The Cat-alog Issue!
M a y / J u n e 2 014
Marseille Cats Tarot and More:
Feline-Friendly Books,
Decks, and Items for Everyone
iPhone Covers, Salt Lamps,
and More from Lo Scarabeo
New Inspirational Books, Decks ,
and CDs from Blue Angel Publishing
And Much More!
Opening the door to spiritual evolution and magical living
“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” – John C. Maxwell
Many people resist change; others embrace it and hope for a better world. Some want to turn back the
clock and return to old ways. Others push ahead to a future characterized by radical change through
technology, with continuous life-long education for evolving career needs and personal interest &
growth, residential self-sufficiency, and more.
Change is Evolutionary. The challenge is to help shape it. We also need a new understanding of the
evolutionary process involving the participation of each and every one of us. We were born to become
more than we are and to consciously and responsibly assume the role of Co-Creators. As Anodea Judith
writes in Waking the Global Heart: we are “Gods in the Making.”
“Education is the most powerful weapon that
you can use to change the World.” –Nelson Mandela
We must do our part, for we are part of the process! And books (of all kinds!) are the most powerful tools
in our process of learning, and doing! “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It
cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” (Albert Einstein) We think, therefore we are! We
need to know where we want to go, how we want to shape the new world for which we are responsible.
Entering the New Age. With the Changing of the Ages – from three “animal” signs of Taurus the Bull,
(4700 BCE to 2500 BCE), Aries the Ram (2500 BCE to 300 BCE), and Pisces the Fish (300 BCE to
1900 CE) into the Human sign of Aquarius (1900 CE to 2100 CE) – we are transitioning into a major
shift in the nature and experience of consciousness itself. (All dating is approximate, and there is a transition phase of 200 or more years when the ending old age and the beginning new age both manifest.)
“Those who cannot change their minds
cannot change anything.” –George Bernard Shaw
The “Animal” ages were times of objective wars (symbolized butting horned heads) for control of geographic territory. Next, we lived through the “Fish” age of subjective wars for control of human belief.
Always, motivation was for Power over others and deleterious to human growth.
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” –Mahatma Gandhi
The New & Aquarian “Human” age is characterize by extended awareness at both objective (conscious
mind) and subjective (subconscious mind) levels evolving toward super-conscious attainment. It’s the
Age of knowledge, information, communication, and their application for the benefit of all life. Books
are our tools for becoming more that we are and all we can be.
“I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully.
Most people never listen.” –Ernest Hemingway
The Animal and Fish ages were characterized by reactive emotion and imposed ignorance, and the
masses were ruled for the benefit of the dominant few. The Human age is increasing characterized by
the Mind. Instead of reactive feeling, we move to pro-active thinking, from irrationality we move to
rationality, from religions of mass dominance we move toward personal spirituality, and more.
“Formal education will make you a living; self-education
will make you a fortune.” –Jim Rohn
Books are tools of Self-Education, Self-Understanding, and Self-Improvement. With the shift in focus
from masses to people we move away from corporate dominance and the ethics of greed toward individual empowerment and small group innovation, entrepreneurship, increasing self-responsibility &
self-sufficiency, and the politics of citizen democracy. Governments, Businesses, and Agencies will still
be large, but less dominated by “Top Down” and more from “Bottom Up,” as education becomes a lifelong process necessary for career adjustment and desired for personal interest growth.
The New Age Directive – if there is one: Read & Listen, Learn & Grow, Act Responsibly with extended
Awareness of Consequences Present & Future. Know that you are a Co-Creator and a God in the
Making. Buy a book today and Become More than You Are! Spread the Word! Help others to Grow
and Learn. The Future starts today – make it better for the Whole World.
New Release Spotlight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Nature-Based & Pagan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Tarot & Divination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Astrology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Annuals & Calendars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Magick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Alternative Health & Self-Help. . . . . . . 21
Paranormal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Astrological Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Astrological Services Order Form . . . . . 32
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New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit and Llewellyn are
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Lisa Novak
Cover image: Artwork by Mickie Mueller
Donald Michael Kraig
March 28, 1951 – March 17, 2014
Noted occultist, author, and lecturer
or over 40 years Don has been a tremendous colleague, teacher, mentor, and inspiration
to many. Don first started his journey with Llewellyn as an author, when he submitted Modern Magick with encouragement from his then roommate Scott Cunningham. Don
was hired as a writer for New Worlds magazine and eventually became the editor of FATE
magazine. Later he would also become the writer of our Magick blog at
During his tenure he also worked as an acquiring editor, where his knowledge and insight
into occult subject matter was invaluable.
Don’s book Modern Magick has been the world’s most popular step-by-step guide to working
real magick for the last two decades, with tens of thousands of individuals and groups using
the course as their primary instruction manual.
Don has touched so many lives and we are grateful to his life lived, and for his teachings and
words that will continue to live on through his books and his writings.
Photo 1: Richard Webster, Carl Llewellyn Weschcke, and Donald Michael Kraig at BookExpo America, circa 1994. Image provided by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke. Photo 2: Donald Michael Kraig, several years ago, playing at a massive
free concert at Venice Beach, California. Image provided by Donald Michael Kraig. Photo 3: Donald Michael Kraig joins several other Llewellyn authors for some revelry during the Llewellyn 110th Birthday Party. PantheaCon, 2011.
Image provided by Elysia Gallo. Photo 4: Image by Chic Cicero. Photo 5: Donald Michael Kraig signing copies of his newly expanded classic Modern Magick at PantheaCon 2013. Image provided by Bill Krause.
n at u r e - B a s e d & Pa g a n
Practical Protection Magick
Ellen Dugan • 240 pp • 6 x 9
This helpful handbook is chock-full of protection witchery and psychic self-defense techniques you can use to keep yourself and your
home strong, secure, and protected. Ellen Dugan teaches how to
pinpoint your psychic strengths, set boundaries, and diagnose a
problem with divination.
Save 30% $16.95 $11.87
Book of Witchery
Ellen Dugan • 360 pp • 71/2 x 71/2
Formerly available as 7 Days of Magic, new and advanced material
has more than doubled the witchy wisdom within these pages. As
you learn daily magickal correspondences and themes, you’ll build
a solid foundation of knowledge and open up amazing possibilities for highly effective spellwork and witchery.
Seasons of Witchery
Ellen Dugan • 336 pp • 71/2 x 71/2
Enjoy sabbat-themed spells, rituals, herbal magick, and holiday
recipes from award-winning author Ellen Dugan. Written with
humor, warmth, and practicality, Ellen offers an intimate look at
her personal practices and magickal life throughout the wheel of
the year. Her magickal lessons and stories about her own coven
will inspire you.
Cottage Witchery
Ellen Dugan • 288 pp • 71/2 x 71/2
Cast Powerful Prosperity
Magick That Works
Practical Prosperity Magick
Natural Witchery
Ellen Dugan • 240 pp • 6 x 9
Ellen Dugan • 288 pp • 71/2 x 71/2
Achieve lasting prosperity and cultivate abundance for a happier, more
magickal life. Packed with powerful magick for attracting wealth and increasing prosperity, this practical guide by award-winning author Ellen Dugan will
show you how to use crystals, herbs, metals, candles, lucky charms, planetary
correspondences, and more to cast powerful prosperity magick that works.
Use your appreciation of nature and an awareness of the magickal
energies present in all things to enhance your natural witchery.
Empower your witchery and add richness and depth to your everyday life by developing your intuition and psychic skills. Natural
Witchery features straightforward how-tos, spells, rituals, and more
to help you live a more magickal life.
• How to interrupt negative patterns
Garden Witchery
• Spells, charms, and rituals for creating wealth
Ellen Dugan • 272 pp • 71/2 x 71/2
• How-to instructions for herbs and crystals
• Good-luck charms and talismans
• Techniques for solitary and group rituals
Cottage Witchery is the ideal guide to show you how to bring the
beauty of nature and its magickal energies indoors. From specialized spells and charms to kitchen conjuring and color magick, this
hands-on guide teaches Witches of all levels how to strengthen
a home’s aura and energy, using only common household and
outdoor items.
How does your magickal garden grow? Whether you live in a
wooded cottage, a suburban house, or a city apartment, a powerful and enchanted realm awaits you. Discover the secret language
and magickal properties of trees and flowers, herbs and plants,
and learn how to create your own witch’s garden.
Save 30% $17.95 $12.57
w w w . l l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
n at u r e - B a s e d & Pa g a n
The Witch’s Broom
The Wiccan Mysteries
Deborah Blake • 304 pp • 5 x 7
Raven Grimassi • 312 pp • 6 x 9
Whether being used to sweep your home or help with your
magickal endeavors, the broom is a more versatile and useful tool
than you’ve ever imagined. With history, rituals and spells, brooms
for special occasions, personal anecdotes from everyday Witches
like Tess Whitehurst and Linda Raedisch, and art by Mickie Mueller,
The Witch’s Broom is a perfect, indispensible guide.
Encounter material that was once taught only in the initiate levels
of the old Wiccan Mystery Traditions, and to which many solitary
practitioners have never had access. Learn the inner meanings of
Wiccan rites, beliefs and practices, and discover the time-proven
concepts that created, maintained and carried Wiccan beliefs up
into this modern era.
Spiritual Sealing Wax
Wiccan Beliefs & Practices
Lo Scarabeo • 6 x 9
Gary Cantrell • 336 pp • 6 x 9
Add an element of personalization and magic to your writing. The
spiritual, magical, and decorative applications of this all-inclusive
sealing wax kit are endless. Perfect for spells, rituals, greeting
cards, and crafts, the natural wax sticks and the high-quality seals
included in this pack will provide countless hours of meaningful
Modern Wicca is a vibrant, uplifting nature religion practiced
by hundreds of thousands of people in the United States alone.
Wicca is also a lifestyle, and those who walk its path have solemnly
dedicated themselves to the service of the Goddess and God.
Written for the solitary witch or non-traditional small coven, this
crucial text includes Wiccan ethics, and much more.
The Witch’s Circle
The Witch’s Moon
Maria Kay Simms • 496 pp • 6 x 9
Edain McCoy • 256 pp • 7 x 10
The heart of Wicca is connecting your life to the Earth and the Sky.
Integrate your Wiccan ritual practice and astrological knowledge
for one full year of Esbats and Sabbats. Infuse rich meaning and
joy into special occasions by bringing the energy of the planets into
harmony with the cycles of the seasons.
Harness the power of the moon during all its phases: the waxing
and waning Moon, the Full and New Moons, and the moonrise
and moonset. Complete with spells, rituals, recipes, and lore, this
updated reprint of Lady of the Night provides more in-depth material on the Esbats and the Moon’s unique magickal potential than
any other book.
Save 30% $16.99 $11.89
The Small-Town Pagan’s Survival Guide
Gede Parma • 336 pp • 6 x 9
Bronwen Forbes • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8
Refreshingly real and practical, Spirited speaks directly to young
adults, offering real-life stories and first-hand experiences from the
author and other young Pagans who’ve actually been there. Gain
insight into spellcraft ethics, current Pagan practices, and dealing
with negativity. Live your spirituality in all crucial areas of life, from
love and sexuality to family and friends to school and work.
For all Pagans who are living in a small community, this wonderfully unique book offers guidance on fitting in, connecting with
other Pagans, and practicing in peace. Pagans from communities
across the country offer hard-won wisdom and advice on essential
issues, such as getting along with non-Pagan neighbors, finding
and creating ritual tools, and raising Pagan children.
True Magick
A Witch’s Travel Guide to Astral Realms
Amber K • 360 pp • 6 x 9
D. J. Conway • 224 pp • 6 x 9
Selling more than 200,000 copies, True Magick has struck a chord
with Witches, Pagans, and magicians around the world. Presented
here is the revised and expanded anniversary edition. New material includes six more chapters, recommended reading for each
chapter, and more than one hundred added exercises.
The astral realms are a source of unlimited power for working
magick, contacting guides, visiting past lives, even healing yourself and others. Previously titled Flying Without a Broom, this
updated guide by popular author D. J. Conway shows how astral
exploration can enhance both your spiritual and daily life.
