martha South.

She was born IB57 and died IBBI. She died in childbirth of twins

All buried in Cemetery at Bayou Meto, Pulaski Co. AR.





Joan Ifland, address above, asks for information on Isabell "Belle"

Eddleman, left orphan at age four. Believed to have lived in

Faulkner County, AR. She married Samuel Hickson Woodruff first and had daughter (first child) born 1883 at Enola. She married second to Bill Roland. Need all dates on these people



Ruth M. K(:nt, 2122 North 49 Terrace, Kansas City, KS 66104 is researching the families of Theophlus Little, who married Martha

Jane Lowery in Rome, Floyd County, eorgia and moved to Logan Co.

Arkansas; and the family of David Lowery Little, who married

Mary Jane Smith and lived in Logan County, AR. and ramoved to Marshall County,

Indian Terri tory. Theophlus Little Was born 1801 and David Lowery Lit tIe was born 1847.



Charles N. Ferguson, 11563 Back Massillen Rd. #4, Orrville, OH

44667 is looking for info on 11artha (Mattie) J. Smith, born Nov. 15,

1852 in Arkansas. He does not know county of birth, nor names of her parents. He would also like to find parents of Charl',s A. Furg~son, born Apr.

1869 in Arkansas.

HENSON Sybil Shearin, 837 E. Francisquito Ave. West Covina, "A 91790 is attempting to trace family of Rachel PGrnicie Henson, born 15 Sept.

1861-62 in Arkansas. A marriage License in 1879 in Dallas Co. AR. shows her marrying her first husband John J. Clifton. In 1880 Census, Hot Springs Co., they are shown with first daughter, Daisie. Rachel's mother was left a widow and married a Mr. Clifton, father of Rachel's husband. Rachel's father supposedly died as prisoner of war during Civil War.

RICHESON Edra T. Hall, Rt. I, Box 122C, Pleasant Garden, N.C. 27313 wishes to contact descendants of Wilt and Altha Richeson, who were in

Independence Co. AR. iQ 1880. Children were Rebecca, aged 12, Mary, aged 8,

Elizabeth, aged 6 and Perrell, aged 4. ,[ho did these last three children marry?

Were there other children?



Martha K. Blevins, 307 Moccasin Ave., Buchanan, MI. 49107 asks for information on the Omer R. Weaver Camp, U.C.V. and Gen. A. L. Smith who was its commander before his death in 1921. In 1909 he was the owner of "Smith's Grovery Co." at 6th & Center Sts. Little Rock, AR.

ANDERSON Maliveene Chapman, 604 N. Mulberry, Ottawa, Kansas 66067 seeks names and dates of Parents, brothers and sisters of William Henry

Anderson (b. 1824 Ky.-d. 1891 MO.) of Scott Co. Arkansas and of his wives (1) _ _

Chanceler; (2) Martha Ward; (3) Nancy Stevens.

HUDSON Mrs. Beatrice Martin, 847 Misty Glen, Dallas, T"xas

7~32 asks for information on burial place for Joel Hudson, who d~ed April 15,

1872 "near Clarksville, AR." He was a Civil War veteran and former resident of

Jasper, Newton Co. AR. His wife was named Martha.



Merry G. Phillips, Rt. 2, Box 618 #16, ';yler, TX 75701 would like information on Thomas J. Heird and Melinda B. Fanning, Md. Jan. 27.

1848 in Jefferson Co. AR. and both buried there. She had four children at time of marriage. What was her maiden name and who was her first husband. Where were they from. Thomas may have been Jewish.


1939; both they from?

Merry Gay Phillips, address above, asks for in:ormation on ~obe::t. 1.,

Boyt and his wife Margaret _ . He was born ~n 1852 and d~ed ~n buried in Jefferson County. ,[hat was her last name and wh"re w·ore


RHODEN Merry G. Phil1ips,address above, needs information on Ellen Rhoden, born Dec. 3, 1850, died June 24, 1905. Who were her parents? She married as second wife of Joshua Joseph Heird. When and where were they married?

Their four children were born in Jefferson County, AR.

TAYLOR Mrs. Dorothy Rutledge Miller, 314 Marclare St., Dixon, Illinois

61021 seeks information concerning Robert Taylor, born 1835, died

1914; buried in Marble, AR. Who was his wife? They lived at Fayetteville and

Huntsville, AR. Children: Charles Henry, Tarpley, Lydia Ellen, John Alfred,

Joseph William, Amanda, Dick, and Frank (daughter).

RUTLEDGE Mrs. Dorothy Rutledge Miller, address above, asks to correspond with anyone concerning Charles Rutledge, born 1820, died 1909 at

Marble, AR. Wive Manerva Moore, born 1818, died 1900. Charles Rutledge had brother James and sisters Rebbeca, Mary and Anna



Lawrence Co.,

Martha O'Guinn Ames, Rt. 1, Box 36B, Wright City, Mo. 63390 seeks info on parents, siblings and family of Henry Valentine Underwood, born 1843, Lawrence Co., AR, married Nancy Minerva Rogers in 1867,



COOPER died in 1936.

Martha O':Qliinn Ames, address above, asks for info on parents, siblings of W. George Birchfield and Victoria Cooper Birchfield, lived in Sharp Co., AR. in early 1900's and raised 13 children. Victoria




Mr. Prather L. Ward, 2807 Shadowdale, Houston, TX 77043 needs additional info on Charles A. Ward b. 1862 Pine Bluff, Jefferson Co.,

AR, died June 11, 1925 in Alexandria, LA. Wife was Jennie Lucille

Smith, b. ca 1865 in Little Rock, AR. Charles' parents were T.W.

Ward and Virginia Harrison. When and where were these people born?



Mrs. Bill Higginbotham, 300 Melinda lane, Tyler TX 75702. Seeking info on the family of LUke Ward b. 1810 NC, md. 1834 in TN to Lucey

Turner. Parents of Mahala b. 1835, James Turner b. 1838, Thomas b. 1840, Drucilla b. 1854, LUke Z. b. 1848, Demarcus b. 1849 in McNairy Co.,TN, and Lucy R. b. 1855 in McNairy Co., TN. Son James md. Sept. 1, 1869 in Lauderdale

Co., Tn to Lucinda Catherine Chambers. They moved to Whi te Co., AR in 1880 with children B.H., Ryley, Dora, and Lila Irene.



Loran F. Puckett, PO Box 332, Garden City, KS 67846. Need info on

Betty Jane Shuffield b. Aug. 1, 1851 TN. Md. Sept. 22, 1872 to

Francis Marion Puckett in Johnson Co., AR. She d. Dec. 30, 1894 at Hagarville, Johnson Co. Also need info on daughters Nancy, Cyrene, Mary F., and Betty Jane. These Shuffields are related to the ones in Pope Co.




Michael S. Cole, MD, Box 54 Pinetarnere, FPO NY 09521-0701. Would like information on ancestors and descendants of Joseph and Sarah

Ann Springer, who came to Fulton Co., AR from Macon Co., TN ca 1850's.

Son Alexander L. (1853-1900) also of Fulton Co., md. 1870 in Viola,

AR to Lucinda

John Willis,

J. Carroll. Ther children were:

Arrie Cecel, and Owen Lee.

Joseph Green, Matilda Alice, Lucy,

BATES Mrs. Louise Bates, 1002 No. G, Hugo, OK 74743, seeks info on

SI'iINDLE Simpson Dyre BAtes and Ruth Chalnessia (Swindle) Bates. Need parents names, place of their marriage. Were in Montgomery Co., .~ near Mt. Ida ca 1897. Later moved to OK. Was Simpson md. more than one time?





Beverly Den\:en, Rio 1, Box 48, Belle Plaine, KS 67013 would like onfo of Rober\: Wal\:er Williams b. ca 1865-68 in AR and On wife Carla

Donna Hastings. They md. ca 1885/9. When and :where was she oorn?

Their children were: Neoma Mrgt. b. 1894, Robert W., Thomas, Claude, Emmitt,

Alma and Edda (Eddie?). This couple lived in Texarkana AR ca 1884 and later moved to Ft. Worth, TX.



Mrs. Nancy Waggoner, 26649 Indian Peak Rd., Rancho Verdes, CA 70274 desires info on the family of Jim (James?) Murphy b. GA or AL and wife Anna Dempsey b. ca 1822 GA. Came to AR prior to the Civil War.

Some sons served in the Civil War. Younger children were born in AR. They were

Mortimer b 1850, louisa J. b. 1854, and Josephine b. 1857. Family later moved to Lamar, TX



M.B. Ready Gestring, Box 224, Leola, AR 72084 would like to correspond with anyone researching the following family. Spottswood G.

Ready md. June 9, 1811 in Baldwin Co., GA to Sally "Polly" Beckham.

Children: Allen Beckham rnd. Jane Crawford in Pike Co., GA and later moved to AR prior to 1850, John M. md. Mary A.E. Wagner, and Abasalom. John M.'s dau Dora md.

1866 to Scott King. "Sally" d. 1872 in GA. Is this Ready family connected to the

Spottswoods of VA?




Mary Jones Ziegler, 606 Cooper Dr., Placentia, CA 92670 is seeking info on Minnie Boldin b. ca 1850 AR. She was the first wife of

Harman Farell OWens.


He and dau Laura, b. Feb. 15, 1871, were in

Erath Co., TX in 1880. What happened lOa Minnie? Who were her parents? William md. 2nd 1884 Nancy Duncan Sanders. Dau Laura md. 1888 John Baldwin.



Mrs. Jane Lauhon, 1456 Ronda Place, Escondidio, CA 92027 seeks infO on Tilman C. Thrasher b. Jan. 14, 1809 TN, md. Elizabeth "Bessie"

Nance ca 1837, possibly in St. Clair Co., AL, d. 1891 in Baxter Co.,

AR. Tilman served in Creek Wars in 1836. Parents were Thomas Thrasher b. Jan 6,

1778 (Eg/SC?) and Elizabeth b. May 25, 1778. Would like to exchange info.



