
Payments via
EBICS with TRAVIC-Corporate
The banking system for handling all aspects of payments with corporate customers
In dealing with corporate customers, financial institutions have to offer comprehensive services:
Multibank capability, stable systems, high-performance processing, permanent availability etc.
TRAVIC-Corporate is a branch-capable bank system for handling all aspects of payments with
TRAVIC-Corporate is a flexible, high-performance bank
system for electronic banking in the corporate customer environment:
corporate customers. Bank customers can use
TRAVIC-Corporate to submit orders and download account information, protocols and other
High-performance bank server for EBICS
Flexible connection to bank-technical systems
24/7 operation
Multi-channel: EBICS, PeSIT/IP, SFTP, FTP, FTPS
Easy migration from legacy system
Supports SEPA and various other formats
information that financial institutions provide to
their customers. TRAVIC-Corporate is completely
multibank-capable, supports the EBICS standard
in all its forms and is designed for 24-hour operation.
Comprehensive functionality for
EBICS payments
TRAVIC-Corporate provides the best solution for electronic banking with corporate customers.
Structure and scope of TRAVIC-Corporate
TRAVIC-Corporate has a modular structure. It comprises communication modules for EBICS, SFTP, FTP, FTPS and PeSIT/IP,
an HTML-based dialog system and the Corporate Engine for
the following bank-technical tasks:
ƒƒ Verification of electronic signatures
ƒƒ Format checks and conversions (SEPA, SWIFT, DTAZV,
ISO20022, CGI etc.)
ƒƒ Limit and account checks
ƒƒ Administration for the distributed electronic signature
ƒƒ Forwarding of customer orders to bank-technical systems
The dialogs support the system configuration and the master
data management. They also provide comprehensive functions
for statistical evaluations and data retrieval.
For data retrieval, the institution can select specific individual
orders and call up detailed information for these orders:
Customer protocol
Verification protocol with context information for an order
Action protocol showing the individual processing steps
Detailed view of order data
The statistics enable flexible evaluation options relating to
turnover and the RDT activities of the customer. The statistics
Customer statistics
Turnover statistics
Order statistics
Payments order types
Customer activity
Branch capability
Easy system handling
TRAVIC-Corporate offers a dialog user/role model and an
authorisation processe for administration and master data
management based on this model. Both are adjusted to
the role model of the institute by means of simple system
TRAVIC-Corporate is fully branch-capable. The operator and
branch concept provides a two-level hierarchy. The system
operators (computer centres) are on the top level, with the
branches (e.g. banks) on the level below.
This data model provides a logical separation of all branch-specific data. This applies to the master data (customers, users,
accounts etc.), the operative data records (order data, download information), the statistical information and the branch-related log information.
A branch-related dialog user/role model ensures that only
authorised users can access the respective data.
Photos: Heiko Klotz
TRAVIC-Corporate provides data to customers for download.
This data includes account statements (camt, MT94x etc.),
SEPA pain.002 and other data in a range of formats. Customer
protocols are provided as PTK, HAC or PSR in accordance with EBICS.
Fast implementation
– secure operation
TRAVIC-Corporate fulfils all the requirements of IT and security experts.
High performance with low resource requirements
TRAVIC-Corporate is designed for a large data volume and is
fully scalable. The communication module for EBICS achieves
high transfer rates with a simultaneously low system load.
The processing in the Corporate Engine is stream-oriented. All
actions pertaining to an order are executed in one step. This
does away with multiple file accessing of the same data.
Integration options
A wide range of interfaces is available for integrating TRAVIC-Corporate flexibly into the system landscapes :
ƒƒ Web service, API or batch tool for the master data
ƒƒ Web service for the user data management
ƒƒ Web service, batch and MQ interfaces for the provision of
download data
ƒƒ Dialog user login optionally via SSO and LDAP
To optimise the load distribution and have full backup capability
for the server components, multiple instances of the EBICS
communication modules can be operated in parallel.
Flexible processing
The institution configures the processing of customer orders
and adapts them to the environment and processes.
TRAVIC-Corporate uses complex rules to process the customer orders. This applies to both the processing in the Corporate Engine and the forwarding to the bank-technical systems.
Various interfaces are available for external monitoring:
Rules are also used to provide download information. They can
be individually set up by the bank.
TRAVIC-Corporate optionally enables individualised processing
of customer orders. The financial institution can call up its own
functions at different stages of the processing and, for example, control the order processing and archive order data or process order files that are submitted via other systems.
ƒƒ Message numbers and message texts can be evaluated via
the logging.
ƒƒ A central eventing table enables event-based monitoring.
ƒƒ The system can be monitored via JMX interfaces.
ƒƒ Exit interfaces for technical errors can be integrated
ƒƒ To monitor the external accessibility via the EBICS connection, the optional EBICS-Ping product can be used.
The best system for internationally active financial institutions
Easy migration
TRAVIC-Corporate allows for a “soft migration” from an EBICS
bank server. The migration comprises:
ƒƒ Import of master data and cryptographic keys
ƒƒ Migration of currently available download information
ƒƒ Automatable forwarding of data exchanged via EBICS
This ensures that customers are not affected by a migration.
Because the EBICS communication is via the Internet, TRAVIC-Corporate also provides special security measures to protect the systems on the bank side.
The security precautions to make the communication secure
that are stipulated in the DK standard “RDT with customers”
have been implemented in full.
The architecture of the EBICS communication module of
TRAVIC-Corporate provides the highest degree of security
against potential attackers.
TRAVIC-Corporate multi-channel
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For questions and further information
The multi-channel solution from TRAVIC-Corporate provides:
ƒƒ Server and client functions in bank-to-bank transactions and
customer-bank interfaces via EBICS, PeSIT/IP, SFTP, FTP
and FTPS
ƒƒ Bank server functions for the EBICS communication with
customers in accordance with the French (T and TS) and
German usage profiles
ƒƒ Easy integration of further components into the existing
architecture in order to support new standards in the customer segment
ƒƒ Open, documented interfaces for the integration of a financial institution’s own functions for individualised processing
System requirements
System requirements for TRAVIC-Corporate:
At the international level it is important for a financial institution to provide multiple transfer protocols and transfer channels at the same time. With its multi-channel components,
TRAVIC-Corporate is the solution required here. The TRAVIC-Corporate bank server is available as a single solution that
integrates the server and client components for SFTP, FTP and
Michael Lembcke
Tel.: +49 40 227433-1378
Mobile: +49 151 12522243
Here the accesses is managed and monitored centrally. TRAVIC-Link and the client components for the EBICS client and
PeSIT/IP client transfer protocols enhance the bilateral data
exchange in bank-to-bank transactions. This completes the
multi-channel processe on the client side
Moorfuhrtweg 13
22301 Hamburg
ƒƒ Operating systems: AIX, Sun Solaris, Linux
ƒƒ Databases: DB2, Oracle
ƒƒ Servlet container: e.g. Tomcat
A banking system for the HOST platform is also available
- please contact us for details.