Save 30% $18.95 $13.27
“THE BEST book I have ever read on the subject.” —Silver RavenWolf
Spirit of the Witch
A Year of Ritual
Raven Grimassi • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Sandra Kynes • 240 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
In this one-of-a-kind guidebook, Raven Grimassi explores the
spiritual element of the rituals, practices, and beliefs of Witchcraft.
Spirit of the Witch examines the oral tradition of Witches, as well
as the cultural, literary, anthropological, and historical roots of
Bring bodies, minds, and spirits into alignment through ritual celebrations. For Witches and Pagans of all levels and ideal for groups
or solitary participants, A Year of Ritual provides ready-made rituals
for a full year of Sabbats and Esbats. Ideas, words, and directions
for each ritual are included, along with background information,
preparation requirements, and themes.
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
n at u r e - B a s e d & Pa g a n
New Paths to Animal Totems Living Earth Devotional
Lupa • 312 pp • 53/16 x 8
Clea Danaan • 464 pp • 5 x 7
Explore three new personalized
approaches to animal totemism in
this comprehensive guide.
Save 30% $16.99 $11.90
Care for the sacred earth and grow
spiritually every day with 365 earthfriendly activities, organized by the
Wheel of the Year.
Sacred Land
Plant Spirit Journey
Germinate environmental awareness
and political change while feeding
the spirit with a garden. Create compost, save seeds, connect with garden goddesses, and more.
Discover the spiritual and emotional
healing properties of thirty versatile
plants and simple instructions for
making plant spirit remedies at home.
Craft of the Wild Witch
Sticks, Stones, Roots & Bones
This guidebook to the green-spirited path will show you how to read
nature’s language and develop a
living relationship with the land and
companion spirits.
Discover the basic techniques of
hoodoo, along with rituals; spells;
charms; and amulets for dealing
with lovers, prosperity, pregnancy,
and more.
Clea Danaan • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8
Tap into the Divine Power
of Plants and Fungi
Laura Silvana • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Save 30% $16.95 $11.87
Plant and Fungus Totems
Lupa • 312 pp • 53/16 x 8
Open up to an entirely new realm of spiritual practice by tapping into the profound power
of plants and fungi. Accessible to people of all spiritual paths, Plant and Fungus Totems
shows how totems can provide guidance for our lives and help us connect more deeply
with the world of spirit. Including a foreword by Christopher Penczak, the book explores
three different models of totemism. Discover:
• Hands-on exercises for wildcrafting and cooking
• Tips for working with herbs, flowers, crops, and more
• Exercises and suggestions for journaling
• And more!
Poppy Palin • 336 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Save 30% $18.95 $13.27
w w w . l l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
Stephanie Rose Bird • 288 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
n at u r e - B a s e d & Pa g a n
Faeries & Elementals for Beginners
Enchantment of the Faerie Realm
Alexandra Chauran • 216 pp • 53/16 x 8
Ted Andrews • 240 pp • 6 x 9
From ashrays to will-o’-the-wisps, this practical beginner’s guide
introduces a wide assortment of wild and wondrous creatures.
Elementals are divided by air, fire, water, and earth; learn the qualities of each, how to catch sight of them, and respectfully request
their help with healing, protection, gaining employment, attracting love, and more.
Learn to recognize the presence of magical, mysterious faerie
folk. Forests, lakes, mountains—even your garden—are alive with
nature’s spirits. Enchantment of the Faerie Realm can help you
commune with faeries, nature spirits, devas, elves, and other faerie
folk. With patience and persistence, discover that faeries still dance
both in nature and in your heart.
Save 30% $14.95 $10.47
Dark Fairytale Tarot
Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle
Lo Scarabeo • Boxed deck includes 78 full-color cards and instruction booklet
Blue Angel • Lucy Cavendish; Artwork by Selina French • Boxed deck includes a
47-card deck and a 188-page book
Gorgeously rendered and charged with raw emotion, this enchanting
tarot explores the depths of love, pain, hope, fear, and desire. As a
mere mortal in this dreamy, twilight world, you will be subjected
to temptations and trials. Each illuminating adventure brings rich
rewards as your true strengths and motivations are revealed.
These gloriously illustrated cards are brimming with secrets,
insights, and guidance directly from the most helpful and wise of
nature’s guardians. Includes a guidebook revealing the secret lore
of the Faery realm as well as clear lessons on how to connect, create,
and nurture deep relation-ships with your own Faery guardians.
Dream Fairies Inspirational Deck
Fairy Lights Tarot
Lo Scarabeo • Boxed set includes 12 full-color, glow-in-thedark cards and a 192-page, full-color companion guide
Lo Scarabeo • Boxed deck includes 78 full-color cards and instruction booklet
Gain rare access to your subconscious, where
hidden talents, unspoken hopes, and unfulfilled desires can finally be awakened. The
box can be used to prop and display cards for
meditation work or as a unique frame for the
enchanting art.
The poetic art of Lucia Mattioli sings in this unique and imaginative
tarot. Each card is part of a bigger picture that is complete when paired
with another card. An ever-present fairy light helps to break down psychological barriers, provide clarity, and allow truth to become known.
Emotionally rich and intuitive, the Fairy Lights Tarot will touch your
heart and reveal your soul.
Oracle of the Dragonfae
White Fairy Journal
Blue Angel • Lucy Cavendish; Artwork by Ravynne Phelan, Selina French, Jimmy
Manton, Toni Carmine Salerno, and more • Boxed deck includes a 43-card deck and
a 164-page book
Lo Scarabeo • 224 pp • 6 x 8
As a dream diary, sketchbook, or Book of Shadows,
this handsome hardcover journal is the perfect place
to record your ruminations, insights, and experiences.
Features an attractive cover, metallic finish, a satin page
marker, and high quality, blank, cream-colored paper.
978-0-7387- 2954-1
This deck offers a portal to their powerful messages of love, healing, and protection. When we connect with the Dragonfae, we
reconnect with the lost parts of ourselves, allowing us to fully
explore the gift of life on this beautiful planet.
The Magick of Faeries
Field Guide to the Little People
Cassandra Eason • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Nancy Arrowsmith • 336 pp • 6 x 9
This fascinating guide to all things faerie explores the history and
lore of the fey, as well golems, goblins, boggarts, brownies, orcs,
ogres, and more. Through rituals, spells, and empowerments, you
can learn to use the energy of nature essences for health, prosperity, love, wishes, protection, healing, home and family happiness,
and personal transformation.
Make the acquaintance of White Ladies and Red Caps, Church
Grims and Hobgoblins, English Fairies, Leprechauns, Sirens, HeyHey Men, and all of their strange and mythical kin. For many years,
this field guide has been as elusive as a Will-o’-the-Wisp. This is
the first opportunity for fans to once again own one of the most
revered introductions to elf folk ever written.
Faery Craft
A Witch’s Guide to Faery Folk
Emily Carding • 360 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Edain McCoy • 384 pp • 6 x 9
Explore all things Faery, from the amazing variety of magical
beings to natural gateways to the Faery realm. Discover how to
practice Faery spirituality and magic, create altars, and find a Faery
ally. Faery Craft also features an original Faery zodiac, guidance on
Faery etiquette, two hundred photos and illustrations, meditations,
and interviews with Faery authors and artists.
Learn about the personality of various faery types, faery mythology, and even how create your own thought-form faery beings.
Whether you are a Pagan or simply wish to venerate nature and
commune with these creatures of the wild, A Witch’s Guide to Faery
Folk is an invaluable aid in this exciting exploration.
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
n at u r e - B a s e d & Pa g a n
Celtic Lore &
Spellcraft of the
Dark Goddess
Stephanie Woodfield
432 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Invoke the Morrigan and be transformed by her fierce and magnificent
energy. From shapeshifting and faery magic to summoning a lover and creating an Ogham oracle, this comprehensive, hands-on guide to Celtic Witchcraft
reveals how the dynamic and multifaceted Dark Goddess will bring empowering wisdom and enchantment to your life and spiritual practice.
Avalon Within
Jhenah Telyndru • 336 pp • 6 x 9
Connect with the
Divine Feminine Through
Fourteen Sun Goddesses
Drawing Down the Sun
Stephanie Woodfield • 312 pp • 6 x 9
For ancient tribes such as the Celts, the Inuit of North America, and many
others, the sun was more often seen as a goddess than it was a god. A guide
to reclaiming the all-but-lost archetype of the solar feminine, Drawing Down
the Sun includes:
• Important symbols and totems of the sun goddesses
• Stories, myths, and traditions of the solar feminine from around the world
• Spells, rituals, correspondences, and guided meditations for each
sun goddess
• Instructions for incorporating the sun’s divine rhythms and sacred
days into a magickal practice
Drawing on Celtic mythology, Arthurian legend, and Druidic lore
and exploring the way of the priestess as alluded to in Marion
Zimmer Bradley’s The Mists of Avalon, the Avalonian path empowers women everywhere to transform their lives by seeking the
Goddess and the Sovereign self within. Features eight pages of
gorgeous color photographs of Glastonbury’s Sacred Landscape.
Goddess Aloud!
Michelle Skye • 240 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Find your voice, empower yourself, and manifest your dreams with
the wisdom of twenty-seven goddesses from around the world.
Through mantras, magical activities, and spiritual rituals for nine
fundamental spiritual principles, you’ll give voice to the energy of
each goddess and discover her message for your life and for our
The Goddess Is in the Details
Deborah Blake • 240 pp • 6 x 9
Your witchy ways are woven into everything you do, from washing
dishes to performing a ritual. Deborah Blake takes you into the
heart of what it means to be a Witch all day, every day. All essential aspects of a Witch’s life are covered, including the seven core
beliefs of Witches, sacred space at home, raising Pagan children,
green living, and more.
w w w . l l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
ta r ot & d i v i n at i o n
Cats and Tarot Are Purr-fect Together
New to Llewellyn from Blue Angel Publishing!
Mystical Cats Tarot
Marseille Cat Tarot
Cat Wisdom Oracle
Lunaea Weatherstone & Mickie Mueller • Boxed kit includes 78-card deck and
216-page book
Lo Scarabeo • Hardbox includes 78 full-color cards and instruction booklet
Tanya Graham • Boxed kit includes 45-card deck and 124-page book
Some decks whisper. Some decks shout. This deck meows. The
Marseille deck—one of the original Tarot decks of the world—
is now updated for the twenty-first century with adorable
cats! Retaining all the details of the original, the fabulous
feline motifs of this deck give new energy to the cards of the
Marseille, adding a unique touch to any tarot collection.
A collection of photographs and kitten-inspired words of
wisdom, this deck is designed to celebrate the love that cats
bring to our lives. Featuring forty-five cards and a guidebook,
this fun and inspiring card set will encourage you to reflect on
your life from a new perspective.
Anyone who has ever owned—or been owned by—a cat knows
its wild and mystical nature. Open the door to a magical
world of feline enchantment that offers eternal and ancient
wisdom with the Mystical Cats Tarot. Discover amazing artwork of various domestic breeds that face many trials and
triumphs as they reveal answers to life’s most important
questions. Organized by elemental suits and cat-based court
cards, this deck presents the cat goddess’s descendants in all
their furry glory.
Black Cats Tarot
Cats Inspirational Oracle Cards
Tarot of Pagan Cats
Tarot of White Cats
Lo Scarabeo • Boxed kit includes 78 full-color cards and
instruction booklet
Lo Scarabeo • Hardbox includes 32 full-color cards and a
160-page book • Gold Foil Impressions
Lo Scarabeo • Boxed deck includes 78 full-color cards and
instruction booklet
Lo Scarabeo • Boxed deck includes 78 full-color cards and
instruction booklet
This Rider-Waite-based tarot celebrates and
honors beautiful and magical black cats.
Cleverly incorporating feline characteristics
and legend into traditional tarot archetypes,
this fanciful deck captures these creatures
moving between worlds of reality and fantasy, the mundane and mystical. Disarmingly
cute yet unmistakably wise, the black cats
encourage you to explore your own animal
The feline experience is a fresco of countless conditions of the soul. Tarot expert and
author Barbara Moore collaborated with
artist Marco Turini to create Cats Inspirational
Oracle Cards, a lively deck featuring 32 different cat breeds and scenarios. These lighthearted images celebrate the joys that fill a
cat’s life—luxurious naps, adventure and play,
affection and love—and mirror our own.