BEST ca. 1807 AL,

Mrs. Jane Lauhon, address above, would like to exchange info on

James F. King b. 1827 AL (?). In Izard Co., AR prior to 1860, ser\~d in Confederate Army and later received pension. Died after

1907, poss. in Baxter Co. Also seekign info on Pinkney Hudson b. md. Dudora Best. He d. late 1860's in FultOn Co., AR.



Mrs. Jane Lauhon, address above, seeks info on Elizabeth Farr b.

Oct. 23, 1796 in TN. Md. Samuel T. King in 1824 in AL, d. May 9,

1870 and was buried at Union Camp Ground Cemetery in Izard Co., AR.

She was dau of James Farr and Polly King.

GIBSON Mrs. Jane Lauhon, address above, would like additional infO on

Zachariah Gibson b. Sept. 1800 in Fairfield District, SC, Md.

Maachah, died 1867 and was buried at the Torian Cemetery in Monticello, Co., AR.

# # #

First officials of LITTLE RIVER COUNTY and their years of service:

L.H. DAVIS, Judge, 1867-1868; J.A. SLAVER, Clerk, 1867-1868; W.M.

FREEMAN, Sheriff, 1867-1868; C.A. STRAWN, Treasurer, 1867-1868;

P.1. SANDEFUR, Coroner, 1867-1868; James BIRDIE, Surveyor,




SO-WE-AR (Southwest Arkansas) Genealogical SOciety, 1016 Highland Dr., Magnolia,

.~ 71753 pbulishes a journal twice a year. Inside front cover shows that dues are $7.50 per year. Also available are the published transcriptions of the

1860 Columbia Co., AR Census ($11.00p.p.) and the 1870 Columbia, Co., AR Census

($16.00 p.p.). Dues and payments for census books should be sent to Mrs. Kitty

Jean, 1022 Lawton Circle, MagnOlia, AR 71753.

Hempstead Co. Gen Soc. is publishing a newsletter. Membership in the society is

$5.00 per year. The society has recently published the 1870 Census of Hempstead

County and available for $16.50. The society address is: PO Box 1158, Hope,

AR 71801.

Ouachita-Calhoun Gen. Soc., PO Box 2092, Camden, AR 71701 publishes Researchin'

Ouachita-Calhoun Counties, AR twice a year, in March and September. Dues are

$6.00 per year. This journal is always filled with primary source materials, as well as family materials submitted by members.

Madison County Musings Fall 1985 issue features the first part of an article on Life and Settlement on Clear Creek, Bible records, ancestor charts and more

Madison county marriages. Membership in this society is $10.00 per year. Write to: Madison County Gen. & Hist. Society, PO Box 427, Huntsville, AR 72740.

The Backtracker published for fourteen years, covers Benton, Carroll, Washington, and Madison counties. Dues are $7.00 per year. The publication is a part of your membership in the Northwest Arkansas Gen. Soc., PO Box K, Rogers, AR 72757.

Arkansas Township Atlas, compiled by Russell B~ker, is available from the Arkansas

Genealogical Society for $12.00. Less than 50 copies remain out of the second printing of this book. Order from AGS, PO Box 908, Hot Springs, AR 71902.


Do you have an unpublished cemetery inventory? an unpublished Bible record? family records? If so, do consider sharing these materials with our readers. So many valuable records are in private hands, and unless they are shared through a genealogical journal, or some other printed form, they will not be of much use to anyone but the current owner. Other items that are hard to get are newspaper items. If you have some spare time, consider abstracting some death notices, or other records. We all have been faced with the problem of being a thousand miles from source materials, and always are grateful to those who take the time to send hard to get materials to genealogical journals. Now it is your time to show your thanks to some one, and share some material with a genealogical publication!


New at the Arkansas History Commission: 1860 Index to the Federal Census of Texas and Arkansas. Corning soon will be an index to the 1870 Census of the state of

Tennessee. Also, just arrived from the National Archives Old War Pension

Applications. The update for the Ancestry File just arrived recently. Be sure and check On your surnames on this update on your next visit to the History


1986 Dues for AGS are now being accepted! Please help us be more efficient, as well as cutting costs, by mailing your dues in now. We know the rush of the Holiday

Season is upon you, but do take a moment of your time and renew. That way, it will not be there for you to do later in the season, when things realLy get hectic!


Aaylor 12

Abe 9

Abernathy 145

Ackerman" 228

Adair 58

Adam 20, 21

Adams 9, 20, 21, 29, 71, 72, 84, 87, a9, 91, 122,162,172,174,175,178,

179, 189, 194, 204, 205

Adamson 152

Adcock 30

Adkins 116

Agee 71

Aikman 9

Akobrook 92

Albright 86

Alcorn 97, 108

Alderson 205

Aldridge 10, 227

Alexander 85, 86, 1 DB, 135, 162, 185

Alford 71

AIkin 88

Allcorn 190

Allen " 3D, 34, 67, 72, 78, 89, 91,

93, 109, 110, 123, 124, 135, 178, 182,

189, 208

Alley 224

Allison 67

AIls 21

Aisbrook 72

Alshire 82

Ames 135, :P2

Amis 71

Ammons 83

Amos 34, 123

Andereck 111

Anderson 10, IS, 26, 45, 87, 105, 106,


Andrews 29, 95, 152, 187

Angel 90, 206

Anglin 53, 121

Anson 30

Apple 156

Appling 135

Archer 58, 178

Archillion 134

Ards 37

Arledge 155

Armstrong 108, 120

Arnett 113

Arnold 106, 108, 135, 176, 195

Arrington 135

Ash 223


Ashbe rry 13

Ashby B9

Ashley 15, 108

Ashworth 178

Askew 91

Aston 135

Atchley 72

Atehley 135

Atkins 95

Atkinson 56, 70, 118,205

Atwood 69

Ausmus 94

Austin 95, 207, 20B

Autry 54, 63, 177

Avant 11

Avery 69, 193, 222

Avey 227

A"treG 178

Ayers 118, 135

8ach~y 26

8adges 87

Baggett 87

Bagley 181

Bailey 50, 91, 106, 146, 153, 154,

164, 165, lGG, 168, 223

8aily 121, 135

Baits 91

Baker 10. 15. 46, 87, 91, 135. 153.

ISS, 234

8aldridge 35

Baldwin 42, 45, 64, 135, 233

Balian 41

Ball 9, 27, 37, 88, 123, 125

Ballad 71

Ballard 15, 166, 188

Ballentine 156

8allew 202

Ballue 121

Banhousen 125

8anister 217

Banks 72, 106, 202

Bankson 57

Bankston 29, 57

Barbee 70, 71, 72

Barger 20B

Barker 90, 135, 177, 178

Barkl. 88

Barkman 92, 123

Barksdale 69

8arleam 90

Barmore 190

8arnes 67. 78, 88, 95, 116

Barnett 63

Barnhill 107

Barns 90

Barnwell 165

Barraque ·123

Barrentine 29

Barrett 205. 207

Barringer 217

BarringlinB 30

Barringtine 31

Barrington 193

Barratt 66

Bartlett 39. 41

Barton 10, 88, 228

Basha", 135

Sasinger 26

Ba •• 145. 18B, 205. 208

Bassbam 193

Bassel 89

Bata. 10

Satchelor 15

8ate 47

Bat"s B7, 91, 135. 232

Sa t tenfield 177

Batter 67

Batty 41

Baugh n,


Baxley 135

Baxter 222

Bayless 46

Baylis 43

Beall 91

Bean 13, 125, 175

Beard 106, 162

Bearden 145, 153,

Beasley 110, 169 lB9, 206, 217

Beasly BB

Beaty 46

Beckham 233

Bechhold B4

Beck 67. 17B

Beckett 186

Beckham 116

Bedingfield 135

Beecher 10', 156,

Beene 217

Beers 120

Begley 227

Belcher BO

Beldin 125 lB4

Belk 109, 217

Bell 106. 135

Bellamy 20, 21

Beller 57

Belont 213

Benbrook 176, 177, 213


Sender 45

Benders 91

Bendo 55. 114, 190

Benge 9

Benjamin 70

O,mnet 205

Bennett B9, 106, 162. 166

Benton 223

B.reu 99

Bernard 190

8erries BB

Berry 67. 87, 90, lOB, 203, 206, 207,

20B, 225.