Journey with the enlightened felines and
welcome their unique secrets. Cats—cute,
mysterious, mischievous, or aloof—seem to
live in a world between worlds, a realm of
magic and power. Access their unique wisdom with this beautifully illustrated deck,
featuring traditional Rider-Waite imagery
and Pagan symbols.
Designed in the Rider-Waite tradition, this
easy-to-use tarot deck is fun for all levels of
tarot enthusiasts. Featuring majestic, albino
kitties displaying their mystical and valiant
personalities, these feline-themed cards are
the perfect gift for your cat-loving friends.
Also available:
Also available:
Lo Scarabeo
Tarot of Pagan Cats Mini Deck
Tarot of Pagan Cats Mini Deck
Lo Scarabeo
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
ta r ot & d i v i n at i o n
A New Tarot Spread
for Every Day
365 Tarot Spreads
Sasha Graham • 408 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Navigate important life choices with a tarot spread for every
day of the year! 365 Tarot Spreads features a spread-a-day format that will help reveal answers to your questions about love,
money, career, and life path. In addition to a new spread, each
day includes a fascinating historical fact, an important holiday or
celebration, and a mini tarot lesson.
Use this tarot guide to gain insight day after day with an explanation of each spread and suggested questions to help you
obtain the best results from each reading. Also featured are
holidays, rituals, lore, and magic from a vast array of multicultural traditions—including Pagan, Wiccan, Christian, Jewish, and
African cultures.
Discover articles and more from Sasha Graham
Tarot Diva
The Deck of 1000 Spreads
How to Use Tarot Spreads
Tarot Spreads
Sasha Graham • 336 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Tierney Sadler • Boxed kit includes 57 cards and 168page book
Sylvia Abraham • 308 pp • 53/16 x 75/8
Barbara Moore • 264 pp • 6 x 9
This easy-to-use tarot guide features over
three-dozen spreads for answering questions about romance, career, finance, and
more. Sample readings illustrate how to put
the cards together to see the overall theme
of a tarot reading. Perfect for beginners,
this book also includes a list of upright and
reversed card meanings, as well as key words
for all seventy-eight cards.
Bring power, precision, and depth to your
tarot readings with this helpful and easyto-use guide. Barbara Moore offers nearly
seventy different themed spreads and clear
instruction; develop a reading style that is all
your own as you learn to select spreads and
create your own, modify a classic spread, and
perform a 78-card reading.
Putting a fun and fresh spin on card reading, Sasha Graham shows that the tarot is
a fantastic tool for embracing your beauty,
unleashing your power, and enriching your
life. Learn tarot basics and discover creative
new ways to explore each card’s particular.
Weave enchantment through every aspect of
your life—and discover the diva within.
The Deck of 1000 Spreads is a unique tool
for crafting an infinite array of spreads. Each
oversized, color-coded card features a spread
position (such as “situation” or “outcome”)
and a description of the position. Mix and
match the cards to customize a spread for
any tarot reading imaginable. Perfect for
tarot readers of all levels.
Save 30% $26.99 $18.89
Save 30% $9.95 $6.97
w w w . l l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
ta r ot & d i v i n at i o n
Tarot Beyond the Basics
The Sacred Circle Tarot Deck
Anthony Louis • 408 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Anna Franklin & Paul Mason • Boxed deck includes 78 full-color cards and 80-page booklet
Discover decades of insights and information that can help you
become an advanced practitioner. Anthony Louis provides real
world examples of how to use your intuition to improve your readings; how to understand tarot reversals; and how to include the
meanings of numbers, the elements, and the tarot’s court cards.
Also featured is the common background of astrology and tarot.
The Sacred Circle Tarot combines photographs, computer imaging,
and traditional drawing techniques to create stunning images
reminiscent of the birthplace of magic. This exceptionally popular
deck draws from the sacred sites and Pagan heritage of Britain and
Ireland, serving as a tool not only for divination but also for meditation, personal growth, and spiritual development.
Tarot Plain and Simple
The Ultimate Guide to the Rider-Waite Tarot
Anthony Louis • 336 pp • 6 x 9
Johannes Fiebig & Evelin Bürger • 216 pp • 6 x 9
Here is a reliable and user-friendly self-study program for those
who want to do tarot readings. Written by a psychiatrist who
brings a profound understanding of human nature and psychological conflict to the study of the tarot, you will transport to a new
level of personal transformation using Anthony Louis’ Jungian
approach to the cards.
Learn new insights about the world’s most popular tarot deck.
Discover the primary meaning, spiritual meaning, daily meaning, prognosis, relationship meaning, and luck meaning of each
card. Also included: insight into tarot’s relationship with astrology,
the ten most important symbols of each card, and top-ten lists
(spreads, favorite ways to use a single card, etc.).
The Essential Lenormand
Mystic Faerie Tarot
Rana George • 408 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Artwork by Linda Ravenscroft, book by Barbara Moore • Boxed kit (53/8 x 81/4) includes
78-card deck and a 288-page book
Rana George explores how you can use the thirty-six-card deck to
uncover practical answers and provide clear predictions on any
topic: relationships, work, finances, family, and creativity. Along
with meanings of individual cards, the author provides dynamic
lessons that progress step by step to reveal useful advice and clear
answers on anything from simple inquiries to critical dilemmas.
Each suit tells a “faerie tale;” these stories offer lessons and fresh
insights in all matters of life, while remaining true to tarot archetypes. The kit also includes a quick reference guide for beginners,
as well as original faerie-themed spreads.
Save 30% $26.95 $18.87
Tarot for Beginners
Around the Tarot in 78 Days
Barbara Moore • 360 pp • 53/16 x 8
Marcus Katz & Tali Goodwin • 456 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
In this guidebook, award-winning tarot expert Barbara Moore
clearly explains all essential aspects of the tarot, including the divinatory meanings of all seventy-eight cards, broken down by Major
and Minor Arcana, suit, and number for simpler learning. Featuring
card images from three popular Rider-Waite-based decks, this
guide covers reversals, symbols, giving readings, and much more.
Journey into the exciting world of tarot with this comprehensive,
78-day course. With a one-card-per-day format, this workbook
provides a solid foundation in tarot—and offers new ways to enrich
your life using the wisdom of the cards. Katz and Goodwin teach
you how to interpret spreads by experiencing them as meditations, activities, affirmations, and oracles.
Easy Tarot Reading
Tarot Face to Face
Josephine Ellershaw • 240 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Marcus Katz & Tali Goodwin • 240 pp • 6 x 9
Josephine Ellershaw, the author of the international bestseller
Easy Tarot, presents an easy and effective way for anyone to learn
to do amazingly accurate, helpful readings. Card by card, spread by
spread, Ellershaw tells how to make the connections that add clarity
and depth to a reading.
Based on over thirty years of tarot reading experience and an
extensive survey of readers, this extensive guidebook provides
numerous tarot spreads, exercises, and interpretation strategies
for any occasion. Whether you’re an aspiring learner or a master
of the craft, you’ll find everything you need to become a confident
and accurate reader.
The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals
The New Tarot Handbook
Mary K. Greer • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Rachel Pollack • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8
What do you do with the reversed cards, of the Tarot deck?
Experienced and beginning Tarot readers alike often struggle
with interpreting reversed cards. This unique guide is devoted to
reversals—experiment with the eleven different methods of reading reversed cards and use the author’s interpretations to stimulate
your own intuitive ideas.
Renowned author Rachel Pollack has spent more than forty years
studying the Tarot. This insightful guide distills her vast knowledge
and offers a direct, accessible approach to mastering the cards. Try
the unique spreads inspired by each Major Arcana card. Enhance
your understanding of the cards with information about numbers,
elements, astrology, and Kabbalah.
Save 30% $16.95 $11.87
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
Lo Scarabeo
Tarot • books • runes • stones • crystals • notebooks • journals • accessories
Tarot of the Sacred Feminine
Lo Scarabeo • Hardbox includes 78 full-color cards and instruction booklet
Blending elegant images of the divine feminine with the symbols of
Sumerian mythology, the Tarot of the Sacred Feminine provides divinatory power and emotional resonance unlike any other deck. With
breathtaking artwork by Italian artist Franco Rivoli, this deck tells the
story of the sacred woman as maiden and mother, lover and warrior,
carrying your spirit to a tranquil place of peace.
Draconis Tarot Deck
Lo Scarabeo • Hardbox includes 32 full-color cards and a 160-page book
Davide Corsi’s bold dragon art perfectly combines the epic grandeur
of classic fantasy with the iconic power of the traditional Rider-Waite
tarot. It has been said that dragons share a common sight everywhere—in the skies, in the sea, and on the land. In this deck, the
visionary wisdom of the dragons will be your guide through the mystical and spiritual worlds.
Fairy Lights Tarot
Lo Scarabeo • Boxed deck includes 78 full-color cards and instruction booklet
Silver Witchcraft Tarot Kit
Lo Scarabeo • Hardbox includes 78 full-color cards and 160-page
full-color book
The poetic art of Lucia Mattioli sings in this unique and imaginative
tarot. Each card is part of a bigger picture that is complete when paired
with another card. An ever-present fairy light helps to break down psychological barriers, provide clarity, and allow truth to become known.
Emotionally rich and intuitive, the Fairy Lights Tarot will touch your
heart and reveal your soul.
Expressing the wisdom and magic of the ages through Luna’s ethereal light,
the Silver Witchcraft Tarot Kit combines the rich tradition of the Rider Waite
tarot with modern Pagan symbolism, creating a unique and beautiful reading
experience. Weaving the phases of the moon and the Pagan holidays into
each suit, this exquisite deck offers knowledge of a material, emotional, and
spiritual nature, whispering sagely into the ear of all who will listen..
Gems Oracle Cards
Lo Scarabeo • Hardbox includes 32 full-color cards and a 160-page book • Gold
Foil Impressions
Each of these cards highlights a particular crystal or stone and
illustrates its properties and characteristics. Blended with valuable information on chakras and yoga practices, this powerful
tool offers a holistic approach to self-improvement.
Runes Oracle Cards
Silver Witchcraft
Satin Bag
Lo Scarabeo • 6 x 9
This lovely satin pouch, the perfect
companion to the Silver Witchcraft
Tarot Kit, can be used to store and
transport valuables of all kinds—
jewelry, keepsakes, crystals, runes,
pendulums, decks, and more.
Lo Scarabeo • Hardbox includes 24 full-color cards and a 160-page book • Gold
Foil Impressions
The runes are an ancient and powerful set of symbols originating
in northern Europe. Discover how this magical alphabet can help
you channel the sacred wisdom of the Norse gods. As a divination
system, meditation tool, or a talisman, the Runes Oracle Cards can
be used to illuminate your life and manifest transformation.
Mibramig Magical Tarot Deck
Lo Scarabeo • Boxed deck includes 79 full-color cards and instruction booklet
Creatures both curious and cute will welcome you into this enchanting and joyful universe. Humming with visual poetry to fully engage
your intuition, this whimsical Rider-Waite-based deck will encourage
you to ask questions and explore your psyche for answers and insight.
An added bonus to this utterly unique tarot is a seventy-ninth card:
The Happy Squirrel.
w w w . l l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
Tarot • books • runes • stones • crystals • notebooks • journals • accessories
Lo Scarabeo
Ceccoli Satin Bag
With artwork that is tender, innocent, and a touch surreal, Nicoletta Ceccoli—one of the world’s most celebrated illustrators—
has expressed her visionary talent on this deluxe satin pouch. Capturing one of the most iconic images from the forthcoming
Ceccoli Tarot, this stunning bag can be used to store and transport valuables of all kinds—jewelry, keepsakes, crystals, runes,
pendulums, decks, and more. A perfect gift for fans of fascinating art.
6 x 9 • $11.95
Spiritual Sealing Wax
Adds an element of personalization and magic to your writing. The spiritual, magical,
and decorative applications of this all-inclusive sealing wax kit are endless. Perfect for
spells, rituals, greeting cards, and crafts, the natural wax sticks and the high-quality
seals included in this pack will provide countless hours of meaningful use.
6 x 9 • $29.95
Striking Hardcover Journals
As a dream diary, sketchbook, or Book of Shadows, these handsome hardcover journals are the perfect place to record insights and experiences.
Available in two attractive covers—Ghost or Night Sun.
Ghost Journal
Night Sun Journal
81⁄2 x 6 • $13.95
160 pages
81⁄2 x 6 • $13.95
160 pages
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
Lo Scarabeo
Tarot • books • runes • stones • crystals • notebooks • journals • accessories
Eye-Catching iPhone 5 Covers
Personalize your iPhone 5 with a stylish, spirituality-themed cover. Each cover features a unique color and an illustration designed to transform an
ordinary phone into a fashionable accessory. Available with Celtic, Magic, or Wicca designs. (Cover Size 41/3 x 81/4)
Celtic iPhone Cover
Magic iPhone Cover
Wicca iPhone Cover
978-0-7387- 4125-3
978-0-7387- 4124-6
Color-Changing Himalayan Salt Lamps
These traditional Himalayan salt lamps are crafted from salt crystals found in the foothills of the Himalayas. As the salt crystals are warmed by the
bulb, they release charged ions, neutralizing contaminants in the air and changing colors in a pleasing, dynamic rhythm. These easy-to-use lamps
plug into any USB port and begin working immediately, creating a nurturing glow and drawing the negative energy that tends to accumulate in the
space where computer work is done. (Size 31/2 x 31/2 x 5)
w w w . l l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
ORACLE cards • books • relaxation & guided meditation cds & DVDs • journals • accessories
Llewellyn is proud to partner with Blue Angel Publishing, Australia’s premier creator of oracle decks,
books, CDs/DVDs, and artwork! Visit to view the full line of available products!
Les Vampires
Oracle of the Mermaids
Wisdom of the Golden Path
Crystal Angels 444
The Lost Lands
Cat Wisdom
Generation Intuitive
Divine Lotus Mother
Meditations for Inner Peace
Healing Music
Reiki Music: Volume I
Heart of Nails Mouse Pad
Snow White & Her Animal
Friends Mouse Pad
Archangel Gabriel Mouse Pad
Love Mouse Pad
Lucy Cavendish;
Artwork by Selina Fenech
Toni Carmine Salerno;
Artwork by Yuehui Tang
Messenger Oracle
Ravynne Phelan
Lucy Cavendish;
Artwork by Jasmine Becket Griffith
Lucy Cavendish
Tanya Graham
Julie Hamilton
Alana Fairchild
Toni Carmine Salerno
Robert J. Boyd
Martine Salerno
mouse pads
Alana Fairchild
Jasmine Becket-Griffith
Jasmine Becket-Griffith
Toni Carmine Salerno
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
Toni Carmine Salerno
(see order form for details)
Sun Signs & Past Lives
Bernie Ashman • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Reach your full potential with an instant past-life reading based on
your sun sign. Bernie Ashman provides a simple, foolproof way to
pinpoint behaviors that may be keeping you from peace and fulfillment; Discover your innate strengths, find out the spiritual lessons
you need to learn, and use these insights to transform your life.
Save 30% $16.95 $11.87
Sun Signs and Soul Mates
Linda George • 240 pp • 6 x 9
This fascinating and inspiring book goes through the twelve sun
signs and explores the lighter and darker sides of each from the
perspective of the heart. Learn about each sign’s personality traits,
explore every pairing’s compatibility potential, and cultivate more
fulfilling and loving relationships.
All Around the Zodiac
Bil Tierney • 480 pp • 6 x 9
All Around the Zodiac is ideal for all who want to get new insight
into the dynamic qualities of each sign. This book begins by defining each of the signs, and then analyzes the meanings of all sixty-six pairs of signs and concludes by revealing the meanings of
the planets and houses in the signs.
Save 30% $22.99 $16.09
Llewellyn’s 2014 Sun Sign Book
Llewellyn • 312 pp • 5 x 8
Tap into the Wisdom
of Your Sun Sign
Intuition and Your Sun Sign
Bernie Ashman • 360 pp • 6 x 9
Detailed horoscopes for each sign by Kim Rogers-Gallagher will
answer your questions about relationships, money, career, and
more—for the whole year. Included are rewarding/challenging
days for each month, in addition to action tables that reveal the
best dates to take a vacation, move, and plan other important
Save 75% $10.99 $2.75
The Astrological Elements
Tap into the wisdom of your sun sign and put your intuition to work for you.
Let the sun, moon, and planets guide you in creating a more trusting relationship with your inner soul. In Intuition and Your Sun Sign, popular astrologer
Bernie Ashman provides an in-depth guide to each sign’s strengths, challenges, and potentials.
Sally Cragin • 216 pp • 6 x 9
Your hidden spiritual gifts come alive when you make the most of your intuitive potential. Discover how to use astrology to:
Gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the people around
you—with sun sign astrology! This fun and easy-to-use guide
explores all twelve sun signs through the four elements of fire,
air, earth, and water, revealing what each is like as a friend, family
member, boss, co-worker, spouse, or romantic interest.
• Attract love and abundance
Astrology on the Cusp
• Improve relationships
Sally Cragin • 240 pp • 5 x 8
• Decrease anxiety, tension, and emotional blocks
• Facilitate improved mental and physical health
• Increase self-confidence and creativity
Gain a deeper understanding of your personality and motivations—and those of your partner, friends, and family—with this
first-ever guide to cusp astrology. Designed for people whose
birthdays fall between two signs, this book lets you quickly look
up your date of birth to discover your strengths, career opportunities, gifts, and challenges.
Save 30% $17.95 $12.57
w w w . l l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
Lunar Nodes
Electional Astrology
Celeste Teal • 240 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Joann Hampar • 216 pp • 6 x 9
By examining your lunar nodes, the points where the moon’s orbit
crosses the sun’s path, you can interpret the north and south nodes
in relation to the natal chart’s houses, ruling planets, aspects, signs,
and more. Ideal for beginning to intermediate astrologers, this
book shows you how to predict future events, helps you discover
your karmic life path, and more.
Learn the basic principles of electional astrology, including the
significance of each planet, how to time events according to planetary cycles, and more. The book also features advice for numerous
specific events, such as the best times for an audition, a physical
exam, air or car travel, and more.
Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Predictive Astrology
Celeste Teal • 288 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Kris Brandt Riske, M.A. • 288 pp • 8 x 10
Solar and lunar eclipses can have a transformative effect in your
life and relationships; learn their impact and their astrological difference. Eclipses includes a master eclipse and planetary transits
chart, complete to 2015, making it easy for you to add the influences of eclipses to readings—learn the impact of prenatal eclipses
on the natal chart.
Forecasting your future gives you a remarkable edge in life,
whether you want to seize upcoming opportunities or prepare
for challenges ahead. Learn how to perform each major predictive
technique: solar arcs, progressions, transits, lunar cycles, and planetary returns.
Insights into Evolutionary Astrology
Horary Astrology Plain & Simple
Rose Marcus • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Anthony Louis • 288 pp • 7 x 10
Well-known astrologer Rose Marcus offers a collection of original
essays by today’s foremost evolutionary astrologers, including
founder Jeffrey Green. Contributors explore Pluto’s influence on
the fulfillment of human potential, the dynamics between twins,
past life regression, planetary nodes, the cultural significance of
Pluto entering Capricorn, and more.
Horary astrology is the best method for answering questions of
pressing personal concern: Will I ever have children? Should I buy
that property? What happened to my keys? Here is the best how-to
guide for the intermediate astrologer on the art of astrological divination. When used wisely, horary acts like a trusted advisor.
Save 30% $19.95 $13.97
Save 30% $22.99 $16.09
Save 30% $29.95 $20.97
Predicting Events with Astrology
Celeste Teal • 360 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Barbara Hand Clow • 336 pp • 6 x 9
This expanded and revised edition offers brand-new material
and additional forecasting tips for life’s anticipated adventures
and choosing ideal times for planned events. This book covers all
essential applications of predictive astrology, including transits,
planetary aspects, progressions, the vertex, solar and lunar returns,
eclipses, and lunar nodes.
Chiron is the bridge to the outer planets: Uranus, Neptune, and
Pluto. Here you’ll learn the meaning of Chiron in each house, in
aspect to each planet, through each sign, and in transit. Learn
how the mythological meaning of Chiron relates to its meaning
in astrology and how this can be incorporated into your readings
and your life.
Solar Arcs
The Complete Book of Chart Rectification
Noel Tyl • 480 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Carol A. Tebbs, M.A., C.A.P. • 240 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Having used the solar arcs system for nearly thirty years, Noel
Tyl now shares his deep insight into this predictive system with
astrologers around the world. The book is also filled with bonus
material: tertiary progressions, rectification, ephemeredes, and
Tyl’s analytical synthesis of every one of the 1,130 possible solar
arc and solar arc midpoint pictures.
Provide the most accurate forecasts for your clients with this oneof-a-kind book that puts the practice of chart rectification within
easy reach. Learn to recognize consistent patterns where astrological indicators correspond with dramatic life events. You can then
link these life events with aspect “hooks” to derive the most likely
birth time. Includes celebrity case studies.
Astrology for Beginners
The Complete Book of Spiritual Astrology
Joann Hampar • 240 pp • 6 x 9
Per Henrik Gullfoss • 264 pp • 6 x 9
This step-by-step guide takes you through the language of astrological symbols. As each chapter unfolds, a new realm of your
horoscope is revealed, including chart patterns, zodiac signs,
houses, planets, and aspects. By the last lesson, you’ll be able
to read and interpret your chart, and gain valuable insight into
yourself and others.
Reach the heart of spirituality and life with this beautiful exploration into the sacred science of astrology, a tool for discovering
your soul’s true intention and purpose. Whether you’re new to
astrology or a long-time practitioner, this engaging book gives
you practical ways for achieving harmony and unity among body,
mind, and soul.
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
75% OFF
2014 Annuals & Calendars
Llewellyn’s 2014 Witches’ Calendar
Llewelyn’s 2014 Woodland Faerie Calendar
28 pp • 12 x 12
24 pp • 12 x 12 • Original full-color artwork by Linda Ravenscroft
Captivating, original artwork and a rich array of content have made Llewellyn’s Witches’
Calendar the top-selling calendar of its kind. New for this edition are enchanting scratchboard illustrations by award-winning artist Kathleen Edwards. Each month also offers an
inspiring article, plus a spell or ritual. Connect with nature in May, work hummingbird
magic in August, and treat yourself to healing balms in September. Astrological data and
magical correspondences are also included.
Add whimsy and magic to each day in 2014 with a little help from the faerie realm.
Brighten your days with the sparkling energy of pixies and sprites, empower your dreams
with the graceful allure of woodland nymphs. Llewellyn’s Woodland Faeries Calendar presents your favorite traditional holidays as well as moon phase information so you can align
your life with the rhythms of the natural world.
Save 75% $13.99 $3.50
Llewellyn’s 2014
Witches’ Datebook
Llewellyn’s 2014
Witches’ Companion
Save 75% $13.99 $3.50
Llewellyn’s 2014 SpellA-Day Almanac
Llewellyn’s 2014
Herbal Almanac
Llewellyn’s 2014
Magical Almanac
144 pp • 5 x 8
288 pp • 5 x 8
264 pp • 5 x 8
336 pp • 5 x 8
312 pp • 5 x 8
Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook features Moon phases for successful
spellcasting; daily planetary and
color correspondences to empower
your magical work; Wiccan holidays; and in-depth articles on spontaneous divining, charming jewelry,
and more.
This year’s edition is filled with wry
and thought provoking essays—the
madness of “Witch Wars,” Gaia
and the permaculture movement,
magical de-stressing, finding community, magical vessels, essential
stones for Witches, the art of dedication, bringing ancestors into
magical practice, and much more.
Llewellyn’s Spell-A-Day Almanac
features 365 spells from Deborah
Lipp, Elizabeth Barrette, Thuri
Calafia, and other experienced
magic practitioners. Each spell is
cross-referenced by purpose: love
and relationships, health, money/
success, protection, home and garden, travel and more.
Llewellyn’s Magical Almanac has
been inspiring innovative ways
to deepen your craft and enhance
everyday life. Read compelling articles, grouped by element, on solar
power and the home, recycling
and refurbishing, enlightened eats,
emergency healing, faery offerings
and shrines, and more.