Beshear 205

Bess 46

Best 169, 233

Setha 70

Ootts 93

Bevil 31

Bevins 177

Bickell 17B

Biggs 135

BlllingslBY 176, 177


Birchen a5, 176


Birchett 206

Birchfield 232

Birdsall 35

Birdie .233

Birmerue 10

Biscoe 125

Bishop 41. 66, 135, 176, 20B

Bivens 205

Black BB. 135. 145, 176. 179, lB3,

206, 213

Blackard 67. 115

B~ackburn 6B, 135. 17B

Blackemore 124

Blake 67

Blakely 178. 193

Blakley 135

Blanton 116

Blassingame 20B

Bledsoe 124

Blevins 155. 231

. Bloom 95

Blount 125

Blue 15, 124

Bluett 9

Blum 43

Blyeth 177, 205. 225

Blyth 122

Blythe 135

Boettcher 33

Bogle 155

Bogy 95

Boles 27

Bohanon 226

Boldin 233

Boles 206

Bollinger 17, 188

Bond 92, 149

Bonner 21

800kback B7

Booker 84

Booth 15, 177

Boran 172

Bostic 20B

Boston B9

Boswell 33, 125, lBO

Bottoms 229

Bounds 31, 126, 127

Bourgue 225

Bowden 91

Bowen 135

Bowerman 134

Bowers 45, 67, 87, 135

90wie 15

Bowling 178

Bowls BB

Bowman 7, B, 9, 110, 177

Box 21, 29, 31

Boyce 66, 127

Boyd 15, 162, 193

Boyer 220

Boyt 231

Brabaryed 153

8radford 60, 135, 162, 164, 16a

Bradley 124, 153

Bradshaw 153, 155

Bragan 224

Bragg 162, 168

Brannan 20, 21, 17B

Brannon 21, 172

Brantley 54, 217

Brashear 24

Brasher 15

Brasil 123

Bratton 205

Brazil 57

8reil 46

Brewer 29, 213

Brewton 22B

Brice 135

Bridgers 40

Bridges 13'4, 151, 180, 208

8riles 182

Sri nl< ley 36


Brister 214, 215

Bristow 21

Broil 46

Broiles 182

Broils 46

Bronson 145

Orool<field 127

Brooks 131,135,167

Broom 1 B9

Browder 59

Brawn 10, 21, 29, 41, 42, 124,126,

127, 133, 135, 142, 149, 157, 159,

160, 166, 172, 178, lB3, 165, 193,

206, 224, 226

Browning 217

Broyles 46, 1B2

Bruce 170, 181

Srudlove 135

Bryant 59, 174, 195, 196, 197, 208,


Bryol 46

Bryoll 46

Buchanan 205

Buck 29, 153

Buckley 200

Buerkle 135

Buice 217

Bull 227

Bumgardner 27

Burch 176

Burdine 229

Burge 135

Burgess 54, 164, 166, 16B

Burk 135, 141

Burke 29

Ourkett 29B

Burkhead 165

Burks 124, 150

Burleson 206

Burnell 135

Burnet 31

Burnett 10, 63, 168

Burns 134, '135,177,181,205

Burr B7

Burris 10, 135, 230

Burriss 185

Burrough 31

Burrow 29,31,223

Burrows 225

BUrtan 31

BUrton 67, 135

Burts 6

Burwell 45

Busbee 15B

Busby 67, 87, 162

Bush 87, 155

Butler 20,'21,70,71,95,226

Buzan 103

Bynum 87

8_oro 68

Byrd 39

Cabler 23

Caddy 73

Cage 207

Cagle 87, 179

Caigle 178

Cain 70, 71

Caison 119

Calaway 136

Calcott 39

Caldwell 71, 73, 90, 123, 136, 141,

150, 151, 228

Callahan 225

Callison· 67, 70

Calloway 70

Calvert 36, 146

Cambell 225

Cameron 162

Campbell 15, 116, 136, 178, 208

Can 71

Canada 154, 206

Canceller 70

Cane 46

Cannon 136, 169

Cantrell 19

Carden 193

Carey 191

Cargile 67

Carhart 9

Carla rough 136

Carlberg 188

Carlile 86, 19.3.

Carlisle 90

Carmickle 67

Carmody 13

Carnett 136

Carouthers 169

Carpenter 29, 31, 172

Carr 67, 172. 178, 179

Carrel 134

Carrick 181

Carrigan 109

Carrol 177

Carroll 46, 95, 154, 232

Carson 206

Carter 46, 70, 82, 90, 123, 172, 174,

177, 178. 205

Carum 67


Caruthers 193

Case 10, 150

Casey 57,119,121,122,177,230

Cash 67

Casper 20, 21

Cass 136

Cassaday 15

Casteel 67

Castelow 177

Castine 9

Castleberry 136

Cas tlebury 150

Cathey 164, 165, 166, 168

Cato 208, 227

Caufair 177

Cauthen 201

Causey 21

Cocil 201

Cerny 111, 122

Cetchum 30

Chadrick 07

Chadwic 70

Chaftan 67

Chambers 232

Champion 67, 188

Chance 208

Chanceler 231

Chancellor 200

Chandler 73, 83, 153, 213, 226

Chaney 53. 227

Chapman 17, 80, 162, 231

Chappell .57

Chastain 67, 136

Chasteen 118

Cheek 123

Cherty 95, 118

Chesser 133, 189

Chestnut 1 S2

Chiders 31. 225

Childress 106

Chisholm 173

Chism 173

Christie 169

Chumley 155

Chunn 43

Churchill 168, 177

Churchman 205, 213

Cisco 174

Cissell 1 B6

Clanton 15, 88

Clapp 222

Clardy 88

Clarence 8G

Clark 32,35,09,109,121.122.123,


Clarke 86, 125

Cley 134

Clayton 95, 136, 226

Clearwater 82

Cleera 134

C1099 136

Clem 136

Clement 150

Clemmons 167

Clemons 149

Cliff 123

Clifford 56'

CHfton 176, 177, 231

Cline 67, 95, 96, 177, 221

Cltngman 22, 25, 30

Cloud 136

Cloves 125

Clower 136, 166

Clowers 136

Clurny 89

Cobb 136, 1 77, 193, 205

Cochran 165, 166, 167, 166, 205

Cochrane 98

Coehrum 67

Cocke 29, 125

Coffer 186, 230

Coffman 136

Coffey 84

Cogburn 32

Cogg5",ell 222

Cohn 6

C ok e 12

Coker 120, 171, 173, 174, 205

Colburn 70

Colela.ieur 120

Colcl.sure 120

Colder 205

Cole 30, 32, 34, 55, 62, 179, 217, 232

Coleeord 39

Coleman 31,90,94,106,136,157,160

Coleville 11

Colewell 6

Collette 46

Collier 26, 103, 136, 230

Collins 9, 11, 15, 93, 108, 119, 178,

181, lBB, 230

Collum 200, 201

Colvert B3

Compere 136

Compton 15,

Com.tock 95

Coney 53

Condit t 154


Cone 67

Conley 136

Connell 60, 155, 217

Conway 32, 81, 108, 208

Cook 10, 35, 59, 73, 90, 157, 158,

189, 1 ~1, 206, 227

Coonce 118, 189

Cooper 9, 87, 173, 205, 232

Cope 224

Copeland 90, 136

Corbit 168

Corder 146

Core 169

Cornet 67

Corrington 55, 226

Corzine 201

Cossey 20e, 229

Cothorn 133

Cothren 67

Cotoner 92

Cot tingham 193

Cottrell 66

Couch,29, 31, 154

Coughlin 106

Counts 46, 47

Covert 79

Covey 140

Coward 32, 136

Cowdrey 178, 207

Cowen 124. 205

CowIe 194

Cox la,

13, 72, 66, 92, 106, 123, 136.

178, 2UO

Coyle 226

Cozean 187

Cozen 187

Cozine 187

Crabtree 89

Craig 15, 49

Craighill 42

Crail 67 127

Cr.ven 103

Cravens 115, 207

C.awford 57,135,191,223,233

Creasey 157

Creed 225

Creel 110. 165, 166

Creswell 175, 177, 179

Cribbs 70

Crim 41

Crise 124

Criswell 173

Crockett 1, 3, 4, 5

Cronin 19

Croom 21

Crosby 155

Cr055 52, lOS,

Crossaugh 177

Cr055well 88

Crouch 46, 125, 178

Crow 31, 75, 91, 116<, 177

Crowder 134

Crowe 74, 77

Crownover 122

Crozier 162

Crump 91, 134

Crumpton 189

Crutchfield 185

Crymes 165 22, 25

Culbertson 45

Cullum 136

Culp 177

Culpepper 67, 116

Cunningh.m<225, 230

Curenton 127

Cureton 124

Curlee 136

Curp. 10

Curtis 33, 56, 122, 186, 202

Curtsinger 227

Custar 227

Cyall 178

Cypert 179

Daggett 85

0.11 . . 208

Dallis 208

Dale 181, 189

Dandridge 1

Daniel 71, 124, 169

O.nsey 134

Darby 106, 197, 208

D'Arcy 183

Darden 89

Dark 177

D.rneal 175

Davenport 122

Davidson 30,67,70,71,72,217

Davies 125

Davis 11, 29, 67, 72, 88, 90, 91, 96,

105, 108, 114, 123, 133, 136, 142,

143, 144, 145, 146, 166, 173, 177,

17S, 188, 189, 213, 233

Dawson 70

Day 89, 91, 96, 106

Deadwiley 79

Oeall 91


Dean 87, 136

Dearman 77, 177, 178

Deaton 29

DeBlack 164

Deere 73

Dees 136

Defoor 54, 119

Degraffenrie 53

Delamar 70, 71, 72

Delaughter 196, 197, 196

Delsindica 229

Delonger 9

Oelsindico 117

Demoss 152

Dempsey 211, 233

Dennington 29, 31

Dennis 141

Dennison 222

Denny 120, 229

Denson 206

Denton 86, 119, 136, 176, 205, 233

Derden 167

Derdon 161

Oeros. 149

Deshields 205

DeSoto 204

Dettenheim 115

Dever 1, 2

Dewease 188

Dhonau 110

Dibs 205

Dickenson 134

D1cke.son 53, 115

Dickey 217

Dickinson 70, 117

Dickson 198, 201, 205, 208

Diel 173

Diemert 120, 229

Diffee 30, 208

Dilbeck 136

Dill 173

Dillard 29, 3D, 31, 63, 176, 177, 179

Dillbeck 217

Dillon 67, 164

Dismukes 162

Dixon 136, 179, 20B, 218, 224

Doak 73

Dobbins 100

Dobbs 55, 59

Dobson 33

Dock 129

Dodd 24,<57,178

Dodge 95

Dodgen 219

Dodgin 219

Dodson 91, 168

Donaghey 217

Donelson 88

Donham 136

Donnell 90

Dooley 124

Doran 15

Dorman 12

Dorris 96

Dorsey 15

Doshier 206

Dosier 164, 165, 166

Doss 91

Dotson 162

Douglas 10, Be, 115, 136, 217

Douglass laO, 102, 103, 124, 230

Douthit 45

Dover 190, 191

Dowell .67

DOll1enger 92

Downe 6

Downing 21, 60,136

Downs 87, 93

Doyle 156, 177

Ooyls 90

Oriscol 165

Driskill 217

Druggers 136

Druj,'I8ond 177

Duckworth 155

Dudley 190.