This treasury of innovative herbal
ideas spans five categories: gardening, cooking, crafts, health/
beauty, and myth/lore. In this edition, discover how to use herbs as
preservatives, improve indoor air
quality, make your own homemade
vinaigrettes, and more.
Save 75% $10.99 $2.75
Save 75% $10.99 $2.75
Save 75% $10.99 $2.75
Save 75% $10.99 $2.75
w w w . l l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
Save 75% $10.99 $2.75
75% OFF
2014 Annuals & Calendars
Llewellyn’s 2014 Astrological Calendar
40 pp • 12 x 12
Published since 1932, Llewellyn’s Astrological Calendar is the best-known, most-trusted
astrological calendar sold today. Everyone, even beginners, can use this beautiful and
practical calendar to plan the year wisely. There are monthly horoscopes, best days for
planting and fishing, rewarding and challenging days, travel forecasts, and an astrology
primer. Advanced astrologers will find major daily aspects and a wealth of other essential
astrological information. This edition features Julie Dillon’s gorgeous and inspiring artwork.
Save 75% $13.99 $3.50
Llewellyn’s 2014
Sabbats Almanac
Samhain 2013 – Mabon 2014
312 pp • 5 x 8
Get a unique perspective on honoring the Wheel of the Year from your
favorite Wiccan and Pagan authors.
Plan spiritually uplifting celebrations and family activities. Perform
Sabbat-specific rituals and world
folk rites.
Save 75% $12.99 $3.25
Llewellyn’s 2014
Moon Sign Book
Llewellyn’s 2014
Sun Sign Book
Llewellyn’s 2014 Daily
Planetary Guide
Llewellyn’s 2014
Astrological Pocket Planner
312 pp • 5 x 8
312 pp • 5 x 8
208 pp • 5 x 8
192 pp • 41/4 x 63/16
Since 1905, Llewellyn’s Moon Sign
Book has helped millions take
advantage of the Moon’s dynamic
energy. From getting married to
buying a house, there is advice
for choosing the best times to do
just about anything related to love
and relationships, business and
finances, health care, , and more.
Detailed horoscopes for each sign
by Kim Rogers-Gallagher will
answer your questions about relationships, money, career, and more—
for the whole year.
Packed with a wealth of astrological
information, Llewellyn’s 2014 Daily
Planetary Guide can help you take
advantage of cosmic forces on a
daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
Listing exact times down to the
minute, this astrological planner
highlights favorable times to do
Consult the stars anytime, anywhere, with this easy-to-use astrological day planner. Featuring retrograde and Moon void-of-course
tables, along with ephemeris and
aspectarian data for 2013-2015,
you’ll learn the best time to plant
a garden, begin new projects, conduct self-reflection, and more.
Save 75% $10.99 $2.75
Save 75% $10.99 $2.75
Save 75% $12.99 $3.25
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
Save 75% $8.99 $2.25
(see order form for details)
High Magic
Frater U...D... • 432 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Magic must be mastered through understanding and practice. This
book guides the magician through a series of basic exercises and
real magical practices in a consistent program with examples and
explanations. The program is effective and entirely self-directed,
and the book is encyclopedic in depth and inclusive of even chaos
and cyber magic.
High Magic II
Frater U...D... • 480 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Europe’s best-known mage and contemporary occult author shares
his extensive magical expertise in the companion volume to his
highly acclaimed High Magic. This comprehensive guide explores
a variety of magical topics—mirror magic, sigil magic, shamanism,
magical orders, mudras, and divination—in a modern, non-dogmatic way.
The Veritable Key of Solomon
Edited by Stephen Skinner & David Rankine
448 pp • 71/2 x 10 • Hardcover
Completely new and richly detailed, this is perhaps the most comprehensive version of the Key of Solomon ever published. Based
on one of the best-known grimoires of the Western world, this
reference work presents all aspects of this revered magical system
in one impressive source.
Three Books of Occult Philosophy
Henry C. Agrippa, Edited by Donald Tyson
1,024 pp • 7 x 10
Having been used for five centuries (but never reprinted in its
entirety), Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Agrippa is the single
most important text in the history of Western occultism. Edited by
occult author Donald Tyson and presented as Agrippa intended,
this new edition is easily available to scholars and laypeople alike.
Hands-On Chaos Magic
The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy
Andrieh Vitimus • 408 pp • 6 x 9
Edited and annotated by Donald Tyson • 480 pp • 7 x 10
This irreverent guide to chaos magic emphasizes experimentation
and finding out what works best for you. Andrieh Vitimus presents
a revolutionary hands-on course of study for the average person,
offering an accessible and practical approach that makes it easier
to perform successful chaos magic that is uniquely your own.
The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, by Henry Cornelius Agrippa
and unnamed others, is considered one of the cornerstones of
Western magic. For more than three hundred years, this mysterious tome has been regarded as difficult or even impossible to
understand—until now.
Save 30% $19.99 $13.99
Geomancy in Theory & Practice
Modern Magick
Stephen Skinner
384 pp • 7 x 10 • Hardcover with dustjacket
Donald Michael Kraig • 528 pp • 81/2 x 11
Geomancy—divination by earth—ranks alongside the tarot, astrology, and the I Ching as a major form of divination. Stephen Skinner
explores the full history and practice of divinatory geomancy.
For over two decades, Modern Magick has been the world’s most
popular step-by-step guide to working real magick. Grounded in
the Western magickal tradition yet designed for contemporary
practice, this book teaches all core concepts and techniques,
including healing rituals, Kabalah’s inner mysteries, NeuroLinguistic Programming, Chaos Magick, and much more.
Foundations of Magic
J. F. O’Neill • 264 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Can the psyche have an impact on magical practice? Without
emphasizing any school of magic or belief system, this secular
spell book is for people of all backgrounds. J. F. O’Neill introduces
the basics of spellcraft and explains the psychological preparation
needed to work magic.
Please see our tribute to
Donald Michael Kraig
on page one.
Save 30% $16.95 $11.87
Modern Sex Magick
Brain Magick
Philip H. Farber • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8
Donald Michael Kraig • 400 pp • 6 x 9
Recent discoveries in neuroscience suggest that the practice of
invocation is based in natural brain functions—this book is the
first to present a theory of magick based on the new research.
Brain Magick has everything you need to quickly develop skill in
the art of invocation, including more than seventy powerful magical exercises.
Learn to control and direct that energy when it is most intense—
during sexual arousal. Study techniques and exercises to prepare
you for doing sex magick on the physical, spiritual, and astral
levels, as well as how to manipulate this energy to create positive
change in your life.
w w w . l l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
Everything You Want to Know About
Magick (But Were Afraid to Ask)
The Lovecraft Necronomicon Primer
Shawn Martin Scanlon • 360 pp • 6 x 9
Shawn Martin Scanlon presents the theories and practices of
magick in a straightforward manner. Understand the essential
principles of occult magick drawn from sources such as Israel
Regardie and Aleister Crowley. This invaluable reference includes
easy meditations, illustrated rituals, and more.
Meet the creatures of the Cthulhu Mythos, denizens of the dark
but brilliant imagination of H. P. Lovecraft. Written for those curious about Lovecraft and his work, this illustrated guide presents
detailed descriptions of twenty-nine of the monsters, creatures,
and gods that inhabit Lovecraft’s macabre fictional universe, without any spoilers that could ruin a future read of his stories.
The 13 Gates of the Necronomicon
Donald Tyson • 432 pp • 7 x 10
Donald Tyson • 288 pp • 7 x 10
In this authentic sourcebook for magicians, occult scholar Donald
Tyson uses H. P. Lovecraft’s story elements and characters—alien
races, ancient sorceries, the Dreamlands, witches, and ghouls—
as the foundation for a coherent system of modern ritual magic
based on the thirteen true zodical constellations.
Necronomicon follows the soul-numbing travels of the “mad Arab”
Abdul Alhazred. Along the way you’ll meet almost indescribably
monstrous things in Alhazred’s search for arcane wisdom and the
magick of the elder gods. Learn the forbidden magickal secrets of
Yog-Sothoth, Azathoth, Shub-Niggurath, Dagon, and even mighty
Cthulhu himself!
Grimoire of the Necronomicon
The Inner Guide to Egypt
Donald Tyson • 216 pp • 7 x 10
Alan Richardson & B. Walker-John • 216 pp • 6 x 9
On the heels of his widely successful trilogy of works honoring
H. P. Lovecraft, Donald Tyson now unveils a true grimoire of ritual
magic inspired by H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos. This grimoire
features ritual forms and invocations for the daily and yearly rites
of the Old Ones, individual rituals devoted to the seven major
figures of the mythos, and a grand ritual for personal attainment.
This deeply spiritual and unique book guides you on a powerful
self-initiation into the Egyptian Mysteries. As you travel along a
river of inner consciousness symbolized by the Nile, you will visit
sacred sites and see how each is linked to psychological and physiological aspects within.
Save 30% $18.95 $13.27
T. Allan Bilstad • 288 pp • 53/16 x 6
Pathworking with the Egyptian Gods
The Eastern Mysteries
Judith Page & Jan A. Malique • 264 pp • 6 x 9
David Allen Hulse • 656 pp • 7 x 10
Delve into the Egyptian Mysteries and become enlightened
through profound spiritual truths. Through guided pathworkings,
this dynamic book brings to life nineteen Egyptian deities, including Isis, Amun, and Horus. Perform a soul-level initiation and tour
this ancient land through astral travel techniques.
Save 30% $18.95 $13.27
This amazing and in-depth volume reveals secrets of Sumerian
mysticism, the Kabalah, Arabic astrology, the chakras, and the
Chinese elements. It includes the full text of the I Ching and rarely
discussed secrets associated with the Kabalistic Sepher Yetzira.
Intended for beginner and advanced student alike, it will help
clarify any spiritual system you follow.
Polarity Magic
The Western Mysteries
Wendy Berg & Mike Harris • 384 pp • 6 x 9
David Allen Hulse • 704 pp • 7 x 10
Polarity magic is at the heart of the Western Mystery Tradition,
though few are aware of its theory and practice. This book explores
the hidden traditions of the Western mysteries, focusing on the
divine feminine and the sexual dynamics of magic. It shows why
the feminine principle must be restored to magic, and offers practical magical examples of how this may be done.
The companion guide to The Eastern Mysteries, this book catalogs
and distills—in hundreds of tables of secret symbolism—the true
alphabet magick of every ancient Western magickal tradition:
Greek, Coptic, Runic, Latin, Enochian, Tarot, and English. It is a
one-stop source for the underlying information on magick and an
essential guide to the composition of rituals.
Portable Magic
Sepher Raziel
Donald Tyson • 240 pp • 6 x 9
Don Karr • 296 pp • 7 x 10 • Hardcover with Dust Jacket
Begin performing ritual magic with only one tool: tarot. Based on
the Golden Dawn, all ceremonial rituals can be performed with this
system of tarot magic. This is magic that’s portable, quick, straightforward, and powerful. Included are full directions for several rituals and evocations, and a complete system of tarot magic to obtain
your ritual desires.
Sepher Raziel (or Liber Salomonis) is a full grimoire in the
Solomonic tradition from a sixteenth century manuscript. It
includes seven books, including sections on astrology, stones,
herbs, animals, perfumes and incenses, magickal timing, preparations for invocation, the heavens and their angels, magical directions, working with orisons (prayers), and much more.
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
The Ciceros have written numerous books on the Golden Dawn, tarot, and magic, including Self-Initiation into the
Golden Dawn Tradition, The Essential Golden Dawn, Tarot Talismans, and updates, annotations, and introductions
to classic Israel Regardie texts such as The Philosopher’s Stone, The Middle Pillar, and A Garden of Pomegranates.
© JCPenney Portrait Studio
Israel Regardie & Chic Cicero
Sandra Tabatha & Chic Cicero
Sandra Tabatha Cicero & Israel Regardie
The Middle Pillar
A Garden of Pomegranates
The Philosopher’s Stone
Israel Regardie, edited and annotated
by Chic & Sandra Tabatha Cicero
312 pp • 6 x 9
Israel Regardie, edited by
Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero
552 pp • 6 x 9
Israel Regardie; edited and annotated
by Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero
552 pp • 6 x 9
Both Chic and Tabatha are Chief Adepts of the Golden Dawn as re-established by Israel
Regardie. Chic is a Past Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Knights
Templar in Florida (2010-2011). He was also a close personal friend and confidant of
Dr. Israel Regardie. Having established a Golden Dawn temple in 1977, Chic was one of
the key people who helped Regardie resurrect a legitimate, initiatory branch of the Golden
Dawn in the United States in the early 1980s. He is currently the G.H. Imperator of the
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Sandra “Tabatha” Cicero is currently the Supreme
Magus (Imperatrix) of the Societas Rosicruciana in America as well as the G.H. Cancellaria
of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
w w w . l l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
Self-Initiation into the
Golden Dawn Tradition
Chic Cicero & Sandra Tabatha Cicero
792 pp • 7 x 10
a lt e r n at i v e h e a lt h & s e l f- h e l p
The Yoga Birth Method
The Pure Heart of Yoga
Plan a childbirth that’s calm, natural,
and enlightened with an empowering eight-step pathway to achieving a
positive and joyful birth experience.
Be guided through ten steps on the
path of yoga that are based on traditional yogic practices and principles,
yet designed to blend seamlessly
into your life.
Dorothy Guerra • 240 pp • 6 x 9
Save 30% $15.99 $11.19
Meditation for Your Life
Robert Butera, PhD • 312 pp • 6 x 9
Discover the six basic forms of meditation, and identify the techniques
that work best for you so you can
personalize your meditation practice.
Robert Butera, PhD • 336 pp • 6 x 9
Meditation as
Spiritual Practice
Genevieve L. Paulson • 224 pp • 6 x 9
Focus on the practice of meditation
for expanding consciousness and
awareness, which can also help you in
developing psychic abilities.
A Healthy Relationship with
Food and Body Image
The Yoga of Food
Melissa Grabau, PhD • 264 pp • 6 x 9
The Serenity Solution
Spiritual Fitness
Learn how to harness a calm focus
and use it consciously as a tool to
solve problems and create the life
you desire.
Discover a self-directed curriculum
for life that nourishes the spiritual
self and connects to the Divine
through meditation, prayer, visualization, music, and color.
Keith Park, PhD • 216 pp • 6 x 9
Nancy Mramor, PhD • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Save 30% $14.95 $10.47
For the millions of people who struggle with food and body issues, yoga and its practice
of mindfulness can offer a surprisingly effective path to well-being. For Melissa Grabau,
PhD, a psychotherapist who has battled her own eating disorders since she was a child, yoga
contains the key ingredients to transforming our connection to food and to our bodies.
The Yoga of Food uses yogic philosophy, contemplation prompts, and meditations to help the
reader shift from an external fixation on appearance to a deeper appreciation of the body’s
health and vitality.
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
a lt e r n at i v e h e a lt h & s e l f- h e l p
You Are a Medium
Sherrie Dillard • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Discovering your natural abilities to communicate with the other
side is as simple as taking a unique quiz to determine your
medium type. Once you know how your subtle abilities work, you
can develop your skills with this book’s simple exercises and techniques and discover that not only do our deceased loved ones help
us from the other side—we also help them!
Your Psychic Self
Melissa Alvarez • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Learn to recognize your natural intuitive abilities and strengthen
them to enhance your daily life. This guide introduces the signs
of intuition, different kinds of abilities, psychic experiences, and
forms of intuitive communication. Understand the types of readers—from psychic detectives to animal communicators—and explore
your connection with spiritual beings. Exercises are included.
Become a Psychic Wander
Kathryn Harwig & Jean Harwig • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8
Whether you’re walking around the corner or traveling the world,
the answers to life’s questions can be found on the road. Learn how
to open the third eye to the wisdom of unexpected places. Each
chapter provides instructions for honing intuitive skills—with illustrative examples taking place in South America, Thailand, China,
Turkey, India, and other exotic locales.
Save 30% $14.99 $10.49
Intuition for Beginners
Diane Brandon • 312 pp • 53/16 x 8
Reclaim Your Psychic
Gifts and Achieve Your
Full Potential
Whether your intuition is naturally accessible or hidden, this comprehensive book offers strategies to get in touch with your inner
voice. Dispelling myths associated with psychic ability, Brandon
focuses on how intuition can be applied as a tool of empowerment and personal growth to help you improve relationships,
solve problems, and make well-timed decisions.
The Way of the Psychic Heart
Discovering the Medium Within
Chad Mercree • 336 pp • 5 x 7
Anysia Kiel • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Everyone is psychic—it’s a natural state into which we are born and can reconnect with by living from the heart. This easy-to-use guide shows how to integrate your spiritual side into everyday life through simple instructions, quizzes, journal prompts, exercises, and personal stories from the author. With
these tools, you will:
Anysia Kiel invites us to witness the wondrous, dramatic, and
beautiful moments that have shaped her life as a psychic medium.
Discover how she learned to develop and control her gift for spirit
communication and energy healing. Her touching story, filled with
miraculous spiritual encounters, includes Anysia’s own techniques
for psychic development and connecting with loved ones in spirit.
• Overcome internal doubts
• Achieve your full potential
• Build on your innate character strengths
By working with dreams, automatic writing, and your spirit guides, learn to
bring your spiritual gifts to your everyday life—developing your natural abilities and manifesting spiritual intention in all you do.
Save 30% $14.99 $10.49
Premonitions in Daily Life
Jeanne Van Bronkhorst • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Premonitions occur in a variety of ways and are more common
than their dark reputation suggests. Demystifying assumptions
and fears about premonitions, this in-depth, three-part guide
shows you how to identify and interpret premonitions, explore
their personal meanings, and respond with common sense without challenging your beliefs.
w w w . l l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
a lt e r n at i v e h e a lt h & s e l f- h e l p
Tame the Mind to
Manage Stress and Anxiety
Taming the Drunken Monkey
William L. Mikulas, PhD • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8
The mind often behaves like a drunken monkey—unfocused, uneasy, and
uncontrollable. Taming the Drunken Monkey shows how to tame your consciousness and manage the stress, anxiety, and frustration that we experience
all too frequently. With thorough mental training provided by renowned
teacher William L. Mikulas, effectively enhance the health of your body, mind,
and spirit.
Drawing from Western and Eastern psychology and health systems, this
easy-to-follow guide to mindfulness provides a reader-friendly system of five
levels of study. Apply useful exercises and practices to your life and discover
increased mindfulness, concentration, and calm every day.
Taming the Drunken Monkey at
Don’t Give Up Until You Do
The Steady Way to Greatness
Your Essential Self
Garden of Bliss
Fred H. Meyer, MD • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8
Melanie Barnum • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Richard Harvey • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Debra Moffitt • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8
Dr. Fred Meyer shares his wholehearted
approach to attaining enlightenment and
offers guidance, free of religiosity, on central Buddhist insights. This practical guide
presents key experiences of the Buddhist
path in a down-to-earth fashion—from the
spiritual power of humor to the dangers of
possessive love. Through direct advice and
lively personal stories, you’ll discover the joy
of realization.
Use psychic development to master the
law of attraction and manifest the life you
truly desire. This guide is a groundbreaking
combination of manifestation and intuition
for success in career, finances, love, relationships, spirituality, and more. It also includes
affirmations and other exercises designed to
increase confidence, release to the power of
goal setting, and expose the magnificence
that resides within.
According to Richard Harvey, spiritual attainment is not an unreachable fantasy, but
rather a logical extension of human development. Learn how to attain the three stages
of human awakening on the inner journey to
your true self. Included are personal stories,
case studies from the author’s therapy practice, and exercises designed for your own
journey toward self-realization.
Garden of Bliss begins on the French Riviera,
where Moffitt, despite her glamorous
European lifestyle, is unhappy. She shares
her journey of self-discovery based on a
simple message: bliss is a destination that
exists within all of us. Using the metaphor
of a secret garden, she offers inspiration
and advice on connecting with the Divine
Feminine through nature.
Save 30% $15.95 $11.17
Save 30% $15.99 $11.19
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
a lt e r n at i v e h e a lt h & s e l f- h e l p
Body Language Quick & Easy
Richard Webster • 240 pp • 6 x 9
Mark Smith • 168 pp • 6 x 9
Words can be lies, but body language always tells the truth.
Richard Webster explores the hidden communication techniques
of the body that most people don’t even know take place. Use
these methods to influence others and understand their motivations. Gain rapport, improve relationships, and progress in life.
Learn to see auras for yourself by following ten easy steps. There
is nothing metaphysical involved, just simple physics and normal
eyesight. Auras presents simple and effective ways to balance and
strengthen your aura to attract good things into your life, and how
to decipher the amazing amount of information revealed in the
The Art of Spiritual Healing
Bach Flower Remedies for Beginners
Keith Sherwood • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
David F. Vennells • 312 pp • 53/16 x 8
Each of us has the potential to be a healer—to heal ourselves and
to become a channel for healing others. Learn to recognize and tap
this incredible energy source and remove the blockages that cause
disease and problems in your life. Become acquainted with your
three auras, project healing rays to others from your own chakras,
and much more.
The mind and body cannot be separated: what affects one will
affect the other. Bach Flower Remedies contain the subtle vibrational essences of flowers and trees; these remedies correct imbalances in the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, promoting
healing in the physical body.
Ancient Healing Techniques
Bridge to the Afterlife
Douglas De Long • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8
Troy Parkinson • 240 pp • 6 x 9
Expand your psychic and healing abilities! Douglas De Long offers
an advanced course in ancient techniques—involving energy
healing, chakra work, color, chanting, and breathing—which are
designed to help one achieve spiritual, emotional, and physical
Spiritual medium Troy Parkinson, a rising star in the paranormal
world, shares fascinating first-hand stories of his experiences with
the spirit realm. A North Dakota native and self-described “ordinary guy,” Troy’s remarkable story and amazing messages from
spirit, which include moving accounts of how children and animals communicate from beyond.
Save 30% $13.95 $9.77
Save 30% $9.95 $6.97
By Morning’s Light
Chi Gung
Ginny Brock • 336 pp • 53/16 x 8
L.V. Carnie • 288 pp • 7 x 10
Nothing could have prepared Ginny Brock for the death of her
child. But after an amazing vision, Ginny embarks on a journey
that teaches her that our lost loved ones can remain present in
our lives. This remarkable true story shows us how we can move
through grief and continue to have a relationship with those we
Discover a bottomless well of physical and psychic energy with
Chi Gung, where you will find more than eighty different exercises using breathing, postures, and sensory awareness. You can
slow the aging process; alter your metabolism; talk to plants and
animals; move objects with your mind; withstand cold, heat, and
pain; and even read someone’s spirit.
Chakra Awakening
Change at Hand
Margaret Ann Lembo • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Sandra Kynes • 240 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Bridging ancient spiritual wisdom and the law of attraction, this
in-depth, practical guide teaches simple techniques for activating
and balancing the seven chakras. Engage in step-by-step exercises
using gems, crystals, colors, essential oils, and other tools to foster
healing, manifest goals, and create positive change. Also included
are color photos of forty gemstones.
We hold in our hands the power to heal and grow into our fullest potential. This guide presents a progressive system of energy
work, with easy techniques involving palmistry, chakras, meditation, Reiki, and other healing methods. You can identify your
elemental archetype, interpret your palm’s shape, and bring your
energy into balance. 978-0-7387-1570-4
The Complete Book of Chakra Healing
Cosmic Energy
Cyndi Dale • 456 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Anne Jirsch • 264 pp • 6 x9
This expanded edition of Cyndi Dale’s classic guide to the chakras
offers more than 150 pages of new information. Featured is an
abundance of original material and illustrations, including true
stories from Cyndi’s healing practice, detailed descriptions of energetic fields found nowhere else, and a wealth of information on
healing the earth as you heal yourself.
Be happier, healthier, and more passionate when attuned to cosmic energy. Connect with this natural force and use it to transform
your life. Using inspiring research, client success stories, and experiences from her own life, Jirsch explains a variety of simple yet
effective techniques, from visualisation to her pioneering etheric
energy practices.