Ouerbeck 228

Duff 9, 67

DuFour 181

Duggan 205

Dugger 113

Duggin 205

Duke 13,188

Dukes 217

Dumas 87

Oumlap S9

Dunaway 136

Dunbar 13

Duncan 12, 70, 106, 109, 147, 213, 233

Dunlap lB, 63, 113, 223

Dunn 11,71,124,136,209

Duran 3D, 136, 223

Durham 153

Dyall 173

Dye 20, 124, 156

Dyer 106

Dyke 217

Dysert 120


Dyson 151

Oyton 74, 75

Eady 151

Eagle 106, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166,


Eakle 111,122

Earnest 187

Eastabrook 193

Eas ter 155

Eaton 70, 81, 98, 164, 167

Echols 201

Edens 178

Eddleman 231

Eddy 41

Edmonds 6, 90

Edmondson 96 edwards 10,11,42,103,133,136,

154, 2U8, 217, 228

Egg 87

Elam .141

Elder 1,2,169

Eldridge 70

Eleton 87

Eliot 70

ElledYG fI!j

E lliat 209

Eills 11, 136, 162

Ellison 137, 178

Elmore 165, 167, 1613

Embree 108

Emerson 209

Emi!:>on 2m3

Endsley 67

Englalld 64, 162

Engleman 9

Engles 124

Engram 88

Enos 123

Eppler 137

Epstein 52

Erwin 157, 168

Etherage 137

Eskey 67,

Eskridge 108

Esnest 91

Este 87

E.tes 73,

Estill 15


Evans 54,72,91, 177.202,209

Everett 91, 205, 207

Ewin 193

Ewing 22, 3D, 31, 124, 134

Ezel 205

Fagen 88

Fager 67

Falenash 174

Falkner 137

Faller 91

Fanning 223, 231

Farish 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 193

Farless 165

Farley 67

Farly 213

Farmer 156, 209

Farr 24, 89, 233

Farrar 173

Farrelly 125

Farrier 205

Farsha 88

Faulk 188

Faulkenberry 177

Faulkner 217

Fawcett 43, 69

Feagin 142

Felix 137

Fellner 103

Fellows 205

Fenley 61

Fenter 90

Ferghner 9

Ferguson 124, 125, 127, 182, 181, 231

Ferrell 67

Ferrier 173

Ferris 83

Few 21 9

Fiddler 209

Field 90, 125, 185

Fields 167

Fig9 137

Filey 90

Findhy 1,50,177,178

Finley 173, 176, 177, 178

Finn 194

Fisher 12, 38, 87, 137, 167

Fite 73

Fit zhuh 73.

Fitzpatrick 106

Flake 209

Flanary 178

Flanery 133

Flatt 92

Fleming 186

Flemming 134

Fleniken 190

Fleshman 9, 137

Fletcher 70, 134, 213

Flinn 209

Flippin 24, 20S


Floral 117

Flournoy 15

Floyd 137, 154

Folwell 156

Fonsvill 164

FOOK!:i G'l

Fooshee 30

Forbes 155

Ford 54, 72, 89, 137, 167, 168, 173,

177, 200, 218

Foree 75

Foreman 115,117

Forshee 201

Fort 124

Fortenberry 20, 21

Fortenbury 47

Fortner 153, 154, 155, 209

Fosdick 47

Foster 31, 93, 94, 125, 182, 225

Fountain 88

Fousha 92

Fowler 137, 294

Fox 154, 165

Fraley 228

Francis 38, 42, 43, 181 , IS2, 1S3

Franklin 9, I 5, SS, I 24, 153

Frasier 134

Frazier 92. 134, 209, 220

Freel 91

Freeman 91, 177, 217, 233

F r e n c h 53, 1 77

Frensley 92

Friar 88

Friday 92

Friend 171, 173, 205

Frier 91

Frith 149

Frost 137

F'rulkner 21

Fry 70, 83, 90, 137

Fulkerson 173

Fulks 87

Fuller 10

Fulton 15

Funderburg 145, 151, 152

Furguson 209

Furman 130

Gaddy 13

Gage 205

Gagliano 169

Gaines 15, 227

Gal ther 151

Gallaher 166

Galloway 137

Galtiher 11

Gamel 113

Gammill 11

Gampbell 9

Gannon 80

Gantt 71, 105

Gardner 120, 173

Garland 223

Garmoney 116

Garmany 71

Carner 10, 29, 3D, BG, 93, 133, 157,

173, 187, 200

Carrett 15, 54, lSI, 193

Carrie 72

Garrison 137, 205

Gately 167

Gatewood 18

Gathers 88

Gatlen 92

Gaylord 39

Geers 178

Cellon 113

Ceodsoke 10

George 67

Cestring 115, 226. 233

Gibbons 125, 178

Gibbs 56, 68, 144, 156, 191

Gibson 55, 70, 90, 124, 137, 155, 217,

227, 233

Gideon 205

Gieck 169

Giff 35

Gifford 30

Gilbert 153, 154

Gilchrist 18

Gilhart 137

Gill 9, 175

Gillis 71

Gillispie 96

Gilmore 88

Gilum 30

Ginnett 146, 148, 149, 152

Ginther 169

Givens 137

Gipson 55

Glacen 90

Gladden 23, 93

Glascow 187

Glass 178

Glenn 20, 21, 137, 205

Glidden 113

Glover 29, 102, 163, 164, 165, 166,

167, 168, 169

Goad 56, 164, 165


Godbehere 12, 13

Godwin 20

Goff 130

Gold 155

Golden 25, 29, 30

Golding 3D, 31, 91

Good 137

Goodall 205

G"oodeill 117

Goodhart 41

Goodman 55, 114, 149,

226 lag, 205, 207,

Goodner 25, 15. 137

Goodpasture 120

Goodrich 134. 177

Goodrum 162, 153

Goodwin 20,21,50.119,137,178

Gordon 30, 71, 124, 200

Gore 86, 137

Goshen. 166

Goss 60

Gowen 92. 86

Gower 227

Go",ers 116

Goza 71, 73

Grace 87

Gracen 87

Gragg 116

Graham 9, 58, 88, 90, 104, 137. 226,


Granis 137

Grant 30,31,198,200.201,202

Gravatt 114. 230

Graves 177

Gravier 96

Gray 54 f

105, 145, 147, 148, 150. 167,

173, 176, 177, 179, 205

Greathouse 33

Green 6, 9, 10, 29, 31, 33 t

70. 72,

73, 106. 108, 134. 137, 145, 146

Greene 70, 118. 152

Gr13enshaw £\9

Greer 127

Gregg 41. 116, 173

Gregory 137

Grey 145

Grier 188

Griffey 7, 8

Griffin 10, 21, 55, 56, 70, lIE, 137.


Griffing 108

Griffith 123. 200, 223, 229

Griggs 173

GrilleU 11'1

Grimes 71

Grisham 129,133

Grisom 133

Grissam 133

Grissel 74

Grissom 129,130,131,132,133

Gr isson 133

Grizell 74

Grizzel 74

Grober 103

Grounds 177

Grubb aD, 84

Grubbs 70

Guen 5S, S9

Guerin 21


Guffey 178

Gulley 11

Gunn 220

Gunter 178

Gurley 87

Guthrie 153

Gutton 133

Guss 68

Guyot 167

Hacker 127

HaCKler 155

Haggard 106, 177,

Haggett 39

HagOOd 88

Hairgrove 85

Hais 87

Halbrook 109

Hale 166, 224

Haley 70

Hall 27, 29, 3D, 31, 70, 71, 73, 109,

167, 173, 199, 200, 20S, 231

Hallum 15

Halueask 87

Ham 9, 68

Hamilton 5, 13, 88, 96, 137, 178, 223

Hamlet 15

Hamlin 213

Hammer 46

Hammon 85

Hammonds 133

Hampton 137

Hanan 88

Hand 56, 206

Handcock 31, 118

Handley 113,121

Hanks 47, 224

Hanley 34, 124

Hanna 191


Haralson 137 liard"n 205 liard"r GU

Hardgrave 164

Hardin 117

Harding 96 liarg 90

Harger 65, 66

Hargett 54

Hargrave 177, 205, 207

Hargrove 6B, 90, 179

Harily 89

Harkey II

Harlan 137

Harley 70

Harner 30

Harper 90, 1 5 I , 188

Ilarrcl '1.2'1

!larrell 15, 88, 90, 91 ,

Harrey 88

190, 194

Harrington 10G, 163. 168

Harris 5, 57, 70, 107, 134, 137, 163,

173, 176, 177, 179, 194, 199, 205,

209, 213

Harrison 7, 9, 31, 42, 7U t

71, 72, 73,

156, 21S, 216, 232

Harrod 209

Harshaw 70, 209

Hart 45, 70, 99, 137, 163, 222

Hartfield 123

Hartgraves 164 liar tiey \)2, I U3

Hartsell B8

Harvel 189

Harvey 70, 120, 156

Harvill 106

Harwick 124

Ilas'<ell 137

Hasken 194

Haskins 217

Hasting 178

Hastings 73, 218, 233

Hatch 31

Hatfield 170

Havel 189

Hawkins 34, 43, 68, 72, 88,

I 70, 179, 190

Hawley 96

Hawthorn 175 a9.