Save 30% $19.95 $13.97
Save 30% $16.95 $11.87
w w w . l l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
a lt e r n at i v e h e a lt h & s e l f- h e l p
Know Your Element,
Create Lasting Love
The Energy of Love
Leta Herman & Jaye McElroy • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8
Turn attraction into an intimate, long-lasting relationship with the Five
Elements of energy—fire, earth, wood, water, and metal. The Energy of Love
shows how to apply Chinese Medicine and the Five Elements for positive
relationships, love, and happiness. Using these tools, you can create the conditions for love at first sight and build a true connection with your partner.
Determine which elemental type you are and which your partner or potential partner is. Find out what each type looks for in life and relationships,
and learn how to adapt your partner’s flaws, seeing them as the gifts they
truly are. Better understand yourself, your lover, and the energy of the world
around you.
Find articles and more from Leta Herman and Jaye McElroy at
Love and Intuition
A Love Alchemist’s Notebook
I Saw Your Future And He’s Not It
The Intuitive Heart of Romance
Sherrie Dillard • 336 pp • 6 x 9
Jessica Shepherd • 312 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Servet Hasan • 288 pp • 5 x 8
Attract and sustain soulful love by developing your intuition. Discover your personal
love type—emotional, spiritual, mental, or
physical—as well as your partner’s love type.
Practice creative exercises, visualizations,
and guided meditations to strengthen your
relationship, heal rifts, and deepen your connection. Stories from Sherrie’s clients offer
insight into common relationship issues.
This hip, fun guide teaches you to use the
rules of attraction, magic, astrology, and your
intuition to attract your ideal partner and
experience true, soulful love. Gain insight
into creating and maintaining love with the
Nine Soul Mate Secrets and engage in rituals
and meditations to explore your heart and
grow spiritually.
Louise Helene, with Kim Osborn
Sullivan, PhD • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8
Save 30% $16.95 $11.87
This unique relationship guide empowers
women to take control of their love lives
by tapping into their own intuition. Psychic
Louise Helene, who has advised women on
matters of the heart for thirty years, shares
powerful lessons and true stories from consultations that address all kinds of relationship issues. Included are easy exercises for
building psychic awareness.
Discover how to combine love, romance,
and spiritual wisdom with this guide to the
ever-evolving world of intimate relationships. Whether you’re looking for a partner
or in a relationship, this book will help you
develop your natural intuitive gifts, find an
ideal partner, and create a deeply spiritual
bond with the one you love.
Save 30% $15.99 $11.19
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
a lt e r n at i v e h e a lt h & s e l f- h e l p
Mind, Body, Home
Magical Housekeeping
Tisha Morris • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Tess Whitehurst • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Your home is an integral component to holistic living. This essential
guide correlates every component of your house with its physical,
mental, or emotional counterpart within you. Awaken to the energetic connections between you and your home. When you make
conscious changes to your living space, you can transform your life
and uncover your soul.
Let your home nourish your soul and uplift your spirits. In this
delightful book, intuitive counselor Tess Whitehurst reveals how
your home can be a powerful catalyst for personal transformation
and manifestation. She offers a variety of simple ways to create
a harmonious home while enhancing your own happiness, intuition, and magical power.
Feng Shui History
Feng Shui for Your Apartment
Stephen Skinner
208 pp • 7 x 9 • Hardcover with dust jacket
Richard Webster • 160 pp • 51/4 x 8
This is the first English-language book to track the evolution and
expansion of feng shui—from 221 BC China to its presence around
the world today. Drawing on authoritative Chinese texts, this book
disproves some widely held notions about feng shui and offers
details on many masters and methods.
Benefit from feng shui by making subtle changes to your living
area that will literally transform your life. Learn what to look for
when selecting an apartment. Avoid pointing your bed toward the
“disaster” location. Discover the best places for other furniture and
how to remedy negative areas with plants, mirrors, crystals, and
wind chimes.
Classical Feng Shui for Wealth & Abundance
Feng Shui for Beginners
Master Denise Liotta Dennis • 3336 pp • 6 x9
Richard Webster • 224 pp • 51/4 x 8
Written by a feng shui master, this book delivers authentic techniques and closely held secrets for leveraging success with money,
careers, relationships, and all aspects of life. Based on genuine
wealth-building formulas, these easy-to-follow techniques apply
to any home or business, from choosing a site to designing your
space inside.
When you live in harmony with the universe, good things naturally flow your way. This guide offers simple techniques for attracting the powerful energy known as ch’i into your home and workplace. By simply rearranging your furniture, hanging wind chimes
outside your door, or placing a bouquet of flowers in your bedroom, you can create a more peaceful home, even find true love.
Save 30% $17.99 $12.59
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Body & Soul:
7 Ways to Welcome Spring with
Crystals and Gems
Spring arrives, and it’s that time for awakening to fresh ideas, new beginnings,
and innovative growth. Inspiration for new ideas often comes through creative
action. Once the ball starts rolling, it’s easier to energize your ideas and plans for
this next cycle. The elementals of the gemstone kingdom can help you through
their vibration and color.
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pa r a n o r m a l
Ghostly Tales
Haunted Rock & Roll
Billy Roberts • 216 pp • 53/16 x 8
Matthew L. Swayne • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8
This eclectic mix of true stories collected over thirty years by a leading psychic medium includes poltergeists, murderers, and spirits—a
broad spectrum of the supernatural. From a man who is seen at
his own funeral to a mother who comes back from the grave, this
book will arouse both fear and mirth in paranormal enthusiasts
From rock and roll’s pioneers to its present-day rebels, explore
how the greatest names live on after death. Haunted Rock & Roll
covers rock’s entire supernatural history through evidence and testimonials from renowned ghost hunters and researchers. Discover
thrilling stories of Michael Jackson, Jim Morrison, Led Zeppelin,
the Beatles, Amy Winehouse, and many more.
Fighting Malevolent Spirits
Your Neighborhood Gives Me the Creeps
Samantha E. Harris • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Adam Selzer • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8
The stories collected here are longtime paranormal investigator
Samantha Harris’s darkest, creepiest, and most terrifying cases.
Discover tales of beastly encounters with poltergeists, demons, and
unhappy spirits of the dead. Also included is a question-and-answer
section to help determine the cause of a paranormal disturbance and
how-to instructions for keeping a home clear of negative spirits.
Do ghosts really exist? Giving you the real story, professional
ghostbuster and skeptic Adam Selzer investigates ghost sightings
and true spooky tales worldwide. This intrigue-filled, humorous
book dishes up cool evidence of the supernatural, a history of
hauntings, and an insider’s look into the art of ghost hunting.
How to Clear Your Home of Ghosts & Spirits
Haunted Asylums, Prisons, and Sanatoriums
Debi Chestnut • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Jamie Davis with Samuel Queen • 240 pp • 6 x 9
This must-have guide presents everything you need to know about
how to get rid of ghosts. Uncover the types of ghosts, the different
kinds of hauntings, the reasons ghosts haunt, and tips and techniques for clearing them. Also discussed are important topics such
as ways to avoid inviting ghosts and how to choose a paranormal
team for extreme cases.
This unique collection is filled with terrifying photos, spooky highlights from on-site tours, and historical information about each
location. You’ll also enjoy an introduction to basic ghost hunting
equipment and detailed information about organizing your own
visits to these haunted establishments.
Save 30% $15.95 $11.17
Haunted Files From the Edge
True Tales of Ghostly Encounters
Philip J. Imbrogno • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8
Edited by Andrew Honigman • 312 pp • 53/16 x 8
Pulled from more than thirty years of investigations, Philip
Imbrogno presents a thrilling collection of never-before-published
spooky cases involving run-ins with angry spirits, phantasms,
monsters, and poltergeists. The mystifying cases presented here,
supported by eyewitness testimony and photographic evidence,
are among those that defy explanation.
There’s remarkable proof of life after death in these detailed
accounts of messages, gifts, blessings, and assistance from the
spirit world. FATE magazine has published thousands of ghost
stories, true experiences of ordinary people who have had extraordinary encounters with the hereafter.
Don’t Call Them Ghosts
On Haunted Ground
Kathleen McConnell • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Lisa Rogers • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8
In 1971, Kathleen McConnell and her family moved into a historic
home known as the Fontaine Manse. This is the true story of how
McConnell came to know and care for the spirit children who lived
in the beautiful old mansion and how the spirit children became
part of the McConnell family.
This amazing true story details two decades of terrifying, funny,
and heartwarming paranormal encounters—the entity that imitates
the voice of family members, the spool that chases the kids, the
shocking events that shake the family’s skepticism—and the enduring love that keeps the family together through it all.
Restless in Peace
Haunting Experiences
Mariah de la Croix • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8
Michelle Belanger • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Alternately hair-raising and touching, Mariah de la Croix’s encounters with the supernatural while working in funeral homes are
chilling and unforgettable. Restless in Peace recounts her true
experiences—and the resident spirits’ frightening, bizarre, and
sometimes amusing behaviors. This is a glimpse of living and
working among the spirited dead.
Michelle Belanger’s collection of true ghost stories will take you
further into the realm of spirits, astral entities, and dark forces.
Along the way, you’ll encounter haunted violins, dark fey, hellhounds, haunted cremains, and more. Belanger shares insightful
analysis of her truly frightening—and sometimes dangerous—
haunted experiences.
Save 30% $13.95 $9.77
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
pa r a n o r m a l
Spirit Boards for Beginners
Past Lives for Beginners
Table Tipping for Beginners
Alexandra Chauran • 216 pp • 53/16 x 8
Douglas De Long • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Teresa Lally • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Follow the development of the spirit board and its amazing
history. This guide is filled with dozens of fascinating reports
from people have used the board, ranging from the spookily
creep-tastic to the downright silly. Learn how to avoid fraud,
safely use the board for fun or spirituality, and deal with
doubting skeptics or religious fears.
Past Lives for Beginners is a detailed introduction to understanding reincarnation and how it impacts your present life.
Using fascinating case studies, Douglas De Long describes
different types of past-life recall experiences and shares techniques of meditation and visualization used to access those
This friendly introductory guide presents everything you
need to know to get started with this form of mediumship.
Follow simple, step-by-step instructions on how to safely
communicate with loved ones, guides, and even companion
animals on the other side.
Solitary Séance
Spiritualism & Clairvoyance for Beginners
Marilou Trask-Curtin • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Raymond Buckland • 240 pp • 5 x 7
Elizabeth Owens • 192 pp • 53/16 x 8
Death is not the end, but rather a glorious new beginning.
After a period of rest between lives, we return to earth to
experience love and right our past wrongs. Author Marilou
Trask-Curtin has experience reincarnation first hand. In this
fascinating book, she describes how she lost touch with her
past-life memories and then regained them.
Connecting with the spirits of loved ones isn’t just for professionals. Bestselling author Raymond Buckland presents
nearly twenty methods for contacting the spirit world anytime, safely and effectively. Step by step, he shows how to
engage spirits through dreamwork, tea-leaf reading, table
tipping, automatic writing, and other powerful techniques.
With patience and practice, clairvoyance is possible for
everyone. Spiritualist medium and popular author Elizabeth
Owens offers simple techniques and a step-by-step approach
to developing clairvoyant abilities at your own pace.
So You Want to Be a Medium?
Crystal Balls & Crystal Bowls
How to Communicate With Spirits
Rose Vanden Eynden • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Ted Andrews • 256 pp • 6 x 9
Elizabeth Owens • 216 pp • 53/16 x 8
Everyone possesses the innate capability for spirit communication. This friendly, straightforward guide by Spiritualist
medium Rose Vanden Eynden offers a step-by-step approach
to working with the spirit world.
Despite the popularity of the traditional quartz crystal ball
and the modern crystal bowl as magical tools, there has been
little practical information on their applications and use—until
now. Crystal Balls & Crystal Bowls takes the ancient processes
of divination and scrying out of the realm of the supernatural
and places them in the domain of natural knowledge.
Do you feel the friendly, subtle guidance of spirit beings and
want to learn how to contact them more directly? Written
by a certified and practicing medium, with fantastic stories
from real-life psychics that run the gamut of spiritual entity
encounters, you can learn how to contact inhabitants residing
in the mysterious world beyond our own!