Hayden 177

Haygood 09

Haynes 86, 09

Haynie 216

Hays 60, lOG

Headlee 1 B

Headly 18

Heard 68

Hearn 28

Heasley 177

Heath 55

Heckals 10

Hedgepeth 86, 88

Hee 144,191

Heird 231

Heitman 66

Helderlein 103, 104, 115, 116,


Helms 21

Helus 87

Hementred 69

Henden 91


Henderson 29, 31, 114, 117, 123, 124,

133, 146, 157, 158, 159, 168, 177

Hendon 153

Hendrickson 89

Hendrix 191

Henley 68

Henraw 178

Henry 73,124,156,178,191,209-

Hensley 133, 225

Henson 231

Henthorn 3D

68 Hentsley

Herod 31

Heron 30

Herring 200

Herrold 227

Herron 178

Herse 173

Hert 163

Herzberger 137

Hester 163, 164

Hibbard 222

Hickerson 117

Hickey 137

Hickman 137

Hicks 118, 162, 163, 164, 165, 16G,

167, 168, 186, 213, 227

Higginbotham 232

Higgins 147

High IDS

Hight 224

Hightower 68, 89, 177, 178, 205

Hilger 117

Hill 29, 30, 57, 71. 72, 73, 86,116,

124, 163, 164, 177, 205

Hillburn 137

Hilliard 15, 165, 167, 225


HillIs 86

Hilton 12, 13

Hilzheim 96



30, 35


Illok:;un 1UO, l1U

Hinson 208

Hipps 09

Hitch 188

Hively 176, 177

Hix 87

Ilixnon 210

Iloade 42

Haag 177

Hobkirl< lOa

Hobson 59

Hodge 94, 154

Hodges 124, 149, 154, 155, 209

Hoffine 91

Hoffma.n 209

Hofler 163

Hogan 15,100,124,137,173,205,209

Hoge 109

Hogenstein 137

Hoggard 163, 164




70, 77, 150

Holden 60, 151, 152

Holder 21, 79

Holderby 124

Holford 20

Holladay 190

70, 154 Holland 12, 13,

Holliday 155

Holliman 24

Hollis 11, 93

Hollman 141

Holladay 88

Holloway 15, 70, 71, 153

Hollowell 179

Holmes 70,71,72,137,209

Holwes 19

Holt 117, 230

Holter 187

Holton 222

Homes 16S

Homesley 124

Hopkins 00, 106

Ilopper 26, 30

Horn 23,30,31.53,177,191

Horner 21, 191

Hornsby 71, 182

Hornshaw 183

Horton 69, 165

Hoss 46

Hough 175

House 29,

Hausler 10

Housley 2


Houston 87, 108, 133, 137. 173, 179

Hovey 137

Howar 223

Howard 6. 67. 88, 117, 123, 137. 166,

168 t

177, 205

Howe 84. 138

Howell 25, 105, l1B, 165, 2Ul

Howerton 58, 82, 113

Howison 72

Hubbard 94, 125, 133

Hubbell 223

Hubble 58

Hubble 177, 178

Huddleston 31. 55. 106, 206, 209

Hudson 21, 73, 88, 205, 207, 231, 233

Huen 138

Hues 138

Huey 181

HuFf 166, 178

Huggins 68," 190

Huggs 200

Hugh 208

Hughes 89, 90, 123, 130, 198

Hughs 79

Hulbert 14

Hull 46. 124

Hulsey 115, l1B, 226

Hundley 15

Hunt 20, 21, 119. 194, 222

Hunter 58, 163. 193, 194

Huntington 222

Hurst 68


90, 173, 205

Kurt 7

Huskey 21

Hutchens 153

Hutchingson 224

Hutchinson 72, 123, 177

Hutchison 178

Hutchman 168

Hutto 138

Hyde 15, 106, 138

Hyden 113,121

Hyner 15

Hynson 124

Hyslop 96

Icam 11

Icehower 178

Ifland 190, 191. 230, 231

IlUng 60


Impson 15

Incho. 10

Ingram 54, 152, 205, 208

Irby 223

Irun 174

Irvine 'tS

Irwin 186

Isaacs 226

Isham 213

Iso,,, 3D, 190

Isreal 227

Ivcy 1.34 lole 133

Ivins 31

Ivy 187

Izard 170

Jackson 33, 37, 44, 60. 87. 89. 167,

1'17,178,182, 189,199,200,229

Jacobs 112, 138, 178

Jago 213

Jameison 138

Jam.s 21, 31, 42, 57. 88, 104, 119,


Jamison 10, 115, 117, 178, 228, 230

Jean 234

Jefferson 207

Jeffery 174, 175, 176, 177, 179

Jeffes 88. 91

Jeffrey 123, 187

Jeffus 93, 94

Jeneble 92

Jenkins 9, 15, 89, 106. 138, 206

Jenning 10

Jennings 213

Jeter IS, 202

Jett 125

Johns 228, 232

Johnson 15, 18, 3D, 31, 35, 60, 68,


134, 130. 156, 16B, 173, 177, 178.

179, 205, 209, 217, 218

Jolly 134, 210

Jones 1, 3, 4, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23. 24,

26, 29, 3D, 31, 34. 37, 68, 72. 81,

84,89,91,105, 114. 117, 119,124,


166,178, 18G, 187, 191, 193. 194,

201.205, 209, 210, 217. 223, 224.

225. 230

Jordan 29, 3D, 31 , 89, 125, 173

Jorden 92

Jordon 29

Joslin 56

Joslyn 152

Joy 87

Judkins 125

Justice eo,

177, 178,

Kassen 191

Kauffman 15

Kaufmann 42

Kavanaugh 177, 207

Keadle 106

Kearuey 9

Keath 205

Keathley 210, 217

Keating 138

Keck 57

Keele 90

Keeling 227

Keesee 177

Keeler 206

Keiss 84

Keith 205

Kell 181

Kellam 108

Kelley 9, 37, 6B, 73, 152, 185

Kelly 73,123,129,131,138,173

Kelaugh 205

Kendr ick 56, 9.2

Kennedy 47, 77, 91, 106, 138

.Kent 68, 90, 231

Kerr 24

Ketchum 29

Kevan 213

Key 72, 74, BO, 191

Kidd 205

Kiepatrick 138

Kiernan 106

Killian 90

Killion 56

Kimball 66

Kimbro 106

Kinball 24

Kindrick 21, 26

King 46, 57, 58, 105, 108, 123, 138,

173, 178, 205, 226, 233

Kinsey 118

Kirby 79, 178, 193, 210

Kirk 163

Kirkendall 10

Kirkland 178

Kirkpatrick 155, 202

Kirkwood 98

Kitbly 10

Kittrill 86

Kit ts aa

Kively 193


Kiziah 230

Kizzer 29

Kin!a 29

Kizziar 230

Klein 60

Knight 7

Knittle 43

Knobel 96

Knott 68

Knolts 112

Knox 44, 168

Koch 142, 143, 144

Koen 135

Kohl 37

Konrad 219

Krith 168

Kuhn 138

Kussman 126

Kuykendall 32, lQ7, 124

Lacy 90, 96, 184

Lafferty 172, 175, 176

La fland 138

Laird 29, 210

Laman 178

Lamar 57

Lamb 16

Lambert 29, 30

Lancaster 176, 178, 179, 191

Lance 04

Lancour 40

Landry 215

Lnne 05, 224

Lanear 124

Langford 19, 210

Langston 173, 175, 177, 178, 205

Langr ty 138

Lanham 134

Lanier 91

Lankford 138, 178

Lanty 177

Lape 86

Lard 87

Largin 94

Larquier 92

Lary 210

Lasater 80. 83,

Lashley 146

Lasiter 162, 163, 164, 165, 168, 169

Lasker 52

Lasley 15 lassiter 53

Latham 89

Latimer 91. 210

Latta 25

Lattersall 91

Lattimore 123

LaHure 156

Laughlin 15

Lauhon 227, 233

Laurence 72

Lavander 24

Lawrence 89, 138, 147, 1413, 152

Laws 210

Lawson 47, 90

L.ll/ton 125

Layton 206

Lea 71, 72, 73

Leadbetter 189

Leaman 36

Le8eauf 116

Ledbetter 68, 118, 189,

Ledford 178

Ledgett 225

Lee 21,71,72,84,96,138,169,171,

186, 217

Legate 194

Leland 210

Lenox 185

Leslie 54, 114

Lesser 106

Lester 10

Leston 138

Lewallen 176

Lewis 13, 15, 149, 156, 169, 176, 183,


Lewsaw 20, 21

Leymer 37

Liddle 213

Lightfoot 31

Liles 1 S3

Lilly 91

Lilsle 153

Limbarger 82

Lincecum 216

Lindsey 71, 88, 155, 175, 176, 185

Lindsley 10

Lingo 20, 21

Li t tell 39

Little 11, 71,79, 90, 125, 138, 231

Littlejohn 70

Littleton 91

Li t trel 223

Lively 121, 156

Livingston 13, 38, 39, 123, 127, 175,

177, 178, 188, 217

Llewellyn 15

Lloyd 106, 205

Lockard 54


Lockert 123, 202

Lockridge 71

I.ofton 190

Logan 70, 94, 124, 125, 138

Logue 15

Long 121,123,138,164,173,178

Laok.doo 29

Looney 72

Lord 2115

Louis 138

Lovel 205

Loveluss 217

Lov i l l 217

Loving 1313

Lowe 87, 1313, 178

Lowery 32, 231

Lowrey 224

Lowry 138

Lowther 205

Loyd 31, 153, 173, 178, 179, 183,210

Lucas 86, 138, 213

Luce 177

Ludford 41

Luke 181

Lumley 42

Lumpkin 120, 138

Lunchlers 10

Lundle 182

Lundry 120

Lunsford 68

Luster 121

Luther 178, 210

Luttrell 54

Lybrano 15

Lyles 86

Lyman 222

Lynch 127

Lyner 177

Lynn 90

Lyon 90

Lytle 152

McAdams 103 rqcAdo 88

McAlester 112

McAlister 90, 199

McAlmont 96

McAlpine 60

McAnally 110

McBee 206

McCain 66, 138

McCall 11, 23, 213

I'IcCally 30

~lcCann '/3

McCar ley 177

r~cCarthy 178

McCarty 89,

McCarver 91

McCary 218

McCarvins 102

McCelland 6

McClain 227

McClendon 86, 92

~1cCleod 69 fkClure 36

McColluck 178

McCollum 164, 165, 167,' 168

McConnel 31

McCorkle 91

McCormick 34, 106

McCourt 182

McCowell 86

McCoy 176

McCracken 206, 207

McCraven 104, 229

McCravens 101, 102, 103

McCray 205

McCreary 40

McCreaven 103

MeCreavens 102

McCreevan 103

McCrivin 103

McCubbin 173, 178 f~cCulloh 30

McCullough BO

McCullum 118

McCurry 134, 138

McDaniel 10, 53, 72, 149, 218

McDew 210

McDonald 10,21,115,130,167,186,


McDoog1n 29

McDowell 45, 93

McDuff 29

~1cEachin 102

McFelch 177

McFelich 177

McGan 87

McGarrah 124

McGary 90, 171

McGee 11

McGehee 15, 69, 187

McGhee 181

McGowen 115

McGrath 19

McGregor 225 f~cGuyre 169

McHenry 96, 194

McIlvany 106

249 r'klntosh 31

Mcjunkin 178

[·lcKean 66, 123

Itlcl(e~ 613

~lcKellog 9

McKensie 134, 193

IVJcKerriman '~5

McKibban 117 r~cKinley 29, 30

McKinney 32, 185

McKinzie 88, 119

McKisick 124 flcl(issick 218 fll'Knight 108 r"cKory 133

McKweon 73

~1cLain 23, 123

~1cLane 22, 26, 219, 221 rlcLalJcl1lin 16U

McLaughlin 68, 177, 205 r.,cLoughlin 106

McMabb 193

McMahon 29, 79

McManus 73, 106

McMartin 180 rlcMillan 158, 226 r.,cMinn 167 r"cMurray 68

McNeil 70, 73

McNutt 217

McPeal< 213

~'lcPhail U? l~cPheeters 11

McPherson 138, 210

~lcVay 177, 227

McVey 205 r~abry r~achek


210 r~achs 02

Macy 191

Madden 9

Maddox 217

Magahah 213

Magby 10

Magness 124, 167, 205

Mallory 96

Malone 89

Manard 1313 f/lanasco 210

Manaskco 133 r~ann 49, 70, 71, 72, 210

Manning 72

Mansfield 27

Manus 35




Mapers 87

Ma reus 194

Marian 204

Markham 29, 154

Marks 69, 119, 205

Marsh 91

~.rshall 11, 115, 133, 138, 194, 205

Martin 32,54.68.71,73,81,113.

114, 117, 123, 125, 134, 139, 169,

173, 177, 178, 193, 210, 231

Marting 153

Mashburn 120

~asQn 15, 42, 53, 88, 123, ,177, 179,


Massenga 88

Massey 72, 134, 150, 205

Masters 143, 205

Maston 148

Masville 106

Matheny 139, 178

Mathers 125

~athew. 49, 73

Mathis 205, 227

Matlock 72, 73, 117

Matthews 71, 168, 227

Mattice 126, 127

Mauldin 227

Mawer 183

Ma.hill 88

Maxwell 92, 139, 213

May 124, 129

Mayes 53, 86, 155

Mayfield 94

Mayland 21, l'1aynard 29, 30

Mays 53, 70, 199

Meadows 91, 147

Mealer 68

Means 11

Mear 67

Mears 45 l~e.yall 139

Medearis 61

Meek 37, 85, 217

Meeks 82, 147, 199

Meford 213

Megarter 92

Melton 18, 225 l'1endenhall 220

Menefee 125

Meradl th 29, 124

Merchant 80

Mer idith 21


Meriwl?atht:H 15

Merredith 54 r~errell 18

~Ierritt 178

Merteer 10

Messer 169

Metcal f 81, 210

Meyers 134

Michael 178

I~ichale 87

Middeton 205

Middleton 178

Mifey 07

Milam 217

Milbanke lfl3

Milburn 94

Miles 31 roll llegn n D5

Miller 10, 27, 35, 42, 55, 56, 57, 59,

58, B5, 95, 67, 89, 106, 108, 133,

139, 169, 185, 227, 232

Mills 116, 178, 220. 227

Milner 6, 219

Milnes 182

Milton 08

Miney 90

Minyard 173, 178

Mitchel 29, 70, 72

Mitchell 31, B7, 91, 115, 155, 163,

164, 189. 210, 229

Mixter 213

~Iize 21, 210

Moarland 177

Mobbs 106

Monkres 64

Monroe 91 r~ontgomery 29, 30, 31, 61. 71. 73, 64,

108, 114, 139. 177, 188, 205, 210

Moon 89, 205

~looney 21, 31, 16B, 173, 185. 207

Moore 1 t

6 t

33, 36. 86. 87, 88, 89,

91,108,113,124,13 1 ,,139,153,165, lG6, 167, 158, 173, 186, 190, 210,

217, 218, 225, 232

Moores 193, 194

Moorhead 176

~lorehe.d 70 r~oreland 205 r~organ 40, 49, 89, 106, 139, 193, 210

Moriarty 34

Morris 69, 90, 91, 93, 117, 134, 139,

141, 165, 166, 167, 168, 193, 197,

206, 213, 226

Morrison 139, 124, 151, 103

Morrow 30. 103, 120, 230 illorse 124

Morton 91, 96, 179, 213 lYlosby 108 ff,oseley 77

~oses 93

Mosley 131, 132

!'loter 139

110udy 113

Mounts 43, 181

Moyles 181

Mulleken 33

Mullins 46, 90, 139, 210

Mun 71

Munn 210

Munroe 187

Murchison 68



87, 88

148, 149, ISO, 151

Murphrey 133

Murphy 40, 80, 167, 181, 191, 206, 233

Murray 19, 37, 96, 97

Murrill 213

Murtz 139

Muse 80

Musgrove 58

Musick 173

Myers 72, 73, 177

Nae 139

Nail 78

Naley 67

Nall 123 r'.nce 233

Napper 178

Narvelle 210

Nash 55, 71, 185

Nave 206

Neal 153, 155, 225

Nealey 210 t.!earick 89

Neely 155





Nesbit 139

Nesbitt II.

Nettles 177

IJethercutt 177

Nevins 164, 165,

Newberry 139, 187


IJeweold 222

Newby 106, 162, 163, 164

Newcomb 30

Newcomer 91

Newcomes 69


Nowell 127

Newton 6, II, 87, 108, 139

Nexbitt II.

Ney 215

Nicholas 21

Nichols 9, 41, 68, 178, 188

Nicholson 31, 177

Nickols 41

~Jipp.r 225

IJipps 206

Nivens 164

Nix 71 t

72, 1 {14, 191

Noble 72, 114,

Nohls 88


Noland 176

Nally 88

Noonan 68

Norman 13. 15, 139

Norred 187


Nor thcut t 223, 22"