Scrying for Beginners
Buckland’s Book of Spirit Communications
How to Meet and Work with Spirit Guides
Donald Tyson • 320 pp • 53/16 x 8
Raymond Buckland • 272 pp • 81/2 x 11
Ted Andrews • 216 pp • 53/16 x 8
Scrying is a psychological technique to deliberately acquire
information by extrasensory means through the unconscious
mind. Learn to scry through pendulums, black mirrors, Ouija
boards, and more. For the first time, all forms of scrying are
treated in one easy-to-read, practical book.
Experience for yourself the trance state, clairvoyance, spiritual
healing, and also learn how to avoid spiritual fraud. This guide
is for anyone who wants to communicate with spirits; this
revised and expanded edition of Buckland’s popular Doors to
Other Worlds has over one hundred new pages, including a
completely new chapter on electronic spirit contact.
Learn simple and effective techniques for establishing rapport
with your angels and guides. Explore meditation, divination,
fragrance, crystals, and other ways to connect with spirit
helpers, and enjoy the many gifts and learning opportunities
gained by working with guardian angels, spirit guides, loved
ones in spirit, animal totems, nature spirits, and fairies.
Save 30% $13.99 $9.79
Save 30% $14.95 $10.47
w w w . l l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1. 87 7. N E W . W R L D
pa r a n o r m a l
Tom Burnette & Rob Riggs • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8
Konstantinos • 208 pp • 6 x 9
Join Rob Riggs and Tom Burnette, whose combined forty years
of commitment to the search and dedicated field study reveal
their true encounters with the elusive Bigfoot. Explore the history,
habitats, and more in this collection of substantial evidence of
Bigfoot’s existence and thought-provoking discussions for continued research.
Convincing evidence that vampires truly exist, this book divulges
actual first-person encounters with vampires of all types. You’ll
find many never-before-published case histories of recent contacts
with vampires, and letters from modern vampires that tell of their
hidden lives. You’ll learn purification rites, banning rituals, and a
fail-safe way to protect yourself from psychic vampire attack.
Encounters with Flying Humanoids
Vampires in Their Own Words
Ken Gerhard • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Michelle Belanger • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Cryptozoologist Ken Gerhard has traveled the world collecting evidence on the Mothman, the Owlman, and other strange
“bird people” that have been sighted throughout history. Packed
with famous historical cases and dozens of chilling first-person accounts, this is the first book to focus exclusively on flying
humanoids—a wide array of airborne entities.
Nearly two dozen real-life vampires break the code of silence that
has kept this fascinating community shrouded in secrecy. This
diverse collection of voicesspeaks candidly about their beliefs
and practices. These true stories reflect on feeding, working with
donors, living with a social stigma, ethical principles, and other
unique aspects of this underground culture.
Vampire Nation
Vampires Through the Ages
Arlene Russo • 240 pp • 6 x 9
Brian Righi • 240 pp • 5 x 8
Now available in the US after taking the UK by storm, this fascinating book takes you into the heart of vampire culture. True stories
and interviews with actual vampires give you an insider’s look at
their intriguing practices, where they live, how they feed on blood
and psychic energy, and many more chilling facts.
Interred in shadows no more, the vampire mythos is illuminated
in this captivating exploration of one of the world’s most feared
creatures. Uncover the truth behind myths and beliefs throughout
history. Discover the vampire’s evolution, from Dracula’s mysteriously empty grave and the enduring legend it spawned to terrifying documented cases of real-life blood drinkers.
Save 30% $15.95 $11.17
True UFO Accounts
Konstantinos • 216 pp • 6 x 9
David Godwin • 288 pp • 53/16 x 8
Konstantinos digs into centuries-old myths and compelling scientific evidence surrounding these enigmatic creatures. Explore four
types of werewolves: involuntary, voluntary, otherdimensional
beings, and astral. Find out which kinds might actually exist, learn
about Native American shapeshifting beliefs, and discover lycanthropic legends from cultures worldwide.
This incredible collection of true accounts from the much-loved
FATE magazine includes stories on Roswell, alien agendas, and
personal encounters. It features fascinating articles by some of
the most prominent names in the field, such as Kenneth Arnold,
George Adamski, Stanton T. Friedman, John Keel, and Ray Palmer,
the founder of FATE magazine.
The UFO Phenomenon
John Michael Greer • 312 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
John Michael Greer • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Faeries and dragons, vampires and werewolves, angels and
demons are simply figments of our imagination, right? After all,
their existence has not yet been scientifically proven. But there is
one giant problem with such an easy dismissal of these creepy
creatures—people keep encountering them!
In The UFO Phenomenon, John Michael Greer moves beyond
the familiar debate of whether or not UFOs are extraterrestrial in
origin. This unique work examines stranger and more rewarding
topics—the nature of apparitions, the history of secret American
aerospace technologies, and the role of popular culture in defining experienced reality.
The Vengeful Djinn
The Fog
Rosemary Ellen Guiley & Philip J. Imbrogno
288 pp • 6 x 9
Rob MacGregor & Bruce Gernon • 240 pp • 53/16 x 8
Here are the findings of an investigation into the powerful interdimensional beings known as djinn. It reveals what they are, where
they can be found—and their hidden agenda against the human
How can you explain the thousands of bizarre occurrences of the
Bermuda triangle? By presenting an exciting new theory of the
Bermuda Triangle based upon the co-author’s firsthand experiences, reports of other survivors and scientific research, the
authors intelligently discuss how a meteorological phenomenon—
an electronic fog—could be the culprit.
Save 30% $14.99 $10.49
F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 25 o r m o r e
(see order form for details)
pa r a n o r m a l
Soul Flight
Mastering Astral Projection
Donald Tyson • 360 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Robert Bruce & Brian Mercer • 504 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Boldly challenging long-held notions about astral projection,
Donald Tyson proposes that the astral plane is a dimension within
our minds. This revolutionary book features a history of astral
practice, exercises for achieving this state of consciousness, astral
doorways into this incredible dimension, and the creatures you’re
likely to meet there.
Explore nonphysical dimensions and learn more about your spirituality with Mastering Astral Projection. Projecting out-of-body
requires a delicate balance of mind, body, and spirit; presented
in an easy-to-follow workbook format, the thirteen-week program
provides daily exercises that progressively prepare and train readers for this incredible, life-changing experience.
Practical Guide to Astral Projection
Mastering Astral Projection CD Companion
Denning & Phillips • 216 pp • 53/16 x 8
Robert Bruce & Brian Mercer •A six-CD set with 64-page
Save 30% $18.95 $13.27
Your consciousness can be projected out-of-the-body; it is easily
and safely learned with progressive exercises that lead to adventures, new skills, and magical ability, even the experience of astral
This revolutionary, yet easy-to-follow, six-CD audio course teaches
you how to consciously have an out-of-body experience (OBE) and
remember your life-changing journey into the astral realm.
Save 30% $12.95 $9.07
Astral Projection for Beginners
Astral Travel For Beginners
Edain McCoy • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8
Richard Webster • 256 pp • 53/16 x 8
For beginners, this book provides step-by-step instructions for
safe and proven astral projection techniques. In your astral body,
you can travel to different times and eras, reunite with departed
loved ones, receive direction from your spirit guides, and view your
Akashic Records, the astral record of all past and future events for
each soul.
Astral projection, or out-of-body travel, is a completely natural
experience. Explore new worlds, go back and forth through time,
make new friends or even find a lover—all are possibilities on the
astral planes. You will have the freedom to go anywhere and do
Astral Projection for Psychic Empowerment
Astral Voyages
Carl Llewellyn Weschcke & Joe H. Slate, PhD
528 pp • 7 x 10
Dr. Bruce Goldberg • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Through controlled, self-induced astral projection, tap the depths
of your power to create the life of your dreams and unleash your
highest potential. Learn how to explore past lives, communicate
with guides and entities, expand your psychic awareness, and
unlock the unlimited possibilities within yourself.
Save 30% $15.95 $11.17
Astral Projection for Psychic
Empowerment Meditation CD
Navigating the Out-of-Body Experience
Carl Llewellyn Weschcke & Joe H. Slate, PhD • An audio CD in a DVD case with an
enclosed 18-page booklet
Experience the insights and joys of astral projection with this science-based guide from a top authority in the field. Drawing on
more than twenty years of study, Graham Nicholls shares proven
techniques for leaving the body. Learn a customized approach to
projecting with self-hypnosis, breath work, virtual reality, quantum
science, nutrition, and healing.
Dr. Joe H. Slate offers clear directions—complemented by special
“pulsing” music—to gently guide you toward astral projection.
Dissolve barriers to personal growth, meet spirits and guides,
overcome fears, increase creativity, and more.
Graham Nicholls • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Demystifying the Out-of-Body Experience
Practical Guide to Past-Life Memories
Luis Minero • 408 pp • 71/2 x 91/8
Richard Webster • 264 pp • 53/16 x 8
This is a groundbreaking guide for using OBEs to achieve personal
growth. With over a dozen exit techniques, learn to meet spiritual
guides, loved ones who have crossed over, or other out-of-body
travelers. Included are communication techniques and memory
aids to get the most out of each experience.
Though physical death marks the end of one life, it heralds a transition to the next. Exploring your soul’s past can reveal life’s purpose and help heal current wounds. Because one past-life regression method does not always work for everyone, this practical
guidebook presents twelve different techniques for investigating
your soul’s past, including dreaming, scrying, and more.
Free yourself from the limitations of the earthly plane and the
laws of space and time. This guide presents more than sixty-five
exercises that train you to safely leave your physical body and
return unharmed from explorations of the upper astral plane and
the causal, mental, or etheric realms.
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L l e w e ll y n A s t r o l o g y R e p o r t s
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Advanced Forecast Deluxe
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CP175E (12-month) $36.00
This report offers valuable insight into the
opportunities and challenges in your life, as
well as the year ahead.
The Simpáticos composite chart is a detailed
analysis of the planetary aspects of your
Review your past lives and how they may be affecting your happiness and success today.
The Solar Returns report gives you a picture of
the coming year.
Heaven Knows What
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Karmic Past Life
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The depth of this interpretation considers all
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CP130S (Spanish) $10.00
This is an advanced astrological analysis based
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Learn your vocational skills and aptitudes and
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APS03-534 $15.00
This illuminating report reveals the strengths
of and the challenges faced by your child.
This accurate and detailed natal report is
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APS03-530 $15.00
Connections between your chart and your partner’s define how you connect.
Compatibility Report
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CP140S (Spanish) $15.00
Compare and contrast your individual charts to
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Friends & Lovers
APS03-529 $20.00
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Professional Natal Chart
APS03-119 $5.00
Analyze yourself and your partner to find
greater pleasure in your relationship.
Psyche and Eros Report
CP180E $20.00
Be prepared with information about how you
respond in new environments. Choose up to
three relocation destinations.
CP160E $10.00
This report addresses the changes and possibilities we face in our later years.
Senior Report
CP100E $10.00
APS03-533 $15.00
Solar Returns
CP120E (English) $15.00
CP120S (Spanish) $15.00
Get a monthly overview of what the on-the-go
planets and their transits have in store.
Timeline Forecast
APS03-526 (3-month) $12.00
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Find your most favorable career—the one that
satisfies a broad spectrum of needs and desires—with Vocational Guidance.
Vocational Guidance
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CP110S (Spanish) $15.00
Modern women need a report that can keep
pace with them. Understand your needs on
every level.
Woman to Woman
APS03-531 $24.00
This software program calculates charts and
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ideal for the beginning astrologer!
CPPEG030 $100.00 Not available for international orders.
This state-of-the-art software program provides all you need to access the best astrological
information available.
Kepler 7.0
CPKEP070 $300.00 Not available for international orders.
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Tanya Graham • 100 pp • 6 x 6
See page 7 for the companion Cat Wisdom Cards
Ellen Dugan • 192 pp • 71/2 x 71/2
Lo Scarabeo • 192 pp • 4 x 6
Lo Scarabeo • 250 pp • 4 x 5
See page 2 for more from Ellen Dugan
Lo Scarabeo • 6 x 9
Lo Scarabeo • 6 x 9
1-800-THE-MOON •
See page 7 for more feline-friendly books and decks.
Publishing for the Body, Mind, Spirit since 1901