Norton 36, 134

Notrebe 15

Nowell 211

Nudget 9 r'Jugent 88

Nunn 63, 70

Nutt 73

O'8ar 13g

0'8rian 70

OICaine 165

O'Conner 10

O'Leary 86

O'Neal 91,

O'Neil 15

O'Neill 109

Oakley 225


Odu," 70

Off itt 11

Offutt 15

Oliphant 55

Oliver 3", 82, 191

Olmstead 10

Olson 118, 220

Only 10

Orender 166

Osborn 21, 29, 31, 82

Osburn 79 at t 205

Ouley 29

Overbon 170

Overstreet 25

Overton 71, 09

Owen 139. 155

OeJens 134, 178, 213, 233

Owings 54

Ownby 139

Oyler 139

Pace 139, 189, 206, 207, 218

Page 141

Pain 206

Paine 75, 76, 163

Palmer 23, G8, 69

Paninan 88

Pankey 211

Pannel 139

Parham 70, 87

Parish 146

Park 112

Parke 222

Parker 29, 54, 70, 72, 85, 87, 94,

133, 139, 156, 162, 183, 164

Parks 24, 72, 70, 134, 211

Parnell 7, 168

Parrot 90, 133

P.rse 97

Parson 95, S8

Parsons 33

Partee 175, 176

P.szkeicz 224

Patchal 190

Pate 78

Patrie 211

Patrick 211

Patterson 71, 133, 164, 206

Patton 155

Pawson 178

Payne 15, 23, 117, 123,139

Payte 202

Peacock 21

Peal 229

Pearce 97, 224

Pearl 42

Peck 56

Pees 228

Peet 39

Peeples 167

Pelts 139

Per.Jberton 152, 155, 156,

Pence 111

Pendergrass 79, 191

Pendleton 15

Penn 20, 21, 178

Penney 115

Pennington 70, 191, 226

Penny 92

Pennywit 97

Pepper 11


Percival 69

Perkins 3D, 114, 178, 206

Peroon 217

Perrlman 206

Perry 35, 80, 86, 87, 126, 163, 173,

17D, 211

Persinger 84

Pertee 177

Peters [;3, 64

Pettigruw 123, 227

Pettit SO, 230

Pettus 134

Pettyjohn 30

Pew 170

Pfeifer 165

Pfeiffer 164, 166

Phares 74

Phdl)S 134, 13!l

Philbrook 108

Philips 99

Phillipe 92

Phillips 29, 70, 71, 72, 73, 92, 110,

167, 177, 190, 213, 231, 232

Philpot 34, 190

Phi~ps 138

Pickett 89, 108

Pickpatrick 154

Pierce 21, 187, 224

Pierson 177, 206

Pike 25, 26

Pill3'3 31

Pippins 29

Pitman 123, 178, 193

Pitchlyn sa

Pitts 31

Pixley 1!i9

Plade 97

Plant 220

Plumbly 178

Plum"er 91, 164, 165, 166

Plunket 70

Poe 139, 168

Pogue 73

Poke 123

Polk 23, 175

Pollard 00, 106

Pollock 47, 106

Pool 211

Poole 105

Pope 105, 211

Popham 8S

Porter 71, 91, 97, 219

Porterfield 71

Portis 96, 97

Posey 197

Poss 169

Potts 124

Pound 27

Powell 68, 93, 115, 133, 134, 176, 211

Powers 19, 34, 66, 68, 80, 156

Prather 216

Prats 154

Pratt 154,177

Preacher 29

Prentis 10

Preston 59, 211

Price 5, 21, 31, 57, 73, 217

Priddy 29

Pride 11

Priest 87

Primeau 55

Prince 21

Pritchard 110, 225

Proctor 44, 218

Prothero 211

Pruet t 106

Pruitt 155

Pryce 68

Pryor 70, 100, 124, 190, 226

Puckett 68, 118. 232

Pugh 178

Pumphrey 178

Purbon 91

Purtee 177

Putnam 108

Pyburn 105, 106

Pyle 53

Qualls 225

Quarles 177, 106

Quattlebaum 156

Quesenberry 124

Quilling 15

Quin 91, 141

Quinn 10 t

11, 88

Raag 6

Rabb 15

Rachel 154

Rackley 120

Raey 139

Rag 89

Ragan 223

Ragsdale 13, 147

Rainbolt 178

Rainey 117,230

Raleigh 93

Raley 142

Ralph 15

Ralston 97


Ralllsey 1 73. 175,

Hamson 88

Randall 86, 154,

Randolph 21, 70

Raney 139

Hassmusscn G

Ratcliff 71

Ratel! Ffe 194

Ratliff 139

Raulson 106

177, 211

156, 211

Halllson 10S

Ray 77,89,90,139,155,178

Rea 84, 165, 165, 167, 160

Read 15, 90, 97

Ready 226, 233

Reagan 223

Recker 18

Redman 124

Redmonds 183

Hedwine 89

Reed 59, 6B, 87, 91, 117, 152, 165,

190, 206, 217, 228, 229

Reeves 60, 113, 146

Refeld 92

Regan 102, 113

Reichard 103

Reid 71, 106

Reinhardt 70

Ileis5 108 neitwie~ner 222

Revils 150

I-il:yburn 12G

Reynolds 24, 87, 139, 173, 178, 206.


Rhea 31, 228

Rheum 170

Rhoades 120

Rhoden 232

Rhodes 11, 71, 72, 89, 139, 177

Rice 113,178, 181, 180,193

Richards 59, 211

Richardson 1, 21, 86, 138, 173, 176,


Richeson 231

Richey 21

Richman 40

Richmond 21

Richter 221

Ricker 18

Rickey 45

Rider 21. 164

Ridling 61

Rielbiens 139

Rieyley 177

Riggans 134

Riggen 72

Riggs 176

Right 88

Riley 97, 139, 190

Ringer 220

Rios 58

Ritchie 9, 201

Ritter 139, 206

Ritz 83

Rives 17

Roane 97, 108

Robards 37

Robbins 155, 174



97,139, 166

9," 65, 133, 174, 193, 206,

211. 222.

Robertson 73, 116, 124, 139, 147, 174,

177. 225, 229

Robins 3D, 68

Robinson 3D, 31, Sll, 71, 124, 134,

139, 140, 174, 176, 183, 211, 229

Roche 222

Rochler 10

Rock 115

Roddy 123

Rodman 154

Rodgers 88. 99

Roger 70, 224

Rogers 37, 56, 87, 88, 140, 153, 183,

193. 206, 213, 232

Roland 140, 231

Rolett 89

Rolet ts 87

Rollins 86

Rohing 31

Roper 31, 89

Rosborough 90

Rose 154, 206

Ross 9, 12, 45, 70, 72, 85, 107, 163,


Rossen 179

Rossener 47

Rosser 90

Rossner 66


Rowan 224


Rowden 207

Rowland 53, 102, 118,

Rowlett 206

Roycroft 15

Ruble 109

Ruchman 53

Ruddell 134

191, 224, 226


Rudisill 106

Rumley 140

Runyon 123

Rush 154

Rushing 147

Rusmiselle 42

Russel 70, 71, 72, 124, 180

Russell 73, 86, 133, 174, 196, 197

Rutherford 109, 194, 206

Rutledge 232

Ruyle 10

Ryal 206

Hayls 20"

Ryan 90, 123

Sabin 223

Sadler 72, 163

Sahon 66 sain 34

Saint-Hiliar 182

Salsbury 9

Sammon 228

Sample 134

Sampley 140

Samuels 73

Sams 177, 179

Sandarphar 26

Sandefur 233

Sanders 10, 29, 31, 124, 156, 174,

191, 198, 206, 233

SandI and 230

Sandlin 68, 230

Sanford 167

Sannoner 50

Sargent lID, 183

Satterfield S6

Saul 181

Saunders 23

Savage 71. 224

Sawyer 152

5awyers 154

Saylors 12S scarb0.r0ugh 190

Scates 30, 114

Schenk 91

Schermerhorn 44

Schoolcraft 171, 172

Schull 97

Schuyler 39

Schwabacher 69

Scott 11, 3D, 43, 70, 71. 79, 124,

133. 134, 140, 177

Scrimshire 71, 73

Scroggins 178

Scragin 12S

Scruggs 181

Scudder 86

Scull 97, 123, 125

Seaborn 79

S •• burn 213

Seals 188

Seaman 182

Searcy 140

Sears 118

Secendarff 97

See 88

Selby 4S

Self 9, 4S, 85, 92

Sell 83

Sellars 92

Sellers 164, 211

Se~"'es 134

Senter 92, 1 DB

Sergeant 183

Sessions 15

Sevarks 10

Severe 30, 31

Sevier 3D, 31

Sewell 169

Shaddock 226, 228

Shade 140





Shane 154,155

Shankle 226

Shannon 133, 174, 17S, 179

Shanty 106

Sharp 89, 134, 168

Sharps 88

Shaw lS, 41, 102

Shearin 231

Sheets 3D, 87

Sheffard 81

Sheham 87

Shehan 71

Shelley 38

Shepard 87

Shephard 87

Sherart 91

Sherer 88

Sherman 108

Sher r i l l 21

Shibley 112

Shinn S4

Ship 23

Shipman 178, 194, 206

Shirley 165, 168

Shivel 149

Shockey 81


Shook 193

Short 88, 202

Shrader 89

Shrubbs 130

Shrum 129, 130

Shuff ield 232

Shuford 106

Shurley 164, 166

Shultz 217

Shuttlelllorth 183

Sllnino 229

Simmons 105. 119, 163. 206

Simms 213

Simoneaux 229

Simonetti 41

Simpson 32, 52,

169, 176, 221

81, 87. 115, 123, 148,

Sim!. 73, 206

Sillely lllU

Singleton 1S5


Sinyard 94


Sisco 58, 1711

Sisk 134

Six 57

Skalka 38

Skelton 115

Skidmore 178

Skillern 163

Skinner 57, 87, 163, 155, 228

Slade 68, 86

Slankard 36

Slaver 233

Slighton 9

Slipy 140

Sloan 19, 7U, 91, 123, 178

Slodgen 9

Slakes 201

Slopman 34

Small 140

Smallwood 80, 89

Smart 187

Smith G, 10, 11, 13, 21, 27, 29, 35,

41, 46, 55, 57, G8, 71, 72, 73, 7S,

78, 82, 86,

123, 124,

BO, 90, 97, 106, 109, 116,

125, 131, 133, 140, 147,

148, 149, 153, 156, 153, 165, 166,

1GB, 1741 175. 177, 187, 1U9. 2U6,


Smithson 88

Smotherman 116




89, 123, 174, 177

Snell 03

Snider 217

Snodgrass 13, 187

Snow 224

Soark 211

Somervell 70; 72

Sorenson 115

5ar re15 31, 198

South 230

50",ell 211

Sparks 36 t


Spar lock 140

Spates 31

Spaw 178

Spaulding 227

Speer 25

Spellman 98

Spence 140

Spencer 108, 217

Spergin 217

Spharler 150

Spicer 55

Spiller 140

Spillman 89

Spires 151

Splawn 199

Spore 159 otswoad 182, 233

Spotts 183

Spradling 68

Springer 232

Spruce 91

Spurl 163

Spurrier 194

Srug9s 69

St. Titus 140

Stack 56

Stacy 154, 186 stafford 178, 193, 202

Staggs 73, 163

Stagner 133

Stair 53

Stalvey 44

Stallings 206

Stanford 193

Standifer 103

Stanley 54, 119, 211

Stanphill 140

Starkey 134

Starkweather 108

Staton 120

Steadman 15, 42, 88 steck 97

Steed 72

Steel 217


Steel. 3G, 119, 194

Stegall 29, 30

Steilar 9 stephens 68, 69, 03, 140, 164, 165,


Stephenson 9, 115, 213

Stergis 140

Sterling 56

Sterrett 15

Stevens 82, 140, 211, 231

Stevenson 59, 70, 140, 147, 193

Stewart 13, 29, 31, l)!.:i, 121 f

155, 165,

174, 17S, 178, 181, 206

Stidham 152

Stiles 68,71,88

Stine 100

Stinnett 33, 178, 188, 206



StobfllllJh 19U, 191

Stobbe 53

Stock don 115

Stocks 212

Stockton 103, 193

5toddard 52

Stokes 113

Stolts 1211

Stone 36, 71, 72, 108, 133, 140

Stonewood 6

Storie gtl

Storm 55, 220

Stout 177

StovDall 51

Stover 193

Straisres 140 strange 156

Stratton 87

Strawn 23, 233

Stratllns 23

Street 54

Strevel. 18S

Strickland 30, 118, 217

Stringer 123

Strong 71, 123,

Stroud 115, 229

Stuart 227

Stuckey 77

Sturdevant 8G

Sturgeon 66

Sturges 16G

Styles 72

Sublett 82, 85

Sugg 193

Sullenb~rger 70, 71

Sullivan 55, 56, 90, 1H3,

Sults 149

Sum 31

Sumle r 212

Summerhill 189

Summers 117, 212

Summit 140

Sumner 124, 133

Sutton lB, 3D, 140. 155. 178

S~aim 163, 164

Swan 124, 189, 217

Swann 202

Swartzbaugl1 114

Sweden 140

Sweeny 105

Swindle 232

Symonds 39

Tabler 133

Tabor 206

T abour 177

Tackett 213

Talbert 89, 165, 178, 212

Talbot 72

Talbott 55

Talburt 206

Talcott 43

Taley 212

Talkington 155

Tall 72

Talley 212

Tally 212

Tangle 89

Tankersley 109

Tanner 163

Taper 140

T arcli fFe 193

Tarlton 140

Tarrant 33

Tarvine 106

Tarwater 106

Tate 12, 13, 90, 106

Tattermore 7

Tatum 54, 102, 114, 187, 226

Tauman 201

Taylor 21, 37, 56, S9, 71, .72, 89, 90,


158, 177, 179, 213, 232

Teaff 206

Teal 90

Tea t 91

Temple 70

Templeman 13

Temples 86

TempI eton 13

Tepper 40


Terrell 217

Terrill 227

Terry 13,

Tax.da 215

109, 110, 119, 177

Thacker 30

Thaxton 53

Thetford 193

Theral 91

Thole OS

Thomas 18, 19, 23, 41, 53, 71, 91,

140, 147, 150, 174, 200, 217

Thompson 31, 37, 5G, 00, UO, 91 t


100, 118, 123, 124, 134, 140, 163,


Thorington 35

Thorn 106

Thornbury 193

Thorne 18"

Thornton 13, 140, 217

Thra"he, 154, 233

Thrower 70

Thuma 93

Thundgill 6

Thurman 35

Thweatt 58, 193

Tidwell 123

Tilley 188

Tillison 154

Timas 133

Timberlake 70

Tindall 86, 89, 110

Tinnon 17U

Tinsle 89

Tinworthy 133

Tippen 11U

Tipton 170

Tisho 60

Tober 73

Todd 29,57,91,116

Toder 140

Tolbert 58, 225

Tollison 152

Tomberline 147

TOo11inson 29

Toney 70

Toombs 169

Toone 71

Torrey 222

Townsend 160

T OILlnson 168

Tramel 118

Trammel 206

Trammell 118

Travis 118, 162, 163, 164, 165, 187,




Treadway as


119, 133





Trimble 123, 174, 175, 177, 206

Tripp 88

Troy 140


Tubb SO


TuCk 10

Tucker 90, 97, 11 9, 120, 1 21 , 129,

131 , 133. 140. 142, 164, 187. 188,

Tuggle 115


Turnbull 224

Turner 43, ti 1 , 87, 88, 92, 115, 129,

177, 206, 21 B, 230

Turney 53, 11 4

Turrentine 193, 194

Tutt 206, 207

TutUe 85, 1 24, 222

Tweedle 127

Twiford 81

Tyler 56, 174, 173

Underhill 38, 232

Underwood 133

Unry 213

Upchurch a9

Ussery 157, 159, 160. 161

Utley 166, 167, 166 ut t



Beal 18

Van Evans 140

Vance 141

Vancil 37

VanDalsem 17

Vandergriff 85

Vanderslice 71. 72

Vandever 29

Vandiver 201

Van Dyke 227

Vann 212

Van Rensselear 3B

Vanwelde 109

Vanvalkenbur 168

Vanzandt 206

Varnell 73

Vaughn 33, 86, 87, 155. 212

Vaught 23, 25, 31. 110

Vauglne 141


Velter 73


Vicker 88


Vienable 140

Villians 11,0

Vilsan 140

Vincent 74, 75,

Vinson 164

\1orenberg 62


Wac.ster 190, 200

Wade 1 fl9




100,101,102,103, lOll, 116,


Wainwright 148

Wakefield 44, 151

Wakely 140

Walch 90

Waldo 222

1Iialker !:I, 15, 21, Gll. 70, 72, ?B, 89,

82, 98, 108


124, 153, 154, 167. 168,

174, 176, 177. 178, 189, 191. 202, 206

Walkins 177

Walkup 90

Wall 212

Wallace 124, 141, 146, 147, 152, 174,


Waller 89

Walles 87

Wallingsford 9

Walls 68

Walsh 72, 73

Walters 163

Walton 91

Wamack 108

Ward 15, 86, 133, 156, 164, 165, 174,


Wardlaw 88

Ware 174

Wareing 220

Warner 10, 110, 212

Warren 212

Warwick 202

Washburn 140

Washing ton 11, 140

Washmoot 163

Wasson 25

Waters 109, 123 t~atkins 10, 12, 25, 32, 52, 79. 85, sa,

103, 1~O. 174, 170

Watson 15,55,72,91,114.140,141,


Watters 163

Watts 56. 178

IlIear 217

Weatherford 29

Weathers 148, 167, 168

Weaver 58, 68, 85, 200, 206, 231

Webb 20, 21, 51, 225

Webster 88, 105, 190

Weed 26

Week 141

Weims 228

Weir 174

Welch 39,72,73,141,178,213,228

Welde 109

Welden 109

Welfing 141

Welles 222

Wells 32, 59, 123, 174, 178, 219

Welsh 68

Wesley 68 liIessles 90 west 9, 25, 77, 141, 151, 152, 154

Westbrook 90, 217

Wetherell 47

Wharton 183, 212

Wheeler 108, 184

Wheelis 154

Wheelock 213

Whisenhunt 202

Whitacher 141

Whitaker 71

White 1 2 , 2 0 , 2 1 , 3 6 , 4 2 , 5 7 , 7 4 , 7 5 ,

83,87,91, 105,106,114,119,157,

164, 165, 166, 168, 212, 218

Whitehead 74, 86

Whitehouse 59

Whitelaw 141

Whitley 217

Whitfield 29, 3D, 90, 178

Whitlock 31, 88

Whi tlow 21 tlhitner 141

Whitten 67

I:Jhlttington 87, 199

Wicconvotham 92

Wicks 141

Widener 31

Wieble 141

Wiggins 88

Wilbanks 11

Wilburn 217

Wilcox 169, 213

Wilelen 91

Wiley 72, 141, 152, 180 l,}llhite 82

Wilkerson 21, 114, 217

Wilkes 7

Wilkinson 124, 141


Willburn 57

Willeford 187

Willet 223

Willett 191

Williams 9, 12, 20, 21, 31, 39, 45,

70, 71, 72, 75, 77, 66, 87, 88, 69,

91,113,114,117,123,141,164, 168,

169, 172, 174, 176, 190, 194, 195,

196, 197, 198, 200, 206, 212, 233

Williamson 2, 15, 69, BS, 89, 106,

124, 125, 223

Williford 141, 165

Willingham 141

Willis 90, 120, 178, 224, 230

Wnlmon 141

Wills 178

Wilson 31, 41, 55, 73, 87, 89, 90, 91,

98, lU3, 133, 141, 1 1 ,5, 157, 174,175,

17U, 190, 199, 206, 207, 212, 225

Winchester 141 ilJindham 15

Windolph 9

Winfield 141

Winford 21

Winfree 163

Wingard 149

Wingert 190

Wingfield 31, 51

Wisdom 223

Wise 98

Wiseman 178

Witcher 212

Witherell 47

Wither i l l 47

Whitt 81

Wofford 199

Wolf 123, 125, 170, 175, 177, 178,

179, 206

Wolfe 40, 85, 218

Wolfgang 141

Womac 206

Womack 63, 174

Wood 124, 174, 179, 206, 207, 225

Woodall 91, 202

Woodard 206

Woodey 124

Woodley 141

Woadrnasse 213

Woodruff lOS, 231


8, 29, 174, 175, 176, 179, 213

Woodward 121, 230

Woody 141

Woolen 106

Wooley 212

Wooly 212

Waamack 13

Wooten 161, 174, 177

War ley 29

Worrall 141

Worsham 25, 97

Worsley 42

Wortham 91

Worthen 52

Worthens 88

Worthington 54

Worthy 88

Wren 177, 179

Wright 18, 29, 3D, 33, 55, 64, 70, 88,

123, 141, 1S0, 201, 202, 212, 213,

218, 229

Wrightman 96

Wyatt 70, 141

Wylie 72, 156

Wynn 80

Yancy 126

Yandell 89

Yeager 183

Yealy 45

Yell 98, 204

Yeomans 165

Yergen 11, 13

Yingling 117

Yoachem 171

Yocham 206

Yocum 93

York 213

Young 15, 3D, 36, 56, 57, 81, 88, 141,

156, 176, 206, 207, 213

Youngman 29

Zane 45

Ziegler 55, 233

Zimmer 168
